

PowerXL DF1X1系列低压变频器 产品概述说明书

PowerXL DF1X1系列低压变频器 产品概述说明书

适用于0.75kW至630kW的三相异步及同步电机的开环及闭环控制2PowerXL DF1X1系列低压变频器目录PowerXL DF1X1系列低压变频器产品概述技术特点产品标准产品型号可选附件技术参数端子接线图配线及端子规格外围选件外观尺寸 (222356781011)伊顿DF1X1系列变频器是一款高效节能,功能全面的高性能矢量型变频器,产品支持交流异步电机和同步电机的开环及闭环矢量控制,可以覆盖典型工业及商业应用中的所有环节,满足各种变转矩和恒转矩应用控制需求。


PowerXL DF1X1系列低压变频器产品概述●丰富的控制方式:V/F 控制,开环及闭环矢量控制,压频分离控制,满足不同应用需求●支持永磁同步电机,同步磁阻电机控制,更高能效,减少碳排放;●强化PCBA 防护涂层,符合3C3,3S3等级要求,可耐受严苛的环境条件●FR1-FR4标配内置制动单元,FR5-FR7选配内置制动单元●内置双Modbus 通讯接口并可扩展PROFINET ,PROFIBUS ,CANopen 等工业总线通讯●两个扩展插槽,可扩展通讯,I/O 及编码器卡●窄体设计,支持并排零间距安装,节省柜内空间●支持共直流母线应用●具有过励磁制动功能,实现更快 制动●内置停电控制算法,当电网电压瞬时跌落时可以控制变频器输出避免故障停机●标配I/O 数量(可扩展):● 5DI, 1DO, 1RO ● 2AI, 1AO●高启动转矩:0.25Hz 时150%,0Hz 时200%(配合编码器卡)●丰富的软件功能:● 内置节能控制算法,有效降低能耗,并可监控用电量数据● 自动/捕捉再起动功能● 负载保护功能● 摆频(三角波)功能● PID 控制器● 张力控制功能● 示波器功能:通过功能强大的Drive Xpert 软件,用户可以通过虚拟示波器在电脑上实时监控参数,使调试,监控,故障排查更为便捷高效技术特点DF1X1系列低压变频器 /electrical目录描述 页码 DF1X1系列低压变频器3DF1X1系列低压变频器产品型号DF1X1系列低压变频器 /electrical 产品型号标准产品选型注:* 过载能力: VT/轻载:110%额定电流(1min/10min ) CT/重载:150%额定电流(1min/10min )380V 系列框架尺寸额定功率(kW )VT/轻载额定电流(A )VT/轻载 (I L )额定功率(kW )CT/重载额定电流(A )CT/重载(I H )产品型号FR1FR3FR21.产品系列DF1=系列名称配置选项2C 20C X1=带显示面板= IP20= 加强涂层电路板= 产品版本X1通讯选项PN DP = PROFINET = PROFIBUSNN DN NB = 标准配置=内置直流电抗器=内置制动单元配置选项13D0013310= 额定电流3A (重载)= 额定电流13A (重载)= 额定电流310A (重载)电流等级DF1 - 34 4D2 NN - C20CX1-PN电压等级3234= 三相200~240V = 三相380~480V = 三相620~690V36* FR5-FR7可选配内置制动单元;FR6-FR7可选配内置直流电抗器,FR8-FR12标配内置直流电抗器;FR1-FR5可选配出厂预装PN/DP 通讯卡* 如有其他配置需求,请咨询伊顿。



红邦控制技术4.ABB变频器说明书ACS400ACS500ACS5105.AB变频器说明书1336PLUS II PowerFlex 4PowerFlex 406.AC Tech变频器说明书MC1000QC SCF7.BERGES变频器说明书ACM-D2/S2/S3ACM-COMPACT8.BONFIGLIOLI邦飞利变频器说明书ACT200/400ACU200/400VCB4009.CT变频器说明书Command er GP Unidrive SP Command er SE 10.Drivecon变频器说明书XS XT XR 11.EATON伊顿变频器说明书SVX9000SPX9000MVX900012.KEB科比变频器说明书F4-S F4-F F5-M 13.LG变频器说明书iS3iH3iG514、LUST路斯特变频器说明书CDD3000CDE/CDB3000CDS400015.Moeller金钟-默勒变频器说明书DV6-340DF5116.NORD诺德变频器说明书SK300ESK400ESK5xxE17.PDRIVE变频器说明书18.PE变频器说明书SD100SD250SD45019.RICH利佳/艾瑞克变频器说明书EI-MINIEI-450EI-450M20.SEW变频器说明书MOVITRAC -31C MOVIDRIV E-60B/61B MOVITRAC -0721.SIEI西威变频器说明书ARTDriveL ARTDriveG-EV22.TMT变频器说明书PLUS VTC E 23.VACON瓦控变频器说明书NX NXS NXL 24.WEG变频器说明书CTW-04CFW-08CFW-0925.阿尔法ALPHA变频器说明书ALPHA2000G ALPHA2800ALPHA330026.艾默生(原华为)变频器说明书EV1000EV2000EV300027.爱得利变频器说明书APXG3ASASN28.爱迪生Adsen变频器说明书ADS-A29.安邦信AMBITION变频器说明书G9/P9V11G1130.安川YASKAWA变频器说明书G5G7E731.安普(AMPLE)变频器说明书AMP100032.百德福BEDFORD变频器说明书B500B80133.斑科Bantek变频器说明书BLDC34.宝德电气BODE变频器说明书BEM100BEM20035.葆德BALDOR变频器说明书10111236.贝西B&C变频器说明书BC-1000BC-2000BC-2300MX-eco/pro/multi-eco/multi-pro-1MX-eco/pro/m eco/multi-pro-237.传动之星(STAR@DRIVE)变频器说明书SD-5L-G/P/YSD-5L-S SD-7L38.创杰变频器说明书ACT-V6G/P/ZACT-M739.春日(KASUGA)变频器说明书KVFC40.丹佛斯(Danfoss)变频器说明书FC51FC100FC20041.德弗(DOVOL)变频器说明书DV300DV600ST50042.德莱尔变频器说明书DVA DVM DVS43.德力西变频器说明书CDI900044.德瑞斯(DIRISE)变频器说明书DRS1000-M DRS2000DRS280045.东达变频器说明书TDS-F8TDS-V846.东洋(TOYO)变频器说明书VF61R VF6447.东元(TECO)变频器/伺服说明书7300EV7300CV7200MA48.东芝(TOSHIBA)变频器说明书VF-nC1VF-S9VF-S1149.方禾(FangH)变频器说明书TE280F66-B F66-C50.飞兆变频器说明书FG51.佛朗克(FRANCK)变频器说明书FRS2000FRB600052.佛斯特(FIRST)变频器说明书FST-500FST-550FST-60053.富凌(FULING)变频器说明书DZB60J DZB70B DZB200M54.富士(FUJI)变频器说明书FRN-G11S FRN-P11S E1S55.高士达(GOLDSTAR)变频器GS200L56.哥伦(GRET)变频器说明书GD-V557.格立特(GREAT)变频器说明书VF10VF11VF1558.海利普变频器说明书HOLIP-A/F/H/MHOLIP-C HOLIP-P59合康亿盛高压变频器说明书HIVERT通用HIVERT矢量60.泓筌变频器说明书HC1-A HC1-M61.鸿宝(HOSSONI)变频器说明书HB-G9/P9HB280-G HB280-P62.华科(HUANIC)变频器说明书HI3G/F HI9G/F63.华蓝(HLinverter)变频器说明书HL200064.汇川(INOVANCE)(默纳克NICE)变频器说明书MD300MD300A MD32065.汇菱(HUILING)变频器说明书H300066.基创变频器说明书E35067.吉纳变频器说明书MSC-3MFI-Case00/CaseA/CaseB68.加能变频器说明书ACmaster-H7IPC-MD IPC-DR69.佳川(JiaChuan)变频器说明书BP60JCRQ70.佳灵变频器说明书JB6C-T971.金肯(JINKEN)变频器说明书JK-G/P72.九德松益变频器说明书CT-200073.开拓变频器说明书KT-A6G/P74.凯迪华能变频器说明书CD200075.康沃(博世力士乐)变频器说明书S1G2G376.科陆变频器说明书CL1700CL2700CL370077.科姆龙变频器说明书KV1900KV200078.库马克变频器说明书CMK-30079.酷马(QMA)变频器说明书Q7000Q900080.乐邦变频器说明书LB60G LB90G81.乐星产电变频器说明书Starvert82.雷诺尔变频器说明书JJR1000JJR2000JJR500083.力普变频器说明书LP10084.菱科(LINGKE)变频器说明书LK600-G/P/ZSLK80085.隆兴变频器说明书LS200A LS600LS80086.路斯特(LUST)驱动器说明书AD系列CDD系列87.伦茨(Lenze)变频器说明书8200/82108220/8240823088.麦孚变频器说明书VFD-F540VCD100089.麦格米特变频器说明书MV300MV60090.美之源(MZY)变频器说明书MZY-M/Y/Z/T/L91.蒙德(MODROL)变频器说明书IMS-GF IMS-GL2IMS-GL392.米高变频器说明书Micovert2003Micovert34 0N93.明电舍(MEIDEN)变频器说明书VT230S VT230SE VT240S94.南方安华变频器说明书A100E100S10095.能士(NSA)变频器说明书NSA20NSA8096.宁茂(赫力)变频器说明书RM597.欧陆变频器/直流调速器说明书512C590+590P98.欧姆龙(OMRON)变频器说明书3G3JV3G3EV3G3FV99.欧瑞(HFinverter)(原惠丰)变频器说明书F2000-G F3000F1000-G100.派克汉尼汾(parker)变频器说明书AC650AC650V AC690+ 101.派尼尔(Pioneer)变频器说明书VF2100VF3000VF5000 102.普传(POWTRAN)变频器说明书PI97G PI7000/7100PI7500103.群倍(QUNBEI)变频器说明书QLP5000104.日搏变频器说明书RB600RB3000RB5000 105.日锋(RiFeng)变频器说明书RF200RF9000106.日虹变频器说明书CHRH-A CHRH-C CHRH-D 107.日立(HITACHI)变频器说明书SJ100L100SJ200 108.日普(RIPOW)变频器说明书RP3200109.日拓变频器说明书HL3000110.日业(SUNYE)变频器说明书SY3200111.荣信电力电子变频器说明书HVC112.瑞恩(RELIANCE)变频器说明书PSC4000/5000/DDS5000PSC7000VZ3000113.赛普(SAPPHIRE)变频器说明书SAP500G SAP300114.赛普变频器说明书SAP900G SAP300V115.三晶变频器说明书SAJ8000116.三肯(SANKEN)变频器说明书SAMCO-i SAMCO-vm05SAMCO-e117.三菱(MITSUBISHI)变频器说明书A500E500F500 118.三木(MIKI)变频器说明书V6119.三品(SANPIN)变频器说明书SKJ SPRQ-333120.三碁(SANCH)(三川)变频器说明书SA SE121.三星(SAMSUNG)变频器说明书MOSCON-E7MOSCON-F7MOSCON-F500122.森兰(SENLAN)变频器说明书SB50SB60/61SB61Z 123.山宇变频器说明书SY6000SJR2124.珊星变频器说明书F5000F6000125.深川变频器说明书SVF2000SVF3000126.神源(SYRUNS)变频器说明书SY4000SY5000127.施耐德变频器说明书ATV38ATV58-1ATV58-2 128.时代变频器说明书TVF1000TVF3000TVF5000 129.时运捷变频器说明书SuperBona-iF/iPDB-2100130.士林变频器说明书SH系列SS系列SB系列131.世通(EACON)变频器说明书EC1000EC3000EC5000 132.收获(Seoho)变频器说明书SOHO-VD SOHO-SMS133.思达(SD)变频器说明书JPSD3000-G/P/V/H134.斯德博(STOBER)变频器说明书FAS4000FDS4000MDS5000 135.四方变频器说明书C300C320E320 136.松下(PANASONIC)变频器说明书VF0VF0C VF-8Z 137.台安(TAIAN)变频器说明书E2N2V2138.台达(DELTA)变频器说明书VFD-A VFD-B VFD-F 139.台凌(TAILING)变频器说明书TL80TL100TL100H 140.腾龙变频器说明书VG3000-G/H141.天正变频器说明书TVFS9TVFG9/P9TVFG11 142.万谷(WANGU)变频器说明书VF2000143.威尔凯变频器说明书WKF WKS WKR5000 144.威科达变频器说明书V6145.威灵(WELLING)变频器说明书WELLING-G/P/F146.微能变频器说明书WIN-VB WIN-9G WIN-9F 147.韦尔变频器说明书AC30G/P/W/H148.伟创(VEICH)变频器说明书AC20AC32AC60 149.沃森(VicRuns)变频器说明书VSI9000150.西驰变频器说明书CFC1000CFC4000151.西尔康变频器说明书H3000152.西林变频器说明书EH600A EH600M EH600W 153.西门子(SIEMENS)变频器说明书MM410MM420MM430154.现代(HYUNDAI)变频器说明书N50N100N300 155.晓磊(CHXL)变频器说明书LEI2000LEI2005LEI3000 156.信捷(XINJE)变频器说明书V5/F5157.星河(XINHE)变频器说明书SD-5L158.亚泰(YT)变频器说明书YTD-G160.阳冈电子变频器说明书G1/H1/P1E1S1 161.依尔通(Emotron)变频器说明书FDU VFX VSA 162.依托(ESTAR)变频器说明书EG/EF163.亿森变频器说明书参数表164.易能变频器说明书EDS700EDS2860165.易驱变频器说明书ED2003ED2800ED3000 166.意科(IECCO)变频器说明书SINUS-N167.英泰(Invertek DRIVES)变频器说明书OptidrivePlus 3GV OptidrivePlus3GVCompactOptidriveVTC168.英威腾(INVT)变频器说明书CHV100CHV190CHF100 169.鹰垦(INK)变频器说明书SLX170.优利康变频器说明书YD3000YD5000171.尤尼康(UNICON)(原北京兰海)变频器说明书低速大扭矩无码盘有码盘172.誉强(YUQIANG)变频器说明书YQ3000-M YQ3000-A YQ3000-G 173.远川(YCDZ)变频器说明书YC-G YC-P174.正频(JPS)变频器说明书PDS PDA/H/E175.正泰(CHINT)变频器说明书NI01176.正弦(SINEE)变频器说明书SINE300SINE303SINE307 177.正阳(Zhengyang)变频器说明书ZY29/31/98ZY-812178.中源(ZYDL)变频器说明书ZY-G800ZY-G800E ZY-A900 179.中远变频器说明书MF6MF5/20MF30 180.珠峰变频器说明书DLT-G11/P11/Z181.住友(SUMITOMO)变频器说明书HF320SF320HF430 182.紫日(CHZIRI)变频器说明书ZVF7ZVF9ZVF9V 183.南海华腾(V-T)变频器说明书V5-H E5-P V6-HACS600ACS800ACS1000PowerFlex 400PowerFlex 70PowerFlex 700SE1SW1SYN10S/T SPL200/400VF5100HG VF51RG VFDBVF61CVF61VF64VFK1/VFN 1GVX9000F5-M/S iS5iHSK530E SK700E SK750ESD700EI-500EI-550EI-600EI-700EI-7001EI-8001EI Super NMOVIRET-315/328/355/380/3150IP55 PLUS IP55 E CFW-10CFW-11EV3100EV3500TD900TD1000TD2000TD3000TD3100MSE11Z9/Z11F7J7V7PC3P5/PC514ro/multi-co/multi-pro-2FC300VLT2000VLT2800VLT2900VLT3000VLT5000 HL2000DV1000DRS30007200GA7300PA7200GSVF-A5VF-A7VF-AS1DZB300BF1S FRN-FVR-E11SMini/C1SHB280-ZMD330ME280NICE3000IPC-RF9300Vector690+590C3G3HV3G3MV3G3RVF1500-GPI7600/78PI766000SJ300SJ300-EL L200L300P VZ7000MF/MS ES/ET/EF IHF/IPF SHF/SPFS500A700E700F700D700 SB70SB100SB200BT40ATV61ATV68-1ATV68-2ATV68-3SDS4000E350E380E520H320M1X M2XVF100DV700/707SV300N310S310EV300VFD-G VFD-M VFD-S VFD-VWIN-9I WIN-9LAC61-Z AC62-LEH600ZMM4406RA706SE70J300TOPVERT TOPVERT TOPVERTVSC CDX CDU MSF ED300S ED3100Optidrive E OptidriveE1OptidriveE2OptidriveMEMA 4XSINE308SINE309 ZY-P800ZVF11VFN2TD3200TD3300。

