
美英报刊文章涉及各个领域,会使用相应 领域的专业术语。
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最新美英报刊阅读lesson1精品 课件
• 课程介绍与背景 • 阅读技巧与策略 • 美英报刊文章特点 • 美英报刊选读 • 阅读理解与练习 • 课程总结与展望
提高学生阅读和理解美英报刊杂 志的能力 帮助学生了解国际时事和英美文 化 培养学生的批判性思维和独立思 考能力
剖析全球经济趋势,报道金融市场动 态及企业盈利情况。
以全球视角关注经济现象,提供深度 分析和评论。
分析国际贸易、投资等经济问题,探 讨各国经济发展战略。
探讨美国社会文化现象,包括艺 术、文学、电影等领域。
学习如何快速浏览和深入理解报 刊文章,包括标题、导语、正文
通过讨论和分析当前国际时事, 提高学生对国际政治、经济、文
英美报刊选读unit 1

How to expand the students’English vocabulary including the acronym of the well-known international organizations and associations.
What is Mass Communication?
The process by which a complex organization, with the aid of one or more machines produces public messages that are aimed at large heterogeneous (of different kinds), and scattered audience.
Teaching Processes
1.The definition of journalism
(1)The collecting, writing, editing, and presentation of news or news articles in newspapers and magazines and in radio and television broadcasts.
(2)nonverbal communication (facial expression, body language)
(3)visual communication (pictures and images)

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Lesson 6
D.C. Influentials
By David T. Cook and Gail Russell Chaddock
Key to Questions
Photos & Diagrams
Additional Notes
Background Information
The lobbying exists in many countries, but the most developed is in America. Washington can be regarded as the street of lobby.
change their positions in this process.
Background Information
The existence of lobbying in America has the following four reasons.

练习题答案第一单元Passage 11.根据文章内容选出下列问题最恰当的答案。
(1)-B (2)-C (3)-C (4)-C (5)-D (6)-D (7)-A (8)-C2.请选择恰当的词或短语以正确的形式填入下文的空缺中(1)- contributes to(2) differences(3) taken out(4) filtering down(5) industrial renaissance(6) go through(7) initiatives(8) liftPassage 21.根据文章内容判断下列说法是否正确(1) F (2) F (3)-F (4)-T (5)-F (6)-F (7)-T (8)-F2.请选择恰当的词或短语以正确的形式填入下文的空缺中(1) pervasive(2) paralysis(3) stabilize(4) dispose of(5) intervention(6) put an end to(7) exist(8) eliminatePassage 31.根据文章内容简答下列问题(1) Forty years ago, Americans did not believe and even oppose to Democrats, butnow, they have high expectations for Democrats to help America get out of the current economic crisis.(2) No. Although Obama’s presidency will mean that there will be moregovernment intervention in the management of different aspects of American society, there will also be more liberalism on the basis of social stability ensured by the government.(3) Most Americans highly appreciated F.D.R style liberalism, for their bankdeposits was save, their wages was boosted, and their retire pension was ensured by the orderly society built by F.D.R. And they also felt free and secure.(1)It means to make or help the American economy to recover from recession. (5) The life on an economic knife-edge may refer to the life Americans onceexperienced in 1930s depression and the life they are experiencing in current economic crisis. Such life can be characterized by high unemployment rate, banking panics, stock market crashes, the bursting of other financial bubbles, currency crises, and sovereign defaults.(6) The conservative economic agenda just like the liberal cultural agenda of the1960s, it was less liberating than frightening, and was focused on cultural order instead of economic order.(7) Obama’s great challenge and great opportunity is whether he will establish anew liberal order with more control by his big government to free America from the current economic depression and to build up a good welfare system for Americans.(8) The focus of New Liberal Order to Americans now should shift from the culturalorder to economic order.2. 请选择恰当的词或短语以正确的形式填入下文的空缺中(1) opposing(2) ranging from(3) exist(4) guaranteeing(5) tyranny(6) high-water ranks(7) concept(8) self-reliance第二单元Passage 11.Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)(1) T (2) T (3) T (4) F (5) T (6) F (7) T (8) T (9) F (10) F2.请选择恰当的词或短语以正确的形式填入下文的空缺中。
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05 美英报刊中的广 告与文化
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美英报刊阅读教程Lesson 1 课文

