



1.—Tony, have you got any plan for the summer vacation?

—Not yet. Perhaps I'll go back to my hometown with my family.

A. Maybe

B. Actually

C. Generally




2.Jenny will get up than usual in order to catch the first bus.

A. early

B. very early

C. earlier

D. earliest

【答案】 C



3.Lucy likes staying at home. She ______goes traveling during holidays.

A. usually

B. seldom

C. always

D. often

【答案】 B


4.You should think _________ before taking the job,and don't do it just for fun.

A. quickly

B. seriously

C. proudly

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】在接受这份工作之前你应该……考虑一下,不要只是闹着玩。quickly 迅速地,seriously 严肃地,认真地,proudly 骄傲地,根据句意可知此处应该是认真地思考,故选B。


5.Neither my sister nor I ________ been to Xi'an before.

A. have never

B. have ever

C. has never

D. has ever

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:以前我姐姐和我都没去过西安。根据句子结构可知本句应用现在完成时(have /has done);其次neither…nor表示两者都不,本身就是否定意义,则可排除never;当其连接主语时,谓语通常遵循“就近一致”原则,即谓语由离其最近的名词或者代词单复数决定,该句中离其最近的主语是I,则应填写have ever。故选B。


6.—Who sings __________in your class?

— Li Jing does.

A. most beautifully

B. most beautiful

C. more beautifully

D. more beautiful

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:——在你班级里谁唱歌唱得最动听?——李静唱的最好。beautiful 形容词,动听的,修饰名词;beautifully动听地,副词,修饰实义动词,sings是实义动词,所以用副词beautifully,排除B、D。A.最动听,最高级;C.更动听,比较级。根据in your class,与班里所有人进行比较,因此用最高级,故选A。


7.Miss Li speaks as ____ as she can to make her students understand her.

A. clearly

B. more clearly

C. most clearly

D. the most clearly

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:李老师尽可能地讲清楚以使得她的同学们听懂她。A.clearly清楚地;B.more clearly更清楚地;C.most clearly最清楚地;D.the most clearly最清楚地。as …as …:和……一样……,表示同级比较,其中的形容词、副词要用原形形式。故选A。

8.Boys and girls, please listen to me _______. I have something important to tell you.

A. carefully

B. careless

C. careful

D. carelessly

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:同学们,请认真听我说,我有重要的事情告诉你们。A. carefully 细心地,仔细地,副词;B. careless粗心的,形容词;C. careful细心的,形容词;D. carelessly粗心地,副词。我有重要的事情要讲,可以推测出要“仔细地听”,修饰行为动词listen用副词形式,故选A。

9.Jeff pleased everybody by making his dog walk ________.

A. by

B. over

C. from

D. on


【解析】【分析】句意:杰夫通过让他的狗继续散步让大家高兴。by介词,通过;over介词,在……之上,多余,超过;from介词,从;on介词,在……上;副词,继续。work on继续散步。所以选D。

10.—It's reported that Fuxing high-speed train can go as ______ as 350 km an hour.

—Wow, how amazing!

A. fastest

B. faster

C. fast




11."Left—behind" children _________see their parents, because their parents work in the cities, leaving them behind in the countryside to be cared for by their grandparents.

A. always

B. hardly ever

C. Often

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:留守儿童几乎不曾看见他们的父母,因为他们的父母在大城市工作,把他们留在农村被爷爷奶奶照顾。A. 总是;B. 几乎不曾;C. 经常,根据常识可知留守儿童几乎不曾见到他们的父母,故选B。


12.Listen up, everybody! Show me your licence. Don't ask . Just do it!

A. what

B. when

C. how

D. why


【解析】【分析】句意:大家听好!把证件给我看。不要问为什么,照执行就是了。what 什么,表示事物;when何时,表示时间; how怎样,表示方式; why为什么,原因。对于“疑问词”的选择,一定要根据语境,不要问回答等方面来选择,表示原因,选D。

13.— Did you get Wechat red(微信红包)during the Spring Festival?

— Yes. It's the most popular way of sending traditional holiday presents now.

A. totally

B. widely

C. actually

D. hardly

【答案】 C


14.—The fish tastes _______, we have eaten it up.—It is certain that she cooked it _________.

A. good , well

B. well, good

C. well, well

D. good, good

【答案】 A


15.—Have you heard about Shenzhen International Magic Festival?

