







就说那个 PT100 吧,这可是中低温区最常用的一种咯,0℃的时候电阻值就是 100Ω,测量范围一般是 - 200℃到 600℃,不过也有说能到 - 200℃到 850℃的呢。


”师傅点点头,接着说:“它的精度也挺高的,通常能达到±0.1℃或更高呢,而且还有 A 级、B 级这些精度等级之分,A 级的允许偏差值是±(0.15+0.002│t │)℃,B 级的是±(0.30+0.005│t│)℃。


”这时候,旁边的小李也凑过来了,说:“师傅,那除了 PT100,还有别的啥型号呀?”师傅笑着说:“还有 PT500、PT1000 呢,这些铂热电阻呀,各有各的特点。

”我又问:“那它们的参数和 PT100 有啥不一样呀?”师傅耐心地解释说:“它们的测温范围呀,精度等级呀,都有些差别。

比如说 PT1000 的精度可能会更高一些,测量范围也会有所不同,具体的还得看实际的应用场景。


我就问:“师傅,那一般都有多长多粗的呀?”师傅说:“长度常见的有 1 米、2 米的,甚至更长的也有,直径呢,一般是 1.5mm到 5mm。



”师傅又拿起一个 HSLW29 螺纹固定温度传感器给我们看,说:“你们看这个型号,它的螺纹规格、测温管的长度和直径都可以有多种选择,所以适用性和灵活性很强,能广泛应用在各种环境温度、管道内气液体、固体表面温度的测量呢。



®The Series RHP Humidity/Temperature Transmitters combine the voltage or current humidity transmitter output with a passive temperature thermistor or RTD output. The polymer capacitance humidity sensor reduces longterm affect of condensation, fog, or high humidity. The humidity sensors are available with 2%, 3% or 5% accuracies. Duct mounted transmitters are available with an optional two-line alpha numeric LCD display.• Reduced installation cost with combined humidity and temperature• Wide application environment from a large selection of temperature sensors and 2%, 3% and 5% accuracies • Reduced system operating costs with radiation shield protecting the sensor from radiant heat• Air economizers• Outdoor temperature and relative humidity reference for building systemsFEATURES/BENEFITSDESCRIPTIONAPPLICATIONSSERIES RHP | HUMIDITY/TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERSOSA (outside air)OSA (outside air)with sintered filter OSA (outside air)with radiation shield Duct mountSPECIFICATIONSRelative Humidity Range 0 to 100% RH.Temperature Range -40 to 140°F (-40 to 60°C).Accuracy, RH RHP-2XXX ±2% 10-90% RH @ 25°C; RHP-3XXX ±3% 20-80% RH @ 25°C; RHP-5XXX ±5% 20-80% RH @25°C.Accuracy, Thermistor Temp Sensor ±0.2°C @ 25°C (±0.36°F @ 77°F).Accuracy, RTD Temp Sensor DIN Class B; ±0.3°C @ 0°C (±0.54°F @ 32°F).Accuracy, Solid State Band Gap ±0.9°F @ 77°F (±0.5°C @ 25°C).Hysteresis ±1%.Repeatability ±0.1% typical.Temperature Limits -40 to 140°F (-40 to 60°C).Storage Temperature -40 to 176°F (-40 to 80°C).Compensated Temperature Range -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C).Power Requirements 4-20 mA loop powered models: 10-35 VDC; 0-5/10 V output models: 15-35 VDC or 15-29 VAC.Output Signal (Model Dependent)4-20 mA; 0-5/10V @ 5 mA max.Response Time 15 s.Electrical Connections Removable screw terminal block.Conduit Connection Duct mount: 1/2˝ NPS; OSA: PG11 or PG16 (1/2˝ conduit) knockouts.Drift < 1% RH/year.RH Sensor Capacitance polymer.Temperature Sensor Types 1, 2, 3: Solid state band gap; Curves A, B, C: Thermistor; Curves D, E: Platinum RTD DIN 385.Enclosure Material Duct mount sensor tube: PVC-UL 94 V-0; Duct mount sensor cap: Polycarbonate ABS blend-greater than UL94 V-0; Duct mount electronics housing and cover: Makrolon ® polycarbonate-UL 94V-HB; OSA: Polycarbonate.Enclosure Rating Duct mount: NEMA 4X (IP66) for housing only; OSA: NEMA 4X (IP66).Display Duct mount only, optional 2-line alpha numeric, 8 characters/line.Display Resolution RH: 0.1%; 0.1°F (0.1°C).Weight Duct mount: .616 lb (.3 kg); OSA: 1 lb (.45 kg).Compliance CE.©Copyright 2022 Dwyer Instruments, LLC Printed in U.S.A. 3/22DS-RHP Rev. 7ORDER ONLINE TOD DWYER INSTRUMENTS, LLCImportant Notice: Dwyer Instruments, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to or discontinue any product or service identified in this publication without notice. Dwyer advises its customers to obtain the latest version of the relevant information to verify, before placing any orders, that the information being relied upon is current.ACCESSORIESModel DescriptionA-RHP-FC A-RHP-RTReplacement plastic hydrophobic filterRetrofit tool for fitting O-ring on RHP-D/M models for new filter A-RHP-FCHOW TO ORDERSERIESRHP: RH/passive temperature sensor transmitter ACCURACY -2: 2% accuracy -3: 3% accuracy -5: 5% accuracyHOUSING TYPED: Duct mount with plastic hydrophobic filter O: OSA (outside air)S: OSA with sintered filter*R: Radiation shield*Use OSA with sintered filter models when purchasing Series RHRS separately.OPTIONS-LCD: LCD display-NIST: NIST traceable calibration certificate TEMPERATURE SENSOR 0: None 1: 4-20 mA 2: 0-10 VDC 3: 0-5 VDCA: 10K @ 25°C thermistor type III B: 10K @ 25°C thermistor type II C: 3K @ 25°C thermistor D: 100 Ω RTD DIN 385E: 1K Ω RTD DIN 385F: 20K Ω @ 25°C thermistor RH OUTPUT 1: 4-20 mA 2: 0-10 V 3: 0-5 VDCRHP-2D1Use the bold characters from the chart below to construct a product code.-LCDADIMENSIONS6-25/32[172.09]5-1/8[130.18]4-17/32[115.09]2-15/64[56.75]3-1/8[79.38]4-17/32[115.09]Ø3/16[4.76]MOUNTING HOLES TYP 4 PLCS3-1/8[79.38]1-13/64[30.56][21.83]Duct mountOSA (outside air)OSA (outside air) with sintered filter2-1/4[57.15][21.83]6-25/32[172.16]3-45/64[94.06]2-41/645-1/8[130.18]1/2 NPT2-11/64[55.17]8-61/64[227.30]2-41/64 [67.03]2-9/64[54.37]3-11/64[80.57]35/64[13.89]2-9/16[64.96]2-11/64 [55.12][3] 3/16 [4.76] HOLES EQUALLY SPACED ON A 4.115 [104.52] BCA-RHP-FCMakrolon ® is a registered trademark of Covestro AG.。