电器渠道_Eaton DE1变速启动器说明书

电器渠道_Eaton DE1变速启动器说明书

Eaton 174340Eaton DE1 Variable speed starter, Rated operational voltage 400 V AC, 3-phase, Ie 16 A, 7.5 kW, 10 HP, Radio interference suppression filterGeneral specificationsEaton DE1 Variable speed starter 174340DE1-34016FN-N20N 4015081708024169 mm 230 mm 90 mm 1.6 kg Certified by UL for use in Canada UL File No.: E172143 CSA-C22.2 No. 14Specification for general requirements: IEC/EN 61800-2 IEC/EN61800-5 RoHS, ISO 9001 UL UL 508C CEUL report applies to both US and Canada CULIEC/EN 61800-3 RCMUL Category Control No.: NMMS, NMMS7Safety requirements: IEC/EN 61800-5-1Overload cycle for 60 s every 600 sProduct NameCatalog Number Model CodeEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight CertificationsCatalog Notes480 V16 A14 AIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.400 V AC, 3-phase480 V AC, 3-phaseMeets the product standard's requirements.7.5 kW500 VMeets the product standard's requirements.-40 °C380 VPC connectionRadio interference suppression filter0 Hz50 °C200 %, IH, max. starting current (High Overload), For 1.875 seconds every 600 seconds, Power section15.2 A I/O ConfigurationUpdate DX-COM-STICK3DX-COM-STICK3_ConnectionSet point settingHow does the internal motor protection work?Quick-Start-Guide DE11 (english)Motor data Motor Protection V/f curves Slip Compensation Starting, Stopping and OperationElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC)The OP System Bus - Parameterizing - ControlConformal CoatingConnecting drives to generator suppliesAccess to Parameter Level 2 Parameter Lock Load DefaultFire modeQuick-Start-Guide DE1 (english)Number 1 in efficiency The easiest way of variable motor speed PowerXL DE1 Variable Speed StarterHVAC, water/wastewater and industrial mediums - brochureProduct Range Catalog Drives EngineeringDrives - Product range catalogDA-DC-00004551.pdfDA-DC-00004556.pdfeaton-frequency-inverter-dimensions-010.epseaton-frequency-inverter-3d-drawing-018.epsIL040005ZUPowerXL DE1 variable speed starterMN040018_ENMN040011_ENMains voltage - maxRated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) Assigned motor current IM at 440 - 480 V, 60 Hz, 150% overload 10.11 Short-circuit ratingRated operational voltage10.4 Clearances and creepage distancesOutput at quadratic load at rated output voltage - maxOutput voltage - max10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosuresAmbient storage temperature - minMains voltage - minFitted with:Output frequency - minAmbient operating temperature at 150% overload - max Starting current - maxAssigned motor current IM at 230 V, 50 Hz, 150% overload Application notesBrochuresCatalogsCertification reports DrawingsInstallation instructions Installation videos Manuals and user guides60 °CModbus RTU, built inOP-Bus (RS485), built in10 HP300 Hz400 V AC, 3-phase480 V AC, 3-phase16 kHz, 4 - 32 kHz adjustable (audible), fPWM, Power section, Main circuitParameterization: drivesConnectParameterization: drivesConnect mobile (App) Parameterization: FieldbusParameterization: Keypad-10 °C≤ 0.6 A (max. 6 A for 120 ms), Actuator for external motor brakeDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.16 A14 ADoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be MZ040046_ENMN040003_ENDA-CD-de1_fs2_ip20 DA-CS-de1_fs2_ip20Ambient operating temperature - maxCommunication interfaceAssigned motor power at 115/120 V, 60 Hz, 1-phaseOutput frequency - maxOutput voltage (U2)Switching frequencyFeaturesAmbient operating temperature - minBraking currentNumber of HW-interfaces (serial TTY)10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and componentsNominal output current I2NAssigned motor current IM at 220 - 240 V, 60 Hz, 150% overload10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.3 Degree of protection of assembliesmCAD modelevaluated.Assigned motor current IM at 115 V, 50 Hz, 150% overload 15.2 AProduct categoryVariable speed starterRadio interference classC2, C3: depending on the motor cable length, the connected load, and ambient conditions. External radio interference suppression filters (optional) may be necessary.Optional external radio interference suppression filter for longer motor cable lengths and for use in different EMC environmentsAssigned motor current IM at 110/120 V, 60 Hz, 150% overload 14 AHeat dissipation capacity Pdiss0 WAssigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase10 HPNumber of HW-interfaces (RS-422)Mains current distortion120 %ProtocolMODBUSEtherNet/IPOther bus systems10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strengthIs the panel builder's responsibility.Overvoltage categoryIIIDegree of protectionIP20NEMA OtherAmbient storage temperature - max70 °CRated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)2000 VOutput at linear load at rated output voltage - max7.5 kWLeakage current at ground IPE - max< 3.5 mA (AC-operated)< 10 mA (DC-operated)Converter typeU converterFrame sizeFS210.2.2 Corrosion resistanceMeets the product standard's requirements.Supply frequency50/60 Hz10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiationMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.7 InscriptionsMeets the product standard's requirements.Shock resistance15 g, Mechanical, According to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, 11 msApplication in domestic and commercial area permittedYesApparent power at 480 V13.3 kVANumber of inputs (analog)1 (parameterizable, 0 - 10 V DC, 0/4 - 20 mA)Number of phases (output)3Apparent power at 400 V11.09 kVA10.12 Electromagnetic compatibilityIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.10.2.5 LiftingDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Number of HW-interfaces (RS-485)1Number of HW-interfaces (industrial ethernet)10.8 Connections for external conductorsIs the panel builder's responsibility.ProtectionFinger and back-of-hand proof, Protection against direct contact (BGV A3, VBG4)Number of relay outputs1 (parameterizable, N/O, 6 A (250 V, AC-1) / 5 A (30 V, DC-1))Application in industrial area permittedYesClimatic proofing< 95 average relative humidity (RH), no condensation, no corrosionConnection to SmartWire-DTIn conjunction with DX-NET-SWD3 SmartWire DT moduleYesStatic heat dissipation, non-current-dependent Pvs0 W10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageIs the panel builder's responsibility.Voltage rating - max480 VOverload current IL at 150% overload24 AInput current ILN at 150% overload16.5 ANumber of HW-interfaces (RS-232)Number of inputs (digital)4 (parameterizable, 10 - 30 V DC)Rated control supply voltage10 V DC (Us, max. 0.2 mA)Cable lengthC2 ≤ 10 m, Radio interference level, maximum motor cable lengthC3 ≤ 25 m, Radio interference level, maximum motor cable length10.5 Protection against electric shockDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Mounting positionVerticalMains switch-on frequencyMaximum of one time every 30 seconds10.13 Mechanical functionThe device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating materialIs the panel builder's responsibility.Heat dissipation per pole, current-dependent Pvid0 WElectromagnetic compatibility1st and 2nd environments (according to EN 61800-3)Resolution0.025 Hz (Frequency resolution, setpoint value)Assigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz10 HPRelative symmetric net voltage tolerance10 %Equipment heat dissipation, current-dependent Pvid240 WRated operational current (Ie)16 A at 150% overload (at an operating frequency of 16 kHz and an ambient air temperature of +50 °C)Number of outputs (analog)Suitable forBranch circuits, (UL/CSA)Rated operational power at 380/400 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase7.5 kWNumber of HW-interfaces (USB)Operating modeU/f controlSpeed control with slip compensationRated frequency - min45 HzDelay time< 10 ms, On-delay< 10 ms, Off-delayNumber of outputs (digital)Power consumption240W10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heatMeets the product standard's requirements. Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effectsMeets the product standard's requirements.Number of HW-interfaces (other)Rated frequency - max66 HzVibrationResistance: According to EN 61800-5-1Short-circuit protection (external output circuits)Type 1 coordination via the power bus' feeder unit, Main circuit10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connectionsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Braking torqueMax. 30 % MN, Standard - Main circuitAdjustable to 100 %, DC - Main circuitAmbient operating temperature at 150% overload - min-10 °CRelative symmetric net frequency tolerance10 %10.10 Temperature riseThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Assigned motor current IM at 400 V, 50 Hz, 150% overload 15.2 AAmbient operating temperature detailsDerating between 50 °C and60 °C:None if fPWM ≤ 14 kHzup to a max. of 50 °CNone if fPWM ≤ 16 kHzup to a max. of 46 °CNone if Iₑ ≤ 10.6 A andfPWM ≤ 20 kHzNone if Iₑ ≤ 14.9 A andfPWM ≤ 10 kHzNumber of HW-interfaces (parallel)Assigned motor power at 230/240 V, 60 Hz, 1-phase10 HPNumber of phases (input)3Heat dissipation at current/speed116 W at 50% current and 0% speed121 W at 50% current and 50% speed126 W at 50% current and 90% speed180 W at 100% current and 0% speed198 W at 100% current and 50% speed216 W at 100% current and 90% speed78 W at 25% current and 0% speed86 W at 25% current and 50% speedShort-circuit protection rating25 A, UL (Class CC or J), Safety device (fuse or miniature circuit-breaker), Power WiringNumber of interfaces (PROFINET)AltitudeAbove 1000 m with 1 % derating per 100 mMax. 2000 mEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia。



