
【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】1/captain A:海员B:大副C:船长D:水手长2/chief engineer A:大管轮B:管事C:机工D:轮机长3/motorman A:机工B:水手C:二副D:木匠4/sailor A:服务员B:水手C:三管轮D:海员5/chief officer A:大副B:二管轮C:管事D:水手长6/second engineer A:轮机长B:大管轮C:二管轮D:二副7/carpenter A:管事B:水手C:木匠D:二副8/third engineer A:三副B:服务员C:大管轮D:二管轮9/third officer A:三副B:三管轮C:二副D:二管轮10/seaman A:船长B:海员C:三副D:管事11/bridge A:大厅B:会议室C:驾驶台D:厨房12/cabin A:机舱B厕所C:驾驶台D:舱室13/smoking room A:吸烟室B:机舱C:锅炉房D:进口14/steering gear room A:出口B:舵机房C:机舱D:驾驶台15/engine room A:大厅B:物料间C:机舱D:厨房16/meeting room A:大厅B:吸烟室C:锅炉房D:会议室17/hospital A:医院B:浴室C:物料间D:泵间18/control room A:冷藏间B:控制室C:货舱D:空调间19/cargo hold A:物料间B:驾驶台C:货舱D:蔬菜间20/store room A:泵间B:控制室C:鱼肉间D:物料间21/crew A:全体船员B:船长C:管事D:服务员22/second officer A:三副B:二副C:大副D:水手23/bosun A:木匠B:海员C:水手长D:机工24/fourth engineer A:二管轮B:大管轮C:轮机长D:三管轮25/purser A:管事B:机工C:木匠D:水手26/steward A:医生B:服务员C:管事D:大副27/doctor A:服务员B:水手C:医生D:管事28/engineer A:机工B:二副C:船长D:轮机员29/officer A:驾驶员B:轮机员C:服务员D:船员30/motorman A:水手B:机工C:大副D:大管轮31/calipers A:卷尺B:扳手C:卡钳D:斧子32/pipe wrench A:榔头B:车床C:锯子D:管钳33/file A:锉刀B:台钳C:刨床D:刮刀34/hammer A:扳手B:榔头/铁锤C:车刀D:螺丝刀35/flexible ruler A:卡钳B:扳手C:管钳D:卷尺36/spanner A:扳手B:刮刀C:斧子D:车刀37/bench vice A:榔头B:台钳C:钻D:手电筒38/scraper A:车床B:斧子C:刮刀D:螺丝攻39/lathe A:台钳B:斧子C:刨床D:车床40/planer A:刨床B:车床C:斧子D:管钳41/turning tool A:锉刀B:车刀C:刮刀D:螺丝刀42/saw A:凿子B:斧子C:锯子D:台钳43/axe A:锯子B:钻C:斧子D:刨床44/drill A:卷尺B:榔头C:电焊机D:钻45/tap A:螺丝攻B:螺丝C:手电筒D:起吊工具46/electric welding machine A:风焊机B:电焊机C:螺丝刀D:螺丝攻47/gas welding machine A:手电筒B:牛油枪C:风焊机D:刮刀48/screw driver A:电焊机B:螺丝C:螺丝攻D:螺丝刀49/grease gun A:牛油枪B:手电筒C:起吊工具D:螺丝刀50/lifting gear A:螺丝刀B:起吊工具C:手电筒D:斧子51/flash light A:斧子B:牛油枪C:手电筒D:风焊机52/packing the knife A:车刀B:卡钳C:尺子D:盘根刀53/ruler A:尺子B:锯条C:砂轮D:车刀54/box spanner A:卡钳B:套筒扳手C:台钳D:环形扳手55/ring spanner A:套筒扳手B:活络扳手C:环形扳手D:车床56/adjustable spanner A:凿子B:环形扳手C:榔头D:活络扳手57/puncher A:冲床B:磨床C:车床D:刨床58/grinder A:冲床B:磨床C:刨床D:车床59/tool A:锉刀B:车床C:工具D:螺丝60/drill machine A:车床B:刨床C:冲床D:钻床61/two stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:吸气冲程D:压缩冲程62/four stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:压缩冲程D:吸气冲程63/suction stroke A:排气冲程B:压缩冲程C:吸气冲程D:做功冲程64//compression stroke A:压缩冲程B:排气冲程C:做功冲程D:吸气冲程65/exhaust stroke A:排气冲程B:压缩冲程C:做功冲程D:吸气冲程66/working stroke A:吸气冲程B:做功冲程C:压缩冲程D:排气冲程67/cylinder A:活塞B:十字头C:气缸D:曲柄68/cylinder liner A:气缸套B:气缸C:气缸盖D:气缸衬69/cylinder jacket A:气缸套B:填料箱C:扫气箱D:机架70/cylinder cover A:气缸衬B:气缸盖C:气缸套D:扫气口71/stuffing box A:活塞头B:扫气口C:填料箱D:排气口72/piston A:机座B:底座C:连杆D:活塞73/piston head A:活塞头B:活塞裙C:活塞杆D:活塞74/piston skirt A:活塞B:活塞裙C:活塞头D:活塞杆75/piston rod A:活塞B:活塞头C:活塞杆D:活塞裙76/crosshead A:曲柄B:活塞C:连杆D:十字头77/connecting rod A:连杆B:增压器C:底座D:排气口78/crank A:连杆B:曲柄C:主轴D:喷嘴79/propeller A:盘车机B:飞轮C:螺旋桨D:摇臂80/turbocharger A:喷嘴B:控制台C:操纵台D:涡轮增压器81/turning gear A:盘车机B:螺旋桨C:调节器D:飞轮82/fuel injection A:喷嘴B:喷油器C:注油器D:活塞头83/governor A:警报器B:调节器C:调速器D:喷油器84/regulator A:调速器B:喷油器C:警报器D:调节器85/alarm A:警报器B:调速器C:喷油器D:调节器86/frame A:柴油机B:机架C:气缸D:活塞87/crankshaft A:主轴B:曲柄C:曲轴D:主轴承88/main shaft A:曲轴B:轴承C:轴D:主轴89/cooling system A:冷却系统B:润滑系统C:燃油系统D:空气起动系统90/fuel oil system A:冷却期统B:燃油系统C:空气起动系统D:润滑系统91/bilge pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:船底排水泵D:水泵92/fire pump A:消防泵B:冷却水泵C:船底排水泵D:海水泵93/circulating pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:循环泵D:淡水泵94/oil pump A:消防泵B:油泵C:船底排水泵D:水泵95/ water feed pump A:供油泵B:污水泵C:压载泵D:供水泵96/ booster pump A:燃油泵B:柴油泵C:增压泵D:减压泵97/shaft A:轴B:连杆C:活塞D:轴承98/bearing A:轴封B:机轴C:轴承D:轴套99/shaft seal A:轴衬B:轴环C:轴管D:轴封100/impeller A:轴杆B:螺旋桨C:轴弄D:叶轮101/ pillow A:轴枕B:轴座C:轴销D:轴柱102/tail bearing A:尾轴承B:连杆C:轴承D:轴承上瓦103/cargo winch A:起重机B:起货机C:绞盘机D:起锚机104/windlass A:起重机B:锚C:锚机D:起货机105/air conditioner A:冷空气B:空气箱C:空调D:气塞106/steering gear A:舵轮B:操作器C:齿轮D:舵机107/oil separator A:分油机B:油泵C:分离机D:油过滤器108/boiler A:火炉B:气缸C:活塞D:锅炉109/derrick A:吊杆B:轴杆C:吊绳D:锚110/generator A:电源开关B:造水机C:分油机D:发电机111/propeller A:发电机B:螺旋桨C:搅拌机D:叶轮112/fresh water generator A:发电机B:造水机C:水箱D:淡水机113/crane A:起动机B:起锚机C:起重机D:绞盘机114/ grab A:抓斗B:运粮机C:漏斗D:起货机115/funnel A:隧道B:烟囱C:水箱D:水管116/ mast A:吊杆B:大桅C:帆布D:连杆117/radar A:雷达B:导向仪C:测向仪D:车钟118/ water tank A:油罐B:水柜C:水房D:淡水机119/telegraph A:电话B:雷达C:电报机D:车钟120/ oil tank A:油柜B:水柜C:油泵D:水泵121/ oil pump A:油罐B:水柜C:油泵D:油柜122/ watertight door A:水门B:水密舱C:水房D:水密门123/ filter A:过滤器B:供油器C:空调D:淡水机124/ donkey boiler A:过滤器B:锅炉C:空调D:辅锅炉125/ refrigerator A:压缩机B:分油器C:增压器D:制冷机126/ alarm A:起动阀B:气缸C:警报器D:过滤器127/ lathe A:车刀B:车间C:车床D:刨床128/ emergency generator A:应急警报器B:应急造水机C:应急发电机D:应急调速器129/ boiler feed pump A:气缸给水泵B:锅炉给水泵C:锅炉水泵D:气缸水泵130/ ventilator A:通风机B:分油机C:空调D:过滤器131/turbocharger A:调速器B:调节器C:涡沦增压器D:加速器132/compressor A:增压器B:制冷机C:压缩机D:分油机133/ condenser A:冷凝器B:调速器C:滤油器D:加速器134/ capstan A:起货机B:压缩机C:起重机D:绞盘135/ pressure gauge A:温度表B:湿度计C:压力表D:转速表136/ governor A:调节器B:调速器C:警报器D:过滤器137/ auxiliary engine A:辅机B:主机C:热机D:内燃机138/ ventilator A:通风机B:分流机C:空调D:过滤器139/ incinerator A:锅炉B:发电机C:焚烧炉D:注油器140/ electric welding machine A:电热器B:电车床C:风焊机D:电焊机141/ turbine A:锅炉B:涡轮机C:加速器D:增压器142/ steam turbine A:蒸汽锅炉B:蒸汽增压机C:蒸汽加速器D:汽轮机143/ ballast pump A:压载泵B:压缩泵C:压水泵D:增压器144/ oil purifier A:分油机B:造水机C:加油器D:净油机145/ turning gear A:转轮B:涡轮C:飞轮D:盘车机146/exhaust valve A:吸入阀B:应急阀C:排气阀D:减压阀147/ anchor A:舵轮B:舵机C:缆桩D:锚148/ pilot lamp A:日光灯B:指示灯C:装货灯D:照明灯149/ monitor A:监控器B:遥控器C:加速器D:增压器150/ donkey boiler A:主机锅炉B:蒸汽锅炉C:辅助锅炉D:废水锅炉151/windlass A:绞盘B:起重机C:起货机D:起锚机152 air conditioner A:冷凝机B:空气箱C:气阀D:空调153/steering gear A:舵机B:操作轮C:齿轮D:舵轮154/ radiator A:雷达B:散热器C:放射D:电磁器155/ fan A:转轮B:风扇C:飞轮D:分机156/watertight door A:水密门B:水门C:水密舱D:水密阀157/ cabin A:船长B:船头C:船尾D:船舱158/ ladder A:借出B:电灯C:梯子D:雷达159/ injector A:喷嘴B:注射C:加油器D:增压器160/condenser A:调速器B:加速器C:冷凝器D:清洁器161/compass A:包括B:超越C:指南针D:电罗经162/grinding wheel A:舵轮B:砂轮C:车轮D:抛光机163/ M.E A:马达B:主机C:齿轮D:舵轮1/ emergency stop valve A、截止阀B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急泵2/ emergency fire pump A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急发电机3/ emergency generator A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急发电机4/ life boat engine A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、救生艇机D、应急空压机5/ emergency air compressor A、应急发电机B、舱底水泵C、停止阀D、应急空压机6 bilge pump A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、应急空压机7 oil water separator A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、应急空压机8 incinerator A、焚烧炉B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、压载水泵9 gas oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油10 heavy fuel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油11 diesel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油12 lube oil A、轻油B、重油C、润滑油D、柴油13 grease A、轻油B、油脂C、燃料油D、柴油14 fire extinguisher A、灭火器B、泡沫C、二氧化碳D、干粉15 CO2 system A、灭火器B、泡沫C、二氧化碳系统D、干粉16 FIRE ALARM A、灭火器B、火灾警报C、灭火系统D、救火泵17 dry powder A、灭火剂B、火灾警报C、灭火系统D、干粉18 hydrant A、灭火器B、消防栓C、灭火剂D、干粉19 foam A、消防皮龙B、消防栓C、泡沫D、干粉20 hoses A、灭火器B、消防栓C、泡沫D、消防皮龙21 M/E A、发电机B、停车C、主机D、锚机22 G/E A、发电机B、停车C、主车D、锚机23 A/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、柴油机24 D/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、直流电25 ALARM A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机26 FAULT A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机27 DUTY ENGINEER A、故障B、警报C、锚机D、值班轮机员28 rpm A、马力B、千瓦C、转/分D、故障29 H/P A、马力B、千瓦C、转/分D、故障30 M/V A、马力B、内燃机船C、转/分D、主机31 D/O A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油32 F/O A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油33 F/W A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油34 S/W A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油35 A/B A、开关B、水手C、人工D、自动36 ON A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动37 OFF A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动38 AUTO A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动39 MUNUAL A、开关B、人工C、运转D、自动40 RUNNING A、运转B、人工C、开关D、自动41 Standby engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车42 Dead slow ahead A、微速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退43 Slow ahead A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退44 Half ahead A、微速前进B、全速后退C、微速后退D、半速前进45 Full ahead A、慢速前进B、全速前进C、半速后退D、全速后退46 Slow ahead starboard A、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、左车微速后退D、右车半速后退47 Slow ahead portA、左车慢速前进B、左车微速前进C、右车微速后退D、右车半速后退48 Dead slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退49 Slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、慢速后退50 Half astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、半速后退51 Full astern A、全速后退B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速前进52 Half astern port A、左车慢速前进B、左车半速后退C、右车微速后退D、右车微速前进53 Half astern starboardA、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、右车半速后退D、左车半速后退54 Stop starboard A、右车停B、双车停C、主机定速D、左车停55 Slow ahead both enginesA、左车微速前进B、双车微速进C、主机定速D、右车微速进56 Full astern both engines A、双车全速退B、停车C、主机定速D、微速前进57 Stop engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车58 Ring off engines A、微速前进B、停车C、主机定速D、备车59 Finished with engine A、主机定速B、停车C、备车D、完车60 Emergency full astern A、主机定速B、停车C、双车停D、强速后退61 Port fifteen A、左15度B、右15度C、右50度D、左50度62 Starboard fifteen A、左15度B、右50度C、右15度D、左50度63 Port 10°A、左舵10 B、右舵10 C、左右舵10 D、右10度64 Starboard 5°A、左右舵5 B、右舵5 C、左5度D、左舵5。