GD传感器是一种广义的概念,它可以指代多种不同类型的传感器。因此,GD传感器的参 数会根据具体的传感器类型而有所不同。以下是一些常见传感器类型及其可能的参数:
1. 温度传感器: - 测量范围:温度传感器可以测量的温度范围,例如-40°C至+125°C。 - 精度:传感器的测量精度,例如±0.5°C。 - 响应时间:传感器从接收到温度变化到输出结果的响应时间,例如100毫秒。
2. 湿度传感器: - 测量范围:湿度传感器可以测量的湿度范围,例如0%至100%相对湿度。 - 精度:传感器的测量精度,例如±2%相对湿度。 - 响应时间:传感器从接收到湿度变化到输出结果的响应时间,例如1秒。

3. 光照传感器: - 测量范围:光照传感器可以测量的光照强度范围,例如0至1000勒克斯。 - 精度:传感器的测量精度,例如±5%。 - 响应时间:传感器从接收到光照变化到输出结果的响应时间,例如10毫秒。
4. 加速度传感器: - 测量范围:加速度传感器可以测量的加速度范围,例如-3g至+3g。 - 精度:传感器的测量精度,例如±0.1g。 - 响应时间:传感器从接收到加速度变化到输出结果的响应时间,例如1毫秒。
这些参数只是示例,实际的GD传感器参数可能因不同的厂商和产品而有所不同。在选择 和使用GD传感器时,建议参考供应商提供的技术规格和数据手册,以了解具体传感器的参数 和性能。



TMPx75 具有 I 2C 和 SMBus 接口的温度传感器(采用行业标准 LM75 尺寸和引脚)1 特性•TMP175:27 个地址•TMP75:8 个地址,NIST 可追溯•数字输出:与 SMBus ™、两线制和 I 2C 接口兼容•分辨率:9 至 12 位,用户可选•精度:–-40 °C 至 +125 °C 范围内为 ±1 °C (典型值)–-40 °C 至 +125 °C 范围内为 ±2 °C (最大值)•低静态电流:50μA ,0.1μA (待机)•宽电源电压范围:2.7V 至 5.5V•小型 8 引脚微型小外形尺寸 (MSOP) 封装和 8 引脚小外形集成电路 (SOIC) 封装2 应用•电源温度监控•计算机外设过热保护•笔记本电脑•手机•电池管理•办公机器•恒温器控制•环境监测和供热通风与空气调节 (HVAC)•机电器件温度TMP175 和 TMP75 内部框图T V+A1A0A23 说明TMP75 和 TMP175 器件属于数字温度传感器,是负温度系数 (NTC) 和正温度系数 (PTC) 热敏电阻的理想替代产品。

该器件无需校准或外部组件信号调节即可提供典型值为 ±1 °C 的精度。


片上 12 位模数转换器 (ADC) 具备低至 0.0625°C 的分辨率。

此器件提供业界通用的 LM75 SOIC-8 和 MSOP-8 外形尺寸。

TMP175 和 TMP75 与 SMBus 、两线制和 I 2C 接口兼容。

TMP175 器件可与多达 27 个器件共用一根总线。

TMP75 可与多达八个器件共用一根总线。

TMP175 和 TMP75 都具有 SMBus 警报功能。

TMP175 和 TMP75器件适用于在通信、计算机、消费类、环境、工业和仪器等各种应用中进行扩展温度测量。










2主要技术特征2.1 防爆型式:矿用本质安全型,防爆标志:ExibI;2.2 型号含义G W 100 (A)设计序号主参数,测量范围(℃)温度传感器2.3 额定工作电压:DC12V;2.4 额定工作电流:150mA;2.5 测量范围:设定42℃;动作值误差:±2℃;2.6 动作性能:被测点温度超过设定值时,继电器动作。


2.7 输出信号:开关量信号2.8 关联设备:ZJZ-SI矿用带式输送机综合保护装置2.9 传输电缆长度最大长度100m,分布电容<0.1μf/Km,分布电感<1mH/Km;2.10 外形尺寸:167mm×66mm×41mm;2.11 质量:350g。

3 环境条件3.1 正常工作条件3.1.1 周围环境温度为-5℃~40℃;3.1.2 海拔高度不超过2000m(气压80KPa~110KPa);3.1.3 周围空气相对湿度≤98%(25℃);3.1.4 含有甲烷等爆炸性气体的矿井中;3.1.5 无显著摇动和冲击振动的地方;3.1.6 无破坏绝缘的气体或蒸气的环境中;3.1.7 能防滴水的地方。

3.2 最恶劣贮运条件高温:60℃;低温:-40℃;平均相对湿度:95%(25℃)。

4 结构概述传感器由温度检测探头、主体、安装支架等部分组成。



5 工作原理传感器的检测探头贴紧或靠近被测部位,当环境温度和被测点温度低于设定的温度值时,传感器不动作,当环境温度或被测点温度超过设定的温度值时,传感器内的比较器电路翻转,传感器将输出接点有断开变为导通。

