
最新SCI生命科学杂志影响因子以下是一些最新的SCI生命科学杂志影响因子:1. Nature - 影响因子:42.778Nature 是一个跨学科的综合性科学杂志,涵盖了生物学、物理学、化学等领域的高水平科研成果。
2. Cell - 影响因子:36.216Cell 是一个涵盖生物科学和医学领域的综合性杂志,发表了许多重要的科研成果。
3. Science - 影响因子:41.845Science 是一份跨学科的综合性科学杂志,报道了各个领域的科学突破和重要研究结果。
4. Nature Methods - 影响因子:33.165Nature Methods 是一个专注于生命科学方法学和技术的杂志,报道了新的实验和分析方法的开发和应用。
5. Cell Reports - 影响因子:8.109Cell Reports 是一个开放获取的生物科学期刊,发表了生物学和相关领域的高质量研究成果。
6. eLife - 影响因子:9.551eLife 是一个开放获取的科研期刊,涵盖了生命科学、医学和生物科学方法学等领域的研究。
7. PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) - 影响因子:9.412PNAS是美国国家科学院的官方期刊,发表了来自全球科学界的重要研究成果。
8. Trends in Biochemical Sciences - 影响因子:12.760Trends in Biochemical Sciences 是一个综合性的生化科学杂志,报道了生物化学、分子生物学和细胞生物学等领域的最新研究进展。
9. Journal of Experimental Medicine - 影响因子:10.760Journal of Experimental Medicine 是一个涵盖生物医学领域的基础和疾病研究的杂志,发表了许多重要的实验结果。
10. Journal of Cell Biology - 影响因子:7.756Journal of Cell Biology 是一个专注于细胞生物学研究的杂志,报道了细胞结构和功能等方面的重要发现。

所有SCI生物期刊影响因子以下是一些较知名的SCI生物期刊的影响因子及相关信息:1. Nature(影响因子:42.778)- Nature是一本综合性期刊,涵盖了自然科学各个领域的研究,包括生物学、物理学、化学等。
2. Science(影响因子:41.037)- Science是一本综合性科学期刊,涵盖了生物学、物理学、化学、地球科学等多个领域。
3. Cell(影响因子:38.637)- Cell是一本生物学期刊,主要发表细胞生物学、分子生物学和发育生物学等方面的研究。
4. Nature Genetics(影响因子:27.959)- Nature Genetics是一本专注于遗传学领域的期刊,发表了许多重要的遗传学和基因组学方面的研究成果。
5. The New England Journal of Medicine(影响因子:74.699)-该期刊涵盖医学的各个领域,发表临床医学、基础医学和转化医学等方面的研究,被认为是医学领域最有影响力的期刊之一6. Lancet(影响因子:60.392)- Lancet是一本国际性的综合性医学期刊,发表了临床研究和医学进展的重要论文。
7. Nature Medicine(影响因子:30.641)- Nature Medicine是一个专注于临床医学和转化医学的期刊,发表了很多与人类健康相关的重要研究成果。
8. Cell Stem Cell(影响因子:23.227)- Cell Stem Cell是一个专注于干细胞研究的期刊,发表了许多关于干细胞生物学和干细胞临床应用的重要研究。
9. EMBO Journal(影响因子:10.556)- EMBO Journal是一个细胞生物学和分子生物学方面的研究期刊,发表了许多有关细胞和分子生物学的重要发现。

Scientific Citation Index(SCI)是科技信息与学术研究领域中被广泛接受的重要指标之一,用于衡量期刊的学术影响力和文章的引用情况。
1. Nature:综合性期刊,广泛涵盖自然科学领域,2024年SCI影响因子为41.5772. Science:综合性期刊,覆盖自然科学、生命科学、物理科学等多个领域,2024年SCI影响因子为41.0583. Cell:细胞生物学领域的顶级期刊,2024年SCI影响因子为30.410。
4. New England Journal of Medicine(新英格兰医学杂志):医学领域顶级期刊,涵盖广泛的内科和外科领域,2024年SCI影响因子为72.4065. The Lancet(柳叶刀):医学领域顶级期刊,涵盖广泛的内科和外科领域,2024年SCI影响因子为47.8316. Journal of the American Chemical Society(美国化学学会期刊):化学领域的顶级期刊,2024年SCI影响因子为14.6957. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(美国国家科学院院刊):跨学科综合性期刊,2024年SCI影响因子为9.5048. Advanced Materials(先进材料):材料科学领域的顶级期刊,2024年SCI影响因子为19.7919. Nature Biotechnology(自然生物技术):生物技术领域的顶级期刊,2024年SCI影响因子为38.044这些期刊具有较高的SCI影响因子,代表了相应领域的高水平研究成果和学术影响力。

SCI、EI收录的微生物学科期刊SCI、EI收录的微生物学科期刊刊名ISSN号Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews《微生物学与分子生物学评论》美国1092-2172Clinical Microbiology Reviews《临床微生物学评论》美国0893-8512Annual Review of Microbiology《微生物学年评》美国0066-4227Molecular Microbiology《分子微生物学》英国0950-382XTrends in Microbiology《微生物学趋势》英国0966-842XFEMS Microbiology Reviews《欧洲微生物学会联合会微生物学评论》荷兰0168-6445Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy《抗微生物剂与化疗》美国0066-4804Journal of Bacteriology《细菌学杂志》美国0021-9193Journal of Clinical Microbiology《临床微生物学杂志》美国0095-1137Applied & Environmental Microbiology《应用与环境微生物学》美国0099-2240International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology《国际细菌分类学杂志》英国0020-7713Microbial Drug Resistance: Mechanisms Epidemiology and Disease《微生物药物抗性:机理、流行病学与疾病》英国1076-6294Extremophiles《嗜特异环境微生物》日本1431-0651Microbiology《微生物学》英国1350-0872Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology《微生物学与免疫学的当前课题》德国0070-217XYeast《酵母》英国0749-503XCritical Reviews in Microbiology《微生物学评论》美国1040-841XFEMS Microbiology Ecology《欧洲微生物学会联合会微生物生态学》荷兰0168-6496Microbial Ecology《微生物生态学》德国0095-3628Archives of Microbiology《微生物学文献集》德国全文0302-8933European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases《欧洲临床微生物学与传染病杂志》德国0934-9723Journal of Medical Microbiology《医学微生物学杂志》美国0022-2615International Journal of Food Microbiology《国际食品微生物学杂志》荷兰0168-1605Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology《应用微生物学与生物技术》德国0175-7598Microbial Pathogenesis《微生物病原学》英国0882-4010Geomicrobiology Journal《地质微生物学杂志》英国0149-0451Journal of Applied Microbiology《应用微生物学杂志》英国1364-5072Systematic and Applied Microbiology《微生物分类学与应用微生物学》德国0723-2020Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology《真核微生物学杂志》美国1066-5234Veterinary Microbiology《兽医微生物学》荷兰0378-1135FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology《欧洲微生物学会联合会免疫学与医学微生物学》荷兰0928-8244Food Microbiology《食品微生物学》英国0740-0020Current Microbiology《当代微生物学》德国0343-8651Letter in Applied Microbiology《应用微生物学快报》英国0266-8254Research in Microbiology《微生物学研究》法国0923-2508Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology《工业微生物学与生物技术杂志》英国1367-5435Canadian Journal of Microbiology《加拿大微生物学杂志》加拿大0008-4166Microbiology and Immunology《微生物学与免疫学》日本0385-5600International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents《国际抗菌剂杂志》荷兰0924-8579Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology《微生物学与生物技术杂志》1017-7825Journal of Basic Microbiology《基础微生物学杂志》德国0233-111XJournal of General & Applied Microbiology《普通与应用微生物学杂志》日本0022-1260Reviews in Medical Microbiology《医学微生物学评论》美国0954-139XWorld Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology《世界微生物学与生物技术杂志》荷兰0959-3993Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 《微生物学快速方法与自动化杂志》美国1060-3999Methods in Microbiology0580-9517Microbiology《微生物学》美国,俄罗斯同名期刊的英文翻译版0026-2617Journal of Microbiology《微生物学杂志》1225-8873Applied Biochemistry & Microbiology《应用生物化学与微生物学》美国,俄罗斯同名期刊的英文翻译版。

S C I各领域国际顶尖学术期刊一览中国科学院科技情报中心将各领域的SCI期刊按影响因子大小分成四个区,其中一区和二区为高影响因子论文,三区为中等影响因子论文,四区为低影响因子论文。

生物学前30名著名杂志 (包括原始和综述)生物化学和分子生物学前30名杂志1 ANNU REV BIOCHEM 43.4292 CELL 32.4403 MOL CELL 18.1954 EMBO J 13.9995 TRENDS BIOCHEM SCI 13.2466 MOL CELL BIOL 9.6667 MOL BIOL CELL 8.4828 CURR BIOL 8.3939 PROG NUCLEIC ACID RE 8.37310 BIOESSAYS 7.90611 J BIOL CHEM 7.36812 ONCOGENE 6.49013 CYTOKINE GROWTH F R14 GENE THER 5.96415 ADV PROTEIN CHEM 5.76916 NUCLEIC ACIDS RES 5.39617 J MOL BIOL 5.38818 PROG LIPID RES 5.37919 RNA 5.04620 PROG BIOPHYS MOL BIO 4.93121BIOCHEM J 4.28022 BIOCHEMISTRY-US 4.22123 PROTEIN SCI 3.86924 J LIPID RES 3.70225 CELL MOL LIFE SCI 3.66826 PROTEINS 3.57627 FEBS LETT 3.44028 GLYCOBIOLOGY 3.41929 MOL MEMBR BIOL 3.33930 CELL SIGNAL 3.294植物科学引用率前20名杂志1 ANNU REV PLANT PHYS 15.0942 PLANT CELL 11.0933 TRENDS PLANT SCI 9.6374 CURR OPIN PLANT BIOL 7.3475 PLANT J 5.6296 ANNU REV PHYTOPATHOL 5.0537 PLANT PHYSIOL 4.8318 ANN MO BOT GARD 4.3279 ADV BOT RES 3.93810 MOL PLANT MICROBE IN 3.44811 CRIT REV PLANT SCI 3.42212 PLANT MOL BIOL 3.22613 PLANTA 3.19914 PLANT CELL ENVIRON 2.79915 MOL BREEDING 2.41816 THEOR APPL GENET 2.35817 AM J BOT 2.35018 J EXP BOT 2.31419 PLANT CELL PHYSIOL 2.31120 SEX PLANT REPROD 2.260遗传学引用率前20名杂志1 NAT GENET 30.9102 GENE DEV 19.6763 CURR OPIN GENET DEV 13.8104 ANNU REV GENET 13.4505 TRENDS GENET 12.9126 AM J HUM GENET 10.3517 HUM MOL GENET 9.0488 GENOME RES 7.6159 HUM GENE THER 6.79610 ADV GENET 5.75011 GENES CELLS 4.88512 GENETICS 4.68713 HUM MUTAT 3.66614 GENOMICS 3.425 015 HUM GENET 3.42216 MUTAT RES-REV MUTAT 3.37017 J MED GENET 3.29018 DEV GENET 3.22019 EUR J HUM GENET 3.17520 CHROMOSOMA 3.157发育生物学引用率前20名杂志1 ANNU REV CELL DEV BI 26.3002 GENE DEV 19.6763 DEVELOPMENT 9.3534 DEV BIOL 5.5405 SEMIN CELL DEV BIOL 4.9786 CURR TOP DEV BIOL 4.2417 MECH DEVELOP 4.1548 EVOL DEV 3.4009 MOL HUM REPROD 3.23210 DEV GENET 3.22011 DEV DYNAM 3.13112 DEV GENES EVOL 2.98213 ADV ANAT EMBRYOL CEL 2.93314 PLACENTA 2.58715 MOL REPROD DEV 2.53516 DIFFERENTIATION 2.35317 INT J DEV BIOL 1.96318 ANAT EMBRYOL 1.85119 DEV BRAIN RES 1.82720 DEV GROWTH DIFFER 1.730微生物学顶级期刊Top10Rank Journal 2004 Impact Factor1 Microbio. Mol. Bio. Rev. (17.04)2 Ann. Rev. Microbiology (12.32)3 Clin. Microbiol. Rev. (10.67)4 FEMS Microbiol. Rev. (8.70)5 Adv. Microb. Physiology (8.67)6 Curr. Opin. Microbiology (8.18)7 Trends in Microbiology (7.75)8 Cell Microbiology (6.10)9 Molec. Microbiology (5.96)10 Clin. Infect. Diseases (5.59)01 02如果你想像雄鹰一样翱翔天空,那你就要和群鹰一起飞翔,而不要与燕雀为伍;如果你想像野狼一样驰骋大地,那你就要和狼群一起奔跑,而不能与鹿羊同行。


