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I. Choose the best translation for each ofthefollowing Chinese phrases.(每题2分,共20分)
1. 一举两得
(A) Shoot two crows with one arrow
(B) Kill two birdswithone stone
(C) Hit two targets with one ball
2. 好高鹜远
(A) Glace at the star and fall into the gutter
(B) Aim at a star that stays high
(C) Hitchone’s wagon to a star
(A) A big one above others
(B) A Triton among the minnows
(C) A crane among a group of chickens
4. 囫囵吞枣
(A) To bone up
(B) To learn by rite
(C) To neglect the full gusto of
5. 行行出状元
(A) There are many best ways to success.
(B) Everyone can reach the top ofthe ladder.
(C) It is good to be a master in every business.
6. 归心似箭
(A) long forhome
(B) desire to go home soon
(C)fly home like an arrow
(A) Angle for fame
(B) Purchase a reputation
(C)Pursuethe highlight
(A) Experience through hard work
(B) Finish with all one’seffort
(C) Practice what one preaches
9. 格格不入
(A) Not use the same tongue
(B) One grain against the other
(C) A square peg in a round hole
10. 班门弄斧
(A) Teach catsto climb
(B) Teach fish to swim
(C) Teach one’s mother to cook
II. Thispart consists of ten Chinese sentences, each followed by thre e different versions marked A, B and C. Choose the one which gets closest to theoriginal.(每题2.5分, 共25分)
11. 一切都是没有结局的开始,一切都是稍纵即逝的追寻。
(A) All begins without an end. All disappears in a flash.
(B) All begins without an end.All searches in aninstant.
(C) All is a beginning without an end. All is a search that dies at birth.
12. 因为十分了解她,所以我谨慎地点点头,希望通过这些无言的同情,令她舒服些。
(A) Since I knew her quite well, I nodded cautiously, hoping to comfort her by my silent sympathy.
(B)ForIknew her very much, so Inoddedwithcaution; I hoped to makeher comfortable via such silent sympathy.
(C)BecauseI quite understood her, I nodded carefully. I hoped through this silent sympathy to make her feel better.
13. 盲目发展将导致中国自然环境的毁灭,而经营得当的生态旅游将为野生动物带来无限裨益。
(A) Unwise development could causeChina’s natural environment to face destruction, whereas well-managed eco-tourismcould bring hugebenefit sto China’swildlife.
(B) While insensitive development could destroy China’s natural environment, well-managed eco-tourism could providehuge benefits for China’swildli fe.
(C)Blind development could putan endto thedestruction of China’snat ural environment, butwell-managed eco-tourismcouldbring huge bene fits to China’s wild animals.
14. 我们应摈弃零和博弈旧观念,树立和平发展、合作共赢新理念。
(A) We should give up the old concept of zero-sum game, and establish a new conceptof peaceful development and win-win cooperation.
(B) We should abandon theold conceptof zero-sum game, and foster a new c onceptof development with peace and win-wincooperation.
(C)We should remove the old concept of zero-sum game, and cultivate a new concept of peace development and both-win cooperation.
15. 如今,好的广告应该突出促销有力、创意新颖、形象生动、插图吸睛。
(A) Nowadays, good advertisements should focus on promotion, originality, viv idnessand eye-catching illustration.
(B) Nowadays, good advertisements shouldfocus on promotion function, orig inal design, imagevivid and eye-catching illustration.
(C) Nowadays, good advertisements shouldcenteron promotion, creation, vividness and eye-catching illustration.
16. 苏轼是一位高产诗人,他一生创作出大约3000首诗。
(A) Su Shi wasa productive poet, he had created about 3,000 poems during his lifetime.
(B) Su Shi was such a productive poet as he had composedabout 3,000 poems in his
(C) Su Shi was so productive apoetthathe had created about3,000 poemsthroughout his lifetime.
(A) Inthe tide of globalization,each country should preserve its dist inct features.
(B) In the wave of globalization, each country all should keep its specialcharact ers.
(C) In the trend of globalization,each country should preserveitsdist inctive identity.
18. 我们生活在一个多元化的、自由的世界里,在这个世界上没有任何一个人能完全控制每一件事情。
(A) We live in a diverse, free world which no one can completely dominate over everything.
