Thesis Report

Thesis Report
Thesis Report

Thesis Report

Ⅰ. Title: The Linguistic Research of Pop Network Styles

Ⅱ. The significance of topic selection

Pop network styles wave after another in the network today, the vast amount of rich content and new forms, continues to attract people’s attention, as “pear style”, “sina style”, “campus style”, “3Q style”, “Qiong yao style” and so on. Although the various network pop body structure and sentence is endless and same, but their language characteristics and the development changes with a common characteristic.

Pop network style, not only reflect the contemporary Chinese society of people of social phenomena, the understanding and the understanding to the whole age more reflect people’s perception of the digestion and summarized. Some network pop body spoof of the modern society people face various pressure, irony, unfair commercial competition, teasing social strata unequal treatment, and let people in spreading and adapted their process, pressure ease, is a life of lubricant. Many internet pop body rich information communication ways, improve the efficiency of information exchange, and has achieved unexpected effect.

In recent years the linguistic research about the network language there are many, but the simple style of the research network, even if there is little from individual research one network stylistic one aspect. This paper attempts to network popular style, find out the linguistic research network stylistic development characteristics and the influence of internet language, thus for research and open up a new heaven and earth.

Ⅲ. Research by Chinese and foreign scholars

Network pop body is a kind of network language, in the internet age of today. It is very popular. The network pop body widely spread in web, social networking sites and even police anti-theft product manual. We can see it has penetrated into every aspect of our life.

The fashion internet dictionary written by Yi Wen’an is Chinese first network

language dictionary, in October, 2010, issued by Hainan publishing house. This dictionary abandoned the traditional dictionary index type and divided words into the era of network argots, slang, jargon, digital language, institutions and companies and so on through rearrangement of different types of words. In June 0f 2001, Chinese economic publishing house published Chinese net language dictionary written by Yu Genyuan, it includes more than 1300 words in total. This dictionary is the first Chinese net language dictionary by linguidtic participation. The above two dictionaries have a significant impact on the study of Chinese network language.

In recent years, the research of network language in general is divided into the following four aspects:

First, research is on the reason and influence of the spread of network pop body. The cause and effect of the spread of network buzzwords written by Lu Yancui; transmission network buzzwords in the level of linguistic research written by Zhuang Yang; communicative value of network buzzwords written by Li Hui; the influence of network buzzwords in modern Chinese vocabulary written by Yi Chanmei and so on all have made great effect in this study.

Second, pay attention to research on the development trend of network buzzwords. The main research works about this have: the perspective of the degree of life of network buzzwords written by Wu Rongqiang; today and tomorrow of network buzzwords written by Wang Xu and Li Xiangpion; try to talk about the development of network buzzwords written by Sun Yonglan and so on.

Third, analyze of network buzzwords from the perspective of linguistics. Liu Qiuhong’s word formation of network buzzwords and language economic principle; Wang Yanbi n’s t he pragmatic studies of the characteristics of network buzzwords; Wang Wei’s introduction to ABB type of network buzzwords; and Li Xi’s from the meme theory angle of view to explain the network language are all the works about this aspect.

Fourth, the study of network buzzwords also slowly seep into the affect on the translation of English, such as the network hot word “给力” in 2010,people made its

English translation—“gelivable”, in contrast, “不给力” is “ungelivable”. Although foreigners can’t understand these two words, they are very popular in china. It is unclear whether these Chinese style English will be corporate into English vocabulary, but it has great influence for English translation. Cheng Shuiying’s 2000 years later Chinese network buzzword and its English translation have made great impact on this aspect.

For now, the works of network popular body from the perspective of linguistics are very few, only some works are about single network pop today. Kong Li’s by “pear body” to see the trend of the contemporary poetry is the main work about this. Ⅳ.The main research contents

In this paper, the network popular body in recent years is analyzed and summarized, through this trying to find the regularity and features of its development. In recent years, the network buzzwords research gradually get more and more attention of domestic linguists and with the continuous efforts of many scholars, the study of network buzzword had the new development. This paper takes more than a dozen popular netw ork bodies as the research content on the basis of predecessors’ research results.

