



使用说明书尊敬的顾客:欢迎您使用本公司研发生产的系列多功能抑尘车;本公司已通过ISO9001 质量管理体系认证;产品已通过国家强制性3C 认证,产品完全符国家相关行业标准;底盘车售后服务及三包政策参照底盘厂家相关政策执行(如:东风底盘,随车配发有东风公司对应底盘的质量保证保修手册及相关服务站名录),本说明书着重介绍上装部分的使用说明及注意事项。




三、主要配置:东风底盘汽车、50KW 柴油发电机组、带消音双壁轴流风机配置特制喷筒、高压雾化系统、电控系统、遥控系统、自动转向装置、罐体8 吨。

四、主要技术参数:液泵工作压力:~流量:100~160L/min风压:1300Pa 风量:1800m3/min水平最大射程:70m 雾粒度:50-150um俯仰角度:-10°~40°水平旋转角:180°总功率:37KW五、作业步骤:1、开机作业前先检查柴油机燃油、润滑油、冷却水是否充足,检查柴油机启动的电源线是否与蓄电池接线柱连接紧固,检查发电机组上的电源开关是否处于分的状态。

检查各供液管道是否连接紧固,打开喷筒送液管路上的各控制开关;2、柴油机启动:将起动锁匙拨至起动位置,按下电启动马达按钮,待发电机组慢速运转1-2 分钟后,逐步加大油门,使电压达到420 伏(风机起动电压)正常使用电压是380V,周波表在50 赫兹位置上,将电源总开关向上拨至“合”状态;3、试运行:1)在电控箱或遥控器上点动“风机开按钮”试运行,如发现风机反转,应在电源开关上调整接线位置,待风机正常运行1-2 分钟。



铁路煤炭运输抑尘技术条件第1部分:抑尘剂1 范围TB/T 3210的本部分规定了铁路煤炭运输用抑尘剂的产品性能要求、试验方法、标志与包装、储存与运输、检验规则和使用要求。


2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过TB/T 3210本部分的引用而成为本部分的条款。



GB/T 191 包装储运图示标志(GB/T 191-2008,ISO 780:1997,MOD)GB/T 213 煤的发热量测定方法(GB/T 213-2008,ISO 1928:1995,MOD)GB/T 261 闪点的测定宾斯基-马丁闭口杯法(GB/T 261-2008,ISO 2719:2002,MOD)GB/T 1690 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶耐液体试验方法(GB/T 1690-2006,ISO 1817:2005,MOD)GB/T 2793 胶黏剂不挥发物含量的测定GB/T 6680 液体化工产品采样通则GB/T 7466 水质总铬的测定GB/T 7468 水质总汞的测定冷原子吸收分光光度法(GB/T 7468-1987,eqv ISO 5666-1~5666-3:1983)GB/T 7475 水质铜、锌、铅、镉的测定原子吸收分光光谱法(GB/T 7475-1987,neq ISO/DP 8288)GB/T 7485 水质总砷的测定二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸银分光光度法(GB/T 7485-1987,neq ISO 6569:1982)GB/T 10247 黏度测试方法GB/T 13197 水质甲醛的测定乙酰丙酮分光光度法GB/T 13354 液态胶黏剂密度的测定方法重量杯法GB/T 14518 胶黏剂的pH值测定(GB/T 14518-1993,NET 76-103:1972,NEQ)GB/T 15193.3 急性毒性试验GB/T 21604 化学品急性皮肤刺激性/腐蚀性试验方法TB/T 3210 铁路煤炭运输抑尘技术条件第2部分:喷洒装置及方法JB/T 7901 金属材料实验室均匀腐蚀全浸试验方法SH/T 0084 冷却系统化学溶液对汽车上有机涂料影响的试验方法3 产品性能要求3.1 抑尘剂外观与感官特性抑尘剂外观与感官特性应符合表1的规定。







