



小升初英语非谓语动词造句超级高级练习题30题含答案解析1. 我想在周末看电影。

I want to watch a movie on weekends.答案:我想做某事,用“want to do sth”结构,动词不定式“to watcha movie”在句子中作宾语,表示想要做的事情。

2. 他决定努力学习。

He decides to study hard.答案:决定做某事,用“decide to do sth”结构,动词不定式“to study hard”在句子中作宾语,表示决定做的事情。

3. 她希望去公园玩。

She hopes to play in the park.答案:希望做某事,用“hope to do sth”结构,动词不定式“to play in the park”在句子中作宾语,表示希望做的事情。

4. 我们计划去旅行。

We plan to take a trip.答案:计划做某事,用“plan to do sth”结构,动词不定式“to take a trip”在句子中作宾语,表示计划做的事情。

5. 他们准备参加比赛。

They are ready to take part in the competition.答案:准备做某事,用“be ready to do sth”结构,动词不定式“to take part in the competition”在句子中作宾语,表示准备做的事情。

6. 我需要买一本书。

I need to buy a book.答案:需要做某事,用“need to do sth”结构,动词不定式“to buy a book”在句子中作宾语,表示需要做的事情。

7. 他喜欢读书。

He likes to read books.答案:喜欢做某事,用“like to do sth”结构,动词不定式“to read books”在句子中作宾语,表示喜欢做的事情。

8. 她开始做作业。




像“To see is to believe.”(眼见为实),这里的“To see”就是不定式作主语,表示一种具体的行为动作作主语。

还有“Reading books is my favorite hobby.”(读书是我最喜欢的爱好),“Reading”是动名词形式作主语,动名词作主语的时候往往表示一种抽象的或者习惯性的行为。

“Swimming in the sea is very exciting.”(在海里游泳非常令人兴奋),“Swimming”这个动名词表达了一种活动,当它作主语的时候,就像是在说这个活动本身是很令人兴奋的。

“To help others makes me happy.”(帮助别人让我很开心),不定式作主语突出了一种还未发生或者具体的去帮助别人这个动作,这个动作会让我产生开心的感觉。

“Walking in the park every morning is good for your health.”(每天早晨在公园散步对你的健康有益),“Walking”动名词在这里表示一种日常性的活动,说这个活动对健康有益。

“To learn a foreign language needs a lot of time and patience.”(学习一门外语需要很多时间和耐心),不定式作主语强调学习外语这个动作的概念,表明这个动作需要时间和耐心。

“Listening to music can relax us.”(听音乐能使我们放松),动名词“Listening”作主语,表明听音乐这个行为具有让我们放松的作用。

“To write a good composition requires much practice.”(写出一篇好作文需要大量练习),不定式作主语表示写好作文这个动作需要练习这个事实。

“Running every day helps keep fit.”(每天跑步有助于保持健康),“Running”动名词作主语,表达每天跑步这个习惯对保持健康的帮助。



