2019精选教育人教版高中英语必修5课件:Unit5 Using language (共41张PPT).ppt

clothes on fire bleeding snake bites bruising
broken bones choking nosebleed sprained ankle
nosebleed clothes on fire choking sprained ankle snake bites
1. Read the newspaper article and then put these events in the order that they happened. Then in pairs, retell the story in your won words.
_4__ The attacker ran away. _2__ Anne was attacked and started to scream. _6__ John performed first aid on Anne.
Task 1 Read the text and fill in the blanks.
What did he Where did he
John Janson _S_c_r_e_a_m_i_n_g_ _F_r_o_n_t_g_a_r_d_en of Anne Slade
What did he do Where did What did
4 In pairs, give your partner first aid instructions for each situation using the pictures above. Then write down your first aid instructions using the following expressions.
Unit 5 人教版英语必修5同步PPT优质课件

必修⑤ ·人教版
Unit 5
First aid
类别 话题
课程标准要求掌握的项目 First aid; safety in the home; medicine; medication
aid temporary injury bleed ankle choke cupboard skin organ barrier poison ray complex variety liquid radiation mild mildly pan stove tissue swell swollen scissors unbearable basin squeeze bandage vital symptom kettle pour wrist damp sleeve blouse tight tightly firm firmly throat ceremony bravery treat apply pressure ambulance
U n i t 5 人 教 版英语 必修5 同步PP T优质课 件
You may need to give first aid.First aid is defined as the emergency care given to a sick or an injured person.The goals of first aid are to prevent death and to prevent injuries from becoming worse.
省略(Ellipsis) Burns are called first (degree burns),second (degree burns) or third degree burns,...
必修⑤ ·人教版
Unit 5
First aid
类别 话题
课程标准要求掌握的项目 First aid; safety in the home; medicine; medication
aid temporary injury bleed ankle choke cupboard skin organ barrier poison ray complex variety liquid radiation mild mildly pan stove tissue swell swollen scissors unbearable basin squeeze bandage vital symptom kettle pour wrist damp sleeve blouse tight tightly firm firmly throat ceremony bravery treat apply pressure ambulance
U n i t 5 人 教 版英语 必修5 同步PP T优质课 件
You may need to give first aid.First aid is defined as the emergency care given to a sick or an injured person.The goals of first aid are to prevent death and to prevent injuries from becoming worse.
省略(Ellipsis) Burns are called first (degree burns),second (degree burns) or third degree burns,...
人教版新课标高中英语教学(必修5)unit5课件 using language

2. What first aid did John perform on Anne?
John dressed Ms Slade’s in juries with tea towels and applied pressure to the wounds to slow the bleeding.
2. What was John doing when he heard the screaming?
They saw a man ran from the scene. 3. What did John and his father see
when they rushed outside? He was studying in his room.
Task 1 Read the text and fill in the blanks.
What did he Where did he
John Janson _S_c_r_e_a_m_i_n_g_ _F_r_o_n_t_g_a_r_d_en of Anne Slade
What did he do Where did What did
4. In groups, discuss these questions.
1. Do you think John was silly or brave to get involved in the situation? Give your reasons.
John was silly: he could have been attacked also, it was nine of his business, the woman might have had AIDS. John was brave: he could have been attacked too, but he didn’t think about his own safety. All he thought about was how to help the victim.

答案: (1)protect you against diseases,poisons and the sun’s harmful rays
(2)keep you warm or cool (3)prevent you from losing water (4)give you sense of touch
Causes of burns
The burns can be caused by a 1.________of things.
人教版英语必修5 Unit 5 First aid
3.Match the Characteristics of burns
答案: (1)-B-E;(2)-A-F;(3)-C-D
人教版英语必修5 Unit 5 First aid
4.Treatment (1)________clothing and jewelry near the burn. (2)________the burns with cool water. (3)________cool,clean wet cloths on the burns. (4)________the burned area gently. (5)________the burned area with a dry clean bandage. (6)________the burned area________than the heart , if possible. (7)________the victim________the doctor or hospital , if possible.
(2) The best way to treat a snake bite is:________
(2)keep you warm or cool (3)prevent you from losing water (4)give you sense of touch
Causes of burns
The burns can be caused by a 1.________of things.
人教版英语必修5 Unit 5 First aid
3.Match the Characteristics of burns
答案: (1)-B-E;(2)-A-F;(3)-C-D
人教版英语必修5 Unit 5 First aid
4.Treatment (1)________clothing and jewelry near the burn. (2)________the burns with cool water. (3)________cool,clean wet cloths on the burns. (4)________the burned area gently. (5)________the burned area with a dry clean bandage. (6)________the burned area________than the heart , if possible. (7)________the victim________the doctor or hospital , if possible.
(2) The best way to treat a snake bite is:________

