电影美丽心灵 中英剧本全翻译
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是数学家赢得了世界大战Mathematicians won the war
是数学家破解了日本密码Mathematicians broke the Japanese codes
也是数学家发明了原子弹and built the A-bomb
就像你我一样的数学家Mathematicians like you
苏联的终极目标是赤化全世界The stated goal of the Soviets is global communism
包括医学经济In medicine or economics
科技太空in technology or space
战争的界线已经划出battle lines are being drawn
为了争取胜利我们需要结果To triumph we need results
需要可以发表和应用的结果Publishable applicable results
谁是未来的摩尔斯?Now who among you will be the next Morse?
谁又是下一个爱因斯坦?The next Einstein?
你们当中谁将是Who among you will be the vanguard
民主自由和发明的先锋?of democracy freedom and discovery?
今天我们将美国的未来Today we bequeath America's future
交到你们的手中into your able hands
欢迎加入普林斯顿的行列Welcome to Princeton gentlemen
汉森赢得卡内基奖学金居然还不满足It's not enough Hansen won the Carnegie Scholarship 他想要通吃No he has to have it all for himself
这是第一次由两人共享It's the first time the Carnegie prize
这项奖学金汉森当然不爽has been split Hansen's all bent
听说他一心想进入惠勒研究室Rumor is he's got his sights set on Wheeler Lab
就是麻省理工学院新的军事智囊团the new military think tank at MIT
今年他们只收一个人They're only taking one this year
而汉森认为他是第一人选Hansen's used to being picked first
研究数学实在浪费他的才能yeah he's wasted on math
他应该去选总统He should be running for president
你的领带这样糟There could be a mathematical explanation
一定有数学上的合理解释for how bad your tie is
谢谢你Thank you
我是尼尔森专攻符号密码学Neilson symbol cryptography
他破解过日本密码Neils here broke a Jap code
也曾帮助世界摆脱法西斯主义Helped rid the world of fascism
他都是这样对女孩子说的At least that's what he tells the girls Neils?
我叫宾达专攻原子物理学The name's Bender Atomic physics
-你是哪位? -我迟到了吗?-And you are? -Am I late?
-是的-苏先生-Yes -Yes Mr Sol
好! 你好good Hi
我是理查·苏Sol Richard Sol
这就是天才的负担The burden of genius
-他来了-宴会这么多时间真不够用-There he is -So many supplicants and so little time -苏先生您好-您好-Mr Sol -How are you sir?
-宾达-很高兴看到你-Bender -Nice to see you
汉森先生恭喜你Congratulations Mr Hansen
谢谢Thank you
再给我一杯I'll take another
什么?Excuse me?
真抱歉我以为你是服务生A thousand pardons I simply assumed you were the waiter
汉森给他留点面子Play nice Hansen
他才不会替人留面子Nice is not Hansen's strong suit
我真的是无心之过Honest mistake
想必你就是马丁·汉森Well Martin Hansen
你是马丁吧?It is Martin isn't it?
没错我就是Why yes John it is
我猜你对误估已习以为常I imagine you're getting quite used to miscalculation
我读过你的初稿I've read your pre-prints
两份都读过Both of them
一份是纳粹党的密码文件The one on Nazi ciphers
另一份是非线性方程式and the other one on non-linear equations
我确信and I am supremely confident
不管是哪一份that there is not a single seminal
都不具有发展和创新性or innovative idea in either one of them
好好享受你的水果酒Enjoy your punch
各位这位就是约翰·纳什Gentlemen meet John Nash
西弗吉尼亚州的神秘天才the mysterious West Virginia genius
也是另一位著名的卡内基奖学金得主The other winner of the distinguished Carnegie Scholarship 宾达当然了Bender Of course
真要命! Christ
我就是你的浪子室友The prodigal roommate arrives
天呀饶了我吧! God no
你知道所谓的宿醉Did you know that having a hangover is
就是体内没有足够的水份is not having enough water in your body
去执行克雷布斯循环to run your Krebs cycles?
这和因渴至死的情况Which is exactly what happens to you
完全一样when you're dying of thirst
如此说来因渴至死的感觉So dying of thirst
可能和宿醉的感觉一样would probably feel pretty much like the hangover
反正最后仍逃不过一死that finally bloody kills you
你是约翰·纳什吗?John Nash?