海船船员-轮机部(航海英语)真题库二/5题 [单选题](江南博哥)Duties shall be so organized by the chief engineer officer that the first watch at the commencement of a voyage and the subsequent relieving watches are _______ and otherwise fit for duty.A well trainedB in good luckC in good healthD sufficiently rested正确答案: D题 [单选题]Who is in charge of the main engine?A The chief engineer.B The second engineer.C The third engineer.D The fourth engineer.正确答案: B/5题 [单选题]Who is in charge of the auxiliary engines?A The chief engineer.B The second engineer.C The third engineer.D The fourth engineer.正确答案: C/5题 [单选题]Who is in charge of the auxiliary boilers?A The chief engineer.B The second engineer.C The third engineer.D The fourth engineer.正确答案: D题 [单选题]According to STCW 78/95,the abilities specified in the standards of competence are grouped as seven functions at three levels of responsibility,which of the following is not one of the three levels?A Navigating level.B Management level.C Operational level.D Support level.正确答案: A/5题 [单选题]STCW Convention describes that _______ are laid down for the certification of engineer officers in charge of a watch in a traditionally manned engine room,or the designated engineer in a periodically unmanned engine room.A available minimum requirementsB available maximum requirementsC mandatory minimum requirementsD mandatory maximum requirements正确答案: C题 [单选题]The _______ Convention is the first to establish basic requirements on training,certification and watchkeeping for seafarers on an international level.A STCW 78B STCW 10C SOLAS 74D SOLAS 88正确答案: A题 [单选题]When deciding the composition of the engineering watch,which may include _______ appropriately,many factors shall be taken into account.A satisfied engineersB qualified ratingsC satisfied chief engineerD qualified chief engineer正确答案: B题 [单选题]When deciding the composition of the engineering watch,which may include appropriately qualified ratings,which of the following criteria shall be taken into account?①The type of ship;②The type and condition of the machinery;③The safety of life,ship,cargo and port;④The observance of international,national and local regulations.A ①②.B ②③.C ②③④.D ①②③④.正确答案: D题 [单选题]The maximum Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)rate on board shall not be more than _______ by weight any time when being tested.But watch-keepers are not allowed to drink any alcoholic beverage _______ before their watch.A 0.08%/4 hoursB 0.08%/2 hoursC 0.04%/4 hoursD 0.04%/2 hours正确答案: A/5题 [关联题]The CO₂ fire extinguishing installation may incorporate a smoke sampling system so that fire can be detected in the early stage at the smoke detecting cabinet,which is situated in the wheelhouse.Each cargo compartment is individually connected to the smoke detecting cabinet with small bore piping and,by a suction fan mounted on the wheelhouse roof,samples of the air in each cargo space are continually drawn up to the smoke detecting cabinet and discharged into the wheelhouse or the atmosphere through a diverting valve.Thus smoke from a fire in any cargo space can be immediately detected.The CO₂ fire extinguishing system may combine with _______ to detect fire in the early stage of fire development.A a smoke detecting systemB a wheelhouseC a cargo compartmentD a crew’s cabin正确答案: A/5题 [关联题]The CO₂ fire extinguishing installation may incorporate a smoke sampling system so that fire can be detected in the early stage at the smoke detecting cabinet,which is situated in the wheelhouse.Each cargo compartment is individually connected to the smoke detecting cabinet with small bore piping and,by a suction fan mounted on the wheelhouse roof,samples of the air in each cargo space are continually drawn up to the smoke detecting cabinet and discharged into the wheelhouse or the atmosphere through a diverting valve.Thus smoke from a fire in any cargo space can be immediately detected.The function of the smoke sampling system is _______.A to analyze smoke componentsB to detect fire in the early stageC to prevent the wheelhouse from catching a fireD to ventilate each cargo compartment正确答案: B/5题 [关联题]The CO₂ fire extinguishing installation may incorporate a smoke sampling system so that fire can be detected in the early stage at the smoke detecting cabinet,which is situated in the wheelhouse.Each cargo compartment is individually connected to the smoke detecting cabinet with small bore piping and,by a suction fan mounted on the wheelhouse roof,samples of the air in each cargo space are continually drawn up to the smoke detecting cabinet and discharged into the wheelhouse or the atmosphere through a diverting valve.Thus smoke from a fire in any cargo space can be immediatelydetected.According to this passage,which of the following statements is true?A The smoke sampling system consists of the CO₂ fire extinguishing installation and smoke detecting cabinet.B The smoke detecting cabinet is located on the wheelhouse roof.C The suction fan draws samples of the air from cargo spaces.D Samples of the air flow into the detecting cabinet at regular intervals.正确答案: C/5题 [关联题]The CO₂ fire extinguishing installation may incorporate a smoke sampling system so that fire can be detected in the early stage at the smoke detecting cabinet,which is situated in the wheelhouse.Each cargo compartment is individually connected to the smoke detecting cabinet with small bore piping and,by a suction fan mounted on the wheelhouse roof,samples of the air in each cargo space are continually drawn up to the smoke detecting cabinet and discharged into the wheelhouse or the atmosphere through a diverting valve.Thus smoke from a fire in any cargo space can be immediately detected.Which of the following devices does the smoke sampling system consist of?①Fire extinguishing installation;②Smoke detecting chamber;③Wheelhouse;④Cargo compartment;⑤Suction fan;⑥Diverting valve.A ①②⑤.B ②④⑤.C ③④⑥.D ②⑤⑥.正确答案: D题 [关联题]A variety of devices exist for detecting fires namely:(1)Smoke detectors based on the ionization principle or on the photoelectric cell principle;(2)Heat sensors;(3)Rate of temperature rise sensors;(4)Flame detectors. Each type has its merits and most systems will deploy two or more of the above types of devices depending on the space being protected. Within machinery spaces,ionization smoke detectors are generally considered the first line of defense.These devices monitor the electrical charge which occurs when combustion particles reach the charged space in the detector.So that the units can be readily tested as an indicator light is provided on the sensor body.This lights up in the presence of gas from a test canister or even from the fumes of a cigarette.Which of the following detectors are based on the charges or light principle?A Smoke detectors.B Heat sensors.C Temperature rising sensors.D Flame detectors.正确答案: A题 [单选题]If the PSCO is uncertain about the source of water pressuring during the inspection of fire main system.In such case,you can test the _______ for him.A fire main isolating valve on deckB engine room fire main isolating valveC engine room fire pumpD engine room general service pump正确答案: B题 [单选题]During the PSC inspection,under the provisions of SOLAS 74,which one may be regarded as“clear grounds”for ships’detainment?A Failure of proper operation of propulsion.B Paint peeling off the uptake.C No operation procedures for the oil separators.D Damaged sanitary pump.正确答案: A题 [单选题]During the PSC inspection,under the provisions of SOLAS 74,which of the following may not be regarded as“clear grounds”for ships’detainment?A Excess amount of oil/water mixtures in bilges.B Insulation of piping including exhaust pipes in engine room contaminated by oil.C Improper operation of bilge pumping arrangements.D A dirty footprint on the plate.正确答案: D题 [单选题]During the PSC inspection,under the provisions of SOLAS 74,which of the following may not be regarded as“clear grounds”for ships’detainment?A Failure of proper operation of emergency generator.B Insulation of piping including exhaust pipes in engine roomcontaminated by oil.C Improper operation of bilge pumping arrangements.D Leakage of the sanitary pump.正确答案: D题 [单选题]During the PSC inspection,under the provisions of SOLAS 74,which one may not be regarded as“clear grounds”for ships’detainment?A Failure of the proper operation of the auxiliary steering gear.B Failure of proper operation of electrical installations.C Leakage of domestic water pump.D Insulation of exhaust pipes in engine room contaminated by oil.正确答案: C题 [单选题]Who will be responsible for ensuring that a ship maintains a standard at least equivalent to that specified in international conventions?A Port State.B The Administration.C The shipowner.D The master.正确答案: B/5题 [单选题]Enhanced procedures concerning the exercise of _______ have been developed to allow intervention in the caseof deficiencies deemed to pose a danger to persons,property or the environment.A Port State ControlB Flag State ControlC fire and boat drillD safety inspection正确答案: A题 [单选题]The purpose of PSC is _______.A to check and inspect foreign shipsB to verify the condition of a ship in compliance with requirements of international conventionsC to fine shipsD to detain ships正确答案: B题 [单选题]The main purpose of Port State Control is not to _______.A prevent an unsafe ship proceeding to seaB prevent a ship threatening the marine environmentC fine the shipsD confirm a safe sailing正确答案: C题 [单选题]If the PSCO from general impressions orobservations on board has _______ for believing that the ship,its equipment or its crew do not substantially meet the requirements,the PSCO should proceed to a more detailed inspection.A “clean report”B “serious deficiencies”C “clear grounds”D “detention report”正确答案: C题 [单选题]If an incorrect entry were made in the Oil Record Book,you should _______.A erase the entry and rewrite itB notify the ship’s officer in chargeC completely black it out and make the correct entry alongsideD draw a single line through the wrong entry and initial it正确答案: D题 [单选题]The Garbage Record Book,as a part of the ship’s Official Logbook,shall be kept on board and preserved for a period of _______.A 3 years after making the first entryB 2 years after the last entryC 3 months after the last entryD 3 years after the last entry正确答案: B题 [单选题]Which of the following operations must be entered on the Oil Record Book Part Ⅰ?①Routine discharge at sea of bilge water containing oil from the machinery spaces;②Bunkering of fuel oil.A ① only.B ② only.C Both ① and ②.D Neither ① nor ②.正确答案: C题 [单选题]Which of the following operations need NOT to be entered on the Oil Record Book Part Ⅰ?①Routine discharge at sea of bilge water containing oil from the machinery spaces through strainers;②Bunkering of fuel oil.A ① only.B ② only.C Both ① and ②.D Neither ① nor ②.正确答案: D题 [单选题]Which of the following operations need NOT to be entered on the Oil Record Book Part Ⅰ?①Disposal of oil residues;②Internal transfer of fuel oil.A ① only.B ② only.C Both ① and ②.D Neither ① nor ②.正确答案: B题 [单选题]Administrations should bear in mind the significance of _______ in maintaining safety of life and property at sea and in preventing marine pollution.A advanced nautical equipmentB advanced main engine’s performanceC emergency equipmentD communication and language skills正确答案: D/3题 [单选题]When a ship is involved in an oil pollution incident in China,the ship must report without delay to_______.A China Maritime AdministrationB the CompanyC the cargo ownerD the Flag State正确答案: A/3题 [单选题]Which statement is TRUE concerning minor oil spills?A They may cause serious pollution as the effect tends to be cumulative.B They usually disappear quickly.C They usually stay in a small area.D A small spill is not dangerous to sea life in the area.正确答案: D/3题 [单选题]Which statement is TRUE concerning minor oil spills?A They may cause serious pollution as the effect tends to be cumulative.B They usually disappear quickly.C They usually stay in a small area.D A small spill is not dangerous to sea life in the area.正确答案: D/3题 [单选题]Which statement is TRUE concerning minor oil spills?A They may cause serious pollution as the effect tends to be cumulative.B They usually disappear quickly.C They usually stay in a small area.D A small spill is not dangerous to sea life in the area.正确答案: D/5题 [单选题]_______,where minor repairs are carried out with a ship in service,is/are often carried out during a stay in port.This may be remote from a ship repair site.A Voyage repairB Damage repairsC Routine dockingD Conversion正确答案: A题 [单选题]What is NOT true of annual repair?A It is carried out once a year.B It is a minor repair.C It is done according to the requirements of Registration Bureau.D It is carried out during stay in a port of call.正确答案: D题 [单选题]Preventive maintenance _______.A should not be carried out during the watchesB can only be carried out in portC is a kind of maintenance carried out prior to the occurrenceD is a kind of maintenance carried out after the occurrence正确答案: C题 [单选题]During the inspection,the starting air valves should be closed _______ the engine from turning.A to increaseB to preventC to speed upD to reduce正确答案: B/5题 [单选题]Which of the listed items should be secured before performing any maintenance on a solenoid operated air start valve?A Electric power and starting air.B Lube oil standby pump and control air.C Hydraulic switch and engage jacking gear.D Motor drain and pneumatic control system power.正确答案: A/5题 [单选题]Usually _______ handles the majority of the correspondence and negotiation needed during transactions of stores and spare parts in the engine department.A the chief engineerB the second engineerC the third engineerD the fourth engineer正确答案: A题 [单选题]Generally speaking,the agent can provide many services on board except _______.A port shippingB mailC banking serviceD recruiting seaman正确答案: D/5题 [单选题]Generally speaking,who will you turn to when there is a problem during accepting stores from ashore?A Bridge.B Captain.C The second engineer and the third engineer.D The chief engineer.正确答案: C4 /5题 [单选题]A/An _______ is the documentary attestation for the delivery of stores and spare parts.A engine logbookB delivery docketC store bookletD maintenance book正确答案: B/5题 [单选题]A/An _______ is the documentary attestation for the delivery of stores and spare parts.A informative noteB consignment noteC store bookletD maintenance book正确答案: B/5题 [单选题]Which of the following conditions indicates the dilution of diesel engine lube oil by fuel oil?A Water discharging from the water outlet of the lube oil purifier.B Fuel oil discharging from the water outlet of the lube oil purifier.C Lube oil discharging from the water outlet of the lube oil purifier.D A change in the lube oil viscosity.正确答案: D/5题 [单选题]Under normal conditions,the main source of crankcase oil contamination is attributed to _______.A metal particles loosened by wearB air when air cleaners are not usedC condensation of water vaporsD breakdown of the lubricating oil by dilution正确答案: D题 [单选题]Which of the following conditions is most likely to occur when unburned fuel contaminates the crankcase of a diesel engine?A Lube oil is diluted and its viscosity is reduced.B Sulfuric acid is formed.C Bearings become pitted ad immediately fail.D Valve stems develop sludge deposits.正确答案: A/5题 [单选题]Lubricating oil viscosity in all operating diesel engine can be reduced by _______.A increasing cooling water flowB increasing lube oil flowC dilution by fuel oilD adding SAE 70 oil正确答案: C5 /5题 [单选题]oil oxidation,as a result of excessively high lube oil temperature,is harmful to a diesel engine because _______.A oil foaming will occurB large quantities of oil are consumedC lube oil viscosity is always decreasedD corrosive by-products are usually formed正确答案: D题 [单选题]The lowest temperature at which the vapor formed from a liquid ignites and continues to burn steadily in the presence of an ignition source is called the _______.A flash pointB fire pointC upper explosive limitD lower explosive limit正确答案: B题 [单选题]The percentage of impurities in a specific fuel oil sample is determined by _______.A settling in a fuel tankB testing in a laboratory centrifugeC burning in a calorimeterD testing in a dosed cup正确答案: B3 /5题 [单选题]What should we do if the oil spill occurs?A Stop the pump first.B Report to the chief engineer.C Inform the bridge.D Take oil samples.正确答案: A题 [单选题]Small oil spills on deck can be kept from going overboard by _______.A plugging the scuppersB driving wooden plugs into the ventsC closing the lids on the ventsD plugging the sounding pipes正确答案: A题 [单选题]You should be most concerned about a possible explosion or fire in fuel tanks _______.A during fueling when the fuel first strikes the tank bottomB during fueling when the fuel strikes fuel already in the tankC when underway as the fuel is moved by wave actionD shortly after fueling when fuel vapors gather正确答案: A/5题 [单选题]Among the following equipment,which belongs to the life saving appliances?①Lifeboats;②Fire axes;③Self-contained breathing apparatus;④Life buoys;⑤Emergency generator;⑥Breathing apparatus air compressor.A ①④⑤.B ①③⑥.C ③④⑤.D ④⑤⑥.正确答案: A全站正确率为 0.00%/5题 [单选题]If you continue to wear extra clothing when entering the water after abandoning your vessel,it will_______.A weigh you downB preserve body heatC reduce your body heatD make it more difficult to breathe正确答案: B题 [单选题]In the first 24 hours after abandoning a vessel,water should be given only to personnel who are _______.A thirstyB sick or injuredC wetD awake正确答案: B4 /5题 [单选题]Seawater may be used for drinking water _______.A at a maximum rate of two ounces per dayB after mixing with an equal quantity of fresh waterC if gather during or immediately after a hard rainD under no circumstance正确答案: D/5题 [单选题]If you are forced to abandon ship in a rescue boat,you should _______.A remain in the vicinity of the vesselB head for the nearest landC head for the closest sea lanesD have an all hands vote on what to do题 [单选题]To use a portable CO₂ fire extinguisher,you must first _______.A turn the tank upside downB pull the locking pinC open the valve on the side of the tankD shake thoroughly正确答案: B题 [单选题]When the general alarm is sounded continuously,the engine room personnel should _______.A proceed to their man overboard stationsB start the fire pumpC put on lifejackets and go to their abandon ship stationsD secure the propulsion diesel engines and evacuate the engine room正确答案: B题 [单选题]Which of the following actions should be taken by the engine room watch when the general alarm is sounded continuously?A The fire pump should be started.B The boiler fires should be secured.C The fixed CO₂ system should be initiated into action.D The engine room ventilation should be secured./5题 [单选题]While on watch in the engine room,you hear a continuous sounding of the general alarm.Which of the following actions should you take FIRST?A Secure the burners then proceed to your assigned boat station.B Start the fire pump and establish flow to the fire main.C Open the guardian valve and standby to maneuver.D Open the master control valves on the fixed CO₂ system.正确答案: B/5题 [单选题]While on watch in the engine room,you hear a continuous sounding of the general alarm.Which of the following actions should you take?A Make an entry in the official logbook.B Open the master control valves on the fixed CO₂ system.C Start the fire pump and check discharge pressure.D Secure auxiliary condenser overboard discharge.正确答案: C。

船员实用英语题库及答案1. 题目: What is the meaning of the term "dead in the water"in the context of maritime navigation?答案: "Dead in the water" refers to a situation where a vessel is unable to move due to engine failure or other reasons, causing it to be stationary in the water.2. 题目: What does the phrase "clear the channel" mean when used by a ship's crew?答案: "Clear the channel" is a command or a statement indicating that the waterway is free of obstructions and is safe for other vessels to pass through.3. 题目: Explain the term "port side" in maritime terminology.答案: "Port side" is the left side of a ship or a boatwhen facing the bow (the front of the vessel). It is one ofthe cardinal points of the compass used for navigation and orientation on the ship.4. 题目: What is the significance of the term "starboard" in maritime communication?答案: "Starboard" refers to the right side of a ship orboat when facing the bow. It is used for navigation, orientation, and communication about the position of objectsor actions relative to the vessel.5. 题目: Define "aft" in the context of a ship.答案: "Aft" is a term used to describe the rear part of aship. It is used to indicate direction towards the stern or to refer to a location at the back of the vessel.6. 题目: What does "underway" mean in maritime language?答案: "Underway" means that a ship is in motion, not at anchor or docked. It indicates that the vessel is currently sailing or moving through the water.7. 题目: Explain the term "lee side" in nautical terms.答案: "Lee side" is the side of a ship that is sheltered from the wind. It is the opposite of the "windward side," which faces into the wind.8. 题目: What is meant by "laying a course" on a ship?答案: "Laying a course" refers to the process of setting a specific direction or route for a vessel to follow, typically using navigational instruments and charts.9. 题目: What does the term "stand by to make fast" indicate to the crew?答案: "Stand by to make fast" is a command given to the crew to prepare to secure the ship, usually when approaching a dock or anchoring.10. 题目: Define "knot" as it is used in maritime navigation.答案: A "knot" is a unit of speed used in maritime and aviation contexts, equivalent to one nautical mile per hour. One nautical mile is approximately 1.852 kilometers.11. 题目: What is the meaning of "over the side" in a maritime context?答案: "Over the side" refers to something being thrown, dropped, or falling off the edge of a ship into the water.12. 题目: Explain the term "belay" in nautical usage.答案: "Belay" is a command used to indicate that an order should be disregarded or that a task should be stopped immediately.13. 题目: What does "heave to" mean in maritime language?答案: "Heave to" is a maneuver to bring a sailing vessel to a near stop while maintaining steerage, often used in heavy weather or when waiting for another vessel.14. 题目: Define "trim" as it relates to a ship's sails.答案: "Trim" refers to the adjustment of a sail'sposition relative to the wind to optimize its efficiency in propelling the vessel.15. 题目: What is the meaning of "set a course" in nautical terms?答案: "Set a course" means to establish the direction or path a ship will take, typically determined by the ship's heading and speed.16. 题目: Explain the term "bow" in the context of a ship.答案: "Bow" is the front part of a ship or boat, where the vessel first encounters the water when moving forward.17. 题目: What does "stern" indicate on a ship?答案: "Stern" is the rear part of a ship or boat, opposite the bow, and often contains the steering mechanismsand the rudder.18. 题目: Define "beam" in maritime terminology.答案: "Beam" refers to the width of a ship at its widest point, perpendicular to the centerline.19. 题目:。

海员水手英语考试单词1、Obviously they didn’t see the significance of the plan. That is()the problem lies. [单选题] *A. where(正确答案)B. whyC. /D. how2、—What’s the matter with that boy?—______.()[单选题] *A. He is watching TV in his roomB. He takes his temperatureC. He was playing a toy carD. He hurt his right leg(正确答案)3、Hurry up,?or we’ll _______ class. [单选题] *A. be late for(正确答案)B. late forC. late withD. be late with4、Jim is a(n) _______. He is very careful and likes to work with numbers. [单选题] *A. secretaryB. tour guideC. accountant(正确答案)D. English teacher5、He was?very tired,so he stopped?_____ a rest. [单选题] *A. to have(正确答案)B. havingC. haveD. had6、Tony wants _______ a job as a language teacher in China. [单选题] *A. findB. findingC. to find(正确答案)D. to be found7、Grandpa pointed to the hospital and said, “That’s _______ I was born?”[单选题] *A. whenB. howC. whyD. where(正确答案)8、—Why do you look so ______?—Our team won the basketball match!()[单选题] *A. angryB. excited(正确答案)C. nervousD. unfair9、Almost every one of us could see her anxiety from the()on her face. [单选题] *A. appearanceB. feelingC. movementD. expression(正确答案)10、These apples smell _____ and taste ______. [单选题] *A. well; wellB. good; good(正确答案)C. well; goodD. good; well11、He always found it hard to satisfy himself. [单选题] *A. 控制B. 满足(正确答案)C. 了解D. 批评12、91.—Do you live in front of the big supermarket?—No. I live ________ the supermarket ________ the post office. [单选题] *A.across; fromB.next; toC.between; and(正确答案)D.near; to13、Sitting at the back of the room()a very shy girl with two bright eyes. [单选题] *A. is(正确答案)B. areC. hasD. there was14、The little girl held _____ in her hand. [单选题] *A. five breadsB. five piece of breadsC. five piece of breadD. five pieces of bread(正确答案)15、( ) It tells what is going on ___the county and all____the world. [单选题] *A. across; over(正确答案)B. all; acrossC. in; inD.to; for16、The notice put _______ on the wall says “No Smoking”. [单选题] *A. up(正确答案)B. offC. awayD. out17、If you pass your exams, we’ll have a party to celebrate. [单选题] *A. 宣布B. 发表C. 解放D. 庆祝(正确答案)18、I used to take ____ long way to take the bus that went by ____ tunnel under the water. [单选题] *A. a, aB. a. theC. a, /(正确答案)D. the, a19、42.—________ meat do you want?—Half a kilo. [单选题] *A.How much(正确答案)B.How manyC.WhatD.Which20、—Do you like to watch Hero?—Yes. I enjoy ______ action movies. ()[单选题] *A. watchB. watching(正确答案)C. to watchD. watches21、( ) The salesgirls in Xiushui Market have set a good example______us in learning English. [单选题] *A. to(正确答案)B. forC. withD. on22、There are many beautiful _______ in the wardrobe. [单选题] *A. bookB. dresses(正确答案)C. cell phoneD. grocery23、Everyone here is _______ to me. [单选题] *A. happyB. wellC. kind(正确答案)D. glad24、53.On your way home, you can buy some fruit, meat, vegetables and ________. [单选题] *A.something else(正确答案)B.else somethingC.everything elseD.else everything25、—Can you play tennis? —______, but I’m good at football.()[单选题] *A. Yes, I can(正确答案)B. Yes, I doC. No, I can’tD. No, I don’t26、The Internet is an important means of()[单选题] *A. conversationB. communication(正确答案)C. speechD. language27、You should finish your homework as soon as possible. [单选题] *A. 赶快地B. 尽能力C. 一...就D. 尽快地(正确答案)28、I often _______ music from the Internet. [单选题] *A. download(正确答案)B. spendC. saveD. read29、I want something to eat. Please give me a _______. [单选题] *A. bookB. watchC. shirtD. cake(正确答案)30、—Could you take out the rubbish, Jim?—______. I have too much homework to do. You can ask Sally to do it. ()[单选题] *A. Sorry, I can’t(正确答案)B. No problemC. I disagreeD. No, thanks。

1. Vessel - 船舶2. Engine room - 机舱3. Maintenance - 维护4. Repair - 修理5. Inspection - 检查6. Equipment - 设备7. Pump - 泵8. Generator - 发电机9. Boiler - 锅炉10. Valve - 阀门11. Fuel - 燃料12. Lubrication - 润滑13. Engine - 发动机14. Cylinder - 气缸15. Piston - 活塞16. Crankshaft - 曲轴17. Air compressor - 空压机18. Control panel - 控制面板19. Safety procedures - 安全程序20. Emergency - 紧急情况作为一名海员机工,我们的主要职责是负责机舱的维护和修理工作。

海员机工考试英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is the correct way to spell the word "maintenance"?A. MaintananceB. MaintenenceC. MaintenenceD. Maintenance答案:D2. The term "deadweight" refers to:A. The maximum weight a ship can carryB. The weight of the ship without cargoC. The weight of the cargo onlyD. The total weight of the ship including cargo答案:A3. What does the abbreviation "SOLAS" stand for?A. Society of Load and Load AfloatB. Safety of Life at SeaC. Standard Operating Load and Load AfloatD. Ship Operations and Load Afloat答案:B4. Which of the following is not a type of marine fuel?A. Heavy fuel oilB. Marine gas oilC. Liquefied natural gasD. Unleaded gasoline答案:D5. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is responsible for:A. Regulating the global shipping industryB. Providing maritime educationC. Conducting marine researchD. All of the above答案:A6. What is the primary function of a lifebuoy?A. To provide a source of lightB. To be used as a signaling deviceC. To assist in rescuing a person overboardD. To store emergency rations答案:C7. The term "GMDSS" stands for:A. Global Maritime Data SystemB. Global Maritime Distress and Safety SystemC. Global Maritime Development SystemD. Global Maritime Delivery System答案:B8. What is the purpose of a bilge pump on a ship?A. To pump water from the bilges to maintain the ship's stabilityB. To cool the ship's engineC. To clean the ship's deckD. To transfer fuel between tanks答案:A9. The term "LOA" when referring to a ship, stands for:A. Length of ArrivalB. Length of AgreementC. Length Over AllD. Length of Approval答案:C10. Which of the following is not a navigational aid?A. BuoyB. LighthouseC. RadarD. Compass答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The _______ is the part of the ship's hull that is in contact with the water.答案:hull2. The term "draft" refers to the _______ of a ship's hull that is submerged in water.答案:depth3. A _______ is a device used to measure the depth of water. 答案:sounder4. The _______ is the highest point of a ship's structure above the waterline.答案:mast5. The _______ is a device used to measure the speed of a ship through the water.答案:log6. The _______ is the area on a ship where cargo is loaded and unloaded.答案:cargo hold7. A _______ is a rope used to secure a ship to a dock or another ship.答案:hawser8. The _______ is the part of the ship's deck where the crew works.答案:forecastle9. The _______ is a device used to communicate with other ships and shore stations.答案:radio10. The _______ is a type of knot used to secure a rope to a fixed object.答案:cleat hitch三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. What are the main functions of a ship's engine room?答案:The main functions of a ship's engine room include generating power for propulsion, providing mechanical energy for various onboard systems, and maintaining the ship's operational efficiency.2. Explain the importance of regular maintenance of a ship's hull.答案:Regular maintenance of a ship's hull is crucial for preventing corrosion, minimizing biofouling, ensuring the structural integrity of the vessel, and maintaining its hydrodynamic efficiency, which in turn affects fuel consumption and overall performance.3. What are the key components of a ship's navigation system? 答案:Key components of a ship's navigation system include the compass, radar, GPS, chart plotter, autopilot, and communication equipment such as VHF radios and satellite communication systems.4. Describe the role of a ship's life-saving equipment in emergency situations.答案:In emergency situations, a ship's life-saving equipment plays a critical role in ensuring the safety of the crew and passengers. This equipment includes lifeboats, life rafts, lifebuoys, lifejackets, and emergency signaling devices, which are designed to facilitate rescue operations and provide temporary survival support until help arrives.。

丙类英语机考题库大三副通用第一章航海基本知识1 Roll-on\roll-off ships are equipped withA cargo elevatorsB conveyor beltsC rampsD derricks and winches for cargo handling2 Permission is requested to pump out about 200 tons of clean sea ballast water forpurposes.A safe manningB trimmingC avoiding collisionD preventing pollution3 Who checks the bridge clock for accuracy each day?A Third officerB Second officerC Chief officerD Assistant officer4 Vessel must be duly qualified officers and crew.A.supplied withB.equipped byC.manned withD.fitted with5 The man in charge of a ship is He is responsible for the ship, her cargo and the safety of the crew.A.Chief officerB.Second OfficerC.Third OfficerD.Master6 -is the head of the deck department.A.The Chief OfficerB.The Second OfficerC.The Third OfficerD.The Master7 the Third officer’s duty is to when vessel is commanded under the pilot or captain.A operate the wheel and stand byB keep a lookout and operate steering gearC enter telegraph orders in the bell bookD operate the telegraph and enter telegraph orders in the bell book当船舶由引航员或船长指挥时,三副的职责是什么。

船员英文考试题及答案1. What is the term used to describe the movement of a ship from side to side?A) PitchingB) RollingC) YawingD) HeavingAnswer: B) Rolling2. Which of the following is not a type of navigational chart?A) PlanB) ProfileC) Sailing DirectionsD) All of the above are types of navigational chartsAnswer: D) All of the above are types of navigational charts3. What does the term "dead in the water" mean?A) The ship is stationary and not under commandB) The ship is sinkingC) The ship is moving very slowlyD) The ship is on fireAnswer: A) The ship is stationary and not under command4. What is the name of the device used to measure the speedof a ship through the water?A) LogB) CompassC) GyrocompassAnswer: A) Log5. What is the term for a ship's movement forward and backward?A) SurgeB) SwayC) RollD) PitchAnswer: A) Surge6. Which of the following is the correct term for the angle between the ship's keel and the vertical?A) TrimB) DraftC) HeelD) Metacentric heightAnswer: A) Trim7. What does the term "clearing the deck" mean in maritime terminology?A) Removing all obstacles from the deckB) Painting the deckC) Cleaning the deckD) Replacing the deckAnswer: A) Removing all obstacles from the deck8. What is the name of the device that measures the depth of water beneath a ship?A) AnemometerB) BarometerD) SextantAnswer: C) Echo sounder9. What is the term for the movement of a ship around its vertical axis?A) RollB) PitchC) YawD) HeaveAnswer: C) Yaw10. What does the term "under way" mean in relation to a ship?A) The ship is at anchorB) The ship is in portC) The ship is moving through the waterD) The ship is agroundAnswer: C) The ship is moving through the water结束语:以上是船员英文考试题及答案,希望能够帮助考生们更好地准备和理解相关的专业术语和概念。

