

有机硅胶粘剂的研究进展肖凯斐(西安工业大学北方信息工程学院,机电信息系,陕西省西安市710032)摘要 :综述了有机硅胶粘剂的组成、种类、性能及其应用,并对硅橡胶胶粘剂在粘接性、导热性、固化性能的研究进展进行了叙述。
关键词 :硅橡胶硅树脂有机硅压敏胶胶粘剂Study on high temperature-resistant anaerobicadhesiveXiaokaifei( Xi'an Technological University North Institute Of InformationEngineering,Mechanical and electrical information system ,Shan'xiProvince,Xi'an 710032)Abstract: The compositions, categories, properties and applications of organosilicon adhesives were reviewed. Moreover , the bonding ability, heat conductivity and curing of silicone rubber type adhesive w ere introduced.Keywords:Silicone rubber Silicone resin Organosilicon pressure sensitive adhesive Adhesive有机硅材料是一类性能优异、功能独特、用途极广的新材料,是高分子新型材料中产业规模最大的材料之一,是一种关系着技术革新、国防现代化、国民经济发展及人民生活水平提高的新材料。

有机 硅产 品 的 基本 结 构 单 元 是 硅 ~氧 链 节 , 侧 链 则是 与硅 原 子 相 连 的各 种 有 机基 团 。因此 , 在有 机硅 中既 含有 “ 机 基 团 ” 有 ,又 含 有 “ 机 无 结构” ,这 种特 殊 的结 构 使 其集 有 机 物 的特 性 与
无机 物 的功能 于一 身 。
善其附着力 、固化性能、施工性能 ,使之更适合
于涂料应用的要求 , 同时也会在一定程度上降 但
低涂 层 的耐 热性 能 。 122 有 机硅 改性 涂料 .. 122 1 环氧 树脂 改性 有机 硅涂 料 .. .
刘成楼以有机硅改性丙烯酸树脂为基料 ,添 加纳米氧化锡锑及其它助剂 ,制成具有一定隔热 功 能 ,且不 影 响室 内采光 的透 明 隔热涂 料 ,涂膜 保持了良好的物理性能 ,尤其是耐沾污性 、耐候 性 、环 保性 优异 … 。
腐蚀等作用 。与常温隔热涂料相比,中温隔热涂
料 除要 求具 有 同样 出色 的隔热性 能 以外 ,还 需要 在 环境 温 度 条 件 下 保 持 自身 结 构 、性 能 及 隔 热
12 1 有机硅 涂 料 ..
硅 树脂 清漆 可 耐 20~20℃ ;以硅 树 脂 为 0 5
基料 ,加入铝粉 、耐热填料 、玻璃料配制的涂料
环 氧树脂 具 有 优 良 的机 械性 能 、 电气 性 能 、
耐化 学 品性 、粘 接性 能 以及 易 成 型加工 、成 本低
有机硅树脂涂料 ,可在 80o 左右 的环境下使 5 C 用 ,2mi n内隔热温 差 在 60℃ 以上 ,并 保 留原 6
漆膜 。
廉等优点 ,结合硅树脂 的耐高温 、耐候 、憎水及 电气强度高等特点,能够制备 出性能优异的耐高 温隔热涂料。改性硅树脂的合成过程中,最大的

有机硅陶瓷涂料的研究进展陈子辉;刘仲阳;林家祥【摘要】基于溶胶-凝胶法制备的有机硅陶瓷涂料具有有机涂料无法比拟的综合优势,如硬度高、耐候性好、阻燃无烟、安全无毒等,在不粘锅、铝幕墙、地铁机车等领域得到了广泛应用.本文概述了有机硅陶瓷涂料的制备工艺、配方组成对涂层性能的影响,讨论了在有机硅陶瓷涂料配方设计时需要避免的误区.此外,还介绍了有机硅陶瓷涂料最新研究成果:柔性有机硅陶瓷涂料及塑料-陶瓷复合材料制备技术,并分析了有机硅陶瓷涂料的未来发展趋势.%Silicone ceramic coatings made through sol-gel technique show unparalleled comprehensive advantages over traditional organic coatings,such as high hardness,excellent weathering resistance,flame retardant,safe and nontoxic.They have been widely used in non -stick pan,aluminum curtain wall,subway locomotive.Herein,the relationship between the preparation processes,formula and the performance of ceramic coatings was mon misconceptions in the formulation design were also discussed.Furthermore,two kinds of novel silicone ceramic coatings including flexible silicone ceramic coating and plastic silicone ceramic coating were introduced.Further trend was forecasted as well.【期刊名称】《涂料工业》【年(卷),期】2017(047)011【总页数】7页(P1-7)【关键词】有机硅;陶瓷涂料;溶胶-凝胶法;增韧;高性能涂料【作者】陈子辉;刘仲阳;林家祥【作者单位】中海油常州涂料化工研究院有限公司,江苏常州213016;中海油常州涂料化工研究院有限公司,江苏常州213016;中海油常州涂料化工研究院有限公司,江苏常州213016【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ637陶瓷涂料并没有严格的定义,一般来说,固化后具有类似于陶瓷的性能,尤其是高硬度和高耐磨性能的涂料均可称之为陶瓷涂料。

有机硅涂料(silicone coating)Research progress of organosilicon coatingsSilicone is the first widely used elements of the organic polymer compound, has excellent performances due to its unique chemical structure, widely used in various fields of national economy, but also plays an important role in the paint industry. Silicone coatings are organosilicon polymer and silicone modified polymer as main film coating material, it has excellent heat resistance, electrical insulation, corona resistance, radiation resistance, moisture resistance and weather resistance, stain resistance, monk water and chemical corrosion resistance and other properties, in recent years in the improvement and application performance of the products have been the rapid development of.1 silicone resin coating made of organic silicon resin film material, mainly heat-resistant, weather resistant silicone anti-corrosion coating, scratch resistant transparent silicone coating, release and moisture-proof coatings and radiation resistant coatings and other varieties.Coating with silicone resin with three methyl chlorosilane (CH3 SiCl3), two methyl two chloro silane [(CH3) 2SiCl2], three (C6H5SiCL3) phenyl chlorosilane, two phenyl chlorosilane two [(C6H5) 2SiCl2] and methyl phenyl chlorosilane CHO two (C6H5) SiCl2 as raw materials for hydrolysis polycondensation prepared. The effect of monomer structure, number and proportion of functional groups on properties of coatings is very important. The types of organic groups connected on silicon atoms also affect the properties of resins. Differentorganic groups can make organosilicon resins exhibit different properties. For example, when the organic group is methyl silicone resin, with thermal stability, releasability, hydrophobicity and arc resistance; for phenyl, given the oxidation stability of silicone resin, crystalline polymer can be destroyed in a certain range;As the vinyl group, the curing property of organosilicon resin can be improved, and coupling property is brought into being; when phenyl ethyl is used, the compatibility of organosilicon resin and organic substance can be improved. The base can be introduced in the siloxane backbone, increase its compatibility with alkyd resin and polyester resin; introducing phenylene and two phenyl ether subunit, biphenyl subunit of aromatic subunit and silicon carbon boron polymers, radiation resistance, the temperature can reach 300 to 500 DEG C; the backbone structure for the Si-N bond is silicone polymer, its thermal stability at 400 deg. In practical application, different organosilicon monomers can be selected according to the requirements, and different organic groups are induced in the organosilicon resin.Chenguang Research Institute of chemical industry with a viscosity of 20 ~ s, 40mPa - hydroxy silicone oil (CH3) and 2SiCl2 methyl triethoxysilane as raw material, control of nR / NSI is 1.3 ~ 1.4, the quality of 2SiCl2 (CH3) and hydroxyl silicone oil ratio was 7O:3O, and the drop of water way at the temperature of 50 1H hydrolysis. Get the methyl silicone resin has