In recent years, the research of network pop body in domestic and foreign countries both have development, but the generalization and analysis on the popular body is not much. This article attempts to open up new field to the research of network language. This article attempts from the linguistics angle to analyze the stylistic features of the network popular body, language style, and the characteristics of the transmission, and want to know the attitude we should take to network language from its influence on modern Chinese and current society.

Ⅴ.The research methods

1. The literature method

This paper is using literature method, in the stage of the writing, reading a large number of literature, and through the Chinese Hownet, searching a certain number of academic papers, making the writing of this paper has a more solid theoretical basis.

2. The method based on corpus

According to the object of this article, with the aid of baidu search engine and type in “body” and other keywords to search in the network, you will find hundreds of popular body, for example “pear body”, “3Q body”, “sina body”, and “campus body”and so on.

3. The method of combining the description and interpretation

This paper observed real corpora in a comprehensive and fully way, described its classification and analyzed the network language features of popular body and reasons for emerging of it.

4. The method of combing the synchronic and diachronic analysis

This paper not only uses the description and interpretation method, but also adopts the combination of diachronic and synchronic methods to explore historical inheritance and language characteristic of the network pop body, etc.

Ⅵ. Research plan and steps

1. Introduction

1.1 Background of topic selection

1.1.1 The generation of network popular body

1.1.2 The definition of network popular body

1.1.3 The significance of the research

1.1.4 The main research contents and research methods

2. The network popular body is the result of the development of network culture

2.1 The classification of network popular body

2.1.1network popular body originated in modern poetry

2.1.2 Network popular body originated in the famous novel

2.1.3 Application types of network popular literary styles

2.1.4 Network popular body originated in certain occasions

2.1.5 Network popular body originated in the social hot topic

2.2 The development of the network popular body

2.2.1 Infancy

2.2.2 Development stage

2.2.3 Widely used phase

2.3 The characteristics of network popular language

2.3.1 Replication

2.3.2 Entertainment

2.3.3 Fashion

2.3.4 Timeless

3. The impact on modern Chinese language and society

3.1 The positive impact

3.1.1 Positive impact on modern Chinese

3.1.2 Positive influence to society

3.2 The negative impact

3.2.1 Negative impact on modern Chinese

3.2.2 Negative influence to society

4. The attitude towards on network popular body

4.1 Three attitudes coexist

4.1.1 Positive attitude

4.1.2 Negative attitude

4.1.3 Neutral attitude

4.2 The most reasonable attitude we should take

5. Conclusion







[6] keer7369.网络文体扫盲手册[DB/OL].百度文库.2011-03-26(5).

8d report8D报告范例

D1: Establish your required team that should be cross functional to cover all the required departmental involvement. Our D1 included representatives from QC, engineering, projects, manufacturing and purchasing. D2: Problem Description Moulded Parts showing unacceptable level of damage around top edge of surrounding lip due to thermal exposure. We included photos of the problem for effective illustration D3: Interim Containment Action 1. The customer has had a 100% inspection for the parts and quarantined those parts found to be defective. 2. Manufacturing site has had a 100% inspection for the all parts in stock, and quarantined any defective parts found D4: Root Cause Analysis In trying to rectify a different issue the moulding parameters were adjusted which lead to increased shrinking. The part being slightly smaller has meant that the subsequent process now damages the part. Plus an ineffective operator training and instructions on containment station meant that the issue was not picked up and non conforming parts have been allowed to get to the customer. D5: Implement PCA (Permanent Corrective Action) Adjust mould parameters to tightly control part shrinkage. Implement increased inspection and SPC for parts overall size. Monitor and record. Implement 100% inspection at subsequent operation where damage has occurred Implement appriate controls and improved operator training for containment actions D6: Implement and Validate PCA State the date the PCA has been implemented. Validation of the PCA is in the form of analysis of the SPC data to check part variation