1/captain A:海员B:大副C:船长D:水手长2/chief engineer A:大管轮B:管事C:机工D:轮机长3/motorman A:机工B:水手C:二副D:木匠4/sailor A:服务员B:水手C:三管轮D:海员5/chief officer A:大副B:二管轮C:管事D:水手长6/second engineer A:轮机长B:大管轮C:二管轮D:二副7/carpenter A:管事B:水手C:木匠D:二副8/third engineer A:三副B:服务员C:大管轮D:二管轮9/third officer A:三副B:三管轮C:二副D:二管轮10/seaman A:船长B:海员C:三副D:管事11/bridge A:大厅B:会议室C:驾驶台D:厨房12/cabin A:机舱B厕所C:驾驶台D:舱室13/smoking room A:吸烟室B:机舱C:锅炉房D:进口14/steering gear room A:出口B:舵机房C:机舱D:驾驶台15/engine room A:大厅B:物料间C:机舱D:厨房16/meeting room A:大厅B:吸烟室C:锅炉房D:会议室17/hospital A:医院B:浴室C:物料间D:泵间18/control room A:冷藏间B:控制室C:货舱D:空调间19/cargo hold A:物料间B:驾驶台C:货舱D:蔬菜间20/store room A:泵间B:控制室C:鱼肉间D:物料间21/crew A:全体船员B:船长C:管事D:服务员22/second officer A:三副B:二副C:大副D:水手23/bosun A:木匠B:海员C:水手长D:机工24/fourth engineer A:二管轮B:大管轮C:轮机长D:三管轮25/purser A:管事B:机工C:木匠D:水手26/steward A:医生B:服务员C:管事D:大副27/doctor A:服务员B:水手C:医生D:管事28/engineer A:机工B:二副C:船长D:轮机员29/officer A:驾驶员B:轮机员C:服务员D:船员30/motorman A:水手B:机工C:大副D:大管轮31/calipers A:卷尺B:扳手C:卡钳D:斧子32/pipe wrench A:榔头B:车床C:锯子D:管钳33/file A:锉刀B:台钳C:刨床D:刮刀34/hammer A:扳手B:榔头/铁锤C:车刀D:螺丝刀35/flexible ruler A:卡钳B:扳手C:管钳D:卷尺36/spanner A:扳手B:刮刀C:斧子D:车刀37/bench vice A:榔头B:台钳C:钻D:手电筒38/scraper A:车床B:斧子C:刮刀D:螺丝攻39/lathe A:台钳B:斧子C:刨床D:车床40/planer A:刨床B:车床C:斧子D:管钳41/turning tool A:锉刀B:车刀C:刮刀D:螺丝刀42/saw A:凿子B:斧子C:锯子D:台钳43/axe A:锯子B:钻C:斧子D:刨床44/drill A:卷尺B:榔头C:电焊机D:钻45/tap A:螺丝攻B:螺丝C:手电筒D:起吊工具46/electric welding machine A:风焊机B:电焊机C:螺丝刀D:螺丝攻47/gas welding machine A:手电筒B:牛油枪C:风焊机D:刮刀48/screw driver A:电焊机B:螺丝C:螺丝攻D:螺丝刀49/grease gun A:牛油枪B:手电筒C:起吊工具D:螺丝刀50/lifting gear A:螺丝刀B:起吊工具C:手电筒D:斧子51/flash light A:斧子B:牛油枪C:手电筒D:风焊机52/packing the knife A:车刀B:卡钳C:尺子D:盘根刀53/ruler A:尺子B:锯条C:砂轮D:车刀54/box spanner A:卡钳B:套筒扳手C:台钳D:环形扳手55/ring spanner A:套筒扳手B:活络扳手C:环形扳手D:车床56/adjustable spanner A:凿子B:环形扳手C:榔头D:活络扳手57/puncher A:冲床B:磨床C:车床D:刨床58/grinder A:冲床B:磨床C:刨床D:车床59/tool A:锉刀B:车床C:工具D:螺丝60/drill machine A:车床B:刨床C:冲床D:钻床61/two stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:吸气冲程D:压缩冲程62/four stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:压缩冲程D:吸气冲程63/suction stroke A:排气冲程B:压缩冲程C:吸气冲程D:做功冲程64//compression stroke A:压缩冲程B:排气冲程C:做功冲程D:吸气冲程65/exhaust stroke A:排气冲程B:压缩冲程C:做功冲程D:吸气冲程66/working stroke A:吸气冲程B:做功冲程C:压缩冲程D:排气冲程67/cylinder A:活塞B:十字头C:气缸D:曲柄68/cylinder liner A:气缸套B:气缸C:气缸盖D:气缸衬69/cylinder jacket A:气缸套B:填料箱C:扫气箱D:机架70/cylinder cover A:气缸衬B:气缸盖C:气缸套D:扫气口71/stuffing box A:活塞头B:扫气口C:填料箱D:排气口72/piston A:机座B:底座C:连杆D:活塞73/piston head A:活塞头B:活塞裙C:活塞杆D:活塞74/piston skirt A:活塞B:活塞裙C:活塞头D:活塞杆75/piston rod A:活塞B:活塞头C:活塞杆D:活塞裙76/crosshead A:曲柄B:活塞C:连杆D:十字头77/connecting rod A:连杆B:增压器C:底座D:排气口78/crank A:连杆B:曲柄C:主轴D:喷嘴79/propeller A:盘车机B:飞轮C:螺旋桨D:摇臂80/turbocharger A:喷嘴B:控制台C:操纵台D:涡轮增压器81/turning gear A:盘车机B:螺旋桨C:调节器D:飞轮82/fuel injection A:喷嘴B:喷油器C:注油器D:活塞头83/governor A:警报器B:调节器C:调速器D:喷油器84/regulator A:调速器B:喷油器C:警报器D:调节器85/alarm A:警报器B:调速器C:喷油器D:调节器86/frame A:柴油机B:机架C:气缸D:活塞87/crankshaft A:主轴B:曲柄C:曲轴D:主轴承88/main shaft A:曲轴B:轴承C:轴D:主轴89/cooling system A:冷却系统B:润滑系统C:燃油系统D:空气起动系统90/fuel oil system A:冷却期统B:燃油系统C:空气起动系统D:润滑系统91/bilge pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:船底排水泵D:水泵92/fire pump A:消防泵B:冷却水泵C:船底排水泵D:海水泵93/circulating pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:循环泵D:淡水泵94/oil pump A:消防泵B:油泵C:船底排水泵D:水泵95/ water feed pump A:供油泵B:污水泵C:压载泵D:供水泵96/ booster pump A:燃油泵B:柴油泵C:增压泵D:减压泵97/shaft A:轴B:连杆C:活塞D:轴承98/bearing A:轴封B:机轴C:轴承D:轴套99/shaft seal A:轴衬B:轴环C:轴管D:轴封100/impeller A:轴杆B:螺旋桨C:轴弄D:叶轮101/ pillow A:轴枕B:轴座C:轴销D:轴柱102/tail bearing A:尾轴承B:连杆C:轴承D:轴承上瓦103/cargo winch A:起重机B:起货机C:绞盘机D:起锚机104/windlass A:起重机B:锚C:锚机D:起货机105/air conditioner A:冷空气B:空气箱C:空调D:气塞106/steering gear A:舵轮B:操作器C:齿轮D:舵机107/oil separator A:分油机B:油泵C:分离机D:油过滤器108/boiler A:火炉B:气缸C:活塞D:锅炉109/derrick A:吊杆B:轴杆C:吊绳D:锚110/generator A:电源开关B:造水机C:分油机D:发电机111/propeller A:发电机B:螺旋桨C:搅拌机D:叶轮112/fresh water generator A:发电机B:造水机C:水箱D:淡水机113/crane A:起动机B:起锚机C:起重机D:绞盘机114/ grab A:抓斗B:运粮机C:漏斗D:起货机115/funnel A:隧道B:烟囱C:水箱D:水管116/ mast A:吊杆B:大桅C:帆布D:连杆117/radar A:雷达B:导向仪C:测向仪D:车钟118/ water tank A:油罐B:水柜C:水房D:淡水机119/telegraph A:电话B:雷达C:电报机D:车钟120/ oil tank A:油柜B:水柜C:油泵D:水泵121/ oil pump A:油罐B:水柜C:油泵D:油柜122/ watertight door A:水门B:水密舱C:水房D:水密门123/ filter A:过滤器B:供油器C:空调D:淡水机124/ donkey boiler A:过滤器B:锅炉C:空调D:辅锅炉125/ refrigerator A:压缩机B:分油器C:增压器D:制冷机126/ alarm A:起动阀B:气缸C:警报器D:过滤器127/ lathe A:车刀B:车间C:车床D:刨床128/ emergency generator A:应急警报器B:应急造水机C:应急发电机D:应急调速器129/ boiler feed pump A:气缸给水泵B:锅炉给水泵C:锅炉水泵D:气缸水泵130/ ventilator A:通风机B:分油机C:空调D:过滤器131/turbocharger A:调速器B:调节器C:涡沦增压器D:加速器132/compressor A:增压器B:制冷机C:压缩机D:分油机133/ condenser A:冷凝器B:调速器C:滤油器D:加速器134/ capstan A:起货机B:压缩机C:起重机D:绞盘135/ pressure gauge A:温度表B:湿度计C:压力表D:转速表136/ governor A:调节器B:调速器C:警报器D:过滤器137/ auxiliary engine A:辅机B:主机C:热机D:内燃机138/ ventilator A:通风机B:分流机C:空调D:过滤器139/ incinerator A:锅炉B:发电机C:焚烧炉D:注油器140/ electric welding machine A:电热器B:电车床C:风焊机D:电焊机141/ turbine A:锅炉B:涡轮机C:加速器D:增压器142/ steam turbine A:蒸汽锅炉B:蒸汽增压机C:蒸汽加速器D:汽轮机143/ ballast pump A:压载泵B:压缩泵C:压水泵D:增压器144/ oil purifier A:分油机B:造水机C:加油器D:净油机145/ turning gear A:转轮B:涡轮C:飞轮D:盘车机146/exhaust valve A:吸入阀B:应急阀C:排气阀D:减压阀147/ anchor A:舵轮B:舵机C:缆桩D:锚148/ pilot lamp A:日光灯B:指示灯C:装货灯D:照明灯149/ monitor A:监控器B:遥控器C:加速器D:增压器150/ donkey boiler A:主机锅炉B:蒸汽锅炉C:辅助锅炉D:废水锅炉151/windlass A:绞盘B:起重机C:起货机D:起锚机152 air conditioner A:冷凝机B:空气箱C:气阀D:空调153/steering gear A:舵机B:操作轮C:齿轮D:舵轮154/ radiator A:雷达B:散热器C:放射D:电磁器155/ fan A:转轮B:风扇C:飞轮D:分机156/watertight door A:水密门B:水门C:水密舱D:水密阀157/ cabin A:船长B:船头C:船尾D:船舱158/ ladder A:借出B:电灯C:梯子D:雷达159/ injector A:喷嘴B:注射C:加油器D:增压器160/condenser A:调速器B:加速器C:冷凝器D:清洁器161/compass A:包括B:超越C:指南针D:电罗经162/grinding wheel A:舵轮B:砂轮C:车轮D:抛光机163/ M.E A:马达B:主机C:齿轮D:舵轮1/ emergency stop valve A、截止阀B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急泵2/ emergency fire pump A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急发电机3/ emergency generator A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急发电机4/ life boat engine A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、救生艇机D、应急空压机5/ emergency air compressor A、应急发电机B、舱底水泵C、停止阀D、应急空压机6 bilge pump A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、应急空压机7 oil water separator A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、应急空压机8 incinerator A、焚烧炉B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、压载水泵9 gas oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油10 heavy fuel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油11 diesel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油12 lube oil A、轻油B、重油C、润滑油D、柴油13 grease A、轻油B、油脂C、燃料油D、柴油14 fire extinguisher A、灭火器B、泡沫C、二氧化碳D、干粉15 CO2 system A、灭火器B、泡沫C、二氧化碳系统D、干粉16 FIRE ALARM A、灭火器B、火灾警报C、灭火系统D、救火泵17 dry powder A、灭火剂B、火灾警报C、灭火系统D、干粉18 hydrant A、灭火器B、消防栓C、灭火剂D、干粉19 foam A、消防皮龙B、消防栓C、泡沫D、干粉20 hoses A、灭火器B、消防栓C、泡沫D、消防皮龙21 M/E A、发电机B、停车C、主机D、锚机22 G/E A、发电机B、停车C、主车D、锚机23 A/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、柴油机24 D/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、直流电25 ALARM A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机26 FAULT A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机27 DUTY ENGINEER A、故障B、警报C、锚机D、值班轮机员28 rpm A、马力B、千瓦C、转/分D、故障29 H/P A、马力B、千瓦C、转/分D、故障30 M/V A、马力B、内燃机船C、转/分D、主机31 D/O A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油32 F/O A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油33 F/W A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油34 S/W A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油35 A/B A、开关B、水手C、人工D、自动36 ON A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动37 OFF A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动38 AUTO A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动39 MUNUAL A、开关B、人工C、运转D、自动40 RUNNING A、运转B、人工C、开关D、自动41 Standby engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车42 Dead slow ahead A、微速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退43 Slow ahead A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退44 Half ahead A、微速前进B、全速后退C、微速后退D、半速前进45 Full ahead A、慢速前进B、全速前进C、半速后退D、全速后退46 Slow ahead starboard A、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、左车微速后退D、右车半速后退47 Slow ahead portA、左车慢速前进B、左车微速前进C、右车微速后退D、右车半速后退48 Dead slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退49 Slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、慢速后退50 Half astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、半速后退51 Full astern A、全速后退B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速前进52 Half astern port A、左车慢速前进B、左车半速后退C、右车微速后退D、右车微速前进53 Half astern starboardA、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、右车半速后退D、左车半速后退54 Stop starboard A、右车停B、双车停C、主机定速D、左车停55 Slow ahead both enginesA、左车微速前进B、双车微速进C、主机定速D、右车微速进56 Full astern both engines A、双车全速退B、停车C、主机定速D、微速前进57 Stop engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车58 Ring off engines A、微速前进B、停车C、主机定速D、备车59 Finished with engine A、主机定速B、停车C、备车D、完车60 Emergency full astern A、主机定速B、停车C、双车停D、强速后退61 Port fifteen A、左15度B、右15度C、右50度D、左50度62 Starboard fifteen A、左15度B、右50度C、右15度D、左50度63 Port 10°A、左舵10 B、右舵10 C、左右舵10 D、右10度64 Starboard 5°A、左右舵5 B、右舵5 C、左5度D、左舵5。