五年级非谓语动词造句练习20题含答案解析1. 我想在周末读书。

I want to read books on weekends.答案解析:“want to do sth”是固定用法,表示“想要做某事”。

在这个句子中,“想读书”用“want to read books”来表达,动词不定式“to read”表示想要去做的具体事情。

2. 他决定去公园玩。

He decides to play in the park.答案解析:“decide to do sth”是固定短语,表示“决定做某事”。

这里“决定去公园玩”就用“decides to play in the park”,动词不定式“to play”表明决定要去做的行为。

3. 我们计划去看电影。

We plan to see a movie.答案解析:“plan to do sth”意为“计划做某事”。

“计划去看电影”用“plan to see a movie”,“to see”表示计划中的具体行动。

4. 她希望去旅行。

She hopes to travel.答案解析:“hope to do sth”表示“希望做某事”。

“希望去旅行”就是“hope to travel”,动词不定式“to travel”体现了她所希望的事情。

5. 他们准备去爬山。

They are ready to climb the mountain.答案解析:“be ready to do sth”是固定搭配,表示“准备做某事”。

“准备去爬山”用“are ready to climb the mountain”,“to climb”表明准备去进行的活动。

6. 我需要去买一些水果。

I need to buy some fruits.答案解析:“need to do sth”表示“需要做某事”。

“需要去买水果”用“need to buy some fruits”,“to buy”说明需要去执行的动作。




(用非谓语动词作主语造句)Learning English is very interesting.To learn English is very interesting.Learned English is very interesting.答案解析:Learning English 和To learn English 都是正确的,Learning English 是动名词作主语,表示习惯性的动作;To learn English 是不定式作主语,表示具体的、一次性的动作。

Learned English 是错误的,因为过去分词不能作主语。


(用非谓语动词作主语造句)Watching movies is a good way to relax.To watch movies is a good way to relax.Watched movies is a good way to relax.答案解析:Watching movies 和To watch movies 都是正确的,Watching movies 是动名词作主语,表示习惯性的动作;To watch movies 是不定式作主语,表示具体的、一次性的动作。

Watched movies 是错误的,因为过去分词不能作主语。


(用非谓语动词作主语造句)Reading books is good for us.To read books is good for us.Read books is good for us.答案解析:Reading books 和To read books 都是正确的,Readingbooks 是动名词作主语,表示习惯性的动作;To read books 是不定式作主语,表示具体的、一次性的动作。

