VantagePoint & Aureka:专利分析软件说明及其应用

一、专利权益评估方法与工具1.1 专利引证分析专利引证分析是通过检索专利文献数据库,查找与目标专利相关的引证专利,以评估该专利的技术影响力和引用频率。
常用的专利引证分析工具包括Derwent Innovations Index、Espacenet等。
1.2 专利价值评估模型专利价值评估模型是基于专利的技术信息、市场信息、经济信息等多方面因素综合评估专利的商业价值,并给出相应的估值。
常用的专利价值评估模型包括Real Options、权益法、现金流贴现法等。
1.3 专利评级系统专利评级系统通过对专利进行综合评估,给予其一定的评级,以反映专利的技术先进性和商业价值。
二、专利技术评估方法与工具2.1 技术演化分析技术演化分析是通过对专利技术的时间序列数据进行研究和分析,以揭示技术的演化规律、趋势和创新方向。
2.2 技术竞争分析技术竞争分析是通过对竞争对手的专利情况进行比较和分析,以评估目标专利技术在市场上的竞争力和差异化。
常用的技术竞争分析工具包括PatSnap、Thomson Innovation等。
2.3 技术地图绘制技术地图是将专利技术按照技术领域、技术类别等进行分类和分析,以帮助企业了解和掌握相关技术的布局和发展趋势。
三、专利商业价值分析方法与工具3.1 市场需求分析市场需求分析是通过对目标专利技术所涉及的市场领域、市场规模、竞争态势等进行研究和分析,以确定专利的商业价值和市场前景。
VIS102-第二部分 FactoryTalk VantagePoint 制造智能平台软件介绍

Copyright © 2011 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2011 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.
PDMS Web Server
Enterprise Levels 4 and 5
Factorytalk Vantagepoint Factorytalk Viewpoint
Factorytalk Historian
Factorytalk View
(Confidential – For Internal Use Only) Copyright © 2009 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.
每人都可以使用Excel报表 报表 每人都可以使用
• • • • Excel Portal
FTVP 客户端和服务器工作机制
• 1.FTVP Client & Server 工作机制 FTVP Server FTVP Client Excel Excel
Data Source
Copyright © 2011 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.
• RSLogix 5/500/5000 • FT View Studio • FT Historian SMT
电子操作员终端 • PanelView Plus 6
罗克韦尔自动化FactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI使用指南说明书

