二、能效等级又是咋回事?1. 能效等级就像是设备的“节能成绩单”。
2. 这些能效等级是怎么评定的呢?这就需要看设备在运行过程中的各种数据啦,像是耗电量、能源转化率之类的。
四、为啥要关注设备能效限定值和能效等级呢?1. 对咱们消费者来说,购买高等级能效的设备,虽然可能在购买的时候价格会高一点,但是长期使用下来,能节省不少电费或者其他能源费用呢。
2. 从环保的角度来看,节能的设备就意味着消耗更少的能源,这样就能减少对环境的污染啦。
3. 对于整个社会来说,大家都使用高能效的设备,能提高能源的总体利用效率,这对能源的可持续发展可是非常重要的哦。
✧按压机的运行控制原理有定频空调和变频空调之分:定频空调能效比EER =额定制冷功率/耗电量,为单位时间内的能效参数;变频空调能效比SEER=制冷季节期间空调器进行制冷运行时从室内除去的总热量/总耗电量,为季节性能效参数。
表7-1 沙特测试工况
The Conditions for Standard Test T1 T2 T3
Temperature of the incoming air, Toward Indoor Part of the 27 19 21 15 29 19
Thermometer (°C) Dry Bulb Wet Bulb
表2 欧盟整体式空调能效等级表
制热(根据EN14511, 在T1+7°C型工况下)
3.40 ≥COP >3.20
3.5 ≤SRI < 4.0
4.0 ≤SRI < 4.5
4.5 ≤SRI < 5.0
5.0 ≤SRI < 5.5
Page 4 of 8
Cooling and/or Heating Capacity
Minimum EER and/or COP 1 Apr 2010
Minimum AEER and/or ACOP 1 Apr 2011
表12 北美分体机型的Energy Star要求
“终端用户”指购买或准备购买灯具或照明设备的自然人。灯具 不用于商贸、手工制作或专业教学。
“最终所有者”指个人或经济实体对产品生命周期的使用阶段的 拥者,或任何代表这样的个人或经济实体的任何人或经济实体。
©2012 SGS
• 第98/11/EC号指令中Article 1(1)和(2)所提及的灯泡于 2013年9月1日前投放市场的应符合该指令规定要求;
• 2013年9月1日前,第98/11/EC号指令中Article 1(1)和(2) 所提及的灯泡符合本条例生产的,已投放市场销售或准备 进入市场销售、出租或分期付款销售的都被认为是符合第 98/11/EC号指令的要求。
©2012 SGS
98/11/EC指令中Article 1(1)和(2)
Article 1(1):适用的产品 • 直接由主电源供电的细丝灯,整体式紧凑型荧光灯和家用 的直管型,非整体式紧凑型荧光灯,即使它们按非家用的 销售。
Article 1(2):排除在98/11/EC范围外的产品 • 光通量超过6500 lm的产品; • 输入功率小于4 W的产品 • 反射灯泡 • 销售或商用首推其他节能源的,如电池 • 非销售或商用首推可见光的 • 是其他产品的一部分,首要目的非照明用的。但如果灯泡 单独销售或单独销售则包含在指令范围内
Article 4 (1)(a-c):
• 在销售、出租或分期付款销售产品的场所,若最终用户无法看到产品的实物展示,应提供 市场推广使用的、由供应商按照附件四的规定编制的信息资料;
• 任一型号产品的广告、报价或招标书中包含了能源或价格信息,则应包含该型号产品的能 效等级信息;
3)EU1194/2012对LED灯的功能要求(Functionality Requirement)如下:对LED灯珠来说,主要要求有3个,第一是显色指数大于等于80(户内)或者65(户外)第二是6千小时光通维持率80%第三是色容差要求小于6个step麦克亚当椭圆(SDCM < 6)三星目前全系列产品是按照美国国家标准ANSIC78.377色度坐标的近似7个step的矩形分bin。
我们产品各CCT色温符合6-step的bin区有:W0:WA,WB,WD,WE,WFV0:V4,V7,V8,VB,VCU0:U6,U7,UA,UB,UE,UFT0:T5,T6,T7,T9,TA,TB,TD,TER0:R3,R4P0:P3,P4详细CIE坐标请见附件2 “ANSI vs IEC”,红色椭圆为6-step,棕色椭圆为4-step (考虑到整灯级别要做到6-step的话,我认为灯珠级别要在4到5 step 间才能达到)4)EU1194/2012对LED灯的能效要求(Energy Efficiency Requirement)分成E到A++共7个等级,如下表所示。
具体EEI计算请参考附件3:“874-2012_Energy Label for lamp and luminaire”。
12年12月14日,指令EU 1194/2012发布;指令发布20日后即2013年1月3日生效;2013年9月1日实行第一阶段要求;2014年9月1日实行第二阶段要求;2016年9月1日实行第三阶段要求;LED灯具最新能效指令EU NO.1194/2012与能效标签指令NO.874/2012将于2013年9月1日起正式实施,早期失效率(1000小时)低于5%的要求,将伴随着ERP 的正式实施强制要求。
新能耗标识通知 (2)
重 要 通 知(2012.11)
98/11/EC ,能耗等级的计算方式和以前完全不同,以前所有卤素灯,节能灯,LED 灯的能耗等级的标识方法也将换全新标识,标识如下。
另外所有定向灯节能灯以及LED 灯泡将于2013年9月1日满足下列要求:
Maximum energy efficiency index (EEI) 最大能耗指数(EEI )
起始适用日期 市电钨丝灯 其他钨丝灯 高压气体放电灯
其他灯(CFL&LED ) Stage 1 2013.9.1 If Φuse > 450 lm : 1.75 If Φuse ≤ 450 lm : 1.20
If Φuse > 450 lm : 0.95
0.50 0.50 Stage 2 2014.9.1 1.75 0.95
0.50 0.50 Stage 3 2016.9.1
0.95 0.95 0.36 0.20
由于时间紧迫,希望广大节能灯厂家及时针对产品做相关测试来应对欧盟此项决议, 如有相关测试要求方面的问题,欢迎和我们联系。
Slide 2
《制定耗能产品生态 设计要求的框架指令》 2005/32/EC Energy-using Product
《制定能源相关产品生 态设计要求的框架指令》 2009/125/EC Energy-related Product
TÜ V SÜ D Group
则技术文档中应说明该色度坐标,并表明该色度坐标使其成为一个特 殊用途产品. 2. 对于所有特殊用途产品,其预期用途应在所有格式的产品信息中表明 ,同时附有警告:它们不预期用于其它的应用。 技术文档应列出使该产品设计符合其声明的预期目的的技术参数。 如果该产品投放市场时,其包装包含让终端用户清晰可见的信息,则 下列信息应清楚地标明在包装和其他格式的产品信息上: (a) 预期目的;和 (b) 它不适应于家庭房间照明。
