
东西虽然很贵,但只要前面不要太挥霍的话,钱还是够花的。个人建议除了购买究极装备,再花点钱买一点中和剂和一条觉醒项链(如果还没有可以防麻痹的道具的话,具体用处在下面会提到)外,其他全部的钱都用来买沉思之水,这样后面两关特技可以用的比较舒服^^ 还有最好给阿朗佐买个究极盾牌,后面很有用处!出发前叮嘱一句:不要省钱了,全花光吧,后面没用了。
c:\CHRONICLE Of AMADIS\Scene\Eve26.dat
1.在第十八章 雷雨中 时以最快的速度消灭第一波,及第二波魔兽,此时留一些人在 NPC 的附近,但不能站在桥上,等到泰坦出现时,同时会出现八只鸟身女魔,这些留在桥上附近的人必需把那八只解决,等到消灭所有魔兽后,桥上的NPC会告诉主角们,城里有一个疯术士。

二、《阿玛迪斯战记》角色点评三、战棋版英雄无敌——《阿玛迪斯战记》流程攻略, 女主角全篇四、《阿玛迪斯战记》全道具功能一览五、魔兽转职表;完美结局;龙(Dragron)的礼物;碧绿原石、漆黑原石、纯白原石这三块石头取得法。
六、LOB中获得物品的简单功略七、无限复制道具大法八、补充关于“龙的礼物”九、阿玛迪斯战记基本资料十、各属性相关内容资料一关于隐藏关:1、网上盛传的隐藏关达成条件(但实践证明是不行的)一、触发黑暗圣书事件1.在第十八章雷雨中时以最快的速度消灭第一波,及第二波魔兽,此时留一些人在NPC 的附近,但不能站在桥上,等到一定回合,会出现八只鸟身女魔,这些留在桥上附近的人必需把那八只解决,等到消灭所有魔兽后,桥上的NPC会告诉主角们,城里有一个疯术士。



阿玛迪斯战记——简单修改 具体办法如下: 前⾯七⾏就是存档的相关资讯。
⽤U l t r a E d i t8.0打开⼀个存档⽂件,游戏⼀共有4个存档,随便哪个都可以改。
⾸先,你要有可以打开存档内存的⼯具,我⽤的是U l t r a E d i t8.0。
你只需改动第⼀个字节为你所想要跳到的关卡的代码,存盘后进⼊游戏取对应档,即使你看到档案的名称没有改变,但只要你进⼊游戏,可就是柳暗花明又⼀村了!:) 同⼀关卡代码对于男、⼥主脚可能不⼀样,我玩的是⼥主⾓,关卡和代码对应如下: 第⼆章:28(缘) 第三章:03(归还) 第四章:29(新同伴) 第五章:06(返乡) 第六章:08(决战康奎恩) 第七章:09(苍之团) 第⼋章:0A(试炼) 第九章:05(帝国领) 第⼗章:0C(吊桥) 第⼗⼀章:0D(关所) 第⼗⼆章:0F(刑场) 第⼗三章:10(逃亡) 第⼗四章:12(夜袭) 第⼗五章:13(包围) 第⼗六章:15(威兹守卫战) 第⼗七章:2A(古斯塔夫的末⽇) 第⼗⼋章:2C(雷⾬中) 第⼗九章:16(皇帝) 第⼆⼗章:17(圣骑⼠) 第⼆⼗⼀章:1C(阿⽐拉海姆战役) 第⼆⼗⼆章:1D(原形) 建议不要跳到有⼈物加⼊的关卡(你想尝尝克隆⼈的滋味吗),如果是当某些⼈物加⼊后,再跳到他们没有加⼊之前的关卡去,则他们即使还在状态栏,但不会加⼊战⽃。
当然,对于那些想迅速通关的朋友们,也可以直接跳到最后⼀关,呵呵,当然如果你有够壮⼤和有够疯狂的话!:) 逗游⽹——中国2亿游戏⽤户⼀致选择的”⼀站式“游戏服务平台。

(本章可以在地图上找到一个生命之实)第二章盗贼非德●初始敌人:骑兵×1、弓兵×2、步兵×6●增援敌人:骑兵×2、弓兵×2、步兵×13 ●作战提示:先让罗格前往上方的房子,在门前可获得村民赠送的伤药,之后非德会前来增援,让非德在原地调查可获得荣誉头饰。

