材料类杂志审稿速度全名影响因子* 投稿难易一审周期materials science and engineering a-structural materials properties microstructure and processing 容易超快,一般1-3周(二区,近几年无光催化)materials letters 容易超快,一般1-3周(二区)journal of materials science 容易超快,一般1-3周(二区)journal of materials processing technology 容易超快,一般1-3周(二区,近几年无光催化)nuclear instruments & methods in physics research section b-beam interactions with materials and atoms 容易超快,一般1-3周(三区)journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 容易超快,一般1-3周(三区)rare metal materials and engineering 容易很快,2-3周(四区)journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials 容易很快,2-3周(四区)materials chemistry and physics 容易很快,2-3周(二区,八个月)applied physics a-materials science & processing 容易很快,2-3周(三区)journal of nuclear materials 容易很快,2-3周(二区,无光催化)materials transactions 容易较快,3-4周(四区)materials research bulletin 容易较快,3-4周(三区)journal of materials science-materials in medicine 容易较快,3-4周二区,两篇光催化)journal of materials research 容易较快,3-4周(三区)computational materials science 容易较快,3-4周(三区)metallurgical and materials transactions a-physical metallurgy and materialsscience 容易较快,3-4周(二区,投稿录用比例90%,平均个月的审稿周期)不建议optical materials 容易较快,3-4周(三区)journal of materials science-materials in electronics 容易一般,4-6周(三区)inorganic materials 容易一般,4-6周(四区)construction and building materials 容易一般,4-6周materials characterization 容易一般,4-6周(一区)journal of electronic materials 容易一般,4-6周(三区)journal of inorganic materials 容易一般,4-6周(四区)materials & design 容易一般,4-6周(二区,近几年无光催化)materials science & engineering c-biomimetic and supramolecular systems 容易一般,4-6周二区,无光催化)smart materials & structures 容易一般,4-6周(二区,近几年无光催化)journal of wuhan university of technology-materials science edition 容易一般,4-6周materials science and technology 容易一般,4-6周三区international journal of materials research 容易偏慢,6-8周三区journal of materials science & technology 容易偏慢,6-8周三区)advanced engineering materials 容易偏慢,6-8周(三区)journal of composite materials 容易偏慢,6-8周(三区)reviews on advanced materials science 容易偏慢,6-8周materialwissenschaft und werkstofftechnik 容易偏慢,6-8周bulletin of materials science 容易偏慢,6-8周archives of metallurgy and materials 容易偏慢,6-8周materials and structures 容易偏慢,6-8周materials and manufacturing processes 容易偏慢,6-8周journal of intelligent material systems and structures 容易偏慢,6-8周materials science-poland 容易偏慢,6-8周journal of materials engineering and performance 容易偏慢,6-8周materials science and engineering b-solid state materials for advanced technology 较易偏慢,6-8周jom-journal of the minerals metals & materials society 容易偏慢,6-8周jom-journal of the minerals metals & materials society 容易偏慢,6-8周materials and corrosion-werkstoffe und korrosion 易偏慢,6-8周international journal of materials & product technology 容易较慢,8周-12周journal of porous materials 容易较慢,8周-12周macromolecular materials and engineering 较易较慢,8周-12周fatigue & fracture of engineering materials & structures 容易较慢,8周-12周science and technology of advanced materials 容易较慢,8周-12周metallurgical and materials transactions b-process metallurgy and materialsprocessing science 容易较慢,8周-12周materials world 容易较慢,8周-12周journal of materials in civil engineering 容易较慢,8周-12周international journal of refractory metals & hard materials 容易较慢,8周-12周materials science 容易较慢,8周-12周advanced materials & processes 容易较慢,8周-12周ieee transactions on device and materials reliability 容易较慢,8周-12周materiale plastice 容易较慢,8周-12周materials performance 容易较慢,8周-12周indian journal of engineering and materials sciences 容易较慢,8周-12周modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering 容易较慢,8周-12周aci materials journal 容易较慢,8周-12周materials evaluation 容易较慢,8周-12周mechanics of composite materials 容易较慢,8周-12周journal of engineering materials and technology-transactions of the asme 容易较慢,8周-12周bio-medical materials and engineering 容易较慢,8周-12周mechanics of advanced materials and structures 容易较慢,8周-12周materials research innovations 容易 12周以上或约稿magnetic resonance materials in physics biology and medicine 较易12周以上或约稿road materials and pavement design 容易 12周以上或约稿anti-corrosion methods and materials 容易 12周以上或约稿materiales de construccion 容易 12周以上或约稿sensors and materials 容易 12周以上或约稿materials technology 容易 12周以上或约稿journal of new materials for electrochemical systems 容易12周以上或约稿journal of biomaterials applications 较易 12周以上或约稿journal of thermoplastic composite materials 容易 12周以上或约稿journal of advanced materials 容易 12周以上或约稿materials at high temperatures 容易 12周以上或约稿journal of advanced materials 容易 12周以上或约稿fire and materials 容易 12周以上或约稿advanced composite materials 容易 12周以上或约稿science and engineering of composite materials 容易 12周以上或约稿cmc-computers materials & continua 较易 12周以上或约稿high temperature materials and processes 容易 12周以上或约稿materialprufung 容易 12周以上或约稿mechanics of time-dependent materials 容易 12周以上或约稿informacije midem-journal of microelectronics electronic components and materials容易 12周以上或约稿applied composite materials 容易 12周以上或约稿journal of sandwich structures & materials 容易 12周以上或约稿high temperature material processes 容易 12周以上或约稿journal of energetic materials 容易 12周以上或约稿materials science in semiconductor processing 容易 12周以上或约稿progress in structural engineering and materials 容易 12周以上或约稿jsme international journal series a-solid mechanics and material engineering 容易 12周以上或约稿journal of computer-aided materials design 容易 12周以上或约稿journal of hazardous materials 容易超快,一般1-2周chemistry of materials 较易超快,一般1-2周advanced materials 较难很快,2-3周journal of materials chemistry 较易很快,2-3周microporous and mesoporous materials 容易很快,2-3周三区acta materialia 较易很快,2-3周scripta materialia容易很快,2-3周biomaterials 