所有SCI生物期刊影响因子Ranking Journal Title Impact Factor带#者为EI亦收录者1. Biochemical Research Methods (生物化学研究方法)1 Current Opinion In Biotechnology 3.1812 Journal Of Chromatography A 2.6973 Bioconjugate Chemistry 2.4404 Methods In Enzymology 2.4355 Applied Immunohistochemistry 2.1626 Cytometry 2.1507 Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography 2.1188 Chromatographia 2.0799 Journal Of Immunological Methods 2.04310 Analytical Biochemistry 2.017#11 Journal Of Molecular Graphics & Modelling 2.01212 Biotechniques 1.91313 Journal Of Chromatographic Science 1.69614 Journal Of Virological Methods 1.62315 Journal Of Chromatography B 1.58816 Transgenic Research 1.43017 Protein Expression And Purification 1.34118 Journal Of Neuroscience Methods 1.335#19 Journal Of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies 1.27220 Biomedical Chromatography 1.17121 Molecular And Cellular Probes 1.11022 Journal Of Microbiological Methods 0.95823 Journal Of Labelled Compounds & Radiopharmaceuticals 0.76724 Genetic Analysis-Biomolecular Engineering 0.69625 Journal Of Biochemical And Biophysical Methods 0.64826 Biologicals 0.59827 Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology 0.47228 Hybridoma 0.45829 Journal Of Magnetic Resonance 0.0002. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology(生物化学与分子生物学)1 Annual Review Of Biochemistry 40.7822 Cell 37.2973 Nature Medicine 28.1144 Annual Review Of Cell And Developmental Biology 19.0005 Trends In Biochemical Sciences 18.7666 Annual Review Of Plant Physiology And Plant Molecular Biology 17.0217 Faseb Journal 14.6298 Embo Journal 12.6439 Critical Reviews In Biochemistry And Molecular Biology 11.69610 Advances In Enzymology And Related Areas Of Molecular Biology 11.12511 Nature Structural Biology 10.78212 Molecular And Cellular Biology 10.02513 Plant Cell 9.70914 Annual Review Of Biophysics And Biomolecular Structure 9.51215 Advances In Protein Chemistry 9.16116 Molecular Biology Of The Cell 8.92617 Human Molecular Genetics 8.50518 Structure 7.63319 Current Opinion In Structural Biology 7.50920 Reviews Of Physiology Biochemistry And Pharmacology 7.18821 Bioessays 7.05322 Journal Of Biological Chemistry 6.96323 Oncogene 6.77224 Vitamins And Hormones-Advances In Research And Applications 6.11825 Gene Therapy 5.99626 Rna-A Publication Of The Rna Society 5.97027 Progress In Nucleic Acid Research And Molecular Biology 5.86828 Chemistry & Biology 5.79629 Journal Of Molecular Biology 5.67330 Molecular Microbiology 5.60531 Cell Death And Differentiation 5.27432 Molecular Biology And Evolution 5.24933 Journal Of Biomolecular Nmr 5.15434 Mole35 Molecular Pharmacology 4.92136 Protein Science 4.60037 Biochemistry 4.57238 Progress In Lipid Research 4.53639 Natural Product Reports 4.48440 Natural Product Reports 4.48441 Journal Of Neurochemistry 4.23442 Nucleic Acids Research 4.18843 American Journal Of Respiratory Cell And Molecular Biology 4.16444 Proteins-Structure Function And Genetics 4.16145 Journal Of Lipid Research 3.76446 Cell Growth & Differentiation 3.68047 British Journal Of Pharmacology 3.61948 Biochemical Journal 3.57949 Free Radical Biology And Medicine 3.52850 Febs Letters 3.50451 Progress In Biophysics & Molecular Biology 3.27552 Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 3.26753 Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution 3.25054 Journal Of Molecular Evolution 3.18155 European Journal Of Biochemistry 3.13656 European Journal Of Human Genetics 3.11257 Molecular Ecology 3.08658 Drug Discovery Today 3.07359 Journal Of Membrane Biology 3.04860 Journal Of Structural Biology 3.03661 Glycobiology 2.92762 Plant Molecular Biology 2.85263 Diagnostic Molecular Pathology 2.79564 Molecular & General Genetics 2.74965 European Cytokine Network 2.73066 Molecular Carcinogenesis 2.72667 Journal Of Cellular Biochemistry 2.68668 Biochemical And Biophysical Research Communications 2.67169 Chromosoma 2.66970 Journal Of Inflammation 2.66771 Archives Of Biochemistry And Biophysics 2.64972 Antisense & Nucleic Acid Drug Development 2.62073 Biological Chemistry 2.55174 Insect Molecular Biology 2.46875 Cell Motility And The Cytoskeleton 2.46176 Biochemical Pharmacology 2.44377 Yeast 2.44278 Bioconjugate Chemistry 2.44079 Methods In Enzymology 2.43580 Photochemistry And Photobiology 2.426#81 Biopolymers 2.42582 Free Radical Research 2.36183 Molecular Medicine Today 2.24384 Molecular Reproduction And Development 2.18985 Cellular Signalling 2.17486 Molecular Psychiatry 2.16287 Dna And Cell Biology 2.12888 Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography 2.11889 Insect Biochemistry And Molecular Biology 2.09490 Journal Of Molecular Neuroscience 2.07791 Cytokine 2.07692 Mammalian Genome 2.06993 Mutation Research Dna Repair 2.06094 Molecular Membrane Biology 2.05795 Journal Of Muscle Research And Cell Motility 2.03896 Growth Factors 2.03697 Analytical Biochemistry 2.017#98 Journal Of Molecular Graphics & Modelling 2.01299 Chromosome Research 2.006100 Molecular Aspects Of Medicine 2.000101 Cellular And Molecular Neurobiology 1.968102 Lipids 1.947103 Biotechniques 1.913104 Matrix Biology 1.901105 Journal Of Biochemistry 1.875106 Gene 1.838107 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 1.836108 Molecular Immunology 1.800109 Amyloid-International Journal Of Experimental And Clinical Investigation 1.790 110 Glycoconjugate Journal 1.786111 Chemistry And Physics Of Lipids 1.775112 Inflammation Research 1.773113 Peptides 1.738114 Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 1.716115 Journal Of Steroid Biochemistry And Molecular Biology 1.709116 Neurochemistry International 1.705117 Journal Of Chemical Neuroanatomy 1.667118 Protein Engineering 1.631119 Chemico-Biological Interactions 1.619120 Plant Physiology And Biochemistry 1.613121 Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy 1.607122 Biophysical Chemistry 1.596123 Biochemistry And Cell Biology-Biochimie Et Biologie Cellulaire 1.581124 Molecular Biology Reports 1.565125 Journal Of Lipid Mediators And Cell Signalling 1.553126 Fibrinolysis & Proteolysis 1.509127 Journal Of Receptor And Signal Transduction Research 1.481128 Steroids 1.480129 Journal Of Interferon And Cytokine Research 1.471130 Cell Adhesion And Communication 1.462131 Biochimie 1.441132 Carbohydrate Research 1.437133 Transgenic Research 1.430134 Journal Of Photochemistry And Photobiology B-Biology 1.381135 Molecular And Cellular Biochemistry 1.345136 Journal Of Inorganic Biochemistry 1.342137 Protein Expression And Purification 1.341138 Journal Of Nutritional Biochemistry 1.337139 Neurochemical Research 1.310140 Folding & Design 1.304141 Bulletin De La Societe Chimique De France 1.289142 Anti-Cancer Drug Design 1.287143 Journal Of Chemical Ecology 1.284144 Journal Of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 1.283145 Cold Spring Harbor Symposia On Quantitative Biology 1.281146 Current Topics In Membranes 1.278147 Hemoglobin 1.260148 Prostaglandins Leukotrienes And Essential Fatty Acids 1.250149 Archives Of Insect Biochemistry And Physiology 1.246150 Canadian Journal Of Microbiology 1.243151 International Journal Of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 1.229152 Acta Chemica Scandinavica 1.173153 Biomedical Chromatography 1.171154 Phytochemistry 1.165155 International Journal Of Biological Macromolecules 1.145156 Mechanisms Of Ageing And Development 1.143157 Clinical Biochemistry 1.135158 Somatic Cell And Molecular Genetics 1.133159 Annals Of Clinical Biochemistry 1.127160 Cellular And Molecular Biology 1.113161 Molecular And Cellular Probes 1.110162 Fish Physiology And Biochemistry 1.105163 Journal Of Carbohydrate Chemistry 1.079164 Clinica Chimica Acta 1.067165 Journal Of Protein Chemistry 1.060166 Pesticide Biochemistry And Physiology 1.058167 Bioscience Reports 1.057#168 Bioelectrochemistry And Bioenergetics 1.049169 Biochemical Society Symposium 1.030170 Inflammation 1.028171 Journal Of Bioluminescence And Chemiluminescence 1.016172 Metal Ions In Biological Systems 0.996173 Biochemical And Molecular Medicine 0.981174 Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology B-Biochemistry & MolecularBiology 0.948175 Bioscience Biotechnology And Biochemistry 0.919176 Nucleosides & Nucleotides 0.905177 Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung C-A Journal Of Biosciences 0.904#178 Biocatalysis And Biotransformation 0.887179 Biotechnology And Applied Biochemistry 0.885180 Cell Biochemistry And Function 0.882181 Biometals 0.854182 European Journal Of Clinical Chemistry And Clinical Biochemistry 0.854183 Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology C-Pharmacology Toxicology & Endocri 0.813 184 Amino Acids 0.806185 Biopharmaceutics & Drug Disposition 0.802186 Bioorganic Chemistry 0.797187 Process Biochemistry 0.782188 Journal Of Food Biochemistry 0.764189 Biochemical Society Transactions 0.758190 Journal Of Trace Elements In Medicine And Biology 0.758191 Biochemical Genetics 0.757192 Experimental And Clinical Immunogenetics 0.754193 Applied Biochemistry And Biotechnology 0.747194 Biological Trace Element Research 0.745195 Journal Of Enzyme Inhibition 0.727196 Journal De Chimie Physique Et De Physico-Chimie Biologique 0.700197 Journal Of Immunoassay 0.673198 Mediators Of Inflammation 0.657199 Journal Of Biochemical And Biophysical Methods 0.648200 Biochemistry And Molecular Biology International 0.578201 Biochemical Systematics And Ecology 0.568202 Molecular Biology 0.507203 Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya 0.496204 Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology 0.472205 Biogenic Amines 0.466206 Genes & Genetic Systems 0.450207 Research Communications In Molecular Pathology And Pharmacology 0.442208 Biochemistry-Moscow 0.436209 Molecules And Cells 0.382210 Biotherapy 0.327211 Biochemical Archives 0.288212 Physiological Chemistry And Physics And Medical Nmr 0.279213 General Physiology And Biophysics 0.259214 Magnesium-Bulletin 0.227215 Archives Of Physiology And Biochemistry 0.113216 Cellular And Molecular Life Sciences 0.000217 Journal Of Peptide Research 0.0003. Biology(生物学)1 Faseb Journal 14.6292 Bioessays 7.0533 Plant Journal 5.8044 Biological Reviews Of The Cambridge Philosophical Society 3.8115 Quarterly Review Of Biology 3.7506 Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution 3.2507 Proceedings Of The Royal Society Of London Series B-Biological Sciences 2.8738 Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society Of London Series B-Biological Sciences 2.8329 Life Sciences 2.27510 Molecular And Biochemical Parasitology 2.12311 Bioscience 2.09012 Journal Of Biological Rhythms 1.98313 Journal Of Experimental Biology 1.94814 Cladistics-The International Journal Of The Willi Hennig Society 1.91115 Journal Of Evolutionary Biology 1.90416 Conservation Biology 1.83217 Evolutionary Ecology 1.83018 Chemico-Biological Interactions 1.61919 Journal Of Theoretical Biology 1.40920 Polar Biology 1.36321 Cold Spring Harbor Symposia On Quantitative Biology 1.28122 Microscopy Research And Technique 1.19823 Proceedings Of The Japan Academy Series B-Physical And Biological Sciences 1.01924 Biological Journal Of The Linnean Society 0.98825 Human Biology 0.98226 Biological Bulletin 0.94527 Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung C-A Journal Of Biosciences 0.90428 Origins Of Life And Evolution Of The Biosphere 0.89129 Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Iii-Sciences De La Vie-Life 0.86030 Biometals 0.85431 Annals Of Human Biology 0.80532 Biological Rhythm Research 0.71633 Biologicals 0.59834 Biosystems 0.59135 Archives Italiennes De Biologie 0.58736 Biotropica 0.54237 Folia Biologica 0.52238 Annals Of Applied Biology 0.49439 Brazilian Journal Of Medical And Biological Research 0.46840 Journal Of Biosciences 0.43541 Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii 0.42642 Journal Of The History Of Biology 0.41943 Science In China Series C-Life Sciences 0.31544 Proceedings Of The Biological Society Of Washington 0.27345 Acta Biotheoretica 0.26746 Growth Development And Aging 0.24247 Acta Biologica Hungarica 0.23948 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Seriya Biologicheskaya 0.09349 Cellular And Molecular Life Sciences 0.00050 Theory In Biosciences 0.0004. Biology, Miscellaneous (生物学-其他)1 Trends In Ecology & Evolution 6.6782 Molecular Biology And Evolution 5.2493 Systematic Biology 4.1914 Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution 3.2505 Journal Of Molecular Evolution 3.1816 American Naturalist 2.9037 Evolution 2.7158 Chemical Senses 2.4839 Radiation Research 2.40510 Evolutionary Biology 2.00011 Journal Of Biological Rhythms 1.98312 Computer Applications In The Biosciences 1.98213 Paleobiology 1.95914 International Journal Of Radiation Biology 1.91515 Cladistics-The International Journal Of The Willi Hennig Society 1.91116 Journal Of Evolutionary Biology 1.90417 Conservation Biology 1.83218 Theoretical Population Biology 1.70319 Biometrika 1.44620 Journal Of Theoretical Biology 1.40921 American Journal Of Physical Anthropology 1.36422 Polar Biology 1.36323 Yearbook Of Physical Anthropology 1.29424 Cryobiology 1.25025 Journal Of Eukaryotic Microbiology 1.23226 Development Genes And Evolution 1.23127 Bioelectromagnetics 1.19328 Journal Of Human Evolution 1.14229 Archiv Fur Protistenkunde 1.13730 Biological Conservation 