



1. 看一看


3.给你4、three ball pens


1.e 一支钢笔

2.u 一把直尺

3.a e 一支圆珠笔


5.oo 一个书签

6.e 一本笔记本

三、A F E C B D

四、come in bookmark ruler pen Here you are pencil case rubber red notebook

五、a book May pencil rubber for

六、I come May copybook for you May I for you are Goodbye

七、Her your my his His

八、Come in Good morning This for you card card Goodbye

九.1.May I have that ball pen for David?

2.This notebook is for Yang Ling.

Exercise two

一.1.an 熊猫2.ay蜡笔3.on 猴子4.io 狮子5.te 笔记本6.oo a 书签

7.le 直尺8.en 铅笔

二、this dresses she thin u photos

三、1.X故事书2.X 手表3.√4.X 书签

5.X 狮子

6.X 钢笔

7. √

8.X 可爱的

四、cars her play swimming mangoes Teachers’ your pandas

五.A C A B C


6.in a toy shop

7.this pencil 8、that pencil case 9、my purse 10.her ruler

七、C F D A G H E B

八、1.That is a cat.

2.Is your rubber?

3.This nootbook is for Liu Tao.Ok.

4.Can I have a look?Sure,here you are.

九.Can May like nice for think


Exercise Three

一. pncil book his its what where puzzle car she he

二. 1.u e a伞2.a o 蜡笔3.a er o l水壶4.ory故事书

三. D A C D

四. Jeans gloves scoks shoes shorts scarf sweater jacket

五. 1.海伦的钥匙2.没关系3.我的钱包4.过来5.在教室里6.在玩具店里7.over there8.on the desk9.have a look10excuse me


Exercise Four


二. 1.进来 2.喜欢这个风筝 3.一个玩具兔子 4.看一看 5.给你 6.in English7.his puppet8.your puzzle




六. There Where They Whose their

七. 1.Where is the pencil? May I have a pencil?

2. There is a notebook.Do you like the toy?

3. What’s wrong?A hamburger?

Exercise five

一.1.let us2.I am3.I’d4here’s5.four 6.aren’t 7.R 8.fat

二.Hamurger bike bear chair puppet umbrella bag ball kite key pencil case



五.1.That ruler is for you.Thank you.

2.What’s this? It’s a bookmark.

3. What’s that? It’s an umbrella.

4.Is Mike’s jacket?NNo.

Exercise six


二. 1.两条牛仔裤2.看看他的女式衬衫3.没关系4.好的5.太长6.如此有趣7.this new pause 8.her fan9.a big apple10.too short


四. 1.I have a long ruler.

2.Whose jeans are they?

3.He looks so funny.

五.Are so small whose scarf too long worry this long one big one is so short


七.At Whose is so is my are short


Exercise Seven

一.1.去上学2.七点零五3.一百4.吃早饭的时间啦5.at seven thirty five6.eight fifteen7.eleven forty8.twenty-one plus thirty-three9.eight sweaters10.seven books11.what time12.at six13.have lunch14.go home15.go to bed

二.Eighty-one fifty one two fifteen

三.seven ten time four What’s the time three What’s the time six thirty What’s fifteen plus eighty-five one hundred

四.eleven nine two five four nine four twelve sixteen C C B A C C


Exercise eight

一. close write Copy Drink draw

二.在课上起立全体同学 sit down come in come here

三.1.Yes.Mr Green,don’t be late again.

2.Now,open your books boys and girls.

3.Write the new words in your notebook.

4.Is the green ruler in the pencil case?

5.Plesse don’t eat that pear,all right.

四.1.Don’t close the window,please.请不要关窗户

2.Don’t copy the new words in your notebook.不要讲单词写在你的笔记本上

3.Don’t drink any juice,please.请不要喝桔汁

4.Don’t go to school,please.请不要上学去

五.B A B A

六.E A D B C


八. What’s It’s my Can Thank you What’s time ten Let’s go Don’t


Exercise nine

一.1.晚上好 2.一杯水 3. 你的扇子 4 吃一些蛋糕 5.多门好看的电话机6. 出什么问题啦7. in the park 8. go to the bed

二.A B B C B C B C

三.1.Su Hai come and have supper

2.What’s the matter,Liu Tao.

3.Here is a glass of milk for you.

4.Are you hungry?

5.Why don’t you go to the bed now?

6.Please have some tea and bread

7.It is thirty six in the morning

8What a nice car!

四.the hungry is for dress It’s





六.E B A I F D G JH C

Exercise ten

一. on desk It’s copybook that copybook it is at it’s long this one on

二. kite car ruler key car three forty

三.1.迈克的水壶 2.太短 3.吃晚饭 4.50个男孩 5.her pen 6.four cats

7.a pair of jeans 8.that pencil case 9.a pair of shoes 10.a big rubber



Exercise Eleven

一.B B A C A A A B B C C A B A B A

二.1.May I come in,Miss Liu?