TÜ V SÜ D Group
适用 日期 电网电压钨丝灯 第一 Φ use >450lm时, 阶段 为0.95(Class D) 最大能效指数(EEI) 其他钨丝灯 HID灯 Φuse≤450lm时为 0.5 (Class 1.2(Class C);Φ use B) >450lm时,为0.95 (Class D) 0.95(Class B) 0.5 (Class B) 0.95 (Class B) 0.36 (Class A) 其他灯 0.5 (Class B)
TÜ V SÜ D Group
TEC 8/24,2012 6
EU 1194/2012 2012年12月14日,欧盟在OJ上正式公布EU 1194/2012,提出定向灯、LED灯及相关设备的生态设 计要求
©2012 SGS
过渡性条款(Article 9 )
2014年3月1日前,Article 3(2)和Article 4(2)款的要 求不适用于灯具;
2014年3月1日前,Article 3(1)(c-d)和Article 4 (1)(ac)的要求不适用于广告的印刷和技术推广资料的出版 ;
©2012 SGS
该指令范围覆盖的产品包括细丝灯,荧光灯,高强气体放电灯,LED灯和LED模 块。该指令还适用于使用上述光源的灯具,包括整体使用在其他产品中的情况, 但是它的能源输入不依赖产品的首要用途,如家具。
该指令不包括: a) 光通量小于30 lm的灯和LED模块; b) 使用电池的灯和LED模块; c) 使用在器具中,主要使用目的不是照明的灯或LED模块,如 – 发光做为化学或生物过程的媒介物(如光学治疗,园艺学,灭蚊器等产 品) – 影像和投影产品(如相机的闪光灯,复印机,投影仪等) – 加热(如红外灯) – 信号传输作用(如机场灯) 但如果这些灯标明了是照明使用的,则不排除在此指令范围外。 d) 灯和LED模块是灯具的一部分,不可由最终用户移除的,除非做为分离的一 部分单独出售; e) 灯和LED灯使用在首要用途不是照明的产品上,但是如果灯单独出售,则应 该包含在此指令范围; f) 灯或LED灯不符合指令2009/125/EC2013和2014年的要求; g) 设计使用(a)到(c)点列出的灯或LED模块的灯具
IV. 以每1000小时的kWh表示产品的耗电量,依 照附录VII的要求,将数值计算到最接近计 数值的整数。
2012年最好的LED灯,最好的直管荧光灯, 2012年最好的LED灯 节能灯和HID灯 2012年平均水平LED灯,平均水平节能灯, 2012年平均水平LED灯,平均水平到较好的 较差的直管荧光灯和HID灯(后两者将在 节能灯和HID灯(建议在第三阶段,即2016年 2010到2017年之间淘汰) 淘汰) 较差的节能灯和LED灯(已在2009年淘汰, 除了个别产品豁免),最好的卤素灯泡(红 外镀膜技术) 充有氙气的主电压卤素灯(将在2016年被 淘汰,除了G9和R7s灯头的产品) 传统的卤素灯和最好的白炽灯(将在2012 年完全淘汰) 典型的白炽灯系列,将在2012年完全淘汰 较差的节能灯和LED灯(建议在第一间段,即 2013年淘汰),做好的低电压卤素灯(红外镀 膜或者充氙气) 较好的传统低电压卤素灯,建议在第一第二 阶段(即2013年和2014年)淘汰 较差的传统低电压卤素灯(建议在第一阶段, 即2013年淘汰),较好的主电压卤素灯(建议 在第三阶段,即2016年淘汰) 白炽灯反射灯,较差的主电压卤素灯,建议 在第一第二阶段(即2013年和2014年)淘汰
Prepared by Karen Xie (谢振华)
框架指令92/75/EEC 照明产品IM指令98/11/EC
测试标准EN 50285
EU 1194 欧盟关于定向灯泡、LED灯泡、及其相关设备的生态设计要求之实施细则(中文)
生永久性损害,则这些附加零件不可能被拆卸。 7. “灯头”是灯的一部分,通过灯座或灯接头而连接至电源,也可以用来保持灯泡在灯座上。 8. “灯座”指的是,保持灯泡的位置的设备,通常将灯头插入,在这种情况下,灯座也提供了将灯泡连接
至电源的途径; 9. “定向灯泡”指的是,80%以上的输出光集中在立体角为 π 球面度(sr)内(相当于锥形角为 1200)的
(14)预计到 2020 年,与没有采取措施的情况相比,本规章中列出的生态设计要求以及欧盟委员会第
874/2012 号授权规章的混合效应将会使定向灯泡每年节约电量 25TWh。
(15) 从用户的角度来看,生态设计要求不得影响产品的使用功能,不得对健康、安全和环境产生负面影
响。特别是,依据本规章,在使用期期间减少电力消耗的利益应胜过产品生产期间的任一潜在的附 加的环境影响。为确保客户对节能灯泡的满意,特别是对 LED 灯,不仅应制定定向灯泡的功能要求, 也应制定非定向灯泡的功能要求,因为欧盟委员会第 244/2009 号规章免除了这两类灯的功能要求。 产品信息要求应允许消费者作出知情选择。
灯泡; 10. “非定向灯泡”指的是定向灯泡以外的灯泡; 11. “钨丝灯泡/filament lamp”指的是,利用通过的电流加热丝状导体至白炽状态从而产生光的灯泡。灯泡
可能含有影响白炽过程的气体; 12. “白热灯泡/incandescent lamp”指的是,灯丝在排空空气的灯泡内工作或灯丝在冲入的气体环绕的环境
(8) 2007 年,在灯寿命的不同时期,估计已安装的灯柄的汞排放量达到了 0,7 吨,这包括在使用阶段发
电引起的汞排放量以及定向紧凑型荧光灯汞含量的 80%,在定向紧凑型荧光寿命结束时,该灯中的 汞被认为不可循环利用。如果没有采取具体的措施,2020 年,预计已安装的灯的存量的汞排放量将 增加至 0.9 吨,虽然已证明可大量减少汞排放量。
EU 874-2012 解释文件