1.108#31 Bioelectrochemistry And Bioenergetics 1.04932 Bulletin Of Mathematical Biology 1.02233 Bulletin Of The American Museum Of Natural History 1.00034 Metal Ions In Biological Systems 0.99635 Human Biology 0.98236 Journal Of Radiation Research 0.98037 Biometrics 0.93838 Journal Of Mathematical Biology 0.91439 Origins Of Life And Evolution Of The Biosphere 0.89140 Chronobiology International 0.82441 Genetics Selection Evolution 0.81842 Annals Of Human Biology 0.80543 Mathematical Biosciences 0.79144 Journal Of Thermal Biology 0.78045 Radiation And Environmental Biophysics 0.77646 European Journal Of Protistology 0.77147 Electro- And Magnetobiology 0.72948 Biological Rhythm Research 0.71649 Computers In Biology And Medicine 0.63050 Biochemical Systematics And Ecology 0.56851 Journal Of Natural History 0.55852 Cryo-Letters 0.55653 Fluoride 0.51954 Acta Protozoologica 0.50055 Annals Of Applied Biology 0.49456 American Midland Naturalist 0.48557 Perspectives In Biology And Medicine 0.48458 Journal Of The History Of Biology 0.41959 Ima Journal Of Mathematics Applied In Medicine And Biology 0.30060 Growth Development And Aging 0.24261 Natural History 0.17462 Biology And Environment-Proceedings Of The Royal Irish Academy 0.0255. Biophysics (生物物理学)1 Nature Structural Biology 10.7822 Annual Review Of Biophysics And Biomolecular Structure 9.5123 Quarterly Reviews Of Biophysics 9.4214 Structure 7.6335 Biophysical Journal 4.3326 Journal Of Bioenergetics And Biomembranes 3.8897 Febs Letters 3.5048 Progress In Biophysics & Molecular Biology 3.2759 Journal Of Structural Biology 3.03610 Biochemical And Biophysical Research Communications 2.67111 Archives Of Biochemistry And Biophysics 2.64912 Photochemistry And Photobiology 2.426#13 Biopolymers 2.42514 Journal Of Mass Spectrometry 2.40315 Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography 2.118#16 Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2.01417 Chemistry And Physics Of Lipids 1.77518 European Biophysics Journal With Biophysics Letters 1.61319 Biophysical Chemistry 1.596#20 Journal Of Biomechanics 1.46121 Journal Of Photochemistry And Photobiology B-Biology 1.38122 Nmr In Biomedicine 1.31523 Folding & Design 1.30424 Journal Of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 1.28325 Current Topics In Membranes 1.27826 Bioelectromagnetics 1.193#27 Bioelectrochemistry And Bioenergetics 1.04928 Biorheology 1.00029 Metal Ions In Biological Systems 0.99630 Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 0.93131 Radiation And Environmental Biophysics 0.77632 Electro- And Magnetobiology 0.72933 Journal Of Biochemical And Biophysical Methods 0.64834 International Journal Of Biometeorology 0.60935 Physiological Measurement 0.46736 Physiological Chemistry And Physics And Medical Nmr 0.27937 General Physiology And Biophysics 0.25938 Biofizika 0.25439 Archives Of Physiology And Biochemistry 0.1136. Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology(生物技术与应用微生物学)1 Nature Biotechnology 7.4012 Human Gene Therapy 6.3233 Pharmacogenetics 6.0874 Gene Therapy 5.996#5 Trends In Biotechnology 5.0896 Cancer Gene Therapy 3.6717 Genomics 3.4248 Applied And Environmental Microbiology 3.3369 Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 3.26710 Current Opinion In Biotechnology 3.18111 Journal Of General Virology 2.86312 Diagnostic Molecular Pathology 2.79513 Antisense & Nucleic Acid Drug Development 2.62014 Insect Molecular Biology 2.46815 Yeast 2.44216 Stem Cells 2.34217 Mammalian Genome 2.069#18 Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2.014#19 Biotechnology And Bioengineering 1.97920 Genome 1.87621 Critical Reviews In Biotechnology 1.80022 Protein Engineering 1.63123 Systematic And Applied Microbiology 1.62924 Journal Of Virological Methods 1.623#25 Biotechnology Advances 1.593#27 Biodegradation 1.57128 Journal Of Antibiotics 1.523#29 Biotechnology Progress 1.43130 Transgenic Research 1.43031 Protein Expression And Purification 1.34132 Applied Microbiology And Biotechnology 1.33133 Journal Of Food Protection 1.28834 American Journal Of Enology And Viticulture 1.25935 Canadian Journal Of Microbiology 1.243#36 Enzyme And Microbial Technology 1.22337 Animal Biotechnology 1.148#38 Journal Of Biotechnology 1.11139 Molecular And Cellular Probes 1.11040 Food Microbiology 1.08541 Biological Control 1.07542 Letters In Applied Microbiology 1.00843 Bioscience Biotechnology And Biochemistry 0.919#44 Biocatalysis And Biotransformation 0.88745 Biotechnology And Applied Biochemistry 0.88546 Biotechnology Letters 0.848#47 Journal Of Bioactive And Compatible Polymers 0.800#48 Journal Of Fermentation And Bioengineering 0.79849 Process Biochemistry 0.782#50 Journal Of Chemical Technology And Biotechnology 0.76651 Applied Biochemistry And Biotechnology 0.74752 Genetic Analysis-Biomolecular Engineering 0.69653 Journal Of Food Safety 0.69054 Food Control 0.68855 Journal Of General And Applied Microbiology 0.634#56 Bioresource Technology 0.63257 Journal Of The American Society Of Brewing Chemists 0.60658 Disease Markers 0.60059 Biologicals 0.59860 Dna Sequence 0.58761 Plant Cell Tissue And Organ Culture 0.54062 Bioprocess Engineering 0.52863 Journal Of Tumor Marker Oncology 0.50064 Journal Of Applied Phycology 0.48665 Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology 0.47266 Acta Biotechnologica 0.46367 Hybridoma 0.45868 Biotechnic & Histochemistry 0.44769 Folia Microbiologica 0.31271 Nippon Nogeikagaku Kaishi-Journal Of The Japan Society For Bioscience Biote 0.076 7. Cell Biology (细胞生物学)1 Cell 37.2972 Nature Medicine 28.1143 Annual Review Of Cell And Developmental Biology 19.0004 Current Opinion In Cell Biology 18.1335 Faseb Journal 14.6296 Embo Journal 12.6437 Journal Of Cell Biology 12.0058 Trends In Cell Biology 10.8149 Nature Structural Biology 10.78210 Molecular And Cellular Biology 10.02511 Plant Cell 9.70912 Molecular Biology Of The Cell 8.92613 Structure 7.63314 Current Opinion In Structural Biology 7.50915 Oncogene 6.77216 Cell Death And Differentiation 5.27417 Journal Of Cell Science 5.08118 Molecular Medicine 5.03219 International Review Of Cytology-A Survey Of Cell Biology 4.55820 Tissue Antigens 4.33921 American Journal Of Respiratory Cell And Molecular Biology 4.16422 Journal Of Leukocyte Biology 3.90623 Journal Of Bioenergetics And Biomembranes 3.88924 Cell Growth & Differentiation 3.68025 Febs Letters 3.50426 Journal Of Molecular And Cellular Cardiology 3.25527 Experimental Cell Research 3.05628 Journal Of Membrane Biology 3.04829 Journal Of Structural Biology 3.03630 Journal Of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry 2.77631 European Cytokine Network 2.73032 Journal Of Cellular Biochemistry 2.68633 Journal Of Inflammation 2.66734 Cytogenetics And Cell Genetics 2.46635 Cell Motility And The Cytoskeleton 2.46136 Journal Of Cellular Physiology 2.45837 European Journal Of Cell Biology 2.35338 Stem Cells 2.34239 Cell Calcium 2.26540 Molecular Medicine Today 2.24341 Molecular Reproduction And Development 2.18942 Cellular Signalling 2.17443 Cytometry 2.15044 Dna And Cell Biology 2.12845 Cytokine 2.07646 Molecular And Cellular Endocrinology 2.06447 Molecular Membrane Biology 2.05748 Journal Of Muscle Research And Cell Motility 2.03849 Growth Factors 2.03650 Advances In Anatomy Embryology And Cell Biology 2.00051 Journal Of Neurocytology 1.97352 Cellular And Molecular Neurobiology 1.96853 Matrix Biology 1.90154 Cellular Immunology 1.83055 Seminars In Cell & Developmental Biology 1.81456 Plant And Cell Physiology 1.79257 Inflammation Research 1.77358 Histochemical Journal 1.74759 Cell Transplantation 1.74460 Cell And Tissue Research 1.74061 Histochemistry And Cell Biology 1.73062 Protoplasma 1.72463 Methods In Cell Biology 1.70064 Differentiation 1.58365 Biochemistry And Cell Biology-Biochimie Et Biologie Cellulaire 1.58166 Journal Of Lipid Mediators And Cell Signalling 1.55367 Histopathology 1.54468 Archives Of Histology And Cytology 1.50569 Journal Of Receptor And Signal Transduction Research 1.48170 Journal Of Interferon And Cytokine Research 1.47171 Cell Adhesion And Communication 1.46272 Development Growth & Differentiation 1.44373 Acta Cytologica 1.42574 Cell Proliferation 1.39675 Progress In Histochemistry And Cytochemistry 1.36476 Molecular And Cellular Biochemistry 1.34577 In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Animal 1.25678 Prostaglandins Leukotrienes And Essential Fatty Acids 1.25079 Development Genes And Evolution 1.23180 International Journal Of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 1.22981 Mechanisms Of Ageing And Development 1.14382 Somatic Cell And Molecular Genetics 1.13383 Analytical Cellular Pathology 1.13184 Cell Biology International 1.12485 Cellular And Molecular Biology 1.11386 Molecular And Cellular Probes 1.11087 Bioscience Reports 1.05788 Histology And Histopathology 1.02889 Inflammation 1.02890 Cytopathology 1.01091 Tissue & Cell 1.00092 Connective Tissue Research 0.98993 Analytical And Quantitative Cytology And Histology 0.96494 Cell Structure And Function 0.94295 Biology Of The Cell 0.93996 Pigment Cell Research 0.91797 Immunology And Cell Biology 0.90998 Cell Biochemistry And Function 0.88299 Journal Of Histotechnology 0.829100 Acta Histochemica 0.750101 Journal Of Submicroscopic Cytology And Pathology 0.690102 Platelets 0.659103 Mediators Of Inflammation 0.657104 Pathobiology 0.652105 In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant 0.568106 European Journal Of Histochemistry 0.518107 Acta Histochemica Et Cytochemica 0.508108 Cell Biology And Toxicology 0.492109 Biotechnic & Histochemistry 0.447110 International Journal Of Tissue Reactions-Experimental And Clinical Aspects 0.444 111 Molecules And Cells 0.382112 Biotherapy 0.327113 Biocell 0.264114 Biologicheskie Membrany 0.216115 Cellular And Molecular Life Sciences 0.0008. Developmental Biology(发育生物学)1 Annual Review Of Cell And Developmental Biology 19.0002 Genes & Development 18.8683 Development 9.7814 Mechanisms Of Development 5.3185 Developmental Biology 5.2896 Developmental Dynamics 3.6247 Developmental Genetics 3.1218 Current Topics In Developmental Biology 2.5009 Placenta 2.47310 Stem Cells 2.34211 Molecular Reproduction And Development 2.18912 Advances In Anatomy Embryology And Cell Biology 2.00013 Developmental Brain Research 1.82314 Seminars In Cell & Developmental Biology 1.81415 Teratology 1.71916 International Journal Of Developmental Biology 1.61917 Differentiation 1.58318 Anatomy And Embryology 1.55419 Development Growth & Differentiation 1.44320 Developmental Psychobiology 1.43521 International Journal Of Developmental Neuroscience 1.40622 Perspectives On Developmental Neurobiology 1.26223 In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Animal 1.25624 Development Genes And Evolution 1.23125 Reproduction Fertility And Development 1.05526 Journal Of Craniofacial Genetics And Developmental Biology 0.97927 Reproduction Nutrition Development 0.61928 In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant 0.56829 Growth Development And Aging 0.2429. Ecology(生态学)1 Trends In Ecology & Evolution 6.6782 Ecological Monographs 5.3003 Annual Review Of Ecology And Systematics 3.9004 Ecology 3.1395 Molecular Ecology 3.0866 American Naturalist 2.9037 Journal Of Ecology 2.8378 Journal Of Animal Ecology 2.8019 Evolution 2.71510 Behavioral Ecology And Sociobiology 2.32711 Ecological Applications 2.18012 Wildlife Monographs 2.00013 Marine Ecology-Progress Series 1.92314 Journal Of Evolutionary Biology 1.90415 Oikos 1.86016 Oecologia 1.85417 Conservation Biology 1.83218 Functional Ecology 1.81819 Theoretical Population Biology 1.70320 Tree Physiology 1.64021 Microbial Ecology 1.60622 Aquatic Microbial Ecology 1.47423 Journal Of Vegetation Science 1.41424 Polar Biology 1.36325 Journal Of Applied Ecology 1.33526 Journal Of Chemical Ecology 1.28427 Ecography 1.22828 Ecotoxicology 1.17629 Journal Of Biogeography30 Biological Conservation 1.10831 Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 1.03532 Australian Journal Of Ecology 1.00933 Journal Of Wildlife Management 0.98634 Ecological Economics 0.97335 Wildlife Research 0.80236 New Zealand Journal Of Ecology 0.75637 Wildlife Society Bulletin 0.73338 Environmental Biology Of Fishes 0.69339 Ecological Modelling 0.66840 Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 0.66141 Pedobiologia 0.65742 Journal Of Soil And Water Conservation 0.61743 Journal Of Range Management 0.61144 Revue D Ecologie-La Terre Et La Vie 0.58045 Journal Of Arid Environments 0.57046 Biochemical Systematics And Ecology 0.56847 Acta Oecologica-International Journal Of Ecology 0.56448 Sarsia 0.56149 Biotropica 0.54250 Global Ecology And Biogeography Letters 0.51751 Ecological Engineering 0.48952 American Midland Naturalist 0.48553 International Journal Of Sustainable Development And World Ecology 0.47654 Journal Of Freshwater Ecology 0.42255 Ecological Research 0.37756 Researches On Population Ecology 0.37557 African Journal Of Ecology 0.322#58 Biocycle 0.17859 Natural History 0.17460 South African Journal Of Wildlife Research 0.17361 Plant Ecology 0.00010. Engineering, Biomedical(生物医学工程)1 Electroencephalography And Clinical Neurophysiology 2.4002 Clinical Oral Implants Research 2.0963 Pace-Pacing And Clinical Electrophysiology 1.703#4 Journal Of Biomedical Materials Research 1.644#5 Ieee Transactions On Medical Imaging 1.559。