1. 抑尘剂喷洒剂的选择抑尘剂的选择应基于工作环境特点,如粉尘类型、粒径分布、粉尘浓度以及环境温度和湿度等因素。


2. 抑尘剂喷洒量的确定根据实际工作环境,确定合适的抑尘剂喷洒量,以达到有效控制粉尘的目的。


3. 抑尘剂喷洒方式抑尘剂的喷洒方式通常包括喷洒器、喷雾装置或喷洒车等。


4. 抑尘剂的储存和运输抑尘剂应存放在干燥、通风良好的库房中,避免阳光直射和高温环境。


5. 抑尘剂的使用注意事项在喷洒抑尘剂时,工作人员应佩戴适当的个人防护用品,如防护眼镜、口罩、手套等。


6. 抑尘剂的环境影响评估抑尘剂的喷洒过程可能对环境产生一定的影响,如土壤和水体的污染等。


7. 抑尘剂效果的监测与评估对抑尘剂的喷洒效果进行监测与评估,可以通过空气采样、粉尘沉降或工作人员的暴露浓度等指标进行。





OPTIONAL INDICATORHOLES FOR LOCKINGOPTIONAL MOUNTING BY 6 SCREWS These holes are always open providingdrainage of splash water 114(4.49)AIR FLOW Q = 1500 l/min max102(4.02)43(1.69)Ø90(3.54)Ø73(2.87)G1M33x2G 3/4G 3/4OPTIONAL MOUNTINGmm (inches)NOTICE!Breather is an essential part of the system and the element needs to be replaced regularly.6 x 60°Ø4 or M57355TOP VIEWTOP VIEW1234(35.5)1052515 (N O I N D I C A T O R )ISO228-G1/OPTIONAL:1/-16UN-2B46 A/F Ø1271/-16UN-2B (Optional:ISO228-G1/)SLW46Ø12712335.516325Ø85280A6xØ7(PCDØ73)A6xØ7(PCDØ73)2Ø8540095451/2”B S PADAPTOR SINGLEADAPTOR WITH FILLER CONNECTIONNOTICE!Breather is an essential part of the system and the element needs to be replaced regularly.Ø101Ø427010 M A X167Ø7.0AAØ101Ø4216772Ø101Ø4227172A73706x Ø4.44.0Ø314663.5Ø24Ø50.5Ø53A41.33x Ø4.44.0G 1/2G 3/4Ø101Ø101G 1/2G 3/430 A/F HEX931310961610AA30 A/F HEXØ40Ø40Ø40Ø40576060596912.51413.59G 1/4R 1/220 A/F HEX20 A/F HEX20 A/F HEXG 3/8R 3/420 A/F HEX914G 1/4G 3/8R 1/2R 3/4G 3/8G 1/2G 3/4Ø70Ø70Ø70686871G 3/8G 1/2G 3/48.58.512.58.512.515.528 A/F HEX28 A/F HEX31 A/F HEXAAØ20362015°30°1.6Ø13.55Ø13.35Ø22 SPOTFACE7.810.5M I NØ16.2516.00Ø15.1015.00Ø11.8G 1/4Ø83Ø76.243.458.2153.5Ø49.5Valve Crack-35 A/F HEX16 A/F HEXRETAINING SPRING CLIPØ76.2G 3/4G 1/4651643.46Ø44.556.51336.57Ø76.243.4Ø38.1Ø44.536.511047Ø51Ø35225THREE SIZE:BSPT BSPT BSPTMOUNTING FACE FOR STANDARD AND LARGE BREATHER73 PCD Ø57 HOLE IN T ANK6 FITTING HOLES Ø5.6 EQUISPACED ON PCDØ88 BOSS OR SPOT FACE(1.6 MICRON SURFACE FINISH)ØAB C DE BSPTØABCØ48LARGE BREATHER FILLERSTRAINER 30 MESH (600 MICRONS)CIRCUIT SYMBOL CIRCUIT SYMBOL Ø94AB606Ø97ABØ51Ø63.5STANDARD SPIN-ON AIR BREATHER STEMPRESSURISED SPIN-ON AIR BREATHER STEMRESERVOIR CUTOUT Ø25 MAXIMUMRESERVOIR CUTOUT Ø25 MAXIMUM3 OFF M6 FIXING HOLES EQUISPACED ON 41.3 P 3 OFF M6 FIXING HOLES EQUISPACED ON 50 P .C.D.Stand Pipe MountingØ51STRAINER3 OFF EQUISPACED CLAMPS51.5150107Ø7876TANK MOUNTING HOLEXFLAP TO PROTECT LOCK2 LOCKING SCREWS THREADED TYPE AT POSITIONS X AND Y3 LOCKING SCREWS PUSH ON TYPE AT POSITIONS X, Y AND ZDRIVE SLOTBLACK LINERED LINE4341.53018110761717A /F H E X 18.524DRIVE SLOTBLACK LINERED LINE2418.541.517127161A /F H E X17742243DRIVE SLOTBLACK LINERED LINE2418.541.517254288A /F H E X172022243INSTALLATION DETAILS MOUNTING THREAD120°PLAIN AREAC A/F HEX ØBACIRCUIT SYMBOLG1Ø78.5102448216160MINIMUM FOR BOWL REMOVAL24485699116542 OFF FIXING HOLES Ø7.2∆p (b a r )CIRCUIT SYMBOL30Ø74G1MINIMUM FOR BOWL REMOVAL6Ø90215609Ø456322 A/F HEX5749112INLET54.530102 2 OFF FIXING HOLES Ø7.5AØBCIRCUIT SYMBOLCIRCUIT SYMBOLC A/F HEXMOUNTING THREADAØBC A/F HEXMOUNTING THREADFGAAGRUB SCREW POSITIONHUB WITHDRAWAL CLEARANCEE DØJØHØCØBHUB WITHDRAWAL CLEARANCEHeight of Keyway from Base of BoreMETRICIMPERIALStandard Bore BS 4500, (1985)BS 1916, Part 1, (1985)Standard KeywayBS 4325, Part 1 (1980)BS 46, Part 1, (1985)ASSEMBLY DATA1.Maximum angular misalignment is ±2°.Maximum radial misalignment is ±0.4mm.2.Ensure that the Parker Filtration Drive Coupling gear hubs arean easy fit to their respective shafts.Do not use heavy blows to force the hubs on.3.When in position, the hubs should have a gap of 4mm as denoted by ‘E’dimension.4.Tighten grub screws to locate both gear hubs on to their respective shafts.Coupling half pilot boredØ Bore 8mmDrive Coupling SleeveDrive CouplingsDC.28DC.42DC.5550000.75 1.000.440.066.044.538.0 4.0104. 1.32 1.750.7542. 4.0115. 8.002.0559.0125. min 38.1 maxORDERING INFORMATIONMax *Rating/–H–J Speed 100 rev/min WeightA B C D E F G Max Min Pilot Part Numberrev/minkW hpmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBoreBoreBoreDC.28.M10DC.28.M11DC.28.M14DC.28.M16DC.28.M18DC.28.M19DC.28.M20DC.28.M22DC.28.M24DC.28.M25DC.28.M2810.0mm 11.0mm 14.0mm 16.0mm 18.0mm 19.0mm 20.0mm 22.0mm 24.0mm 25.0mm 28.0mm3.0mm4.0mm5.0mm 5.0mm6.0mm 6.0mm 6.0mm 6.0mm 8.0mm 8.0mm 8.0mm11.5mm 12.9mm 16.4mm 18.4mm 20.9mm 21.9mm 22.9mm 24.9mm 27.5mm 28.5mm 31.5mmWeight range from .267 Kg to .411 KgCoupling halves with Metric Bore and KeywayKeywayPart Number ØBore Width HeightModel DC.28DC.42.M18DC.42.M19DC.42.M20DC.42.M22DC.42.M24DC.42.M25DC.42.M28DC.42.M30DC.42.M32DC.42.M35DC.42.M38DC.42.M4218.0mm 19.0mm 20.0mm 22.0mm 24.0mm 25.0mm 28.0mm 30.0mm 32.0mm 35.0mm 38.0mm 42.0mm6.0mm 6.0mm 6.0mm 6.0mm 8.0mm 8.0mm 8.0mm 8.0mm 10.0mm 10.0mm 10.0mm 12.0mm20.9mm 21.9mm 22.9mm 24.9mm 27.5mm 28.5mm 31.5mm 33.5mm 35.5mm 38.5mm 41.5mm 45.5mmWeight range from .436 Kg to .75 KgCoupling halves with Metric Bore and KeywayKeywayPart Number ØBore Width HeightModel DC.42DC.28.B03K DC.28.B04K DC.28.B05K DC.28.B06K DC.28.B07K DC.28.B08K DC.28.B09KDCR.28.PB DC.28.S7/161/25/83/47/8111/80.125 ins 0.125 ins 0.188 ins 0.188 ins 0.250 ins 0.250 ins 0.313 ins 0.50 ins 0.57 ins 0.72 ins 0.84 ins 0.99 ins 1.12 ins 1.24 insWeight rangefrom .259 Kg to .411 KgCoupling halves with Imperial Bore and KeywayKeywayPart Number ØBore Width HeightPart NumberPart Number11/811/413/811/215/813/417/8221/80.313 ins 0.313 ins 0.375 ins 0.375 ins 0.439 ins 0.439 ins 0.501 ins 0.501 ins 0.626 ins1.24 ins 1.37 ins 1.49 ins 1.61 ins 1.76 ins 1.89 ins2.01 ins 2.13 ins 2.31 insWeight range from 1.248 Kg – 2.046 KgDC.42.B05K DC.42.B06K DC.42.B07K DC.42.B08K DC.42.B09K DC.42.B10K DC.42.B11K DC.42.B12K DC.42.B13KDC.42.PB DC.42.SWeight range from .448 Kg to .753 KgCoupling half pilot boredØ Bore 12mmDrive Coupling SleeveCoupling half pilot boredØ Bore 16mmDrive Coupling Sleeve5/83/47/8111/811/413/811/215/80.188 ins 0.188 ins 0.250 ins 0.250 ins 0.313 ins 0.313 ins 0.375 ins 0.375 ins 0.439 ins 0.72 ins 0.84 ins 0.99 ins 1.12 ins 1.24 ins 1.37 ins 1.49 ins 1.61 ins 1.76 insCoupling halves with Imperial Bore and KeywayKeywayPart Number ØBore Width HeightPart NumberPart NumberDC.55.B09K DC.55.B10K DC.55.B11K DC.55.B12K DC.55.B13K DC.55.B14K DC.55.B15K DC.55.B16K DC.55.B17KDCR.55.PB DC.55.SCoupling halves with Imperial Bore and KeywayKeywayPart Number ØBore Width HeightPart NumberPart NumberDC.55.M25DC.55.M28DC.55.M30DC.55.M32DC.55.M35DC.55.M38DC.55.M42DC.55.M5525.0mm 28.0mm 30.0mm 32.0mm 35.0mm 38.0mm 42.0mm 55.0mm 8.0mm 8.0mm 8.0mm 10.0mm 10.0mm 10.0mm 12.0mm 16.0mm 28.5mm 33.5mm 33.5mm 35.5mm 38.5mm 41.5mm 45.5mm 59.5mmWeight range from 1.248 Kg to 1.932 KgCoupling halves with