



I. 单项选择(Vocabulary and structure) (共20小题,计20分)

A) 选择能够替换划线部分的最佳选项。

31. She married at a very young age.

A. is married

B. is marrying

C. got married

D. married to

32. He handed the coat to his wife.

A. dressed

B. passed

C. found

D. threw

33. As the eldest child in the family, Tom has to help look after his little sisters.

A. look at

B. look for

C. teach

D. take care of

34. Why not have a rest and enjoy every minute of it?

A. How to

B. Why don't we

C. Hope to

D. Can we

35. They're talking about the movie star now.

A. at the moment

B. all the same

C. now and then

D. just a moment

B) 选出下列各题的最佳选项。

36. The pie was too small, so she decided to

look for _________ to eat.

A. large anything

B. something


C. nothing big

D. other


37. If she felt he was right, she would agree

_________ him.

A. about

B. on

C. to

D. with

38. You'd better _________ silent about this.

A. not keep

B. not to keep

C. to not

keep D. not kept

39. _________ the street, there is a bus stop.

A. On the end of

B. At the end of


In the end of D. By the end of

40. John _________ a few minutes later. Stay

and wait, please.

A. came

B. leaving

C. is going to call

back D. finishes

41. She has a great _________ in reading

_________ stories.

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A. interest; interested

B. interested; interested

C. interest; interesting

D. interesting; interested

42. We are too tired and hungry. So our steps (脚步) are getting _________.

A. slow and slow

B. slower and slowest

C. slower and slower

D. much and more slow

43. We are going to have fun _________ on the lake this afternoon.

A. to skate

B. swam

C. go fishing

D. boating

44. Mr Jackson has only _________ money in his pocket.

A. more

B. a little

C. a few

D. few

45. _________ I tell him to close the window every day, _________ he always forgets to do so.

A. As; but

B. Till; /

C. Though; /

D. Even; and

C) 情景会话。

46. —Do you think he'll come back home this



—Don't you miss him?

A. Maybe.

B. So.

C. Where?



47. —_________

—Nothing but a little sick.

—Take care of yourself, dear.

A. What's that?

B. What's your


C. Is it wrong?

D. What's the


48. —Miss Lin, Tim broke his leg. So he can't

come to school today.


A. You are too careless.

B. I'm

sorry to hear that.

C. Help yourself to some fish.

D. You

should go to school.

49. —A pair of glasses would be a good present

for Dad.


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—Then let's go and buy a pair for him.

A. Me, either.

B. I like your idea.

C. Happy birthday, Father.

D. Your glasses are so modern.

50. —Can you go to the concert with me?

—I'd love to. _________

A. But I'm too busy to go. Sorry.

B. I'm afraid not.

C. Sorry about it.

D. You can go alone.

II. 阅读理解(Reading comprehension)(共20小题,计30分;51—60小题每题1分,61—70小题每题2分)


I am doing shopping with my mother.

I usually go shopping with my friends or classmates, but it is my birthday and my mother wants to buy me some new clothes as presents. So we go to a shop called Stradivarius. I really like that shop. My mother starts to laugh as soon as we get there. She says, “Almost all the clothes in the window are just like the things I wore when I

was young. Those flared trousers (喇叭裤)and

very short skirts.”

Back in the 1970s every Saturday morning my mother and her friends looked around the shops.

Of course they did not always have money to buy

the things they wanted. But they could decorate

(装饰)their old jeans to make them look new.

My grandmother was very good at sewing (缝补)

and she helped my mother sew coloured patches

(小块的布)onto her old jeans.

My mother says she really likes these styles and so do I.


51. _________, so I go shopping with her.

A. I want to buy myself some new clothes

B. I want to buy my mother some presents

C. My mother wants to buy some new


D. My mother wants to buy me some new

clothes for my birthday

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52. Why does my mother laugh as soon as she sees the clothes in the window?

A. She thinks the clothes in the window are all strange and old.

B. The clothes look quite different from those she wore when she was young.

C. She is very happy to see that there are so many kinds of clothes.

D. They are nearly the same as the clothes she wore when she was young.

53. Could my mother always buy the clothes she wanted when she was young?

A. Yes, she could.

B. No, she couldn't.

C. Maybe.

D. We don't know.

54. My grandmother helped my mother decorate her clothes by _________.

A. cutting them into pieces

B. cutting them short

C. painting them colourful

D. sewing some patches onto them

55. In a word, both my mother and I


A. decorate our clothes by ourselves

B. like those styles

C. never wear flared trousers

D. want to change the style


Visit the Edinburgh Festival

Every year, thousands of people come to Edinburgh(爱丁堡), the capital

city of Scotland, to be part of the

Edinburgh Festival. For three

weeks every August and

September the city is filled with

actors and artists from all over the

world. They come to Edinburgh for the biggest

arts festival in Britain. During this time the streets

of the city are alive(具有活力的)with music and

dance from early morning until late at night. You

can even see artists painting pictures on the

streets. One of the best parts of the Festival is the

“Fringe”, where students do comedy shows in

small halls and cafés.