所选十个期刊1、Process Biochemistry【刊名】生化工艺【出版社】:Elsevier Science【ISSN号】:1359-5113【2009年影响因子】:2.444 【简介】:月刊,全年12期,SCI收录期刊。
2、Journal of Theoretical Biology【刊名】理论生物学杂志【出版社】:Elsevier Science 【ISSN】:0022-5193【2009年影响因子】:2.574 【简介】:英国,1961年创刊,半月刊,全年24期,SCI收录期刊。
3、Bioinformatics【刊名】生物信息学【出版商】Oxford University Press 【ISSN】:1367-4803【简介】:英国,2006创刊,月刊,全年24期。

最新SCI收录生物医学工程类杂志名单及排名汇总排名前十的SCI收录的生物医学工程方向的杂志影响因子杂志排行12.2 1 Annual review of biomedical engineering Biomaterials2 7.4Acta biomaterialia4.9 34 Medical image analysis4.45Journal of neural engineering3.8Regenerative medicine6 3.73.6 7IEEE transactions on medical imaging 3.58BiofabricatioandsystemsonIEEEtransactionsneuralthe: 9rehabilitationengineeringapublicationof 3.4IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Societregenerative engineeringandJournaloftissue 10 3.3medicine收录的生物医学工程方向的杂志:SCI 1.Annual review of biomedicalengineeringISSN:1523-9829 (Print); ISSN:1545-4274 (Electronic); ISSN:1523-9829(Linking);United States : Palo Alto, Calif.:12.2 影响因子领域:生物工程Biomaterials 2.ISSN:0142-9612 (Print); ISSN:1878-5905 (Electronic); ISSN:0142-9612(Linking);England : Oxford:7.4 影响因子领域:生物材料 3.Acta biomaterialiaISSN:1742-7061 (Print); ISSN:1878-7568 (Electronic); ISSN:1742-7061(Linking);England : Kidlington, Oxford, UK:4.9 影响因子领域:生物材料Medical image analysis 4.ISSN:1361-8415 (Print); ISSN:1361-8423 (Electronic); ISSN:1361-8415(Linking);Netherlands : Amsterdam:4.4 影响因子影像诊断、计算机辅助图像处理领域:5.Journal of neural engineeringISSN:1741-2560 (Print); ISSN:1741-2552 (Electronic);ISSN:1741-2552(Linking);England : Bristol, U.K.:3.8 影响因子领域:生物工程、神经系统、神经系统疾病6.Regenerative medicineISSN:1746-0751 (Print); ISSN:1746-076X (Electronic); ISSN:1746-0751(Linking);England : London, UK:3.7 影响因子领域:再生医学、干细胞IEEE transactions on medical imaging 7.ISSN:0278-0062 (Print); ISSN:1558-0062 (Electronic); ISSN:0278-0062(Linking);United States : New York, NY:3.6 影响因子X领域:医疗电子产品、光线照相术8.BiofabricationISSN:1758-5082 (Print); ISSN:1758-5090 (Electronic); ISSN:1758-5082(Linking);England : Bristol:3.5影响因子领域:生物工程、生物工程、组织工程IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a 9.publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocietyISSN:1534-4320 (Print); ISSN:1558-0210 (Electronic); ISSN:1534-4320(Linking);United States : Piscataway, NJ生物工程、医疗电子产品、神经系统模型、计算机神经网络、康复医学、领域:自助设备:3.4影响因子Journal of tissue engineering and regenerativemedicine 10.ISSN:1932-6254 (Print); ISSN:1932-7005 (Electronic); ISSN:1932-6254(Linking);England : Chichester, West Sussex, UK:3.3 影响因子领域:再生医学、组织工程11.Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitationISSN:1743-0003 (Electronic); ISSN:1743-0003 (Linking); England : [London]:3.3 影响因子领域:生物工程、神经系统疾病、神经系统创伤Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 12.ISSN:1617-7959 (Print); ISSN:1617-7940 (Electronic); ISSN:1617-7940(Linking);Germany : Berlin, New York:3.2 影响因子领域:生物力学、生物模型13.Biomedical microdevicesISSN:1387-2176 (Print); ISSN:1572-8781 (Electronic); ISSN:1387-2176(Linking);United States : Boston:3.0 影响因子生物材料、生物工程、生物技术领域:Physics in medicine and biology 14.ISSN:0031-9155 (Print); ISSN:1361-6560 (Electronic); ISSN:0031-9155(Linking);England : Bristol:2.8影响因子领域:生物物理、物理15.Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materialsISSN:1751-6161 (Print); ISSN:1878-0180 (Electronic); ISSN:1878-0180(Linking);Netherlands : Amsterdam:2.8影响因子领域:生物材料、材料测试Expert review of medical devices 16.ISSN:1743-4440ISSN:1745-2422 (Electronic); ISSN:1743-4440 (Print);(Linking);England : London:2.6 设备设计、设备和供应影响因子领域: 17.Journal ofbiomedical materials research. Part AISSN:1549-3296(Electronic); ISSN:1549-3296 (Print); ISSN:1552-4965(Linking);United States : Hoboken, NJ:2.6 影响因子领域:生物材料、材料测试Clinical oral implants research 18.ISSN:0905-7161(Electronic); ISSN:0905-7161 (Print); ISSN:1600-0501(Linking);Denmark : Copenhagen:2.5 影响因子领域:牙科植入、牙科植入物Journal of biomechanics 19.ISSN:0021-9290(Electronic); ISSN:1873-2380 ISSN:0021-9290 (Print);(Linking);United States : New York, Oxford:2.4 影响因子生物力学领域:20.Annals of biomedical engineeringISSN:0090-6964(Electronic); (Print); ISSN:1521-6047 ISSN:0090-6964(Linking);United States : New York:2.4影响因子领域:生物工程、医学 21. Journal of materials science.Materials in medicineISSN:0957-4530(Print); ISSN:0957-4530 ISSN:1573-4838 (Electronic);(Linking);United States : Norwell, MA:2.3影响因子领域:生物材料、生物工程22. Journal of materials science. Materials in medicine. ISSN:0957-4530 (Print); ISSN:1573-4838 (Electronic); ISSN:0957-4530(Linking);United States:2.3影响因子领域:生物材料、生物工程23.IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineeringISSN:0018-9294 (Print); ISSN:1558-2531 (Electronic); ISSN:0018-9294(Linking);United States : New York, NY:2.3 影响因子领域:生物物理、工程类anogenesisISSN:1547-6278 (Print); ISSN:1555-8592 (Electronic); ISSN:1547-6278(Linking);United States : Austin, TX:2.2影响因子领域:器官Biomedical materials (Bristol, England) 25.ISSN:1748-6041 ISSN:1748-605X (Electronic); ISSN:1748-6041 (Print);(Linking);England : Bristol, UK:2.2影响因子领域:生物材料Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials 26.ISSN:1552-4973 (Electronic); ISSN:1552-4981 ISSN:1552-4973 (Print);(Linking);United States : Hoboken, NJ:2.1 影响因子生物材料、材料测试领域: 27.Journal ofbiomaterials applicationsISSN:0885-3282 (Electronic); ISSN:0885-3282 (Print);ISSN:1530-8022(Linking);England : London:2.1 影响因子生物材料、生物工程领域:28.Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon)ISSN:0268-0033 (Electronic); ISSN:0268-0033 (Print);ISSN:1879-1271(Linking);England : Oxford2.1影响因子生物力学、整骨术领域:quarterlythemagazineengineeringinmedicineandbiology:29.IEEEmagazine of the Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society ISSN:0739-5175 ISSN:1937-4186 (Electronic); ISSN:0739-5175 (Print);(Linking);United States : New York, NY:2.1影响因子领域:生物工程IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems. 30. ISSN:1932-4545 (Print); ISSN:1940-9990 (Electronic);United States : New York, NY:2.0 影响因子仿生学、医疗电子产品领域:Lasers in medical science 31.ISSN:0268-8921 ISSN:1435-604X (Electronic); ISSN:0268-8921 (Print);(Linking);England : London:2.0 影响因子领域:激光器Artificial organs 32.ISSN:0160-564X ISSN:1525-1594 (Electronic); ISSN:0160-564X (Print);(Linking);United States : Cambridge, MA:2.0 影响因子人工器官领域: 33.BiorheologyISSN:0006-355X ISSN:1878-5034 (Electronic); ISSN:0006-355X (Print);(Linking);Netherlands : Amsterdam:1.9 影响因子生物物理、体液领域: 34.Journal ofbiomechanical engineeringISSN:0148-0731 (Print); ISSN:0148-0731 ISSN:1528-8951 (Electronic);(Linking);United States : New York Ny:1.9 影响因子领域:生物力学Medical & biological engineering & computing 35.ISSN:0140-0118 (Electronic); (Print); ISSN:0140-0118 ISSN:1741-0444(Linking);United States : New York, NY:1.9 影响因子领域:生物工程36.The International journal of artificial organsISSN:0391-3988 ISSN:1724-6040 (Electronic); ISSN:0391-3988 (Print);(Linking);Italy : Milano:1.9 影响因子人工器官领域:37.Journal of biomaterials science. Polymer edition ISSN:0920-5063 (Electronic); ISSN:0920-5063 (Print); ISSN:1568-5624(Linking);Netherlands : Utrecht, The Netherlands:1.7 影响因子领域:生物材料、聚合物Physiological measurement 38.ISSN:0967-3334 (Electronic); ISSN:0967-3334 (Print); ISSN:1361-6579(Linking);England : Bristol, UK:1.7 影响因子生物工程、生物物理、生理监测领域:39. Medical engineering & physicsISSN:1350-4533(Electronic); ISSN:1873-4030 (Print); ISSN:1350-4533(Linking);England : London:1.6影响因子领域:生物工程、物理Journal of artificial organs : the official journal of the Japanese Society for 40.Artificial OrgansISSN:1434-7229 (Electronic); ISSN:1434-7229 (Print); ISSN:1619-0904(Linking);Japan : Tokyo:1.6 影响因子人工器官领域:41.Ultrasonic imagingISSN:0161-7346 (Print); ISSN:0161-7346 ISSN:1096-0910 (Electronic);(Linking);United States : Silver Spring, MD:1.5影响因子领域:超声Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 42.ISSN:0169-2607 ISSN:1872-7565 (Electronic); ISSN:0169-2607 (Print);(Linking);Ireland : Limerick:1.5影响因子领域:医学、软件International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery 43.ISSN:1861-6410 (Electronic); ISSN:1861-6410 (Print); ISSN:1861-6429(Linking);Germany : Heidelberg:1.5计算机辅助图像解释、计算机辅助外科手术影响因子领域thegraphics:theofficialjournalofimagingputerizedmedicalandComputerized Medical Imaging SocietyISSN:0895-6111 (Electronic); ISSN:0895-6111 (Print); ISSN:1879-0771(Linking);United States : Tarrytown Ny:1.5影响因子影像诊断领域:45.International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering.ISSN:2040-7939 (Print); ISSN:2040-7947 (Electronic);England : [Oxford, UK]:1.4 影响因子生物工程、数学计算、理论模型领域:46.Biomedical engineering onlineISSN:1475-925X (Electronic); ISSN:1475-925X (Linking);England : London:1.4影响因子生物工程领域:ASAIO journal (American Society for Artificial Internal Organs : 1992) 47.ISSN:1058-2916 (Electronic); ISSN:1058-2916 (Print); ISSN:1538-943X(Linking);United States : Hagerstown, MD:1.4影响因子人工器官领域:Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE 48.ISSN:0147-8389 (Electronic); ISSN:0147-8389 (Print); ISSN:1540-8159(Linking);United States : Mount Kisco, N. Y.:1.4 影响因子领域:心律失常、人工心脏起搏器、人工起搏器 49.Artificial intelligence in medicineISSN:0933-3657 (Electronic); ISSN:0933-3657 (Print); ISSN:1873-2860(Linking);Netherlands : Amsterdam:1.3 影响因子领域:人工智能、医学 50.Bio-medicalmaterials and engineeringISSN:0959-2989 (Electronic); ISSN:0959-2989 (Print); ISSN:1878-3619(Linking);Netherlands : Amsterdam:1.2影响因子生物材料、生物工程、生物技术领域:ofH,Journal51.ProceedingsoftheInstitutionofMechanicalEngineers.Part engineering in medicineISSN:0954-4119 (Electronic); (Print); ISSN:2041-3033 ISSN:0954-4119(Linking);England : London:1.2 影响因子领域:生物工程puters in biology and medicineISSN:0010-4825 ISSN:1879-0534 (Electronic); ISSN:0010-4825 (Print);(Linking);United States : New York:1.1 影响因子领域:自动数据处理、生物、医学Biomedical signal processing and control. 53.ISSN:1746-8094 (Print); ISSN:1746-8094 (Linking);England : Oxford, UK:1.0 影响因子领域:计算机辅助图像处理、计算机辅助信号处理Artificial cells, blood substitutes, and immobilization biotechnology 54.ISSN:1073-1199 (Electronic); ISSN:1073-1199 (Print); ISSN:1532-4184(Linking);England : London:1.0 影响因子领域:生物材料、生物制剂、生物技术、血液代用品55.Cell and tissue bankingISSN:1389-9333 (Electronic); (Print); ISSN:1573-6814 ISSN:1389-9333(Linking);Netherlands : Dordrecht, the Netherlands生物标本银行、细胞移植、组织库、组织保存、组织移植领域::1.0影响因子Sports biomechanics / International Society ofBiomechanics in Sports 56.ISSN:1476-3141 (Print); ISSN:1476-3141 (Linking); Scotland : Edinburgh:0.9影响因子生物力学、运动领域:Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical engineering 57. ISSN:0013-5585 (Electronic); (Print); ISSN:1862-278X ISSN:0013-5585(Linking);Germany : Berlin:0.9影响因子领域:生物工程、医疗电子产品58. Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineeringISSN:1025-5842 (Electronic); (Print); ISSN:1476-8259 ISSN:1025-5842(Linking);England : London:0.8 影响因子生物力学、生物工程领域:Cardiovascular engineering (Dordrecht, Netherlands) 59. ISSN:1567-8822 ISSN:1573-6806 (Electronic); ISSN:1567-8822 (Print);(Linking);Netherlands : Dordrecht, The Netherlands:0.8 影响因子领域:生物工程、心血管疾病、心血管系统Journal of applied biomaterials & biomechanics : JABB 60. ISSN:1722-6899 ISSN:1724-6024 (Electronic); ISSN:1722-6899 (Print);(Linking);Italy : Milano, Birmingham [Ala.]:0.8 影响因子领域:生物材料、生物力学、生物工程61.Journal of applied biomechanicsISSN:1065-8483 (Print); ISSN:1065-8483 (Linking);United States : Champaign, IL:0.8 影响因子领域:运动损伤、生物力学、运动、运动62.Journal of medical devices.ISSN:1932-6181 (Print); ISSN:1932-619X (Electronic);United States : New York, N.Y.:0.6影响因子领域:生物工程、设备和供应Australasian physical & engineering sciences in medicine / supported by the 63. AustralasiantheinMedicineandPhysicalAustralasianCollegeof ScientistsAssociation of Physical Sciences in MedicineISSN:0158-9938 (Print); ISSN:0158-9938 (Linking);Australia : Melbourne:0.6 影响因子领域:生物工程、生物物理64.Journal of mechanics in medicine and biology.ISSN:0219-5194 (Print);United States : New Jersey:0.5影响因子领域:生物、生物力学、医学Acta of bioengineering and biomechanics / Wroc?aw University of Technology 65.ISSN:1509-409X (Print); ISSN:1509-409X (Linking);Poland : Wroc?aw:0.4 影响因子生物力学、生物医学技术领域:Isokinetics and exercise science. 66.ISSN:0959-3020 (Print); ISSN:0959-3020 (Linking);Netherlands:0.3 影响因子运动、肌肉收缩领域:Dialysis &transplantation. 67.ISSN:0090-2934 (Print); ISSN:0090-2934 (Linking); United States领域:肾透析、人工肾、肾移植科影响因子:0.1。

下面是一些微生物学SCI期刊及其影响因子的介绍:1. Nature Reviews Microbiology(影响因子:34.635)Nature Reviews Microbiology是国际上著名的综述性期刊,发表了许多关于微生物学新发现和研究进展的综述文章。
2. Cell Host & Microbe(影响因子:17.191)Cell Host & Microbe是一个综合性期刊,发表关于宿主和微生物之间相互作用以及微生物感染的机制和治疗方法方面的研究。
3. Microbiome(影响因子:10.741)Microbiome是一个专注于宏基因组学和微生物组研究的SCI期刊。
4. Applied and Environmental Microbiology(影响因子:4.098)Applied and Environmental Microbiology是微生物应用和环境方面的一本权威期刊。
除了以上提到的几本期刊,还有许多其他的微生物学SCI期刊,如Journal of Bacteriology、mBio、Journal of Virology、PLOSPathogens、FEMS Microbiology Reviews等。