— ! It's a big event for magic lovers like me.

A. Well

B. Certainly

C. Exactly


【解析】【分析】句意:---你听说过深圳国际魔术节吗?---当然了,对于像我这样的魔术迷来说这是一件大事。well哦;certainly当然;exactly准确的。根据下文 It's a big event 可知应该是回答“当然”,肯定知道,故答案为B。


16.She wasn't ____ and made many mistakes in his homework.

A. enough carefully.

B. enough careful

C. carefully enough

D. careful enough

【答案】 D


【点评】考查enough用法:修饰形容词放在形容词后,was系动词后应使用形容词。17.There was a big fire yesterday. ______ no one was hurt.

A. Luckily

B. Loudly

C. Angrily

D. Badly

【答案】 A


18.The local guide spoke ______she could to make the visitors understand her.

A. as clear as

B. as clearly as

C. so clear as

D. so clearly as



或副词+as,用于同级比较,表示“和一样”。speak说话,动词需用副词修饰,可排除A、C 选项。否定结构用so+形容词或副词+as,此处是肯定句,排除D。故选B。


19.—Zhang Lili, “the most beautiful teacher”, has moved us deeply.

— Yes, and she is ______ popular with her students.

A. sometimes

B. never

C. always

D. hardly


【解析】【分析】句意:——“最美教师”张丽丽深深打动了我们。——是的。而且她一直受学生的欢迎。A. sometimes 有时;B. never从不; C. always 总是;D. hardly几乎不。根据与“the most beautiful teacher”用连词and 表示递进关系的,应是表示她一直受学生的欢迎。故选C。


20.— ________ will the music programme be over?

— In ten minutes.

A. What time

B. How long

C. How often

D. How soon

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:—音乐节目要多久才能结束?—再过十分钟。A. What time什么时间,问的是具体的钟点时间,用It's句型回答;B. How long多长,问距离;表时间时,多用于过去时态,主要用来对一段时间(如three days, four weeks等)提问。C. How often多久/多常,问频率,表示“多少时间一次或每隔多久”;D. How soon多久,问时间,用于一般将来时态,回答需用in + 一段时间。本题答语In ten minutes.回答的是一段时间,根据句意语境,需用how soon提问,故选D。


21.—Which boy runs _______ in your class?

—Well, Sam. He runs _______ than any other boy.

A. faster; faster

B. faster; fastest

C. fastest; faster

D. fastest; fastest 【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:——你班哪个男孩跑得最快?——Sam,他跑得比其他任何一个男孩要快。in your class,表明是最高级,fast的最高级是fastest;than是比较级标志词,所以用fast的比较级faster,故选C。


22.In my senior high school, I will ______ than I did in my junior high school.

A. study more harder

B. be hardworking

C. work harder

【答案】 C



23.—Bob, you look blue. Don't make any decision, __________ when you're in a bad mood. —OK, I won't. Thanks.

A. exactly

B. probably

C. especially

D. generally

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:——Bob,你看起来很低落。不要做任何决定,尤其在你心情不好的时候。——好的,我不会的。谢谢。A确切地,B可能,C特别是,D通常地。根据when you're in a bad mood. 在你心情不好的时候,可知应是尤其心情不好的时候,不要做任何决定。故选C。


24.Apples are __________ good fruit that __________ people dislike them.

A. such, few

B. so, few

C. such, a few

D. so, a few

【答案】 A


25.—________ do you read storybooks?

—I read them twice a week.

A. How long

B. How soon

C. How far

D. How often

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:—你多久读一次故事书?—我一周读两次。根据I read them twice a week.可知此处对频率提问,故用疑问词how often。故选D。


26.I know you are shorter than your two brothers, but you run _______ of you three.

A. more faster

B. fastest

C. more fast

D. fast

【答案】 B



27.——What time do I have to leave, Dr Li?

——_________, don't stay here ________ visiting hours.

A. Usually; over

B. Regularly; above

C. Anyway; beyond

D. Mostly; during 【答案】C

【解析】【分析】句意:--我必须什么时间离开,李博士? –无论如何,你不能超过参观的时间。结合选项anyway无论如何之意;beyond超过。而其它选项均不符合题意。故选C 【点评】考查语意的理解。

28.——Could you tell me the programme is on?

——Yes, it's on Tuesday, at eight o'clock.