我叫查尔斯·赫曼Charles Herman
很高兴认识你Pleased to meet you
正式宣布Well it's official
我已经恢复正常了I'm almost human again
警官我看见撞到我的驾驶人Officer I saw the driver who hit me
他的名字是"约翰走路"His name was Johnny Walker
昨晚我去参加Well I got in last night
英文系办的in time for
鸡尾酒会English department cocktails
我当然是那只雄纠纠的鸡Cock was mine
至于那个美丽可爱的女孩the tail belonged to a particularly lovely young thing
则是情欲大师劳伦斯的崇拜者with a passion for DH
你居然不怕被打扰DH Lawrence You're not easily distracted are you?
我是来工作的I'm here to work
哎呀那当然Hmmm are you? Right
我明白了I see Crikey!
你真是个无趣的家伙Is my roommate a dick?
既然打不破我们之间的冰山Listen If we can't break the ice
干脆大醉一场如何?How about we drown it?
告诉我你的故事So what's your story?
一个从没出过家门的穷小孩You the poor kid that never got to go to Exeter or Andover?
虽然我从小接受高等教育Despite my privileged upbringing
但身心却很平衡I'm actually quite well-balanced
我的弱点是人际关系I have a chip on both shoulders
人与事比较起来Maybe you're just better
你恐怕比较会应付事with the old integers than you are with people
我的小学老师说过My first grade teacher she told me
我有两个脑袋that I was born with two helpings of brain
却只有半颗心but only half a helping of heart
-真的? -是呀-Really? -Yeah
哇她似乎挺可爱的Wow! She sounds lovely!
其实The truth is that I
我并不喜欢人们I don't like people much
他们也不喜欢我And they don't much like me
怎么可能?But why
你既风趣又有魅力with all your obvious wit and charm?
说真的Seriously John
它永远不能领导你找到更高的真理Mathematics is never going to lead you to a higher truth
想知道原因吗?And you know why?
因为它太枯燥无味了Because it's boring It's really boring
你知道半数以上的学生已经发表了他们的论文You know half these schoolboys are already published? 我不能在课堂上I cannot waste time with these classes
和书本上再浪费时间and these books
去记住那些毫无说服力的假设吧!Memorizing the weaker assumptions of lesser mortals!
我必须要为博弈论I need to look through
有所突破to the governing dynamics
找出它的原创理论来Find a truly original idea
那是唯一能让我出头的方法That's the only way I'll ever distinguish myself
是唯一使我能成为It's the only way that I'll ever
下一个是谁?All right who's next?
我下够了今天不玩了No I've played enough "go" for one day thank you
-来嘛-我不喜欢围棋-Come on -I I hate this game
你们都是胆小鬼Cowards all of you!
没人敢向我挑战None of you rise to meet my challenge?
宾达别这样嘛Come on Bender
谁赢阿苏就替他洗一学期的衣服Whoever winsso does his laundry all semester 你们不觉得这很不公平吗?Does that seem unfair to anyone else?
不觉得Not at all
-你们看他-纳什-Look at him -Nash!
在研究反组织理论吗?Taking a reverse constitutional?
我想找出一个演算法I'm hoping to extract an algorithm
好替它们的活动下定义to define their movement
你一直没去上课Hey Nash I thought you dropped out
我以为你退学了You ever going to go to class or
上课会使你的脑筋迟钝Classes will dull your mind
也会破坏创造的潜能Destroy the potential for authentic creativity
这我倒不知道oh I didn't know that
有一天纳什的才华会惊倒大家Nash is going to stun us all with his genius
但这也可能是Which is another way of saying
他不敢和我比赛的藉口he doesn't have the nerve to compete
怕了吗?You scared?
惊呆了窘呆了Mortified Petrified
而且是目瞪口呆Stupefied by you
咱们就一战定英雄No starch Pressed and folded
我能不能问你一件事Let me ask you something John
尽管问Be my guest Martin
宾达和阿苏已经完全无误的Bender and Sol here correctly completed
证明出艾伦的推论Allen's proof of Peyrot's Conjecture
尚差强人意啦Adequate work
可惜没有创新without innovation
谢谢夸奖你呢? 我很感动你呢?I'm flattered You flattered?
