


I. 时态

【2011 浙江杭州】21. The last time I to the cinema was two years ago.

A. go

B. have gone

C. have been

D. Went


【解析】时态的用法。由“two years ago”可知此句是一般过去时。排除A、B、C 三项。故选D。

【2011 浙江金华】25. — Have you ever been to Canada?

—Yes, I there last year with my parents.

A. have been

B. have gone

C. went

D. Go


【解析】考查时态的用法。由时间状语last year 可推断出该句为一般过去时态。排除A、B、D。故选C。

【2011 重庆】26. I called you, but nobody answered. Where you?

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. were


【解析】考查时态用法。由前句called 和answered 可知,打了电话而没人接,为一般过去时,you 为第二人称。故选D

【2011 重庆】34. Betty will ring me up when she in Beijing.

A. arrive

B. arrives

C. arrived

D. will arrive



【2011 重庆】38. I my hometown for a long time, I really miss it!

A. left

B. went away from

C. have left

D. have been away from


【解析】考查动词时态。由for a long time 可判定该句为现在完成时。排除A 和B;leave 为短暂性动词,不能和表示一段时间的状语连用;排除C;状语for a long time 表示一段时间,应该与延续性动词或表状态的词连用,故选D。

根据【2011?兰州】25. — How do you like your English teacher?

— He is great. We friends since three years ago.

A. were

B. have made

C. have been

D. have become


【解析】现在完成时态的用法。由答句中的since three years ago 可知,主语用现在完成时态,且动词用延续性动词,因此选C。

【2011?兰州】40. The population of the world still now.

A. will; grow

B. has; grown

C. is; growing

D. is; grown


【解析】现在进行时态的用法。句意“现在世界的人口数量还在不断增长”,因此选C。【2011 ft东威海】38.—Hi, guys. Where are you heading now?

—Home. We all our money, so we have to walk home now.

A. spend

B. spent

C. have spent

D. are spending



(2011 江苏宿迁)14. If there is any change to the plan, I you as soon as possible.

A. told

B. have told

C. tell

D. will tell


【解析】本题时态的用法。作为连词,引导条件状语从句,它表示的意思是“假如”“如果”等。在复合句中如果主句用将来时,则if 引导的状语从句用一般现在时。故选D。

【2011 安徽】37. He promised to pick me up at the school gate. However. he yet.

A. didn't arrive

B. doesn't arrive

C. isn't arriving

D. hasn't arrived


【解析】选D. 考查现在完成时。由yet 提示应该是现在完成时,故选D。

【2011?广州】( )3. Yesterday evening, I along the street when I suddenly met my maths teacher.

A. walk

B. walked

C. was walking

D. am walking


解析: 考查时态。根据句意:我在街上散步时,遇到了我的数学老师。当一个动作(met

my maths teacher)发生时,另外一个动作(散步)正在进行。故“散步”这一动作用过去


【2011 桂林】32. Look! The boys football on the playground.

A. plays

B. play

C. are playing

D. played



【2011 桂林】33. — Have you ever been to Nanning? — Yes, .

A. I was

B. I do

C. I am

D. I have


【解析】助动词的用法。根据上句用现在完成时,因此下文回答时用Yes, I have。因此选D。【河北省2011】38. My sister wants a new dress. She it to the party,

A. wears

B. has worn

C. wore

D. is going to wear


【解析】考查动词时态。由“My sister wants a new dress”可知:动作还未执行,故用be

going to 形式,表示有计划做某事。故选D。

【河北省2011】40.I didn't hear you because I the news on the radio.

A. listen to

B. am listening to

C. listened to

D. was listening to




【河北省2011】42. I my homework, I guess I can't join you.

A. don't finish

B. didn't finish

C. haven't finished

D. won't finish




【解析】时态的考察句意为“你在这里。我找了你一上午。”根据答语“我去了图书馆”,可知现在不在图书馆。所以应用现在完成时,have gone to “去了” have been to“去过”。

【2011 呼和浩特】11. The girl with two cats in the yard when the earthquake happened.

A. was playing

B. is playing

C. are playing

D. were playing


【解析】时态的考察“当地震发生的时候,小女孩正和两只猫在院子里玩”。应用过去完成时,主语the girl 单数形式,所以应用was playing.

【2011 四川达州】27.— I don’t know if Aunt Li these “stay-home children”tomorrow morning.

— If I her, I would come earlier.

A. will come to take care of; am

B. come to look after; were

C. will come to take care of; were

D. comes to come up with; am



【2011?四川广元】13. —Have you ever been to Hong Kong?

—Yes, I ___there last month.

A. went to

B. have been

C. went


【解析】动词的时态。根据last month要用一般过去式,排除B;又因there为副词,是go的宾语,故go后面不跟介词to。

【2011?四川南充】27. He in this city since his family moved to Nanchong.

A. live

B. lived

C. has lived



【2011?四川南充】31. Today is Women's Day. My father and I a special gift for my mother now.

A. make

B. made

C. are making



【2011 广西百色】25.The Smiths came to Shanghai in 2008,they there for three years since then.

A. live

B. lived

C. have lived

D. will live



【2011 广西百色】30.A big party was held in NO.18 Middle School last night, the teacher with students singing and dancing happily at the party.

A. is

B. was

C. are

D. were


【解析】本句的主语是the teacher,系动词要用单数形式,根据句子的意思,应用过去时。【2011湖南湘潭】27. Mr. Li us a report on our environment when the earthquake happened in Japan.

A. gave

B. is giving

C. was giving



【2011 哈尔滨】26. —I called you at 6 o'clock yesterday evening, but nobody answered.

— I'm sorry. I my friend download the movie Kung Fu Panda Ⅱwhen the telephone rang,

A. would help

B. helped

C. was helping



【2011 呼和浩特】7. He went into his room, the light and began to work.

A. has turned on

B. turned off

C. turned on

D. has turned off



【2011 呼和浩特】8. ----Oh, you are here. I’m looking for you all the morning. ?

----To the library.

A. Where have you gone

B. Where will you go

C. Where are you going

D. Where have you been?

【2011 广西崇左】29 ---- Where is Michael?

----He TV at home, I think.

A. watches

B. watched

C. is watching

D. was watching 【解析】C 考查点:考察时态。解题思路:根据句意:Michael 在哪里?我想他在家……。句问的是现在的情况,所以问句应该回答现在的动作。故用现在进行时态,其结构是


【2011 广西崇左】34.What you do if you had a million dollars ?

A. would

B. will

C. did

D. do

【解析】A 考查点:虚拟语气。解题思路:根据句意:如果你有一百万你将会干什么?“如果你有一百万”是对现在的一种假设,与现在的事实相反。表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气的结构是:主句用should/would/could/might+动词原形,从句用一般过去时态。故选A。【2011 广西贵港】41.—Lin Kai, hand in your homework, please.

—Oh, sorry. I it at home this morning.

A. was leaving

B. has left

C. will leave

D. left

答案:D 【解析】考查点:考查时态。解题思路:根据句中时间状语this morning 表示过去的时间,可知用一般过去时态。故选D。

【2011 广西贵港】42. My pen pal said he would write to me, but I any letters from him so far.

A. won’t receive

B. haven’t received

C. hadn’t received

D. didn’t receive

答案:B【解析】考查点:考查时态。解题思路:so far 表示“到目前为止”,句子应该用现在完成时态。故选B。

【2011?铜仁】30. Great changes in Tongren in the past five years.

A. have happened

B. have taken place

C. have been happened

D. have been taken place


【解析】动词的用法。Take place 和happen 的相同点是两者都没有被动语态;两者的不同点是:take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排;happen 作“发生、碰巧”解,一般用于偶然或突发性事件,故选B。

【2011 贵州安顺】29. —Look at the noisy kids!

—Haven’t you heard the saying “When the cat is away, the mice ?”

A. play

B. played

C. are playing

D. will play


【解析】从句的考查。由when 引导的时间状语从句用一般现在时态,主句用一般将来时。【2011 贵州安顺】22. Put your hands behind your back. Don’t speak. We’ll in ten minutes.