富士通 UTY-RNNUM 温度传感器设置 说明书

富士通 UTY-RNNUM 温度传感器设置 说明书

Service Tips Setting up the Thermo Sensor on the UTY-RNNUM 1)With the wired remote off, press boththe Set Temp Up & Down buttonsalong with the Fan Control buttonsimultaneously for 5 seconds or moreto enter the function setting mode.2)The remote should display 00:00onthe timer.3)Press the right Set Time buttons toselect the function number. Thefunction numbers will be 00:42and00:48. You will need to set them oneat a time.4)Press the Set Temperature buttons,Up and Down, to select the settingvalue of‘01’.5)Press the Timer Set button to lock inthe settings. The ‘01’ will flash.6)Cut power for the system for oneminute than restore power back tothe system. You can set bothfunctions, 00:42and 00:48than shutoff power.7)Once power is restored you canactivate the thermo sensor. Press and hold the Thermo Sensor button toactivate the thermo sensor.*See attached Engineering Bulletin ‘How to Enter Function Settings’.Set Time LeftSet Time RightThermo Sensor IconFunction Number Setting ValueThermo Sensor IconFan ControlSet Temp. Down Set Temp. UpService Tips Entering Function SettingsUTY-LNHUM / UTY-LRHUM AR-REC1U /AR-RED1U / AR-REG1UEntering the Function Setting Mode:Press the Fan(Control)button,Set Temp.(˄)and the Reset button simultaneously then release the Reset button to enter the function setting mode.Selecting the Function Number and Setting Value1.Press the Mode button first then press the Set Temp.(˄)(˅)buttons to select the function number.(Press the Mode button to switch between the left and right digits.) 2.Press the Fan button to proceed to setting the value.(Pressthe Fan button again to return to the function number selection.)3.Press the Set Temp.(˄)(˅)buttons to select the setting.(Press the Mode button to switch between the left and right digits.)4.Press the Timer Mode button and Start/Stop button,in theorder listed to confirm the settings.5.Press the Reset button to cancel the function setting mode.6.After completing the Function Setting,be sure to turn offpower to the outdoor disconnect for a minimum of one minute and turn it on again.Entering the Function Setting Mode:Press the Powerful button,Set Temp.(˄)and Reset button simultaneously then release the Reset button to enter the function setting mode.Selecting the Function Number and Setting Value1.Press the Set Temp.(˄)(˅)buttons to select the functionnumber.(Press the Min.Heat button to switch between the left and right digits.)2.Press the Powerful button to proceed to setting the value.(Press the Powerful button again to return to the function number selection.)3.Press the Set Temp.(˄)(˅)buttons to select the setting.(Pressthe Min.Heat button to switch between the left and right digits.)4.Press the Mode button and then the Start/Stop button,in theorder listed to confirm the settings.5.Press the Reset button to cancel the function setting mode.6.After completing the Function Setting,be sure to turn off powerto the outdoor disconnect for a minimum of one minute and turn it on again.UTY-RVNUMEntering the Function Setting Mode:1.Make sure the indoor unit is powered down and notrunning otherwise you will be restricted from enteringthe Function Settings menu.2.From the monitor screen,press the Menu button twice.3.Once at the submenu,press and hold the Screen Leftand Screen Right buttons for5seconds.4.Select the Function Setting option from the list.Fromthere you will be in the Function Settings Menu andfree to select function number and setting values.5.After completing the Function Setting,be sure to turnoff power to the outdoor disconnect for a minimum ofone minute and turn it on again.Entering the Function Setting Mode:1.Press the Set Temp.(˄)(˅)buttons and Fan buttonsimultaneously for more than5seconds to enterthe function setting mode.2.Press the Set Back button to select the indoor unitnumber.3.Press the Set Time buttons to select the functionnumber.4.Press the Set Temp.buttons(˄)(˅)to select thesetting value.The display flashes as shown to theright during setting value selection.5.Press the Timer Set button to confirm the setting.Press the Set button for a few seconds until thesetting value stops flashing.If the setting valuedisplay changes or if“--”is displayed when theflashing stops,the setting value has not been setcorrectly.(An invalid setting value may have beenselected for the indoor unit.)6.Repeat steps2to5to perform additional settings.Press the Set Temp.buttons(˄)(˅)and Fanbutton simultaneously again for more than5seconds to cancel the function setting mode.Inaddition,the function setting mode will beautomatically canceled after1minute if nooperation is performed.7.After completing the Function Setting,be sure toturn off power to the outdoor disconnect for aminimum of one minute and turn it on again.UTY-RNBYU/UTY-RNNUMUTY-RSNUMEntering the Function Setting Mode:1.Press both the Temp.Up and Down buttons(˄)(˅)and FAN together for more than5seconds simultaneously.Then,shift to Function Setting Mode.2.Press the Temp.Up or Temp.Down button(˄)(˅)and select the indoor unit number.Then,press the Fan button.Function Number&Setting Number Setting3.“Function Number”display blinks.Then,display Number by pressing the Temp.Up orTemp.Down button.4.When the“Setting Number”blinks,press the Fan button to set the Setting number bypressing the Temp.Up or Temp.Down button(˄)(˅).5.Fix the setting by pressing the power button.(Data is transferred to the indoor unit).6.After completing the Function Setting,be sure to turn off power to the outdoordisconnect for a minimum of one minute and turn it on again.。


响应时间:0~80% <30s
附 录 A
内阻:< 2K
供电电压:5~12V(电压型/数字型) 12±0.5V (电流型)



Cód.ParámetroU.M.TipoMín.Máx.VALOR/2Estabilidad de la medida -C 1154/3Deceleración visualización sonda-C 0150/4Sonda virtual-C 01000/5Selección °C o °F (0=°C, 1=°F)flag C 010/6Punto decimal (0=si 1=no)flag C 011/tI Visualización sobre el display -C 171/tE Visualización en terminal externo-C 060/P Selección tipo de sonda -C 020/A2Configuración de la sonda 2-C 042/A3Configuración de la sonda 3-C 040/A4Configuración de la sonda 4-C 040/A5Configuración de la sonda 5-C 040/c1Calibración de la sonda 1°C/°F C -20200/c2Calibración de la sonda 2°C/°F C -20200/c3Calibración de la sonda 3°C/°F C -20200/c4Calibración de la sonda 4°C/°F C -20200/c5Calibración de la sonda 5°C/°FC-2020St Set point (punto de consigna)°C/°F F r1r2-23rd Diferencial regulador°C/°F F 0.120 3.0rn Zona neutra°C/°F C 0604rr Diferencia inverso para control con zona neutra°C/°F C 0,1202r1SET mínimo admitido °C/°F C -50r2-23r2SET máximo admitido °C/°F C r120020TABLA DE PARÁMETROSCAREL: PUIFI0006 (MEMBRANA / ARMARIOS BT)/ PARÁMETROS SONDAr PARÁMETROS REGULADORr3Modalidad de funcionamientoflag C 020r4Variación automática del SET POINT nocturno °C/°F C -20200r5Habilitación de la monitorización de la temp.flag C 011rt Intervalo de monitorización de la temperaturahoras F 09990rH Máxima temperatura leída °C/°F F 000rLMínima temperatura leída°C/°FFc0Ret. arr. comp. y vent. en el mom. del encendido min C 0151c1Tiempo mínimo entre encendidos sucesivos min C 0151c2Tiempo mínimo de OFF del compresor min C 0150c3Tiempo mínimo de ON del compresormin C 0150c4Arranque forzado min C 01000cc Duración del ciclo continuohoras C 0150c6Tiempo exclusión de alarma después del ciclo continuohoras C 02502c7Tiempo máximo de Pump-Downs C 09000c8Retr. arr. comp. después de la ap. de la válvula PD s C 0605c9Habilitación función de autoarranque con func. en PDflag C 010c10Selección Pump-Down de tiempo o presiónflag C 010c11Retraso 2º compresorsC250d0Tipo de desescarche (0=resis. 1=gas 2=agua 3=gas a tiempo)flag C 041dI Intervalo entre dos desescarches horas F 02503dt1Temperatura fin desescarche evaporador °C/°F F -5020020dt2Temperatura fin desescarche evaporador auxiliar°C/°F F -5020020dt3Temperatura fin desescarche sonda 3°C/°F F -502004dP1Duración máx. del desescarche evaporador min F 125030dP2Duración máx. del desescarche evap. auxiliar min F 125030d3Retraso de activación del desescarche min C 02500d4Desescarche a la conexión del equipo flag C 010d5Retraso del desescarche a la conexion min C 02500d6Bloqueo del display durante el desescarche -C 021ddTiempo de goteo después del desescarcheminF154c PARÁMETROS COMPRESORd PARÁMETROS DE DESESCARCHEd8Exclusión alarmas después del desescarche horas F 02501d8d Tiempo exclusión de alarma tras puerta abierta min C 02500d9Prioridad del desescarche frente protecciones compresorflag C 010d/1Visualización de la sonda de desescarche °C/°F F 000d/2Visualización de la sonda de desescarche °C/°F F 000dC Base de los tiempos para desescarche flag C 010dC1Base de los tiempos para retardo de alarmas flag C 010d10Tiempo de funcionamiento del compresor min C 02500d11Umbral de temperatura para tiempo de funcionamiento°C/°F C -2020 1.0d12Desescarches avanzados -C 030dn Duración nominal del desescarche -C 110065dHFactor proporcional variación de ‘dI’-C10050A0Diferencial alarmas y ventiladores°C/°F C 0.120 1.0A1Tipo de umbral ‘AL’ y ‘AH’flag C 010AL Umbral de alarma de baja temperatura °C/°F F -5020010AH Umbral de alarma de alta temperatura °C/°F F -5020010Ad Retraso alarma baja y alta temperatura min F 0250120A4Configuración de la entrada digital 1-C 0120A5Configuración de la entrada digital 2-C 0120A6Bloqueo del compresor por alarma externa min C 01000A7Retraso de detección alarma externa min C 02500A8Habilitación alarmas ‘Ed1’ y ‘Ed2’ flag C 010A9Configuración salida digital 3flag C 0140Ado Configuración modo luz puerta flag C 010Ac Alarma alta temperatura del condensador °C/°F C 0.020070.0AE Difer. de la alarma de alta temp. cond.°C/°F C 0.12010Acd Retraso alarma alta temp. del condensadormin C 02500AF Tiempo apagado con sensor de luzseg C 02500ALF Umbral de alarma antihielo °C/°F C -50200-5AdFRetardo alarma antihielosegC250A PARÁMETROS DE ALARMAF0Control ventiladorflag C 022F1Temperatura encendido ventilador °C/°F F -50200 5.0F2Ventilador OFF con compresor OFFflag C 011F3Ventiladores en desescarche flag C 011Fd Ventiladores apagados después del goteo flag F 0150F4Temperatura ventilador condensador OFF°C/°F C -5020040F5Diferencial ventilador condensador°C/°FC0,1205Pw Contraseña -C 020022H0Dirección serial -C 02071H1Funcionalidad del relé 4flag C 0133H2Deshabilitación teclado/Infrared flag C 061H3Código habilitación telecomando -C 02550H4Deshabilitación zumbador flag C 010H5Funcionalidad del relé 5-C 0133H6Bloqueo teclas -C 025532H7Selección tecladoflag C 010H8Luz o salida aux conmutada con control horario-C 010H9Variación set point con control horario-C 010HPr Perfil de impresión-C 0150Hdn Num conjuntos de parámetros predeterminados disponibles-C 060Hdh Desfase de resistencia antivaho°C/°F C -502000HrL Control remoto de estado de relé de luz principal -C 010HrA Control remoto de estado de relé AUX principal -C 010HSA Control remoto de alarmas de controladores en ud principal-C 010In Tipo de unidad-C 060s_cLrH Orden baja humedad relativa-C 010s_cAUX Orden activar AUX -C 010s_cLUX Orden activar luz -C 010s_cONOFFOrden controlador ON/OFF-C1F PARÁMETROS VENTILADOR (solo para el modelo C)H OTRAS PREDISPOSICIONES。

