ZP1500D 用户手册说明书
ZP1500D 用户手册高压差分探头修订历史目录1.安全须知 (1)1.1一般性安全概要 (1)1.2警示标志 (1)1.2.1面板图标意义 (1)1.2.2测量类别介绍 (2)1.3测量类别 (3)1.4保养与清洁 (4)2.产品简介 (5)2.1产品应用 (5)2.2产品特色 (5)3.技术参数 (6)3.1技术指标 (6)3.2普通技术规格 (7)3.3配件 (8)4.快速入门 (9)4.1操作基础 (9)4.1.1面板说明 (9)4.1.2功能检测 (10)4.1.3操作步骤 (10)4.1.4注意事项 (11)5.常见问题 (14)5.1具体问题阐述 (14)5.1.1上电后面板指示灯全灭 (14)5.1.2调零输出值偏大或调零时间较长 (14)5.1.3测量波形不能稳定显示或误差明显 (14)6.性能验证 (15)6.1直流精度 (15)6.2方波响应 (15)6.3直流共模抑制比 (16)7.装箱单 (17)8.免责声明 (18)1.安全须知为保证您能正确安全地使用本仪器,请务必遵守以下注意事项。
1.1 一般性安全概要了解下列安全性预防措施,以避免受伤,防止损坏本产品或本产品连接的任何产品。
使用推荐的电源适配器电源适配器为5V/2A USB输出,符合CB认证要求。
DP6020 低压差分探头说明书(20180803)
低压差分探头说明书DP6020(20V/ 200MHz)前 言首先,感谢您购买该产品,这份产品使用说明书,是关于该产品的功能、使用方法、操作注意事项等方面的介绍。
● 请小心注意触电危险,注意最高输入电压。
● 请勿在潮湿的环境下或者易爆的风险下使用。
● 被测电路接入探头之前,确保先关闭被测电路。
● 测量结束后,先关闭电路,再取走探头。
● 探头BNC 输出线连接示波器或者其它设备时,确保BNC 端子可靠接地。
● 使用之前,请检查探头外皮是否有破损,若出现破损情况,请停止使用! ● 选择本产品标配的适配器供电。
目录前言 (1)DP6020简要说明 (1)概述 (3)应用 (3)产品及附件说明 (3)探头主体说明 (3)附件说明 (4)电气规格 (5)机械规格 (6)环境特性 (6)操作步骤 (6)保养及维护 (7)保修 (7)装箱单 (7)1. 概述DP6020探头是具有浮地测量功能的低压差分探头。
测量电压±20V(DC+Pk),其带宽最高达200MHz,提供 10:1 的衰减设置,具有 1 MΩ的输入阻抗,以及 3.5 pF 的低输入电容,可以最大程度地降低电路负载,具有过压报警功能,可以兼容任何具有 50 Ω BNC 输入的示波器,并可以通过示波器或计算机上的 USB 端口供电。
Z-Active 差分探头系列 P7313、P7380A、P7360A、P7340A 数据手册说明书
Z-Active™Differential Probe FamilyP7313•P7380A •P7360A •P7340A DataSheetFeatures &Bene fitsSignal Fidelity>12.5GHz Bandwidth (P7313,Typical)>8.0GHz Bandwidth (P7380A,Typical)>6.0GHz Bandwidth (P7360A,Typical)>4.0GHz Bandwidth (P7340A,Typical)Extended Linear Dynamic Range 1.25V p-p at 5x Attenuation (P7313)4V p-p at 25x Attenuation (P7313)2V p-p at 5x Attenuation (P7380A,P7360A,P7340A)5V p-p at 25x Attenuation (P7380A,P7360A,P7340A)Low Probe Loading DC Input Resistance 100k ΩDifferential 50k ΩSingle Ended AC LoadingZ min >200Ωout to 10GHz (P7313)Z min >290Ω,4GHz to 8GHz (P7380A,P7360A,P7340A)VersatilityMake Differential or Single-ended (Ground-referenced)Measurements*1Solder-down CapabilityHandheld Probing with Variable Spacing and Compliance Fixtured Probing Interchangeable Tip-Clip™Assemblies Connect to a Variety of Devices Economical TekConnect ®InterfaceApplicationsExamples Include,but are not Limited To:PCI-Express I and II,Serial ATA II,USB 2.0,DDRII,DDRIII,Fireware 1394b,Rambus,XAUI*1For details,please see application note 60W-18344-0,“Making Single-ended Measurements with DifferentialProbes.”1981Data SheetZ-Active™Probing Architecture Leads the Way for High-speed Probing Applications Tektronix has created a revolutionary Z-Active probe architecture that sets the industry benchmark for signalfidelity.Tektronix active probe architecture preserves high bandwidth while providing improved connectivity with low loading.The Z-Active architecture is a hybrid approach composed of a distributed attenuator topology feeding an active probe amplifier.The Z-Active probes use a tiny passive probe tip element that is separate from the amplifier,extending the usable reach of the probe.In traditional active probes,adding this much length can introduce signalfidelity problems.However this architecture maintains high DC input resistance and presents a higher AC impedance than previous probe architectures.It accomplishes this while providing significant length between the probe body and the probe attachment point to the DUT.This architecture provides the best of both worlds:high DC impedance like existing active probes and the stable high-frequency loading of Z0probes.Signal FidelityYou can be confident in the signalfidelity of your measurements because the Z-Active architecture provides:High BandwidthExcellent Step ResponseLow LoadingHigh CMRRExtended Linear Dynamic RangeExtended Linear Dynamic RangeMany of today’s logic signals and serial bus signals require the capabilityto measure up to several volts peak to peak.These voltage levels may easily be viewed with the Z-Active architecture probes(P7380A,P7360A, and P7340A)with the extended linear dynamic range.With a2.0V p-p linear dynamic input range at the5x attenuation setting,you can accurately measure DDR II and III,Firewire1394b,and PCI-Express I and II signals at reduced noise levels.In addition the25x attenuation setting’s linear dynamic input voltage range can be used up to5.0V p-p for accessing even larger signal swings found during transition times.ConnectivityThe Z-Active probe design allows the probe to easily switch between soldered,handheld,orfixtured applications.This family of probes uses Tip-Clip™assemblies,an interchangeable probe tip system that enables customers to configure their probe with the optimal tip for their application.These detachable assemblies make it possible to replace a tip for a fraction of the cost formerly associated with such hardware changes.The several lengths and variable spacing of the assemblies provideflexibility for adapting to vias and other test points of differing sizes.With Tektronix Tip-Clip assemblies,Monday’s solder-in probe can become Tuesday’s handheld tool,simply by switching tips. ValueThe combination of the Z-Active architecture and the Tip-Clip assemblies provide superior signalfidelity at a cost-effective price.The inexpensive Tip-Clip assemblies enable full-performance solder connections at a very low price per connection.Over the life of a probe this can add up to significant savings in the cost of operation.Performance You Can Count OnDepend on Tektronix to provide you with performance you can count on.In addition to industry-leading service and support,this product comes backed by a one-year warranty as standard.Z-Active™Differential Probe Family—P7313•P7380A•P7360A•P7340ACharacteristicsCharacteristic P7340A P7360A P7380A P7313Bandwidth(Typical)>4GHz>6GHz>8GHz>12.5GHzRise Time(10%-90%)(Guaranteed)<100ps<70ps<55ps<40psRise Time(20%-80%)(Typical)<70ps<50ps<35ps<25psAttenuation5x or25x,user selectableDifferential Input Range±1.0V(5x)±2.5V(25x)±0.625V(5x)±2.0V(25x)Linearity Error for Differential Input Dynamic Range(Typical)±0.5%for-0.5V to+0.5V(5x)±1.0%for-0.75V to+0.75V(5x)±2.0%for-1.0V to+1.0V(5x)±0.5%for-1.5V to+1.5V(25x)±1.0%for-2.5V to+2.5V(25x)±2.0%for-3.0V to+3.0V(25x)±0.25%for-0.5V to+0.5V(5x)±0.75%for-0.625V to+0.625V(5x)±0.5%for-1.6V to+1.6V(25x)±1.0%for-2.0V to+2.0V(25x)Operating Voltage Window+5.0V to-3.0V+4.0V to-3.0V Offset Voltage Range+4.0V to-3.0VDC Input Resistance100kΩAC Loading(Differential Z min)>290Ω>200ΩNoise<31nV/√Hz(5x)<75nV/√Hz(25x)CMRR>50dB at1MHz>35dB at1GHz>20dB at4GHz >50dB at1MHz>35dB at1GHz>20dB at6GHz>50dB at1MHz>35dB at1GHz>20dB at8GHz>50dB at1MHz>35dB at1GHz>20dB at6GHz>15dB at12.5GHzNondestructive Input Range±15VInterface TekConnect®Cable Length 1.5m 1.5m 1.2m 1.2m Ordering InformationP7313>12.5GHz Z-Active Differential Probe for TekConnect®Interface. P7380A>8.0GHz Z-Active Differential Probe for TekConnect®Interface.P7360A>6.0GHz Z-Active Differential Probe for TekConnect®Interface.P7340A>4.0GHz Z-Active Differential Probe for TekConnect®Interface.All Include:One-year warranty,plus see Standard Accessories table.3Data SheetStandard AccessoriesDescriptionP7340AP7360AP7380AP7313Reorder Part NumberPouch,Nylon Carrying Case with Inserts1each 1each 1each 1each 016-1952-xx Qty 1Accessory Performance Summary and Reorder Sheet1each 1each 1each 1each 001-1389-xx Qty 1020-2640-xx Qty 1–Opt.L0020-2648-xx Qty 1–Opt.L5User Manual -Printed.Includes Reply Card and CD 1each1each1each1each040-2649-xx Qty 1–Opt.L7BNC (M)-to-Minigrabber Adapter 1each 1each 1each 1each 013-0342-xx Qty 1Anti-static Wrist Strap 1each 1each 1each 1each 006-3415-xx Qty 1Magnifying Glasses 1each 1each 1each 1each 378-0486-xx Qty 1Calibration Data Report 1each 1each 1each 1each Opt.D1Handheld Probe Adapter 1each 1each 1each1each 015-0717-xx 1eachP7313:020-2636-xx 1eachP7380A:020-2557-xx 1eachP7360A:020-2690-xx Accessory Box and Contents1each P7340A:020-2690-xx Attachment Kit1each 1each 1each 1each 016-1953-xx Qty 1Velcro Fastening Strap 10each 10each 10each 10each –Velcro Fastening Dots 10each 10each 10each 10each –Adhesive Tip-Clip Tape*2(Strip of 10)3each 3each 3each 3each –Color Band Kit (2ea.of 5colors)1each 1each 1each 1each 016-1948-xx Qty 1Short Flex,Small Resistor Tip-Clip Assembly 2each 2each 3each 3each 020-2600-xx Qty 10Medium Flex,Small Resistor Tip-Clip Assembly 2each 2each 3each 3each 020-2602-xx Qty 10Long Flex,Small Resistor Tip-Clip Assembly 2each 2each 3each 3each 020-2604-xx Qty 10Variable Spacing Tip-Clip Kit 3each 3each 3each 3each 020-2596-xx (Kit of 3)Square Pin Adapter Tip-Clip 1each 1each 1each 1each 020-2701-xx (Kit of 3)Tip-Clip Ejector*23each 3each 3each 3each –020-2639-xx Qty 10HBW Straight Flex Tip-Clip Assembly –––3each020-2657-xx Qty 5020-2638-xx Qty 10HBW Right-Angle Flex Tip-Clip Assembly –––3each 020-2656-xx Qty 5Wire Replacement Kit–––1each 020-2644-xx Qty 1Short Flex,Large Resistor 1/8W Tip-Clip Assembly––3each –020-2601-xx Qty 10Long Flex,Large Resistor 1/8W Tip-Clip Assembly––3each –020-2605-xx Qty 10Medium Flex,Large Resistor 1/8W Tip-Clip Assembly2each2each3each–020-2603-xx Qty 10*2Tip-Clip Ejectors and Tip-Clip Tape are shipped standard with the 020-xxxx-xx Tip-Clip Assembly Kits.Recommended AccessoriesDescriptionP7360P7380P7313Part NumberProbe Positioner Yes Yes Yes PPM100Probe PositionerYes Yes Yes PPM203B PPM203B,PPM100Adapter Fixture Yes Yes Yes 013-0339-xx P7340A:067-0419-xx P7360A:067-0419-xx P7380A:067-0419-xx Calibration Fixture Yes Yes YesP7313:067-1616-xxDSA8200Series TekConnect ®Probe Interface Yes Yes Yes 80A03Deskew FixtureYes Yes Yes 067-1586-xx Real-time Spectrum Analyzer TekConnect Probe AdapterYes Yes YesRTPA2AZ-Active™Differential Probe Family—P7313•P7380A•P7360A•P7340AService OptionsOpt.CA1–Single Calibration or Functional Verification.Opt.C3–Calibration Service3Years.Opt.C5–Calibration Service5Years.Opt.D3–Calibration Data Report3Years(with Opt.C3).Opt.D5–Calibration Data Report5Years(with Opt.C5).Opt.G3–Complete Care3Years(includes loaner,scheduled calibration and more). P7360A,P7380A onlyOpt.G5–Complete Care5Years(includes loaner,scheduled calibration and more). P7360A,P7380A onlyOpt.R3–Repair Service3Years.Opt.R5–Repair Service5Years.Language OptionsOpt.L0–English Manual.Opt.L5–Japanese Manual.Opt.L7–Simplified Chinese Manual.Additional Service Products Available During Warranty (DW)or Post Warranty(PW)P7313-CA1–Single Calibration or Functional Verification.P7313-R1PW–Repair Service Coverage1-year Post Warranty.P7313-R2PW–Repair Service Coverage2-year Post Warranty.P7313-R3DW–Repair Service Coverage3Years(includes product warranty period); 3-year period starts at time of customer instrument purchase.P7313-R5DW–Repair Service Coverage5Years(includes product warranty period); 5-year period starts at time of customer instrument purchase.P7340A-CA1–Single Calibration or Functional Verification.P7340A-R1PW–Repair Service Coverage1-year Post Warranty.P7340A-R2PW–Repair Service Coverage2-year Post Warranty.P7340A-R3DW–Repair Service Coverage3Years(includes product warranty period);3-year period starts at time of customer instrument