Sample Compare and Contrast Essay
This essay compares two different viewpoints on a topic and includes balanced analysis, clear comparison, and strong conclusion.
Practice and consolidation
Multiple Choice Questions
Multiple Choice Questions是一种常见的练习题型,通过选择正确答案来帮助 学生理解课文内容,巩固所学知识。这种题型可以考察学生对知识点的掌握程 度,提高他们的理解和记忆能力。
have/has + 过去分词。
I have finished my homework. (我已经完成了作业。)
passive voice
1 2
表示动作的接受者是主语,而不是动作的执行者 。
be + 过去分词。
The book was written by him. (这本书是他写 的。)
Unit Overview
Unit Theme
The unit theme is "Global Understanding", aiming to introduce students to different cultures, values and perspectives through exploring global issues and events.
This essay compares two different viewpoints on a topic and includes balanced analysis, clear comparison, and strong conclusion.
Practice and consolidation
Multiple Choice Questions
Multiple Choice Questions是一种常见的练习题型,通过选择正确答案来帮助 学生理解课文内容,巩固所学知识。这种题型可以考察学生对知识点的掌握程 度,提高他们的理解和记忆能力。
have/has + 过去分词。
I have finished my homework. (我已经完成了作业。)
passive voice
1 2
表示动作的接受者是主语,而不是动作的执行者 。
be + 过去分词。
The book was written by him. (这本书是他写 的。)
Unit Overview
Unit Theme
The unit theme is "Global Understanding", aiming to introduce students to different cultures, values and perspectives through exploring global issues and events.

• 6. astonished children • 7. a broken vase • 8. a closed door • 9. the tired audience • 10. an trapped animal
P 5, Ex 3
• 1. blamed • 2. tired • 3. disappointed • 4. shocked • 5. excited • 6. infected
points, you cannot go over it without lifting
your pencil from the page or going over a line
Leonhard Euler (1707-1783)
Born: 15 April 1707 in Basel, Switzerland Died: 18 Sept 1783 in St Petersburg, Russia
2. expose
expose sth. to the light of day 把某事暴露于光天化日之下
I threatened to expose him ( to the police). 我威胁要(向警察)揭发他. 他把皮肤暴露在阳光下. He exposed his skin to the sun. The old man was left exposed to wind and rain. exposed在句中是过去分词作后置 定语
Listening (P5) 1. Qian Xuesen first studied to be an
engineer. 2. In America he began to work on
space rockets so that he was able to develop a space programme when he came back to China. 3. When Qian Xuesen returned to China he sep up a Space Institute to begin training people in how to design and build rockets.
人教版高中英语必修5 Unit 5 Using language(共29张PPT)

Using language
Suppose you hear someone screaming and you find him sitting on the ground, bleeding heavily from deep knife wounds in his hands, what would you do? Will you help him? Will you call the police and ambulance, or whether you perform first aid?
Brave, heroic, courageous, quick-thinking, quickminded, helpful, fearless, unselfish, confident
Discuss the following questions in groups of four. After the discussion, each group select a spokesperson to present their views.
_4__ The attack ran away. _2__ Anne was attacked and started to scream. _6__ John performed first aid on Anne. _1__ John was studying in his house. _7__ The ambulance arrived. _3__ John ran outside with his father. _5__ John found Anne in her garden with
In this situation, the best thing to do was to ring the emergency number. The daughter’s leg would have been very painful and become worse if the mother had tried to move her. Also, the daughter was unconscious and you shouldn’t move an unconscious person.
Suppose you hear someone screaming and you find him sitting on the ground, bleeding heavily from deep knife wounds in his hands, what would you do? Will you help him? Will you call the police and ambulance, or whether you perform first aid?
Brave, heroic, courageous, quick-thinking, quickminded, helpful, fearless, unselfish, confident
Discuss the following questions in groups of four. After the discussion, each group select a spokesperson to present their views.
_4__ The attack ran away. _2__ Anne was attacked and started to scream. _6__ John performed first aid on Anne. _1__ John was studying in his house. _7__ The ambulance arrived. _3__ John ran outside with his father. _5__ John found Anne in her garden with
In this situation, the best thing to do was to ring the emergency number. The daughter’s leg would have been very painful and become worse if the mother had tried to move her. Also, the daughter was unconscious and you shouldn’t move an unconscious person.
人教版英语必修五Unit5 说课课件 (共30张PPT)