而我有两样武器纲要And I've got two weapons briefs
正由国防部审查中under security review by the DOD
真叫我垂涎不已Derivative drivel
而纳什的成就却是零But Nash achievements zero
我有耐心I'm a patient man Martin
你到底想问什么?Is there an actual question coming?
假若你永远找不出原创理论What if you never come up with your original idea?
最后惠勒研究室选择了我How will it feel when I'm chosen for Wheeler
你会有什么感觉?and you're not?
输是什么感觉?What if you lose?
你不应该赢You should not have won
是我先走的每一步都很完美I had the first move my play was perfect
这就是所谓的骄兵必败The hubris of the defeated
这个游戏有缺点The game is flawed
这就是伟大的约翰·纳什Gentlemen the great John Nash
你呆在这里已经两天了You've been in here for two days
汉森又发表了一篇报告You know Hansen's just published another paper?
而我连博士论文的主题都没有I can't even find a topic for my doctorate
可是你却发明了橱窗艺术Well on the bright side you've invented window art
这是美式橄榄球队的比赛This is a group playing touch football
这是一群鸽子在争夺面包屑This is a cluster of pigeons fighting over bread crumbs
而这是一个女人And this here is a woman
在追逐偷她皮包的男人who is chasing a man who stole her purse
你居然目击抢劫案John you watched a mugging
真不可思议That's weird
在竞争的状态下总有人会输In competitive behavior someone always loses
这点连我的小侄女都懂Well my niece knows that John
而她只有这么点大and she's about this high
如果我能找出一种均衡See if I could derive an equilibrium
在优势可逆的情况下where prevalence is a non-singular event
就会出现双赢的局面where nobody loses
你想这在有冲突的情况下会有多大的影响can you imagine the effect that would have 像武器协商on conflict scenarios and arms negotiations
你什么时候吃过东西?When did you last eat?
你什么时候吃的饭?When did you last eat?
像货币交换Currency exchange?
吃东西You know food
你一点也不尊重幻想You have no respect for cognitive reverie
你知道吗?you know that?
但是说到比萨饼But pizza
我对它可是满腔的尊重Now pizza I have enormous respect for
当然还有啤酒And of course beer
我敬重啤酒I have respect for beer
我非常敬重啤酒I have respect for beer!
-晚安尼尔森-嗨纳什-Good evening Neils -Hey Nash
谁赢这个你还是另一个你Who's winning? You or you?
-晚安纳什-你们好-Evening Nash -Hey guys
纳什你好Hey Nash
他在看你He's looking at you
你确定?Are you sure?
嗨纳什Hey Nash
尼尔森要你过去Neils is trying to get your attention
-你一定在开玩笑呢-不是吧-You're joking -Oh no
勇敢的去Go with God
一定要失身哟Come back a man
幸运与勇者同在Fortune favors the brave
炸他个屁滚尿流Bombs away
各位让我提醒你们Gentlemen might I remind you that my odds of success
每试一次就会增加我一分胜算dramatically improve with each attempt?
保证绝对精彩This is going to be classic
你是不是要请我喝杯酒Maybe you want to buy me a drink
为了想让你和我上床I don't exactly know what I'm required to say
我实在不知道该说些什么in order for you to have intercourse with me
你干脆就当我把该说的都说过了but could we assume that I said all that?
反正我们所谈的是有关液体交流的事Essentially we're talking about fluid exchange right? 所以何不立刻切入性交的主题So could we just go straight to the sex?
你可真鲜that was sweet
再见啦你这个混蛋Have a nice night asshole!
小姐们等一下Ladies wait!
我最喜欢液体交流那一段I I especially liked the bit about fluid exchange
真的很棒It was really charming
约翰陪我走一走Walk with me John
我一直想和你谈谈I've been meaning to talk with you
教授们已经完成了期中的审核The faculty is completing mid-year reviews
我们正在决定如何分配学生We're deciding which placement applications to support
教授到惠勒研究室是我的第一选择Wheeler sir That would be my first choice
也是唯一的选择我知道And actually I don't really have a second choice sir
其他的人都按时上课John your fellows have attended classes
不但写论文也已经发表了They've written papers They've published
教授我仍在研究我的I'm still searching sir for my
你的原创理论?Your original idea I know
是博弈论Governing dynamics sir
很好可惜It's very clever John but I'm afraid
还是不够好it's just not nearly good enough
-您的外套? -谢谢-May I? -Thank you
我一直在研究"符合嵌入"I've been working on manifold embedding
这个理论已经开始见到成效My bargaining stratagems are starting to show some promise
希望你能再次安排If you could just arrange another meeting
我和爱因斯坦教授会面if you'd be kind enough with Professor Einstein
-我曾再三请你替我安排-约翰听我说-I've repeatedly asked you for that -Now John
我会让他看修订后的I'd be able to show him my revisions on his
你知道他们在做什么吗?Do you see what they're doing in there?