4. Operation and settingsThe user can easily adapt the controller to any particular job. The system can be commissioned and operated by either of the following two very simple methods:1.Operation through the keyboard and the LCD display with simple text dialog.2.Remote operation with a PC and the ZETAMON software available as an extra.The parameter menu structure is the same for both communication methods.The parameters set can be protected against unintentional or unauthorized change by means of a password (numbers ranging vom 1 to 9999).Parameters may only be changed when the drive is at a standstill.4.1Operating through keyboard and LCD displayLCD and the keyboard offer the operator the following direct facilities:- setting all the parameters required for commissioning - performing simple measuring and control operations and - recording the operating states.Programming is very simple, by means of the three push buttons. The parameters available are divided into menus according to whether they are belonging together.The selection of a menu is effected by means of the arrow keys (see figure 4.1).When pressing the key [P ], you change to the parameters assigned to the menu. The selection of a parameter is effected by means of the arrow keys.When pressing the key [P ], it is possible to change the parameter using the arrow keys. When pressing the key [P ], you return to the parameter selection.When pressing the key [↓] and [↑] at the same time, your return to the menu selection.There are two possibilities in order to change the parameters and two kinds of indication:Adjustment by putting in a numerical value (in this case: 1,20 m/s).Adjustment by selecting among possibilities already set (in this case:ELEVATOR)Indication by means of "beam spot" representationIndication by means of "bar" and numerical value representationFigure 4.2 Examples401Example of setting the parametersIn menu /TRAVELLING, the speed V_3 is to be changed (see figure 4.3).1.Once the supply voltage has been applied to the controller circuit board, the following will appear on the LCD display:2.menu appear on the display.3.Press the key [↓] to scroll to TRAVELLING menu.4.Activate the list of parameters by pressing (P). The first parameter V_1 will appear on the display.5.Press [↓] to scroll to parameter V_3.6.Press [P] to activate the setting box. An arrow will flash on the left, in the second line.Parameter explanations will be replaced by the setting box.If no changing-over to the setting field is effected, the input is already protected by a password (see 4.3.8).7.It is possible to change the value by means of the key [↓] or [↑].8.Acknowledge the value in the setting box by pressing [P]. The setting value will change up on the display. The new value will be accepted.The arrow stops flashing and the parameter explanation reappears in the second line.9.Press [↓] and [↑] simultaneously when the TRAVELLING menu will appear on the display again.60 minutes after the last key has been actuated, the start indication automatically appears.Furthermore, the lighting of the display is switched off.Figure 4.3 Example for parameterizationchange of the parameter4.2Remote operation with PC and ZETAMON softwareThe following facilities are available to the operator using a PC and the specially developed ZIEHL-ABEGG ZETAMON software:- setting all parameters,- commissioning the drive,- evaluating, protecting and copying travel diagrams and data records, and- measuring the controller parameters, travel diagrams and signals.The ZETAMON software is available as an extra accessory. It requires an IBM or an IBM compatible PC with the following minimum equipment:- XT/AT with 640 KB RAM and a disk drive- MS-DOS system, version 3.30 or a subsequent version.The handling of this universal software is described in a concise and clearly arranged manual. The wiring of the connection cable between the control device and the PC is described in this manual.4.3Summary of parametersThe parameters are divided into menus (see figure 4.4). Only the four stressed menus are importantfor commissioning.Prior to the first run, it is necessary to put in the installation data in the menu "INSTALLATION". If theparameter AUTO is selected in this menu, the parameters are preset according to the installation data.Experience has shown that only small changes are necessary for optimization.actual and nominal speedIndication:Distances and timesIndication:Statistic indications andadministration of error listsInput:Travel speedsInput:Acceleration ramp andstart-up reactionInput:Deceleration ramp andbrake reactionIf necessary: Intervention of the speed regulatorIf necessary:Possibility to allocate a password or tochange to the national language.Single input prior to the first travelIf necessary:Change of the factory set functionof inputs and outputsThis menu only appears in case of control devicesdisposing of an expansion cardReserved for special applicationsFigure 4.4 Menu outline4.3.1The menu "MONITOR"Contents:Menu "Monitor" shows the state of the control inputs and outputs. An active control signal isindicated with a "Beam spot". In addition, the controlled sizes actual speed value and nominal speed value as well as the controller output are indicated.Indication of the inputs triggered in the automatic operation."RF","RV1","RV2","V1","V2","V3" and "VZ"Indication of the inputs triggered in the inspection operation."RF","RV1","RV2","V1" and "ZE1 - ZE3"Inputs and outputs important for start-up and stopping.Indication of the trouble relay "ST" and the special contacts "SK1-SK3".Indication of the real speed N_REAL.Indication of the programed speed N_PROG.Indication of the controller output CO. - = Brake , + = DriveNormally, the range limits are not to be achieved.In case of constant run, the pointer should only slightly move. Figure 4.5 Menu "Monitor"In "+" resp. "-" a beam spot appears at "Move" resp. "Brake" in case of saturation. Normally a beam spot is not to be seen.RF:RV12:V123:VZ O O O RF:RV12:V1:ZE123OOORF:ST::SK123O OOO-......CO......+|MONITOR****************RF:RV12:V1:RB:MB OOOO4.3.2The menu "DISTANCES & TIMES"Contents:In menu "Distances & Times", measured and calculated values are indicated.Total distance driven of the last runMeasured distances at constant speed with "V_1", "V_2" and "V_3".Total decelerating distances after switching off the driving command "V_1", "V_2" and "V_3" until the device stops.Calculated decelerating distance needed from the time of switching off "V2" resp. "V3" until the positioning speed "V_1" is reached.Total time driven of the last run.Measured time from the time the relay "MB" picks up until the first rotation.Figure 4.6 Menu "Distances & times"DIST. & TIMES **************************S_GES 0.00 m Total distanceS_1 0.00 m Dist. at V_1S_2 0.00 m Dist. at V_2S_3 0.00 m Dist. at V_3S_10 0.00 m Dist. at V_1 -> 0S_20 0.00 m Dist. at V2 -> 0S_30 0.00 m S_21 0.00 m Calculated dist. V2->V1S_31 0.00 m T_GES 0.0 s Total travel time T_MB 0 ms.Dist. at V3 -> 0Calculated dist. V3->V1Contents:In menu "Statistics", statistic data are shown and an error list is kept.The data are preserved after having switched off the control device.Error listIndication of the total working hoursIndication of the working hours where the drive has actively workedIndication of the number of runsThis parameter enables you to delete the error list.Figure 4.7 Menu "Statistic"Note for STAT0:The error list is called like a normal parameter. But instead of changing the contents, the keys [↓] and [↑] enable you to scroll between the entries.In total, 255 error messages are administered. If more than 255messages appear, the oldest ones are deleted.If the error list is called, the last error is indicated first. Working hour, error number and the state of the controller are indicated as additional information.A description of possible entries is given in appendix A4.Bild 4.8 Parameter "STATO"-error listError-List:STAT1Operating hours total STATISTIC **********************STATO STAT2 Operating hours acti STAT3Number of travels STAT4OFF Reset error list.100.50h10.5h 2303Error listSTATO state of the controllererror numberworking hour .Contents:In menu "TRAVELLING", the running speeds are set. When putting theses data in, you haveto pay attention to the fact that V1 < V2 < V3.Positioning speed V_1.If necessary, intermediate speed for normal operation.High running speed for normal operation.In case of installations with readjustment, the additional speed V_Z is to be used.The speeds V_ZE1, V_ZE2 and V_ZE3 are preferably to be used for restoring control, inspection run or manual control.Figure 4.9 Menu "Travelling"TRAVELLING **************************V_1 Positioning speed 0.050 m/s V_2 0.80 m/s V_3 1.20 m/sV_Z 0.010 m/s V_ZE1 0.30 m/s V_ZE2 0.60 m/s V_ZE3 0.90 m/s Intermediate speedTravel speedAdditional speed.Additional speed ZE1Additional speed ZE2Additional speed ZE34.3.5The menu "ACCELERATING"Contents:In menu "Accelerate", the acceleration ramp is defined. In addition, it is possible to optimizethe start-up reaction.Figure 4.11 Effect of the parametersDescription of the parameters:A_POSPresetting of the positive acceleration.R_POS1Canging the upper or lowerR_POS2rounding, if necessary. A greater value causes a smoother rounding.T_VBPre-braking period: Maximum time from switching the contact "MB -mechanical brake" until the speed regulation starts.M_VBPre-braking torque:Size of the d.c.-"brake"-part during the time T_VB.M_0Starting torque:Size of the a.c.-"drive"-part after the time T_VB.An optimum start-up reaction requires that the main contactor is switched on with the exit "RB".This is the only guarantee that the main contactor is switched in the currentless state.The control device opens the mechanical brake via the relay output "MB".In order to avoid that the motor works against the brake that opens, the start-up process is decelerated by means of the pre-braking period T_VB .In this period of time, the d.c. winding of the motor is impinged with a direct voltage, the pre-braking torque M_VB.In order to avoid that the motor turns back too heavily or to overcome an initial breakaway torque, it is possible to connect the starting torque M_0 at the beginning of the run.->The optimization of the start-up reaction is described in detail in chapter 5Commissioning.>Acceleration R_POS1 ACCELERATING **************************A_POS R_POS2T_VBM_VB 25 % 0.70 m/s240 %50 %100 msM_05 %>Pre. braking torque >Prelimary braking time >Starting torque>Rounding1>Rounding "DECELERATING"Contents:In menu "Decelerating", the decelerating ramp is defined. In addition, it is possible to optimizethe positioning reaction.Figure 4.12 Menu structure Figure 4.13 Consequence of the parametersDescription of the parameters:A_NEG Presetting of the negative acceleration - deceleration.R_NEG1Canging the upper or lowerR_NEG2rounding, if necessary. A greatervalue causes a smoother rounding.V_BR Speed at which the brake comes in.M_NB Size of the after-braking torque.S_DI1Distance at which the driving S_DI2command "V1", "V2" and "V3" is S_DI3switched off time delayed from the control device.If the speed falls below speed V_BR, relay "MB"switches off. In the period of time until the mechanical brake is really closed, the DC-winding of the motor is supplied with a DC-voltage, the pre-braking torque M_NB.This voltage is switched off after a preset time (/ZA-INTERN/T_NB) and the relay is released. If the control switches the main contactor with this contact, it is guaranteed that the opening of the main contactor is effected currentless.4.3.7The menu "CONTROLLER"In menu "Controller" it is possible to adjust the intervention of the speed regulator by means of theparameter DYN. If the value is too low, it is possible to have noticeable standard tolerances at the speed transfers. Normally, the setting range is between 70 and 100 %.>Deceleration R_NEG1 DECELERATING **************************A_NEGR_NEG2V_BRM_NB35 %0.70 m/s260 %0.001 m/s S_DI2 0.00 m 90 %S_DI3 0.00 m >Braking torque>Brake engagement >Rounding 2>Rounding 1.S_DI1 0 mm >Dist. correction V1>Dist. correction V2>Dist. correction V3inputs.4.3.8The menu "OPERATING"Contents:In menu "Operating", it is possible to change the national language, to allocate a passwordand to carry out an additional parameter saving.LASP Selection of the national language-Deutsch -English -EspanolPW_E If is is not possible to change the parameters when the drive is out of action, first of all the set password has to be put in in this parameter.No password has been allocated by the factory.If a password is unknown, it is possible to ask the manufacturer. To do this, please state the service number in /ZA-INTERN/SE_NR (section INFO).Figure 4.14 Menu structurePW_NAllocation or change of a password with four digits at the maximum ranging from 1 to 9999.A password should only be put in after the commissioning has been completed.Example: Allocation of password with number 121. Put in 12 in PW_N2. Put in 12 a second time in PW_N3. On the display appears blinking4. After actuating a key, all parameters except PW_E are blocked.5. In order to be again able to change parameters, the password (in this case 12) has to be put in in parameter/PW_E.PA_SIThe control device disposes of two parameter sets which can be changed-over by means of one of the inputs "ZE1-3".Besides the active working storage, each parameter set has a security storage.The following parameter set operations are possible:- OFF Truncate function.- W->S Copy the current parameters from the working storage into the security storage.- W<-SRecopy already stored parameters from the security storage into the working storage.PARA 1->2Copy parameter set 1 after parameter set 2.RESET With this parameter, it is possible to reset the control device to the initial delivery state. Afterputting in number 99 and confirming an additional security inquiry, the factory setting isloaded. After finishing this action (about 40 s), the indication appears that the control device is to be switched off for a short time.>Language PW_E OPERATING**********************LASPPW_NPA_SIENGLISH . . . .OFF > Password input . . . .> New Password> Parameter-saving RESET0> Reset controller totalNEW PASSWORD -----> 124.3.9The menu "INSTALLATION"Contents:In menu "INSTALLATION", values depending on the installation have to be put in once prior tothe first travel.Figure 4.15 Menu structureANLSelection of the type of installation -Elevator (with counterweight),-running gear,-lifting gear (resp. elevator without counterweight).N_NENN Input of the nominal motor speed according to the indication on the motor identification plate.V_NENN Input of the nominal speed of the cab at the nominal motor speed N_NENN.When selecting this parameter, there is the inquiry from the control device whether V_NENN is to be put in directly or whether it has to be calculated by means of further installation data. In case of the installation type "ELEVATOR", the suspension, the gear ratio as well as the friction wheel diameter are inquired for calculation.A value can be set by means of the arrow keys and the text can be scrolled by means of the key P. With this conversational inquiry it is not possible to scroll back.GEBERSelection of the type of the encoder installed at the motor.- ET 3R-1024- ET 3F-64- ET 3F-48- EXTERNALBy using an encoder of any other manufacturers with 1024 pulses per revolution you can also use the setting ET3R-1024. You have only to use the parameter EXTERNAL by an encoder with an other number of pulses per revolution.>Installation typeINSTALLATION ************************ANLELEVATOR.Part1Part2In case of the setting "EXTERNAL", the parameter G_AUF with which it is possible to set anytransmitter resolution ranging from 64 to 1024 pulses/revolution is faded in after thisparameter.G_AUF 1024Encoder resolutionAUTO Automatic parameter pre-assignment:- OFF no effect- ON The parameters in /TRAVELLING, /ACCELERATING and / DECELERATING are preassigned once according to the type of installation, nominal speed and nominalrevolution. After the pre-assignment, AUTO is again at "OFF".MO_DR Changing the motor direction.S_ABH Selection how the arch travel is to be driven:- ON In case of deceleration transfers from V3 -> V1 and V2 -> V1, the arch travel is driven dependent on the distance and using the optimum time possible.- OFF The arch travel is driven time dependent at all speed transfers.A_MAX Input of the maximum deceleration in case the controller release "RF" is switched off during running.At a value of 3.5 m/s2 (factory setting), the power unit is immediately switched currentless andthe output relay "mechanical brake - MB" and "controller active - RB" are released withoutdelay.T_SIG In case of controls where the signal operation time is not to be neglected, the speed dependent distance errors are automatically compensated by the control device when thistime is put in here.4.3.10The menu "INTERFACES"Contents:In menu "Interfaces", it is possible to change the factory functions of the programmable inputsand outputs.Function of the additional input "ZE3"- V_ZE3The input is used for selecting the speed V_ZE3.The speed "V_ZE3" is put in in menu "TRAVELLING".- 2.PARASET This input switches to the second parameter set.- Short travel The input is activated for the "Short travel"- log.Function of the special contact O SK 1Contact K11-14 is closed if ...- TEMP.MOT.Motor temperature okay.- QUIT. ZE3Input I_ZE3 triggered.- V=KONST.Constant speed.- V < V_G1Limit value V_G1 is not exceeded.Following this parameter, parameter V_G1 is faded in.- V<0.3m/s Actual speed is smaller than 0.3 m/s.- 1.1*V_NENActual speed is smaller than 1.1*V_NEN.Function of the special contact O SK 2Contact K21-K24 is closed if...- TEMP.MOT.Motor temperature okay.- QUIT. ZE3Input I_ZE3 triggered.- V=KONST.Constant speed.- V < V_G2Limit value V_G2 is notexceeded.Following this parameter,parameter V_G2 is faded in.- V<0.3m/s Actual speed is smaller than 0.3 m/s.- 1.1*V_NENActual speed is smaller than 1.1*V_NEN.Function of the special contact O SK 3Contact K34-K31 is closed if ...- FB Forced air cooling is to beswitched on.- TEMP.MOT .Motor temperature okay.- QUIT. PA2Second parameter set active.- V<0.3m/s Actual speed is smaller than0.3 m/s.- 1.1*V_NEN Actual speed is smaller than1.1*V_NEN.Function of the output "Controller active -RB"- STANDARD Relay is picked up during stop.- I NVERSRelay is picked up during running.Selection of the trouble acknowledgement Relay ST - MANUAL The relay trouble "ST" onlyswitches on again when the controller release "RF" is triggered again.- AUTOMAT.In case of excess temperatureof the motor or outage of a mains phase, the relay "ST" is automatically switched on again if the trouble is eliminated.Other troubles have to be acknowledged by means of the controller release "RF" as with "MANUAL".INTERFACES **************************I_ZE3O_SK1 V<0.3m/s > Input ZE3> >O_SK2>O_SK3> Output RB O_RB > Error confirmationQUITMANUELLINVERS TEMP.MOT1.1V_NENN V_ZE3.Output SK1 Output SK2 Output SK3V_G1 0.200m/s Speed level of O_SK1V_G2 0.200m/s Speed level of OSK24.3.11 The menu "ZA-INTERN"Contents:In menu "ZA-Intern", controller internal settings are stored. Changes are only to be made onconsultation with the manufacturer.ZA-INTERN **********************----------------------------Error suppression:MASK1 0 MASK2 0 MASK3 0 ----------------------------Control functions:T_GUE 2.0s V_UE 50 % T_AUS 7.0s ----------------------------Start-Opti.:ANF_D EIN M0_T1 50 ms V_DM 1.0%VB_T1 100 ms S0<= 2----------------------------Stop-Opti.:A10 0.5 m/s2S_HALT 5.0cmR_N1 50%HALT t-HaltT_NB 250ms --------------------------------------------------------Info:STATUS > Service number SE_NR .....ZA ...... > ZA manafactureZETAMON:MS_1 0>MS_2 0 RS232 4800>----------------------------Controller:K_N1 1400T_N2 110msT_N1 110ms K_N2 1400BR_F 70%BR_OF 18%P_T1 300 &>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Figure 4.17 Menu "ZA-Intern"MASK1It is possible to attenuate three error messages. To do this. the corresponding error number is MASK3to be put in.T_GUE If no speed transmitter signal appears within the time T_GUE, the control device switches to error and displays the error message "9 No starting" or "14 Encoder trop out".V_UE If the actual speed exceeds the value of the rated speed to the nominal speed by more than 50 % or if it falls below more than 50 %, the control device switches to trouble and displays the error message "36 N_PROG << N_REAL" resp. "35 N_PROG >> N_REAL".T_AUS The control device stops the run in case of running without driving command but with triggered controller release "RF" after the time T_AUS.ANF_D When the starting attenuation is switched on, the nominal value is kept in a tolerance range V_DM V_DM until the actual value follows. A smaller value for V_DM causes a smoother start-up.VB_T1Determines the return-to-zero period in which the pre-braking torque M_VB returns to zero.MO_T1Determines the return-to-zero period in which the starting torque M0 returns to zero.S0<=Determines the number of speed transmitter pulses attenuated by the rotation direction evaluation at start-up.HALT Setting whether the positioning process (V1->0) is to be effected depending on the time or the distance.A_10If HALT = t-Halt: Decelerating value for positioning process.R_10If HALT = t-Halt: Rounding of V1 ->0 transfer.S_HALT If HALT = s-Halt: Absolute positioning distance.T_NB Determines the time how long the after-braking torque is to be fed after closing the contact "MB".K_N1/2For the run with V3, it is possible to adjust the reset time and the amplification of the speed T_N1/2regulator separately.BR_F Influencing the effect of the DC-winding.BR_OF Crossover range between "Drive" and "Brake".P_T1Internal value for low-pass filter.MS_1Setting of the measuring value storage 1.MS_2Setting of the measuring value storage 2.RS232Setting of the baud rate (2400, 4800 and 9600 Baud).STATUS Internal state of the control device at the moment.SE_NR Indication of the current password coded. In case of password loss, please inform the manufacturer of the contents of SE_NR.ZAZiehl -Abegg specific identification of the control device software.。

