COMAC航空科技英语等级考试B 样题




COMAC航空科技英语等级考试B样题COMAC航空科技英语等级考试B1(技术类)样题Test Time:120 minutes部门_______________ 姓名____________ ⼯号____________Part I Listening (30%)Section 1 Conversation and Lecture(10%)Directions: In this section, you will hear a long conversation and a lecture. At the end of the conversation or the lecture, you will hear five questions. The conversation, the lecture and the questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices.Conversation1. A) They get you directly to holiday destination.B) Their tickets can be bought on the internet.C) They offer excellent services to customers.D) They’re much cheaper than famous airlines.2. A) They have sprung up recently and become successful.B) They change prices on the basis of customers’ demand.C) They always offer travelers the extremely cheap flight.D) They do much advertising but few people ever watch it.3. A) By travelling before public holidays.B) By buying tickets a day in advance.C) By booking at the very last minute.D) By flying at peak time like Fridays.4. A) They try every possible means to reduce expenses.B) They charge different prices depending on demand.C) They don’t serve any food on any of their flights.D) They have increased the speed of their aero planes.5. A) They only offer cheap tickets online.B) They fail to offer satisfactory service.C) They spend little time on the ground.D) They fly to and from smaller airports.Lecture6. A) The 845m2 wing area is large enough to park 70 cars.B) The plane has the potential to carry 550 passengers.C) The tail is about as long as the Great Sphinx in Egypt.D) The two deck fuselage is as high as a 7-storey building.7. A) It is as economical to run as a common jet.B) It burns more fuel than other jumbo jets.C) It can fly an amazing 15,000 km non-stop.D) It can carry more fuel than other planes.8. A) Toulouse in France.B) England and Wales.C) All over the Europe.D) Spain and Germany.9. A) It is remarkably expensive.B) It is impressively efficient.C) It is a nation-wide project.D) It is extremely complicated.10.A) The expenses.B) The designing.C) The electronics.D) The cooperation.Section 2 Compound Dictation (10%)Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage TWICE. You have its script in the following, but with eleven blanks in it. You are required to fill in the first eight blanks with the exact words you have just heard. For last three blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Remember, there will be a pause for the last three blanks.Laurence Barron, President of Airbus China, defended the A380 superjumbo jet as its safety performance has been called into question.“The Qantas A380 suffered an (1) ______________ engine failure, a fairly rare event, which also damaged the aircraft itself. The aircraft performed as expected and (2) ______________ safely, so no, there is nothing wrong with the A380. It’s a (3)______________ aircraft.”Barron also says the engine issue will not (4) ______________ next summer’s scheduled delivery of the A380 to China Southern Airlines, the only (5) ______________ carrier to purchase the plane.Meanwhile, Barron explains that the lack of orders for its A350 aircraft, which is under development, from Chinese carriers is due to the country’s (6) ______________ planning structure.“The Chinese government, as you are well aware, works on a 5-year-plan basis, and they are about to (7) ______________ the 12th 5-year-plan which runs from 2011 to 2015. The A350 deliveries that we can offer are now in the what will become the 13th 5-year-plan period.”Eric Chen, Airbus China‘s Vice President, adds that the Chinese carriers’ timid (8) _____________ to the A350 is due to its competing product, Boeing’s 787.“Several years ago, Chinese airlines ordered more than 60 Boeing 787’s and for various reasons, airlines lack this kind of courage and determination to be a launching customer for a new program again. In other words, we are buying the bill for our rivals’ dilemma and consequences.”(9) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________“I don’t really understand the world ‘challenge’. Our industry is challenging. There are lots of challenges but this is not a challenge, this is a competitor. (10) __________________________________________________________________________ Beverly Wyse, Vice President of Boeing’s 737 program, says Boeing is open to work with C919’s manufacturer.“I think (11) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________”Four Chinese airlines and two aircraft leasing companies have signed agreements to purchase 100 C919’s as launching costumers.Section 3 Listening and translating (10%)Directions: In this section you are going to hear five short passages. You will hear them ONLY ONCE. In each of these passages some of the sentences are already printed. You are required to translate the missing parts into Chinese. After each of the passages there will be a pause lasting one and a half minutes. The pause is intended for you to do the translation.1)The ARJ21-700 jetliner, China’s first self-designed aircraft, will undertake itsmaiden flight before the end of the year. COMAC chairman, Zhang Qingwei says this first homegrown regional jet has aroused great interest from aviation companies at home and abroad.”I just came back from the United States and Canada. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.”2)Nine top tier US manufacturing companies won competitive contracts to buildand supply the aviation system for China‘s new aircraft program, the C919.Airport infrastructure needs are filling opportunities in the US companies as well.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3)The Deputy Chief of the China’s Civic Aviation Administration, Xia Xinghua,says more cooperation is crucial for the Chinese side. “Firstly, we need to strengthen our cooperation on sustainable security development, expanding the relationship in a pragmatic way.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________”4)The Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said that the review would becomprehensive covering design, manufacturing and assembly of the Dreamliner.Michael Huerta of the Federal Aviation Administration said emphasis would be put on electrical systems and how these and the plane’s sophisticated mechanical systems interact._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.5)Though the tricycle arrangement may be most popular today, that was not alwaysthe case. The tail wheel undercarriage dominated aircraft design for the first four decades of flight and is still widely used on many small piston-engine planes.What makes this form of landing gear most attractive is its simplicity. Another potential advantage results from the fact that_____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Part II Reading Comprehension(30%)Section 1 Skimming and Scanning (10%)Directions: In this section there are 10 incomplete statements. Based on the following passage, please complete the statements with the information given in the passage.Commercial aviation is an essential component of the global economy. The cost of aviation fuel is directly determined by the prevailing world price of oil, and it accounts for a major proportion of airplane operating costs. Several airline companies now add a fuel surcharge to the ticket cost of a commercial flight to compensate for the recent rapid rise in fuel costs. World oil prices are expected to remain high for several years. The prospect of sustained high aviation fuel prices could propel airline companies to seek alternative aviation fuels. Seeking alternative fuel could become paramount(最⾼的)for the airlineindustry should the peak-oil phenomenon actually occur.Breakthroughs and ResearchIt may become possible for super-cooled liquid hydrogen(氢)to eventually be used as an alternative fuel for some types of commercial airline service. Other alternative fuels may include high-density energy-storage technologies that result from breakthroughs in research in the areas of nanotechnology(纳⽶技术) and in high-temperature superconductivity(超导性). High-temperature superconductivity holds great promise for use in high-density energy-storage technology. Advances in nanotechnology could enable superconductive materials to eventually be manufactured at a cost that could justify their application in airliner propulsion. Electrical Storage and PropulsionEnergy stored in a superconductive storage technology could power electric motors that drive the identical propulsion fans that are found at the front-end of modern, “high-bypass” turbo-fan aircraft engines. Such fans provide up to 90% of the propulsive thrust of the turbo-fan engine. Each electrically powered propulsion fan may be driven by multiple (induction) lightweight electric motors during take-off. Some electric motors would “cut-out”under reduced power demand at cruising altitude so that the remaining motors will operate at higher efficiency (electric motors have poor part-load efficiency). Coanda fans may propel subsonic commercial aircraft that use high-density electrical storage technology. Such units were originally developed by physicist Henri Coanda and can operate at comparable efficiency and at comparable flight speeds as turbine-driven propulsion fans. Electrically powered aircraft that use either turbine propulsion fans or Coanda fans could be flown in thinner air at higher altitude (up to 65,000-feet) to reduce energy consumption (less drag on aircraft) on extended flights.The cooler air found at such altitudes could assist in keeping the superconductive energy storage systems functioning properly.Superconductive energy storage systems used in future commercial aircraft would likely be cooled by liquid nitrogen(氮). Both systems would need to be frequently recharged, which would likely be both energy-intensive as well as time consuming.It may be possible to design the energy storage systems along with their cooling systems to be removed and replaced during shorts layovers—such technology could help reduce the turn-around time of the aircraft. The introduction of superconductive energy storage systems in commercial aircraft in the long-term future would require that future airport terminals be equipped with power generation technology at or near the premises.Power GenerationThe number of electrically powered and hydrogen powered road and railway vehicles would likely increase during a post peak-oil period. Commuter aircraft that operate short-haul service could be powered by ethanol(⼄醇) or by hydrogen while future supersonic aircraft could use liquid hydrogen as fuel. The commercial aviation industry of the future (post peak oil) could likely require vast amounts of electric power to recharge superconductive energy storage systems, recharge liquid nitrogen cooling systems as well as to generate, compress and supercool large amounts of hydrogen.Modern commercial aircraft are energy intensive during take-off. Airports that serve metropolitan areas presently process continual processions of large long-distance aircraft during peak periods. Such aircraft could require between 300-Mw-hr and 1000-Mw-hr of power to undertake trans-oceanic flights at subsonic speed. The power requirements of a future electrically based commercial aviation industry could likely overwhelm the power generation industry of most developed nations. Major international airports may eventually need to generate electric power on-site to meet the energy needs of future fleets of electrically powered and hydrogen-fueled commercial aircraft. Airport power stations may be nuclear; use hydrogen fusion or be based on some other unconventional power generation technology that is still subject to research.Energy StorageThe ability to store large amounts of energy at or near major airports could gain importance during a post peak-oil period. Electric power could be purchased from the grid during their off-peak periods and put into short-term storage. Airport power stations that encounter off-peak periods could replenish(装满) airport energy storage systems that may include superconductive storage, flow batteries, hydraulic storage in hydroelectric dams in nearby mountains (coastal airports) or off-site pneumatic storage (subterranean salt domes that were emptied). Air that is exhausted from pneumatic storage systems may be sufficiently cold to assist in “replenishing” liquid nitrogen super-cooling systems.Power Regulation (Airports)Power stations that provide energy for air transportation use may have to be excluded from the regulatory framework. Most of the electrically powered airliners that