版本: 产品名称Product Name 客户名称 Customer Name 客户型号 Customer model 工厂产品型号Positec model 客户订单号 Order no. 日期码 Date code 合同编号Contract No. 合同数量 Quantity 异常发生日期 Complaint date 发文部门Dispatched by 异常信息来源 Message from 要求完成时间 Required complete date DISCIPLINE 1: Use Team Approach (建立解决问题小组) 质量改进小组组长: 质量改进小组成员: □产品工程师_______________________ □研发工程师______________ □品质工程师_______________________ □制程工程师______________ □采购工程师/SQE___________________ □生产主管________________ □其他_____________________________ 填写人:日期:DISCIPLINE 2: Describe The Problem (问题描述) 问题等级______类(填写A or B or C) □图片说明及详细信息描述: 填写人:日期:DISCIPLINE 3: Implement And Verify Containment Action (执行暂时对策) □返工/补充加工(QE/PE) □质量问题通知供应商(SQE或采购) □生产计划调整(QE) □(在线/在途/库存)零部件库存处理(PE) □通知客户/QA (公司QA或工厂QE) □国外产品处理(项目主管or品质经理) □其它 相应措施说明: 填写人:日期:


号: 版本: 创作编号:BG7531400019813488897SX 创作者:别如克*

号: 版本: □返工/补充加工(QE/PE) □质量问题通知供应商(SQE或采购) □生产计划调整(QE) □(在线/在途/库存)零部件库存处理(PE) □通知客户/QA (公司QA或工厂QE) □国外产品处理(项目主管or品质经理) □其它 相应措施说明: 填写人:日期:DISCIPLINE 4: Define and Verify Root Cause (找出问题的真正原因) 原因分析(责任部门填写) □设计缺陷/Design defects □规格、标准缺陷/criterion defects □工装设备缺陷/Equipment defects □检查判定缺陷(误判、错判)/Wrong verdict □制程及作业上缺陷(含料件)/Parts or assembling defects □模具、夹具缺陷/Fixture defects □其他/Others 具体说明/Described in detail: □失效模式再现验证说明 □改进失效验证说明 附原因分析报告《》(插入附件, 空白表单在下面连接内) 填写人:日期:DISCIPLINE 5:Choose and Verify Permanent Corrective Action (选择永久对策)

号: 版

号: 版 说明: D1-第一步骤: 建立解决问题小组----由品质部召集相关人员 若问题无法独立解决,通知你认为有关的人员组成团队。团队的成员必需有能力执行,例如调 整机器或懂得改变制程条件,或能指挥作筛选等。备注:执行者不列入。 D2-第二步骤: 描述问题----由品质部收集,并向小组人员传达 向团队说明何时、何地、发生了什么事、严重程度、目前状态、如何紧急处理、以及展示照片 和收集到的证物。想象你是FBI的办案人员,将证物、细节描述越清楚,团队解决问题将越快。 D3-第三步骤: 执行暂时对策---由小组人员负责执行 若真正原因还未找到,暂时用什么方法可以最快地防止问题?如全检、筛选、将自动改为手动、 库存清查等。暂时对策决定后,即立刻交由团队成员带回执行。备注:为了防止遗漏,纠正措施五 要→客户仓库、在途、客户生产线、工厂生产线& 工厂仓库。

8D报告 8D Report (8项准则) PDF

8D(8项准则) 所谓8D,是以团队导向组成专案小组,用于解决问题的八个步骤或八项原则,当问题发生的原因不明时,以团队导向处理问题的方法。 原则当问题发生的原因不明时以团队导向处理问题的方法

第步用小组方法第一步:用小组方法 当你意到有问 Step 1 ?不是一个人独立解决问题,而是由个团队共同解决问题 当你意识到有问题需要解决时 一个团队共同解决问题。?选择小组成员 选择具备相关知识、技能的人员,确定小组负责人。 确定负责人 Step 2

第二步:阐明问题?陈述已经发现的现象。Step 2 陈发现的现象 ?可以用数据、专业术语将发现的问题 对问题进行描述 进行描述。 要充分利用已经获得的信息这些信运用数据、专业术语 ?要充分利用已经获得的信息,这些信 息可以与实施了纠正预防措施、改进措 确定问题发生的原因 施后的效果进行比较。 Step 3

第三步:确定并执行短期纠正措施 Step 3?确定过渡措施(短期纠正措施),以维护制定短期纠正措施 顾客(包括内部顾客、外部顾客)利益不为 执行短期纠正措施问题所困扰,直到永久性预防措施执行为止。 ?执行过渡措施并对执行情况进行跟踪。对短期纠正措施的 执行情况进行跟踪 ?用数据来验证这些措施的有效性。 验证短期纠正 措施的有效性 Step 4