伊顿 HD1 技术手册 (Ex d、Ex em 和 Ex ia) 说明书

伊顿 HD1 技术手册 (Ex d、Ex em 和 Ex ia)  说明书

Heat detector HD1Heat detector HD12 HD1 Heat Detector TM159 J October 2024 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITYThe information, recommendations, descriptions and safety notations in this document are based on Eaton Corporation’s (“Eaton”) experience and judgment and may not cover all contingencies. If further information is required, an Eaton sales office should be consulted. Sale of the product shown in this literature is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in appropriate Eaton selling policies or other contractual agreement between Eaton and the purchaser.THERE ARE NO UNDERSTANDINGS, AGREEMENTS, WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFICALLY SET OUT IN ANY EXISTING CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. ANY SUCH CONTRACT STATES THE ENTIREOBLIGATION OF EATON. THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BECOME PART OF OR MODIFY ANY CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES.In no event will Eaton be responsible to the purchaser or user in contract, in tort (includingnegligence), strict liability or other-wise for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damage or loss whatsoever, including but not limited to damage or loss of use of equipment, plant or power system, cost of capital, loss of power, additional expenses in the use of existing power facilities, or claims against the purchaser or user by its customers resulting from the use of the information, recommendations and descriptions contained herein. The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.Heat detector HD13 HD1 Heat Detector TM159 J October 2024 ContentsIntroduction............................................. 4 General safety messages and warnings........ 4 Installation.............................................. 4 General.................................................... 4 Removing/Replacing the cover............... 4 Operation......................................................... 5 Maintenance.................................................... 5 Certification / approvals................................... 6 Exd IIB Version.......................................... 6 Exd IIC Version.. (6)Ex em Version (6)Ex ia Version............................................. Special conditions of use………………………6 7Heat detector HD14 HD1 Heat Detector TM159 J October 2024 1.0 INTRODUCTIONThe HD1 heat detector has been designed for use in flammable atmospheres and harsh environmental conditions. The marine grade alloy (Exd) or Glass Reinforced Polyester (Exem and Exia versions) cover and enclosure are suitable for use offshore or onshore, where light weight combined with corrosion resistance and strength is required.2.0 GENERAL SAFETY MESSAGES AND WARNINGSAll instructions and safety messages in this manual must be followed to allow safe installation of the device. The device must only be installed and maintained by correctly trained site personnel/installers.i. To reduce the risk of ignition of hazardousatmospheres and shock, do not apply power to the device until installation has been completed and the device is fully sealed and secured. ii. To reduce the risk of ignition of hazardousatmospheres and shock, keep device tightly closed when the circuit is energised.iii. Before removing the cover for installation ormaintenance, ensure that the power to the device is isolated.iv. Following installation, test the device to ensurecorrect operation.v. Following installation ensure a copy of this manualis made available to all operating personnel. vi. When installing the device, requirements forselection, installation and operation should be referred to e.g. IEE Wiring Regulations and the National Electrical Code’ in North America.Additional national and/or local requirements may also apply.vii. Cable termination should be in accordance withspecification applying to the required application. MEDC recommends that all cables and cores should be correctly identified. Please refer to the wiring diagram in this manual (or separate diagram provided with the unit).viii. Ensure that only the correct listed or certified cableglands are used and that the assembly is shrouded and correctly earthed.ix. Ensure that only the correct listed or certifiedstopping plugs are used to blank off unused gland entry points and that the NEMA/IP rating of the unit is maintained.x. MEDC recommend the use of a sealing compoundsuch as HYLOMAR PL32 on the threads of all glands and stopping plugs in order to maintain the IP rating of the unit.xi. For the Exem and Exia versions, a suitable sealingwasher must be fitted to all glands and stopping plugs fitted into the enclosure.xii. The internal earth terminal, where fitted,must be used for the equipmentgrounding and the external terminal, if available, is for a supplementary bonding connection where local codes or authorities permit or require such a connection.xiii. When installing the device, MEDCrecommends the use of stainless steel fasteners. Ensure that all nuts, bolts and fixings are secure.xiv. Note: The purchaser should make themanufacturer aware of any externaleffects or aggressive substances that the equipment may be exposed to.xv. Potential electrostatic charging hazard,protect from direct airflow from exhaust ducts and the like which may cause charge transfer. If the unit requires cleaning, only clean the exterior with a damp cloth to avoid electrostatic charge build up. Ensure the equipment is correctly earthed.xvi. Installation shall be in accordance withIEC60079-14.3.0 INSTALLATIONGeneralThe heat detector is mounted via 4 off Ø9mm (Exd version) or 4 off Ø7mm (Exem and Exia versions) fixing holes in feet on the base of the unit.The fixing holes have been designed to accept M8(Exd version) or M6 (Exe/Exi versions) screws or bolts.The heat detector has been designed to operate in any attitude.Removing/replacing the Cove rExd version: Unscrew and remove the 4 off M6 screws (5mm A/F hexagon key required) and lift the cover clear of the base. The screws are not captive and should be kept in a safe place during cable termination.Exem/Exi versions: Unscrew the 4 off M5 screws (4mm A/F hexagon key required) and lift the cover clear of the base. The cover screws are captive and will be retained in the cover.Once cable termination has been completed, the cover can be replaced and secured to the enclosure. Ensure that any cover seal is correctly seated.On Exd versions ensure that the gap between the cover and enclosure is 0.15mm max. .Heat detector HD15 HD1 Heat Detector TM159 J October 2024 4.0 OPERATIONThe heat detector consists of a sealed element containing a single normally open (N.O.) thermal switch which operates at a fixed temperature. The operatingtemperature is stated on the identification label on the outside of the unit.The sensor element is fully sealed, and no attempt must be made to modify this in any way. Adjustment of the temperature setting is not possible.General arrangement (exd version)General arrangement (exe/exi versions)5.0 MAINTENANCEDuring the working life of the heat detector it should require little or no maintenance. However, if abnormal or unusual environmental conditions occur due toplant damage or accident etc., then visual inspection is recommended.If a fault should occur, then the unit can be repaired by MEDC.Under no circumstances should any attempt be made to either unscrew the heat detector element from the enclosure or gain access to the inside of the heat detector element.Either of these actions will result in the assembly becoming unsafe for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.If you have acquired a significant quantity of heat detectors, then it is recommended that spares are also made available. Please discuss your requirements with MEDC’s technical sales engineers.If the unit requires cleaning, only clean exterior with a damp cloth to avoid electro-static charge build up.Heat detector HD16 HD1 Heat Detector TM159 J October 2024 6.0 CERTIFICATION / APPROVALSExd IIB version: Certified toATEX: EN60079-0 , EN60079-1 , EN60079-31, IEC60079-33IECEx: IEC60079-0 , IEC60079-1 , IEC60079-31, IEC60079-33Ex d unit(ATEX certification No. Baseefa 03ATEX0447) (IEC certification No. IECEx SGS 24.0013X.)Ex db sb IIB+H2 T6 (Tamb -20°C to +55°C) Ex tb IIIC T85°C Db IP6x OrEx db sb IIB+H2 T3 (Tamb -20°C to +125°C)* Ex tb IIIC T200°C Db IP6x*Please refer to certification label for temperature ratingExd IIC version: Certified toATEX: EN 60079-0, EN 60079-1, EN60079-31, IEC60079-33IECEx: IEC60079-0 , IEC60079-1 , IEC60079-31, IEC60079-33Ex d unit(ATEX certification No.Baseefa08ATEX0320) (IEC certification No. IECEx SGS 24.0012X.)Ex db sb IIC T6 Gb (Tamb -20°C to +55°C) Ex tb IIIC T85°C Db IP6X OrEx db sb IIC T4 Gb (Tamb -20°C to +90°C) Ex tb IIIC T135°C Db IP6XFor Type HD1 Addressable Heat Detector Units which do contain an addressable module the marking remains as:Ex db sb IIC T6 Gb (Tamb -20°C to +55°C) Ex tb IIIC T85°C Db IP6XThe Exd ATEX certificate and product label carry the ATEX group and category marking:II 2 GD Where:Signifies compliance with ATEXII Signifies suitability for use in surface industries 2 Signifies suitability for use in a zone 1 areaG Signifies suitability for use in the presence of gases D Signifies suitability for use in the presence of dustThe IECEx certificate and product label carry the IECEx equipment protection level markingGb and Db where Gb signifies suitability for use in a Zone 1 surface industries area in the presence of gas.Db suitability for use in a Zone 21 surface industries area in the presence of dust.Exe version: Certified toATEX: EN60079-0 , EN60079-7, IEC60079-33 IECEx: IEC60079-0, IEC60079-7, IEC60079-33(ATEX certification No. Baseefa03ATEX0428) (IEC certification No. IECEx SGS 24.0035X) Ex eb sb IIC T6 Gb (-20°C to +55°C) (With resistors fitted)Ex eb mb sb IIC T4 Gb (-20°C to +55°C)The ATEX certificate and product label carry the ATEX group and category marking:II 2 G Where:Signifies compliance with ATEXII Signifies suitability for use in surface industries 2 Signifies suitability for use in a zone 1 areaG Signifies suitability for use in the presence of gasesThe IECEx certificate and product label carry the IECEx equipment protection level marking GbWhere Gb signifies suitability for use in a Zone 1 surface industries area in the presence of gas.Ex ia version:ATEX: Certified to EN60079-0 & EN60079-11 IECEx: Certified to IEC60079-0 & IEC60079-11(ATEX certification No. Baseefa03ATEX0427) (IEC certification No. IECEx BAS 13.0010)Ex ia IIC T6 Ga (-55°C to +55°C) - HD1I version Ex ia IIC T4 Ga (-55°C to +55°C) - HD1IR versionThe Ex ia ATEX certificate and product label carry the ATEX group and category marking:II 1 G Where:Signifies compliance with ATEXII Signifies suitability for use in surface industries 1 Signifies suitability for use in a zone 0 areaG Signifies suitability for use in the presence of gasesThe IECEx certificate and product label carry the IECEx equipment protection level marking Ga.Where Ga signifies suitability for use in a Zone 0 surface industries area in the presence of gas.Heat detector HD17 HD1 Heat Detector TM159 J October 2024 7.0 SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF USEExd IIB/IIC version:1. Cover screws of minimum grade A4-80stainless steel shall be used. 2. Warning – Potential electrostaticcharging hazard – See instructions.Exe version:For HD1R units only:1. The electrical supply to the encapsulatedResistor is limited to a maximum of 1.2W 2. Units fitted with the encapsulated resistorshall be protected by a fuse rated for a prospective short circuit current of at least 1500A .Heat detector HD18HD1 Heat Detector TM159 J October 2024 EatonEMEA Headquarters Route de la Longeraie 7 1110 Morges, Switzerland Eaton.euEatonUnit B, Sutton Parkway Oddicroft Lane Sutton in Ashfield United Kingdom NG17 5FBT: +44 (0) 1623 444 400 /hac*******************© 2024 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in September Publication No. TM159/J Changes to the products, to the information contained in this document, and to prices are reserved; so are errors and omissions. Only order confirmations and technical documentation by Eaton is binding. Photos and pictures also do not warrant a specific layout or functionality. Their use in whatever form is subject to prior approval by Eaton. The same applies to Trademarks (especially Eaton, Moeller, and Cutler-Hammer). The Terms and Conditions of Eaton apply, as referenced on Eaton Internet pages and Eaton order confirmations.Eaton is a registered trademark.All trademarks are property of their respective owners.。

伊顿 DF1X1 系列通用变频器 快速启动手册说明书

伊顿 DF1X1 系列通用变频器 快速启动手册说明书

DF1-324D0NB-C20CX1~DF1-32200NN-C20CX1DF1-343D0NB-C20CX1~DF1-34990DN-C20CX1DF1-36028NN-C20CX1~DF1-36600DN-C20CX1非常感谢您选择伊顿DF1X1 系列变频器。







1目录安全注意事项 (1)警示标志及其含义 (1)安全指导 (1)1使用前 (4)1.1型号介绍 (4)1.2安装环境 (5)1.3安装及配线说明 (6)1.3.1主回路端子接线说明 (10)1.3.2控制回路的接线说明 (12)1.3.3安装方向及空间 (14)1.4端子接线图 (14)1.4.1 DI端子使用说明 (15)1.4.2 AI端子作为数字量端子使用说明 (16)2试运行介绍 (17)2.1 键盘功能介绍 (17)2.1.2指示灯含义 (18)2.1.3数字文字对照表 (19)2.2 键盘操作指南 (19)2.2.1基本参数组参数设定 (19)2.2.2运行监控状态查看 (20)2.2.3监控参数查看 (20)2.3 初次启动注意事项 (20)2.3.1接通电源前的确认 (20)2.3.2接通电源后的确认 (20)2.4试运行操作流程图 (21)2.4.1试运行流程图 (21)2.4.2电机参数自学习流程图 (22)2.4.3矢量控制流程图 (23)2.5自学习介绍 (24)2.5.1自学习 (24)2.5.2异步电机自学习 (24)2.5.3同步电机自学习 (25)2.6 试运行确认事项 (25)2.6.1 空负载试运行操作步骤 (26)2.6.2 带负载试运行操作步骤 (26)2.6.3 快速启动参数设置介绍 (27)3参数总表 (29)3.01 环境设定 (29)3.02基本参数 (30)3.03电机参数 (32)3.04矢量控制 (35)23.05 V/F控制参数 (39)3.06 数字输入端子功能 (40)3.07数字输入端子检出延时 (41)3.08 数字输入端子动作选择 (41)3.09 PUL端子 (42)3.10 模拟量(AI)线性处理 (42)3.11 AI多功能处理 (43)3.12 AO(模拟量)输出 (44)3.13 数字、继电器输出 (45)3.14 虚拟输入输出端子 (46)3.15 启动控制 (47)3.16 停机控制 (48)3.17 直流制动与转速追踪 (48)3.18 点动 (49)3.19 辅助控制 (50)3.20 电压保护 (51)3.21 辅助保护 (52)3.22 按键操作 (55)3.23 Modbus通讯参数 (57)3.24 PID给定及反馈 (60)3.25 PID调节 (60)3.26 PID反馈断线判断 (61)3.27 PID休眠功能 (61)3.28 多段速频率给定 (62)3.29 PLC运行方式选择 (62)3.30 PLC运行时间选择 (62)3.31 PLC运行方向及时间选择 (63)3.32 C00组:基本监控 (63)3.33 C01组:故障监控 (63)3.34 端子输入输出功能选择 (64)4 MODBUS通讯协议 (65)5 故障信息处理 (65)5.1 故障信息查询表 (65)6故障复位方法 (73)7 外引键盘尺寸及型号 (74)附件一:制动电阻选型 (75)31使用前1.1型号介绍变频器额定输出电流U N=380V4变频器额定输出电流U N=690V变频器额定输出电流U N=220V1.2安装环境51.3安装及配线说明为确保用户安全使用本产品、最大限度地发挥变频器性能、确保变频器可靠运行,请严格按照本章所述的环境、配线、通风等要求使用本产品。

PowerXL DV1系列低压变频器说明书

PowerXL DV1系列低压变频器说明书

PowerXL DV1系列低压变频器高效节能新一代变频器2PowerXL DV1系列低压变频器目录PowerXL DV1系列低压变频器产品概述技术特点产品型号标准技术数据端子接线图主回路配线及端子规格外观尺寸可选附件 (22345567)伊顿DV1系列变频器是针对机械设备制造领域所设计的一款优秀产 品,以紧凑的体积为用户提供了强大的功能,支持V/F 和矢量控制功能,同时其标配的涂层板和独立风道设计,以及最高达到200%的过载能力,为变频器提供了强大的环境适应能力。