-恭喜-非常感谢-Congratulations -Thank you so much
教授恭喜你Congratulations Professor Max
那支笔代表着It's the pens
会员们Reserved for a member of the department
肯定了他的终生成就that makes the achievement of a lifetime
告诉我你看到了什么?Now what do you see John?
做得好教授谢谢Well done Professor well done
你看到贯彻了吗?Well try seeing accomplishment
难道还有分别吗?Is there a difference?
你仍没有集中你的注意力you haven't focused
对不起到目前为止I'm sorry but up to this point
根据你的记录我不能保证你一定会有工作your record doesn't warrant any placement at all 再见Good day
我向你致意多谢And my compliments to you sir
非常感谢Thank you so much
怎么就是看不出来呢I can't see it
约翰你别这样Jesus Christ John
我不能失败I can't fail
这是我的全部呀This is all I am
咱们出去走走Come on let's go out
我必须做些成绩出来I got to get something done
光瞪着天空不是办法I can't keep staring into space
够了我还是向他们屈服吧John enough!
面对墙壁Got to face the wall
你想来硬的没问题Fine you want to do some damage? Fine
-别浪费时间了-上他们的课-But don't mess around -Do their classes
干脆敲破你的脑袋自杀算了Come on! Go on bust your head! Kill yourself
好! 去呀别浪费时间了John do it Don't mess around
去撞你的脑袋呀Bust your head!
去啊把你那个没用的脑袋撞开Go onbust that worthless head wide open
查尔斯你这个混蛋Goddamn it Charles!
你到底有什么毛病What the hell is your problem?!
我没有毛病It's not my problem
你也没有问题And it's not your problem
全是他们的问题It's their problem
面对墙壁不可能找到答案Your answer isn't face the wall
答案在你工作的地方It's out there where you've been working
那张桌子可真重That was heavy
看来牛顿的理论还挺正确的That Isaac Newton fellow was right
-他可真厉害-聪明的家伙-He was onto something -Clever boy
别担心是我的东西Don't worry that's mine
等会儿就去收拾I'll come and get it in a minute
美女来了Incoming gentlemen
深呼吸Deep breaths
纳什你最好Nash you might want to stop shuffling
先休息几秒钟your papers for five seconds
我不请你们喝啤酒I will not buy you gentlemen beer
我们不是来喝啤酒的we're not here for beer my friend
你们同不同意她最好以慢镜头移动Does anyone else feel she should be moving in slow motion? 她会要求一个盛大的婚礼吗?Will she want a large wedding you think?
要用剑决斗还是在黄昏时用手枪决斗?Shall we say swords gentlemen? Pistols at dawn?
你们怎么都忘了Have you remembered nothing?
还记得现代经济学之父Recall the lessons of Adam Smith
亚当·史密斯的理论the father of modern economics
在竞争中"In competition
个人的野心往往会促进公共利益individual ambition serves the common good"
-没错-每个人都为自己着想-Exactly -Every man for himself gentlemen
被三阵出局的人只能去约她的朋友And those who strike out are stuck with her friends
我绝不会被三阵的I'm not gonna strike out
你可以把美女带到水边You can lead a blonde to water
但你不能逼她喝水but you can't make her drink
他好像没说过这句话I don't think he said that
别动她在看我们了Nobody move She's looking over here
她在看纳什She's looking at Nash
好吧可能他现在占有优势God He may have the upper hand now
但等他一开口保证完蛋but wait until he opens his mouth
还记得上次吗?Remember the last time?
对那一次可真鲜yes that was one for the history books
亚当·史密斯需要修订他的理论了Adam Smith needs revision
你在说些什么?What are you talking about?