A. back

B. be back

C. are back

D. are back to you


【解析】时态的考查。Will 是一般将来时态的标志,它的后面应该接动词原形,故B 是正确的。

【2011 贵州安顺】23. —What did the teacher say just now? —Sorry. I didn’t catch it. I something else.

A. think

B. will think

C. was thinking

D. had thought



【2011 ft东】26. Although Bill isn’t rich enough, he often money to the poor.

A. will give

B. was giving

C. gives

D. gave


【解析】考查点:本题考查的是时态。解题思路:题中“Although Bill isn’t rich enough”使用的是一般现在时态,所以后半句也使用一般现在时。故本题选C。

【2011 襄阳】34 ----- C an your father drive?

----Yes, and he to work every day.

A. is driving

B. drove

C. drives

D. has driven


【解析】时态考察由时间状语every day 可知“每天开车上班”应用一般现在时。【2011?盐城】12. I along the road when I saw Peter. So we stopped and had a chat.

A. walked

B. was walking

C. would walk

D. had walked

答案:B 考查动词时态,过去进行时与when 连用表示:过去正在发生某个时间短时,突然

插入一个时间点。本题句意:我在沿马路上走的时候看到了彼得。因此我们停下聊了起来【2011 四川绵阳】7. This girl is ready to help people any time. When she is on the bus, she always

her seat to someone in need.

A. gives

B. give

C. gave

D. giving


【解析】时态的用法。根据Always 是一般现在时的标志及从句“”的时态是一般现在时,同时主语“”是第三人称单数,故谓语动词也应用第三人称单数,故选A。

【2011浙江绍兴】22. — May I speak to Mr Morgan?

— Sorry. He on the farm.

A. works.

B. worked

C. is working

D. has worked



【2011 北京】28. Paul ant I tennis yesterday. He did much better than 1.

A. play

B. will play

C. played

D. are playing


【解析】考查点:本题考查动词时态的用法。由句中的yesterday 可知,要用过去式,所以选择答案C。

【2011 北京】29. Where's Tom'? His mother him now.

A. is looking for

B. will look for

C. has looked for

D. Looks for



【2011 北京】31. My aunt is a writer. She more than ten books since 1980.

A. writes

B. wrote

C. has written

D. will write


【解析】考查点:本题考查时态的用法。由since 1980“自从1980 年到现在”,用现在完成时,所以选择答案C。

【2011 北京】32. —What were you doing this time yesterday?

—I on the grass and drawing a picture.

A. sit

B. sat

C. am sitting

D. was sitting




【2011 陕西】22. Some students in Shanghai e-bags for several months.

A. have

B. have had

C. had

D. will have

B【解析】考查点:本题考查时态的使用。for+一段时间,用现在完成时态。故选B。【2011清远】29. Echo for half a month. She’ll come hack in two months.

A. left B leave C. has left D. has been away


【解析】考查动词时态。根据for half a month 为一段时间,动词得用延续性动词,应用现在

完成时态。同时句意:她将两个月后回来。说明已经离开。A 和B 排除,C 不能与时间段连用。

【2011·福州中考】36.— Where is Ben? — He to the teachers’ office. He will be back soon.

A. go

B. has gone

C. has been


【解析】考查现在完成时的用法。have been to “曾经去过某地”;have gone to “去某地了,还未回来”。句意:—本在哪里?—他去办公室了。他不久就回来。故选B。

【2011·福州中考】41.— Where were you at 7:00 last night?

— I to my mom at home.

A. write

B. was writing

C. wrote



【2011 重庆】40 It’s very hot here. Why not your coat?

A. put on

B. try on

C. take off

D. turn off


【解析】考查词语辨析。put on 意为“穿上”;try on 意为“试穿”;take off 意为“脱掉”;turn off 意为“关上”。由上句句意“这儿天气太热”,可推测要脱掉外衣。故选C。

【2011 四川乐ft】32. –When your mother you that blue dress, Lucy?

–Sorry, I really can’t remember. Maybe two or three weeks ago.

A. will; buy

B. does; buy

C. did; buy


【解析】考查实义动词的时态。由答语two or three weeks ago,可知买裙子发生在过去,用一般过去时。“露西,你妈妈什么时候给你买的蓝裙子?”buy 是一个实义动词,在过去时中,一般疑问句时需要借助助动词did。故选C。

【2011 浙江台州】21. -I’ve got a ticket for the basketball game tonight.

-Cool!How you it?

A. had, got

B. did, get

C. were, getting

D. will, get


【解析】考查时态的用法。句意为“我已经有今晚篮球比赛的票。” “票以有”顾“你怎么弄到的”为过去时。

【解析】考查时态的用法。由上句句意“我有今晚篮球比赛的票。” 可知已经得到票了。得到票的方法也是发生在过去。因此为一般过去时。故选B。

【2011 浙江宁波】30. — Amy, I called you yesterday evening, but nobody answered the phone.

— Oh, I a walk with my mother at that time.

A. take

B. took

C. am taking

D. was taking


【解析】动词时态。问句中的yesterday evening 是一般过去时时间状语,而答语中的at that time 是指打电话的那时间,表示过去正在发生的事情,所以应用过去进行时。选D。

【江西省2011】36. I'm now in New York with my friend Jenny. We by plane on


A. arrive

B. arrived

C. are arriving

D. will arrive



7.【2011?扬州】—When you reading Jane Eyre?

—It’s hard to say. I’m busy recently.

A. did; finish

B. have; finished

C. will; finish

D. do; finish




【2011?铜仁】28.If it this Saturday, we for a picnic.

A. won’t rain; shall go

B. doesn’t rain; will go

C. isn’t rain; go

D. doesn’t rain; go


【解析】考查时态。在if 引导的条件状语从句中,如果主句和从句发生的动作都在将


【2011 肇庆】26. You are too late. The film since half an hour ago.

A. has begun

B. has been on

C. began


【解析】考查动词时态。根据since half an hour ago,句中应是现在完成时,排除C。A 中是begin

的过去分词,begin 为短暂性动作,不可与表示一段时间的状语连用。

【2011 肇庆】24 ------ Your classroom is very clean.

----- Yes, it every day.

A. is cleaned

B. cleans

C. is cleaning


【解析】考查动词的语态。主语it 为classroom,句意“教室每天被打扫”,故用被动语态。【2011 广西贺州】37. The workers _____ a new bridge now. The traffic in Guangzhou will be better soon.

A. build

B. were building

C. built

D. are building


【解析】考查点:考察时态。解题思路:根据时态标志词now 可知用现在进行时态,其结

构是be(is/am/ are) +doing。故选D。

【2011 重庆江津】( ) 40.A:How clean the bedroom is!

B: Yes, I am sure that someone it.

A. cleans

B. cleaned

C. has cleaned

D. had cleaned


【2011 ft东菏泽】28. This morning I had hardly got to my school when it to rain.

A. had begun

B. was beginning

C. began

D. begins




【2011 ft东菏泽】33. —Why didn’t you go to play football with us yesterday afternoon?

—I my mother with the housework then.

A. helped

B. was helping

C. had helped

D. have been helping




【2011 ft 东枣庄】22. He when the UFO arrived. He didn’t wake until the UFO disappeared.

A. slept

B. was sleeping

C. was doing homework

D. was singing


【解析】B 考查过去进行时,由下文句意“当UFO 消失时他才醒来”可知前句意为“当UFO 到达时他正在睡觉”。过去某一时刻正在做某事,用过去时行时。故选B。

【浙江湖州】19. —How was your trip to Hang Zhou, Jim?

—Great! We to Xixi National Wetland Park.

A. go

B. am going

C. will go

D. went


【解析】考查动词的时态。由问句“How was your ...”可知是一般过去时,故答语也应用一般过去时,故选D。

【2011 ft东聊城】34. —Will you please go to see the movie Guanyinshan with me?

—No, I won’t. I already.

A. saw

B. have seen

C. see

D. will see


【解析】动词时态。由否定答语和下句中的“already”可推测,已经看过这部电影了,因此用现在完成时。句意:-你愿意和我去看电影《观音ft》吗?-不,我不去。我已经看过了。already 一般用于现在完成时。

【2011 江苏淮安】14.British Prince William(威廉王子) and Kate for nearly two months.

