Unit 1 Service Information, Tools 《汽车实用英语》课件

1、水滴里的生物 2、做酸奶 3、馒头发霉了 4、搭建生命体的“积木”
形态 特点 用途与危害 形态 形成条件 用途与危害 形态 特点
汽油? 米饭?
第四单元 探索宇宙
本单元教学内容是依据《课标》中关于“天空中的星体”的 内容标准来建构的,让学生通过观察、记录太阳和月球的运动 变化,探究它们的运动模式,锻炼自己的毅力;让学生通过了 解人类对宇宙奥秘的探索,认识科学的进步和人类智慧的潜力。 引领学生进入天文这座神圣的殿堂,打开宇宙这本书,遨游在 浩瀚无垠的宇宙中,解答心中的问题,揭开宇宙神秘的面纱。
模拟实验 对比实验
控制条件 操作并测量
可观察的 可调查的
先猜测 后收集证据
德国 魏格纳

《汽车实用英语》第一单元到第八单元课文习题答案课程:学年第_ _学期第周月日教学内容备注Unit 1 Development of the AutomobileSection I T alking Face to FaceThe topic area of Talking Face to Face in this unit is to recommend goods or products. The focusis therefore on the patterns that are proper in making and answering inquiries, esp. those about cars orhome appliance.Explanation of difficult expressions:1.at the 4s Store: 4s店是一种以“四位一体”为核心的汽车特许经营模式,包括整车销售(sale)、零配件销售(spare parts)、售后服务(service)、信息反馈(survey)等。
2.Is it for personal or business use? 是私用还是商用?3.With pleasure. Why not go to the showroom? I’ll show you around. We have many models displayed.很乐意。
Why not do …? 表示建议某人去做某事。
show sb around 带某人参观display vt. 陈列、展览4.I think there is one type that suits you. 我想总有一款适合你。
5.Sir, how about this one? This car has excellent safety features, like the dual air bags and ABS brakes.Compared to the old types, this type has got improved in exterior design and tint. It offers high levelof comfort and eye-catching styling. And some optional equipment is also offered. 先生,这辆怎么样?这辆车的安全性能是一流的,有两个安全气囊和ABS刹车。