VantagePoint provides:• Mobile Capabilities: FactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI is enabling frictionless productivity by providing out of the box web-enabled content browsing and display creation. Access your data from any mobile device and create displays with simple drag and drop gestures! • Improved Time to Trend: Configuring your plant historian is as easy as 1-2-3! New mobile based workflows allowyou to browse to your Logix controllers, select tags for data storage, and configure your FactoryTalk HistorianSE sever all through one simple workflow.• Create and publish a wide range ofrole based enterprise reports with our Advanced Reporting options using well known platforms like Microsoft Excel and SQL Server Reporting.• Notifications provide information in time to make productive decisions. Configurenotifications to send reports via email or SMS based on events to ensure that important information is delivered when you need it!• Time-to-value: Pre-configured reports, trends, dashboards, and flexible rapid development tools help save timeand money.• Connect to any common plant floor device or system. Premier connectivity to real-time data via FactoryTalk Live Data (Logix, PLC/SLC™, FactoryTalk View, 3rd-party controllers, etc.) and historical data via FactoryTalk Historian PLUS connectivity to FactoryTalk Metrics, FactoryTalk ProductionCentre, FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix and other real-time and historical data sources.Make more use of the data you already collect.Find new information to improve operations.What if key decision makers had real-time production information in a dashboard, trend, report, or key performance indicator (KPI) on a mobile device or computer web browser updated continually and available any time? And, what if that decision maker was notified when production parameters moved outside their pre-set limits? More informed decisions, utilizing real-time data, on mobile devices or desktops becomes a standard process in your improved operations. Think about the alternative of the time spent preparing simple reports. Hours and days can be spent collecting relevant data from disparate systems, which then needs to be routed and analyzed before production decisions can be made.Only FactoryTalk® VantagePoint EMI organizes, correlates, and normalizes disparate data from your manufacturing and production processes and business systems in a Unified Production Model (UPM). It then enables you to organize and present information in everyday language — tailored to users’ needs on mobile devices or desktops.VantagePoint EMI Enterprise Manufacturing IntelligenceFactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI helps solve many of the delays associated with typical manufacturing reporting. Delays and inaccuracies that can develop as users find and pull relevant data from various manufacturing and production systems, put them into spreadsheets – then rationalizing, correlating and disseminating the results. And by the time anyone gets around to reading these reports, the information is stale.At worst, intended recipients don’t bother and they miss important information – information they need to increase productivity and reduce cost.Problem SolvedBy organizing all data sources in a Unified Production Model, bridges are created between multiple systems, vendorsand data types. Data in the model can be accessed from anywhere, by anyone in real world terminology, not obscure PLC addresses or unknown historian variable names. This data can then be presented as information relevant to the user’s role and responsibility within the organization. For example:• Machine operators can see machine-level information, such as a dashboard that includes OEE gauges, time, fault and part analysis, OEE by hour with a target including a tabular event detail list• Plant managers can view plant-level Key Performance Indicators like a Production Scorecard – replacing a manual production summary that most of them update manually • Operations executives can see enterprise-wide reports,for example a plant-to-plant comparison of real-time production and financial performanceEveryone has access to the information needed to make timely decisions.Take the Cost Out of ConnectivityFactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI takes much of the cost out of the data gathering you are doing now by automating data collection across multiple systems and platforms. Connectors are included for out-of-the-box, direct connections to Rockwell Automation Integrated Architecture sources. Connectors to other systems are available as options. Besides gathering real-time, live data, FactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI can provide trending context by using information from FactoryTalk Historian as well as third-party historians. This helps users get the information they needto recognize the significance of what is happening at the moment against the background of the data over time.FactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI provides optional connectors for virtually all manufacturing systems to provide a single, data source for all your analysis and reporting needs, including:• OPC DA connectivity for adding non-Rockwell Automation real-time data sources• OPC HDA connectivity for non-Rockwell Automation historians, such as Wonderware IndustrialSQL ServerThis means your information is always current. You have “one version of the truth” because all data remains in the original source locations and no separate data warehouse is created. And this all happens automatically, in real time, when users request information they need to do their jobs.The Power of Database IntegrationYour time is valuable. FactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI can provide up to date reports that used to have to be assembled manually from multiple sources. Through integrated access to what’s been previously buried in your production control systems, you can start generating other reportsand dashboards, without having to waste time learning complicated tools and programming languages. As you recognize opportunities for insight and improvement, you can drill-down and gather more detailed information. Sometimes you already have your control system information logged into a database or your business system information is already there, but you need to see that information in context of other production information, well that’s where FactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI connectivity to databases as well as control systems can help. FactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI allows youto connect to these important sources of information in your databases, virtually any database, and put it in context using the Unified Production Model, so it has relavance to the task at hand.Once you have installed FactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI,you will quickly be able to view and use the included,pre-configured web reports, trends and dashboards,such as:• Key performance indicator (KPI) monitoring• Alarm and event reports• Control loop reports• Device and equipment reportsFactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI Mobile CapabilitiesFactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI now includes mobilecapabilities that enable users to create displays andinteract with data across any HTML5-compliant browserand mobile platforms, such as iOS and Android. Userscan now easily log in to the VantagePoint systemand automatically view web-based KPI content thatis responsive to the device they are using – fromsmartphones to tablets to PCs.Trend Report Accessing Tags from FactoryTalk HistorianMobile CapabilitiesFactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI is enabling frictionless productivity by providing out of the box web-enabled content browsing and display creation. Your users will have the ability to browse the Unified Production Model as well as view displays from their PC, tablet, or mobile phone. Through simple drag and drop gestures, your users will have the ability to create displays and save them as favorites from any device. Once they log in, they will have access to content that has been organized and created just for them.Mobile WorkflowsReduce your time to trend and streamline the configuration of your FactoryTalk HistorianSE server with the mobile import workflow. VantagePoint Mobile enables you to browse your FactoryTalk directory, select the tags from your controllers that you’d like to store, and through click of a button VantagePoint will configure FactoryTalk HistorianSE to put those tags on scan. VantagePoint will be automatically updated with the new tags in Historian and once the update process is complete, you’re able to trend or build displays. Now any authorized user can store the data they need and build displays from anywhere!Change HappensFactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI makes it easier to handle changes to your data sources. As you add new components and systems to your existing operations, simply connect the new data sources and re-synchronize the model. You do not need to change the reports themselves, so you can more easily accommodate changes to your mix of equipmentand systems.Eventing/Notification SystemThe Eventing/Notification system triggers actions including generating one or more published reports on a schedule, and sending emails with attached reports, based on intelligent filtering of event streams from FactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI sources. So now you don’t even have to be watching a particular report or dashboard, FactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI can watch for a specific change for you and let you know! Powerful Reporting ComponentsFactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI includes some of the most powerful reporting components in the industry. You may begin by creating an ad hoc report, then when you have it set up the way you want, you can publish it with a simple click of the mouse. The objects are immediately a part of the model and are accessible from the reports list by anyone with a web browser and user permission. You may view the reports directly or via the FactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI Portal.• High-performance links for data-on-demand• Easy resizing and use of pictures• Time-series data management with live updates• Extraordinary transactional data management for items and propertiesUnified Production Model: The Heartof FactoryTalk VantagePoint EMIThe Unified Production Model (UPM) allows plants,equipment, and other resources to be logicallyrepresented along with their real-time and historical data.The UPM provides the context by associating relevantdata from numerous sources, and removes the need tocare where the data physically resides. This informationcan then be populated into analysis layers that can beaccessed via a browser. The model is also flexible enoughso users that have different roles within an organizationcan see the model differently, or see it in multiple waysso users at every level of an enterprise to better managetheir operation in real time.Performance Dashboard with Key Performance Indicators for OEE and other underlying factors affecting production such as down time causes, cycle time, and scrap rate.Trending and PlottingFactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI incorporates two of the most versatile and powerful trending and plotting applications in the world. With drag-and-drop simplicity, you can drop simple tags or complete objects onto the plot. Change time periods, stack traces, switch between historian andreal-time data.Microsoft Excel® Add-InYou can leverage all the capabilities in Excel through VantagePoint EMI and Excel Services in SharePoint to pull information from the Unified Production Model in FactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI to build highly effective reports. Touch it up, format cells and regions to your liking, even create some graphs and charts from the data. Once you have published the report, you no longer need the spreadsheet. It is perfectly preserved for you in the model.And, it is not necessary to have Excel installed on any client to be able to view the report.FactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI PortalView individual published reports by clicking on them in the report list, or invoke the powerful FactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI Portal and view composite reports configured by dragging elements into zones on a portal page. Linking elements to other reports allows you to drill down to get more detail from any given report. Select parameters to reuse a particular report for multiple, similar manufacturing elements and access all these features of the VantagePoint portal from your web browser.Advanced Reporting• Power to create a wide range of enterprise reports from dashboards to tabular reports• Create new reports and use report examples via the Unified Production Model (UPM)• Access a growing library of reports for FactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI• Author and publish reports into the FactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI Portal• Configure full reporting layout control, pagination, headers/footersThis energy dashboard is an example the clear and easy-to-understandthat FactoryTalk VantagePoint EMI provides.Get More InformationContact your local Rockwell Automation sales office or Allen-Bradley distributor.Visit /miAllen-Bradley, Rockwell Software, FactoryTalk, SLC and Integrated Architecture are trademarks or registered trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.Microsoft, Excel and SharePoint are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Publication FTALK-PP028I-EN-P – March 2016 Copyright ©2016 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA. Supersedes FTALK-PP028H-EN-P – October 2014。