较难很快,2-3周journal of biomedical materials research part a 容易较快,3-4周advanced functional materials 较难较快,3-4周diamond and related materials 容易较快,3-4周journal of biomedical materials research part b-applied biomaterials 容易一般,4-6周慢solar energy materials and solar cells 容易一般,4-6周dental materials 容易一般,4-6周NATURE MATERIALS 极难偏慢,6-8周journal of biomaterials science-polymer edition 较易偏慢,6-8周mechanics of materials 较易较慢,8周-12周annual review of materials research 约稿形式可能是约稿,周期不定materials science & engineering r-reports 很难可能是约稿,周期不定international materials reviews 一般 12周以上或约稿progress in materials science 很难可能是约稿,周期不定soft materials 较易 12周以上或约稿critical reviews in solid state and materials sciences 较难可能是约稿,周期不定progress in crystal growth and characterization of materials 较易12周以上或约稿current opinion in solid state & materials science 较易 12周以上或约稿。
速度快并且容易中的材料类SCI期刊(更新中)推荐:1. Journal of alloy and compounds 影响因子IF 1点多,1个月给消息,容易中,现在几乎成为中国人的专刊了,哈哈;2. applied surface science 影响因子IF 1点多,发表容易,3. Materials Letter 1.7 速度快,快报一般都要求有新意(当然,新意太高可以投APL了)4. Materials & Design 影响因子不到1,很快,快点一个月就接受的!适合特别想要文章毕业或者评奖学金的。
5. Physica B 影响因子不到1,很快,我一个同学已经在上面发了2篇了,最快不到一个月就接受了,还是容易中的,最好是工作全面细致些。
6. Materials science and engineering B 影响因子1点多,从投稿到接受一般3-4个月,相对容易中。
7. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications, 罗马尼亚期刊,影响因子0.2,很快,一个月可以搞定,适合灌水和急需文章。
8. Optical materials 发光材料期刊,影响因子1点多,相对容易中,速度也快。
9. Journal of Luminescence 发光方面专业期刊,老牌杂志,虽然影响因子只有1点多,但很多发光方面的经典文章出自此期刊,相对容易中,速度也可以。
10. Journal of Physics D: Applied physics 偏物理材料方面,影响因子2 左右,速度快,也不难中,中国人投稿还比较多。
黑名单:1. Thin solid films 影响因子1点多,但审稿巨慢,不推荐;2. Materials Characterization 影响因子不高,容易中,但速度慢,如果不急着要文章,也可以投的;3. Materials Chemistry and Physics 影响因子1点多,速度巨慢,我一个同学投稿半年还没消息,现在1年过去了还没查到这篇文章,估计没戏了吧。
比如《Chemical Engineering Journal》、《Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research》等国际期刊,它们在审稿和发表方面都有一定的优势,通常可以在4-6个月内完成整个发表流程。
速度快并且容易中的材料类SCI期刊(更新中)推荐:1. Journal of alloy and compounds 影响因子IF 1点多,1个月给消息,容易中,现在几乎成为中国人的专刊了,哈哈;2. applied surface science 影响因子IF 1点多,发表容易,3. Materials Letter 1.7 速度快,快报一般都要求有新意(当然,新意太高可以投APL了)4. Materials & Design 影响因子不到1,很快,快点一个月就接受的!适合特别想要文章毕业或者评奖学金的。
5. Physica B 影响因子不到1,很快,我一个同学已经在上面发了2篇了,最快不到一个月就接受了,还是容易中的,最好是工作全面细致些。
6. Materials science and engineering B 影响因子1点多,从投稿到接受一般3-4个月,相对容易中。
7. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications, 罗马尼亚期刊,影响因子0.2,很快,一个月可以搞定,适合灌水和急需文章。
8. Optical materials 发光材料期刊,影响因子1点多,相对容易中,速度也快。
9. Journal of Luminescence 发光方面专业期刊,老牌杂志,虽然影响因子只有1点多,但很多发光方面的经典文章出自此期刊,相对容易中,速度也可以。
10. Journal of Physics D: Applied physics 偏物理材料方面,影响因子2 左右,速度快,也不难中,中国人投稿还比较多。
黑名单:1. Thin solid films 影响因子1点多,但审稿巨慢,不推荐;2. Materials Characterization 影响因子不高,容易中,但速度慢,如果不急着要文章,也可以投的;3. Materials Chemistry and Physics 影响因子1点多,速度巨慢,我一个同学投稿半年还没消息,现在1年过去了还没查到这篇文章,估计没戏了吧。
速度快并且容易中的材料类SCI期刊(更新中)推荐:1. Journal of alloy and compounds 影响因子IF 1点多,1个月给消息,容易中,现在几乎成为中国人的专刊了,哈哈;2. applied surface science 影响因子IF 1点多,发表容易,3. Materials Letter 1.7 速度快,快报一般都要求有新意(当然,新意太高可以投APL了)4. Materials & Design 影响因子不到1,很快,快点一个月就接受的!适合特别想要文章毕业或者评奖学金的。
5. Physica B 影响因子不到1,很快,我一个同学已经在上面发了2篇了,最快不到一个月就接受了,还是容易中的,最好是工作全面细致些。
6. Materials science and engineering B 影响因子1点多,从投稿到接受一般3-4个月,相对容易中。
7. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications, 罗马尼亚期刊,影响因子0.2,很快,一个月可以搞定,适合灌水和急需文章。
8. Optical materials 发光材料期刊,影响因子1点多,相对容易中,速度也快。
9. Journal of Luminescence 发光方面专业期刊,老牌杂志,虽然影响因子只有1点多,但很多发光方面的经典文章出自此期刊,相对容易中,速度也可以。
10. Journal of Physics D: Applied physics 偏物理材料方面,影响因子2 左右,速度快,也不难中,中国人投稿还比较多。
黑名单:1. Thin solid films 影响因子1点多,但审稿巨慢,不推荐;2. Materials Characterization 影响因子不高,容易中,但速度慢,如果不急着要文章,也可以投的;3. Materials Chemistry and Physics 影响因子1点多,速度巨慢,我一个同学投稿半年还没消息,现在1年过去了还没查到这篇文章,估计没戏了吧。
一些国内 化学-材料 杂志投稿经验
【投稿联系方式】wangjx@, wjhx@
南京大学化学楼<<无机化学学报>>编辑部收 邮编210093
【投稿费用】 500元/3页
【杂志级别】 中文核心
【投稿感受】 回复比较慢,审稿比较认真,会对你的稿件提出意见并要求你作详细修改
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【杂志名称】 《无机化学学报》
速度快并且容易中的材料类SCI期刊(更新中)推荐:1. Journal of alloy and compounds 影响因子IF 1点多,1个月给消息,容易中,现在几乎成为中国人的专刊了,哈哈;2. applied surface science 影响因子IF 1点多,发表容易,3. Materials Letter 1.7 速度快,快报一般都要求有新意(当然,新意太高可以投APL了)4. Materials & Design 影响因子不到1,很快,快点一个月就接受的!适合特别想要文章毕业或者评奖学金的。
5. Physica B 影响因子不到1,很快,我一个同学已经在上面发了2篇了,最快不到一个月就接受了,还是容易中的,最好是工作全面细致些。
6. Materials science and engineering B 影响因子1点多,从投稿到接受一般3-4个月,相对容易中。
7. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications, 罗马尼亚期刊,影响因子0.2,很快,一个月可以搞定,适合灌水和急需文章。
8. Optical materials 发光材料期刊,影响因子1点多,相对容易中,速度也快。
9. Journal of Luminescence 发光方面专业期刊,老牌杂志,虽然影响因子只有1点多,但很多发光方面的经典文章出自此期刊,相对容易中,速度也可以。
10. Journal of Physics D: Applied physics 偏物理材料方面,影响因子2 左右,速度快,也不难中,中国人投稿还比较多。
黑名单:1. Thin solid films 影响因子1点多,但审稿巨慢,不推荐;2. Materials Characterization 影响因子不高,容易中,但速度慢,如果不急着要文章,也可以投的;3. Materials Chemistry and Physics 影响因子1点多,速度巨慢,我一个同学投稿半年还没消息,现在1年过去了还没查到这篇文章,估计没戏了吧。