Lista Intl. Offers Newly Redesigned Service BaysThe new Automotive Service Bay System from Lista International is designed to give technicians quick and easy access to tools, parts and equipment. The newly redesigned system features a full range of work-benches, storage cabinets, toolboxes and mobile work centers that can be custom-configured to meet the de-mands of any shop. Workbenches are said to provide plenty of room for assembly and tear-down operations, and the durable and easy-to-maintain counter and work-bench surfaces are available in stainless steel, galvanized steel and 1¾-in.-thick butcher block designs. Accessories for above the work sur-face areas include lockable cabinets, shelving, a computer display and other work station options. Overhead storage can hold binders and manuals, along with bulky items such as antifreeze and automotive fluids. Optional mobile carts safely store and transport tools and other items to the point of repair, then can be stored out of the way be-neath the workbench in Lista’s cart garage when not in use.Large-capacity built-in or mobile toolboxes feature fully welded drawer and housing construction, heavy-duty casters and 440-lb.-capacity, full-ex-tension drawers. Among the optional components available are lift control and hose reel cabinets, sink cabinets and lockers.To find out more about Lista Auto-motive Service Bay Systems, visit, or call800-722-3020.OEMs and IndependentsCome Together at NASTFFall Meeting at AAPEXThe Fall 2013 General Meeting of theNational Automotive Service TaskForce (NASTF, ) washeld during AAPEX/SEMA tradeshows in Las Vegas in early November.Sixty-five attended the event live, 37 at-tended via the webcast and more than300 viewed the recorded webcast with-in a week following the event.Ten volunteers from various seg-ments of the automotive industry dis-cussed topics recently raised by theNASTF Board of Directors andCommittees covering issues concern-ing scan tools, collision repair andconsumers. Here is a brief overviewof those discussions:Bob Stewart, Manager of Aftermar-ket Service Support for General Mo-tors, addressed the subject of counter-feit scan tools. In a picture of a less-than-genuine Tech2 GM recently re-covered, he revealed the internal doc-tored components that made the tool acounterfeit. His warning to techs: “Ifthe deal [sounds] too good to be true, itprobably is.”Greg Brannon, Director of Auto-motive Engineering and Industry Re-lations for the American AutomobileAssociation (AAA), introduced theconsumer’s perspective in the devel-opment of the connected car. Hesummarized consumer interest intothree areas—safety, convenience andpeace of mind and infotainment, thelast being an area where AAA sees se-vere cognitive distractions.Jason Bartanen, Director of Indus-try Technical Relations for I-CAR, dis-cussed collision repair topics. He notedthat the I-CAR Repairability TechnicalSupport initiative has set out to estab-lish direct links to OEM collision repairprocedures on the OEM websites andthat they intend to work with NASTFto avoid duplication of effort.Leo Gruzas, Manager of GM Ser-vice Engineering, described key ele-ments of the GM technical supportwebsite for collision technicians, an in-formation-rich website that doesn’t re-quire a paid subscription. The websiteis claimed by many technicians to be anexample of a user-friendly resource.Donny Seyfer, owner of SeyferAutomotive in Colorado and co-chairof NASTF’s Equipment and ToolCommittee (ETC), announced devel-opment of the “OEM Scan Tool Re-source Center,” a cooperative projectof the NASTF Service InformationCommittee and the Mechanical Op-erations Committee of the Automo-tive Service Association (ASA). Heshowed examples of the informationthat will be included for each OEMscan tool displayed from both theNASTF and ASA websites.Claude Hensley, owner of Lock-man Locksmiths in Florida and co-chair of the Vehicle Security Commit-tee (VSC), noted that the number oflocksmiths subscribing to the NASTFVehicle Security Professional Registry,while continuing to grow in numbers,has actually declined in share due tothe higher growth rate of auto techni-cian subscribers. He also reported onthe number of vehicle theft reportsprocessed by the National InsuranceCrime Bureau (NICB).Steve Douglas, Director of Envi-ronmental Affairs for the Alliance ofAutomobile Manufacturers (AAM),and Dave Zwalina, owner of Automo-tive One in Florida, each co-chairs ofthe NASTF Service Information Com-mittee (SIC), summarized the currentenvironment regarding OEM serviceinformation. Zwalina remarked that“NASTF is the only open forum [be-tween independent techs and theOEMs] available, and that there is “adialogue within NASTF [staff and vol-unteers] that really can solve” the Ser-vice Information Requests filed by in-42January 2014dependent technicians. Douglas added,“If you think something is not right, let us know. File an SIR.”Greg Potter , Director of Automo-tive and Heavy Duty markets for DG Technologies in Michigan and co-chair of the ETC, reported on an ini-tiative to eliminate the current NASTF toolmaker’s [data availability]matrix. He also announced a project in cooperation with the Equipment &Tool Institute (ETI) titled the “Scan Tool Information Request,” which in-volves ETI committee volunteers in research before an issue comes to the NASTF SIR for filing to the OEM.John Cabaniss , Director of Envi-ronment and Energy for Global Au-tomakers in Washington DC and co-chair of the NASTF Communications Committee, filled the audience in on the committee’s responsibilities to both promote NASTF to the industry and to oversee communications about NASTF activities in five areas: the NASTF Newsletter, website, social media, press releases and outreach through presen-tations and trade shows.The NASTF Spring 2014 General Meeting is scheduled for March 20,prior to the opening of the Automotive Training Expo (ATE), presented by ASA Northwest at the Doubletree Ho-tel – SeaTac in Seattle.Raybestos Chassis Customers Can ‘Stock to Demand’The Market Science group of Affinia,makers of Raybestos brand chassis parts, has introduced S2D (Stock to Demand), an inventory management tool that can help its customers develop a leaner, more insightful stocking strat-egy. The S2D Web portal combines sta-tistical modeling, historical data and predictive analytics to help warehouse distributors and stores develop a better focus on their future inventory needs.“Traditional category management tends to focus solely on historical da-ta,” said Nicholas Jacquez, Vice Presi-dent of Marketing and Product Devel-opment for Affinia Global Chassis.“The S2D Web portal analyzes re-placement rates and market opportu-nities. This gives our customers the in-formation they need to optimize their inventory for their specific trade area(s) at specific times of the year.”While the proprietary science be-hind S2D is intricate and complex, the user interface is simple. The user se-lects a geography and product line.S2D then retrieves the vehicles in op-eration (VIO) in the selected geogra-phy, combines it with Affinia’s propri-etary replacement rates (which vary by part type according to vehicle year,make, model and resident state) andreturns a table of parts ranked by de-mand in that category. This table also shows part level VIO, sales rank, loca-tion and position on vehicle, per-vehi-cle quantity, part introduction date and an interactive buyer’s guide. The user can download the table to Excel for further analysis.