purchase.P7340A-R5DW–Repair Service Coverage5Years(includes product warranty period);5-year period starts at time of customer instrument purchase.P7360A-CA1–Single Calibration or Functional Verification.P7360A-R1PW–Repair Service Coverage1-year Post Warranty.P7360A-R2PW–Repair Service Coverage2-year Post Warranty.P7360A-R3DW–Repair Service Coverage3Years(includes product warranty period);3-year period starts at time of customer instrument purchase.P7360A-R5DW–Repair Service Coverage5Years(includes product warranty period);5-year period starts at time of customer instrument purchase.P7380A-CA1–Single Calibration or Functional Verification.P7380A-R1PW–Repair Service Coverage1-year Post Warranty.P7380A-R2PW–Repair Service Coverage2-year Post Warranty.P7380A-R3DW–Repair Service Coverage3Years(includes product warranty period);3-year period starts at time of customer instrument purchase.P7380A-R5DW–Repair Service Coverage5Years(includes product warranty period);5-year period starts at time of customer instrumentpurchase.Tektronix is registered to ISO9001and ISO14001by SRI Quality SystemRegistrar.Product(s)complies with IEEE Standard488.1-1987,RS-232-C,and with TektronixStandard Codes and Formats.5Data SheetZ-Active™Differential Probe Family—P7313•P7380A•P7360A•P7340A7Data Sheet Contact Tektronix:ASEAN/Australasia(65)63563900Austria0080022554835*Balkans,Israel,South Africa and other ISE Countries+41526753777Belgium0080022554835*Brazil+55(11)37597627Canada180********Central East Europe and the Baltics+41526753777Central Europe&Greece+41526753777Denmark+4580881401Finland+41526753777France0080022554835*Germany0080022554835*Hong Kong4008205835India0008006501835Italy0080022554835*Japan81(3)67143010Luxembourg+41526753777Mexico,Central/South America&Caribbean52(55)56045090Middle East,Asia,and North Africa+41526753777The Netherlands0080022554835*Norway80016098People’s Republic of China4008205835Poland+41526753777Portugal800812370Republic of Korea00180082552835Russia&CIS+7(495)7484900South Africa+41526753777Spain0080022554835*Sweden0080022554835*Switzerland0080022554835*Taiwan886(2)27229622United Kingdom&Ireland0080022554835*USA180*********European toll-free number.If not accessible,call:+41526753777Updated10February2011For Further Information.Tektronix maintains a comprehensive,constantly expandingcollection of application notes,technical briefs and other resources to help engineers workingon the cutting edge of technology.Please visit Copyright©Tektronix,Inc.All rights reserved.Tektronix products are covered by U.S.and foreign patents,issued and rmation in this publication supersedes that in all previously published material.Specification and price change privileges reserved.TEKTRONIX and TEK are registered trademarks ofTektronix,Inc.All other trade names referenced are the service marks,trademarks,or registered trademarksof their respective companies.02Oct201151W-17891-12。
Series 629 差分压力传感器安装与操作指南说明书
MALE FITTINGINSTALLATION1. Location: Select a location where the temperature of the unit will be between 0°F and 175°F. Distance from the receiver is limited only by total loop resistance (see electrical connections).The tubing feeding pressure to the instrument can be practically any length required, but long lengths will increase the response time slightly. Mount the instrument in a location that will not be subject to excessive temperature, shock or vibration.2. Position: A vertical position is recommended (pressure connections pointing horizontally) since that is how all standard models were originally spanned and zeroed at the factory. They can be used at other angles, but may require final spanning and zeroing. Due to potential condensation build up that may travel down conduit or cable and into the housing, it is recommended to install with the electrical conduit or cable gland pointing downward.3. Pressure Connection: Dual 1/4˝ female NPT pressure connections are provided. Use pipe thread sealant tape or other suitable pipe joint compound when making connection to the pressure source. Avoid excess sealant which could block the pressure passage. When monitoring liquid pressures, air trapped in the lines can cause incorrect readings. Bleed fittings or similar mechanisms should be used to bleed off any trapped air.Optional 3-Way ValveFor applications where higher line pressures may be encountered at installation or when it is necessary to remove the transmitter for maintenance without interrupting the process, the optional three way valve is recommended (See Fig. A).Begin with valve V1 open and valves V2 and V3 closed (See Fig. B). Slowly open valves V2 and V3. Once the pressure has stabilized and is equal on the high and low side of the transmitter, valve V1 can be closed and normal operation can proceed.To ensure proper pressures will be detected by the 629 use the bleed fitting provided with this package to free media of bubbles. Before applying pressure to the process connections, turn V1 to the open position and back off the bleed screw. Next apply pressure. After the flowing liquid is free of bubbles, retighten the bleed screw.Before removing the transmitter from operation, open valve V1 then close valves V2 and V3.Fig. BELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSShielded cable is recommended for control loop wiring.Electrical connections to the Series 629 pressure transmitters are made to the terminal block located inside the housing. Remove the screws and lift off the cover. Wire as shown in Fig. C, D or E. Use Fig. C for current output connection. Use Fig. D for current output with optional LED display. Use Fig. E for current output with optional LED display using two power supplies. If ordering pre-wired cable, black wire is negative (-)and red wire is positive (+).Wire Length - The maximum length of wire connecting transmitter and receiver is a function of wire size and receiver resistance. Wiring should not contribute to more than 10% of receiver resistance to total loop resistance. For extremely long runs (over 1000 ft.), choose receivers with higher resistance to minimize size and cost of connecting leads. When the wiring length is under 100 feet, lead wire as small as 22 AWG can be used.Current (4-20 mA) Output Operation - An external power supply delivering 13-30 VDC with minimum current capability of 40 mA DC (per transmitter)is required to power the control loop. See Fig. C for connection of the power supply, transmitter, and receiver. The range of the appropriate receiver load resistance (RL) for the DC power supply voltage available is expressed by the formula: R L Max = Vps – 13 20 mA DCVOLTAGE (0-5, 1-5, 0-10, 1-6 or 2-10 Volt) OUTPUT OPERATIONFor voltage outputs, wire as shown in Fig. F or Fig. G. Use Fig. F for voltage output connection. Use Fig. G for voltage output with optional LED display. Terminal 1 is positive (+), terminal 2 is negative (-), terminal 3 is +Vout, terminal 4 is LED positive supply. If ordering optional pre-wired cable, black wire is negative (-), red wire is positive (+) and white wire is +Vout.Current OutputFig. C: Current output connectionFig. D: Current output with optional LED displayFig. G: Voltage output with optional LED displayFig. E: Current output with optional LED display using two power suppliesOPTIONAL LED DISPLAYBE SURE TO TURN OFF POWER WHEN CONNECTING OR REMOVING THEDISPLAY’S CONNECTOR. FAILURE TO DO SO CAN RESULT IN THE GAGE DAMAGE.TERM 1 AND TERM 2 OF THE GAGE AS SHOWN- CONNECT POWER SUPPLY(+) TO TERMINAL 4 (REQUIRED FOR THE OPTIONAL DISPLAY ONLY)- INSTALL THE DISPLAY’S CONNECTOR - TURN ON POWEROPTIONAL LED DISPLAYBE SURE TO TURN OFF POWER WHEN CONNECTING OR REMOVING THEDISPLAY’S CONNECTOR. FAILURE TO DO SO CAN RESULT IN THE GAGE DAMAGE.THE RECEIVER (-)- CONNECT THE RECEIVER (+) TO TERMINAL 3- CONNECT LED POWER SUPPLY (+) TO TERMINAL 4- INSTALL THE DISPLAY’S CONNECTOR - TURN ON POWEROPTIONAL LED DISPLAYTERM 2 OF THE GAGE AS SHOWN OPTIONAL DISPLAY CONNECTION:- CONNECT LED POWER SUPPLY (-) TO TERMINAL 3- CONNECT LED POWER SUPPLY (+) TO TERMINAL 4- INSTALL THE DISPLAY’S CONNECTOR - TURN ON POWERBE SURE TO TURN OFF POWER WHEN CONNECTING OR REMOVING THEDISPLAY’S CONNECTOR. FAILURE TO DO SO CAN RESULT IN THE GAGE DAMAGE.Voltage OutputFig. F: Voltage output connectionPRESSURETRANSMITTER 1 RED2 BLACK (COMMON)3 WHITE (+V OUT)4 (NC)RECEIVER+V inPOWER SUPPLY 13-30 VDC©Copyright 2015 Dwyer Instruments, Inc.Printed in U.S.A. 12/15FR# 443277-00 Rev. 11MULTIPLE RECEIVER INSTALLATIONAn advantage of the standard 4-20 mA DC output signal provided by the Series 629 Differential Transmitter is that any number or receivers can be connected in series in the current loop. Thus, an A-701 digital readout, an analog panel meter, a chart recorder, process controlling equipment, or any combination of these devices can be operated simultaneously. It is necessary only that each be equipped with a standard 4-20 mA input and proper polarity of the input connections be observed when inserting the device into the current loop. If any of the receiving devices displays a negative or downscale reading this indicates that the signal input leads are reversed. MAINTENANCEUpon final installation of the Series 629 Differential Pressure Transmitter and the companion receiver, no routine maintenance is required. A periodic check of the system calibration is recommended. The Series 629 Differential Pressure Transmitter is not field serviceable and should be returned if repair is needed (field repair should not be attempted and may void warranty). Be sure to include a brief description of the problem plus any relevant application notes. Contact customer service to receive a return goods authorization number before shipping.。
优利德 UT-P35高压差分探头 说明书
UT-P35&UT-P36差分探头使用说明书优利德科技(中国)股份有限公司UT-P35&UT-P36差分探头使用说明书本产品使用过程中,涉及高压测量,为了您和设备的安全,请务必仔细阅读本说明书!版本:Ver. 1.0 2018-02-28前言首先,非常感谢您购买本公司UT-P35&UT-P36差分探头。
目录一、安全概述 (4)二、产品简介 (5)三、主要技术指标 (6)四、收货检查及使用前检查 (8)五、产品示意及说明 (9)六、附件示意及说明 (10)七、使用方法 (11)一、安全概述为了确保使用人员和本产品以及与本产品相连接设备的安全,请严格遵照下列安全操作规范:✧使用正确的电源适配器:必须使用本产品原配电源适配器,以免造成探头损坏。
优利德 UT-P30高压差分探头 说明书
■UT-P30■UT-P30INSTRUCTION MANUAL使用說明書目錄1、簡述 (1)2、規格 (1)3、操作環境及狀況 (2)4、操作程序 (3)5、維護 (3)6、清潔 (4)7、保固 (4)8、維修 (4)CONTENTS1、Features (5)2、Specifications (5)3、Operating environmental conditions (7)4、Operating procedure (7)▉Maintenance (8)▉Cleaning (8)▉Warranty (9)▉Repair (9)一、簡述:UT-P30差動測試棒提供一個安全的儀器給所有的示波器使用它可以轉換由高輸入的差動電壓(≤800VPEAK)進入一個低電壓(≤7V),並且顯示波形在示波器上,使用頻率高達100MHz,非常適合大電力測試、研發、維修使用。
二、規格:(1)頻寬:DC-100MHz(2)衰減:x100,x10(3)精確度:±1%(4)輸入電壓範圍(DC+AC PEAK TO PEAK)≤80Vforx10,(約29V RMS或DC)1≤800Vforx100,(約290V RMS或DC)(5)允許最高輸入電壓:最高差動電壓:800V(DC+AC PEAK TO PEAK)輸入端及接地端間最高電壓:5KV RMS(6)輸入阻抗:差動:4MΩ/1.3pF單端到接地端間的輸入阻抗:2MΩ/2.6pF(7)輸出電壓:≤7V(8)輸出阻抗:50Ω(9)上升時間:3.5ns for x1003.5ns for x10(10)雜訊抑制率:60Hz:>80dB;100Hz:>60dB;1MHz:>50dB(11)指定外接6V DC電源(12)耗電:最大耗電量150mA(0.9瓦特)三、操作環境及狀況(2)電子安全規範IEC1010-1雙絕緣安裝類目Ⅲ污染程度2相關電壓或最大接地:5KV RMS2CE:EN50081-1及50082-1四、操作程式將BP-250與UT-P30的輸出端連接,並與示波器連結。