完形 填空 语言 知识 阅读表达
建议:学生完成prereading 后注意文章 标题和插图思考文章 大意。 对
同 一 内 容 的 不 同 处 理
三 说建议
紧密结合词汇, 语法,听力, 阅读等教学进 行 语音教学
三个听的活动培 养学生的各种技 巧和能力 鼓励学生发挥创造 力,口头抒发各自 的思想和感情
注重学习策略 和文化意识的 培养,组织和 安排听说读写 的活动
注重过程评价, 以激发学生学 习的积极性和 自信心,促进学 生发展
以话题为核心, 以结构和功能 项目为主线, 渗透情感态度 价值观的教育
编 写 意 图
积极开发教学配套 资源,使教材具有 弹性、 灵活性、 开放性和拓展性, 以便学生更好地发 挥潜力,发展个性
The basic procedures of making the news; newspapers and TV programmes
第 四 单 元
1. First aid 2. Heroic teenager receives award Giving instructions
Ellipsis 省略
1.观念的转变(教教材---用教材教) 2.思想性和人文性(u1u5) 3.语言真实文化多元(u2了解英国) 4.自主发展性(u3设计未来的生活) 5.灵活性和选择性(每单元都有学生自我评价) 6.趣味性(每单元都有趣味阅读)
教学 要求 和目 标
教学 建议
教师用书 教师用 教师用书 书 学生用 学生用书 书(SB) 练习册 (WB)
建议:学生完成prereading 后注意文章 标题和插图思考文章 大意。 对
同 一 内 容 的 不 同 处 理
三 说建议
紧密结合词汇, 语法,听力, 阅读等教学进 行 语音教学
三个听的活动培 养学生的各种技 巧和能力 鼓励学生发挥创造 力,口头抒发各自 的思想和感情
注重学习策略 和文化意识的 培养,组织和 安排听说读写 的活动
注重过程评价, 以激发学生学 习的积极性和 自信心,促进学 生发展
以话题为核心, 以结构和功能 项目为主线, 渗透情感态度 价值观的教育
编 写 意 图
积极开发教学配套 资源,使教材具有 弹性、 灵活性、 开放性和拓展性, 以便学生更好地发 挥潜力,发展个性
The basic procedures of making the news; newspapers and TV programmes
第 四 单 元
1. First aid 2. Heroic teenager receives award Giving instructions
Ellipsis 省略
1.观念的转变(教教材---用教材教) 2.思想性和人文性(u1u5) 3.语言真实文化多元(u2了解英国) 4.自主发展性(u3设计未来的生活) 5.灵活性和选择性(每单元都有学生自我评价) 6.趣味性(每单元都有趣味阅读)
教学 要求 和目 标
教学 建议
教师用书 教师用 教师用书 书 学生用 学生用书 书(SB) 练习册 (WB)
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Bendthekneeoftheupperlegagainstthegroundsothatheorshewilln otrollover. Wecancoverthepersonwithablanketorajackettohelphimorhersta ywarm. Weshouldstaywiththepersonandwaitfortheambulance.
Whenwehavegivenfirstaid,weshould putthepersonintherecoveryposition. Thisisawayofplacingabodysothat theairwayisclearanditiseasytobreathe. Hereishowitisdone: 1.Rollthepersonontooneside. 2.Placethearmclosesttothegroundstraightoutfrom thebody.Placethehandoftheperson’supperarmunderhis orherchin.
4.Iftheinjuriesaresecondorthirddegreeburns,itisvital togetthevictimtothedoctororhospitalatonce. [信息提取] itisvitaltodosth做某事很重要。 [例句仿写] 为什么相信自己很重要? ____W__h_y_i_s_it_v_i_ta_l_to_________________________ ____b_e_l_ie_v_e_y_o_u_r_s_e_lf__inyourself?
Ⅲ.句型搜索 1.Itiswhereyoufeelcold,heatorpainanditgivesyouyour senseoftouch. [信息提取] itis+where表语从句。 [例句仿写] 去拿你的故事书,它就在我书房里你所放的 地方。 Goandgetyourstorybook;_________it_i_sw__h_e_r_e________ ______y_o_u_le_f_t_it____________inmystudy.
3.turnwhitewhenpressed [信息提取] whenpressed是一个省略的从句,其完整形 式为whentheyarepressed。while,if,unless,though 等都可有这样的省略情况。 [例句仿写] 骑车时,不要忘记看红绿灯。 _____W__h_i_le_c_y_c_l_in_g_,don’tforgetthetrafficlights.
6._b_a_r_r_ie_r__n.arule,problemetcthatpreventspeople fromdoingsomething,orlimitswhattheycando 7._te_m__p_o_r_a_r_y_adj.continuingforonlyalimitedperiodoftime 8._li_q_u_i_d___n.asubstancethatisnotasolidoragas,for example,waterormilk 9.u_n__b_e_a_ra_b__le_adj.toounpleasant,painful,orannoyingtodeal with 10.__p_o_u_r___v.tomakealiquidorothersubstanceflowout oforintoacontainerbyholdingitatanangle