A. when

B. why

C. where


【解析】【分析】when什么时候,why为什么,where哪里,本题中连词引导的句子做tell的宾语,根据答语it’s on Tuesday,可知宾语从句是对时间进行提问的。句意:你能告诉我节目什么时候开始吗?在周二八点开始。故选A。


29.He jumps________than________in his class.

A. more highly;anyone else

B. more high;anyone else

C. higher;anyone

D. higher;any other student

【答案】 D



30.请从下列每题的四个选项(A、B, C,和D)中,选出一个意思相同或相近的选项替换句中的划线部分。

Don't be angry with Tom. Actually he doesn't know the truth, either.

A. In all

B. In fact

C. In general

D. In the end

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:不要生汤姆的气,事实上,他也不知道事实。A. In all总共,合计;B. In fact事实上,实际上;C. In general总体来讲;D. In the end最后,终于。actually事实上,实际上,与in fact含义相近。故选B。


一、选择题 1.We’ll meet kinds of difficulties in our lives in the future.We should learn to be ________any challenge! A.confident enough to take on B.active enough to take up C.enough careful to take up D.enough patient to take on 2.Jack sings _________ and he is a _________ singer(歌手). A.nice; good B.well; good C.good; well 3.—How often does he watch TV? —He watches TV. A.hard ever B.ever C.never 4.—Susan, someone is waiting for you on the phone. It_______ be your sister, but I’m not sure.— Oh, please tell her to call me_______ because I’m busy now. A.might; later B.must; later C.might; late D.must; late 5.________of the people here live on rice, and the people there live________on wheat. A.Mostly; mostly B.Most; mostly C.Mostly; most D.Most; most 6.Of the three boys over there, John sings English songs ________. A.more beautiful B.the most beautiful C.more beautifully D.the most beautifully 7.Food is important for our health. So we must keep our food ________ and cook it________. A.clean; proper B.cleanly; proper C.clean; properly D.cleanly; properly 8.—Every student likes Ms. Wang very much. —Yes. She________makes her lessons interesting. A.never B.always C.Sometime 9.—What do you think of Rose? —She’s a lazy girl. She ________ helps her mother do house work at home. A.never B.often C.always 10.Look after yourself and take care of your pet. A.well; well B.good; good C.well; good D.good; well 11.—Talking with my parents is _____________ difficult for me. They never understand me.—Don’t worry. Nothing is difficult if you try your best. A.seldom B.never C.always D.sometime 12.Tony ________ gets up early, so he is never late ________school. A.never; for B.never; to C.always; for D.always; to 13.—I can’t find my dog. —________ you can ask the policeman for help. A.Why not B.May be C.Shall D.Perhaps 14.—How was your trip to the British Museum?


中考专题复习资料(三) 形容词、副词 讲前练习: 1.--John, is Henry your twin brother? (08广东) --Oh, yes. He is twenty minutes_____ than me. A. heavier B. elder C. taller D. older 2.--I didn’t sleep_____ last night I feel tired now. (08重庆) A. well B. nice C. fine D. good 3.--I don’t know which T-shirt was_______, so I took them both.(07宁波) --Yes, it’s really difficult to choose. A. better B. well C. best D. good 4.Our family has bought a car so we can travel______ than before.(08陕西) A. most easily B. less easily C. easily D.more easily 5. --Ms. Lin is very popular among the students.(08河南) --Yes. Her classes are_____ lively and interesting. A. always B.sometimes C. hardly D. never 6.My sister is______ than I.(07湖南湘潭) A.outgoing B.more outing C.the most outing D.outgoinger 7.The doctor told me to eat_____vegetables and______ meat because she was getting fatter and fatter.(07广东) A.much;little B.more;less C.many;few D.more;fewer 8.It takes more time to go there by ship than by bus. It’s______ by train of the three.(08广东) A.faster B.the fastest C.fast D.much fast 9.Remember to e-mail me. All of us hope to hear from you______.(07天津) A.quickly B.soon C.fast D.quick 10.We all love Miss Yang. She always makes her history class very______.(07重庆) A.interest B.interests C.interesting D.interesting 中考考点 1.形容词的用法及位置; 2.副词的用法,分类及位置; 3.比较等级的用法 4.词义辨析 1. 形容词的用法及位置 (1) 形容词作定语时, 一般位于_________,做表语,则位于_________,做宾补,则位于_________。 eg.1)Our country is a beautiful country. (作_____语)


