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2.Homogeneity (同类性)
All kinds of paradigmatic groups belong to different types and have different features. However, in the same group, they have the same functions and features. e.g.
1. At phonological level
syntagmatic paradigmatic /p/ /i/ /b/ /s/ /h/ /t/
The phoneme /p/ is in syntagmatic relation with phonemes /i/ and /t/. And it is in a paradigmatic relation with /b/,/s/ and /h/,as they are capable of replacing /p/ in the context of /pit/ to form /bit/,/sit/or /hit/.
Ⅲ.The Application of Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Relations in Word Association
since the concepts of paradigmatic relation and syntagmatic relation are comparably macroscopical, the manifestation of these can be fund in many aspects of linguistics. Let's take word assciation (词 的联想) as an example.
3.Substitutability (替换性)
• Since each unit in the same paradigm has similarity, to some degree they can mutually be substituted. e.g. 在 He did it 中, 与did 能置换的有,saw, damaged, ate 等词。 • 但在此例中,did不能与do, see, eat等词替换。因 为确定是否属于“同一聚合体”,可能要作很细致的区分 。词从词形变化、从带宾语等情况分,又可能不属同一聚 合体,因此,是否属于严格的同一聚合体,就成为置换的条 件 PS. 在置换过程中,要加以语义限制,否则就会产生不符合 语法的句子。 e.g. The banana ate the monkey. (X)
1.Sequentiality (序列性)
• It refers to each unit in the linguistic combination must be arranged in a certain linear sequence. e.g. English S-V-O, Japanese S-O-V • The change of sequentiality will lead to a. The linguistic combination cannot be established
Syntagmatic relation is a relation between one item and others in a sequence. Paradigmatic relation is a relation holding between elements replaceable with each other at a particular place in a structure, or between one element present and the others absent
• The relationship between syntagmatic and paradigmatic just likes the abscissa (横轴) and ordinate axis(纵轴) in geometry.
• Let's try to understand the definition in the following examples.
2.At lexical level
syntagmatic paradigmatic
walk work help write read
-ed -ing -s -er
The words in table A and B can be classified into paratagmatic relation. While the word walk + ed, work+ing can be regared as in a syntagmatic relation
3. At Sentence Level
eats fixed
an apple a bike
watched a movie
• Elements to be combined horizontally,like the word sequence of Lily, eats, an apple are considered to be in syntagmatic relation. • While,elements that can be substituted at the vertical level, like Lily,Tom, Alice are in paramagtic relation, so as the word eats, watched and fixed.
B. Paradigmatic Relation
• Potentiality (潜在性) • Homogeneity (同类性) • Substitutability (替换性)
1. Potentiality (潜在性)
• Paradigmatic relation is in absentia(不在场). It's a kind of potential cognition about language system. • 正因为语言体系有潜在性的可能, 人们能够学会少量的组 合规则, 通过聚合关系, 生成出无限的组合结构. e.g.
C. The marking rule (标记规则) • Words may be associated from marked terms to unmarked terms.(由有标记项引出无标记项) Consider:
dogs-dog better-good brought-bring
D. The category-preservation rule (范畴保持规则) • Preserve the category and subcategorization features as much as possible in paradigmatic responses to a word. Consider the paradigmatic relation between frighten (the man) and beat. The category [+VERB] and subcategorization feature [-NP] and [-ANIMATE] are preserved.
• In the same way, we can establish associations between long-short, with a change of feature [±POLAR], is-are with [±PLURAL], is-was with [±PAST], he-him with [±NOMINATIVE], and here-there with [±PROXIMITY]. • The minimal-contrast rule can be described as the rule of “changing the sign of one feature beginning with bottommost feature.”
Syntagmatic Relation and Paradigmatic Relation
I. Features
I.The Application
IV. Conclusion
Ⅰ. Definition
• It was proposed by the Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure in the beginning of the twentieth century in his book Cours de Linguistique Generale. • It has a great influence to structual linguistics, transformational-generative linguistics and systemic functional linguistics.
B. The feature-deletion and -addition rule (特征的减少和增加规则) • We can associate with other words if we delete features from, or add features to, the end of the feature list. Consider: deletion of features: apple-fruit dog-animal addition of features: fruit-apple animal-dog
3.Hierarchy (层次性)
• Language is a hierarchical system, the basic level of which is phoneme and the highest level is sentence. • phoneme → syllable → word → sentence
b. The properties of the linguistic combination will be changed.
2.Conditionality (制约性)
• It refers to each unit in the linguistic combination relates, interacts and influences with each other. e.g. He washes himself every morning.
Ⅱ. The Features of Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Relations
A. The Features of Syntagmatic Relation
• Sequentiality (序列性) • Conditionality (制约性) • Hierarchy (层次性)
In the field of word association, Herbert H. Clark proposes four paradigmatic rules and two syntagmatic rules.
1. Paradigmatic rules
A. The minimal-contrast rule (最低特征对比规则) • Consider man. Its semantic features include: [+NOUN], [+HUMAN], [+ADULT], [+MALE]… maximal minimal • If we change the minimal feature, i.e.: [+NOUN], [+HUMAN], [+ADULT], [-MALE]… We get another word woman.