will be recharged would be “foreign”owned, that is, the owners would be domiciled in adifferent jurisdiction(司法权) to where the aircraft would be recharged. The idea of regulators in one jurisdiction looking after the interests of parties who live, do business and pay taxes in another jurisdiction is quite ludicrous. Power stations that supply a future airline industry with electric power would need to be regulatory-free despite the “foreign”airline owners being “captive”customers. It would be possible for power to be supplied to a single airport by several small providers who compete against each other. Power providers and airline companies could negotiate deals, perhaps even on a daily basis. ConclusionFuture scientific breakthroughs are likely to occur in both nanotechnology and in superconductivity. High-density energy storage technologies could be the likely result and appear in the distant future. Electrically powered commercial aircraft that fly at subsonic speeds could appear in the future irrespective of whether or not peak-oil actually occurs. Alternative liquid fuels that are cost-competitive to fossil oil are also likely to appear and find applications in aviation. Large ground-effect aircraft (地效飞⾏器)that fly above water and that carry either passengers or freight between coastal cities are also likely appear in the future.1.The prospect of sustained high aviation fuel prices could propel airline companiesto seek _______________________.2.Breakthroughs in nanotechnology could enable _______________________ to beavailable in their application in airliner propulsion.3.Coanda fans were first developed by _______________________ .4._______________________ could be used to cool superconductive energystorage system used in future commercial aircraft.5._______________________, which operates short-haul service, could be poweredby ethanol(⼄醇) or by hydrogen.6.Future airport power stations may be_______________________; use hydrogenfusion or be based on some other unconventional power generation technology. 7.During a post peak-oil period, the ability to_______________________ at or nearmajor airports could gain importance.8.Power stations that provide energy for air transportation use are likely to be_______________________ from the regulatory framework.9.Electrically powered commercial aircraft that fly at _______________________speeds could appear in the future.10.Aircrafts flying above water and carrying either passengers or freight betweencoastal cities are called _______________________.Section 2 Reading Comprehension (10%)Directions: The following passage is followed by some questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the best answer from the four choices.Living standards have soared during the twentieth century, and economists expect them to continue rising in the decades ahead. Does that mean that we humans can look forward to increasing Happiness?Not necessarily, warns Richard A. Easterlin, an economist at the University of Southern California, in his new book, Growth Triumphant: The Twenty-first Century in Historical Perspective. Easterlin concedes that richer people are more likely to report themselves as being happy than poorer people are. But steady improvements in the American economy have not been accompanied by steady increases in people’s self-assessments of their own Happiness.The explanation for this paradox(悖论) may be that people become less satisfied over time with a given level of income. In Easterlin’s word: “As incomes rise, the aspiration level does too, and the effect of this increase in aspirations is to vitiate (破坏) the expected growth in Happiness due to higher income.”Money can buy Happiness, Easterlin seems to be saying, but only if one’s amounts get bigger and other people aren’t getting more. His analysis helps to explain sociologist Lee Rainwater’s finding that Americans’perception of the income “necessary to get along” rose between 1950 and 1986 in the same proportion as actual per capita income. We feel rich if we have more than our neighbors, poor if we have less, and feeling relatively well-off is equated with being happy.Easterlin’s findings, challenge psychologist Abraham Maslow’s “hierarchy(等级) of wants” as a reliable guide to future human motivation. Maslow suggested that as people’s basic material wants are satisfied they seek to achieve nonmaterial or spiritual goals. But Easterlin’s evidence points to the persistence of materialism.“Despite a general level of affluence never before realized in the history of the world.” Easterlin observes, “Material concerns in the wealthiest nations today are as pressing as ever and the pursuit of material need as intense.” The evidence suggests there is no evolution toward higher order goals. Rather, each step upward on the ladder of economic development merely stimulates new economic desires that lead the chase ever onward.Needs are limited, but not greeds. Science has developed no cure for envy, so our wealth boosts our Happiness only briefly while shrinking that of our neighbors. Thus the outlook for the future is gloomy in Easterlin’s view. “The triumph of economic growth is not a triumph of humanity over material wants; rather, it is the triumph of material wants over humanity.”1.What does Easterlin warn in his new book?A)Humans can look forward to increasing happiness with soaring livingstandards.B)Humans might not be able to enjoy increasing happiness with soaring livingstandards.C)Richer people tend to report themselves as being happy more than poorerpeople do.D)Richer people tend to report themselves as being happy less than poorerpeople do.2.Which of the following statements may account for the paradox(悖论) mentionedin paragraph 3?A)People become less satisfied though the income rises over time.B)A general level of affluence never before realized in the history of the world.C)Though the American economy improved steadily, there isn’t a steadyincrease in people’s self-assessments of their own happiness.D)As incomes rise, there will be an increase in the aspiration level, which willhamper the expected growth in Happiness due to higher income.3.Whose finding is against the theory of “Hierarchy of wants”?A)Easterlin’s B) Maslow’s C) Rainwater’s D) Lee’s4.According to Easterlin, the outlook of the future of happiness is ________.A)bright B) sad C) unclear D) thrilling5.From the quotation in the end of the passage (paragraph 7), we can infer that___________?A)The triumph of economic growth results in more humanity.B)The triumph of economic growth results in more material wants.C)Humanity contributes more to the triumph of economic growth.D)Material wants contributes more to the triumph of economic growth.Section 3 Short Answer Questions (10%)Directions: Read the following passage and then answer the questions. The answer should not be more than 25 words.The maximum allowable weight for an aircraft is determined by design considerations. However, the maximum operational weight may be less than the maximum allowable weight due to such considerations as high-density altitude or high-drag field conditions caused by wet grass or water on the runway. The maximum operational weight may also be limited by the departure or arrival airport’s runway length.One important preflight consideration is the distribution of the load in the aircraft. Loading the aircraft so the gross weight is less than the maximum allowable is not enough. This weight must be distributed to keep the center of gravity (CG) within the limits specified in the POH or AFM.If the CG is too far forward, a heavy passenger can be moved to one of the rear seats or baggage can be shifted to a rear compartment. If the CG is too far aft, passenger weight or baggage can be shifted forward. The fuel load should be balanced laterally: the pilot should pay special attention to the POH or AFM regarding the operation of the fuel system, in order to keep the aircraft balanced in flight. Weight and balance of a helicopter is far more critical than for an airplane. With some helicopters, they may be properly loaded for takeoff, but near the end of a long flight when the fuel tanks are almost empty, the CG may have shifted enough for the helicopter to be out of balance laterally or longitudinally. Before making any long flight, the CG with the fuel available for landing must be checked to ensure it will be within the allowable range.Changes of fixed equipment may have a major effect upon the weight of the aircraft. The replacement of older, heavy electronic equipment with newer, lightertypes results in a weight reduction, which will probably cause the CG to shift and must be computed and annotated in the weight and balance record.Repairs and alteration are the major sources of weight changes. The A&P mechanic must compute the CG and record the new empty weight and EWCG in the aircraft weight and balance record.The A&P mechanic or repairman conducting an annual or condition inspection must ensure the weight and balance data in the aircraft records is current and accurate. It is the responsibility of the pilot in command to use the most current weight and balance data when operating the aircraft.Questions:1.What conditions might cause the operational weight of a plane to be less than themaximum allowable weight?2.What should be done if the CG is too far aft in an aircraft?3.Why is the weight and balance for a helicopter far more critical than for anairplane?4.According to the passage, what might lead to weight changes and cause the CG toshift in an aircraft?5.Who are responsible for recording and using the most current and accurate data ofthe weight and balance?Part III Translation (15%)Section 1 English-Chinese Translation (10%)Direction: In this section there are two passages in English. Please read these passages and translate the underlined parts into Chinese.Passage 1The airplane propeller consists of two or more blades and a central hub to which the blades are attached. 1) Each blade of an airplane propeller is essentially a rotating wing. As a result of their construction, the propeller blades are like airfoils and produce forces that create the thrust to pull, or push, the airplane through the air.The power needed to rotate the propeller blades is furnished by the engine. The engine rotates the airfoils of the blades through the air at high speeds, and the propeller transforms the rotary power of the engine into forward thrust.2) An airplane moving through the air creates a drag force opposing its forward motion. Consequently, if an airplane is to fly, there must be a force applied to it that is equal to the drag, but acting forward. This force is called “thrust.”Passage 2Aircraft flight control systems are classified as primary and secondary. 3) The primary control systems consist of those that are required to safely control an airplane during flight. Secondary control systems improve the performance characteristics of the airplane, or relieve the pilot of excessive control forces. Those included in the primary control systems are the ailerons, elevator (or stabilator), and rudder. Examples of secondary control systems are wing flaps and trim systems.Airplane control systems are carefully designed to provide a natural feel, and at the same time, allow adequate responsiveness to control inputs. 4) At low airspeeds, the controls usually feel soft and sluggish, and the airplane responds slowly to controlapplications. At high speeds, the controls feel firm and the response is more rapid.Movement of any of the three primary flight control surfaces changes the airflow and pressure distribution over and around the airfoil. These changes affect the lift and drag produced by the airfoil/control surface combination, and allow a pilot to control the airplane about its three axes of rotation.Design features limit the amount of deflection of flight control surfaces. For example, control-stop mechanisms may be incorporated into the flight controls, or movement of the control column and/or rudder pedals may be limited. The purpose of these design limits is to prevent the pilot from inadvertently overcontrolling and overstressing the aircraft during normal maneuvers.5) A properly designed airplane should be stable and easily controlled during maneuvering. Control surface inputs cause movement about the three axes of rotation. The types of stability an airplane exhibits also relate to the three axes of rotation. Section 2 Chinese-English Translation (5%)Direction: In this section there are five sentences in Chinese. Please translate them into English.1.太阳能动⼒飞机的平均飞⾏时速为70公⾥,暂时不会对商⽤飞机构成威胁。