good hardness and elasticity, can be used for flame retardant coatings were prepared by metal film resistors. Chinese Academy of sciences so CH3SiCl3 as the main raw material,acetone and xylene as the solvent, soluble trapezoid with narrow molar mass distribution of poly methyl silicone resin was synthesized by the high temperature coating resin with a certain amount of aluminum powder, RTV silicone rubber prepared by 250 DEG C, old 1000 h, its flexibility, oil resistance and resistance have good corrosion resistance. HeFei University of Technology siloxane silicate four functional groups with three functional groups, through strict control of total hydrolysis reaction, the base material is prepared with silicate and silicone polymer properties, the binder and filler and other auxiliary materials according to a certain proportion of organic silicon heat-resisting coating made of.2 modified silicone resin coating while the silicone resin has many excellent properties, but also has some problems: the general need for high temperature (150 ~ 200 DEG C) curing, curing time, the construction of large area is not convenient; adhesion to the substrate, organic solvent resistance, high temperature mechanical strength of the film is not good, the price more expensive etc.. In order to overcome these shortcomings, organic silicone resin was used to modify the organic resin. Modified silicone resin usually has the advantages of two resins, which can make up for some deficiencies in the performance of the two resins, thereby improving performance and expanding application fields. There are two kinds of modification methods, physical mixing and chemical modification. The effect of chemical modification is better than that of physical blending. Chemical modification is mainly on the end or side chain of polysiloxane chain, and then react with other polymers to produce block, graft or interpenetrating polymer networks, thus obtaining newproperties. In the coatings industry, silicone modified organic resins are mainly alkyd resins. Acrylic resin, epoxy resin, etc..2.1 silicone modified alkyd resin coatingSilicone modified alkyd resin coatings is not only an alkyd resin paint film curing at room temperature and physical and mechanical properties, and has the advantages of good heat resistant silicone resin, UV aging resistance and good water resistance characteristics, coating is an excellent comprehensive performance. The first modification was to add the silicone resin directly to the alkyd reaction kettle that reached the end point,The weatherability of alkyd resin is improved greatly. Another modification is to prepare reactive organosilicon oligomers to react with free hydroxyl groups on alkyd resins, and also to use organosilicon oligomers as polyols and alkyd resins for polycondensation. The alkyd resin modified by chemical reaction has better weatherability. Hunan University prepared by alcoholysis hydroxyl alkyd prepolymer and end to hydrolysis or different functional silicone prepolymer prepared by polycondensation reaction synthesis (A B) silicone alkyd type n block copolymer, and the copolymer as base material made of varnish; comprehensive performance of the varnish excellent, not only has the alkyd resin varnish film flexibility, room temperature curing, impact strength and advantages of good adhesion, but also greatly improve the heat resistance, ageing resistance and anti corrosion properties of water medium.2.2 silicone modified acrylic resin coatingSilicone modified acrylic resin coating has excellent weatherability. It has the advantages of light retention, color retention, easy powdering and good gloss. It is widely used for pre coating of metal sheets, painting of machine equipment and weatherproof decoration and decoration of interior and exterior walls of buildings. Silicone modified acrylic resin has two types, solvent and emulsion, of which silicone acrylic latex coating has excellent weatherability, stain resistance, chemical resistance, is an environmentally friendly green paint. Hubei University uses a water-soluble radical initiator, with hydrogen containing silicone oil and butyl acrylate as raw material, the excellent performance of silicone / acrylic emulsion was synthesized by emulsion polymerization method; the emulsion has good acid and alkali. High and low temperature resistance and electrolyte stability, the coatings prepared with it have good weatherability and stain resistance. Ji'nan Chemical Research of acrylate monomer and D4 and vinyl seven methyl siloxane ring four as raw material, by adding a certain amount of grafting agent, using a batch of polyacrylate stable synthesis of polysiloxane emulsion. Sichuan Province Building Materials Industry Research Institute by pre emulsification process, the activity of silicone and acrylate monomer by emulsion copolymerization by organosilicon modified acrylic emulsion coating prepared with the emulsion of stain resistance, excellent comprehensive performance.Fudan University with vinyl silicone monomer and acrylate, methyl acrylate and acrylic acid hydroxy ester monomer polymerization by seed emulsion was stable with excellentproperties of silicone modified acrylate emulsion. Acrylic silicone resin was modified by organosilicon monomer in Zhejiang University, and silicone acrylic emulsion coating was prepared. Polysiloxane polyacrylate interpenetrating network coating synthesis of Chongqing University, the coating is colorless and transparent, high hardness, strong adhesion, acid deposition, heat aging and has good permeability, can be used as anti weathering materials of rock friction moment.HH silicone acrylic resin developed by Shanghai Academy of building research is suitable for the preparation