1.佳句仿写 ①beimportantforsbtodo 你在那么短的时间内到达那是不可能的。 ___I_t_is_i_m_p__o_ss_i_b_le_f_o_r_y_o_u_t_o_g_et_t_h_e_r_e_in_s_u_c_h_a_s_h_o_r_t_ti_m_e_._____ ②...unless... 除非我被邀请,否则我不会去参加晚会的。 ____Iw__o_n_’_tg_o_t_o_t_h_e_p_a_r_ty_u_n_l_e_s_sI_’_m__in_v_i_te_d_.________________ ③...sothat... 我留下来以使他可能不会再感到孤独。 ___I_s_t_a_y_o_n_so_t_h_a_t_h_e_m__a_y_n_o_tf_e_e_ll_o_n_e_ly_._________________
③WhatistheRIGHTtreatmentforthefirstdegreeburns? A.Getthevictimtothedoctororhospital. B.Putbutter,oilorointmentsonburnsastheydon’t keeptheheatinthewoundsandmaydecrease infection. C.Placecool,clean,wetclothsonthemuntilthepainis notsobad. D.Keepclothscoolbyputtingthembackinthecoldwater. 答案C
Unit5FirstaidPeriod1WarmingUpPre-reading&Re ading课件(人教版必修4,课标通用)
1.v_a_r_i_e_ty___n.alotofthingsofthesametypethatare differentfromeachotherinsomeway 2._sw__e_ll____v.tobecomelargerandrounderthannormal -usedespeciallyaboutpartsofthebody 3.a_p_o_i_s_o_n__n.asubstancethatcancausedeathorserious illnessifyoueatit,drinkit,etc. 4.o_r_g_a_n____n.apartofthebody,suchastheheartorlungs, thathasaparticularpurpose 5._v_i_ta_l____adj.extremelyimportantandnecessaryfor somethingtosucceedorexist
2.True(T)orfalse(F) ④Whenyougivefirstaid,youmustdoitaccordingto yourexperience.( ) F ⑤Ifapersonlosessomeblood,he/shemaydie.( ) F ⑥Whenapersonisbittenbyananimal,washthe woundwithcoldrunningwaterandputapieceofpaper roundthewound.( ) F
2.Removeclothingusingscissorsifnecessaryunlessitis stucktotheburn. [信息提取] unless是连词,意为“除非,如果不”,引 导的是一个肯定条件状语从句。 [例句仿写] 他要是总这样拚命干下去是吃不消的。 ____U_n_l_e_s_sh_e_s_t_o_p_s_d_r_iv_i_n_g___________himselflikethis, he’llhaveabreakdown.
Ⅳ.预读理解 1.FastReading:Scanthetextandchoosethebestanswers accordingtothetext. ①Thelargestorganofyourbodyisthe________. A.brainB.mouthC.stomachD.Skin 答案D
openhis/hermouthandseeifthereisfoodatthebulkof his/hermouth.Second,ifapersoncannotbreathe,doyoubest tostarthis/herbreathingatonce,usingamouth-to-mouthway. Third,ifapersonishurtbadly,tryatoncetostopthebleeding. Thentakehim/hertoadoctor.Ifapersonlosesonethirdof his/herblood,he/shemaydie. Whenwegivethefirstaid,weshouldmakesurethatitis needed.②Weshouldnevertrytoreviveapersonunlesswe knowhowtodoit.Wemaymakethingsworse.Manyhospitals andschoolsoffertrainingclassesforpeoplewhoareinterested inlearningfirstaid.
①Itisimportantforyoutolearnsome knowledgeaboutfirstaidinyourdailylife. Ifapersonhasanaccident,heneedsmedical carebeforeadoctorcanbefound.Whenyougivefirstaid, youmustpayattentiontothreethings.First,whenaperson stopsbreathing,
Ⅱ.短语天地 1._b_e_c_l_o_se_t_o_______靠近 2._f_i_r_st_a_i_d________急救 3._a_s_e_n_s_e_o_f_to_u_c_h___触觉 4._k__n_o_c_k_o_v_e_r _____打翻,撞倒,撞翻 5._p_i_c_k_o_f_f ________去除;剪掉;撕开,撕掉 6.overandoveragain____反__复__;__多__次____ 7.electricshock___电__击___________ 8.squeezeout___榨__出__;__挤__出_____ 9.inplace___在__适__当__的__位__置___ 10.avarietyof____各__种__各__样__的____