【Lesson 1 Good News about Racial ProgressThe remaining divisions in American society shouldnot blind us to a half-century of dramatic changeBy Abigail and Stephan ThernstromIn the Perrywood community of Upper Marlboro, Md.1, near Washington, D.C., homes cost between $160,000 and $400,000. The lawns are green and the amenities appealing—including a basketball court.Low-income teen-agers from Washington started coming there. The teens were black, and they were not welcomed. The homeowners’ association hired off-duty police as security, and they would ask the ballplayers whether they “belonged” in the area. The association’ s newsletter noted the “eyesore” at the basketball court.But the story has a surprising twist: many of the homeowners were black t oo. “We started having problems with the young men, and unfortunately they are our people,” one resident told a re porter from the Washington Post. “But what can you do?”The homeowners didn’t care about the race of the basketball players. They were outsiders—in truders. As another resident remarked, “People who don’t live here might not care about things the way we do. Seeing all the new houses going up, someone might be tempted.”It’s a t elling story. Lots of Americans think that almost all blacks live in inner cities. Not true. Today many blacks own homes in suburban neighborhoods—not just around Washington, but outside Atlanta, Denver and other cities as well.That’s not the only common misconception Americans have ab out race. For some of the misinformation, the media are to blame. A reporter in The Wall Street Journal, for instance, writes that the economic gap between whites and blacks has widened. He offers no evidence. The picture drawn of racial relations is even bleaker. In one poll, for instance, 85 percent of blacks, but only 34 percent of whites, agreed with the verdict in the O.J. Simpson murder trial. That racially divided response made headline news. Blacks and whites, media accounts would have us believe, are still separate and hostile. Division is a constant theme, racism another.To be sure, racism has not disappeared, and race relations could —and probably will —improve. But the serious inequality that remains is less a function of racism than of the racial gap in levels of educational attainment, single parenthood and crime. The bad news has been exaggerated, and the good news neglected. Consider these three trends:A black middle class has arrived. Andrew Young recalls the day he was mistaken for a valet at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. It was an infuriating case of mistaken identity for a man who was then U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.But it wasn’t so long ago that most blacks were servants—or their equivalent. On the eve ofWorld War II, a trivial five percent of black men were engaged in white-collar work of any kind, and six out of ten African-American women were employed as domestics.In 1940 there were only 1,000 practicing African-American lawyers; by 1995 there were over 32,000, about four percent of all attorneys.Today almost three-quarters of African-American families have incomes above the government poverty line. Many are in the middle class, according to one useful index—earning double the government poverty level; in 1995 this was $30,910 for a two-parent family with two children and $40,728 for a two-parent family with four children. Only one black family in 100 enjoyed a middle-class income in 1940; by 1995 it was 49 in 100. And more than 40 percent of black households also own their homes. That’ s a huge change.The typical white family still earns a lot more than the black family because it is more likely to collect two paychecks. But if we look only at married couples—much of the middle class—the white-black income gap shrinks to 13 percent. Much of that gap can be explained by the smaller percentage of blacks with college degrees, which boost wages, and the greater concentration of blacks in the South, where wages tend to be lower.Blacks are moving to the suburbs. Following the urban riots of the mid-1960s, the presidential Kerner Commission14 concluded that the nation’ s future was menaced by “accelerating segregation”—black central cities and whites outside the core. That segregation might well blow the country apart, it said.It’ s true that whites have continued to leave inner cities for the suburbs, but so, too, have blacks. The number of black suburban dwellers in the last generation has almost tripled to 10.6 million. In 1970 metropolitan Atlanta, for example, 27 percent of blacks lived in the suburbs with 85 percent of whites. By 1990, 64 percent of blacks and 94 percent of whites resided there.This is not phony integration, with blacks moving from one all-black neighborhood into another. Most of the movement has brought African-Americans into neighborhoods much less black15 than those they left behind, thus increasing integration. By 1994 six in ten whites reported that they lived in neighborhoods with blacks.Residential patterns do remain closely connected to race. However, neighborhoods have become more racially mixed, and residential segregation has been decreasing.Bigotry has declined. Before World Was ft, Gunnar Myrdal16 roamed the South