材料类杂志审稿速度材料类杂志审稿速度全名影响因子* 投稿难易一审周期materials science and engineering a-structural materials properties microstructure and processing 1.806 容易超快,一般1-3周(二区,近几年无光催化)materials letters 1.748 容易超快,一般1-3周(二区)journal of materials science 1.181 容易超快,一般1-3周(二区)journal of materials processing technology 1.143 容易超快,一般1-3周(二区,近几年无光催化)nuclear instruments & methods in physics research section b-beam interactions with materials and atoms 0.999 容易超快,一般1-3周(三区)journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 1.283 容易超快,一般1-3周(三区)rare metal materials and engineering 0.162 容易很快,2-3周(四区)journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials 0.577 容易很快,2-3周(四区)materials chemistry and physics 1.799 容易很快,2-3周(二区,八个月)applied physics a-materials science & processing 1.884 容易很快,2-3周(三区)journal of nuclear materials 1.501 容易很快,2-3周(二区,无光催化)materials transactions 0.753 容易较快,3-4周(四区)materials research bulletin 1.812 容易较快,3-4周(三区)journal of materials science-materials in medicine 1.508 容易较快,3-4周二区,两篇光催化)journal of materials research 1.743 容易较快,3-4周(三区)computational materials science 1.549 容易较快,3-4周(三区)metallurgical and materials transactions a-physical metallurgy and materials science 1.389 容易较快,3-4周(二区,投稿录用比例90%,平均4.89474个月的审稿周期)不建议optical materials 1.714 容易较快,3-4周(三区)journal of materials science-materials in electronics 1.054 容易一般,4-6周(三区)inorganic materials 0.455 容易一般,4-6周(四区)construction and building materials 0.947 容易一般,4-6周materials characterization 1.225 容易一般,4-6周(一区)journal of electronic materials 1.283 容易一般,4-6周(三区)journal of inorganic materials 0.37 容易一般,4-6周(四区)materials & design 1.107 容易一般,4-6周(二区,近几年无光催化)materials science & engineering c-biomimetic and supramolecular systems 1.812 容易一般,4-6周二区,无光催化)smart materials & structures 1.743 容易一般,4-6周(二区,近几年无光催化)journal of wuhan university of technology-materials science edition 0.424 容易一般,4-6周materials science and technology 0.894 容易一般,4-6周三区international journal of materials research 0.819 容易偏慢,6-8周三区journal of materials science & technology 0.869 容易偏慢,6-8周三区)advanced engineering materials 1.506 容易偏慢,6-8周(三区)journal of composite materials 1.034 容易偏慢,6-8周(三区)reviews on advanced materials science 0.891 容易偏慢,6-8周materialwissenschaft und werkstofftechnik 0.356 容易偏慢,6-8周bulletin of materials science 0.858 容易偏慢,6-8周archives of metallurgy and materials 0.23 容易偏慢,6-8周materials and structures 0.892 容易偏慢,6-8周materials and manufacturing processes 0.706 容易偏慢,6-8周journal of intelligent material systems and structures 1.293 容易偏慢,6-8周materials science-poland 0.368 容易偏慢,6-8周journal of materials engineering and performance 0.403 容易偏慢,6-8周materials science and engineering b-solid state materials for advanced technology 1.577 较易偏慢,6-8周jom-journal of the minerals metals & materials society 1.485 容易偏慢,6-8周jom-journal of the minerals metals & materials society 1.485 容易偏慢,6-8周materials and corrosion-werkstoffe und korrosion 0.639 易偏慢,6-8周international journal of materials & product technology 0.157 容易较慢,8周-12周journal of porous materials 0.959 容易较慢,8周-12周macromolecular materials and engineering 1.925 较易较慢,8周-12周fatigue & fracture of engineering materials & structures 0.934 容易较慢,8周-12周science and technology of advanced materials 1.267 容易较慢,8周-12周metallurgical and materials transactions b-process metallurgy and materials processing science 0.798 容易较慢,8周-12周materials world 0.122 容易较慢,8周-12周journal of materials in civil engineering 0.526 容易较慢,8周-12周international journal of refractory metals & hard materials 1.221 容易较慢,8周-12周materials science 0.226 容易较慢,8周-12周advanced materials & processes 0.129 容易较慢,8周-12周ieee transactions on device and materials reliability 1.278 容易较慢,8周-12周materialeplastice 0.873 容易较慢,8周-12周materials performance 0.074 容易较慢,8周-12周indian journal of engineering and materials sciences 0.197 容易较慢,8周-12周modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering 1.388 容易较慢,8周-12周aci materials journal 0.568 容易较慢,8周-12周materials evaluation 0.21 容易较慢,8周-12周mechanics of composite materials 0.453 容易较慢,8周-12周journal of engineering materials and technology-transactions of the asme 0.938 容易较慢,8周-12周bio-medical materials and engineering 0.446 容易较慢,8周-12周mechanics of advanced materials and structures 0.857 容易较慢,8周-12周materials research innovations 0.54 容易12周以上或约稿magnetic resonance materials in physics biology and medicine 1.844 较易12周以上或约稿road materials and pavement design 0.162 容易12周以上或约稿anti-corrosion methods and materials 0.514 容易12周以上或约稿materiales de construccion 0.603 容易12周以上或约稿sensors and materials 0.395 容易12周以上或约稿materials technology 0.288 容易12周以上或约稿journal of new materials for electrochemical systems 0.67 容易12周以上或约稿journal of biomaterials applications 1.635 较易12周以上或约稿journal of thermoplastic composite materials 0.486 容易12周以上或约稿journal of advanced materials 0.14 容易12周以上或约稿materials at high temperatures 0.323 容易12周以上或约稿journal of advanced materials 0.14 容易12周以上或约稿fire and materials 0.96 容易12周以上或约稿advanced composite materials 0.404 容易12周以上或约稿science and engineering of composite materials 0.098 容易12周以上或约稿cmc-computers materials & continua 1.695 较易12周以上或约稿high temperature materials and processes 0.268 容易12周以上或约稿materialprufung 0.123 容易12周以上或约稿mechanics of time-dependent materials 0.95 容易12周以上或约稿informacijemidem-journal of microelectronics electronic components and materials 0.154 容易12周以上或约稿applied composite materials 0.712 容易12周以上或约稿journal of sandwich structures & materials 0.646 容易12周以上或约稿high temperature material processes 0.34 容易12周以上或约稿journal of energetic materials 0.516 容易12周以上或约稿materials science in semiconductor processing 1.158 容易12周以上或约稿progress in structural engineering and materials 0.667 容易12周以上或约稿jsme international journal series a-solid mechanics and material engineering 0.291 容易12周以上或约稿journal of computer-aided materials design 0.605 容易12周以上或约稿journal of hazardous materials 2.975 容易超快,一般1-2周chemistry of materials 5.046 较易超快,一般1-2周advanced materials 8.191 较难很快,2-3周journal of materials chemistry 4.646 较易很快,2-3周microporous and mesoporous materials 2.555 容易很快,2-3周三区actamaterialia 3.729 较易很快,2-3周scriptamaterialia 2.887 容易很快,2-3周biomaterials 6.646 较难很快,2-3周journal of biomedical materials research part a 2.706 容易较快,3-4周advanced