PowerXL DV1系列低压变频器产品概述●支持SVPWM ,V/F 控制,矢量控制等多种控制方式;●内置PID 控制器;●内置EMC 滤波器(DV1);●内置制动斩波器:● DV1 2.2KW 及以上内置● DV1E1全系列内置●内置双Modbus 接口;●支持导轨安装;●最高650 Hz 输出; ●标配I/O 数量:DV1:● 4DI, 1RO ● 1AI DV1E1:● 6DI, 1DO, 1RO ● 2AI, 1AO●丰富的软件功能:● 电机参数自动测量功能● 16段速● 节能模式● 摆频(三角波)功能● 用户自定义程序运行模式等技术特点DV1系列低压变频器 /electrical目录描述 页码 DV1系列低压变频器3DV1系列低压变频器型号说明DV1系列低压变频器 /electrical 产品型号标准注:* 功率是基于230V/400V 四级或六级鼠笼式感应电机确定,仅供参考;* 产品选择标准为电动机额定电流小于或等于变频器标称的额定电流;1D8: 额定电流1.8A, 220V 单相 0.2KW 2D7: 额定电流2.7A, 220V 单相 0.4KW 4D5: 额定电流4.5A, 220V 单相 0.75KW 8D0: 额定电流8.0A, 220V 单相 1.5KW 011: 额定电流11A, 220V 单相 2.2 KW 1D8: 额定电流1.8A, 220V 三相 0.2KW 3D0: 额定电流3.0A, 220V 三相 0.4KW 5D0: 额定电流5.0A, 220V 三相 0.75KW 8D0: 额定电流8.0A, 220V 三相 1.5KW 011: 额定电流11A, 220V 三相 2.2 KW 017: 额定电流17.5A, 220V 三相 3.7 KW 1D5: 额定电流1.5A, 380V 三相 0.4KW 2D6: 额定电流2.6A, 380V 三相 0.75KW 4D2: 额定电流4.2A, 380V 三相 1.5KW 6D0: 额定电流6.0A, 380V 三相 2.2KW 9D0: 额定电流9.0A, 380V 三相 3.7 KW 012: 额定电流12A, 380V 三相 5.5 KW产品系列DV1=系列名称电压等级1= 单相3= 三相电压等级2= 220V 级= 440V 级4EMC 滤波器F = 带内置 EMC 滤波器附件C = 涂层电路板内置制动斩波器 N =不带制动斩波器B =带制动斩波器显示选项C CE1= 带显示面板=功能增强型防护等级 20= IP20电流等级DV1-1 21D8 F N -C 20 C产品选型电压等级壳架尺寸额定功率(KW )DV1型号DV1E1型号3AC 380-480V3AC 200-240V1AC 200-240VFR1FR2FR1FR2FR1FR20.40.751. DV1-342D6FB-C20CE1 DV1-344D2FB-C20CE1 DV1-346D0FB-C20CE1 DV1-349D0FB-C20CE1 DV1-34012FB-C20CE1DV1-122D7FB-C20CE1 DV1-124D5FB-C20CE1 DV1-128D0FB-C20CE1 DV1-12011FB-C20CE1 DV1-341D5FN-C20C DV1-342D6FN-C20C DV1-344D2FN-C20C DV1-346D0FB-C20C DV1-349D0FB-C20C DV1-34012FB-C20C DV1-321D8FN-C20C DV1-323D0FN-C20C DV1-325D0FN-C20C DV1-328D0FN-C20C DV1-32011FB-C20C DV1-32017FB-C20C DV1-121D8FN-C20C DV1-122D7FN-C20C DV1-124D5FN-C20C DV1-128D0FB-C20C DV1-12011FB-C20C4DV1系列低压变频器电气参数DV1系列低压变频器 /electrical电气参数220V 单相系列220V 三相系列产品描述 380V 三相系列过电流能力载波频率最大输出电压允许输入电压范围电源频率变动范围控制方式输出频率频率分辨率(数字设定)频率分辨率(模拟量输入)启动转矩模拟量输入类型保护功能冷却方式显示功能LED 灯通信V/F 控制国际认证产品标准安全性周围温度周围湿度保存温度周围环境海拔振动防护等级污染等级150% 60秒,200% 1 秒1-15 KHz 3相 380-480V 323-528V 50/60Hz +/-5%SVPWM,V/F 控制,磁通矢量控制0-650.00 Hz0.01 Hz (100Hz 以内),0.1Hz (大于100Hz )0-5V 或4-20mA ,11 bit ;0-10V ,12 bit 3 Hz 时180%,5 Hz 时200%(磁通矢量)0-5V ,0-10V ,4-20mA输出短路保护;过电流保护;过电压保护;低电压保护;马达过热保护;IGBT 过热保护;接地/漏电保护;通信异常保护;0.4KW 产品自然冷却,其它风冷输出频率,输出电流,输出电压,输出功率,报警记录(最多12组)等频率监视,电压监视,电流监视,马达运行指示,控制模式指示,外置操作面板指示内置Modbus RTU定转矩曲线,变转矩曲线,5点控制曲线CE**EN 61800-3:2004/A1:2012EN 61800-5-1:2007-10 ~ +50℃ (未冻结下)90%Rh 以下(未结露下)-20 ~ +65℃室内,无腐蚀性气体,无易燃性气体,无易燃性粉尘。



PowerXL DV1X1系列低压变频器简单 可靠 高效新一代紧凑型变频器适用于0.2kW至22kW的三相异步及同步电机2PowerXL DV1X1系列低压变频器目录PowerXL DV1X1系列低压变频器产品概述技术特点产品标准产品型号技术参数端子接线图配线及端子规格外观尺寸可选附件制动电阻选型 (222345781011)伊顿DV1X1系列变频器是针对机械设备制造领域所开发的全新一代紧凑型变频器,产品采用书本式窄体设计,具有体积小,温升低,操作便捷,稳定可靠以及经济高效的特点。


PowerXL DV1X1系列低压变频器产品概述●支持V/F 控制(自定义曲线,节能控制等),开环矢量控制,满足不同应用控制需求●支持同步电机控制,更高能效,减少碳排放●强化PCBA 防护涂层,符合3C3,3S3等级要求,可耐受严苛的环境条件●全系列内置制动单元,更强的动态制动能力●内置双Modbus RJ45接口,组网更便捷●支持并排零间距安装,节省柜内空间●输入输出信号:● 数字量输入:4路 DI1- DI4, 支持PNP 或NPN●模拟量输入:1路 AI (可设置为DI 使用)●数字量输出:1路 DO ,集电极开路输出●继电器输出:1路 RO ,带有公共点的1常开和1常闭触点●模拟量输出:1路 AO●丰富的软件应用功能:● 内置节能控制算法,有效降低能耗,并可监控用电量数据● 多段速功能● 瞬时掉电控制功能● 自动/捕捉再起动功能● PID 控制器● 内置张力控制算法● 摆频(三角波)功能●用户自定义程序运行模式● 通过功能强大的Drive Xpert 软件,用户可以应用虚拟示波器功能在电脑上实时监控各项参数,使调试,监控,故障排查更为便捷高效技术特点DV1X1系列低压变频器 /electrical目录描述 页码 DV1X1系列低压变频器3DV1X1系列低压变频器产品型号DV1X1系列低压变频器 /electrical 产品型号说明注:* 功率是基于220V/380V 四级或六级鼠笼式感应电机确定,仅供参考。

Eaton DC1...E1变频驱动器操作永磁和无刷直流电机说明书

Eaton DC1...E1变频驱动器操作永磁和无刷直流电机说明书

PowerXL™DC1…E1 Variable Frequency DrivesOperating Permanent Magnet- and Brushless DC-MotorsContents1 General (5)2 Selection of the Motor Control Mode (6)2.1 Motor Control Mode (P-60) (6)3 Setting Motor Data (7)3.1 Motor Nom Voltage (P-07) (7)3.2 Motor Nom Current (P-08) (7)3.3 I-CurrentLimit (P-63) (8)3.4 Motor Nom Frequency (P-09) (8)3.5 Motor Nom Speed (P-10) (8)3.6 Switching Frequency (P-17) (9)3.7 Motor Identification (P-61) (9)4 Optimization (11)4.1 Motor performance at low speed (11)4.2 Optimization of the speed controller (11)5 Faults and possible root causes (12)6 Example how to set motor parameters (13)Danger! - Dangerous electrical voltage!∙Disconnect the power supply of the device.∙Ensure that devices cannot be accidentally restarted.∙Verify isolation from the supply.∙Cover or enclose any adjacent live components.∙Follow the engineering instructions (AWA/IL) for the device concerned.∙Only suitably qualified personnel in accordance with EN 50110-1/-2 (VDE 0105 Part 100) may work on this device/system.∙Before installation and before touching the device ensure that you are free of electrostatic charge.∙The functional earth (FE, PES) must be connected to the protective earth (PE) or the potential equalization.The system installer is responsible for implementing this connection.∙Connecting cables and signal lines should be installed so that inductive or capacitive interference does not impair the automatic control functions.∙Suitable safety hardware and software measures should be implemented for the I/O interface so that an open circuit on the signal side does not result in undefined states.∙Deviations of the mains voltage from the rated value must not exceed the tolerance limits given in the specification, otherwise this may cause malfunction and/or dangerous operation.∙Emergency stop devices complying with IEC/EN 60204-1 must be effective in all operating modes. Unlatch-ing of the emergency-stop devices must not cause a restart.∙Devices that are designed for mounting in housings or control cabinets must only be operated and con-trolled after they have been properly installed and with the housing closed.∙Wherever faults may cause injury or material damage, external measures must be implemented to ensurea safe operating state in the event of a fault or malfunction (e.g. by means of separate limit switches, me-chanical interlocks etc.).∙Frequency inverters may have hot surfaces during and immediately after operation.∙Removal of the required covers, improper installation or incorrect operation of motor or frequency invert-er may destroy the device and may lead to serious injury or damage.∙The applicable national safety regulations and accident prevention recommendations must be applied to all work carried on live frequency inverters.∙The electrical installation must be carried out in accordance with the relevant electrical regulations (e. g.with regard to cable cross sections, fuses, PE).∙Transport, installation, commissioning and maintenance work must be carried out only by qualified per-sonnel (IEC 60364, HD 384 and national occupational safety regulations).∙Installations containing frequency inverters must be provided with additional monitoring and protective devices in accordance with the applicable safety regulations. Modifications to the frequency inverters us-ing the operating software are permitted.∙All covers and doors must be kept closed during operation.∙To reduce the hazards for people or equipment, the user must include in the machine design measures that restrict the consequences of a malfunction or failure of the frequency inverter (increased motor speed or sudden standstill of motor). These measures include: – Other independent devices for monitoring safety related variables (speed, travel, end positions etc.).•Electrical or non-electrical system-wide measures (electrical or mechanical interlocks).•Never touch live parts or cable connections of the frequency inverter after it has been discon-nected from the power supply. Due to the charge in the capacitors, these parts may still be aliveafter disconnection. Consider appropriate warning signs.DisclaimerThe information, recommendations, descriptions, and safety notations in this document are based on Eaton’s experience and judgment and may not cover all contingencies. If further information is required, an Eaton sales office should be consulted. Sale of the product shown in this literature is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the applicable Terms and Conditions for Sale of Eaton or other contractual agreement between Eaton and the purchaser. THERE ARE NO UNDERSTAND-INGS, AGREEMENTS, WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFICALLY SET OUT IN ANY EXISTING CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. ANY SUCH CONTRACT STATES THE ENTIRE OBLI-GATION OF EATON. THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BECOME PART OF OR MODIFY ANY CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. As far as applicable mandatory law allows so, in no event will Eaton be responsible to the purchaser or user in contract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability, or otherwise for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damage or loss whatsoev-er, including but not limited to damage or loss of use of equipment, plant or power system, cost of capital, loss of power, additional expenses in the use of existing power facilities, or claims against the purchaser or user by its customers resulting from the use of the information, recommendations, and descriptions contained herein. The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.1GeneralDevices of the series PowerXL™ DC1…E1 are variable frequency drives for the supply of three phase motors. By default they are configured in a way, that induction motors of the respective power class can be supplied without changing the settings. The connection of permanent magnet motors (PM Motors) and Brushless DC Motors (BLDC Motors) is also possible, but requires the selection of the respective Motor Control Mode and an adaptation of some parameters.Devices of the series DC1…E1control PM motors and BLDC motors in …open loop“ without feedback by a speed sensor. Compared to induction motors they are mainly used because of the smaller frame size and an increased efficiency. The applications are similar to the ones with induction motors, but with increased dynamics. The series DC1…E1 is NOT intended to be used in servo applications with PM- and BLDC motors and therefore DC1…E1 doesn’t have functionalities like positioning …..In this Application Note the following aspects are covered:∙Selection of the motor control mode∙Adaptation to the connected motor∙Optimization of the application∙Trouble shooting∙Example: PM-Motor settingsSome required parameters are inside level 3. This level has to be activated by prompting the pass-word into P-14 (Password). The password is 201 by default.See also: AP040052EN “Access to Parameter Level 2 + 3 – Parameter lock –Load Default”.This Application Note presumes that the user is familiar with vector control of induction motors and the setting of the respective parameters, as well as with the optimization of speed control loops.2Selection of the Motor Control ModePM motors and BLDC motors require a different control algorithm compared to induction motors, for which the default settings are intended. A selection is done via parameter P-60.NOTE: The difference between PM motors and BLDC motors is mainly the wave form of the induced voltage (Back EMF). The control modes of DC1…E1 are optimized for that. On the market ther e is no clear differentiation between the two types of motors and sometimes one can find BLDC motors which are named as PM motors or PM motors with a similar induced voltage as a BLDC motor. In case of a bumpy run in the control mode for PM motors (P-60 = 2) sometimes an improvement can be achieved by selecting the control mode for BLDC motors (P-60 = 3).2.1Motor Control Mode (P-60)This parameter adapts the device to the type of the connected motor and determines the way of control. The information given in this Application Note are valid for PM motors and BLDC motors only and refer to the settings P-60 = 2 and 3.Information for the control of induction motors (P-60 = 0 and 1): see Application Note AP040049EN.3Setting Motor DataBefore switching on the motor, the motor data according the name plate or the data sheet have to be prompted and a motor identification run has to be performed.3.1Motor Nom Voltage (P-07)This parameter has to be set to the value of the induced voltage (back EMF) at rated speed. This volt-age is the voltage between two phases. In case the manufacturer states the value between phase and neutral, it has to be multiplied by √3.Inside the documentation of the motor manufacturers one can find the required information in dif-ferent formats.∙as a voltage value ( sometimes called “rated voltage”)∙as a voltage constant (induced voltage at a certain speed, mostly 1000 rpm). In this case the volt-age at the required speed has to be calculated.Example:∙voltage constant = 50 V / 1000 rpm∙required speed = 3000 rpmP-07=50 V1000 rpm∙ 3000 rpm= 150 VeNote: the voltage given by the motor manufacturers can have different meanings:∙The voltage induced at rated speed (Back-EMF). In this case this value has to be prompted.∙The voltage which is present at rated speed and rated torque. This value is higher than the in-duced voltage. It can possibly lead to a situation where the motor takes more current respec-tively runs bumpy. What are the possibilities to determine the right value?o Run motor at rated speed and switch off. Take an oscilloscope and measure the in-duced voltage directly after switch off.3.2Motor Nom Current (P-08)Rated current of the motor. By default, parameter P-08 …Motor Nom Current“ is set to the rated cu r-rent I e of the variable frequency drive. P-08 is also used to set the thermal protection for the motor. In case the rated current of the motor is different to the one of the variable frequency drive, P-08 has to be set accordingly to provide a thermal motor protection.e3.3I-CurrentLimit (P-63)The nominal current of the motor (P-08) can be exceeded for a certain time to provide additional torque during acceleration. In default it is 150 % of the rated current for 60 s within 10 minutes or the equivalent.The maximum value can be set with P-63. This setting has no influence on the motor protection and determines only the max. possible current.This function is of help in cases, where high inertias are accelerated. From experience this can some-times lead to trips because of overcurrent, in cases where the max. current and the hardware trip threshold of the device are too close.3.4Motor Nom Frequency (P-09)Frequency which is necessary for the required speed of the motor. Mostly it can be found as “rated frequency” on the motor name plate or in a data sheet. In case the frequency is not known, it can be calculated out of speed and number of poles p.P-09 [Hz]=n [rpm] ∙p2 ∙60 s/minNOTE: A change of P-09 affects the following parameter settings:3.5Motor Nom Speed (P-10)Motor rated speed in rpm. This is the speed at the frequency set with P-09.NOTE: A change of P-09 “Motor Nom Frequency” will set P-10 to 0!3.6 Switching Frequency (P-17)Switching frequency of the power section. With PM motors and BLDC motors a minimum switching frequency of 16 kHz is recommended. Setting the switching frequency is always a compromise be-tween a smooth run of the motor at higher values and resulting additional losses at the same time. At values above 16 kHz it has to be noted, that DC1…E1 possibly has to be derated and in some cases a device with the next higher rating has to be used.3.7 Motor Identification (P-61)A motor identification run MUST be performe d when using a device of the DC1…E1 series together with a PM motor or a BLDC motor (P-60 = 2 or 3). It sets the parameters automatically, which are necessaryfor an optimal performance. After the motor identification run the drive is ready to be used. Further optimization, see below.The motor identification run determines the values of the following parameters∙ Motor Stator Resistance (P-64)∙ Motor Stator Inductance d-axis (P-65) ∙ Motor Stator Inductance q-axis (P-66)The respective values can also be prompted manually, in case they are available from the motor manufacturer. It is recommended to rely on the motor identification run, because it gives very accu-rate values and ensures optimal performance.A motor identification run is performed during stand still. The internal motor model uses the results for an optimal control of the connected motor.Procedure:∙ Real Time Edit Mode of a DrivesConnect Software, which is possibly connected to the drive, hasto be deactivated. Better: Unplug the connection at the RJ45 jack when performing a motor iden-tification run.∙ DC1…E1 must not be enabled (no START signal) ∙ Select parameter P-62 ∙ Press OK∙ is displayed ∙ Change value to∙ Acknowledge with OK The identification starts automatically, display: resp. Auto-tuning (OLED-display)∙ After the identification the value will automatically be reset to zero. Display: ∙ The device has determined the required parameters.HINT: The motor identification run has ALWAYS to be performed at the device itself. It is NOT possi-ble to activate it through the parameter software DrivesConnect. The motor parameters P-07, P-08and P-09 have to be set before starting the motor identification.4 Optimization4.1 Motor performance at low speedNormally PM motors and BLDC motors can be used in a speed range of 20:1. The series DC1…E1 has a boost function, which increases the torque in the lower range resulting in an improved start behavior and true running in the lower speed range.In case …Motor Control Mode“ P -60 = 2 (PM motors) or P-60 = 3 (BLDC motors), a current, which is injected into the motor, can be set with P-11. The amount of current is calculated as follows:I Boost = 4 ∙ P-11 ∙ P -084.2 Optimization of the speed controllerThe control of PM motors and BLDC motors is based on vector algorithms and the speed loop can be optimized. The factory settings are intended for induction motors. PM motors and BLDC motors al-low higher gains and therefore shorter response times and improved behavior.Parameter P-62 …MSC Gain“ affects the proportional gainof the speed controller as well as the inte-gral one. Changes should be done step by step, while observing their impact to the system behavior. Increasing the value leads to a stronger reaction and consequently to a reduction of the response time. Too high values of P-62 can lead to an instability of the system.5Faults and possible root causesGeneral fault messages and their root causes are described in the user manual for the drives series DC1…E1. The faults listed below are especially related to the use of PM motors and BLDC motors.6Example how to set motor parametersExcerpt from a data sheet of a PM motor manufacturer:Settings of motor parameters:∙P-07 = KE ∙ n N = 64,2 V / 1000 rpm ∙ 3600 r/min = 231 V*∙P-08 = 7.5 A∙P-09 = 240 Hz∙P-10 = 3600 r/minFurther important settings∙Enable menu level 3 (Prompt value defined by P-37 + 100 into P-14. Default: 201)∙The switching frequency (P-17) has to be at least 16 kHz∙Select motor control mode with P-60 (in this example: 2 PM motor with speed regulation) ∙Perform motor identification run with P-61∙Optimize motor performance at start and low speeds (P-11).∙Optimize speed controller, if necessary。