Tens of thousands of tourists come to the Festival to see new films and plays and hear music

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played by famous musicians. This year, you can see over five hundred performances with actors from more than forty countries.

The tickets for these performances are quite cheap and it is usually easier to see your favourite star in Edinburgh than it is in London. So come to

Edinburgh next summer, but remember it can be difficult to find a room, so why not book your hotel now?


56. The Edinburgh Festival is a month long.

57. You can hear music all day during the Festival.

58. More than ten thousand students come to the Edinburgh Festival every year.

59. It is expensive to see a play in Edinburgh.

60. It is usually more difficult to see famous actors in London than in Edinburgh.

The kinds of foods you eat and how much of those you eat are important to your health.

Scientists arrange (分配)foods in groups to help

you choose a healthy diet. Each group has a

different kind of food. Foods from all the groups

together give you energy (能量), help you grow,

help keep you from getting sick, and help make

you strong.

The diagram(图表)shows six food groups and how much food from each group you should eat

each day. It is a good idea to think about the food

groups when you plan your meals at home and

when you eat out. Planning with the food groups

will help you eat a well-balanced (搭配均衡的)

diet that will help you stay healthy.

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61. How many groups of food are shown in the diagram?

62. Which group of food should people eat most?

63. How can we get enough energy and keep healthy according to the passage?


Outside it was snowing

heavily and the house was cold. I

was alone and had been watching

TV all evening when the doorbell


Feeling a little frightened, I

went to the front door and called out, “Who is it?” There was no reply. I opened the door slowly. Through the thick snow, I saw the figure (轮廓)of a man standing in the doorway. The stranger was wearing a long, black coat and I could just make out his face. “I never saw this man in my life,” I thought.

“Can I come in? I will only stay for a sh ort while.” he said. After I had thought about it for a

moment, I let him in. “Thank you,” he said in a

low voice. “I have been looking for you for years.”

I showed him into the living-room. In the

bright light I suddenly recognized(认出)Billy,

an old school friend I hadn't seen for thirty years.


64. I was staying by myself in a _________

house on a dark and snowy evening.

65. I could only see the figure of the man

because of the _________ _________.

66. I thought Billy was a _________ at first.

67. Thirty years ago, Billy and I were

_________ _________.


Do you ever have trouble

remembering people's names? If

you do, here are some ideas you

can try to help remember the

names of people you meet. The best way to

remember someone's name is to repeat the name

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over and over. You can repeat the person's name while you talk to them. Or, if you have a moment or two while they are not talking to you, you can repeat their names in your mind. Repeating names in your mind is a good way to remember several names if you meet lots of new people at the same time.

Another way you can use to remember names is to connect the person's name to someone else. If your friend Tom introduces you to Mike, you can remember them together a s “Tom and Mike”. Or you can connect the person's name to something about the person. If Sarah was wearing a red sweater when you met her, it might help remember her name as “Red Sarah”.

In case you forget someone's name, don't feel bad about asking him / her to tell it to you again. Everyone forgets names now and then. And after hearing it again, you'll probably remember it more easily.


68. What is the best way to remember

someone's name according to the passage?

69. We can connect names with many things.

The writer gave us two examples in this passage.

What are the two things the writer used in the


70. What does the passage suggest (建议) if you

forget someone's name?

III. 完形填空(Cloze)(共20小题,计20分)

A) 阅读对话,根据其内容用所给动词的适


“Tell us a story, Mouse!” said Hare.

“And be quick about it,” said Hatter, “or you

(71)_________ (fall) asleep again.”

“Once upon a time, there (72)_________ (be) three little sisters,” Mouse(73)_________ (begin)

in a hurry, “and thei r names were Elsie, Lacie,

and Tillie; and they...”

“What (74)_________ they _________(eat)?”

asked Alice.

“Treacle (糖浆),” answered Mouse, after

(75)_________ (think) a minute or two.

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“Why not (76)_________ (eat) cakes? I like cakes,” said Alice again.

“Oh, please, Alice. (77)_________ (not stop) me from (78)_________ (tell) the story!” said Mouse.

“OK, OK. You may (79)_________ (go) on,” said Alice.

“No, I won't. Look, Hatter (80)_________ (not like) my story and he is sleeping,” said Mouse.

B) 阅读短文,根据其上下文语境提示,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词只可用一次。其中有5词多余。

but, into, money, break, it, to, carefully, and, as, start, all, very, seem, time, you

Happy New Year, though I’m afraid the New Year (81) badly for us.

Last night, we got back home and found the front door open and the lock (82) . We were out all evening-we velebrated the New Year with our friends.

(83) wasn’t difficult to see how the burglars(夜贼) broke(84) the house.

The lock wasn;t a very good one(85)

they picked it with a screwdriver(螺丝刀) or

something. (85) our next-door

neighbours were away for the weekend, those bad

guys had enough (87) to find most of

the money we had(88) hidden (藏故).

The first thing we noticed was the mess(一片狼藉)

they made. (89) the drawers were

empty and they were on the floor. It (90)

like someone had dropped a bomb (炸弹) onto our

house. They….