A. married

B. have married

C. have been married

D. have got married


【解析】考查动词的时态。从句后的for nearly two months 可知谓语动词是现在完成时表示时间段的延续动词。marry 是瞬间动词,应变成其延续动词“be+形容词”形式。故选C.

【2011 ft西】26. The sense of happiness will increase if you what you like to do.

A. do

B. did

C. will do


【解析】动词时态。If 意为“如果”引导条件状语从句,时态为“主将从現”,即主句为将来时,从句用一般现在时。因此选A。

29.【2011?株洲】Jim in Zhuzhou since he finished his college.

A. works

B. is working

C. has worked



【2011 江苏宿迁】6. —Did you see Mr. Black just now?

—Yes. He his car when I met him.

A. parked

B. was parking

C. parks

D. will park


【解析】本题考查时态的用法。句意“你刚才看见布莱克先生的吗?”“是的我见他时他正在停车”。由句意见他时,已经过去,故用过去时,排除C、D;又因为when 引导的从句


【2011 贵州安顺】25. —Look at the sign on the right.

—Oh, parking here.

A. doesn’t allow

B. isn’t allowed

C. didn’t allowed

D. wasn’t allowed


【解析】语态的考查。根据句意“在这儿停车是不允许的”,park 是allow 的宾语,当主语和谓语动词的动宾关系时,应该是被动语态。

【2011 ft东】34. It’s true that Shakespeare’s play by so many people every year.

A. see

B. will see

C. are seeing

D. are seen


【解析】考查点:本题考查被动语态的用法。解题思路:根据题意:莎士比亚的戏每年被许多人观看是真的。句中主语为Shakespeare’s play,使用被动语态。故本题选D。

【2011 湖北黄石】37. —Who’s the little baby in the photo, Li Ying?

—It’s me. This photo fourteen years ago.

A. is taken

B. took

C. takes

D. was taken



+ 动词的过去分词。主语this photo 是单数,故用was+ 过去分词。

【2011 湖南长沙】30. ---May I use your cup, Tom?

---Sorry, it by my sister just now.

A was broken

B is broken

C broke


【解析】被动语态的用法。根据句意可知是被动语态,又时间状语为just now,故答案为A。【2011 广东】35. People who drink wine to drive after May Day.

A. don’t allow

B. isn’t allowed

C. mustn’t allow

D. mustn’t be allowed


【解析】本题考查be allowed to do sth.的否定形式。be allowed to do sth.意为“同意,许可做某事”。其否定形式为mustn’t be allowed to do sth.意为“不允许”。句意“五一以后喝酒的人禁止开车”。故选D。

【2011 广东】39. Our math teacher in our school for 20 years and he here when he was 23 years old.

A. has taught, has come

B. taught, comes

C. taught, came

D. has taught, came


【解析】考查动词的时态。for 20 year 是现在完成时的时间标志。因此第一空要填has taught;后半句时间状语是when he was 23 years old,动词用一般过去时,因此天came.


【2011四川德阳】11. Waste paper shouldn’t everywhere. It’s our duty to keep our classroom clean.

A. be thrown

B. throw

C. is thrown



故排除B;shouldn’t 为情态动词should 的否定形式,其后用动词原形,故排除C。故选A。

43. An official by some reporters on food problems in Shanghai yesterday.

A) is interviewing B) is interviewed C) was interviewing D) was interviewed


【解析】考查点:一般过去时的被动语态的用法。解题思路:由yesterday 看出该句子要使用一般过去时,by 之后接的是动作的发出者,故该句要使用被动语态,所以答案选D;【2011湖南永州】

26.Boys and girls, the books in the library should good care of.

A. take

B. are taking

C. be taken


【解析】本句的真正主语是“the books”,应用被动语态,“should + be + 及物动词的过去


【泸州市2011】5. The radio says a wild animal zoo is going to in our city.

A. be built

B. built

C. build

D. be building


【解析】被动语态的用法。根据主语和谓语动词的关系可以看出是被动形式;be gong to


【2011?四川成都】39. Because of the support from all over the country, beautiful new buildings here and there in the earthquake - hit areas in Sichuan.

A. can see

B. can be seen

C. will be seen



处都能(被)看到。can be seen 为含有情态动词的被动语态。

【2011?盐城】15. — How soon all the work ?

— In a week.

A. will… finish

B. is…going to finish

C. will…be finished

D. are…going to be finished

答案:C 考查被动语态。问句的主语是all the work,所以应该用被动语态。排除A 和B.又因为work 时不可数名词,故排除D,选A。

【2011 安徽芜湖】42. These days students in some schools not to use mobile phones.

A. ask

B. asked

C. are asked

D. were asked


【解析】被动语态。主语students 是动作的承受者,所以用被动语态;根据these days 可知


【2011 广西南宁市】28. Trees every year to make our city greener.

A. plant

B. are planted

C. were planted

D. will be planted

28. 答案:B


语态,时间状语为every year,因此用一般现在时。故选B。

【2011 贵州贵阳】37. We're very glad to know that a great sports meeting in Guiyang this September.

A. will hold

B. will be held

C. will be hold


【解析】这里考查的是将来时的被动语态的结构:will be + 动词的过去分词。故选B。【2011 雅安】20. A lot of trees on the hill yesterday.

A. are planted

B. will be planted

C. have been planted

D. were planted


【解析】考查被动语态。由时间状语yesterday 可知,用一般过去时,由trees 和plant 构成被动关系,用一般过时的被动语态

【2011 ft东枣庄】18. In the past the children were made 15 hours a day.

A. to lock

B. work

C. to work

D. lock


【解析】C be made to do sth 被迫做某事,make 的被动语态要带to, 故选C。

【2011 ft东滨州】34. The Taiwan spotted deer, Fan Xing and Dian Dian, to the Chinese mainland on April 16, 2011.

A.have sent B.were sending C.were sent D.had sent


【解析】考查被动语态的用法。由句意“台湾梅花鹿“繁星”和“点点” 在2011 年4 月16 日被送到中国大陆”可知,此处应用一般过去时的被动语态,故选C。

【2011 重庆】32. I’m glad to find that many trees in our city last year.

A. plant

B. planted

C. were planted

D. are planted


【解析】考查被动语态的用法。由last year 可推断用一般过去时。trees 和plant 为被动关系,因此,为一般过去时的被动语态。句意为:我很高兴地发现在我们的城市去年种了许多树。故选C。

【2011 四川宜宾】https://www.360docs.net/doc/945604140.html,puters widely in our daily life.

A . use B. used C. were used D. are used


【解析】D 考查一般现在时的被动语态,根据句意:计算机在日常生活中得到广泛应用。故选D。

【2011 天津】39. Today a lot of information can online.

A. receive

B. be received

C. is received

D. receiving


【解析】被动语态。今天有很多信息能在网上收到,信息被收到要用被动语态。含有情态动词的被动语态的构成:情态动词+be +过去分词。

44.【2011?广西柳州】Half of the work by now.

A. has finished

B. has been finished

C. have been finished


【解析】考查动词的被动语态。句意:一半的工作已经被完成。可知要用被动语态结构,work 是不可数名词,所以用单数has been finished,故选B。

(2011 湖南岳阳中考)28.Every year lots of trees to make our country more beautiful.

A. is planter

B. are planted

C. plant

解析:本题考查动词语态。trees 是动词plant 的宾语,提前了,故用被动语态,所以答案选B。

【2011 湖南益阳】24. His car was by the police because he drove too fast

A. stopping

B. stopped

C. stop


【解析】语态的考查。从后面的by 判断,应该是被动语态,be +动词的过去分词。

(2011 贵州毕节)29.He likes reading very much.Most of his money on books.A.is spent B.spend C.spends D.are


解析:本题考查动词语态。不可数名词money 是动词spend 的宾语,提前了,要用被动语态,故答案选A。

【2011 浙江宁波】27. There was a big earthquake in Japan, but luckily many people .