“As far as I know, Affinia is the only aftermarket manufacturer with a statis-tically derived method for predicting total market demand,” said Jacquez.He added that the competitive advan-tage offered by S2D helps customers of Raybestos chassis parts maintain their leanest inventory possible, yet at the same time ensures that they have the necessary inventory to cover sponta-neous repairs other shops didn’t expect.For more information on the Affinia S2D program, contact your local Raybestos chassis Distribution Manag-er or call 800-323-3022.43January 2014Tenneco Offers Training Videos on YouTube Tenneco’s aftermarket channel on Yo u Tu b e —w w w.y o u t u b e.c o m /TennecoInc —provides convenient and free access to detailed technical information and product overviews from the experts at Tenneco’s leading brands, including Monroe shocks and struts, Walker emissions control and Monroe Brakes. The videos, which have garnered about 800,000 views,were developed through input from trade partners and the technical train-ing team at Tenneco.“We work daily with our customers and our sales team, finding new train-ing topics that can help our trade part-ners more quickly and accurately diag-nose and complete ride control, emis-sions control and friction repairs,” said Joe Bacarella, manager, product train-ing and technical assistance call center,Tenneco North American Aftermar-ket. “Ultimately, we want to provide top-notch, Web-based training that can help technicians and parts profes-sionals advance their businesses.”Among the current videos available on the “TennecoInc” aftermarket channel are:•Monroe Quick-Strut assembly in-stalls on common vehicles like a 2002Dodge Neon, 2004 Ford Taurus SES and 2001 Toyota Camry CE.•Monroe OE Spectrum strut as-sembly install on a 2005 Mercedes-Benz C230 Kompressor Sport.•Walker 13 Steps to Diagnosing Emissions Control Issues, like emis-sions control diagnostics, potential causes of catalytic converter failure,understanding how converters work and more.•Monroe Brakes in-depth installa-tion training video.•In-depth features like the Monroe Safety Triangle, how shocks and struts work, how to choose the right shock for a particular vehicle and more.The free technical training video li-brary is available in English andFrench. To see the latest video up-loads and more, visit the “TennecoInc”channel on YouTube.Honeywell to IncreaseHFO-1234yf Refrigerant Production in the U.S. Honeywell announced early last month that investments of approxi-mately $300 million will be made by the company and key suppliers to in-crease production capacity for HFO-1234yf, a new refrigerant for vehicles that has a global warming potential (GWP) of less than 1—99.9% lower than that of HFC-134a, the current refrigerant in use. HFO-1234yf’s GWP is even lower than that of car-bon dioxide.Among these investments, Honey-well will construct a high-volume manufacturing plant using new process technology at the company’s existing Geismar, LA, refrigerants manufacturing site, which is expected to be fully operational in 2016. The size of the plant will depend on supply agreements Honeywell is now putting in place with major customers.“Demand for HFO-1234yf is in-creasing around the world in response to concerns about greenhouse gas emissions and the need to comply with the Mobile Air Conditioning (MAC) Directive in Europe and Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) regu-lations in the U.S.,” said Andreas Kramvis, president and chief executive officer of Honeywell Performance Materials and Technologies. “After many years of analysis by the automo-tive industry, policymakers and envi-ronmental groups, it is clear that HFO-1234yf is a safe, effective and robust solution to address global warming and fuel efficiency. Honey-well’s investments will ensure ade-quate supply to meet growing de-mand.”Nearly half a million vehicles on the road today are using HFO-1234yf. Ac-cording to Honeywell, third party data shows that the refrigerant’s wide-spread adoption globally would have the greenhouse gas equivalent of per-manently removing more than 30 mil-lion cars from the road worldwide, or about 3% of the total global fleet. You can find out more information on HFO-1234yf by visiting www.1234 .MAHLE Clevite Introduces‘SMART PART(ner)’ CampaignA new campaign called “SMART PART(ner)” was recently introduced by MAHLE Clevite. Geared to all of the company’s aftermarket partners, the campaign highlights the added benefits technicians receive when they select a MAHLE part—techni-cal expertise, superior customer ser-vice and product training support—and the enhanced partnership estab-lished when they choose MAHLE Clevite.The campaign supports the com-plete MAHLE Clevite product offer-ing—from gaskets, engine bearings and engine parts to filters, tur-bochargers and the new thermostat offering. It also places an emphasis on the company’s customer service programs, including product training, the online catalog and technical bul-letins.“Technicians around the world al-ready are confident when choosing MAHLE Clevite branded products, but they are looking more to us for product information, technical exper-tise and overall support,” said Ted Hughes, Manager – Marketing for MAHLE Clevite. “The SMART PART(ner) campaign creates a chan-nel for us to focus more on what dis-tributors need to do business and what technicians need to maximize time in the shop.”The campaign officially launched at the recent AAPEX show. For more information, visit www.mahle-after , or contact your local sales representative.AASA Survey TakesPulse of Aftermarket for3rd Quarter of 2013Was the aftermarket’s performance in the third quarter of 2013 good or bad? Full-service aftermarket sup-pliers gave their viewpoints about what lies ahead in the recent Q3 2013 Supplier Barometer, the quar-NewsBreak44January 2014terly performance and benchmark-ing survey and report from the Auto-motive Aftermarket Suppliers Asso-ciation (AASA).A record number of AASA mem-bers participated in the Q3 Barome-ter survey, giving a broad picture of suppliers’ sentiment about the mar-ket and the outlook for the rest of 2013. Survey respondents noted that key indicators such as capacity and hiring have remained steady. The ma-jority of participants also indicated a slight increase in inventory. The growth rate in new orders declined, however.“The majority of AASA members reported an increase in sales perfor-mance in Q3,” said Bill Long, presi-dent and chief operating officer of AASA. “Average growth in both the independent aftermarket and OES sectors increased as well. However, optimism among AASA Barometer respondents decreased slightly. The overall outlook of survey respondents remained positive, but the number who indicated they were optimistic about the industry outlook declined from Q2 2013 responses.”Paul McCarthy, AASA vice presi-dent of industry analysis, said that “this leaves us in an unusual situa-tion—better performance but declin-ing optimism. While current perfor-mance indicators all headed up in the quarter, new orders weakened and market performance appeared to weaken as the quarter went on. A weak end to Q3 was followed by the government crisis at the start of Q4, possibly indicating a slow start to Q4.”The “AASA Aftermarket Supplier Barometer” is a quarterly survey of AASA full-service supplier members on key indicators and market trends. The full survey report is an exclusive AASA member benefit and is avail-able only to member companies that participate in the survey. For more information on the Barometer and other AASA industry analysis offer-ings, contact Paul McCarthy at pmc ****************.org or 919-406-8812, or Bailey Overman at bover *************.org or 919-406-8823.。
汽修英语教案unit 10--11