Read books 是错误的,因为过去分词不能作主语。



非谓语动词不定式例句1. 为了吃到那传说中像仙丹一样美味的冰淇淋,他决定跑三条街去买,这就像是士兵为了宝藏踏上遥远征程。

2. 为了像鸟儿一样自由地飞翔,小男孩张开双臂从草坡上冲下,那模样仿佛他真的能马上起飞。

3. 为了抓住那只像闪电一样快的小老鼠,猫咪踮着脚悄悄地靠近,就像一个小心翼翼的刺客在执行秘密任务。

4. 为了能像超级英雄一样拯救世界,小明每天早起锻炼,那股认真劲就好像世界马上要被外星人入侵了。

5. 为了像明星一样闪耀在舞台上,小红拼命练习唱歌跳舞,她的努力就像小蚂蚁在搬运比自己大好多倍的食物。

6. 为了在游戏里像王者一样称霸,小刚没日没夜地研究战术,感觉他把游戏当成了要征服的宇宙。

7. 为了听到像天籁般的音乐,音乐爱好者们愿意花高价买票,就如同饥饿的人争抢最后一块面包。

8. 为了写出像大文豪一样精彩的文章,小李不停地看书积累素材,那架势像是要把全世界的书都装进脑袋。

9. 为了像孙悟空一样有火眼金睛看清所有真相,侦探在案发现场仔细勘察,不放过任何蛛丝马迹,就像拿着放大镜找宝藏的海盗。

10. 为了像美人鱼一样在水里自由自在,小美努力学习游泳,她在水里扑腾的样子像一只欢快的小鸭子。

11. 为了像武林高手一样厉害,小张跟着师傅苦练功夫,那吃苦的样子就像苦行僧在修炼绝世神功。

12. 为了在考场上像学霸一样答题自如,同学们都在拼命复习,那紧张的氛围像要打仗似的。

13. 为了能像神笔马良一样画出神奇的画,小画家每天不停地练习,感觉他的笔像是有魔法的魔杖。

14. 为了像骏马一样奔跑得飞快,运动员进行着艰苦的训练,那奔跑的身姿就像一阵龙卷风。

15. 为了像变色龙一样隐藏自己,玩捉迷藏的小朋友找了个绝佳的角落躲起来,那谨慎的模样像特工在执行潜伏任务。

16. 为了像气球一样轻盈地漂浮,舞者拼命减肥保持身材,那对身材的执着就像守财奴守护自己的财宝。

17. 为了像猫头鹰一样在夜晚看得清楚,科学家们努力研究夜视技术,那股钻研劲就像执着的探险家探索未知大陆。



经典非谓语动词100句1.Learning a language requires memory and practice.2.Eating vegetables is as important as taking exercise.3.Reading cartoon books brings me a lot of fun and knowledge.4.Being exposed to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s health.5.It is no use debating with Tom because he will never change his mind.6.It is no good smoking, for it does harm to health.7.They consider buying a flat before the prices go up.8.We suggested sleeping in hotels but the children were anxious to camp out.9.Tom enjoys listening to folk music.10.I remembered turning off all the lights when I left the house. Why are the lights stillon?11.“Things lost never come again!”I couldn’t help talking to myself.12.The suspect at last admitted receiving stolen goods but denied selling them.13.I regret speaking at the meeting.14.I shall never forget seeing the Great Wall for the first time.15.I would appreciate you calling back this afternoon.16.No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements.17.He is looking forward to spending his holiday in Britain.18.They brought him to court for knocking down an old lady.19.Do you spend much time (in) staying with your family?20.We had trouble (in) persuading him to come with us.21.The thief took away the woman's wallet without being seen.22.John is interested in collecting match boxes.23.They soon got used to driving on the left in England.24.It is important to live a low carbon life.25.It is impossible to learn foreign language without memory work.26.It is difficult to find work in the present economic situation.27.It was polite of the child to give up his seat to the elderly woman.28.It is necessary for him to return the book to the library immediately.29.I found it difficult to answer all the questions within the time given.30.I felt it necessary to let him know cheating was wrong.31.I happened to sit by her in the cinema.32.They pretended to work harder than ever before.33.I felt tired with walking, so I stopped to take a break for an hour.34.To my surprise, he refused to cooperate with us.35.I hear they intend to marry.36.He wanted to tell the news to the world.37.He attempted to speak but was told to keep quiet.38.They decided to establish a nuclear power station.39.Remember to turn the lights out before you go to bed.40.He asked to be given a chance to work in the USA.41.The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle to be heard.42.Her wish is to become an engineer.43.My dream is to travel around the world.44.Now that I am a university student, my goal is to graduate with excellences.45.The child was anxious to go to the park.46.We are very happy to see you again.47.I am surprised to learn that he is taking drug.48.Are children interested to learn Chinese?49.He was quite pleased to be praised by the teacher.50.My boss doesn't allow me to use the telephone.51.My parents forbid me to stay out at night.52.She requested him to go with her.53.The radio urged people to contribute to the Red Cross.54.All passengers are required to show their tickets.55.The workers were expected to work overtime.56.We are supposed to save energy as much as possible.57.I hurried to the station only to find the train had left.58.He had to work hard to support his family.59.To learn to swim well, one needs much practice.60.He at last got a chance to compete in the Olympics.61.Can anybody think of an effective way to raise money?62.We still have a lot of problems to solve.63.I have a lot of work to do this evening.64.Mick is the last man to break his word.65.He is the first man to step foot on the moon.66.She was the only man to survive the air crash.67.This book is too difficult to understand.68.English is difficult to learn.69.This problem is easy to solve.70.Seen from the top of the tower, the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees.71.Painted red, the building stands out among the rest and looks very attractive.72.Reminded not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry.73.Faced with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.74.Attracted by the beauty of nature, the girl from London decided to spend anther twodays on the farm.75.The Golden Gate Bridge, built several hundred years ago, is worldwide famous.76.I started a new hobby. I got tired of working in the garden.77.We are all satisfied with the final result.78.I was surprised at the news about his death.79.After her husband died, she was dressed in black for six months.80.The toys kept the children amused all day.81.I found him seated on the bench.82.Although he raised his voice, he could not make himself heard.83.Hearing the sudden loud noise, he stood there frightened.84.John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work finished, he gladly acceptedit.85.After his journey from abroad, Richard Jones returned home, exhausted.86.He wore a puzzled look on his face.87.Five people won the “China’s Green Figure” award, a title given to ordinary peoplefor their contributions to environmental protection.88.The first textbooks written for teaching English as a foreign language came out inthe 18th century.89.With the government's aid, those affected by the earthquake have moved to the newsettlements.90.The next morning she found the man lying in bed,dead.91.The brave man died, leaving his young wife nothing but a broken cottage.92.European football is played in 80 countries, making it the most popular sport in theworld.93.A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city, killing all four peopleon board.94.The secretary worked late into the night, preparing a long speech for the president.95.Peter received a letter just now saying his grandma would come to see him soon.96.Don’t respond to any e-mails asking for personal information,no matter how officialthey look.97.The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket covering the desert.98.While watching television, we heard the doorbell ring.st night, there were millions of people watching the opening ceremony live on TV. 100.Having spent the past year as an exchange student in Hong Kong, Linda appears more mature than those of her age.101.Having been told many times, he understood the rule at last.102.The book is recommended for its interesting story.103.It is surprising that he should win the election.104.How disappointing it was to have missed the train!