2.May I have a bookmark for Li Ming?

3.You are sure here.

4.This is computer for you.

5.The book and the bookmark are for you.

三.What’s monkey How that it panda desk camer have a look

四.F T T F T

Exercise Twelve

一.sweater on sofa Where’s copybook It’s desk What’s book I don’t know a picture it’s my it’s cat It’s on

二.E A C B D

三.1.What is that in English?那个用英语怎么说?

2.The kite is on the desk.这风筝在桌上

3.Do you like that monkey?你喜欢那个猴子吗?

4.Thank you very much.非常谢谢

5.I don’t like the toy bear.我不喜欢玩具熊

四.B A C C A B C A


Exercise Thirteen

一. 1.Here’s a big one.

2.That ruler is too long.

3.Whose shorts are they?

4.Are they his jeans?

5.I’d like some juice and some bread.

二.F J H I A C B G D E





Exercise Fourteen

一. Desk hamburger breakfast you




4.It is time to sleep.


四.C D B G E A F

五.C C A A B C B A

六.F F T F T T


二. 1.两条牛仔裤2.看看他的女式衬衫3.没关系4.好的5.太长6.如此

有趣7.this new pause 8.her fan9.a big apple10.too short


四. 1.I have a long ruler.

2.Whose jeans are they?

3.He looks so funny.

五.Are so small whose scarf too long worry this long one big one is so short


七.At Whose is so is my are short


Exercise Seven

一.1.去上学2.七点零五3.一百4.吃早饭的时间啦5.at seven thirty five6.eight fifteen7.eleven forty8.twenty-one plus thirty-three9.eight sweaters10.seven books11.what time12.at six13.have lunch14.go home15.go to bed

二.Eighty-one fifty one two fifteen

三.seven ten time four What’s the time three What’s the time six thirty What’s fifteen plus eighty-five one hundred

四.eleven nine two five four nine four twelve sixteen C C B A C C


Exercise eight

一. close write Copy Drink draw

二.在课上起立全体同学 sit down come in come here

三.1.Yes.Mr Green,don’t be late again.

2.Now,open your books boys and girls.

3.Write the new words in your notebook.

4.Is the green ruler in the pencil case?

5.Plesse don’t eat that pear,all right.

四.1.Don’t close the window,please.请不要关窗户

2.Don’t copy the new words in your notebook.不要讲单词写在你的笔记本上

3.Don’t drink any juice,please.请不要喝桔汁

4.Don’t go to school,please.请不要上学去

五.B A B A

六.E A D B C


八. What’s It’s my Can Thank you What’s time ten Let’s go Don’t


Exercise nine

一.1.晚上好 2.一杯水 3. 你的扇子 4 吃一些蛋糕 5.多门好看的电话机6. 出什么问题啦7. in the park 8. go to the bed

二.A B B C B C B C

三.1.Su Hai come and have supper

2.What’s the matter,Liu Tao.

3.Here is a glass of milk for you.

4.Are you hungry?

5.Why don’t you go to the bed now?

6.Please have some tea and bread

7.It is thirty six in the morning

8What a nice car!

四.the hungry is for dress It’s





六.E B A I F D G JH C

Exercise ten

一. on desk It’s copybook that copybook it is at i


小学五年级上册英语试题及答案 第二部分笔试(20分) 一、词汇。(5分) 根据括号内的汉语提示,填出单词中所缺字母。每个空格线上填写一个字母。 1.TheywalkedontheGreatWallforoneh__ur(小时). 2.Thereisonecrayononthefl____r(地板). 3.Ith__nk(认为)https://www.360docs.net/doc/a0344496.html, 4.Whatt__me(时间)doesyourschoolstart? 5.Hewasinthelivingro__m(房间). 二、选择填空。(5分) 从每小题所给的A、B两个选项中,选出一个最合适的选项。把它的编号填入题前括号内。 ()1.WebacklastSunday. https://www.360docs.net/doc/a0344496.html,e B.came ()2.Lookthoseapples. A.at B.in ()3.Youcanfootballwell. A.play B.played ()4.Theretwenty-onecrayons. A.is B.are ()5.I’msendingemail.