EXPLANATORY NOTEto theWorking Document on a draft Commission Delegated Regulation implementing Directive 2010/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard toenergy labelling of general lighting lampsand to theWorking Document on a draft Commission Regulation implementing Directive2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for directional lamps, light emitting diode lamps and related equipmentL EGAL ELEMENTS OF THE ENERGY LABELLING DELEGATED ACTSummary of the proposed actionThe measure sets out new and revised mandatory energy labelling requirements for suppliers placing general lighting lamps on the market, and for dealers offering these appliances at the point of sale or by distant selling such as via catalogues or the internet. The existing lamp energy label is extended to directional lamps and professional lamps, and new classes are introduced above A to allow a better distinction among the higher-end technologies, in particular singling out efficient LEDs as better performers than compact fluorescent lamps that have been on top of the scale until now. The scope of the measure is aligned with the scope and content of existing and possible new Ecodesign implementing measures setting minimum energy efficiency, functionality and information requirements on general lighting lamps.Detailed explanation related to certain provisionsChapter 2 (definitions): the notion of "final owner" has to be introduced in addition to "end user". Indeed, in the case of professional lamps, it is not the end users (e.g. office workers, pedestrians etc.) who are making purchasing decisions and have to be influenced by label classes, but the person who will own the lamp at the end of the value chain, the owner of the lighting installation. In household lighting, the final owner is also at the same time the end user.Chapter 9: A special transitional provision is needed because the scope of the new labelling regulation is larger than the scope of Commission Directive 98/11/EC. The lamps newly within scope will not be equipped with energy labels before one year after entry into force. Additional time should be given for retailers to change their stocks afterwards.Chapter 10: The Regulation could possibly enter into force during the second quarter of 2012. The "lighting season" for the lighting industry starts in September, when new products and packagings are usually introduced to the consumer market (distinct from the professional market). In order to reduce administrative burden for industry, the date of application of lamp requirements should be adjusted to the lighting season (as was the case with Regulation 244/2009). Typically, labelling regulations leave one year transitional period after entry into force. The first September following that is September 2013.Annex V: Measurement methods and the verification procedure for marketsurveillance purposes are fully aligned in this delegated Regulation with those used for the same parameters in any existing or possible new Ecodesign implementing measure. Specific provisions are needed for the cases when the LED lamps or modules are not replaceable in the luminaire by the end-user.Annex VI: The following table shows which lamp technologies belong to the classes the limits of which are set out in Table 1, including an indication if the technology is phased out or is planned to be