经典非谓语动词100句改错1.Learn a language requires memory and practice.2.Eating vegetables are as important as taking exercise.3.Reading cartoon books bring me a lot of fun and knowledge.4.Being exposed to sunlight for too much time do harm to one’s skin.5.It is no use debate with Tom because he will never change his mind.6.It is no good smoke, for it does harm to health.7.They consider buy a flat before the prices go up.8.We suggested sleep in hotels but the children were anxious to camp out.9.Tom enjoys listen to folk music.10.I remembered turn off all the lights when I left the house. Why are the lights still on?11.“Things lost never come again!”I couldn’t help talk to myself.12.The suspect at last admitted receive stolen goods but denied selling them.13.It seemed that I was brave to raise objection at the meeting, but now I regret speak atthe meeting.14.I shall never forget see the Great Wall for the first time.15.I would appreciate you called back this afternoon.16.No one can avoid influenced by advertisements.17.He is looking forward to spend his holiday in Britain.18.They brought him to court for knock down an old lady.19.Do you spend much time stay with your family?20.We had trouble persuade him to come with us.21.John is interested in collect match boxes.22.They soon got used to drive on the left in England.23.It is important live a low carbon life.24.It is impossible learn foreign language without memory work.25.It is difficult find work in the present economic situation.26.It was polite of the child give up his seat to the elderly woman.27.It is necessary for him return the book to the library immediately.28.I found difficult to answer all the questions within the time given.29.I felt necessary to let him know cheating was wrong.30.I happened sit by her in the cinema.31.They pretended work harder than ever before.32.I felt tired with walking, so I stopped take a break for an hour.33.To my surprise, he refused cooperate with us.34.I hear that they intend marry.35.He wanted tell the news to the world.36.He attempted speak but was told to keep quiet.37.They decided to establishing a nuclear power station.38.Remember to turning the lights out before you go to bed.39.He asked to given a chance to work in the USA.40.The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle to heard.41.My dream is travel around the world with my sweetheart.42.Now that I am a university student, my goal is graduate with excellences.43.The child was anxious to going to the park.44.We are very happy to seeing you again.45.I am surprised to learning that he is taking drug.46.Are children interested to learning Chinese?47.He was quite pleased to be praise by the teacher.48.My boss doesn't allow me to using the telephone.49.My parents forbid me to staying out at night.50.She requested him go with her, but he said no to her.51.The radio urged people to contributing to the Red Cross.52.All passengers are required show their tickets.53.The workers were expected work overtime.54.We are supposed save energy as much as possible.55.I hurried to the station only find the train had left.56.He had to work hard to supporting his family.57.To learning to swim well, one needs much practice.58.He at last got a chance to competing in the Olympics.59.Can anybody think of an effective way to raising money?60.We still have a lot of problems to solved.61.I have a lot of work to doing this evening.62.Mick is the last man to breaking his word.63.He was the first man to stepping foot on the moon.64.She was the only man to survived the air crash.65.This book is too difficult to be understand.66.English is difficult to be learn.67.This problem is easy to be solve.68.Seeing from the top of the tower, the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees.69.Painting red, the building stands out among the rest and looks very attractive.70.Reminding not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in ahurry.71.Face with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.72.Attract by the beauty of nature, the girl from London decided to spend anther twodays on the farm.73.The Golden Gate Bridge, building several hundred years ago, is worldwide famous.74.I started a new hobby. I got tiring of working in the garden.75.We all satisfied with the final result.76.I was surprising at the news about his death.77.After her husband died, she was dressing in black for six months.78.The toys kept the children amusing all day.79.I found him seating on the bench.80.Although he raised his voice, he could not make himself hear.81.Hearing the sudden loud noise, he stood there frighten.82.John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work finish, he gladly accepted it.83.After his journey from abroad, Richard Jones returned home, exhausting.84.He wore a puzzling look on his face.85.Five people won the “China’s Green Figure” award, a title was given to ordinarypeople for their contributions to environmental protection.86.The first textbooks were written for teaching English as a foreign language came outin the 18th century.87.With the government's aid, those were affected by the earthquake have moved to thenew settlements.88.The next morning she found the man lie in bed,dead.89.The brave man died, left his young wife nothing but a broken cottage.90.European football is played in 80 countries, makes it the most popular sport in theworld.91.A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city, killed all four peopleon board.92.The secretary worked late into the night, prepared a long speech for the president.93.Peter received a letter just now said his grandma would come to see him soon.94.Don’t respond to any e-mails asks for personal information,no matter how officialthey look.95.The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket covers the desert.st night, there were millions of people watched the opening ceremony live on TV.97.Having told many times, he understood the rule at last.98.The book is recommended for its interested story.99.It is surprised that he should win the election.100.How disappointed it was to have missed the train!。