Metric Bore and KeywayKeywayPart Number ØBore Width HeightModel DC.55213Multiclamp — 16 holesSplit BushesBC CTS(B )ØAEF R E FB C C BDAEFSERIES 10P A T .1170557SERIES 10PAT.1170557THETFORD ENGLANDCGH R E FABØDEFØBA PIPE SIZEClamping Unit Weld Plateproperties and are highlyresistant to ozoneweathering and a wide rangeof chemicals.good electrical insulationand are suitable for use overa wide temperature range.Note that if bushes arerequired for immersion inmineral oils, an alternativematerial is recommended.Similar to a split bushing, this component accommodates standardattaching bolts when makinga suspended mount of aplate or column.type mount can be formedby using one adaptor oneach end of a Multiclamp.The adaptors are available insizes to suit all Seriesclamping units.Stacking Stud and NutWhen mounting plate has a thickness of 9.5mm (3/8”) or less, STACKING STUD should be screwed into STACKING NUT and stud passed through drilled hole and secured with a retaining nut.Series 106.0mm-20.0mm (1/4”-3/4”)Series 166.0mm-28.0mm (1/4”-1”)Series 3210.0mm-50.0mm (3/8”-2”)Stacked modules or single moduleFixing points to suitStacking stud and nut not required in this positionJust consider the savings when Multiclamp is planned really wisely.Clamp in position for phase 2P h a s e 1MulticlampDimensionsA 11.0mmB 33.0mm ThreadM8-1.25ORDERING INFORMATION — SERIES 1OPart NumberMC.N.10Stacking Nuts(50 per part number)Weight:0.80 Kg (per set)Dimensions A 13.3mm B 25.0mm C 10.0mm D 6.3mm E 25.0mm F8.5mmPart NumberMC.WP .10Weld Plates(10 per part number)Weight:0.35 Kg (per set)Series Thread Length 10M8-1.2516.0mmPart Number MC.SB.10Standard Bolts(50 per part number)DimensionsA 32.0mmB 21.0mmC 4.5mm ThreadM8-1.25Part NumberMC.S.10Stacking Studs(50 per part number)Weight:0.48 Kg (per set)DimensionsA 27.0mmB 25.0mm Ø8.7mmPart NumberMC.B.10.MO Mounting Adaptors(1 piece per part number)Weight:0.020 Kg (per set)DimensionsA 11.0mmB 44.0mm ThreadM8-1.25ORDERING INFORMATION — SERIES 16Part NumberMC.N.16Stacking Nuts(50 per part number)Weight:1.06 Kg (per set)Dimensions A 13.3mm B 25.0mm C 10.0mm D 6.3mm E 25.0mm F8.5mmPart NumberMC.WP .10Weld Plates(10 per part number)Weight:0.35 Kg (per set)Series Thread Length 16M8-1.2516.0mmPart Number MC.SB.10Standard Bolts(50 per part number)DimensionsA 32.0mmB 21.0mmC 2.0mm ThreadM8-1.25Part NumberMC.S.10Stacking Studs(50 per part number)Weight:0.020 Kg (per set)DimensionsA 27.0mmB 36.0mm Ø8.7mmPart NumberMC.B.16.MO Mounting Adaptors(1 single piece per part number)Weight:0.060 Kg (per set)DimensionsA 13.0mmB 71.5mm ThreadM10-1.50ORDERING INFORMATION — SERIES 32Part NumberMC.N.32Stacking Nuts(50 per part number)Weight:1.99 Kg (per set)Dimensions A 17.5mm B 32.0mm C 12.0mm D 8.0mm E 32.0mm F11.0mmPart NumberMC.WP .32Weld Plates(10 per part number)Weight:0.70 Kg (per set)Series Thread Length 32M10-1.5030.0mmPart Number MC.SB.32Standard Bolts(50 per part number)DimensionsA 38.0mmB 22.0mmC 2.0mm ThreadM10-1.50Part NumberMC.S.32Stacking Studs(50 per part number)Weight:0.90 Kg (per set)DimensionsA 40.0mmB 58.0mm Ø10.7mmPart NumberMC.B.32.MO Mounting Adaptors(1 single piece per part number)Weight:0.260 Kg (per set)2171.Upper and Lower Clamping Unit 4.Stacking Nut 5.Weld PlateStacking Stud6.Standard Bolt2.Various sizes of Split Bushings 124563ABT H R E A DT H R E A DA BBB AAØC DEF.130 Kg .130 Kg .120 Kg .120 Kg .100 Kg.090 KgMC.G.10.4MC.G.10.5MC.G.10.6MC.G.10.8MC.G.10.10MC.G.10.1261/4–85/16–103/8–12-141/21/415-165/83/818-203/4–MulticlampDimensions A 25.0mm B 8.5mm C 38.1mm D 55.0mm E 19.0mm F 38.0mm Ø9.0mmORDERING INFORMATION — SERIES 1O ( 6mm-20mm pipe dia.)Part NumberMC.10.1Single Clamp (10 pairs per part number)DimensionsA 25.0mmB 8.5mmC 38.1mmD 93.0mmE 19.0mmF 38.0mm Ø9.0mmPart NumberMC.10.2Double Clamp (10 pairs per part number)DimensionsA 34.0mmB 38.1mmC 25.0mmD 15.0mmE 38.1mmF 601.5mmG 19.0mmH 38.0mm Ø9.0mmPart NumberMC.10.16Multiclamp (1 pair per part number)Split Bushes (10 pairs per part number)Pipe Size A Bmm O/D NB 25.5mm 27.0mm 34.0mm Part No.Weight Weight Weight:0.60 Kg (per set)Weight:1.0 Kg (per set)Weight:0.80 Kg (per pair)Quoted weights based on a pack of 10.280 Kg .280 Kg .280 Kg .260 Kg .220 Kg .200 Kg .180 Kg .140 Kg.160 KgMC.G.16.4MC.G.16.5MC.G.16.6MC.G.16.8MC.G.16.10MC.G.16.12MC.G.16.14MC.G.16.16MC.G.16.1861/4–85/16–103/8–12-141/21/415-165/83/818-203/4–227/81/22513/428––Dimensions A 25.0mm B 7.0mm C 50.8mm D 65.0mm E 23.8mm F 47.6mm Ø9.0mmORDERING INFORMATION — SERIES 16 ( 6mm-28mm pipe dia.)Part NumberMC.16.1Single Clamp (10 pairs per part number)DimensionsA 25.0mmB 7.0mmC 50.8mmD 116.0mmE 23.8mmF 47.6mm Ø9.0mmPart NumberMC.16.2Double Clamp (10 pairs per part number)DimensionsA 47.0mmB 50.8mmC 25.0mmD 21.0mmE 50.8mmF 608.8mmG 25.0mmH 51.0mm Ø9.0mmPart NumberMC.16.12Multiclamp – 12 holes (1 pair per part number)Split Bushes (10 per part number)Pipe Size A Bmm O/D NB 35.4mm 27.0mm 34.0mm Part No.Weight Weight Weight:0.80 Kg (per set)Weight:1.6 Kg (per set)Weight:1.0 Kg (per set)MC.G.16.14Dimension ‘A’is 38.0mm1.30 Kg 1.20 Kg 1.10 Kg 1.10 Kg 1.00 Kg 1.00 Kg 1.00 Kg 0.80 Kg 0.80 Kg 0.60 Kg 0.40 KgMC.G.32.6MC.G.32.8MC.G.32.10MC.G.32.12MC.G.32.14MC.G.32.16MC.G.32.18MC.G.32.20MC.G.32.24MC.G.32.26MC.G.32.32103/8–12-141/21/415-165/83/818-203/4–227/81/22513/428-30–3/432-3411/4135-3811/2–42–11/450211/2DimensionsA 40.0mmB 9.4mmC 76.2mmD 95.0mmE 38.0mmF 76.2mm Ø11.1mmORDERING INFORMATION — SERIES 32 ( 10mm-50mm pipe dia.)Part NumberMC.32.1Single Clamp (10 pairs per part number)DimensionsA 41.0mmB 9.4mmC 76.2mmD 171.0mmE 38.0mmF 76.2mm Ø11.1mmPart NumberMC.32.2Double Clamp (10 pairs per part number)DimensionsA 72.0mmB 76.2mmC 40.0mmD 34.0mmE 76.2mmF 1211.0mmG 38.5mmH 77.0mm Ø11.0mmPart NumberMC.32.16Multiclamp – 16 holes (1 pair per part number)Split Bushes (10 per part number)Pipe Size A B mm O/D NB59.0mm 44.5mm Part No.Weight Weight:2.25 Kg (per set)Weight:3.82 Kg (per set)Weight:3.8 Kg (per pair)219ØCBDA BFPANEL MOUNTING THREAD GPANEL MOUNTING THREAD M40 x 1.5132.0 M A XPORT IDENTIFICATIONØ47.040.024.0A BAEA B A BA BSYMBOLA B A/F HEXTHREAD80.020.0 SQ13.057.090.0G 1/4TYP3 POSITIONSCIRCUIT SYMBOL27. NUT 38.0 A/FGPDRNote:It is recommended that all glycerine gauges should be Panel Mounted (3-hole flange)ØD 2ØD 1120°120°ØD 3SYMBOL2523152Ø9.5Ø5SNUBBER FITTED G 1/4(1/4”BSP)14 A/F HEXD 1SW GhØD 2b aeSWeØD 2bb 2GD 1Note:It is recommended that all glycerine gauges should be Panel Mounted (3-hole flange)ØD 2ØD 1120°120°ØD 3D 1SWGhØD 2b aeSWeØD 2bb 2GfD 1SYMBOL4339255Ø17.5Ø6SNUBBER FITTED G 1/2(1/2”BSP)22 A/F HEXØ INTERNALSECTION。

























