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Write a POeIn about how courage, determination, and StrengIh have helped you face ChallengeS in your li(⅛.
3 Grand Prizes:TriP to Washington, D・C・ for each Of three winners, a Parent and One Other PerSOn Of the winner's ChOiCC・ TriP includes round-trip air tickets, hold Stay for IWO nights, and tours Of the NatiOnal Air and SPaCC MUSeUm and the OffiCe OfNatiOnal GeOgraPhiC World.
6 KirSt PriZe s:ThC b∞k Sky Pioneer: A PhOtObiograPlly OfAmeha EUrhart Signed by author COrinnC SZabO and PiIOt Linda FinCh・
50 HOnOrabIe MentiOns:JUdgeS WiIl ChOOSe UP Io 50 honorable InentiOn winners, WhO Will each receive a T・ Shirt in memory OfEarhart,s final flight.
FOllOW all rules CarCtUIIy to PrCVent disqualification.
■WriIe a POenI USing 100 WOrdS Or fewer. YOUr POem Can be any format, any number Oflines.
■Write by hand Or IyPe On a Single ShCet Of paper. YOU may USe both Ihe front and back Of the paper.
■On the Same ShCet Of paper, Wnte Or type your name, address, telephone number, and birth date・
■Mail your Cntry to US by OCtObCr 31 this year.
1 ・ HOW many PeOPle Can each grand PriZe WInner Iake On the free trip?
A. Two.
B. ThreC・
C. Four.
D. Six.
2. What Will each Of Ihe honorable IlIentiOn WiIUIeIS gel?
A. A PIane ticket.
B. A book by COrinne Szabo.
C. A SPCCiaI T-Shirt・
D. A PhOtO Of Amelia Earhart.
3. WhiCh Of the following Win result in disqualification?
A. TyPing your Poeln out.
B. Writing a POerTl Of 120 words.
C. USing both SideS Of the PaPer- I). Mailing your entry On OCtOber 30.
Jenifer MaUer has needed more WilIPOWer than the typical COnege StUdent to puιβsue her goal Ofeaming a nursing degree・That WiIIPOWer bore fruit When JCnnifer graduated from UniVerSity OfWiSCOnSin・Eau Claire and became the first in her Iarge fiimily to earn a bachelor' degree・
MaUen Of Edgar, Wisconsin, grew UP On a farm in a family Of 10 Children. Her dad WOrked at a job away from the faπn, and her mother ran the iamι With the kids. After Iligh SChOOL JennifCr attended a IOCal ICChn iCal college, WOrking to Pay her IUiliOn (学费),because there WaS no CXtra money SCI aside for a COIICgC CdUCatiOn・ After graduation, She WOrked to help her SiSterS and brothers Pay for their SChOOling.
Jennifer now is married and has three ChiIdren Of her own. She decided io go back to COIlege to advance her Career and to be able to better SUPPort her family While doing Something She loves: nursing・ She ChOSe the UW・Eau ClairC PrOgram at MiniStry Saint JOSCPIfs HOSPitaI in MarShfiCld because ShC WaS able to PUrSUC her fbur-ycar degree ClOSe to IIOme・ She COUld drive to ClaSS and be home in the evening to IIelP With her kids. Jennifer received great SUPPOrt from her family as She WOrked to Carn her degree: HCr husband WorkCd two jobs to COVer the bills, and her 68-year-old mother helped take CarC Of the ChiIdren at times ・
ThrOUgh it all. ShC remained in good academic Standing and graduated With IlOnOrS.Jcnnifbr SaCrifICCd (牺牲)to achieve her goal, giving UP many nights With her kids and missing important events to StUdy. U SOme nights my heart WaS breaki ng ιo have to PiCk between my kids and Studying for CXamS Or PaPCrSr ShC SayS・ HOWCVCn her ChiIdren have Ieamed an important IeSSOn WitneSSing their mother earn her degree・ Jennifer is a first-generation graduate and an inspiration to her family — and that's Pretty powerful.