第四步:确定根本原因 Step 4 ?罗列所有潜在可以解释为何问题发生的识别潜在的原因 各项原因,相对问题描述、收集到的数选择较合适的原因 据,验证每项潜在的原因,确定可以替 是否是N 代的纠正措施,以消除问题发生的根本原因。 根本原因识别多种可以Y 解决问题的方案 Step 5

8D Report

8-D手法 Corrective Actions Procedure 8-Discipline Approach 矫正措施—— 8-D手法 一. What is "8-D"?(什么是8-D?) 8-D : A systematic approach utilized for true root cause finding & problem solving.. 8-D: 是一个用于探索原因、解决问题的系统化流程。 Discipline 1. Use Team Approach 组建团队 Discipline 2. Describe The Problem 描述问题 Discipline 3. Immediate Corrective Actions 紧急对策 Discipline 4. Seek The Root Cause 根本原因 Discipline 5. Permanent Corrective Actions 永久改善措施Discipline 6. Verification Of Effectiveness 效果确认 Discipline 7. Preventive Actions 防止复发 Discipline 8. Congratulate Your Team, Case Close 祝贺结案 二.When shall 8-D be used? 何时用8-D? l Supplier's quality performance consistently exceeds the agreed goal. 当供应商品质持续超出要求的目标时。 l Supplier meets the agreed goal, but one failure symptom concentrates more than 2%. 当单一不良现象达到2%,即使总体质量水平满足要求。 l A defect occurred that should have been contained within the supplier's process. 供应商制程不良导致品质异常。

VDA 8D-Report

Lieferant (Supplier) Anschrift (Adress/Location) 8D – REPORT Beanstandung (Concern Title) Beanstand.- Nr. (Ref. No.) Er?ffnet am: (Start Date) Teilebezeichnung: (Part Name) Berichtsdatum (Status Date) Zeichnungsnummer/Index: (Part Number/Index) 1Team Name,Abt. (Depmt) Teamleiter (Champ.)2Problembeschreibung (Problem Description) Fehlercharakter (Problem Profile Description) 3Sofortma?nahme(n) ( Containment Action(s)) % Wirkung (Effect) Einführungs- datum (Implem. date) 4 Fehlerursache(n) (Root Cause(s))% Beteiligung (Contribution) 5Geplante Abstellma?nahme(n) (Chosen Permanent Corrective Action(s)) Wirksamkeitsprüfung (Verification) VDA-Band 4: 8D-Methode/Report (Stand 04/2010) 1

6Eingeführte Abstellma?nahme(n) (Implemented Permanent Corrective Action(s))Ergebniskon- trolle (Controls) Einsatz- termin (Implement. date) 7Fehlerwiederholung verhindern (Action(s) to Prevent Recurrence) Implementation for example in: - Product FMEA - Process FMEA - Control Plan - Procedure - …verantwortlich (responsible) Einführ. - termin (Implem. date) 8 Teamerfolg würdigen (Congratulate your Team)Abschluss- datum (Close Date) Ersteller ( Tel.,Fax-Nr. 2 VDA-Band 4: 8D-Method e/Report(Stand 04/2010)


8Dreport/Qualitycorrectiveactionreport 质量改进报告 编号: 版本:产品名称客户名称客户型号 ProductName CustomerName Customermodel 工厂产品型号客户订单号日期码 Positecmodel Orderno. Datecode 合同编号合同数量异常发生日期ContractNo. Quantity Complaintdate 发文部门异常信息来源要求完成时间 Dispatchedby Messagefrom Requiredcompleted ate DISCIPLINE1: UseTeamApproach ( 建立解决问题 小组 ) 质量改进小组组长:质量改进小组成员: □产品工程师_______________________ □品质工程师_______________________ □采购工程师/SQE___________________ □其他_____________________________ □研发工程师______________ □制程工程师______________ □生产主管________________ 填写人:日期: DISCIPLINE2: DescribeTheProble m( 问题等级______类(填写AorBorC) 问题描 述 ) □图片说明及详细信息描述: 填写人:日期: DISCIPLINE3: ImplementAndVerifyContainmentAction ( □返工/补充加工(QE/PE) 执行暂时 对策 ) □质量问题通知供应商(SQE或采购) □生产计划调整(QE) □(在线/在途/库存)零部件库存处理(PE) □通知客户/QA(公司QA或工厂QE) □国外产品处理(项目主管or品质经理) □其它 相应措施说明:


