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题目:Analysis on the Dialogue in The King‟s Speech from the Perspective of Politeness Principle









Title: Analysis on the Dialogue in the King‟s Speech from the perspective of politeness principle

Abstract:The nature of language is to communicate. Communication is a bridge ,through which people can transfer and get the information they need. The movie‟s dialogue is also the way to communicate .It is an important way to describe the characters‟inner feelings ,activities and their characteristics. The film tries to inflect its communication purpose by the dialogues. In this paper, I will use Leech‟s Politeness Principle and Brown‟s Face Theory to analyze the dialogue in The King‟s Speech,and make a deep analysis on its characters so as to let readers have better admirations on this movie. At the same time ,if we use our pragmatic knowledge ,we can understand the film‟s deep meaning and its art‟s feature .

Key words:Politeness Principle ;Non-public Politeness Dialogue ; Discourse Analysis

1. Introduction

The film shows its communication aims through dialogue, which can not only the audience understand the development of plot also can deepen the understanding of author‟s intention.Hence, through analyzing the film‟s dialogue can dissect character‟s inner feelings ,activities and his characteristics so as to help audience understand the film better.

Leech‟s Politeness Principle

American linguistics H.P.Grice proposed the Cooperative Principle(CP for short) in the William James lecture delivered at Harvard University. Grice thinks that people all use CP both consciously and unconsciously when they use language to communicate. However, Grice‟s Cooperative Principle is not explain sufficiently (1)why people are often so indirect in conveying what they mean and(2)what is the relation between sense and force when non-declaration types of sentences are being considered[1] As a result, in 1983,Leech proposed Politeness Principle so as to rescue the CP from trouble. Leech believes the main reason that people violate CP intently is the consideration of politeness.

From the perspective of rhetoric and stylistics,Leech (1983)lists six specific maxims,as summarized in the following:Tact Maxim, Generosity Maxim, Approbation Maxim, Modesty Maxim, Agreement Maxim and Sympathy Maxim.

Apart from Leech ,Brown and Levinson(1987) proposed the Face Saving Theory too. In their view, face can divide into positive face and negative face.The positive face indicates to get people‟s agreement and praise;the negative face indicates the basic clame to territories,personal preserves,rights to non-interference.

Brown and Levinson(1987) also proposed Face Threaten Acts(FTA for short). When people communicate, it always threats the faces of two parts. So, the speaker should obey the Politeness Principle in order to save not only his face, but also the hearer‟s face.They call politeness redressive strategies which contain three part .We only talk about the non- public politeness.It shows speaker‟s implicit polite.