4. What did JCnnifer do after high SChOOI?
A. She helped her dad With his WOrk・
B. ShC ran the family faπn On IICr own.
C・ She SUPPorted herself through COlIege・
D. She taught IIer SiSterS and brothers at home・
5. Why did Jennifer ChoOSC Ihe PrOgraln at MiniStry Saint JOSCPlfS HOSPital in MarShfield?
A. TO take Care Ofher kids easily・
B. TO ICarn from IhC best nurses・
C・ TO SaVe money for her ParCntS・ D. TO find a Well-Paid job there・
6. What did Jennifer SaCrifiCe to achieve her goal?
A. Her health.
B. Her time With family.
C・ Her reputation. D. Her ChallCe Of PrOnlOtion.
7. What Can We Ieam from JCnifer l S StCry?
A. TimC is money.
B. LOVe breaks down barriers・
C. Hard WOrk PayS off.
D. EdUCatiOn is the key to SUCCeSS・
In the mid-1990s, TOm BiSSCll taught EngliSh as a VOIUntCCr in UZbekiStan. HC ICft after SCVCn months, PhySiCalIy broken and having IOSt his mind. A few years later, Still attracted to the country, he returned to UZbekiStan to Write an article about the
disappearance Of the Aral Sea.
HiS ViSit∙ IlOWCVCn ended UP involving a IOt TnOre than Ihal・ HCnCe this book. ChaSiHg the Sea: LOSt AmOng the GhOStS Of EnIPire in Central Asia, WhiCh talks about a road trip from TaShkenI to KarakaIPakStan, Where TnilIiOnS Of IiVeS have been destroyed by the SlOW drying UP Of the sea. it is the stor>r Of an AmeriCaIl travelling to a Strange land, and Of the PCOPIC he meets On his way: Rustam, his translator, a IOVCly 24-ycar-old WhO PiCkCd UP his CoIOrftll EngliSh in California, Oleg and NataSha, his hosts in TaSllkent, and a String Of foreign aid WOrkerS・
ThiS is a quick IOOk at Iife in Uzbekistan, made Of friendliness and warmth, but also its darker SidC Of SOCiCty.
In Samarkand, Mr BiSSell admires (he architectural wonders, WhiIe On his Way to BUkhara he gels a taste Of POliCe methods When SlISPeCted Of dπιg dealing .In Ferghana. he attends a mountain funeral ( ⅞fL) followed by a StnInge drinking Party・ And in KarakalPakStan. he is SaddCnCd by the dust storms, diseases and fishing boats StUCk miles from the sea.
Mr BiSSCIl SkillfUIIy OrganiZCS historical insights and CUltUral references, making his IalC a well-rounded PiCtUrC OfIJZbCkistan, Seen from WeStern CyeS・HiSjUdgmenI and references are decidedly AmeriCan, as WeIl as his delicate stomach. Λs the author explains, this is neither a travel nor a history bock, Or even a PieCe Of reportage. WhateVer it is, the result is a fine and ViVid description Of the PUreSt Of Central ASian traditions・