3.Culture Tip(文化视角)
Task 3教师应了解学生对这类长度较长、难度较大的对话的理解程度,可在做此道练习前,先给学生介绍汽车保养和维修的知识背景,如:出现的关于汽车维修和保养、生僻的单词和专业术语等,让学生更容易进入相关语境。
Step 3:Speaking out
教师引导学生图片描述/看图说话。Task 4教师可根据学生的实际情况来要求学生所写内容,比如可首先让学生用汉语讨论图片内容,设计图片所展示的人物、事件的描述语言,再为学生提供相关词汇,或会出现的句型结构,引导学生完成。
e.g.①It was advisable for you not to mention that.
Step 1: Lead-in / Pre-questions
Focus Function and Patterns(重点句型和习惯表达法)
Use patterns to make a dialogue /ask & answer about how to maintain and service a car.
Volkswagen V-Tools 1 产品说明书

Product & Instruction Bulletin V-ToolsRelease A, Effective March 2008This Bulletin replaces Product & Instruction Bulletin VCAT-2Vehicle Channel Applicator Tool VCAT-2Vehicle Channel Applicator Tool Roller L (Large)Vehicle Channel Applicator Tool Roller S (Small)Product DescriptionUse these tools to help conform heated film into channels commonly found on vehicle bodies. Recommended techniques are shown in this Bulletin.Health and SafetyBefore using this tool, read and following these important notes, cautions and warnings to ensure personal and mechanical safety.! WARNINGPhysical Comfort Any activity performed for a long period of time in an awkward position or with a high amount of force is potentially a risk for causing musculoskeletal strain, pain or injury. When applying graphics, follow thesepractices to improve comfort and avoid injury:•Alternate your tasks during the application.•Schedule regular breaks.•Perform stretches or do exercises to improve circulation.•Avoid awkward reaching.Heat Sources ! WARNING•Read, understand and follow the safety instructions contained in this 3M Instruction Bulletin and the heat gun manufacturer's manual.•Wear a heat-resistant glove on the hand that holds tool.•Never use an open-flame heat source with the procedure described in this Bulletin.•Do not use heat sources near solvent mixtures or residues, or in areas where solvent vapors may be present at hazardous levels.! CAUTION •Before handling any chemical products, always read the container label and the MSDS.•Always provide adequate ventilation to remove emissions that may result from the use of heat. Failure to provide adequate ventilation can result in operator exposure.Important Note!High heat may degrade foam rollers and damage the substrate. Always direct the heat toward the film,not the foam roller.Instructions for Use•Use the right film for the job.•Use these tools with a heat gun capable of temperatures of at least 500°e GoodPhysical Form For maximum comfort and effective use of the applicator, always:•Grip the applicator as shown.•Hold the applicator like it is an extension of your arm.•Keep the applicator perpendicular to the surface.•Keep your wrist straight during use.•Use full arm movements.Use tape primer. Use 3M t Tape Primer 94 to reduce the lifting of graphics in deep or difficult vehiclechannels.Prevent trapping air. Always work toward an open edge through which the trapped air can escape.NEVER work from the edge to the center or from an open edge to a sealed edge, such as at a paneloverlap.Don't move too quickly. The most common application error is moving too fast. Try moving at about 2inches per second at first and adjust as needed.Procedure e 3M tape primer 94 to reduce the lifting of graphics in deep or difficult vehicle channels.2.Position the film so it bridges the vehiclechannels. Apply the film to the flat areasabove and below the bridge using normalapplication methods.3.For film IJ380: Start with the heat gun set to 250°F and heat the film (step 4) to 120-130°F(50-55°C) for convex and concave areas including bumpers and channels.For other films: Start with a heat gun set to about 400°F and heat the film (step 4) to 180°F (82°C)for convex and concave areas including bumpers and channels.4.Direct the heat gun towards the graphic, just infront of the tool. START with the temperaturesrecommended in Step 3. Heat the film forabout 2 seconds and immediately begin rollingthe film into the channel. Advance the toolalong the channel at a rate of about 2inches/second. Adjust the temperature andspeed of application as you becomecomfortable with the use of the tools.Tool V-Cat2Tool Roller L5.Immediately after post-heating the appliedgraphic, use Roller S to press the film in thechannel areas. This step helps the adhesivecompletely wet out the substrate, reducinggraphic lifting. See IB 5.36 forpost-application techniques.Tool Roller SLicense Agreement The purchase of 3M t Vehicle Channel Applicator Tool VCAT-2, Tool Roller L and Tool Roller S (the ”Tools”) includesa limited, non-exclusive license for the Buyer to use the Tools, in conjunction only with 3M film products, to teachand/or perform the method claimed in the following patents and patent applications owned by 3M Innovative Properties Company. Patent or Publication Number United States Patent Application Number US 2007/ 0000606 WO00/43220 European Patent Number 1 147 019. The rights granted under this Label License extend only to the Toolpurchased herewith. Buyer may not transfer the rights granted hereunder except with the resale of the Tool. 3MDOES NOT make any warranties or representations regarding use of the Tools to practice the method under thisLabel License. Buyer represents and warrants that it will use 3M film products when teaching or performing themethod described in the above referenced patent application. The rights are expressly revoked if Buyer teachesand/or performs the method with a non-3M film product. Further licenses of these patents and patent applicationsare available for a negotiated royalty.3M Related Literature Before starting any job, be sure you have the most current Product and Instruction Bulletins. Theinformation in 3M Product and Instruction Bulletins is subject to change. Current Bulletins are available at.Bulletin types: PB = Product Bulletin; PB-IB = Product & Instruction Bulletin; IB = Instruction BulletinSubject Type Bulletin No.Base Films and Substratesgo to , Technical BulletinsApplication techniques for automobiles, vans and buses and inspection forms IB 5.363M Graphics Center Warranty Brochure go to , WarrantiesCommercial Graphics Division 3M Center, Building 220‐12E‐04 P.O. Box 100St. Paul, MN 55144‐3220 USA General Info. 1‐800‐374‐6772 Technical Info. 1‐800‐328‐3908 Fax 1‐651‐736‐42333M CanadaP.O. Box 5757London, OntarioCanada N6A 4T11-800-265-1840Fax 519-452-62453M México, S.A. de C.VAv. Santa Fe No. 55Col. Santa Fe, Del. Alvaro ObregónMéxico, D.F. 0121052-55-52-70-04-00Fax 52-55-52-70-22-773M Puerto Rico, Inc.Puerto Rico Industrial ParkP.O. Box 100Carolina, PR 00986-0100787-620-3000Fax 787-750-3035 E3M 2008. All rights reserved.。