A. save

B. saved

C. are saved

D. were saved


【解析】动词语态。从前半句可以看出是一般过去时,根据后半句句意,有许多人被救出。一般过去时态的被动语态结构为was\were + 动词的过去分词。主语many people 是复数,故用were+过去分词。

【2011 ft东聊城】30. As everyone knows, rubbish everywhere.

A. need be thrown

B. mustn’t be thrown

C. can’t throw

D. may throw


【解析】动词语态。。垃圾rubbish 和throw 为被动关系,应用被动语态。排除C 和D。句

意为“每人都知道的,到处都禁止扔垃圾”。Mustn’t 表禁止。故选B。

【2011 广安市】40. — How clean and tidy your bedroom is!

—Thank you. It every day.

A. cleans

B. is cleaned

C. was cleaned


【解析】考查被动语态。It 指代上句中的bedroom,it 和clean 构成被动关系,故用被动语态,由every day 可知,该句是一般现在时,故用一般现在时的被动语态。

【2011?兰州】34. In many places in China, the old over 90 not only by their family but also by the government.

A. is taking good care

B. are taken good care of

C. is taking good care of

D. are taken good care


【解析】被动语态的用法。句意“在中国的许多地方,超过90 岁的人不仅被家庭好好照顾着,

而且也被政府照顾着”。the old 指一类人,因此是复数形式,故排除A、C,被动语态中的


(2011·南京)10. It’s reported that Nanjing South Railway Station at the end of this month.

A. has been completed

B. is completed

C. was completed

D. will be completed

10. 答案:D

解析:考查句子的时态和语态。分析本句是将来时态的被动语态。故选D 项。

【2011 ft东威海】36.—Who is the little girl in the picture?

—It's me. The picture 10 years ago.

A. took

B. is taken

C. has taken

D. was taken


【解析】被动语态。主语the picture 与take 的构成被动关系,因此为被动语态,由10 years ago 可知为一般过去时,因此用一般过去时态的被动语态,其结构为was\were + 动词的过


【2011?ft东青岛】34. —you the Beatles' story?

— Yes. And their songs are popular.

A. Did; hear

B. Do; listen to

C. Have; heard of

D. Have; listened to


【解析】句意为“—你听过甲壳虫乐队的故事吗?—是的。他们的歌曲很受欢迎。”hear of意为“听说……”,故答案选C。

【2011 ft东烟台】27. It is true that knowledge rather than being taught.

A. learns

B. learned

C. is learned

D. was learned


【解析】考查被动语态。题干是一个说明客观真理的强调句,故从句要使用一般现在时,排除B 和D。knowledge 与learn 构成被动关系,用is learned。故选C。

【江西省2011】40. —What happened to Billy?

—He because of his drink-driving.

A. is caught

B. was caught

C. has caught

D. had caught


【解析】被动语态he与catch应为被动关系“因为酒驾被逮。”【江西省2011】33. Mary

isn't here at the moment. She later.

A. comes

B. came

C. has come

D. is coming


【解析】时态的考察句意为“玛丽现在不在这里,稍候她将马上来”。come,go, move 等表示位置移动的词常用进行时鄙视将来。【2011 安徽】43. Don't worry. Your package here until you come back, so enjoy shopping here.

A. will keep

B. has kept

C. will be kept

D. has been kept


【解析】选C。考查语态。句意:别着急,你的行李将一直被保存到你回来。……。此处表示将来时的被动,要用will +be + done。故选C。

【2011?铜仁】33.My father TV in the living room when I home yesterday.

A. watched; got

B. was watching; got

C. watched; was getting

D. was watching; was getting


【解析】时态的用法。由yesterday 可知从句要用一般过去时;由句意可知,当我到家的时候,爸爸正在看电视,看电视是过去正在进行的动作,用过去进行时。故选B。

【2011 贵州安顺】25. —Look at the sign on the right.

—Oh, parking here.

A. doesn’t allow

B. isn’t allowed

C. didn’t allowed

D. wasn’t allowed


【解析】语态的考查。根据句意“在这儿停车是不允许的”,park 是allow 的宾语,当主语和谓语动词的动宾关系时,应该是被动语态。

【2011 北京】34. Many accidents by careless drivers last year.

A. are caused

B. were caused

C. have caused

D. will cause


【解析】考查点:本题考查时态和被动语态结合的用法。由last year 可知要用过去时,由后面的by 可知要用被动语态,所以选择答案B。

【2011 陕西】25. Driving after drinking wine in China.

A. allows

B. doesn't allow

C. is allowed

D. isn't allowed

D 【解析】考查点:本题考查被动语态。句意为“酒后驾车在中国是不被允许的”。可知为否定的被动语态,故选D。

(2011 桂林)38. Many trees and flowers in our city every year.

A. planted

B. are planted

C. were planted

D. plants

38. 答案:B

【解析】语态的用法。根据句意“每年在我们诚实种很多的树和花”,可知many trees and flowers为动作的承受者,因此用被动语态,其时间状语为every year,用一般现在时。因此选B。

【河北省2011】44. The Spring Festival in January or February.

A. celebrates

B. is celebrated

C. celebrated

D. was celebrated


【解析】B 考查一般现在时的被动语态,人们在一月或二月庆祝春节,是个习惯性动作,


【2011?河南省】30. Soft drinks to children for free in some restaurants on Children's Day.

A. offer

B. have offered

C. are offered

D. will be offered

答案:C。考查动词的语态。因句子的主语是物(Soft drinks),故应该用被动语态,由于“on

Children's Day”表示泛指在儿童节,故用一般在时的被动语态。所以选C。

【2011 黑龙江绥化市】()16. —Suihua is so beautiful. It's like a big garden.

—Yes. Many trees and flowers in our city every year.

A. are planting

B. are planted

C. were planted


【解析】被动语态的考查。Be+过去分词,时间状语every year 决定了用一般现在时。【2011 江苏徐州】11. When will the birthday party , on Monday evening or Tuesday evening?

A. hold

B. be held

C. held

D. be holding


【解析】考查被动语态的用法。birthday party 和hold 构成被动关系,所以为被动语态,由“will可” 知,为一般将来时的被动语态。句意“什么时候举行生日聚会,是周一晚上还是周二晚上啊?”,用be held。

【2011?四川南充】33. —How many people will to your birthday party?


A. invite

B. be invited

C. be inviting




【2011梧州】39. A new cinema _ in our city last year.

A. built

B. was built

C. will build

D. is built


【解析】被动语态的考察“新电影院”与“建”应是被动关系,由时间状语last year可知应是


【2011 广东深圳】10. - When should I hand in my paper?

—Your paper must _ as soon as the bell_ .

A. hand in; rings

B. hand in; will ring

C. be handed in; will ring

D. be handed in: rings


【解析】被动语态与as soon as 的用法。paper 作主语(为“交卷”的承受者),故要用被动

语态,as soon as 表示“一……就……”,从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时。故选择D。【2011 ft东济宁】23. China has offered much help to Japan since it by the earthquake and tsunami(海啸).

A. hits

B. is hit

C. was hit

D. will be hit


【解析】被动语态的用法。根据句意“自从日本被地震和海啸袭击后,中国给它提供很多援助”可知,it 指的是Japan, 和hit 构成被动关系。地震和海啸发生在过去,因此用一般过去式的被动语态,故选C。

【2011 四川乐ft】25. –Who is that little boy in the photo, Oscar?

–Oh, it’s me! It when I was five years old.

A. was taken

B. took

C. was taking


【解析】考查被动语态。答语中主语it 指photo,与动词take 为被动关系,因此用被动语态。



【2011 ft东】34. It’s true that Shakespeare’s play by so many people every year.

A. see

B. will see

C. are seeing

D. are seen


【解析】考查点:本题考查被动语态的用法。解题思路:根据题意:莎士比亚的戏每年被许多人观看是真的。句中主语为Shakespeare’s play,使用被动语态。故本题选D。

【2011 湖北黄石】37. —Who’s the little baby in the photo, Li Ying?

—It’s me. This photo fourteen years ago.

A. is taken

B. took

C. takes

D. was taken



+ 动词的过去分词。主语this photo 是单数,故用was+ 过去分词。

【2011 湖南长沙】30. ---May I use your cup, Tom?

---Sorry, it by my sister just now.