高一英语非谓语动词造句高级练习题20题(答案解析)1. 我的梦想是成为一名科学家。

My dream is to be a scientist.答案解析:在这个句子中,“to be a scientist”是动词不定式作表语,表示主语的具体内容或目的。



2. 他努力学习是为了通过考试。

He studies hard to pass the exam.答案解析:“to pass the exam”是动词不定式作目的状语,表示“他努力学习”的目的。



3. 她有很多作业要做。

She has a lot of homework to do.答案解析:“to do”是动词不定式作后置定语,修饰“homework”。



4. 我很高兴见到你。

I am very glad to see you.答案解析:“to see you”是动词不定式作原因状语,表示“我很高兴”的原因。



5. 他没有足够的时间去完成这项工作。

He doesn't have enough time to finish the work.答案解析:“to finish the work”是动词不定式作后置定语,修饰“time”。



6. 为了赶上早班车,他起得很早。

To catch the early bus, he gets up very early.答案解析:“To catch the early bus”是动词不定式作目的状语。



非谓语动词句型操练(70句)1. 当他醒来时,他发现自己被锁在一间黑屋子里。

2. 与他的聪明相比, 自觉惭愧。

3. 由于眼睛被一条毛巾捂着, 他不知道自己到底在哪里。

4. 在完成了英语作文以后, 他开始读当天的中国日报。

5. 在那片森林里,有几间小木屋,里面住着三个猎人。

6. 那位退休的老人坐在窗前,眺望着远方的太阳下山。

7. 我并不想知道在什么时候执行这个计划。

8. 由于都知道他是这个镇上的名人,他一露面人们就围着他,让他签名。

9. 由于被评为最好的论文,它被刊载在一本外国的杂志上。

10. 他站在警察的面前,两腿一直在发抖。

11. 他走进了那间办公室,并不知道那里发生了什么。
























非谓语动词例子1. 嘿,你看“Playing the guitar makes me happy.”(弹吉他让我开心)这不就是非谓语动词嘛!就像音乐能点亮我们的生活一样。