researching An American Dilemma, the now-classic book that documented17 the chasm betwe en the nation’s ideals and its racial practices, hi one small Southern city, he kept asking whites how he could find “Mr. Jim Smith,” an African-American who was principal of a black high school. No one seemed to know who he was. After he finally found Smith, Myrdal was told that he should have just asked for “Jim.” That’ s how great was white aversion to dignifying African-Americans with “Mr.” Or “Mrs.”Bigotry was not just a Southern problem. A national survey in the 1940s asked whether “Ne-groes shoul d have as good a chance as white people to get any kind of job.” A majority of whites said that “white people should have the first chance at any kind of job.”19. Such a question would not even be asked today. Except for a lunatic fringe18, no whites would sign on to such a notion.1920. In 1964 less than one in five whites reported having a black friend. By 1989 more than two out of three did. And more than eight often African -Americans had a white friend.21. What about the last taboo?20 In 1963 ten percent of whites approved of black-white dating; by 1994 it was 65 percent. Interracial marriages? Four percent of whites said it was okay in 1958; by 1994 the figure had climbed more than elevenfold, to 45 percent. These surveys measure opinion, but behavior has also changed. In 1963 less than one percent of marriages by African- Americans were racially mixed. By 1993, 12 percent were.22. Today black Americans can climb the ladder to the top.21 Ann M. Fudge is already there; she’s in charge of manufacturing, promotion and sales at the $2.7-billion Maxwell House Coffee and Post Cereals divisions of Kraft Foods.22 So are Kenneth Chenault, president and chief operating officer at American Express23 and Richard D. Parsons, president of Time Warner, Inc.24 After the 1988 Demo-cratic Convention25, the Rev. Jesse Jackson26 talked about his chances of making it to the White House. “I may not get there,” he said “But it is possible for our children to get there now.”23. Even that seems too pessimistic. Consider how things have improved since Colin and Alma Powell27 packed their belongings into a V olkswagen28 and left Fort Devens, Mass., for Fort Bragg, N. C. “I remember passing Woodbridgc, Va.,” General Powell wrote in his autobiogra phy, “and not finding even a gas-station bathroom that we were allowed to use.” That was in 1962. In 1996 reliable polls suggest he could have been elected President.24. Progress over the last half-century has been dramatic. As Corctta Scott King wrote not long ago, the ideals for which her husband Martin Luther King Jr. died, have become “deeply embedded in the very fabric of America29.”From Reader’s Digest, March, 1998V. Analysis of Content1. According to the author, ___________A. racism has disappeared in AmericaB. little progress has been made in race relationsC. media reports have exaggerated the racial gapD. media accounts have made people believe that the gap between blacks and whites has become narrower2. What the Kerner Commi ssion meant by “accelerating segregation” was that __________A. more and more whites and blacks were forced to live and work separatelyB. more and more blacks lived in the central cities, and whites outside the coreC. more and more whites lived in the central cities, and blacks outside the coreD. nowadays more and more blacks begin to live in the suburbs3. The last taboo in the article is about ____________.A. political status of America’s minority peopleB. economic status of America’ s minori ty peopleC. racial integrationD. interracial marriages4. Gunnar Myrdal kept asking whites how he could find “Mr. Jim Smith,” but no one seemed to know who he was, because _____________.A. there was not such a person called Jim SmithB. Jim Smith was not famousC. the whites didn ‘t know Jim SmithD. the white people considered that a black man did not deserve the title of “Mr.”5. In the author’s opinion, _A. few black Americans can climb the ladder to the topB. Jesse Jackson’ s words in th is article seemed too pessimisticC. Colin Powell could never have been elected PresidentD. blacks can never become America’ s PresidentVI. Questions on the Article1. Why were those low-income teen-agers who came to the Perrywood community consid-ered to be “the eyesore”?2. What is the surprising twist of the story?3. According to this article, what has caused much of the white-black income gap?4. Why did the presidential Kerner Commission conclude that the nation’ s future was menaced by “accelerating segregation”?5. Why wouldn’t questions as “Should negroes have as good a chance as white people to get any kind of job?” be asked today?Topics for Discussion1. Can you tell briefly the dramatic progress in the status of America’ s minority p eople over the last half-century?2. Do you think the article is unbiased? What do you think of the author s view on the African-Americans?1. amenity: n. A. The quality of being pleasant or attractive; agreeableness. 怡人:使人愉快或吸引人的性质;使人愉快 B. A feature that increases attractiveness or value, especially of a piece of real estate or a geographic location.生活福利设施;便利设施:能够增加吸引力或价值的事物,特别是不动产或地理位置⊙ We enjoy all the -ties of home life. 我们享受家庭生活的一切乐趣。