A was broken

B is broken

C broke


【解析】被动语态的用法。根据句意可知是被动语态,又时间状语为just now,故答案为A。【2011 广东】35. People who drink wine to drive after May Day.

A. don’t allow

B. isn’t allowed

C. mustn’t allow

D. mustn’t be allowed


【解析】本题考查be allowed to do sth.的否定形式。be allowed to do sth.意为“同意,许可做某事”。其否定形式为mustn’t be allowed to do sth.意为“不允许”。句意“五一以后喝酒的人禁止开车”。故选D。

【2011 广东】39. Our math teacher in our school for 20 years and he here when he was 23 years old.

A. has taught, has come

B. taught, comes

C. taught, came

D. has taught, came


【解析】考查动词的时态。for 20 year 是现在完成时的时间标志。因此第一空要填has taught;后半句时间状语是when he was 23 years old,动词用一般过去时,因此天came.


【2011 四川德阳】11. Waste paper shouldn’t everywhere. It’s our duty to keep our classroom clean.

A. be thrown

B. throw

C. is thrown


【解析】本题考查被动语态的用法。被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。被动语态由“助动词be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。句意“废纸不应该到处扔。保持教室干净是我们的责任”。故排除B;shouldn’t 为情态动词should 的否定形式,其后用动词原形,故排除C。故选A。

43. An official by some reporters on food problems in Shanghai yesterday.

A)is interviewing B) is interviewed C) was interviewing D) was interviewed


【解析】考查点:一般过去时的被动语态的用法。解题思路:由yesterday 看出该句子要使用一般过去时,by 之后接的是动作的发出者,故该句要使用被动语态,所以答案选D;【2011 呼和浩特】15. At last the boy was made and began to laugh.

A. stop crying

B. to stop to cry

C. to stop crying

D. stop to cry


【解析】被动语态与非谓语动词make, have, see 等动词在变为被动语态时要把省略的不定式符号to 补出来;stop to do “停下来去干…”;stop doing“停止做…”


【2011 四川达州】30.—Do you know Lucy’s grandma?

— Of course. She is a kind woman, but she has for about a month since she in the accident.

A. been dead; was killed

B. died; was killed

C. been dead; killed

D. died; killed


【解析】本题考查时态和被动语态的用法。根据题意:-你知道露茜的奶奶吗?-当然,她是一位慈祥的老人,在车祸中丧生已经大约一年了。has been dead 表示已经去世的状况,was killed 表被动,丧生。故本题选A。

【2011?四川广元】19.English ___more and more widely (广泛) today. So we must learn it well.

A. uses

B. used

C. is used



【2011 浙江台州】23. -How often do I need to feed the bird?

-They food every day, or they will be hungry.

A. must give

B. mustn’t give

C. must be given

D. mustn’t be give


【解析】被动语态。they 即birds,they 和give 为被动关系。因此用被动语态,排除A 和B 。由句意“必须每天给他们食,否则他们将非常饿。”故选C。

【2011 浙江舟ft】24. Food safety is important. Rules to stop people from food pollution.

A. must make

B. must be made

C. can’t make

D. can’t be made


【解析】被动语态的用法。本句句意:食品安全很重要,必须制定制度来阻止人们遭受食品污染;根据句意应该含情态动词must 的被动语态,即must be done。

【2011湖南永州】26. Boys and girls, the books in the library should good care of.

A. take

B. are taking

C. be taken


【解析】本句的真正主语是“the books”,应用被动语态,“should + be + 及物动词的过去分词”,故选C。

【2011?ft东青岛】33. Your donation and the money will be used to help the students from poor families.

A. is greatly appreciating

B. appreciates

C. has appreciated

D. is greatly appreciated



【2011?ft东青岛】32. Each time tourists travel to Beijing, they the Forbidden City.

A. will be shown up

B. will be shown around

C. will show around

D. will show to


【解析】考查一般将来时被动语态的用法。短语show up意为“揭露”,show around意为“带领……看”,此处明显是指那些人被领着参观紫禁城,每次都要被带着去参观,故选B。【2011 湖北十堰】36. ---Look, what have they done?

---Sorry. I think if I another chance, I’ll do it better.

A. give

B. will be given

C. will give

D. am given


【解析】动词语态。I 与another chance 是被动关系。if 引导的条件状语从句,主句用



【2011 新疆阜康】34. —Is Bohai Bridge open to the public yet?

—Yes. It for almost one and a half months.

A. has opened

B. has being opened

C. has been open

D. was open


【解析】现在完成时的被动语态。根据句意:渤海大桥已经被开放一个半月了。be open 为延续性动词,后接时间段。

【2011 四川绵阳】15 ------ D runken drive is dangerous, isn’t it?

---- Yeah. That why drunken drivers to prison even without causing accidents.

A. sent

B. are sent

C. send

D. are sending



【2011 内蒙古包头】( ) 35. It will be two days before the decision .

A. has made

B. will be made

C. was made

D. is made.


【解析】本题考查被动语态的用法。句意为“在下决心之前,将有两天的时间” 根据语境可知选D。

【2011 呼和浩特】3 ---- Did you go to Jim’s birthday party?

----No, I .

A. haven’t invited

B. didn’t invite

C. am not invited

D. wasn’t invited


【解析】被动语态句意为“你去参加吉姆的生日聚会了吗”“我没被邀请”,I 与invite 应为过去的被动的关系,

【2011四川内江】34. —Your classroom is really bright and clean.

—It after school every day.

A. is cleaned

B. cleaned

C. was cleaned


【解析】动词语态。every day是一般现在时的标志。根据句意,你们教室真的既明亮又干净。每天放学后我们打扫它。此处是被动语态省略了by us。一般现在时被动语态构成:be+动词过去分词。故选A。

【2011 江苏淮安】6. —Shall we go out for a swim?

—Sorry, I can’t. I housework for my mother now.

A. am doing

B. is doing

C. are doing

D. did



27.【2011?株洲】Mary didn’t go to John’s birthday party because she .

A. wasn’t invited

B. didn’t invite

C. isn’t invited


【解析】被动语态的用法。本句意思为“玛丽没有去参加约翰的生日聚会因为她没有被邀请到”,从“被邀请”可以知道此处应该用被动语态,从句子中的didn’t 可以看出本句为一般过去时,因此该处应该为一般过去式的被动语态形式,故答案为A。

【2011 黑龙江绥化市】()14.—Where is Bob?

—He to Harbin for a meeting.

A. went

B. has been

C. has gone


【解析】词义辨析。have been to 指“去过”,have gone to 指“去了”,即不在说话者所在地。根据句义,“他去哈尔滨参加会议”,所以选C。

【2011 黑龙江绥化市】()24. Don't make so much noise. The children an English

A. have

B. are having

C. were having


【解析】时态考查。根据情境:不要闹动静,因为孩子们正在上英语课,故用现在进行时。【2011 江苏徐州】8. I was very angry with John—he just when I spoke to him.

A. isn’t listening

B. hasn’t listened

C. didn’t listen

D. wasn’t listening



【2011 江苏徐州】13. — Are you going to the bank, Laura?

—No, I to the bank already.

A. have been

B. have gone

C. am going

D. had been


【解析】考查动词时态的用法。由上句句意“……你打算去银行吗?-不。”和“already”推测他已经去过了,用现在完成时。Have/has been+地点意为“去过某地(已回来)”;have/has gone+地点意为“到某地去了(现在不在这儿)”。故选A。

【2011 内蒙古包头】( ) 22. Mr. Black is going to marry a girl he in Japan last year.

A. meets

B. met

C. has met

D. would meet



(2011 四川资阳)27. So far this year, many new houses in Wenchuan with the help of the government.

A. build

B. are built

C. will build

D. have been built


【解析】考查动词的时态。句中有So far“到目前为止”,使用现在完成时态,故选D。【2011 天津】36. My grandmother a lot of changes in Tianjin since she came here.

A.sees B. can see C. will see D. has seen



【2011乌鲁木齐】34.The meeting _ by the time I got there yesterday.

A. was on

B. has been on

C. had begun

D. has begun



43.【2011?广西柳州】—You have found your lost umbrella, haven’t you?