执行验证对改善措施进行现场验证杜雪涛2017-8-28 填写人:杜雪涛日期:2017-8-1

说明: D1-第一步骤: 建立解决问题小组----由品质部召集相关人员 若问题无法独立解决,通知你认为有关的人员组成团队。团队的成员必需有能力执行,例如调整机器或懂得改变制程条件,或能指挥作筛选等。备注:执行者不列入。 D2-第二步骤: 描述问题----由品质部收集,并向小组人员传达 向团队说明何时、何地、发生了什么事、严重程度、目前状态、如何紧急处理、以及展示照片和收集到的证物。想象你是FBI的办案人员,将证物、细节描述越清楚,团队解决问题将越快。 D3-第三步骤: 执行暂时对策---由小组人员负责执行 若真正原因还未找到,暂时用什么方法可以最快地防止问题?如全检、筛选、将自动改为手动、库存清查等。暂时对策决定后,即立刻交由团队成员带回执行。备注:为了防止遗漏,纠正措施五要→客户仓库、在途、客户生产线、工厂生产线& 工厂仓库。

版本: D4-第四步骤: 找出问题真正原因----由小组人员讨论后确定 找问题真正原因时,最好不要盲目地动手改变目前的生产状态,先动动脑。您第一件事是要先观察、分析、比较。列出您所知道的所有生产条件(即鱼骨图),逐一观察,看看是否有些条件走样,还是最近有些什么异动?换了夹具吗?换了作业员?换了供应商?换了运输商?修过电源供应器?流程改过? 或比较良品与不良品的检查结果,看看哪个数据有很大的差异?尺寸?重量?电压值?CPK?耐电压?等等不良的发生,总是有原因,资料分析常常可以看出蛛丝马迹。这样的分析,可以帮助您缩小范围,越来越接近问题核心。当分析完成,列出您认为最有可能的几项,再逐一动手作些调整改变,并且观察哪些改变可使品质回复正常及影响变异的程度,进而找到问题真正的原因。这就是著名田口式方法最简单而实际的运用。 D5-第五步骤: 选择永久对策----由小组人员讨论后确定 找到造成问题的主要原因后,即可开始拟出对策的方法。对策的方法也许有好几种,例如修理或更新模具。试试对可能的选择列出其优缺点,要花多少钱?多少人力?能持续多久? 再对可能的方法作一最佳的选择,并且确认这样的对策方法不会产生其它副作用。备注:对策六要→起点改善、模具/工夹具改进、判定标准、辨认标记、隔离处置、产品设计改善。 D6-第六步骤: 执行及验证永久对策---由小组人员负责执行并验证 当永久对策准备妥当,则可开始执行及停止暂时对策。并且对永久对策作一验证,例如观察不良率已由4000 PPM降为300 PPM,CPK由0.5升为1.8等,下游工段及客户己能完全接受,不再产生问题。 D7-第七步骤: 防止再发生措施及标准化----由小组人员负责执行 为了防止问题的再发生,要把永久对策落实到设计图纸、工艺文件、检验指导书、模具/工夹具的改进等。另外对类似的产品,虽然尚未发生问题,亦需作同步改善,防止类似问题在其他产品上再次发生。同时这样的失效,也应列入下一产品研发段的FMEA中予以验证,从源头上彻底防止问题的再发。 D8-第八步骤: 团队激励----由厂办负责确认并负责申报 对于努力解决问题之团队予以嘉勉,使其产生工作上的成就感,并极乐意解决下次碰到的问题。无论是产发段发现的问题,或是量产、客诉问题,若公司每年有近百项的工程问题依照8D的方式来解决,对工程人员实力的培养着实可观,成为公司重要的资产,这也是很多公司将8D制式化的原因。