一、选择题 1.My uncle doesn’t like fast food, so he _____eats it.. A.always B.often C.sometimes D.seldom 2.My sister is too young to_______herself_______. A.look at;good B.look like;well C.look after;good D.look after;well 3.—You’re going to Hong Kong. What a re you doing_______? —I’m going sightseeing. It will be ________time in Hong Kong. A.to there; the first B.there; my first C.in there; my first D.there; my the first 4.My mother ________ at five o’clock. A.usually gets B.usually gets up C.gets up usually D.get usually up 5.—Does Mary________come to see you? —Yeah! She comes to see me every weekend. A.never B.often C.soon D.only 6.Of the three boys over there, John sings English songs ________. A.more beautiful B.the most beautiful C.more beautifully D.the most beautifully 7.Being _______, the novel based upon real-life events sells ________. A.very worth being read; good B.well worth reading; good C.well worth reading; well D.very worth reading; well 8.Yesterday I saw Amy . A.on my way home B.in my way home C.on my way to home D.in my way to home 9.—Mom,let's have a rest.I can't walk on. —You get tired __________.You need more exercise. A.easily B.slowly C.freely D.quietly 10.My mother usually at 5:30 in the afternoon. A.get home B.get to home C.gets to home D.gets home 11.— Look! It is raining ______. —That’s right. The rain is too ______ to go shopping. A.heavily; heavy B.heavily; heavily C.heavy; heavy D.heavy; heavily 12.Harry________ eats vegetables, although it’s good for his health. A.hardly ever B.usually C.always 13.The old man lives ___________ , but he doesn't feel ________ .


一、选择题 1.Han Han’s books are_______ written and sell______. A.good ; good B.good ; well C.well; well D.well ; good 2.—You’re going to Hong Kong. What are you doing_______? —I’m going sightseeing. It will be ________time in Hong Kong. A.to there; the first B.there; my first C.in there; my first D.there; my the first 3.Tony ________ gets up early, so he is never late ________school. A.never; for B.never; to C.always; for D.always; to 4.________of the people here live on rice, and the people there live________on wheat. A.Mostly; mostly B.Most; mostly C.Mostly; most D.Most; most 5.My grandpa stays________in a (an) ________house, but he doesn't feel________. A.alone; alone; lonely B.lonely; lonely; alone C.alone; lonely; alone D.alone; lonely; lonely 6.Of us all, Kangkang worked . A.hardest B.most hardly C.harder 7.My brother plays soccer . A.good B.well C.great 8.If you don’t work ________enough, I don’t think your dream will come ________. A.hardly;truly B.hard;true C.hardly;true 9.Look after yourself and take care of your pet. A.well; well B.good; good C.well; good D.good; well 10.My mother usually at 5:30 in the afternoon. A.get home B.get to home C.gets to home D.gets home 11.—Talking with my parents is _____________ difficult for me. They never understand me.—Don’t worry. Nothing is difficult if you try your best. A.seldom B.never C.always D.sometime 12.My sister is too young to_______herself_______. A.look at;good B.look like;well C.look after;good D.look after;well 13.“The new technology is so ________ used in the world!” said Mr. White surprisedly with his eyes wide open. A.wide B.widely C.heavy D.heavily 14.--What do you think of the football match? --Wonderful! The Chinese football team has never played __________. A.worse B.worst C.better D.best 15.—Remember, ________ you do your homework, ________ mistakes you will make.