但针对民航英语最权威有效力的考核是有国际民航组织ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization,制定的ICAO英语等级考试。









ICAO英语级别考试样题分析及复习参照6月11日修订(一)第一某些: Listening (听力)(二)听力考试由三某些构成, 时间约40分钟。

考试方式是听电脑录音, 看电脑上题目, 在答卷纸上完毕题目。


(四)非正常陆空通话(听力内容播放2次)(三) 对话-听力内容播放2次第二某些口语令hold short of rwy 25R, confirm 一下, 应当为25L;对头有飞机, 正在拖飞机, 报告ATC, 规定hold until further notice;等几分钟后, 问究竟要等多久;ATC说拖车有问题, 规定change another runway;左边有飞机出来, 问A TC what to do .2.非正常陆空通话依照图片和批示与ATC进行对话;报告不正常状况, 提出规定或按照A TC指令操作。

如下图特殊状况: 发现炸弹描述。

Obstacles/debris on taxiway/runway, tyreblow out, location, markers, audio warning,oil pressure, RTO, engine out, rack, bomb,detonator, lead, timer, explode, smoke,oxygen mask, radioactive, iron bucket, cabindoor, depressurization, engine on fire,evacuation, bird-strike, fuel dumping,return….Flashlight●浮现题目:●滑行时,有个地方有杂物,破损轮胎等,要报告地点,并问,这样杂物对飞机有什么影响?●起飞时浮现音响警告, 滑油压力低,中断起飞●起飞单发●起飞后有报告客舱发现一种雷管(detonator), 管制员规定描述雷管样子, 回答是三个雷管用黑色胶带绑在一起, 有红色和绿色导线相连。



《航空英语1》习题2第一部分一、单项选择题1. The airport is a big enough to ___ its purpose for any large Boeing aircraft.A、serveB、offerC、guideD、count2. One of the requirements is ___ every pilot must contact the control tower for more information.A、whichB、thatC、whetherD、what3.As weather conditions ___ aircraft in flight, special aviation forecasts are provided by meteorologists at weather offices all over the world.A、effectB、causeC、involveD、affect4. Since 1978, the country’s aircraft industry ___ rapidly.A、is developedB、is developingC、was developingD、has developed5. Tom has already given up the ___ of smoking for the sake of health.A、customB、habitC、hobbyD、convention6. Stephen Bullon is the only man in the village ___ today that has survived the war.A、liveB、livedC、aliveD、active7. As she entered the room she could see big bright lights hung from the ___.A、roofB、topC、ceilingD、height8. Some developed countries are trying to ___ the serious problems resulting from the energy crisis.A、step upB、cope withC、cut offD、end up9. Is there any bus service ___ at the airport?A、usefulB、usableC、serviceableD、available10. P: I see and when is the check-in counter closed?C: Normally it is close ___ before the departure time.A、half an-hourB、an hourC、twenty minutesD、24 hours11. A: Thank your for your help. B: ___ .A、I am happy to serve you againB、Can I help youC、Sorry for delayD、It’s nothing12. A: Could you please tell me why the flight has been delayed? B: ___ .A、I don’t thi nk soB、The delay is due to heavy snowC、It is still in Changchun AirportD、I don’t know13. A: Do you have any further information? B: ___ .A、No, we are waiting for the weather to improveB、That’s fineC、What can I do for youD、I don’t think so14. A: OK, I will wait. B: ___ .A、Thank you for your understanding and cooperationB、What can I do for youC、Where is the airplane nowD、There is no other way to think15.请定商务舱。



民航英语等级考试题库及答案一、单选题1. Which of the following is NOT a reason for a delay in a flight?A. Weather conditionsB. Air traffic congestionC. Aircraft maintenance issuesD. Passengers' preference for window seats答案:D2. What is the standard speed measurement used in aviation?A. Kilometers per hourB. Miles per hourC. KnotsD. Mach number答案:C3. In aviation, what does the term "V1" refer to?A. Takeoff decision speedB. Rotation speedC. Stopping speedD. Approach speed答案:A4. What is the primary purpose of the transponder in an aircraft?A. To communicate with air traffic controlB. To receive weather updatesC. To navigate using GPSD. To identify the aircraft to air traffic control答案:D5. Which of the following is NOT a type of aircraft turbulence?A. Clear air turbulenceB. Convective turbulenceC. Mechanical turbulenceD. Static turbulence答案:D二、填空题6. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) uses the _______ language as the standard for communication between pilots and air traffic control.答案:English7. The term "ETOPS" stands for Extended-range Twin-engine Operational Performance Standards, which is a set of regulations that allow twin-engine aircraft to fly up to _______ nautical miles from the nearest airport suitable for an emergency landing.答案:1808. The _______ is the part of the airport where aircraft are parked, maintained, and loaded or unloaded while not in use.答案:apron9. The _______ is the altitude at which an aircraft can maintain level flight without using thrust.答案:cruise altitude10. The _______ is the process of reducing the speed of an aircraft to prepare for landing.答案:descent三、阅读理解题阅读以下段落,并回答问题。



《航空英语2》习题1第一部分一、单项选择题1. Aircraft usually follow the airways, which are divided into altitude layers.A. 3B. 4C. 2D. 52.One of the elements in the air traffic control system is the to control and direct airplanes on the ground.A. volumeB. abilityC. controllingD. management3. The airport tower has responsibility for managing aircraft handling activities, takeoffs and landings, and all movement within the airport terminal control area.A. noB. someC. directD. indirect4. Air route traffic control centers are responsible for controlling and monitoring movement between .A. domestic and international airportsB. arrival and origin airportsC. origin and host airportsD. origin and destination airports5. RTC radar and computer system represent a major in air traffic control, in that controllers are relieved of the accumulation and interpretation of immense amounts of routine material, thereby permitting them more time to assess data relevant for radio communication with aircraft and other controllers.A. advanceB. pushC. feedbackD. stimulation6. Airliners travel along designated airways, in controlled airspace. are responsible for directing traffic on these routes.A. Air traffic policemenB. Air traffic controllersC. PilotsD. Airport officials7. is the main task of the air traffic( or tower ) controller in the airport.A. Keeping aircrafts flying in different directionsB. Keeping aircrafts flying at different speedsC. Keeping aircrafts separatedD. Keeping aircrafts flying8. Are responsible for controlling and monitoring movement between origin and destination airports.A. Air route management officesB. Airport officeC. Air traffic officeD. Air route traffic control centers9. Ideally, a runway should be in line with so that most of the time the aircraft will land or take off into the wind.A. the prevailing windB. the following windC. the dead windD. the big wind10. The number of runways to be provided depends on the number of to be catered to.A. aircraftsB. aircraft movementsC. flightsD. the size of the airports11.There are several ways in which airline service can be divided into categories. One distinction is between trunk lines and .A.Feeder linesB.Branch linesC.Stem linesD.Cargo lines12.The passenger address system allows cabin announcements to be made to passengers through .munication systemB.Entertainment systemC.LoudspeakersD.Video二、段落翻译题An airliner landing at a large airport may have to negotiate a mile of taxiways to reach a stand or parking place. Lines painted on the concrete apron adjoining the taxiways lead the pilot to his final positioning; he will aim to keep his nosewheel on the appropriate line, and the aircraft’s stopping point must be precise if the airbridges are to reach the doors.三、书面表达Give some suggestions on the airport construction to improve airport service in at least 100 words.第一部分参考答案一、单项选择题二、段落翻译题在一个大机场着陆的一架客机可能必须得顺利地通过一英里的滑行道才能到达停机位。



飞行英文考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10题)1. The term "take-off" in aviation refers to:A. The process of landingB. The process of preparing for flightC. The process of leaving the ground and beginning flightD. The process of refueling答案:C2. What does "airspeed" mean?A. The speed of an aircraft relative to the groundB. The speed of an aircraft relative to the airC. The speed of an aircraft relative to the sea levelD. The speed of an aircraft relative to the clouds答案:B3. Which of the following is not a primary flight control surface?A. AileronB. ElevatorC. RudderD. Flap答案:D4. What is the purpose of a "thrust reverser"?A. To increase the speed of the aircraftB. To slow down the aircraft after landingC. To change the direction of the aircraftD. To increase the lift of the aircraft答案:B5. What does "V1" mean in take-off performance?A. The speed at which the aircraft can safely abort the take-offB. The speed at which the aircraft can safely continue the take-offC. The speed at which the aircraft reaches maximum liftD. The speed at which the aircraft reaches maximum thrust答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共5题)1. The _________ is the maximum speed at which an aircraft can safely fly without causing structural damage.答案:never-exceed speed2. The term "stall" refers to a situation where an aircraft's wings are no longer producing enough _________ to support the aircraft's weight.答案:lift3. The _________ is the altitude at which an aircraft's engines are expected to produce the maximum thrust.答案:sea level4. A _________ is a device used to measure the pressure of the air outside the aircraft.答案:pitot tube5. The _________ is the angle between the aircraft's wing and the relative airflow.答案:angle of attack三、简答题(每题5分,共2题)1. Explain the difference between "cruise speed" and "cruising altitude".答案:Cruise speed refers to the speed at which an aircraft flies to achieve the most efficient fuel consumption for a given flight path. Cruising altitude is the altitude at which an aircraft flies to achieve the most efficient cruise speed, typically where the air is less dense and the aircraft encounters less drag.2. Describe the function of a "flaps" in an aircraft.答案:Flaps are hinged surfaces on the trailing edge of an aircraft's wing that can be extended to increase the wing's camber. This increases the wing's lift coefficient, allowing the aircraft to fly at slower speeds, which is useful for take-off and landing.。



2.填写表格_____________________ storage ___________________3.报关单_______________________ 13. Load and unload _________________4.货运单 _______________________ 14. toy pistol___________________5.海关代理_____________________ 15. in the way ___________________6.运费到付______________________ 16. step aside ___________________7.在右边__________________________ 17. go through ___________________8.机场建设费______________________ 18. low season ___________________9.储存费______________________ 19. Arriving time_________________ 10.候机厅___________________ 20. Insurance company ___________________三、请翻译下列句子。