IV. 句式转换(Pattern transformation) (共10小题,计10分)

A) 按要求转换下列各句。每空一词。

91. We must report the accident to the safety

officer. (改为一般疑问句)

_________ we _________ the accident to the safety officer?

92. Those students are going to do some

exercise. (改为否定句)

Those students _________ going to do _________ exercise.

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93. The little girl goes to see her grandmother once a month. (对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ does the little girl go to see her grandmother?

94. I first met my husband in 1960. (对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ you first meet your husband?

95. Our school is one kilometre away from my house. (对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ is your school from your house?

B) 根据上句改写下句,使两句意思相同或相近。每空一词。

96. Mr Wilson went to his office in his car.

Mr Wilson _________ _________ his office.

97. Take the second turning on the left.

_________ left _________ the second turning.

98. Lily needs that money more than Lucy does.

Lucy needs that money _________

_________ Lily does.

99. Eating too much isn't good for your health.

_________ is _________ for your health to eat too much.

100. It's not easy for them to work that

problem out.

They _________ it _________ to work that problem out.

V. 翻译(Translation)(共10小题,计10分)

A) 阅读短文,根据其上下文内容,将划线


The History of the London


(101) Today there are

policemen everywhere, but in

1700 London had no policemen at all. Only a few old men protected(保护)the

city streets at night.

(102) About 300 years ago, London started to get bigger. The city was very dirty and many

people were poor. There were many thieves in the

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streets. (103) People had to stay in their homes as much as possible.

In 1750, Henry Fielding started to pay a group of people to stop thieves. They were like policemen. Fifty years later there was a police force with 3,000 officers in London. (104) Most of them worked on foot, but a few rode horses.

Today, some policemen still ride horses. (105) And the pay for them is even better than it is for other policemen.

B) 根据提示,将下列汉语句子翻译成英语。

106. 他们要去一个叫Maryland的地方。(call)

__________________________________________ _____________________

107. 首先你要削掉马铃薯的皮,然后将它们切碎。(cut up)

__________________________________________ _____________________

108. 我担心其他孩子会嘲笑我,因为我不懂。

(laugh at)



109. 这个工厂不再需要这么多工人。(not...any more)



110. 一直到1972年战争才结束。(not...until)



VI. 智力测试(IQ)(共5小题,计5分)


111. Are you having a snowy winter? Even if you're not, here are eight words to have fun with

in the snow. The word ※in the puzzle should be


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112. Each word hides (隐藏)the name of a number written either forward (向前的)or backward (向后的). Find them and write them on the answer sheet (答案纸).

113. What letter could replace (替代)the question mark?

114. Jane has a $ 15.00 token (购书券). Here are some of the

books she would like to buy. Which books will she

get if she spends

$ 15.00 exactly (精确地;准确无误地)?

* Schoolgirls' Life $ 9.95

* Show Jumping $ 4.50

* Pocket Book of Birds $ 2.95

* James and the Peach $ 1.55

* Standard Dictionary$ 3.50

115. Teddy is up in the air because his uncle agreed to buy him an ice cream cone (蛋卷冰淇

淋)!What does “up in the air” mean? Answer in


VII. 写作(Writing)(共2小题,计25分)

A) 根据以下的文字叙述及图片提示编写


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要求:1. 将文字和图片中的信息体现在对话中;

2. 用语符合对话情境;语句通顺;语法正确;

3. 词数在60左右。

B) 以下为一篇短文的前半部分, 阅读理


要求:1. 与短文的前半部分衔接自然、合理;

2. 语句通顺、自然;语法正确,使用多种句式;

3. 词数在80左右。

One winter day, Michael was late for school.

He walked very fast around a corner. He ran into

an old man and the man fell down. Michael

stopped to help him. He noticed that the old man

didn't have warm clothes. Michael saw his hands.

They were blue with cold. Michael took off his

gloves and gave them to the old man.

That evening, Michael had no gloves. His hands got very cold! He found there were many

people with no gloves on the street. They were

poor people. He wanted to help these people.

What could he do?

I. 单项选择(Vocabulary and structure)

A) 31—35 CBDBA

B) 36—40 BDABC 41—45 CCDBC

C) 46—50 ADBBA

II.阅读理解(Reading comprehension)

A) 51—55 DDBDB B) 56—60 BACBA

C) 61. There are six. 62. Group 1. 63. Eat

foods from all groups. / Eat a well-balanced diet.

D) 64. cold 65. thick / heavy snow 66.

stranger 67. school friends

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E) 68. Repeat it over and over. 69. A person and a colour. 70. Ask him / her.