TCAEPI 7-2017 水溶性道路抑尘剂

TCAEPI 7-2017 水溶性道路抑尘剂

中国环境保护产业协会标准T/CAEPI 7-2017水溶性道路抑尘剂Water Solubility Road Dust Suppressants本电子版为发布稿,请以正式出版的标准文本为准。

CAEPIT/CAEPI 7-2017目次前言.................................................................................................................................................................... I I1适用范围 (1)2标准引用文件 (1)3 术语和定义 (2)4 分类 (2)5 要求 (2)6 试验方法 (3)7 检验规则 (4)8 标志、包装、运输、贮存 (5)附录A(规范性附录)抑尘效率的测试方法 (6)IT/CAEPI 7-2017II前言为贯彻《中华人民共和国环境保护法》,促进环保新材料的发展,规范道路抑尘剂使用的安全性和环保性,制定本标准。











城市道路抑尘剂可降解安全操作及保养规程1. 引言城市道路抑尘剂是一种常用的环保材料,用于抑制道路尘土飞扬,保持城市环境的清洁与整洁。


2. 可降解性城市道路抑尘剂应具有良好的可降解性,以减少对环境的不良影响。



3. 安全操作方法使用城市道路抑尘剂时,应注意以下安全操作方法:•佩戴个人防护装备:包括防尘口罩、防护手套和安全眼镜等;•遵循使用说明:按照产品说明书中的使用方法进行操作;•避免接触皮肤和眼睛:如不慎接触到抑尘剂,应立即用清水冲洗,并寻求医疗帮助;•避免吸入粉尘:在操作过程中尽量减少粉尘飞扬;•避免与其他化学物质混合使用:避免抑尘剂与其他化学物质发生反应,产生危险物质。


4. 保养规程为了确保城市道路抑尘剂的正常使用和保养,以下是一些保养规程的建议:•定期清洁抑尘剂喷洒设备:使用后,应将喷洒设备进行彻底清洁,清除残留的抑尘剂以及杂质;•存储在干燥通风的环境中:避免阳光直射和潮湿环境,保持抑尘剂的稳定性;•注意存储温度:根据抑尘剂的规定存储温度,避免超过规定的温度范围;•遵循产品保质期:使用抑尘剂时,应注意产品的保质期,如已过期,应及时更换。


5. 结论城市道路抑尘剂的可降解性、安全操作方法以及保养规程对于保证抑尘剂的安全和使用效果至关重要。


Kollidon CL 安全技术说明书

Kollidon CL 安全技术说明书

安全技术说明书页: 1/9 巴斯夫安全技术说明书按照GB/T 16483编制日期 / 本次修订: 18.03.2023版本: 6.0日期/上次修订: 06.09.2021上次版本: 5.1日期 / 首次编制: 15.11.2005产品: 交联聚维酮CLProduct: Kollidon® CL(30034964/SDS_GEN_CN/ZH)印刷日期 06.11.20231. 化学品及企业标识交联聚维酮CLKollidon® CL推荐用途和限制用途: 药用辅料公司:巴斯夫(中国)有限公司中国上海浦东江心沙路300号邮政编码 200137电话: +86 21 20391000传真号: +86 21 20394800E-mail地址: **********************紧急联络信息:巴斯夫紧急热线中心(中国)+86 21 5861-1199巴斯夫紧急热线中心(国际):电话: +49 180 2273-112Company:BASF (China) Co., Ltd.300 Jiang Xin Sha RoadPu Dong Shanghai 200137, CHINA Telephone: +86 21 20391000Telefax number: +86 21 20394800E-mail address: ********************** Emergency information:Emergency Call Center (China):+86 21 5861-1199International emergency number: Telephone: +49 180 2273-1122. 危险性概述纯物质和混合物的分类:根据 GHS 标准,该产品不需要进行分类。