GPS轨迹转换编辑的一些心得苦乐人生20120919一、KML转GPX(一)、Gpsinfoshare 1.2Build-3327,20090209更新功能强大,支持绝大部分轨迹相互转换。
丢失KML说明字段:<description><![CDA TA[内容]]></description>。
(二)、KML2GPX 1.2.30551只能把KML转换为GPX。
且转换后的GPX文件第一行内容为:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>,调入手持GPS及其他轨迹处理软件时,轨迹名及航点名等中文将出现乱码,需要手工把该行内容改为:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>才可以正常显示中文。
丢失KML说明字段<description><![CDA TA[内容]]></description>。
(三)、VantagePoint 1.73功能强大,除了可以转换轨迹外,还可以对轨迹进行各种编辑。
(四)、Garmin BaseCamp 4.0.1(推荐使用)超强大的功能,可以直接打开KML、GPX格式轨迹进行编辑,但只能保存为GPX格式。

FactoryTalk_Historian_SE实时历史数据库基础实验OnTour2022_RST仅限课堂使用!目录第4部分:FactoryTalkHitorianDataLink(~20分钟)....................................50本部分内容概览............................................................. ...............50FactoryTalkHitorianDataLink................... .........................................50在FactoryTalkHitorian中指定时间........................................................51打开E某cel............................................................ ....................54创建汇总报表............................................................. .................54使用灵活参数创建报表............................................................. .........62第5部分:FactoryTalkVantagePoint(~30分钟)..........................................64本部分内容概览............................................................. ...............64使用Trend.......................................................... ......................71创建基本E某cel报表............................................................. ..........77第6部分:FactoryTalkHitorian备份(~10分钟)........................................84本部分内容概览............................................................. ...............84排定自动备份............................................................. .................84测试排定备份............................................................. .................85第7部分:可选高级应用(~15分钟).....................................................87本部分内容概览............................................................. ...............87创建性能等式............................................................. .................87创建累积器............................................................. . (92)准备事宜演示结束后,请阅读第1部分–Hitorian系统介绍。

桥梁已修好 Bridge repaired
大兵驻扎建筑物 Structure garrisoned
脱离驻扎建筑物 Structure abandoned
(超级武器)选择目标 Select target
玩家被击败 Player defeated
罗克韦尔FactoryTalk VantagePoint 4.0软件可直接连接控制和业务系统

2011 年11 月17 日,罗克韦尔自动化的FactoryTalk VantagePoint 4.0 软件现在包括增强型连接器、组态和报表工具,在为生产操作提供有价值的报表、可视化和分析数据时可显著缩短所需时间,降低复杂性和成本,并可增强智能化生产应用程序的性能。
最新版本专为简化最终用户体验而设计,包括与其它罗克韦尔自动化产品的连接功能,并提供与Microsoft SharePoint 2010 的固有集成。
FactoryT alk VantagePoint 软件连接到不同的数据源(实时数据、历史数据、关系数据和交易数据)以创建单一资源,该资源可对信息进行访问和关联并将其整合到能够使用趋势、报表和仪表板的统一通用模型中,帮助客户根据实际情况制定决策。
基于Web 的FactoryT alk VantagePoint 仪表板和报表可监视关键绩效指标,帮助企业各级用户更好地实时管理工作进展。
FactoryT alk VantagePoint 4.0 为Logix 可编程自动化控制器、FactoryTalk Historian、FactoryT alk Metrics 和FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix 提供增强型连接器和预组态报表内容,能够更简单快速地围绕常见设备类型设置报表。
这一新版本还提供预置报表和过程库可视模型,使PlantPAx 过程自动化系统客户能够实现智能化生产。
FactoryTalk VantagePoint 还能直接连接第三方历史数据和控制系统,使拥有多样化车间的客户能够更妥善地制定决策和更简单地访问数据。
“车间设备不断生成宝贵的数据”,罗克韦尔自动化可视化和信息软件市场开发总监Keith McPherson 说道。
“FactoryTalk VantagePoint 新增的连接器和组态工具可提高信息访问速度。