III. 完形填空(Cloze)

A) 71. will fall 72. were 73. began 74. did, eat 75. thinking 76. eat 77. Don't stop 78. telling

79. go 80. doesn't like

B) 81. started 82. broken 83. It 84. into 85. and 86. As 87. time 88. carefully 89. All 90. seemed

IV. 句式转换(Pattern transformation)

A) 91. Must, report 92. aren't, any 93. How often 94. When did 95. How far

B) 96. drove to 97. Turn, at 98. less than

99. It, bad 100. find, difficult

V. 翻译(Translation)

A) 101. (尽管)伦敦现在到处有警察,但是在1700年那里还根本没有警察。

102. 大约在300年前,伦敦(的区域)开始逐渐变大。

103. 人们不得不尽可能地呆在家里。

104. 他们中的大部分徒步工作,但是一少部分(警察)骑马/为骑警。

105. 给他们的报酬甚至比给其他警察的要高。

B) 106. They are going to a place called


107. First, you should peel the potatoes and then cut them up.

108. I'm afraid the other kids will laugh at me because I don't understand.

109. The factory doesn't need so many workers any more.

110. The war didn't come to an end until 1972.

VI. 智力测试(IQ)

111. SLED

112. ①six ②two

113. R (The letter on the outside is

positioned midway between its two adjacent

letters on the inside, in the alphabet.)

114. Schoolgirls' Life, James and the Peach and Standard Dictionary.

115. Very happy.

VII. 写作(Writing)

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A) One possible version:

M: May I help you?

W: Yes, I want to visit the zoo. Is it far from this hotel?

M: Yes. But you can get there easily by bus.

W: OK.

M: When you walk out of the hotel, cross the street and you will see a bus stop down the street to your right. Take Bus 64 from that stop. It just stops at the zoo.

W: That sounds easy. Thank you.

M: My pleasure.

B) One possible version:


He remembered he still had one hundred yuan. His mother gave the money to him to buy a new pair of shoes. He went to a shop and bought some cheap gloves with the money. The next morning, he saw a woman with no gloves. He opened his school bag and took out a pair. Then he put the gloves on her hands. The gloves were very cheap, but they were warm!

That day, Michael helped over ten people. He was very happy.

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精品文档 八年级英语培优辅差计划 三阳镇中:方敏 一、指导思想: 提高优生的自主和自觉学习能力,进一步巩固并提高中等生的学习成绩,帮助差生取得适当进步,让差生在教师的辅导和优生的帮助下,逐步提高学习成绩,并培养较好的学习习惯,形成基本能力。培化计划要落到实处,发掘并培养一批尖子,挖掘他们的潜能,从培养能力入手,训练良好学习习惯,从而形成较扎实基础,并能协助老师进行辅差活动,提高整个班级的素养和成绩。主要措施: 二、学生情况分析 本本学期所教班级是127和130班,从上学期的学习情况及知识技能掌握情况看,两个班大部分学生学习积极性高,学习目的明确,上课认真,各科作业能按时按量完成,且质量较好,如等,且担任班干部能起到较好的模范带头作用,但也有少部分学生如等,基础知识薄弱,学习态度欠端正,书写较潦草,作业有时不能及时完成,因此本学期除在教学过程中要注重学生的个体差异外,我准备在提高学生学习兴趣上下功夫,通过培优辅潜的方式使优秀学生得到更好的发展,潜能生得到较大进步。 三、具体措施 1、认真备好每一次培优辅潜教案,努力做好学习过程的趣味性和知识性相结合。 2 加强交流,了解潜能生、优异生的家庭、学习的具体情况,尽量排除学习上遇到的困难。 坚持辅潜工作,每周不少于一次。 3 对差生实施多做多练措施。优生适当增加题目难度,并安排课外作品阅读,不断提高做题和写作能力。 4 充分了解差生现行学习方法,给予正确引导,朝正确方向发展,保证差生改善目前学习差的状况,提高学习成绩。 四、主要措施 1 围绕提高均分、合格率和优秀率的目标,制定切实可行的培优和辅差计划,严格按计划实施,注重过程,注重效率,注重效果。争取做到“顾两头,抓中间”。每一位教师具体分析每一个目标学生的实际情况,稳定优生人数,狠抓中间段。在上学期的基础上,继续进行集体培优。把优生集中在一起定时定点进行。让优生有动力同时也有竞争的感觉。争取把优生比例扩大。组内每个老师利用下午四点半到点五时段对本班基础差生进行个别辅导。挖掘潜力,查找弱项,有针对性的进行补差工作。争取缩小差生范围。 2. 进一步培养学生良好的学习习惯,教会学生如何去学英语。让学生充分利用“五 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


天门杭州九年级英语培优试卷(二) 一、完形填空。 A Philip is the bravest boy I know. His friends and family are all very 1 him. Ten-year-old Philip was born with an 2 which means that he is always breaking his bones(骨头). Although he has such a serious illness, Philip 3 playing sports. In January last year he 4 wheelchair racing. He came second in his first 5 , and since then Philip has won every other race! In order to look for a new challenge(挑战, Philip 6 to take part in the London Wheelchair Marathon(马拉松. 7 , five days before the race Philip got sick. He didn’t want to 8 . He finally made up his mind to take part. Philip was given medicine by his doctor and guess what He not only 9 it, but he also finished in first place! Philip is very 10 and never gives up. That’s why he has been chosen to be the Bravest Child of the Month. ( )1. A. proud of B. afraid of C. angry with D. strict with ( )2. A. ability B. effort C. illness D. interest ( )3 A. stops B. avoids C. minds D. loves ( )4. A. watched B. started C. cancelled D. held ( )5.A. Journey B. race C. class D. interview ( )6. A. regretted B. hated C. failed D. decided ( )7. A. Instead B. Also C. However D. First ( )8. A. give up B. sit down C. set off D. go out ( )9. A. refused B. left C. Completed D. invented ( )10. A. brave B. honest C. polite D. fair B Things like Hula hoops (呼啦圈) used to be very popular.Did you ever own any of these?If you didn't,don't feel too bad.They were all fads.A fad is something that becomes very popular among a large number of people,but only for a short time.__1__ can become a fad very quickly,but can stop being popular just as quickly.when it is no longer “cool”,