(每题3分,共30分) 1.我可以看一下您的登机牌吗?谢谢, 请您这边走。

_______________________________________________________________ 2.如果您有什么麻烦,请叫我,我会尽力帮助你的。

_______________________________________________________________ 3.当飞机起飞时,我们必须保证飞机的平衡。

_______________________________________________________________ 4.您看上去脸色苍白,您怎么了?_______________________________________________________________ 5.货物可以免费保管三天。



学校 班级 姓名 学号//////密封线内不要答题//////////////2016-2017学年第二学期期末考试试卷(B 卷) 考试科目:航空英语 考试时间:90分钟适用班级:15级航空1、2班一、选择题(每题2分,2*10=20)1.We have prepared a good ________ of dishes wigh both Chinese Cuisine and western cuisine for you .A. selectB. selection C selects D. selected 2. I an afraid we do not have _______ you want on board. A. what B. whyC. whereD. when3. the toilet for the first class passengers is located ____ the front of the cabin..A. atB. in C . with D. on4. ____________ of refreshments , I an a little bit hungry. A. speak B. speaking C. speaks D. \5. I cannot find words to express how ______ I like it . A. much B. many C. often D . long6. It’s time for lunch, Please put ____ the table in front Of you .A. inB. onC. down D at 7. For he convenience of the passenger behind you , please return Your seat _____ to the upright position during the meal service.A. upB. backC. behindD. rear8.I feel ______ in the ear , and I also feel sick. A. drum B. drums C. drummed D. drumming9. My body-check report _____ my health is in the top condition . A. say B. says C. have said D. saying 10. If you have any questions , please ask cabin attendants _____ assistance.A. forB. toC. betweenD. behind.二. 搭配(每题1分,1*10=10) (1)1( ) seat pocket A 紧急疏散 2( )soft drinks B 疏散滑梯3( ) emergency evacuation C 软饮料 4( )evacuation slide D 椅袋 5( ) ear-drumming E 耳鸣 (2)1( )seatbelt A. 流行音乐 2( )headset B. 安全带 3( ) People ’s ‘Daily C.清洁袋 4( )pop music D.耳机 5( ) airsickness bag E 人民日报 三.英汉互译(共20分)1. 插座 _ 2 救生衣. ____________3. 呼叫按钮 ____________4. 蘑菇 ___________5.中国南航 ———————————6. lift up your arms _____________7. bend down ____________ 8.emergency ditching _________ 9.lobste _______________ 10. Afghanista ______________ 四.阅读理解(每空2分,2*10=20)A学校 班级 姓名 学号//////密封线内不要答题//////////////A man came home from work late, tired , to find his 5-year-old son waiting for him at the door.“Daddy, how much money do you make each hour?”“If you must know, I make$20 each hour.”“Oh ” the little boy answered, with his head down. He thought for a moment ,looked up and said, “Daddy, could you lend me $10 ?”The father was furious, “If you asked for the money to buy a toy or some other rubbish, then go straight to y ur room and think about why you are so selfish(自私)!”The little boy went to his room with no words, and shut (关闭) the door . After a short time , the father calmed (平静) down, and started to think,” Maybe he really needs to buy something and he didn ’t really ask for money very often.” So he went to the little boy ’s room.“Sorry! Maybe I was too hard on you just now,” said the man, “Here ’s $10”“Oh, thank you daddy ” he said happily. Then the boy took money, he got angry again.“Why do you want more money since you already have some?” the father shouted angrily.“Because I didn ’t have enough, but ow I do ,” The little boy replied, “Daddy, I have $20 now. Can I buy one hour of you time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you1.How much does the boy ’s fath$10er make one hour? A. $10 B$20 C. $30 D. $402.At first , the father refused to lend the money because ______-A. he thought the boy wanted to keep the money for himselfB. he did not have enough money at that momentC. he thought the boy would buy something of no useD. the boy always borrowed the money from him 3.In this passage , the underlined word “furious ” means_____ A. very angry B.quite happy C.too excited D. a little nervous 4.The boy wanted to buy ______ with twenty dollarsA. a new novel for himselfB. a nice present for his fatherC. a toy for his own birthdayD. one hour of his father’s time 5.From this passage , we can infer (推断) that the boy’s father_____A. often played with his sonB.spent little time with his sonC. didn’t love his son at allD. often came home earlyBWhen I was in Chengdu, I saw teahouses everywhere on the streets there is a saying, “ China has the best teahouses in the world and Chengdu has the best teahouses in China.”The service inthe teahouses is really friendly. When you go into a teahouse , the waiters or waitresses greet you with smiles on their faces and with teapots and cups in their hands after you sit down, they set the cups on the table and pour the tea into the cps.People who go to the teahouses are not really thirsty. They pay 20 cents to go to a teahouse and will sit there all day long to chat with each other. These days, more and more peoplego to teahouses for business talks. Some teahouses also have学校 班级 姓名 学号//////密封线内不要答题//////////////( )1.Accordin g to the passage, Chengdu has ____ in the world. A the best tea B.the bestteahousesC.the worst teaD. the cheapest teahouses( )2.What does the writer think of the service in theteahouses?A.It’s friendlyB. It’s not so badC.It’s badD. It’s unfriendly( ) 3. The word “greet ” can be replaced with “_____”A. callB.look afterC. say hello toD. cry at( )4.we are told that __________.A. every teahouse has performancesB.there are many teahouses in ChengduC. only the waitresses make tea in the teahousesD. young people don’t like going to teahouses( )5.What’s the best title for the passage? A. the Price of Teahouses B. China Has Great TeahousesC. Performances in TeahousesD. Teahouses in Chengdu五. 把下面的句子翻译成汉语 (15分)1. If there is a doctor or a nurse on this flight, pleasecontact any of our cabin attendants immediately.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 2. For the convenience of the passenger behind you , pleasereturn your seat back to the upright position during the meal service.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 3. This is the captain speaking . Welcome aboard China UnitedAirlines._____________________________________________________. or operas with the earphones.______________________________________________________________________________________________.5. The emergency exits in the front and back of the cabin areequipped with evacuation slides._______________________________________________________________________________________. 六.作文(15分)要求:翻译下面的广播。



航空英文考试题及答案解析1. 填空题:请在下列句子中填入正确的航空术语。

- 飞机起飞前,飞行员需要进行一系列的______检查。

- 答案:pre-flight2. 选择题:以下哪个选项是飞机在降落时的术语?A. TaxiB. TakeoffC. LandingD. Cruise- 答案:C3. 翻译题:请将下列中文术语翻译成英文。

- 空中交通管制:______- 答案:Air Traffic Control4. 简答题:描述飞机起飞的基本步骤。

- 答案:飞机起飞的基本步骤包括:1) 塔台许可;2) 滑行至跑道;3) 起飞前检查;4) 跑道加速;5) 抬轮离地;6) 爬升至巡航高度。

5. 判断题:以下关于航空的说法是否正确?- 飞机在巡航阶段的飞行速度比起飞或降落时快。

- 答案:正确6. 多选题:请从下列选项中选择所有正确的航空术语。

A. AltitudeB. SpeedC. WeightD. Distance- 答案:A, B, C, D7. 完形填空题:阅读以下短文并填入正确的词汇。

The aircraft was cruising at an altitude of 35,000 feet when the pilot noticed a sudden drop in _______.- 答案:pressure8. 阅读理解题:阅读以下航空安全指南并回答问题。

"In the event of a loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop from the panel above your seat. Place the mask over your nose and mouth and secure it in place."- 问题:如果客舱失压,乘客应该采取什么措施?- 答案:乘客应该将氧气面罩放在鼻子和嘴巴上,并将其固定在适当的位置。





航空维修人员英语等级测试参考试题听力理解1. 听一段关于飞机发动机维护的对话,然后回答问题。

问题:对话中提到飞机发动机需要更换哪些部件?答案:需要更换的部件有:1. 涡轮盘 2. 燃油喷嘴 3. 燃烧室组件2. 听一段关于飞机起落架维护的录音,然后回答问题。

问题:起落架维护中需要注意哪些安全事项?答案:需要注意的安全事项有:1. 确保地面安全 2. 检查起落架是否正常工作 3. 遵循制造商的维护指南3. 听一段关于飞机电子系统故障排除的讲座,然后回答问题。

问题:讲座中提到电子系统故障排除的常用工具是什么?答案:常用的工具包括:1. 万用表 2. 示波器 3. 频谱分析仪阅读理解1. 阅读一篇关于飞机机体结构维护的文章,然后回答问题。



2. 阅读一段关于航空电子设备维修的文章,然后回答问题。

问题:文章中提到的航空电子设备维修的一般步骤是什么?答案:一般步骤包括:1. 诊断故障 2. 确定需要更换的部件 3. 进行维修或更换 4. 进行测试以确保设备正常工作。

3. 阅读一篇关于飞机燃油系统维护的文章,然后回答问题。

问题:文章中提到飞机燃油系统维护时应该注意哪些问题?答案:应该注意的问题包括:1. 防止燃油泄漏 2. 检查燃油泵和过滤器的运行状况 3. 定期清洁和更换燃油滤清器。