海洋航海货运海员常用英语单词词汇admiralty ①n.海军部②n.海事法,制海权③n.海军上将algorithm n.计算步骤,演算法,计算,算法cellulose n.纤维素chapter ①n.分会,分社②n.(书籍的)章,节complementary ①a.补足的,补充的②a.相互依赖的,互相依存的comprehensive ①a.内容多的,综合的,广泛的,广博的,全面的②a.有理解力的,容易理解的dampen n.使湿润,减弱demolish ①v.拆毁,破坏,消灭,推翻②v.拆船diagram ①n.图表,图解,简图,图②n.(关系)曲线图,线型图,传动图diagrammatic a.图解的,图示的,图表的discovery n.发现物,发现eaten a.鼠啮的,咬损的(批注)ecliptic ①n.黄道②a.黄道的electrolytic a.电解的enclose ①v.封闭,围住,环抱,包围,围绕②v.包装,封入③v.附在……后,附入furnish ①v.供应,供给,提供②v.陈设③v.配备,装备graphical 同graphichandbook n.手册,指南isothermal ①a.等温线的,等温的,恒温的②n.等温线,恒温线lateral ①n.排水沟,支管,支线,支渠②a.横向的,侧面的mention n.叙述,提到meteorology n.气象学,气候multiply ①v.倍增,乘②v.繁殖,增殖③ad.多重地,多倍地,并联地,多路地obscure ①a.模糊的,隐的,暗的,阴的②n.弄暗,使暗,遮蔽obsolete a.失去时效的,已不用的,废弃的,退化的page ①n.页数②n.记录③n.传呼,寻呼parallax n.视差predict v.推算,预见,预告,预报,预测,预言prediction ①n.推算,预计,预言,预报,预测,预告②n.性能初估recently ad.近来,最近reflective ①a.反射的,反映的②a.回顾的,深思的refraction ①n.折光,折射,曲折②n.蒙气差regional a.地方性的,地区的,区域的,局部的rinse n.冲洗,漂洗rotational a.循环的,轮流的,转动的,回转的,旋转的seldom ad.很少,不常significance ①n.意义,含义②n.重要性,有效性,显著性spherical a.球形的,天体的,球的steersman ①n.舵手,舵工②n.(木筏的)撑筏工人sunken ①a.凹下的,沉陷的,低的②a.水面下的,沉没的③a.水中的,水底的④a.(螺丝等)埋头的⑤v.sink过去分词textual a.文字上的,原文的theory n.原理,理论,学说yachtsman n.游艇驾驶员additional thrust ①辅助推进(力)②附加推力admiralty method (推算潮汐)英国法air bottle 压缩空气瓶,贮气瓶,空气瓶,气舱all around 包括各项费用,连同杂费apparent sun 视太阳boarding ladder 登船悬梯(软梯等)buoyage system 浮标装置celestial equator 天赤道celestial horizon (地心)真地平celestial observation 天文观测,天测certificated lifeboatman 持证艇员chart datum 海图基准水深,海图基准面cone shaped 圆锥形的deviation card 罗经自差图,自差表distress position 遇险位置drift effect 漂移效应dye marker 染色标记electric charge 电荷electrolytic corrosion 电化学腐蚀,电解腐蚀,电蚀engine noise ①发动机噪声②发动机噪音face mask 防毒面具,面罩flash signal 闪光信号floating debris 被抛弃的,漂浮碎屑,漂浮物(船)following current 顺流global coverage 全球波束覆盖范围harmonic method 调谐推潮法,调和法head current 逆流horizontal parallax (天体)地平视差,水平视差in doubt 怀疑in trouble 出故障inflatable raft 充气式求生筏,橡皮筏latitude line 东西向位置线,纬线light signal 灯光信号,炮光信号lower transit 下中天(天文)maintenance schedule 维修计划mariner's handbook 海员手册maritime buoyage 航海浮标maritime distress 海上遇险,海难mean sun 平太阳meteorological observation 气象观测nautical twilight 航海晨昏蒙影时间(晨光从太阳中心在真地平下12°到6°,昏影从太阳中心在真地平下6°到12°止)navigable channel 通航水道,航道operating line 工作线,操作线,作业线packing strip 曲径密封环,填密片preventer bar (救生艇架上装设的)保险杠radio telephone 无线电话reference datum 基准零点,参照基面,参照零点,基准面righting moment 复原力矩,稳性力矩,回复力矩,复正力矩,正浮力矩rotational speed 转速rubber packing 橡皮衬垫,橡皮填料,橡皮密封sea dye 指示色标(由沉没舰艇放出的用以指示沉没位置的标志)sealing strip 止水条,封密条ship's name 船名slow down ①减速,放慢②(市场)停滞,吊滞③(经济)衰退solar time 太阳时stowage location 配装位置tidal current 潮汐流,潮流tidal prediction 潮候推算,潮汐预报tidal stream ①潮汐流,潮流②感潮河段,有潮河段title page 标题页,里封面vertical circle ①地平经圈,方位圈②地平柱圆,垂直圆,竖直圈③(经纬仪的)垂直刻度盘voyage planning 航行计划water mark ①潮汐标尺,潮标②最高高潮痕,高潮线③水位标志④(钞票上的)水印⑤(船)吃水标志wind drift ①风生流,风成流(风吹成的水流)②气流偏差,风致偏移,风偏流③风的主流向admiralty tide tables 英版潮汐表carbon dioxide cylinder 二氧化碳灭火器compass deviation card 磁罗经自差卡片cone shaped bag 锥形袋,尖底袋full speed astern 全速倒车,后退三harmonic tidal analysis 潮汐调和分析maritime buoyage system 海上浮标系统parallel of altitude (天球上)等高圈parallel of declination 赤纬平行圈,赤纬圈tidal current tables 潮流表ADS|Additional Duty on Sugar 糖附加税CD|Calling Device 呼叫设备,拨号盘IALA|International Association of Lighthouse Authorities 国际灯标管理局协会NP|Name Plate 铭牌aero a.飞机的,航空的almanac ①n.天文历,航海历,历书②n.年鉴amphibious a.水陆两用的,两栖的appreciate ①v.估价,评价②v.欣赏,赏识③v.理解,重视④v.感谢,感激⑤v.升值astronomical a.天文学的,天体的,天文的azimuthal a.方位角的catalog n.商品目录,产品目录,产品样本,一览表,目录coco n.椰子树conformal a.相似的,保形的,保角的converge v.集中,汇合,收敛dead-reckoning ①航迹推算,船位推算,船位积算②猜测,捉摸depict v.描写,描述,表示distinguish ①v.作出成绩,获得成就,卓越,出众,杰出②v.区别,识别,辨别doubtful ①a.怀疑的②a.难决定的,含糊的,可疑的elapse v.(时间)过去,消逝guarantee ①n.保证书,担保②n.保证人illustration n.说明,注解,实例,图解,插图imperfection ①n.不完全,不完善,不健全②n.缺点,弱点,缺陷imperial a.(英国度量衡)法定标准的,英制的landmark ①n.岸标,陆标②n.(地)界桩,界标③n.显著标志midlatitude n.真中分纬度,中分纬度millimetre 同millimetermisplace n.v.装错,放错newly ad.最近,新近,重新observatory ①n.观测站,观测所,瞭望台②n.天文台,气象台oceanic ①a.海洋产的,海洋的②a.大量的orthographic a.正射投影的,垂直的,直角的polyconic a.多圆锥的,多锥体的preference ①n.选择,优先②n.优惠③n.特惠,优待④n.选择物⑤n.选择权,优先权print ①v.打印②v.印刷,出版,刊行③n.印记,痕迹④n.印刷品,出版物projection ①n.投影,放映②n.投射,发射③n.突出部分,凸出部分,突出物,伸出物④n.设计,计划⑤n.估计,推测,预测rectangular a.长方形的,矩形的,直角的reliance n.依赖revise v.校订,修改,校正,校阅revision ①n.改版,修正,校订,订正②n.修订版,修订本rhumb ①v.(指南针的)方位,罗盘方位②v.恒向线seamount n.海底锥形山(从海底上升1000m以上)semi-circle n.气旋半圆,半圆spoil ①n.损坏,破坏②v.使变坏,腐烂,腐坏③n.v.宠坏,溺爱④v.弃土,抛泥,排泥⑤n.煤矸石,矸子,废料⑥n.掘出物,掠夺品topography ①n.地势,地形,地貌②n.地形学,地志③n.冰貌update v.改进,修正,更新,校正cable area 海底电缆区calibration beacon 校正导标chart symbol 海图用符号circular radiobeacon 全向无线电指向标,环射无线电信标clear area 畅通航区,无碍航区,畅通区coast chart 沿岸海图,海岸图coastal chart 沿海海图conformal chart 等角投影海图,正形海图conformal projection 正形投影,等角投影conic projection 圆锥投影,锥顶射影conspicuous landmark 显著陆标correction card (仪表)校正卡,勘误表course angle ①航向角②舷角cylindrical chart 圆柱形投影海图cylindrical projection 柱面圆柱投影,圆柱投影data in 数据输入dead-reckoning position 推算船位,积算船位(不经风流压修正)entrance channel 进港航道,进口航道estimated course 预计航向,估计航向exercise area 演习区fall into ①(河流)流入,注入②下陷,陷入③分成类,属于fathom line 等深线flat slope 平缓坡度,缓坡general chart (海图)总图,总海图gnomonic chart 心射投影海图gnomonic projection 心射面切投影,心射投影harbor chart 海港航图,港区图heavy draught 深吃水hydrographic survey 海道测量,水道测量,河海测量isolated rock 孤立岩石,孤立礁latitude scale (海图上)纬度尺least depth 最小深度lighted buoy 发光浮标,灯浮longitude scale 经度比例尺marine surveying 海洋测量natural scale ①实物大小②(地图)自然比例尺,(海图)基准比例尺③正态比例,天然比例nautical almanac 航海天文历naval observatory (美国)海军气象天文台navigation area 航行海区,航区neat line ①界线,内图框(海图上指明某一地区的范围)②墙面交接线orthographic projection 正射投影,平行投影,正投影outer ring 外环,外圈polyconic projection 多圆锥投影(测量或海图制作不用)radar station 无线电台,雷达站radio transmitter 无线电发报机,无线电发射机,无线电发信机recommended track 推荐航路,推荐航线rectangular projection 等渐长率圆柱投影(星图的一种)rhumb line (罗经方位)恒向线,航向线running fix 异时观测定位,移线定位,航行定位sailing chart 航行图sea floor 海底sounding datum 海图深度基准面,测深基准面tide level 潮高,潮位top center 上止点transponder beacon 雷达反射信号台,雷达应答信标degree of latitude 纬度degree of longitude 经度error in bearing 方位误差great circle course 大圆航向great circle track ①大圆航迹②大圆航线lower low water (较)低低潮(在同日有两个低潮时较低的一个)point of arrival 到达点point of departure 启航点,起航点simple conic projection 单圆锥投影ENE|East North East 东北东(方位点)airmail ①n.航空邮件,航空信②n.航空邮寄cumulative a.积累的,渐增的,累计的deletion n.删去部分,删除事项,取消,删除demarcation n.划界,区划evaporate ①v.蒸发,汽化②v.脱水③v.消失,消散fashion ①n.流行,时尚,风格②n.形成,形式,方式,方法guidance ①n.领导,指挥②n.遥控,操纵,导航,制导③n.lately ad.近来,最近luminous a.明亮的,发光的,夜光的nominal ①a.有名无实的,名义上的,挂名的②a.公称的,标称的,额定的nowadays n.现在,如今omission n.疏忽,省略,遗漏orient ①v.使向东,定向②n.东方,东部periodic a.断断续续续的,间歇性的,周期的preliminary a.初级的,初步的,预备的,预先的publication ①n.发行,发表,公布,出版②n.出版物,书刊,刊物quarterly ①a.季度的②n.季刊remainder ①n.剩余部分,剩余物,剩余,残余,余料②n.(数学)余项,余数reprint v.重印,再版,翻印reproduction ①n.再生产,再现,再生②n.复制,繁殖rouge n.过氧化铁粉,红铁粉,铁丹roughly ad.概略地,粗糙地subscription ①n.预约,预订②n.订阅,认股③n.订阅费,预约费,预订费④n.(承担保险责任的)签署,署名telegraphy n.电报学,电报trawl ①v.用拖网捕捞,拖网捕鱼②n.拖网,曳绳adjoining chart 邻接海图admiralty chart 英版海图agree upon 对……取得一致意见,对……达成协议agree with 与……保持一致,适合,同意annual summary 年度汇编,年度摘要cumulative number 累计次数demarcation line 分界线fall off ①向下风②落下,坠下fish trap 渔栅,鱼网(固定陷鱼网)horseshoe buoy 马蹄形浮具inner ring 内环iron pipe 铁管latest information 最新资料luminous range 光达距离,光度视程,照明距离,光照距离medium size 中等尺寸,中型navigational data 航行资料new edition ①(书、刊物等的)新版②(海图)调制nominal range 额定光达距离(气象能见距离为10 n mail 时的光达距离)pipeline area (海底)管道区stand out ①浮出,显著,显眼②离岸向海上航驶③突出的,出色的④突出的事物visible range 能见距离free of charge 不承担费用,免费GEN|General ①一般的②总的GL|Gearless 无吊货索具R/T|Radio Telephone 无线电话STM|Storm 风暴WNG|Warning 警告,警报,报警WWNWS|World Wide Navigational Warning Service 世界航行警告业务assault v.冲击,作战,袭击,攻击,突击,强击attorney n.代理人,律师biennial a.二年一次的blot ①n.污点,污渍,瑕疵②n.污名③v.污损,弄脏④v.用吸墨纸吸干character ①n.特征,特性,性质②n.印刷符号,电码组合,字符,字母,文字,字体,字元closure ①n.关闭,封闭,停业②n.停止,终止,结束,截止,闭合③n.隔板,挡板,围墙④n.堵口⑤n.封闭器,(测绘)闭合差(金属罐)comment ①v.评述,评论,意见②v.注释,说明③v.鉴定deserter ①n.私自离船的船员,出走船员②n.逃亡者,叛逃者dismiss ①v.遣散②v.解雇③v.不考虑④v.解散⑤v.免职erase v.清除,消迹,删掉,消除,擦去,消降,抵消,消磁gasket ①n.垫密片,填密片,密封垫②n.捆帆绳,垫圈③n.衬垫,软垫,胶边,垫片herewith ad.此处inadmissible a.不能允许的,不能采纳的initiate ①v.创始,发起,倡议②v.启蒙,指引③v.引起,开始,着手journal ①n.记录,杂志,日志②n.日报,日记,日志③n.学报,期刊④n.航海日志⑤n.轴颈,枢opposition ①n.反对,对抗,相对②n.障碍③n.(天文)冲prudence ①n.谨慎,慎重②n.精明purser ①n.(商船上的)事务长,管事②n.(军舰上的)军需官,业务主任③n.会计员,出纳员pursue ①v.追随,追求,追②v.继续进行,实行,从事renew ①v.换新,更新②v.修复,恢复③v.重新启动④v.重新开始revocation n.撤销rewrite v.重写sense ①n.知觉,意义,含义②n.感受,感觉,观念③v.意识到,预感④v.传感,探测⑤v.判断,辨别technical a.工业的,专门的,技术的,专业的,工艺的write v.书写,记录,写入all's well 一切正常,没有事bell book 传令钟记录簿,车钟记录簿,车钟簿bulk vessel 散货船chronometer error 天文钟误差combustion engine 内燃机compass record 罗经数据记录deck log 甲板日志,航海日志deck watch ①甲板值班②航海比对表,天文钟比对表③船钟engine orders 车令oily ballast 含油压载水,油污压载水rough log 航海日志草本rough logbook 草本航海日志safe berth 安全泊位seaman's book 海员证second mate 二副shipping papers 货运文件smooth logbook 航海日志誊清本standing orders 常规命令take on ①担任,承办②装上,装入③承担,承受,雇用④采用,采取technical name (危险货物)技术名称third officer (轮船的)三副cargo record book 货物记录簿internal combustion engine 内燃机on and off ①断断续续地,不时,偶尔②通/断proper shipping name (危险货物)标准运输名称to be inspected 应予检查watch on deck 舱面值班END|Endorsed 批注的OOW|Officer on Watch 值班驾驶员V/L|Speed Length Ratio 速长比achieve v.到达,实现,完成administrator n.(港务)监督员,行政官员,管理人员advisory ①n.(气象)预报,报告②a.咨询的,劝告的attain v.达到,获得bergy n.冰块群,冰山群borrow ①v.错用,采用,借款,借②v.抵押③v.(船)更靠近(岸或风)④v.模仿contest n.争夺,争辩dewater n.排水,脱水,去水electrolyte ①v.电解②n.电解质,电解液excellent ①a.优秀的,精良的②n.信号强度impede ①v.阻抗②v.阻碍,妨碍intend v.企图,打算lend ①v.出借,贷与,借贷②v.提供,给予,借给,借出litter ①n.垃圾②n.废物乱扔membrane ①n.膜片,薄膜,粘膜,膜②n.(防渗)帷幕,防渗层,隔膜,隔板③n.振动片,光圈mismanagement n.管理失误,管理不当oceanographic a.海洋学的phenomena n.(phenomenon的复数)retest v.重新试验,再试验shoal ①a.水浅的②n.沙洲,浅滩(常指水深20m以内区域)③n.鱼群④v.变浅,回淤⑤v.群集,成群shuga n.(大量聚集的海绵状不透明白色)小冰块spicule n.针形物;n.(海上的)针形冰symmetric ①a.对称的②n.对位的(化学)team ①n.队,组②v.组成队,合作,协作③v.用畜队运torch ①n.手电筒,手提灯,火炬②n.切割器,焊枪,喷灯,气炬washer ①n.洗涤器,洗衣机②n.垫圈,垫片,衬垫wrench ①n.扳子,扳钳,扳手②v.扳紧,扭转,拧③n.歪曲alongside towing 并列拖带,舷拖,傍拖,绑拖bergy bit 中型冰山(面积约100~300m2,一般高出水面1~5m)boat hook 艇用金属钩,吊艇钩,钩篙boom stowage 吊杆安放broken case ①破损箱②已拆箱coastal state 沿海国家,沿海国cutting torch ①切割焰,割炬②切割焰吹管damaged ship 受损船,破损船deck gang 舱面人员,舱面水手draw span 开合桥跨,开合桥孔emergency light 应急灯emergency shutdown 紧急停机,事故停车emergency steering 应急操舵装置,应急操舵emergency stop 紧急停车hand steering 人力操舵,手操舵improper stowage 码垛不良,装载不良,配载不当(批注)insufficient packing 包装不足,包装不固,包装不良(批注)lower hold 下层舱,底舱mooring pattern 系泊缆布局oceanographic phenomena 海洋现象pass by (时间)流逝,绕过,推移pivoting point 枢轴点,支枢点,旋转点,轴尖,支点,枢心shoal water 浅水区spanner wrench 活络扳手starboard anchor 右首锚,右舷锚weather advisory 气象通报,天气预报weigh anchor ①起锚,起航,开船②快点,加油③离开emergency steering station 应急操舵部位let go anchor 抛锚,下锚matter of fact 实事求是的,注重实际的,不加渲染的,平铺直叙的steer clear of 避开……行驶L/T|Long Ton 长吨(2240lb)achievement ①n.成就,成果,业绩②n.达到,完成audit ①n.v.稽核,查账,核算②n.v.审查,审计③n.v.清算,决算basin ①n.水盆,盆②n.港池,港湾,内湾,船坞③n.船模试验池,试验水池④n.海底盆地⑤n.(港口码头的)水域,流域,水坑,地区breach ①n.缺口,裂口②n.破坏(合同等),扰乱(治安),违反(法律)③n.(通往烟筒的)烟道导管④n.攻破,击破,突破⑤n.冲击船的波浪,波浪的碎溅,碎浪,激浪,大浪,波涛camera ①n.(电视)摄像机,照相机②n.小箱,暗箱compliance ①n.符合②n.服从,依从,遵从③n.(弹性)应变率,柔度,柔量despatch 同dispatchdispatch ①n.v.(货物)疏运,调度,派遣②n.快信,急信,专电③n.迅速办理,速办④n.v.(装卸)速遣duly ad.正好地,恰好地,及时地electrician n.电气技术员,电机员,电工,大电hereunder n.在此immovable a.固定的,不动的,坚定的implementation ①n.履行,实施过程,执行过程(契约、诺言等)②n.补充,补给③n.器具,工具,仪器import ①v.进口,输入,引进,引入②n.进口商品,进口货③v.意味着,说明,表明inadequate a.不适当的,不充分的,不充足的,不够的incompetent ①a.不胜任的,不称职的,无资格的,不够格的②a.无力的,无能的③a.(岩层等)软的,弱的legislation ①n.法律②n.立法③n.法规,法制lien n.(对货物、船舶的)留置权,扣押权mechanic ①n.机工,机匠②n.机械员,技术员③a.手工的,机工的nationality ①n.国籍②n.船籍non-conformity ①n.不合格项,不合格②n.不整合(地质)promise ①v.承诺,同意,答应②v.希望,前途③v.有……的希望,有……的可能prostitute n.妓女reliability n.可靠度,可靠性resource ①n.手段,方法②n.资源,储藏③n.办法,对策sightseeing n.浏览,观光steward ①n.(船上的)服务员,事务员,乘务员,管事②n.(团体的)干事,伙食管理员toilet n.卫生间,盥洗室,厕所,浴室unmoor ①v.离码头,离浮筒,解缆,起锚,离泊②v.(双锚停泊时)改泊单锚unsafe a.不安全的,危险的upkeep v.维护,保养waiver n.放弃,弃权withdraw ①v.使退出,脱离,拆卸②n.缩回,撤回,撤销③v.(液体)吸出,抽出④v.吊(缸)alarm system 警报系统assistant officer 助理驾驶员,驾驶助理员,驾助carrying ship (互有责任碰撞条款中的)承运船chief steward (船上)服务员领班,服务员组长,事务长collision clause (船)碰撞责任条款compliance with 与……保持一致,遵守……designated person 指定代表,受命官员dispatch money 速遣费environmental protection 环境保护intermediate port 中途港lee quarter 下风船尾leeward side 背风面,下风面local port 当地港口,地方港口,小港maritime industry 海洋业,海运业,航运业maritime lien 海上留置权,海上优先权,抵偿权on account 用分期付款的办法,用赊购的办法,先付,暂付operational failure 运转故障port authority 港务管理机关,港口当局pro rata 按比例,成比例(拉丁语)reefer cargo 冷藏货refrigeration machinery 制冷机,冷冻机,致冷机safe operation 安全运行,安全操作,安全作业shifting berth 移泊ship's clock 船钟tool pusher 指挥员,领班wash basin 洗脸盆,脸盆certificate of nationality (船的)国籍证书engineer in charge 主任工程师,总工程师in spite of 不管,不顾internal safety audits 内部安全审核,内审on account of ①因为,由于②在……账号上on the quarter 在船尾舷部,在船舷pro rata freight 按比例计算运费,比例运费safety at sea 海上安全shore based support 岸基支持sudden operational failure 突然运转失灵ISM|Intercontinental Strategic Missile 洲际战略导弹SMS|Safety Management System 安全管理体系USCG|United States Coastguard 美国海岸警备队abort ①n.异常结束②v.流产③v.终止,中断alteration ①n.变换,更改,变更②n.改建,改装③n.蚀变(地质)④n.修改,改动(设计或图纸等)amendment ①n.改正量,修正量,改善②n.修正,修订,改正③n.修正案concept ①n.概念,方案,规划②v.打算,设想,构思coordinate ①a.同级的,并列的,同位的,同等的,坐标的②v.协作,调整,协调,调度③v.坐标disclose ①v.揭开,揭示,公开,明告②v.泄露,揭露,露出,拆开fulfillment n.完成,执行,履行,实现functional a.符合使用要求的,有作用的,作用的,功能的,函数的illegal ①a.不合法的,违法的②a.非法的impression ①n.(硬度试验的)印痕,压痕,盖印,印记,压印②n.模膛,模槽③n.感应,影响,效果,印象④n.(书的)版本,印刷次数inference n.推理,推论,论断,推断irrespective a.不考虑的,不论的,不顾的justification ①n.n.理由,辩护③n.图文位置布局调整justify ①v.证明,证实②v.辩护,辩解③v.调整merchandise ①n.(总称)商品,货物②n.商业,交易mounting ①n.安置,安装,固定,装配②n.配件,零件,辅助设备prerequisite ①n.必要条件,先决条件②a.必须具备的,必要的,先决的rat n.老鼠,耗子repudiate v.拒绝,否认,抛弃reservation ①n.预订,预定,保留②n.专用地,保留地,保留区③n.附加保留条款,保留权益sanitation n.卫生设施,卫生站statute ①a.法定的,规定的②n.法令,条例,法律,章程sublet v.分租,转租substantially ①ad.实质上,本质上②ad.显著地,重要地,基本地supplier ①n.供应商,供货人,供给者,供应者②n.(机械设备等的)制造厂,制造人anticipatory breach 提前违约calculated strength 计算强度carriage requirement 装载要求casualty report 损坏报告coastal navigation 沿海航行common carrier 公共承运人detailed inspection 详细检查detention report (船)滞留报告establish contact (使电路)接通freight rate 海运运价,费率general ship 一般船舶(相对于包租的船舶)hailing port 船籍港(写在船尾)hull maintenance 船体保养inland navigation 内河航行,内河航运,河运irrespective of 不管……long range ①长距离,远程②续航力大的,远距离的,远程的③长期的minimum delay 最少延迟no discount 不折扣,不贴现on arrival 抵达时operating station 操纵部位,操作部位,控制台radio contact 无线电联络roll axis 横摇轴serious deficiencies 严重缺陷set off ①(债权)抵消,抵付②隔开,衬托③推动,发动④出发special cargo 特殊货物(需要专门保管的货物)specific port 特定港state control 国家监督station control 测站控制structural integrity 结构整体性,结构完整程度surveyor authorized 授权的验船师axis of rotation 旋转轴线,旋转轴,转轴out of order ①紊乱,动乱,越轨②发生故障,出问题,损坏port state control 港口国管理,港口国监督port to port 港到港ship in distress 遇难船,遇险船side by side 并靠,并排,并肩(两船并排靠在一起)PSCO|Port State Control Officer (PSCO)港口国监督检察官appropriateness n.适合程度,适当性barren ①a.(岩石)多孔的②a.贫瘠的,荒芜的③n.不毛之地,瘠地clevis n.U形夹,马蹄铁countermand v.撤销,取消订货,取消前令,收回(命令等)defer ①v.延迟,扣存,迟延②v.延期,推迟③v.服从,听从despite ①n.即使,尽管②v.轻视,敌视③v.损害dune n.丘陵,砂丘,砂堆,山岗(常用复数)enunciate v.发表,宣布gudgeon ①n.(门的)枢轴,活塞销,耳轴,轴头②n.舵柱承座,舵枢,舵栓,舵针,舵钮③n.旋转架,托架illuminate ①v.照明,照射②v.用灯装饰(船)③v.启发,阐明loudspeaker n.扬声器,扩音器,喇叭obey n.听从,遵守,执行,服从rake ①v.耙,刮②v.收集,搜集③n.长柄耙,耙子,火钩④v.倾斜船头,倾斜船尾⑤n.(烟囱、船首尾柱的)倾斜度,倾斜角reposition n.(卸空后的集装箱)放回原处,运回原地riprap ①n.抛筑用的石料,抛石②n.抛石基床,抛石护岸③n.乱石堆成的护岸,石堆堤,堆石护坡stabilizer ①n.减摇装置,稳定器②n.(防止分解、反应的)安定剂,稳定剂throttle ①v.使减速,阻塞,调节②v.节流,节制,压制③n.操纵阀,扼流圈,节流阀unattend v.不照看,不管visit ①n.v.访问,拜访,参观②n.v.检查,考察,视察③n.v.(灾害、疾病等)来袭,侵袭,来临whelp n.绞缆筒筋条,(链轮的)扣链齿,绞盘筒筋,绞盘肋骨(用以增加摩擦力)administration personnel 行政人员,管理人员administrative law 行政法air receiver 压缩空气瓶,空气储存器,储气器artificial island 人工岛associated equipment 相关的附属的设备automatic steering 自动操舵belted construction 带型结构clevis pin 环销,连接销current velocity 流速deck crew 舱面人员,水手engineer officer 轮机员engineering watch 机舱值班fatigue failure 疲劳破坏,疲劳失灵female section 下半模,阴模intended route 计划航线joggled construction 啮合结构lapped construction 搭接结构loudspeaker system 广播系统minor light 弱烛光灯,较小灯标(烛光较小,一般无人看守灯标)motor controller 电动机控制器national flag 国旗navigational light 航行灯,导航灯navigational watch 航行值班pilot orders 引航口令pneumatic brake 气压制动器,气动闸,风闸quarantine signal 检疫信号relieving officer ①接班驾驶员,接班轮机员②接班人员sea bottom 海底speed change 变速sprocket wheel (锚机)持链轮,链轮starting engine 起动机steering command 操纵指令strapped construction 覆接结构,覆板结构two-watch system (船上的)二班制upper stock 上舵杆,舵杆头administrative law judge 行政法官chief engineer officer 轮机长,大车,老轨compressed air system 压缩空气系统effect of current 水流影响local zone time 地方区时lot by lot 一票一票货地,分批,按票rise of bottom 船底斜度,舭部升高abrade ①v.磨蚀,磨损,磨去②v.擦伤,擦破③v.擦去,擦掉awl n.钻子,锥子bailer ①n.灰浆桶,泥涌②n.淤泥取样器,戽斗,舀水勺,汲水斗,水瓢(救生艇用具)③n.抽泥筒,汲泥泵,汲水孔④n.戽水者,汲水者⑤n.委托人bowse ①v.(绳索)拉紧,收紧②v.绞辘拉,(用滑轮)吊起,向下拉elongate v.使伸长,拉长,延长essence ①n.本质,实质②n.要素,精华③n.香精female ①a.女的②a.阴的,内的③a.有内螺纹的,凹形的flank ①n.(齿轮的)齿侧,齿腹②n.(山坡)侧面,侧翼③n.(船离码头时)船首顶流摆开④v.打倒车(顶推驳船队顺流通过变段时采用的一种航行方法)⑤v.位于……之侧,在……侧面fold ①v.折叠,折痕②v.合拢,抱住,笼罩,调入,包③v.折叠起来,彻底失败④n.(地质)褶皱⑤n.倍(数)gateway ①n.(水下渔网,防潜设备等所留的)门道,道路,坞闸,登机口②n.(通信)接口③n.转运站④n.网关,网关器grinder ①n.研磨机,粉碎机,砂轮机,磨碎机,磨床,砂轮,磨工②n.天电干扰声hooker n.沿海小船hound n.桅肩,桅肩下(下桅顶端承接上桅的架子)hurt n.v.损伤,损害impinge ①v.撞击,碰撞,冲击②v.(紧密)接触③v.侵犯,侵害innocuous a.无害的,无毒的knob ①n.旋钮,按钮②n.小圆块,疙瘩,节,瘤③n.(门、屉斗等的)球形把手,(桅杆或旗杆上的)顶球,(布线用)瓷柱④n.圆丘,小丘lighten ①v.减轻,变轻,卸载②v.过驳③v.照亮,点亮,发亮④v.弄明白,启发loan ①v.借与,出借,借出②n.借款,贷款marginal ①a.边界的,限界的,端的②a.决定性的,临界的③a.(码头)顺岸式的,沿岸的④a.记在栏外的,旁注的pike ①n.矛,刺②n.尖顶旗杆③n.尖峰,山巅④v.穿过,通过pot ①n.锅,罐,壶,盆,盘,筒,盒②v.装罐,罐藏③n.捕鱼笼④n.油船(俗语)pry ①v.(用杠杆等)撬动,撬②n.撬具,杠杆③v.窥视,窥探,打听punt ①v.(用篙)撑②v.用小船运输③n.(撑篙的方头平底)小船④n.低角(荷兰语)recreation ①n.娱乐,休养②n.游览船reel ①n.卷轴,卷筒,线轴,盘②n.绕线架,电缆盘③n.磁带盘,纸带盘④v.(用卷轴、卷筒等)卷,绕rod ①n.拉杆,推杆,联杆,棒②n.水准尺,标尺,测杆③n.粗钢筋,棒钢④n.避雷针⑤n.(流速仪的)悬杆⑥n.杆(英制长度单位5.03m)seat ①n.基座,机座,阀座②n.座位,垫子,座③n.(为机器等)装底座④v.安置,固定⑤v.使就座softwood ①n.针叶树②n.软木,软质木材spinner ①n.纺纱工人②n.纺纱机③n.天线旋转装置,旋转器④n.机头罩(飞机)spool ①n.卷轴,卷筒②v.缠,卷tripper ①n.自动分离机构,倾卸装置,开底装置,脱钩装置,释放器②n.卸料小车③n.旅行者unroll v.铺开,展开(卷起的东西)vacate ①v.腾出,撤离,撤出②v.辞去(服务)③v.取消,作废weakness ①n.弱点,缺点②n.薄弱,软弱,衰弱above deck 甲板以上aft line ①(型线图上的)船尾部纵剖线②尾缆after end ①船尾端②后端audible warning 声响报警,音响警号back current ①反向流,回流,逆流②反向电流bull rope ①粗钢丝绳,粗绳②防磨索,稳定索,栏索③吊艇杆前牵绳,吊杆桅绳chain tongs 链式大管钳,链钳coastal pack 流冰connecting shackle 连接卸扣,锚链卸扣crew cabin 船员室cross connection ①(船)横倾调整装置,连通阀②横贯通道,横向连通,交叉联结freezing air 冷空气government regulations 政府法规,政府规定interior lighting 室内照明intermediate spring 连接簧(在鱼尾板和主拖缆之间,用以增加主拖架的重量和柔性)internal friction 内摩擦力,内摩擦link chain 扁节链longshore hook 码头工人手钩manila hawser 粗麻大绳,白棕绳merchant ship 商船mobile unit 车辆normal size 标准尺寸normally open 常开的nylon rope 尼龙绳(缆)ocean towing 海上拖驳运输,海上拖带oil field (海上)油田oil rig 油井钻探设备open up 开启,拆开pike pole 铁钩,长搭钩(浮运木材时拔动木材的工具)pipe wrench 管扳手,管钳propeller flow 螺旋桨水流protective coating 保护涂层,保护涂料replacement steps 替换蹬ride down 压下,压进,捶进rigid liferaft 刚体救生筏safety factor 安全系数salvage association 救助协会screw ship 螺旋桨船shackle pin 卸扣栓销,钩环销slip surface 滑动面society approval 船级社认可spar deck (主甲板以上的)轻甲板,工作甲板spray gun 喷射器,喷涂枪,喷枪stand in ①驶近②参加。