A.a B.An 三、完成对话。(5分) 根据对话情景,从后面方框中选择恰当的句子填空,使对话完整。请把它的编号填写在空格线上。每个选项只用一次。 Amy:HelloSam,Howareyou? Sam:1 Amy:Wheredidyougolastweekend? Sam:2 Amy:Howdidyougothere? Sam:3 Amy:Whatdidyoudothere? Sam:4 Amy:Didyoucomebackyesterday? Sam:5,Bye-bye. Amy:Good-bye. A:Yes,wedid. B:I’mfine,thankyou. C:Wewentswimminginthesea. D:Wewenttherebyplane. E:WewenttoHaiNan. 四、阅读理解。(5分) 阅读短文,判断句子正误,正确的在题前括号内写T,错误的在 题前括号内写F.


2018小学四年级英语暑假作业答案 P1 一、 1.bee蜜蜂 2.fan电扇 3.hey嗨 4.skirt裙子 5.form表格 6.big大的二、 略 三、画 1.一个红苹果2.一条黄狗3.两双绿袜子4三双蓝鞋 四、 顺序1 3 2 4 五、1.mother 2.chair 3. rice 4.room 5.forty-one 6.light P2 一、 rabbit banana pig duck wathermelon pants 二、 B A B C C 三、 D C E A B P3 一、 天气类:cool cold warm 动物类:donkey lamb pig 食物类:hamburger bread soup

服装类:sweater coat dress 水果类:orange whatermelon peach 饮料类:milk juice coke 二、 C B C A A 三、 1.It"s six o"clock. 2.The coat is ninety-three yuan. 3.No,they aren"t. 4.Yes,it is. 四、 weather: hot cool cold snowy animal:donkey rabbit lamb pig food:soup bread carrot hamburger colthes:jeans coat dress sweater fruits:peach watermelon orange strawberry P5 一、1.light灯 2.floor地板 3.picture图画 4.warm暖和的 5.wall墙 6.bag 书包 7.snowy 下雪 8.thirteen十三 二、 ×√√√× 三、


2018三年级英语暑假作业之英语阅读三则【篇一】 Henry令人惊异的想象力 Henry loved using his imagination... Henry喜欢发挥自己的想象力, especially during show and tell. He told the class a fish so big... 特别是在表演秀的时候。他会告诉同学们一条鱼会这么大.... it pulled his boat across the whole lake! 那条鱼会推动他的船穿越整个湖。 And he built a snowman as big as his house [会告诉同学说他推了一个想他家这么大的雪人。 Henry even told the class all about his neighbor‘s pet,Joey. Henry甚至还告诉同学们所有关于他邻居的宠物,Joey。 The day Henry told them an alien landed in his yard... 有一天,Henry告诉他们有一个外星人降落在他的院子里.... everyone started asking questions. 每个人都开始问Henry问题了。 Why did’t you call 911?What color was the alien? 为什么不打911?外星人是什么颜色呢? Aliens don‘t land in back-yards.They land at Disney world. 外星人不会降落在后院的,他们是降落在迪士尼世界。 My mom says there are no aliens. 我妈妈说世界上是不存在外星人的。 What planet was he from?how can an alien breathe on earth? 外星人是从哪个星球来的呢?在地球上,外星人是怎样呼吸的呢? Tony said,“ You’re a big fibber!” 突然,Tony说,“你是骗子,说谎!“


人教版2018小学五年级上册英语第二单元测试题 班级:姓名:得分: 听力部分(40分) 一、听录音,选出你听到的单词,每小题听两遍。(10分) ()1.A.MondayB.TuesdayC.Thursday ()2.A.waitB.whiteC.what ()3.A.readbooksB.dohomeworkC.watchTV ()4.A.SaturdayB.SundayC.Wednesday ()https://www.360docs.net/doc/a0344496.html,dy ()6.A.dohomeworkB.dohouseworkC.dosports ()7.A.oftenB.oldC.on ()8.A.whatB.whatcolourwhatabout ()9.A.tomorrowB.todayC.day ()https://www.360docs.net/doc/a0344496.html,puter 二、根据所听短语选出正确的图片,每小题听两遍。(10分) ()1.A. B.

()2.A. B. ()3.A. B. ()4.A. B. ()5.A. B. 三、选出你听到的句子,每小题听两遍。(10分)()1.A.Whatdayisittoday?B.whatdayisittomorrow? ()2.A.IoftenpaintorwatchTV.B.IoftenpaintandwatchTV. ()3.A.Whatclassesdoyoulike?B.Whatclassdoyoulike?