Lesson 1 Automobile Types
1. Recreational and off-road vehicles Recreational vehicles are capable of traveling off-road for
Look at the picture and guess which main part each one belongs to.
Lesson 2 Automobile Structure
Part Two: Text
Automobile Structure 汽车结构
1. Car body
The body includes the windows, doors and a hood. The car
take some measurements to solve it. 4. 底盘
底盘位于汽车的底部。它支撑着汽车构架和所有主要部分。 这四个主要部分相互紧密关联。如果哪部分出现异常,应仔 细检查问题所在,进行检测,加以解决
Lesson 2 Automobile Structure
Part Three: Words Srpose. Off-road vehicles like jeeps, SUVs are often used on roads in poor condition.
1.旅行车和越野型汽车 旅行车以消遣游玩为目的,可长距离旅行。而越野车
engine发动机 chassis底盘

一、考试的重点内容Unit1 History and Basic Components of Automotives(第一单元汽车发展简史及其基本组成部件)1.掌握汽车各总成及其主要部件的英文词汇和短语;2.掌握描述系统的安装位置和组成部件的句型;3.能够用简单的英文语句描述汽车各系统的基本功能和工作原理。
Unit2 Challenges for Repair Shops from Car’s Innovative Features(第二单元轿车新技术特征对检测维修工作的挑战)1.掌握轿车新技术特征和故障诊断与维修方面的英文词汇和短语;2.熟悉车型的命名惯例;3.能够用简单的英文语句描述轿车新技术特征。
Unit3 Automotive Diagnostic and Test Procedures(第三单元汽车故障诊断与检测方法)1.掌握汽车故障诊断与检测方法方面的英文词汇和短语;2.掌握汽车故障诊断过程主要工作内容的英文语句;3.掌握描述简单故障的英文语句。
Unit4 Years of Automotive Tools(第四单元汽车维修工具的百年发展史)1.掌握汽车维修工具的英文词汇和短语;2.掌握描述汽车维修工具的工作原理和进行各种调整操作的句型。
Unit5 Automobile Electrical Systems and Preventive Maintenance(第五单元汽车电气系统及其预防性维护保养)1.掌握汽车电气系统的英文名称以及故障现象和维护保养方面的英文词汇和短语;2.能够用简单的英文语句描述电气系统的故障现象。
Unit6 Electronic Throttle Control and its noteworthy capabilities(第六单元电子节气门控制及其主要优点)1.掌握汽车电子节气门的基本组成部件的英文词汇和短语;2.能够用简单的英文语句描述汽车电子节气门的功能。
2011-2012 Ford Explorer技术服务 bulletin说明书

INTERMITTENT AIR BAG WARNING INDICATOR—TSB 12-5-11 BUILT ON OR BEFORE 2/5/2012FORD:2011-2012 ExplorerISSUE6.Install front door scuff plate trim panels. Referto WSM, Section 501-05.Some 2011-2012 Explorer vehicles built on orbefore 2/5/2012 may exhibit an intermittent Air BagPART NUMBER PART NAME Warning Indicator with diagnostic trouble codes(DTCs) B1212 and/or B1213.XG-12Motorcraft® Electrical Grease ACTIONWARRANTY STATUS:Eligible Under Provisions Of Follow the Service Procedure steps to correct theNew Vehicle Limited condition.Warranty CoverageWarranty/ESP coverage SERVICE PROCEDURElimits/policies/prior approvals 1.Disconnect connectors C210 and C211. Refer are not altered by a TSB.to Workshop Manual (WSM), Section 501-05,Warranty/ESP coverage front door scuff plate trim panels, removal and limits are determined by the installation for access.identified causal part andverified using the OASIS 2.Disconnect connector C310A from the restraintspart coverage tool.control module (RCM). Refer to WSM, Section501-20, RCM removal and installation.OPERATION DESCRIPTION TIME120511A2011-2012 Explorer: Apply 1.4 Hrs.a.The RCM does not have to be removed for Grease To Connectorsthis repair.Following The ServiceProcedure (Do Not Use3.Apply Motorcraft® Electrical Grease to theWith Any Other Labor female pins of connector C310A (pins 11 GN,Operations)12 VT-GN, 17 GN, and 18 BN-BU), C210 (pinsDEALER CODING27 GY and 32 VT-GN) and C211 (pins 52 GNCONDITION and 54 BN-BU).BASIC PART NO.CODE4.Connect connectors C210, C211 and C310A.14401X25.Install center console. Refer to WSM, Section501-20.NOTE: The information in Technical Service Bulletins is intended for use by trained, professional technicians with the knowledge, tools, and equipment to do the job properly and safely. It informs these technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or provides information that could assist in proper vehicle service. The procedures should not be performed by “do-it-yourselfers”. Do not assume that a condition described affects your car or truck. Contact a Ford or Lincoln dealership to determine whether the Bulletin applies to your vehicle. Warranty Policy and Extended Service Plan documentation determine Warranty and/or Extended Service Plan coverage unless stated otherwise in the TSB article.The information in this Technical Service Bulletin (TSB) was current at the time of printing. Ford Motor Company reserves the right to supercede this information with updates.The most recent information is available through Ford Motor Company’s on-line technical resources.Copyright © 2012 Ford Motor Company Online Publication Date May 22, 2012PAGE 1。