functional materials 6.808 较难较快,3-4周diamond and related materials 2.092 容易较快,3-4周journal of biomedical materials research part b-applied biomaterials 2.03 容易一般,4-6周慢solar energy materials and solar cells 5.030容易一般,4-6周dental materials 2.941 容易一般,4-6周NA TURE MATERIALS 23.132 极难偏慢,6-8周journal of biomaterials science-polymer edition 2.158 较易偏慢,6-8周mechanics of materials 2.374 较易较慢,8周-12周annual review of materials research 7.947 约稿形式可能是约稿,周期不定materials science & engineering r-reports 12.619 很难可能是约稿,周期不定international materials reviews 3.462 一般12周以上或约稿progress in materials science 18.132 很难可能是约稿,周期不定soft materials 2.519 较易12周以上或约稿critical reviews in solid state and materials sciences 6.3 较难可能是约稿,周期不定progress in crystal growth and characterization of materials 2.129 较易12周以上或约稿current opinion in solid state & materials science 2.976 较易12周以上或约稿。
全名影响因子* 投稿难易一审周期materials science and engineering a-structural materials properties microstructure and processing 1.806 容易超快,一般1-3周materials letters 1.748 容易超快,一般1-3周journal of materials science 1.181 容易超快,一般1-3周journal of materials processing technology 1.143 容易超快,一般1-3周nuclear instruments & methods in physics research section b-beam interactions with materials and atoms 0.999 容易超快,一般1-3周journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 1.283 容易超快,一般1-3周rare metal materials and engineering 0.162 容易很快,2-3周journal of optoelectronics and advancedmaterials 0.577 容易很快,2-3周materials chemistry and physics 1.799 容易很快,2-3周applied physics a-materials science & processing 1.884 容易很快,2-3周journal of nuclear materials 1.501 容易很快,2-3周materials transactions 0.753 容易较快,3-4周materials research bulletin 1.812 容易较快,3-4周journal of materials science-materials inmedicine 1.508 容易较快,3-4周journal of materials research 1.743 容易较快,3-4周computational materials science 1.549 容易较快,3-4周metallurgical and materials transactions a-physical metallurgy and materials science 1.389 容易较快,3-4周optical materials 1.714 容易较快,3-4周journal of materials science-materials inelectronics 1.054 容易一般,4-6周inorganic materials 0.455 容易一般,4-6周construction and building materials 0.947 容易一般,4-6周materials characterization 1.225 容易一般,4-6周journal of electronic materials 1.283 容易一般,4-6周journal of inorganic materials 0.37 容易一般,4-6周materials & design 1.107 容易一般,4-6周materials science & engineering c-biomimetic and supramolecular systems 1.812 容易一般,4-6周smart materials & structures 1.743 容易一般,4-6周journal of wuhan university of technology-materials scienceedition 0.424 容易一般,4-6周materials science and technology 0.894 容易一般,4-6周international journal of materials research 0.819 容易偏慢,6-8周journal of materials science & technology 0.869 容易偏慢,6-8周advanced engineering materials 1.506 容易偏慢,6-8周journal of composite materials 1.034 容易偏慢,6-8周reviews on advanced materials science 0.891 容易偏慢,6-8周materialwissenschaft und werkstofftechnik 0.356 容易偏慢,6-8周bulletin of materials science 0.858 容易偏慢,6-8周archives of metallurgy and materials 0.23 容易偏慢,6-8周materials and structures 0.892 容易偏慢,6-8周materials and manufacturing processes 0.706 容易偏慢,6-8周journal of intelligent material systems andstructures 1.293 容易偏慢,6-8周materials science-poland 0.368 容易偏慢,6-8周journal of materials engineering and performance 0.403 容易偏慢,6-8周materials science and engineering b-solid state materials for advanced technology 1.577 较易偏慢,6-8周jom-journal of the minerals metals & materialssociety 1.485 容易偏慢,6-8周jom-journal of the minerals metals & materialssociety 1.485 容易偏慢,6-8周materials and corrosion-werkstoffe und korrosion 0.639 容易偏慢,6-8周international journal of materials & producttechnology 0.157 容易较慢,8周-12周journal of porous materials 0.959 容易较慢,8周-12周macromolecular materials and engineering 1.925 较易较慢,8周-12周fatigue & fracture of engineering materials &structures 0.934 容易较慢,8周-12周science and technology of advanced materials 1.267 容易较慢,8周-12周metallurgical and materials transactions b-process metallurgy and materials processing science 0.798 容易较慢,8周-12周materials world 0.122 容易较慢,8周-12周journal of materials in civil engineering 0.526 容易较慢,8周-12周international journal of refractory metals & hardmaterials 1.221 容易较慢,8周-12周materials science 0.226 容易较慢,8周-12周advanced materials & processes 0.129 容易较慢,8周-12周ieee transactions on device and materialsreliability 1.278 容易较慢,8周-12周materiale plastice 0.873 容易较慢,8周-12周materials performance 0.074 容易较慢,8周-12周indian journal of engineering and materialssciences 0.197 容易较慢,8周-12周modelling and simulation in materials science andengineering 1.388 容易较慢,8周-12周aci materials journal 0.568 容易较慢,8周-12周materials evaluation 0.21 容易较慢,8周-12周mechanics of composite materials 0.453 容易较慢,8周-12周journal of engineering materials and technology-transactions of the asme 0.938 容易较慢,8周-12周bio-medical materials and engineering 0.446 容易较慢,8周-12周mechanics of advanced materials and structures 0.857 容易较慢,8周-12周materials research innovations 0.54 容易 12周以上或约稿magnetic resonance materials in physics biology andmedicine 1.844 较易 12周以上或约稿road materials and pavement design 0.162 容易 12周以上或约稿anti-corrosion methods and materials 0.514 容易 12周以上或约稿materiales de construccion 0.603 容易 12周以上或约稿sensors and materials 0.395 容易 12周以上或约稿materials technology 0.288 容易 12周以上或约稿journal of new materials for electrochemicalsystems 0.67 容易 12周以上或约稿journal of biomaterials applications 1.635 较易 12周以上或约稿journal of thermoplastic composite materials 0.486 容易 12周以上或约稿journal of advanced materials 0.14 容易 12周以上或约稿materials at high temperatures 0.323 容易 12周以上或约稿journal of advanced materials 