()4.A.WhatdoyoudoonSaturdays?B.WhatdoyoudoonSundays? ()5.A.WehaveEnglishandscience. B.WehaveEnglishandSocialStudies. 四、听对话,连线,听两遍。(10分) WuYifandohomeworkonMonday SarahreadbooksonFriday AmycleanbedroomonTuesday JohnwatchTVonSunday ChenJieplaycomputergamesonSaturday,October 笔试部分(60分) 一、找出下面每组单词中与其他两个不同类的单词。(10分)()1.A.scienceB.ChinaC.Chinese ()2.A.classB.appleC.banana ()https://www.360docs.net/doc/a0344496.html,B.P.E.C.art ()4.A.SocialStudiesB.MoralEducationC.student ()5.A.MondayB.FridayC.friend ()6.A.watchB.readC.book ()7.A.swimB.ping-pongC.football ()8.A.yesB.yeahC.no ()9.A.whatB.whoC.day ()10.A.weB.youC.like 二、根据汉语意思选择与之相对应的单词。(10分) ()1.星期日A.funnyB.SundayC.sunny ()2.什么A.whatB.watchC.who ()3.课程A.classB.glassC.pass


四年级英语暑假作业设计 暑假作业具体要求 同学们,先祝贺大家顺利的完成了一个学期的学习任务。在辛苦的学习生活中,你一定学到了不少知识,收获了不少吧。下学期,你们就是五年级的学生了,为了能让你们轻松愉快的进入高年级,我们在本次暑假中来一次英语阅读大冲浪吧。大家来读一读,背一背,做一做,看谁能成为一名真正的英语阅读高手。 1、认真完成英语《暑假作业》。 2、熟读四篇小短文,并试着背一背,理解短文的含义。 (短文以及评价表发给学生,请学生根据每篇短文的背诵熟练度和短文理解程度进行自我评价,在相应的星数下打“ü”) 3、阅读8篇课外短文,并完成相应的练习题,提高阅读理解能力。 四年级学生暑期英语短文背诵自我评价表 自评项目 短文背诵熟练程度

短文含义理解程度 自评星数 « «« ««« « «« ««« My school life

Four Seasons Weather

A plan for the summer holidays 评价项目: 1、短文背诵的熟练程度 2、短文含义的理解程度 评价标准: «««:短文背诵熟练,非常流利,能读懂短文,完全理解短文的含义。

««:短文背诵,比较流利,能基本读懂短文,有个别句子意思不明。 «:能读短文,但是在背诵上有一定的困难。理解短文的含义不透彻。 ²自我评价由学生自己填写。 I. Read and Recite My school life Hi, everyone. My name is Bob. I study in Park Primary School. I’m in Class 4, Grade 5. Our morning lessons begin at a quarter to nine and we finish school at four. My school life is Wonderful. My favourite subject are English, Social Study and art-and-craft. But we like computer and science best. Because we can play computer games and write E-mails to each other. My school is not big. But it’s beautiful. Look, that is our classroom building. It’s high. Our classroom is on the first floor. There are eight classes in our grade. There are forty-five students in our class, including twenty-five boys and twenty girls. After class, we often have a rest in our school garden. I’d like reading books in it. We’ve got three terms in a school year. They are the summer term, the autumn term and the winter term. The school life is rich and interesting. The teachers are kindly and the students are lovely and friendly. We feel very happy at our school. Four Seasons Spring is the best season of the year. It lasts from March to May. The days get longer. The nights get shorter, and the weather gets warmer. Everything begins to grow; Grass and trees begin to turn green. Flowers begin to come out. Children begin to fly kites outdoors. Summer comes after spring. It is the hottest season in the year. It lasts from June to August.


【英语】小学五年级上册英语阅读试题及答案及答案解析 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解根据短文内容,判断句子正(A)误(B),在答题卷上将对应的字母编号涂黑。 (A) My name is Lily. This is my house. There are five rooms in my house. This is my father and mother's room. There are three pictures on the wall. There is a desk near the window. There are two chairs behind the desk. On the left of the room, there is a bathroom. We always wash our bodies and hands in the bathroom. 0n the right, it's my room. There are four pictures and a poster(海报) on the wall. (1)This is Lily's house. (2)There are four rooms in her house. (3)There are three pictures in Lily's room. (4)The bathroom is on the left of her father and mother's room. (5)They sometimes wash their bodies and hands in the bathroom. 【答案】(1)1 (2)0 (3)0 (4)1 (5)1 【解析】【分析】请仔细阅读题目,找出关键字,再与文章内容进行比较,判断对错。(1)通过文章中的"(My name is Lily. This is my house.)"可以知道这道题目是正确的;(2)通过文章中的"(There are five rooms in my house)"可以知道这道题目是错误的;(3)通过文章中的"(There are four pictures and a poster(海报)on the wall.)"可以知道这道题目是错误的; (4)通过文章中的"(On the left of the room,there is a bathroom.)"可以知道这道题目是正确的; (5)通过文章中的"(there is a bathroom. We always wash our bodies and hands in the bathroom.)"可以知道这道题目是正确的。 【点评】阅读理解考查对篇章的把握和对细节的识别能力,答题时注意紧扣问题中的关键词,在文章中寻找答案。 2.阅读理解根据短文内容,选择正确答案,在答题卷上将对应的字母编号涂黑。 (B) A man is walking through(穿过) a forest. He has some caps(帽子) in his hands. In the forest, there are a lot of monkeys. The day is hot, so the man has a rest under a tree. He puts one cap on his head and lies down to sleep(躺下睡觉). When he wakes up(醒来), he can't find his caps. "Where are my caps?" he cries and looks up. He sees some monkeys in the trees. Each(每个)has a cap on its head. "Give me back my caps!" shouts the man to the monkeys. But they don't