Series 616W 差分压力传感器安装与使用说明书
Series 616W Differential Pressure TransmitterSpecifications - Installation and Operating InstructionsBulletin P-616W-1The7/16 OR 5/8TYP 1/8 AND 3/16[3.18 AND 4.76]I.D. TUBING 3/4 [19.05] TYPØ3/16 [4.76]®INSTALLATION1. Location: Select a clean, dry mounting location free from excess vibration where the temperature will remain between -4 to 158°F (-20 to 70°C). Distance from the receiver is limited only by total loop resistance. See Electrical Connections below. The tubing supplying pressure to the instrument can be practically any length required, but long lengths will increase response time slightly.2. Position: A vertical position, with the pressure connection pointing down, isrecommended. That is the position in which all standard models are spanned and zeroed at the factory. They can be used at other angles, but final spanning and zeroing must be done while the transmitter is in that alternate position.3. Pressure Connections: Two integral barbed tubing connections are provided. They are dual-sized to fit both 1/8˝ and 3/16˝ (3.12 and4.76 mm) I.D. tubing. Be sure the pressure rating of the tubing exceeds that of the operating range. On ranges over 20 psi, we recommend use of a suitable hose clamp to assure theintegrity of the connection.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSThe 616W transmitter utilizes a 2-wire 4-20 mA Current Output , or a 3-wire 0-5 V / 0-10 V Voltage Output . It is also capable of Simultaneous Current and Voltage Output . The power and signals interconnect via a removable European-style four conductor terminal block, or optionally, via the included tooless terminal block. 2-Wire 4-20 mA Current OutputThe connections to the transmitter are made through terminals VDC and COM on the terminal block as shown in Figure 1. The terminal block is removable and each of the terminals are labeled next to the terminal block on the circuit board. Polarity is indicated by VDC and COM. See Figure 1.The maximum receiver load resistance (RL) for a given power supply voltage (Vps) is defined by the formula: Shielded 2-wire cable is recommended for control loop wiring. Ground the shield at the power supply end only.The receiver may be connected to either the negative or positive side of the loop, whichever is most convenient. Should polarity of the transmitter or receiver be inadvertently reversed, the loop will not function properly but no damage will be done to the transmitter.The maximum length of connecting wire between the transmitter and the receiver is a function of wire size and receiver resistance. That portion of the total current loop resistance represented by the resistance of the connecting wires themselves should not exceed 10% of the receiver resistance. For extremely long runs (over 1,000 feet), it is desirable to select receivers with lower resistances in order to keep the size and cost of the connecting leads as low as possible. In installations where the connecting run is no more than 100 feet, you can use a connecting lead wire as small as No. 22 ga.DC POWER SUPPLY10-36 VDCV A CV D CC O MV O U TCURRENT RECEIVER+ --+DO NOT EXCEED SPECIFIED SUPPLY VOLTAGE RATINGS. PERMANENT DAMAGE NOT COVERED BY WARRANTY WILLRESULT. SIMULTANEOUS OUTPUTS ARE NOT DESIGNED FOR AC VOLTAGEOPERATION.Figure 1R L =V ps - 10.020 mA DC If equipped, the LCD must be removed before wiring. Pull the LCD directly away from the product to remove. Reinstall the LCD afterwiring is completed.The terminal block is removable and each of the terminals are labeled next to the terminal block on the circuit board. Positive polarity is indicated by VOUT. AC/DC selection is made via the terminal block. If the polarity of the transmitter is inadvertently reversed, the unit will not function properly, but no damage will be done to the transmitter.Selection of using a DC or AC power supply is made via the terminal block. See Figure 2 for DC Wiring. See Figure 3 for AC Wiring.The minimum receiver load is 1 kΩ. The resistance due to the wire should be low compared to the receiver load resistance. While the voltage at the terminal block remains unchanged with a 10 mA current flow, resistive losses in the wiring do cause errors in the voltage delivered to the receiver. For a 1% accurate gage, the resistance of the wires should be less than 0.1% of the value of the receiver load resistance. This will keep the error caused by the current flow below 0.1%.The output across VOUT and COM will be either 0-5 V, 0-10 V depending on the DIP switch setting. See DIP Switch Settings Section for more information.DO NOT EXCEED SPECIFIED SUPPLY VOLTAGE RATINGS. PERMANENT DAMAGE NOT COVERED BY WARRANTY WILLRESULT.DC POWER SUPPLY 17-36 VDCVOLTAGE RECEIVER-++-V A CV D C C O M V O U T AC POWER SUPPLY 21.6-33 VACVOLTAGE RECEIVERV A CV D CC O MV O U T -+Figure 2: DC wiringFigure 3: AC wiring3-Wire 0 to 10 V and 0 to 5 V Voltage Operation Power SupplyRefer to the following tables for the required supply rating.DIP SWITCH SETTINGSDIP switch settings are marked directly on the PCBA as shown in Figure 5. Switches are factory-set, based on the order configuration. You can also use a small screwdriver or pen to change the position of the switches.Key To DIP Switch SettingsDIP Switch 4 - Voltage Output RangeVoltage output range can be either 0-10 V or 0-5 V depending on the position of DIP Switch 4.• When the switch is in the OFF or down position, the output will be 0-10 V • When the switch is in the ON or up position, the output will be 0-5 V.DIP Switch 6 - Response Time SelectionDIP Switch 6 toggles to select the desired response time.• When the switch is in the OFF or down direction, the transmitter response time will be instantaneous.• When the switch is in the ON or up direction, the response time will be 3 seconds.Figure 5 is a depiction of a 5 in w.c. pressure board. Otherpressure boards, while similar, will vary from the below.There are no hazardous voltages if supplied power is within the specified range. However, it is a good idea to shut control systemsdown while changing DIP switches to prevent erratic control system behavior.Figure 5: 5 in w.c. pressure boardSimultaneous Current and Voltage OutputThe terminal block is removable and each of the terminals is labeled underneath the terminal block on the circuit board. Positive polarity is indicated by VOUT. The VDC terminal and a DC power supply must be used for Simultaneous Current and Voltage Output. The voltage output and the power supply must have separate wire leads that are only joined at terminal 2 of the transmitter. Additional error may occur for the voltage output if a single wire is used or if the wires are joined at the power supply or receiver.For the current output, the maximum allowable loop resistance (wiring + receiver resistance) is dependent on the power supply. The maximum loop voltage drop must not reduce the transmitter voltage below 17 V. The maximum loop resistance (R MAX ) for a given power supply voltage (V PS ) can be calculated using the following equation:The equation uses 17.0 instead of 10.0 as seen in the equation earlier with Figure 1. This represents the minimum voltage supply which is higher on the simultaneous output configuration due to the requirements of the voltage outputs.Shielded 4-wire cable is recommended for control loop wiring. Ground the shield at the power supply end only. Should the polarity of the transmitter or receiver be inadvertently reversed, the unit will not function properly, but no damage will be done to the transmitter.For voltage outputs, the minimum receiver load is 1 kΩ. The resistance due to the wire should be low compared to the receiver load resistance. While the voltage at the terminal block remains unchanged with a 10 mA current flow, resistive losses in the wiring do cause errors in the voltage delivered to the receiver. For a 1% accurate gage, the resistance of the wires should be less than 0.1% of the value of the receiver load resistance. This will keep the error caused by the current flow below 0.1%.The output across VOUT and COM will be either 0-5 V or 0-10 V depending on the DIP switch setting. See DIP Switch Settings Section for more information.V A CV D C C O M V O U T DC POWER SUPPLY 10-36 VDCVOLTAGERECEIVERCURRENT RECEIVER+-+--+Figure 4: Simultaneous current and voltage output wiringDO NOT EXCEEDSPECIFIED SUPPLY VOLTAGE RATINGS. PERMANENT DAMAGE NOT COVERED BY WARRANTY WILLRESULT. SIMULTANEOUS OUTPUTS ARE NOT DESIGNED FOR AC VOLTAGE OPERATION.R MAX =(V PS – 17.0) 20 mA DCCALIBRATIONThere is a 3 second delay from the time the zero or span calibration buttons are released until the time that the change in calibration takes place. This delay is used to prevent stress related offsets on the lower ranges.Zero CalibrationThe zero calibration can be set by applying zero pressure to both of the pressure ports and pressing the zero button for 3 seconds. If the LCD display is present, the display will read ZERO and then sequence back to the home display.Span CalibrationThe span calibration function allows the pressure value to be adjusted so that the currently applied pressure is the maximum configured pressure. This will in turn set the maximum analog output at the set pressure. It is recommended that the ZERO function be applied before performing a span. Apply the maximum desired pressure to the device, press and hold span for 3 seconds. If the LCD display is present, SPAN is displayed. The span function will be processed 3 seconds after the span button is released.For a positive span, apply pressure to the positive “+” port.The remaining DIP switches are disabled.©Copyright 2022 Dwyer Instruments, Inc.Printed in U.S.A. 8/22FR# 444343-50MAINTENANCE/REPAIRUpon final installation of the Series 616W Differential Pressure Transmitter, no routine maintenance is required. The Series 616W is not field serviceable and is not possible to repair the unit. Field repair should not be attempted and may void warranty.WARRANTY/RETURNRefer to “Terms and Conditions of Sale” in our catalog and on our website. Contact customer service to receive a Return Goods Authorization number before shipping the product back for repair. Be sure to include a brief description of the problem plus any additional application notes.This symbol indicates waste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check withyour Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.LCD DISPLAYThe LCD comes with a housing cover, which contains a window. The display plugs into the pins on top of the circuit board. The LCD is 180° rotatable so that it will read properly if the device must be mounted with the connections facing up.The following error messages will appear if an LCD is present and the device is anerror state.。
SAP2500D 微波ainted 差分探头用户指南说明书
1.1 Symbols
These symbols may appear on the probe body or in this manual to alert you to important safety considerations.