PowerXL系列DG1通用变频器高效节能新一代变频器2通用变频器目录DG1通用变频器产品描述标准及认证型号说明产品选型附件可更换部件技术参数及规格尺寸说明 (23347101317)伊顿新一代的 PowerXL 系列变频器-DG1通用变频器是为满足现代商业应用和工业应用更高要求而设计的产品。


DG1变频器的控制模块包括了现代标准通信协议和I/O 串口协议,同时也有添加辅助选项卡的模块化特性。



产品系列●0.75-90kW, 208-240V●1.5-160kW, 380-500V ●2.2-187kW, 525-600VPowerXL系列—DG1通用变频器产品描述硬件●框架1、2、3系列产品配备制动斩波器标准●双重过载● 110% 可变转矩 (I L )● 150% 恒转矩 (I H)●IP21(IP20)和IP54两种外壳可供选择●集成具有浪涌保护功能的5%共模抑制双直流电抗器●变频器配备有EMI/RFI 滤波器 -满足EMC C2等级●实时时钟-支持日历和PLC 功能●配备LCD 图像显示操作面板 - 支持便捷的菜单导航以及通过显示屏进行变频器诊断和故障排除●操作面板配有本地/远程切换按键以及两个可供配置的软键●控制逻辑可通过外部远程控制操作,也可通过内部功能和现场总线操作●标配I/O 数量:● 8DI, 1DO ● 2AI, 2AO ● 3个继电器●标准内置通讯:● Ethernet IP, Modbus TCP, ● RS-485: Modbus RTU, BACnet MS/TP ● 两个扩展槽—必要时可用于支持辅助I/O 端口或通信协议● 快速插拔端子可用于I/O 接口链接—支持快速便捷安装● 标配安全转矩关断STO 功能软件●节能控制系统—通过为您的应用配备行业领先的能源效率管理软件,最大限度减少电动机的能源损失●快速启动向导能够在初次供电时提供更加快速便捷的安装方案●应用标准:● 标准● 多级泵和风机控制● 双重PID 控制● 多功能●小面板的复制/粘贴功能—允许快速设置多个驱动器●预编程I/O 接口—支持大多数应用软件更加快速、便捷地安装●动态电动机的再生能源管理●先进的电脑自诊断工具●操作面板配置2个自定义按键●集成节能计算器,可以通过当地货币计算并显示节能效果产品特性和优势PowerXL 系列—DG1 通用变频器 /electrical目录描述 页码 PowerXL系列—DG1通用变频器3PowerXL 系列—DG1 通用变频器 /electrical 通用变频器PowerXL 系列—DG1 通用变频器产品标准和认证型号说明PowerXL 系列—DG1 通用变频器PowerXL 系列—DG1 通用变频器选项卡产品●IEC/EN 61800-5-1● IEC/EN 61800-5-2● UL 508C ● IEC 61508● EN 62061● EN ISO 13849-1认证●UL ● CUL ● CE● C-Tick ● EAC ● GOST ● RoHs ● SIL1EMC●抗干扰性: IEC/EN 61800-3● Category C2DX G –NET –PROFIBUS功能PROFIBUS DEVICENET LONWORKS CANOPEN SWD = PROFIBUS = DeviceNet = LonWorks = CANopen= SmartWire产品系列G =通用系列类型NET = 通讯卡 = I/O 接口卡EXT 基本命名DX =PowerXL 驱动器ACC SPR KEY CBL = 附件 = 备件 = 面板 = 电缆附件请见第8页, 全面发售产品系列电气部件可选项D G1 3 4 4D8 F B C 21C 注:a4通用变频器PowerXL 系列—DG1 通用变频器PowerXL 系列—DG1 通用变频器 /electrical 产品选型208–240VIP21b , 带面板, 带EMC 滤波器框架尺寸 220V 50 Hz 额定功率 kW (CT/重载) a 230V 60 Hz 功率-马力 (CT/I H )220V 50 Hz 额定功率 kW (VT/轻载) a 230V 60 Hz 功率-马力(VT/I L )电流(CT/I H )电流(VT/I L )产品型号FR1FR00.550.751.10.550.751.—57.51015202530405060751003.—57.51015202530405060751001254. DG1-324D8EB-C20C DG1-326D6EB-C20C DG1-323D7FB-C21C DG1-324D8FB-C21C DG1-326D6FB-C21C DG1-327D8FB-C21C DG1-32011FB-C21C DG1-32012FB-C21C DG1-32017FB-C21C DG1-32025FB-C21C DG1-32031FB-C21C DG1-32048FB-C21C DG1-32061FN-C21C DG1-32075FN-C21C DG1-32088FN-C21C DG1-32114FN-C21C DG1-32143FN-C21C DG1-32170FN-C21C DG1-32211FN-C21C DG1-32248FN-C21CFR2FR3FR4FR5FR6IP54, 带面板, 带EMC 滤波器框架尺寸 220V 50 Hz 额定功率 kW (CT/重载) a 230V 60 Hz 功率-马力(CT/I H )220V 50 Hz 额定功率 kW (VT/轻载) a 230V 60 Hz 功率-马力(VT/I L )电流(CT/I H )电流(VT/I L )产品型号FR10.550.751.—57.51015202530405060751003.—57.51015202530405060751001254.86.67.81112.517.5253148617588114143170211261312DG1-323D7FB-C54C DG1-324D8FB-C54C DG1-326D6FB-C54C DG1-327D8FB-C54C DG1-32011FB-C54C DG1-32012FB-C54C DG1-32017FB-C54C DG1-32025FB-C54C DG1-32031FB-C54C DG1-32048FB-C54C DG1-32061FN-C54C DG1-32075FN-C54C DG1-32088FN-C54C DG1-32114FN-C54C DG1-32143FN-C54C DG1-32170FN-C54C DG1-32211FN-C54C DG1-32248FN-C54CFR2FR3FR4FR5FR6注:a CT/重载:恒转矩型负载;VT/轻载:变转矩型负载,比如:风机,水泵; bFR0为IP20。

伊顿 机器配置器快速入门指南 说明书

伊顿 机器配置器快速入门指南 说明书

Machine Configurator quick start guideIntroductionEaton’s Machine Configurator is a Microsoft® Windows®-based software that helpsmanage Eaton configuration tools such as Power Xpert inControl, XSOFT-CODESYS,and Galileo. This guide provides instructions on how to use Machine Configuratorto install, uninstall, launch, and update these tools from your laptop/desktop.Cybersecurity is at the core of Eaton’s “secure by design” philosophy. Our securedevelopment approach helps us manage cybersecurity risks in our productsthrough the entire product life cycle—from threat modeling, requirements analysisimplementation and verification, to ongoing maintenance. Machine Configuratorhas been tested by an authorized UL® cybersecurity test lab, following industryestablished frameworks and standards. Eaton’s Cybersecurity Center of Excellence(CCoE) is committed to ensuring our customers are aware of the importance ofcontinuing to review, implement, and maintain recommended cybersecuritybest practices.Machine Configurator system requirements • Software: Microsoft Windows 10 or 11 (32-bit or 64-bit)• Screen resolution: 1280x1024 pixels or higher resolutionUser registrationBefore you can use and log into Machine Configurator, you need to be registered. Click Register Now! to begin. You will be re-directed to the Registration page. Follow the online instructions to complete your registration.Log inAfter you have completed registration, click Log in on the Machine Configurator window.On the Sign In page, enter your Username and click Next.Enter your Password and click Verify .To reset password:1. Click Change Password . The Reset Password windowwill open.2. Enter your email address and click Reset via Email .3. Follow the online instructions to change the password.Log outClick the user icon in the upper right side of the blue bar. Select Log outfrom the dropdown menu to exit the portal.2EATON Machine Configurator quick start guideMachine Configurator home pageMachine Configurator provides several features to manage different configuration tools(see screenshot below). Machine Configurator has three main sections:• Installed Apps• Available Apps• NewsInstalled AppsMachine Configurator will search for the applications installed on the laptop/desktop.After the search is complete, all installed applications and their respective versions will be displayed inthe Installed Apps section.N See Supported Applications on page 5 for more information about the Eaton applications.ote:In the Installed Apps window, you can launch or see additional information about that specific application.3EATON Machine Configurator quick start guideTo display information about the application before it is launched, select View More. Please refer to Product Specific Page on page 7 for more details.Choose the application you want to install and click Launch.If there are multiple versions of the application, select the version you want from the dropdown options and then click Launch.Available AppsApplications that are available to install and update are listed in Available Apps section. SelectLearn more to display additional information about the application. (See Product Specific Pageon page 7.)4EATON Machine Configurator quick start guideSupported applicationsMachine Configurator supports the following Eaton applications:Power Xpert inControlPower Xpert inControl device configuration and control software makes programming networked drives and soft starters quick and easy. It provides a processor-generic, simple interface for configuration, monitoring, troubleshooting, firmware gradation, and logic editing functionality using communication protocols. Power Xpert inControl software supports the latest version update. An older version on the laptop/desktop can be launched, uninstalled, or updated; however, multiple versions of Power Xpert inControl cannot be installed on the same laptop/desktop.On availability of the newest version of the application, Machine Configurator will show the details in the product specific page and update the available tag. For more information, please visit Eaton’s Power Xpert inControl configuration software webpage.XSOFT-CODESYSXSOFT-CODESYS software is the ideal programming tool for machine and process applications in machine building and system integration. The software is the perfect solution for all applications in which a powerful PLC or HMI-PLC with various field bus connections is required.XSOFT-CODESYS supports the installation of multiple software versions on the same system and all versions can be managed on the laptop/desktop. Machine Configurator supports the followingXSOFT-CODESYS versions:On availability of the application’s newest version, Machine Configurator will show the details in the product specific page and update the available tag. For more information, visit Eaton’s XSOFT-CODESYS programming software webpage.GalileoGalileo is an intuitive, easy-to-learn and powerful project design environment that fulfills almost all requirements of an on-site machine operation. With its non-sector specific concept, the visualization software offers seamless project design for allXV/XP operator panels and all PC run-time solutions. It providesfull functionality for the project designer at any time without any gradation restrictions on variables or screens.With only a few clicks, existing Galileo visualizations can be turned into web visualizations, which then enables remote/mobile operation as well.Galileo supports installing multiple versions on the same system and all versions can be managed on the laptop/desktop. MachineConfigurator supports the following Galileo versions:On availability of the application’s newest version, Machine Configurator will show the details in the product specific page and update the available tag. For product specific details, visit Eaton’s Galileo webpage.NewsThe News section lists all the latest updates from Eaton, including application updates and new releases.The Help section can be used for customer support information.5 EATON Machine Configurator quick start guideTo view All News, click View All.Click the news title to display the entire content.6EATON Machine Configurator quick start guideProduct specific pageThe product specific page displays the product details and the versions installed, and allowsthe user to download and uninstall the available versions on the system.If a new version is available and it is not installed on the system, antag is shown. Click Download to install the update.If you would like to install an older version, select an option from the Older versions dropdown menu.Machine Configurator’s product specific page also displays product Documentation, Tutorialand FAQs.The Documentation section provides resources and product support that can be downloaded and therequired links to useful information to assist the user in effectively operating and using the application.The Tutorial section lists tutorials, learning videos and other instructional aids to help the user becomemore proficient with the application.The FAQs section provides the user with quick and easy access to helpful information and the answersto the most relevent questions.7EATON Machine Configurator quick start guideEaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States ©2024 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. MN040080EN / Z29177August 2024SettingsMachine Configurator offers three system settings to enhance user experience.Minimize to System Tray: When this setting is turned on, the application will continue to run in the background instead of closing completely. You can relaunch the application by using the system tray icon.Language: This setting allows you to choose the preferred language of the tool. Once you select the desired language, all the text and various elements will be displayed in that specific language.All languages other than English are sample texts and are marked as BETA. Valid translations for respective languages will be provided in future updates and the BETA tag will be removed.Update Machine Configurator Automatically: This setting enables the Machine Configurator application to be updated automatically when the latest version becomes available. This new version will be downloaded and updated whenever the application is restarted.To reach an EatonCare representative, please call:+1-877-ETN-CARE or +1-877-386-2273 (USA)+1-800-268-3578 (Canada)+1-828-651-0786 (International)Follow us on social media to get thelatest product and support information.。