1. Acta Biomaterialia2. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces3. Advanced Engineering Materials4. Advanced Functional Materials5. American Mineralogist6. Biomacromolecules7. Biomaterials8. Biomedical Materials9. Biomedical Microdevices10. Biomedical Optics Express11. Biopolymers12. Biotechnology and Bioengineering13. Clinical Biomechanics16. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy17. e-Polymers18. Green Materials19. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering20. International Journal of Artificial Organs21. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules22. International Journal of Pharmaceutics23. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A24. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B25. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine26. Journal of Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials27. Journal of Molecular Structure28. Journal of Nuclear Materials29. Macromolecular Bioscience31. Materials Science & Engineering C: Materials for Biological Applications32. Polymer International生物材料,也称为生物学材料,是一种可以用于医学、生物工程、机器人、非机械医学和生物信息学等科学领域的材料。

1. Nature:38.072. Science:37.203. The Lancet:33.404. Cell:32.405. Annual Review of Biochemistry:31.726. Physical Review Letters:31.697.JAMA:30.768. The New England Journal of Medicine:29.569. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology:29.5310. Nature Reviews Genetics:28.8411. Molecular Cell:27.7612. Circulation:26.8313. Cell Metabolism:26.7114. Immunity:26.5115. Nature Reviews Cancer:26.3016. Nature Neuroscience:26.2317. Nature Cell Biology:26.0918. Journal of Biological Chemistry:25.8719. Genome Research:23.9320. Trends in Genetics:23.8221. Blood:23.6922. Nature Medicine:23.1223. Biophysical Journal:23.1024. PLoS Biology:22.8725.PNAS:21.9626. Nature Immunology:21.8627. Plant Cell:21.8428. Molecular Biology and Evolution:21.7529. The Journal of Neuroscience:21.1530. Developmental Cell:21.1031. Cancer Cell:20.8132. Genes & Development:20.6933. Molecular and Cellular Biology:20.4534. Cell Reports:20.2635. Science Signaling:20.1536. Gut:20.0737. Science Translational Medicine:19.8538. Molecular Psychiatry:19.5339. Molecular Systems Biology:19.4340. Nature Reviews Microbiology:19.4141. Human Molecular Genetics:19.2042. Oncogene:19.0943. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America:19.0044. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery:18.6545. NeuroImage:18.3446. Biochemical Journal:18.3247. PLoS Medicine:18.3048. Trends in Biochemical Sciences:18.3049. Cell Stem Cell:18.2250. European Heart Journal:17.8751. eLife:17.7052. Genome Biology:17.6053. Nucleic Acids Research:17.5854. Plant Physiology:17.5755. PLoS Genetics:17.5156. Molecular Therapy:17.3757. Cancer Research:17.2758. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics:17.2159. PLoS Pathogens:17.1760. Structure:17.1161. Neuron:17.0162. Biochemical Society Transactions:16.9763. Nature Geoscience:16.7964. Molecular Cancer Research:16.7765. Trends in Molecular Medicine:16.7166. Development:16.6067. Nature Reviews Neuroscience:16.4768. Nature Reviews Endocrinology:16.1269. Nature Reviews Immunology:16.1270.BMJ:16.0971. Nature Reviews Cardiology:16.0272. Nature Reviews Rheumatology:15.9273. Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases:15.9074. The EMBO Journal:15.8875. The American Journal of Human Genetics:15.82。

以下是SCI生物领域的常用期刊影响因子:1. Nature:43.072. Science:41.763. Cell:37.184. PLoS Biology:14.315. Genome Biology:13.506. Genetics:10.177. Molecular Cell:10.088. BMC Biology:8.899. Journal of Biological Chemistry:8.1910. Journal of Cell Biology:7.8611. Development:7.5612. Plant Cell:7.3413. BioMed Central:7.1714. PLoS Genetics:6.9715. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences:6.6016. PLoS Pathogens:6.5017. Journal of Virology:6.4618. PLoS Medicine:6.2119. Plant Physiology:6.2020. Molecular and Cellular Biology:6.0521. Nucleic Acids Research:5.8122. EMBO Journal:5.6223. FEBS Letters:4.9024. Plant and Cell Physiology:4.7225. The Plant Journal:4.5326. Trends in Genetics:4.4127. BMC Plant Biology:4.3028. BMC Microbiology:4.2030. Plant Journal:3.6131. BMC Genetics:3.4632. Trends in Plant Science:3.4533. Molecular Biology and Evolution:3.4534. Genes & Development:3.3535. Plant Biotechnology Journal:3.2536. BMC Genomics:3.1737. Current Biology:3.0938. Fungal Genetics and Biology:2.9439. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions:2.8340. Journal of Heredity:2.7841. Developmental Biology:2.7642. Molecular Genetics and Genomics:2.7443. PLoS One:2.7444. BMC Bioinformatics:2.7245. Journal of Plant Physiology:2.6846. Plant Science:2.6347. Frontiers in Plant Science:2.6248. Plant Cell Reports:2.6049. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry:2.4650. Theoretical and Applied Genetics:2.4451. Plant and Soil:2.4052. Journal of Molecular Biology:2.4053. Molecular Ecology:2.3854. Plant Molecular Biology:2.3255. Tree Physiology:2.3256. International Journal of Molecular Sciences:2.2457. Annals of Botany:2.2458. Trends in Molecular Medicine:2.2359. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences:2.23。

S C I各领域国际顶尖学术期刊一览中国科学院科技情报中心将各领域的SCI期刊按影响因子大小分成四个区,其中一区和二区为高影响因子论文,三区为中等影响因子论文,四区为低影响因子论文。
其中,一区和二区的一小部分杂志被列为顶尖学术期刊(T o p J o u r n a l)。
1 生物CELL

以下是几个具有较高影响因子(IF)的生物期刊的介绍:1. Nature(自然杂志):Nature 是世界上最知名的科学期刊之一,涵盖了生物、物理、化学等学科领域的研究。
其影响因子在2024年达到42.778,是生物学领域非常高影响力的期刊之一2. Science(科学杂志):Science 是全球最为知名的科学期刊之一,它涵盖了广泛的学科领域,包括生物学、物理学、化学等。
其影响因子在2024年为41.037,与Nature 相当。
3. Cell(细胞杂志):Cell 是一个专注于细胞生物学领域的顶级期刊,发表了许多具有重大影响的文章。
4. Cell Stem Cell(干细胞):Cell Stem Cell 是专注于干细胞领域的 SCI 期刊,发表了许多重要的干细胞研究。
其影响因子在2024年为25.2035. Molecular Cell(分子细胞):Molecular Cell 是一个涵盖广泛的生物学研究的期刊,特别关注细胞和分子生物学领域。
6. Development(发育):Development 是一个专注于发育生物学领域的期刊,发表了许多关于动物和植物发育的高质量研究。