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最新英美报刊选读—Unit 1

最新英美报刊选读_Unit 1 serving Languages Is About More Than Words
Language Features Background Information WarmingWarming-up Questions Organization Analysis Detailed Reading PostPost-Reading
最新英美报刊选读_Unit 1 Focus
WarmingWarming-up Questions
What can we do to preserve dying language?
• Already, after only a few weeks of work, the students are well on their way to reaching their first-year goal to create a dictionary with 1,500 entries and a lesson plan to be used throughout the year. • They have also begun teaching classes to many of the community’s children and adults. Beier said that an average of 20 adults and 35 youth, ranging in age from 6 to 16, attend their classes—a significant portion of San Antonio’s total population of about 400 people.
最新英美报刊选读_Unit 1 Focus

美英报刊阅读教程答案Lesson 1Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. DVI.1. The three big milestones for America‘s population are the following: 1915 when America‘s population grew to 100 million, 1967 when America‘s population increased to 200 million and 2006 when America‘s population reached 300 million.2. America‘s recent population growth has been extraordinary. Since 2000 alone, America has added 20 million people. In sharp co ntrast with America‘s population increase, Europe‘s birth rates have been plunging and Japan‘s population has been shrinking.3. There are the following three trends: migration to the west and the south, sharp increase of immigrants and fast increase of the over-65 population.4. The fast growth of the South and the West has been buoyed by immigration, lower costs, and recreational opportunities.5. The major factor in the population growth is immigration. Since 2000 alone, there has been a 16 percent rise in the number of immigrants living in American households.6. The most striking difference is the change of the main source. Before 1967, the main source of immigrants was Western Europe. However, after President Johnson signed the Immigration and Naturalization Act in 1965 to stop racial and ethnic quotas for new immigrants, and once the Mexican economy tanked in the 1970s, immigrants from Mexico sharplyincreased. In Fort Wayne, nearly 80 percent of Hispanics are Mexican. An estimated 12 million undocumented immigrants now live in America.7. According to the article, the influx of new immigrants has caused the problem of racial tensions.8. Back in 1990, the median age in America was 22.9 years. But with people having fewer babies, that number started to climb. Lower fertility rates mean older populations. The baby boom caused a brief pause in this movement during the 1950s and 1960s, but the aging trend has since resumed. The median age is up to 36.5 and is expected to rise to 39 by 2030 before leveling off.9. People like Mayor Bill Saffo consider the senior citizens asa real asset because they are active in the community, and they work part-time and create businesses.10. Its main attractions are its great beaches, low cost of living and abundant golf courses.11. The enlarged senior population will overburden Social Security and Medicare, the two largest entitlement programs.OutlineI. Growth of America‘s population(1—2)1. Population growth to 300 million in October, 20062. Extraordinary recent growth compared with other countriesII. America‘s population trends and their impacts(3—4)1. Three broad trendsa. Migration to the west and the southb. Sharp increase of immigrantsc. Baby-boomers‘ getting close to retirement age2. Great impacts of t he trends on America‘s culture, politics and economyIII. The new migration: case study of Boise(5—13)1. Boise‘s fast development2. Challenge for city planners3. Four-decade migration pattern4. Factors in the fast growth5. Sources of new residents in Boise6. Developers‘ purchase of land at a feverish pace7. Economic planners‘ effort to attract solid jobsIV. Big wave of immigrants(14—19)1. Increase of ethnic diversity at Northwood Middle School2. Fort Wayne‘s population composition change3. Fast growth of Hispanicsa. Example of Fort Wayneb. Example of Goshen4. Tensions caused by the influx of HispanicsV. Graying of America and its impacts(20—26)1. Onslaught of 77 million aging boomers2. Growth of America‘s median age3. Impacts of senior people‘s increase on the economy: case study of Wilmingtona. Attractions for the senior peopleb. Specific examples of Bill and Brydenc. Senior people‘s contribution to the local economyVI. Prospects of America‘s population change(27-31)1. Further acceleration of population growth2. Increase of population proportion of the South and the West3. Greater impacts of births by new immigrants4. Doubling of the over-65 population and the heavy loads on Social Security and MedicareLesson 2Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. DVI.1. Because they are pragmatic and resourceful in money matters. They not only work hard to earn more money, but also save for retirement, make investment and hedge against the unexpected.2. The first grim reality is that in about 30 years, just as the first of this age group step into retirement, the traditional Society Security System won‘t be able to support them. The second one is the decreased job security today. The third one is that they carry more debt at their age than any other generation had. All these factors force them to pay more attention to money matters.3. Matures are ―savers‖ whereas Xers are ―hedgers‖. Matures saved what they could so that their children might have more comfortable lives. But