(英语)初中英语副词试题(有答案和解析) 一、初中英语副词 1.—Father's Day is coming. Shall we make a card for Dad? —Good idea! But would you please show me ___________ as I know little about DIY? A. why B. when C. how D. where 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:—父亲节就要到了。我们为父亲制作一张卡片好吗?—好主意!但是请你展示给我怎么做。因为我对DIY几乎不了解。结合句意可知该句是一个宾语从句的省略句,原句应该是show me how to do it ,故选C。 【点评】此题考查疑问副词的用法。 2.Peter spoke so ______ that I could hardly hear him. A. loudly B. quietly C. clearly D. patiently 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:彼得说话很轻声,我几乎听不见他说话。A: loudly大声地; B:quietly安静地;C:clearly清晰地;D:patiently耐心地。根据句末I could hardly hear him. 听不清,可知他说话很轻声,故选B。 【点评】考查副词辨析。根据语境和选项意思,选择正确的副词。 3.— will you go back to your hometown? — In a week. A. How long B. How far C. How soon 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:—你过多久要回家乡?—一周后。A. How long 多长,主要对一段时间进行提问, B. How far 多远,通常提问距离; C. How soon多久,指将来某个动作发生这段时间提问,常用于一般将来时态中,根据In a week. 一周后,可知是过多久;故答案选C。 【点评】考查疑问词短语辨析,根据答语选择合适意义的疑问词。 4.Lucy likes staying at home. She ______goes traveling during holidays. A. usually B. seldom C. always D. often 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:露西喜欢呆在家里。假期里她很少去旅游。A.通常;B.很少;C.总是;D.经常。由她的性格“喜欢呆在家”可以推测出她假期宅在家里,不去旅游。故选B。 5.You should think _________ before taking the job,and don't do it just for fun. A. quickly B. seriously C. proudly


【英语】初中英语副词专项训练及答案 一、初中英语副词 1.Drivers should drive when they are passing by a school. A. terribly B. quickly C. slowly D. freely 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】考查副词辨析。句意:当他们正经过学校时,司机开车应该开慢点。A.可怕的地;B.快速地;C.慢慢地;D.自由地。结合句意可知选C。 2.—The fish tastes _______, we have eaten it up.—It is certain that she cooked it _________. A. good , well B. well, good C. well, well D. good, good 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:一鱼尝起来不错。我们把它吃光了。一肯定她煮得好。taste尝起来,是连系动词,连系动词后用形容词作表语,cook是行为动词,修饰行为动词要用副词形式。good只是形容词,well作为形容词仅指“身体好”,同时well还是副词。故选A。 3. Alex did the project on community service ______ better than his classmates. A. so B. very C. too D. much 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:亚历克斯做的关干社区服务的计划比他的同班同学做的好的多。so 如此,very 非常,too 太,用来修饰形容词或副词的原级;a lot,a little,much,far等用来修饰比较级,说明比较的程度。结合句意,故选D。 4.—Have you seen the hot film Wandering Earth ________? —Yes, I have. ________ wonderful science fiction movie it is! A. yet; How a B. already; How C. yet; What a D. already; What 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——你曾经看过电影《流浪地球》吗?——是的,我已经看过了。它是一个多么好的科幻小说电影啊!yet用在现在完成时的疑问句或者否定句,already 用在肯定句,句子是一般疑问句,所以用yet。what引导的感叹句结构是What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!how引导的感叹句结构是How+形容词或者副词+主语+谓语!,这里强调名词movie,所以用what a,故选C。 【点评】考查副词辨析及感叹句,注意平时识记,理解句意。


一、选择题 1.I did in last English exam and I hardly made mistakes. A.enough well B.good enough C.enough good D.well enough 2.Harry________ eats vegetables, although it’s good for his health. A.hardly ever B.usually C.always 3.—Do you often go shopping with your mom, Mike? —You know, most boys ________ go shopping, but I do. A.sometimes B.usually C.hardly 4.My sister is too young to_______herself_______. A.look at;good B.look like;well C.look after;good D.look after;well 5.—You’re going to Hong Kong. What are you doing_______? —I’m going sightseeing. It will be ________time in Hong Kong. A.to there; the first B.there; my first C.in there; my first D.there; my the first 6.The show is ______, but I don’t have ______ to watch it. A.interested enough; enough time B.interesting enough; time enough C.enough interesting; time enough D.interesting enough; enough time 7.—Every student likes Ms. Wang very much. —Yes. She________makes her lessons interesting. A.never B.always C.Sometime 8.My mother usually at 5:30 in the afternoon. A.get home B.get to home C.gets to home D.gets home 9.Tom came to school ________and missed the first lesson A.lately B.later C.late D.latter 10.Tom’s mother is our Maths teacher. She teaches ________ very ________. A.his; good B.us; good C.us; well D.her; well 11.Suzy felt _________ when she studied __________ in London. A.alone; lonely B.alone; alone C.lonely; lonely D.lonely; alone 12.—Our volleyball team achieved great success in the match again. —Wow ! Few could play ______, I think. A.better B.well C.worse D.badly 13.The poor woman lives _________.But she never feels ________. A.alone; lonely B.lonely; lonely C.alone; alone D.lonely; alone 14.My grandfather lives______ in a(an) _______ village but he never feels _________. A.lonely, alone, lonely B.alone, lonely, lonely C.alone, alone, lonely D.lonely, lonely, alone 15.People will have ________free time because robots will help us do ________.