phased out in the parallel ecodesign regulations.Energy efficiency class Non-directional lampsDirectional lampsA++(most efficient) Class currently empty apart from some lowpressure sodium lamps used in street lighting.Soon to be populated by best LEDs.Class currently empty, soon to bepopulated by best LEDs.A+ Best LED lamps in 2012, best linearfluorescent, compact fluorescent and highintensity discharge (HID) light sources.Best LED lamps 2012.A Average LEDs 2012, average compactfluorescent lamps and poor linearfluorescents and poor HIDs (for the lattertwo, phase-out between 2010 and 2017) Average LEDs 2012, average to good compact fluorescents and HIDs (proposed to be phased out in stage 3, 2016)B Poor compact fluorescent lamps and LEDs(phased out in 2009 with a few exceptions),best (infrared coated) halogen bulbs. Poor compact fluorescent lamps and LEDs (proposed to be phases out in stage 1 2013), best low voltage halogen reflector lamps (infrared coated or xenon filled).C Xenon-filled mains voltage halogen lamps (tobe phased out in 2016, except G9 and R7slamps). Quality conventional low voltage halogens, proposed to be phased out in stage 1 and 2 (2013 and 2014)D Conventional halogens and bestincandescents (full phase-out by 2012) Poor conventional low voltage halogens (proposed to be phased out in stage 1 2013), quality mains voltage halogens (proposed to be phased out in stage 3 2016).E(least efficient) Typical incandescent range, full phase-out by2012)Incandescent reflector lamps and poormains voltage halogens, proposed to bephased out in stage 1 and 2 (2013 and2014).AnnexVIIThe provision that the rated power of the lamps has to be measured at their nominal input voltage is needed so as to make clear that compliance is requested at full power, not when the lamps are dimmed.Table 2: For fluorescent lamps, the use of a complex control gear correction factor gives exactly the same overall result in A class as the dedicated formula used in 98/11/EC. This method allows applying the same ballast correction factor to formulae that define the newly added top classes A+ and A++ in which fluorescent lamps may be present, thus avoiding the need to have a separate column for the EEI of fluorescent lamps in Annex VI.Calculating the reference power (P ref) for lamps <1300 lm (corresponds to classichousehold lighting with bulbs-shaped lamps): the merit of using the old 98/11/EC formula is that in the still important halogen category, in the case of higher wattage lamps which are more efficient by nature but more energy consuming too, people will not be pushed to use them as they cannot get so easily into efficient classes as they would in a linear scale. At the same time, people will be pushed to install smaller wattage LEDs, because it is easier for them to appear more efficient than higher wattage ones, which have to have higher efficacy to obtain the same class (even though they are not more efficient by nature).Calculating