8. What made Mr BiSSCII return to UZbCkiSIan?
A. HiS friends* invitation.
B. HiS interest in the COUntry.
C. IliS IoVC for IeaChing・
D. IliS desire to regain health.
9. What docs IhC UndCrIinCd WOrd fc'thaf' in ParagraPh 2 refer to?
A. E)CVelOPing a SeriOUS mental disease.
B. Taking a guided tour in CCntral Asia.
C. Working as a VOIUnteer in Uzbekistan.
D. Writing an article about the Aral Sea・
10. WhiCh Ofthe following best describes Mr BiSseIrS road IriP in UZbekiStan?
A. ROnIantiC・
C. PICaSant.
D. DangerOUS・
11. WhaI is the PUrPOSe OfthiS text?
A. TO introduce a book・
B. TO CXPlain a CUItUral PhCnOmCnOn.
C・ TO remember a writer. D. TO recommend a travel destination・
ACCOrding to a recent StUdy in Ihe JOurnal of COnSUnIer ReSearClh both IlIC SiZe and COnSIUnPtiOIl habits Of OUr eating COmPaniOnS Can influence OUr food intake・ And COntrarytO existing research that SayS you ShOUId avoid Cating With heavier PCOPIC WhO OrdCr IargC PornOnS (份),it,s the beanpoles With big appetites you really need to avoid・
TO test the effect Of SOCial influence On eating habιts< the researchers COndUCted IWO expeπments・In the HrSt∙ 95 UndergradUate WOnlen Were individually invited into a Iab to OStenSibIy (表Ifn l.) PartiCiPate in a SnIdy about movie VieWerSlιip. Befbre Ihe film began, each WOmaiI WaS asked to help Herselfto a SnaCk・ An actor hired by the researcherb grabbed her food first. In her natural SlatC t the actor WCigllCd 105 POUndS・ BUt in half IhC CaSCS ShC WOrC a SPCCially designed tat SUit WhiCh increased her Weight to 180 POUndS・
BOth the fat and thin VerSiOnS Of the actor took a Iarge amount OffbOd. The PartiCiPantS IbnOWed suit, taking more food than they normally Wollld have・ HoWeVer t they took SiglliflCantly more When the actor WaS (hin.
FOr the SeCOnd test, in One CaSe the thin actor took two PieCeS Of Candy from the SnaCk bowls. In the Other case. She took 30 PieCeS・ The results Were Similar to the first test: the PartiCiPantS Ibllowed SUit but took SignifiCantly more Candy When Ihe Ihin actor IOOk 30 PiCCCS・
Γhe tests ShOW that the SOCial environment is extremely in fluential When We t re making decisions. If IhiS fellow PaniCiPant is going to Cat more. SO WiII I. CaIl it the TIl have What She S having” effect. However, well adjust the influence・ If an OVCnVCight
PCrSOn is having a IargC POniOn. Γll hold back a bit beca use I SCC the results OfhiS Cating habits ・ BUt if a thin PerSon eats a lot, Γll follow SUit ・ I f he Can eat much and keep slim. Why can,t I?
12. What is the recent StUdy mainly about?
A. FOOd Safety・
B. MOVie VieWerShip.
C. COnSUmer demand・
D. Eating behavior.
13. What does the Underlined WOrd H beanPOIeS M in ParagraPh 1 refer to?
A. Big CatCrS・
B. OVCnVCight persons.
C. PiCky Caters.
D. Tall thin PerSOnS・
14. Why did IIIC researchers hire IhC actor?
A. TO See how She WOUId affect the PaniCiPantS・
B. TO test if the PartiCiPantS COUkl recognize her.
C・ TO Hnd OUt What She WOUld do in the two tests・
D. TO StUdy Why ShC COUId keep her WCight down.
15. On What basis do We H adjUSt Ihe influence11 according Io Ihe IaSt paragraph?
A. 1 low hungry WC arc.
B. IlOW Slim WC Want to be.
C・ HOW WC PerCCiVe OtherS・ D. HOW We feel about the food・
第二节(共5小题:每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
SOmC individuals arc bom With a gift tor PUbliC SPCaking・16 DO you Want to be a good PUbIiC speaker?
Here are SOlne PrinCiPleS you must master.
PCOPlC Want to IiStCn to SOnlCOnC WhO is interesting, relaxed and COmtbrtable. TOO often, When you Stand UP to give a speech, yoυ focus On (he "public" at (he CXPCnSe Of the "speaking.^ 17 FOCUS On IhC SPeaking・ Talk directly to your audience, be yourself and make a COnneCtiOn・
EVCn the most SUCCCSSfUl PUbIiC SPCakCr Will make mistakes・ Yet, IhC OnIy OnC Who CarCS about any mistake is the One WhO is SPCaking・ People's attention WandCrS constantly. In fact, InOSt PCOPle OnIy absorb about 20 PerCent Of a speaker's message・ So, don't StOP SPeaking When you make a IniStake UnleSS it's a truly SeriOUS one. 18
YOUr goal is not to be a PerfCCt PUbliC speaker. 19 Λnd IikC CVCrything CISC in life, that takes PraCtiCC・ Remember, even WOrId ChamPiOn athletes PraCtiCe their SkilIS On a COnSiStent basis・
20 lt,s rare to hear SomeOne say, "I WiSh that speaker had SPoken IOnger-M On the Other hand, you PrObably Can e t COUnt Ihe times that you’ve IhOUght t *Tm glad that talk is OVer・ 1( Seemed to go On forever!M SO SUrPriSe your audιcncc. AIWayS make your PrCSCntatiOn jUSt a bit ShOrtCr than anticipated. It's better to ICaVC your IiStCnCrS WiShing tor IllOre than ShiIting restlessly in Iheir SeatS Waiting for your SPCeCh finally to end.