英语】初中英语副词练习题及解析 一、初中英语副词 1.— Confucius Institute (孔子学院) has been set up in many other countries. — Yes, Chinese is _ spoken in those countries. I am proud of that as a Chinese. A. hardly B. widely C. never D. seldom 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——孔子学院已经在许多其他国家被建立。——是的,汉语在那这些国家很多人都讲汉语,我以作为一名中国人感到骄傲。 A.几乎不; B.广泛地; C.从不; D.几乎不。根据句意可知汉语被广泛说,故选B。 【点评】考查副词辨析,注意平时识记其词义,理解句意。 2.—is it from the New Town to the old city centre? — Less than 30 minutes by underground. A. How soon B . How often C. How long D . How far 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:一一从新城到旧城中心有多远?一一坐地铁不到 30 分钟。 How soon 多快,问时间。 How often 多久发生一次,动作的频率。 How long 多久,问时间的长度。 How far 多远,问距离。从回答可以知道本题是问距离,故选D。 3.—____ is it from Suqian to Jiuzhai valley? —About 1,200 kilometers away. But I'm not sure. A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How far 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意: --从宿迁到九寨沟有多远?-大约1200 公里远。但是我不确定。 A.How often 多久一次,向频率副词提问; B.How soon 多快,询问动作多快将要发生; C.How long 多久,问时间的长度; D. How far 多远,询问距离。答语 1200 千米,是距离,用 how far 提问。故选 D。 【点评】此题考查疑问副词的用法。 4.____ does your father go to the fitness center? - He exercises there twice a week.


一、选择题 1.Tom gets to school early every day, so he is ___________ late for class. A.never B.sometimes C.usually 2.Harry________ eats vegetables, although it’s good for his health. A.hardly ever B.usually C.always 3.My mother ________ at five o’clock. A.usually gets B.usually gets up C.gets up usually D.get usually up 4.Jack sings _________ and he is a _________ singer(歌手). A.nice; good B.well; good C.good; well 5.Who jumped ________, Tom or Jack? A.the farthest B.furthest C.farther D.the farther 6.Li Hua studies very_______ and her English is_______ in her class. A.hardly; good B.hardly; well C.hard; best D.hard; the best 7.________of the people here live on rice, and the people there live________on wheat. A.Mostly; mostly B.Most; mostly C.Mostly; most D.Most; most 8.Being _______, the novel based upon real-life events sells ________. A.very worth being read; good B.well worth reading; good C.well worth reading; well D.very worth reading; well 9.Helen was so excited at the news that she could ________ say a word. A.ever B.almost C.hardly 10.—Every student likes Ms. Wang very much. —Yes. She________makes her lessons interesting. A.never B.always C.Sometime 11.The meeting room isn’t _______ for all the students to sit _______. A.enough big, / B.big enough, / C.large enough, in D.enough large, by 12.—Our volleyball team achieved great success in the match again. —Wow ! Few could play ______, I think. A.better B.well C.worse D.badly 13.The old man lives ___________ , but he doesn't feel ________ . A.lonely; alone B.alone; lonely C.alone; alone D.lonely; lonely 14.—Kitty is very good at musical instruments. —Yes, she is. She can play the guitar almost her guitar teacher. A.as better as B.as good as C.as well as D.so well as 15.My uncle doesn’t like fast food, so he _____eats it.. A.always B.often C.sometimes D.seldom