Xers do not have such an expectation. Their different attitudes toward money were shaped by the circumstances surrounding the youth. Aftereffects of the Depression and World War Ⅱforced the Matures to be self-sacrificing and frugal. Xers experienced many uncertainties and crises: the savings-and-loan debacle of the ?80s, recession of the early ?90s and parents‘divorce. All these experiences havehelped them to develop pragmatism and the habit of protecting against the expected.4. Because this generation is more interested and better versed in investment. A study by Amex shows that they take more risks on technology stocks.5. They are more eager to earn money through hard work and more interested in starting up their own businesses for profits.6. No. they are spending money to make the time before retirement a pleasure. They spend more money than Boomers did in the same span on stereos, cellphones, beepers, all new VW Jettas and GMC Sunfires.OutlineI. News Lead: general description of Gen-X(1—2)Definition: age span; total number; focus on money; buying powerII. Reasons for Xers‘ focus on money(3—7)1. Survival instinct2. Early awareness of the unsafe cover of the social security system3. Faced with decreased job security4. Burdened with heavy debtIII. Measures taken to prepare for the future(8—24)1. Saving for retirement2. Hedging against the unexpected3. Investing in stocksa. Taking more risks on technology stocksb. Drawing more attention from investment firmsc. Showing more interest in forming clubs4. Money-first work ethica. More willing to work hard, take more job offersb. More interested in starting up their own businessesc. More preoccupied with money-makingIV. Xers‘ purchasing power(25—26)1. Xers‘ consumption pattern2. Reason for the consumption patternLesson 3Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. DVI.1. They found those Korean-Americans isolated and helpless, and recognized the attacks as a threat to Asians as a whole. For many Asian-Americans, the riots represented as an assault on their faith in America.2. The total population of Asian-Americans is about 7.3 million. Nearly 2.5 million arrived during the 1980s. The fastest increasing groups are Koreans and Vietnamese. About half of Asian immigrants settle on the Pacific coast while hundreds of thousands move on to New York and dozens of cities in between.3. They were brought to the United States in the 1860s to work on continental railroads as coolies. They were ill-treated and vilified as a ―population befouled with all the social vices‖. In 1887, there occurred the Snake River Massacre in Oregon, in which 31 Chinese were robbed and murdered.4. Asian families earn an average of $35,900 per year, more than the average for white families. However, as the Asian familyis larger, their per capita income is actually less than that of white people.5. They are called the ―model minority‖ because of their superiority to o ther races in habits of study and work. They are said to embody the American Dream of hard work, thrift and success. Asians, however, rebel against the model-minority label as another insidious stereotype. They think that it is a subtly racist excuse not to help underprivileged Asians and to hold back even average Asians on the ground that they already h ave ―natural‖ advantages.6. Because they believe that Asian-Americans have accepted the white mainstream culture and white people love them for everything the blacks are not.7. They are making great efforts to preserve and acquire the Asian culture by improving their original language proficiency, attacking the model minority image and Asians who forget their original culture.8. The main obstacles are skin color and lack of English proficiency.9. The Indo-Chinese group is most noted for street gang activities. The main cause is unemployment.10. The ties within each small Asian group are close and family connections are strong. A key link in the system is rotating credit association. However, many Asians lack a larger sense of unity and bring ancient rivalries from native countries. Most Asian support groups are based on nationality or even smaller units.OutlineI. Impact of the Los Angeles riots(1—2)1. Korean sufferings and helpless state2. Assault on Asian-Americans‘ faith in AmericaII. Racial bias against Asian-Americans(3—7)1. Asian immigrants‘ uglified image in the past2. Present model-minority label and its harmful effects3. Resentment against Asians for their success and behavior4. Asians‘ isolation from the rest of the society5. Boycotts and assaults on Asian businessesIII. American culture‘s influence(8—12)1. Fast increase of Asian immigrants wishing to realize the American Dream2. Second generation‘s tendency to abandon Asian values3. Identity crisis resulting from two cultures‘ pu ll4. Young people‘s efforts to preserve the original culture5. The least assimilated group: Chinatown residentsIV. Discrimination against Asians(13—17)1. Hurdles for assimilation2. Glass ceiling3. UnemploymentV. Similarities and differences between Asians and Blacks(18—21)1. Similar sufferings2. Similar spiritualities3. Asian-Americans‘ less difficulty in shrugging off the legacy of discrimination4. First-generation Asian immigrants‘ incredibly hardworking and thrifty characterVI. Asians‘ ties and political status(22—24)1. Close community ties2. Lack of a larger sense of unity3. Underrepresentation at all government levelsVII. Author‘s view concerning the development of Asians‘ sentiment(25) Unlikely to become a wider political movement。
英美报刊阅读教程 端木义万