Λ. DO the opposite.
B. YOU Want to be an elective PUbliC SPeakCr e
C. YOU don,ι need to apologize for a minor slip.
D. WhCn it COmCS to PUbIiC SPCaking, less is USUaIIy more.
E. ThC ObJCCtiVC Of most SPCCChCS is to benefit the audicncc.
F. Take the fear OUt Of PUbliC SPeaking by fc>cusing On your IiStenerS.
G However, the majority Of PCOPlC are CftCCtiVC SPCakCι*s because they train to be.
MOIai grew UP in a tiny VilIagC in India・ ThC VilIagC Iay near SOmC WCtIandS WhiCh became his SCCOnd 21
He Iearned the ValUe and beauty Of 22 Ihere IroIn a Very young ag亡.
WhCn he WaS 16, MOIai began to notice SOmCthing 23 happening around his home. A flood had hit the
area earlier that year and the 24 it CaUSed had driven away a number OfbirdS・ 25 ■ the number Of SnakeS had declined as well. He 26 that it WaS because Ihere weren't enough IreeS to PrOteCt IheIn from the 27
The SOIUtion, Of course, WaS to PIant trees SO the animals COUId Seek 28 during the daytime・ He turned to Ihe 29_ dcpartrncnl for help but WaS told Ihat nothing WOUld grow IhCrC・However, MOlai WCnt l∞king On his OWn and
30 a nearby island WhCrC he IKgan to Plant trees・
31 young PIantS in IhC dry SCaSOn WaS 32 for a IOnC boy. MOIai built at IhC 33 Of CaCh SaPIing (幼树〉a bamboo platform. Where he PlaCed earthen POtS With SmaIl holes to 34 rainwater. The Water WOUId then drip (滴落)On the PlantS below.
Molai 35 to PIant trees for the next 37 years, IliS CnbrtS have resulted in 1,36() acres Of naturally-grown Iand that IIaS become home to many PIantS and animals.
21. A ・ dream BJob C. home D. ChOiCC
22. A. nature B. youth C・ CUItUre D. knowledge
23. A. PreCiOUS B. interesting C. (IiStUrbing D・ awkward
24. A. WaSte B. tension C. Pain D. damage
25. A. BCSidCS B. HOWCVer C. ThCrCfbrC D. OthCrWiSC
26. A. agreed B. realized C. remembered D. PrediCted
27. A. noise B. heat C. disease D. dust
28. Λ. directions B. PartnerS C. help D. SheIter
29. A. IabOr B. POliCe C. forest D・ finance
30. Λ. rebuilt B. CiiSCOVCrCd C. ICft D・ιnanagcd
31. A. DCCOrating B ObSCrV r ing C. WatCnng D. GUarding
32. A. IOUgh B. illegal C. IantaStiC D. beneficial
33. A. back B. top C. foot D. Side
34. Λ. COOl down B. keep Off C. PUrify D. COIleCt
35. A. returned B. Ieamed C. failed D. COntinUed
第二节(共10小題:每小题1. 5分.满分15分)
Many PeOPle have the hobby Of COIIeCting things, e.g. stamps, POStCardS Or antiques. In the 18th and 19th centuries, 36 (Wealth) PCOPIC travelled and COlleCted plants, historical ObjCCtS and WOrkS Of art. ThCy kept
their ColleCtiOn at home Until it got too big 37 Until they died, and then it WaS given to a museum. ThC XoJ)OO ObjCCtS COlIeCted by Sir HanS Sloane, for example, 38 (form) the COrC COlICCtiOn OfthC BritiSh MUSCUm 39 OPCnCd in 1759・
ThC PartS Of a museum OPCn to the PUbliC 40 (CaII) galleries Or rooms. Often, Only a SmaIl Part Of a museum's COlICCtiOn 41 (be) On display. MOSt Of it is StOrCd away Or USCd for research.