the reference power (P ref) for lamps >1300 lm (corresponding to professional lighting): the merit of using the new linear formula is that it creates a level playing field for technologies where filament lamps are not dominant, so efficacy is little related to light output.Table 3: The useful light of directional lamps is normally under a 90° beam angle, which fits with their aim to provide accent lighting. It seems though that a compact fluorescent product range has been developed as retrofits to halogen lamps incorrectly used in downlighting installations (providing illumination of a full area). In their case (and only then), light in a larger angle is useful, but still users should be warned against installing such CFLs in accent lighting.L EGAL ELEMENTS OF THE DRAFT E CODESIGN R EGULATION•Summary of the proposed actionThis ecodesign regulation introduces:–minimum energy efficiency requirements for directional lamps, phasing out the least efficient filament lamps while keeping suitable alternatives on the market for all kinds of lighting installations;–functionality requirements for directional lamps and non-directional LED lamps, which will ensure that consumers switching to the more efficient alternatives will not be disappointed in their quality;–requirements for energy saving lamps and lighting equipment (controls and luminaires) to be as much as possible compatible with each other;–product information requirements for all technologies within scope that will ensure that users are appropriately informed of the performance and compatibility of the lighting equipment they purchase.It is supported by a delegated act on lamp energy labelling that extends the scope of the existing labelling to directional lamps.•Detailed explanation related to certain provisionsChapter 2 (3), Annex I.1, Annex IV.4 Special purpose productsThe new definition of special purpose products is part of the general effort to make this product category more concrete, to decrease the risk of the public buying special purpose lamps for general lighting, and to ease the work of market surveillance, without putting excessive burden on industry. Annex IV.4 on verification specifies that those technical characteristics that can make a lamp special purpose according to this definition shall be listedin harmonised standards, or awaiting such standards, in publications in the OJ. The list is meant to be updated regularly to take account of technical progress.In earlier drafts, lamps with very low light outputs and with a high UV component were allowed to be special purpose with no information on the packaging. However, unlike coloured lamps, such lamps cannot be easily distinguished by the public from normal lamps, so a warning on the packaging is deemed necessary (they are covered together with the other special purpose products).Chapter 2 (19) LED lamp definitionThe rather basic definition of an LED lamp ensures that it can mean a single LED