0.14 容易 12周以上或约稿fire and materials 0.96 容易 12周以上或约稿advanced composite materials 0.404 容易 12周以上或约稿science and engineering of composite materials 0.098 容易 12周以上或约稿cmc-computers materials & continua 1.695 较易 12周以上或约稿high temperature materials and processes 0.268 容易 12周以上或约稿materialprufung 0.123 容易 12周以上或约稿mechanics of time-dependent materials 0.95 容易 12周以上或约稿informacije midem-journal of microelectronics electronic components and materials 0.154 容易 12周以上或约稿applied composite materials 0.712 容易 12周以上或约稿journal of sandwich structures & materials 0.646 容易 12周以上或约稿high temperature material processes 0.34 容易 12周以上或约稿journal of energetic materials 0.516 容易 12周以上或约稿materials science in semiconductor processing 1.158 容易 12周以上或约稿progress in structural engineering and materials 0.667 容易 12周以上或约稿jsme international journal series a-solid mechanics and material engineering 0.291 容易 12周以上或约稿journal of computer-aided materials design 0.605 容易 12周以上或约稿journal of hazardous materials 2.975 容易超快,一般1-2周chemistry of materials 5.046 较易超快,一般1-2周advanced materials 8.191 较难很快,2-3周journal of materials chemistry 4.646 较易很快,2-3周microporous and mesoporous materials 2.555 容易很快,2-3周acta materialia 3.729 较易很快,2-3周scripta materialia 2.887 容易很快,2-3周biomaterials 6.646 较难很快,2-3周journal of biomedical materials research part a 2.706 容易较快,3-4周advanced functional materials 6.808 较难较快,3-4周diamond and related materials 2.092 容易较快,3-4周journal of biomedical materials research part b-appliedbiomaterials 2.03 容易一般,4-6周solar energy materials and solar cells 2.788 容易一般,4-6周dental materials 2.941 容易一般,4-6周NATURE MATERIALS 23.132 极难偏慢,6-8周journal of biomaterials science-polymer edition 2.158 较易偏慢,6-8周mechanics of materials 2.374 较易较慢,8周-12周annual review of materials research 7.947 约稿形式可能是约稿,周期不定materials science & engineering r-reports 12.619 很难可能是约稿,周期不定international materials reviews 3.462 一般 12周以上或约稿progress in materials science 18.132 很难可能是约稿,周期不定soft materials 2.519 较易 12周以上或约稿critical reviews in solid state and materialssciences 6.3 较难可能是约稿,周期不定progress in crystal growth and characterization of materials 2.129 较易 12周以上或约稿current opinion in solid state & materialsscience 2.976 较易 12周以上或约稿。
☆★○投稿的难易是相对而言,仅作参考,希望大家支持鼓励,望各位海涵!!!全名影响因子* 接收投稿难易一审周期biomaterials 0142-9612 6.646 较难很快,2-3周journal of biomedical materi als research part b-applied biomaterials 1552-4973 2.03 容易一般,3-6周journal of biomaterials science-polymer edition 0920-5063 2.158 较易偏慢,4-8周journal of biomaterials applications 0885-3282 1.635 较易12周以上或约稿biochemical and biophysical research communications 0006-291X 2.648 容易超快,一般1-2周biochemistry 0006-2960 3.379 较易超快,一般1-2周journal of cellular biochemistry 0730-2312 3.54 较易很快,2-3周bioscience biotechnology and biochemistry 0916-8451 1.39 容易很快,2-3周biochemical journal 0264-6021 4.371 较易较快,2-4周analytical biochemistry 0003-2697 3.088 较易较快,2-4周chembiochem 1439-4227 3.322 较易较快,2-4周biochemical pharmacology 0006-2952 4.838 较易较快,2-4周soil biology & biochemistry 0038-0717 2.926 容易较快,2-4周archives of biochemistry and biophysics 0003-9861 2.626 容易较快,2-4周molecular and cellular biochemistry 0300-8177 1.764 容易较快,2-4周biochemical society transactions 0300-5127 2.979 容易一般,3-6周biochemical engineering journal 1369-703X 1.889 容易一般,3-6周international journal of biochemistry & cell biology 1357-2725 4.178 较易一般,3-6周pharmacology biochemistry and behavior 0091-3057 2.751 容易一般,3-6周journal of inorganic biochemistry 0162-0134 3.133 较易一般,3-6周clinical biochemistry 0009-9120 1.926 容易一般,3-6周applied biochemistry and biotechnology 0273-2289 1.04 容易一般,3-6周1359-5113 2.414 容易一般,3-6周comparative biochemistry and physiology a-molecular & integrative physiology 1095-6433 1.709 容易一般,3-6周progress in biochemistry and biophysics 1000-3282 0.211 容易一般,3-8周journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology 0960-0760 2.827 容易一般,3-8周comparative biochemistry and physiology b-biochemistry & molecular biology 1096-4959 1.468 容易一般,3-8周journal of biochemistry 0021-924X 1.878 容易一般,3-8周biochemistry-moscow 0006-2979 1.038 容易一般,3-8周biochemical systematics and ecology 0305-1978 1.136 容易一般,3-8周molecular and biochemical parasitology 0166-6851 2.951 容易偏慢,4-8周cellular physiology and biochemistry 1015-8987 3.246 较易偏慢,4-8周cell biochemistry and f unction 0263-6484 1.333 容易偏慢,4-8周plant physiology and biochemistry 0981-9428 1.905 容易偏慢,4-8周comparative biochemistry and physiology c-toxicology & pharmacology 1532-0456 2.53 较易偏慢,4-8周annals of clinical biochemistry 0004-5632 1.788 较易偏慢,4-8周applied biochemistry and microbiology 0003-6838 0.522 容易偏慢,4-8周insect biochemistry and molecular biology 0965-1748 2.626 较易偏慢,4-8周journal of comparative physiology b-biochemical systemic and environmental physiology 0174-1578 1.698 较易较慢,6周-12周journal of nutritional biochemistry 0955-2863 4.352 一般较慢,6周-12周physiological and biochemical zoology 1522-2152 2.532 较易较慢,6周-12周pesticide biochemistry and physiology 0048-3575 1.276 容易较慢,6周-12周journal of biochemical and biophysical methods 0165-022X 1.994 较易较慢,6周-12周biochemical genetics 0006-2928 0.75 容易较慢,6周-12周trends in biochemical sciences 0968-0004 14.101 多是约稿较慢,6周-12周biotechnology and applied biochemistry 0885-4513 1.288 容易较慢,6周-12周journal of evolutionary biochemistry and physiology 0022-0930 0.233 容易较慢,6周-12周journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition 0912-0009 0.586 容易较慢,6周-12周biochemistry and molecular biology education 1470-8175 0.635 容易较慢,6周-12周chemical and biochemical engineering quart erly 0352-9568 0.346 容易较慢,6周-12周indian journal of