of weather resistant coatings with high weatherability for more than 15 years. HeFei University of Technology with TEOS hydrolysis condensation part to polysiloxane with hydroxyl acrylic resin was prepared by organic silicone modified acrylic resin; the resin in acid and alkali resistance, salt resistance, solvent resistance and impact strength has significantly improved compared with that of pure polysiloxane, and high temperature resistance is obviously improved acrylic resin. Jiangsu architectural materials research and Design Institute introduced a certain amount of organosilicon functional group in the synthesis of acrylic resin, and prepared the solvent modified silicone resin coating with high weatherability. The Chinese Academy of Sciences of Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics with hydroxyl terminated poly two methyl siloxane, in two under the action of azo isobutyronitrile, and methacrylic acid (ester) monomers by solution copolymerization, silicon rubber modified acrylic resin, the resin has good heat resistance.2.3 silicone modified epoxy resin coatingThe modification of epoxy resin with organosilicon can not only reduce the internal stress of epoxy resin, but also increase the toughness of epoxy resin and improve its heat resistance. The poly (two siloxane) modified novolac epoxy resin has greatly reduced the internal stress and improved the cracking resistance index of the Institute of chemistry of Chinese Academy of sciences. Wuhan Research Institute of materials protection and the compatibility with epoxy resin and reactive silicone oligomer polycondensation of the prepared silicone modified epoxy resin has advantages of both epoxy resin and silicone resin, not only improve the heat resistance, but also has good corrosion resistance. Two point fourModification of styrene acrylate emulsion with organosilicon modified styrene acrylic emulsion coating can obviously improve its weatherability, gloss, elasticity and durability. Shanghai University of Engineering Science by graft copolymerization of synthetic silicone modified styrene acrylic emulsion has the excellent properties of silicone and acrylic resin coating, good elasticity, the elongation was significantly higher than that of styrene acrylic emulsion coating. Silicone modified styrene acrylate emulsion building coating was prepared by adding a certain amount of organic silicone to styrene acrylic emulsion polymerization in Shanghai traffic science and technology university,The coating has good water resistance, scouring resistance and durability.2.5 silicone modified other resin coatingSilicone modified polyurethane coatings are widely used in Aircraft Skins, large tank surfaces, building roofs and cultural relics protection. The Chinese Academy of Sciences of Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics with hydroxyl terminated poly two methyl siloxane and alcohol solution of castor oil modified polyurethane prepolymer was modified, the curing rate of the blend is improved after the film adhesion, hardness, heat resistance is also improved. It also uses organosilicon modified urushiol resin as base material to prepare paint with resistance to boiling water and water vapor permeability. It can be used for corrosion protection of equipment for a long time. Shanghai Research Institute of building science by using epoxy resin, acrylic resin, silicone resin copolymer in the main chain introduced special hydrophilic functional groups made of water soluble epoxy silicone acrylic resin, the resin has excellent physical and mechanical properties, and has good resistance to aging. Anti ultraviolet and anti-corrosion properties. The coatings made of this resin are basically non-toxic, easy to construct, good in coating properties and good in decorative effect. In the research of Chenguang Chemical Research Institute, copolymerization of styrene, methyl methacrylate, acrylonitrile and organosilicon was used to develop a kind of impregnating agent for electronic devices.3 silicone rigid wear-resistant coatingStudy of organosilicon hard coating on silica sol as Q chain components, functional silicon or carbon functional silane to alkyl chain as a T component, in the presence of water, alcohol and acid catalyst by hydrolysis and polycondensation are partof TQ type silicon resin pre silicon containing hydroxyl polymer solution. By adjusting the variety of RSi (OR ') 3 and the ratio of silica sol to the additive, the variety and solvent of the additive, we can make a kind of hard and wear-resistant coating with various properties. The viscosity of organosilicon coating is usually 4~25 m, Pa, s, and the solid content is 20% ~ 30%. After coating on the surface of the substrate, the remaining silicon hydroxyl groups are condensed under heating condition to form a network structure of hardened wear-resistant layer.Silicone reinforced wear-resistant coating is superior to UV curing acrylic resin hardening coating in both wear resistance and weather resistance. Transparent plastics processed by organosilicon stiffening coatings have been widely used as glasses, car lampshades, instrument scales, compact discs and special architectural windows.4 ConclusionWith the further research, development and improvement of new materials, the performance of silicone coating will be more excellent to meet the different needs of different industries or fields. With the improvement of people's life and beautify the demands for living rooms and buildings, silicone coating with excellent weatherability and stain resistant performance in the decoration of building has a broad application prospect; and, with the increasing awareness of environmental protection silicone coatings towards non pollution, green