module (end-user replaceable or not), a self-ballasted retrofit lamp, or an entire integral luminaire. Such a broad definition is needed also to remain consistent with the LED definition in Regulation 244/2009. The non-directional lamps regulation's efficacy requirements should apply to LED lamps that are integral luminaires.Chapter 7 RevisionThree years is very short between entry into force and revision (2015), but it is advisable to examine the rapid progress of LED technology, and also to do the review more or less in parallel to the review of Regulation 244/2009 in 2014, to improve the complementarity of the two Regulations.Annex III.1.1 Energy efficiency requirements for directional lampsThe same method is used in this Regulation and in the energy labelling regulation to establish the energy efficiency index of a lamp: comparing the power of the lamp corrected for control gear losses and other parameters to a reference power. The reference power is obtained from the useful luminous flux of the lamp, which is the flux in a 90° or 120° cone. For more details, see the explanatory note to the energy labelling delegated act.The guiding principle in table 2 setting maximum EEIs is that the highest efficiency is aimed at for lamps other than filament lamps, however there are existing installations which are only compatible with certain categories of filament lamps. Therefore the efficiency levels for filament lamps are less stringent so that the existing stock can be fully serviced with slightly enhanced lamps, with no empty shelves syndrome (hence the introduction in two stages of the requirements affecting the most numerous categories).Maximum Energy Efficiency Index (EEI)Application date Mains voltagefilament lamps Other filament lamps Lamps other thanfilament lampsStage 1 (2013)If Φuse > 450 lm : 1.75Phases out E-classincandescent reflectorlamps (R50 R63 R80) andpoor mains voltagehalogens with high lumenoutputs, but leaves themore efficient bulb-shapedhalogen reflector lamps onthe market.If Φuse≤ 450 lm : 1.2Poor conventional lowvoltage halogen lamps (Dclass) are phased out evenat low lumen outputsalready in Stage 1.If Φuse > 450 lm : 0.95Phases out qualityconventional low voltagehalogens starting with highlumen outputs (12V 50WMR16 lamp). Leaves onlyB-class enhanced lamps(infrared coated or xenonfilled)0.5Phases out the leastefficient (B-class) CFLsand LEDs.Stage 2 (2014)1.75Completes the phase-outstarted in Stage 1, nowapplying to low lumenoutput lamps.0.95Completes the phase-outstarted in Stage 1, nowapplying to low lumenoutput lamps.0.5Stage 3 (2016)0.95Raises the requirement to alevel that only LEDs, CFLior halogens with integratedtransformer can achievetoday. *0.950.2Raises the requirement to alevel (A+) that only thebest LED lamps achievetoday.