biochemistry & biophysics 0301-1208 0.579 容易较慢,6周-12周archives of insect biochemistry and physiology 0739-4462 1.274 容易较慢,6周-12周biochemistry and cell biology-biochimie et biologie cellulaire 0829-8211 2.473 较易较慢,6周-12周journal of f ood biochemistry 0145-8884 0.8 容易较慢,6周-12周f ish physiology and biochemistry 0920-1742 0.841 容易较慢,6周-12周journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology 1095-6670 1.756 较易12周以上或约稿preparative biochemistry & biotechnology 1082-6068 0.683 容易12周以上或约稿journal of plant biochemistry and biotechnology 0971-7811 0.143 容易12周以上或约稿cell biochemistry and biophysics 1085-9195 2.257 较易12周以上或约稿advances in biochemical engineering / biotechnology 0724-6145 2.569 较易12周以上或约稿annual review of biochemistry 0066-4154 30.016 约稿形式可能是约稿,周期不定comparative biochemistry and physiology d-genomics & proteomics 1744-117X 1.543 较易12周以上或约稿essays in biochemistry 0071-1365 4.269 一般12周以上或约稿journal of physiology and biochemistry 1138-7548 1.172 容易12周以上或约稿critical reviews in biochemistry and molecular biology 1040-9238 8.306 多是约稿可能是约稿,周期不定reviews of physiology biochemistry and pharmacology 0303-4240 5.867 一般可能是约稿,周期不定advances in carbohydrat e chemistry and biochemistry 0065-2318 3 一般12周以上或约稿biochemical society symposium 0067-8694 3.381 一般12周以上或约稿journal of biochemistry and molecular biology 1225-8687 1.811 较易12周以上或约稿。
例如,Macromolecules、Polymer、Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry等期刊,它们都是高分子材料领域的知名期刊,拥有较为专业的编辑团队和审稿团队,对高质量的研究成果有着较快的发表速度。
例如,ACS Omega、Polymer Chemistry等期刊都是比较有代表性的开放获取期刊,它们在高分子材料领域的发表速度也相对较快。
转贴:我收集的投稿经验分享(2009-07-29 10:43:07)标签:杂谈分类:随意小酌【杂志名称】 science【杂志文章包含专业】general【投稿联系方式】E-mail【投稿费用】none【杂志级别】Sci 影响因子30.927【投稿感受】一般很快,如果通不过编辑部的话,一周左右有消息,大概有70%的文章在这里就被枪毙掉了。
【其他】none【杂志名称】 Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.【杂志文章包含专业】chemistry【投稿联系方式】web【投稿费用】none【杂志级别】Sci 影响因子9.596【投稿感受】接收的速度较慢,大概2个月左右接收。
【其他】none【杂志名称】 Phys. Rev. Lett【杂志文章包含专业】物理(也包括材料)方面的内容【投稿联系方式】网上投递(国外的杂志一般都这样了,象ELSEVIER公司等)【投稿费用】都是免费的了【杂志级别】SCI, IF=7.489【投稿感受】我去年在上面发了一篇文章了,据说这个杂志现在的直接退稿率是30%,即主编直接退回稿件。
不过周期稍微有些长,因为需要等被COMMENT的作者的REPLY,一般要半年吧不过要想在上面发正经的ARTICLE,现在真是非常困难了,毕竟他是物理方面最高的杂志了,我师弟最近投了一个,就被直接退了,创新点真是非常重要!!!【其他】作者可以自由发挥的空间【杂志名称】Adv .Mate【杂志文章包含专业】物理.化学(其实也包括材料)方面的内容【投稿联系方式】网上投递【投稿费用】都是免费的了【杂志级别】SCI, IF=9.107【投稿感受】网投,两个评审人,2个月左右。
一些知名的纳米材料期刊如Nano Letters、ACS Nano、Advanced Materials等,它们通常具有较高的影响因子和知名度,但也因此投稿难度较大,审稿周期较长。
全名影响因子* 投稿难易一审周期materials science and engineering a-structural materials properties microstructure and processing 1.806 简单超快,平常1-3周materials letters 1.748 简单超快,平常1-3周journal of materials science 1.181 简单超快,平常1-3周journal of materials processing technology 1.143 简单超快,平常1-3周nuclear instruments & methods in physics research section b-beam interactions with materials and atoms 0.999 简单超快,平常1-3周journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 1.283 简单超快,平常1-3周rare metal materials and engineering 0.162 简单很快,2-3周journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials 0.577 简单很快,2-3周materials chemistry and physics 1.799 简单很快,2-3周applied physics a-materials science & processing 1.884 简单很快,2-3周journal of nuclear materials 1.501 简单很快,2-3周materials transactions 0.753 简单较快,3-4周materials research bulletin 1.812 简单较快,3-4周journal of materials science-materials in medicine 1.508 简单较快,3-4周journal of materials research 1.743 简单较快,3-4周computational materials science 1.549 简单较快,3-4周metallurgical and materials transactions a-physical metallurgy and materials science 1.389 简单较快,3-4周optical materials 1.714 简单较快,3-4周journal of materials science-materials in electronics 1.054 简单平常,4-6周inorganic materials 0.455 简单平常,4-6周construction and building materials 0.947 简单平常,4-6周materials characterization 1.225 简单平常,4-6周journal of electronic materials 1.283 简单平常,4-6周journal of inorganic materials 0.37 简单平常,4-6周materials & design 1.107 简单平常,4-6周materials science & engineering c-biomimetic and supramolecular systems 1.812 简单平常,4-6周smart materials & structures 1.743 简单平常,4-6周journal of wuhan university of technology-materials science edition 0.424 简单平常,4-6周materials science and technology 0.894 简单平常,4-6周international journal of materials research 0.819 简单偏慢,6-8周journal of materials science & technology 0.869 简单偏慢,6-8周advanced engineering materials 1.506 简单偏慢,6-8周journal of composite materials 1.034 简单偏慢,6-8周reviews on advanced materials science 0.891 简单偏慢,6-8周materialwissenschaft und werkstofftechnik 0.356 简单偏慢,6-8周bulletin of materials science 0.858 简单偏慢,6-8周archives of metallurgy and materials 0.23 简单偏慢,6-8周materials and structures 0.892 简单偏慢,6-8周materials and manufacturing processes 0.706 简单偏慢,6-8周journal of intelligent material systems and structures 1.293 简单偏慢,6-8周materials science-poland 0.368 简单偏慢,6-8周journal of materials engineering and performance 0.403 简单偏慢,6-8周materials science and engineering b-solid state materials for advanced technology 1.577 较易偏慢,6-8周jom-journal of the minerals metals & materials society 1.485 简单偏慢,6-8周jom-journal of the minerals metals & materials society 1.485 简单偏慢,6-8周materials and corrosion-werkstoffe und korrosion 0.639 简单偏慢,6-8周international journal of materials & product technology 0.157 简单较慢,8周-12周journal of porous materials 0.959 简单较慢,8周-12周macromolecular materials and engineering 1.925 较易较慢,8周-12周fatigue & fracture of engineering materials & structures 0.934 简单较慢,8周-12周science and technology of advanced materials 1.267 简单较慢,8周-12周metallurgical and materials transactions b-process metallurgy and materials processing science 0.798 