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A new study has shown how computers and robots powered by artificial intelligence can read human eye movements t o“read” human personalitie s.

The eyes,they say,are the windows to the soul.And if that is true,computers and robots powered by sophisticated(复杂的) artificial intelligence algorithms(演算法) may soon have the ability to peer into your soul.That is the result of a new study on the connection between eye movements and personality,conducted by neuroscience researchers based at the University of South Australia and published in the scientific journal Frontiers in Neuroscience.

“Eye movements during an everyday task predict aspects of our personality,”wrote the researchers,led by University of South Australia neuroscientist Tobias Loetscher,whose team followed 42 study subjects around the university campus recording their eye movements,then determined their personality traits with“well-established questionnaires”for determining the personality type,according to a summary of the study published by the site Science Daily.

The researchers fed the data into their AI algorithms and found that computers running the algorithms were able to record human eye movements and immediately determine a person's major personality traits,such as“neuroticism,extraversion(外向),agreeableness,conscientiousness,as well as curiosity”,the scientists wrote.

“The new findings could improve the way human beings interact with their computers and other high-tech devices,even robots,allowing for more natural and realistic social interactions with machines,”Loetscher said.

“People are always looking for improved,personalized services.Today's robots and computers are not socially aware so they cannot adapt to non-verbal information,“Loetscher said in a statement quoted by The Indian Express.This research provides opportunities to develop robots and computers so that they can become more natural,and better at interpreting human social signals.”

The study revealed previously undiscovered relations between specific personality characteristics and specific eye movement tendencies,according to a summary in Britain's Daily Mail newspaper.



1.What do the underlined words“peer into”in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Understand. B.Stare at.

C.Search for. D.Concern about.

A[考查词义猜测。根据第二段第一句“The eyes,they say,are the windows to the soul”,并结合对第一段的整体理解可推知,此处peer into与第一段中的“read”呼应,故选A。] 2.How did the researchers conduct the research?

A.It was carried out in a lab.

B.42 subjects' eye movements were recorded.

C.The students' daily movements were tracked.

D.Its subjects' personalities were determined by computer.


3.According to Tobias Loetscher,what can we know?

A.Robots and computers are socially conscious.

B.People care less about improved,personalized services.

C.Today's robots and computers can accustom to non­verbal information.

D.The discovery will improve the interaction between human beings and machines.



We've been covering standing desks for a long time now because experts agree that sitting all day is killing us.We want to be productive while also keeping our bodies healthy.Over the years,there have been several solutions to this from fixed standing desks to adjustable ones,portable desks to ones that change into shelves.

However,the most high­tech and elegant solution has to be this new smart desk called the Stir Kinetic Desk.The desk learns your daily behavior and moves between a sitting and standing height regularly throughout the day to keep you moving without interrupting your work flow.

You can program specific sitting and standing intervals or let the desk set the schedule.If you tend to sit while returning e­mails in the morning,but always want to stand during that afternoon conference call,the desk will learn those regular habits and adjust the schedule to fit them.Of course,the desk can always be manually lowered or raised by using the touchscreen on the lower left corner of the desk.

When switching positions,the desk gently dips and rises to let you know that a change is coming up.If you're not ready to switch positions at that time,you can tap the touchscreen to stay