—Yes. I it behind the door this afternoon.

A. have found

B. will find

C. found



【2011 沈阳】10. Listen! The phone ___. Please go to answer it.

A. rings

B. is ringing

C. rang

D. will ring


16种英语时态总结归纳 时态(Tense)是表示行为、动作和状态在各种时间条件下的动词形式。因此,当我们说时态结构的时候,指的是相应时态下的动词形式。 英语时态分为16种:一般现在、一般过去、一般将来、过去将来时,以及这四者的进行时、完成时和完成进行时。 1. 一般现在时 用法:A) 表示现在发生的动作、情况、状态和特征。 B) 习惯用语。C) 经常性、习惯性动作。 例:He always helps others. (他总是帮助别人。) D) 客观事实和普遍真理。尤其要注意,如果前后文不是一般现在时,则无法保持主句、从句时态一致。 E) 表示一个按规定、计划或安排要发生的动作,(仅限于某些表示“来、去、动、停、开始、结束、继续”等的动词)可以与表示未来时间的状语搭配使用。常见的用法是:飞机、火车、轮船、汽车等定期定点运行的交通方式。 例:The next train leaves at 3 o'clock this afternoon.(下一趟火车今天下午3点开车。) How often does this shuttle bus run? (这班车多久一趟?) F) 在时间和条件状语从句里经常用一般现在(有时也用现在完成时)表示将来事情。 例:When you have finished the report, I will have waited for about 3 hours.(等你完成这份报告的时候,我就已经等了将近3个小时了。) 2. 现在进行时(be doing) 用法:现在正在进行的动作。 3. 现在完成时(have done) 用法: A) 表示动作到现在为止已经完成或刚刚完成。 例:I bought a new house, but I _________ my old one yet, so at the moment I have two houses. A) didn't sell B) sold C) haven't sold D) would sell 答案是C) haven't sold。 B) 表示从过去某时刻开始,持续到现在的动作或情况,并且有可能会继续延续下去。此时经常用延续性动词。时间状语常用since加一个过去的时间点,或for 加一段时间,或by加一个现在时间。 例:Great as Newton was, many of his ideas ___________ today and are being modified by the work of scientists of our time. A) are to challenge C) have been challenged B) may be challenged D) are challenging 全句的意思是:“虽然牛顿是个伟大的人物,但他的许多见解直到今天还在受到挑战,并且被现代科学家的工作所修正。”challenge是及物动词,在本句中应当是被动语态;其动作延续到今天,所以要用现在完成时态。可见答案是C) have been challenged。A) are to challenge和D) are challenging都是主动语态,不可能是答案。B) may be challenged虽然是被动语态,但意思与全句内容不合,所以不对。 C) 表示发生在过去,但对现在仍有影响的动作或情况。通常用点动词,如:arrive, begin, find, give, lose等。 例:John has broken his left leg.(约翰摔断了左腿。) 注意事项 A) 现在完成时是联系过去和现在的纽带。现在完成时和过去时的区别在于:现在完成时强调动作的动态,或受动态的影响,是动态的结果,对现在有影响;过去时只表示过去的某个具体时间里发生的动作,与现在没有联系。


一、选择题 1.— Who ________the classroom tomorrow, Tony? — Our group. A.will clean B.cleans C.cleaned D.clean 2.We’re not sure _______ there’ll be _______ or not tomorrow. A.if; rains B.if; rainy C.whether; raining D.whether; rain 3.— Look at my new watch. —Well, it’s so cool! When and where________you buy it? A.Do B.will C.did D.Are 4.Wang Wei often ________ TV on Sunday evenings, but now he is _______ stories. A.watches; reading B.watching; reads C.looks; reading D.watches; looking 5.My mother _____ dinner when I got home yesterday. A.has cooked B.was cooking C.will cook D.cooks 6.It’s 4:00 p.m. The students _____ in the pool. A.swim B.swam C.swims D.are swimming 7.My mother will be very angry with me when she out where I have been. A.finds B.found C.will find D.has found 8.Which of the following sentences is correct? A.He came in and sat down. B.We all like . C.When we met. He didn't say hello. D.We went out, headed for the bus stop. 9.Sorry, Jenny isn’t here. She________ up some lights in the garden. A.put B.puts C.is putting D.has put 10.—Have you written a litter to your brother? —Yes, I have. I________one last Sunday. A.was writing B.wrote C.have written 11.The Great Wall (长城) ________ long and it ________ a long history (历史). A.has; is B.is; is C.is; has D.have; has 12.—Listen!Who in the music room? —It must be Sally. She there every day. A.sings, sings B.is singing, sings C.sings, is singing 13.My mother when I got home yesterday. A.will cook B.cooks C.has cooked D.was cooking 14.My father is a teacher and he ___________ in this school for about twenty years. A.works B.is working C.was working D.has worked 15.— Could you please tell me yesterday? — In the bookshop nearby.


中考英语常考题集锦 一、名词、冠词 1.– What can I do for you? -- I’d like two _______. A. box of apple B. boxes of apples C. box of apples D. boxes of apple 答案: B. (选择其它三项的同学要注意仔细看题.不要马虎, 这里box 和apple都是可数名词) 2.Help yourself to _________. A. some chickens B. a chicken C. some chicken D. any chicken 答案: C (选择A的同学要注意chicken当鸡肉讲时不可数) 3..________ it is today! A. What fine weather B. What a fine weather C. How a fine weather D. How fine a weather 答案: A. (选择B的同学要注意weather不可数. 选择C和D的同学要注意weather是名词, 要用what来感叹.) 4.Which is the way to the __________? A. shoe factory B. shoes factory C. shoe’s factory D. shoes’ factory 答案: A. (选择D的同学注意这里不是指名词所有格, 而是名词作形容词的用法.类似的用法如: pencil box; school bag等.) 5.This class ________ now. Miss Gao teaches them. A. are studying B. is studying C. be studying D. studying 答案: A. (选择B的同学要注意, 当这种概念名词当“人”讲的时候要做复数处理.类似的还有: the police are running after the thief等) 6.We will have a _________ holiday after the exam. A. two month B. two-month C. two month’s D. two-months 答案: B (选择C的同学要注意应用two months’; 选择D的同学要注意名词之间有“—“ 后的组合词当作形容词来用, 因此就不用所有格形式了.)


2012年全国各地中考英语真题分类汇编——动词时态及动词【2012福建福州】35. — Listen, the music _____________sweet. — It's Yesterday Once More, my favorite. A. sounds B. smells C. feels 【答案】A 【解析】选A。考查系动词的用法。sound意为“听起来”;smell意为“闻起来”;feel意为“感觉;摸起来”。由句中“the music”可知,此处句意为:这首音乐听起来很美。故选A。 【2012福建福州】37. — Hello, may I speak to Mr. Smith? — Sorry, he isn't in. He _____________the office. A. has been to B. has gone to C. has been away 【答案】B 【解析】选B。考查现在完成时的用法。has been to表示去过某地,现在已经回来;has gong to表示去了某地,现在还没回来。由答语中“Sorry, he is n’t in”可知“史密斯先生不在家,他去了办公室”。故选B。 【2012福建福州】43. — Our classroom____________every day. — So it is. It's our duty to keep it clean and tidy. A. cleans B. is cleaning C. is cleaned 【答案】C 【解析】选A。考查被动语态的用法。由于句中主语“Our classroom”是事物,教室只能是被打扫,因此需要用被动语态来表达,由句中“every day”确定,此处应该用一般现在时,其结构为is cleaned。故选A。【2012贵州贵阳】36. “Have you ever been to Tokyo?” “Yes, I ______ there twice. It’s a modern city.” A. have gone B. have been C. had gone 【答案】B 考查动词时态及动词的用法。问句用的是现在完成时,答句也应该用现在完成时,前后时态一致。Have gone意为“去过,但还没回来”;have been意为“去了,回来了”。根据句意:你去过东京吗?我去过两次,它是一个现代城市。故选B. 【2012贵州贵阳】39. In order to make our hometown more beautiful, trees _______ around the city every year. A. plant B. are planted C. will plant 【答案】B 考查动词语态的用法。trees与plant存在着被动关系,应用动词的被动语态。根据句意:为了我们的家乡更美丽,每年围着城市多种些树。故选B.【2012贵州贵阳】41. If Bob ______ away from the junk food, he will be in good health. A. stay B. will stay C. stays 【答案】C 考查动词时态的用法。用在条件状语从句中,一般现在时表示一般将来时,主语是Bob,所以动词用单三形式。根据句意:如果波比远离垃圾食品,他就会很健康。故选C. 【2012.安徽省】35. To protect the environment, supermarket don’t _____ free plastic bags to shoppers. A.take B. show C. provide D. carry 【答案】C 【2012.安徽省】41. --Let's discuss the plan, shall we? --Not now. I_____ to an interview. A. go B. went C. am going D. was going 【答案】C 【2012.安徽省】49. The task____ in an hour. Then we can go home and have a good rest.