MBT 3252型温度传感器数据表说明书

MBT 3252型温度传感器数据表说明书


该温度传感器采用标准 Pt 100 元件,能够保证测量的可靠性和精确性。


MBT 3252 型温度传感器配备标准 B 型 接头。

如果需要,变送器(MBT 9110)可作为 MBT 3252 传感器的内置配件进行订购。

特点:•气体或液体介质,比如空气、燃气、蒸汽、水或油•电阻或 4–20 mA 信号•最高介质温度达 200 °C•Pt 感温元件配备硅树脂电缆•可与 2 线制或 3 线制连接搭配使用•可互换式测量插芯•提供内置变送器•同时还提供 MBT 5252型海运应用版本技术参数(1)变送器温度受介质温度、环境温度和通风条件的影响。

如果变送器温度超过允许的最高温度,变送器必须被放置在一个分离的外壳中,已在专门的 MBT 9110 资料表中说明。




如有任何疑问,请访问 查看最新状态或联系您当地的丹佛斯代表。

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OMRON E5CN 温控表参数设定方法温控仪面板(E5CN )如图:1. 按“”键3秒以上,进入参数设置等级。

显示: 2. 按“”键,切换参数代码,可循环显示。

显示: 3. 按“”或“”键,修改参数设定值。

4. 按“”键3秒以上,返回正常控制模式。

显示:二.报警值设置操作:1. 按“”键,进报警值设定,可循环显示。

显示: 2. 按“”键,设定报警1()温度值。

显示: 3. 按“”或“”键,修改报警输出设定值。

4. 按“”键,设定报警2()温度值。

显示: 5. 按“”或“”键,修改报警输出设定值。

温度单位 实际值(红色)设定值(绿色)向上键 向下键 模式切换键 等级切换键状态指示灯6.按“”键,返回正常控制模式。



































3.1 3.2 3.3 4
温度传感器设计 温度插芯设计 功能
12 11 11 14 14 15 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 19 20 21
SensyTemp TSP1X8 温度传感器系列 4.1 4.2 4.3 接线盒 支撑管 工艺连接 4.3.1 SensyTemp TSP128 温度传感器 焊入式/插入式安装护套 螺纹连接安装护套 法兰连接安装护套
设备电气连接必须参照电气图由授权的专业人员完成。 遵循本手册中的电气连接说明,以确保电气保护有效。 连接设备必须完全满足安全隔离基本要求才能保证对危险电路的隔离,达到 安全保护的目的。 为保证隔离安全,可对易发生触电事故的电路单独供电或者提供额外的隔离 保护。
位置: 1 /Titelblätter / Copyright/DB/Temperatur/TSP3X1 @ 20\mod_1211288113249_3101.doc @ 194539 @
温度传感器 SensyTemp TSP1X8
分销商: 上海卓乔仪表有限公司 上海市宝山区金勺路 1508 号 电话:021 – 36550515 13918149708 传真:021 – 56618080
2.1 2.2
本温度传感器应用的温度级别为 T6。如果现有爆炸气体环境指定的温度级别 为 T5、T4、T3、T2或 T1,则该温度传感器可在相应更高的温度级别条件下 使用。
2.3 2.4

Pt100 温度传感器参数及电路设计

Pt100 温度传感器参数及电路设计

Pt100 温度传感器参数及电路设计Pt100 温度传感器为正温度系数热敏电阻传感器.主要技术参数如下:•测量范围:-200℃~+850℃;•允许偏差值△℃:A 级±(0.15+0.002│t│),B 级±(0.30+0.005│t│);•最小置入深度:热电阻的最小置入深度≥200mm;•允通电流≤ 5mA。

另外,Pt100 温度传感器还具有抗振动、稳定性好、准确度高、耐高压等优点。

铂热电阻的线性较好,在0~100 摄氏度之间变化时,最大非线性偏差小于0.5 摄氏度。

图1 PT100 传感器封装图应用领域宽范围、高精度温度测量领域。



•供热/制冷管道热量计量,中央空调分户热能计量和工业领域测温和控制常用电路图R2、R3、R4 和Pt100 组成传感器测量电桥,为了保证电桥输出电压信号的稳定性,电桥的输入电压通过TL431 稳至2.5V。


电桥的一个桥臂采用可调电阻R3,通过调节R3 可以调整输入到运放的差分电压信号大小,通常用于调整零点。

放大电路采用LM358 集成运算放大器,为了防止单级放大倍数过高带来的非线性误差,放大电路采用两级放大,如图 5.1 所示,前一级约为10 倍,后一级约为3倍。

温度在0~100 度变化,当温度上升时,Pt100 阻值变大,输入放大电路的差分信号变大,放大电路的输出电压Av 对应升高。

注意:虽然电桥部分已经经过TL431 稳压,但是整个模块的电压VCC 一定要稳定,否则随着VCC 的波动,运放LM358 的工作电压波动,输出电压Av 随之波动,最后导致A/D 转换的结果波动,测量结果上下跳变。