九年级下培优1 一.完形填空。(10分) 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。 The White House is an important historical building in the USA. It lies 16 the country’s capital. Many people expect to see the palace with their own eyes. We spent six months getting tickets to visit the White House.I was 17 with excitement while we were waiting in the White House South Lawns. The first thing 18 interested me was the colorful flowers and green grass. Everything inside and outside was 19 kept in the white House. We went through many security checks(安检) 20 entering the building. In the east hallway on the first floor, I saw the pictures of past presidents on the walls. The 21 had over 2700 books. The Vermeil Room and China Room showed different collections. We walked upstairs to the State Floor. The East Room, the 22 in the White House, was the most wonderful in its size and furniture. This is the room where the president usually 23 the reporters. The Green, Blue and Red Rooms on the same floor got their names because of the 24 of the furniture and walls. These rooms are 25 having parties for state guests. ( )16.A.on ( )17.A.full ( )18.A.which ( )19.A.well ( )20.A.until ( )21.A.library ( )22.A.longest ( )23.A.tells ( )24.A.sizes ( )25.A.made of B.in B.covered B.that B.badly B.whether B.museum B.smallest B.meets B.materials https://www.360docs.net/doc/9418927533.html,ed for C.to C.filled C.where C.quickly C.after C.theater https://www.360docs.net/doc/9418927533.html,rgest C. talks C.designs https://www.360docs.net/doc/9418927533.html,ed as D.at D.satisfied D.what D.easily D.before D. hall D.brightest D.speaks D.colors D.regarded as 二.阅读理解 We’ll never forget the special trip to Thailand. It was our first time


上学期八年级英语培优辅差计划 袁佩龙 一、指导思想: 提高优生的自主和自觉学习能力,进一步巩固并提高中等生的学习成绩,帮助差生取得适当进步,让差生在教师的辅导和优生的帮助下,逐步提高学习成绩,并培养较好的学习习惯,形成基本能力。培化计划要落到实处,发掘并培养一批尖子,挖掘他们的潜能,从培养能力入手,训练良好学习习惯,从而形成较扎实基础,并能协助老师进行辅差活动,提高整个班级的素养和成绩。主要措施: 二、学生情况分析 本本学期所教班级是127和130班,从上学期的学习情况及知识技能掌握情况看,两个班大部分学生学习积极性高,学习目的明确,上课认真,各科作业能按时按量完成,且质量较好,如等,且担任班干部能起到较好的模范带头作用,但也有少部分学生如等,基础知识薄弱,学习态度欠端正,书写较潦草,作业有时不能及时完成,因此本学期除在教学过程(本文来自优秀教育资源网斐.斐.课.件.园)中要注重学生的个体差异外,我准备在提高学生学习兴趣上下功夫,通过培优辅潜的方式使优秀学生得到更好的发展,潜能生得到较大进步。 三、具体措施 1、认真备好每一次培优辅潜教案,努力做好学习过程的趣味性和知识性相结合。 2 加强交流,了解潜能生、优异生的家庭、学习的具体情况,尽量排除学习上遇到的困难。 坚持辅潜工作,每周不少于一次。 3 对差生实施多做多练措施。优生适当增加题目难度,并安排课外作品阅读,不断提高做题和写作能力。 4 充分了解差生现行学习方法,给予正确引导,朝正确方向发展,保证差生改善目前学习差的状况,提高学习成绩。