1.1.1船员称呼(4%)1. Captain.A. 大副B. 船长C. 大管轮D. 轮机长2. MasterA. 管事B. 船长C. 大管轮D. 轮机长3. Chief officerA. 大副B. 船长C. 大管轮D. 轮机长4. Mate.A. 驾驶员B. 船长C. 轮机员D. 轮机长5. Second Officer.A. 二副B. 三副C. 二管轮D. 三管轮6. Third officer.A. 二副B. 三副C. 二管轮D. 三管轮7. 报务员A. Second OfficerB. chief engineerC. radio officerD. electrical engineer 8.海员A. sailorB. mateC. fishmanD. Seaman.9..水手长A. SteersmanB. carpenterC. sailorD. Bosun10. carpenter.A.甲板水手B.木匠C. 水手长D. 带缆工人11. sailor.A.甲板水手B.木匠C. 水手长D. 带缆工人12. A.B.A. 木匠B. 水手长C. 一级水手D. 二级水手13.cadet.A. 工头B. 实习生C. 舵工D. 水手14. PurserA. 厨师B. 服务员C. 水手D. 管事15. doctor.A. 厨师B. 服务员C. 船医D. 管事16. cook.A. 厨师B. 服务员C. 船医D. 管事17.steward.A. 厨师B. 服务员C. 船医D. 管事missar.A. 服务员B. 政委C. 船医D. 管事19.Ship Security Officer(SSO)A. 公司保安员B.船舶保安员C. 港口保安员D. 港口门卫20. QuartermasterA. 工头B. 码头工人C. 舵工D. 水手21. Deck handA.甲板水手B.码头工人C. 带缆水手D. 带缆工人22.chief engineer.A. 大副B. 船长C. 大管轮D. 轮机长23. 大管轮A. Chief engineerB. Second engineerC. third engineer.D. fourth engineer.24.third engineer.A. 三副B. 三管轮C. 二管轮D. 电机员25. fourth engineer.A. 三副B. 三管轮C. 二管轮D. 电机员26.electricianA. 三副B. 三管轮C. 二管轮D. 电工27. motormanA. 三管轮B. 机工C. 机工长D. 电机员1.1.2 岸上人员称呼(3%)1. PilotA. 机工B. 船长C. 引航员D. 木匠2. agentA. 商检员B. 代理C. 海关官员D. 船舶供应商3. surveyorA. 商检员B. 代理C. 海关官员D. 船舶供应商4. foremanA. 装卸工B. 港口长C. 装卸货监督长D. 工头5. loading master.A. 装卸工B. 港口长C. 装卸货监督长D. 工头6. ship chandler.A. 商检员B. 代理C. 海关官员D. 船舶供应商7. PSC Officer.A. 港口国检查官员B.移民局官员C. 港口设备保安员D. 港口长8. harbor master.A. 装卸工B. 港口长C. 装卸货监督长D. 工头9. customs officer.A. 商检员B. 代理C. 海关官员D. 船舶供应商10.StevedoreA. 装卸工B. 港口长C. 装卸货监督长D. 工头11. immigration officer.A. 商检员B. 移民局官员C. 海关官员D. 港口长12. embassayA. 代理B. 移民局官员C. 海关官员D. 大使13.linesman.A. 装卸工B. 带缆工C. 加水工D. 修理工14.waterman.A. 装卸工B. 带缆工C. 加水工D. 修理工15.repairman.A. 装卸工B. 带缆工C. 加水工D. 修理工1.2.1船舶的类型(2%)1. Cargo shipsA. 油轮B. 渡轮C. 货轮D. 集装箱2. Passenger shipsA. 油轮B. 班轮C. 货轮D. 客轮3. FerryA. 散货船B. 渡轮C. 货轮D. 集装箱4. Full-container shipA.半集装箱船B. 渡轮C. 货轮D. 全集装箱船5. Chemical carrierA. 集装箱B. 专业船C. 化学品船D. 油轮6.Oil tankerA. 油轮B. 专业船C. 货轮D. 班轮7. General cargo shipA. 散货船B. 杂货船C. 货轮D.集装箱8. Bulk carrierA. 散货船B. 集装箱C. 货轮D. 杂货船9. LinerA. 杂货船B. 班轮C. 货轮D. 客轮10. 渡轮A. Bulk cargo shipB. FerryC. LinerD. Oil tanker11. TrampA. 集装箱B. 渡轮C. 货轮D. 不定期货轮12.tugA. 拖轮B. 渔船C. 带缆艇D. 引航船13.fishing boatA. 拖轮B. 渔船C. 带缆艇D. 引航船14. pilot boatA. 拖轮B. 渔船C. 带缆艇D. 引航船15.Line boatA. 拖轮B. 渔船C. 带缆艇D. 引航船1.2.2船舶舱柜(2%)1.ForecastleA.尾楼B. 甲板C. 货舱D. 首楼2. PoopA. 舱盖B. 尾楼C. 首楼D. 上层建筑3. Double bottom tankA. 双层底舱B. 单层底舱C. 烟囱D. 船坞4. Peak tankA. 双层底舱B. 尖舱C. 油柜D. 货柜5. Ballast tankA. 尖舱B. 压载舱C. 船首楼D. 货柜6. Watertight compartmentA. 水密舱B. 压载舱C. 船首楼D. 尖舱7. Fresh water tankA.淡水柜B. 海水柜C. 油柜D. 货柜8. 首楼A. ForecastleB. Ballast tankC. Jack staffD. Poop 9.F.O.TankA.淡水柜B. 海水柜C. 燃油柜D. 柴油柜10 .D.O. TankA.淡水柜B. 海水柜C. 燃油柜D. 柴油柜11. Tween deckA. 双层底舱B. 二层甲板C. 油柜D. 露天甲板1.2.3 起居舱室1. Meeting roomA.会议室B. 吸烟室C. 厨房D. 餐厅2. Smoking roomA.会议室B. 吸烟室C. 厨房D. 餐厅3. galleyA.会议室B. 吸烟室C. 厨房D. 餐厅4. messroomA.会议室B. 吸烟室C. 厨房D. 餐厅5.SaloonA.会议室B. 吸烟室C. 大台D. 餐厅6. captain cabinA.会议室B. 船长房间C. 引水房D. 餐厅7. 健身房A. hospitalB. rest roomC. gymD. cold store 8.ToiletA.会议室B. 吸烟室C. 浴室D. 洗手间9.Bath roomA.会议室B. 吸烟室C. 浴室D. 洗手间10. 冰库A. hospitalB. rest roomC. gymD. cold store 11.休息室A. hospitalB. rest roomC. gymD. cold store1.2.4工作舱室1.BridgeA.驾驶台B. 海图室C. 电报房D. 电池房2. chart roomA.驾驶台B. 海图室C. 电报房D. 电池房3. 货物控制室A. cargo control roomB. duty roomC. tools roomD. working room 4.值班室A. cargo control roomB. duty roomC. tools roomD. working room 5.Engine roomA. 冰机房B. 机舱C. 泵房D. 电池房6. pump roomA. 冰机房B. 机舱C. 泵房D. 电池房7. store roomA. 物料间B. 备品间C. 工具间D. 油漆间8. battery roomA.冰机房B. 机舱C. 泵房D. 电池房9. painting lockerA.物料间B. 备品间C. 工具间D. 油漆间10. 工具间A. cargo control roomB. duty roomC. tools roomD. working room 11.工作间A. cargo control roomB. duty roomC. tools roomD. working room1.2.5 其它部位名称1. FunnelA. 吃水B. 甲板C. 烟囱D. 船坞2. Jack staffA. 尖舱B. 干舷C. 船首楼D. 船首旗杆3. FreeboardA. 尖舱B. 干舷C. 甲板D. 上层建筑4. DraftA. 吃水B. 尖舱C. 干舷D. 甲板5. Main deckA. 压载舱B. 主甲板C. 舱壁D. 尖舱6. 干舷A. Fresh water tankB. FreeboardC. Main deckD. Draft7. WaterlineA. 水密舱B. 水线C. 舱壁D. 干舷8. CatwalkA. 马路B.人行桥C. 高架桥D. 干舷9.水密门A. gangwayB. watertight doorC. firefighting door D ladder10.舷梯A. gangwayB. watertight doorC. firefighting door D ladder11. Overside lightA.船用灯B. 船两侧照明灯C. 马达D.造水机12. HoldA.货舱B.堆放处C.货舱盖D.机舱13. Hatch coverA.货舱B.堆放处C.货舱盖D.机舱14. bottomA. 底B. 上C. 中D.顶15.TopA. 底B. 上C. 中D.顶16. upperA. 底B. 上C. 中D.顶17. handrailA. 防鼠挡B. 栏杆C. 手提D.旗杆18. hullA. 船头B. 船尾C. 船体D..骨架19. mastA. 主人B. 大桅C. 吊杆D.旗杆1.3.1起重设备(2%)1.DerrickA.吊杆B. 货舱C.滑车D. 导轮2.Topping liftA.吊杆B.千斤索C.滑车D. 导轮3. Topping lift blockA. 货舱B.千斤索滑车C.滑车D. 导轮4. JumboA. 重吊杆B. 吊杆C.滑车D. 岸吊5. Shore craneA. 重吊杆B. 吊杆C.滑车D. 岸吊6.BlockA.支架B. 吊杆C.滑车D. 岸吊7.Boom restA.支架B.滑车C. 吊杆D. 货舱8. GuyA.稳索B. 吊杆C. 千斤索D. 岸吊9.Lift winchA.稳索B. 升降机C. 千斤索D. 重吊杆10. 吊杆A. BlockB. DerrickC. Shore craneD. Jumbo boom11.Cargo WinchA. 导轮B. 货舱C.滑车D. 起货机12. craneA. 克令吊B. 重吊杆C. 单吊杆D. 桅杆13. hookA. 吊杆B. 吊货钩C. 吊车D. 滑车1.3.2系缆(2%)1.Mooring linesA.系缆B.撇缆C.倒缆D. 横缆2. Heaving lineA. 头缆B.撇缆C.倒缆D. 横缆3.Spring lineA. 头缆B.撇缆C.倒缆D. 横缆4. Stern lineA.尾缆B.撇缆C.倒缆D. 横缆5. Breast lineA.尾缆B.撇缆C.倒缆D. 横缆6. BollardA.系缆桩B.缆绳C.挽牢D. 松倒缆7.HeadlineA.头缆B. 撇缆C. 横缆D. 倒缆8. Line runnerA.带缆B.带缆水手C.甲板D. 带缆小艇9. 系缆桩A. FenderB. HeadlineC. Line runnerD. Bollard 10.撇缆A. Stern lineB. Spring lineC. HeadlineD. Heaving line11.FenderA.碰垫B.缆绳C. 系缆桩D. 挽牢12.Rat guardA.测量仪B. 挡鼠板C. 望远镜D. 车钟1. 3.3 车和舵(2%)1. Helms orderA.舵令B.车钟令C. 锚令D. 解系缆令2.Telegraph orderA.舵令B.车钟令C. 锚令D. 解系缆令3. TelegraphA. 车钟B. 锚C. 舵D. 缆绳4.CourseA. 舵B.过程C. 偏左D. 航向5. SteerA.操舵B.控制C. 进行D. 锚令6. RudderA. 航向B. 勿偏右C.把定D. 舵7.MidshipA.正舵B. 偏右C.把定D. 航向复员8.Stand byA. 备车B.主机定速C.双停车D.停车9. 车钟A. HelmsB.RudderC. CourseD. Telegraph10.sea speedA.安全速度B.平均速度C.海上速度D. 港内速度11. harbor speedA.安全速度B.平均速度C.海上速度D. 港内速度12. Steering gearA.自动舵B.双筒望远镜C.频率D. 操舵装置13.propellerA. 螺丝B.螺旋桨C. 螺栓D. 旋转14.舵轮A. courseB. rudderC. wheelD. telegraph1.3.4 锚(2%)1. ShackleA.锚B.锚链C. 节D. 锚链擎2. AnchorA.锚B.锚链C. 起锚D. 车钟3. GearA.锚链节B.锚链C. 齿轮D. 锚链擎4.Oil canA..油壶B.水壶C.污油D. 锚5. BrakeA..压缩机B. 制动器C. 水箱D. 锚链6.Chain lockerA.锚链节B.锚链舱C. 齿轮D. 锚链筒7.AweighA.起锚B.锚绞缠C. 锚离底D. 锚链筒8. HawseA.锚链节B.锚链舱C. 锚链孔D. 锚链筒9. 锚链舱A. Devil’s ClawB. ChainC. HawseD. Chain locker10.anchor ball.A. 锚B.锚机C. 锚球D. 锚链11.windlassA. 锚机B.发电机C. 吊机D. 缆机12. chainA. 锚B.锚机C. 锚球D. 锚链1.3.5 助航设备(2%)1.Navigational AidsA. 助航设备B.辅助设备C.电罗经D. 卫星导航2.Magnetic compassA. 磁罗经B.辅助设备C.电罗经D. 卫星导航3.GyrocompassA.磁罗经B.辅助设备C.电罗经D. 卫星导航4.Satellite navigationA. 助航设备B.辅助设备C.电罗经D. 卫星导航5. Radio direction finder (RDF)A. 助航设备B.无线电测向仪C.电罗经D. 辅助设备6.SextantA. 电罗经B.无线电测向仪C.六分仪D. 辅助设备7.ChronometerA. 电罗经B.无线电测向仪C.六分仪D. 天文钟8.Automatic pilotA.自动舵B.手操舵C.频率D. 天文钟9.Hand-steeringA.自动舵B.手操舵C.频率D. 天文钟10. sounderA. 对讲机B.全球定位仪C.雷达D. 测深仪11.VHFA. 非常B.甚高频C.频道D. 频率12.GPSA. 对讲机B.全球定位仪C.雷达D. 测深仪13.whistle.A.雷达B. 自动识别系统C. 航向记录仪D. 汽笛14.search lightA.搜索灯B.航行灯C.闪光灯D. 锚灯15.navigational lightA.搜索灯B.航行灯C.闪光灯D. 锚灯16. Flash lightA.搜索灯B.航行灯C.闪光灯D. 锚灯17. code flagA. 红旗B. 信号旗C. 旗手D. 国旗18.radarA.雷达B. 自动识别系统C. 航向记录仪D. 汽笛19.AISA.雷达B. 自动识别系统C. 航向记录仪D. 汽笛20.course recorderA.雷达B. 自动识别系统C. 航向记录仪D. 汽笛1.3.6.消防设备(3%)1.Emergency fire pumpA.消防栓B.应急消防泵C.消防水桶D.消防沙箱2.Fire plugA.消防栓B.应急消防泵C.消防水桶D.消防沙箱3 Fire bucketA.消防栓B.应急消防泵C.消防水桶D.消防沙箱4. Fire sand boxA.消防栓B.应急消防泵C.消防水桶D.消防沙箱5. Fire maskA.消防栓B.应急消防泵C.消防水桶D.消防面罩6. Fire proof lineA.耐火绳B.应急消防泵C.消防水桶D.消防面罩7. Portable foam applicatorA.耐火绳B.手提式泡沫枪C.消防水桶D.消防面罩8. Portable extinguishersA. 手提式灭火器B.手提式泡沫枪C.消防水桶D.消防面罩9.Oxygen apparatusA.消防栓B. 手提式灭火器C.消防水桶D.氧气瓶10. Fire fighting equipmentA.消防演习B.消防设备C.救生索D.救生衣11. Fire fighting drillsA.消防演习B.消防设备C.救生索D.救生衣12.Fire hoseA.消防演习B.消防设备C.水龙带D.救生衣13. Emergency drillsA.消防演习B.消防设备C.救生索D. 应急演习14. RopeA.绳子B. 手提式灭火器C.消防水桶D.氧气瓶15.VentilatorA.撑篙B.通风筒C.消防水桶D.氧气瓶16.Foam extinguisherA.二氧化碳灭火器B. 卤化径灭火器C.泡沫灭火器D.氧气瓶17. CO2 extinguisherA.二氧化碳灭火器B. 卤化径灭火器C.泡沫灭火器D.氧气瓶18.HydrantA.消防龙头B.消防设备C.水龙带D.救生衣19.泡沫灭火器A. Carbon dioxide extinguisherB. Foam extinguisherC.Halon extinguisherD. Extinguisher20.消防演习A. Emergency drillsB. Fire fighting drillsC. Fire hoseD. Hydrant1.3.7.救生设备(2%)1.Muster listA.应急岗位B.集合C.应急D.应变部署表2.Roll-callA.点名B.集合C.召集D.应急部署表3.Life buoyA.救生圈B.救生艇C.救生筏D.救生衣4.LifeboatA.救生圈B.救生艇C.救生筏D.救生衣5.Life jacketA.救生圈B.救生艇C.救生筏D.救生衣6. Life raftA.救生圈B.救生艇C.救生筏D.救生衣7. Life lineA.救生圈B.救生艇C.救生索D.救生衣8.Buoyant resuce quoitA.救生圈B.救生索浮圈C.救生索D.救生衣9.AlarmA.警钟B.吊艇柱C. 梯子D.艇支柱10.BelongingsA.警钟B.吊艇柱C.行李D.艇支柱11. Embarkation ladderA.登艇梯B.吊艇柱C.梯子D.艇支柱12.Boat plugA.登艇梯B.艇底塞C.止晃索D.艇支柱13. Sling hooksA.登艇梯B.艇底塞C.止晃索D.艇吊钩1.3.8 常用工具词汇(2%)1. Shifting spannerA.斧头B.钳子C.手电筒D. 活络扳手2. AxeA.斧头B.钳子C.手电筒D. 活络扳手3.PincersA.斧头B.钳子C.手电筒D. 活络扳手4.ScrewdriverA.斧头B.钳子C.手电筒D. 螺丝刀5.Claw hammerA. 钳子B.羊角锤C.手电筒D. 螺丝刀6.NailA.钉子B.羊角锤C.手电筒D. 螺丝刀7.HacksawA.手电筒B.羊角锤C.钢锯D. 螺丝刀8.NutA.钉子B.羊角锤C.螺帽D. 螺丝刀9.NeedleA.钉子B.针C.螺帽D. 螺丝刀10.HammerA.榔头B.针C.螺帽D. 螺丝刀11. hatch coamingA. 榔头B.羊角锤C.舱口围板D. 螺丝刀12. Coal shovelA.手推车B.羊角锤C.煤锹D. 螺丝刀13. HandcartA.羊角锤B. 手推车C.煤锹D. 螺丝刀14.ThreadA.线B.针C.螺帽D. 螺丝刀15.CrowbarA.羊角锤B.撬棍C.煤锹D. 螺丝刀16. SpannerA. 扳手B.钳子C.手电筒D. 活络扳手17. Wire brushA.线刷B.钢丝刷C.板刷D. 笔刷18. long-handle scraperA.线刷B.直铲C.长把铲D. 笔刷19.Pencil brushA.线刷B.钢刷C.板刷D. 笔刷20. Chipping hammerA.直铲B.扫帚C.板刷D. 敲锈锤21.MopA.拖把B.板刷C. 扫帚D. 敲锈锤22.BroomA. 板刷B.扫帚C. 敲锈锤D.拖把23.GloveA.鹅颈头铲B.手套C.拖把D. 敲锈锤24. 敲锈锤A. Chipping hammerB. Flat brushC. MopD. Crowbar25. 活络扳手A. Wire brushB. BroomC. SpannerD. Shifting spanner26.gogglesA. 护目镜B. 安全带C. 防护鞋D.手套27. Paint spraying gunA.鹅颈头铲B. 敲锈锤C.拖把D.喷漆枪28. Gooseneck scraperA.鹅颈头铲B. 敲锈锤C.拖把D.手套29. Oil jackA.油压千斤顶B.油压C.千斤顶D.堆放处30. Split pinA.曲柄箱B.锅炉C.发电机D.开口销31. Locking positionA.曲柄销B.锅炉C. 开口销D.锁定位置32. Lock pinA. 销定位置B.锅炉C. 开口销D.保险销33. Stowing holeA.堆放孔B.堆放处C.货舱盖D. 货舱34. Bridge fittingA.舷梯B.驾驶台C.引水员D.桥锁1.4.1货物的种类(1%)1.Bulk cargoA. 杂货B. 散货C. 集装箱D. 干货2. General cargoA. 化学品B. 杂货C. 液体货D.散装货3. Liquid cargoA. 化学品B. 杂货C. 液货D.散装货4. Dry bulk cargoA.杂货B. 化学品C. 液体货D.干散货5.Bagged cargoA. 散装货B. 非集装箱货C. 袋装货D.杂货6.Refrigerated cargoA.干散货B. 化学品C. 液体货D. 冷藏货7.Non-containerized cargoA. 杂货B. 非集装箱货C. 集装箱货D. 干货8. Containerized cargoA. 散装货B. 非集装箱货C. 集装箱货D.杂货9. Heavy cargoA. 散装货B. 杂货C. 液体货D.重货10. 杂货A. Heavy cargoB. Liquid cargoC. bulk cargoD. General cargo11. Light cargoA. 轻货B. 杂货C. 液体货D.重货12. CementA.水泥B. 化肥C.木材D. 粉末1.4.2货物的性质(1%)1. Fragile cargoA.易碎品B. 易燃品C.易溶品D.易串味品2.ChemicalA. 化学品B. 易燃品C.易溶品D. 危险品3.Explosive cargoA. 化学品B. 易燃品C.易爆品D. 危险品4.Inflammable cargoA. 易燃品B.化学品C.易爆品D. 危险品5. Poisonous cargoA. 危险品B. 易燃品C.易爆品D. 有毒品6. Corrosive cargoA. 危险品B. 易腐品C.易爆品D. 有毒品7. Dangerous cargoA. 危险品B. 化学品C.易爆品D. 有毒品8. TimberA. 危险品B. 化肥C.木材D. 有毒品9.CoalA.水泥B. 煤C.木材D. 有毒品10. 易爆品A. TimberB. FertilizerC. Inflammable cargoD. Explosive cargo1.5. 船舶常识词汇(6%)1.Deck departmentA.甲板部B.轮机部C.事务部D.驾驶台2.Engine departmentA.甲板部B.轮机部C.事务部D. 驾驶台3. Service departmentA.甲板部B.轮机部C.事务部D. 驾驶台4. Gangway watchA.舷梯值班B.驾驶台值班C.引水员D.轮机员5.Ballast waterA.压载水B.压载C.压载系统D.压载柜6.Cooling waterA.压载水B.冷却水C.冷却水系统D.压载柜7.Fresh waterA.海水B.冷却水C.淡水D.水面8.Sea waterA.海水B.冷却水C.淡水D.水面9.Port sideA.左舷B.右舷C.船首D.船尾10. Starboard sideA.左舷B.右舷C.船首D.船尾11.ValveA.开关B.马达C.阀D.造水机12.DownwardsA.向下B.向上C.货舱盖D. 开口销13.UpwardsA.向下B.向上C.货舱盖D. 开口销14.Out of orderA.脱离危险B.出故障C. 运转好D. 废弃15. Out of useA.脱离危险B.出故障C. 运转好D. 废弃16. Out of dangerA.脱离危险B.出故障C. 运转好D. 废弃17. Safe Working LoadA.安全负荷量B.危险工作负荷C.工作负荷D. 安全工作18. OverloadA.安全工作负荷B.超负荷C.负荷D. 安全19.openA.打开B.关闭C. 开启电源D. 关闭电源20.closeA.打开B.关闭C. 开启电源D. 关闭电源21.power onA.打开B.关闭C. 开启电源D. 关闭电源22. power offA.打开B.关闭C. 开启电源D. 关闭电源23.turn onA.运行B.关闭C. 开启D. 停止24.No Smoking.A. 禁止吸烟B.没有烟雾C. 不准入内D.没有入口25.No entry.A. 禁止吸烟B.没有烟雾C. 不准入内D.没有入口26.on dutyA . 当班 B. 接班 C. 交班 D. 下班27.gangA. 装卸工人B. 码头工人C. 工班D.带缆工人28.quarantineA. 保证书B. 检疫C. 报关D.离港证29.berthA. 海口B. 港口C. 舱口D.泊位30.portA. 海湾B. 港口C. 舱口D.泊位31.voyageA. 导航B. 航行C. 航道D.泊位32.tonnageA. 载重量B. 吨位C. 吃水D.泊位33.canalA. 海峡B. 运河C.航道D.泊位34.customsA. 海关B. 代理C. 移民局D.大使馆35.rustA. 栏杆B. 锈C. 筏D.垃圾36.loadA. 运输B. 装C. 卸D.转运37.dischargeA. 运输B. 装C. 卸D.转运nding permitA. 通行许可证B.登岸许可证C. 离港许可证D.上船许可证39.rollA. 船舶横摇B. 船舶纵摇C. 船舶横倾D. 船舶纵倾40.pitchA. 船舶横摇B. 船舶纵摇C. 船舶横倾D. 船舶纵倾2.船舶口令(25%)(共125题,其中15%英译汉,5%汉译英,5%口令回答)2.1 舵令(9%)2.1.1 英译汉(共25题)1. Port ten!A. 右舵10。