如果我们全去追那个美人If we all go for the blonde
结果一定全军覆没we block each other
谁也得不到她Not a single one of us is gonna get her
然后我们去找她的女朋友So then we go for her friends
她们肯定会浇我们冷水but they will all give us the cold shoulder
因为没人愿意屈居第二because nobody likes to be second choice
但是若没人去追那个金发美女Well what if no one goes for the blonde?
那我们之间既互不侵犯We don't get in each other's way
也没有羞辱到其他女孩and we don't insult the other girls
只有这样大家才能赢That's the only way we win
也只有这样才都有上床的机会That's the only way we all get laid
亚当·史密斯曾说过Adam Smith said
最好的结果the best result comes
是要能做到from everyone in the group doing
分工和专业对不对?what's best for himself right?
那是他说的对不对?That's what he said right?
他的理论不完整Incomplete Incomplete okay?
因为最好的结果是Because the best result will come
团体中的每一个人from everyone in the group
都做对本身和团体最有利的事doing what's best for himself and the group
你想拿这套歪理去独占美人Nash if this is some way for you to get the blonde on your own
门儿都没有you can go to hell
各位这就是所谓的博弈论Governing dynamicsgentlemen
博弈论亚当·史密斯Governing dynamics Adam Smith
他错了was wrong
-又来啦-小心点-Oh here we go -Careful careful
谢谢你Thank you
C(S)等于C(T)"C" of "S" equals "C" of "T"
你知道这会推翻一百五十年来You do realize this flies in the face
牢不可破的经济理论of a years of economic theory?
我知道Yes I do sir
你不觉得太放肆了吗?That's rather presumptuous don't you think?
是有一点It is sir
纳什先生Well Mr Nash
由于你做出如此重大的突破with a breakthrough of this magnitude
我相信你可以去任何你想去的地方I'm confident you will get any placement you like
惠勒研究室Wheeler Labs
会请你介绍两位组员they'll ask you to recommend two team members
史提和法兰克应该很合适Stills and Frank are excellent choices
我要阿苏和宾达Sol and Bender sir
阿苏和宾达都是非常优秀的数学家Sol and Bender are extraordinary mathematicians
但你可曾想过Has it occurred to you that Sol and Bender
他们俩可能另有打算might have plans of their own?
我们终于能进惠勒研究室了Baby! Wheeler we made it!
干杯干Cheers cheers cheers!
各位尴尬的时刻来了Okay awkward moment gentlemen
博弈论Governing dynamics
-约翰恭喜你了-谢谢-Congratulations John -Thanks
-干杯-为惠勒研究室干杯-Toast! -To Wheeler Labs!
为惠勒研究室干杯To Wheeler!
将军惠勒研究室的分析家到了General the analyst from Wheeler Lab is here
纳什博士你的外套Dr Nash your coat?
谢谢你Thank you sir
将军这位就是惠勒研究室的领导人约翰·纳什博士General this is Wheeler team leader Dr John Nash
很高兴你能来Glad you could come Doctor
这边走Right this way
我们截获由莫斯科发出的无线电报We've been intercepting radio transmissions from Moscow
电脑无法查出它的模式The computer can't detect a pattern
但我认为绝对是密码but I'm sure it's code
何以见得Why is that General?
就是有那种感觉你会吗?Ever just know something Dr Nash?
我们研发了几个密码索引We've developed several ciphers
要不要看看我们的初步资料If you'd like to review our preliminary data
我需要一份地图I need a map
缅因州的斯达基角Starkey Corners Maine
明尼苏达州的波吉特草原Prairie Portage Minnesota
这些都是经纬线These are latitudes and longitudes
至少还有十个There are a least others
这似乎是进入美国边境的路线顺序They appear to be routing orders across the border into the US 太惊人了Extraordinary
我们需要做更进一步的研究we need to move on this
那位老大是谁?Who's big brother?
你为国家贡献良多You've done your country a great service son
-上尉-是的长官-Captain! -Yes sir
替纳什博士带路Accompany Dr Nash
将军俄国人有什么动向?What are the Russians moving general?
罗杰上尉会陪你Captain Rogers will escort you
到不受限区to the unrestricted area Doctor
谢谢Thank you
纳什博士请跟我来Dr Nash follow me please
是纳什博士It's Dr Nash
好的All right
-谢谢你先生-在五角大楼打出全垒打了吗?-Thank you sir -Home run at the Pentagon?