3、点击“退出”,即可退出软件安装程序4、运行VantagePoint软件在电脑桌面上,双击图标,出现下图:5、将GPS上的数据传输到VantagePoint软件里将GPS通过USB数据线和电脑相连,打开GPS设备,在连接模式里选择“连接到PC”,在上图中,选择选项中的那个(从我的GPS传到电脑)按钮,见下图:点击确定数据传输过程 数据传输完成,点击确定数据传输完成,将地图界面放大,即可出现所测数据6、查看及编辑航点点击所要查看的航点名称,右键单击可对航点进行编辑及删除选择编辑,可编辑符号及添加图片、MP3等属性信息编辑航点符号添加图片、MP3等属性信息7、查看及编辑航线点击所要查看的航线,右键单击可对航线进行编辑、属性及删除选择编辑,查看航线的距离选择属性,可添加航线图片、MP3等属性添加图片、MP3等属性信息8、查看及编辑航迹点击所要查看的航迹,右键单击可播放航迹、设置航迹颜色、将航迹转为航线、对航迹进行编辑及删除选择播放,回放航迹选择图例,可设置航迹颜色选择转为航线,可将该航迹转换成航线选择编辑,可查看该航迹所包含的航点 9、设置坐标系点击偏好>坐标系,出现下图:点击选择,可设置BEIJING1954坐标系10、查看设置后的坐标数据查看设置坐标系后的坐标数据 11、数据导出点击选项中的(导出)按钮,如下图:选择导出对象,点击下一步选择导出数据格式,点击下一步选择导出数据文件存储位置,点击保存注:上述方式是将航点、航线、航迹数据导出到一个数据文件里,你也可以按照下述方式将航点、航线、航迹数据分别导出来。

了解更多信息生命周期服务咨询我们的工程师在罗克韦尔自动化软件门户网站购买的软件包括一份独立的支持合同,其终止日期与 TechConnect 协议的签署周年日期保持一致。
标准产品产品系列 (例如自动化控制系统) 中列出的全部产品均可得到支持。
自动化控制系统可编程控制器 — Compact GuardLogix®、CompactLogix™、ControlLogix® (1756 系列), GuardLogix®, SmartGuard™ 600 SoftLogix™ 5800操作员界面— DTAM™ 2707、工业计算机、InView™、PanelView 5500、PanelView Plus、MobileView™ (仅包括 2711T)分布式 I/O — Block I/O™、Expansion I/O、Flex™ I/O、POINT I/O™ 以及远程 I/O网络 — ControlNet、DeviceNet、DH+™、DH-485、EtherNet/IP、9300 (电缆和 9300-ENA)、1784 板卡 (不包括 ISA 或 PCMCIA 板卡)网络安全与基础设施 — Stratix® 交换机传感器与开关 — 无线射频识别 (RFID)相关软件 — FactoryTalk Echo、FactoryTalk® View ME、RSLinx® Lite、RSNetWorx™、RSLogix™ 5000、Studio 5000® 状态监测 — 集成式机器状态监测模块 (包括 1444)、ESAFE 状态监测软件、便携式数据采集器、保护模块 (包括 XM 模块) 以及状态监测传感器电力监测仪 — PowerMonitor™ 500、PowerMonitor 1000 以及 PowerMonitor 5000电能 —RSPower™低压变频器和启动器ArmorConnect® 电源介质 (280-PWRM)、ArmorStart® 控制器 (280、281、284、290、291、294)、PowerFlex® 4M、4、40、40P、400、523、525、527、753、755、755TL/ TR/TM 以及 755 On-Machine、755TS、753TS 变频器、20S SCR 母线电源、电源调节产品 1321、变频器通信卡 (20 comm、20-750-comm) DriveExecutive™、DriveExplorer™、Connected Components Workbench™ 软件、MegaDySC® 1608M、MiniDySC ® 1608N 和ProDySC® 1608P Armor PowerFlex 35S、35P、PFDC 20P 中压变频器和启动器857、865、1500-1599、1900-1999、7000A-RPDTD、7000L-RPDTD 7000L-R18TX、7000A-RPTX、7000L-RPTX、7000A-RPTXI、7000-RPTX、7000-R18TX、7000-RPTXI、7760、7761、7762、7703电机控制中心 (MCC) IntelliCENTER®、CENTERLINE® 2100 和 CENTERLINE® 2500独立推车技术 (ICT) MagneMotion® iTRAK® 5730/5750、MagneMover®、QuickStick® 100、QuickStick® HT™工业运动控制基于机架的运动控制产品 —ControlLogix 运动控制模块 (1756-M02AE、M08SE、M16SE、M03SE、M02AE、M02AS、HYD02 和 1758M04SE)伺服驱动器和电机 — Kinetix® 驱动器 (3、300、350、2000、5100、5300、5500、5700、5800、6000、6200、6500 和 7000)、Ultra™ 3000 (2098DSD) 和 Kinetix VP、TLP、MP-Series™ 电机 (旋转电机和直线电机系列)编程软件 — MotionView、RSLogix Motion Commands、UltraWARE组件级产品北美以外地区:• 一个工作日内免费回电支持,24x7 全天候响应• 电话或实时聊天支持:上午 8:00 至下午 5:00,可升级至 24x7 全天候响应北美地区:• 上午 8:00 至下午 5:00 免费支持• 24x7 全天候服务 (需签署支持协议)计算机与操作员界面 — PanelView Component 和 PanelView 800工控产品1可编程控制器 — Micro800® 控制系统安全、传感器、连接系统商业产品软件 — Connected Component Workbench 软件过程安全需要签署过程安全支持合同。

1 知识图谱的起源与发展科学知识图谱以科学知识为计量研究对象,因此属于科学计量学的范畴。
现代科学知识图谱概念正式提出是2003年在Arthur M. Sackler学术研讨会上。
⽽Shiffrin[5],Borner[6]和陈超美[7]等⼈的贡献奠定了现代科学知识图谱(Mapping Science)的研究基础,之后对其相关研究就如⾬后春笋般涌现。
2 知识图谱的绘制⽅法知识图谱的绘制需要综合运⽤⽂献计量、统计分析、数据挖掘、信息可视化、社会⽹络分析和信息分析等领域的研究⽅法,⼤致可分为⽂献计量⽅法、统计分析⽅法、数据挖掘⽅法三⼤类⽅法(如图1所⽰)。


