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Lesson 1

specific yield [spə'sifik] [ji:ld] 单位产水量

mass curve 累积曲线

capital investment 投资

recurring natural event ['nætʃərəl] 重现历史事件

subterranean [sʌbtə'reiniən] 地下的

groundwater 地下水

surface water 地表水

tap [tæp]开关、龙头;在…上开空(导出液体)

swampland ['swɔmplænd] n. 沼泽地;沼泽地带capillary [kə'piləri] n. 毛细管adj. 毛状的,毛细管的

hygro- [词头] 湿(气),液体

hygroscopic [,haigrəu'skɔpik] adj. 易湿的,吸湿的

hygroscopic moisture 吸湿水

stratum ['streitəm] n. [地质学]地层,[生物学](组织的)层

aquifer ['ækwəfə] ['ækwifə] n.含水层,地下蓄水层

saturation [,sætʃə'reiʃən] n.饱和(状态),浸润,浸透,饱和度

hydrostatic [,haidrəu'stætik] adj. 静水力学的, 流体静力学的

hydrostatic pressure 静水压力

water table 1. 地下水位,地下水面,潜水面

2. 【建筑学】泻水台;承雨线脚;飞檐;马路边沟[亦作water-table]

Phreatic surface [fri(:)'ætik]地下水(静止)水位,浅层地下水面

Superficial [sju:pə'fiʃəl] adj. 表面的,表观的,浅薄的

Porosity [pɔ:'rɔsiti] n. 多孔性,有孔性,孔隙率

Unconfined ['ʌnkən'faind] adj. 无约束的,无限制的

Permeability [,pə:miə'biliti] n. 弥漫, 渗透, 渗透性

Permeameter [pə:mi'æmitə] n.渗透仪,渗透性试验仪)

Clay [klei] n. 粘土,泥土

gravel ['ɡrævəl]n.[总称]砾,沙砾,小石;砾石

cone of depression [kəun] 下降漏斗, [水文学]下降锥体

drawdown ['drɔ:daun] n. 水位下降(降落,消耗,减少)

integrate ['intigreit] 【数学】作积分运算;求积分

observation well [,əbzə:'veiʃən] 观测井,观测孔

extraction [ik'strækʃən] n. 抽出,取出,提取(法),萃取(法)

derivation [deri'veiʃən] n. 1. 导出,引(伸)出,来历,出处,得出,得到;诱导,推论,推理;溯源

【数学】1) (定理的)求导,推导2) 微商,微分,导数


deplete [di'pli:t] v. 耗尽, 使...衰竭

refuse [ri'fju:z] n. 废物,垃圾vt. 拒绝,谢绝

dump [dʌmp] n. 垃圾场,垃圾堆,堆存处

vt. 倾卸,倾倒(垃圾)

unconfined aquifer 潜水含水层,非承压含水层,无压含水层

confined aquifer 自流含水层,承压含水层

homogeneous [,hɔməu'dʒi:njəs] adj. 同类的,相似的,均匀的,均相的;

同种类的,同性质的;相同特征的Aquaclude 不透水层,难渗透水的地层

Offset ['ɔ:fset] n.偏移量抵销,弥补,分支,胶印,平版印刷,支管,乙字管Vt. 弥补,抵销,用平版印刷

vi. 偏移,形成分支

sophisticated [sə'fistikeitid] adj. 复杂的,需要专门技术的;诡辩的,久经世故的equilibrium [,i:kwi'libriəm] n. 平衡,均衡

Water Supply(给水工程)

A supply of water is critical to the survival of life, as we know it.(众所周知,水对生命的生存至关重要。)People need water to drink, animals need water to drink, and plants need water to drink. (人需要水,动物需要水,植物需要水)The basic functions of society require water:(社会的基本功能需要水:)cleaning for public health(公共卫生设施的冲洗), consumption for industrial processes(工业生产过程耗水), and cooling for electrical generation(电能生产过程的冷却). In this lesson, we discuss water supply in terms of:(在这里,我们从两方面讨论水的供给:)

1. Groundwater supplies(地下水供给)

2. Surface water supplies(地表水供给)

Groundwater is an important direct source of supply that is tapped by wells (地下水是通过打井而得到的重要直接供水水源),as well as a significant indirect source since surface streams are often supplied by subterranean water.(也是有意义的间接供水水源,因为地表水会经常得到地下水的补给)Near the surface of the earth(靠近地表), in the zone of aeration(在通气层内), soil pore spaces contain both air and water(土壤颗粒间隙同时包含空气和水). This zone, which may have zero thickness in swamplands and be several hundred feet thick in mountainous regions, contains three types of moisture(这一地层,其厚度在沼泽地可能为零,在山区则可能厚达数百英尺,蕴涵三种类型的湿气). After a storm, gravity water is in transit through the larger soil pore spaces(暴雨之后,水在重力的作用下透过土壤中较大的颗粒间隙). Capillary water is drawn through small pore spaces by capillary action and is available for plant uptake(在较小土壤颗粒缝隙中的水则由于毛细管作用上升而被植物吸收). Hygroscopic moisture is held in place by molecular forces during all except the driest climatic conditions (在不是最干燥的气候条件下,土壤湿气中的水蒸汽分子会因为分子间引力—范氏力而被土壤稳定下来).