2. 哇塞,“I saw him running in the park.”(我看到他在公园里跑步),这里的“running”就是非谓语动词呀,多形象啊!3. 你想想,“She loves reading books before going to bed.”(她喜欢在睡觉前读书),“reading”就是那个特别的存在呢!4. 哎呀呀,“We went to the beach, hoping to see the beautiful sunset.”(我们去了海滩,希望看到美丽的日落),这“hoping”多有意境!5. 嘿呀,“The boy sitting by the window is my friend.”(坐在窗边的那个男孩是我的朋友),这“sitting”多生动!6. 你听听,“He got up early to catch the first bus.”(他早起去赶第一班车),“to catch”是不是很关键呀!7. 哇哦,“They prevented the fire from spreading by using water.”(他们用水来阻止火蔓延),这里的“from spreading”就是很厉害的非谓语动词呢!8. 哈哈,“The food smelling delicious made my mouth water.”(闻起来美味的食物让我流口水),“smelling”可太有趣了!9. 咋样,“He spent hours repairing the car.”(他花了好几个小时修理汽车),“repairing”就起到了很大的作用呀!我的观点就是,非谓语动词在英语中真的太重要啦,它们让我们的表达更加丰富和生动呢!。



2024年小升初英语非谓语动词造句超级高级练习题40题1. 上学路上,我看到一只小鸟在树上唱歌。


- I saw a bird singing in the tree on my way to school.答案:这句话中“singing”是现在分词作宾语补足语,表示正在进行的动作。


2. 在家,我帮助妈妈做家务。


- I help my mother do housework at home.答案:“do housework”中的“do”是不带to 的不定式作宾语补足语。

用不定式是因为“help sb. do sth.”是固定用法。

3. 上学路上,我听到有人在喊我的名字。


- I heard someone calling my name on my way to school.答案:“calling”是现在分词作宾语补足语,表示正在进行的动作。


4. 在家,我喜欢看妈妈做饭。


- I like watching my mother cook.答案:“cook”是不带to 的不定式作宾语补足语。

“like doing sth.”表示喜欢做某事,看妈妈做饭这个动作是经常发生的,所以用现在分词“watching”,而“watch sb. do sth.”是固定用法,所以用不带to 的不定式“cook”。

5. 上学路上,我发现一只小狗在追一只猫。


- I found a little dog chasing a cat on my way to school.答案:“chasing”是现在分词作宾语补足语,表示正在进行的动作。


6. 在家,我决定打扫我的房间。






一、动名词(-ing形式):1. 作主语:Being kind to others is always a good thing to do.(对他人友善总是值得做的好事。

)2. 作宾语:I enjoy swimming in the ocean.(我喜欢在海里游泳。

)3. 作宾补:She made a decision, ending their relationship.(她做出了一个决定,结束了他们的关系。

)4. 作定语:The running water is so clear and refreshing.(流动的水非常清澈和令人神清气爽。

)5. 作状语:Knowing the answer, he raised his hand.(知道答案后,他举手了。

)二、不定式(to + 动词原形):1. 作主语:To learn a new language is challenging but rewarding.(学习一门新语言是具有挑战性但值得的。

)2. 作宾语:She wants to visit Paris next year.(她想明年去巴黎旅游。

)3. 作宾补:I need to finish this report by tomorrow.(我需要明天之前完成这份报告。

)4. 作定语:He is the best person to ask for help.(他是寻求帮助的最佳人选。

)5. 作状语:She went to the library to study.(她去图书馆学习。

)三、分词:1. 现在分词(-ing形式):The crying baby woke up the entire neighborhood.(哭闹的婴儿吵醒了整个社区。