第一周Lesson One & Lesson Two 一.看图,写出相应的英文数字。 ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ _________ ________ ________ 二、试着将下列单词补充完整。 1.ab___ ___t A. ow B. uo C. ou 2.t__ __ch__ __ A. ee,er B. ea,er C. ea,or 3.th___ ___ ___ A. ire B. air C. eir 4.fr___ m A. a B. o C. i 5.___l ___ven A. e,e B. e,a C. e,i 三、语言知识。 A、相信你已经掌握了这两课的内容,试着回答下列问题吧。 1. 当你想问别人“你在那个年级时”,应该怎么说? _________ __________ are you in? 2.你在几年级几班?用实际情况来回答吧。 I’m in ________ ________ , _________ _________.

3. 你来自哪里?说说看。 I _______ from ___________. 4. “他们来自日本。”用英语说说这句话。 __________ ___________ from Japan. 二、把下面的单词连成一句话写在横线上。 1. Grade you in Two are _________________________________________________ 2. my nose on glasses are my _________________________________________________ 3. Mr family is Cat’s family a happy _________________________________________________ 4. works in hospital a he _________________________________________________ 四、下面一段对话排乱了顺序,请重新排列一下。 1. What’s your name? 2. Where are you from, Tom? 3. Me too! 4. Hello! I am Ann. 5. I am from England. 6. My name is Tom. ________________________________________ 五、情景对话。(15分) ( )1、当你邀请别人一块去打乒乓球时,你应说: A、I want to play ping-pong. B、Let’s play ping-pong。 C、You can play ping-pong。


2021小学四年级英语暑假作业答案一、连词成句。 teacher, a , nice, she, is. capital, England, of, is , London, the. Kite, tomorrow, you, your, will, . on, do, my, I’ll, Thursday, homework. 二、选择填空,将正确的序号填入括号中。 ( )1.I will take my kite____Saturday. A. in B. at C. on ( )2.Beijing is the capital ___ China. A. on B. in C. of ( )3.It’s a book ___London. A. about B. of C. in ( )4.we’re going to ____ a picnic tomorrow. A. have B.take C.et ( ) ( )5.I’ll play ____ my friends . A. with B. to C.不填 ( )6.Lingling is taller ____ Fangfang.. A. to B.than C. and ( )7.I am ____ China. A. go B. 不填 C. from ( )8.Robot can ____. A. walk B. walking C. 不填 ( )9.On Monday I will go ____ . . A. swim B. swimming C.swimming ( )10.One day , robot will do ____ . .


PEP Grade 5 (上)Final Test 1. Listen and number 2. Listen and tick (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) day ( ) say ( ) play ( ) may ( ) peach ( ) bean ( ) tea ( ) sheep ( ) how ( ) now ( ) mouth ( ) house ( ) 年轻的数学老 师,高高瘦瘦 的,手里拿着 三角尺和圆规 ( ) 矮矮胖胖的地理老师,上了年纪,手里拿 着地球仪 ( ) 日历上写着7 Tuesday ( ) 日历上写着7 Thursday 茄子 ( ) 一盘猪肉 ( ) 床下有一双鞋 子 床旁边有一双鞋子 书柜旁边 是一面镜 子 书柜旁边是写字台 衣着时髦的Candy 在开心地玩电脑 衣着时髦的Candy 在做饭

3.Listen, choose and write (1) math (2) Chinese (3) English (4) music (5) P.E. (6) play computer games (7) Thursday (8) Monday (9) Wednesday (10) Tuesday (11) Friday (12) Saturday (13) Sunday Model: I have an (3) class at 8:00 on (8). (1)At on , I have a class. (2)There is a class at on . (3)I have a class at on . (4)There is a class at on . (5)I can on and . 4.Look and write (1)Monday — Mon. Wednesday —______ Thursday —______ Friday—______ Sunday —______ Tuesday —______ Saturday —______ (2)tall — ball coat —______ on —______ sour —______ pork —______ short —______ horse —______ (3)three — tree too —______ read —______ any —______ from —______ (4)red — green young —______ active —______ strong —_______ sweet —______ tall —_________ in front of —_________ (5)he’s — he is they’re —___________ don’t —__________ I’d like —_________ what’s —___________ she’s —_________ 5.Make sentences