environmental protection development direction.Refractory paint TK-000Product ingredients: refractory paint TK-000 series by silicone resin as the main raw material, the product features: high temperature of 800 DEG, acid and alkali resistance, good blackness, high hardness, good weatherability. Application: metal, iron surface coating. For example the fireplace. Through the international quality standard: SGS non-toxic inspection standard. Viscosity: 65 + 5KU/30 C color the following 2 points: black, light adjustable hardness: H-2H dry conditions: 150 DEG C * 30 'solid content: 54% + 2% adhesion: 100% (iron) leveling: good feeling: good complementary series: silicone special solvent construction method: spraying standard packing: canned note: as the climate is different, that day water should be used in different products, more details please contact the company or the dealer.According to the characteristics of low surface energy and low viscosity of organosilicon polymer itself, it is more suitable for practical application and modified in preparation process. The range of application of modified silicone resin is wider and better, which has been proved by the development trend.The above is from the coating process. Chemical industry press. ISBN7-5025-1434-1/TQ.786) part of the third chapter silicone coating: if you can borrow this book, it might be of greater help to you;Preparation of silicone resin, usually more than two or more than two units for hydrolysis, raw materials in the following article is given. When the hydrolysis conditions are different,the composition of the intermediate product and the amount of the ring formation of the hydrolysis product are often greatly different, even though the formula is the same. Effects of various factors on hydrolysis:1. Influence of pH value of hydrolysis medium(1) acid medium; (2) neutral medium; (3) alkaline medium;2. The influence of water content in hydrolysis medium: the amount of water needed for reaction is lower than that of silane reaction, which forms the gradual hydrolysis and polycondensation reaction, limiting the formation of ring. The hydrolysis of excess water is the opposite.3, the influence of the solvent in the hydrolysis medium4 、 the influence of equipment agitation speed in hydrolysis5, the influence of temperature on hydrolysis, the higher temperature when hydrolysis, the molecular movement of components is intense, the chance of collision with each other is increased, which is beneficial to the growth of CO polycondensation, low temperature,Otherwise.Formulation formulation related factors: depending on the resin type, this factor varies:(1) the average degree of substitution of alkyl hydrocarbons(D.S.); (2) the average mass of% (including SiOx, phenyl, methyl); after a lot of chemists' careful research experience, there is a data range;Modified resin: it has the advantage of two kinds of resin, and makes up for the disadvantage of silicone resin, and makes it more suitable for coating application. General organic silicone modified organic resin: alkyd resin, polyester resin, epoxy resin, acrylic resin, polyurethane resin, phenolic resin and so on;Two methods of modification: cold spelling (physical method); chemical method;。

2 改性有机硅树脂涂料 尽管有机硅树脂具有许多优异性能,但也存在一些问题:一般需高温(150~200℃)固化,固化时间长,大面积施工不方便;对基材的附着力差,耐有机溶剂性差,温度较高时漆膜的机械强度不好,价格较贵等。为克服这些缺点,常用有机硅树脂对有机树脂进行改性。改性有机硅树脂通常兼具两种树脂的优点,可弥补两种树脂在性能上的某些不足,从而提高性能、拓展应用领域。改性方法有物理共混和化学改性两种,化学改性的效果一般比物理共混改性好。化学改性主要是在聚硅氧烷链的末端或侧链上引人活性基团,再与其它高分子反应生成嵌段、接校或互穿网络共聚物,从而获得新的性能。在涂料工业中,用有机硅改性的有机树脂主要有醇酸树脂。丙烯酸树脂、环氧树脂等。


2 有 机 硅 改 性 聚 氨 酯 涂 料
将 有 机硅 用于 聚 氨酯 的 改性 是 改善 聚 氨酯 和 有 机 硅材 料 单一 材 料性 能 缺 陷 的一条 重 要途 径 。 改 性 方 法 既 可 以 是 将 有机 硅 与 聚 氨 酯 预 聚 体 共 聚 ,也 可 以是将 有机 硅 作 为改 性剂 直 接 添加 到聚
异氰 酸 酯 、扩 链 剂和 亲 水扩 链 剂为 主 要原 料 ,制 成 有机 硅 改性 聚 氨 酯乳 液 。该 乳液 稳 定性 好 ;聚 硅氧 烷 链段 富 集在 乳 胶膜 表 面 ,对 聚 氨酯材 料 具
附着 力而 倍受青 睐 ,大 量用于 金属 板材 的预 涂装 、 机器 设 备 的涂装 及 建 筑物 内外墙 的耐候 装 饰 。带
受 到 限制 。为充 分 发挥 有机 硅树 脂 的优 点 ,同时 克服其 缺点 ,可将 有机树 脂进 行改 性 。
有机 硅 树脂 与 其它 有机 树 脂 的反 应 可预 先在
有 ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 机 硅 氟 资 讯
聚 、 自由基 聚合 及 加成 反应 ( 际应 用 中大 都采 实 用缩 聚反应 ) ,在 聚有 机硅氧 烷 主链 的末端 或侧链 连接 上 其 它有机 树 脂 ,形 成嵌 段 、接 枝 或互 穿 网 络共 聚 物 ;从 而赋 予 有机 硅树 脂 新 的性能 ,使其
获得新 的应用 。
有机溶剂性差 ;因固化温度高、固化时间长,不 便 于 大 面积 施工 。所 以 ,直 接 用作 涂料 的 成膜 剂




由表 2可知 , 随着有机硅单 体 S 10 i 8 0含量 的增大 , -
涂膜 的附着力 逐渐增 强 , 当有机 硅 含量 达 到 3 时 , 5 涂
膜 的附着力优 良。涂膜 与基材之 间可通 过机 械结 合 、 物 理 吸附 、 形成氢 键 和化 学键 、 相互 扩 散 等作 用 结合 在 一
性 、 冲 击 性 、 磨耗 性 也 优 于 纯 丙涂 料 , 随 着有 机 硅 单 体 S-8 0含 量从 1 增 加 到 3 , 膜 的 耐 洗 刷 性 、 着 力 耐 耐 且 i 0 1 5 5 涂 附
明 显 增 强 , 冲 击性 和 耐 磨耗 性 略 有 提 高 , 韧 性 基 本 无 变化 , 涂 膜 的 硬 度 、 泽 度 和 遮 盖 力 略 有 下 降 。 耐 柔 而 光 关键词 : 机硅 ; 有 丙烯 酸 酯 ; 膜 涂
出料 , 用 。其 中有 机硅 大 单 体 S- 8 o的用 量 ( 备 i o 1 以单 体 总质量 计 ) 分别 为 0 、5 、3 、 O 和 3 。 % 1 2 3 5
1 3 涂 料 的 制 备 . 将 OP 1 、8 F( 泡 剂 ) GA 4 ( 平 剂 ) 丙 二 一0 6 1 消 、 一0 流 、
是 理想 的外 墙 装饰 涂料 。 在各 种有 机硅 改 性 丙 烯 酸 酯 乳 液 中 , 机 硅 大单 有
体 的 含量 ( 占单 体 总 质 量 比) 高 只有 2 [ 。作 者 最 0 9 ] 选 择 适 当的 聚合 工艺 , 整有机 硅 的含 量 , 得 了高 固 调 制 含量 和硅 含 量 的稳定 的有 机 硅 改 性 丙 烯 酸 酯 乳 液 , 同 时参 照 国家 标准 对该 乳液 制 备 的涂 料 涂膜 后 的性 能进

基于该材料,Yao 等[18]进一步开发了损伤可愈合且耐油的超分子有机硅涂层 . 该涂层具有拒各种 烷基油性、高机械强度、对不同表面的强黏附性及可靠的损伤愈合性等很少见的特性 . UPy 单元的互 补氢键可增强涂层的损伤愈合和机械性能 . 涂层/基底边界处的高密度 UPy 单元也有助于通过强氢键 形成强的界面黏附力 . 借助于 UPy 的多重氢键,该聚合物可以黏附在各种基底上 . 由图 4 可见,该涂层 对于非极性有机溶剂(正己烷、正辛烷、正十二烷、正十六烷、葡萄籽油和橄榄油)表现出很小的接触角 滞后(CAH,1°~2°),这得益于聚硅氧烷优异的滑油/脱湿特性 . 相比之下,该涂层对极性有机液体的 CAH 则有所增大 . 与非极性液体接触时,该涂层中 UPy 基元被硅氧烷链段屏蔽,并且油滴与富含硅氧 烷的表面之间的相互作用较弱,因而 CAH 较小;与极性有机液体接触时,硅氧烷主链具有更好的流动 性,暴露屏蔽的 UPy 基元,从而导致分子间相互作用和 CAH 的增大 .
近年来,具有自愈合、自修复功能的有机硅超分子材料引起了人们的广泛关注 . 超分子化学的蓬 勃发展为该类动态材料的设计提供了丰富的手段[6,7]. 超分子化学被描述为超越分子的化学,涉及利用 非共价作用构筑复杂超分子结构[8,9]. 通常,这些相互作用比共价键弱,包括氢键、配位键、范德华力、 偶极-偶极相互作用及 π-π 相互作用等[10]. 自然界存在大量利用超分子作用构筑精密复杂分子结构的 例子,包括酶、蛋白质和 DNA 等 . 在过去的 10 年里,各种各样的超分子键被引入到有机硅材料中,使 其具有了许多智能功能[11,12],如刺激响应性、自愈合性[13,14]、可逆性和适应性[15]等 .
