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现代科技英语教程 Unit 3 Text A Exercises
Exercises: ( ) 6. The
transmitter in an AM broadcast system is F microphone. (T) 7. The purpose of ice bath in thermocouple thermometer is to provide a stable reference point. (F) 8. The thermocouple voltage is usually proportional to the temperature difference between the two junctions. (T) 9. A feedback control system must have a link that detect the information about the output and modify one of the driving signals. (F) 10. In the feedback control system, the "controller" must not be a person.
3. filter
4. audio 5. amplify 6. accurate 7. strip 8. loudspeaker 9. ice bath
g. make something more clearly
h. turn electrical current into sound i. a container full of ice and water j. narrow piece
1.调幅 2. 射频 3. 冰点槽 4. 与…成比例 5. 数字显示器 6. audio microphone 7. receiving system 8. transmitting system 9. on-off control 10. set the temperature
现代科技英语教程 Unit 3 Text A Exercises
《 教程 》 EX: VI,P48
现代科技英语教程 Unit 3 Text A Exercises
I. Mark the following statements with T (true) or F (false) Exercises: according to the passage (T) 1. Automation plays an increasingly important role in the global economy, industries and in our daily life. ( ) 2. Automation is the use of control systems and other T applications of information technology, to control industrial machinery and processes, reducing the need for human intervention. F( ) 3. In the scope of industrialization, automation is equal to mechanization. F( ) 4. The speech, music, or data that are produced at one location and transmitted over long distances permit unfaithful recovery of the original input.. T( ) 5. The letters AM mean that the magnitude of a radio frequency signal is caused to vary according to the magnitude of an audio frequency signal. 下一页 上一页
V. Translate the following sentences into Chinese 1. The functions of the receiver are to amplify or increase the strength of the relatively weak signal obtained from the antenna, to filter or select the desired radio frequency signal from the signals of all other broadcast stations, to recover the audio signal from the amplitude variations of the radio frequency signal, and to drive a loudspeaker with this audio signal. 2. In measurement system, therefore, one expects to be concerned with locating and removing any small errors that might be added to the signal at each step of the processing sequence. 1. 接收器的功能是放大或增加天线接收的相对较弱的信号的 强度,过滤或选择所需的其他广播站的射频信号,用射频信 号振幅的改变来恢复音频信号,并用此音频信号驱动扬声器。 上一页 下一页 2. 在测量系统中,每一个处理步骤都会将预计到的涉及查找 和消除的任何小错误,添加到的信号上。
3. 第三个系统是反馈控制系统,在该系统中,通过输出性能 的数据来调整驱动系统的信号。 4. 这种恒温调节器包含确定室内温度的输入设备(通常,双 金属带随温度改变而弯曲),设置所需温度的机械装置(设 置温度的拨号盘),以及机械式开关,由双金属带启动,控 制熔炉。
上一页 下一页
• 5. Suppose there were no mechanism for turning the furnace ON or OFF, the temperature of the room would either rise to some maximum (if the furnace were on all the time) or drop to some minimum (if the furnace were off all the time). • 5. 假设熔炉没有开关装置,房间的温度,或者升 到最高某个温度(如果熔炉一直开着),或者降 到最低的某个温度(如熔炉一直关着)。
III. Match the items listed in the following two columns
1. frequency 2. antenna a. Joining or being joined b. a particular number of radio waves per second c. the various speeds of sound wave that can be heard by the human ear d. careful and exact e. increase the strength of something f. a device of receiving system of transmitting system
现代科技英语教程 Unit 3 Text A Exercises
3. The third system is the feedback control system, in which information about the behavior of the output modifies the signals driving the system. 4. In this case, the thermostat contains the input device for determining the room temperature (normally a bimetallic strip that bends as its temperature is varied), a mechanism for setting the desired temperature, and mechanical switches, activated by the bimetallic strip, which control the furnace.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
《 教程 》 EX: I, P.45
《 教程 》 EX: II, P46
《 教程 》 EX: III, P46-47
《 教程 》 EX: IV, P47
《 教程 》 EX: V, P47-48
现代科技英语教程 Unit 3 Text A Exercises
1. They answers are a Communication System, A Measurement II.Three. Give brief to the following questions system, A Feedback Control system. 1. How many transmitting system are there? What are they? 2.It is tois accept the input signal from an input 2. What the function is of transmitter in an AMdevice broadcast (microphone), use this signal to control the amplitude of a system? radio frequency signal (each broadcast station is assigned its 3. What is the purpose of the measurement system? own radio frequency), and drive the output device (the 4. What is the third system in the illustrative systems? antenna) withaa radio frequency current to produce 5. Please give description of the feedback control system. electromagnetic waves radiating into space. 3. To acquire information from suitable transducers about the behavior of some physical system and to display this information to the observer. 4. Is the feedback control system 5. In which information about the behavior of the output modifies the signals driving the system.
10. junction
现代科技英语教程 Unit 3 Text A Exercises
IV. Translate the following expressions
1. Amplitude Modulation [AM] 2. radio frequency 3. ice bath 4.proportional to 5.a digital display register 6.音频麦克风 7.接收系统 8.传输系统 9.开关控制 10.设置温度