巴斯夫安全技术说明书日期 / 本次修订: 18.03.2023版本: 6.0产品: 交联聚维酮CLProduct: Kollidon® CL(30034964/SDS_GEN_CN/ZH)印刷日期 06.11.2023 标签要素和警示性说明:根据GHS标准,该产品不需要添加危险警示标签其它危害但是不至于归入分类:在一定条件下,产品可形成粉尘爆炸。










三、由于目前国内市场上尚未出现一款环保产品(例如水溶性 PVA (聚四氟乙烯)塑料水溶性环保产品),所以目前无法对这款产品的环保性能进行检测,只能说明此款产品在一些指标上有所差异,如水溶性 PVA (聚四氟乙烯)塑料的 pH值在10-12之间。

但根据目前市场上所销售的 PVA (聚四氟乙烯)产品的环保性能,可以推测出其 pH值在10-12之间,不会对人体造成伤害。

水溶性 PVA (聚四氟乙烯)产品中所含有害物质,如二恶英、铅、镉等会导致人类慢性中毒。


所以 PVA (聚四氟乙烯-聚四氟乙烯环氧树脂)产品在使用过程中,其污染物质残留率非常高。

目前已有多家企业在研究这款产品的环保性能,并申请研发更环保的材料(例如不含氟 PVA (聚四氟乙烯)、无铅 PVA或者无碘 PVA等)。







安全操作规程1. 穿戴防护装备在使用道路保湿抑尘剂时,首先需要穿戴防护装备,包括安全帽、防护眼镜、耳塞、护肤霜、防护服和防滑鞋等,以保护自己免受道路保湿抑尘剂的气味、毒性和腐蚀性等因素的伤害。


2. 准备好材料在开始使用道路保湿抑尘剂前,需要根据工作需要准备好必要的材料和设备,包括道路保湿抑尘剂、稀释剂、搅拌器、喷雾器、计量杯和漏斗等,并在使用之前对这些材料和设备进行检查,以确保其正常运作。

3. 佩戴呼吸保护器在使用道路保湿抑尘剂时,可能会产生大量粉尘或气体等有害物质,这些物质可能对人体产生危害,因此需要佩戴呼吸保护器,以避免吸入有害物质。

4. 不要直接接触道路保湿抑尘剂道路保湿抑尘剂是一种强腐蚀性物质,容易对皮肤、眼睛等人体部位造成伤害。



5. 注意劳动安全使用道路保湿抑尘剂时要注意劳动安全,确保地面平稳,不要滑动,以免意外发生。


保养规程1. 储存道路保湿抑尘剂在储存道路保湿抑尘剂时,应将其存放在干燥、通风、阴凉处,避免阳光直射和高温等有害影响,以确保其质量的稳定和安全存放。


2. 安全操作在使用道路保湿抑尘剂时,应注意对其使用方法和各种参数进行了解,并在使用前查看有关检查和报告。


This template is the internal standard courseware template of the enterprise
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根据我公司几年来对粉尘治理的专业能力与实力,仅对城市建设工地、 具有粉尘原材料堆(场)及道路施工路面扬尘等空气污染源治理,做 出分析研究。
A:使用单纯洒水抑尘:目前部分料场、地面为防尘使用简单的洒水抑 尘,尽管当时成本低、易操作,但抑尘时间短,随着水分的瞬间蒸发, 扬尘恢复如初,效果极差,长期使用实际成本会更高,且浪费大量水 源,不能成为长期抑尘的最佳选择;