有机硅涂料(silicone coating)

有机硅涂料(silicone coating)Research progress of organosilicon coatingsSilicone is the first widely used elements of the organic polymer compound, has excellent performances due to its unique chemical structure, widely used in various fields of national economy, but also plays an important role in the paint industry. Silicone coatings are organosilicon polymer and silicone modified polymer as main film coating material, it has excellent heat resistance, electrical insulation, corona resistance, radiation resistance, moisture resistance and weather resistance, stain resistance, monk water and chemical corrosion resistance and other properties, in recent years in the improvement and application performance of the products have been the rapid development of.1 silicone resin coating made of organic silicon resin film material, mainly heat-resistant, weather resistant silicone anti-corrosion coating, scratch resistant transparent silicone coating, release and moisture-proof coatings and radiation resistant coatings and other varieties.Coating with silicone resin with three methyl chlorosilane (CH3 SiCl3), two methyl two chloro silane [(CH3) 2SiCl2], three (C6H5SiCL3) phenyl chlorosilane, two phenyl chlorosilane two [(C6H5) 2SiCl2] and methyl phenyl chlorosilane CHO two (C6H5) SiCl2 as raw materials for hydrolysis polycondensation prepared. The effect of monomer structure, number and proportion of functional groups on properties of coatings is very important. The types of organic groups connected on silicon atoms also affect the properties of resins. Differentorganic groups can make organosilicon resins exhibit different properties. For example, when the organic group is methyl silicone resin, with thermal stability, releasability, hydrophobicity and arc resistance; for phenyl, given the oxidation stability of silicone resin, crystalline polymer can be destroyed in a certain range;As the vinyl group, the curing property of organosilicon resin can be improved, and coupling property is brought into being; when phenyl ethyl is used, the compatibility of organosilicon resin and organic substance can be improved. The base can be introduced in the siloxane backbone, increase its compatibility with alkyd resin and polyester resin; introducing phenylene and two phenyl ether subunit, biphenyl subunit of aromatic subunit and silicon carbon boron polymers, radiation resistance, the temperature can reach 300 to 500 DEG C; the backbone structure for the Si-N bond is silicone polymer, its thermal stability at 400 deg. In practical application, different organosilicon monomers can be selected according to the requirements, and different organic groups are induced in the organosilicon resin.Chenguang Research Institute of chemical industry with a viscosity of 20 ~ s, 40mPa - hydroxy silicone oil (CH3) and 2SiCl2 methyl triethoxysilane as raw material, control of nR / NSI is 1.3 ~ 1.4, the quality of 2SiCl2 (CH3) and hydroxyl silicone oil ratio was 7O:3O, and the drop of water way at the temperature of 50 1H hydrolysis. Get the methyl silicone resin has good hardness and elasticity, can be used for flame retardant coatings were prepared by metal film resistors. Chinese Academy of sciences so CH3SiCl3 as the main raw material,acetone and xylene as the solvent, soluble trapezoid with narrow molar mass distribution of poly methyl silicone resin was synthesized by the high temperature coating resin with a certain amount of aluminum powder, RTV silicone rubber prepared by 250 DEG C, old 1000 h, its flexibility, oil resistance and resistance have good corrosion resistance. HeFei University of Technology siloxane silicate four functional groups with three functional groups, through strict control of total hydrolysis reaction, the base material is prepared with silicate and silicone polymer properties, the binder and filler and other auxiliary materials according to a certain proportion of organic silicon heat-resisting coating made of.2 modified silicone resin coating while the silicone resin has many excellent properties, but also has some problems: the general need for high temperature (150 ~ 200 DEG C) curing, curing time, the construction of large area is not convenient; adhesion to the substrate, organic solvent resistance, high temperature mechanical strength of the film is not good, the price more expensive etc.. In order to overcome these shortcomings, organic silicone resin was used to modify the organic resin. Modified silicone resin usually has the advantages of two resins, which can make up for some deficiencies in the performance of the two resins, thereby improving performance and expanding application fields. There are two kinds of modification methods, physical mixing and chemical modification. The effect of chemical modification is better than that of physical blending. Chemical modification is mainly on the end or side chain of polysiloxane chain, and then react with other polymers to produce block, graft or interpenetrating polymer networks, thus obtaining newproperties. In the coatings industry, silicone modified organic resins are mainly alkyd resins. Acrylic resin, epoxy resin, etc..2.1 silicone modified alkyd resin coatingSilicone modified alkyd resin coatings is not only an alkyd resin paint film curing at room temperature and physical and mechanical properties, and has the advantages of good heat resistant silicone resin, UV aging resistance and good water resistance characteristics, coating is an excellent comprehensive performance. The first modification was to add the silicone resin directly to the alkyd reaction kettle that reached the end point,The weatherability of alkyd resin is improved greatly. Another modification is to prepare reactive organosilicon oligomers to react with free hydroxyl groups on alkyd resins, and also to use organosilicon oligomers as polyols and alkyd