专题五时态复习 (一)一般现在时 复习要点:1.用法 2.时间 3.句型转换 一、用词的适当形式填空。 1. Miss Guo ______ (teach) us Chinese this term. She ______ (be) a very good teacher. She often ______ (talk) with us after class. Many of us like ______ (talk) with her. 2. Where ______ their father______ (work)? He ______ (work) on a farm. 3. What time ______ the shop ______ (close)? It _____ (close) at nine o'clock in the evening. 4. He ______ (go) to school by bus every day. 5. Tom can not walk fast because he ______ (carry) a heavy box. 6. She often ______ (read) English in the evening. 7. She ____ (go) to school at eight o’clock. 8. He usually _____ up at 17:00. (get) 9. She ____ (live) in Beijing. 二、句型转换: 1. I like the red sofa. (变否定句) 2. She has a nice cap. (变一般疑问句,并做肯定及否定回答) 3. I am a bus driver. (变一般疑问句并做肯定回答) 4. They play football in the garden everyday. (变成否定句) 5. There is an egg in the basket.(变成复数形式的句子)


初中英语八大时态语态总复习时态讲解 一般现在时态 【展示平台】 1 一般现在时态用来表示经常,反复,习惯性发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示频率的副词sometimes(有时), often(经常), usually(通常), always (总是)等连用。时间状语in the morning/ afternoon/ evening(在上午/下午/晚上), every day/ week/ month/ year(每天/周/月/年, at noon/night (在中午/夜里), on Monday/Tuesday(在星期一/二)等也可用在一般现在时态中。如: Bruce usually walks to school. 布鲁斯通常步行去上学。 We have two P.E classes every week. 我们每周上两节体育课。 2 表示现在的特征或状态。如: She is always ready to help others. 她总是乐于助人。 He is 13 years old. 他13岁了。 3 表示事实或客观真理,或在谚语中,也用一般现在时。如: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west every day. 太阳每天东升西落。 When there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。 4 一般现在时的基本句型 1)肯定句:① 主语+动词原形+其他②主语(第三人称单数)+ 动词-s+ 其他如:They live in China. 他们住在中国。 He likes eating apples. 他喜欢吃苹果。 2)否定句:① 主语+don’t+ 动词原形+其他 ② 主语(第三人称单数)+doesn’t+ 动词原形+其他 如:They don’t live in China. 他们不住在中国。 He doesn’t like eating apples. 他不喜欢吃苹果。 3)一般疑问句:① Do+主语+动词原形+其他? ② Does+主语(第三人称单数)+ 动词原形+其他? 如:Do they live in China? 他们住在中国吗? Does he like eating apples? 他喜欢吃苹果吗? 【相关链接】 当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词用第三人称的单数形式。谓语动词的第三人称单数形式的变化规则如下: 1)一般在动词后直接加s。如:talk –talks, live –lives。 2)以s, x., ch, sh或o结尾的动词在其后加es。如: watch –watches, wash –washes, go –goes。 3)以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,把y变成i再加es。如: carry – carries, fly –flies。 4)特殊的,如:have的第三人称单数为has。 【牵手中考】 1. Bob often ______his mother with the housework on Sundays A. help B. helping C. helps D. helped


一、选择题 1.Jack ______ a good rest as soon as he finishes the exam. A.has B.had C.is having D.will have 2.—Look, Tom's parents look so sad. —Maybe they what's happened. A.knew B.have known C.has known D.will know 3.—Surprise! Cindy is singing in the concert. —But she ______. A.will refuse B.refused C.refuses D.has refuse 4.Dick __________ in America, but he has been ___________ Chinese food since he moved to China. A.used to live; used to eating B.is used to live; used to eat C.is used to live; used to eating D.used to living; used to eat 5.Wang Wei often ________ TV on Sunday evenings, but now he is _______ stories. A.watches; reading B.watching; reads C.looks; reading D.watches; looking 6.I like this dress very much. It soft and smooth. A.feels B.touches C.is felt D.is touched 7.My mother will be very angry with me when she out where I have been. A.finds B.found C.will find D.has found 8.Sorry, Jenny isn’t here. She________ up some lights in the garden. A.put B.puts C.is putting D.has put 9.—I called you at three yesterday afternoon, but you weren’t in. —I ________ a meeting at that time. A.had B.was having C.have had D.would have 10.—I'm sorry. There was too much traffic on the road. —Never mind. The meeting________for only 5 minutes. A.has begun B.has stopped C.has been on 11.—Where are you going, Bob? —To go hiking. Eric____________ for me at the school gate! A.was waiting B.waits C.waited D.is waiting 12.John and Mary ________ good eating habits but Eric ________. A.have; don’t B.has; doesn’t C.have; doesn’t D.has; don’t 13.Look! The boy________ the flowers in the garden. He________the flower to grow fast. A.waters, wants B.is watering, wants


2018年全国各地中考英语试题分类汇编目录 专题一:名词(39题) 专题二:冠词(32题) 专题三:代词(50题) 专题四:数词(14题) 专题五:介词(40题) 专题六:连词(18题) 专题七:形容词和副词(76题) 专题八:动词和动词短语(71题) 专题九:疑问词(24题) 专题十:情态动词(38题) 专题十一:非谓语动词(38题) 专题十二:动词时态(64题) 专题十三:动词语态(30题) 专题十四:宾语从句(38题) 专题十五:状语从句(37题) 专题十六:定语从句(18题) 专题十七:主谓一致和倒装(7题) 专题十八:感叹句(17题) 专题十九:祈使句(8题) 专题二十:there be 句型(4题) 专题二十一:反义疑问句(4题) 专题二十二:交际用语(58题)

2018年全国各地中考英语真题分类汇编 专题一:名词 1.—What is the______of your excellent spoken English? —Practice makes perfect! 【2018安徽】 A. result B. influence C. duty D. secret 2.—How beautiful Ezhuo is becoming! —Yeah,there’s no______Ezhou will develop into a modern city in the near future. 【2018鄂州市】 A. challenge B. doubt C. purpose D. decision 3. — My dear, you have made ______ in your English this term. Well done! —Thank you, mum. I will keep on working hard.【2018施恩】 A. a progress B. progress C. progresses 4. — I'm thirsty, Mom. I'd like something to drink. — We only have some _______ in the fridge.【2018黄冈市】 A. oranges B. ice-cream C. juice D. cheese 5. In fact, pandas have become so popular that they are now a ______of China. 【2018黄石市】 A. subject B. symbol C. sign D. spirit 6. —Mom. I’m thirteen now, Can I ride a bike to s chool? —Yes, you can. But you must follow the traffic ______on the way.【2018襄阳市】 A. rules B. plans C. safety D. accident 7. —The best _______ to come to Yichang is spring. —I think so. The green water and green mountains are unforgettable. 【2018宜昌】 A. environment B. journey C. temperature D. season 8. National Treasure quickly rose to the top television rating ranks after it was presented on CCTV. It means a growing _____ in traditional culture among China’s youth. 【2018连云港】 A. interest B. direction C. habit D. dream 9. — Do you have this T-shirt in a small_______? —I'm afraid not. It only comes in medium. 【2018南京市】 A. size B. colour C. material D. taste 10. —I don’t know how to use the App Fun Dubbing. —Ask Jimmy for help. He has lots of ______ in doing it. 【2018福建A】 A. experience B. trouble C. courage 11. — How far is it from Chongqing to Guiyang? —It’'s about two_______ride by high-speed train. 【2018重庆B】 A.hour B. hour’s C. hours D. hours’ 12. —Kate, I' m going shopping. Anything to buy for you? —Yes, that will save me a_____.【2018武汉市】 A hand B. trip C. visit D.bill 13. — Which should we start with, Water World or Space World?