他们有没有把"机密"两个字Have they actually taken the word "classified"
从字典里删掉out of the dictionary?
嗨冷气机又坏了hi The air conditioning broke again
我都快融化了How am I supposed to be in here saving the world
怎么去整救世界?if I'm melting?
约翰我们真替你叫屈Our hearts go out to you
四年中五角大楼两度叫我去You know two trips to the Pentagon in four years
那你比我们多去了两次That's two more than we've had
好的还在后面It gets better John
我们才接到最新的伟大任务Just got our latest scintillating assignment
你们知道苏俄已经制出氢弹You know the Russians have the H-bomb
纳粹的魔爪已伸向南美the Nazis are repatriating South America
中国有两百八十万的常备军the Chinese have a standing army of million
而我却在替水坝做压力试验and I am doing stress tests on a dam
但是你却二度上"财富杂志"的封面You made the cover of Fortune again
请注意你用了"你" 而不是"我们"Please note the use of the word "you" not "we"
应该只有我一个人才对That was supposed to be just me
如今他们不但剥夺我得奖的机会So not only do they rob me of the Fields medal
居然把我和这些小鼻子小眼的文人学者们now they put me on the cover of Fortune magazine 一起放在"财富杂志" 的封面上with these hacks these scholars of trivia
约翰天才和才气横溢John exactly what's the difference
到底有什么不同?between genius and most genius?
差别大了Quite a lot
反正你总是有道理He's your son
你只剩下十分钟了Anyway you've got minutes
我的时间多得是I've always got minutes
你现在得去上课了Before your new class?
能不能请医生开张病假单Can I not get a note from a doctor or something?
抱歉这回可不行You are a doctor John and no
你知道这里的规定Now come on you know the drill
学校既然给了我们这些设施we get these beautiful facilities
就要用当今美国最伟大的脑袋MIT gets America's great minds of today
去教未来伟大的脑袋做交换teaching America's great minds of tomorrow
好了祝你在学校里过的愉快Now have a nice day at school
上课铃要响了The bell's ringing
未来饥渴稚嫩的脑袋The eager young minds of tomorrow
教授可以留一个窗户不要关吗?Can we leave one open Professor?
实在太热了It's really hot sir
课堂的安静Your comfort comes second
比你舒不舒服重要得多to my ability to hear my own voice
这堂课不但浪费I think this class will be a waste
你们的时间of your
糟糕的是更浪费了And what is infinitely worse
我宝贵的时间my time
既然来了那就说清楚here we are So
来不来上课随你们的便you may attend or not
你可以喜欢了就完成你的作业You may complete your assignments at your whim
课这就开始了We have begun
打扰一下Excuse me!
打扰一下Excuse me!
我们有点小小的问题We have a little problem
关上窗户这里会很热It's extremely hot in here with the windows closed
开着却又太吵and extremely noisy with them open
我在想能不能请你们So I was wondering if there was any way you could
先修别的地方大约分钟就行了I don't know maybe work someplace else for about minutes? -没问题-谢谢你们-Not a problem -Thank you so much!
-休息一下-好的-At a break! -Got it!
你们会发现As you will find in multivariable calculus
在多变性的微积分中there is often
往往一个难题会有多种解答a number of solutions for any given problem
黑板上的这个问题As I was saying this problem here
有些人可能会解上好几个月will take some of you many months to solve
更有些人For others among you
可能要花上一辈子的时间it will take you the term of your natural lives
纳什教授Professor Nash
我是威廉·帕彻William Parcher
你所谓的老大Big brother
在此听候你的吩咐at your service
我能为国防部做些什么?What can I do for the Department of Defense?
你是来替我加薪的吗?Are you going to to give me a raise?
咱们散散步Let's take a walk
-你在五角大楼的工作让人钦佩-的确如此-Impressive work at the Pentagon -Yes it was
原子弹之父常说Oppenheimer used to say
"天才在问题发生前就已找到解答""Genius sees the answer before the question"
你认识奥本海默?You knew Oppenheimer?
他的计划就在我的监督之下进行的His project was under my supervision
哪个计划?Which project?
喔那个计划That project
其实并不简单It's not that simple you know?