《EcoTech Toilet Wipes安全用料单》说明书

《EcoTech Toilet Wipes安全用料单》说明书

as amended by EC 453/2010Product: Toilet WipesVersion: Version 3Date: 28/04/2015 Supersedes: Version 2: dated 01/01/2015 Page: 1 of 11SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBST ANCE / PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY / UNDERTAKING1.1 Product identifier Toilet WipesOther means of identification ETTS1001.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised againstUses: A wet wipe with biocidal activity for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces etc.Effective against MRSA, C-Diff & H1N1.Not to be used for:1.3 Details of the supplier of the Safety Data SheetCompany Name: EcoTech (Europe) LimitedAddress: EcoTech HouseFalkland CloseCharter Avenue Industrial EstateCoventryWest MidlandsCV4 8AUUnited KingdomTelephone: +44 (0)24 7647 1894Fax: +44 (0)24 7647 4743E-mail:Web Site www.ecotec 1.4 Emergency telephonenumberTelephone: National Poisons Information Service (UK) +44 (0)844 8920111 SECTION 2: HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture- 67/548/EECMain hazards.as amended by EC 453/2010Product: Toilet WipesVersion: Version 3Date: 28/04/2015 Supersedes: Version 2: dated 01/01/2015 Page: 2 of 11- EC 1272/2008 Skin Irrit. 2: H315; Eye Irrit. 2: H319; Skin Sens. 1: H317:2.2 Label elementsSignal Word WarningHazard StatementEye Irrit. 2: H319 - Causes serious eye irritation.Skin Sens. 1: H317 - May cause an allergic skin reaction.Precautionary Statement: Prevention P102 - Keep out of reach of children. P103 - Read label before use.Precautionary Statement:ResponseP101 - If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand.P301+P312 - IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor / physician ifyou feel unwell.P305+P351+P338 - IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes.Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.P321 - Specific treatment (see on this label).P332+P313 - If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention.P337+P313 - If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention.2.3 Other hazards This product does not contain any PBT or VPvB substances.SECTION 3: COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS3.1 Substances67/548/EEC / 1999/45/ECChemical Name Index No.CAS No.EC No.REACHRegistration Conc.(%w/w)Classificationas amended by EC 453/2010Product: Toilet WipesVersion: Version 3Date: 28/04/2015 Supersedes: Version 2: dated 01/01/2015 Page: 3 of 11Quaternary ammonium compounds, C12-14-alkyl[(ethylphenyl)meth yl]dimethyl, chlorides 85409-23-0 287-090-7 0 – 0.5% C; R34 Xn; R22N; R50Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 68391-01-5 269-919-4 0 – 0.5% C; R34 Xn; R22N; R50D-Limonene 601-029-00-7 5989-27-5 227-813-5 0 – 0.05% R10 Xi; R38R43 N; R50/533,7-dimethylocta-2,6-dienal (Citral)5392-40-5 226-394-6 0 – 0.05% Xi ; R38-R433,7-dimethyloct-6-en- 1-ol (Citronellol) 106-22-9 203-375-0 0 – 0.01% Xi-N ; R38-R43-R51/53linalool 78-70-6 201-134-4 0 – 0.001% H315, H3193,7-Dimethylocta-2,6-dien-1-ol (Geraniol) 106-24-1 203-377-1 0 – 0.001% H315, H317,H318EC 1272/2008Chemical Name Index No.CAS No.EC No.REACHRegistrationNumber Conc.(%w/w)ClassificationQuaternary ammonium compounds, C12-14-alkyl[(ethylphenyl)meth yl]dimethyl, chlorides 85409-23-0 287-090-7 0 – 0.5% Acute Tox. 4:H302; SkinCorr. 1B: H314;Aquatic Acute1: H400;Aquatic Chronic1: H410;Quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chlorides 68391-01-5 269-919-4 0 – 0.5% Acute Tox. 4:H302; SkinCorr. 1B: H314;Aquatic Acute1: H400;Aquatic Chronic1: H410;D-Limonene 601-029-00-7 5989-27-5 227-813-5 0 – 0.05% Flam. Liq. 3:H226; Skin Irrit.2: H315; SkinSens. 1: H317;as amended by EC 453/2010Product: Toilet WipesVersion: Version 3Date: 28/04/2015 Supersedes: Version 2: dated 01/01/2015 Page: 4 of 11Aquatic Acute 1: H400;Aquatic Chronic 1: H410; 3,7-dimethylocta-2,6-dienal (Citral) 5392-40-5 226-394-6 0 – 0.05% SCI 2-SS1;H315, H317, H411 3,7-dimethyloct-6-en-1-ol (Citronellol) 106-22-9 203-375-0 0 – 0.01% SCI 2-SS 1;H315 H317 linalool78-70-6 201-134-4 0 – 0.001% H315, H319 3,7-Dimethylocta-2,6-dien-1-ol (Geraniol) 106-24-1 203-377-1 0 – 0.001% H315, H317, H3183.2 Mixtures See section 3.1 for further information.Further information For full text of H-statements and R-phrases: see SECTION 16.SECTION 4: FIRST AID MEASURES4.1 Description of first aid measures Inhalation Inhalation is highly unlikely due to liquid impregnated on a fabric substrate.Considered to be not hazardous by inhalation. Seek medical attention if irritation or symptoms persist.Eye contact Eye contact is unlikely due to liquid impregnated on a fabric substrate. IF INEYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention.Skin contact Seek medical attention ifirritation or symptoms persist.Ingestion Ingestion is highly unlikely due to liquid impregnated on a fabric substrate. Rinsemouth thoroughly. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Seek medical attention if irritation or symptoms persist.4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed Inhalation No specific symptoms noted. Eye contact May c ause eye irritation.as amended by EC 453/2010Product: Toilet WipesVersion: Version 3Date: 28/04/2015 Supersedes: Version 2: dated 01/01/2015 Page: 5 of 11Skin contact May cause allergic reactions in susceptible people.Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking.Ingestion No specific symptoms noted.4.3 Indication of any immediatemedical attention andspecial treatment needed If you feel unwell, seek medical advice (show the label where possible). No specific first aid measures noted.SECTION 5: FIREFIGHTING MEASURES5.1 Extinguishing media This product is not flammable. Use extinguishing media appropriate to thesurrounding fire conditions.5.2 Special hazards arising fromthe substance or mixture In the event of a large fire toxic fumes containing oxides of carbon may be formed, which would necessitate the use of a self-contained breathing apparatus.5.3 Advice for firefighters Standard protective equipment should be worn by fire fighters, in particular eye / faceprotection.SECTION 6: ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES6.1 Personal precautions,protective equipment andemergency procedures Avoid contact of the impregnating fluid with the eyes.6.2 Environmental precautions Large spillages are highly unlikely due to liquid impregnated on a fabric substrate.Advise local authorities if large spills cannot be contained. Do not allow product toenter drains. Do not flush into surface water. Prevent further spillage if safe.6.3 Methods and material forcontainment and cleaning up Large spillages are highly unlikely due to liquid impregnated on a fabric substrate Absorb with inert, absorbent material. Transfer to suitable, labelled containers for disposal. Clean spillage area thoroughly with plenty of water.6.4 Reference to other sections For recommended personal protective equipment see Section 8. For disposal seeSection 13.SECTION 7: HANDELING AND STORAGE7.1 Precautions for safehandling Avoid contact with eyes.Adopt best Manual Handlingconsiderations when handling, carrying and dispensing.as amended by EC 453/2010Product: Toilet WipesVersion: Version 3Date: 28/04/2015 Supersedes: Version 2: dated 01/01/2015 Page: 6 of 117.2 Conditions for safe storage,including anyincompatibilities Keep out of the reach of children. Keep in a cool, dry, well ventilated area. Keep containers tightly closed. Store in correctly labelled containers. Do NOT allow to freeze.7.3 Specific end use No relevant information availableSECTION 8: EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION8.1 Control parameters The product is impregnated onto a fabric substrate so free liquid will not be availableand exposure significantly mitigated.8.1.1 Exposure Limit Values-8.2 Exposure controls8.2.1 Appropriate engineeringControlsKeep in a cool, dry, well ventilated area.8.2.2 Individual protectionmeasuresNone8.2.3 Environmentalexposure controls Do not empty into drains. Do not flush into surface water. Prevent further spillage if safe.8.2.3. Further information Information valid at the time of review of safety data sheet.SECTION 9: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES9.1 Information on basic physical and chemical propertiesa Appearance: White nonwoven fabric impregnated with a colourless solution.b Odour: Characteristic Lemon odour.c Odour threshold: Not available.as amended by EC 453/2010Product: Toilet WipesVersion: Version 3Date: 28/04/2015 Supersedes: Version 2: dated 01/01/2015 Page: 7 of 11d pH: 6.0 – 7.0e Melting point / freezing point: Not available.Not available.f Initial boiling point andboiling range:g Flash point: Not determined.h Evaporation rate: Not available.i Flammability (solid, gas): Not applicable.j Upper / lower flammability orNot available.explosive limits:k Vapour pressure: Not available.l Vapour density: Not available.m Relative density: 0.99 – 1.00n Solubility(ies): Impregnating fluid immiscible with water.Completely immiscible with water.o Partition coefficient: n-octanol/ water:p Auto-ignition temperature: Not available.q Decomposition temperature: Not available.r Viscosity: Water thin.s Explosive properties: Not available.t Oxidising properties: Not available.9.2 Other information None available.SECTION 10: STABILITY AND REACTIVITY10.1 Reactivity This preparation is stable under normal conditions of storage / use and no chemicalincompatibility is known.10.2 Chemical Stability Stable under recommended storage and handling conditions. The product is notflammable.as amended by EC 453/2010Product: Toilet WipesVersion: Version 3Date: 28/04/2015 Supersedes: Version 2: dated 01/01/2015 Page: 8 of 1110.3 Possibility of hazardousreactionsStrong acids and Strong bases. Strong oxidising agents.10.4 Conditions to avoid Avoid excessive heat. Do Not allow to freeze.10.5 Incompatible materials Strong acids and Strong bases. Strong oxidising agents.10.6 Hazardous decompositionproducts Combustion of the product will generate toxic fumes containing oxides of carbon may be formed.SECTION 11: TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION11.1 Information on toxicological effectsAcute toxicity Based on available data the classification criteria are not met.Skin corrosion / irritation May c ause skin irritation..Serious eye damage / irritation May c ause eye irritation.Respiratory or skinsensitisationMay cause allergic reactions in susceptible people.Germ cell mutagenicity No mutagenic effects reported.Carcinogenicity No carcinogenic effects reported.Reproductive toxicity No teratogenic effects reported.STOT-single exposure Not classified as a specific target organ toxicant after a single exposure.STOT-repeated exposure Not classified as a specific target organ toxicant after repeated exposure.Aspiration hazard Based on available data the classification criteria are not met.11.1.4 Toxicological InformationQuaternary ammoniumcompounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chloridesOral Rat LD50: 301 - 2000 mg/kgQuaternary ammoniumcompounds, C12-14-alkyl[(ethylphenyl)methyl]dimethyl, chloridesOral Rat LD50: 301 - 2000 mg/kgas amended by EC 453/2010Product: Toilet WipesVersion: Version 3Date: 28/04/2015 Supersedes: Version 2: dated 01/01/2015 Page: 9 of 11SECTION 12: ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION12.1 ToxicityQuaternary ammoniumcompounds, benzyl-C12-18-alkyldimethyl, chloridesDaphnia EC50/48h: 0.016 mg/lQuaternary ammoniumcompounds, C12-14-alkyl[(ethylphenyl)methyl]dimethyl, chloridesDaphnia EC50/48h: 0.016 mg/lD-Limonene Daphnia EC50/48h: 0.400000 mg/l Algae IC50/72h: 4.000000 mg/lFathead minnows LC50/96h: 0.71 mg/l12.2 Persistence anddegradability The surfactant(s) contained in this preparation complies (comply) with the biodegradability criteria as laid down in the Regulation (EC) No. 648/2004 on detergents. Data to support this assertion are held at the disposal of the competent authorities of the Member States and will be made available to them, at their direct request or at the request of a detergent manufacturer.12.3 Bio accumulative potential No data available.12.4 Mobility in soil No data available.12.5 Results of P BT and vPvBassessmentThe product does not contain any PBT or vPvB substances.12.6 Other adverse effects Not known.SECTION 13: DISPOSAL CONSIDERATION13.1 Waste treatment methods Contact a licensed waste disposal company. Dispose of as special waste incompliance with local and national regulations. For disposal within the EC, theappropriate code according to the European Waste Catalogue (EWC) should beused. Empty containers can be sent to landfill after cleaning, if in compliance withlocal and national regulations.SECTION 14: TRANSPORT INFORMATION14.1 UN number -14.2 UN proper shipping name -14.3 Transport hazard class(es) This preparation is not classified as “Hazardous” for transport purposes.as amended by EC 453/2010Product: Toilet WipesVersion: Version 3Date: 28/04/2015 Supersedes: Version 2: dated 01/01/2015 Page: 10 of 1114.4 Packing group14.5 Environmental hazards14.6 Special precautions for user Not applicable.14.7 Transport in bulk accordingto Annex II of MARPOL 73/ 78 and the IBC CodeNot applicable.SECTION 15: REGULATORY INFORMATION15.1 Safety, health andenvironmental regulations /legislation specific for thesubstance or mixture Commission Directive 2000/39/EC of 8 June 2000 established a first list of indicative occupational exposure limit values in implementation of Council Directive 98/24/EC on the protection of the health and safety of workers from the risks related to chemical agents at work. Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Regulation, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency, amending Directive 1999/45/EC and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1488/94 as well as Council Directive 76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC, including amendments. Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 with amendments. Commission Directive 91/322/EEC of 29 May 1991 on establishing indicative limit values by implementing Council Directive 80/1107/EEC on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to chemical, physical and biological agents at work.15.2 Chemical safety assessment No assessment has been carried out. SECTION 16: OTHER INFORMATIONR34 Causes burnsHarmful if swallowedSAFETY DATA SHEETIn accordance with REACH Regulation EC No. 1907/2006as amended by EC 453/2010Product: Toilet WipesVersion: Version 3Date: 28/04/2015 Supersedes: Version 2: dated 01/01/2015 Page: 11 of 11Text of risk phrases in Section 3 R10 - FlammableR22 - Harmful if swallowedR24 - Causes burnsR38 - Irritating to skin.R41 - Risk of serious damage to eyesR43 - May cause sensitisation by skin contact.R50 - Very toxic to aquatic organismsR50/53 - Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.R51/53 - Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environmentText of Hazard Statements in Section 3 Flam. Liq. 3: H226 - Flammable liquid and vapour.Acute Tox. 4: H302 - Harmful if swallowed.Skin Corr. 1B: H314 - Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.Skin Irrit. 2: H315 - Causes skin irritation.H318: Causes serious eye damageSkin Sens. 1: H317 - May cause an allergic skin reaction.H319: Causes serious eye irritationAquatic Acute 1: H400 - Very toxic to aquatic life.Aquatic Chronic 1: H410 - Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. Aquatic Chronic 2: H411 - Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effectsGlossary ADR European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of DangerousGoods by RoadIATA International Air Transport AssociationIMDG International Maritime Dangerous GoodsPBT Persistent, bio accumulative, toxicRID Convention concerning International Carriage by RailvPvB very persistent, very bio accumulativeSTOT Specific Target Organ ToxicityWEL Workplace Exposure Limit.General Information No relevant information availableFurther Information The information supplied in this Safety Data Sheet is designed only as guidance forthe safe use, storage and handling of the product. This information is correct to thebest of our knowledge and belief at the date of publication however no guarantee ismade to its accuracy, reliability or completeness. This information relates only tothe specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used incombination with any other materials or in any other process. It is the user'sresponsibility to satisfy him/herself as to the suitability of such information for his /her own particular use.。