MR是middle engine rear drive的缩写。车厢和后轮车 轴之间安置发动机,后轮驱动。在乘用车中很少使用 这种方式。
RR是rear engine rear drive的缩写。发动机和变速器 安置在后轮车轴的后方。同MR方式一样,在乘用车中 使用RR方式的情况很少。
丰田车标设计的重点是椭圆形组成的左右对称的构 成。椭圆是具有两个中心的曲线,表示汽车制造者 与顾客心心相印。并且,横竖两椭圆组合在一起, 表示丰田(Toyota)的第一个字母T。背后的空间表 示Toyota的先进技术在世界范围内拓展延伸,面 向未来,面向宇宙不断飞翔,代表了公司日益进步 的技术水平及无穷的创新机会。
①消防车 ②警车 ③救护车 ④拖车 ⑤搅拌车
Exercise 2: Please translate into Chinese.
①truck ②bus ③SUV ④pick-up truck ⑤sports car
1.2.2 Cars classification by appearance (乘用车的分类:按车身类型分类)
FF方式的性能不比FR方式的逊色,FF方式以车 内空间宽大的优势引起顾客的注意,而且在易 滑路面比FR方式更加安定,因而采用FF方式的 车种急速上升。现在,FF方式在逐渐独占小型 车、中型车市场。
尽管如此,FR方式也并不是完全没有自己的优 势。汽车在起动时,为给后轮加力,后轮驱动 的加速性更高。而且认为采用FR方式,车辆转 向更加便利。因此,现在高级车中很少采用FF 方式,以FR方式为主。
Ambulance 救护车
Bus 公共汽车
Sports car 跑车
Van 箱式货车

3. 气动棘轮扳手(air ratchet)
4.气动千斤顶(pneumatic jacks)
5.气动钻头(air drill)
三、液压工具(hydraulic tools)
1. 液压千斤顶(hydraulic jack)
3.液压压床 (hydraulic press)
1. The engine provides the power to drive the wheels of the vehicle. 2. The cylinder head fits on top of the cylinder block to close off and seal the top of the cylinder. 3. The biggest part of the engine is the cylinder block, which is also called an engine block. 4. A valve train is a series of parts used to open and close the intake and exhaust ports.
2.2.1 Engine systems (发动机系统)
一、Basic engine parts 发动机的基本 零件 二、Four-stroke cycle engine 四冲程 发动机 三、Fuel system 燃油系统 四、Cooling system 冷却系统 五、Lubrication system 润滑系统
手动工具(hand tools)
动力工具(power tools)
2.1.1 Measurement tools in English and Chinese terminology (测量工具的中、英文专有名词)
高中英语 Unit1 Background information(背景信息)教案 译林牛津版必修4

英语必修4译林牛津Unit 1精品教案(背景信息)U1 第三部分教案Background information(牛津译林版必修4)●Section 2 Background informationI. An introduction to Advertising1. Definition:American Marketing Association (AMA) defines advertising as “the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.” Today, with the development of the technology and the diversity of the mass media, advertising has influenced us pervasively in our daily life. However, whatever the promotive strategies advertising takes, language is the main carrier of message all along, as The Language of Advertising, by Vesterg ard & Schroder, says, “Advertising takes many forms, but in most of the m language is of crucial importance.” Advertising language is a style of immediate impact and rapid persuasion. The point of an advertisement is to persuade you of the merits of a particular product or service, in order that you will take out some of your money.2. Advertising Components: According to the definition of the advertising, most of the advertisements should have the following components:(1) AdvertiserThe advertiser is the sender of information and all the advertising activities should be consistent with the purpose and willingness of the advertiser. Therefore, the advertiser is the main body of advertising, namely, every advertisement should have its specific owner of the advertising information. The specific owner should be a recognizable group, including corporation, enterprise, government, organization and individual. There are three significances of an advertiser (both for the advertiser themselves, and for the public): firstly, it’s easy for the target audience to recognize the company and the products of it, which will promote the propagandas andthe sale of its products; secondly, it will establish a high reputation for the group, enterpr ise, or the individual in order that the consumer will trust the brand; finally, it will prevent the advertiser from counterfeiting and deceiving by legal supervision.(2) A certain amount of money paidThe advertising fees a re paid by the advertiser no matter it’s operated by itself or other agency. Because advertising is a kind of marketing action, an advertiser has to pay for its advertisement. There are quite a few people who consider that too much advertising fee will inevitably raise the price and cost of the product, and thereby will influence the sale of the product. However, this conclusion is a one-sided view. Advertising can bring you a huge profit by reasonable planning a nd proper operation.(3) Advertising InformationAdvertising information is the principal content s an advertisement wants to disseminate. Advertising is a serious of planning action, so the information of adve rtising should be aimed at the certain target market and consumers, and should avoid aimlessness. The dissemination of information should be accurate, definite, recognizable and moderate in length. An effe ctive advertisement involves not only “what to say”, but also ‘how to say”.(4) Advertising MediaMedia are the means of the dissemination of advertising, including newspaper, magazine, broadcast, TV program, billboard and mail. The newspaper, magazine, broadcast and TV are called the four main media of advertising. Moreover, any kind of objects or tools can be a medium for the advertisement, such as airplane, train, bus, building, neon light, movie, package, exhibition, and etc. Different kinds of media have different features, disseminating area, target audience and speed.II.经典英文广告麦斯威尔咖啡 Good to the last drop 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。
unit 2 Automotive Maintenance 《汽车实用英语》