非谓语动词的例句1. 非谓语动词有好几种呢,像不定式、动名词和分词。


“To see is to believe.”(眼见为实)这就是一个很经典的包含不定式的句子。


2. 魔术师在台上变着各种神奇的魔术。



我朋友一直小声地跟我说:“我不相信他没在盒子里藏东西,我们得仔细看,To see is to believe嘛。


3. 再说说动名词吧。

“I like reading books.”(我喜欢读书)这是一个简单又常见的带动名词的句子。




4. 我找啊找,终于找到了一本我一直想读的书。





在那一刻,我深刻地体会到了“I like reading books” 这句话的感觉,读书就像是我进入另一个奇妙世界的钥匙。

5. 还有分词呢。

“The girl standing there is my sister.”(站在那儿的女孩是我妹妹)这是个现在分词作定语的句子。



6. 她站在那家店门口,眼睛放光,就像发现了新大陆一样。


我看着她站在那儿的样子,就突然想到了这个句子“The girl standing there is my sister.” 她就那样站着,周围的人在她身边匆匆走过,而她的注意力全在那些亮晶晶的小饰品上。



高一英语非谓语动词造句高级练习题20题含答案解析1. 为了提高英语水平,我每天早上读英语报纸。

To improve my English level, I read English newspapers every morning.答案解析:这里用动词不定式“To improve”表示目的。


同时,“to improve sth”是一个常见的固定搭配。

2. 他努力学习,以便能通过考试。

He studies hard so as to pass the exam.答案解析:“so as to”也是用来表示目的,在这个句子中只能用动词不定式来表达他努力学习的目的。


3. 我有很多作业要做。

I have a lot of homework to do.答案解析:“have sth to do”是固定搭配,这里用动词不定式“to do”表示有某事要去做。


4. 她很善良,总是乐于帮助别人。

She is very kind and always ready to help others.答案解析:“be ready to do sth”是固定搭配,用动词不定式表示准备好做某事。


5. 为了赶上早班车,他起得很早。

To catch the early bus, he got up very early.答案解析:动词不定式“To catch”表示目的,只有动词不定式能明确地表达为了赶上早班车这个目的。

6. 我需要一些时间来考虑这个问题。

I need some time to think about this problem.答案解析:“need time to do sth”是常见搭配,用动词不定式表示需要时间去做某事。

7. 他来这里是为了看你。



非谓语动词经典句子1.Ford found a way to mass-produce the motor car cheaply, making it possible for many more people to own one.福特想了个办法便宜地大批量生产汽车,使更多的人有可能拥有一辆车。

2.Looking ahead, scientists believe that global warming could be one of the biggest environmental problems facing the 21st century.展望未来,科学家们认为全球变暖可能是21世纪所面临的最严重的环境问题之一。

3.Given this data, it seems that the link between human activities and rising global temperatures is not merely a coincidence.根据这一数据推断,人类活动与全球变暖之间的关系不仅仅只是一个巧合。

4.In the last three years, Indonesia has had a rough time, suffering several killer quakes and it is still recovering from the Asian tsunami caused by an offshore earthquake on December 26在过去的三年里,印尼饱受自然灾害之苦,它遭受了几次致命的大地震,至今仍然处于2004年12月26日发生的亚洲海啸所造成的创伤的恢复期中,那次海啸是由一次离岸地震所引起的。

5.The children played in the courtyards and because of the hutongs, courtyards were joined together for miles around creating a network of people working, playing and living together—a real community.孩子们在院子里一起玩耍,方圆好几里的四合院被连接起来,构成了人们一起工作、一起娱乐、一起起居的网络和一个真正的社区。


1. I want this letter to be opened now. 2. He feels it a duty to help the disabled in the community. 3. Having been shown around the lab, we were taken to see the school library. 4. His not coming made everyone present very disappointed. 5. With the government’s aid, those affected by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements. 6. Having been told many times, he finally understood it.
一句话翻译:可以用从句,非谓语 动词
• 3月12日我们班有个有意义的经历,值 得纪念(memorable)。这一天我们骑 自行车到郊区(suburbs)种树。一 路上有说有笑。 • Our class had a meaningful experience on March 12, which is memorable because we bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees, taking and laughing all the way.
太多塑料袋的使用会引起白色污染。政府 鼓励我们使用环保(environmentalfriendly)购物袋。这种袋子是使用一些 容易废弃处理(treat )的材料做成的。 As too much use of plastic bags has caused serious white pollution, our government encourages us to use environmental-friendly shopping bags, which are made of a variety of material that can be easily treated when they become rubbish.