四、主要措施 1 围绕提高均分、合格率和优秀率的目标,制定切实可行的培优和辅差计划,严格按计划实施,注重过程,注重效率,注重效果。争取做到“顾两头,抓中间”。每一位教师具体分析每一个目标学生的实际情况,稳定优生人数,狠抓中间段。在上学期的基础上,继续进行集体培优。把优生集中在一起定时定点进行。让优生有动力同时也有竞争的感觉。争取把优生比例扩大。组内每个老师利用下午四点半到点五时段对本班基础差生进行个别辅导。挖掘潜力,查找弱项,有针对性的进行补差工作。争取缩小差生范围。 2. 进一步培养学生[此文转于斐斐课件园https://www.360docs.net/doc/9418927533.html,]良好的学习习惯,教会学生如何去学英语。让学生充分利用“五本”进行学习。 3.做到”堂堂清”,“月月清”:要求学生每天做好”预习—听课—复习”三步.并积极检查.把当天的功课在当天解决。在月考中检查出学生未能掌握的知识再及时把进行讲解和解决。 4、利用早读和口语操练,对学生进行口语训练。要求教会学生一个日常英语的主题。并进行训练。加强背诵,记单词和阅读的训练,利用早读,口语操练等时间进行有组织,有目的,有意义并且有效的练习。课前对话,课中操练管理,课间复诵检查 5、设计符合学生兴趣和认知能力的学科活动和综合实践活动,下学期推荐学生自学第二套教材发放相关的材料,提高学生语言的实际应用的输入准备,如增加相关话题的背诵材料。提高写作水平。 6、开展本班学习小组的竞赛,看哪个组平均分、合格率、优秀率高,红榜公布、表彰奖励。 安排座位,考虑学生成绩搭配 7、教师要认真备课,上课时,对不同层次的学生听课一样,作业要求不一样。作业的量度,深浅度,难易度要精心设计,不能一刀切。成绩好的学生要求更高更严;成绩中下的学生同样布置但让优生去指导,也一定要完成。讲评作业时重点评讲中下层学生作业中出现的问题。 8、各科的《每周一练》要认真设计,不能一般化。对成绩好的学生一定要有3-5道综合

初二英语培优 练习题

初二上册B卷练习题(一) 一、完型填空 Tom is the son of a farm owner. One New Year’s Day, when he was 15, his father (1)____ him to work on the farm for one year when he was free. Tom was (2)____ with his father’s idea. “That isn’t my job. I have (3)____ homework to do.” Hearing this, his father said, “I promise to give you the best present if you (4)____ finish one year’s work.” Tom thought for a while and (5)____. Starting one Saturday, the boy got up early and worked (6)____ until evening, just like any other farmer. Time passed quickly. Tom’s crops (庄稼) grew well. (7)____ the last day of the year, the father said, “I’m happy to see that you have worked very hard the whole year. Now, tell me (8)____ you want.” The boy smiled and showed his father a big piece of bread made from his wheat (小麦). Then he said, “I’ve already got the (9)____ present. No pains, no gains (不劳无获). I think this is what you wanted (10)____ to know.” His father was quite pleased t o hear that. ( )1. A. asked B. made C. stopped ( )2. A. happy B. unhappy C. sorry ( )3. A. much too B. too much C. too many ( )4. A. must B. need C. can ( )5. A. said B. agreed C. answered ( )6. A. hard B. hardly C. difficult ( )7. A. In B. At C. On ( )8. A. which B. how C. what ( )9. A. worst B. best C. least ( )10. A. mine B. my C. me 二、阅读短文,选择正确的答案 Zoos are places where different kinds of animals are kept and shown for the public. At most modern zoos people can see, smell and hear animals in their natural way. Some zoos even have “friendship farms" where people can touch some of the animals. Here are four reasons why people need zoos. Firstly, zoos help people know more about animals and their natural environment. They give interesting information about each animal, such as where it comes from and how it lives. Special teachers at the zoo help children understand more about the animals. Trained guides show visitors around the zoo. Secondly, zoos are working hard to find out more about animals. New knowledge leads to improved ways of looking after animals in the zoo and better understanding of the same animals in the wild. Thirdly, zoos play a part in protecting animals and stopping them from disappearing. Zoos work together with each other to help the animals in danger. For example, gorillas (大猩猩) from Taronga Zoo were sent to live with gorillas at the Melbourne Zoo so that they would give birth to babies. Fin ally, zoos are important for people’s enjoyment. People enjoy getting close to animals without having to cross the plains of Africa or climb the mountains of China. In the past, animal shows were common in zoos. Visitors were excited when they saw monkeys in human clothes, and they even took rides on elephants or horses. However, today people enjoy seeing animals acting naturally. So a modern zoo is a place where animals can be well cared for. ( )1. How many reasons does the writer talk about? A. Two B. Three C. Four ( )2. Special teachers at the zoo _________. A. show visitors around the zoo B. look after animals in danger C. help children know about animals ( )3. From the passage we know ________ were sent from Taronga Zoo to the Melbourne Zoo.


天门杭州九年级英语培优试卷(五) 一.完形填空 (A) My parents have always loved everything about India, so a year ago we went on holiday there. It’s a wonderful __1___with beautiful scenes and interesting people . However, I didn’t enjoy Indian ___2__very much. On the second day we planned to see an old palace. At the ___3___they said. “If you go by train, it’ll take you only two hours to get there.” However, the hot ___4___ took over four hours. I was very ___5___when we got there , so we had some rice and vegetables with bread in a small restaurant. We were ___6___to find it was quite nice. I wasn’t full up though and I saw a man nearby eating some little meatballs. I said to my dad, “I’ve been eating rice all week. Can I have some meatballs please?” Well, they looked delicious so I ate the first one very ___7___ I was just putting the second one in my mouth when I felt myself ___8__—my mouth was on fire! I started to cough (咳嗽)and there were tears (泪水)in my eyes. I couldn’t ___9___how spicy (辛辣的) it was! I drank about ten glasses of water but the worst thing was everyone was laughing at me. You couldn’t make me eat another Indian meatball for all the ___10___in the world! ( )1.A. town B. city C. country D. restaurant ( )2.A. food B. scenes C. people D. costumes ( )3.A. palace B. hotel C. airport D. entrance ( )4.A. sail B. walk C. drive D. ride ( )5.A. hungry B. curious C. cheerful D. nervous ( )6.A.sh ocked B. surprised C. bored D. tired ( )7.A. quietly B. easily C. quickly D. gently ( )8.A. burning B. watering C. crying D. smiling ( )9.A. feel B. believe C. think D. know ( )10. A. diet B. luck C. time D. Money (B)