1/captain A:海员B:大副C:船长D:水手长2/chief engineer A:大管轮B:管事C:机工D:轮机长3/motorman A:机工B:水手C:二副D:木匠4/sailor A:服务员B:水手C:三管轮D:海员5/chief officer A:大副B:二管轮C:管事D:水手长6/second engineer A:轮机长B:大管轮C:二管轮D:二副7/carpenter A:管事B:水手C:木匠D:二副8/third engineer A:三副B:服务员C:大管轮D:二管轮9/third officer A:三副B:三管轮C:二副D:二管轮10/seaman A:船长B:海员C:三副D:管事11/bridge A:大厅B:会议室C:驾驶台D:厨房12/cabin A:机舱B厕所C:驾驶台D:舱室13/smoking room A:吸烟室B:机舱C:锅炉房D:进口14/steering gear room A:出口B:舵机房C:机舱D:驾驶台15/engine room A:大厅B:物料间C:机舱D:厨房16/meeting room A:大厅B:吸烟室C:锅炉房D:会议室17/hospital A:医院B:浴室C:物料间D:泵间18/control room A:冷藏间B:控制室C:货舱D:空调间19/cargo hold A:物料间B:驾驶台C:货舱D:蔬菜间20/store room A:泵间B:控制室C:鱼肉间D:物料间21/crew A:全体船员B:船长C:管事D:服务员22/second officer A:三副B:二副C:大副D:水手23/bosun A:木匠B:海员C:水手长D:机工24/fourth engineer A:二管轮B:大管轮C:轮机长D:三管轮25/purser A:管事B:机工C:木匠D:水手26/steward A:医生B:服务员C:管事D:大副27/doctor A:服务员B:水手C:医生D:管事28/engineer A:机工B:二副C:船长D:轮机员29/officer A:驾驶员B:轮机员C:服务员D:船员30/motorman A:水手B:机工C:大副D:大管轮31/calipers A:卷尺B:扳手C:卡钳D:斧子32/pipe wrench A:榔头B:车床C:锯子D:管钳33/file A:锉刀B:台钳C:刨床D:刮刀34/hammer A:扳手B:榔头/铁锤C:车刀D:螺丝刀35/flexible ruler A:卡钳B:扳手C:管钳D:卷尺36/spanner A:扳手B:刮刀C:斧子D:车刀37/bench vice A:榔头B:台钳C:钻D:手电筒38/scraper A:车床B:斧子C:刮刀D:螺丝攻39/lathe A:台钳B:斧子C:刨床D:车床40/planer A:刨床B:车床C:斧子D:管钳41/turning tool A:锉刀B:车刀C:刮刀D:螺丝刀42/saw A:凿子B:斧子C:锯子D:台钳43/axe A:锯子B:钻C:斧子D:刨床44/drill A:卷尺B:榔头C:电焊机D:钻45/tap A:螺丝攻B:螺丝C:手电筒D:起吊工具46/electric welding machine A:风焊机B:电焊机C:螺丝刀D:螺丝攻47/gas welding machine A:手电筒B:牛油枪C:风焊机D:刮刀48/screw driver A:电焊机B:螺丝C:螺丝攻D:螺丝刀49/grease gun A:牛油枪B:手电筒C:起吊工具D:螺丝刀50/lifting gear A:螺丝刀B:起吊工具C:手电筒D:斧子51/flash light A:斧子B:牛油枪C:手电筒D:风焊机52/packing the knife A:车刀B:卡钳C:尺子D:盘根刀53/ruler A:尺子B:锯条C:砂轮D:车刀54/box spanner A:卡钳B:套筒扳手C:台钳D:环形扳手55/ring spanner A:套筒扳手B:活络扳手C:环形扳手D:车床56/adjustable spanner A:凿子B:环形扳手C:榔头D:活络扳手57/puncher A:冲床B:磨床C:车床D:刨床58/grinder A:冲床B:磨床C:刨床D:车床59/tool A:锉刀B:车床C:工具D:螺丝60/drill machine A:车床B:刨床C:冲床D:钻床61/two stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:吸气冲程D:压缩冲程62/four stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:压缩冲程D:吸气冲程63/suction stroke A:排气冲程B:压缩冲程C:吸气冲程D:做功冲程64//compression stroke A:压缩冲程B:排气冲程C:做功冲程D:吸气冲程65/exhaust stroke A:排气冲程B:压缩冲程C:做功冲程D:吸气冲程66/working stroke A:吸气冲程B:做功冲程C:压缩冲程D:排气冲程67/cylinder A:活塞B:十字头C:气缸D:曲柄68/cylinder liner A:气缸套B:气缸C:气缸盖D:气缸衬69/cylinder jacket A:气缸套B:填料箱C:扫气箱D:机架70/cylinder cover A:气缸衬B:气缸盖C:气缸套D:扫气口71/stuffing box A:活塞头B:扫气口C:填料箱D:排气口72/piston A:机座B:底座C:连杆D:活塞73/piston head A:活塞头B:活塞裙C:活塞杆D:活塞74/piston skirt A:活塞B:活塞裙C:活塞头D:活塞杆75/piston rod A:活塞B:活塞头C:活塞杆D:活塞裙76/crosshead A:曲柄B:活塞C:连杆D:十字头77/connecting rod A:连杆B:增压器C:底座D:排气口78/crank A:连杆B:曲柄C:主轴D:喷嘴79/propeller A:盘车机B:飞轮C:螺旋桨D:摇臂80/turbocharger A:喷嘴B:控制台C:操纵台D:涡轮增压器81/turning gear A:盘车机B:螺旋桨C:调节器D:飞轮82/fuel injection A:喷嘴B:喷油器C:注油器D:活塞头83/governor A:警报器B:调节器C:调速器D:喷油器84/regulator A:调速器B:喷油器C:警报器D:调节器85/alarm A:警报器B:调速器C:喷油器D:调节器86/frame A:柴油机B:机架C:气缸D:活塞87/crankshaft A:主轴B:曲柄C:曲轴D:主轴承88/main shaft A:曲轴B:轴承C:轴D:主轴89/cooling system A:冷却系统B:润滑系统C:燃油系统D:空气起动系统90/fuel oil system A:冷却期统B:燃油系统C:空气起动系统D:润滑系统91/bilge pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:船底排水泵D:水泵92/fire pump A:消防泵B:冷却水泵C:船底排水泵D:海水泵93/circulating pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:循环泵D:淡水泵94/oil pump A:消防泵B:油泵C:船底排水泵D:水泵95/ water feed pump A:供油泵B:污水泵C:压载泵D:供水泵96/ booster pump A:燃油泵B:柴油泵C:增压泵D:减压泵97/shaft A:轴B:连杆C:活塞D:轴承98/bearing A:轴封B:机轴C:轴承D:轴套99/shaft seal A:轴衬B:轴环C:轴管D:轴封100/impeller A:轴杆B:螺旋桨C:轴弄D:叶轮101/ pillow A:轴枕B:轴座C:轴销D:轴柱102/tail bearing A:尾轴承B:连杆C:轴承D:轴承上瓦103/cargo winch A:起重机B:起货机C:绞盘机D:起锚机104/windlass A:起重机B:锚C:锚机D:起货机105/air conditioner A:冷空气B:空气箱C:空调D:气塞106/steering gear A:舵轮B:操作器C:齿轮D:舵机107/oil separator A:分油机B:油泵C:分离机D:油过滤器108/boiler A:火炉B:气缸C:活塞D:锅炉109/derrick A:吊杆B:轴杆C:吊绳D:锚110/generator A:电源开关B:造水机C:分油机D:发电机111/propeller A:发电机B:螺旋桨C:搅拌机D:叶轮112/fresh water generator A:发电机B:造水机C:水箱D:淡水机113/crane A:起动机B:起锚机C:起重机D:绞盘机114/ grab A:抓斗B:运粮机C:漏斗D:起货机115/funnel A:隧道B:烟囱C:水箱D:水管116/ mast A:吊杆B:大桅C:帆布D:连杆117/radar A:雷达B:导向仪C:测向仪D:车钟118/ water tank A:油罐B:水柜C:水房D:淡水机119/telegraph A:电话B:雷达C:电报机D:车钟120/ oil tank A:油柜B:水柜C:油泵D:水泵121/ oil pump A:油罐B:水柜C:油泵D:油柜122/ watertight door A:水门B:水密舱C:水房D:水密门123/ filter A:过滤器B:供油器C:空调D:淡水机124/ donkey boiler A:过滤器B:锅炉C:空调D:辅锅炉125/ refrigerator A:压缩机B:分油器C:增压器D:制冷机126/ alarm A:起动阀B:气缸C:警报器D:过滤器127/ lathe A:车刀B:车间C:车床D:刨床128/ emergency generator A:应急警报器B:应急造水机C:应急发电机D:应急调速器129/ boiler feed pump A:气缸给水泵B:锅炉给水泵C:锅炉水泵D:气缸水泵130/ ventilator A:通风机B:分油机C:空调D:过滤器131/turbocharger A:调速器B:调节器C:涡沦增压器D:加速器132/compressor A:增压器B:制冷机C:压缩机D:分油机133/ condenser A:冷凝器B:调速器C:滤油器D:加速器134/ capstan A:起货机B:压缩机C:起重机D:绞盘135/ pressure gauge A:温度表B:湿度计C:压力表D:转速表136/ governor A:调节器B:调速器C:警报器D:过滤器137/ auxiliary engine A:辅机B:主机C:热机D:内燃机138/ ventilator A:通风机B:分流机C:空调D:过滤器139/ incinerator A:锅炉B:发电机C:焚烧炉D:注油器140/ electric welding machine A:电热器B:电车床C:风焊机D:电焊机141/ turbine A:锅炉B:涡轮机C:加速器D:增压器142/ steam turbine A:蒸汽锅炉B:蒸汽增压机C:蒸汽加速器D:汽轮机143/ ballast pump A:压载泵B:压缩泵C:压水泵D:增压器144/ oil purifier A:分油机B:造水机C:加油器D:净油机145/ turning gear A:转轮B:涡轮C:飞轮D:盘车机146/exhaust valve A:吸入阀B:应急阀C:排气阀D:减压阀147/ anchor A:舵轮B:舵机C:缆桩D:锚148/ pilot lamp A:日光灯B:指示灯C:装货灯D:照明灯149/ monitor A:监控器B:遥控器C:加速器D:增压器150/ donkey boiler A:主机锅炉B:蒸汽锅炉C:辅助锅炉D:废水锅炉151/windlass A:绞盘B:起重机C:起货机D:起锚机152 air conditioner A:冷凝机B:空气箱C:气阀D:空调153/steering gear A:舵机B:操作轮C:齿轮D:舵轮154/ radiator A:雷达B:散热器C:放射D:电磁器155/ fan A:转轮B:风扇C:飞轮D:分机156/watertight door A:水密门B:水门C:水密舱D:水密阀157/ cabin A:船长B:船头C:船尾D:船舱158/ ladder A:借出B:电灯C:梯子D:雷达159/ injector A:喷嘴B:注射C:加油器D:增压器160/condenser A:调速器B:加速器C:冷凝器D:清洁器161/compass A:包括B:超越C:指南针D:电罗经162/grinding wheel A:舵轮B:砂轮C:车轮D:抛光机163/ M.E A:马达B:主机C:齿轮D:舵轮1/ emergency stop valve A、截止阀B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急泵2/ emergency fire pump A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急发电机3/ emergency generator A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急发电机4/ life boat engine A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、救生艇机D、应急空压机5/ emergency air compressor A、应急发电机B、舱底水泵C、停止阀D、应急空压机6 bilge pump A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、应急空压机7 oil water separator A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、应急空压机8 incinerator A、焚烧炉B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、压载水泵9 gas oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油10 heavy fuel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油11 diesel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油12 lube oil A、轻油B、重油C、润滑油D、柴油13 grease A、轻油B、油脂C、燃料油D、柴油14 fire extinguisher A、灭火器B、泡沫C、二氧化碳D、干粉15 CO2 system A、灭火器B、泡沫C、二氧化碳系统D、干粉16 FIRE ALARM A、灭火器B、火灾警报C、灭火系统D、救火泵17 dry powder A、灭火剂B、火灾警报C、灭火系统D、干粉18 hydrant A、灭火器B、消防栓C、灭火剂D、干粉19 foam A、消防皮龙B、消防栓C、泡沫D、干粉20 hoses A、灭火器B、消防栓C、泡沫D、消防皮龙21 M/E A、发电机B、停车C、主机D、锚机22 G/E A、发电机B、停车C、主车D、锚机23 A/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、柴油机24 D/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、直流电25 ALARM A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机26 FAULT A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机27 DUTY ENGINEER A、故障B、警报C、锚机D、值班轮机员28 rpm A、马力B、千瓦C、转/分D、故障29 H/P A、马力B、千瓦C、转/分D、故障30 M/V A、马力B、内燃机船C、转/分D、主机31 D/O A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油32 F/O A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油33 F/W A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油34 S/W A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油35 A/B A、开关B、水手C、人工D、自动36 ON A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动37 OFF A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动38 AUTO A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动39 MUNUAL A、开关B、人工C、运转D、自动40 RUNNING A、运转B、人工C、开关D、自动41 Standby engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车42 Dead slow ahead A、微速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退43 Slow ahead A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退44 Half ahead A、微速前进B、全速后退C、微速后退D、半速前进45 Full ahead A、慢速前进B、全速前进C、半速后退D、全速后退46 Slow ahead starboard A、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、左车微速后退D、右车半速后退47 Slow ahead portA、左车慢速前进B、左车微速前进C、右车微速后退D、右车半速后退48 Dead slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退49 Slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、慢速后退50 Half astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、半速后退51 Full astern A、全速后退B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速前进52 Half astern port A、左车慢速前进B、左车半速后退C、右车微速后退D、右车微速前进53 Half astern starboardA、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、右车半速后退D、左车半速后退54 Stop starboard A、右车停B、双车停C、主机定速D、左车停55 Slow ahead both enginesA、左车微速前进B、双车微速进C、主机定速D、右车微速进56 Full astern both engines A、双车全速退B、停车C、主机定速D、微速前进57 Stop engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车58 Ring off engines A、微速前进B、停车C、主机定速D、备车59 Finished with engine A、主机定速B、停车C、备车D、完车60 Emergency full astern A、主机定速B、停车C、双车停D、强速后退61 Port fifteen A、左15度B、右15度C、右50度D、左50度62 Starboard fifteen A、左15度B、右50度C、右15度D、左50度63 Port 10°A、左舵10 B、右舵10 C、左右舵10 D、右10度64 Starboard 5°A、左右舵5 B、右舵5 C、左5度D、左舵5。

船舶机工英语题库1、( ) They have_____ useful dictionary. They want to lend it___ us. [单选题] *A. an; forB. a; fromC. an; toD. a; to(正确答案)2、Her ideas sound right, but _____ I'm not completely sure. [单选题] *A. somehow(正确答案)B. somewhatC. somewhereD. sometime3、60.—Are you ready?—Yes. We can start ________ any time. [单选题] * A.at(正确答案)B.inC.toD.for4、This seat is vacant and you can take it. [单选题] *A. 干净的B. 没人的(正确答案)C. 舒适的D. 前排的5、I_____you that I had made the right decision. [单选题] *A.ensuredB.insuredC.assured(正确答案)D.for sure6、Nick got out of bed and _______ a shower. [单选题] *A. practicedB. took(正确答案)C. didD. made7、95--Where and when _______ you _______ it? [单选题] *A. did; buy(正确答案)B. do; buyC. have; boughtD. will; buy8、Two()in our school were sent to a remote village to teach for a month. [单选题] *A. women teachers(正确答案)B. woman teachersC. women teacherD. woman teacher9、______! It’s not the end of the world. Let’s try it again.()[单选题] *A. Put upB. Set upC. Cheer up(正确答案)D. Pick up10、—______ you speak French?—Yes, I can.()[单选题] *A. NeedB. Can(正确答案)C. MightD. Must11、A modern city has sprung up in _____was a waste land ten years ago. [单选题] *A.whichB.what(正确答案)C.thatD.where12、—______ Tom play the piano?—Yes, very well. ()[单选题] *A. Can(正确答案)B. MayC. MustD. Should13、Lily is a very_____person and never wastes anything. [单选题] *A.generousB.economical(正确答案)C.economicD.efficient14、The young man had decided to give up the chance of studying abroad, _____ surprised his parents a lot. [单选题] *A. whenB. whereC. which(正确答案)D. that15、Tony can _______ the guitar.Now he _______ the guitar. [单选题] *A. play; plays(正确答案)B. playing; playingC. plays; is playingD. play; is playing16、How many subjects are you _______ this year? [单选题] *A. takesB. takeC. taking(正确答案)D. took17、_____from far away, the 600-meter tower is stretching into the sky. [单选题] *A. SeeB. SeeingC. To seeD. Seen(正确答案)18、He always did well at school _____ having to do part-time jobs every now and then. [单选题] *A despite ofB. in spite of(正确答案)C. regardless ofD in case of19、We are looking forward to _______ you again. [单选题] *A. seeB. sawC. seeing(正确答案)D. seen20、---Where’s that report?---I brought it to you ____you were in Mr. Black’s office yesterday. [单选题] *A. ifB. when(正确答案)C. becauseD. before21、19._______ will the film Country Road last? [单选题] * A.How farB.How oftenC.How soonD.How long(正确答案)22、74.In England people drive________. [单选题] *A.on the left(正确答案)B.in the leftC.on leftD.in left23、I got caught in the rain and my suit____. [单选题] *A. has ruinedB. had ruinedC. has been ruined(正确答案)D. had been ruined24、71.How beautiful the shoes look! Can I________?[单选题] *A.try it onB.try on itC.try them on(正确答案)D.try on them25、22.______ is convenient to travel between Pudong and Puxi now. [单选题] * A.It(正确答案)B.ThisC.ThatD.What26、The secretary was asked to_____of the waste paper on the desk. [单选题] *A.disappearB.dispose(正确答案)C.declareD.got rid27、John suggest _____ anything about it until they found out more facts. [单选题] *A not to sayB. not sayC to say notD not saying(正确答案)28、( ) Some students preferred to stay in the toilet ______ do morning exercises. [单选题] *A in order to notB in not order toC in order not to(正确答案)D not in order to29、Many children have to _______ their parents. [单选题] *A. divide intoB. put onC. depend on(正确答案)D. take on30、Tom didn’t _______ his exam again. It was a pity. [单选题] *A. failB. winC. pass(正确答案)D. beat。

donkey boiler
oil tank
英[ɔɪl tæŋk]
美[ɔɪl tæŋk]
oil pump
英[ɔɪl pʌmp]
美[ɔɪl pʌmp]
watertight door
英[ˈwɔːtətaɪt dɔː(r)]
美[ˈwɔːtərtaɪt dɔːr]
suction stroke
英[ˈsʌkʃn strəʊk]
美[ˈsʌkʃn stroʊk]
compression stroke
英[kəmˈprɛʃən strəʊk]
美[kəmˈprɛʃən stroʊk]
exhaust stroke
英[ɪɡˈzɔːst strəʊk]
美[ɪɡˈzɔːst stroʊk]
working stroke