五年级非谓语动词造句练习20题(答案解析)1. 用动词不定式“to play”造句。

I want to play basketball after school.答案:我放学后想打篮球。

解析:这个句子是主谓宾结构,“I”是主语,表示“我”;“want”是谓语动词,表示“想要”;“to play basketball”是动词不定式短语作宾语,其中“to play”表示“去玩”,在句中表示想要做的事情。


不能说成“I want play basketball after school.”,因为“want”后面要跟动词不定式。

2. 用动词不定式“to read”造句。

My sister likes to read books in her free time.答案:我妹妹在空闲时间喜欢读书。

解析:句子是主谓宾结构,“My sister”是主语,“likes”是谓语动词,“to read books”是动词不定式短语作宾语。

“to read”表示“去读”,在句中说明喜欢做的事情。


不能说成“My sister likes read books in her free time.”,“like”后面要跟动词不定式或动名词。

3. 用动名词“swimming”造句。

I am good at swimming.答案:我擅长游泳。

解析:句子是主系表结构,“I”是主语,“am”是系动词,“good at swimming”是表语。



不能说成“I am good at swim.”,“at”后面要跟名词或动名词。

4. 用动词不定式“to sing”造句。

She hopes to sing a beautiful song at the party.答案:她希望在聚会上唱一首好听的歌。



高一英语非谓语动词造句高级练习题20题【含答案解析】1. Reading books is a great way to expand knowledge.非谓语动词“Reading books”在句中作主语,表示“读书”这件事。

答案:“Reading books”作主语是正确的,因为动词原形不能作主语,必须用动名词或不定式。

此句中用动名词“Reading books”作主语,表示一种习惯或一般性的行为。

2. To study hard is important for students.非谓语动词“To study hard”在句中作主语。

答案:“To study hard”作主语正确。


3. I enjoy reading novels.非谓语动词“reading novels”在句中作宾语。

答案:“enjoy”后面接动名词作宾语,所以“reading novels”正确。

4. She wants to watch a movie.非谓语动词“to watch a movie”在句中作宾语。

答案:“want”后面接不定式作宾语,“to watch a movie”正确。

5. His hobby is collecting stamps.非谓语动词“collecting stamps”在句中作表语。

答案:“be”动词后面接动名词或不定式作表语,此句中“collecting stamps”表示一种爱好,用动名词作表语正确。

6. My dream is to become a doctor.非谓语动词“to become a doctor”在句中作表语。

答案:“be”动词后面接动名词或不定式作表语,此句中“to become a doctor”表示一种理想,用不定式作表语正确。

7. Seeing is believing.非谓语动词“Seeing”和“believing”在句中作主语和表语。



高一非谓语动词高级造句练习30题1<背景文章>Non-Finite Verbs in Daily LifeNon-finite verbs play a crucial role in our daily communication. They add variety and precision to our language. For example, we often use the infinitive form to express purpose. “I went to the store to buy some milk.” Here, “to buy” is the infinitive used to show the purpose of going to the store.Another common non-finite verb form is the gerund. Gerunds are often used as subjects or objects in sentences. “Swimming is a great way to stay fit.” In this sentence, “swimming” is the gerund acting as the subject.We also use participles to describe actions or states. The present participle (-ing form) can describe an ongoing action, while the past participle can describe a completed action or a state. “The running boy is very energetic.” Here, “running” is the present participle describing the boy. “The broken vase was on the table.” In this case, “broken” is the past participle describing the vase.Non-finite verbs can make our language more vivid and expressive. They help us convey complex ideas in a concise way.1. In the sentence “I like reading books in my free time.”, “reading”is a ___.A. infinitiveB. gerundC. present participleD. past participle答案:B。

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