学 班级 姓名 学号//////密封线内不要答题//////////////2016-2017学年第二学期期末考试试卷(B 卷) 考试科目:航空英语 考试时间:90分钟适用班级:15级航空1、2班一、选择题(每题2分,2*10=20)1.We have prepared a good ________ of dishes wigh both Chinese Cuisine and western cuisine for you .A. selectB. selection C selects D. selected 2. I an afraid we do not have _______ you want on board. A. what B. whyC. whereD. when3. the toilet for the first class passengers is located ____ the front of the cabin..A. atB. in C . with D. on4. ____________ of refreshments , I an a little bit hungry. A. speak B. speaking C. speaks D. \5. I cannot find words to express how ______ I like it . A. much B. many C. often D . long6. It’s time for lunch, Please put ____ the table in front Of you .A. inB. onC. down D at 7. For he convenience of the passenger behind you , please return Your seat _____ to the upright position during the meal service.A. upB. backC. behindD. rear8.I feel ______ in the ear , and I also feel sick. A. drum B. drums C. drummed D. drumming9. My body-check report _____ my health is in the top condition . A. say B. says C. have said D. saying 10. If you have any questions , please ask cabin attendants _____ assistance.A. forB. toC. betweenD. behind.二. 搭配(每题1分,1*10=10) (1)1( ) seat pocket A 紧急疏散 2( )soft drinks B 疏散滑梯3( ) emergency evacuation C 软饮料 4( )evacuation slide D 椅袋 5( ) ear-drumming E 耳鸣 (2)1( )seatbelt A. 流行音乐 2( )headset B. 安全带 3( ) People ’s ‘Daily C.清洁袋 4( )pop music D.耳机 5( ) airsickness bag E 人民日报 三.英汉互译(共20分)1. 插座 _ 2 救生衣. ____________3. 呼叫按钮 ____________4. 蘑菇 ___________5.中国南航 ———————————6. lift up your arms _____________7. bend down ____________ 8.emergency ditching _________ 9.lobste _______________ 10. Afghanista ______________ 四.阅读理解(每空2分,2*10=20)A学 班级 姓名 学号//////密封线内不要答题//////////////A man came home from work late, tired , to find his 5-year-old son waiting for him at the door.“Daddy, how much money do you make each hour?”“If you must know, I make$20 each hour.”“Oh ” the little boy answered, with his head down. He thought for a moment ,looked up and said, “Daddy, could you lend me $10 ?”The father was furious, “If you asked for the money to buy a toy or some other rubbish, then go straight to y ur room and think about why you are so selfish(自私)!”The little boy went to his room with no words, and shut (关闭) the door . After a short time , the father calmed (平静) down, and started to think,” Maybe he really needs to buy something and he didn ’t really ask for money very often.” So he went to the little boy ’s room.“Sorry! Maybe I was too hard on you just now,” said the man, “Here ’s $10”“Oh, thank you daddy ” he said happily. Then the boy took money, he got angry again.“Why do you want more money since you already have some?” the father shouted angrily.“Because I didn ’t have enough, but ow I do ,” The little boy replied, “Daddy, I have $20 now. Can I buy one hour of you time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you1.How much does the boy ’s fath$10er make one hour? A. $10 B$20 C. $30 D. $402.At first , the father refused to lend the money because ______-A. he thought the boy wanted to keep the money for himselfB. he did not have enough money at that momentC. he thought the boy would buy something of no useD. the boy always borrowed the money from him 3.In this passage , the underlined word “furious ” means_____ A. very angry B.quite happy C.too excited D. a little nervous 4.The boy wanted to buy ______ with twenty dollarsA. a new novel for himselfB. a nice present for his fatherC. a toy for his own birthdayD. one hour of his father’s time 5.From this passage , we can infer (推断) that the boy’s father_____A. often played with his sonB.spent little time with his sonC. didn’t love his son at allD. often came home earlyBWhen I was in Chengdu, I saw teahouses everywhere on the streets there is a saying, “ China has the best teahouses in the world and Chengdu has the best teahouses in China.”The service inthe teahouses is really friendly. When you go into a teahouse , the waiters or waitresses greet you with smiles on their faces and with teapots and cups in their hands after you sit down, they set the cups on the table and pour the tea into the cps.People who go to the teahouses are not really thirsty. They pay 20 cents to go to a teahouse and will sit there all day long to chat with each other. These days, more and more peoplego to teahouses for business talks. Some teahouses also have学 班级 姓名 学号//////密封线内不要答题//////////////( )1.Accordin g to the passage, Chengdu has ____ in the world. A the best tea B.the bestteahousesC.the worst teaD. the cheapest teahouses( )2.What does the writer think of the service in theteahouses?A.It’s friendlyB. It’s not so badC.It’s badD. It’s unfriendly( ) 3. The word “greet ” can be replaced with “_____”A. callB.look afterC. say hello toD. cry at( )4.we are told that __________.A. every teahouse has performancesB.there are many teahouses in ChengduC. only the waitresses make tea in the teahousesD. young people don’t like going to teahouses( )5.What’s the best title for the passage? A. the Price of Teahouses B. China Has Great TeahousesC. Performances in TeahousesD. Teahouses in Chengdu五. 把下面的句子翻译成汉语 (15分)1. If there is a doctor or a nurse on this flight, pleasecontact any of our cabin attendants immediately.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 2. For the convenience of the passenger behind you , pleasereturn your seat back to the upright position during the meal service.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 3. This is the captain speaking . Welcome aboard China UnitedAirlines._____________________________________________________. or operas with the earphones.______________________________________________________________________________________________.5. The emergency exits in the front and back of the cabin areequipped with evacuation slides._______________________________________________________________________________________. 六.作文(15分)要求:翻译下面的广播。



《航空英语2》习题2第一部分一、单项选择题1. At major airports, air traffic control begins with , who guides airliners from the loading ramp, along the taxi strips, to the runway threshold.A. the controller at the airport officeB. the commander in each airplaneC. the commander at the airportD. the controller in the airport tower2. Security depends, eventually, on the observation of well-trained detection-equipment operators and on .A. dogs on the security scentB. experienced security guardsC. much moneyD. passengers’ caution3.Public areas at airport must be large enough to accommodate peak crowds, calculated by quadrupling the estimated numbers of passengers to allow for friends and relatives. “quadrupling”means .A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 24. With rare exceptions, most public airports are owned by .A. national companiesB. local governmentsC. national governmentsD. local corporations5. By contrast, as mentioned before, the fees or charges to international airlines for using most airports are determined by .A. the company international airlines belong toB. the company the airport belong toC. the country the airlines belong toD. the host country6. Many countries of the world have one ai rport designed as the country’s major airport of entry or exit.A. gatewayB. windowC. doorD. important7. An airport is a , and should function efficiently and economically.A. small administration unitB. businessC. small countryD. small city4418. Waiting planes in this area repeatedly circle a beacon, so that they create an aerial “stack”, maintaining a vertical spacing of between planes.A. 305 mB. 300 mC. 200 mD. 500 m9. As part of an overall objective to maintain safe and efficient air traffic flow, the pilot is required to comply with requests and instructions directed to him by the , subject to the for the safety of the aircraft.A. crew commander’s ultimate responsibi lityB. crew, controller’s ultimate responsibilityC. controller, pilot’s ultimate responsibilityD. aircraft commander, pilot’s ultimate responsibility10. Air traffic control refers to proceeding along civil airways, including airport arrivals and departures.A. management of crewB. management of air corporationsC. management of aircraftD. controlling of aircraft11. Air traffic control refers to management of aircraft proceeding along ,including airport arrivals and departures.A.civil airwaysB.taxiwaysC.runawaysD.trace12. Now,fortunately,airports are entering a third phase in their progress. The evolution of larger and much aircraft is beginning to reduce noise levels under the flight paths.A.quieterB.lighterC.more economicD.more easily controlled13. It was not until the general introduction of for transport,such as the Douglas DC-3,during the late 1930s that extensive takeoff and landing distances were needed.A.cargo planesB.heavy monoplanesC.light monoplanesD.seaplanes14. With rare exceptions,most public airports are owned by .A.big allianceC.some companiesD.national governments15. Airports are complex .pany allianceB.industrial enterprisesC.national propertyD.national alliance16. Analysis and comparison of airport costs is certainly than an assessment of airport revenue because there is much less uniformity worldwide in the treatment of costs than of revenues.A.much easierB.much strongerC.more difficultD.more17. By locating passenger processing points conveniently and in a logical order,air terminal designers aim to keep passengers moving through the system in a smooth flow .A.without delaysB.with some delaysC.with a minimum of delayD.without intended delays18. prevents ice buildup on the drains from the toilets and lavatory sinks.A.The drain anti-icing systemB.The drain systemC.The icing systemD.The hygienic system19. improves the impact strength of the flight compartment windows and prevents fog and ice-buildup, this system consists of conductive coating in the window structure, heat control units, controls and indications.A.The window heat systemB.The window regulation systemC.The window cooling systemD.The window airing system20. Please match the word “Affirm” to the correct definition.A.Yes.B.It indicates the separation between portions (parts) of the message. Used when no cleardistinction between portions of the message.C.Let me know when you have received and understood this message.D.It indicates the separation between messages transmitted between different aircraft in abusy environment.二、多项选择题1. Almost all countries have at least three formalities through which the international passenger must pass: .A. visa controlB. health controlC. customs inspection of the passenger’s baggageD. language checkE. cash check2. The movement of freight by air is more complicated than the movement of passengers by air, because .A. freight cannot speak for itselfB. freight cannot walk from plane when making a connectionC. freight cannot take care of its own travel documentsD. every piece of freight has to be carefully labeled and transported from place to placeE. there are more government regulations and, usually more complicated ones. forinternational shipment of freight than for passengers3. The fare for the freight can be paid .A. on deliveryB. in advanceC. at any timeD. after the freight is receivedE. in any way4. The air waybill is a complicated document, much more complicated than a passenger ticket, because .A. there are as many as twelve copies of each air waybillB. the air waybill shows the value of the shipment, the charges, the insuranceC. the air waybill shows the flights on which the freight is being shipped, and a great deal ofother informationD. the air waybill is different from country to countryE. the air waybill should be written in five languages5. In the following, which are the duties of an air freight agent?A. the routine of arranging for pickup and deliveryB. booking the shipments on flightsC. filling out air waybillsD. tracing loss or strayed shipmentsE. dealing with claims on damaged shipments三、句子翻译题1.The wings of the plane have iced up.2.The plane lost its control and was ditched on the lake.3. Airliners now cruise the ocean at great speed.4. In the distance an airport beacon blinked.5. In 1994, hijackers of an Air France jet reportedly considered crashing the aircraft into the Eiffel Tower(艾菲尔铁塔).第一部分参考答案一、单项选择题二、多项选择题三、句子翻译题1. 机翼上结了一层冰。