简单较慢,8周-12周materials world 0.122 简单较慢,8周-12周journal of materials in civil engineering 0.526 简单较慢,8周-12周international journal of refractory metals & hard materials 1.221 简单较慢,8周-12周materials science 0.226 简单较慢,8周-12周advanced materials & processes 0.129 简单较慢,8周-12周ieee transactions on device and materials reliability 1.278 简单较慢,8周-12周materiale plastice 0.873 简单较慢,8周-12周materials performance 0.074 简单较慢,8周-12周indian journal of engineering and materials sciences 0.197 简单较慢,8周-12周modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering 1.388 简单较慢,8周-12周aci materials journal 0.568 简单较慢,8周-12周materials evaluation 0.21 简单较慢,8周-12周mechanics of composite materials 0.453 简单较慢,8周-12周journal of engineering materials and technology-transactions of the asme 0.938 简单较慢,8周-12周bio-medical materials and engineering 0.446 简单较慢,8周-12周mechanics of advanced materials and structures 0.857 简单较慢,8周-12周materials research innovations 0.54 简单12周以上或约稿magnetic resonance materials in physics biology and medicine 1.844 较易12周以上或约稿road materials and pavement design 0.162 简单12周以上或约稿anti-corrosion methods and materials 0.514 简单12周以上或约稿materiales de construccion 0.603 简单12周以上或约稿sensors and materials 0.395 简单12周以上或约稿materials technology 0.288 简单12周以上或约稿journal of new materials for electrochemical systems 0.67 简单12周以上或约稿journal of biomaterials applications 1.635 较易12周以上或约稿journal of thermoplastic composite materials 0.486 简单12周以上或约稿journal of advanced materials 0.14 简单12周以上或约稿materials at high temperatures 0.323 简单12周以上或约稿journal of advanced materials 0.14 简单12周以上或约稿fire and materials 0.96 简单12周以上或约稿advanced composite materials 0.404 简单12周以上或约稿science and engineering of composite materials 0.098 简单12周以上或约稿cmc-computers materials & continua 1.695 较易12周以上或约稿high temperature materials and processes 0.268 简单12周以上或约稿materialprufung 0.123 简单12周以上或约稿mechanics of time-dependent materials 0.95 简单12周以上或约稿informacije midem-journal of microelectronics electronic components and materials 0.154 简单12周以上或约稿applied composite materials 0.712 简单12周以上或约稿journal of sandwich structures & materials 0.646 简单12周以上或约稿high temperature material processes 0.34 简单12周以上或约稿journal of energetic materials 0.516 简单12周以上或约稿materials science in semiconductor processing 1.158 简单12周以上或约稿progress in structural engineering and materials 0.667 简单12周以上或约稿jsme international journal series a-solid mechanics and material engineering 0.291 简单12周以上或约稿journal of computer-aided materials design 0.605 简单12周以上或约稿journal of hazardous materials 2.975 简单超快,平常1-2周chemistry of materials 5.046 较易超快,平常1-2周advanced materials 8.191 较难很快,2-3周journal of materials chemistry 4.646 较易很快,2-3周microporous and mesoporous materials 2.555 简单很快,2-3周acta materialia 3.729 较易很快,2-3周scripta materialia 2.887 简单很快,2-3周biomaterials 6.646 较难很快,2-3周journal of biomedical materials research part a 2.706 简单较快,3-4周advanced functional materials 6.808 较难较快,3-4周diamond and related materials 2.092 简单较快,3-4周journal of biomedical materials research part b-applied biomaterials 2.03 简单平常,4-6周solar energy materials and solar cells 2.788 简单平常,4-6周dental materials 2.941 简单平常,4-6周NA TURE MA TERIALS 23.132 极难偏慢,6-8周journal of biomaterials science-polymer edition 2.158 较易偏慢,6-8周mechanics of materials 2.374 较易较慢,8周-12周annual review of materials research 7.947 约稿形态大概是约稿,周期未必materials science & engineering r-reports 12.619 很难大概是约稿,周期未必international materials reviews 3.462 平常12周以上或约稿progress in materials science 18.132 很难大概是约稿,周期未必soft materials 2.519 较易12周以上或约稿critical reviews in solid state and materials sciences 6.3 较难大概是约稿,周期未必progress in crystal growth and characterization of materials 2.129 较易12周以上或约稿current opinion in solid state & materials science 2.976 较易12周以上或约稿速率快而且简单中的质料类SCI期刊(更新中)保举:1. Journal of alloy and compounds 影响因子IF 1点多,1个月给消息,简单中,如今实在成为中国人的专刊了,哈哈;2. applied surface science 影响因子IF 1点多,宣布简单,3. Materials Letter 1.7 速率快,快报平常都要求有新意(固然,新意太高可以投APL 了)4. Materials & Design 影响因子不到1,很快,快点一个月就接纳的!适当额外想要文章结业可能评奖学金的。
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材料类杂志审稿速度全名影响因子* 投稿难易一审周期materials science and engineering a-structural materials properties microstructure and processing 1.806 容易超快,一般1-3周(二区,近几年无光催化)materials letters 1.748 容易超快,一般1-3周(二区)journal of materials science 1.181 容易超快,一般1-3周(二区)journal of materials processing technology 1.143 容易超快,一般1-3周(二区,近几年无光催化)nuclear instruments & methods in physics research section b-beam interactions with materials and atoms 0.999 容易超快,一般1-3周(三区)journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 1.283 容易超快,一般1-3周(三区)rare metal materials and engineering 0.162 容易很快,2-3周(四区)journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials 0.577 容易很快,2-3周(四区)materials chemistry and physics 1.799 容易很快,2-3周(二区,八个月)applied physics a-materials science & processing 1.884 容易很快,2-3周(三区)journal of nuclear materials 1.501 容易很快,2-3周(二区,无光催化)materials transactions 0.753 容易较快,3-4周(四区)materials research bulletin 1.812 容易较快,3-4周(三区)journal of materials science-materials in medicine 1.508 容易较快,3-4周二区,两篇光催化)journal of materials research 1.743 容易较快,3-4周(三区)computational materials science 1.549 容易较快,3-4周(三区)metallurgical and materials transactions a-physical metallurgy and materials science 1.389 容易较快,3-4周(二区,投稿录用比例90%,平均4.89474个月的审稿周期)不建议optical materials 1.714 容易较快,3-4周(三区)journal of materials science-materials in electronics 1.054 容易一般,4-6周(三区)inorganic materials 0.455 容易一般,4-6周(四区)construction and building materials 0.947 容易一般,4-6周materials characterization 1.225 容易一般,4-6周(一区)journal