介绍伦敦眼的英语作文初中Here is an English essay about the London Eye, with more than 1000 words in the main body:The Majestic London Eye: A Captivating Architectural MasterpieceSoaring high above the River Thames, the London Eye stands as an iconic landmark that has become synonymous with the vibrant city of London. This remarkable ferris wheel, widely recognized as the largest of its kind in Europe, offers visitors a unique and awe-inspiring perspective of the city's historic skyline. From its lofty vantage point, the London Eye provides a breathtaking panoramic view that encompasses the city's most renowned landmarks, including the iconic Big Ben, the stately Houses of Parliament, and the serene River Thames.Constructed in the year 2000, the London Eye was a significant part of the millennium celebrations and was initially intended to be a temporary installation. However, its overwhelming popularity and enduring appeal have cemented its status as a permanent fixture in the heart of London. Designed by the renowned architectural firm of Marks Barfield, the London Eye is a true engineering marvel,combining sleek modern design with advanced technology to create an experience that is both visually stunning and technologically impressive.At a towering height of 135 meters (443 feet), the London Eye is an awe-inspiring structure that dominates the city's skyline. Its gigantic wheel, measuring 120 meters (394 feet) in diameter, is supported by a delicate-looking, yet incredibly sturdy, steel frame that appears to defy gravity. The wheel itself is composed of 32 capsules, each capable of accommodating up to 25 passengers, allowing for a total capacity of 800 people per rotation.The journey aboard the London Eye is a truly remarkable experience, affording visitors a unique perspective of the city that is simply unparalleled. As the wheel slowly rotates, passengers are treated to a breathtaking panoramic view that spans the entirety of central London. From the lush greenery of Hyde Park to the iconic silhouette of the Tower of London, every landmark and architectural wonder is laid out before the eyes of the enchanted observer.One of the most captivating aspects of the London Eye is its ability to transform with the changing seasons and weather conditions. During the day, the wheel's transparent capsules offer visitors a crystal-clear view of the city's bustling streets and landmarks. As the sun sets, the London Eye takes on a new and enchanting persona, with the wheel'sexterior illuminated by a stunning array of multicolored lights that create a mesmerizing and ethereal display.On a clear day, the views from the London Eye can be truly breathtaking, stretching out for miles in every direction. Passengers can gaze out over the city's rooftops, catching glimpses of iconic landmarks like the Houses of Parliament, the Tower of London, and the majestic St. Paul's Cathedral. The experience is further enhanced by the inclusion of interactive touch screens within each capsule, providing visitors with a wealth of information about the city's history, architecture, and points of interest.But the London Eye is more than just a breathtaking viewpoint; it is also a testament to the city's rich cultural heritage and its enduring spirit of innovation. The wheel's unique design, with its intricate network of steel beams and cables, is a true engineering marvel, showcasing the ingenuity and technical prowess of its designers and builders.Moreover, the London Eye has become a symbol of the city's resilience and adaptability. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the wheel has remained closed for extended periods, but it has always managed to reopen, welcoming visitors once again and offering them a much-needed respite from the challenges of the past years.As the sun sets and the wheel's lights begin to glow, the London Eye transforms into a mesmerizing work of art, casting a warm and inviting glow over the city. The wheel's reflection on the surface of the River Thames creates a breathtaking display, as if the structure is mirrored in the water below. This enchanting sight has become a beloved and iconic image of London, capturing the city's enduring spirit and its ability to captivate and inspire visitors from around the world.In conclusion, the London Eye is undoubtedly one of the most remarkable and iconic landmarks in the world. Its towering presence, breathtaking views, and captivating design have made it a must-visit destination for tourists and locals alike. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a lifelong Londoner, a ride on the London Eye is an experience that will linger long in your memory, leaving you with a newfound appreciation for the beauty and grandeur of this truly remarkable city.。

VP-Tree(Vantage Point Tree)算法是一种基于距离度量的空间索引结构,是一颗度量二叉树。
它的基本思想是将二分查找应用于只有距离信息的多维度量空间中,利用特征空间的目标点集的点与制高点(Vantage Point)之间的距离信息对特征空间进行划分。
在VP-Tree的构造过程中,首先从数据集中随机选取一个对象作为制高点(Vantage Point),然后根据该制高点将数据集划分为两个子集,小于制高点距离的数据点归入左子树,大于制高点距离的数据点归入右子树。

1.1 非结构化数据分析工具非结构化数据分析工具是指擅长分析专利全文、期刊论文、网页内容等非结构化数据的软件,主要包括ClearForest, Goldfire Innovator, OminiViz和TEMIS。
1.1.1 ClearForestClearForest是美国Thomoson Reuters公司开发的具有强大功能的文本分析解决方案,包括先进的文本标记抽取平台、分析平台以及开发环境。
1.1.2 Goldfire InnovatorGoldfire Innovator是由美国Invention Machine公司开发的一款文本挖掘分析工具,由创新工作平台(Innovator's Workbench)、“研究者”(Researcher)和Goldfire 智囊库(Goldfire Intelligence)三部分组成。
创新工作平台提供了一个解决问题的环境,可以利用多种分析工具、方法辅助对问题的理解;“研究者”是其知识搜取和创新趋势分析模块,利用复杂的语义分析技术将非结构化数据转化为可检索的语义索引进行专利分析,帮助用户发现核心技术、发明人及其合作伙伴和竞争对手;Goldfire 智囊库(Goldfire Intelligence)涵盖全球1500多万件专利、3000个专业技术网站和8000多种科技期刊,用于辅助其专利分析决策。
麦哲伦Triton 1500便携式GPS导航说明书