英美报刊阅读教程端木义万英文版In today's digital age, reading newspapers and magazines from English-speaking countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom can be a great way to improve your language skills. Not only will you be exposed to authentic English language usage, but you will also gain valuable insights into the culture, politics, and current events of these countries.One of the first things to keep in mind when reading English-language newspapers and magazines is to choose publications that cater to your interests. Whether you are interested in politics, sports, fashion, or entertainment, there is a publication out there for you. By reading about topics that interest you, you will be more motivated to continue reading and will be more likely to retain the information you learn.Another important tip is to not get discouraged by unfamiliar vocabulary. Instead of looking up every word you don't know, try to infer the meaning from the context. This will not only improve your reading comprehension skills but also help you become a more fluent reader.Additionally, try to read a variety of publications from different regions in the United States and the United Kingdom. This will expose you to different dialects, slang, and cultural references, helping you become a more well-rounded English speaker.By following these tips and regularly reading English-language newspapers and magazines, you will not only improve your language skills but also gain a deeper understanding of English-speaking cultures.英美报刊阅读教程在今天的数字时代,阅读来自英语国家如美国和英国的报纸和杂志是提高语言能力的好方法。

live with a bit more chaos and more easily adopt a big picture view. If my wife and I
sw“atothpmisp”aehkdereapnroeosfeviterisoratnolls“s,suhlmiefemcaewrdyoe, usmtlodmmcsyetesrttnyadleintolyfdebael more orderly. But she cedes to my style of papmreaornesttnliyntinigngd”beientacthilaseuapsnredvkIioeauemspsoeirnndtecrnshc.ae.rge of the day-tHoe-dr abyislituyfft.oHdeor athbisility to do this is a key
By Alan Paul
Tiger Mom... Meet Panda Dad
I have watched the 1uproar over theTigTiegreMr Momom debate with growing annoyance that one simple question remains unasked: Where are the dads?
Call me the Panda Dad; I am happy to parent with cuddliness, but not afraid to

Home at last这是其中的一个通宵gabfests学生在毕业时,他们将友情,裸露最深的感觉。
英美报刊选读unit 1

Unit One Introduction to English News
教 学
时 数
1.To learn about the basic concepts in Englishjournalism.
Blurring demarcation line:
Is a story about the private life of a politician "politics" or "entertainment"?
Is an article about“Tycoon buys looted treasure for nation”a "business" story or a "cultural legacy" story? Judging solely on subject matter, it can be difficult to tell
(4)Newspapers and magazines.
(5)An academic course training students in journalism.
(6)Written material of current interest or wide popular appeal.
2.The mass media today
In terms of style:

Most modern newspapers are in one of three sizes:
• Broadsheets: 600 mm by 380 mm (23½ by 15 inches), generally associated with more intellectual newspapers, although a trend towards "compact" newspapers is changing this. • Tabloids: half the size of broadsheets (15 by 11¾ inches), and often perceived as sensationalist in contrast to broadsheets. Examples include The Sun, The National Enquirer, The Star Magazine, New York Post, the Chicago Sun-Times, The Globe. • Berliner, or "midi", is a newspaper format with pages normally measuring about 470 × 315 mm (18.5 × 12.4 in). The Berliner format is slightly taller and marginally wider than the tabloid/compact format; and is both narrower and shorter than the broadsheet format. The Berliner format is used by many European newspapers