1/captain A:海员B:大副C:船长D:水手长2/chief engineer A:大管轮B:管事C:机工D:轮机长3/motorman A:机工B:水手C:二副D:木匠4/sailor A:服务员B:水手C:三管轮D:海员5/chief officer A:大副B:二管轮C:管事D:水手长6/second engineer A:轮机长B:大管轮C:二管轮D:二副7/carpenter A:管事B:水手C:木匠D:二副8/third engineer A:三副B:服务员C:大管轮D:二管轮9/third officer A:三副B:三管轮C:二副D:二管轮10/seaman A:船长B:海员C:三副D:管事11/bridge A:大厅B:会议室C:驾驶台D:厨房12/cabin A:机舱B厕所C:驾驶台D:舱室13/smoking room A:吸烟室B:机舱C:锅炉房D:进口14/steering gear room A:出口B:舵机房C:机舱D:驾驶台15/engine room A:大厅B:物料间C:机舱D:厨房16/meeting room A:大厅B:吸烟室C:锅炉房D:会议室17/hospital A:医院B:浴室C:物料间D:泵间18/control room A:冷藏间B:控制室C:货舱D:空调间19/cargo hold A:物料间B:驾驶台C:货舱D:蔬菜间20/store room A:泵间B:控制室C:鱼肉间D:物料间21/crew A:全体船员B:船长C:管事D:服务员22/second officer A:三副B:二副C:大副D:水手23/bosun A:木匠B:海员C:水手长D:机工24/fourth engineer A:二管轮B:大管轮C:轮机长D:三管轮25/purser A:管事B:机工C:木匠D:水手26/steward A:医生B:服务员C:管事D:大副27/doctor A:服务员B:水手C:医生D:管事28/engineer A:机工B:二副C:船长D:轮机员29/officer A:驾驶员B:轮机员C:服务员D:船员30/motorman A:水手B:机工C:大副D:大管轮31/calipers A:卷尺B:扳手C:卡钳D:斧子32/pipe wrench A:榔头B:车床C:锯子D:管钳33/file A:锉刀B:台钳C:刨床D:刮刀34/hammer A:扳手B:榔头/铁锤C:车刀D:螺丝刀35/flexible ruler A:卡钳B:扳手C:管钳D:卷尺36/spanner A:扳手B:刮刀C:斧子D:车刀37/bench vice A:榔头B:台钳C:钻D:手电筒38/scraper A:车床B:斧子C:刮刀D:螺丝攻39/lathe A:台钳B:斧子C:刨床D:车床40/planer A:刨床B:车床C:斧子D:管钳41/turning tool A:锉刀B:车刀C:刮刀D:螺丝刀42/saw A:凿子B:斧子C:锯子D:台钳43/axe A:锯子B:钻C:斧子D:刨床44/drill A:卷尺B:榔头C:电焊机D:钻45/tap A:螺丝攻B:螺丝C:手电筒D:起吊工具46/electric welding machine A:风焊机B:电焊机C:螺丝刀D:螺丝攻47/gas welding machine A:手电筒B:牛油枪C:风焊机D:刮刀48/screw driver A:电焊机B:螺丝C:螺丝攻D:螺丝刀49/grease gun A:牛油枪B:手电筒C:起吊工具D:螺丝刀50/lifting gear A:螺丝刀B:起吊工具C:手电筒D:斧子51/flash light A:斧子B:牛油枪C:手电筒D:风焊机52/packing the knife A:车刀B:卡钳C:尺子D:盘根刀53/ruler A:尺子B:锯条C:砂轮D:车刀54/box spanner A:卡钳B:套筒扳手C:台钳D:环形扳手55/ring spanner A:套筒扳手B:活络扳手C:环形扳手D:车床56/adjustable spanner A:凿子B:环形扳手C:榔头D:活络扳手57/puncher A:冲床B:磨床C:车床D:刨床58/grinder A:冲床B:磨床C:刨床D:车床59/tool A:锉刀B:车床C:工具D:螺丝60/drill machine A:车床B:刨床C:冲床D:钻床61/two stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:吸气冲程D:压缩冲程62/four stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:压缩冲程D:吸气冲程63/suction stroke A:排气冲程B:压缩冲程C:吸气冲程D:做功冲程64//compression stroke A:压缩冲程B:排气冲程C:做功冲程D:吸气冲程65/exhaust stroke A:排气冲程B:压缩冲程C:做功冲程D:吸气冲程66/working stroke A:吸气冲程B:做功冲程C:压缩冲程D:排气冲程67/cylinder A:活塞B:十字头C:气缸D:曲柄68/cylinder liner A:气缸套B:气缸C:气缸盖D:气缸衬69/cylinder jacket A:气缸套B:填料箱C:扫气箱D:机架70/cylinder cover A:气缸衬B:气缸盖C:气缸套D:扫气口71/stuffing box A:活塞头B:扫气口C:填料箱D:排气口72/piston A:机座B:底座C:连杆D:活塞73/piston head A:活塞头B:活塞裙C:活塞杆D:活塞74/piston skirt A:活塞B:活塞裙C:活塞头D:活塞杆75/piston rod A:活塞B:活塞头C:活塞杆D:活塞裙76/crosshead A:曲柄B:活塞C:连杆D:十字头77/connecting rod A:连杆B:增压器C:底座D:排气口78/crank A:连杆B:曲柄C:主轴D:喷嘴79/propeller A:盘车机B:飞轮C:螺旋桨D:摇臂80/turbocharger A:喷嘴B:控制台C:操纵台D:涡轮增压器81/turning gear A:盘车机B:螺旋桨C:调节器D:飞轮82/fuel injection A:喷嘴B:喷油器C:注油器D:活塞头83/governor A:警报器B:调节器C:调速器D:喷油器84/regulator A:调速器B:喷油器C:警报器D:调节器85/alarm A:警报器B:调速器C:喷油器D:调节器86/frame A:柴油机B:机架C:气缸D:活塞87/crankshaft A:主轴B:曲柄C:曲轴D:主轴承88/main shaft A:曲轴B:轴承C:轴D:主轴89/cooling system A:冷却系统B:润滑系统C:燃油系统D:空气起动系统90/fuel oil system A:冷却期统B:燃油系统C:空气起动系统D:润滑系统91/bilge pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:船底排水泵D:水泵92/fire pump A:消防泵B:冷却水泵C:船底排水泵D:海水泵93/circulating pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:循环泵D:淡水泵94/oil pump A:消防泵B:油泵C:船底排水泵D:水泵95/ water feed pump A:供油泵B:污水泵C:压载泵D:供水泵96/ booster pump A:燃油泵B:柴油泵C:增压泵D:减压泵97/shaft A:轴B:连杆C:活塞D:轴承98/bearing A:轴封B:机轴C:轴承D:轴套99/shaft seal A:轴衬B:轴环C:轴管D:轴封100/impeller A:轴杆B:螺旋桨C:轴弄D:叶轮101/ pillow A:轴枕B:轴座C:轴销D:轴柱102/tail bearing A:尾轴承B:连杆C:轴承D:轴承上瓦103/cargo winch A:起重机B:起货机C:绞盘机D:起锚机104/windlass A:起重机B:锚C:锚机D:起货机105/air conditioner A:冷空气B:空气箱C:空调D:气塞106/steering gear A:舵轮B:操作器C:齿轮D:舵机107/oil separator A:分油机B:油泵C:分离机D:油过滤器108/boiler A:火炉B:气缸C:活塞D:锅炉109/derrick A:吊杆B:轴杆C:吊绳D:锚110/generator A:电源开关B:造水机C:分油机D:发电机111/propeller A:发电机B:螺旋桨C:搅拌机D:叶轮112/fresh water generator A:发电机B:造水机C:水箱D:淡水机113/crane A:起动机B:起锚机C:起重机D:绞盘机114/ grab A:抓斗B:运粮机C:漏斗D:起货机115/funnel A:隧道B:烟囱C:水箱D:水管116/ mast A:吊杆B:大桅C:帆布D:连杆117/radar A:雷达B:导向仪C:测向仪D:车钟118/ water tank A:油罐B:水柜C:水房D:淡水机119/telegraph A:电话B:雷达C:电报机D:车钟120/ oil tank A:油柜B:水柜C:油泵D:水泵121/ oil pump A:油罐B:水柜C:油泵D:油柜122/ watertight door A:水门B:水密舱C:水房D:水密门123/ filter A:过滤器B:供油器C:空调D:淡水机124/ donkey boiler A:过滤器B:锅炉C:空调D:辅锅炉125/ refrigerator A:压缩机B:分油器C:增压器D:制冷机126/ alarm A:起动阀B:气缸C:警报器D:过滤器127/ lathe A:车刀B:车间C:车床D:刨床128/ emergency generator A:应急警报器B:应急造水机C:应急发电机D:应急调速器129/ boiler feed pump A:气缸给水泵B:锅炉给水泵C:锅炉水泵D:气缸水泵130/ ventilator A:通风机B:分油机C:空调D:过滤器131/turbocharger A:调速器B:调节器C:涡沦增压器D:加速器132/compressor A:增压器B:制冷机C:压缩机D:分油机133/ condenser A:冷凝器B:调速器C:滤油器D:加速器134/ capstan A:起货机B:压缩机C:起重机D:绞盘135/ pressure gauge A:温度表B:湿度计C:压力表D:转速表136/ governor A:调节器B:调速器C:警报器D:过滤器137/ auxiliary engine A:辅机B:主机C:热机D:内燃机138/ ventilator A:通风机B:分流机C:空调D:过滤器139/ incinerator A:锅炉B:发电机C:焚烧炉D:注油器140/ electric welding machine A:电热器B:电车床C:风焊机D:电焊机141/ turbine A:锅炉B:涡轮机C:加速器D:增压器142/ steam turbine A:蒸汽锅炉B:蒸汽增压机C:蒸汽加速器D:汽轮机143/ ballast pump A:压载泵B:压缩泵C:压水泵D:增压器144/ oil purifier A:分油机B:造水机C:加油器D:净油机145/ turning gear A:转轮B:涡轮C:飞轮D:盘车机146/exhaust valve A:吸入阀B:应急阀C:排气阀D:减压阀147/ anchor A:舵轮B:舵机C:缆桩D:锚148/ pilot lamp A:日光灯B:指示灯C:装货灯D:照明灯149/ monitor A:监控器B:遥控器C:加速器D:增压器150/ donkey boiler A:主机锅炉B:蒸汽锅炉C:辅助锅炉D:废水锅炉151/windlass A:绞盘B:起重机C:起货机D:起锚机152 air conditioner A:冷凝机B:空气箱C:气阀D:空调153/steering gear A:舵机B:操作轮C:齿轮D:舵轮154/ radiator A:雷达B:散热器C:放射D:电磁器155/ fan A:转轮B:风扇C:飞轮D:分机156/watertight door A:水密门B:水门C:水密舱D:水密阀157/ cabin A:船长B:船头C:船尾D:船舱158/ ladder A:借出B:电灯C:梯子D:雷达159/ injector A:喷嘴B:注射C:加油器D:增压器160/condenser A:调速器B:加速器C:冷凝器D:清洁器161/compass A:包括B:超越C:指南针D:电罗经162/grinding wheel A:舵轮B:砂轮C:车轮D:抛光机163/ M.E A:马达B:主机C:齿轮D:舵轮1/ emergency stop valve A、截止阀B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急泵2/ emergency fire pump A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急发电机3/ emergency generator A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急发电机4/ life boat engine A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、救生艇机D、应急空压机5/ emergency air compressor A、应急发电机B、舱底水泵C、停止阀D、应急空压机6 bilge pump A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、应急空压机7 oil water separator A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、应急空压机8 incinerator A、焚烧炉B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、压载水泵9 gas oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油10 heavy fuel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油11 diesel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油12 lube oil A、轻油B、重油C、润滑油D、柴油13 grease A、轻油B、油脂C、燃料油D、柴油14 fire extinguisher A、灭火器B、泡沫C、二氧化碳D、干粉15 CO2 system A、灭火器B、泡沫C、二氧化碳系统D、干粉16 FIRE ALARM A、灭火器B、火灾警报C、灭火系统D、救火泵17 dry powder A、灭火剂B、火灾警报C、灭火系统D、干粉18 hydrant A、灭火器B、消防栓C、灭火剂D、干粉19 foam A、消防皮龙B、消防栓C、泡沫D、干粉20 hoses A、灭火器B、消防栓C、泡沫D、消防皮龙21 M/E A、发电机B、停车C、主机D、锚机22 G/E A、发电机B、停车C、主车D、锚机23 A/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、柴油机24 D/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、直流电25 ALARM A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机26 FAULT A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机27 DUTY ENGINEER A、故障B、警报C、锚机D、值班轮机员28 rpm A、马力B、千瓦C、转/分D、故障29 H/P A、马力B、千瓦C、转/分D、故障30 M/V A、马力B、内燃机船C、转/分D、主机31 D/O A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油32 F/O A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油33 F/W A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油34 S/W A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油35 A/B A、开关B、水手C、人工D、自动36 ON A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动37 OFF A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动38 AUTO A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动39 MUNUAL A、开关B、人工C、运转D、自动40 RUNNING A、运转B、人工C、开关D、自动41 Standby engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车42 Dead slow ahead A、微速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退43 Slow ahead A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退44 Half ahead A、微速前进B、全速后退C、微速后退D、半速前进45 Full ahead A、慢速前进B、全速前进C、半速后退D、全速后退46 Slow ahead starboard A、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、左车微速后退D、右车半速后退47 Slow ahead portA、左车慢速前进B、左车微速前进C、右车微速后退D、右车半速后退48 Dead slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退49 Slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、慢速后退50 Half astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、半速后退51 Full astern A、全速后退B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速前进52 Half astern port A、左车慢速前进B、左车半速后退C、右车微速后退D、右车微速前进53 Half astern starboardA、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、右车半速后退D、左车半速后退54 Stop starboard A、右车停B、双车停C、主机定速D、左车停55 Slow ahead both enginesA、左车微速前进B、双车微速进C、主机定速D、右车微速进56 Full astern both engines A、双车全速退B、停车C、主机定速D、微速前进57 Stop engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车58 Ring off engines A、微速前进B、停车C、主机定速D、备车59 Finished with engine A、主机定速B、停车C、备车D、完车60 Emergency full astern A、主机定速B、停车C、双车停D、强速后退61 Port fifteen A、左15度B、右15度C、右50度D、左50度62 Starboard fifteen A、左15度B、右50度C、右15度D、左50度63 Port 10°A、左舵10 B、右舵10 C、左右舵10 D、右10度64 Starboard 5°A、左右舵5 B、右舵5 C、左5度D、左舵5。