民航英语考试题库及答案1. 根据国际民航组织(ICAO)的规定,飞行员必须具备哪种语言的通信能力?A. 英语B. 法语C. 西班牙语D. 阿拉伯语答案:A2. 以下哪个术语指的是飞机起飞前的安全检查?A. Pre-flight inspectionB. Post-flight inspectionC. In-flight inspectionD. Pre-landing inspection答案:A3. 在机场,"boarding gate"指的是什么?A. 登机口B. 行李提取处C. 安检口D. 机场出口答案:A4. 飞行员在飞行过程中遇到紧急情况时,通常会使用哪个词来表示?A. MaydayB. Pan-panC. BravoD. Charlie答案:A5. 以下哪个选项是正确的飞行高度单位?A. 米(meters)B. 英尺(feet)C. 公里(kilometers)D. 英寸(inches)答案:B6. 机场的"runway"指的是什么?A. 跑道B. 滑行道C. 停机坪D. 航站楼答案:A7. 在飞行中,如果飞行员需要请求优先着陆,他们会使用哪个术语?A. Priority requestB. Standard requestC. Emergency requestD. Normal request答案:A8. 航空公司的"check-in counter"是什么?A. 值机柜台B. 登机口C. 行李寄存处D. 机场餐厅答案:A9. 飞行员在与空中交通管制员沟通时,通常使用哪种通话方式?A. 无线电通话B. 电话通话C. 电子邮件D. 面对面交流答案:A10. "Air traffic control"指的是什么?A. 空中交通管制B. 机场安全检查C. 飞机维修控制D. 航空气象服务答案:A。


I. Proper nouns and terms. Directions: In this part, there are ten proper nouns and terms. Please translate them to Chinese .(1′×10分)
Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen:
Welcome aboard air China Airlines. Comments from you will be highly valued in order to improve our service.
Thanks for your concern and support.
Ladies and gentlemen: our plane is descending now, Please be seated and fasten your seat belt. Seat backs and tables should be returned to the upright position. All personal computers and electronic devices should be turned off. And please make sure that you carry on items are securely stowed. We will be dimming the cabin lights for landing.



b类考试试题及答案1. 阅读理解阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。

Nowadays, more and more people choose to travel by plane. It has become the fastest and most convenient means of transportation for long-distance trips. However, traveling by air also brings certain challenges and concerns.One common concern is the issue of safety. Although air travel is statistically safer than driving or even taking a train, accidents do occur, and the consequences can be severe. Therefore, it is crucial for airlines to maintain strict safety standards and for passengers to follow safety protocols, such as fastening seat belts and listening to the flight attendants' instructions.Another challenge is the cost of air travel. Plane tickets can be quite expensive, especially during peak travel seasons. Many people find it difficult to afford air travel for leisure purposes, limiting their opportunities to explore new destinations. To address this issue, airlines should consider offering more affordable ticket options and promotions to attract a wider range of travelers.Furthermore, the environmental impact of air travel cannot be ignored. Airplanes release greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change. As awareness of environmental issues grows, it is important for the aviation industry to invest in sustainable practices and technologies to reduce carbon emissions. This includes exploring alternative fuel sources and improving fuel efficiency.In conclusion, while air travel is favored for its speed and convenience, safety, cost, and environmental concerns need to be addressed. By prioritizing safety, offering more affordable options, and embracing sustainable practices, the aviation industry can continue to evolve and meet the needs of modern travelers.2. 信息匹配Match the following descriptions with the corresponding terms.Descriptions:1) A machine that uses wings to generate lift and propel through the air.2) The act of flying from one place to another.3) The release of harmful substances into the atmosphere, leading to adverse environmental effects.4) A form of transportation that is faster than driving or taking a train.5) Safety procedures and guidelines that must be followed while traveling by air.Terms:a) Air travelb) Aircraftc) Aviationd) Carbon emissionse) Safety protocolsAnswers:1) b) Aircraft2) a) Air travel3) d) Carbon emissions4) c) Aviation5) e) Safety protocols3. 完形填空阅读下面短文,从每个空格处的选项中选出最佳选项,使短文完整、通顺。



民航英语考试题及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共10题)1. Which of the following is NOT a standard phrase used in aviation communication?A. Squawking 7500B. Heavy trafficC. Cleared to landD. Fasten seatbelts答案:B2. What does the acronym "ATC" stand for in aviation?A. Air Traffic ControlB. Advanced Technology CenterC. Airport Terminal CenterD. Automatic Tracking Control答案:A3. What is the meaning of the term "V1" in aviation?A. The speed at which the aircraft can safely abort takeoffB. The speed at which the aircraft reaches its cruising altitudeC. The speed at which the aircraft can safely turn back to the airportD. The speed at which the aircraft's engines are fully operational答案:A4. Which of the following is NOT a standard weather condition term used in aviation?A. TurbulenceB. Clear skyC. ThunderstormD. Sunny答案:D5. What does the term "IFR" refer to in aviation?A. Instrument Flight RulesB. International Flight RegulationsC. In-Flight RefuelingD. International Flight Record答案:A6. What is the purpose of a transponder in an aircraft?A. To receive radio signalsB. To transmit the aircraft's identification and altitudeC. To control the aircraft's navigation systemD. To monitor the aircraft's engine performance答案:B7. What does the term "ETD" mean in aviation?A. Estimated Time of DepartureB. Estimated Time of ArrivalC. Engine Test DateD. Emergency Takeoff Distance答案:A8. Which of the following is NOT a standard aircraft type designation?A. Boeing 737B. Airbus A320C. McDonnell Douglas MD-11D. Lockheed L-1011答案:C9. What is the meaning of the term "TCAS" in aviation?A. Traffic Collision Avoidance SystemB. Traffic Control and Surveillance SystemC. Terminal Control and Surveillance SystemD. Traffic Control and Alert System答案:A10. What does the acronym "RNAV" stand for in aviation?A. Radio NavigationB. Required Navigation PerformanceC. Regional Navigation and VisibilityD. Radio Navigation and Visibility答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共5题)1. The standard phrase for requesting clearance to taxi is"Request _______ clearance."答案:taxi2. The term used to describe the process of adjusting an aircraft's altitude to match the altitude of the runway is called _______.答案:approach3. The speed at which an aircraft can safely abort takeoff is known as _______.答案:V14. The acronym "ATC" stands for _______.答案:Air Traffic Control5. The term used to describe the process of adjusting an aircraft's speed to match the speed of the runway is called _______.答案:landing三、简答题(每题5分,共2题)1. Explain the difference between a visual approach and an instrument approach.答案:A visual approach is a type of approach where the pilot visually locates the runway and manually guides the aircraft to land. An instrument approach, on the other hand, is conducted under low-visibility conditions where the pilot relies on instruments to guide the aircraft to the runway.2. What are the three main components of an aircraft's communication system?答案:The three main components of an aircraft's communication system are the transponder, which transmits the aircraft's identification and altitude; the radio, which is used for voice communication between the aircraft and air traffic control; and the navigation system, which helps the aircraft to determine its position and route.。



《航空英语1》习题1第一部分一、单项选择题1. Those planes are___for charter.A、availableB、usefulC、handfulD、helpful2. You must pay___fare, because there is no discounts for this flight.A、completeB、allC、enoughD、full3. Is there any___flight that leaves on Sunday?A、towardB、unchangedC、directD、straight4. The observation group traveled from south africa to oxford___eight other african countries.A、withB、viaC、byD、through5. The baggage allowance for ___is ___kg.A、a minor traveling unaccompanied,20B、an infant traveling with his parents,10C、an adult flying C class,40D、an adult traveling economy with discount fare,206. Generally speaking, the excess baggage is charged at___.A、per kg. 1% of the OW, normal, direct adult F class throughfareB、1% of the economy class OW fare per kgC、1.5% of the one-way normal, direct adult F class fare per kgD、per kg. 1.5% of the return normal, direct adult Y class fare7. A baby is defined by most airlines as a child___.A、who should be accompanied by parentsB、whose age is limited by airlinesC、who has not yet had a second birthdayD、who is not entitled to a seat8. Baby service is available on most airlines but should be arranged___.A、during the check inB、when the seats are confirmedC、before boardingD、as soon as passengers board the flight9. The passenger who travels on an international flight should___.A、take valid documents such as a ticket, passport and visaB、reconfirm his seats after booking the ticketC、be at the airport at least one and a half hours for check inD、both A and C10. The passengers___at Southampton.A、disembarkedB、embarkingC、got onD、got off11. He was not___for the examination because he was over age.A、intelligentB、legalC、visionalD、eligible12. A man has a duty to___money for his family.A、learnB、look forC、earnD、Take13. We already gave you a___on each item.A、cheapB、bargainC、discountD、counting14. What___has your car done ?A、milesB、distanceC、gasD、mileage15. Jenny could___the stolen money from the thief after he was arrested.A、takeB、repayC、pay forD、obtain16. After due consideration, we have decided to___your request.A、 grantB、askC、answerD、accept17. All applicable flight restrictions conditions must be coded in the ticket___box.A、endorsementB、fareC、nameD、address18. Could you please___me through San Francisco though I can’t set off tomorrow?A、routeB、rerouteC、arrangeD、send19. The ticket indicates Air China as your___carrier form San Francisco to Shanghai.A、pointedB、recognizedC、designatedD、thought20. Chairman Hu Jingtao’s___in United States is Obama.A、positionB、roleC、sameD、counterpart二、判断题1.An e-ticket is held in electronic file in airline’s reservation system.( )2. An infant is a passenger who has not reached two years of age. ( )3. An infant occupying a seat has to pay a child fare. ( )4. When a child turns 12 months on the return portion of his journey he is charged full adult fare. ( )5.If an adult is travelling with more than one infant, the other infant needs to be booked a seat. Asa result, the next infant pays a child fare. ( )6. A child is a passenger who is at least 2 years of age but below 12 years old. ( )7. A charter flight is also a scheduled flight. ( )8. Passengers may consult airline’s timetable for a charter flight scheduled information. ( )9. An airline or a charter does not have to issue tickets to passengers who take a charter flight.( )10. Lower fares can be offered on charter flights. ( )三、句子翻译题1. 您的客票已被冒用。