of electronic materials 1.283 容易一般,4-6周(三区)journal of inorganic materials 0.37 容易一般,4-6周(四区)materials & design 1.107 容易一般,4-6周(二区,近几年无光催化)materials science & engineering c-biomimetic and supramolecular systems 1.812 容易一般,4-6周二区,无光催化)smart materials & structures 1.743 容易一般,4-6周(二区,近几年无光催化)journal of wuhan university of technology-materials science edition 0.424 容易一般,4-6周materials science and technology 0.894 容易一般,4-6周三区international journal of materials research 0.819 容易偏慢,6-8周三区journal of materials science & technology 0.869 容易偏慢,6-8周三区)advanced engineering materials 1.506 容易偏慢,6-8周(三区)journal of composite materials 1.034 容易偏慢,6-8周(三区)reviews on advanced materials science 0.891 容易偏慢,6-8周materialwissenschaft und werkstofftechnik 0.356 容易偏慢,6-8周bulletin of materials science 0.858 容易偏慢,6-8周archives of metallurgy and materials 0.23 容易偏慢,6-8周materials and structures 0.892 容易偏慢,6-8周materials and manufacturing processes 0.706 容易偏慢,6-8周journal of intelligent material systems and structures 1.293 容易偏慢,6-8周materials science-poland 0.368 容易偏慢,6-8周journal of materials engineering and performance 0.403 容易偏慢,6-8周materials science and engineering b-solid state materials for advanced technology 1.577 较易偏慢,6-8周jom-journal of the minerals metals & materials society 1.485 容易偏慢,6-8周jom-journal of the minerals metals & materials society 1.485 容易偏慢,6-8周materials and corrosion-werkstoffe und korrosion 0.639 易偏慢,6-8周international journal of materials & product technology 0.157 容易较慢,8周-12周journal of porous materials 0.959 容易较慢,8周-12周macromolecular materials and engineering 1.925 较易较慢,8周-12周fatigue & fracture of engineering materials & structures 0.934 容易较慢,8周-12周science and technology of advanced materials 1.267 容易较慢,8周-12周metallurgical and materials transactions b-process metallurgy and materials processing science 0.798 容易较慢,8周-12周materials world 0.122 容易较慢,8周-12周journal of materials in civil engineering 0.526 容易较慢,8周-12周international journal of refractory metals & hard materials 1.221 容易较慢,8周-12周materials science 0.226 容易较慢,8周-12周advanced materials & processes 0.129 容易较慢,8周-12周ieee transactions on device and materials reliability 1.278 容易较慢,8周-12周materiale plastice 0.873 容易较慢,8周-12周materials performance 0.074 容易较慢,8周-12周indian journal of engineering and materials sciences 0.197 容易较慢,8周-12周modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering 1.388 容易较慢,8周-12周aci materials journal 0.568 容易较慢,8周-12周materials evaluation 0.21 容易较慢,8周-12周mechanics of composite materials 0.453 容易较慢,8周-12周journal of engineering materials and technology-transactions of the asme 0.938 容易较慢,8周-12周bio-medical materials and engineering 0.446 容易较慢,8周-12周mechanics of advanced materials and structures 0.857 容易较慢,8周-12周materials research innovations 0.54 容易12周以上或约稿magnetic resonance materials in physics biology and medicine 1.844 较易12周以上或约稿road materials and pavement design 0.162 容易12周以上或约稿anti-corrosion methods and materials 0.514 容易12周以上或约稿materiales de construccion 0.603 容易12周以上或约稿sensors and materials 0.395 容易12周以上或约稿materials technology 0.288 容易12周以上或约稿journal of new materials for electrochemical systems 0.67 容易12周以上或约稿journal of biomaterials applications 1.635 较易12周以上或约稿journal of thermoplastic composite materials 0.486 容易12周以上或约稿journal of advanced materials 0.14 容易12周以上或约稿materials at high temperatures 0.323 容易12周以上或约稿journal of advanced materials 0.14 容易12周以上或约稿fire and materials 0.96 容易12周以上或约稿advanced composite materials 0.404 容易12周以上或约稿science and engineering of composite materials 0.098 容易12周以上或约稿cmc-computers materials & continua 1.695 较易12周以上或约稿high temperature materials and processes 0.268 容易12周以上或约稿materialprufung 0.123 容易12周以上或约稿mechanics of time-dependent materials 0.95 容易12周以上或约稿informacije midem-journal of microelectronics electronic components and materials 0.154 容易12周以上或约稿applied composite materials 0.712 容易12周以上或约稿journal of sandwich structures & materials 0.646 容易12周以上或约稿high temperature material processes 0.34 容易12周以上或约稿journal of energetic materials 0.516 容易12周以上或约稿materials science in semiconductor processing 1.158 容易12周以上或约稿progress in structural engineering and materials 0.667 容易12周以上或约稿jsme international journal series a-solid mechanics and material engineering 0.291 容易12周以上或约稿journal of computer-aided materials design 0.605 容易12周以上或约稿journal of hazardous materials 2.975 容易超快,一般1-2周chemistry of materials 5.046 较易超快,一般1-2周advanced materials 8.191 较难很快,2-3周journal of materials chemistry 4.646 较易很快,2-3周microporous and mesoporous materials 2.555 容易很快,2-3周三区acta materialia 3.729 较易很快,2-3周scripta materialia 2.887 容易很快,2-3周biomaterials 6.646 较难很快,2-3周journal of biomedical materials research part a 2.706 容易较快,3-4周advanced functional materials 6.808 较难较快,3-4周diamond and related materials 2.092 容易较快,3-4周journal of biomedical materials research part b-applied biomaterials 2.03 容易一般,4-6周慢solar energy materials and solar cells 5.030 容易一般,4-6周dental materials 2.941 容易一般,4-6周NA TURE MATERIALS 23.132 极难偏慢,6-8周journal of biomaterials science-polymer edition 2.158 较易偏慢,6-8周mechanics of materials 2.374 较易较慢,8周-12周annual review of materials research 7.947 约稿形式可能是约稿,周期不定materials science & engineering r-reports 12.619 很难可能是约稿,周期不定international materials reviews 3.462 一般12周以上或约稿progress in materials science 18.132 很难可能是约稿,周期不定soft materials 2.519 较易12周以上或约稿critical reviews in solid state and materials sciences 6.3 较难可能是约稿,周期不定progress in crystal growth and characterization of materials 2.129 较易12周以上或约稿。