目录第1单元社会群体1.Who We Are Now?(当今美国种族成分)知识介绍:移民之国语言简说:报刊英语特色2.The Lost Generation(迷惘的一代)知识介绍:内战后的几代人语言简说:美国社会群体相关词语3.The Year of the(Business)Woman(妇女企业家的从政之年)知识介绍:美国妇女地位语言简说:《美国新闻与世界报道》简介4.Think Again:Global Aging(全球老龄化问题的重新思考)知识介绍:全球人口老龄化语言简说:委婉语第2单元家庭婚姻5.Dating and Mating for Over-35s(大龄青年恋爱与结婚)知识介绍:英美大龄末婚现象语言简说:标题修辞6.Working at Home: Family-friendly?(在家办公是否有益家庭生活?)知识介绍:家庭与工作关系语言简说:标题常用符号7.The Future of Abortion(堕胎问题的发展前景)知识介绍:美国妇女堕胎问题语言简说:《新闻周刊》介绍8.The War over “Family Values”(家庭价值观的论战)知识介绍:美国单亲家庭语言简说:报刊用喻第3单元文教娱乐9.Me Me Media(个性化的媒体)知识介绍:Web 2.0:一场新的网络变革语言简说:《读者文摘》简介10.Reining in the Test of Tests(严控高考题型)知识介绍:高校招生语言简说:新闻标题的结构11.Plot Claange:Foreign Forces Tr aforin HollywoodFilms(改变好莱坞电影的外国因素)知识介绍:美国电影全球化策略语言简说:词语+er构词12.Get Moving!(动起来!)知识介绍:健康与锻炼语言简说:《时代》周刊介绍第4单元衣食住行13.The Decline of Neatness(行为标准的蜕化)知识介绍:美国人的穿着语言简说:闲适性评论语言特色14.The Deadly Noodle(~命的饮食)知识介绍:饮食与肥胖语言简说:词语文化内涵15.Thrown Together in a Crisis,Strange Share Ca and LifeStories(危难时拼车相聚,陌生人亲切交谈)知识介绍:纽约公交罢工语言简说:《纽约时报》简介16.“Exurbs”Floudsh,but Is This Really What WeWant?(城市远郊扩张,是否符合愿望?) 【2版1单元L4】知识介绍:城市无序扩张语言简说:拼缀词第5单元观念风尚17.How Anglo Is America(美国特性中有多少英国文化成分)知识介绍:英国文化对美国文化影响深远语言简说:派生构词18.Economic Downturn Has More Folks Stashing TheirCash(经济衰退促使更多人存款)知识介绍:美国人消费观的变化语言简说《今日美国报》简介19.Do the Elderly Want to Work?(老年人想干工作吗?)知识介绍:美国退休问题语言简说:报刊常用俚语20.Regular Folks Get the Star Treatment(普通人享受日月星待遇)知识介绍:美国人爱美容语言简说:特写常用导语第6单元政治体制21.Who's Sorry Now?(是谁在难受?)知识介绍:游说活动语言简说:词性转化22.What Deep Throat did(“深喉”到底做了什么?)知识介绍:水门事件语言简说:新闻报道引语23.The Neocon Revolution(新保守主义革命)知识介绍:新保守主义语言简说:报刊翻译常见错误24.Ever Higher Society,Ever Harde r to Ascend(社会阶梯越来越高,地位攀升越来越难)知识介绍:美国阶级状况语言简说:词义变化第7单元企业经济25.E-Biz Strikes Again!(电子商务再次袭击)知识介绍:电子商务语言简说:网络新词常用词缀26.Why the Dollar's Reign Is Near an End(美元统治地位缘何即将结束)知识介绍:美元地位语言简说:习语活用27.The Grapes of wrath,Again(“愤怒的葡萄”情景再现)知识介绍:美国非法移民语言简说:报刊常用典故28.The Changing Face of American Jobs(美国就业市场的变化)知识介绍:美国劳力市场结构变化语言简说:复合词第8单元科技军事29.GPS NaVigation Moves to Your Pa lm(全球定位系统装置进入手中)知识介绍:GPS的前世今生语言简说:名词定语30.Medicine's Wild Kingdom(生物医学的王国)知识介绍:生物制药语言简说:前置定语31.Power Revolution(能源革命)知识介绍:再生能源语言简说:缩略词32.Cadets Trade the Trenches for F irewalls(军校学员的网络战演习)知识介绍:网络战语言简说:标题短词第9单元社会问题33.The Other America(美国的另外一面)知识介绍:卡特里娜飓风语言简说:嵌入结构34.In Congress,the Uphill Battle for Gun Control(国会限枪之战难以取胜)知识介绍:枪支问题语言简说:外刊与文化35.Should Drugs Be Legalized?(毒品应该合法化吗?)知识介绍:美国吸毒问题语言简说:称号、职务前置36.Homeless U.S.A(美国的无家可归问题)知识介绍:美国住房情况语言简说:解释性报道第10单元世界风云37.Three Lessons from London(伦敦爆炸案的教训)知识介绍:恐怖主义语言简说:借代38.After the Flames(骚乱平息后的反思)知识介绍:移民问题语言简说:“说”意动词39.The Weakest Link(世界最弱的环节)知识介绍:伊拉克战争语言简说:外报外刊中意识形态的表现40.Fight for the T0p of the World(北极之争)知识介绍:北极之争语言简说:版面与图片。
人民大新英美报刊选读(第五版)教学课件理论部分Chapter 1 Features of News

Language Features
Translate the following English news headlines into Chinese.
6. Paralympians Raring for Games to Begin 7. US, Russia Hold Talks to Ease Tensions over Ukraine 8. Efforts Underway to Help Rohingya in Bangladesh Weather Next Monsoon Season 9. Duolingo English Test Gains Support, Questions Remain 10. Costs of Goods, Services Increase around the World
标题 8:Soaring Dragon, Busy Tigers 译文:巨龙腾飞,众虎繁忙
标题 9:Desperate Need, Desperate Deed 译文:燃眉之急,行动火急
Language Features
Language Features
第二节 英语新闻标题的措辞特点
为了以简单扼要、立意新颖、精辟动人的文字形式浓缩新闻的基本内容, 吸引读者在最短的时间内获得尽可能多的信息,英语新闻标题往往遵循 “ABC原则”,即准确 (accuracy)、简洁 (brevity) 和清晰 (clarity) 原则。 英语新闻标题措辞特点鲜明,在词汇的选择和使用、修辞手法的运用等方 面都有别于其他文体。
Comments: 英语新闻标题首选字形短小、词义广的单音节或双音
节小词。字形短小的小词不仅能节约空间,更具有生动灵活的特点, 会增加新闻报道的简洁性和可读性,如示例中使用了单音节词ban, 而非同义的多音节词prohibit。常见的类似用法包括使用probe而非 investigation/inquiry来表示“调查”,使用deal而非transaction来表 示“交易”等。

