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第57卷 第5期 化 工 学 报 V ol 157 N o 15

2006年5月 Jo urnal o f Chemical Indust ry and Eng ineering (China) M ay 2006



孙长宇,黄 强,陈光进


摘要:气体水合物形成过程中涉及复杂的热力学和动力学问题.本文对水合物热力学理论模型、水合物生成动力学机理等方面的研究成果和最新进展进行了综述.热力学方面重点介绍了基于等温吸附理论(v an der Waals -Plat teeuw 模型)和基于双过程水合物生成机理(Chen -G uo 模型)的相平衡热力学模型,同时介绍水合物结构及其转变方面的最新研究成果.动力学方面介绍了成簇成核、界面成核等成核机理模型以及成核后的水合物生长

机理.另外还述及了目前水合物热力学和动力学研究中所涉及的微观、亚微观和宏观测量方法.针对目前水合物热力学和动力学研究中存在的问题,对未来的发展方向和重点提出了建议.关键词:水合物;热力学;动力学;形成;成核;生长中图分类号:T Q 01311 文献标识码:A


Progress of thermodynamics and kinetics of gas hydrate formation

SUN C hangyu,H U AN G Qiang,C HEN Guangjin

(S tate K ey L abor ator y of H eavy Oil P r ocessing ,China Uni vers ity of Petro leum ,Beij i ng 102249,China )

Abstract:Complex thermo dynamics and kinetics problems are involv ed in the g as hy drate form ation 1T his paper review s the research prog ress of hydrate thermo dynamic models and kinetics mechanisms.In the thermo dynamic aspect,phase equilibrium models based on isothermal adsorption theo ry (van der Waals -Platteeuw model)and double -pr ocess hydr ate gr ow th m echanism (Chen -Guo model)are em phasized,and the r esearch pr ogress of the hy drate structure and its transition are pr esented.Kinetics mechanisms fo r hy drate nucleation,including cluster nucleation from liquid and interfacial nucleation,and hydrate grow th after nucleatio n are also introduced.T he m easurement techniques fo r hydr ate at m icro sco pic,meso sco pic,and macroscopic level ar e pro vided w hich can be used to im pr ove the dev elo pm ent o f therm ody namics and kinetics models and connect the m icroscopic w ith macroscopic domains 1T he important aspects for future hy drate formation research ar e discussed.

Key words:hydrate;therm ody namics;kinetics;fo rmation;nucleation;grow th




引 言



似冰霜.天然气中的组分如CH 4、C 2H 6、C 3H 8、i

-C 4H 10、CO 2、H 2S,和其他小分子气体如Ne 、Ar 、Kr 、Xe 、N 2、O 2等均可以生成水合物.在气 Received date:2005-09-29.

Correspon ding author:Prof.CHE N Guangjin.

Foun dation item:su pported b y the National Natural Science Foundation of Ch ina (20490207,20506016),a Foundation for the Author of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of China (200447),the Key Project of Chinese M inis try of Education (105107).