可是你们仍然结束了战争Well you ended the war
我们杀死十五万人We incinerated people in a heartbeat
要有牺牲才能完成伟业Great deeds come at great cost Mr Parcher
可是对旁观者而言Well conviction it turns out
却不应该随便去断罪is a luxury of those on the sidelines Mr Nash
我会试着去记住它I'll try and keep that in mind
据我所知你没家人So John no family
也没好友no close friends
怎么会这样子?Why is that?
我宁愿想成自己是个独行侠I like to think it's because I'm a lone wolf
但主要原因是人们不喜欢我But mainly it's because people don't like me
妙的是由于你缺少人际关系Well there are certain endeavors
在这里where your lack of personal connection
却成为你的一大长处would be considered an advantage
这里是管制区This is a secure area
他们认识我They know me
你曾来过这里吗?Have you ever been here?
在刚来的时候We were told during our initial briefing
他们说这是一栋废弃的仓库that these warehouses were abandoned
其实并不正确That's not precisely accurate
由于要告诉你以下的机密By telling you what I'm about to tell you
我特地把你参与机密的资格I am increasing your security clearance
升高至"最高机密"to top secret
泄露机密资料会去坐牢的Disclosure of secure information can result in imprisonment
懂吗?Get it?
什么行动?What operation?
这东西倒挺好用的Those are a good idea
这家工厂位于柏林This factory is in Berlin
战后我们把它关闭了We seized it at the end of the war
纳粹工程师Nazi engineers were attempting
原打算制造轻型原子弹to build a portable atomic bomb
苏联在我们之前到这里The Soviets reached this facility before we did
拿去所有的资料and we lost the damn thing
五角大楼的路线顺序The routing orders at the Pentagon
是不是和这有关?they were about this weren't they?
苏联的内部并没有真正的统一The Soviets aren't as unified as people believe
赤军集团称他们自己为"新自由"A faction of the Red Army calling itself Novaya Svobga 他们已经控制住原子弹"the New Freedom" has control of the bomb
而且打算在美国本土上引爆and intends to detonate it on US soil
他们计划造成百姓们最大的伤害Their plan is to incur maximum civilian casualties
人类是非常Man is capable of as much atrocity
残酷的as he has imagination
新自由在美国派有间谍New Freedom has sleeper agents here in the US
麦卡锡议员是个白痴McCarthy is an idiot
但并不等于他的见解是错的but unfortunately that doesn't make him wrong
新自由组织是通过报纸和杂志上的密码New Freedom communicates to its agents
和他们的间谍传递消息through codes imbedded in newspapers and magazines
所以我们需要借助你的才能and that's where you come in
约翰你明白的You see John
你与别人最大的不同what distinguishes you
在于你是一个is that you are
简单的说quite simply
你是我所见过最好的天生破码专家the best natural code-breaker I have ever seen
你到底要我干什么?What exactly is it that you would like me to do?
记住上面所列的所有期刊Commit this list of periodicals to memory
仔细浏览每一期Scan each new issue
只要发现密码find any hidden codes
就去破解它decipher them
把下巴放在下巴台上Place your chin on the chin rest
凝视灯光Stare into the light
脉搏跳动正常Pulse regular
这个会有点不舒服Okay this may be a little uncomfortable
有点痛对不对?That's got a little zap to it doesn't it?
他植入一个镭两极真空管He just implanted a radium diode
别担心很安全Don't worry it's safe
它会渐渐蜕变The isotope decays predictably
结果会使这些数字定期变换As a result these numbers change over time
那是你进入投信点的密码They're the access codes to your drop spot
这么说我是个密探罗So what am I now a spy?
天呀你一定很重要Boy you must be really important
迈克没事了It's all right Mike
你在做什么?What are you working on?
我们已经等了半个钟头Everyone waited half an hour
你今天没来上课You missed class today
我以为I suspect that
没人会去的nobody missed me
你写在黑板上的问题The problem that you left on the board
我已经解决了I solved it
不可能no you didn't
你连看都没看You didn't even look
我并没有说向量场是有理函数I never said that the Vector Fields were rational functions 解答是一流的Your solution is elegant
但是在这种特殊的情况下Though on this particular occasion
答案却是错误的ultimately incorrect
你还在这里You're still here
我还在这里I'm still here
我在想I'm wondering
纳什教授Professor Nash
能不能请你去吃晚餐if I can ask you to dinner
你总要吃饭吧?You do eat don't you?。