Task Description
Automotive maintenance(维护,保养) describes the act of inspecting or testing the condition of car subsystems and servicing or replacing parts and fluids. Regular maintenance is critical to ensure the safety, reliability(可靠性), drivability, comfort and longevity of an automotive. The following tasks (e.g. oil and filter change, checking drive belt, replacing spark plugs, etc.) are the important items in auto maintenance to avoid major damage or for safety reasons.
2.1.2 How to Choose the Right Motor Oil
The various types of motor oil on the market are designed for different purposes. To choose the proper type of oil for your vehicle, you need to understand the significance of the oil additives (添加剂), viscosity ratings(粘度比), and class. 2.1.1 Lubrication System 1-oil gallery; 2-oil pump; 3-oil pan; 4-oil filter; 5-main oil gallery
信息管理专业英语 unit1-12 单词以及句子翻译

专业英语一、专业术语RFID射频识别IOT物联网Cloud Computing云计算ANN神经网络BI商业智能E-business /Web-business / e-commerce电子商务KM知识管理GIS地理信息系统PDA掌上电脑Bluetooth蓝牙技术CAD计算机辅助设计CMD计算机辅助制作branch manager部门经理binary format二进制格式USB(Universal Serial Bus)通用串行总线computer case计算机机箱temporary storage of information临时存储信息floppy disk软盘CD-ROM只读光盘textual源代码video card视频卡,显卡sound card音频卡,声卡DVD数字化视频光盘SISP战略信息系统计划Project Management项目管理Human Resources人力资源End-User Systems Development最终用户系统开发rolling business plans流动业务计划MIS(management information system)管理信息系统DB(database)数据库DBMS(database Management system)数据库管理系统DSS(decision support system)决策支持系统operational manager运营经理Senior manager 高级经理semi-structured decision半结构化决策ANS(Advanced Network&Service)高级网络及服务公司TPS(Transaction Processing systems)事务管理系统KWS(Knowledge Work Systems)只是工作系统GRASP绘制机器人技术应用软件包OAS(Office Automation Systems)办公自动化系统ESS(Executive Support Systems)经理支持系统EIS(Executive Information Systems)经理信息系统OLAP(on-line analytical processing)联机分析处理GIS(Group Information Systems)集群信息系统GDSS(Group Decision Support Systems)集群决策支持系统MIT(Management Information technology)管理信息技术RAD(rapid application development)快速应用开发Two-way communications 双工通讯client-server environment 客户服务环境Data warehouse 数据仓库logistics information systems 物流信息系统ERP(Enterprise resource planning)企业资源规划CRM(customer relationship Management)客户关系管理OOD(Object-Oriented design)面向对象设计OOP(Object0Oriented Programming)面向对象编程HLLs(High Level Languages)高级语言ADTs(Abstract Data Types)抽象数据类型Software Ics软件的组成单元machine code机器码op-code输出码EDI(Electronic Data interchange)电子数据交换SMEs(small and medium sized enterprises)中小企业B2B企业对企业电子商务B2C企业对用户电子商务CERT(Character Error Rate Tester)字符出错率测试器CIAS(Communication Link Analyzer System)通信链路分析系统IMS(Information Management System)管理信息系统NDMS(Netware Data Management System)网络数据管理系统二、翻译Unit 11. Management is the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources.管理是组织目标通过计划、组织、领导、控制组织资源实现的有效方式。
汽车服务工程专业英语unit 2

The main troubles characteristic of the valve gear are improper seating or incomplete opening of the valves.
What is most important to keep engine in a good shape? —Change oil regularly. —Avoid overheating the engine. —Changing spark plugs, air filter, timing belt and other items from maintenance schedule may save you from costly repairs. —Fix any small problem right away before it causes a serious damage.
Lesson 10
The Check Engine Light
This lesson tried to get a basic idea about what is behind the “ check engine ” light, rather than the directions for a repair. Quality repair is only possible by a skilled mechanic.
Transmission fluid. Check transmission fluid monthly with engine warm and running, and the parking brake on. Washer fluid. Keep the windshield washer fluid reservoir full. Wiper blades. Inspect the windscreen wiper blades whenever you clean your windshield.
汽车服务工程专业英语unit 1

4 Electrical Equipment
The electrical equipment mainly comprises the battery ,alternator , lights , instrumentation , electrical devices and electronic control system etc.
5 Flywheel
At one end the crankshaft carries a heavy flywheel, the function of which is to absorb the variations in impulse transmitted to the shaft by the gas and inertia loads and to drive the pistons over the dead points and idle strokes.
The four strokes of the complete cycle are shown at Fig.2-2a),b),c) and d).
The four strokes of the cycle are as follows:
(a)Induction stroke—exhaust valve closed, inlet valve open. (b)Compression stroke—both valves closed. (c)Combustion or working stroke—both valves closed. (d)Exhaust stroke—inlet valve closed :exhaust valve open.

1) The amount of fuel used per unit distance; most commonly, liters per 100 kilometers (l/100 km). Lower values mean better fuel economy: you use less fuel to travel the same distance.
Reading A
1) A flexible-fuel vehicle (FFV) or dual-fuel vehicle (colloquially called a flex-fuel vehicle) is an alternative fuel vehicle with an internal combustion engine designed to run on more than one fuel, usually gasoline blended with either ethanol or methanol fuel, and both fuels are stored in the same common tank. FFVs experience no loss in performance when operating on E85. However, since a gallon of ethanol contains less energy than a gallon of gasoline, FFVs typically get about 20-30% fewer miles per gallonwhen fueled with E85.