CAUTION. Potential for damage to probe or instrument it is connected to. Attend to the accompanying information to protect against personal injury or damage. Do not proceed until conditions are fully understood and met
高压差分探头系列说明书VP5065A 700Vpk /70MHzVP5200A 1500Vpk /70MHzVP5205A 1500Vpk/120MHzVP5205B 1500Vpk/200MHzVP5208A 2800Vpk/100MHzVP5210A 7000Vpk/70MHzVP5215A 7000Vpk/100MHz前 言首先,感谢您购买该产品,这份产品使用说明书,是关于该产品的功能、使用方法、操作注意事项等方面的介绍。
5、探头BNC输出线连接示波器或者其它设备时,确保BNC 端子可靠接地。
VP5000A 系列简要说明型号 最大输入差动电压带宽 衰减比 VP5065A 700V 70MHz 10X/100X VP5200A 1500V 70MHz 50X/500X VP5205A 1500V 120MHz 50X/500X VP5205B 1500V 200MHz 50X/500X VP5208A 2800V 100MHz 100X/1000X VP5210A 7000V 70MHz 100X/1000X VP5215A7000V100MHz 100X/1000X该符号表示对人体和机器有危害,必须参照说明书操作。
注意 警告 在错误操作的情况下,用户有受伤的威胁,为避免此类危险,记载了相关的注意事项。
深圳市知用知用电子 VP6130高压差分探头 说明书
CYBERTEK深圳市知用电子有限公司 深圳市知用电子有限公司 知用高压差分探头 VP6130 说明书深圳市知用电子有限公司 深圳市知用电子有限公司 知用深圳市南山区蛇口沿山路 10 号 4,5 楼 Tel:0755-******** Fax:0755-********CYBERTEK1. 概述深圳市知用电子有限公司 深圳市知用电子有限公司 知用VP6130 是一款高性价比的高压差分探头,差动测量电压高达 1300V(DC+Peak AC) 。
探头必须与 示波器的 BNC 头(BNC 必须提供地电位)连接使用。
探头具备良好共模噪声抑制能力,两个输入端都有 较高的输入阻抗和较低电容,可以准确高速地测量差分电压信号.2. 特性频宽 衰减比例 精度 输入电压范围 最大输入差动电压 最大共模输入电压 (正端与地之间电压或者 负端与地之间电压) 共模抑制比(CMRR) 输入阻抗(单端) 电源指示 过压指示 尺寸 配件 30MHz(-3dB) ×50, ×500 ±2% ×50 时,≦±130V ×500 时,≦±1300V 1300V 1000V60Hz:80dB 1MHz:50dB 4M/7pF 绿灯 红灯 135mm(长) ×70mm(宽) ×25mm(高) DC 12V/1A 适配器;绝缘活塞电夹3. 应用■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 浮地电压测量 开关电源设计 电机驱动设计 电子镇流器设计 CRT 显示器设计 电源转换等相关设计深圳市南山区蛇口沿山路 10 号 4,5 楼 Tel:0755-********Fax:0755-********CYBERTEK产品及 4. 产品及附件说明深圳市知用电子有限公司 深圳市知用电子有限公司 知用电源指示灯:当电源插入时,绿色指示灯亮。
电源指示灯过载指示灯: 过载指示灯:当输入电压超过测试量程时,红色指示灯亮。
TT-SI 7005 60MHz 激活差分探头 x1 x5 x10 使用说明书
60MHz active differential probex1 / x5 /x10Safety SummaryTo avoid personal injury and/or product damage, review and complywith the following safety precautions. These precautions apply to both operating and maintenance personnel and must be followed during all phases of operation, service, and repair of this probe.A WARNING statement calls attention to an operating procedure, practice,or condition, which, if not followed correctly, could result in injury or death to personnel.A CAUTION statement calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, orcondition, which, if not followed correctly, could result in damage to or destruction of parts or the entire product.Do Not Work AloneDo not work alone when working with high voltages.Inspect the ProbeInspect the probe and accessories for cracks and frayed or broken leads before each use. If defects or damages are noted, DO NOT USE the probe.Dry ConditionsHands, shoes, floor, and work bench must be dry. Avoid makingmeasurements under humidity, dampness, or other environmental conditionsthat might affect safety.Do Not Remove the Probe’s CasingRemoval of the probe’s casing may expose you to electric shock. If necessary, disconnect the inputs and outputs of the probe before opening the case.Hazardous ContactTo avoid injury, remove jewelry such as rings, watches, and other metallic objects. Do not touch exposed connections and components when power is present.Unexpected ChargesHazardous voltages may be present in unexpected locations in circuitry beingtested when a fault condition in the circuit exists.Capacitors inside the instrument may retain a charge even if the instrument is disconnected from its source of supply.Use Only in Office-Type Indoor SettingThe probe is designed to be used in office-type indoor environments.Do not operate the probe:•In the presence of noxious, corrosive, flammable fumes, gases, vapors, chemicals, or finely-divided particulates.•In environments where there is a danger of any liquid spilled on the probe.•In air temperatures exceeding the specified operating temperatures.•In atmospheric pressures outside the specified altitude limits or where the surrounding gas is not air.Man_7005_1019 www.testec.de 12Not for Critical ApplicationsThis probe is not authorized for use in contact with the human body or for use as a component in a life-support device or system.Do Not Substitute PartsDo not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modification to the instrument.Only Qualified PersonnelOnly qualified personnel should use this probe. This differential voltage probe is designed to be used by personnel who are trained, experienced, or otherwise qualified to recognize hazardous situations and who are trained in the safety precautions necessary to avoid possible injury when using such a device.Observe Maximum Working VoltageDo not use any probe above its maximum working voltage ranges. See specifications on page 7.Use Proper Power SourceDo not operate this probe from a power source that applies more than the voltage specified.Must be GroundedThis probe is grounded by the shell of the BNC connector through the grounding conductor of the power cord of the measurement instrument. Before makingconnections to the input leads of this probe, ensure that the output BNC connector is attached to the BNC connector of the measurement instrument, and that themeasurement instrument is properly grounded. Whenever it is likely that the ground protection is impaired, you must make the instrument inoperative and secure it against any unintended operation .Terms and SymbolsThe following symbols appear on the product or in its documentation:Direct voltageBoth direct and alternating voltage Caution, possibility of electric shock Caution, see documentation for detailsEarth Ground3DefinitionsMeasurement Category II (CAT II)refers to local-level electrical distribution, such as that provided by a standard wall outlet or plug-connected equipment. Examples of CAT II measurements would be household appliances, portable tools, and similar modules.Measurement Category III (CAT III)refers to measurements on hard-wired equipment in fixed installations, distribution boards, and circuit breakers that form part of a building wiring installation. Other examples are wiring, including cables, bus bars, junction boxes, switches, socketoutlets in the fixed installation, and stationary motors with permanent connections to fixed installationsPollution Degree 2refers to an operation environment where normally only dry, non-conductive pollution occurs. Temporary conductivity caused by condensation can be expected.Working CAT rating is equal to that of the lowest rated element within the test set-up.Compliance StatementsEC Declaration of ConformityThe product conforms to the applicable European Union requirements per IEC 61010-031:2015 Safety requirementsfor electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use. Part 31: Safety requirements for hand-held probe assemblies for electrical measurement and test.EU RoHS ComplianceThe probe and accessories conform to the 2011/65/EU RoHS2 Directive.Disposal of Old Electrical & Electronic Equipment(Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection systems). This product is subject to Directive2012/19/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), and injurisdictions adopting that Directive, is marked as being put on the market after August 13, 2005, and should not be disposed of as unsortedmunicipal waste. Please utilize your local WEEE collection facilities in the disposition of this product andotherwise observe all applicable requirements.This probe is in compliance with IEC 61010-031:2015 CAT III, Pollution Degree 2.1 IntroductionOverviewThe TT-SI 7005 differential probe allows safe, accurate measurement between two voltage points where neither point is referenced to ground. The probe is designed for high sensitivity measurements up to 60 MHz bandwidth. Compatible withoscilloscopes from all major manufacturers, the probe is exclusively powered by the included 9 V power adapter.Features•Meets IEC 61010-1:2015 safety standard•Selectable attenuation settings of x1, x5 and x10•60 MHz bandwidth @ x10 attenuation setting•50 MHz bandwidth @ x5 attenuation setting•15 MHz bandwidth @ x1 attenuation setting•Up to ±35 V (DC + AC peak) common mode•High accuracy (±2%)•Power indicator LED•Over range indicator LEDInitial InspectionThis unit is tested prior to shipment. It is therefore ready for immediate use upon receipt. An initial physical inspection should be made to ensure that no