1500Feature-Packed and Amazingly Easy to UseThe Magellan Triton 1500 reinvents handheld GPS navigation by combining the world’s first handheld touch-screen interface with precise navigation and exceptional ease of use. Completely re-engineered both inside and out, the Triton 1500 also features the rugged, waterproof design and advanced feature set that outdoor enthusiasts need and expect.Key Features and Benefits:• 2.7" (6.9 cm) QVGA full-color touch-screen display—the first handheld GPS that allows users to interact directly with maps and menus• L ED flashlight—illuminates the darkness for added convenience at night• E mbedded speaker and microphone—enable users to record audio files they can associate with geographic locationsUser Manual OptionalThe Triton 1500 is so easy to use that its user manual may never make it out of the box. The “Go To” menu includesfriendly icons and helpful categories like Go To, Create, and View. From there a few ‘Go’ button clicks are all that’s needed to navigate its many advanced features. No Ph.D. required!Additional Product FeaturesDetailed MapsDetailed, uploadable maps and pre-loaded base maps identify major rivers, lakes, cities, and other geographical boundaries. The Triton 1500 also allows users to upload third-party topo and street maps.Extremely Rugged and WaterproofThe Triton 1500’s rugged design defeats harsh environments. It’s built to withstand a drop to concrete and is also waterproof to IPX-7 standards—which means it can be immersed in up to one meter of water for as long as 30 minutes.Clear ReceptionAn integrated, low-power, high-sensitivity antenna offers clear reception, even in heavy cloud cover and deep canyons. An added strap loop function allows users to hang the Triton 1500 from their backpack in view of the sky to collect data.Memory BoostStoring data, including additional maps, MP3 files, photos, and geocache data is easy with the Triton 1500’s expandable SD card slot.Magellan ®Triton ™h o w y o u g e t t h e r e i s up t o y o uReinventing Handheld GPS ™T R I 1500 D L S 0707 0036 G N E N1500Magellan TritonPart Number 980941-01UPC Code 7 63357 11759 2Harmonized Code 8526.91.0030Unit Package Dimensions6.0" W x 3.1" D x 8.4" H(15.2 cm W x 7.9 cm D x 21.1 cm H Unit Package Weight 1.4 lbs. (.64 kg)Case Pack Quantity 8Case Pack Dimensions12.4" L x 9.0" W x 13.5" H(31.5 cm L x 22.9 cm W x 34.3 cm H)Case Pack Weight 12.7 lbs.(5.8 kg)Multi-Pack Quantity 32Multi-Pack Dimensions25.5" L x 18.7" W x 14.5" H(64.8 cm L x 47.5 cm W x 36.8 cm H)Multi-Pack Weight 53.8 lbs.(24.4 kg)Pallet Quantity 512 (16 multi-packs)Pallet Dimensions51.0" L x 40.0" W x 63.8" H (1.3 m L x 1 m W x 1.6 m H)Pallet Weight910.8 lbs.(413.1 kg)Warranty 1 Year Country of OriginPhilippinesSet-Up InformationBattery TypeAAUSB1.1Package ContentsTriton 1500 GPS receiver USB data cable 2 AA batteries Spare Styli (5)VantagePoint ™ softwareQuick reference guide, reference manual on CD-ROM GPS Chipset SiRFstarIII User InterfaceTouch-screenProduct SpecificationsOther Features• Multimedia player: MP3s or audio books at night • C ompatible with third-party-developed topo and street maps • Flashlight • Trip feature • AA batteriesOptional Accessories• Bike mount • Swivel mount• Windshield mount• Cigarette lighter power adapter (12-24 watts)• AC/DC power adapter • Canvas carrying case • Serial cableThe Triton 1500’s compass screen provides preciseheading and bearing information.Magellan471 El Camino RealSanta Clara, CA 95050-4300 USA Tel: 866.601.3118 Fax: Product information shown herein is subject to change without notice.Compatible with an extensive range of detailed maps which identify major rivers, lakes, cities, and other geographical boundaries.© 2007 Magellan Navigation, Inc. All rights reserved. The Magellan logo, Magellan, Triton, VantagePoint, and Reinventing Handheld GPS are trademarks of Magellan Navigation, Inc. All other products and brand names are trademarks of their respective holders.。