To eliminate potential hazards,read the instructions before you begin,and make sure you have the tools and skills required.Make sure your vehicle is parked on level ground,the parking brake is set,and the engine is off.All service items not detailed in this section should be performed by a certified technician or qualified mechanic.To clean parts,use a commercially available degreaser or parts cleaner,not gasoline.To reduce the possibility of fire or explosion,keep cigarettes,sparks,and flames away from the battery and all fuel-related parts.Wear eye protection andprotective clothing when working with the battery or compressed air.Maintenance SafetyImportant Safety Precautions 180CONTINUEDCalculated Engine Oil Life (%)100 % 91 %90 % 81 %80 % 71 %70 % 61 %60 % 51 %50 % 41 %40 % 31 %30 % 21 %20 % 16 %15 % 11 %10 % 6 %5% 1%0%Displayed Engine Oil Life (%)100 %90 %80 %70 %60 %50 %40 %30 %20 %15 %10 %5%0%Your vehicle displays engine oil life and maintenance service items in the information display to show you when you should have your dealer perform engine oil replacement and indicated maintenance service.Based on the engine operating conditions and accumulated engine revolutions, the onboard computer in your vehicle calculates the remaining engine oil life and displays it as a percentage.The remaining engine oil life is displayed on the engine oil life display according to this table:Maintenance MinderMaintenance181The maintenance item code or codes indicate the main and sub items required at the time of the oil change (see page ).If the remaining engine oil life is 15to 6percent,you will see the engine oil life indicator every time you turn the ignition switch to the ON (II)position.The maintenance minder indicator will also come on,and the maintenance item code(s)for other scheduled maintenance items needing service will be displayed next to the engine oil life indicator.When the remaining engine oil life is 5to 1percent,you will see a ‘‘SERVICE OIL LIFE’’message along with the same maintenance item code(s),every time you turn the ignition switch to the ON (II)position.187Maintenance Minder182When the remaining engine oil life is0percent,the engine oil life indicatorwill blink.The display comes onevery time you turn the ignitionswitch to the ON(II)position.Whenyou see this message,have theindicated maintenance performed byyour dealer as soon as possible.The maximum total mileage shownis‘‘9999.’’You can change the informationdisplay from the engine oil lifedisplay to the odometer,the tripmeter,or the outside temperature(ifequipped)every time you press andrelease the SEL/RESET button.When the engine oil life display is0percent or negative mileage,themaintenance minder indicatorremains on even if you change theinformation display.Immediately have the serviceperformed,and make sure to resetthe display as described in the nextpage.Maintenance MinderMaintenance183Pressthe SEL/RESET button for about 10 seconds. The engine oil life and the maintenance item code(s) will blink.3.Maintenance Minder184Press the SEL/RESET button for more than 5seconds.The maintenance item code(s)will disappear,and the engine oil life will reset to ‘‘100.’’If you have the required service done but do not reset the display,or reset the display without doing the service,the system will not show the proper maintenance intervals.This can lead to serious mechanicalproblems because you will no longer have an accurate record of when maintenance is needed.Your authorized Honda dealer knows your vehicle best and can provide competent,efficient service.However,service at a dealer is not mandatory to keep your warranties in effect.Maintenance may be done by any qualified service facility or person who is skilled in this type of automotive service.Make sure to have the service facility or person reset the display as previouslydescribed.Keep all receipts as proof of completion,and have the person who does the work fill out the maintenance record.Check your warranty booklet for more information.We recommend using Honda parts and fluids whenever you have maintenance done.These are manufactured to the same high-quality standards as the originalcomponents,so you can be confident of their performance and durability.4.CONTINUEDMaintenance MinderImportant Maintenance PrecautionsMaintenance185。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Plan and Implement 计划和实施
Step 1 A working case is provided; Step 2 Learn the process of retrieving service information
by all kinds of ways; Step 3 Require students to grasp the key terms in this task; Step 4 Try to describe the process of service information
retrieval; Step 5 Students read relative material; Step 6 Assessment
Assessment and Feedback 评价和反馈
True or False ( ) 1. Service information is used by the service technician to determine the specifications, service procedures and needed special tools. ( ) 2. Factory and aftermarket service manuals only contain specifications. ( ) 3. Electronic service information is available mostly by subscription and provides access to an Internet site where service manual-type information is available. ( ) 4. The International Automotive Technician’s Network is not a free site.
AsseFalse ( ) 5. A recall or campaign is not issued by a vehicle manufacturer. ( ) 6. Technical service bulletins are de signed for dealership technicians while they are republished by aftermarket companies. ( ) 7. Most vehicle manufacturers also offer electronic service information to their dealers. ( ) 8. A recall or campaign is always done at no cost to the vehicle owner.
The year of the vehicle is often difficult to determine exactly. A model may be introduced as the next year’s model as soon as January of the previous year. Typically, a new model year starts in September or October of the year prior to the actual new year, but not always. This is why the vehicle identification number, usually abbreviated VIN, is so important, shown in Fig. 1.1.1.
1.1.1 Vehicle Identification
All service work requires that the vehicle and its components be properly identified. The most common identification is the ma ke, model, and year of the vehicle.
Unit 1 Service Information, Tools and Safety
Overall Objectives 总体目标
Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to:
• Learn key terms about service information, tools and safety in this unit. • Understand how to retrieve vehicle service information. • Understand how to properly use tools and shop equipments. • Identify the precautions that should be followed when working on vehicle.
Task 1.1 Retrieving Service Information
Learning Preparation 学习准备
Key terms:
retrieve service information 维修资料的检索 service manual 维修手册 specification 规格,说明书 Recall 回忆,找回,回想 campaign 活动 technician 技师,技术员 manufacturer 制造商,制造者
Assessment and Feedback 评价和反馈
True or False ( ) 9. All service work requires that the vehicle and its components be properly identified. ( ) 10. Factory service manuals cover just one year and one or more models of the same vehicle.