ELX1226 NRNE 电阻温度传感器技术参数说明书

ELX1226 NRNE 电阻温度传感器技术参数说明书

NRNEEpoxy sealed radial lead NTC thermistorProduct features• Epoxy sealed radial NTC thermistor • Temperature compensation • 3 millimeter disk type• Wide resistance range:0.9 k Ω to 470 k Ω•Non-linear change in resistance vs temperatureApplications• Industrial Process Control • Commercial appliances•Battery, supercapacitor and energy storage systems• Uninterruptible power supplies • Consumer appliances • Medical devices•Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, Refrigeration (HVACR)• Food service equipment • IoT• White goods/household appliances•Computer and peripheral productsEnvironmental compliance and general specificationsPb HALOGENHFFREEPackaging information•Bulk: 500 parts per poly bagT able 1. Part numberingNRN E xxy a xxxx Bx b zFamily nameNRNPackaging typeE = epoxy coatedResistancexxy= x.x * 10y Ωex: 103 = 1.0 * 102 = 1000 ΩResistance tolerance codeF = ±1%, H = ±3%Beta tolerance codeF = ±1%,G = ±2%,H = ±3%Beta type codeB1 = 25/50, B2 = 25/85Beta value ex: 3465, 4215, etcLead styleDifferent leaddimensionsSee electrical specification table for option details2Technical Data ELX1226Effective July 2022NRNEEpoxy sealed radial lead NTC thermistor/electronicsMechanical parameters- mmMillimetersDimensionValueP 2.0 ± 0.7D maximum 2.6H maximum 5d 0.35 ± 0.05L minimum6.5Power derating curveT U : Upper limit of working temperature (°C) T L : Lower limit of working temperature (°C) Example:Ambient temperature (Ta)= 55 °CUpper limit of working temperature T u )=125 °C P Ta =(T u -Ta)/(T u -25)×Pmax= 70% PmaxNote: P TA calculation for temperatures > 25 °CLeads: Tin plated copper clad steel3Technical Data ELX1226Effective July 2022NRNEEpoxy sealed radial lead NTC thermistor /electronics Part numberZero power resistance @ 25°C R 25 (kΩ)R 25Tolerance (Part number code)Beta type (Part number code)Beta value (K)Betatolerance (Part number code)Maximum power @ +25°C P max (mW)Dissipation factor (mW/°C)Thermal time constant T (second)Operation temperature TL~TU(°C)NRNE902axxxxBxb 0.9±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/85 (B2)3930±2% (G), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE103axxxxBxb 1±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/85 (B2)3935±2% (G), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE153axxxxBxb 1.5±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/85 (B2)3935±2% (G), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE203axxxxBxb 2.0±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/50 (B1)3500±2% (G), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE223axxxxBxb 2.2±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/50 (B1)3950±2% (G), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE273axxxxBxb 2.7±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/50 (B1)3950±2% (G), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE303axxxxBxb 3.0±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/50 (B1)3950±2% (G), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE333axxxxBxb 3.3±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/50 (B1)3950±2% (G), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE473axxxxBxb 4.7±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/50 (B1)3950±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE483axxxxBxb 4.8±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/50 (B1)3950±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE503axxxxBxb 5.0±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/50 (B1)3950±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE683axxxxBxb 6.8±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/50 (B1)3950±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE104axxxxBxb 10±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/85 (B2)3435±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE104axxxxBxb 10±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/50 (B1)3720±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE104axxxxBxb 10±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/50 (B1)3950±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE124axxxxBxb 12±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/50 (B1)3720±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE154axxxxBxb 15±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/50 (B1)3720±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE204axxxxBxb 20±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/85 (B2)3740±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE204axxxxBxb 20±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/85 (B2)4260±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE224axxxxBxb 22±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/85 (B2)3740±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE334axxxxBxb 33±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/85 (B2)4090±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE474axxxxBxb 47±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/85 (B2)4090±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE474axxxxBxb 47±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/50 (B1)3950±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE504axxxxBxb 50±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/85 (B2)3975±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE504axxxxBxb 50±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/85 (B2)4050±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE504axxxxBxb 50±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/50 (B1)4400±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE684axxxxBxb 