(B) We live in a diversified, free world where no individual has complete control over everything.
(C) We live in a world ofdiversity andfreedom in which noonecan cont roleverything with completion.
19. 越明年,政通人和,百废具兴。
(A)Inthe second year of his office, because ofhis excellent administration,people lived in peace and contentment, and allneglected matters wer e taken careof.
(B) After hehad governedthe district for a year, the administration became e fficient, the people became united, and allthings that fell into disrepair were given a new lease on life.
(C) The following year witnessed a great changeon the smooth conduct ofadministration, the harmony of human relations and the resumption of a g reat many neglected undertakings.
(A) As the white sunfadesabove the mountain, // The Yellow River converges t he sea.
To gaze unto infinity, // Still mount another storey.
(B) The whitesun along themountain glows; // The Yellow River seaward flows.
If you want tohave a grander sight, //You’d climb upto a greate rheight.
(C) The white sun sets under mountains, // And the sea trains the golden river;
Youcanwiden your view threehundred miles, // By going up one mores tair. .
III. This part consists often English sentences, each followed by threedifferent versions marked A, B and C. Choose the one which gets closest to t he original.(每题2.5分,共25分)
21. We should live each day with gentleness, vigor and a keenness ofappreciation which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constantpan orama ofmore days and months and years to come.
(A) 我们每天都应该以带着优雅与活力,抱着强烈的感恩之心。
(C) 我们应该带着优雅与活力,抱着强烈的感恩来度过生命中的每一天。
22. The calendar is a mixture of the Russian leader as a cuddly and affable chap - Putin with a kitten, a crane and a child - and as the Kremlin strongm an,heis picturedriding a horse, flying a deltaplaneand inthe cockpit of a Russian fighter jet.
(A) 日历中的普京时而与小猫、白鹤和孩子亲密接触,时而骑马、驾驶滑翔机和战斗机,既温柔亲切又阳刚霸气。
(C) 日历展现出的俄罗斯领导人普京具有双重形象----与小猫、白鹤和孩子亲密接触时,他是一个和蔼可亲的家伙;当他骑马、驾驶滑翔机和操纵战斗机时,他是独一无二的克里姆林宫强人。
23. Mr. Bennet was so odd a mixture of quick parts, sarcastic humour,reserved,and caprice, that the experienceof three and twentyyears had been insufficien t to make his wife understand his character.
(A) 班内特先生真是个古怪人,他一方面喜欢胡说八道,爱挖苦人,同时又不拘言笑,反复无常,即使他那位太太与之朝夕相处二十三年,也还摸不透他的性格。
24. She was a woman of mean understanding, little information, and uncertain temper.
(A) 她是个智力贫乏、不学无术、喜怒无常的女人。
(B) 她是个不通情理、孤陋寡闻、喜怒无常的女人。
(C) 她是个不通情理、不学无术、喜怒无常的女人。
25. Menoften discover their affinity toeach other by the mutual love they have for a book just as two persons sometimes discover a friend by theadmiration which both entertain for a third.
(A) 人们常常因为喜欢同一本书而结为知已,就像有时两个人因为敬慕同一个人而成为朋友一样。
(B) 人们常常因为喜欢同一本书而发现同类,就像有时两个人因为敬慕另一个人而成为朋友一样。
(C) 人们常常因为喜欢同一本书而找到同类,就像有时两个人因为敬慕另一个人而发现朋友一样。
26.Time is of no account with great thoughts, which areas fresh today a s when they first passed through theirauthor’s minds,ages ago.
(A) 对于伟大的思想来说,时间是无关紧要的。
(B) 时间无碍于伟大的思想。
(C) 对于伟大的思想来说,时间算不了什么。
27. Only those who havethe patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire th e skill to do difficult things easily.
(A) 只有有耐心完成简单工作的人,才能轻易完成困难的事。
(B) 只有那些耐心地将小事做到极致的人,才能轻而易举地完成大事。
28. It never occurredto the public that the twin towers of World Trade Center would be destroyed by terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.