“英美报刊阅读”课程是按照教育部高教司所颁 英美报刊阅读” 英美报刊阅读 布的《大学英语课程教学要求》为基础较好、 布的《大学英语课程教学要求》为基础较好、学 有余力的Level 2和Level 3学生设置的,是为实 学生设置的, 有余力的 和 学生设置的 现大学英语教学性质和目标所开设的一门课程。 现大学英语教学性质和目标所开设的一门课程。 大学英语课程教学要求》 《大学英语课程教学要求》把是否能读懂英美报 刊杂志作为衡量较高层次和更高层次学生的阅读 理解能力的标准。[ 。[较高要求的英语阅读能力要 理解能力的标准。[较高要求的英语阅读能力要 求:能基本阅读英语国家报刊杂志的一般性题材 的文章,阅读速度为每分钟80词 的文章,阅读速度为每分钟 词;能读懂有一定
Part One: The Newspaper
Newspapers are publications usually issued on a daily or weekly basis, the main function of which is to report the news. Newspapers also provide commentary on the news, advocate various public policies, furnish special information and advice to readers, and sometimes include features such as comic strips, cartoons, and serialized books. In nearly all cases and in varying degrees, they depend on the publication of commercial advertising for their income. Despite the development of cinema, radio broadcasting, and television in the 20th century, newspapers remain a major source of information.
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Language Features
电子报纸 electronic newspaper = e-paper
电子杂志electronic magazine = e-zine
周报、半周报 semiweekly 、双周报 biweekly
城市报metropolitan newspaper
报纸newspaper 郊区报suburban newspaper
乡村报rural newspaper
大报quality newspaper
boat +hotel=botel 水上旅馆
taikong +astronaut=taikonaut 宇航员
medical +suicide = medicide 医助安乐死
digital +literati = digirati 电脑联通网
guess + estimate=guestimate 约略估计
corporation + bureaucrate=corporcrat 公司官僚主义
jazz + discotheque = jazzotheque 爵士音乐夜总会
screen + teenager = screenager 屏幕青少年
eye + analyzer = eyelzer 远不测醉器
work +welfare = workfare 工作福利
guess + kingdom = filmdom 电影王国
news + program = newsgram 新闻节目
exercise + head = exerhead 运动狂 medical + care = medicare 医疗照顾 television + script = telescript 电视广播稿 ecology + thug = ecothug 破坏生态的恶棍 electronic + journal =e-jouranl 电子刊物 trash + can = t-can 垃圾箱
international + police = Intrpol 国际警察 teletype + exchange = telex 用户直通电报 electronic + intelligence = elint 以电子侦查手段获取情报 communication + satellite = comsat 通讯卫星 memorandum + conversation = memocon 谈话记录 situation comedy = sitcom 情景喜剧
4. 派生构词:
5. 借词:使用目的(1)无对等词时表达新概念
利:有助于活跃语言,增强表达效果 弊:带来一定的阅读困难
-able: 有较强能力的 - ise/ize : …化 -ia : (地)界 -ism : 对…的歧视 -wise : 在…方面 anti- : 反对;非正统的、反传统的 de-: 离开、除去 dis-: 否定、相反 eco-: 生态 non-: 无、非、不;不重要的,无价值的 out-: 超过 over-: 超量,过分 pro-: 赞成…的 info-: 信息
cyber : 与电脑相关的 e-: 与电子相关的
6. 词语文化内涵
Individual:个人权利、自主、自信和个人奋斗 Peasant、politics、 propaganda—贬义
Sin taxes:(对烟、酒赌博所征收的)罪孽税 Political campaign:竞选运动
Senior campaign:老年公民
Street – walker :街头拉客的妓女
Easy meat:容易上当受骗的人
Open housing:住房方面取消种族隔离
Red power:因地安人政治权力
Junk food:营养价值低、高热能的食品
Hard money:合法政治选金
Gay marriage; 同性婚姻。