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• B. 是…大学…系…专业的副教授 • He is an associate professor of [specialty] in… Department at…University, [place] • C.是(成为)…大学的教师 • He is/has been a faculty member of …Univesity • D. 在..大学攻读…专业博士学位 • He has been working(=is currently/presently working) towards/on the Ph.D.degree in [specialty] at…University
• 4) • A 2004 paper was the winner of …Aw来自百度文库rd. • won…Award.
Now you try:
• 根据自己的具体情况撰写英文个人简介
• College of Medicine
College of Chemistry and Chemical Industry College of Living Resources & Environment Science
• 5. 表科研成果及获奖 • 1) he has made contributions specifically in… • 2) received the medal/award of… • he was awarded,,, • is the recipient of…Award.
• 3) he has published…books and… papers. • is(the) author • coauthor of the … • first-named author
• 1. 表达学历 • He attended…University from …to…, majoring/specializing in…
• 2. 表达获取学位 • In 20..,he received/obtained/earned/was awarded a(n)/the/his/her… degree in…[specialty] from…Department at…University,…city, state or province, country
• • •
针灸推拿学Acupuncture moxibustion and massage (专业代码:100502· 文理兼招· 学制五年· 授予医学学士学位) 培养目标:本专业培养德、智、体全面发展,具备中医学基本理论、基本知 识、基本技能;具有厚实的针灸推拿学理论知识和娴熟的针灸推拿手法,较 强的实践技能,擅长针灸推拿医术;具有一定的现代医学基本知识及诊疗技 术,并有一定的人文社会科学和相关边缘科学知识;具有鲜明专业特色,良 好的职业道德,富有创新意识和开拓精神,能在各级医疗卫生单位从事针灸、 推拿、医疗、康复、保健及教学科研等工作的应用型针灸推拿专门人才。 医学影像学medical image (专业代码:100303· 文理兼招· 学制四年· 授予理学学士学位) 培养目标:本专业培养德、智、体全面发展,具备基础医学、临床医学和现 代医学影像学的基本理论、基本知识和能力,能在教学、科研及医疗卫生单 位从事医学影像诊断、超声诊断、介入放射学和医学成像技术等方面工作的 应用型高级医学技能人才。
• • • •
• [专业设置] 制药工程 pharmaceutical engineering • [专业设置] 食品质量与安全Food quality and safety • [专业设置] 化学工程与工艺Chemical engineering and technology • [专业设置] 食品科学与工程 Food science and Engineering • [专业设置] 化学(师范) Chemical (normal) • [专业设置] 应用化学applied chemistry
In Academic Writing
• 1. 教育背景(包括毕业时间、毕业院校、 攻读专业、获取学位等) • 2. 工作经历(工作单位、工作时间、工作 职责等) • 3. 目前科研工作的方向 • 4. 已发表的论著、科研成果、重点工程及 获奖情况等
• Kevin L. Dickerson attended the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign伊利诺大学香槟 分校 from 1980 to 1987. In 1982 he was awarded a BS degree in engineering mechanics. He earned an MS degree in the theoretical and applied mechanics in 1983 and completed requirements for the Ph.D degree in theoretical and applied mechanic in 1987. he is currently employed in the position of analytical engineer for the Sundstrand Corporation in Rockford, 罗克 福德Illinois.
• 4. 表科研 • 1)his research interests/work focus(es) on/concentrate on /include/concern/are in the area/field of… • 2) He is/has been actively engaged in research in the area of… • 3) he is active in the area of…
• • • • • •
医学院招生专业介绍 (本科) 临床医学clinical medicine (专业代码:100301· 理科· 学制五年· 授予医学学士学位) 培养目标:本专业培养能掌握基础医学、临床医学、预防医学、妇幼 医学的基本理论和基本技能,能在各级医疗卫生机构中从事疾病预防、 临床诊疗、妇幼保健、医学科研和卫生管理工作的应用型高级医学专 门人才,设临床医学和妇幼卫生两个专业方向。
• • • • • • • • B.S./ B.Sc. 理学士 B.A. 文学士 B.Eng. 工学士 M.S. 理硕士 M.A. 文硕士 M. Eng. 工硕士 Ph.D. (哲学)博士 Doctor of Engineering 工程博士
• • • • • •
3. 表达工作经历 A.在..单位当… 1) He works/acts/serves as…at/in/for… (表职位和地点的短语位置可以互换) 2) he is /was/has been…with/at…as 3) he is employed in the position of(=holds the position of)… for/at
Sample 3
• David A. Johns received the B.A. Sc. Degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Toronto, Canada, in 1980 and 1983, respectively. Since 1985he has been working towards the Ph.D degree in electrical engineering at Toronto. From 1980 to 1982 he worked as an applications engineer in the semiconductor division of Mitel Corp., Ottawa, 渥太华Canada. From 1983 to 1985 he was an analog IC模拟集 成电路 designer at Pacific Microcircuits微电路 Ltd., Vancouver, Canada.
Sample 2
• Shen Li received the BS degree from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Beijing Institute of Posts & Communications, 北 京邮电学院Beijing, China, in 1982. From 1982 to 1986, she was an assistant engineer for the Research Institute of Postal Science & Technology邮政科学与技术, Beijing, China. Now she is a graduate student in the Department of Mechanical Engineer, State University of New York at Stony Brook.纽约州立大学石溪分校
• His current work concerns the implementation 实施,实现of integrated analog adaptive filters适应滤波器.
Sample 4
• Adel S. Sedra received the B.Sc. Degree from Cairo University, Egypt, in 1964, and the M.A.Sc. And Ph.D. degrees from the University of Toronto, Canada, in 1968 and 1969 respectively, all in electrical engineering. • Since 1969 he has been with the University of Toronto where he is currently Professor and Chairman of the Electrical Engineering. He also serves as an industrial consultant and is a director of the recently established Information Technology Research Centre. His research is in the area of microeletronic filter design. He has published about a hundred papers and two books. His papers won two IEEE电子与电气工程师学会(P168) awards and in 1988 he received the A.S.E.E. 美国电子协会Frederick Emmons Teman Award for excellence in engineering education.
• • 护理学nursing • (专业代码:100701· 文理兼招· 学制四年· 授予理学学士学位) • 培养目标:本专业培养具有良好职业道德和人文底蕴,较坚实的基础 医学和护理学的基础理论、基本知识和临床基本技能,较强的实践能 力和积极的创新精神;具有严谨务实的工作态度,在护理工作中能体 现人道主义精神及职业使命感,能在医疗卫生机构、城市社区从事临 床护理、预防保健、护理管理、护理教育和护理科研等工作的应用型 高级护理专门人才。 •