修订版海员机工英语考库单词【精】1/captain A:海员 B:大副C:船长 D:水手长2/chief engineer A:大管轮 B:管事 C:机工D:轮机长3/motorman A:机工 B:水手 C:二副 D:木匠4/sailor A:服务员B:水手 C:三管轮 D:海员5/chief officer A:大副 B:二管轮 C:管事 D:水手长6/second engineer A:轮机长B:大管轮 C:二管轮 D:二副7/carpenter A:管事 B:水手C:木匠 D:二副8/third engineer A:三副 B:服务员 C:大管轮D:二管轮9/third officer A:三副 B:三管轮 C:二副 D:二管轮10/seaman A:船长B:海员 C:三副 D:管事11/bridge A:大厅 B:会议室C:驾驶台 D:厨房12/cabin A:机舱 B厕所 C:驾驶台D:舱室13/smoking room A:吸烟室 B:机舱 C:锅炉房 D:进口14/steering gear room A:出口B:舵机房 C:机舱 D:驾驶台15/engine room A:大厅 B:物料间C:机舱 D:厨房16/meeting room A:大厅 B:吸烟室 C:锅炉房D:会议室17/hospital A:医院 B:浴室 C:物料间 D:泵间18/control room A:冷藏间B:控制室 C:货舱 D:空调间19/cargo hold A:物料间 B:驾驶台C:货舱 D:蔬菜间20/store room A:泵间 B:控制室 C:鱼肉间D:物料间21/crew A:全体船员 B:船长 C:管事 D:服务员22/second officer A:三副 B:二副 C:大副 D:水手23/bosun A:木匠 B:海员C:水手长 D:机工24/fourth engineer A:二管轮 B:大管轮 C:轮机长D:三管轮25/purser A:管事 B:机工 C:木匠 D:水手26/steward A:医生 B:服务员 C:管事 D:大副27/doctor A:服务员 B:水手C:医生 D:管事28/engineer A:机工 B:二副 C:船长D:轮机员29/officer A:驾驶员 B:轮机员 C:服务员 D:船员30/motorman A:水手B:机工 C:大副 D:大管轮31/calipers A:卷尺 B:扳手 C:卡钳 D:斧子32/pipe wrench A:榔头 B:车床 C:锯子 D:管钳33/file A:锉刀 B:台钳 C:刨床 D:刮刀34/hammer A:扳手 B:榔头/铁锤 C:车刀 D:螺丝刀35/flexible ruler A:卡钳 B:扳手 C:管钳D:卷尺36/spanner A:扳手 B:刮刀 C:斧子 D:车刀37/bench vice A:榔头B:台钳 C:钻 D:手电筒38/scraper A:车床 B:斧子C:刮刀 D:螺丝攻39/lathe A:台钳 B:斧子 C:刨床D:车床40/planer A:刨床 B:车床 C:斧子 D:管钳41/turning tool A:锉刀 B:车刀 C:刮刀 D:螺丝刀42/saw A:凿子 B:斧子C:锯子 D:台钳43/axe A:锯子 B:钻 C:斧子 D:刨床44/drill A:卷尺 B:榔头 C:电焊机D:钻快乐45/tap A:螺丝攻 B:螺丝 C:手电筒 D:起吊工具46/electric welding machine A:风焊机B:电焊机 C:螺丝刀 D:螺丝攻47/gas welding machine A:手电筒 B:牛油枪C:风焊机 D:刮刀48/screw driver A:电焊机 B:螺丝 C:螺丝攻D:螺丝刀49/grease gun A:牛油枪 B:手电筒 C:起吊工具 D:螺丝刀50/lifting gear A:螺丝刀B:起吊工具 C:手电筒 D:斧子51/flash light A:斧子 B:牛油枪C:手电筒 D:风焊机52/packing the knife A:车刀 B:卡钳 C:尺子 D:盘根刀53/ruler A:尺子 B:锯条 C:砂轮 D:车刀54/box spanner A:卡钳B:套筒扳手 C:台钳 D:环形扳手55/ring spanner A:套筒扳手 B:活络扳手C:环形扳手 D:车床56/adjustable spanner A:凿子 B:环形扳手 C:榔头D:活络扳手57/puncher A:冲床 B:磨床 C:车床 D:刨床58/grinder A:冲床B:磨床 C:刨床 D:车床59/tool A:锉刀 B:车床C:工具 D:螺丝60/drill machine A:车床 B:刨床 C:冲床D:钻床61/two stroke engine A:二冲程发动机 B:四冲程发动机C:吸气冲程 D:压缩冲程62/four stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机 C:压缩冲程 D:吸气冲程63/suction stroke A:排气冲程 B:压缩冲程C:吸气冲程 D:做功冲程64//compression stroke A:压缩冲程 B:排气冲程 C:做功冲程 D:吸气冲程65/exhaust stroke A:排气冲程 B:压缩冲程 C:做功冲程 D:吸气冲程66/working stroke A:吸气冲程B:做功冲程 C:压缩冲程 D:排气冲程67/cylinder A:活塞 B:十字头C:气缸 D:曲柄68/cylinder liner A:气缸套 B:气缸 C:气缸盖 D:气缸衬69/cylinder jacket A:气缸套 B:填料箱 C:扫气箱 D:机架70/cylinder cover A:气缸衬B:气缸盖 C:气缸套 D:扫气口71/stuffing box A:活塞头 B:扫气口C:填料箱 D:排气口72/piston A:机座 B:底座 C:连杆 D:活塞73/piston head A:活塞头 B:活塞裙 C:活塞杆 D:活塞74/piston skirt A:活塞B:活塞裙 C:活塞头 D:活塞杆75/piston rod A:活塞 B:活塞头C:活塞杆 D:活塞裙76/crosshead A:曲柄 B:活塞 C:连杆D:十字头77/connecting rod A:连杆 B:增压器 C:底座 D:排气口78/crank A:连杆B:曲柄 C:主轴 D:喷嘴79/propeller A:盘车机 B:飞轮 C:螺旋桨 D:摇臂80/turbocharger A:喷嘴 B:控制台 C:操纵台D:涡轮增压器81/turning gear A:盘车机 B:螺旋桨 C:调节器 D:飞轮82/fuel injection A:喷嘴 B:喷油器 C:注油器 D:活塞头83/governor A:警报器 B:调节器C:调速器 D:喷油器84/regulator A:调速器 B:喷油器 C:警报器D:调节器85/alarm A:警报器 B:调速器 C:喷油器 D:调节器86/frame A:柴油机B:机架 C:气缸 D:活塞87/crankshaft A:主轴 B:曲柄C:曲轴 D:主轴承88/main shaft A:曲轴 B:轴承 C:轴D:主轴快乐89/cooling system A:冷却系统 B:润滑系统 C:燃油系统 D:空气起动系统90/fuel oil system A:冷却期统B:燃油系统 C:空气起动系统 D:润滑系统91/bilge pump A:压载泵 B:油泵C:船底排水泵 D:水泵92/fire pump A:消防泵 B:冷却水泵 C:船底排水泵 D:海水泵93/circulating pump A:压载泵 B:油泵C:循环泵 D:淡水泵94/oil pump A:消防泵B:油泵 C:船底排水泵 D:水泵95/ water feed pump A:供油泵 B:污水泵 C:压载泵D:供水泵96/ booster pump A:燃油泵 B:柴油泵C:增压泵 D:减压泵97/shaft A:轴 B:连杆 C:活塞 D:轴承98/bearing A:轴封 B:机轴C:轴承 D:轴套99/shaft seal A:轴衬 B:轴环 C:轴管D:轴封100/impeller A:轴杆 B:螺旋桨 C:轴弄D:叶轮101/ pillow A:轴枕 B:轴座 C:轴销 D:轴柱102/tail bearing A:尾轴承 B:连杆 C:轴承 D:轴承上瓦103/cargo winch A:起重机B:起货机 C:绞盘机 D:起锚机104/windlass A:起重机 B:锚C:锚机 D:起货机105/air conditioner A:冷空气 B:空气箱 C:空调 D:气塞106/steering gear A:舵轮 B:操作器 C:齿轮 D:舵机107/oil separator A:分油机 B:油泵 C:分离机 D:油过滤器108/boiler A:火炉 B:气缸 C:活塞D:锅炉109/derrick A:吊杆 B:轴杆 C:吊绳 D:锚110/generator A:电源开关 B:造水机 C:分油机D:发电机111/propeller A:发电机 B:螺旋桨 C:搅拌机 D:叶轮112/fresh water generator A:发电机 B:造水机 C:水箱 D:淡水机113/crane A:起动机 B:起锚机C:起重机 D:绞盘机114/ grab A:抓斗 B:运粮机 C:漏斗 D:起货机115/funnel A:隧道B:烟囱 C:水箱 D:水管116/ mast A:吊杆B:大桅 C:帆布 D:连杆117/radar A:雷达 B:导向仪 C:测向仪 D:车钟118/ water tank A:油罐B:水柜 C:水房 D:淡水机119/telegraph A:电话 B:雷达 C:电报机 D:车钟120/ oil tank A:油柜 B:水柜 C:油泵 D:水泵121/ oil pump A:油罐 B:水柜C:油泵 D:油柜122/ watertight door A:水门 B:水密舱 C:水房 D:水密门123/ filter A:过滤器 B:供油器 C:空调 D:淡水机124/ donkey boiler A:过滤器 B:锅炉 C:空调D:辅锅炉125/ refrigerator A:压缩机 B:分油器 C:增压器D:制冷机126/ alarm A:起动阀 B:气缸 C:警报器 D:过滤器127/ lathe A:车刀 B:车间C:车床 D:刨床128/ emergency generator A:应急警报器 B:应急造水机 C:应急发电机 D:应急调速器129/ boiler feed pump A:气缸给水泵 B:锅炉给水泵 C:锅炉水泵 D:气缸水泵130/ ventilator A:通风机 B:分油机 C:空调 D:过滤器131/turbocharger A:调速器 B:调节器C:涡沦增压器 D:加速器132/compressor A:增压器 B:制冷机C:压缩机 D:分油机快乐133/ condenser A:冷凝器 B:调速器 C:滤油器 D:加速器134/ capstan A:起货机 B:压缩机 C:起重机D:绞盘135/ pressure gauge A:温度表 B:湿度计C:压力表 D:转速表136/ governor A:调节器B:调速器 C:警报器 D:过滤器137/ auxiliary engine A:辅机 B:主机 C:热机 D:内燃机138/ ventilator A:通风机 B:分流机 C:空调 D:过滤器139/ incinerator A:锅炉 B:发电机C:焚烧炉 D:注油器140/ electric welding machine A:电热器 B:电车床 C:风焊机D:电焊机141/ turbine A:锅炉B:涡轮机 C:加速器 D:增压器142/ steam turbine A:蒸汽锅炉 B:蒸汽增压机 C:蒸汽加速器D:汽轮机143/ ballast pump A:压载泵 B:压缩泵 C:压水泵 D:增压器144/ oil purifier A:分油机 B:造水机 C:加油器D:净油机145/ turning gear A:转轮 B:涡轮 C:飞轮D:盘车机146/exhaust valve A:吸入阀 B:应急阀C:排气阀 D:减压阀147/ anchor A:舵轮 B:舵机 C:缆桩D:锚148/ pilot lamp A:日光灯B:指示灯 C:装货灯 D:照明灯149/ monitor A:监控器 B:遥控器 C:加速器 D:增压器150/ donkey boiler A:主机锅炉 B:蒸汽锅炉 C:辅助锅炉 D:废水锅炉151/windlass A:绞盘 B:起重机 C:起货机 D:起锚机152 air conditioner A:冷凝机 B:空气箱 C:气阀D:空调153/steering gear A:舵机 B:操作轮 C:齿轮 D:舵轮154/ radiator A:雷达 B:散热器 C:放射 D:电磁器155/ fan A:转轮B:风扇 C:飞轮 D:分机156/watertight door A:水密门 B:水门 C:水密舱 D:水密阀157/ cabin A:船长 B:船头 C:船尾 D:船舱158/ ladder A:借出 B:电灯 C:梯子 D:雷达159/ injector A:喷嘴B:注射 C:加油器 D:增压器160/condenser A:调速器 B:加速器 C:冷凝器 D:清洁器161/compass A:包括 B:超越C:指南针 D:电罗经162/grinding wheel A:舵轮 B:砂轮 C:车轮 D:抛光机163/ M.E A:马达B:主机 C:齿轮 D:舵轮1/ emergency stop valve A、截止阀B、速闭阀 C、停止阀 D、应急泵2/ emergency fire pump A、应急救火泵 B、速闭阀 C、停止阀 D、应急发电机3/ emergency generator A、应急救火泵 B、速闭阀 C、停止阀 D、应急发电机4/ life boat engine A、应急救火泵 B、速闭阀 C、救生艇机 D、应急空压机5/ emergency air compressor A、应急发电机 B、舱底水泵 C、停止阀D、应急空压机6 bilge pump A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵 C、油水分离器 D、应急空压机7 oil water separator A、压载水泵 B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器 D、应急空压机8 incinerator A、焚烧炉 B、舱底水泵 C、油水分离器 D、压载水泵9 gas oil A、轻油 B、重油 C、燃油D、柴油10 heavy fuel oil A、轻油B、重油 C、燃油 D、柴油11 diesel oil A、轻油 B、重油 C、燃油D、柴油12 lube oil A、轻油 B、重油 C、润滑油 D、柴油快乐13 grease A、轻油B、油脂 C、燃料油 D、柴油14 fire extinguisher A、灭火器 B、泡沫 C、二氧化碳 D、干粉15 CO2 system A、灭火器 B、泡沫 C、二氧化碳系统 D、干粉16 FIRE ALARM A、灭火器B、火灾警报 C、灭火系统 D、救火泵17 dry powder A、灭火剂 B、火灾警报 C、灭火系统D、干粉18 hydrant A、灭火器 B、消防栓 C、灭火剂 D、干粉19 foam A、消防皮龙 B、消防栓 C、泡沫 D、干粉20 hoses A、灭火器 B、消防栓 C、泡沫 D、消防皮龙21 M/E A、发电机 B、停车C、主机 D、锚机22 G/E A、发电机 B、停车 C、主车 D、锚机23 A/C A、直流电B、交流电 C、发电机 D、柴油机24 D/C A、直流电 B、交流电 C、发电机 D、直流电25 ALARM A、故障B、警报 C、值班 D、锚机26 FAULT A、故障 B、警报 C、值班 D、锚机27 DUTY ENGINEER A、故障 B、警报 C、锚机 D、值班轮机员28 rpm A、马力 B、千瓦 C、转/分 D、故障29 H/P A、马力 B、千瓦 C、转/分 D、故障30 M/V A、马力B、内燃机船 C、转/分 D、主机31 D/O A、淡水 B、海水 C、燃油 D、柴油32 F/O A、淡水 B、海水C、燃油 D、柴油33 F/W A、淡水 B、海水 C、燃油 D、柴油34 S/W A、淡水 B、海水 C、燃油 D、柴油35 A/B A、开关 B、水手 C、人工 D、自动36 ON A、开关 B、合闸 C、松闸 D、自动37 OFF A、开关 B、合闸 C、松闸 D、自动38 AUTO A、开关 B、合闸 C、松闸 D、自动39 MUNUAL A、开关B、人工 C、运转 D、自动40 RUNNING A、运转 B、人工 C、开关 D、自动41 Standby engine A、微速前进 B、停车 C、备车 D、完车42 Dead slow ahead A、微速前进 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、全速后退43 Slow ahead A、半速前进B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、全速后退44 Half ahead A、微速前进 B、全速后退 C、微速后退 D、半速前进45 Full ahead A、慢速前进 B、全速前进 C、半速后退 D、全速后退46 Slow ahead starboard A、左车慢速前进 B、右车微速前进 C、左车微速后退D、右车半速后退47 Slow ahead portA、左车慢速前进 B、左车微速前进 C、右车微速后退 D、右车半速后退48 Dead slow astern A、半速前进 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、全速后退49 Slow astern A、半速前进 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、慢速后退50 Half astern A、半速前进 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、半速后退51 Full astern A、全速后退 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、全速前进52 Half astern port A、左车慢速前进 B、左车半速后退 C、右车微速后退 D、右车微速前进53 Half astern starboardA、左车慢速前进 B、右车微速前进 C、右车半速后退 D、快乐左车半速后退54 Stop starboard A、右车停 B、双车停 C、主机定速 D、左车停55 Slow ahead both enginesA、左车微速前进 B、双车微速进 C、主机定速D、右车微速进56 Full astern both engines A、双车全速退 B、停车 C、主机定速 D、微速前进57 Stop engine A、微速前进 B、停车 C、备车 D、完车58 Ring off engines A、微速前进 B、停车 C、主机定速 D、备车59 Finished with engine A、主机定速 B、停车 C、备车 D、完车60 Emergency full astern A、主机定速 B、停车 C、双车停 D、强速后退61 Port fifteen A、左15度 B、右15度 C、右50度62 Starboard fifteen A、左15度 B、右50度C、右15度63 Port 10°A、左舵10 B、右舵10 C、左右舵1064 Starboard 5° A、左右舵5 B、右舵5 C、左5度。
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1/captain A:海员B:大副C:船长D:水手长2/chief engineer A:大管轮B:管事C:机工D:轮机长3/motorman A:机工B:水手C:二副D:木匠4/sailor A:服务员B:水手C:三管轮D:海员5/chief officer A:大副B:二管轮C:管事D:水手长6/second engineer A:轮机长B:大管轮C:二管轮D:二副7/carpenter A:管事B:水手C:木匠D:二副8/third engineer A:三副B:服务员C:大管轮D:二管轮9/third officer A:三副B:三管轮C:二副D:二管轮10/seaman A:船长B:海员C:三副D:管事11/bridge A:大厅B:会议室C:驾驶台D:厨房12/cabin A:机舱B厕所C:驾驶台D:舱室13/smoking room A:吸烟室B:机舱C:锅炉房D:进口14/steering gear room A:出口B:舵机房C:机舱D:驾驶台15/engine room A:大厅B:物料间C:机舱D:厨房16/meeting room A:大厅B:吸烟室C:锅炉房D:会议室17/hospital A:医院B:浴室C:物料间D:泵间18/control room A:冷藏间B:控制室C:货舱D:空调间19/cargo hold A:物料间B:驾驶台C:货舱D:蔬菜间20/store room A:泵间B:控制室C:鱼肉间D:物料间21/crew A:全体船员B:船长C:管事D:服务员22/second officer A:三副B:二副C:大副D:水手23/bosun A:木匠B:海员C:水手长D:机工24/fourth engineer A:二管轮B:大管轮C:轮机长D:三管轮25/purser A:管事B:机工C:木匠D:水手26/steward A:医生B:服务员C:管事D:大副27/doctor A:服务员B:水手C:医生D:管事28/engineer A:机工B:二副C:船长D:轮机员29/officer A:驾驶员B:轮机员C:服务员D:船员30/motorman A:水手B:机工C:大副D:大管轮31/calipers A:卷尺B:扳手C:卡钳D:斧子32/pipe wrench A:榔头B:车床C:锯子D:管钳33/file A:锉刀B:台钳C:刨床D:刮刀34/hammer A:扳手B:榔头/铁锤C:车刀D:螺丝刀35/flexible ruler A:卡钳B:扳手C:管钳D:卷尺36/spanner A:扳手B:刮刀C:斧子D:车刀37/bench vice A:榔头B:台钳C:钻D:手电筒38/scraper A:车床B:斧子C:刮刀D:螺丝攻39/lathe A:台钳B:斧子C:刨床D:车床40/planer A:刨床B:车床C:斧子D:管钳41/turning tool A:锉刀B:车刀C:刮刀D:螺丝刀42/saw A:凿子B:斧子C:锯子D:台钳43/axe A:锯子B:钻C:斧子D:刨床44/drill A:卷尺B:榔头C:电焊机D:钻45/tap A:螺丝攻B:螺丝C:手电筒D:起吊工具46/electric welding machine A:风焊机B:电焊机C:螺丝刀D:螺丝攻47/gas welding machine A:手电筒B:牛油枪C:风焊机D:刮刀48/screw driver A:电焊机B:螺丝C:螺丝攻D:螺丝刀49/grease gun A:牛油枪B:手电筒C:起吊工具D:螺丝刀50/lifting gear A:螺丝刀B:起吊工具C:手电筒D:斧子51/flash light A:斧子B:牛油枪C:手电筒D:风焊机52/packing the knife A:车刀B:卡钳C:尺子D:盘根刀53/ruler A:尺子B:锯条C:砂轮D:车刀54/box spanner A:卡钳B:套筒扳手C:台钳D:环形扳手55/ring spanner A:套筒扳手B:活络扳手C:环形扳手D:车床56/adjustable spanner A:凿子B:环形扳手C:榔头D:活络扳手57/puncher A:冲床B:磨床C:车床D:刨床58/grinder A:冲床B:磨床C:刨床D:车床59/tool A:锉刀B:车床C:工具D:螺丝60/drill machine A:车床B:刨床C:冲床D:钻床61/two stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:吸气冲程D:压缩冲程62/four stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:压缩冲程D:吸气冲程63/suction stroke A:排气冲程B:压缩冲程C:吸气冲程D:做功冲程64//compression stroke A:压缩冲程B:排气冲程C:做功冲程D:吸气冲程65/exhaust stroke A:排气冲程B:压缩冲程C:做功冲程D:吸气冲程66/working stroke A:吸气冲程B:做功冲程C:压缩冲程D:排气冲程67/cylinder A:活塞B:十字头C:气缸D:曲柄68/cylinder liner A:气缸套B:气缸C:气缸盖D:气缸衬69/cylinder jacket A:气缸套B:填料箱C:扫气箱D:机架70/cylinder cover A:气缸衬B:气缸盖C:气缸套D:扫气口71/stuffing box A:活塞头B:扫气口C:填料箱D:排气口72/piston A:机座B:底座C:连杆D:活塞73/piston head A:活塞头B:活塞裙C:活塞杆D:活塞74/piston skirt A:活塞B:活塞裙C:活塞头D:活塞杆75/piston rod A:活塞B:活塞头C:活塞杆D:活塞裙76/crosshead A:曲柄B:活塞C:连杆D:十字头77/connecting rod A:连杆B:增压器C:底座D:排气口78/crank A:连杆B:曲柄C:主轴D:喷嘴79/propeller A:盘车机B:飞轮C:螺旋桨D:摇臂80/turbocharger A:喷嘴B:控制台C:操纵台D:涡轮增压器81/turning gear A:盘车机B:螺旋桨C:调节器D:飞轮82/fuel injection A:喷嘴B:喷油器C:注油器D:活塞头83/governor A:警报器B:调节器C:调速器D:喷油器84/regulator A:调速器B:喷油器C:警报器D:调节器85/alarm A:警报器B:调速器C:喷油器D:调节器86/frame A:柴油机B:机架C:气缸D:活塞87/crankshaft A:主轴B:曲柄C:曲轴D:主轴承88/main shaft A:曲轴B:轴承C:轴D:主轴89/cooling system A:冷却系统B:润滑系统C:燃油系统D:空气起动系统90/fuel oil system A:冷却期统B:燃油系统C:空气起动系统D:润滑系统91/bilge pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:船底排水泵D:水泵92/fire pump A:消防泵B:冷却水泵C:船底排水泵D:海水泵93/circulating pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:循环泵D:淡水泵94/oil pump A:消防泵B:油泵C:船底排水泵D:水泵95/ water feed pump A:供油泵B:污水泵C:压载泵D:供水泵96/ booster pump A:燃油泵B:柴油泵C:增压泵D:减压泵97/shaft A:轴B:连杆C:活塞D:轴承98/bearing A:轴封B:机轴C:轴承D:轴套99/shaft seal A:轴衬B:轴环C:轴管D:轴封100/impeller A:轴杆B:螺旋桨C:轴弄D:叶轮101/ pillow A:轴枕B:轴座C:轴销D:轴柱102/tail bearing A:尾轴承B:连杆C:轴承D:轴承上瓦103/cargo winch A:起重机B:起货机C:绞盘机D:起锚机104/windlass A:起重机B:锚C:锚机D:起货机105/air conditioner A:冷空气B:空气箱C:空调D:气塞106/steering gear A:舵轮B:操作器C:齿轮D:舵机107/oil separator A:分油机B:油泵C:分离机D:油过滤器108/boiler A:火炉B:气缸C:活塞D:锅炉109/derrick A:吊杆B:轴杆C:吊绳D:锚110/generator A:电源开关B:造水机C:分油机D:发电机111/propeller A:发电机B:螺旋桨C:搅拌机D:叶轮112/fresh water generator A:发电机B:造水机C:水箱D:淡水机113/crane A:起动机B:起锚机C:起重机D:绞盘机114/ grab A:抓斗B:运粮机C:漏斗D:起货机115/funnel A:隧道B:烟囱C:水箱D:水管116/ mast A:吊杆B:大桅C:帆布D:连杆117/radar A:雷达B:导向仪C:测向仪D:车钟118/ water tank A:油罐B:水柜C:水房D:淡水机119/telegraph A:电话B:雷达C:电报机D:车钟120/ oil tank A:油柜B:水柜C:油泵D:水泵121/ oil pump A:油罐B:水柜C:油泵D:油柜122/ watertight door A:水门B:水密舱C:水房D:水密门123/ filter A:过滤器B:供油器C:空调D:淡水机124/ donkey boiler A:过滤器B:锅炉C:空调D:辅锅炉125/ refrigerator A:压缩机B:分油器C:增压器D:制冷机126/ alarm A:起动阀B:气缸C:警报器D:过滤器127/ lathe A:车刀B:车间C:车床D:刨床128/ emergency generator A:应急警报器B:应急造水机C:应急发电机D:应急调速器129/ boiler feed pump A:气缸给水泵B:锅炉给水泵C:锅炉水泵D:气缸水泵130/ ventilator A:通风机B:分油机C:空调D:过滤器131/turbocharger A:调速器B:调节器C:涡沦增压器D:加速器132/compressor A:增压器B:制冷机C:压缩机D:分油机133/ condenser A:冷凝器B:调速器C:滤油器D:加速器134/ capstan A:起货机B:压缩机C:起重机D:绞盘135/ pressure gauge A:温度表B:湿度计C:压力表D:转速表136/ governor A:调节器B:调速器C:警报器D:过滤器137/ auxiliary engine A:辅机B:主机C:热机D:内燃机138/ ventilator A:通风机B:分流机C:空调D:过滤器139/ incinerator A:锅炉B:发电机C:焚烧炉D:注油器140/ electric welding machine A:电热器B:电车床C:风焊机D:电焊机141/ turbine A:锅炉B:涡轮机C:加速器D:增压器142/ steam turbine A:蒸汽锅炉B:蒸汽增压机C:蒸汽加速器D:汽轮机143/ ballast pump A:压载泵B:压缩泵C:压水泵D:增压器144/ oil purifier A:分油机B:造水机C:加油器D:净油机145/ turning gear A:转轮B:涡轮C:飞轮D:盘车机146/exhaust valve A:吸入阀B:应急阀C:排气阀D:减压阀147/ anchor A:舵轮B:舵机C:缆桩D:锚148/ pilot lamp A:日光灯B:指示灯C:装货灯D:照明灯149/ monitor A:监控器B:遥控器C:加速器D:增压器150/ donkey boiler A:主机锅炉B:蒸汽锅炉C:辅助锅炉D:废水锅炉151/windlass A:绞盘B:起重机C:起货机D:起锚机152 air conditioner A:冷凝机B:空气箱C:气阀D:空调153/steering gear A:舵机B:操作轮C:齿轮D:舵轮154/ radiator A:雷达B:散热器C:放射D:电磁器155/ fan A:转轮B:风扇C:飞轮D:分机156/watertight door A:水密门B:水门C:水密舱D:水密阀157/ cabin A:船长B:船头C:船尾D:船舱158/ ladder A:借出B:电灯C:梯子D:雷达159/ injector A:喷嘴B:注射C:加油器D:增压器160/condenser A:调速器B:加速器C:冷凝器D:清洁器161/compass A:包括B:超越C:指南针D:电罗经162/grinding wheel A:舵轮B:砂轮C:车轮D:抛光机163/ M.E A:马达B:主机C:齿轮D:舵轮1/ emergency stop valve A、截止阀B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急泵2/ emergency fire pump A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急发电机3/ emergency generator A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急发电机4/ life boat engine A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、救生艇机D、应急空压机5/ emergency air compressor A、应急发电机B、舱底水泵C、停止阀D、应急空压机6 bilge pump A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、应急空压机7 oil water separator A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、应急空压机8 incinerator A、焚烧炉B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、压载水泵9 gas oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油10 heavy fuel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油11 diesel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油12 lube oil A、轻油B、重油C、润滑油D、柴油13 grease A、轻油B、油脂C、燃料油D、柴油14 fire extinguisher A、灭火器B、泡沫C、二氧化碳D、干粉15 CO2 system A、灭火器B、泡沫C、二氧化碳系统D、干粉16 FIRE ALARM A、灭火器B、火灾警报C、灭火系统D、救火泵17 dry powder A、灭火剂B、火灾警报C、灭火系统D、干粉18 hydrant A、灭火器B、消防栓C、灭火剂D、干粉19 foam A、消防皮龙B、消防栓C、泡沫D、干粉20 hoses A、灭火器B、消防栓C、泡沫D、消防皮龙21 M/E A、发电机B、停车C、主机D、锚机22 G/E A、发电机B、停车C、主车D、锚机23 A/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、柴油机24 D/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、直流电25 ALARM A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机26 FAULT A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机27 DUTY ENGINEER A、故障B、警报C、锚机D、值班轮机员28 rpm A、马力B、千瓦C、转/分D、故障29 H/P A、马力B、千瓦C、转/分D、故障30 M/V A、马力B、内燃机船C、转/分D、主机31 D/O A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油32 F/O A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油33 F/W A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油34 S/W A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油35 A/B A、开关B、水手C、人工D、自动36 ON A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动37 OFF A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动38 AUTO A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动39 MUNUAL A、开关B、人工C、运转D、自动40 RUNNING A、运转B、人工C、开关D、自动41 Standby engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车42 Dead slow ahead A、微速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退43 Slow ahead A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退44 Half ahead A、微速前进B、全速后退C、微速后退D、半速前进45 Full ahead A、慢速前进B、全速前进C、半速后退D、全速后退46 Slow ahead starboard A、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、左车微速后退D、右车半速后退47 Slow ahead portA、左车慢速前进B、左车微速前进C、右车微速后退D、右车半速后退48 Dead slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退49 Slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、慢速后退50 Half astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、半速后退51 Full astern A、全速后退B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速前进52 Half astern port A、左车慢速前进B、左车半速后退C、右车微速后退D、右车微速前进53 Half astern starboardA、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、右车半速后退D、左车半速后退54 Stop starboard A、右车停B、双车停C、主机定速D、左车停55 Slow ahead both enginesA、左车微速前进B、双车微速进C、主机定速D、右车微速进56 Full astern both engines A、双车全速退B、停车C、主机定速D、微速前进57 Stop engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车58 Ring off engines A、微速前进B、停车C、主机定速D、备车59 Finished with engine A、主机定速B、停车C、备车D、完车60 Emergency full astern A、主机定速B、停车C、双车停D、强速后退61 Port fifteen A、左15度B、右15度C、右50度D、左50度62 Starboard fifteen A、左15度B、右50度C、右15度D、左50度63 Port 10°A、左舵10 B、右舵10 C、左右舵10 D、右10度64 Starboard 5°A、左右舵5 B、右舵5 C、左5度D、左舵5。