68±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/85 (B2)4190±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE105axxxxBxb 100±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/50 (B1)4100±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE105axxxxBxb 100±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/85 (B2)4360±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE155axxxxBxb 150±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/85 (B2)4370±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE205axxxxBxb 200±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/85 (B2)3900±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE225axxxxBxb 220±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/85 (B2)4370±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE335axxxxBxb 330±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/85 (B2)4570±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE475axxxxBxb 470±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/85 (B2)4570±1% (F), ±3% (H)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE475axxxxBxb 470±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/85 (B2)5200±2% (G)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE435axxxxBxb 430±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/50 (B1)5070±2% (G)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125NRNE475axxxxBxb470±1% (F), ±3% (H)25/50 (B1)5200±2% (G)150≥ 3.5≤ 8-40 to +125Electrical specificationsa= Enter resistance tolerance code from table above (F = ±1%, H = ±3%)Bx= Enter Beta code from table above (B1 = 25/50, B2 = 25/85)b= Enter Beta tolerance code from table above (F = ±1%, G = ±2%, H = ±3%)4Technical Data ELX1226Effective July 2022NRNEEpoxy sealed radial lead NTC thermistor/electronicsPart number NRNE9023930NRNE1033935NRNE1533935NRNE2033500NRNE2233950NRNE2733950NRNE3033950NRNE3333950NRNE4733950NRNE4833950B typeB25/85B25/85B25/85B25/50B25/50B25/50B25/50B25/50B25/50B25/50Temperature (°C)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance(kΩ)-40313350447590100110170160-3929.1831.1146.9541.670.2984.493.77103.14158.84149.98-3827.4729.3344.139.3565.8979.1887.9696.74148.49140.64-3725.8727.6641.4437.2261.7974.3182.5490.77138.87131.93-3624.3626.0938.9435.2357.9769.7677.4885.2129.93123.81-3522.9424.636.6133.3454.4165.5172.7580121.63116.23-3421.6123.234.4231.5751.0861.5468.3475.14113.91109.15-3320.3621.8932.3829.947.9757.8364.2270.6106.72102.54-3219.1820.6530.4628.3245.0654.3660.3666.36100.0396.36-3118.0719.4828.6626.8442.3551.1256.7662.3993.890.59-3017.0318.3826.9825.4339.8148.0853.3858.698885.19-2916.0517.3525.424.1137.4445.2450.2355.2282.680.15-2815.1316.3723.9322.8735.2242.5947.2851.9777.5575.43-2714.2615.4522.5421.6933.1440.144.5248.9372.8571.01-2613.4514.5921.2420.5831.237.7741.9346.0868.4666.87-2512.6813.7720.0219.5329.3835.5939.543.4264.3663-2411.9613.0118.8818.5427.6833.5437.2340.9260.5459.37-2311.2912.2817.817.6126.0831.6235.138.5856.9655.97-2210.6511.616.816.7224.5929.8233.136.3853.6252.79-2110.0510.9615.8515.8923.1928.1431.2334.3350.4949.8-209.4910.3514.9615.121.8726.5529.4732.3947.5746.99-198.959.7814.1214.3520.6425.0727.8330.5844.8344.36-188.459.2513.3413.6519.4823.6726.2828.8842.2741.9-177.988.7412.612.9818.3922.3624.8227.2839.8739.58-167.548.2611.9112.3517.3721.1323.4625.7837.6237.4-157.127.8111.2611.7516.4219.9722.1724.3735.5135.35-14 6.737.3910.6411.1915.5218.8920.9723.0433.5333.43-13 6.36 6.9910.0710.6514.6717.8619.8321.831.6731.62-12 6.01 6.619.5210.1413.8816.918.7620.6229.9329.92-11 5.69 5.38 5.928.539.2112.4315.1516.8118.4826.7626.81-9 5.09 4.81 5.37.658.3711.1413.5915.0916.5823.9624.06-7 4.56 4.31 4.76 6.877.611012.2113.5514.921.4921.62-5 4.08 4.51 6.517.269.4811.5812.8514.1320.3620.5-4 3.87 4.27 6.17 6.938.9910.9812.1913.419.2919.45-3 3.66 4.05 5.86 6.618.5310.4211.5712.7218.2918.46-2 3.47 3.84 5.56 6.328.099.8910.9812.0717.3517.52-1 3.29 3.64 5.27 6.037.689.3910.4211.4616.4616.640 3.12 3.45 5.01 5.767.298.929.910.8815.6215.81 2.96 3.27 4.75 5.51 6.938.479.410.3414.8315.012 2.8 3.11 4.52 5.26 6.588.058.949.8314.0914.273 2.66 2.95 4.29 5.03 6.257.658.59.3413.3813.574 2.52 2.8 4.08 4.81 5.947.278.088.8812.7212.95 2.4 2.66 3.88 4.61 5.65 6.927.688.4512.0912.276 2.28 2.52 3.69 4.41 5.38 6.587.318.0411.511.687 2.16 2.4 3.51 4.22 5.12 6.27 6.967.6510.9411.118 2.05 2.28 3.34 4.04 4.87 5.96 6.627.2810.4110.589 1.95 2.17 3.18 3.87 4.64 5.68 6.31 6.949.9110.0810 1.86 2.06 3.02 3.7 4.42 5.41 6.01 6.619.449.611 1.76 1.96 2.88 3.55 4.21 5.15 5.73 6.38.999.1512 1.68 1.86 2.74 3.4 4.01 4.91 5.4668.578.7213 1.6 1.77 2.62 3.26 3.82 4.68 5.2 5.728.178.3214 1.52 1.69 2.49 3.13 3.64 4.47 4.96 5.467.797.9315 1.45 1.61 2.383 3.48 4.26 4.73 5.217.437.5716 1.38 1.53 2.27 2.88 3.32 4.07 4.52 4.977.087.2217 1.31 1.46 2.16 2.76 3.16 3.88 4.31 4.74 6.76 6.89181.25 1.392.06 2.653.02 3.714.12 4.53 6.45 6.58T emperature characteristics5Technical Data ELX1226Effective July 2022NRNEEpoxy sealed radial lead NTC thermistor /electronics T emperature characteristics, cont.Part number NRNE9023930NRNE1033935NRNE1533935NRNE2033500NRNE2233950NRNE2733950NRNE3033950NRNE3333950NRNE4733950NRNE4833950B typeB25/85B25/85B25/85B25/50B25/50B25/50B25/50B25/50B25/50B25/50Temperature (°C)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance(kΩ)191.19 1.32 1.972.54 2.883.54 3.934.32 6.16 6.2920 1.14 1.26 1.88 2.44 2.76 3.38 3.76 4.135.896.0121 1.08 1.2 1.8 2.34 2.63 3.23 3.59 3.95 5.62 5.7422 1.03 1.15 1.72 2.25 2.52 3.09 3.43 3.77 5.37 5.49230.9871 1.1 1.64 2.16 2.41 2.95 3.28 3.61 5.14 5.25240.9424 1.05 1.57 2.08 2.3 2.82 3.14 3.45 4.91 5.02250.91 