2021四年级英语暑假作业本答案 第1页 画一画时间,写一写你的暑假作息安排 (此题第一空根据自己的作息安排填写相对应的时间数字。整点的时间后加o’clock 如 8 o’clock, 上午的时间在数字后加a.m. 如 7a.m. ,下午的时间在数字后加p.m. 如 7p.m. ) It’s 7 o’clock. It’s time to get up. 1、7 o’clock 2、7:30 a.m. , bread , milk 3、9 o’clock , English, maths, Chinese 4、11 o’clock 5、12 o’clock, noodles, apple 6、3 o’clock 7、4 o’clock 8、6o’clock 此题主要是复习四年级下册第二单元的内容,错误多的同学好好复习下这个单元的课文 第2页 1、阅读短文,选择理想的房子 (答案B) 此题错了的同学认真复习四年级上册第四单元的单词哦 2、看钟面,读一读,圈出正确的时间 (1)b (2) b (3) a (4) b (5) a (6) b 第3页 1、画一只自己喜欢的宠物,并用英语加以描述 例如画了一只黑色的猫 This is my pet. He/ She is a cat. He/ She is black.

He/ She has small ears. He/ She has a short tail. He/ She has big eyes. I like him/her so much. (此题主要运用的是三年级上册第二单元和三年级下册第三单元的单词) 2、画一画家人,并选用下列句型描述自己的家人 例如:This is my family. My mother is a teacher. She is tall and thin. She has big eyes. My father is a doctor. He is tall. He has small eyes. I am a student. I have no job. I love my family. 这个题除了用到上图的单词,还用到四年级第六单元有关职业的单词 第4页 1、看天气图标,读一读,选一选,做个气象预报员吧 答案:B B A B A 本题错了的同学请认真复习四年级下册第三单元的前9个单词 2、T恤衫,长裤,黑色鞋子,红色的帽子 本题错了的同学请认真复习四年级下册第五单元的黑体词 第5页 1、看图,写一写问答 胡萝卜图:What is it? It’s a carrot. How much is it? It’s $1. 雨伞图:What is it? It’s an umbrella. How much is it? It’s $2. (这两题为单数类型,所以出现的是 it is .注意在umbrella前需要用an,因为它是元音字母u开头。) 西红柿图:What are they? They are tomatoes. How much are they? They are $2.


一、语文作业: 1、完成语文《寒假作业》; 2、背诵10首古诗:《易水送别》、《送杜少府之任蜀州》、《登幽州台歌》、《望月怀远》、《蜀相》、《春望》、《望岳》、《虞美人》(李煜)、《相见欢》(李煜)、《蝶恋花》(柳永))。 3、课外阅读:《鲁宾逊漂流记》、《阿Q正传》。读后以“荐书海报”(即“手抄报”,要用标准纸张)的形式,写出主要内容,经典片段,赏析感受及推荐原因。 4、“童眼看社会”摄影作品5篇。要求:题目自拟;内容:有关马拉松比赛的内容。 5、预习:把五年级下册前四单元课文读熟,背过要求背诵的。 6、每天坚持收看新闻30分钟,并把自己认为当天影响最大的事情选出来,用自己的话简洁地记在日记本上。锻炼听、写能力,及时了解国内外时事动态。(20则,字数不少于100字) 7、亲情沟通:给父母写一封信,写出自己想说的话,并要求父母写回信。两封信都上交。 8、寒期作文(2篇): ①世界处于不断变化中。小树苗能变成参天大树,冬天过去了就是春天,我们由会哭的孩子变成学有所成的少年,我们周围的城市、农村变得越来越美丽,变化很美。请以“变化”为话题,写一篇作文,题目自拟,不少于500字。题目:成长的故事(记事)要求:1. 具体写出自己在成长过程中印象很深的一两件事,表达真情实感,字数500字左右。 ②生活中,我们会接触到一些动物,体会到小动物们丰富的情感世界。请以“我与______(动物)”为题写一篇习作,讲述你与它之间的故事。要求感情真挚,想像合理。 二、数学作业 愉快的假期即将来到,同学们在尽情玩耍的同时,不要忘了认真完成假期作业,充分利用好假期的这段时间对已学知识进行整理复习。假期回校后,也许那个令人刮目相看,进步最大的同学就是你! 1、做作业前自己根据情况设计一个寒假计划(开学时进行评比看谁安排最合理,完成情况最好)望家长监督此计划。 2、出一张数学小报,要进行排版和美化。 (版块分为本册数学概念,智力测试,奥赛专栏,学习心得,趣味数学园等) 3、90分以下的把期末考试试卷重新做一遍 4、《数学寒假作业》这本书认真书写,保质保量完成。 5、预习新书前两单元,并将练习一至练习五中的题各挑选两道做完。 6、每天从课外书或网络摘抄两道分数、小数或整数简便计算题完成,以备升入六年级时轻松自如的学习。 三、英语寒假作业 1. 用钢笔练字。(每周2张) 2. 复习单词(词汇表),每个单词抄写一行,每行四个,汉语一遍。 3.听磁带、手指读1-5单元课文。预习、读熟课文。