1. 技术规范:规定了道路抑尘剂的基本性能要求、化学成分、外观和色泽、含固量、PH值、水分、粘度等技术指标。

2. 检测方法:明确了道路抑尘剂各项技术指标的测试方法和标准,包括颗粒大小分析、固体含量测定、PH值测定、水分测定、粘度测定等。

3. 评价标准:对道路抑尘剂的质量进行评价,包括产品的物理化学性质、环境适应性、抑尘效果等方面的评价标准,以确保道路抑尘剂的质量符合国家标准和用户需求。


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以下是选择合适抑尘剂的几个关键因素:1. 抑尘剂的成分抑尘剂的成分应该符合环境保护和健康安全的要求,无毒无害、可分解、不会对环境和人体造成负面影响。


2. 抑尘剂的作用机理不同的抑尘剂可能具有不同的作用机理,如物理结构抑尘、表面张力降低以及氧化还原反应等。


3. 抑尘剂的稳定性和持久性抑尘剂在喷洒后应该具有一定的稳定性和持久性,以确保抑尘效果能够持久。


四、喷洒抑尘方案的实施方法喷洒抑尘方案的实施需要考虑以下几个方面:1. 喷洒设备和技术选择合适的喷洒设备和技术是保证喷洒抑尘方案有效的关键因素。



2. 喷洒频率和时间根据道路尘土的产生情况和污染程度,确定喷洒的频率和时间。



3. 喷洒量和浓度喷洒量和浓度是保证喷洒抑尘剂效果的关键参数。




A WORLD OF EXPERIENCE WORKING FOR YOUResins and Additives• Extended life and durability• Enhanced mar and scratch resistance • Improved chemical and stain resistance • Gloss control and improved flow• Improved pigment dispersion and stability • Solutions for reduced environmental impactThe Lubrizol Advantage:• A recognized leader in advanced coating technologies • Global analytical and research resources and expertise • Product selection and formulation guidanceLubrizol is dedicated to helping our customers by understanding their needs anddeveloping the key ingredients demanded for today’s marketplace. We invite you to learn more about our diversified portfolio of resins and additives for wood coatings by visiting /wood . Or better yet, contact your Lubrizol representative to see first-hand how we can work with you to find an effective, efficient solution to meetyour production benchmarks.DIFFERENTIATED PERFORMANCELubrizol innovates resins, dispersants, and waxadditives to help our customers formulate differentiated performance in their coatings products, including unique solutions that make wood more durable and more beautiful.FormulationBy fully engaging with customers to understandtheir specific market needs, Lubrizol is well prepared to help formulate solutions for unique and differentiated performance.Product InnovationLubrizol is committed to market-driven productinnovation derived from core competencies in resins & binders, hyperdispersants, surface modifiers, specialty additives and formulated solutions.Application UnderstandingLubrizol maintains an extensive understanding of the market needs for various surface applications that allows us to help solve highly specialized coatings challenges with our customers.Testing CapabilitiesLubrizol maintains extensive product testingcapabilities that help ensure formulated coatingssolutions for customers will deliver intended protection, durability and aesthetic performance.Global Customer AlignmentA worldwide network of labs and facilities that continues to expand is aligned with the global market needs of ourcustomers, allowing us to bring localized service.GUIDE TO LUBRIZOL RESINSGUIDE TO LUBRIZOL WAX ADDITIVESGUIDE TO LUBRIZOL DISPERSANTSWith certain organic pigments, it may be advantageous to include the use of a Solsperse synergist in combination with the polymeric Solsperse hyperdispersant. The synergist helps to improve the interaction between the hyperdispersant and the surface of certain organic pigments (e.g. phthalocyanine blues, greens) and carbon black pigments.The synergist hyperdispersants include:Solsperse™ 5000S Synergist – for use on organic blues/greens and carbon black pigments in solvent-based systems Solsperse™ 12000S Synergist – f or use on organic blues/greens and carbon black pigments in water- andalcohol-based systemsSolsperse™ 22000 Synergist – for use on certain organic reds and yellow pigments in solvent based systems Recommended Hyperdispersant : Synergist ratios4 : 1 for carbon black pigment4 : 1 for organic blue/green pigment9 : 1 for organic red/yellow pigment¹Low VOC systems are defined as systems with <50 g/l via US EPA Method 24 <25 g/l EU method)²Low VOC systems are defined as systems with <140 g/l via US EPA Method 24 <75 g/l EU Method)23-0002272NORTH AMERICALubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc.9911 Brecksville Road Brecksville, OH 44141 USA +1.888.234.2436EUROPELubrizol Deutschland GmbH Max-Planck-Str. 627721 Ritterhude Germany +49.421.69333 ASIA-PACIFICLubrizol Specialty Chemicals (Shanghai) Co., Ltd10/F, Park Center International No. 1088 Fang Dian Road Shanghai 201204, PR China +8621.3866.0366SOUTH AMERICALubrizol do Brasil Aditivos Ltda Avenida Nove de Julho, 3653Jardim Paulista Sao Paulo – SP 01407-000+55.11.4097.0250Lubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc. (“Lubrizol”) hopes that you have found the information provided helpful, but you are cautioned that this material, including any prototype formulas, is for informational purposes only and you are solely responsible for making your own assessment of appropriate use of the information. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAWS, LUBRIZOL MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS, GUARANTEES, OR WARRANTIES (WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE), INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR REGARDING THE COMPLETENESS, ACCURACY, OR TIMELINESS OF ANY INFORMATION. Lubrizol does not guarantee how the materials referenced herein will perform in combination with other substances, in any methods, conditions, or processes, with any equipment, or in non-laboratory environments. BEFORE COMMERCIALIZATION OF ANY PRODUCT CONTAINING THESE MATERIALS, YOU SHOULD THOROUGHLY TEST SUCH PRODUCT, INCLUDING HOW THE PRODUCT IS PACKAGED, TO DETERMINE ITS PERFORMANCE, EFFICACY, AND SAFETY. You are solely responsible for the performance, efficacy, and safety of any products you manufacture. Lubrizol shall not be liable, and you shall assume all risk and responsibility for, any use or handling of any material. Any claims may not be approved in all jurisdictions. Any entity making claims related to these products is responsible for complying with local laws and regulations. Nothing contained herein is to be considered as permission, recommendation, or inducement to practice any patented invention without permission of the patent owner, and it is your sole responsibility to determine if any issues related to patent infringement of any component or combination of components relating to the information provided exists. You acknowledge and agree that you are using the information provided herein at your own risk. If you are dissatisfied with the information provided by Lubrizol, your exclusive remedy shall be to not use the information.Lubrizol Performance Coatings is a market-driven innovator of specialty chemicals for coatings, inks and composites. Our portfolio of resin, binder, dispersant, waxadditive and specialty additive technologies solves challenges across a wide range of markets and applications. Formulators choose Lubrizol to benefit from our innovative technologies, customer collaboration and global reliability. More than just a supplier, we are a valued partner with extensive experience in surface protection, dispersion, adhesion and barrier properties. We work closely with customers to enhance the performance, productivity and sustainability benefits of their products and drive new opportunities for market success./coatingsTrademarks owned by The Lubrizol Corporation or its affiliates. ©The Lubrizol Corporation 2023, All Rights Reserved.。



知库Eco-EnvironmentalKnowledge Web(w w w) 环境工程学报Chinese Journal ofEnvironmental Engineering(〕@:1 E-mail:*************.cn第14卷第12期2020年12月Vol. 14,No.12 Dec.2020@(010) 62941074胃文章栏目:大气污染防治DOI 10.12030/j.cjee.202003008 中图分类号X701 文献标识码A王林凯,郭红霞,秦建平,等.风蚀扬尘抑尘剂制备及其抑尘效果[•!].环境T程学报,2020, 14(12): 3460-3467.WANG Linkai, GUO Hongxia, QIN Jianping, et al. Preparation and dust suppression effect of wind erosion dust suppressant[J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2020, 14(12): 3460-3467.风蚀扬尘抑尘剂制备及其抑尘效果王林凯\郭红霞秦建平2,黄玉虎2,李贝贝21. 北京工业大学材料科学与工程学院,北京1001242. 北京市环境保护科学研究院,国家城市环境污染控制工程技术研究中心,北京100037第一作者:王林凯(1993—),男,硕士研究生。


E-mail: ***********************通信作者:郭红霞(1969—),女,博士,研究员。


E-mail: **************.cn摘要我国表征风蚀扬尘抑尘剂抑尘效果的性能指标尚不系统,大部分抑尘剂的制备材料和制备工艺相对复 杂。

在抑尘剂性能指标研究的基础上增加抑尘有效期评价指标,以成膜剂、渗透剂为原料,采用复配工艺制备 A抑尘剂,将其与采用复杂聚合反应制备的B抑尘剂以及水进行抑尘效果比较测试。

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