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Gold ax and silver ax

旁白A:Once upon a time, there lived a good woodcutter. He was a man who care for his parents with all his heart, but he was poor. He used to go to the

forest to cut down trees.


Parent:Take care of yourself, son. Goodbye!


Good woodcutter:I will dear daddy and mummy!


旁白B:One day, while he was cutting down a tree by the pond, his old ax fell into the pond by mistake.



Good woodcutter:Oops! Oh my god! My ax! If I don’t have my ax, I can’t cut down trees。


旁白A:The woodcutter cried sadly. The mountains dressed in white appeared

from the pond magically!



The god of mountains:Why are you crying and so sad?


Good woodcutter:I am a woodcutter. When I was cutting down tree, my ax fell into the


Without my ax, I will not be able to earn any money. How can I take care

of my parents? W oo…




The god of mountains:Don’t worry. I am willing to bring you your ax...


旁白B:The god of mountains disappeared and soon appeared with a silver ax.


The god of mountains:Is this silver ax yours?


Good woodcutter :No, it isn’t.


The god of mountains:Oh, just a moment.


旁白A:The God disappeared again. And came back with a dazzling gold ax.


The god of mountains:Is this gold ax yours?


Good woodcutter:No, it isn’t. (不,不是的。)

旁白B:The god of mountains nodded and disappeared again. Then he came

back with a plain metal ax in his hand.



The god of mountains:Is this old metal ax yours?


Good woodcutter:Oh, yes! It’s mine. Hahaah! Thank you! Thank you God!

(哦,是的。是我的。哈哈哈…… 谢谢你,谢谢你,山神!)The god of mountains: Hahaah! You are very honest. I will give you all three axes as a reward.



Good woodcutter:I beg your pardon.

(什么????)/善良的伐木者不敢相信山神说的话是真的。/ 旁白A:The God gave him all three axes, and the woodcutter was so glad.

When he went back home his parents were so happy too.



But then, a greedy young man in his neighborhood heard the news. He

went to the mountains in a hurry with an ax.

He cast his ax into the pond intentionally and pretended to cry.

Just then, the God of mountains really appeared.




The god of mountains: Why are you crying and so sad?


旁白B:The god of mountains dressed in white appeared from the pond.


Bad woodcutter:Oh, merciful God! Nice to meet you! I’ve lost my ax into the pond by




The god of mountains:Oh, just a moment.
