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Simple introduction
• 大家好!我来自一个美丽而又古老的陕西 汉中!首先在我的家乡陕西古代有十三个 王朝在此建都,古代这里是兵家必争之地。 因为它地势险要,利于防守;这里是张骞 的故乡,蔡伦的封地,诸葛亮施政的地方。 而且它自古风调雨顺物产丰富,有吃不完 的粮食,气候宜人。因此,历史是相当的 悠久!其中汉中就是我的老家,大家应该 听说过汉高祖—刘邦吧。这里有美丽的山, 美丽的水,还有好吃的美食,有西北小江 南之称。耳听为虚,眼见为实。接下来我 就给大家简单介绍下我美丽的家乡,let’s see!!
pear flower
Fields in front of my house, this hour I and partners often play.
rape flower(油菜花), did you see? I think it is the most beautiful flowers, Now they are in full bloom
Is it looks very tasty?
It is not looking very pretty?
a pair of Crested Ibis
Stupa(舍利塔), built in the Tang dynasty
It is the highest existing in the Tang dynasty in Shaanxi Province
Lao Zi's sacred cow-Tuo Fu (老子的神牛)
This is my hometown
Cai Lun manor(封地)
This is
Cai Lun's
Ngau Tau slope rock walls (牛头坡的石壁)
Zhang Qian hometown(故里)
Han emperor Liu Bang (汉高祖)
the hometown of Crested Ibis (朱鹮)
Biblioteka Baidu
This is my grandmother in front of the stream, and beautiful?
New year shehuo
Shehuo-suspension-is famous for its high risk(以高悬著称)
Old new younger
Guard costume