

质谱学报Vol .39 No .4 2018年7月Journal of Chinese Mass Spectrometry Society Jul .2018大气浓度下N 2O 中氮稳定同位素比值测定的GasBench ‐IRMS 系统改造

崔杰华,孙 辞,李国琛,李 波,王颜红

(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,辽宁沈阳 110016)

摘要:为实现在线自动测定大气环境N 2O 中氮稳定同位素比值,本工作对多用途在线气体制备和导入系统(GasBench )进行了改造。增加了化学阱和2个冷阱,与八通阀构成预浓缩装置,以期达到纯化和浓缩大气样品中N 2O 的目的,同时更换大体积进样瓶及其配套样品盘,用于增加样品进样量。优化了质谱测定条件、样品收集和浓缩时间等关键参数,并进行了系统的线性、稳定性测试以及方法准确性验证。结果表明,在本方法条件下,当离子流强度在280~3000mV 时,系统线性关系良好,δ15N Air 值随离子流强度的增加而变化不大;不同压力条件下,δ15N Air 值的S .D <0.04‰,达到仪器稳定性指标的要求。利用该方法测量配制的400mg /L N 2O 标准样品气,δ15N Air 平均值为7.253‰,接近标准气的氮稳定同位素标准值,说明该方法准确性良好,可用于大气浓度下N 2O 中氮同位素比值测定。

关键词:大气N 2O ;多用途在线气体制备和导入系统(GasBench );同位素比值质谱(IRMS );氮稳定同位素中图分类号:O 657.63 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1004‐2997(2018)04‐0385‐07


基金项目:科技部国家重点研发计划项目(2016Y FD 0401201,2016Y FD 0800303)资助

作者简介:崔杰华(1971—),男(汉族),辽宁法库人,高级工程师,从事稳定碳、氮同位素分析及应用研究。E ‐mail :cuijh @iae .ac .cn 通信作者:王颜红(1963—),女(汉族),辽宁沈阳人,研究员,从事农产品安全与环境质量研究。E ‐mail :w angyh 8@163.com 网络出版时间:2018‐01‐19;网络出版地址:http :∥w w w .cnki .net /kcms /detail /11.2979.T H .20180119.1128.004.html doi :10.7538/zpxb .2017.0095

Modification of GasBench ‐IRMS for Automatic Determination of Nitrogen Stable Isotope Ratio in N 2O at Natural Abundance CUI Jie ‐hua ,SU N Ci ,LI Guo ‐chen ,LI Bo ,WANG Yan ‐hong (Institute o f A p p lied Ecolo gy ,Chinese A cadem y o f Sciences ,Shen y ang 110016,China )

Abstract : GasBench was modified to determinate nitrogen stable isotope ratio in N 2O at atmospheric concentration automatically .For purifying and concentrating N 2O at atmos ‐p heric ,a pre ‐concentration device was added .T he chemical trap ,two cold traps and the eight ‐way valve were involved .M eanw hile ,the sample vials and their matching sample p anes were replaced to increase the sample injection .Parameters such as test conditions ,collection and concentration time were optimized ,and the linearity ,stability and method validation were also evaluated .T he results suggested that after the modification ,the linearity of the system was good ,the value of δ15N Air did not change a lot w hen the ion intensity was at the range of 280‐3000mV ;the δ15

N Air values of the modified system 万方数据