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COMAC航空科技英语等级考试B1(技术类)样题Test Time:120 minutes部门_______________ 姓名____________ 工号____________Part I Listening (30%)Section 1 Conversation and Lecture(10%)Directions: In this section, you will hear a long conversation and a lecture. At the end of the conversation or the lecture, you will hear five questions. The conversation, the lecture and the questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices.Conversation1. A) They get you directly to holiday destination.B) Their tickets can be bought on the internet.C) They offer excellent services to customers.D) They’re much cheaper than famous airlines.2. A) They have sprung up recently and become successful.B) They change prices on the basis of customers’ demand.C) They always offer travelers the extremely cheap flight.D) They do much advertising but few people ever watch it.3. A) By travelling before public holidays.B) By buying tickets a day in advance.C) By booking at the very last minute.D) By flying at peak time like Fridays.4. A) They try every possible means to reduce expenses.B) They charge different prices depending on demand.C) They don’t serve any food on any of their flights.D) They have increased the speed of their aero planes.5. A) They only offer cheap tickets online.B) They fail to offer satisfactory service.C) They spend little time on the ground.D) They fly to and from smaller airports.Lecture6. A) The 845m2 wing area is large enough to park 70 cars.B) The plane has the potential to carry 550 passengers.C) The tail is about as long as the Great Sphinx in Egypt.D) The two deck fuselage is as high as a 7-storey building.7. A) It is as economical to run as a common jet.B) It burns more fuel than other jumbo jets.C) It can fly an amazing 15,000 km non-stop.D) It can carry more fuel than other planes.8. A) Toulouse in France.B) England and Wales.C) All over the Europe.D) Spain and Germany.9. A) It is remarkably expensive.B) It is impressively efficient.C) It is a nation-wide project.D) It is extremely complicated.10.A) The expenses.B) The designing.C) The electronics.D) The cooperation.Section 2 Compound Dictation (10%)Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage TWICE. You have its script in the following, but with eleven blanks in it. You are required to fill in the first eight blanks with the exact words you have just heard. For last three blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Remember, there will be a pause for the last three blanks.Laurence Barron, President of Airbus China, defended the A380 superjumbo jet as its safety performance has been called into question.“The Qantas A380 suffered an (1) ______________ engine failure, a fairly rare event, which also damaged the aircraft itself. The aircraft performed as expected and (2) ______________ safely, so no, there is nothing wrong with the A380. It’s a (3) ______________ aircraft.”Barron also says the engine issue will not (4) ______________ next summer’s scheduled delivery of the A380 to China Southern Airlines, the only (5) ______________ carrier to purchase the plane.Meanwhile, Barron explains that the lack of orders for its A350 aircraft, which is under development, from Chinese carriers is due to the country’s (6) ______________ planning structure.“The Chinese government, as you are well aware, works on a 5-year-plan basis, and they are about to (7) ______________ the 12th 5-year-plan which runs from 2011 to 2015. The A350 deliveries that we can offer are now in the what will become the 13th 5-year-plan period.”Eric Chen, Airbus China‘s Vice President, adds that the Chinese carriers’timid (8) _____________ to the A350 is due to its competing product, Boeing’s 787.“Several years ago, Chinese airlines ordered more than 60 Boeing 787’s and for various reasons, airlines lack this kind of courage and determination to be a launching customer for a new program again. In other words, we are buying the bill for our rivals’ dilemma and consequences.”(9) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________“I don’t really understand the world ‘challenge’. Our industry is challenging. There are lots of challenges but this is not a challenge, this is a competitor. (10) __________________________________________________________________________ Beverly Wyse, Vice President of Boeing’s 737 program, says Boeing is open to work with C919’s manufacturer.“I think (11) ______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________”Four Chinese airlines and two aircraft leasing companies have signed agreements to purchase 100 C919’s as launching costumers.Section 3 Listening and translating (10%)Directions: In this section you are going to hear five short passages. You will hear them ONLY ONCE. In each of these passages some of the sentences are already printed. You are required to translate the missing parts into Chinese. After each of the passages there will be a pause lasting one anda half minutes. The pause is intended for you to do the translation.1)The ARJ21-700 jetliner, China’s first self-designed aircraft, willundertake its maiden flight before the end of the year. COMAC chairman, Zhang Qingwei says this first homegrown regional jet has aroused great interest from aviation companies at home and abroad.” I just came back from the United States and Canada.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.”2)Nine top tier US manufacturing companies won competitive contracts tobuild and supply the aviation system for China‘s new aircraft program, the C919. Airport infrastructure needs are filling opportunities in the US companies as well.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3)The Deputy Chief of the China’s Civic Aviation Administration, XiaXinghua, says more cooperation is crucial for the Chinese side. “Firstly, we need to strengthen our cooperation on sustainable security development, expanding the relationship in a pragmatic way.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________”4)The Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said that the review would becomprehensive covering design, manufacturing and assembly of the Dreamliner. Michael Huerta of the Federal Aviation Administration saidemphasis would be put on electrical systems and how these and the plane’s sophisticated mechanical systems interact._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.5)Though the tricycle arrangement may be most popular today, that was notalways the case. The tail wheel undercarriage dominated aircraft design for the first four decades of flight and is still widely used on many small piston-engine planes. What makes this form of landing gear most attractive is its simplicity. Another potential advantage results from the fact that _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Part II Reading Comprehension(30%)Section 1 Skimming and Scanning (10%)Directions: In this section there are 10 incomplete statements. Based on the following passage, please complete the statements with the information given in the passage.Commercial aviation is an essential component of the global economy. The cost of aviation fuel is directly determined by the prevailing world price of oil, and it accounts for a major proportion of airplane operating costs. Several airline companies now add a fuel surcharge to the ticket cost of a commercial flight to compensate for the recent rapid rise in fuel costs. World oil prices are expected to remain high for several years. The prospect of sustained high aviation fuel prices could propel airline companies to seek alternative aviation fuels. Seeking alternative fuel could become paramount (最高的) for the airline industry should the peak-oil phenomenon actually occur.Breakthroughs and ResearchIt may become possible for super-cooled liquid hydrogen(氢)to eventually be used as an alternative fuel for some types of commercial airline service. Other alternative fuels may include high-density energy-storage technologies that result from breakthroughs in research in the areas of nanotechnology(纳米技术) and in high-temperature superconductivity(超导性). High-temperature superconductivity holds great promise for use in high-density energy-storage technology. Advances in nanotechnology could enable superconductive materials to eventually be manufactured at a cost that could justify their application in airliner propulsion.Electrical Storage and PropulsionEnergy stored in a superconductive storage technology could power electric motors that drive the identical propulsion fans that are found at the front-end of modern, “high-bypass” turbo-fan aircraft engines. Such fans provide up to 90% of the propulsive thrust of the turbo-fan engine. Each electrically powered propulsion fan may be driven by multiple (induction) lightweight electric motors during take-off. Some electric motors would “cut-out” under reduced power demand at cruising altitude so that the remaining motors will operate at higher efficiency (electric motors have poor part-load efficiency).Coanda fans may propel subsonic commercial aircraft that use high-density electrical storage technology. Such units were originally developed by physicist Henri Coanda and can operate at comparable efficiency and at comparable flight speeds as turbine-driven propulsion fans. Electrically powered aircraft that use either turbine propulsion fans or Coanda fans could be flown in thinner air at higher altitude (up to 65,000-feet) to reduce energy consumption (less drag on aircraft) on extended flights. The cooler air found at such altitudes could assist in keeping the superconductive energy storage systems functioning properly.Superconductive energy storage systems used in future commercial aircraft would likely be cooled by liquid nitrogen(氮). Both systems would need to be frequently recharged, which would likely be both energy-intensive as well as time consuming.It may be possible to design the energy storage systems along with their cooling systems to be removed and replaced during shorts layovers—such technology could help reduce the turn-around time of the aircraft. The introduction of superconductive energy storage systems in commercial aircraft in the long-term future would require that future airport terminals be equipped with power generation technology at or near the premises. Power GenerationThe number of electrically powered and hydrogen powered road and railway vehicles would likely increase during a post peak-oil period. Commuter aircraft that operate short-haul service could be powered by ethanol(乙醇) or by hydrogen while future supersonic aircraft could use liquid hydrogen as fuel. The commercial aviation industry of the future (post peak oil) could likely require vast amounts of electric power to recharge superconductive energy storage systems, recharge liquid nitrogen cooling systems as well as to generate, compress and supercool large amounts of hydrogen.Modern commercial aircraft are energy intensive during take-off. Airports that serve metropolitan areas presently process continual processions of large long-distance aircraft during peak periods. Such aircraft could require between 300-Mw-hr and 1000-Mw-hr of power to undertake trans-oceanic flights at subsonic speed. The power requirements of a future electrically based commercial aviation industry could likely overwhelm thepower generation industry of most developed nations.Major international airports may eventually need to generate electric power on-site to meet the energy needs of future fleets of electrically powered and hydrogen-fueled commercial aircraft. Airport power stations may be nuclear; use hydrogen fusion or be based on some other unconventional power generation technology that is still subject to research.Energy StorageThe ability to store large amounts of energy at or near major airports could gain importance during a post peak-oil period. Electric power could be purchased from the grid during their off-peak periods and put into short-term storage. Airport power stations that encounter off-peak periods could replenish(装满) airport energy storage systems that may include superconductive storage, flow batteries, hydraulic storage in hydroelectric dams in nearby mountains (coastal airports) or off-site pneumatic storage (subterranean salt domes that were emptied). Air that is exhausted from pneumatic storage systems may be sufficiently cold to assist in “replenishing” liquid nitrogen super-cooling systems.Power Regulation (Airports)Power stations that provide energy for air transportation use may have to be excluded from the regulatory framework. Most of the electrically powered airliners that will be recharged would be “foreign” owned, thatis, the owners would be domiciled in a different jurisdiction(司法权) to where the aircraft would be recharged. The idea of regulators in one jurisdiction looking after the interests of parties who live, do business and pay taxes in another jurisdiction is quite ludicrous. Power stations that supply a future airline industry with electric power would need to be regulatory-free despite the “foreign” airline owners being “captive”customers. It would be possible for power to be supplied to a single airport by several small providers who compete against each other. Power providers and airline companies could negotiate deals, perhaps even on a daily basis. ConclusionFuture scientific breakthroughs are likely to occur in both nanotechnology and in superconductivity. High-density energy storage technologies could be the likely result and appear in the distant future. Electrically powered commercial aircraft that fly at subsonic speeds could appear in the future irrespective of whether or not peak-oil actually occurs. Alternative liquid fuels that are cost-competitive to fossil oil are also likely to appear and find applications in aviation. Large ground-effect aircraft(地效飞行器) that fly above water and that carry either passengers or freight between coastal cities are also likely appear in the future. 