resins for polycondensation. The alkyd resin modified by chemical reaction has better weatherability. Hunan University prepared by alcoholysis hydroxyl alkyd prepolymer and end to hydrolysis or different functional silicone prepolymer prepared by polycondensation reaction synthesis (A B) silicone alkyd type n block copolymer, and the copolymer as base material made of varnish; comprehensive performance of the varnish excellent, not only has the alkyd resin varnish film flexibility, room temperature curing, impact strength and advantages of good adhesion, but also greatly improve the heat resistance, ageing resistance and anti corrosion properties of water medium.2.2 silicone modified acrylic resin coatingSilicone modified acrylic resin coating has excellent weatherability. It has the advantages of light retention, color retention, easy powdering and good gloss. It is widely used for pre coating of metal sheets, painting of machine equipment and weatherproof decoration and decoration of interior and exterior walls of buildings. Silicone modified acrylic resin has two types, solvent and emulsion, of which silicone acrylic latex coating has excellent weatherability, stain resistance, chemical resistance, is an environmentally friendly green paint. Hubei University uses a water-soluble radical initiator, with hydrogen containing silicone oil and butyl acrylate as raw material, the excellent performance of silicone / acrylic emulsion was synthesized by emulsion polymerization method; the emulsion has good acid and alkali. High and low temperature resistance and electrolyte stability, the coatings prepared with it have good weatherability and stain resistance. Ji'nan Chemical Research of acrylate monomer and D4 and vinyl seven methyl siloxane ring four as raw material, by adding a certain amount of grafting agent, using a batch of polyacrylate stable synthesis of polysiloxane emulsion. Sichuan Province Building Materials Industry Research Institute by pre emulsification process, the activity of silicone and acrylate monomer by emulsion copolymerization by organosilicon modified acrylic emulsion coating prepared with the emulsion of stain resistance, excellent comprehensive performance.Fudan University with vinyl silicone monomer and acrylate, methyl acrylate and acrylic acid hydroxy ester monomer polymerization by seed emulsion was stable with excellentproperties of silicone modified acrylate emulsion. Acrylic silicone resin was modified by organosilicon monomer in Zhejiang University, and silicone acrylic emulsion coating was prepared. Polysiloxane polyacrylate interpenetrating network coating synthesis of Chongqing University, the coating is colorless and transparent, high hardness, strong adhesion, acid deposition, heat aging and has good permeability, can be used as anti weathering materials of rock friction moment.HH silicone acrylic resin developed by Shanghai Academy of building research is suitable for the preparation of weather resistant coatings with high weatherability for more than 15 years. HeFei University of Technology with TEOS hydrolysis condensation part to polysiloxane with hydroxyl acrylic resin was prepared by organic silicone modified acrylic resin; the resin in acid and alkali resistance, salt resistance, solvent resistance and impact strength has significantly improved compared with that of pure polysiloxane, and high temperature resistance is obviously improved acrylic resin. Jiangsu architectural materials research and Design Institute introduced a certain amount of organosilicon functional group in the synthesis of acrylic resin, and prepared the solvent modified silicone resin coating with high weatherability. The Chinese Academy of Sciences of Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics with hydroxyl terminated poly two methyl siloxane, in two under the action of azo isobutyronitrile, and methacrylic acid (ester) monomers by solution copolymerization, silicon rubber modified acrylic resin, the resin has good heat resistance.2.3 silicone modified epoxy resin coatingThe modification of epoxy resin with organosilicon can not only reduce the internal stress of epoxy resin, but also increase the toughness of epoxy resin and improve its heat resistance. The poly (two siloxane) modified novolac epoxy resin has greatly reduced the internal stress and improved the cracking resistance index of the Institute of chemistry of Chinese Academy of sciences. Wuhan Research Institute of materials protection and the compatibility with epoxy resin and reactive silicone oligomer polycondensation of the prepared silicone modified epoxy resin has advantages of both epoxy resin and silicone resin, not only improve the heat resistance, but also has good corrosion resistance. Two point fourModification of styrene acrylate emulsion with organosilicon modified styrene acrylic emulsion coating can obviously improve its weatherability, gloss, elasticity and durability. Shanghai University of Engineering Science by graft copolymerization of synthetic silicone modified styrene acrylic emulsion has the excellent properties of silicone and acrylic resin coating, good elasticity, the elongation was significantly higher than that of styrene acrylic emulsion coating. Silicone modified styrene acrylate emulsion building coating was prepared by adding a certain amount of organic silicone to styrene acrylic emulsion polymerization in Shanghai traffic science and technology university,The coating has good water resistance, scouring resistance and durability.2.5 silicone modified other resin coatingSilicone modified polyurethane coatings are widely used in Aircraft Skins, large tank surfaces, building roofs and cultural relics protection. The Chinese Academy of Sciences of Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics with hydroxyl terminated poly two methyl siloxane and alcohol solution of