damage has been sustained during shipment. After the inspection, verify the contents of the shipment.Delivery Content•Differential probe - TT-SI 7005• 2 x Grabber, black & red – TT-SI GR2• 2 x test leads with insulated 4 mm banana plugs – TT-SI TL7silicone jacket,black & red•insulated BNC cable, 100 cm – TT-SI BN7•9 V power adapter – EU version – TT-SI NT7•User manual2 Using the ProbeWARNINGAt the time of powering on the probe, the input leads must not be connected to an itemto be tested. Never operate the probe with the case open.CAUTIONcircuit under test. This probe is not designed for electrically insulating the circuit undertest or the measuring instrument.4Inspection Procedure1.Connect the BNC output connector to the vertical input of the oscilloscope.2.Power on the probe.3.Set the attenuation setting on the oscilloscope to match the probe.4.Connect the input of probe to a function generator. Then select a square-waveoutput of 10 V amplitude and 100 kHz frequency.5.The square-wave will be displayed on the screen of the oscilloscope. Thisindicates the probe is working properly.Note that the oscilloscope should show the same voltage and frequency asthe function generator.Getting Started1.Connect the BNC output connector to the vertical input of a general purposedoscilloscope. The oscilloscope must have a ground referenced.2.Connect power adapter.3.Select the proper attenuation ratio. When measuring signals below 3,5 V,switch the attenuation ratio to x1 in order to get higher resolution and lessnoise ratio. For voltages up to 18 V, set the attenuation ratio to x5 and forvoltages up to 35 V set the attenuation ratio to x10.4.The power indicator LED should turn on.5.Plug the supplied grips onto the test leads and connect the circuit under test.Vertical Scale on OscilloscopeThe actual vertical scale of the oscilloscope is equal to the attenuation factormultiplied by the range of vertical scale selected on the oscilloscope.For example, with the probe on factor x00 and the oscilloscope on 0.5 V/div, the real vertical scale is 10 x 0.5 = 5 V/div.With the probe on x5, the real vertical scale is 5 x 0.5 = 2,5 V/ div.These values apply when the oscilloscope is set to the typical 1 MΩ impedance input. When the scope is set to 50 Ω input, the actual vertical scale will bedoubled:10 V/div for the x10 setting and 5 V/div for the x´5 setting.Scope Input Probe Actual Vertical Scale Actual VerticalImpedance Attenuation Attenuation Reading on Scale of theSetting Setting Oscilloscope Oscilloscope1 MΩx1x10,5 V/div0,5 V/div1 MΩx5x50,5 V/div2,5 V/div1 MΩx10x100,5 V/div 5 V/div50 Ωx1x20,5 V/div 1 V/div50 Ωx5x100,5 V/div 5 V/div50 Ωx10x200,5 V/div10 V/div5www.testec.de6Probe Input – 2 x 4mm Plug Probe OutputBNC ConnectorPower Indicator (Red)Over Range Indicator (Red)Attenuation Selector SwitchExternal Power Supply 3 Product OverviewIncluded AccessoriesTT-SI NT7 TT-SI TL7TT-SI GR2 TT-SI BN74 SpecificationsAll specifications apply to the unit after a temperature stabilization time of 20 minutes over an ambient range of 25°C ± 5°C.Bandwidth 60 MHz @ x1050 MHz @ x515 MHz @ x1Rise Time 5,8 ns @ x107 ns @ x523 ns @ x1Attenuation x1, x5, x10DC-Accuracy ±2%CMRR 80 dB @ 60 Hz60 dB @ 100 Hz50 dB @ 1 MHz±3,5 VMaximum Input Voltage @ x1(DC + AC peak)±18 VMaximum Input Voltage @ x5(DC + AC peak)±35 VMaximum Input Voltage @ x10(DC + AC peak)600 VrmsAbsolute Maximum Input Voltage(each side to ground)Input Impedance (differential) 1 MOhm // 2,5 pFInput Impedance (each side to ground) 0,5 MOhm // 6 pFOutput Voltage Swing±4 V using 1 MΩ oscilloscope input Offset (typical)±5 mVNoise (typical) 2 mVrmsSource Impedance 50 OhmPower Supply9 V power adapter (included)Weight 250 gDimensions 195 x 55 x 30 mmBNC cable length 100 cmInput lead length 55 cm eachOperation Tempearure/Humidity 0°C to 50°C / 10% to 85% RHStorage Tempearure/Humidity -30°C to 70°C / 10% to 90% RHSafety Standard IEC 61010-031:2015 CAT IIIPollution Degree 2Specifications are subject to change without notice. To ensure the most current version of this manual, please download the current version from our website:www.testec.de7www.testec.de85 Voltage Derating CurveThe derating curve of the absolute maximum input voltage in common mode is shown as follows:Figure: TT-SI 7005 Derating Curve6 CleaningThis probe does not require any particular cleaning. If necessary, clean the case with a soft cloth.WARNINGDry the probe thoroughly before attempting to make voltage measurements.CAUTIONAvoid immersing or using abrasive cleaners or solvents containing Benzene (or similar solvents) on the probe as these can cause deterioration of the probe body and cables.7 Service & Warranty InformationLimited One-Year WarrantyTestec Elektronik GmbH warrants these products to be free from defective material or workmanship for a period of 1 year from the date of original purchase. Under this warranty, Testec Elektronik GmbH is limited to repairing the defective device when returned to the factory, shipping charges prepaid, within the warrantyperiod.Units returned to Testec Elektronik GmbH that have been subject to abuse,misuse, damage, or accident, or have been connected, installed, or adjustedcontrary to the instructions furnished by Testec Elektronik GmbH, or that have been repaired by unauthorized persons, will not be covered by this warranty.Testec Elektronik GmbH reserves the right to discontinue models, change specifications, price, or design of this device at any time without notice and without incurring any obligation whatsoever.The purchaser agrees to assume all liabilities for any damages and/or bodily injury which may result from the use or misuse of this device by the purchaser, his employees, or agents.This warranty is in lieu of all other representations or warranties expressed orimplied and no agent or representative of Testec Elektronik GmbH is authorized to assume any other obligation in connection with the sale and purchase of thisdevice.ServiceIf you have a need for calibration or repair services, technical, or sales support, please contact us:Testec Elektronik GmbHFritz-Klatte-Str. 665933 Frankfurt / GermanyTel.: +49 (0) 69 – 9433350E-Mail:*****************www.testec.de9TT-SI 7005 Differential Probe User’s Manual© 2019 TESTEC Elektronik GmbH. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication of TESTEC documentation materials is strictly prohibited.Customers are permitted to duplicate and distributeTESTEC documentations for internal educational purposes。
OIDP-25 OIDP-50 OIDP-100高压差分探头使用说明书
INSTRUCTION MANUAL使用说明书1400Vp-p/25MHz 7000Vp-p/50MHz 7000Vp-p/100MHzOIDP-25 / OIDP-50 / OIDP-100耐压曲线参考图目 录1. 简述OIDP-25 40差分探头2. 规格5. 3. 探头面板说明4. 操作环境及状况操作程序6. 维护7. 清洁8. 保修9. 维修10.附件OIDP-50 差分探头2323242OIDP-100 差分探头525262727272729293031313233333333353536373738393939391. 简述2. 规格3. 探头面板说明4. 操作环境及状况5. 操作程序6. 维护7. 清洁8. 保修9. 维修10.附件1. 简述2. 规格3. 探头面板说明4. 操作环境及状况5. 操作程序6. 维护7. 清洁8. 保修9. 维修10.附件! Differential Voltage Probe,Read the instructions before using the instrument:1.Must acquire a differential voltage probe & get the best servicefrom instrument.2.Read carefully the Instruction Manual.3.Respect the safety precautions.! SAFETY PRECAUTIONSWARNING: Risk of Electric Shock,1.Do not use the probe in damp environment or where there isrisk of explosion.2.Do not use the probe with its case open.3.Disconnect the inputs and outputs of the probe beforeopening the case.4.The probes are for indoor use only.Respect the max input voltages:OIDP-25:1.Max differential voltage: 1400V (DC + AC peak) or 450 Vrms2.Max voltage between each input terminal and ground:600 VrmsOIDP-50 & OIDP-100:1.Max differential voltage: 7000V (DC + AC peak) or 2200 Vrms2.Max voltage between each input terminal and ground: 6500 Vrms ! TO ORDER Differential Voltage Probe and Accessories:1 x An Insulated BNC/BNC lead, length 100cm,BP2501 x Supplied a Adapter preset 9 V DC ( 230 V)2 x high voltage IC clips,BP2662 x Banana to Banana high voltage plug,BP3662 x Alligator plug,BP276OIDP-25High Voltage Differential ProbeOI DP-25 HIGH VOLTAGE DIFFERENTIAL PROBE 1. FEATURES2. SPECIFICA The OIDP-25 differential probe provides a safety means for measuring differential voltage to all models of oscilloscopes.The OIDP-25 c onverts the high differential voltage (≦1400Vpeak) into