参观宁夏的地方英文作文Exploring the Captivating Landscapes of NingxiaNestled in the heart of China lies the enchanting region of Ningxia, a land of striking contrasts and captivating natural beauty. As I embark on my journey to this remarkable destination, I am filled with a sense of anticipation and wonder, eager to uncover the hidden gems that this province has to offer.The first stop on my itinerary is the Shapotou Desert Tourist Area, a vast expanse of golden sand dunes that stretch as far as the eye can see. The contrast between the towering dunes and the azure sky above is simply breathtaking. I can't resist the urge to climb to the top of the tallest dune, feeling the warm sand beneath my feet and the gentle breeze caressing my face. From this vantage point, I am treated to a panoramic view of the desert, a mesmerizing sea of undulating waves of sand that seem to stretch on forever.As I descend the dune, I encounter a unique mode of transportation – the sand sled. With a mix of excitement and trepidation, I strapmyself in and glide down the slope, the wind whistling through my hair and a thrill of adrenaline coursing through my veins. The experience is both exhilarating and serene, a perfect balance of adventure and tranquility.Moving on, I venture to the Xuanbi Gorge, a stunning natural wonder that has carved its way through the rugged terrain over centuries. The towering cliffs on either side of the gorge are adorned with intricate patterns and hues, the result of millennia of geological processes. I find myself captivated by the serene flow of the river winding through the gorge, its crystal-clear waters reflecting the surrounding landscape in a mesmerizing dance.As I explore the trails that wind through the gorge, I come across ancient rock carvings and inscriptions, remnants of a rich cultural heritage that has endured the test of time. Each carving tells a story, a glimpse into the lives and beliefs of the people who once inhabited this region. I feel a deep sense of connection to the past, as if the very stones beneath my feet are whispering their secrets to me.One of the highlights of my Ningxia journey is the visit to the Xixia Imperial Tombs, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that serves as the final resting place of the Xia Dynasty rulers. The grand mausoleums, adorned with intricate carvings and stunning architecture, stand as a testament to the power and grandeur of this once-mighty dynasty.As I wander through the expansive grounds, I am struck by the reverence and respect that permeates the air, a palpable connection to the rich history that has unfolded here.Beyond the natural and historical wonders, Ningxia also boasts a vibrant cultural tapestry that captivates the senses. I find myself immersed in the bustling markets of Yinchuan, the capital city, where vendors hawk their wares, from fragrant spices and aromatic teas to intricately woven textiles and stunning works of art. The sounds of haggling, the scents of sizzling street food, and the vibrant colors of the stalls create a sensory experience that is truly unforgettable.One particular highlight is the visit to the Zhongwei Grape Valley, where I am treated to a guided tour of the sprawling vineyards and a tasting of the region's renowned wines. As I swirl the deep ruby liquid in my glass, I am struck by the complex flavors and the unique terroir that has shaped these exceptional vintages. The passionate winemakers share their stories, their dedication to their craft evident in every word, and I can't help but feel a newfound appreciation for the art of winemaking.Throughout my journey, I am constantly in awe of the diverse landscapes and rich cultural heritage of Ningxia. From the vast desert expanses to the verdant vineyards, from the ancient tombs to the bustling markets, each experience has left an indelible mark on myheart and mind. I find myself captivated by the resilience and ingenuity of the Ningxia people, who have carved out a thriving existence in this seemingly harsh and unforgiving land.As I reluctantly prepare to depart this remarkable region, I know that I will carry the memories of my time in Ningxia with me forever. The breathtaking vistas, the warm hospitality of the locals, and the profound sense of connection to the past – all of these elements have combined to create an unforgettable journey that has truly enriched my understanding and appreciation of this remarkable corner of China. Ningxia, with its boundless wonders, has captured my heart, and I eagerly await the day when I can return to explore its depths once more.。

他利用“摄影角度”(angel ofcamera)这一概念来阐述移情变化对不同语法结构和词汇编码的影响,并总结出了一系列的等级变化规则。
Rockwell Automation MES 软件系列:消费品制造业执行系统解决方案说明书

To resolve external pressures ranging from rising energy and raw material costs and increasingly stringent legislation to internal pressures like the need to increase productivity while reducing costs, you need viable solutions to enhance performance, maintain competitiveness and drive your business forward.
CPGSuite and the connected enterprise
CPGSuite® is a comprehensive information solution that functions as an essential component of The Connected Enterprise.
Enabled by integrated control and information, The Connected Enterprise delivers transformational value in productivity and global competitiveness.
Lesson One--exercise解读