阿玛迪斯战记——最新修改⼼得 00000000选关(⾃⼰慢慢试——|||) 0000012F开始05开始填3,7,D,F栏[填写数字05~58之间] 具体看下⾯^^P 药物名称代码药物效果 伤药[05]H P+600 治疗剂[06]H P+1200 回复剂[07]H P+2000 解毒药[08]解毒 解⿇药[09]解⿇ 中和剂[0A]全解(解毒,⿇痹,睡眠) 沉思之⽔[52]M P+200 冥想之⽔[53]M P+500 防具名称代码防具效果 ⽊腕轮[0B]物理攻击+5% 铁腕轮[0D]物理攻击+20% 银腕轮[0F]物理攻击+40% 铜腕轮[0C]物理攻击+10% 钢腕轮[0E]物理攻击+30% ⾦腕轮[10]物理攻击+50% ⽊盾[11]物理防御+5% 铁盾[13]物理防御+20% 银盾[15]物理防御+40% 铜盾[12]物理防御+10% 钢盾[14]物理防御+30% ⾦盾[16]物理防御+50% 饰物名称代码饰物效果 ⽊头饰[17]命中率+5%回避率+2% 铁头饰[19]命中率+20%回避率+10% 银头饰[1B]命中率+40%回避率+20% 铜头饰[18]命中率+10%回避率+5% 钢头饰[1A]命中率+30%回避率+15% ⾦头饰[1C]命中率+50%回避率+25% 琥珀法珠[1D]魔法攻击+5% 黄⽟法珠[21]魔法攻击+20% ⽔晶法珠[1B]魔法攻击+40% 象⽛法珠[1E]魔法攻击+10% 翠⽟法珠[20]魔法攻击+30% 宝⽯法珠[22]魔法攻击+50% 琥珀护符[23]魔法防御+5% 黄⽟护符[25]魔法防御+20% ⽔晶护符[27]魔法防御+40% 象⽛护符[24]魔法防御+10% 翠⽟护符[26]魔法防御+30% 宝⽯护符[28]魔法防御+50% 特殊物品装备代码物品或装备效果 凶暴腕轮[29]魔法攻击+40%魔法防御和物理防御-15% 残酷腕轮[2A]魔法攻击和物理攻击+30%魔法防御-15% 荣誉头饰[2B]魔法攻击+20%命中率+20%回避率+10% 勇⽓盾[2C]物理防御+30%物理攻击+15% 仁慈护符[2D]魔法防御和物理防御+20% 诚实法珠[2E]魔法攻击+30%命中率+20%回避率+10% 牺牲头饰[2F]物理攻击和魔法攻击+30%⽣命上限-10% 怜悯头饰[30]⽣命上限+20%命中率+30%回避率+15% 卑鄙护符[31]物理攻击-30%物理防御和魔法防御+30% 耻辱盾[32]物理防御+40%魔法防御-20% 鄙视腕轮[33]S P上限+10%物理攻击+20%物理防御-10% 愚者盾[34]物理防御+40%魔法防御-20% 诈欺法珠[35]魔法攻击+40%物理防御-20% 草鞋[36]移动⼒+1 长统鞋[38]移动⼒+3 ⽪鞋[37]移动⼒+2 辟毒项链[39]对中毒状态100%免疫 觉醒项链[3A]对睡眠状态100%免疫 活⼒项链[3B]对⿇痹状态100%免疫 冰⼼项链[3C]对着⽕状态100%免疫 炎之项链[3D]对冰结状态100%免疫 ⽣命⽔晶[3E]每回合恢复⼀点⽣命 魔⼒⽔晶[3F]每回合恢复⼀点魔法 公正项链[40]对中毒冰结着⽕状态100%免疫移动⼒+1 灵性项链[41]每回合恢复⼀点⽣命和魔法 贪⼼项链[42]对中毒⿇痹睡眠状态100%免疫移动⼒-2 魔兽之证代码物品效果 蝎狮之尾[43]追加魔兽[毒⾎]特性 毒龙之鳞[44]追加魔兽[毒魂]特性 梦魇之翼[45]追加魔兽[梦魇]特性 冰狼之鬃[46]追加魔兽[冰晶]特性 ⽕灵之魂[47]追加魔兽[⽕灵]特性 吸⾎⿁之⽛[48]追加魔兽[吸⾎]特性 莉莉丝之吻[49]追加魔兽[吸魔]特性 凤凰之⽻[4A]追加魔兽[再⽣]特性 *魔兽特性解释见最后补充 能⼒提升道具代码物品效果 ⽣命之实[4B]⽣命上限+1% 魔⼒之实[4C]魔法上限+1% 腕⼒之酒[4D]⼒量+1% 体⼒之酒[4E]防御+1% 魔⼒之酒[4F]魔⼒+1% 敏捷之酒[50]敏捷+1% 莫名其妙的东西... 家书[51]???天使项链[54]魔法防御+10%(某个M M掉在迷雾之森的D D) 碧绿原⽯[55]楼上掉东西的M M的谢礼...束缚之绳[56]S M道具???难道⽤来绑⼥主⾓??? 纯⽩原⽯[57]???漆⿊原⽯[58]??? 魔兽特性解释 奔驰移动⼒+2防御-10%⼒量+20% 再⽣每次轮到我⽅回合时恢复H P10% 战栗周围3格内的敌⼈攻击-10%防御-10% 迷惑周围3格内的敌⼈命中率和回避率-20% 直感敏捷+120 巨⼈体⼒+20%敏捷-80⼒量+20% ⼩⼈敏捷+160攻击-20%防御-10%H P-20% 术⼠魔⼒+20%H P上限+20% 飞⾏移动⼒+2防御-10%敏捷+80 壁障减少20%伤害 钝⾜移动⼒-2 毒⾎对中毒状态100%免疫普攻15%令对⼿中毒 毒魂对⿇痹状态100%免疫普攻15%令对⼿⿇痹 梦魇对睡眠状态100%免疫普攻15%令对⼿睡眠 冰晶对冰结状态100%免疫普攻15%令对⼿冰结 ⽕灵对着⽕状态100%免疫普攻15%令对⼿着⽕ 吸⾎对吸收100%免疫攻击追加吸收H P效果 吸魔对吸收100%免疫攻击追加吸收S P效果 逗游⽹——中国2亿游戏⽤户⼀致选择的”⼀站式“游戏服务平台。