* The applicability of this requirement on mains voltage filament lamps is subject to strong criteria set out under the table and to be checked at the revision of the measure in 2015. Annex III.1.2 Energy efficiency requirements for lamp control gearThe requirement on no-load power applies from stage 2 only, as luminaire manufacturers need time to make necessary adjustments to the luminaires using the lamp control gear. The lamp control gear which is cut off from power when the light is switched off does not have to comply with a no-load requirement meaningless in its case.Annex III.2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and Annex IV.3. Compatibility requirementsThe requirement to be as much as possible compatible with A-class lamps applies the same way to dimmers and other control devices, control gear and luminaires. It applies also to energy saving lamps (CFLs and LEDs) in that they should be as much as possible compatible with lighting installations operating filament lamps. Compatibility will be defined in harmonised standards, while recognising that full compatibility is very difficult to achieve. Annex III.2.2. Functionality requirements for non-directional and directional LED lampsThe reason for covering non-directional LED functionality requirements in this regulation (rather than remaining focussed on directional lamps) is that in the non-directional lamps regulation (244/2009), we could not set LED functionality requirements yet, because the market was not developed enough in 2008. Only the efficiency and product information requirements applied to non-directional LEDs in that regulation, which also explains why such requirements are only set for directional LEDs in this Regulation.Measuring lumen maintenance and lamp survival until the end of the very long rated life of LEDs would have put extreme burden on market surveillance and would have reduced the speed of introduction of new technologies. To remain practicable, no test should take longer than a year.Annex III.1.2.(o) N arrow beam LED multiplication factors to luminous flux requirement for equivalence claims involving powerSpill light has some use in medium to wide beams (contributes to uniformity on the floor and to total room illumination), but is useless in narrow beams whose only purpose is accent lighting. At such beam angles, technologies emitting no spill light (such as LED) should be allowed to have less total light output.Annex III.3.3. Product information requirements for equipment designed for installation between the mains and the lampsThe requirement to attach the A-class non-compatibility warning fiche in a non-permanent way where the end-user is likely to remove it at putting into service excludes e.g. stickers in non-prominent locations and permanently integrated text. The requirement is needed because if the warning stayed on the equipment after putting into service, it would give a confusing message to the user on the occasion of future lamp replacements, by which time lamps in classes A++ to A that are compatible with the equipment might become available on the market. The