Many museums arc IiVeIy PlaCCS and they attract a IOt Of ViSitOrS・ AS WCII as IOOking at CXhibiIs. ViSitOrS Can PIay With COmPUtCr SimUIatiOnS (IMM) and imagine 42 (they) IiVing at a different time in history Or _43 (VValk) IhrOUgh a rainforest. At the JOn r ik CCntrC in York, the city,s Viking SCttICnICnt is recreated, and PCOPlC experience the sights, SOUndS and SmelIS Of the Old town. HiStOriCal 44 (accurate) is important but SO is
entertainment. MUSeUmS must COinPete 45 people's SPare time and money With Other amusements・MOSt museums also WeICOmC sch∞l groups and arran ge SPCCial activities for ChiIdrCn・
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A CrOSS-COUntry RUnning RaCe
The Mere(Iith family IiVed in a SmaIl COnImUnity. AS the economy WaS in decline, SOnle PeOPle in the town had IOSt Ihcirjobs. Many Of IlIeir IamiliCS WCrC StrUggling to InakC CndS IneCL PeOPIC UCre Irying to help CaCh OthCr meet the ChallengeS Mrs. MCrCdith WaS a most kind and thoughtful Wonlan. ShC SPCnt a great deal Of time ViSiting the poor. ShC knew they had PrObIems, and Ihey needed all kinds OfheIP・ When She had time, She WOUld bring food and medicine to them.
OnC InOrning She told her ChiIdren about a family She had ViSited the day before. There WaS a man SiCk in bed, his wife, WhO took Care Of him and COUkl nol go OUt to work, and Iheir IiltIe boy. ThC IittIe boy — his name WaS BCmard — had interested her VCry much・
∙∙1 WiSh you COUld SCC him/* ShC Said to her OWn children. John, Harry, and CIara・'、Hc is SUCh a help to his mother. HC WantS VCry much to Carn SOmC money, but I don,t SCC What he Can do.”
Aftcr their mother ICft the room・ the ChildrCn Sat thinking UbOUt BCmard・"I WiSh WC COUld help him to Cam money." Said CIara. "His family is SUtIering SO much/*
'4So do If Said Harry. tfc Wc really ShOUId do SOmCthing to assist them/*
FOr SOme moments, JOhn Said nothing, buU suddenly, he SPrang to his feel and cried, fc'l have a gre<ιt idea? 1 have a SOIUtiOn that We Can all help accomplish (完成).M
TlIC OthCr ChildrCn also jumped UP all attention. WhCn John had an idc∑u it WaS SUrC to be a good one. 44I tell you What WC
Can do;' Said John. 44You know that big box Of COrn UnClC JOhn SCnt us? WClI, wc Can make POPCOm (爆米/芝)■ and PUt it into PaPer bags, and Bemard Can take it around to the houses and SelI it.M
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WhCn Mr5・ MCrCdith heard Of JOhrrS idea. ShC thought it WaS a good one, too.
With everything ready, Bernard SIarted OUt On his new business.
LA 2. C IB 4. C 5. A
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. D10. B
ILA12. D IlD14. A15. C
16.G17. A.18. C】9・B20. D
21.C22. A23. C24. D25. A
26. B27 B28.D29. C30. B
31.C32. A33. B34. D35. D
36∙ WCalthy37. Or38∙ formed39. WbiCI√that40. arc CallCd 41. ⅛42. IhenUClVeS43. WaIking44. accuracy45. for