Lesson OneFace to Face with Hurricane CamilleI. Choose the one which is equal to the word given blow:1. lashA. strike violentlyB. pass byC. move slowlyD. stride2. pummelA. push forwardB. punish severelyC. hit with repeated blowD. pull heavily3. gruffA. seriousB. grievousC. roughD. gentle4. elevateA. put downB. lift upC. face to5. demolishA. destroyB. reduceC. increaseD. beat6. scudA. go smoothlyB. move along swiftlyC. go up and downD. go slowly7. interiorA. situated insideB. situated outsideC. interrelateD. internecine8. ferocityA. capabilityB. fiercenessC. impedimentD. ferment9. shudderB. walk outC. curl upD. shake10. sanctuaryA. a warm placeB. shelterC. a clean placeD. a harm place11. maroonA. stay brave and alongB. leave hopefulC. stay aloneD. leave helpless and alone12. vantage pointA. variable situationB. comfortless positionC. a good place from which one can see sth. easilyD. disadvantage13. debrisA. small individual partsB. completely good placesC. well preserved piecesD. scattered broken pieces14. imploreA. request earnestlyB. inform eagerlyC. tell eagerlyD. ask for leave15. skimA. hit violentlyB. move swiftlyC. go quietlyD. move gradually away16. rampageA. walk for pleasureB. produce branchesC. rageD. range17. festoonA. celebrateB. fastenC. scatterD. decorate18. extinguishA. put outB. put upC. put onD. put down19. disintegrateA. joint togetherB. break up into piecesC. regard as a individualD. look down upon20. frustrateA. discourageB. bring about good resultC. come out fruitfullyD. worry about the result21. propA. supportB. placeC. suspendD. propose22. tiltA. cultivateC. levelD. disintegrate23. endureA. conductB. controlC. bearD. engulf24. barA. music noteB. hot rail禁火标志C. brickD. block25. thrustA. dreadful weaponB. sharp knifeC. pierce windD. driving force26. diminishA. mummifyB. reduceC. micro command27. assumeA. assertB. pronounceC. supposeD. declare28. perishA. incarnateB. dieC. increaseD. submit29. lapA. coverB. destroyC. beatD. put30. vanishA. importB. existC. appearD. disappearII. Complete the word according to the definition:1. violent windstorm h2. letters; letter writing c3. machine for generating g4. to put into water; throw water over d5. to rise to higher level of rank, power etc. m6. state in trouble or difficulty m7. to save from loss, fire, wreck etc. s8. of the mind p9. to fill with respect combined with fear and reverence a10. done, carried out, with order or method m11. impressive or sensational s12. something owned p13. difficult or impossible to understand or comprehend i14. forceful, often vindictive anger w15. to destroy d16. a place or structure to which a vessel or aircraft can be moored m17. to break suddenly with a brisk, sharp, cracking sound s18. to grasp and hold tightly. c19. to defeat completely and decisively o20. one of the glass-filled divisions of a window or door p21. an usually rectangular pad of heavy cloth filled with soft material oran arrangement of coiled springs, used as or on a bed m22. to strike or affect in a manner similar to lashing w23. to seek advice or information of c24. unwilling; disinclined r25. a person who performs or offers to perform a service of his or herown free will vIII. Put the following words and phrases into the appropriate blanks in the following sentences.revival vital be strewn grade surviving vivifying blues revived vivid trail away vivisection sprawled survivor revitalize vitamin be bound to1.Some experts believe that low mortgage rates will help tothe economy.2. One of the tests of good writing is whether or not its imagery is3.The group, which wants to prevent cruelty to animals, is againstin medical labs.4. a catastrophe often makes one more sensitive to thepositive aspects of life.5. He to go, and nothing will stop him.6. His voice in confusion.7. The path with flowers8. These apples have been according to size and quality9. The has finally gotten me today.10. A supplement is needed by people who do not consume a proper diet.11.After a day’s work, he was extremely tired. He came home andon the sofa immediately.12. A part of any health program is exercise.13. The of the 1960's brought back wild hairstyles and boots with mini-skirts.14. By administering mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, the lifeguardthe drowned man.15.There was not a single of the recent plane crash near Los Angeles.16. The actress had the gift of any role with her unique blend of humor and pathos.IV. Reading Comprehension:1. Theme of “Face to face with Hurricane Camille” is _____.A. Human being is more important than anything else in the world.B. John has learnt a lesson from his own experience.C. People suffered from such a devastating hurricane.D. Hurricane Camille is the greatest storm ever to hit the United States.2. How many people are there in the house to fight against the hurricane?A. 11B. 13C. 10D. 153. How many onslaughts did hurricane hit the Koshak’s house?A. three timesB. four timesC. onceD. many times4. When the sea water reached the house and destroyed the staircase, the Koshak’s family had to retreat to ______.A. the landingB. the outsideC. the TV roomD. the bedroom5. The antagonist in the story is _____.A. John KoshakB. Charlie HillC. the hurricaneD. the neighbourV. Determine whether the following statements are true or false. Put a “T”, if the statement is true and put a “F”, if the statement is false.1. John Koshak Sr. is a businessman, who designs educational toysand supplies.2. Gulfport is a town, where the Koshaks live and which it is said thatthe hurricane would pummel.3. The old parents have been living with young couple and theirchildren for some years.4. When the water rose above their ankles, they tried to run away, butfailed.5. The hurricane seized a 600,000-gallon Gulfport oil tank anddumped it 250 yards away.6. The stairs were protected by two walls from the direction of thewind.7. Charlie had to some extent taken upon himself the task of lookingafter the neighbour and her two children.8. Because the two walls of the room where they were seeking shelter were breaking up, John ordered everyone to go into the bedroom.9. The federal government supplied food, mobile homes, classroomsand loans to the stricken area as quickly as the other organizations inthe country.10. When they picked up some useful things from the wrecked home,they were depressed.VI. Translation:1. 整整一周的大雨造成了该地区河流的外溢,许多房屋被毁,许多农田被淹。
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VantagePoint & Aureka:专利分析软件说明及其应用
VantagePoint是开发商Search Technology开发的一种数据挖掘产品,能深层次挖掘专利信息。
系统采用多种算法(algorithms used)如通过模型匹配、基础规则和自然语言加工技术等进行文本挖掘。
其操作平台是Windows 95、Windows 98、Windows NT或Windows2000,系统使用的数据由用户直接向数据供应商购买。
VantagePoint提供数据清洗或整理工具(Data Cleaning Tools)。
VantagePoint 允许用户创建用户管理辞典(User-Managed Thesauruses),提炼特定数据。
例如,美国有United States、US、U.S、USA 等描述形式,通过用户辞典,系统会将这些有关“美国”的不同描述形式,视为同义词,自动进行归一化处理。
例如将“aluminum alloys”、“magnesium alloys”、“carbon fiber reinforced plastics”和“copper alloys”等词条归类到材料类( Materials)中。
Aurigin Systemss Inc公司推出的Aureka IPAM系统是知识产权管理的综合性系统,该系统中集成了多个分析软件,其中专利分析工具功能强大,兼容性好。
系统开发商是Aurigin Systems Inc 公司,但 2002 年后,版权归 Micropatent,LLC. 所有。
系统操作平台(Platforms used):-Client/server or -Web access,检索算法(Searching algorithms):语言检索、布尔运算。
系统中的ThemeScape Software,提供了一种相当有用的文本分析工具。
该软件是从太平洋国家实验室(Pacific Northwest National Lab.,Operated by Battelle)得到许可。
系统中的Aureka引文树软件(Aureka Citation Tree)利用专利引证信息构建双向引证树,形象化地显示出研究对象(所指定的专利)引用在先专利和被其后专利引证的信息。
系统中的Aureka报告工具(Auerka Reporting Tool)可为客户提供各种研究报告或某一领域(诸如发明人、专利权人等)相关信息,以及某一专利或自定义专利组的专利期满和引文信息。
比如报道某技术领域专利申请量前 10 位的专利申请人或专利受让人等信息。
三是图表式报告,是信息分析人员将提取到的相关专利信息导入到Microsoft Excel中,进行数据处理制作各种图表,并根据需要合并或组合成要点图表,形象直观地揭示研究内容。