Eaton DC1-1D2D3NN-A20N变频驱动器商品说明书

Eaton DC1-1D2D3NN-A20N变频驱动器商品说明书

1, parameterizable, N/O, 6 A (250 V, AC-1) / 5 A (30 V, DC-1)
OP-Bus (RS485)/Modbus RTU, CANopen®
Eaton 169503 ED2018 V42.0 EN
IEC (Type B, gG), 150 % UL (Class CC or J) 150 % overload (CT/IH, at 50 °C) Motor feeder 150 % overload (CT/IH, at 50 °C) 150 % overload (CT/IH, at 50 °C)
Design verification as per IEC/EN 61439
Technical data for design verification
Rated operational current for specified heat dissipation
Heat dissipation per pole, current-dependent
for normal internally and externally ventilated 4 pole, three-phase asynchronous motors with 1500 rpm-1 at 50 Hz or 1800 min-1 at 60 Hz
Overload cycle for 60 s every 600 s
7-digital display assembly
with SmartWire-DT module DX-NET-SWD3
Specification for general requirements: IEC/EN 61800-2 EMC requirements: IEC/EN 61800-3 Safety requirements: IEC/EN 61800-5-1

Eaton DE1变速电机起动器数据手册说明书

Eaton DE1变速电机起动器数据手册说明书

Eaton 177364Eaton DE1 Variable speed starter, Rated operational voltage 230 V AC, 1-phase, Ie 9.6 A, 2.2 kW, 3 HPGeneral specificationsEaton DE1 Variable speed starter 177364DE1-129D6NN-N20N 4015081718245169 mm 230 mm 90 mm 1.68 kg UL 508C RCMSafety requirements: IEC/EN 61800-5-1 RoHS, ISO 9001UL report applies to both US and CanadaUL Category Control No.: NMMS, NMMS7 IEC/EN 61800-3 CSA-C22.2 No. 14 IEC/EN61800-5Specification for general requirements: IEC/EN 61800-2 UL File No.: E172143 UL CUL CECertified by UL for use in Canada IEC/EN61800-3Overload cycle for 60 s every 600 sProduct NameCatalog Number Model CodeEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Catalog Notes240 V3.82 kVA9.6 A2.2 kW9.6 AIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.240 V AC, 1-phase230 V AC, 1-phaseMeets the product standard's requirements.2.2 kW250 VMeets the product standard's requirements.-40 °C200 VPC connection0 Hz60 °C200 %, IH, max. starting current (High Overload), For 1.875 Set point settingQuick-Start-Guide DE1 (english)Connecting drives to generator suppliesHow does the internal motor protection work?Quick-Start-Guide DE11 (english)Access to Parameter Level 2 Parameter Lock Load Default Starting, Stopping and OperationElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC)The OP System Bus - Parameterizing - ControlMotor data Motor Protection V/f curves Slip Compensation Conformal CoatingI/O ConfigurationUpdate DX-COM-STICK3DX-COM-STICK3_ConnectionFire modeHVAC, water/wastewater and industrial mediums - brochure Number 1 in efficiency The easiest way of variable motor speed PowerXL DE1 Variable Speed StarterDA-SW-drivesConnectDA-SW-DE1 ModbusRTU V1_00 LibraryDA-SW-USB Driver PC Cable DX-CBL-PC-1M5DA-SW-Codesys 3 SWD for DC1 and DE1DA-SW-drivesConnect - installation helpDA-SW-Codesys 2 SWD for DC1 and DE1DA-SW-drivesConnect - InstallationshilfeDA-SW-drivesConnect USB Driver DX-COM-PCKITDA-SW-USB Driver DX-COM-STICK3-KITDA-SW-Driver DX-CBL-PC-3M0Product Range Catalog Drives EngineeringDrives - Product range catalogDA-DC-00004551.pdfDA-DC-00004556.pdfMains voltage - maxApparent power at 230 VRated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) Rated operational power at 220/230 V, 50 Hz, 1-phase Assigned motor current IM at 440 - 480 V, 60 Hz, 150% overload 10.11 Short-circuit ratingRated operational voltage10.4 Clearances and creepage distancesOutput at quadratic load at rated output voltage - maxOutput voltage - max10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosuresAmbient storage temperature - minMains voltage - minFitted with:Output frequency - minAmbient operating temperature at 150% overload - max Starting current - max Application notes BrochuresCatalogs Certification reports Drawingsseconds every 600 seconds, Power section8.7 A60 °COP-Bus (RS485), built inModbus RTU, built in3 HP300 Hz240 V AC, 3-phase230 V AC, 3-phase16 kHz, 4 - 32 kHz adjustable (audible), fPWM, Power section, Main circuitParameterization: drivesConnectParameterization: drivesConnect mobile (App) Parameterization: FieldbusParameterization: KeypadOperation (with 150 % overload)-10 °C≤ 0.6 A (max. 6 A for 120 ms), Actuator for external motor brakeDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.9.6 A9.6 A eaton-frequency-inverter-dimensions-010.eps eaton-frequency-inverter-3d-drawing-018.epsDA-CE-ETN.DE1-129D6NN-N20NIL040005ZUPowerXL DE1 variable speed starterMN040003_ENMN040011_ENMN040018_ENMZ040046_ENDA-CD-de1_fs2_ip20DA-CS-de1_fs2_ip20Assigned motor current IM at 230 V, 50 Hz, 150% overloadAmbient operating temperature - maxCommunication interfaceAssigned motor power at 115/120 V, 60 Hz, 1-phaseOutput frequency - maxOutput voltage (U2)Switching frequencyFeaturesHeat dissipation detailsAmbient operating temperature - minBraking currentNumber of HW-interfaces (serial TTY)10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Nominal output current I2NAssigned motor current IM at 220 - 240 V, 60 Hz, 150% overload eCAD model Installation instructions Installation videos Manuals and user guidesmCAD model10.2.6 Mechanical impactDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.10.3 Degree of protection of assembliesDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Assigned motor current IM at 115 V, 50 Hz, 150% overload8.7 AProduct categoryVariable speed starterRadio interference classOptional external radio interference suppression filter for longer motor cable lengths and for use in different EMC environments C1: for conducted emissions onlyC2, C3: depending on the motor cable length, the connected load, and ambient conditions. External radio interference suppression filters (optional) may be necessary.Assigned motor current IM at 110/120 V, 60 Hz, 150% overload 9.6 AHeat dissipation capacity Pdiss0 WAssigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase3 HPNumber of HW-interfaces (RS-422)Mains current distortion120 %ProtocolOther bus systemsEtherNet/IPMODBUS10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strengthIs the panel builder's responsibility.Overvoltage categoryIIIDegree of protectionIP20NEMA OtherAmbient storage temperature - max70 °CRated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)2000 VOutput at linear load at rated output voltage - max2.2 kWLeakage current at ground IPE - max< 10 mA (DC-operated)< 3.5 mA (AC-operated)Converter typeU converterFrame sizeFS2TypePowerXL10.2.2 Corrosion resistanceMeets the product standard's requirements.Supply frequency50/60 Hz10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiationMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.7 InscriptionsMeets the product standard's requirements.Shock resistance15 g, Mechanical, According to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, 11 msApplication in domestic and commercial area permittedYesNumber of inputs (analog)1 (parameterizable, 0 - 10 V DC, 0/4 - 20 mA)Number of phases (output)310.12 Electromagnetic compatibilityIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Amperage Rating9.60A output10.2.5 LiftingDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Number of HW-interfaces (RS-485)1Number of HW-interfaces (industrial ethernet)10.8 Connections for external conductorsIs the panel builder's responsibility.ProtectionFinger and back-of-hand proof, Protection against direct contact (BGV A3, VBG4)Special featuresBasic deviceNumber of relay outputs1 (parameterizable, N/O, 6 A (250 V, AC-1) / 5 A (30 V, DC-1))Application in industrial area permittedYesClimatic proofing< 95 average relative humidity (RH), no condensation, no corrosionConnection to SmartWire-DTIn conjunction with DX-NET-SWD3 SmartWire DT moduleYesStatic heat dissipation, non-current-dependent Pvs0 W10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageIs the panel builder's responsibility.Voltage rating - max240 VOverload current IL at 150% overload14.4 AInput current ILN at 150% overload23.2 ANumber of HW-interfaces (RS-232)Number of inputs (digital)4 (parameterizable, 10 - 30 V DC)Rated control supply voltage10 V DC (Us, max. 0.2 mA)C3 ≤ 25 m, Radio interference level, maximum motor cable lengthC1 ≤ 5 m, Radio interference level, maximum motor cable lengthC2 ≤ 10 m, Radio interference level, maximum motor cable length10.5 Protection against electric shockDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Mounting positionVerticalMains switch-on frequencyMaximum of one time every 30 seconds10.13 Mechanical functionThe device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating materialIs the panel builder's responsibility.Heat dissipation per pole, current-dependent Pvid0 WElectromagnetic compatibility1st and 2nd environments (according to EN 61800-3)Resolution0.025 Hz (Frequency resolution, setpoint value)Assigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz3 HPPhaseSingle-phase main, three-phase motorRelative symmetric net voltage tolerance10 %Equipment heat dissipation, current-dependent Pvid105 WRated operational current (Ie)9.6 A at 150% overload (at an operating frequency of 16 kHz and an ambient air temperature of +50 °C)Number of outputs (analog)Branch circuits, (UL/CSA)Apparent power at 240 V3.99 kVANumber of HW-interfaces (USB)Operating modeU/f controlSpeed control with slip compensationRated frequency - min45 HzDelay time< 10 ms, On-delay< 10 ms, Off-delayNumber of outputs (digital)Power consumption105 WHorsepower0.30 hp10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heatMeets the product standard's requirements. Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effectsMeets the product standard's requirements.Number of HW-interfaces (other)Rated frequency - max66 HzVibrationResistance: According to EN 61800-5-1Short-circuit protection (external output circuits)Type 1 coordination via the power bus' feeder unit, Main circuit10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connectionsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Braking torqueMax. 30 % MN, Standard - Main circuitAdjustable to 100 %, DC - Main circuitAmbient operating temperature at 150% overload - min-10 °CRelative symmetric net frequency tolerance10 %10.10 Temperature riseThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Assigned motor current IM at 400 V, 50 Hz, 150% overload 8.7 ANumber of HW-interfaces (parallel)Assigned motor power at 230/240 V, 60 Hz, 1-phase3 HPSeriesEconomyNumber of phases (input)1Heat dissipation at current/speed30 W at 25% current and 0% speed38 W at 25% current and 50% speed46 W at 50% current and 0% speed46 W at 50% current and 50% speed55 W at 50% current and 90% speed72 W at 100% current and 0% speed72 W at 100% current and 50% speed91 W at 100% current and 90% speedShort-circuit protection rating35 A, UL (Class CC or J), Safety device (fuse or miniature circuit-breaker), Power WiringNumber of interfaces (PROFINET)AltitudeAbove 1000 m with 1 % derating per 100 mMax. 2000 mEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia。









操作变速器前通读本手册车辆启动前驾驶员要坐在驾驶员座椅上,按空档(N),拉起手刹如果启动发动机时变速器没有在空档位(N),立刻检查车辆你在操作车辆过程中如果要停车或暂时下车,一定要按空档(N),拉起手刹,并在车轮处加塞块出于安全的原因,变速器挂档前请踩住刹车踏板进行任何焊接操作前,24V电池的正极和负极必须完全断开高压警告标识使用二氧化碳或者干粉灭火器,电池盒中的电池为锂离子电池高压线束为橙红色,并在接头位置有警告标签所有Eaton的柴油混合动力车辆在车内都有高压元件位置图不要切断或移动橙红色高压线束,参见高压元件位置图不要切割或打开电池盒,参见高压元件位置图不要切割或打开逆变器,参见高压元件位置图本手册中的紧急关机程序会说明如何在紧急情况时关闭电源警告标识 (i)紧急关机程序 (1)发生火灾时的紧急程序 (2)发生交通事故时的紧急程序 (2)高压元件特征 (3)换档按钮说明 (4)启动和停车 (5)倒档 (6)前进档-自动换档模式 (6)前进档-手动换档模式 (6)低速档 (7)再生制动模式 (7)一般型号信息 (8)故障排除 (9)档位卡死 (9)正确润滑 (10)正确的油面高度: (11)混合动力冷却系统 (11)紧急关机程序方法1:关钥匙(推荐)发动机会关闭仪表盘会关闭混合动力系统会关闭混合动力电池只在电池盒中有电方法2:断开24V电池发动机会关闭仪表盘会关闭方法3:拔掉混合动力控制器的保险丝(30A)混合动力系统会关闭混合动力电池只在电池盒中有电这些程序只适用于紧急情况,车辆维修时请参见《维修手册》中的相关内容发生火灾时的紧急程序如果车辆发生火灾:1.使用二氧化碳或者干粉灭火器,电池盒中的电池为锂离子电池高压线束为橙红色,并在接头位置有警告标签所有Eaton的柴油混合动力车辆在车内都有高压元件位置图不要切断或移动橙红色高压线束,参见高压元件位置图不要切割或打开电池盒,参见高压元件位置图不要切割或打开逆变器,参见高压元件位置图发生交通事故时的紧急程序如果条件允许,请把车推到路肩上并停车1.拉手刹2.按空档(N)3.关钥匙4.如果安全的话,下车高压线束为橙红色,并在接头位置有警告标签所有Eaton的柴油混合动力车辆在车内都有高压元件位置图不要切断或移动橙红色高压线束,参见高压元件位置图不要切割或打开电池盒,参见高压元件位置图不要切割或打开逆变器,参见高压元件位置图高压元件特征所有的高压线束为橙红色,并在接头位置有警告标签;每一个高压元件都有明显的警告或危险标识。

Eaton DC1-327D0NN-A20N变频驱动器说明书

Eaton DC1-327D0NN-A20N变频驱动器说明书
Δf Ie
230 V AC, 3-phase 240 V AC, 3-phase
200 (-10%) - 240 (+10%)
AC supply systems with earthed center point
48 - 62
Maximum of one time every 30 seconds
At 150% overload Note
Assigned motor rating
Note Note 150 % Overload 150 % Overload Note 150 % Overload 150 % Overload Degree of Protection Interface/field bus (built-in) Fieldbus connection (optional) Fitted with Frame size Connection to SmartWire-DT
Power Wiring IEC (Type B, gG), 150 % UL (Class CC or J) 150 % overload (CT/IH, at 50 °C)
Motor feeder 150 % overload (CT/IH, at 50 °C) 150 % overload (CT/IH, at 50 °C)
OP-Bus (RS485)/Modbus RTU, CANopen®
DX-LM3-008 DX-SIN3-010