动词时态158题 1. I′m going to listen to the radio. Please ____ (not talk) any more. 2. The students ____ (do) their homework from four to five this afternoon. 3. The students ____ (be) busy now. They ____ (have) an English exam next Monday. 4. Mary must ____ (look) after her little sister because she is too young. 5. ____ (he) you waiting for a bus now? 6. This coat is very cheap. I ____ (take) it now. 7. I′ll tell him about it when he ____ (come) back. 8. Could you tell me how .I ____(can get) to No 3 Middle school. 9. He ____ said that the new teacher ____ (give) the students an English lesson now. 10. I ____ (milk) a cow three times. 11. Edison′s mother ____ (teach) him herself. 12. He ____ (watch) TV once a week. 13. Don′t speak loudly . The baby ____ (sleep). 14. I won′t go out until .I ____ (finish) my homework. 15. Could you tell me when the train ____ (arrive). 16. I often hear the sound of children ____ (read) English in the room. 17.He asked me ____ (help) him with his English this evening. 18. Their work is ____ (clean) the streets. 19. Did he enjoy ____ (work) in China. 20. We will stay at home if it _____ (rain) tomorrow. 21. Be quiet! The boy ____ (sing) an English song. 22. _____ you _____ your homework yet (start)? 23. Who ____ (teach) them English last term. 24. There _____ (be) a telephone call for you just now. 25. Please keep everything ____ (clean). 26. Peter won′t have a rest until he ____ (finish) his work. 27. I watched TV, so I ____ (forget) _____ (do) my homework. 28. When I ____ (walk) along the river ,I met my friend, Tom. 29. When Mother came ,the little girl ____ (play) with a cat. 30. When I was five , I _ __ _ (get) to know the earth ____ (move) around the sun. 31. They _____ (see) a boy _____ (fall) into the river while they ____(pass) it yesterday. 32. _____ (study) hard at your lessons and (not talk) in class. 33. You _____(have) better _____ (not eat) the bad food. 34. While I ____ (do ) my homework , my parents ____ (watch) TV. 35. He ____ ( not finish) ____ (read) the book. 36. I ____ (get) up very early this morning. I ____ (read) English now. 37. He ____ (hurry) to school every morning. 38. Our teacher ____ (not stop) ____ (work) until eleven o′clock last night. 39. If he ____ (know) it ,he ____ (be) very happy. 40. It ____ (take) us half an hour ____ (read) English every day. 41. The children ____ (run) in the street now. 42. There ____ (be) two meetings tomorrow morning. 43. My father ____ (sleep) when I ____ (get) up this morning.


全国各地中考英语真题汇编 I. 时态 【2011浙江杭州】21. The last time I ______ to the cinema was two years ago. A. go B. have gone C. have been D. Went 答案:D 【解析】时态的用法。由“two years ago”可知此句是一般过去时。排除A、B、C三项。故选D。 【2011浙江金华】25. — Have you ever been to Canada? —Yes, I there last year with my parents. A. have been B. have gone C. went D. Go 答案:C 【解析】考查时态的用法。由时间状语last year 可推断出该句为一般过去时态。排除A、B、D。故选C。 【2011重庆】26. I called you, but nobody answered. Where_______ you? A. is B. are C. was D. were 答案D 【解析】考查时态用法。由前句called和answered可知,打了电话而没人接,为一般过去时,you为第二人称。故选D 【2011重庆】34. Betty will ring me up when she _______ in Beijing. A. arrive B. arrives C. arrived D. will arrive 答案B 【解析】考查动词时态。时间状语从句中,如果主句和从句的动作都发生在将来,从句时态要用一般现在时表示将来。故选B。 【2011重庆】38. I ______my hometown for a long time, I really miss it! A. left B. went away from C. have left D. have been away from 答案D 【解析】考查动词时态。由for a long time可判定该句为现在完成时。排除A和B;leave 为短暂性动词,不能和表示一段时间的状语连用;排除C;状语for a long time表示一段时间,应该与延续性动词或表状态的词连用,故选D。 根据【2011?兰州】25. — How do you like your English teacher? — He is great. We friends since three years ago. A. were B. have made C. have been D. have become 答案:C 【解析】现在完成时态的用法。由答句中的since three years ago可知,主语用现在完成时态,且动词用延续性动词,因此选C。 【2011?兰州】40. The population of the world still now. A. will; grow B. has; grown C. is; growing D. is; grown 答案:C 【解析】现在进行时态的用法。句意“现在世界的人口数量还在不断增长”,因此选C。【2011山东威海】38.—Hi, guys. Where are you heading now? —Home. We _________all our money, so we have to walk home now.


英语时态讲解 1. 一般现在时的应用 (1) 表示经常发生的动作或存在的状态。常用频度副sometimes, often, always, usually, seldom 以及时间副词 every day / night / week / month / year, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night 做状语。如: He often stays up late. 他常熬夜。 We go home every month. 我们每月都要回家。 I watch TV at night. 我晚上看电视。 (2) 表示客观真理或永恒的状态。如: The earth travels round the sun. 地球绕太阳旋转。 Trees turn green in spring. 春天树木变绿。 Liquid turns into gas when it is hot enough. 足够热时,液体变为气体。 Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 (3) 现阶段的状态。常跟时间副词now连用。如: He lives in Beijing now. 他现在住在北京。 She is at home. 她在家。 They work in that factory. 他们在那家工厂工作。 (4) 习惯性的爱好或行为。如: I like dancing while she likes singing. 我喜欢跳舞,而她喜欢唱歌。 We get up at six. 我们六点起床。 He studies very hard. 他学习很刻苦。 (5) 表示已经计划、安排好了或时间表上所安排,并且一定要做的事情。用于这种句型的动词主要是瞬间动词:come, go, leave, arrive, begin, start, stop, close, open等。如: The train arrives at five past eight and leaves at ten past eight. 火车八点过五分到,八点过十分



(2016·广东) 39. School violence(暴力) ____ much attention of the whole society and people are calling the government to make laws against it as early as possible. A. drew B. will draw C. has drawn D. was drawing 39. C考查时态。句意:学校暴力已经引起全社会的关注,人们呼吁政府尽早地制定法律。结合and后的句子“人们正呼吁政府尽可能早地制定法律”,可知该事件虽然发生在过去,但和现在有关,故用现在完成时。 (2016·广东)40. Unless the weather _____, will have to cancel the picnic. A. improve B. improves C. improved D. will improve 40.B考查时态。句意:除非天气改善,否则我们必须取消野餐。unless相当于if not,意为“除非;如果不”,引导的是条件状语从句,该从句遵从“主将从现”的原则,主句为一般将来时故该从句用一般现在时,故选B。 (2016?河北)33. Grandpa _______ glasses when he reads.

A. wears B. wore C. has worn D. was wearing 33. A考查动词时态。句意:爷爷读书时戴眼镜。句子前后时态保持一致,由下句“when he reads. ”可知用现在时,由此判断本题选A。(2016?河北)35. Just go down this road and you _______ the library next to the bank. A. see B. saw C. have seen D. will see 35.D 考查动词时态。句意:沿着这条街走,紧挨着银行你会就看到图书馆。根据句意此时尚未看到图书馆故应该用将来时,故选D。(2016?河北)36.Our team _______ another point! I am sure we’ll win the game. A. will get B. has got C. is getting D. was getting 36.B考查动词时态。句意:我们队又得了一分!我肯定我们能赢这场比赛。由下句“我肯定我们能赢这场比赛。”可知上句应该是已经得了一分,应该用完成时,故本题选B。 (2016?湖北武汉)27. —Who is that lady? —She’s Miss Green. She ________ us