castor oil modified polyurethane prepolymer was modified, the curing rate of the blend is improved after the film adhesion, hardness, heat resistance is also improved. It also uses organosilicon modified urushiol resin as base material to prepare paint with resistance to boiling water and water vapor permeability. It can be used for corrosion protection of equipment for a long time. Shanghai Research Institute of building science by using epoxy resin, acrylic resin, silicone resin copolymer in the main chain introduced special hydrophilic functional groups made of water soluble epoxy silicone acrylic resin, the resin has excellent physical and mechanical properties, and has good resistance to aging. Anti ultraviolet and anti-corrosion properties. The coatings made of this resin are basically non-toxic, easy to construct, good in coating properties and good in decorative effect. In the research of Chenguang Chemical Research Institute, copolymerization of styrene, methyl methacrylate, acrylonitrile and organosilicon was used to develop a kind of impregnating agent for electronic devices.3 silicone rigid wear-resistant coatingStudy of organosilicon hard coating on silica sol as Q chain components, functional silicon or carbon functional silane to alkyl chain as a T component, in the presence of water, alcohol and acid catalyst by hydrolysis and polycondensation are partof TQ type silicon resin pre silicon containing hydroxyl polymer solution. By adjusting the variety of RSi (OR ') 3 and the ratio of silica sol to the additive, the variety and solvent of the additive, we can make a kind of hard and wear-resistant coating with various properties. The viscosity of organosilicon coating is usually 4~25 m, Pa, s, and the solid content is 20% ~ 30%. After coating on the surface of the substrate, the remaining silicon hydroxyl groups are condensed under heating condition to form a network structure of hardened wear-resistant layer.Silicone reinforced wear-resistant coating is superior to UV curing acrylic resin hardening coating in both wear resistance and weather resistance. Transparent plastics processed by organosilicon stiffening coatings have been widely used as glasses, car lampshades, instrument scales, compact discs and special architectural windows.4 ConclusionWith the further research, development and improvement of new materials, the performance of silicone coating will be more excellent to meet the different needs of different industries or fields. With the improvement of people's life and beautify the demands for living rooms and buildings, silicone coating with excellent weatherability and stain resistant performance in the decoration of building has a broad application prospect; and, with the increasing awareness of environmental protection silicone coatings towards non pollution, green environmental protection development direction.Refractory paint TK-000Product ingredients: refractory paint TK-000 series by silicone resin as the main raw material, the product features: high temperature of 800 DEG, acid and alkali resistance, good blackness, high hardness, good weatherability. Application: metal, iron surface coating. For example the fireplace. Through the international quality standard: SGS non-toxic inspection standard. Viscosity: 65 + 5KU/30 C color the following 2 points: black, light adjustable hardness: H-2H dry conditions: 150 DEG C * 30 'solid content: 54% + 2% adhesion: 100% (iron) leveling: good feeling: good complementary series: silicone special solvent construction method: spraying standard packing: canned note: as the climate is different, that day water should be used in different products, more details please contact the company or the dealer.According to the characteristics of low surface energy and low viscosity of organosilicon polymer itself, it is more suitable for practical application and modified in preparation process. The range of application of modified silicone resin is wider and better, which has been proved by the development trend.The above is from the coating process. Chemical industry press. ISBN7-5025-1434-1/TQ.786) part of the third chapter silicone coating: if you can borrow this book, it might be of greater help to you;Preparation of silicone resin, usually more than two or more than two units for hydrolysis, raw materials in the following article is given. When the hydrolysis conditions are different,the composition of the intermediate product and the amount of the ring formation of the hydrolysis product are often greatly different, even though the formula is the same. Effects of various factors on hydrolysis:1. Influence of pH value of hydrolysis medium(1) acid medium; (2) neutral medium; (3) alkaline medium;2. The influence of water content in hydrolysis medium: the amount of water needed for reaction is lower than that of silane reaction, which forms the gradual hydrolysis and polycondensation reaction, limiting the formation of ring. The hydrolysis of excess water is the opposite.3, the influence of the solvent in the hydrolysis medium4 、 the influence of equipment agitation speed in hydrolysis5, the influence of temperature on hydrolysis, the higher temperature when hydrolysis, the molecular movement of components is intense, the chance of collision with each other is increased, which is beneficial to the growth of CO polycondensation, low temperature,Otherwise.Formulation formulation related factors: depending on the resin type, this factor varies:(1) the average degree of substitution of alkyl hydrocarbons(D.S.); (2) the average mass of% (including SiOx, phenyl, methyl); after a lot of chemists' careful research experience, there is a data range;Modified resin: it has the advantage of two kinds of resin, and makes up for the disadvantage of silicone resin, and makes it more suitable for coating application. General organic silicone modified organic resin: alkyd resin, polyester resin, epoxy resin, acrylic resin, polyurethane resin, phenolic resin and so on;Two methods of modification: cold spelling (physical method); chemical method;。