1.52 2.2 2.73 3.3 4.7 4.8260.85980.9553 1.43 1.92 2.1 2.58 2.87 3.16 4.5 4.59270.82160.9129 1.37 1.85 2.01 2.47 2.75 3.02 4.3 4.4280.78540.8726 1.31 1.78 1.93 2.37 2.63 2.89 4.12 4.21290.7510.8343 1.26 1.71 1.85 2.27 2.52 2.77 3.95 4.03300.71830.798 1.2 1.65 1.77 2.17 2.41 2.65 3.78 3.86310.68730.7635 1.15 1.59 1.69 2.08 2.31 2.54 3.62 3.7320.65780.7308 1.11 1.53 1.62 1.99 2.22 2.44 3.47 3.55330.62980.6996 1.06 1.47 1.56 1.91 2.12 2.34 3.33 3.4340.60320.67 1.02 1.42 1.49 1.83 2.04 2.24 3.19 3.26350.57790.64180.9736 1.37 1.43 1.76 1.95 2.15 3.06 3.13360.55380.61510.9339 1.32 1.37 1.69 1.87 2.06 2.943370.53090.58960.896 1.27 1.32 1.62 1.8 1.98 2.82 2.88380.50910.56530.8598 1.23 1.27 1.55 1.73 1.9 2.7 2.76390.48840.54230.8254 1.18 1.21 1.49 1.66 1.82 2.6 2.65400.46860.52030.7925 1.14 1.17 1.43 1.59 1.75 2.49 2.55410.44980.49940.7612 1.1 1.12 1.38 1.53 1.68 2.4 2.45420.43190.47940.7313 1.06 1.08 1.32 1.47 1.62 2.3 2.35430.41480.46040.7027 1.03 1.04 1.27 1.41 1.55 2.21 2.26440.39850.44230.67550.99010.995 1.22 1.36 1.49 2.13 2.17450.3830.4250.64940.95630.9568 1.17 1.31 1.44 2.04 2.09460.36820.40860.62460.92390.9202 1.13 1.26 1.38 1.97 2.01470.35410.39290.60080.89270.8853 1.09 1.21 1.33 1.89 1.93480.34060.37790.57810.86280.8519 1.05 1.16 1.28 1.82 1.86490.32780.36360.55640.83410.82 1.01 1.12 1.23 1.75 1.79500.31550.34990.53560.80650.78940.9688 1.08 1.18 1.69 1.72510.30380.33690.51580.780.76020.9329 1.04 1.14 1.62 1.66520.29250.32440.49680.75450.73220.89850.9982 1.1 1.56 1.6530.28180.31250.47860.730.70540.86560.9616 1.06 1.51 1.54540.27160.30120.46120.70640.67980.83410.9266 1.02 1.45 1.48550.26180.29030.44460.68380.65520.80390.8930.9823 1.4 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NRNE9023930NRNE1033935NRNE1533935NRNE2033500NRNE2233950NRNE2733950NRNE3033950NRNE3333950NRNE4733950NRNE4833950B typeB25/85B25/85B25/85B25/50B25/50B25/50B25/50B25/50B25/50B25/50Temperature (°C)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance 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Data ELX1226Effective July 2022NRNEEpoxy sealed radial lead NTC thermistor /electronics T emperature characteristicsPart number NRNE5033950NRNE6833950NRNE1043435NRNE1043720NRNE1043950NRNE1243720NRNE1543720NRNE2043740NRNE2044260NRNE2243740B typeB25/50B25/50 B25/85B25/50B25/50B25/50B25/50B25/85B25/85B25/85Temperature (°C)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance(kΩ)-40175210190255320300400500840550-39163.73197.37180.11240.39300.31282.99376.44471.43783.86518.56-38153.25185.55170.79226.7281.92267.03354.4444.65731.78489.07-37143.5174.49161.99213.85264.76252.04333.76419.51683.44461.42-36134.42164.15153.69201.79248.73237.96314.45395.93638.55435.47-35125.97154.46145.86190.47233.75224.74296.35373.79596.85411.1-34118.11145.39138.46179.84219.74212.32279.39353558.1388.23-33110.78136.89131.47169.85206.65200.64263.5333.48522.08366.75-32103.94128.93124.87160.47194.4189.66248.6315.13488.58346.56-3197.57121.47118.63151.65182.95179.33234.62297.89457.4327.59-3091.62114.48112.74143.36172.22169.61221.5281.67428.39309.75-2986.08107.92107.16135.57162.18160.47209.19266.43401.37292.98-2880.9101.77101.89128.24152.78151.87197.63252.08376.21277.2-2776.0695.9996.9121.33143.96143.76186.77238.58352.75262.35-2671.5490.5792.19114.84135.71136.13176.57225.87330.89248.37-2567.3185.4887.72108.72127.96128.94166.98213.91310.5235.21-2463.3680.7183.49102.97120.7122.17157.96202.63291.48222.82-2359.6676.2279.4997.54113.89115.78149.48192.01273.72211.14-2256.27275.792.43107.5109.76141.5182257.15200.13-2152.9668.0472.1187.61101.5104.08133.99172.57241.66189.75-2049.9364.3168.783.0695.8798.72126.92163.67227.2179.97-1947.0960.865.4878.7890.5793.67120.26155.27213.67170.73-1844.4357.5162.4274.7485.688.89113.99147.35201.03162.02-1741.9354.459.5270.9280.9384.39108.08139.88189.2153.8-1639.5951.4856.7767.3276.5380.13102.51132.82178.14146.04-1537.3948.7354.1663.9272.476.1197.25126.15167.78138.71-1435.3246.1451.6860.7168.5172.3192.29119.85158.08131.79-1333.3943.749.3357.6764.8568.7287.62113.9148.99125.24-1231.5741.447.0954.8161.4165.3383.2108.28140.48119.06-1129.8639.2444.9752.158.1662.1279.04102.96132.49113.21-1028.2537.242.9649.5455.1159.0875.197.93125.01107.68-926.7435.2741.0447.1152.2356.2171.3893.17117.99102.45-825.3233.4539.2244.8249.5253.4967.8788.67111.497.5-723.9831.7437.4942.6546.9650.9264.5584.41105.2192.82-622.7230.1235.8540.644.5448.4861.480.3799.488.38-521.5328.5934.2838.6542.2746.1758.4376.5593.9584.18-420.4227.1532.7936.8140.1243.9855.6272.9388.8280.2-319.3625.7931.3835.0738.0941.9152.9669.58476.43-218.3724.530.0333.4236.1839.9450.4466.2579.4772.85-117.4423.2828.7531.8534.3738.0848.0663.1775.2169.46016.5622.1327.5230.3732.6636.3245.860.2571.266.25115.7221.0426.3628.9631.0534.6443.6657.4767.4363.2214.9420.0225.2527.6229.5233.0541.6354.8463.8760.31314.1919.0424.226.3628.0831.5439.7152.3560.5257.56413.4918.1223.1925.1526.7230.1137.8849.9857.3754.96512.8317.2522.2324.0125.4228.7536.1547.7354.452.48612.2116.4221.3122.9324.227.4634.5145.5951.650.13711.6115.6420.4421.923.0526.2332.9543.5648.9547.9811.0614.919.6120.9221.9525.0631.4741.6346.4645.78910.5314.218.812020.9123.9530.0739.7944.1143.761010.0313.5418.0519.1119.9322.928.7338.0541.8941.85119.5512.917.3318.271921.927.4736.3939.7940.02129.112.3116.6417.4818.1220.9426.2634.8137.8138.29138.6811.7415.9816.7217.2820.0425.1133.3135.9436.64148.2711.215.3515.9916.4919.1724.0331.8834.1735.07157.8910.6914.7515.3115.7318.3522.9930.5232.533.57167.5310.2114.1714.6515.0217.572229.2330.9232.15177.199.7513.6214.0314.3416.8321.072829.4330.7918 6.869.3113.113.4413.6916.1220.1726.8228.0129.58Technical Data ELX1226Effective July 2022NRNEEpoxy sealed radial lead NTC thermistor/electronicsT emperature characteristics, cont.Part number NRNE5033950NRNE6833950NRNE1043435NRNE1043720NRNE1043950NRNE1243720NRNE1543720NRNE2043740NRNE2044260NRNE2243740B typeB25/50B25/50 B25/85B25/50B25/50B25/50B25/50B25/85B25/85B25/85Temperature (°C)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance(kΩ)196.558.8912.5912.8713.0815.4419.3225.726.6728.2720 6.268.512.1112.3412.514.818.5124.6425.4127.121 5.988.1211.6511.8211.9514.1817.7423.6224.225.9822 5.727.7711.2111.3311.4213.617.0122.6523.0724.9123 5.477.4310.7910.8710.9313.0416.321.7221.9923.924 5.237.1110.3910.4210.4512.5115.6420.8420.9722.93255 6.8101010121520202226 4.78 6.519.639.69.5711.5214.3919.219.0821.1227 4.58 4.38 5.978.948.848.7710.6113.2617.717.3819.4729 4.2 5.718.618.498.410.1912.731716.618.730 4.02 5.478. 