a low voltage (≦7.0V, with reference to the earth) and display on the oscilloscopes.The OIDP-25 is designed to operate with the 1M Ωimpedanceoscilloscopes. When combine with the 50Ω load, the attenuation will be 2 times.We recommend to use OI TEK P L-10 with OI DP-25 to expand the measuring with DMM to observe more accurate measurement. The accuracy of oscilloscope is 3% and the DMM is less than 1%.NOTE: If you connec t OIDP -25 to the DMM without PL-10, the accuracy will be higher than 10%.TIONS(2) Attenuation: x 20, x 50, or x 200(3) Accuracy: ±2%(1) Bandwidth:DC - to 25 MHz (-3 dB) for x 50, or x 200DC - to 15 MHz (for attenuation x 20) (4) Voltage Input Ranges (DC + AC peak to peak)(i.e about 45 Vrms or DC)(i.e about 110 Vrms or DC)(i.e about 450 Vrms or DC)Max differential voltage: 1400 V (DC + AC peak to peak) or 450VrmsMax voltage between each input terminal and ground: ≦ 140 Vp-p for x 20,≦ 350 Vp-p for x 50,≦ 1400 Vp-p for x 200, (5) Permitted Max Input Voltage600 VrmsOIDP -25Instruction Manual (6) Input Impedance:3. PANEL DESCRIPTIO Differential: 4 M Ω / 1.2 pFBetween terminals and ground: 2 M Ω / 2.3 pF (7) Output: ≦± 7.0 V (8) Output Impedance: 50 Ω(9) Rise Time: 14 ns for x 50,and x 200;23.4ns for x 20(10) Rejection Rate on Common Mode:60 Hz: > 80 dB ; 100 Hz: > 60 dB ; 1 MHz: > 50 dB(11) Power Supply: Only External 9 V DC power supply .(12) Consumption: 35 mA max (0.4 WATT)NPower ON/OFF IndicationAttenuation Function SwitchLow Power IndicationInput ConnectorOutput ConnectorExternal Power Source5. OPERATING PROCEDURE!Connect the leads to the input and place the wire-grip on the circuit to be tested.!Connect the probe to the oscilloscope with the insulated BNC/BNC lead.!Adjust the vertical zero adjustment of the oscilloscope if necessary.!Select the attenuation ratio* and the vertical deviation of the oscilloscope in accordance with the conversion table below.!NB: The POWER light must come on.The conversion table gives the real vertical deviation.4. OPERATING ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS(1) Dimensions and Weight:195 x 55 x 30 mm; 250g(2) Electrical Safety to IEC 1010-1!Dual Insulation!Installation Category III !Degree of Pollution 2!Rated Voltage or Max Line-Earth: 600 Vrms(3) CE MarkConforms to EN 50081-1 and 50082-1 standards(4) Indoor use only.X 200X 50X 201400Vp-p 350Vp-p 140Vp-p (±700V DC )(±175V DC )(±70V DC )Voltage Input Range (DC+AC Peak)Attenuation TemperatureRelative Humidity ReferenceUse Storage +20°C … +30°C≦70 % RH0°C … +50°C10 % … 85 % RH -30°C … +70°C10 % … 90 % RH[N.B]The real vertical deviation in V/div is equal to the attenuation factor multiplied by the range of vertical deviation selected on the oscilloscope. It will be doubled in the case of use of a 50 Ω load.Example:With the probe on factor x 200, the oscilloscope on 0.5 V/div, the real vertical deviation is 200 x 0.5 = 100 V/div.With a 50Ω load on the input of the oscilloscope the deviation becomes 200 V/div.200Real Deviation In V/div150201000.52510400.2104200.1521050 m 2.51420 m 10.4210 m 0.50.215 m m0.140 mVertical Deviation on the Oscilloscope in V/di v6. MAINTENANCEFor maintenance, only use specified spare parts.The manufacturer can not be held responsible for any accident arising following a repair made other than its after sales service or approved repairers.x 200x 50x 207. CLEANINGThis probe does not require any particular cleaning. If necessary, clean the case with a cloth slightly moistened with soapy water.8. STORAGEIf the probe is not use more than 60 days, please store the probe ina dehumidified environment to keep dry.9. WARRANTYUnless notified to the contrary, our instruments are guaranteed against any manufacturing defect or material defect. They do not bear the specification known as the safety specification. Ourguarantee, which may not under any circumstances exceed the amount of the invoiced price, goes no further than the repair of our faulty equipment, carriage paid to our workshops.It is applicable for normal use of our instruments, and does notapply to damage or destruction caused, notably by error inmounting, mechanical accident, faulty maintenance, defectiveuse, overload or exceed voltage.Our responsibility being strictly limited to the pure and simplereplacement of the faculty parts of our equipment, the buyerexpressly renounces any attempt to find us responsible fordamages or losses caused directly or indirectly.Our guarantee is applicable for twelve (12) months after the date at which the equipment is made available. The repair, modification or replacement of a part during the guarantee period will not result in this guarantee being extended.10. REPAIRMaintenance, repairs under or out of guarantee. Please return the product to your distributor.OIDP-25Instruction Manual11. ACCESSORIESADP-220V: AC Adapter.BP250: BNC Plug to BNC Plug; 50ΩResistance , RG58C UL,Length 100cm.BP366: Banana Plug to Banana Plug Silicon Wire; UL 6KV,18AWG, Length 60cm.(Red x 1pc , Black x 1pc)BP266: IC Clip, UL 1000V CAT III.(Red x 1pc , Black x 1pc)BP276: Alligator Clip, UL 1000V CAT II, 10A.(Red x 1pc , Black x 1pc)Instruction Manua l(OI tek221201S1).OIDP-50High Voltage Differential ProbeOI DP-50 HIGH VOLTAGE DIFFERENTIAL PROBE 1. FEATURESThe OIDP -50 differential probe provides a safety means for measuring differential voltage to all models of oscilloscopes.The OIDP-50 converts the high differential voltage (≦7000Vpeak)2. SPECIFICA into a low voltage (≦7.0V, with reference to the earth) and display on the oscilloscopes.The OIDP -50 is designed to operate with the 1M Ωimpedance oscilloscopes. When combine with the 50Ω load, the attenuation will be 2 times.We recommend to use OIDP TEK PL-10 with OIDP -50 to expand the measuring with DMM to observe more accurate measurement. The accuracy of oscilloscope is 3% and the DMM is less than 1%.NOTE: If you connect OIDP -50 to the DMM without PL-10, the accuracy will be higher than 10%.TIONS(i.e about 230 Vrms or DC)(i.e about 460 Vrms or DC)≦ 700 Vp-p for x 100,≦ 1400 Vp-p for x 200, ≦(1) Bandwidth:DC - to 50 MHz (-3 dB) for x 200, x 500and x 1000DC - to 25 MHz (for attenuation x 100) (2) Attenuation: x 100, x 200, x 500, x1000(3) Accuracy: ±2%(4) Voltage Input Ranges (DC + AC peak to peak)3500 Vp-p for x 500, (i.e about 1140 Vrms or DC)≦ 7000 Vp-p for x 1000, (i.e about 2300 Vrms or DC)(5) Permitted Max Input VoltageMax differential voltage: 7000 V (DC + AC peak to peak)Max voltage between each input terminal and ground: 6500 Vrms(6) Input Impedance:3. PANEL DESCRIPTIO Differential: 54 M Ω / 1.2 pFBetween terminals and ground: 27 M Ω / 2.3 pF(7) Output: ≦± 7.0 V (8) Output Impedance: 50 Ω(9) Rise Time: 7 ns for x 200,x 500,and x 1000;14ns for x 100(10) Rejection Rate on Common Mode:60 Hz: > 80 dB ; 100 Hz: > 60 dB ; 1 MHz: > 50 dB(11) Power Supply: Only External 9 V DC power supply .(12) Consumption: 35 mA max (0.4 WATT)NPower ON/OFF IndicationAttenuation Function SwitchLow Power IndicationInput ConnectorOutput ConnectorExternal Power Source5. OPERATING PROCEDURE!Connect the leads to the input and place the wire-grip on the circuit to be tested.!Connect the probe to the oscilloscope with the insulated BNC/BNC lead.!Adjust the vertical zero adjustment of the oscilloscope if necessary.!Select the attenuation ratio* and the vertical deviation of the oscilloscope in accordance with the conversion table below.!NB: The POWER light must come on.The conversion table gives the real vertical deviation.4. OPERATING ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION S(1) Dimensions and Weight:240 x 80 x 30 mm; 280g(2) Electrical Safety to IEC 1010-1!Dual Insulation!Installation Category III !Degree of Pollution 2!Rated Voltage or Max Line-Earth: 6500 Vrms(3) CE MarkConforms to EN 50081-1 and 50082-1 standards(4) Indoor use only.X 1000X 500X 1007000Vp-p 3500Vp-p 700Vp-p (±3500V DC )(±1750V DC )(±350V DC )Voltage Input Range (DC+AC Peak)Attenuation X 2001400Vp-p (±700V DC )TemperatureRelative Humidity ReferenceUse Storage +20°C … +30°C≦70 % RH0°C … +50°C10 % … 85 % RH -30°C … +70°C10 % … 90 % RH[N.B]The real vertical deviation in V/div is equal to the attenuation factor multiplied by the range of vertical deviation selected on the oscilloscope. It will be doubled in the case