1 溶剂型有机硅改性PU涂料溶剂型涂料目前在高档涂装如高级轿车、飞机蒙皮、精密仪表等领域还存在着广泛的应用。


有机硅改性聚酯树脂的研究进展王旭波,赵士贵*,杨欣欣,王 峰,东 青(山东大学材料科学与工程学院,济南250061)摘要:综述了近年来国内外有机硅改性聚酯树脂的研究进展。
关键词:有机硅,聚酯树脂,改性中图分类号:T Q264 1+7 文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-4369(2006)05-0264-04收稿日期:2006-03-20。
作者简介:王旭波(1981 ),男,硕士生,主要从事有机硅产品和工艺的研究。
*联系人:E-mail:w angxubo@mail sdu edu cn 。
目前,有机硅应用于涂料等工业的产品多为硅树脂,它以Si O Si 为主链,与硅原子相连的是各种有机基团。
但硅树脂固化温度较高(250~300 )、固化时间较长,漆膜的机械性能、附着力和耐有机溶剂性能较差。


有机硅低表面能防污涂料控制因素与研究进展潘 莹1,张三平1,周建龙2,李晓刚2,萧以德1(1.武汉材料保护研究所,武汉430030;2.北京科技大学,北京100083) 摘 要:简述了海洋生物的污损原理,介绍了有机硅低表面能防污涂料的主要特性,分析了影响其防污性能的主要因素,概述了该涂料的研究进展及试验研究方法,指出低表面能防污涂料是未来发展的重点,进一步改进和发展有机硅低表面能防污涂料具有很大的空间。
关键词:有机硅;低表面能;防污涂料;试验中图分类号:T Q 637 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0253-4312(2009)12-0058-04Con trolli n g Factors and Progress of L owSurface Energy S ili cone An ti fouli n g Coa ti n gsPan Ying 1,Zhang Sanp ing 1,Zhou J ianl ong 2,L i Xiaogang 2,Xiao Yide1(1.W uhan Research Institute of M aterials Protection,W uhan 430030,China;2.U niversity of Science and Technology B eijing,B eijing 100083,China ) Abstract:This article has described the fouling mechanis m by marine bi ol ogy and the main features,contr olling fact ors and p r ogress of l ow surface energy silicone antifouling coatings .The test methods t o study these coatings have als o been summarized .It is pointed out that the devel opment of l ow surface energy anti 2fouling coatings is the devel opment target of future antif ouling coatings and there is still r oom f or further i m 2p r ove ment and devel opment of these coatings . Key W ords:silicone;l ow surface energy;antifouling coatings;test作者简介:潘莹(1974—),女,工程师,从事腐蚀与防护研究工作。

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封端的聚二甲基硅氧烷,在偶氮二异丁腈的作用 下,与甲基丙烯酸(酯)类单体进行溶液共聚, 得到硅橡胶改性丙烯酸树脂,该树脂具有很好的
[ ] # ) 耐热性 。
! " ! 有机硅改性丙烯酸树脂涂料 有机硅改性丙烯酸树脂涂料具有优良的耐候 性、保光保色性,不易粉化,光泽好;大量用于 金属板材的预涂装、机器设备的涂装及建筑物内 外墙的耐候装饰与装修。有机硅改性丙烯酸树脂 有溶剂型和乳液型两类,其中硅丙乳胶涂料具有 优良的耐候性、耐沾污性、耐化学药品性能,是 一种环保型绿色涂料。湖北大学采用水溶性自由 基引发剂,以含氢硅油与丙烯酸丁酯为原料,通 万方数据 过乳液聚合方法合成了性能优异的有机硅 / 丙烯
孙争光 朱杰 黄世强
(湖北大学化学与材料科学学院,武汉 ! ) " # # $ %
摘要:综述了有机硅树脂涂料及有机硅改性醇酸树脂、丙烯酸树脂、环氧树脂、苯丙乳液、聚氨酯等 涂料的研究与应用进展,指出了有机硅涂料的发展趋势。 关键词:有机硅,涂料,硅树脂
有机硅是第一个获得广泛应用的元素有机高 分子化合物,因其独特的化学结构而具有优异的 性能,广泛应用于国民经济的各个领域,在涂料 工业中亦占有相当重要的地位。有机硅涂料是以 有机硅聚合物或有机硅改性聚合物为主要成膜物 质的涂料,它具有优良的耐热耐寒、电绝缘、耐 电晕、耐辐射、耐潮湿和憎水、耐候、耐沾污及 耐化学腐蚀等性能,近年来在产品性能改进及应 用方面都得到了迅速发展。
+ , . + / " " 为主要原料,以丙酮和二甲苯为溶剂, 合成了摩尔质量分布窄的可溶性梯形聚甲基硅树 脂,采用该树脂与一定量的铝粉、室温硫化硅橡 胶 配 制 成 的 高 温 防 腐 涂 料, 经 % ’ # 0老化 ,其柔韧性、耐油性和耐腐蚀性等均良 (# # #9
[ ] ! 好 。合肥工业大学用四官能团的硅酸酯与三
[ ] " 膜电 阻 器 的 阻 燃 涂 料 。中 科 院 化 学 所 以
( 硅树脂涂料
以有机硅树脂为成膜物质制成的涂料主要有 耐热耐候有机硅防腐涂料、耐搔抓的透明有机硅 涂料、脱模和防潮涂料及耐辐射涂料等品种。 涂料 用 有 机 硅 树 脂 一 般 以 甲 基 三 氯 硅 烷 (+ 、二甲基二氯硅烷[(+ 、 , . + / , . + / " ") ") % %] 苯基 三 氯 硅 烷(+ 、二 苯 基 二 氯 硅 烷 , . + / $ ’ ") [(+ , . + / $ ’) % %] 及 甲 基 苯 基 二 氯 硅 烷 [+ 等为原料进行水解缩聚而制 , + , . + / "( $ ’) %] 得。单体结构、官能团数目与比例对涂层性能的 影响很大。硅原子上连接的有机基团种类对树脂 的性能也有影响,不同的有机基团可使有机硅树 脂表现出不同的性能。例如,当有机基团为甲基 时,可赋予有机硅树脂热稳定性、脱模性、憎水 性、耐电弧性;为苯基时,赋予有机硅树脂氧化 稳定性,在一定范围内可破坏高聚物的结晶性; 为乙烯基时,可改善有机硅树脂的固化特性,并 带来偶联性;为苯基乙基时,可改善有机硅树脂 与有机物的共混性。在硅氧烷主链引入丁基,可 万方数据 增加其与醇酸树脂、聚酯树脂等的相容性;引入
化工艺,采用活性硅油与丙烯酸酯类单体进行乳 液共聚,得到有机硅改性丙烯酸乳液,用该乳液
[ ] # # 配制的涂料涂层耐沾污性好,综合性能优异 。
复旦大学采用含乙烯基官能团的有机硅单体与甲 基丙烯酸酯、丙烯酸酯、丙烯酸羟基酯等单体通 过种子乳液聚合,得到了稳定的性能优异的有机
[ ] # ! 硅改性丙烯酸酯乳液 。浙江大学采用有机硅
・! !・
第# +卷
固化时间长,大面积施工不方便;对基材的附着 力差,耐有机溶剂性差,温度较高时漆膜的机械 强度不好,价格较贵等。为克服这些缺点,常用 有机硅树脂对有机树脂进行改性。改性有机硅树 脂通常兼具两种树脂的优点,可弥补两种树脂在 性能上的某些不足,从而提高性能、拓展应用领 域。改性方法有物理共混和化学改性两种,化学 改性的效果一般比物理共混改性好。化学改性主 要是在聚硅氧烷链的末端或侧链上引入活性基 团,再与其它高分子反应生成嵌段、接枝或互穿 网络共聚物,从而获得新的性能。在涂料工业 中,用有机硅改性的有机树脂主要有醇酸树脂、 丙烯酸树脂、环氧树脂等。 ! " # 有机硅改性醇酸树脂涂料 有机硅改性醇酸树脂涂料既保留有醇酸树脂 漆室温固化和涂膜物理、机械性能好的优点,又 具有有机硅树脂耐热、耐紫外线老化及耐水性好 的特点,是一种综合性能优良的涂料。最早的改 性方法是将有机硅树脂直接加到反应达到终点的 醇酸树脂反应釜中即可;通过这样简单的混合, 醇酸树脂的室外耐候性大大改进。另一种改性方 法是制备反应性的有机硅低聚物,用以和醇酸树 脂上的自由羟基进行反应;也可将有机硅低聚物 作为多元醇与醇酸树脂进行共缩聚。通过化学反 应改性的醇酸树脂耐候性更好。湖南大学用醇解 法制成的羟基封端醇酸预聚体与以水解法或异官 能团法制成的有机硅预聚体进行缩聚反应合成出 ($%&) ! 型结构的有机硅 % 醇酸 嵌 段 共 聚 物, 并以该嵌段共聚物为基料制成清漆;该清漆综合 性能优良,既具有醇酸树脂清漆的室温固化、漆 膜柔韧性、冲击强度和附着力好的优点,又大大 提高了耐热、耐大气老化和抗水介质腐蚀等性
! " . 有机硅改性环氧树脂涂料 用有机硅对环氧树脂进行改性,既可降低环 氧树脂内应力,又能增加环氧树脂韧性、提高其 耐热性。中科院化学所用聚二甲基硅氧烷改性邻 甲酚酚醛环氧树脂,使其内应力大幅度降低,抗
[ ] # , 开裂指数大为提高 。武汉材料保护研究所采
用环氧树脂与混容性好的反应性有机硅低聚物缩 聚,所制得的有机硅改性环氧树脂兼具环氧树脂 和有机硅树脂的优点,不仅提高了耐热性,而且
[ ] # . 料 。重庆大学合成了聚有机硅氧烷 % 聚丙烯
酸酯互穿网络涂料,该涂料具有无色透明、硬度 高、附着力强、耐酸沉降、耐热老化性及透水性
[ ] # + 好等优点,可用作摩岩石刻防风化材料 。
上海市建筑科学研究院开发的有机硅丙烯酸 树脂适合于配制耐候性达 # / 年以上的高耐候性
官能团的烷基硅氧烷,通过严格控制共水解反 应,制得兼有硅酸盐和有机硅聚合物特性的基 料,该基料与颜填料及其它辅助材料按一定比例
[ ] ’ 配合可制成有机硅耐热涂料 。
% 改性有机硅树脂涂料
尽管有机硅树脂具有许多优异性能,但也存 在一些问题:一般需高温( ( ’ # ! % # # 0)固化,
收稿日期: 。 % # # # & # ! & # ’ 作者简介:孙争光( ,男,工学硕士,主要从事有 ( ) * ! &) 机硅材料的研究与开发。
[ ] # / 涂料 。合肥工业大学用正硅酸乙酯部分水解
缩聚而得的聚硅氧烷与带羟基的丙烯酸树脂反应 制得有机硅接枝改性丙烯酸树脂;该树脂在耐酸 碱、耐盐、耐溶剂性能及冲击强度等方面较纯聚 硅氧烷有明显改善,且在耐高温性方面较丙烯酸
[ ] # ’ 树脂明显提高 。江苏省建筑材料研究设计院
在丙烯酸树脂的合成中引入一定量的有机硅官能 团,制得了溶剂型高耐候性有机硅改性丙烯酸树
[ ] ’ 能 。
酸酯乳液;该乳液具有很好的耐酸碱、耐高低温 及耐电解质稳定性,用其配成的涂料具有很好的
[ , ] ( ) 耐候性和耐沾污性能 。济南化工研究所以丙
烯酸酯类单体、* 和乙烯基七甲基环四硅氧烷 + 为原料,通过加入一定量的接枝剂,采用一次投 料法合成了稳定的聚丙烯酸酯%聚硅氧烷复合乳
[ , ] , # 液 。四川省建材工业科学研究院通过预乳
亚苯基、二苯醚亚基、联苯亚基等芳亚基及硅碳 硼高聚物时,耐辐射性强、耐温可达 " # #!’ # # 0;主链结构为. &1 键的有机硅高聚物,其热 稳定性在! # #0以上。在实际应用中,可根据需 要选用不同的有机硅单体,在有机硅树脂中引入
[ ] ( ! % 不同的有机基团 。
晨光化工研究院采用粘度为 % ・ #!! #2 3 4 5 的羟基硅油、 (+ ) 及甲基三乙氧基硅烷 , . + / "% % 为 原 料, 控 制 !6 / 等 于 ( , ! 7 "!( 7 ! . (+ ) 与羟基硅油的质量比为 * ,并 , . + / # 8 " # "% % 采用滴加水的方式于’ ,得到具有 #0共水解(9 良好硬度和弹性的甲基硅树脂,可用于制备金属
第 $期
[ ] ! " 具有良好的防腐性 。
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机硅增硬涂料处理的透明塑料已广泛用作眼镜 片、汽车车前灯罩、仪表刻度板、光盘及特殊建 筑用窗玻璃等。
! # $ 有机硅改性苯丙乳液涂料 用有机硅乳液对苯丙乳液进行改性,可明显 提高其耐候性、保光性、弹性和耐久性等。上海 工程技术大学采用接枝共聚反应合成的有机硅改 性苯丙乳液兼具有机硅和丙烯酸树脂的优良性 能,涂膜弹性好,其断裂伸长率明显高于苯丙乳
[ ] ! % 液涂膜 。上海交通科技大学在苯乙烯 & 丙烯
$ 结语
随着新材料的深入研究、开发和改进,有机 硅涂料的性能亦将更加优异,以满足不同行业或 领域的不同需求。随着人们生活水平的改善和对 居室及建筑物美化要求的提高,有机硅涂料以其 优异的耐候性和耐沾污性能在建筑物的装饰装修 方面有着广阔的应用前景;并且,随着人们环保 意识的增强,有机硅涂料将朝着无污染、绿色环 保型方向发展。 参 考 文 献
[ ] ! ( 附着力、硬度、耐热性也得到提高 。该所还