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B. An Example of Hourglass StyleP115 News Item3

P115 News Item3

钱塘江标准堤塘质量案4月27日开庭审理, 9名犯罪嫌疑犯受到法律制裁指日可待。 然而,这项“烂泥工程”的第一举报者目 前正时时受到恐吓,甚至有家难归。 这位举报人名叫沈柏虎,曾是钱塘江标准 堤塘工程的施工者之一,因拒绝参与向沉 井中灌注烂泥而与工程包工头反目。为了 制止这百年工程中的弄虚作假行为,沈柏 虎在掌握了大量真凭实据之后,于去年2 月向“烂泥工程” 发包方的主管局杭州 市林水局写信举报,无效后又连续不断地 向浙江省、杭州市有关部门和当地有关媒 介写举报信披露“烂泥工程”内幕,但绝 大部分举报信均回到杭州市林水局领导手

例:VOA新闻: 燃油价格上涨抬高其他费用Oil Price Spike Drives Up Other Costs *Other alternatives: Total –parts 总分式 Cause and effect因果式 Contrast -对比式

Every few days, Reuben Dubene leaves his home in Free State, South Africa. He hauls loads throughout South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho and Zimbabwe. He's been doing this job, sleeping in his truck, for more than 20 years. He's survived that and even a hijacking and a shooting. But he fears the high price of fuel could drive him out of business. His salary has not kept up.
*A. Advantages of the Hourglass Style

The important news is presented high in the story The writer can take advantage of narrative The most important information is repeated in the narrative so that readers have a chance to absorb it Unlike the top-heavy inverted pyramid,the hourglass has a balanced structure. It keeps readers in the story and leads up to a real conclusion It discourages editors from slashing from the bottom
"Just an increase once in 3 years,you see, so now we've kept things going up and up and up and up." Dubene says soaring fuel cost is making it impossible for him to save.

序安排的结构形式. example one P18512 Killed As Porch Collapses in Chicago

盖茨及同窗报恩母校 微软公司的比尔盖茨和他在哈佛大学的一个朋友向这所学校捐 款2500万美元,用来建造一座计算机大楼。(导语,捐款金额, 目的) 哈佛将在这座大楼里实施它的计算机科学和电机工程计划。(捐 款项目) 盖茨和史蒂夫•巴尔默联合捐资的消息是昨天晚上宣布的。这笔捐 款的数额在哈佛大学有史以来收到的捐款中占第五位。(时间, 捐款排次) 盖茨是美国的首富,据估计,他现在大约拥有 148亿美元。巴尔 默是盖茨1980年带进微软公司的,他现在负责销售。据报道,他 现在拥有37亿美元。(二人拥有财富) 盖茨 1973年在哈佛大学时曾同住过一个宿舍。(二人关系)
*Part three:Circle style 循环式

Advantages of circle style:begins with a scene built around an event or key source.descriptive writing draws readers into the story,the story’s end come full circle and ended with the scene.

"We have seen riots in some 30 countries around the world, the protests where people really went into the streets and protested because they couldn't afford the flour anymore and the rice and the maize and the corn. And I think that's what's concerning so many government leaders."
Many people the world over are concerned about how rising fuel prices are driving up the cost of food and other necessities. In Dakar, Senegal, businessman Aliou Dia buys bread every morning. He says 10 years ago, one baguette cost 10 cents. Now it costs more than 40 cents. He says breakfast for his extended family of 9 used to cost about $1, but now it's $4. A 100-kilogram bag of rice cost $5 several years ago. Now Dia is lucky if he can find a bag half that size for under $40. Here in the United States, immigrants have been hit especially hard by rising prices. Many Latin American immigrants send money home to their relatives. But statistics from the InterAmerican Development Bank show the percentage who do so is down.
Reuben Dubene is not alone. People worldwide are dealing with the rising cost of fuel and, because it has to be transported, food too. Deliveries of items like fertilizer make it more expensive for farmers to grow their crops. And that extra cost is passed on to the consumer. Farmers, truckers and other people around the world have taken to the streets in recent months to protest high fuel costs - in France, India and Nepal, to mention a few. Bettina Luescher is with the U.N. World Food Program. She says the spike in food prices has led to concerns about political stability.
Part one: *inverted-pyramid style 倒金字塔式

inverted-pyramid style :the news is reported in paragraphs arranged in order of descending importance.
*Part two: Hourglass Style 时间顺序式

Hourglass Style :is often used by reporters covering trials or police and fire news.in this form,the writer provides the major news in the first few paragraphs of the story. The paragraphs are written in order of descending importace,as in an inverted pyramid.then the writer often uses a transitional paragraph to introduce a chronology of the events of the story.

B . Organizing an inverted pyramid :guidelines to follow


1、 Write a terse lead 2、 Provide background information 3、 Report the news in order of descending importance 4、 Sprinkle quotations throughout 5、Use effective transition 6、 Never editorialize 7、 Avoid saying “the end”.

去年9月,浙江钱江电视台等新闻单位接到沈柏虎举报 后介入调查,浙江省和杭州市的领导就沈柏虎举报的 问题作出严肃批示,继而省市联合调查组成立,这桩 拖了8个月的严重质量事件才得以彻底追查。 “烂泥工程”被披露后,水利部纪律等部门请沈柏虎 专程赴京,向他进一步了解内幕。而被灌注了烂泥的 沉井也终于得以清洗,重新灌注混凝土,“百年江堤” 得以名副其实。 这样一位正义斗士,却受到了极不公正的“回报”。 15个月来,原本挂靠在一家施工单位当业务员的沈柏 虎几乎处处碰壁,揽不到一笔业务。举报前,沈柏虎 每年收入约有六七万元,但自去年1月以来,由于接不 到一笔业务,沈柏虎已经靠借债过日子。而且, 经常 有往他家里打恐吓电话。为了人身安全,沈柏虎已离 家到朋友家居住。

When to Use the Hourglass
In a story that has a succession of events,such as a trial,a meeting or a police or fire story,hourglass style can be used effectively.