(A) 大众绝不会想到,世贸中心双塔会于2001年9月11日遭受恐怖袭击的破坏。
(B) 大众万万没有想到,世贸中心双子大楼会于2001年9月11日毁于恐怖袭击。
(C) 大众未曾料到,世贸中心双子塔楼会于2001年9月11日被恐怖袭击所破坏。
29. Such advertisements commemorate China’s economic developmentthroughout history; they reveal history and won’t fade.
(A) 这类广告可以理解为不同时期经济发展的纪念章,纪念章揭示了历史,永不褪色。
(B) 这样的广告纪念中国历史上的经济发展;它们揭示历史,永远不会褪色。
(C) 此类广告成为中国经济历史发展的见证;它们揭示历史,永不褪色。
30. They hope the sophisticatedwarning system will keep the death toll fr om a potential giant tsunami far lower in the Pacific Ocean than itw as in the Indian Ocean, where at least 140,000 people werekilled by therecent tsunami.
(A) 他们希望这种精密的警报系统将会使由太平洋潜在的巨大海啸所造成的死亡人数远低于印度洋海啸曾经造成的死亡人数。
(B) 他们希望这种先进的预警系统将会使由太平洋潜在的巨大海啸所造成的死亡人数远低于印度洋海啸曾经造成的死亡人数。
IV. Compare the followingEnglish source text and the Chinese target text and th en choose the one you think betterfrom the two choices marked A, B which can complete the sentence:(共5题,每题3分, 共15分)
31Capri is a gaunt rock of austere outline, bathedin adeep bluesea; but ○
its vineyards, green andsmiling, give it a softand easy grace. It is friendly, remote, anddebonair. I find it strange that Mayhewshould havesettled on this lovely island, for I never knew a manmore insensible to beauty.
I do not know what he sought there:happiness, freedom, or merely leisure;I
32In this place which appeals soextravagantly to the know what hefound.○
senses he lived alife entirelyof the spirit.For the island is rich with h istoric associations and overit broods alwaysthe enigmatic memory of Tiberius the Emperor. From his windowswhich overlooked the Bay of Naples,w ith the noble shapeof Vesuvius changing colorwiththe changing light, Mayhew saw a hundred places thatrecalled the Romans and the Greeks. 错误!The past b egan to haunt him. All that he saw for thefirst time, for he had never been abroad before, excited hisfancy; and in his soul stirred the creative imaginat ion.Hewas aman of energy. Presently he made up his mind to write a history. For some time he looked about for a subject, and atlast decided on the seco nd century of the Roman Empire. It was little known and it seemed to him tooffer problems analogous withthose of our own day. He began to collect books and错误!soon he had an immense library. His legal training had taughthim to read quickly. He settled down to work. At first he hadbeenaccustomed to f oregather in the evening with thepainters, writers, and such like whometin the little tavern near the Piazza, 错误!but presently hewithdrew himself, f or his absorption in his studies became more pressing.
错误! A. 卡普里岛是一块并不吸引人,有一个平淡轮廓的岩石,坐落在森蓝色的海洋里。
B. 卡普里岛在深蓝色的大海中,远远望去仿佛是一块朴实无华的荒凉的岩石。
错误! A. 在这个岛上,人本来可以尽情地追求感官的享受,而他却过上了纯精神的生活。
B. 这个地方能强烈吸引人的感官,而他却在这里过上了纯精神的生活。
错误! A.过去开始缠着他。
错误! A. 不久就有了大量藏书。
错误! A. 但不久他就不常出来了,因为他越来越钻到研究工作中去了,
V. Compare the followingChinesesource text and theEnglish targettext and thenchoose the one you think better from the two choices marked A, B whichcan complete the sentence:(共5题,每题3分, 共15分)
译文:错误!___________________________. He wasas strongas a manof steel, his dark complexion set off by clothes of coarse cloth,looking like someone from the countryside. 错误!_______________________________. Again like a countrym an, hehad a heart as warns as fire radiating warmth, power and light. He was a man of few words, but of all smiles. His smile was natural andfriendl y.错误!____________________. He hated these people, and to them he wouldn't showanything like gentleness. In this world, onlythose who could hatecould love. Those who did not knowwhat to love and what to hate were useless p
eople. Hussheng thought thatyoungpeople had little prejudice but lots of futur e promise,○39__________________________________. Husheng was not fond of tal king too much, instead, he puthis mindon work, and work, and nothing butw ork--an embodiment of the Confucian spirit. 错误!________________________________.