1.The prospect of sustained high aviation fuel prices could propel airlinecompanies to seek _______________________.2.Breakthroughs in nanotechnology could enable _______________________ tobe available in their application in airliner propulsion.3.Coanda fans were first developed by _______________________ .4._______________________ could be used to cool superconductive energystorage system used in future commercial aircraft.5._______________________, which operates short-haul service, could bepowered by ethanol(乙醇) or by hydrogen.6.Future airport power stations may be_______________________; use hydrogenfusion or be based on some other unconventional power generation technology.7.During a post peak-oil period, the ability to_______________________ ator near major airports could gain importance.8.Power stations that provide energy for air transportation use are likelyto be _______________________ from the regulatory framework.9.Electrically powered commercial aircraft that fly at_______________________ speeds could appear in the future.10.Aircrafts flying above water and carrying either passengers or freightbetween coastal cities are called _______________________.Section 2 Reading Comprehension (10%)Directions: The following passage is followed by some questions. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the best answer from the four choices.Living standards have soared during the twentieth century, and economists expect them to continue rising in the decades ahead. Does that mean that we humans can look forward to increasing Happiness?Not necessarily, warns Richard A. Easterlin, an economist at the University of Southern California, in his new book, Growth Triumphant: The Twenty-first Century in Historical Perspective. Easterlin concedes that richer people are more likely to report themselves as being happy than poorer people are. But steady improvements in the American economy have not been accompanied by steady increases in people’s self-assessments of their own Happiness.The explanation for this paradox(悖论) may be that people become less satisfied over time with a given level of income. In Easterlin’s word: “As incomes rise, the aspiration level does too, and the effect of this increase in aspirations is to vitiate (破坏) the expected growth in Happiness due to higher income.”Money can buy Happiness, Easterlin seems to be saying, but only if one’s amounts get bigger and other people aren’t getting more. His analysis helps to explain sociologist Lee Rainwater’s finding that Americans’perception of the income “necessary to get along” rose between 1950 and 1986 in the same proportion as actual per capita income. We feel rich if we have more than our neighbors, poor if we have less, and feeling relatively well-off is equated with being happy.Easterlin’s findings, challenge psychologist Abraham Maslow’s “hierarchy(等级) of wants”as a reliable guide to future human motivation. Maslow suggested that as people’s basic material wants are satisfied they seek to achieve nonmaterial or spiritual goals. But Easterlin’s evidence points to the persistence of materialism.“Despite a general level of affluence never before realized in the history of the world.”Easterlin observes, “Material concerns in the wealthiest nations today are as pressing as ever and the pursuit of material need as intense.”The evidence suggests there is no evolution toward higher order goals. Rather, each step upward on the ladder of economic development merely stimulates new economic desires that lead the chase ever onward.Needs are limited, but not greeds. Science has developed no cure for envy, so our wealth boosts our Happiness only briefly while shrinking that of our neighbors. Thus the outlook for the future is gloomy in Easterlin’s view.“The triumph of economic growth is not a triumph of humanity over material wants; rather, it is the triumph of material wants over humanity.”1. What does Easterlin warn in his new book?A)Humans can look forward to increasing happiness with soaring livingstandards.B)Humans might not be able to enjoy increasing happiness with soaringliving standards.C)Richer people tend to report themselves as being happy more than poorerpeople do.D)Richer people tend to report themselves as being happy less than poorerpeople do.2.Which of the following statements may account for the paradox(悖论)mentioned in paragraph 3?A)People become less satisfied though the income rises over time.B)A general level of affluence never before realized in the history ofthe world.C)Though the American economy improved steadily, there isn’t a steadyincrease in people’s self-assessments of their own happiness.D)As incomes rise, there will be an increase in the aspiration level,which will hamper the expected growth in Happiness due to higher income.3.Whose finding is against the theory of “Hierarchy of wants”?A)Easterlin’s B) Maslow’s C) Rainwater’s D) Lee’s4.According to Easterlin, the outlook of the future of happiness is ________.A)bright B) sad C) unclear D) thrilling5.From the quotation in the end of the passage (paragraph 7), we can inferthat ___________?A)The triumph of economic growth results in more humanity.B)The triumph of economic growth results in more material wants.C)Humanity contributes more to the triumph of economic growth.D)Material wants contributes more to the triumph of economic growth. Section 3 Short Answer Questions (10%)Directions: Read the following passage and then answer the questions. The answer should not be more than 25 words.The maximum allowable weight for an aircraft is determined by design considerations. However, the maximum operational weight may be less than themaximum allowable weight due to such considerations as high-density altitude or high-drag field conditions caused by wet grass or water on the runway. The maximum operational weight may also be limited by the departure or arrival airport’s runway length.One important preflight consideration is the distribution of the load in the aircraft. Loading the aircraft so the gross weight is less than the maximum allowable is not enough. This weight must be distributed to keep the center of gravity (CG) within the limits specified in the POH or AFM.If the CG is too far forward, a heavy passenger can be moved to one of the rear seats or baggage can be shifted to a rear compartment. If the CG is too far aft, passenger weight or baggage can be shifted forward. The fuel load should be balanced laterally: the pilot should pay special attention to the POH or AFM regarding the operation of the fuel system, in order to keep the aircraft balanced in flight. Weight and balance of a helicopter is far more critical than for an airplane. With some helicopters, they may be properly loaded for takeoff, but near the end of a long flight when the fuel tanks are almost empty, the CG may have shifted enough for the helicopter to be out of balance laterally or longitudinally. Before making any long flight, the CG with the fuel available for landing must be checked to ensure it will be within the allowable range.Changes of fixed equipment may have a major effect upon the weight of the aircraft. The replacement of older, heavy electronic equipment with newer, lighter types results in a weight reduction, which will probably cause the CG to shift and must be computed and annotated in the weight and balance record.Repairs and alteration are the major sources of weight changes. The A&P mechanic must compute the CG and record the new empty weight and EWCG in the aircraft weight and balance record.The A&P mechanic or repairman conducting an annual or condition inspection must ensure the weight and balance data in the aircraft records is current and accurate. It is the responsibility of the pilot in command to use the most current weight and balance data when operating the aircraft. Questions:1.What conditions might cause the operational weight of a plane to be lessthan the maximum allowable weight?2.What should be done if the CG is too far aft in an aircraft?3.Why is the weight and balance for a helicopter far more critical than foran airplane?4.According to the passage, what might lead to weight changes and cause theCG to shift in an aircraft?5.Who are responsible for recording and using the most current and accuratedata of the weight and balance?Part III Translation (15%)Section 1 English-Chinese Translation (10%)Direction: In this section there are two passages in English. Please read these passages and translate the underlined parts into Chinese.Passage 1The airplane propeller consists of two or more blades and a central hub to which the blades are attached. 1) Each blade of an airplane propeller is essentially a rotating wing. As a result of their construction, the propeller blades are like airfoils and produce forces that create the thrust to pull, or push, the airplane through the air.The power needed to rotate the propeller blades is furnished by the engine. The engine rotates the airfoils of the blades through the air at high speeds, and the propeller transforms the rotary power of the engine into forward thrust.2) An airplane moving through the air creates a drag force opposing itsforward motion. Consequently, if an airplane is to fly, there must be a force applied to it that is equal to the drag, but acting forward. This force is called “thrust.”Passage 2Aircraft flight control systems are classified as primary and secondary.3) The primary control systems consist of those that are required to safely control an airplane during flight. Secondary control systems improve the performance characteristics of the airplane, or relieve the pilot of excessive control forces. Those included in the primary control systems are the ailerons, elevator (or stabilator), and rudder. Examples of secondary control systems are wing flaps and trim systems.Airplane control systems are carefully designed to provide a natural feel, and at the same time, allow adequate responsiveness to control inputs. 4) At low airspeeds, the controls usually feel soft and sluggish, and the airplane responds slowly to control applications. At high speeds, the controls feel firm and the response is more rapid.Movement of any of the three primary flight control surfaces changes the airflow and pressure distribution over and around the airfoil. These changes affect the lift and drag produced by the airfoil/control surface combination, and allow a pilot to control the airplane about its three axes of rotation.Design features limit the amount of deflection of flight control surfaces. For example, control-stop mechanisms may be incorporated into the flight controls, or movement of the control column and/or rudder pedals may be limited. The purpose of these design limits is to prevent the pilot from inadvertently overcontrolling and overstressing the aircraft during normal maneuvers.5) A properly designed airplane should be stable and easily controlled during maneuvering. Control surface inputs cause movement about the three axes of rotation. The types of stability an airplane exhibits also relate to the three axes of rotation.Section 2 Chinese-English Translation (5%)Direction: In this section there are five sentences in Chinese. Please translate them into English.1.太阳能动力飞机的平均飞行时速为70公里,暂时不会对商用飞机构成威胁。
