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Miyazaki to " look forward to survival ,
moved by love " to describe "Howl 's
Moving Castle " , expectations showing a
Howl’s modern society can not be
Hayao Miyazaki has been commented: “The night without moon , but the animation industry can not do without Hayao Miyazaki.”
宫崎骏的每部作品,题材虽然不同,但却将梦想、环保、人生、 生存这些令人反思的讯息,融合其中。他这份执著,不单令全球人 产生共鸣,更受到全世界所重视,连美国动画王国迪斯尼,都要斟 介宫崎骏的动画电影发行版权(亚洲地区除外)。
爱情是一次温暖而新奇的历程,也 是一个平凡且自卑的女孩重拾自我 的过程。宫崎峻的动画世界里,永 远都转绕一个明确的主题,那就是: 善良与真我。
The film often humorous dialogue and scenes , aging , death and love have made ​impressive thinking . From another form , a series of nonthe rational performance is a mysterious association . Sophie in the role of a spell , the appearance of aging 90 -year-old woman , but her heart remains with the innocence and optimism of the young girls .Young and aging, surface and deep contrast ,also by living in Moving Castle the little boy MaLuke further deepened .
"war of love drama " .
Macohiveviend gin
tChae stle
☺哈尔的移动城堡 •宫崎骏以“期盼生存、感动爱情”来描述
《哈尔的移动城堡》,期望呈现出一部现 代社会无法实现的“战火中的爱情剧”。
The movie screenplay adapted from the British science fiction novelist Diana Wynne Jones novel of the same name , to the late 19th century to the early 20th century in Europe as the background around the protagonist , Sophie cursed , from the 18 -yearold girl into a 90 -year-old Granny creative departure , Hayao Miyazaki , by virtue of the imagination of genius , under the steep mountains and endless open sky , creating a magic castle will go .
动画界不能没有宫崎骏” 。
The end~~~
Thank you !!!
Sophie becomes old woman ···
The boy is MaLuKe .He is living in the Moving Castle .
The Prince of neighbouring countries, was by magic becomes the scarecrow, then kissed by Sophie , changes back to a human ··
帽子店的小姑娘,拥有梦想不甘平庸。坚强,当被荒野女巫变成90岁的老太婆后依然 乐观坚强,最后终于拥有了自信,找到了幸福···
Handsome magician Howl
帅 气 的 魔法师 哈尔
移动城堡 This is the Moving Castle .

Wilderness Witch
邻国的王子,被施了魔法变成稻草人,后来被苏菲亲吻, 变回人··
Love is a warm and exotic journey, is also a mundane and humble girls regain her self. Hayao Miyazaki’s animation in the world, will always around a topic, that is good and true.
Hat shop girl , with a dream of immoderation . She was strong and optimistic when was wilderness into a 90-year-old woman, finally she has the confidence and finds happiness ···
• 影片剧本改编自英国科幻小说家黛安娜·韦恩·琼斯的同名小说,以19世纪末到20 世纪初期的欧洲为背景,围绕主人公苏菲受到诅咒,从18岁少女变成90岁老太这 个创意出发,宫崎骏凭借天才的想象力,在陡峻的崇山和一望无际敞开的天际之 下,创造了一座会走的魔法城堡。
Good and sincere Sophie
片中常有幽默对白和场景,对衰老、死亡和爱情都做出了不俗思考。从另一种 形式,一连串非理性下表现的却是一种神秘的关联。苏菲虽然在咒语的作用下, 外表衰老成90岁的老人,但她的内心依然保持着少女的天真和乐观.这种关于年 轻和衰老表面和深层的对比,还通过住在移动城堡中的小男孩马鲁克进一步加 深。
Each work of Hayao Miyazaki, subjects are different. But it contains a dream, environmental protection, life, survival and other information . He was the not only resonate (共鸣) with the global one, but also by paying attention to the world, even the United States Kingdom of Disney animation, Hayao Miyazaki‘s animation should be referred as appropriate film distribution rights (excluding Asia).