36 A. Whatwas most memorable about Husheng was his attitude toward life
B. Husheng urged us mostly to memorize his attitude to life
○,37 A. He could tolerate any hardship and enjoy nothing also like the cou ntryman.
B. He could withstandany hardship and never sought ease and comfort. Inthis respect he was like a countryman, too.
错误!A. According to him, people could love each other, except the people of deepprejudice and unwillingness to open their windows to speak out frank words.
B. In his view, people could love each other, except those with deep prejud
ices and those who could not bringthemselves out intheopen
\o\ac(○,39) A.so he was willing to devote his life to them without reservati on, letting the religionof love grow and flourish among them so that theycould all go to a new world.
B. So he would ratherdevotehis life drop by drop to them, letting the loving religion grow up among themand letting them walk into the newworld.
\o\ac(○,40)A.ThoughIdid not talk to him deeply, from what he di dI believed that Iunderstood him.
B. ThoughI never had a chance to talkwith him very closely, I wasc
onvinced that I understood him from the way hecarried himself and conduc ted matters.
(附加题)I. Translate the following passage into Chinese.(计20分) Moon gazing is an ancient art. To prehistoric hunters, the moon overhead was as unerring as heart-beat. Theyknew that every 29 days it became full-bellied a nd brilliant, then sickened and died,and then was reborn. They knew thewaxingmoon appeared largerand higheroverhead after each succeeding sunset. They knew thewaning moon rose later each nightuntil it vanished in thesunrise. To have understood the moon’s patterns from experience must be a pro foundthing. But we, wholive indoors, have lost contact with the moon. The glare of street lights and the dustof pollution veil the night sky. Thoug h menhave walked on the moon, it grows less familiar. Fewof us can saywhat timethemoon will rise tonight. Still, it tugs at our minds,if we u nexpectedly encounter the full moon, huge and yellow over the horizon, we ar ehelpless but to stare back at its commanding presence. And themoon has g ifts to bestow upon those who watch.
(附加题)II. Translate thefollowing passage into English.(计20分)每个人都有个故乡,人人的故乡都有个月亮,人人都爱自己的故乡的月亮。
I. Choose the besttranslation for each ofthe following Chinese phrases.(每题2分,共20分)
1-5 B C B A B6-10 A A C C B
II. This part consists of ten Chinese sentences, each followed by three different versionsmarked A, Band C. Choose theone which gets c losest to the original. (每题2.5分, 共25分)
11-15 C A B A A 16-20 C CB C B
III. This partconsists of ten Chinese sentences, each followed by two different versions marked A andB.Choose the one which gets closest t othe original. (每题2.5分,共25分)
21-25 C C BB A 26-30 A C B C B
IV. Compare the following English source text and the Chinese target textand then choose the one you thinkbetter from the two choices m arked A, B which can complete the sentence:(共5题,每题3分,共15分)31-35 BABAB
V. Compare the following Chinese source text and the English targ et text and then choose the one youthink better from the two choices marked A, B which can complete the sentence:(共5题,每题3分,共15分)
36-40 A B B A B
(附加题)I. Translate the following passage into Chinese. (计20分)
(附加题)II. Translate the following passage intoEnglish. (计20分)ﻫEveryone has his hometown, every hometown has a moon,and every one loves the moon over his hometown. Presumably, that’s howthing sare. However, themoon would looklonely if it hung in the sky all by itself. In classic Chinese poems or essays, therefore, themoon is always accompanied by something, most likely by a mountain or a river. Hence, “High isthe mountain, and smallis the moon,” and “Threetowers reflected on the lake on a moonlight night,” etc. T here are simplytoo many such scenes to count.My home village is located on a major plain innorthwestern Shandong. I never saw a mountain when I was small; as aresult, I didn’t know what amoun tain was like. In my imagination, a mountain was probablya thick and round column, so tall that it pierced the sky and looked awesome.When I grew up, I went toJi’nan, where I saw some mountainsfor the first time. Suddenly I became aware of what a mountain was. T he moon that I saw in my village when I was young, therefore, was ne ver associated with any mountains.。