九年级英语培优 5

I.听力。 was one of them. He spent __________ time playing games than studying in the library. Once at the end of the term, we had to take an important test in chemistry. The test had one _________ questions. Beside each question, we had to write” True” or “False”. While I was studying in my room the night _______ the test, Fred was _________ TV. Fred usually ________ a lot the night before the test. But on that night he looked very easy. “I haven’t studied a chemistry book for months, but I’ll answer the questions ________ tossing a coin. If the coin comes down on my hand with the right side up, I will write “True”. If it comes down with the other side up, I will write “False”. In this way, I am sure I’ll get sixty questions _________,” he told me all of his idea. Two days _______, Fred saw the chemistry teacher in the office. “Oh, good morning,” he said. “Have you corrected our paper?” The teacher looked up at him and said, “Ah, it’s you, Fred. Wait a minute, please.” He _____a coin out of his pocket and threw it in the air, caught it in his hand and looked at it. “ I am terribly sorry, Fred,” ha said. “You failed!” III.阅读 The first United World School was built in South Wales, United Kingdom, in 1962. Now, there are 14 such schools in countries all over the world, such as Canada, Hong Kong and Singapore. What makes this school so successful is that they believe education is more than just about grades and studies. Rather, they believe it’s about joining people from all over the world to study and live together in peace. The students not only study hard, but they are also encouraged to support society, even in small ways. They join activities that will improve their creativity, health and even the community they live in. For example, students might be allowed to go on trips to nearby towns to do community work or to go on fun cycling tours. On top of this, the school believes that students should have an understanding of cultures of the world. They learn about the different kinds of food people eat and what is or is not allowed in other cultures. The school also holds a yearly show where students perform something related to the traditions of their own countries. This makes students get together and exchange what they know, such as some traditional dances! Through all this, students in the United World Schools truly learn how to understand and support one another even though they come from different parts of the world. They develop good qualities such as patience and friendliness, and also learn to be proud of their own culture. This helps them to see that the world can be a better and happier place, if we all make the effort to understand one another. ( ) 1. What makes the United World School so successful? A.They believe education is more important than anything else. B.They believe grades and studies are the most important thing. C.They believe education is not only about grades and studies. D.They believe people from all over the world can live and work together peacefully. ( ) 2. Why are the students encouraged to take part in social activities? A.Because there are some suitable jobs for teenagers to do. B.Because it can improve not only their creativity and health but also the community. C.Because the students do not care enough about society and community. D.Because their school results need to be improved. ( ) 3. What is the purpose of holding a show every year? A.The students can exchange information and learn about different cultures. B.The students will have a chance to perform their favorite plays. C.The students can enjoy different kinds of food and folk dances. D.The students will learn about many different kinds of traditional dances. ( ) 4. The school believes that ___________ is a good quality that students should develop. A. being good at sports B. being understanding towards one another C. knowing traditional dances D. working hard to get good grades. ( ) 5. Which of the following is true about the United World School?


八年级英语培优辅差计划 三阳镇中:方敏 一、指导思想: 提高优生的自主和自觉学习能力,进一步巩固并提高中等生的学习成绩,帮助差生取得适当进步,让差生在教师的辅导和优生的帮助下,逐步提高学习成绩,并培养较好的学习习惯,形成基本能力。培化计划要落到实处,发掘并培养一批尖子,挖掘他们的潜能,从培养能力入手,训练良好学习习惯,从而形成较扎实基础,并能协助老师进行辅差活动,提高整个班级的素养和成绩。主要措施: 二、学生情况分析 本本学期所教班级是127和130班,从上学期的学习情况及知识技能掌握情况看,两个班大部分学生学习积极性高,学习目的明确,上课认真,各科作业能按时按量完成,且质量较好,如等,且担任班干部能起到较好的模范带头作用,但也有少部分学生如等,基础知识薄弱,学习态度欠端正,书写较潦草,作业有时不能及时完成,因此本学期除在教学过程中要注重学生的个体差异外,我准备在提高学生学习兴趣上下功夫,通过培优辅潜的方式使优秀学生得到更好的发展,潜能生得到较大进步。 三、具体措施 1、认真备好每一次培优辅潜教案,努力做好学习过程的趣味性和知识性相结合。 2 加强交流,了解潜能生、优异生的家庭、学习的具体情况,尽量排除学习上遇到的困难。 坚持辅潜工作,每周不少于一次。 3 对差生实施多做多练措施。优生适当增加题目难度,并安排课外作品阅读,不断提高做题和写作能力。 4 充分了解差生现行学习方法,给予正确引导,朝正确方向发展,保证差生改善目前学习差的状况,提高学习成绩。 四、主要措施 1 围绕提高均分、合格率和优秀率的目标,制定切实可行的培优和辅差计划,严格按计划实施,注重过程,注重效率,注重效果。争取做到“顾两头,抓中间”。每一位教师具体分析每一个目标学生的实际情况,稳定优生人数,狠抓中间段。在上学期的基础上,继续进行集体培优。把优生集中在一起定时定点进行。让优生有动力同时也有竞争的感觉。争取把优生比例扩大。组内每个老师利用下午四点半到点五时段对本班基础差生进行个别辅导。挖掘潜力,查找弱项,有针对性的进行补差工作。争取缩小差生范围。 2. 进一步培养学生良好的学习习惯,教会学生如何去学英语。让学生充分利用“五本”进行学习。 3.做到”堂堂清”,“月月清”:要求学生每天做好”预习—听课—复习”三步.并积