required minimum size of the fiche is the same as that of the lamp energy label. Annex IV.1. Verification procedure for lamps other than LED lamps and LED lamps that are meant to be replaced in the luminaire by the end-userThe method of extrapolation for calculating lumen maintenance at the end of life and rated lifetime is set out in documents the reference numbers of which shall be published for that purpose in the OJEU, e.g. US standards IES LM 80 and TM 21.。
定向照明灯、LED 灯及相关装置的生态设计要求(1194/2012/EC)ANNEX III of 1194/2012/EC指令发布日期:2012年12月14日指令执行阶段:第1阶段:2013年9月1日第2阶段:2014年9月1日第3阶段:2016年9月1日自2013年9月1日起,特别用途的产品需满足Annex I 规定的信息要求。
摘要:1. 能效要求1.1 定向灯的能效要求能效指数计算:●Pcor: 修正后的功率●Pref: 通过有用光通Φuse计算得到的基准功率(reference Power)对于有用光通小于1300lm的型号:对于有用光通大于等于1300lm的型号:表2:最大能效指数备注:●对主电源供电的钨丝灯(白炽灯)的特别规定(Stage 3)●针对主电源供电的钨丝灯(白炽灯),第三阶段实施日期不得晚于2015年9月30日;如果委员会通过市场评估,且与相关咨询论坛沟通后有证据表明这些灯:● 1. 符合Stage 3规定的最大能效指数要求● 2. 在不增加额外支出的情况下,绝大多数消费者承担的起● 3. 在此法规强制实施时,与主电源供电钨丝灯功能参数相当的可替代产品已经能够广泛获得,包括表6列出的所有流明等效参数。
● 4. 依据技术发展的兼容性要求,在法规的强制日期,这些灯能够与设计装在主电源及灯泡之间的设备是兼容的。
1.2 灯的控制器的能效要求●自Stage 2开始,灯的控制装置的空载功率不得高于1.0W●自Stage 3开始,灯的控制装置的空载功率不得高于0.5W●输出功率大于250W的灯的控制装置,其空载功率限值还要乘以P/250W.●自Stage 3开始,灯的控制装置的待机功率不得高于0.5W●自Stage 2开始,灯的控制装置的100%负载下,效率不低于0.91.2. 功能性要求2.1 除LED灯之外的定向照明灯的功能性要求见●定向照明紧凑型荧光灯的功能性要求见表3除LED、CFLs和HID之外的其它定向照明灯,功能要求见附表42.2 定向及非定向照明LED灯的功能性要求(见表5)2.3 设计用于安装在灯与主电源之前的设备(装置)的功能性要求自第2阶段开始,这些设备(装置)应能与满足如下能效指数(最大)的灯相兼容:-0.24 (非定向照明)-0.40 (定向照明)当调光控制装置调到最小设定值(灯有功率消耗),被控制的灯至少有1%的满载光输出。
2013年LED 灯泡灯具的 能效标签法规 874-2012 中文翻译
执行欧洲议会和理事会第 执行欧洲议会和理事会第 2010/30/EU 号指令 关于电灯及照明设备的能源标签的补充指令 关于电灯及照明设备的能源标签的补充指令 电灯及照明设备的能源标签欧洲委员会: 考虑到欧盟条约的运作要求,欧洲议会和理事会颁布了第 2010/30/EU 号指 令, 该指令规定耗能产品应通过标签和标准产品信息来明示其能源及其他资源 的消耗状况。
特别是针对第 10 条的要求。
鉴于: (1) 2010/30/EU 号指令授权该委员会制定出能够体现耗能产品明显的节能 第 潜力、具有等效的功能,但能效水平差别明显的能效标签。
(2)关于一般照明用灯泡能效标签的条款是采用了欧洲理事会第98/11 /EC 号指令的规定。
在已经取得的节能 成果的基础上,进一步降低电灯的能耗水平是一项有价值的工作。
(4)为了激励制造商在加贴能效标签的过程中,采取更加主动的措施以进一 步提高电灯的能效水平、加快向节能技术市场化转变的进程,将以本条例 中的新条款代替第 98/11/EC 号指令的要求。
本条例在不增加灯具制造商和零售 商的行政负担及对提供给消费者的灯具能效信息不存在灯具之间的不公 平待遇的情况下确保消费者能清楚地了解到有关节能灯及灯具能效的信 息。
(6)标签上所提供的信息应通过具有可靠性、准确性及可重现性的测量程序 获得。
该程序采用了公认为目前最流行的测量方法,在可行的情况下,应 采用第 98/34/EC 号指令中附录一列出的已经过欧洲标准化组织认可的协1调标准。
1998 年 6 月 22 日由欧洲议会及理事会颁布的该指令的附录一是 一个关于技术标准和实施规则的信息以及信息社会服务法规要求的程序。
(8)此外,本条例对电灯和照明设备的技术资料及电灯的微缩胶片的要求作 出规定。
1.9 Current Ripple and noise-----LED
LED驱动需要测试的是输出电流纹波 LED行业对驱动电源的电压纹波没有做明确要求,主要是看
是否频闪 是否有频闪与所使用的的top结构有关系,一般中小功率使 用单级PFC方案的LED驱动都会有频闪现象,而使用两级方 案的就可以杜绝此问题。 输出纹波电流太大,会影响驱动电源输出电容的使用寿命 参考值+/-10%
注意测试结果必须满足产品标签上的输入规格要求 输入90Vac,输出满载时的输入电流不可以大于规
1.3 No load consumption
空载损耗 负载为0时的输入功
率 Energy Star/MEPS V要求小于0.3W, DoE VI要求小于 0.1W
ENERGYSTAR_M anufacturers_Gui de_v2.1
1.8 Output voltage ripple and noise--Adaptor
输出纹波和噪声 一般遵循行业标准,控制在输出电压的1%以内,
客户可以提高要求 分为低频纹波和高频纹波,甚至可以通过看输出纹 波来知道电源的工作频率 测试方法:需要在输出端并联一个0.1uF的瓷片和 一个10uF的电解电容,并将示波器的带宽限制在 20Mhz。
LED驱动相比适配器,要求会更严格一些 MR16的灯具由于浪涌电流太大导致电子变压器损坏 LED调光球泡灯浪涌电流太大导致调光器损坏 以上两点足以说明其重要性 功率越大,对浪涌要求越高
浪涌电流的测 试验证的是 Fuse和桥堆的 耐受力
1.2 Input current
LED驱动与适配器的输入电流测试是一样的。 测试结果: