



get rid of摆脱;除去(表动作) (教材P17)The couple decided to get rid of the unborn baby. 这对夫妇想打掉这个未出生的孩子。 The fat boy went on a diet to get rid of his excess weight. 这个胖男孩节制饮食以减轻过量的体重。 It is difficult to get rid of insects. 除掉虫子可不容易。
take away take back take care of take down take in
拿走;带走 带回;拿回;收回 小心;照顾 拆卸;记下;拿下 接受;接待;吸收;领会;欺骗
take off take on take out take over take up
脱下;起飞 呈现;雇用;承担;从事 取出;带出 接管;接替 占用;继续;接下去;拿起
【答案】 ①up ②out ③on ④off ⑤on ⑥over ⑦after
investigation n.研究;调查(+on/of/into)
(教材P16)Should DNA testing be made a standard procedure in criminal investigations?
under investigation carry out an investigation make social investigation make an investigation of/on/into sth. investigate v. investigator n. investigative adj.
完成句子 ①事情正在调查中。 The matter is____________. ②我需要马上进行调查吗? Do I need to____________now? ③警察已完成对这次事故的调查。 The police have completed their__________the accident. 【答案】 ①under investigation ②carry out the ③investigations into




外研九上英语课文翻译篇1Unit 1 It’s the biggest city in China.托尼:那么,《新标准》下一步怎么办?大明:再弄一次“作业助手”怎么样?托尼:这一周的作业是什么?玲玲:关于人口的。










托尼:还有,中国的人口大约是13亿……玲玲: ……大约占世界人口的百分之二十。





大明:那要归功于我的“作业助手”贝蒂:猜猜谁会颁奖?大明:不知道!贝蒂:贝基王Crazy Feet 乐队的歌手,也是创办《新标准》的人。

托尼:我不相信!Unit 2 It was a quiet country village.城市畅想乔,15岁,住在帕克威尔。











1.选修九Unit1 Breaking records-Reading打破记录"THE ROAD IS ALWAYS AHEAD OF YOU"“路永在前方”Ashrita Furman is a sportsman who likes the challenge of breaking Guinness records. 阿什里塔·弗曼是一位热衷挑战并想争创吉尼斯世界纪录的运动员。

Over the last 25 years, he has broken approximately 93 Guinness records. 在过去的25年中,他大约已经打破了93项吉尼斯世界纪录。

More than twenty of these he still holds, including the record for having the most records. 至今,他仍然是其中20多项纪录的保持者,还包括拥有最多的吉尼斯纪录这一项。

But these records are not made in any conventional sport like swimming or soccer. Rather Ashrita attempts to break records in very imaginative events and in very interesting places. 但是这些纪录并不是像游泳或足球等一般运动项目那样创建的,而是阿什里塔试图在非常有趣的地点,在富有想象力的运动项目中打破的。

Recently, Ashrita achieved his dream of breaking a record in all seven continents, including hula hooping in Australia, pogo stick jumping under water in South America, and performing deep knee bends in a hot air balloon in North America. 最近,阿什里塔完成了他的梦想:在所有的七大洲中都破一项纪录,其中包括在澳洲玩呼啦圈,在南美洲的水下做弹簧单高跷游戏,在北美洲的热气球中做膝部深弯曲运动。

外研版高中英语选修9:The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors

外研版高中英语选修9:The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors
The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors
1. archaeology n.考古学→ archaeological adj.考古学的,
考古的→ archaeologist
2. unify
v.统一→ unification n.统一
3. inscribe v.题写,刻写→ inscription n.题词,碑文
Ⅲ.句型搜索 1.It took 700,000 workers 37 years to build the tomb,which
was said to contain great treasure. [信息提取] It takes sb some time to do sth表示“做某事花 费了某人多长的时间”。 [例句仿写] 每天我都得用2个小时来做作业。 It takes me two hours to do the homework every day.
1.Many terracotta warriors made of clay were discovered
3,000 years ago.
( ×)
2.All the Chinese children will be able to tell you that Qin
8. hollow
adj.空的;中空的 allow v.许可;允许
Ⅱ.短语天地 1.make a presentation 举办展示会 2.have fun 玩得开心 3. work on 致力于 4. describe...as... 把……描述为…… 5. come off 脱落;发生;举行 6. all over the world全世界 7.be ready for为……做准备 8.depend on 依赖,依靠 9. think of 想起 10.in the half light 在昏暗的灯光下



9.1come to life活过来make...out of...把……做成……;把……造就成……refined adj.举止文雅的, 有教养的, 高雅的be connected with...与……有联系/关系charming adj.迷人的, 有魅力的, 娇媚的domineering adj.专横的, 盛气凌人的rebel v.反抗, 反叛treat...as...把……当做……be ready to...愿意……pas.sb./sth.of.a.sth.假扮, 冒充succeed in doing sth.成功complexion n.面容, 面貌, 面色likeable adj.可爱的, 讨人喜欢的recognise...as...把……看作……insensitive adj.不顾他人感受的, 不体贴的;反应迟钝的rather than 而不是, 而非become of (某人或某事)怎么样了/将会怎样crush v.使失望(尴尬或烦恼)superior adj.更大的, 更强的slipper n.拖鞋thunder v.怒喝, 怒吼, 大声斥责bitter adj.痛苦的submission n.屈服, 服从uneasy adj.不安的lofty adj.高傲的, 傲慢的complain of 诉说, 抱怨presume v.认为moderate v.(使)和缓, 减弱, 减轻champagne n.香槟(酒)recollect v.记起, 想起writhe v.(指因痛苦而)扭动身体sincere adj.诚恳的, 诚挚的, 衷心的reasonably adv.理性地irritation n.烦恼subjective adj.主观的ignorant adj.无知的, 愚昧的prayer n.祷文, 祷词impatiently adv.不耐烦地desperation n.绝望enlightened adj.开通的, 明智的impressed adj.钦佩的, 印象深刻的thrust v.猛插, 猛塞, 猛推rattle v.使发出嘎嘎声condescend v.俯就, 有优越感, 居高临下trivial adj.琐碎的, 没价值的stand n.架, 座, 台bite v.咬munch v.用力咀嚼, 大声嚼confirmed adj.坚定的, 根深蒂固的bachelor n.单身汉, 未婚男子stir v.激动, 发怒dreamy adj.(神色、表情等)出神的genial adj.友好的, 善良的afterthought n.事后的想法, 说完后又补充的事情chap n.[英, 非正式]男人, 家伙dishonest adj.不诚实的monologue n.独白solicitor n.律师shove v.推decent adj.好的, 还可以的morality n.道德, 道德观, 道德规范respectable adj.正派的, 体面的9.2take after (长相或举止)像(长辈)hereditary adj.遗传的have an (enormous) influence on 有(很大)影响question v.(警方)审问, 盘问, 询问investigation n.调查perform an operation做手术alter v.使变样, 改变consequence n.结果, 影响trait n.个性特征, 品质to a great extent 在很大程度上in detail 详细地nonetheless adv.然而, 不过insure v.为……投保, 给……保险modify v.改动, 更改regulatory adj.管制的label n.标签molecular adj.分子的resistance n.(尤指对疾病或药物的)抵抗力drought n.干旱resistant adj.不受影响的, 不受伤害的insecticide n.杀虫剂carcinogen n.致癌物(质)transfer v.转移approve v.批准, 核准, 认可soybean n.大豆, 黄豆oppose v.反对pimento n.甜辣椒edible adj.可以食用的transgenic adj.转基因的issue v.发布, 公布, 颁发inspection n.检查evolve v.(生物)进化, 演变bare adj.赤裸的, 无遮盖的indescribably adv.难以形容地, 无法描绘地frail adj.体弱的, 虚弱的fancy v.相信, 想象queer adj.古怪的peculiar adj.怪异的, 乖僻的flaxen adj.(头发)亚麻色的, 浅黄色的shaft n.竖井, 通风井shudder v.(因感到寒冷或恐惧而)战栗, 发抖dawn v.开始明白, 开始理解, 意识到differentiate v.区分, 区别9.3archaeology n.考古学archaeological adj.考古学的, 考古的terracotta n.赤陶土warrior n.武士, 勇士clay n.黏土unify v.统一crossbow n.弩pit n.坑hollow adj.空的, 空心的, 中空的glue v.用胶水粘inscribe v.题写, 刻写protect...from...保护……免受……tribe n.部落individual adj.个别的, 单独的unsurprisingly adv.意料之中地, 并不令人惊奇地set off 出发, 动身collapse v.倒塌, 坍塌prosperity n.繁荣, 昌盛rival adj.竞争的, 对抗的feudal adj.封建的, 封建制度的luxurious adj.豪华的mausoleum n.陵墓be fully aware of 非常清楚, 充分认识到be impressed by 对……印象深刻subsequent adj.随后的, 继……之后的vault n.墓穴formation n.阵形, 编队, 队形array n.布阵, 陈列, 排列reproduction n.复制品stylised adj.程式化的revelation n.揭示, 暴露, 显露inner adj.内部的, 内心的, 里面的centralise v.使集中, 使归中央控制authority n.权力, 权势, 管辖权stiff adj.硬的, 僵硬的simplicity n.朴素, 简朴chubby adj.丰满的, 圆胖的naively adv.天真地, 幼稚地veteran n.老兵, 老战士accessory n.首饰, 服装搭配物, 装饰品distinction n.差别, 不同rank n.军衔, 军阶, 职位, 社会地位intermediate adj.中级的, 中等程度的stance n.姿势, 姿态infantryman n.步兵archer n.弓箭手all in all 总的说来portray v.描述, 描绘, 描写, 表现invaluable adj.极为有用的, 极为有价值的banish v.放逐, 把……驱逐出境raiment n.衣服gem n.宝石stud v.(通常用被动语态)散布于, 密布于bedecked adj.(用旗子或花等)装饰的glimmer v.闪烁pendant n.挂饰, 垂饰undismayed adj.不沮丧的, 不泄气的serpent n.蛇, 大蛇roam v.闲逛, 漫步, 漫游bestride v.(两腿分开)跨立(或坐)在……上outlast v.比……持久, 比……经久supreme adj.至高的, 至上的savage n.未开化的人, 野蛮人ford v.涉过(河流)gaze v.(长时间地)盯视, 凝视chill n.寒冷, 寒意halt v.(使)停止, (使)停止前进, 停下oar n.桨, 橹whirlpool n.(河水或溪流中的)旋涡roar v.咆哮, 吼叫, 发出持续的轰鸣声bay n.港湾, 海湾conscience n.良心, 良知grieve v.感到悲痛9.4mandarin n.政府高官, (旧时中国政府的)大臣apart from 除……外overtake v.超过, 超越Muslim n.伊斯兰教信徒under the control of 在……的控制下expand v.扩大, 发展more or less 差不多, 几乎be based on 以……为基础;以……为依据on average 平均起来trend n.趋向, 趋势, 潮流definition n.定义, 释义ceremonial adj.仪式的, 礼仪的, 用于礼仪的outlook n.前景bleak adj.暗淡的, 没有希望的document v.记录refe.to...as...把……称作……enthusiasm n.热情, 热心, 热爱inquiry n.询问, 疑问, 质询distort v.歪曲, 曲解extract n.摘录, 选段, 引文ornament n.装饰, 点缀discourse n.(有关某个主题的)演讲,(口头或书面的)讨论, 话语disposition n.处理, 解决execute v.创作(艺术品)counsel n.忠告, 劝告marshalling n.(尤指为争论)组织, 整理(信息或想法)sloth n.懒惰, 懒散affectation n.做作, 装模作样scholar n.学者, 有学问的人bound v.受……限制crafty adj.精明的confute v.驳倒, 完全否定swallow v.吞下, 咽下digest v.消化, 吸收, 理解, 领会diligence n.勤奋, 用功deputy n.众议员distill v.提炼(观点或信息), 写出……的摘要flashy adj.华丽的, 俗艳的, 俗丽的virus n.病毒worm n.蠕虫病毒file n.(计算机的)文件,文档avalanche n.突然出现的大量事物infect v.感染attachment n.附件9.5set foot on踏上(某地, 尤指这样做很特别或不同寻常)prosper v.兴旺, 发达lead to 引发(某事物)Christianity n.基督教needless to say 不用说, 当然(用于表示某事已是众所周知)resent v.愤恨, 憎恨hostile adj.怀敌意的, 不友善的, 恶意的brutal adj.野蛮的, 凶残的, 残忍的collaboration n.合作, 协作, 合作的产物starvation n.饥饿, 饿死chief n.部落首领invader n.入侵者nomadic adj.游牧的, 流浪的mount v.骑上(马)fearless adj.无畏的, 不怕的livestock n.家畜, 牧畜make peace (with sb.) 和解in turn 结果;后来;转而;反过来reservatio.n.(美国印第安人的)居留地junk n.中国式平底帆船primarily adv.主要地immigrant n.移民pursue v.追求, 追赶, 追逐await v.等候, 等待consist of 由……组成elusive adj.难找到的void n.空白manufacturer n.制造商atmosphere n.气氛, 氛围irrigation n.灌溉in particular 尤其, 特别sufficient adj.充足的, 足够的dependent adj.依靠的, 依赖的vital adj.极其重要的credit v.把……归功于……ease v.缓和, 缓解tension n.紧张, 紧张局势, 紧张关系,敌对状态ailing adj.(经济)不景气的recover v.恢复, 复苏transcontinental adj.横贯大陆的, 穿越大陆的stretch v.延伸, 拉长blast v.爆炸untapped adj.未开发的, 未利用的spur v.促进, 激励, 使发生territory n.领土, 领地, 属地, 地方, 地区cultivate v.开垦, 耕作profitable adj.盈利的, 有利可图的virtually adv.差不多, 实际上, 实质上riot n.骚乱enact v.使(提议)成为法律exclusion n.拒绝, 排斥repeal v.废除, 撤消(法令)barrier n.障碍initiate v.使开始removal n.搬迁, 搬走acquaint v.介绍, 使认识, 使了解execution n.处死, 处决, 执行, 履行warfare n.战争, 作战, 交战bayonet n.刺刀stockade n.栅栏, 围栏drizzle v.下毛毛雨nugget n.天然金块seal v.密封doom n.厄运, 劫数brigand n.土匪, 强盗enormity n.庞大, 巨大conceal v.掩盖, 隐瞒, 隐藏greed n.贪婪exile n.流放, 放逐, 流亡groan n.呻吟9.6of all time 有史以来(最好)的biographer n.传记作家lexicographer n.词典编纂家compile v.编纂, 汇编revise v.修订contract n.合同quotation n.引文, 引语, 语录playwright n.剧作家fault n.缺点, 毛病publication n.出版comprehensive adj.综合的slip n.纸条, 纸片obsolete adj.过时的, 淘汰的, 废弃的enlarge v.扩大, 壮大prolific adj.(作家)多产的landau n.活顶四轮马车coachman n.马车夫, 赶马车的人clip-clop v.(马蹄)发出声(指乘马车前进)poplar n.杨树forbidding adj.令人生畏惧的, 严峻的mansion n.大房子, 大楼solemn adj.严肃的, 庄严的immense adj.极大的, 巨大的rehearse v.排演, 演练, 排练make sb's acquaintance 结识某人momentary adj.片刻的, 短暂的mutual adj.相互的, 彼此的embarrassment n.尴尬tick v.(钟表)发出嘀答声muffled adj.(声音)听不清的clank n.叮当声asylum n.精神病院criminally adv.极其, 极度地insane adj.精神错乱的, 精神病的arguable adj.有论据的assist v.帮助, 协助, 辅助see the light (of day) (相法、计划、规定等)出台, 颁布sort v.将……分类, 整理motive 动机actuate v.驱动mercenary adj.唯利是图的, 只对钱感兴趣的accessibility n.材料的质量和可获得性electronic adj.电子的, 电子化的, 计算机化的computerise v.使计算机化, 用计算机操作complexity n.复杂性navigate v.浏览apparatus n.装置, 设备, 仪器, 器械encyclopedic adj.百科全书的entry n.(书、计算机数据库等的)条目,项目, 词条multimedia n.多媒体audio n.声音的, 音频的, 录音的thesaurus n.分类词典, 类属词典synonym n.同义词organically adv.(发生、发展过程)自然地devise v.发明, 设计, 想出faculty n.天赋, 能力, 本领abstract adj.抽象的entitle v.给(书、诗歌、乐曲等)题名,给……命名considerable adj.相当大的, 相当多的bulky adj.笨重的, 庞大的, 肥胖的voluminous adj.宽大的, 容量大的ample adj.足够的, 充裕的, 丰富的,(体形)丰满的massive adj.非常大的, 大量的, 巨大的alphabetical adj.按字母顺序的relevant adj.相关的, 有关的buzzword n.时髦词语broadband n.宽(频)带alternative adj.可替代的, 供选择的linguistic adj.语言上的, 语言学上的browse v.浏览。



Module1Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion皮格马利翁是希腊神话中的塞浦路斯国王。





Pygmalion saw so much to blame in women that he came at last to abhor(痛恨) the sex,and resolved to live unmarried.Pygmalion was a very talented sculptor in ancient Greece who loved his work, and would spend hours carving beautiful ivory statues,immersing himself in(专心于……) his art.One day,he chose a large,beautiful piece of ivory,and worked diligently at it,chiseling(凿,雕) and hammering until he finished.It was a statue of a beautiful lady.Pygmalion thought it was so beautiful,he clothed the figure,gave it jewels,and named it Galatea(sleeping love).Pygmalion went to the temple of Aphrodite(Venus),the goddess of love and beauty,to pray for a wife just like the statue in his home.When Aphrodite heard him,she went to the home of his sculptor to see what all the fuss(大惊小怪) was about.She was delighted when she saw Galatea.She thought it looked a lot like herself,so she brought it to life.When the sculptor returned home,he found Galatea alive,and threw himself at her feet.Galatea smiled down at him.They soon got married,and Pygmalion didn't forget to thank Aphrodite for his good fortune.He and Galatea brought gifts to her altar(祭坛) as long as they lived.Aphrodite blessed them with happiness and love in return.1.What was Galatea made of?_______________________________________________________________2.Who did Galatea look like?_______________________________________________________________3.Will people tend to behave as you expect according to the Pygmalion effect?_______________________________________________________________【答案】 1.Ivory.2.Aphrodite./Venus.3.Yes,they will.Section Ⅰ Introduction & Reading andVocabulary(1)—Preparing词义搭配1.Statue A.polite,well educated2.Comedy B.having or showing good manners,or from a class ofsociety that believe it is better than others3.refined C.to fight against or refuse to obey an authority4.charming D.a figure of a person or an animal in stone,metal,etc.5.polite E.a play or film that is intended to be funny,usuallywith a happy ending6.domineering F.trying to control other people without consideringtheir opinions or feelings7.rebel G.very pleasant or attractive【答案】 1.D 2.E 3.A 4.G 5.B 6.F 7.C短语填空come to life ;make...out of ;be connected with...;treat...as...;be ready to...;pass...off as...;care for ;pay for ;instead of1.You'll have to____________your selfishness some day.2.Our bank____________major foreign banks of the world over.3.His son____________him when he was ill.4.After the rain ,the withered grass____________again.5.He________always________help others.6.He________himself________a doctor. 【答案】1.pay for2.is connected with 3.cared for 4.came to life 5.is ;ready to 6.passed ;off as根据提示补全下列教材原句1.He bets a friend called Pickering ,that he can not_only teach the girl to speak well ,but_also to behave in a refined way ,so_that those who meet her believe she is a real lady.他跟朋友皮克林打赌说他不仅能教会姑娘谈吐文明,而且还能让她举止高雅,让每个见到她的人都相信她是位真正的淑女。

最新-2021学年高中英语外研版选修9课件:Unit 6Section Ⅰ 精品

最新-2021学年高中英语外研版选修9课件:Unit 6Section Ⅰ 精品
1.Nowadays, some fruits which are not__________us in winter in the past can be seen on the market.
2.With the development of science and technology, it is easy to get a good view of New York____________the keyboard.
This machine shortens much of the distance between English and Chinese speakers.Students can be shown how to use the dictionary, with little technical ing the dictionary removes the responsibility of the students who even don't know a word.Beginners gain a feeling of control over their learning environment and learning process.Even the most negative students lose their hatred of English by having a tool that simplifies and speeds up the learning process.It's fast andeasy.Best of all, not everyone has to have their own machines.These can be shared.


[kleɪ] ['juːnɪfaɪ] ['krɒsbəʊ]
[pɪt] [ˈhɒləʊ]
[ɡluː] [ɪn'skraɪb]
[traɪb] [ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒʊəl]
[kə'læps] [prɒ'sperɪtɪ]
[ˈraɪvəl] ['fjuːd(ə)l] /lʌɡˈzjʊərɪəs/ [,mɔsə'liəm]
v.怒喝,努吼,大声斥责 a.有苦味的;痛苦的;刺骨的 n.屈服,服从; 谦恭, 投降 a.不安的,不自在的,担心的
adj.高傲的,傲慢的 诉说,抱怨 v.认为
v.(使)和缓,减弱,减轻 n.香槟(酒)
vt/vi.回忆, 记起, 想起 v.(指因痛苦而)扭动身体 adj.诚恳的,诚挚的,衷心的
adv.理性地,明智地 n.烦恼
bare indescribably
frail fancy queer peculiar flaxen shaft shudder dawn differentiate
archaeology archaeological
音标 [tʃæp] [dɪsˈɒnɪst] ['mɒn(ə)lɒg] [sə'lɪsɪtə] [ʃʌv] ['diːs(ə)nt] [məˈræləti] [rɪ'spektəb(ə)l]
hereditary have an (enormous)
influence on question
investigation perform an operation
alter consequence
trait to a great extent

最新-2021学年高中英语外研版选修9课件:Unit 6Section Ⅱ 精品

最新-2021学年高中英语外研版选修9课件:Unit 6Section Ⅱ 精品

同……签订合同 根据合同 根据合同 ……的契约
He is under contract to a major American computer firm. 他同一家大型美国计算机公司签了约。
完成句子 ①你多久以前签的合同? How long ago did you________________? ②我按照聘约要在这里教一年书。 I'm________________to teach here for one year. ③我们在提供车辆方面与政府订有合约。 We________________the government for the supply of vehicles/to supply vehicles. 【答案】 ①sign the contract ②under contract ③have a contract with
完成句子 ①我已改变了对他的看法。 I have_______________ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้of him. ②他修改了他的故事,把它缩短了。 He________________to make it shorter. ③我没有很多时间为考试复习。 I don't have much time to________________tests.
enlarge vt.扩大,增大 (教材 P73)The project was clearly too big for one person to edit, so Murray enlarged the editing team. 显然,这项工作由一个人编辑任务太重,因此默里扩大了编辑队伍。 There are plans to enlarge the recreation area. 已经有了扩大娱乐场地的计划。 I planned to enlarge this photograph. 我计划放大这张照片。 The police had the photograph of the missing girl enlarged. 警方把失踪姑娘的照片放大了。



Module 1 Book 6How Good Are Your Social Skills?你的社交技能有多高你是否看见认识的人以后,故意过马路以避免与其说话你愿意参加聚会并自信的和每位来宾交谈吗你想结交更多的朋友,但是又缺乏与陌生人交谈的信心吗你是否一想到要在别的国家参加社交活动就觉得忐忑不安别担心——我们能帮助你!如果你具备了良好的社交技能,你就不用担心这样的情景。





Learn how to small talk学会怎样聊天聊天时很重要的,并能帮助你为一些更严肃的谈话做准备。


例如:·想出一个最近的新闻故事——不要太严肃,譬如,一个有关于电影明星或体育明星的故事·想出一些有关于你的学习的事情告诉人们·想出一些“不会出错”的事情询问别人的意见——音乐,体育,电影等·想出一些和陌生人谈话时要回避的话题——并且要避免谈论这些话题!那样,你的信心就不会被伤害了!Develop you listening skills提高倾听的技能倾听是大多数人所缺乏的技巧,而交流时双向的过程——它涉及说和听两个方面。


下面是一些使你成为更好的倾听者的建议:Do…做下面的事情……·用一些鼓励的声音或姿势表示你正在倾听——微笑,点头,说一些“嗯”或“对啊”之类的话等等·保持得体的目光接触·使用积极肯定的肢体语言·询问更多的信息表示你的兴趣Don’t…不要做下面的事情……·看自己的手表·打哈欠·叹气·把目光从正跟你说话的人身上移开·改变话题·替别人把话说完要牢记19世纪英国首相本杰明·迪斯累里的话:“和一个人谈论他自己,他会和你说上几个小时!”Learn the rules学习规则如果你在另一个国家去参加一个社交场合,要记住会有不同的社交规则。

外研版高中英语选修9《Module 4 Languages of the World)

外研版高中英语选修9《Module 4 Languages of the World)

Did you have enough time to do it?
(2) 和许多名次连用, 表示一种活动或动作, Yesterday afternoon we had a long talk. She has a music lesson at ten o’clock.
My grandfather never had any education. (3) 让发生某情况,例如: Don’t forget to have him come. In the traffic accident the man had his arm broken. Run and change your wet things. I can’t have you catching cold. (4) 使某人到某处, 使某物处于某位置,例如:
The weather is getting quite warm.
That night he got drunk for the first time in his life.
It’s getting near teatime.
I am now trying to get this article published.
You can read any of these books.
(4) 用在形容词或副词的比较级前表示程度.例如: She was too tired to walk any further. It’s no use asking me. I don’t know any more than you do. I am sorry to tell you that they can’t come any sooner.



to some extent=to a certain extent
To what extent is this true of all schools? 这在多大程度上符合所有学校的实际情况? To some extent,I am responsible for the delay. 在一定程度上,我对拖延负有责任。
in detail详细地 (教材P22)So, even though scientists may soon be able to describe our genes in detail,...因此,尽管科学家们可能很快就能详细地描述我们的基因,…… He explained the project to us in detail. 他详细地将该方案向我们进行了解释。 It is impossible to treat this matter in detail in a short lecture.短短的一节课要 详细地论述这个问题是不可能的。

9、要学生做的事,教职员躬亲共做; 要学生 学的知 识,教 职员躬 亲共学 ;要学 生守的 规则, 教职员 躬亲共 守。20 21/7/3 12021/ 7/31Sat urday, July 31, 2021
• 10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。2021/7/312021/7/312021/7/317/31/2021 7:44:52 PM
翻译句子 ①我将新房子投保火险。 _______________________________________________________________ ②他投保100万美元的寿险。 _______________________________________________________________




17 世纪以前的航海记录显示,即使没有现代航海技术的帮助,他们也没有任凭海洋摆布(at the mercy of)。



利用天体(celestial bodies) ●北极星在北极, 北极星是在天上的最高位置;而在赤道(equator)上,北极星却在地平线(horizon)上。








●鸟在看不见陆地的时候, 可以用海鸟来指明通往陆地的去路。

在夜晚的时候, 筑巢而居的鸟就要返回陆地鸟窝。

因此, 即使在远离海岸的大洋上, 海员们也可以跟随这些鸟儿到达陆地。

利用天气●雾正如雾气汇聚在溪流或江河上一样, 雾气也能汇聚在海洋上。

当靠近陆地时, 海员们可以用雾气来帮助确定溪流或江河的位置。





第二页:利用航海工具找出经度直到17 世纪英国人解决了这个理论问题后,人们才有了测量经度的可靠方法。


外研版英语选修9课件:Unit 6-Section Ⅰ Why Do We Need Diction

外研版英语选修9课件:Unit 6-Section Ⅰ Why Do We Need Diction

D.a sentence or phrase taken from a work of literature or other piece
5.fault 6.publication 7.enlarge 8.quotation
E.someone who writes an account of a person's life F.make larger G.change sth.because of new information or more thought H.the action of making a book available for sale
True or False: 1.An electronic dictionary can only be used as a translator.( 2.Beginners can gain much confidence by using this machine.( ) )
This machine shortens much of the distance between English and Chinese speakers.Students can be shown how to use the dictionary, with little technical ing the dictionary removes the responsibility of the students who even don't know a word.Beginners gain a feeling of control over their learning environment and learning process.Even the most negative students lose their hatred of English by having a tool that simplifies and speeds up the learning process.It's fast andeasy.Best of all, not everyone has to have their own machines.These can be shared.



(word完整版)外研社高中英语必修1-8课文原文(翻译)必修一Module 1 My First Day at Senior HighMy name is Li Kang. I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing. It is the capital city of Hebei Province.T oday is my first day at Senior High school and I’m writing down my thoughts about it.My new school is very good and I can see why. The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing. Every room has a computer with a special screen, almost as big as a cinema screen.The teachers write on the computer, and their words appear on the screen behind them.The screens also show photographs, text and information from websites. They’re brilliant! The English class is really intere sting. The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms Shen.We’re using a new textbook and Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like the teachers at my Junior High school. She thinks that reading comprehension is important, but we speak a lot in clas s, too. And we have fun.I don’t think I will be bored in Ms Shen’s class! Today we introduced ourselves to each other. We did this in groups. Some students were embarrassed at first but everyone was very friendly and it was really nice. Ms Shen gave us instructions and then we worked by ourselves. Ms Shen wants to help us improve our spelling and handwriting. We do this in a fun way, with spelling games and other activities. I like her attitude very much, and the behaviour of the other students shows that they like her, too. There are sixty-five students in my class — more than my previous class in Junior High. Forty-nine of them are girls. In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys. They say that girls are usually more hard-workingthan boys, but in this class, everyone is hard-working. For our homework tonight, we have to write a description of the street where we live.I’m looking forward to doing it!My After-school Activities .As the students of modern times, we have colorful school life. Everyday, we learn plenty of knowledge on different subjects in class. And our school organizes many extracurricular activities in order to help us put what we have learned into practice. After class, we take part in various activities, like playing football, basketball, badminton, etc. They are good for our health. Besides, we are able to join in the lectures organized by literature association, music group, art group, where you can enjoy famous works, learn to play instruments or draw pictures.Also, there are chances for us to use computers in the laboratory and talk with some foreign teachers about anything we are interested in at the English corner. Now, most of us may operate computers freely and have a good command of spoken English.In addition to the after-class activities mentioned here, there are still many others such as sports meeting, debate, social investigation, etc. All those activities make our school life attractive and interesting. We will take advantages of the experience in the future.Moudle 2My New TeachersThey say that first impressions are very important. My first impression of Mrs. Li was that she was nervous and shy.人们常说第一印象很重要。

2019审定 外研社高中英语部分选修课文翻译

2019审定 外研社高中英语部分选修课文翻译

Unit 11 As I approach the hospital wearing my white coat, I look just like any other doctor. That is until I put on my curly rainbow wig, big red nose, and add my name badge “Doctor Larry Laugh-Out-Loud”. I walk through the doors into the waiting area, where there’s a familiar atmosphere of boredom and tension. People sit uncomfortably on plastic chairs, looking through old magazines, all of which have been read hundreds of times previously. Anxious parents do what they can to comfort nervous and crying children.当我穿着白大褂走进医院时,我看起来和其他医生没什么两样——直到我戴上卷曲的彩虹色假发和大红鼻子,别上我的名牌“拉里,笑哈哈医生”。




2 In the middle of this particular scene I spot a small girl whose ankle is twice its normal size. I speak with the on-duty nurse, who tells me that Lara’s parents rushed her to the hospital after she fell off her bicycle. Since getting here, Lara has spent her time crying in pain. Although it’s the doctors and nurses wh o will treat her injury, it’s my job to make her feel better.在这个特别的场景里,我注意到一个小女孩,她的脚踝肿成了原来的两倍。


【答案】 ①In addition to ②In addition to
base...on/upon basis n. on...basis(=on the basis of) provide a...basis for
以……为根据,在……基础上 根基;基础 以……为根据,在……基础上 为……提供……根据
She was chosen for the job on the basis of her qualifications and ideas. 她因具备适当资格和想法而被选担任这项工作。 The basis of her opinion is something she read in the magazine. 她意见的根据是从杂志里看来的。
【要点提炼】 in addition(to)除……以外还有,此外还有。to 是介词,后跟 名词、动名词。
In addition to these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight.
除了这些安排以外,另外增加的救护车将值班至午夜。 In addition to the school,the village has a clinic,which was also built with government support. 除了学校之外,这个村也有诊所,也是政府支助建设的。 There is, in addition, one further point to make. 此外,还有一点要说。
(教材 P45)In_addition_to being spoken in France, it is spoken in many other countries, including Belgium, Switzerland, Canada, the African nations of Rwanda and Cameroon, and some islands in the Caribbean Sea.除法国外,还有 其他很多国家讲法语,包括比利时、瑞士、加拿大、非洲国家卢旺达和喀麦隆, 以及加勒比海的几个岛屿。

外研版高中英语选修九Module 6Why Do We Need DictionariesGrammar文字素材1

外研版高中英语选修九Module 6Why Do We Need DictionariesGrammar文字素材1

外研版第9册模块6《Why Do We Need Dictionaries》词语讲解1revisen. 校订,修正,再校稿v. 校订,修正,校正例句与用法:1. He revised the manuscript of his book before sending it to the publisher. 他对自己那本书的手稿先进行校订,然后才把它交给出版社。

2. You should revise your idea about him.你应该修改对他的看法。

3. She's revising (her history notes) for the test.她正在复习(历史课笔记)准备测验.enlargev. 扩大,增大例句与用法:1. I needn't enlarge upon this matter; you all know my views.我不需要详述此事;你们都知道我的意见。

2. I planned to enlarge this photograph.我计划放大这张照片。

3. Can you enlarge on what has already been said?你能把所说的事再详尽地说说吗?4. The police had the photograph of the missing girl enlarged.警方把失踪姑娘的照片放大了.5. I want to enlarge the lawn.我想把草坪扩大.immensea. 巨大的,广大的例句与用法:1. It's almost impossible to find him in the immense ocean.在无边无际的海洋中要找到他几乎是不可能的。

2. The performance was immense.演出极为成功。

3. Of immense size, volume, or capacity; gigantic.庞大的面积、体积、容积很大的;巨大的4. Her services to the state have been immense.她对国家的贡献极大.mutuala. 共同的,相互的例句与用法:1. Let's give mutual support and inspiration to each other.让我们互相支持,互相鼓励。

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