八年级英语培优练习题 单项选择 1. One third of the students League Members , and the number of this not change much in our class this term. A. is, do B. are, does C. was, are D. were, were 2.Nobody except Lily and Linda the man in a white T-shirt. A. know B. is knowing C. have known D. knows 3. They are hardly ever tired, they? A. are B. aren’t C. will D. won’t 4. Would you like to have apples? No, thank you. I’ve had enough. A. other two B. another two C. more two D. two others 5.Did you and your classmates ride your bicycles to the beach last Sunday? Yes, we had! A. how a fun B. what fun C. what a fun D. how fun 6.Americans eat vegetables per person today as they did in 1910. A. more than twice B. as twice as many C. twice as many as D. more than twice as many 7. Have you ? Yes, I Steven for about five years. A. married, have married with B. been married, have married C. got married, have been married D. got married, have been married to 8.His sister left home in summer of 1998, and since. A. the, had not been heard of B. the, has not been heard of C. a, has not been heard of D. /, has not heard of 9. While traveling to Canada, you should give yourself a day to the time and the way nearby. A. used to B. be used to C. use to D. use 10. Do remember not to touch the kettle full of boiling water, or you will get burned. . A. What for B. Why not? C. Got it D. Never mind 11. How do you like Johnson’s family? . A. They’re all warm-hearted and thoughtful B. Oh, it’s a very big one C. They all like sports and games D. His family is very similar to mine 12. The music he is playing sounds . A. nicely B. sweetly C. lively D. pleasantly 13. more time, he’ll make a first class tennis player. A. Having given B. To give C. Giving D. Given 14. You don’t kno w I want to see you again. It’s a year since I last saw you. A. how much B. how long C. how often D. how soon 15. you take a taxi, you’ll still miss your train. A. As long as B. As soon as C. Even if D. As if 16. India and China are of same continent. A. /, the B. The, the C. /, / D. /, a 17. The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a(an) of courage and power. A. example B. sign C. mark D. symbol


九年级英语培优试题十 单项选择 ( ) 1. Though my grandpa is 60, he’s full of __ energy and like a young man. A. a B. 不填 C. an D. the ( ) 2. —What kind of music do you like? —I like music that I can sing along ________ or dance ________. A. to; with B. with; with C. to; to D. with; to ( ) 3. —What do you think of the food in that restaurant?—It looks delicious but ________ bad. A. tastes B. becomes C. turns D. feels ( ) 4. Don’t __ the speech given by Professor Li next Tuesday afternoon. A. drop B. take C. miss D. leave ( ) 5. The soldiers walked ________ the trees to a river. A. in B. on C. across D. through ( ) 6. The life was hard for the Greens, ________ when they had another baby. A. quickly B. differently C. especially D. usually ( ) 7. —Why do you keep the old toy car? —Because it always ________ me _____ my happy childhood. A. thinks, about B. lets, down C. cares, about D. reminds, of ( ) 8. My grandfather often tells me ________ I do in the future, I should try my best to do it well. A. wherever B. whatever C. whenever D. whoever ( ) 9. My parents and I all would like to go ________. A. anywhere relaxing B. somewhere relaxed C. somewhere relaxing D. anywhere relaxed ( ) 10. The young couple would love to have kids, ________, they don’t want to give up freedom. A. such as B. on the other hand C. in my opinion D. for example ( ) 11. —Alice prefers ________ to ________. —Then, let’s ask her to take part in our dancing club. A. dancing, singing B. dancing, sing C. sing, dancing D. to sing, dance ( ) 12. You can’t expect ________ a foreign language well in several months. A. to learn B. learning C. learnt D. to be learnt ( ) 13. This fur coat ________ me 5,000 yuan. A. took B. spent C. paid D. cost ( ) 14. The woman _____ is singing in the hall is our teacher. A. what B. which C. who D. whom ( )15. —What do you think of Jay’s new CD?—________. I’ve listened to it many times. A. Not at all B. Of course C. I enjoy it very much D. I really don’t like it