Ranking Journal Title Impact Factor带#者为EI亦收录者1. Biochemical Research Methods (生物化学研究方法)1 Current Opinion In Biotechnology 3.1812 Journal Of Chromatography A 2.6973 Bioconjugate Chemistry 2.4404 Methods In Enzymology 2.4355 Applied Immunohistochemistry 2.1626 Cytometry 2.1507 Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography 2.1188 Chromatographia 2.0799 Journal Of Immunological Methods 2.04310 Analytical Biochemistry 2.017#11 Journal Of Molecular Graphics & Modelling 2.01212 Biotechniques 1.91313 Journal Of Chromatographic Science 1.69614 Journal Of Virological Methods 1.62315 Journal Of Chromatography B 1.58816 Transgenic Research 1.43017 Protein Expression And Purification 1.34118 Journal Of Neuroscience Methods 1.335#19 Journal Of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies 1.27220 Biomedical Chromatography 1.17121 Molecular And Cellular Probes 1.11022 Journal Of Microbiological Methods 0.95823 Journal Of Labelled Compounds & Radiopharmaceuticals 0.76724 Genetic Analysis-Biomolecular Engineering 0.69625 Journal Of Biochemical And Biophysical Methods 0.64826 Biologicals 0.59827 Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology 0.47228 Hybridoma 0.45829 Journal Of Magnetic Resonance 0.0002. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology(生物化学与分子生物学)1 Annual Review Of Biochemistry 40.7822 Cell 37.2973 Nature Medicine 28.1144 Annual Review Of Cell And Developmental Biology 19.0005 Trends In Biochemical Sciences 18.7666 Annual Review Of Plant Physiology And Plant Molecular Biology 17.0217 Faseb Journal 14.6298 Embo Journal 12.6439 Critical Reviews In Biochemistry And Molecular Biology 11.69610 Advances In Enzymology And Related Areas Of Molecular Biology 11.12511 Nature Structural Biology 10.78212 Molecular And Cellular Biology 10.02513 Plant Cell 9.70914 Annual Review Of Biophysics And Biomolecular Structure 9.51215 Advances In Protein Chemistry 9.16116 Molecular Biology Of The Cell 8.92617 Human Molecular Genetics 8.50518 Structure 7.63319 Current Opinion In Structural Biology 7.50920 Reviews Of Physiology Biochemistry And Pharmacology 7.18821 Bioessays 7.05322 Journal Of Biological Chemistry 6.96323 Oncogene 6.77224 Vitamins And Hormones-Advances In Research And Applications 6.11825 Gene Therapy 5.99626 Rna-A Publication Of The Rna Society 5.97027 Progress In Nucleic Acid Research And Molecular Biology 5.86828 Chemistry & Biology 5.79629 Journal Of Molecular Biology 5.67330 Molecular Microbiology 5.60531 Cell Death And Differentiation 5.27432 Molecular Biology And Evolution 5.24933 Journal Of Biomolecular Nmr 5.15434 Mole35 Molecular Pharmacology 4.92136 Protein Science 4.60037 Biochemistry 4.57238 Progress In Lipid Research 4.53639 Natural Product Reports 4.48440 Natural Product Reports 4.48441 Journal Of Neurochemistry 4.23442 Nucleic Acids Research 4.18843 American Journal Of Respiratory Cell And Molecular Biology 4.16444 Proteins-Structure Function And Genetics 4.16145 Journal Of Lipid Research 3.76446 Cell Growth & Differentiation 3.68047 British Journal Of Pharmacology 3.61948 Biochemical Journal 3.57949 Free Radical Biology And Medicine 3.52850 Febs Letters 3.50451 Progress In Biophysics & Molecular Biology 3.27552 Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 3.26753 Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution 3.25054 Journal Of Molecular Evolution 3.18155 European Journal Of Biochemistry 3.13656 European Journal Of Human Genetics 3.11257 Molecular Ecology 3.08658 Drug Discovery Today 3.07359 Journal Of Membrane Biology 3.04860 Journal Of Structural Biology 3.03661 Glycobiology 2.92762 Plant Molecular Biology 2.85263 Diagnostic Molecular Pathology 2.79564 Molecular & General Genetics 2.74965 European Cytokine Network 2.73066 Molecular Carcinogenesis 2.72667 Journal Of Cellular Biochemistry 2.68668 Biochemical And Biophysical Research Communications 2.67169 Chromosoma 2.66970 Journal Of Inflammation 2.66771 Archives Of Biochemistry And Biophysics 2.64972 Antisense & Nucleic Acid Drug Development 2.62073 Biological Chemistry 2.55174 Insect Molecular Biology 2.46875 Cell Motility And The Cytoskeleton 2.46176 Biochemical Pharmacology 2.44377 Yeast 2.44278 Bioconjugate Chemistry 2.44079 Methods In Enzymology 2.43580 Photochemistry And Photobiology 2.426#81 Biopolymers 2.42582 Free Radical Research 2.36183 Molecular Medicine Today 2.24384 Molecular Reproduction And Development 2.18985 Cellular Signalling 2.17486 Molecular Psychiatry 2.16287 Dna And Cell Biology 2.12888 Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography 2.11889 Insect Biochemistry And Molecular Biology 2.09490 Journal Of Molecular Neuroscience 2.07791 Cytokine 2.07692 Mammalian Genome 2.06993 Mutation Research Dna Repair 2.06094 Molecular Membrane Biology 2.05795 Journal Of Muscle Research And Cell Motility 2.03896 Growth Factors 2.03697 Analytical Biochemistry 2.017#98 Journal Of Molecular Graphics & Modelling 2.01299 Chromosome Research 2.006100 Molecular Aspects Of Medicine 2.000101 Cellular And Molecular Neurobiology 1.968102 Lipids 1.947103 Biotechniques 1.913104 Matrix Biology 1.901105 Journal Of Biochemistry 1.875106 Gene 1.838107 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 1.836108 Molecular Immunology 1.800109 Amyloid-International Journal Of Experimental And Clinical Investigation 1.790 110 Glycoconjugate Journal 1.786111 Chemistry And Physics Of Lipids 1.775112 Inflammation Research 1.773113 Peptides 1.738114 Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 1.716115 Journal Of Steroid Biochemistry And Molecular Biology 1.709116 Neurochemistry International 1.705117 Journal Of Chemical Neuroanatomy 1.667118 Protein Engineering 1.631119 Chemico-Biological Interactions 1.619120 Plant Physiology And Biochemistry 1.613121 Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy 1.607122 Biophysical Chemistry 1.596123 Biochemistry And Cell Biology-Biochimie Et Biologie Cellulaire 1.581124 Molecular Biology Reports 1.565125 Journal Of Lipid Mediators And Cell Signalling 1.553126 Fibrinolysis & Proteolysis 1.509127 Journal Of Receptor And Signal Transduction Research 1.481128 Steroids 1.480129 Journal Of Interferon And Cytokine Research 1.471130 Cell Adhesion And Communication 1.462131 Biochimie 1.441132 Carbohydrate Research 1.437133 Transgenic Research 1.430134 Journal Of Photochemistry And Photobiology B-Biology 1.381135 Molecular And Cellular Biochemistry 1.345136 Journal Of Inorganic Biochemistry 1.342137 Protein Expression And Purification 1.341138 Journal Of Nutritional Biochemistry 1.337139 Neurochemical Research 1.310140 Folding & Design 1.304141 Bulletin De La Societe Chimique De France 1.289142 Anti-Cancer Drug Design 1.287143 Journal Of Chemical Ecology 1.284144 Journal Of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 1.283145 Cold Spring Harbor Symposia On Quantitative Biology 1.281146 Current Topics In Membranes 1.278147 Hemoglobin 1.260148 Prostaglandins Leukotrienes And Essential Fatty Acids 1.250149 Archives Of Insect Biochemistry And Physiology 1.246150 Canadian Journal Of Microbiology 1.243151 International Journal Of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 1.229152 Acta Chemica Scandinavica 1.173153 Biomedical Chromatography 1.171154 Phytochemistry 1.165155 International Journal Of Biological Macromolecules 1.145156 Mechanisms Of Ageing And Development 1.143157 Clinical Biochemistry 1.135158 Somatic Cell And Molecular Genetics 1.133159 Annals Of Clinical Biochemistry 1.127160 Cellular And Molecular Biology 1.113161 Molecular And Cellular Probes 1.110162 Fish Physiology And Biochemistry 1.105163 Journal Of Carbohydrate Chemistry 1.079164 Clinica Chimica Acta 1.067165 Journal Of Protein Chemistry 1.060166 Pesticide Biochemistry And Physiology 1.058167 Bioscience Reports 1.057#168 Bioelectrochemistry And Bioenergetics 1.049169 Biochemical Society Symposium 1.030170 Inflammation 1.028171 Journal Of Bioluminescence And Chemiluminescence 1.016172 Metal Ions In Biological Systems 0.996173 Biochemical And Molecular Medicine 0.981174 Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology B-Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 0.948175 Bioscience Biotechnology And Biochemistry 0.919176 Nucleosides & Nucleotides 0.905177 Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung C-A Journal Of Biosciences 0.904#178 Biocatalysis And Biotransformation 0.887179 Biotechnology And Applied Biochemistry 0.885180 Cell Biochemistry And Function 0.882181 Biometals 0.854182 European Journal Of Clinical Chemistry And Clinical Biochemistry 0.854 183 Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology C-Pharmacology Toxicology & Endocri 0.813184 Amino Acids 0.806185 Biopharmaceutics & Drug Disposition 0.802186 Bioorganic Chemistry 0.797187 Process Biochemistry 0.782188 Journal Of Food Biochemistry 0.764189 Biochemical Society Transactions 0.758190 Journal Of Trace Elements In Medicine And Biology 0.758191 Biochemical Genetics 0.757192 Experimental And Clinical Immunogenetics 0.754193 Applied Biochemistry And Biotechnology 0.747194 Biological Trace Element Research 0.745195 Journal Of Enzyme Inhibition 0.727196 Journal De Chimie Physique Et De Physico-Chimie Biologique 0.700197 Journal Of Immunoassay 0.673198 Mediators Of Inflammation 0.657199 Journal Of Biochemical And Biophysical Methods 0.648200 Biochemistry And Molecular Biology International 0.578201 Biochemical Systematics And Ecology 0.568202 Molecular Biology 0.507203 Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya 0.496204 Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology 0.472205 Biogenic Amines 0.466206 Genes & Genetic Systems 0.450207 Research Communications In Molecular Pathology And Pharmacology 0.442 208 Biochemistry-Moscow 0.436209 Molecules And Cells 0.382210 Biotherapy 0.327211 Biochemical Archives 0.288212 Physiological Chemistry And Physics And Medical Nmr 0.279213 General Physiology And Biophysics 0.259214 Magnesium-Bulletin 0.227215 Archives Of Physiology And Biochemistry 0.113216 Cellular And Molecular Life Sciences 0.000217 Journal Of Peptide Research 0.0003. Biology(生物学)1 Faseb Journal 14.6292 Bioessays 7.0533 Plant Journal 5.8044 Biological Reviews Of The Cambridge Philosophical Society 3.8115 Quarterly Review Of Biology 3.7506 Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution 3.2507 Proceedings Of The Royal Society Of London Series B-Biological Sciences 2.8738 Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society Of London Series B-Biological Sciences 2.8329 Life Sciences 2.27510 Molecular And Biochemical Parasitology 2.12311 Bioscience 2.09012 Journal Of Biological Rhythms 1.98313 Journal Of Experimental Biology 1.94814 Cladistics-The International Journal Of The Willi Hennig Society 1.91115 Journal Of Evolutionary Biology 1.90416 Conservation Biology 1.83217 Evolutionary Ecology 1.83018 Chemico-Biological Interactions 1.61919 Journal Of Theoretical Biology 1.40920 Polar Biology 1.36321 Cold Spring Harbor Symposia On Quantitative Biology 1.28122 Microscopy Research And Technique 1.19823 Proceedings Of The Japan Academy Series B-Physical And Biological Sciences1.01924 Biological Journal Of The Linnean Society 0.98825 Human Biology 0.98226 Biological Bulletin 0.94527 Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung C-A Journal Of Biosciences 0.90428 Origins Of Life And Evolution Of The Biosphere 0.89129 Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Iii-Sciences De La Vie-Life 0.86030 Biometals 0.85431 Annals Of Human Biology 0.80532 Biological Rhythm Research 0.71633 Biologicals 0.59834 Biosystems 0.59135 Archives Italiennes De Biologie 0.58736 Biotropica 0.54237 Folia Biologica 0.52238 Annals Of Applied Biology 0.49439 Brazilian Journal Of Medical And Biological Research 0.46840 Journal Of Biosciences 0.43541 Zhurnal Obshchei Biologii 0.42642 Journal Of The History Of Biology 0.41943 Science In China Series C-Life Sciences 0.31544 Proceedings Of The Biological Society Of Washington 0.27345 Acta Biotheoretica 0.26746 Growth Development And Aging 0.24247 Acta Biologica Hungarica 0.23948 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Seriya Biologicheskaya 0.09349 Cellular And Molecular Life Sciences 0.00050 Theory In Biosciences 0.0004. Biology, Miscellaneous (生物学-其他)1 Trends In Ecology & Evolution 6.6782 Molecular Biology And Evolution 5.2493 Systematic Biology 4.1914 Molecular Phylogenetics And Evolution 3.2505 Journal Of Molecular Evolution 3.1816 American Naturalist 2.9037 Evolution 2.7158 Chemical Senses 2.4839 Radiation Research 2.40510 Evolutionary Biology 2.00011 Journal Of Biological Rhythms 1.98312 Computer Applications In The Biosciences 1.98213 Paleobiology 1.95914 International Journal Of Radiation Biology 1.91515 Cladistics-The International Journal Of The Willi Hennig Society 1.91116 Journal Of Evolutionary Biology 1.90417 Conservation Biology 1.83218 Theoretical Population Biology 1.70319 Biometrika 1.44620 Journal Of Theoretical Biology 1.40921 American Journal Of Physical Anthropology 1.36422 Polar Biology 1.36323 Yearbook Of Physical Anthropology 1.29424 Cryobiology 1.25025 Journal Of Eukaryotic Microbiology 1.23226 Development Genes And Evolution 1.23127 Bioelectromagnetics 1.19328 Journal Of Human Evolution 1.14229 Archiv Fur Protistenkunde 1.13730 Biological Conservation 1.108#31 Bioelectrochemistry And Bioenergetics 1.04932 Bulletin Of Mathematical Biology 1.02233 Bulletin Of The American Museum Of Natural History 1.00034 Metal Ions In Biological Systems 0.99635 Human Biology 0.98236 Journal Of Radiation Research 0.98037 Biometrics 0.93838 Journal Of Mathematical Biology 0.91439 Origins Of Life And Evolution Of The Biosphere 0.89140 Chronobiology International 0.82441 Genetics Selection Evolution 0.81842 Annals Of Human Biology 0.80543 Mathematical Biosciences 0.79144 Journal Of Thermal Biology 0.78045 Radiation And Environmental Biophysics 0.77646 European Journal Of Protistology 0.77147 Electro- And Magnetobiology 0.72948 Biological Rhythm Research 0.71649 Computers In Biology And Medicine 0.63050 Biochemical Systematics And Ecology 0.56851 Journal Of Natural History 0.55852 Cryo-Letters 0.55653 Fluoride 0.51954 Acta Protozoologica 0.50055 Annals Of Applied Biology 0.49456 American Midland Naturalist 0.48557 Perspectives In Biology And Medicine 0.48458 Journal Of The History Of Biology 0.41959 Ima Journal Of Mathematics Applied In Medicine And Biology 0.30060 Growth Development And Aging 0.24261 Natural History 0.17462 Biology And Environment-Proceedings Of The Royal Irish Academy 0.0255. Biophysics (生物物理学)1 Nature Structural Biology 10.7822 Annual Review Of Biophysics And Biomolecular Structure 9.5123 Quarterly Reviews Of Biophysics 9.4214 Structure 7.6335 Biophysical Journal 4.3326 Journal Of Bioenergetics And Biomembranes 3.8897 Febs Letters 3.5048 Progress In Biophysics & Molecular Biology 3.2759 Journal Of Structural Biology 3.03610 Biochemical And Biophysical Research Communications 2.67111 Archives Of Biochemistry And Biophysics 2.64912 Photochemistry And Photobiology 2.426#13 Biopolymers 2.42514 Journal Of Mass Spectrometry 2.40315 Acta Crystallographica Section D-Biological Crystallography 2.118#16 Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2.01417 Chemistry And Physics Of Lipids 1.77518 European Biophysics Journal With Biophysics Letters 1.61319 Biophysical Chemistry 1.596#20 Journal Of Biomechanics 1.46121 Journal Of Photochemistry And Photobiology B-Biology 1.38122 Nmr In Biomedicine 1.31523 Folding & Design 1.30424 Journal Of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics 1.28325 Current Topics In Membranes 1.27826 Bioelectromagnetics 1.193#27 Bioelectrochemistry And Bioenergetics 1.04928 Biorheology 1.00029 Metal Ions In Biological Systems 0.99630 Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 0.93131 Radiation And Environmental Biophysics 0.77632 Electro- And Magnetobiology 0.72933 Journal Of Biochemical And Biophysical Methods 0.64834 International Journal Of Biometeorology 0.60935 Physiological Measurement 0.46736 Physiological Chemistry And Physics And Medical Nmr 0.27937 General Physiology And Biophysics 0.25938 Biofizika 0.25439 Archives Of Physiology And Biochemistry 0.1136. Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology(生物技术与应用微生物学)1 Nature Biotechnology 7.4012 Human Gene Therapy 6.3233 Pharmacogenetics 6.0874 Gene Therapy 5.996#5 Trends In Biotechnology 5.0896 Cancer Gene Therapy 3.6717 Genomics 3.4248 Applied And Environmental Microbiology 3.3369 Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 3.26710 Current Opinion In Biotechnology 3.18111 Journal Of General Virology 2.86312 Diagnostic Molecular Pathology 2.79513 Antisense & Nucleic Acid Drug Development 2.62014 Insect Molecular Biology 2.46815 Yeast 2.44216 Stem Cells 2.34217 Mammalian Genome 2.069#18 Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2.014#19 Biotechnology And Bioengineering 1.97920 Genome 1.87621 Critical Reviews In Biotechnology 1.80022 Protein Engineering 1.63123 Systematic And Applied Microbiology 1.62924 Journal Of Virological Methods 1.623#25 Biotechnology Advances 1.59326 Molecular Marine Biology And Biotechnology 1.578 #27 Biodegradation 1.57128 Journal Of Antibiotics 1.523#29 Biotechnology Progress 1.43130 Transgenic Research 1.43031 Protein Expression And Purification 1.34132 Applied Microbiology And Biotechnology 1.33133 Journal Of Food Protection 1.28834 American Journal Of Enology And Viticulture 1.25935 Canadian Journal Of Microbiology 1.243#36 Enzyme And Microbial Technology 1.22337 Animal Biotechnology 1.148#38 Journal Of Biotechnology 1.11139 Molecular And Cellular Probes 1.11040 Food Microbiology 1.08541 Biological Control 1.07542 Letters In Applied Microbiology 1.00843 Bioscience Biotechnology And Biochemistry 0.919#44 Biocatalysis And Biotransformation 0.88745 Biotechnology And Applied Biochemistry 0.88546 Biotechnology Letters 0.848#47 Journal Of Bioactive And Compatible Polymers 0.800#48 Journal Of Fermentation And Bioengineering 0.79849 Process Biochemistry 0.782#50 Journal Of Chemical Technology And Biotechnology 0.76651 Applied Biochemistry And Biotechnology 0.74752 Genetic Analysis-Biomolecular Engineering 0.69653 Journal Of Food Safety 0.69054 Food Control 0.68855 Journal Of General And Applied Microbiology 0.634#56 Bioresource Technology 0.63257 Journal Of The American Society Of Brewing Chemists 0.60658 Disease Markers 0.60059 Biologicals 0.59860 Dna Sequence 0.58761 Plant Cell Tissue And Organ Culture 0.54062 Bioprocess Engineering 0.52863 Journal Of Tumor Marker Oncology 0.50064 Journal Of Applied Phycology 0.48665 Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology 0.47266 Acta Biotechnologica 0.46367 Hybridoma 0.45868 Biotechnic & Histochemistry 0.44769 Folia Microbiologica 0.31270 Journal Of Microbiology And Biotechnology 0.22671 Nippon Nogeikagaku Kaishi-Journal Of The Japan Society For Bioscience Biote 0.0767. Cell Biology (细胞生物学)1 Cell 37.2972 Nature Medicine 28.1143 Annual Review Of Cell And Developmental Biology 19.0004 Current Opinion In Cell Biology 18.1335 Faseb Journal 14.6296 Embo Journal 12.6437 Journal Of Cell Biology 12.0058 Trends In Cell Biology 10.8149 Nature Structural Biology 10.78210 Molecular And Cellular Biology 10.02511 Plant Cell 9.70912 Molecular Biology Of The Cell 8.92613 Structure 7.63314 Current Opinion In Structural Biology 7.50915 Oncogene 6.77216 Cell Death And Differentiation 5.27417 Journal Of Cell Science 5.08118 Molecular Medicine 5.03219 International Review Of Cytology-A Survey Of Cell Biology 4.55820 Tissue Antigens 4.33921 American Journal Of Respiratory Cell And Molecular Biology 4.16422 Journal Of Leukocyte Biology 3.90623 Journal Of Bioenergetics And Biomembranes 3.88924 Cell Growth & Differentiation 3.68025 Febs Letters 3.50426 Journal Of Molecular And Cellular Cardiology 3.25527 Experimental Cell Research 3.05628 Journal Of Membrane Biology 3.04829 Journal Of Structural Biology 3.03630 Journal Of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry 2.77631 European Cytokine Network 2.73032 Journal Of Cellular Biochemistry 2.68633 Journal Of Inflammation 2.66734 Cytogenetics And Cell Genetics 2.46635 Cell Motility And The Cytoskeleton 2.46136 Journal Of Cellular Physiology 2.45837 European Journal Of Cell Biology 2.35338 Stem Cells 2.34239 Cell Calcium 2.26540 Molecular Medicine Today 2.24341 Molecular Reproduction And Development 2.18942 Cellular Signalling 2.17443 Cytometry 2.15044 Dna And Cell Biology 2.12845 Cytokine 2.07646 Molecular And Cellular Endocrinology 2.06447 Molecular Membrane Biology 2.05748 Journal Of Muscle Research And Cell Motility 2.03849 Growth Factors 2.03650 Advances In Anatomy Embryology And Cell Biology 2.00051 Journal Of Neurocytology 1.97352 Cellular And Molecular Neurobiology 1.96853 Matrix Biology 1.90154 Cellular Immunology 1.83055 Seminars In Cell & Developmental Biology 1.81456 Plant And Cell Physiology 1.79257 Inflammation Research 1.77358 Histochemical Journal 1.74759 Cell Transplantation 1.74460 Cell And Tissue Research 1.74061 Histochemistry And Cell Biology 1.73062 Protoplasma 1.72463 Methods In Cell Biology 1.70064 Differentiation 1.58365 Biochemistry And Cell Biology-Biochimie Et Biologie Cellulaire 1.58166 Journal Of Lipid Mediators And Cell Signalling 1.55367 Histopathology 1.54468 Archives Of Histology And Cytology 1.50569 Journal Of Receptor And Signal Transduction Research 1.48170 Journal Of Interferon And Cytokine Research 1.47171 Cell Adhesion And Communication 1.46272 Development Growth & Differentiation 1.44373 Acta Cytologica 1.42574 Cell Proliferation 1.39675 Progress In Histochemistry And Cytochemistry 1.36476 Molecular And Cellular Biochemistry 1.34577 In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Animal 1.25678 Prostaglandins Leukotrienes And Essential Fatty Acids 1.25079 Development Genes And Evolution 1.23180 International Journal Of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 1.22981 Mechanisms Of Ageing And Development 1.14382 Somatic Cell And Molecular Genetics 1.13383 Analytical Cellular Pathology 1.13184 Cell Biology International 1.12485 Cellular And Molecular Biology 1.11386 Molecular And Cellular Probes 1.11087 Bioscience Reports 1.05788 Histology And Histopathology 1.02889 Inflammation 1.02890 Cytopathology 1.01091 Tissue & Cell 1.00092 Connective Tissue Research 0.98993 Analytical And Quantitative Cytology And Histology 0.96494 Cell Structure And Function 0.94295 Biology Of The Cell 0.93996 Pigment Cell Research 0.91797 Immunology And Cell Biology 0.90998 Cell Biochemistry And Function 0.88299 Journal Of Histotechnology 0.829100 Acta Histochemica 0.750101 Journal Of Submicroscopic Cytology And Pathology 0.690 102 Platelets 0.659103 Mediators Of Inflammation 0.657104 Pathobiology 0.652105 In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant 0.568106 European Journal Of Histochemistry 0.518107 Acta Histochemica Et Cytochemica 0.508108 Cell Biology And Toxicology 0.492109 Biotechnic & Histochemistry 0.447110 International Journal Of Tissue Reactions-Experimental And Clinical Aspects 0.444111 Molecules And Cells 0.382112 Biotherapy 0.327113 Biocell 0.264114 Biologicheskie Membrany 0.216115 Cellular And Molecular Life Sciences 0.0008. Developmental Biology(发育生物学)1 Annual Review Of Cell And Developmental Biology 19.0002 Genes & Development 18.8683 Development 9.7814 Mechanisms Of Development 5.3185 Developmental Biology 5.2896 Developmental Dynamics 3.6247 Developmental Genetics 3.1218 Current Topics In Developmental Biology 2.5009 Placenta 2.47310 Stem Cells 2.34211 Molecular Reproduction And Development 2.18912 Advances In Anatomy Embryology And Cell Biology 2.00013 Developmental Brain Research 1.82314 Seminars In Cell & Developmental Biology 1.81415 Teratology 1.71916 International Journal Of Developmental Biology 1.61917 Differentiation 1.58318 Anatomy And Embryology 1.55419 Development Growth & Differentiation 1.44320 Developmental Psychobiology 1.43521 International Journal Of Developmental Neuroscience 1.40622 Perspectives On Developmental Neurobiology 1.26223 In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Animal 1.25624 Development Genes And Evolution 1.23125 Reproduction Fertility And Development 1.05526 Journal Of Craniofacial Genetics And Developmental Biology 0.97927 Reproduction Nutrition Development 0.61928 In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant 0.56829 Growth Development And Aging 0.2429. Ecology(生态学)1 Trends In Ecology & Evolution 6.6782 Ecological Monographs 5.3003 Annual Review Of Ecology And Systematics 3.9004 Ecology 3.1395 Molecular Ecology 3.0866 American Naturalist 2.9037 Journal Of Ecology 2.8378 Journal Of Animal Ecology 2.8019 Evolution 2.71510 Behavioral Ecology And Sociobiology 2.32711 Ecological Applications 2.18012 Wildlife Monographs 2.00013 Marine Ecology-Progress Series 1.92314 Journal Of Evolutionary Biology 1.90415 Oikos 1.86016 Oecologia 1.85417 Conservation Biology 1.83218 Functional Ecology 1.81819 Theoretical Population Biology 1.70320 Tree Physiology 1.64021 Microbial Ecology 1.60622 Aquatic Microbial Ecology 1.47423 Journal Of Vegetation Science 1.41424 Polar Biology 1.36325 Journal Of Applied Ecology 1.33526 Journal Of Chemical Ecology 1.28427 Ecography 1.22828 Ecotoxicology 1.17629 Journal Of Biogeography30 Biological Conservation 1.10831 Journal Of Experimental Marine Biology And Ecology 1.03532 Australian Journal Of Ecology 1.00933 Journal Of Wildlife Management 0.98634 Ecological Economics 0.97335 Wildlife Research 0.80236 New Zealand Journal Of Ecology 0.75637 Wildlife Society Bulletin 0.73338 Environmental Biology Of Fishes 0.69339 Ecological Modelling 0.66840 Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 0.66141 Pedobiologia 0.65742 Journal Of Soil And Water Conservation 0.61743 Journal Of Range Management 0.61144 Revue D Ecologie-La Terre Et La Vie 0.58045 Journal Of Arid Environments 0.57046 Biochemical Systematics And Ecology 0.56847 Acta Oecologica-International Journal Of Ecology 0.56448 Sarsia 0.56149 Biotropica 0.54250 Global Ecology And Biogeography Letters 0.51751 Ecological Engineering 0.48952 American Midland Naturalist 0.48553 International Journal Of Sustainable Development And World Ecology 0.47654 Journal Of Freshwater Ecology 0.42255 Ecological Research 0.37756 Researches On Population Ecology 0.37557 African Journal Of Ecology 0.322#58 Biocycle 0.17859 Natural History 0.174。