Eaton PowerXL DG1变频驱动器数据手册说明书

Eaton PowerXL DG1变频驱动器数据手册说明书

Eaton DG1-32170FN-C54CEaton PowerXL DG1 variable frequency drive, 208-240V input 45kW 60 Hp CT 3PH 50/60 Hz 170A output IP54/type 12 FR5 LCDdisplay Internal EMC filter and DC choke EtherNet, RS-485,BACnet MS/TP, Modbus TCP and RTU ports 2 expansion slotsGeneral specificationsEaton PowerXL DG1 variable frequencydriveDG1-32170FN-C54C78668592771838.19 in14.96 in14.96 in160 lbEaton Selling Policy 25-000 generally applies with some exceptions. Drive products come with a standard 24 months from date of shipment and 36 months with Eaton certified start up all inclusive coverage parts labor and travel.GoST-RC-Tick Compliant CE Marked RoHS CompliantcUL ListedUL ListedUL 508CEN ISO 13849-1 EN 62061IEC 61508Product Name Catalog NumberUPCProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Warranty CompliancesCertifications110% for 1 minute170 AThree-phase in, three-phase outFrequency, Speed, Open-loop speed, Open-loop torqueYesYes55 kWIP54/type 122 expansion slotsEtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP, RS-485: Modbus RTU, BACnet MS/TPInductio, PM (IPM & SPM)EMC FilterGraphical Keypad45 kW45 kW60 hp50-60 Hz Smoke Mode and fire modeTorque controlElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC)Operating at low temperaturesLoad balancing in multi motor applicationsStarting, stopping and operationMotor data and V/f curvesAnalog I/OsDual Rating What exactly does that mean?Connecting drives to generator suppliesPID controllerReal time clock and use of the timersDigital I/OsDG1 in pump and fan applicationsEaton's Volume 6—Solid-State Motor ControlProduct Datasheet - DG1-32170FN-C54CProduct Range Catalog Drives EngineeringDG1_FN_(FR5-UL) AutoCAD 2D Footprint (mm)DG1_FN_(FR5-UL) 3D Model XchangeDG1_FN_(FR5-UL) AutoCAD 2D FootprintDG1_FN_(FR5-UL) 3D InventorDG1_FN_(FR5-UL) 2D PDFDG1_FN_(FR5-UL) 2D Drawing XchangePowerXL DG1 Series VFD Installation ManualPowerXL DG1 Series VFD Application ManualPowerXL DG1 Variable Frequency Drive - Setup via WebUI Power XL General Purpose DrivesEaton Specification Sheet - DG1-32170FN-C54CMax overloadHigh overload (CT) ampsPhaseMotor control modesInternal DC chokeConformal coated boardsLow overload (VT) kW EnclosureNumber of slots Communications onboardMotor typeElectromagnetic compatibility filter User interfacePower consumptionHigh overload (CT) kW HorsepowerFrequency rating Application notesCatalogsDrawingsInstallation instructions MultimediaSpecifications and datasheetsProtectionInternal EMC filter, DC chokeCommunicationEtherNet, RS-485, BACnet MS/TP, Modbus TCP and RTU communicationInput voltage230 V, 208-240 V(-15%, +10%)MaterialCoated boardLow overload (VT) hp75 hpOutput current - max170 ALow overload (VT) amps211 AHigh overload (CT) hp60 hpFrame size5Output frequency range0 - 400 HzInput voltage range208 - 240 VRecommended fuse size250KeypadIncludedInput frequency range50 - 60 HzSoftwareActive energy control, quick start wizardTorque ratingCTDisplayLCD graphicalEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia。





我们提供:• 方案• • •动及动力总成解决方案马达控制设备命令和控制设备终端保护产品自动化和驱动产品134MOEM 市场综合样本目录2马达和线路控制设备伊顿拥有超过百年的接触器研发和制造经验,为用户提供至3185A 的线路控制解决方案,并提供不同系列的产品以满足用户的的多种要求Xstart 系列接触器:全球化的产品,提供包括UL 在内的主流认证,最高达3185安培(AC-1)的产品:• 独特的CT 型励磁机构,功耗更小;• 115A 以上集成电子线路板,降低功耗同时工作电压幅度更宽;• 580A 以上真空灭弧,应对严苛使用环境,业界最长预期寿命;• 提供本地化的XstartC 系列(认证情况请咨询当地销售办事处)。

D 系列接触器:本地化的产品,提供最高到500A 的高效控制和保护方案,应用于泵、风机、压缩机等场合,提供功能全面的辅助触点和宽幅的控制线圈电压选项。

• 齐全的线圈控制电压,185A 以上更提供交直流通用产品;• 全系列内置辅助触点• 百万次以上电气寿命• 使用温度-20 °C ~ +55 °CE 系列接触器:全球最小的电磁接触器之一,有效地利用空间,可靠性增强,材料使用更高效。

E 系列接触器额定值可至AC-3, 95A@400V ,最高工作电压高达660V ,体积小巧,却提供强大的性能。

• 百万次以上电气寿命• 690V 绝缘额定值• 最多可加装6个辅助触点模块• 常用交流控制电压及直流24VDC 线圈1马达控制设备目录电机控制产品 xStart C 接触器式继电器DILA..C 接触器DILM..C 过载继电器ZB..C电动机保护断路器PKZMC 电机控制产品 D 系列接触器 XTCD 热过载继电器 XTOD 电气行业解决方案 Eline 控制继电器 XTRG 接触器 XTCG热过载继电器 XTOD/XTOG电机控制产品 xStart C电机控制产品 D 系列电气行业解决方案Eline1接触器式继电器DILA..C目录系统概览 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .本体DILA..C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .辅助触点模块 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .附件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .操作电压 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .特性曲线,触点行程图 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .技术数据 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .尺寸 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4极触点多种组合约定发热电流(I th )16A 交流与直流操作的产品尺寸相同直流操作的产品内置浪涌抑制器••••接触器式继电器DILA..C35791112131911接触器式继电器DILA..C说明121接触器式继电器DILA..C系统概览31接触器式继电器DILA..C系统概览4系统概览本体AC 或DC 操作电磁系统AC DC 可以扩展到8对触点反向互锁触点模块化系统螺钉连接和卡装手指接触防护螺钉端子第5页起抑制电路用于直流操作接触器式继电器的保护电路(所有直流型均内置)用于交流操作接触器式继电器的保护电路第32页起辅助触点模块23, 42或4极反向互锁触点第7页起124 – 400V, 50, 60, 50/60 Hz0.8 – 1.1 × U c 24 VA/3.4 VA 24 – 220 V DC0.8 – 1.1 × U c 于24 V :0.7 – 1.3 × U c 无附加辅助触点模块环境温度+40°C 3W/3W1接触器式继电器DILA..C本体5接线方式:螺钉端子触点N/O = 常开N/C = 常闭带反向互锁触点的本体额定工作电流AC – 15220 V230 V240 VI e约定发热电流,敞开,于60°CI th代码序号触点序号380 V400 V415 VI e1本体DILAC-XHI(V)...DILAC-XHI(V)...DILAC-XHI(V)...DILA-40C(220-230V50Hz)114842DILA-31C(220-230V50Hz)114852DILA-22C(220-230V50Hz)114862DILA-40C(24VDC)114847DILA-31C(24VDC)114857DILA-22C(24VDC)1148671件1件1件可以组合辅助触点模块标准包装说明AC 操作型号订货号操作电压220-230V50HzDC 操作型号订货号操作电压24VDC附件1 抑制器2 辅助触点模块操作电压页数32711触点编号,符合EN 50011线圈端子标记,符合EN 50005直流操作的接触器式继电器具有一个内置的保护电路。

Eaton DE1变速启动器174335说明书

Eaton DE1变速启动器174335说明书

Eaton 174335Eaton DE1 Variable speed starter, Rated operational voltage 400 V AC, 3-phase, Ie 3.6 A, 1.5 kW, 2 HP, Radio interference suppression filterGeneral specificationsEaton DE1 Variable speed starter 1743354015081707973169 mm 230 mm 45 mm 1 kgRoHS, ISO 9001Specification for general requirements: IEC/EN 61800-2 CSA-C22.2 No. 14UL Category Control No.: NMMS, NMMS7 UL 508C CECertified by UL for use in Canada IEC/EN 61800-3Safety requirements: IEC/EN 61800-5-1 CUL RCM ULIEC/EN61800-5UL report applies to both US and Canada IEC/EN61800-3 UL File No.: E172143Product NameCatalog Number EANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Catalog Notes480 V3.6 A3.4 AIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.400 V AC, 3-phase480 V AC, 3-phaseMeets the product standard's requirements.1.5 kW500 VMeets the product standard's requirements.-40 °C380 VPC connectionRadio interference suppression filter0 Hz50 °C200 %, IH, max. starting current (High Overload), For 1.875 seconds every 600 seconds, Power section3.6 A Drives - Product range catalogeaton-frequency-inverter-dimensions-009.epseaton-frequency-inverter-3d-drawing-017.epsHVAC, water/wastewater and industrial mediums - brochure Number 1 in efficiency The easiest way of variable motor speed PowerXL DE1 Variable Speed StarterIL040005ZUMN040011_ESDA-CS-de1_fs1_ip20DA-CD-de1_fs1_ip20Update DX-COM-STICK3DX-COM-STICK3_ConnectionHow does the internal motor protection work?Set point settingStarting, Stopping and OperationConformal CoatingThe OP System Bus - Parameterizing - ControlQuick-Start-Guide DE1 (english)Fire modeMotor data Motor Protection V/f curves Slip Compensation Access to Parameter Level 2 Parameter Lock Load DefaultI/O ConfigurationQuick-Start-Guide DE11 (english)DA-DC-00004551.pdfDA-DC-00004556.pdfMains voltage - maxRated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) Assigned motor current IM at 440 - 480 V, 60 Hz, 150% overload 10.11 Short-circuit ratingRated operational voltage10.4 Clearances and creepage distancesOutput at quadratic load at rated output voltage - maxOutput voltage - max10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosuresAmbient storage temperature - minMains voltage - minFitted with:Output frequency - minAmbient operating temperature at 150% overload - max Starting current - maxAssigned motor current IM at 230 V, 50 Hz, 150% overload CatálogosDibujosFolletosInstrucciones de instalación Manuales y guías de uso mCAD modelNotas de aplicación Reportes de certificacionesAmbient operating temperature - max60 °CCommunication interfaceOP-Bus (RS485), built inModbus RTU, built inAssigned motor power at 115/120 V, 60 Hz, 1-phase2 HPOutput frequency - max300 HzOutput voltage (U2)400 V AC, 3-phase480 V AC, 3-phaseSwitching frequency16 kHz, 4 - 32 kHz adjustable (audible), fPWM, Power section, Main circuitFeaturesParameterization: drivesConnectParameterization: drivesConnect mobile (App) Parameterization: FieldbusParameterization: KeypadAmbient operating temperature - min-10 °CBraking current≤ 0.6 A (max. 6 A for 120 ms), Actuator for external motor brakeNumber of HW-interfaces (serial TTY)10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and componentsDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Nominal output current I2N3.6 AAssigned motor current IM at 220 - 240 V, 60 Hz, 150% overload 3.4 A10.2.6 Mechanical impactDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.10.3 Degree of protection of assembliesDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to beevaluated.Assigned motor current IM at 115 V, 50 Hz, 150% overload3.6 AProduct categoryVariable speed starterRadio interference classC2, C3: depending on the motor cable length, the connected load, and ambient conditions. External radio interference suppression filters (optional) may be necessary.Optional external radio interference suppression filter for longer motor cable lengths and for use in different EMC environmentsAssigned motor current IM at 110/120 V, 60 Hz, 150% overload 3.4 AHeat dissipation capacity Pdiss0 WAssigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase2 HPNumber of HW-interfaces (RS-422)Mains current distortion120 %ProtocolMODBUSOther bus systemsEtherNet/IP10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strengthIs the panel builder's responsibility.Overvoltage categoryIIIDegree of protectionIP20NEMA OtherAmbient storage temperature - max70 °CRated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)2000 VOutput at linear load at rated output voltage - max1.5 kWLeakage current at ground IPE - max< 3.5 mA (AC-operated)< 10 mA (DC-operated)Converter typeU converterFrame sizeFS110.2.2 Corrosion resistanceMeets the product standard's requirements.Supply frequency50/60 Hz10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiationMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.7 InscriptionsMeets the product standard's requirements.Shock resistance15 g, Mechanical, According to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, 11 msApplication in domestic and commercial area permittedYesApparent power at 480 V2.99 kVANumber of inputs (analog)1 (parameterizable, 0 - 10 V DC, 0/4 - 20 mA)Number of phases (output)3Apparent power at 400 V2.49 kVA10.12 Electromagnetic compatibilityIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.10.2.5 LiftingDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Number of HW-interfaces (RS-485)1Number of HW-interfaces (industrial ethernet)10.8 Connections for external conductorsIs the panel builder's responsibility.ProtectionFinger and back-of-hand proof, Protection against direct contact (BGV A3, VBG4)Number of relay outputs1 (parameterizable, N/O, 6 A (250 V, AC-1) / 5 A (30 V, DC-1))Application in industrial area permittedYesClimatic proofing< 95 average relative humidity (RH), no condensation, no corrosionConnection to SmartWire-DTIn conjunction with DX-NET-SWD3 SmartWire DT moduleYesStatic heat dissipation, non-current-dependent Pvs0 W10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageIs the panel builder's responsibility.Voltage rating - max480 VOverload current IL at 150% overload5.4 AInput current ILN at 150% overload4.9 ANumber of HW-interfaces (RS-232)Number of inputs (digital)4 (parameterizable, 10 - 30 V DC)Rated control supply voltage10 V DC (Us, max. 0.2 mA)Cable lengthC3 ≤ 25 m, Radio interference level, maximum motor cable lengthC2 ≤ 10 m, Radio interference level, maximum motor cable length10.5 Protection against electric shockDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Mounting positionVerticalMains switch-on frequencyMaximum of one time every 30 seconds10.13 Mechanical functionThe device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating materialIs the panel builder's responsibility.Heat dissipation per pole, current-dependent Pvid0 WElectromagnetic compatibility1st and 2nd environments (according to EN 61800-3)Resolution0.025 Hz (Frequency resolution, setpoint value)Assigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz2 HPRelative symmetric net voltage tolerance10 %Equipment heat dissipation, current-dependent Pvid47 WRated operational current (Ie)3.6 A at 150% overload (at an operating frequency of 16 kHz and an ambient air temperature of +50 °C)Number of outputs (analog)Suitable forBranch circuits, (UL/CSA)Rated operational power at 380/400 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase1.5 kWNumber of HW-interfaces (USB)Operating modeSpeed control with slip compensationU/f controlRated frequency - min45 HzDelay time< 10 ms, On-delay< 10 ms, Off-delayNumber of outputs (digital)Power consumption47 W10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heatMeets the product standard's requirements. Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effectsMeets the product standard's requirements.Number of HW-interfaces (other)Rated frequency - max66 HzVibrationResistance: According to EN 61800-5-1Short-circuit protection (external output circuits)Type 1 coordination via the power bus' feeder unit, Main circuit10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connectionsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Braking torqueAdjustable to 100 %, DC - Main circuitMax. 30 % MN, Standard - Main circuitAmbient operating temperature at 150% overload - min-10 °CRelative symmetric net frequency tolerance10 %10.10 Temperature riseThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Assigned motor current IM at 400 V, 50 Hz, 150% overload 3.6 AAmbient operating temperature detailsDerating between 50 °C andEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. Todos los derechos reservados. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia2 HP322.3 W at 50% current and 0% speed 24.9 W at 25% current and 0% speed 26.6 W at 25% current and 50% speed 28.4 W at 50% current and 50% speed 30.4 W at 50% current and 90% speed 41.6 W at 100% current and 0% speed 44.7 W at 100% current and 50% speed 44.9 W at 100% current and 90% speed 6 A, UL (Class CC or J), Safety device (fuse or miniature circuit-breaker), Power Wiring0Above 1000 m with 1 % derating per 100 m Max. 2000 mNumber of HW-interfaces (parallel)Assigned motor power at 230/240 V, 60 Hz, 1-phase Number of phases (input)Heat dissipation at current/speed Short-circuit protection ratingNumber of interfaces (PROFINET)Altitude60 °C:None if fPWM ≤ 16 kHz None if I ₑ ≤ 3.2 A None up to a max. of 57 °C。

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