三年级英语暑假作业卷 一、认真听录音,请选出你所听到的一项(5分) ( )1. A .name B. cake C. game ( )2. A . he B. she C.. me ( )3. A .no B.go C.home ( )4. A. have some coke B. have some water C. have some milk ( )5. A. go home B. play a game C. run a race 二、从句子中圈出你听到的句子(5分) 1、 What’s on the table? 2、 I have a toy bike . 3、 Is it fine today . 4、 Cool ! Let ‘s ride it . 5、 How nice the kite is ! 三、认真听录音,请选出你听到的句子(10分)

( )1. A .where is my dog? B. Open the door,please. ( )2. A .Can you make cakes? B. Please have a cake. ( )3. A .Who are you? B. Who is it? ( )4. A Thank you. B. How are you? ( )5. A . It’s a tiger. B. It’s a bear. 四、认真听录音,请为你所听到的问句选出合适的答语。(10分) ( )1. A. Yes , I can. B. Yes ,I am ( )2. A. He is my father. B. She is my mother . ( )3. A. Yes ,he is . B. Yes ,it is . ( )4. A. Wow ! How nice! B. Yes ,thank you . ( )5. A. I’m fine.thank you. B. How do you do? 五、在你听到的内容和图片相符的题下括号里划“√”,不相符的划“×” (10分) 1 2 3 4 5


人教版小学五年级英语上册期末测试题 一、找出不同类的单词(10分) ()1. A.music B.art C.teacher D.PE ()2. A.am B.very C.is D.are ()3. A.he B.his C.her D.your ()4. A.who B.what C.we D.where ()5. A.kind B.strict C.tall D.English ()6. A.over B.on C.behind D.kind ()7. A.chair B.desk C.cool D.sofa ()8. A.Monday B.Friday C.Tuesday D.tea ()9 A.humburger B.swim C.sandwich D.cake ()10. A.sky B.apple C.pear D.banana 二、按要求写出答案(10分) 1.Let us (缩写形式)________ 2.don′t (完整形式)________ 3.two (同音词)________ 4.young (反义词)________ 5.man (复数)________ 6.potato (复数)________ 7.water bottle (英译汉)________ 8.英语老师(汉译英)________ 9.fun (形容词)________ 10.teach (第三人称单词)________ 11.I (宾语)________ 三、单项选择题(20分) ()1.Today ________Thuresdy. We have English class A.are B.is C.be () 2.He is tall ________thin. A.and. B.or C.very () 3.I have art and music ________Fridays. A.at B.of C.on () 4.We often play________ football on Saturdays. A.the B.a C.l () 5.Do you like________ books. A.see B.watch C.reading () 6.They will have dinner ,________ about you? A.who B.where C.what () 7.What________ you like to eat? A.would B.are C.do () 8. ________would you like to drink? A.why B.who C.what () 9.Can you help________ ? A.I B.we C.me ()10.There is________ apple on the desk. A.a B.an C.l ()11.如果你想知道别人喜欢什么运动时,应该说 A.What′s your favourite food? B.What′s your favourite sports? C.I like doing exercise. ()12.放学后你见到妈妈说:“妈妈,我饿了。“应该说 A.I′d like something to drink. B.What would you like to eat? C.Mum, I′m hungry. ()13.当你想知道对方会不会做面条时,应问 A .What can you do? B.Can you cook the noodles? C.Can you cook the noodles? ()14.你想请朋友一起去划船时,应说


2018四年级英语暑假作业答案 P1 一、 1.bee蜜蜂 2.fan电扇 3.hey嗨 4.skirt裙子 5.form表格 6.big大的二、 略 三、画 1.一个红苹果2.一条黄狗3.两双绿袜子4三双蓝鞋 四、 顺序1 3 2 4 五、1.mother 2.chair 3. rice 4.room 5.forty-one 6.light P2 一、 rabbit banana pig duck wathermelon pants 二、 B A B C C 三、 D C E A B P3 一、 天气类:cool cold warm 动物类:donkey lamb pig 食物类:hamburger bread soup