生物医学类SCI期刊目录及影响因子一、国际期刊1、《自然》(Nature)出版周期:每周发行影响因子:44.6642、《自然医学》(Nature Medicine)出版周期:每月发行影响因子:30.6753、《新英格兰医学杂志》(New England Journal of Medicine)出版周期:每周发行影响因子:70.2274、《细胞》(Cell)出版周期:每周发行影响因子:36.2165、《美国医学会杂志》(JAMA)出版周期:每周发行影响因子:47.5606、《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)出版周期:每周发行影响因子:45.3457、《美国癌症学杂志》(Cancer Research)出版周期:每月发行影响因子:9.7098、《血液》(Blood)出版周期:每月发行影响因子:17.1759、《微生物及免疫学杂志》(Microbiology and Immunology)出版周期:每月发行影响因子:3.08310、《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)出版周期:每周发行影响因子:9.661二、中国期刊1、《中国微生物学报》(Chinese Journal of Microbiology)出版周期:每月发行影响因子:2.1642、《中国生物化学与分子生物学报》(Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)出版周期:每月发行影响因子:2.0003、《中国药物临床杂志》(Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology)出版周期:每月发行影响因子:1.2784、《中国实验诊断学杂志》(Chinese Journal of Laboratory Medicine)出版周期:每月发行影响因子:0.939。