3.85 5.2587.837.719.411.7515.6915.1517.2632 3.69 5.037.717.537.399.0311.2915.0814.4716.5933 3.54 4.827.447.237.098.6810.8514.513.8315.9534 3.39 4.627.18 6.95 6.88.3510.4313.9413.2315.3435 3.26 4.43 6.92 6.69 6.528.0310.0313.4112.6514.7536 3.12 4.25 6.68 6.43 6.267.729.6412.912.114.19373 4.08 6.45 6.1967.439.2812.4111.5813.6538 2.88 3.92 6.22 5.95 5.767.148.9211.9411.0813.1439 2.76 3.76 6.01 5.73 5.53 6.888.5911.4910.6112.6540 2.65 3.61 5.8 5.51 5.31 6.628.2711.0710.1612.1741 2.55 3.47 5.61 5.31 5.1 6.377.9610.669.7311.7242 2.45 3.33 5.42 5.11 4.9 6.147.6710.269.3211.2943 2.35 3.2 5.23 4.92 4.71 5.917.389.898.9310.8844 2.26 3.08 5.06 4.74 4.53 5.697.119.538.5610.4845 2.18 2.96 4.89 4.57 4.35 5.49 6.859.188.2110.146 2.09 2.85 4.73 4.41 4.19 5.29 6.618.857.879.7447 2.01 2.74 4.57 4.25 4.03 5.1 6.378.537.559.3948 1.94 2.63 4.42 4.09 3.87 4.91 1.86 2.54 4.28 3.95 3.73 4.74 5.927.94 6.958.7350 1.79 2.44 4.14 3.81 3.59 4.57 5.717.66 6.688.4351 1.73 2.354 3.67 3.45 4.41 5.517.39 6.418.1352 1.66 2.26 3.88 3.55 3.33 4.25 5.327.13 6.167.8553 1.6 2.18 3.75 3.42 3.2 4.11 5.13 6.88 5.917.5754 1.54 2.1 3.63 3.3 3.09 3.96 4.96 6.65 5.687.3155 1.49 2.02 3.52 3.19 2.97 3.83 4.79 6.42 5.467.0656 1.43 1.95 3.41 3.08 2.87 3.7 4.62 6.2 5.25 6.8257 1.38 1.88 3.3 2.98 2.76 3.57 4.47 5.99 5.05 6.5958 1.33 1.81 3.2 2.87 2.66 3.45 4.31 5.79 4.85 6.3759 1.29 1.75 3.1 2.78 2.57 3.33 4.17 5.59 4.67 6.1560 1.24 1.683 2.69 2.48 3.22 4.03 5.4 4.49 5.9561 1.2 1.63 2.91 2.6 2.39 3.11 3.9 5.22 4.32 5.7562 1.16 1.57 2.82 2.51 2.31 3.01 3.77 5.05 4.16 5.5663 1.12 1.51 2.74 2.43 2.23 2.91 3.64 4.894 5.3864 1.08 1.46 2.66 2.35 2.15 2.81 3.52 4.73 3.85 5.265 1.04 1.41 2.58 2.27 2.07 2.72 3.41 4.57 3.71 5.0366 1.01 1.36 2.5 2.22 2.63 3.3 4.42 3.58 4.87670.9714 1.32 2.43 2.13 1.93 2.55 3.19 4.28 3.45 4.71680.9388 1.27 2.35 2.06 1.87 2.47 3.09 4.14 3.32 4.56690.9074 1.23 2.29 1.99 1.81 2.39 2.99 4.01 3.2 4.41700.8772 1.19 2.22 1.93 1.75 2.31 2.9 3.89 3.09 4.27710.8483 1.15 2.15 1.87 1.69 2.24 2.81 3.76 2.98 4.14720.8204 1.11 2.09 1.81 1.63 2.17 2.72 3.64 2.87 4.01730.7936 1.07 2.03 1.75 1.58 2.1 2.63 3.53 2.77 3.88740.7678 1.04 1.97 1.7 1.53 2.03 2.55 3.42 2.67 3.76750.7431 1.92 1.65 1.48 1.97 2.47 3.32 2.58 3.65760.71920.9716 1.86 1.6 1.43 1.91 2.4 3.21 2.49 3.54770.69620.9403 1.81 1.55 1.38 1.85 2.32 3.12 2.4 3.439Technical Data ELX1226Effective July 2022NRNEEpoxy sealed radial lead NTC thermistor /electronics T emperature characteristics, cont.Part number NRNE5033950NRNE6833950NRNE1043435NRNE1043720NRNE1043950NRNE1243720NRNE1543720NRNE2043740NRNE2044260NRNE2243740B typeB25/50B25/50 B25/85B25/50B25/50B25/50B25/50B25/85B25/85B25/85Temperature (°C)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance (kΩ)Resistance(kΩ)780.67410.9102 1.76 1.5 1.34 1.8 2.25 3.02 2.32 3.32790.65280.8812 1.71 1.46 1.29 1.74 2.19 2.93 2.24 3.22800.63240.8533 1.67 1.41 1.25 1.69 2.12 2.84 2.16 3.13810.61260.8264 1.62 1.37 1.21 1.64 2.06 2.76 2.09 3.03820.59360.8005 1.58 1.33 1.18 1.592 2.67 2.02 2.94830.57530.7756 1.53 1.29 1.14 1.54 1.94 2.6 1.95 2.86840.55770.7516 1.49 1.25 1.1 1.5 1.88 2.52 1.89 2.77850.54060.7285 1.45 1.21 1.07 1.45 1.82 2.45 1.83 2.69860.52420.7062 1.41 1.18 1.04 1.41 1.77 2.37 1.77 2.61870.50840.6847 1.37 1.15 1.01 1.37 1.72 2.31 1.71 2.54880.49320.6639 1.34 1.110.9749 1.33 1.67 2.24 1.65 2.46890.47850.6439 1.3 1.080.9454 1.29 1.62 2.17 1.6 2.39900.46430.6247 1.27 1.050.917 1.26 1.58 2.11 1.55 2.32910.45060.6061 1.24 1.020.8896 1.22 1.53 2.05 1.5 2.26920.43740.5881 1.20.99160.8632 1.18 1.49 1.99 1.45 2.19930.42460.5708 1.170.96380.8377 1.15 1.45 1.94 1.4 2.13940.41230.5541 1.140.9370.813 1.12 1.41 1.88 1.36 2.07950.40040.538 1.110.91110.7893 1.09 1.37 1.83 1.32 2.02960.38890.5224 1.090.8860.7663 1.06 1.33 1.78 1.28 1.96970.37780.5074 1.060.86170.7441 1.03 1.29 1.73 1.24 1.91980.36710.4928 1.030.83830.72271 1.26 1.69 1.2 1.85990.35670.4788 1.010.81560.70210.9736 1.23 1.64 1.16 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1.050.7003 1.151170.21870.29240.65330.50980.42730.6070.7652 1.020.6807 1.121180.21320.28490.63860.49740.41630.59210.74640.99640.6618 1.11190.20780.27770.62420.48520.40560.57760.72810.97190.6434 1.071200.20250.27060.61030.47350.39520.56350.71040.94820.6257 1.041210.19750.26380.59670.46210.38510.54980.69320.92510.6086 1.021220.19250.25720.58360.4510.37540.53660.67660.90270.5920.99211230.18780.25080.57070.44020.36590.52370.66040.8810.57590.96811240.18310.24460.55820.42980.35680.51120.64460.85990.56040.94491250.17860.23850.54610.41960.34790.4990.62930.83940.54530.9224。




U out= (c1⋅p abs+c0)⋅U S
U out为信号输出电压,单位为V
P abs为绝对压力,单位为kPa
C 1=0.8/350kPa
额定电压:当传感器用于测量时,应在控制单元串联1 kΩ电阻接入5V电压,或者通入 小于1mA的稳定电流。

20°C时的额定电阻:2.5 kΩ±5% 在气流中温度响应时间τ63,气流速度V=6m/s: ≤10s (5)温度传感器曲线。

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