服装类:sweater coat dress 水果类:orange whatermelon peach 饮料类:milk juice coke 二、 C B C A A 三、 1.It"s six o"clock. 2.The coat is ninety-three yuan. 3.No,they aren"t. 4.Yes,it is. 四、 weather: hot cool cold snowy animal:donkey rabbit lamb pig food:soup bread carrot hamburger colthes:jeans coat dress sweater fruits:peach watermelon orange strawberry P5 一、1.light灯 2.floor地板 3.picture图画 4.warm暖和的 5.wall墙 6.bag 书包 7.snowy 下雪 8.thirteen十三 二、 ×√√√× 三、 E A B C D


暑假寄语? 亲爱的小朋友: 祝贺你,你已经成功地度过了一年的学习生活,一定很有收获吧?接下来,我们将迎来两个月的暑假生活。两个月的假期该如何度过?怎样安排会更有意义呢?让我们利用暑假时间,走进阅读大世界,参与社会大课堂,拥抱大自然,并且,为自己可爱的家、你爱的亲人做点我们力所能及的事情,行吗?你的努力一定会将使自己不断进步,你也将体验到成长的快乐! 那么,请你在爸爸妈妈指导下,合理安排好时间,在假期完成下面的任务。为了使自己能坚持做好每一件事情,建议将本作业张贴在你最容易看见的位置,时时对照,每星期自查一次,或是让爸爸妈妈为你的表现评个奖。来期开学,我们将评选出学校假期表现最优秀的学生进行表彰。好好做哦!你一定行! 一、阅读《唐诗三百首》,《弟子规》,或者中外童话以及合适的儿童读物。 (建议亲子共读,每天坚持半小时阅读时间。) 二、每天认认真真写好20个字。(专门准备好一个写字本) 三、学科作业 1、认真完成《暑假作业本》; 2、每天积累2个成语。 3、每天坚持听读英语10分钟。 4、做20道口算题。 5、写日记不少于20篇。 6、写6篇作文,题目是:①暑假趣事②做(手工)③暑假里最难忘的一天 ④他(她)真⑤妈妈(爸爸),我想对你说⑥我的小秘密 四、做一件关心亲人的事情,可以在以下任务中任选一件,或是其它的也行,坚持天天做。 比如:1、每天为亲人按摩100下。 2、每天整理自己的房间。 3、洗自己的小衣服。 …… 五、在自己做得好的日子上画上彩色星星吧。

小朋友们,当暑假即将结束的时候,你的暑假计划完成得怎么样?看看自 己有多少日子是彩色的,请对照计划自查一下吧!开学时,我们拿到班上来比一比,看看谁是最棒的! (背面附自查评价表) 夺星我最棒!


一、请用直线把汉语与相应的英语单词连接起来。(10分) strict 客厅周四clean the bedroom behind 在…后边试一试favourite do homework 严格的打扫卧室Thursday living room 酸的洗碗have a try sour 做作业最喜爱的do the dishes 二、下面各组单词中,有一个不同类的,把它选出来。(10分) ( ) 1. A. Tuesday B. Saturday C. holiday D. Monday ( ) 2. A. bathroom B. kitchen C. living room D. park ( ) 3. A. closet B. end table C. clothes D. shelf ( ) 4. A. at B. on C. over D. in ( ) 5. A. sweet B. sour C. salty D. strict 三、按要求写出词语。(10分) young(反义词) I’d like(完全形式) two(同音词) breakfast(同类词) do not(缩略形式) Sun.(完全形式) empty the trash(汉语) can’t(完全形式) have(三单形式) potato(复数) 四、阅读下面的对话,根据上下文内容填入所缺的单词, 使对话意思合理、完整,注意字母大小写的规范要求。(每空2分,共20分) 1. A: ____________ your art teacher? B: Mr. Carter. 2. A: ____________your father like? B: He’s tall and strong. 3. A: your English teacher quiet? B: No, she isn’t. 4. A: ___________ your favorite fruit? B: I like apples. 5. A: ___ can you do? B: I can make the bed. 6. A: Can you sweep the floor? B: No, I _________. 7. A: _______there a bed, a desk and a big closet in your bedroom? B: Yes, there is. 8. A: _______there any bridges in your village? B: No, there aren’t. 9. A: _________is the red house? B: It’s near the river. 10. A: many goats are there? B: There are 35. 四、连词成句。(10分) 1.pandas, any, there, are, mountains, the in (?) 2.clothes, on, bed, are, many, the,there (.) 3.set, you, the, table, can (?) 4.our, is, Li, teacher, Miss. , English, new (.) 5.today, is, what, it, day (?)