of use of a 50 Ω load.Example:With the probe on factor x 200, the oscilloscope on 0.5 V/div, the real vertical deviation is 200 x 0.5 = 100 V/div.With a 50Ω load on the input of the oscilloscope the deviation becomes 200 V/div.1000Real Deviation In V/div150********.52501002000.2100401000.15025050 m 25102020 m 1041010 m 5255 m 2.5122 m10.41005020105210.50.2Vertical Deviation on the Oscilloscope in V/div6. MAINTENANCEFor maintenance, only use specified spare parts.The manufacturer can not be held responsible for any accident arising following a repair made other than its after sales service or approved repairers.x 1000x 500x 200x 1007. CLEANINGThis probe does not require any particular cleaning. If necessary, clean the case with a cloth slightly moistened with soapy water.8. STORAGEIf the probe is not use more than 60 days, please store the probe ina dehumidified environment to keep dry.9. WARRANTYUnless notified to the contrary, our instruments are guaranteed against any manufacturing defect or material defect. They do not bear the specification known as the safety specification. Ourguarantee, which may not under any circumstances exceed the amount of the invoiced price, goes no further than the repair of our faulty equipment, carriage paid to our workshops.It is applicable for normal use of our instruments, and does notapply to damage or destruction caused, notably by error inmounting, mechanical accident, faulty maintenance, defectiveuse, overload or exceed voltage.Our responsibility being strictly limited to the pure and simplereplacement of the faculty parts of our equipment, the buyerexpressly renounces any attempt to find us responsible fordamages or losses caused directly or indirectly.Our guarantee is applicable for twelve (12) months after the date at which the equipment is made available. The repair, modification or replacement of a part during the guarantee period will not result in this guarantee being extended.10. REPAIRMaintenance, repairs under or out of guarantee. Please return the product to your distributor.11. ACCESSORIESADP-220V: AC Adapter.BP250: BNC Plug to BNC Plug; 50ΩResistance, RG58C UL,Length 100cm.BP276: Alligator Clip, UL 1000V CAT II, 10A.(Red x 1pc , Black x 1pc)BP266: HV IC Clip, MAX. 6500V(DC+ACp-p).(Red x 1pc , Black x 1pc)BP366: HV Banana Plug to Banana Plug Silicon Wire, 18AWG, UL 20KV, Length 60cm.(Red x 1pc , Black x 1pc)Instruction Manual(OI tek221201S1).OIDP-100High Voltage Differential ProbeOI DP-100 HIGH VOLTAGE DIFFERENTIAL PROBE 1. FEATURESThe OI DP-100 differential probe provides a safety means for measuring differential voltage to all models of oscilloscopes.The OI DP-100 converts the high differential voltage (≦7000Vpeak)2. SPECIFICA into a low voltage (≦7.0V, with reference to the earth) and display on the oscilloscopes.The OI DP-100 is designed to operate with the 1M Ωimpedance oscilloscopes. When combine with the 50Ω load, the attenuation will be 2 times.We recommend to use OI TEK PL-10 with OIDP-100 to expand the measuring with DMM to observe more accurate measurement. The accuracy of oscilloscope is 3% and the DMM is less than 1%.NOTE: If you connect OIDP-100 to the DMM without PL-10, the accuracy will be higher than 10%.TIONS(1) Bandwidth:DC - to 100 MHz (-3 dB) for x 200, x 500and x 1000 DC - to 50 MHz (for attenuation x 100) (2) Attenuation: x 100, x 200, x 500, x1000(3) Accuracy: ±2%(4) Voltage Input Ranges (DC + AC peak to peak)≦ 700 Vp-p for x 100,≦ 1400 Vp-p for x 200, ≦ 3500 Vp-p for x 500, (i.e about 230 Vrms or DC)(i.e about 460 Vrms or DC)(i.e about 1140 Vrms or DC)≦ 7000 Vp-p for x 1000, (i.e about 2300 Vrms or DC)(5) Permitted Max Input VoltageMax differential voltage: 7000 V (DC + AC peak to peak)Max voltage between each input terminal and ground: 6500 Vrms(6) Input Impedance:Differential: 54 M Ω / 1.2 pFBetween terminals and ground: 27 M Ω / 2.3 pF(7) Output: ≦± 7.0 V(8) Output Impedance: 50 Ω(9) Rise Time: 3.5 ns for x 200,x 500,and x 1000;7ns for x 100(10) Rejection Rate on Common Mode:3. PANEL DESCRIPTIO 60 Hz: > 80 dB ; 100 Hz: > 60 dB ; 1 MHz: > 50 dB(11) Power Supply: Only External 9 V DC power supply .(12) Consumption: 35 mA max (0.4 WATT)NPower ON/OFF IndicationLow Power IndicationAttenuation Function SwitchInput ConnectorOutput ConnectorExternal Power Source5. OPERATING PROCEDURE!Connect the leads to the input and place the wire-grip on the circuit to be tested.!Connect the probe to the oscilloscope with the insulated BNC/BNC lead.!Adjust the vertical zero adjustment of the oscilloscope if necessary.!Select the attenuation ratio* and the vertical deviation of the oscilloscope in accordance with the conversion table below.!NB: The POWER light must come on.The conversion table gives the real vertical deviation.4. OPERATING ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS(1) Dimensions and Weight:240 x 80 x 30 mm; 280g(2) Electrical Safety to IEC 1010-1!Dual Insulation!Installation Category III !Degree of Pollution 2!Rated Voltage or Max Line-Earth: 6500 Vrms(3) CE MarkConforms to EN 50081-1 and 50082-1 standards(4) Indoor use only.X 1000X 500X 1007000Vp-p 3500Vp-p 700Vp-p (±3500V DC )(±1750V DC )(±350V DC )Voltage Input Range (DC+AC Peak)Attenuation X 2001400Vp-p (±700V DC )TemperatureRelative Humidity ReferenceUse Storage +20°C … +30°C≦70 % RH0°C … +50°C10 % … 85 % RH -30°C … +70°C10 % … 90 % RH[N.B]The real vertical deviation in V/div is equal to the attenuation factor multiplied by the range of vertical deviation selected on the oscilloscope. It will be doubled in the case of use of a 50 Ω load.Example:With the probe on factor x 200, the oscilloscope on 0.5 V/div, the real vertical deviation is 200 x 0.5 = 100 V/div.With a 50Ω load on the input of the oscilloscope the deviation becomes 200 V/div.1000Real Deviation In V/div 150********.52501002000.2100401000.15025050 m 25102020 m 1041010 m 5255 m 2.5122 m10.41005020105210.50.2Vertical Deviation on the Oscilloscope in V/div6. MAINTENANCEFor maintenance, only use specified spare parts.The manufacturer can not be held responsible for any accident arising following a repair made other than its after sales service or approved repairers.x 1000x 500x 200x 1007. CLEANINGThis probe does not require any particular cleaning. If necessary, clean the case with a cloth slightly moistened with soapy water.8. STORAGEIf the probe is not use more than 60 days, please store the probe ina dehumidified environment to keep dry.9. WARRANTYUnless notified to the contrary, our instruments are guaranteed against any manufacturing defect or material defect. They do not bear the specification known as the safety specification. Ourguarantee, which may not under any circumstances exceed the amount of the invoiced price, goes no further than the repair of our faulty equipment, carriage paid to our workshops.It is applicable for normal use of our instruments, and does notapply to damage or destruction caused, notably by error inmounting, mechanical accident, faulty maintenance, defectiveuse, overload or exceed voltage.Our responsibility being strictly limited to the pure and simplereplacement of the faculty parts of our equipment, the buyerexpressly renounces any attempt to find us responsible fordamages or losses caused directly or indirectly.Our guarantee is applicable for twelve (12) months after the date at which the equipment is made available. The repair, modification or replacement of a part during the guarantee period will not result in this guarantee being extended.10. REPAIRMaintenance, repairs under or out of guarantee. Please return the product to your distributor.11. ACCESSORIESADP-220V: AC Adapter.BP250: BNC Plug to BNC Plug; 50ΩResistance, RG58C UL,Length 100cm.BP276: Alligator Clip, UL 1000V CAT II, 10A.(Red x 1pc , Black x 1pc)BP286: Test Lead UL 1000V, CAT III.(Red x 1pc , Black x 1pc)BP266: HV IC Clip, MAX. 6500V(DC+ACp-p).(Red x 1pc , Black x 1pc)BP366: HV Banana Plug to Banana Plug Silicon Wire, 18AWG, UL 20KV, Length 60cm.(Red x 1pc , Black x 1pc)Carry Case(PX-502).Instruction Manual(OI tek221201S1).当打开此产品的盒盖时,最高差分电压:1400V(DC+AC peak)或450Vrms 输入端及接地端间的最大差分电压:600VrmsOIDP-50 及最高差分电压:7000V(DC+AC peak)或2200Vrms 输入端及接地端间的最大差分电压:6500Vrms请勿使用此产品在潮湿的环境下或在易爆的风险下操作!请勿使用此产品,当此产品的盒盖被打开!OIDP-100:请将输出及输入端切断!请小心注意触电!请注意最高输入电压!OI DP-25:差分探头 !使用前请详细阅读使用说明!2 . 从使用说明取得最佳维修及服务 。