排名前十的SCI收录的生物医学工程方向的杂志排行杂志影响因子1 Annual review of biomedical engineering12.22 Biomaterials7.43 Acta biomaterialia 4.94 Medical image analysis 4.45 Journal of neural engineering 3.86 Regenerative medicine 3.77 IEEE transactions on medical imaging 3.68 Biofabrication 3.59 IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society3.410 Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine3.3SCI收录的生物医学工程方向的杂志:1.Annual review of biomedical engineeringISSN:1523-9829 (Print); ISSN:1545-4274 (Electronic); ISSN:1523-9829 (Linking); United States : Palo Alto, Calif.领域:生物工程影响因子:12.22.BiomaterialsISSN:0142-9612 (Print); ISSN:1878-5905 (Electronic); ISSN:0142-9612 (Linking); England : Oxford领域:生物材料影响因子:7.43.Acta biomaterialiaISSN:1742-7061 (Print); ISSN:1878-7568 (Electronic); ISSN:1742-7061 (Linking); England : Kidlington, Oxford, UK领域:生物材料影响因子:4.94.Medical image analysisISSN:1361-8415 (Print); ISSN:1361-8423 (Electronic); ISSN:1361-8415 (Linking); Netherlands : Amsterdam领域:影像诊断、计算机辅助图像处理影响因子:4.45.Journal of neural engineeringISSN:1741-2560 (Print); ISSN:1741-2552 (Electronic); ISSN:1741-2552 (Linking);England : Bristol, U.K.领域:生物工程、神经系统、神经系统疾病影响因子:3.86.Regenerative medicineISSN:1746-0751 (Print); ISSN:1746-076X (Electronic); ISSN:1746-0751 (Linking);England : London, UK领域:再生医学、干细胞影响因子:3.77.IEEE transactions on medical imagingISSN:0278-0062 (Print); ISSN:1558-0062 (Electronic); ISSN:0278-0062 (Linking); United States : New York, NY领域:医疗电子产品、X光线照相术影响因子:3.68.BiofabricationISSN:1758-5082 (Print); ISSN:1758-5090 (Electronic); ISSN:1758-5082 (Linking);England : Bristol领域:生物工程、生物工程、组织工程影响因子:3.59.IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocietyISSN:1534-4320 (Print); ISSN:1558-0210 (Electronic); ISSN:1534-4320 (Linking);United States : Piscataway, NJ领域:生物工程、医疗电子产品、神经系统模型、计算机神经网络、康复医学、自助设备影响因子:3.410.Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicineISSN:1932-6254 (Print); ISSN:1932-7005 (Electronic); ISSN:1932-6254 (Linking); England : Chichester, West Sussex, UK领域:再生医学、组织工程影响因子:3.311.Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitationISSN:1743-0003 (Electronic); ISSN:1743-0003 (Linking);England : [London]领域:生物工程、神经系统疾病、神经系统创伤影响因子:3.312.Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiologyISSN:1617-7959 (Print); ISSN:1617-7940 (Electronic); ISSN:1617-7940 (Linking); Germany : Berlin, New York领域:生物力学、生物模型影响因子:3.213.Biomedical microdevicesISSN:1387-2176 (Print); ISSN:1572-8781 (Electronic); ISSN:1387-2176 (Linking); United States : Boston领域:生物材料、生物工程、生物技术影响因子:3.014.Physics in medicine and biologyISSN:0031-9155 (Print); ISSN:1361-6560 (Electronic); ISSN:0031-9155 (Linking); England : Bristol领域:生物物理、物理影响因子:2.815.Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materialsISSN:1751-6161 (Print); ISSN:1878-0180 (Electronic); ISSN:1878-0180 (Linking); Netherlands : Amsterdam领域:生物材料、材料测试影响因子:2.816.Expert review of medical devicesISSN:1743-4440 (Print); ISSN:1745-2422 (Electronic); ISSN:1743-4440 (Linking); England : London领域:设备设计、设备和供应影响因子:2.617.Journal of biomedical materials research. Part AISSN:1549-3296 (Print); ISSN:1552-4965 (Electronic); ISSN:1549-3296 (Linking); United States : Hoboken, NJ领域:生物材料、材料测试影响因子:2.618.Clinical oral implants researchISSN:0905-7161 (Print); ISSN:1600-0501 (Electronic); ISSN:0905-7161 (Linking); Denmark : Copenhagen领域:牙科植入、牙科植入物影响因子:2.519.Journal of biomechanicsISSN:0021-9290 (Print); ISSN:1873-2380 (Electronic); ISSN:0021-9290 (Linking); United States : New York, Oxford领域:生物力学影响因子:2.420.Annals of biomedical engineeringISSN:0090-6964 (Print); ISSN:1521-6047 (Electronic); ISSN:0090-6964 (Linking); United States : New York领域:生物工程、医学影响因子:2.421.Journal of materials science. Materials in medicineISSN:0957-4530 (Print); ISSN:1573-4838 (Electronic); ISSN:0957-4530 (Linking); United States : Norwell, MA领域:生物材料、生物工程影响因子:2.322.Journal of materials science. Materials in medicine.ISSN:0957-4530 (Print); ISSN:1573-4838 (Electronic); ISSN:0957-4530 (Linking); United States领域:生物材料、生物工程影响因子:2.323.IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineeringISSN:0018-9294 (Print); ISSN:1558-2531 (Electronic); ISSN:0018-9294 (Linking); United States : New York, NY领域:生物物理、工程类影响因子:2.3anogenesisISSN:1547-6278 (Print); ISSN:1555-8592 (Electronic); ISSN:1547-6278 (Linking); United States : Austin, TX领域:器官影响因子:2.225.Biomedical materials (Bristol, England)ISSN:1748-6041 (Print); ISSN:1748-605X (Electronic); ISSN:1748-6041 (Linking); England : Bristol, UK领域:生物材料影响因子:2.226.Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterialsISSN:1552-4973 (Print); ISSN:1552-4981 (Electronic); ISSN:1552-4973 (Linking); United States : Hoboken, NJ领域:生物材料、材料测试影响因子:2.127.Journal of biomaterials applicationsISSN:0885-3282 (Print); ISSN:1530-8022 (Electronic); ISSN:0885-3282 (Linking); England : London领域:生物材料、生物工程影响因子:2.128.Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon)ISSN:0268-0033 (Print); ISSN:1879-1271 (Electronic); ISSN:0268-0033 (Linking); England : Oxford领域:生物力学、整骨术影响因子2.129.IEEE engineering in medicine and biology magazine : the quarterly magazine of the Engineering in Medicine & Biology SocietyISSN:0739-5175 (Print); ISSN:1937-4186 (Electronic); ISSN:0739-5175 (Linking); United States : New York, NY领域:生物工程影响因子:2.130.IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems.ISSN:1932-4545 (Print); ISSN:1940-9990 (Electronic);United States : New York, NY领域:仿生学、医疗电子产品影响因子:2.0sers in medical scienceISSN:0268-8921 (Print); ISSN:1435-604X (Electronic); ISSN:0268-8921 (Linking); England : London领域:激光器影响因子:2.032.Artificial organsISSN:0160-564X (Print); ISSN:1525-1594 (Electronic); ISSN:0160-564X (Linking); United States : Cambridge, MA领域:人工器官影响因子:2.033.BiorheologyISSN:0006-355X (Print); ISSN:1878-5034 (Electronic); ISSN:0006-355X (Linking); Netherlands : Amsterdam领域:生物物理、体液影响因子:1.934.Journal of biomechanical engineeringISSN:0148-0731 (Print); ISSN:1528-8951 (Electronic); ISSN:0148-0731 (Linking); United States : New York Ny领域:生物力学影响因子:1.935.Medical & biological engineering & computingISSN:0140-0118 (Print); ISSN:1741-0444 (Electronic); ISSN:0140-0118 (Linking); United States : New York, NY领域:生物工程影响因子:1.936.The International journal of artificial organsISSN:0391-3988 (Print); ISSN:1724-6040 (Electronic); ISSN:0391-3988 (Linking); Italy : Milano领域:人工器官影响因子:1.937.Journal of biomaterials science. Polymer editionISSN:0920-5063 (Print); ISSN:1568-5624 (Electronic); ISSN:0920-5063 (Linking); Netherlands : Utrecht, The Netherlands领域:生物材料、聚合物影响因子:1.738.Physiological measurementISSN:0967-3334 (Print); ISSN:1361-6579 (Electronic); ISSN:0967-3334 (Linking); England : Bristol, UK领域:生物工程、生物物理、生理监测影响因子:1.739.Medical engineering & physicsISSN:1350-4533 (Print); ISSN:1873-4030 (Electronic); ISSN:1350-4533 (Linking); England : London领域:生物工程、物理影响因子:1.640.Journal of artificial organs : the official journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial OrgansISSN:1434-7229 (Print); ISSN:1619-0904 (Electronic); ISSN:1434-7229 (Linking); Japan : Tokyo领域:人工器官影响因子:1.641.Ultrasonic imagingISSN:0161-7346 (Print); ISSN:1096-0910 (Electronic); ISSN:0161-7346 (Linking); United States : Silver Spring, MD领域:超声影响因子:1.5puter methods and programs in biomedicineISSN:0169-2607 (Print); ISSN:1872-7565 (Electronic); ISSN:0169-2607 (Linking); Ireland : Limerick领域:医学、软件影响因子:1.543.International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgeryISSN:1861-6410 (Print); ISSN:1861-6429 (Electronic); ISSN:1861-6410 (Linking); Germany : Heidelberg领域:计算机辅助图像解释、计算机辅助外科手术影响因子:1.5puterized medical imaging and graphics : the official journal of the Computerized Medical Imaging SocietyISSN:0895-6111 (Print); ISSN:1879-0771 (Electronic); ISSN:0895-6111 (Linking); United States : Tarrytown Ny领域:影像诊断影响因子:1.545.International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering.ISSN:2040-7939 (Print); ISSN:2040-7947 (Electronic);England : [Oxford, UK]领域:生物工程、数学计算、理论模型影响因子:1.446.Biomedical engineering onlineISSN:1475-925X (Electronic); ISSN:1475-925X (Linking);England : London领域:生物工程影响因子:1.447.ASAIO journal (American Society for Artificial Internal Organs : 1992)ISSN:1058-2916 (Print); ISSN:1538-943X (Electronic); ISSN:1058-2916 (Linking); United States : Hagerstown, MD领域:人工器官影响因子:1.448.Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACEISSN:0147-8389 (Print); ISSN:1540-8159 (Electronic); ISSN:0147-8389 (Linking);United States : Mount Kisco, N. Y.领域:心律失常、人工心脏起搏器、人工起搏器影响因子:1.449.Artificial intelligence in medicineISSN:0933-3657 (Print); ISSN:1873-2860 (Electronic); ISSN:0933-3657 (Linking); Netherlands : Amsterdam领域:人工智能、医学影响因子:1.350.Bio-medical materials and engineeringISSN:0959-2989 (Print); ISSN:1878-3619 (Electronic); ISSN:0959-2989 (Linking); Netherlands : Amsterdam领域:生物材料、生物工程、生物技术影响因子:1.251.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H, Journal of engineering in medicineISSN:0954-4119 (Print); ISSN:2041-3033 (Electronic); ISSN:0954-4119 (Linking); England : London领域:生物工程影响因子:1.2puters in biology and medicineISSN:0010-4825 (Print); ISSN:1879-0534 (Electronic); ISSN:0010-4825 (Linking); United States : New York领域:自动数据处理、生物、医学影响因子:1.153.Biomedical signal processing and control.ISSN:1746-8094 (Print); ISSN:1746-8094 (Linking);England : Oxford, UK领域:计算机辅助图像处理、计算机辅助信号处理影响因子:1.054.Artificial cells, blood substitutes, and immobilization biotechnologyISSN:1073-1199 (Print); ISSN:1532-4184 (Electronic); ISSN:1073-1199 (Linking); England : London领域:生物材料、生物制剂、生物技术、血液代用品影响因子:1.055.Cell and tissue bankingISSN:1389-9333 (Print); ISSN:1573-6814 (Electronic); ISSN:1389-9333 (Linking); Netherlands : Dordrecht, the Netherlands领域:生物标本银行、细胞移植、组织库、组织保存、组织移植影响因子:1.056.Sports biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in SportsISSN:1476-3141 (Print); ISSN:1476-3141 (Linking);Scotland : Edinburgh领域:生物力学、运动影响因子:0.957.Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical engineeringISSN:0013-5585 (Print); ISSN:1862-278X (Electronic); ISSN:0013-5585 (Linking); Germany : Berlin领域:生物工程、医疗电子产品影响因子:0.9puter methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineeringISSN:1025-5842 (Print); ISSN:1476-8259 (Electronic); ISSN:1025-5842 (Linking); England : London领域:生物力学、生物工程影响因子:0.859.Cardiovascular engineering (Dordrecht, Netherlands)ISSN:1567-8822 (Print); ISSN:1573-6806 (Electronic); ISSN:1567-8822 (Linking); Netherlands : Dordrecht, The Netherlands领域:生物工程、心血管疾病、心血管系统影响因子:0.860.Journal of applied biomaterials & biomechanics : JABBISSN:1722-6899 (Print); ISSN:1724-6024 (Electronic); ISSN:1722-6899 (Linking); Italy : Milano, Birmingham [Ala.]领域:生物材料、生物力学、生物工程影响因子:0.861.Journal of applied biomechanicsISSN:1065-8483 (Print); ISSN:1065-8483 (Linking);United States : Champaign, IL领域:运动损伤、生物力学、运动、运动影响因子:0.862.Journal of medical devices.ISSN:1932-6181 (Print); ISSN:1932-619X (Electronic);United States : New York, N.Y.领域:生物工程、设备和供应影响因子:0.663.Australasian physical & engineering sciences in medicine / supported by the Australasian College of Physical Scientists in Medicine and the Australasian Association of Physical Sciences in MedicineISSN:0158-9938 (Print); ISSN:0158-9938 (Linking);Australia : Melbourne领域:生物工程、生物物理影响因子:0.664.Journal of mechanics in medicine and biology.ISSN:0219-5194 (Print);United States : New Jersey领域:生物、生物力学、医学影响因子:0.565.Acta of bioengineering and biomechanics / Wrocław University of Technology ISSN:1509-409X (Print); ISSN:1509-409X (Linking);Poland : Wrocław领域:生物力学、生物医学技术影响因子:0.466.Isokinetics and exercise science.ISSN:0959-3020 (Print); ISSN:0959-3020 (Linking);Netherlands领域:运动、肌肉收缩影响因子:0.367.Dialysis & transplantation.ISSN:0090-2934 (Print); ISSN:0090-2934 (Linking);United States领域:肾透析、人工肾、肾移植科影响因子:0.1。

S C I各领域国际顶尖学术期刊一览中国科学院科技情报中心将各领域的SCI期刊按影响因子大小分成四个区,其中一区和二区为高影响因子论文,三区为中等影响因子论文,四区为低影响因子论文。
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1??工程技术??C H E M M A T E R 1??工程技术??C O G N I T I V E B R A I N R E S 1??工程技术??C O M M U N A C M 1??工程技术??C R I T R E V F O O D S C I 1??工程技术??D I A M R E L A T M A T E R 1??工程技术??E S A B U L L-E U R S P A C E 1??工程技术??E U R P H Y S J E 1??工程技术??H U M-C O M P U T I N T E R A C T 1??工程技术??I B M J R E S D E V1??工程技术??I E E E C O M M U N M A G 1??工程技术??I E E E C O N T R S Y S T M A G 1??工程技术??I E E E E L E C T R D E V I C E L 1??工程技术??I E E E J Q U A N T U M E L E C T 1??工程技术??I E E E J S E L T O P Q U A N T 1??工程技术??I E E E J S E L A R E A C O M M 1??工程技术??I E E E N E T W O R K 1??工程技术??I E E E P E R S C O M M U N 1??工程技术??I E E E P H O T O N I C T E C H L 1??工程技术??I E E E S I G N A L P R O C M A G 1??工程技术??I E E E T E L E C T R O N D E V 1??工程技术??I E E E T I M A G E P R O C E S S 1??工程技术??I E E E T P A T T E R N A N A L 1??工程技术??I E E E T V I S C O M P U T G R 1??工程技术??I E E E A C M T N E T W O R K 1??工程技术??I N F O R M S Y S T 1??工程技术??I N T J C O M P U T V I S I O N 1??工程技术??I N T J F 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2??工程技术??F O O D C H E M 2??工程技术??I E E E J S O L I D-S T C I R C 2??工程技术??I E E E T A N T E N N P R O P A G 2??工程技术??I E E E T A P P L S U P E R C O N 2??工程技术??I E E E T A U T O M A T C O N T R 2??工程技术??I E E E T B I O-M E D E N G 2??工程技术??I E E E T C O M M U N2??工程技术??I E E E T C O M P U T 2??工程技术??I E E E T I N F O R M T H E O R Y 2??工程技术??I E E E T M I C R O W T H E O R Y 2??工程技术??I E E E T N U C L S C I 2??工程技术??I E E E T S I G N A L P R O C E S 2??工程技术??I N D E N G C H E M R E S 2??工程技术??I N T J N U M E R M E T H E N G 2??工程技术??J A G R F O O D C H E M 2??工程技术??J E L E C T R O N M A T E R 2??工程技术??J F O O D S C I 2??工程技术??J M A T E R R E S 2??工程技术??J N O N-C R Y S T S O L I D S 2??工程技术??J N U C L M A T E R 2??工程技术??J P O W E R S O U R C E S 2??工程技术??J A M O I L C H E M S O C 2??工程技术??J E U R C E R A M S O C 2??工程技术??J V A C S C I T E C H N O L A 2??工程技术??M A T S C I E N G A-S T R U C T 2??工程技术??M E T A L L M A T E R T R A N S A 2??工程技术??R E V S C I I N S T R U M 2??工程技术??S C R I P 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1??农林科学??J A N I M S C I 1??农林科学??J D A I R Y S C I 1??农林科学??R E V F I S H B I O L F I S H E R 1??农林科学??S O I L B I O L B I O C H E M 1??农林科学??T R E E P H Y S I O L 2??农林科学??A Q U A C U L T U R E 2??农林科学??C A N J F O R E S T R E S 2??农林科学??F O R E S T E C O L M A N A G 2??农林科学??J S C I F O O D A G R 2??农林科学??P L A N T S O I L 2??农林科学??P O U L T R Y S C I 2??农林科学??S O I L S C I S O C A M J1??社会科学??E C O N O M E T R I C A 2??社会科学??M E D E D U C1??生物??A M J H U M G E N E T 1??生物??A N N U R E V B I O C H E M 1??生物??A N N U R E V B I O P H B I O M 1??生物??A N N U R E V C E L L D E V B I 1??生物??A N N U R E V G E N E T1??生物??A N N U R E V M I C R O B I O L 1??生物??A N N U R E V P H Y S I O L 1??生物??A N N U R E V P L A N T P H Y S 1??生物??B B A-R E V B I O M E M B R A N E S 1??生物??B I O E S S A Y S 1??生物??C E L L 1??生物??C U R R B I O L 1??生物??C U R R O P I N C E L L B I O L 1??生物??C U R R O P I N G E N E T D E V 1??生物??C U R R O P I N P L A N T B I O L 1??生物??C U R R O P I N S T R U C B I O L 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1??医学??A N N S U R G 1??医学??A N N U R E V G E N O M H U M G 1??医学??A N N U R E V I M M U N O L 1??医学??A N N U R E V M E D 1??医学??A N N U R E V N E U R O S C I 1??医学??A N N U R E V N U T R 1??医学??A N N U R E V P H A R M A C O L 1??医学??A N N U R E V P S Y C H O L 1??医学??A N T I V I R T H E R 1??医学??A R C H G E N P S Y C H I A T 1??医学??A R C H I N T E R N M E D 1??医学??A R T E R I O S C L T H R O M V A S 1??医学??A R T H R I T I S R H E U M 1??医学??A T H E R O S C L E R O S I S S U P P 1??医学??B E H A V B R A I N S C I 1??医学??B B A-R E V C A N C E R 1??医学??B L O O D 1??医学??B R A I N1??医学??B R A I N P A T H O L 1??医学??B R A I N R E S R E V 1??医学??B R I T M E D J 1??医学??C A-C A N C E R J C L I N 1??医学??C A N C E R R E S1??综合性期刊??N A T U R E 1??综合性期刊??P N A T L A C A D S C I U S A 1??综合性期刊??S C I E N C E。
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S C I各领域国际顶尖学术期刊一览中国科学院科技情报中心将各领域的SCI期刊按影响因子大小分成四个区,其中一区和二区为高影响因子论文,三区为中等影响因子论文,四区为低影响因子论文。
其中,一区和二区的一小部分杂志被列为顶尖学术期刊(Top Journal)。
1 生物CELL
1 生物EMBO J
2 生
1 综合性期刊NATURE
1 综合性期刊SCIENCE 1 综合性期刊CELL。