初中英语副词专项训练100(附答案)及解析 一、初中英语副词 1.—Joan has made great progress in speaking Chinese. —She_________works hard at it, you know. A. never B. seldom C. always 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——Joan在讲中文方面取得了很大进步。——他一直很努力的学习,你知道的。never从不;seldom很少;不常;always总是;一直;根据上一句“取得很大进步”可知“一直很努力”,故选C。 【点评】考查频度副词。 2.—_______ is it from Suqian to Jiuzhai valley? —About 1,200 kilometers away. But I'm not sure. A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How far 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:--从宿迁到九寨沟有多远?-大约1200公里远。但是我不确定。 A.How often多久一次,向频率副词提问; B.How soon多快,询问动作多快将要发生; C.How long多久,问时间的长度; D. How far多远,询问距离。答语1200千米,是距离,用how far提问。故选D。 【点评】此题考查疑问副词的用法。 3.Daming runs ______ of the three. A. fast B. faster C. the fastest 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:大明在三个人中跑得最快。A. fast快,原形,用于不比较时;B. faster更快,比较级,用于两者相比时;C. the fastest最快,最高级,用于三者及三者以上相比。本句中of the three说明比较的范围是三个人,用最高级形式。故选C。 4.Lucy likes staying at home. She ______goes traveling during holidays. A. usually B. seldom C. always D. often 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:露西喜欢呆在家里。假期里她很少去旅游。A.通常;B.很少;C.总是;D.经常。由她的性格“喜欢呆在家”可以推测出她假期宅在家里,不去旅游。故选B。


英语初中英语副词练习题及解析 一、初中英语副词 1.Listen up, everybody! Show me your licence. Don't ask . Just do it! A. what B. when C. how D. why 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】句意:大家听好!把证件给我看。不要问为什么,照执行就是了。what 什么,表示事物;when何时,表示时间; how怎样,表示方式; why为什么,原因。对于“疑问词”的选择,一定要根据语境,不要问回答等方面来选择,表示原因,选D。 2.—The fish tastes _______, we have eaten it up.—It is certain that she cooked it _________. A. good , well B. well, good C. well, well D. good, good 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:一鱼尝起来不错。我们把它吃光了。一肯定她煮得好。taste尝起来,是连系动词,连系动词后用形容词作表语,cook是行为动词,修饰行为动词要用副词形式。good只是形容词,well作为形容词仅指“身体好”,同时well还是副词。故选A。 3. Alex did the project on community service ______ better than his classmates. A. so B. very C. too D. much 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:亚历克斯做的关干社区服务的计划比他的同班同学做的好的多。so 如此,very 非常,too 太,用来修饰形容词或副词的原级;a lot,a little,much,far等用来修饰比较级,说明比较的程度。结合句意,故选D。 4.Lucy likes staying at home. She ______goes traveling during holidays. A. usually B. seldom C. always D. often 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:露西喜欢呆在家里。假期里她很少去旅游。A.通常;B.很少;C.总是;D.经常。由她的性格“喜欢呆在家”可以推测出她假期宅在家里,不去旅游。故选B。 5.This kind of pen _____, and is also very cheap. I think you can buy some. A. writes well B. writes good C. is written well D. is written good 【答案】A


一、选择题 1.Little Tom draws __________. His pictures are very __________. A.good;well B.good;good C.well;good 2.Who jumped ________, Tom or Jack? A.the farthest B.furthest C.farther D.the farther 3.________of the people here live on rice, and the people there live________on wheat. A.Mostly; mostly B.Most; mostly C.Mostly; most D.Most; most 4.Being _______, the novel based upon real-life events sells ________. A.very worth being read; good B.well worth reading; good C.well worth reading; well D.very worth reading; well 5.Of us all, Kangkang worked . A.hardest B.most hardly C.harder 6.Look after yourself and take care of your pet. A.well; well B.good; good C.well; good D.good; well 7.Alan always gets up late and then goes to school, so he ______ eats breakfast. A.always B.usually C.never D.sometimes 8.—Would you like a glass of cola? —Thanks. But I ______ drink cola. I can’t stand its taste. A.usually B.never C.often D.always 9.The meeting room isn’t _______ for all the students to sit _______. A.enough big, / B.big enough, / C.large enough, in D.enough large, by 10.We’ll meet kinds of difficulties in our lives in the future.We should learn to be ________any challenge! A.confident enough to take on B.active enough to take up C.enough careful to take up D.enough patient to take on 11.-How careful Jim is! - He writes ____ in our class. A.more careful B.most carefully C.most careful D.more carefully 12.Tony ________ gets up early, so he is never late ________school. A.never; for B.never; to C.always; for D.always; to 13.Suzy felt _________ when she studied __________ in London. A.alone; lonely B.alone; alone C.lonely; lonely D.lonely; alone 14.—How was your trip to the British Museum? —I spoke no English and was _______ silent during the visit. A.completely B.peacefully C.patiently D.carefully 15.As we know, we should eat ________because a________ diet is good for our health.