B-1B 液位差分压力传感器- PX2310 产品说明书
Rangeable Wet/Wet Differential Pressure Transmitter
10:1 Turndown in 4 steps Maximum Ranges 50 to 250 psi (3.4 to 17 bar) 0 to 5 Vdc, 1 to 5 Vdc, 0 to 10 Vdc, 4 to 20 mA (2-Wire)
0 to 100 0 to 50 0 to 20 0 to 10
(±100) (±50)
0 to 250 0 to 125 0 to 50 0 to 25
(±250) (±125) (±50)
Comes complete with operator’s manual.
PX2310, shown smaller than actual size.
U Energy Management Systems
U Process Control Systems
U Flow Measurement
U Liquid Level
U Pressure Drops Across Filters
U Jumper Selectable
高压差分探头 DPB1300 1300Vpk 50MHz 1 产品说明书
高压差分探头DPB1300 1300Vpk/50MHz首先,感谢您购买该产品,这份产品使用说明书,是关于该产品的功能、使用方法、操作注意事项等方面的介绍。
● 请小心注意触电危险,注意最高输入电压。
● 请勿在潮湿的环境下或者易爆的风险下使用。
● 被测电路接入探头之前,确保先关闭被测电路。
● 测量结束后,先关闭电路,再取走探头。
● 探头BNC 输出线连接示波器或者其它设备时,确保BNC 端子可靠接地。
● 使用之前,请检查探头外皮是否有破损,若出现破损情况,请停止使用! ● 选择本产品标配的适配器供电。
前言 (1)DPB1300简要说明 (1)概述 (3)应用 (3)产品及附件说明 (4)探头主体说明 (4)附件说明 (5)电气规格 (6)机械规格 (7)环境特性 (7)操作步骤 (7)使用注意事项 (8)性能验证 (9)安装 (10)DC精度 (10)上升时间 (10)DC共模抑制比(CMRR) (11)测试记录表格 (11)保养及维护 (12)保修 (12)装箱单 (12)1. 概述DPB1300高压差分探头是具有浮地测量功能的高压差分探头。
PINTECH品致N系列差分探头N1140A 说明书
温度 +20℃…+30℃ 0℃….+50℃
(1) 频宽: DC-100MHz
(2) 衰减:x100,x1000 (3) 精确度:+/-1% (4) 输入电压范围(DC+AC PEAK TO PEAK)
≤1.4Vforx100,(约 490V RMS) ≤14KVforx1000,(约 4900V RMS) (5) 允许最高输入电压: 最高差动电压:14KV(DC+AC PEAK TO PEAK) 输入端及接地端间最高电压:5KV RMS (6) 输入阻抗: 差动:20MΩ /1pF 单端到接地端间的输入阻抗:10MΩ /2pF (7) 输出电压:≤7V (8) 输出 阻抗:50Ω (9) 上升时间
N1140A 差动测试棒
N1140A 差动测试棒提供一个安全的仪器给所有的示波器使用,它可以转换由高输入的差动 电压(≤14KVP-P)进入一个低电压(≤7V),并且显示波形在示波器上,使用频率高达 100MHz, 非常适合大电力测试、研发、维修使用。 差动测试棒输出标示是设计在操作示波器 1MΩ的输入阻抗的相对衰减量,当使用 50Ω 匹配 器进衰减量刚好爲 2 倍量。 N1140A 差动测试棒,也建议选购本公司生産的 PL-10 阻抗转换器,可以延伸差动测试棒的 应用范围-可以在电表上观测更精确的实际测量电压值(示波器精确度爲 1%,数位电表约精 准 10 倍)。
麦科信电子 DP系列差分探头说明书
3) 测量高频信号时不要用手或其他物体接触输入线的末端,否则会引 入新 的阻抗,从而影响测量结果的精度。
4) 输出接示波器时要求示波器的输入阻抗不低于 1MΩ,频宽不低于 100MHz。
CAT I 1000V
≤15mVrms(10X) ≤60mVrms(100X)
±2 %
130V(50X) 1300V(500X)
±2 %
130V(50X) 1300V(500X)
±2 %
CAT II 1000V
CAT Ⅲ 1000V
2) 以下情况保修失效,但提供维修服务,免收人工费,只收取配件费: a. 消费者因使用、维护、保管不当造成任何配件的损坏。b.由不可抗力 因素所引致的损坏,如天灾等。
3) 在下列情况,本公司将拒绝提供维修服务或提供收费维修 服务:a.无法 提供产品包装或产品包装上的防伪标签。b.防伪标签内容经涂改,或模 糊不清而无法辨认。c.由任何未经麦科信公司授权人士拆动过的。 (如:换线,拆卸内部元器件等)。d.无销售凭证或销售凭证内容与产 品不符。
5) 建议开机预热20分钟后使用,以得到更准确的数据。 6) 当温差较大或其他情况导致零点不准时,需要对零点进行校准:将 2 输入
端短路,上电,同时按"衰减选择与指示过载指示"两个按钮持续3s。 7) 如果产品出现问题,请及时与我司联系。
本差分探头主体保修1年。在产品保修期内,凡属于正常使用情况下,由 于产品本身质量问题引起的故障,未经拆修,本公司将负责给予免费维 修。
福禄克 U1500s 高压差分探头 说明页 说明书
PN 5100875 June 2019 (Simplified Chinese)©2019 Fluke Corporation.All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notification. All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.U1500sHigh Voltage Differential Probe 说明简介Fluke U1500s High Voltage Differential Probe (以下称“Probe”或“产品”)是一种便携式电压传感器,具有 1500V dc/1000V ac 量程和 0.1% 的准确度。
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泰克 P7313、P7380 和 P7360 5X 25X 差分探头用户手册说明书
用户手册P7313 12.5GHzP7380 8GHz和 P7360 6GHz 5X/25X 差分探头071-1707-01版权所有 © Tektronix, Inc. 保留所有权利。
许可软件产品由 Tektronix、其子公司或提供商所有,受国家版权法及国际条约规定的保护。
Tektronix 产品受美国和外国专利权(包括已取得和正在申请的专利权)的保护。
TEKTRONIX、TEK 和 TekConnect 是 Tektronix, Inc. 的注册商标。
Velcro 是 Velcro Industries B.V 的注册商标。
Tip-Clip 和 iLink Tool Set 是 Tektronix, Inc. 的商标。
Tektronix 联系信息Tektronix, Inc.14200 SW Karl Braun DriveP.O. Box 500Beaverton, OR 97077USA有关产品信息、销售、服务和技术支持信息:■ 在北美地区,请拨打 1-800-833-9200。
■ 其他地区用户请访问 ,以查找当地的联系信息。
本保证适用于探头:保证 2Tektronix 保证,本产品自发货之日起一 (1) 年内不会出现材料和工艺缺陷。
如果在保修期内证明任何此类产品有缺陷,Tektronix 将会选择对缺陷产品进行维修或更换,不收部件和人工费用。
Tektronix 作保证用途的部件、模块和更换产品可能是全新的,或者经修理具有相当于新产品的性能。
所有更换的部件、模块和产品将成为 Tektronix 的财产。
为得到本保证声明承诺的服务,客户必须在保修期内向 Tektronix 通报缺陷,并为服务的履行做适当安排。
客户应负责包装缺陷产品并托运到 Tektronix 指定的维修中心,同时预付运费。
如果产品运送到 Tektronix 服务中心所在国/所在地区之内的地点,Tektronix 应支付向客户送返产品的费用。
RP1000D 系列用户手册
1. 将附件提供的红色安规 IC 夹与红色双香蕉插头硅胶线的一端连 接,将黑色安规 IC 夹与黑色双香蕉插头硅胶线的一端连接。然 后将红色双香蕉插头硅胶线与高压探头的红色(+)输入端口连 接,将黑色双香蕉插头硅胶线与高压探头的黑色(-)输入端口 连接。
RIGOL 认证本产品符合中国国家产品标准和行业产品标准及 ISO9001:2008 标准和 ISO14001:2004 标准,并进一步认证本产品符 合其它国际标准组织成员的相关标准。
如您在使用此产品的过程中有任何问题或需求,可与 RIGOL 联系: 电子邮箱:service@ 网址:
RP1000D 系列高压差分探头适用于通用示波器,其标识的衰减比是 在示波器的输入阻抗为 1MΩ 时的衰减量,当示波器的输入阻抗设置 为 50Ω 时,衰减量变为输入阻抗为 1MΩ 时的 2 倍。
过载指示灯 衰减比及电源开关旋钮 电源开关指示灯
BNC 接口
图 1 RP1025D 高压差分探头
在保修期内,若产品被证明有缺陷,RIGOL 将为用户免费维修或更 换。详细保修条例请参见 RIGOL 官方网站或产品保修卡的说明。欲 获得维修服务或保修说明全文,请与 RIGOL 维修中心或各地办事处 联系。
除本概要或其他适用的保修卡所提供的保证以外,RIGOL 公司不提 供其他任何明示或暗示的保证,包括但不局限于对产品可交易性和特 殊用途适用性之任何暗示保证。在任何情况下,RIGOL 公司对间接 的,特殊的或继起的损失不承担任何责任。
保持适当的通风。 通风不良会引起仪器温度升高,进而引起仪器损坏。使用时应保持良 好的通风,定期检查通风口和风扇。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
2. 規格:
(1) 頻 寬: DC - 25 MHz (-3dB) for x 50, x 200
DC - 15 MHz (衰 減 x 20檔)
(2) 衰 減: x 20, x 50, 或 x 200
(3) 精 確 度: +/- 2%
(4) 輸入電壓範圍 (DC + AC PEAK TO PEAK)
3. 測試棒面板說明
電力不足指示燈 衰減量選擇及電源開關旋鈕
輸出端 44
DP-50 中文說明書
4. 操作環境及狀況
溫度 溼度
使用操作中 儲存
+20° C … +30° C 0° C … +50° C -30° C … +70° C
DP-50 中文說明書
(8) 輸 出 阻 抗: 50 Ω (9) 上 升 時 間:
7 ns for x 200, x 500 及 x 1000 14 ns for x 100 (10) 雜 訊 抑 制 率: 60 Hz: > 80 dB ; 100 Hz: > 60 dB ; 1 MHz: > 50 dB (11) 電 源: 指 定 外 接9 V DC 電 源(必 須 是 本 公 司 承 認 指 定 品) (12) 耗 電: 最 大 耗 電 量35 mA (0.4瓦 特)
DP-25 差動測試棒
DP-25 差動測試棒
1. 簡 述:
DP-25差 動 測 試 棒 提 供 一 個 安 全 的 儀 器 給 所 有 的 示 波 器 使 用, 它 可 以 轉 換 由 高 輸 入 的 差 動 電 壓(≦1400 PEAK) 進 入 一 個 低 電 壓(≦7.0V), 並 且 顯 示 波 形 在 示 波 器 上, 使 用 頻 率 高 達25 MHz.非 常適合大電力測試、研發使用。 差 動 測 試 棒 輸 出 標 示 是 設 計 在 操 作 示 波 器1MΩ 的 輸 入 阻 抗 的 相 對 衰 減 量, 當 使 用50Ω 匹 配 器 時 衰 減 量 剛 好 為2倍 量 。 DP-25差 動 測 試 棒, 也 建 議 選 購 本 公 司 生 產 的PL-10阻 抗 轉 換 器, 可 以 延 伸 差 動 測 試 棒 的 應 用 範 圍-可 以 在 數 字 電 錶 上 觀 測 更 精 確 的實際測試電壓值(示波器精確度為3%, 數字電錶約精準3倍)。 [注意] 如果沒有使用PL-10阻抗轉換器, 而直接連接數字電錶, 讀 值 的 誤 差 將 大 於1 0 %。
≦ 140 Vp-p for x 20,
(約45V RMS 或DC)
≦ 350 Vp-p for x 50,
(約110 V RMS 或DC)
≦ 1400 Vp-p for x 200,
(約450 V RMS 或DC)
(5) 允 許 最 高 輸 入 電 壓: 最 高 差 動 電 壓: 1400 V (DC + AC PEAK TO PEAK) 或 450Vrms 輸 入 端 及 接 地 端 間 最 高 電 壓: 600 Vrms
3. 測試棒面板說明
輸出端 38
DP-25 中文說明書
4. 操作環境及狀況
溫度 溼度
使用操作中 儲存
+20° C … +30° C 0° C … +50° C -30° C … +70° C
≦70 % RH
10 % … 85 % RH 10 % … 90 % RH
8. 保 固:
除 了在人為上的特意損壞, 本產品是受保固 並 可 以 維 修 的, 並 不 包 含 在安全規範的責任。 保 固是以不超出發票上的金額, 零件的更換 及 運 送 的 費 用 。 保 固是僅在正常操作下而造成的損壞. 並不 包 含 任 何 刻 意 的 損 壞, 操 作 上的錯誤, 機械上的操作不當, 保養不當, 負 載 或 過 壓 。 原 廠的保固僅包含有限的單純更換損壞的 零 件. 使 用 者 將 不 可 歸 據 直接或間接的責任在原廠。 原 廠的保固是賣出後的12個月內. 如有任意 的 非 原 廠 的 維 修 或 更 換 零 件, 原廠保固將自然取消。
x 200 200 100 40 20 10 4 2 1 0.4
實 際 偏 向(V/DIV)
x 50
x 20
40 m
[注 意]
實際的垂直偏向是等於衰減乘上示波器上所選擇的垂直偏向. 如果是 使用PL-50(50Ω 負載器)時, 實際偏向值 x2 (等於2倍量)。 例 如: 測 試棒是 x 200, 示波器的垂直偏向在 0.5, 其 實 際 的 垂 直 偏 向 為: 200 x 0.5 = 100 V/div 示 波器輸入的負載是50Ω, 偏向就為200 V/div
請 勿 使 用 此 產 品在潮濕的環境下或有易爆的風險下操作! 請 勿 使 用 此 產 品當此產品的盒蓋被打開! 當 打 開 此 產 品 的盒蓋時請將輸出及輸入端切斷!
! 訂購差動測試棒時內含
雙端BNC接頭的測試纜線,長度1公尺( BP-250) 一個9 V DC 轉換器 (客戶必需指定115 V或230 V) 一對高電壓專用的IC夾( BP-256N 或 BP-266) 一對指定規格的雙端香蕉插頭高電壓傳 輸 線(BP-356V 或 BP-366) 一對高電壓專用的鱷魚夾
表。 ! 注 意: 電 源 必 須 打 開 。
最大輸入電壓 (DC+AC Peak)
X 200 1400Vp-p (±700VDC)
X 50 350Vp-p (±175VDC)
X 20 140Vp-p (±70VDC)
DP-25 中文說明書
示波器上的 垂 直 偏 向(V/DIV)
1 0.5 0.2 0.1 50 m 20 m 10 m 5m 2m
(6) 輸 入 阻 抗: 差 動: 4 MΩ / 1.2 pF 單 端 到 接 地 端 間 的 輸 入 阻 抗: 2 MΩ/2.3 pF
(7) 輸 出 電 壓: ≦ +/- 7.0 V
DP-25 中文說明書
(8) 輸 出 阻 抗: 50 Ω (9) 上 升 時 間:
14 ns for x 50 及 x 200 23.4 ns for x 20 (10) 雜 訊 抑 制 率: 60 Hz: > 80 dB ; 100 Hz: > 60 dB ; 1 MHz: > 50 dB (11) 電 源: 指 定 外 接9 V DC 電 源(必 須 是 本 公 司 承 認 指 定 品) (12) 耗 電: 最 大 耗 電 量35 mA (0.4瓦 特)
[注意] 如果沒有使用PL-10阻抗轉換器, 而直接連接數字電錶, 讀 值 的 誤 差 將 大 於1 0 %。
2. 規格:
(1) 頻 寬: DC - 50 MHz (-3dB) for x 200, x 500及 x 1000 DC - 25 MHz (衰 減 x 100檔)
(2) 衰 減: x100, x 200, x 500, 或 x 1000 (3) 精 確 度: +/- 2% (4) 輸入電壓範圍 (DC + AC PEAK TO PEAK)
DP-50 差動測試棒
DP-50 差動測試棒
1. 簡 述:
DP-50差 動 測 試 棒 提 供 一 個 安 全 的 儀 器 給 所 有 的 示 波 器 使 用, 它 可 以 轉 換 由 高 輸 入 的 差 動 電 壓(≦7000 PEAK) 進 入 一 個 低 電 壓(≦7.0V), 並 且 顯 示 波 形 在 示 波 器 上, 使 用 頻 率 高 達50 MHz, 非 常適合大電力測試、研發、維修使用。 差 動 測 試 棒 輸 出 標 示 是 設 計 在 操 作 示 波 器1MΩ 的 輸 入 阻 抗 的 相 對 衰 減 量, 當 使 用50 Ω 匹 配 器 時 衰 減 量 剛 好 為2倍 量 。 DP-50差 動 測 試 棒, 也 建 議 選 購 本 公 司 生 產 的PL-10阻 抗 轉 換 器, 可 以 延 伸 差 動 測 試 棒 的 應 用 範 圍-可 以 在 數 字 電 錶 上 觀 測 更 精 確 的實際測試電壓值(示波器精確度為3%, 數字電錶約精準3倍)。
9. 維 修:
有任何的維修, 保養或更換零件是在保固以外, 請將產品退回原廠維 修。
10. 附 件:
ADP-110V 或 ADP-220V: AC 電源轉換 器(購 買 時 請 指 定 一 種)。 BP-250: 雙端BNC同軸纜線; 50Ω阻抗, RG58C UL, 長度 100 cm。 BP-356N: 雙端香蕉插頭矽膠線; UL 6KV, 18AWG, Length 60cm(紅 色,黑色各一)。 BP-256N: 安規 IC 夾, UL 1000V CAT III(紅色,黑色各一)。 BP-276N: 安規鱷魚夾, UL 1000V CAT II, 10A(紅色,黑色各一)。 使用說明書(TINSE0004S4)。
6. 維 護:
保 養此產品時請使用原廠指定的工具. 原廠 將 不 負 任 何 責 任 由 其 他 不被認可的維修人員所做的維修。 本 產品如超過60天不使用, 請將本產品至於 防 潮 箱 存 放 。
DP-25 中文說明書
7. 清 潔:
此 產品不需要任何特定的清潔. 如有需要, 請 用 輕 軟 乾 淨 的 布 沾 上 微 量的清潔液輕輕的在產品外觀擦拭。