隐藏宝物:(18,13)生命之实(max hp +15),地图的最左上角的格子为坐标原点(0,0),x轴向右,y轴向下,在下面的桥头。
战场加入:魔兽小妖精和半人马战场宝箱:1000g,生命之实,魔力之实(max sp +15)隐藏宝物:(24,20)活力项链(防麻痹),就在小妖精右边2格,要小妖精才能进去战后等级:薇欧拉6级,欧兰朵4级,小妖精5级,半人马4级战后奖励:无击退魔兽之后,薇欧拉邀请小妖精和半人马帮忙,得到2位魔兽的同意,于是薇欧拉也成为一名超魔兽使。

%{page-break|小妖精 M.Healing|page-break}%
%{page-break|半人马 标枪投掷III|page-break}%
%{page-break|非德 普通攻击|page-break}%
%{page-break|巴哈姆特 普通攻击|page-break}%
%{page-break|半人马 标枪投掷II|page-break}%
%{page-break|牛头人 四重斩击|page-break}%
%{page-break|牛头人 三重斩击|page-break}%
%{page-break|石巨人 大回旋拳|page-break}%
%{page-break|小妖精 to Hit|page-break}%
%{page-break|小恶魔 to Hit|page-break}%
%{page-break|半人马 标枪投掷II|page-break}%
%{page-break|小恶魔 Meteor Swarm|page-break}%
% { p a g e - b r e a k | 小 恶 魔 F l a m e Vo r t e x | p a g e - b r e a k } %
%{page-break|半人马 标枪投掷|page-break}%
%{page-break|巴哈姆特 零式|page-break}%
%{page-break|半人马 普通攻击|page-break}% 逗游网——中国2亿游戏用户一致选择的”一站式“游戏服务平台
阿玛迪斯战记 攻略

清空该人物的物品栏,不断重复就会无限增殖了4、无限魔法战斗中把装备卸下再装上5、存档1~0存档Q~P取档拿到三个“原石”的攻略第一个(男女线路皆可得)第8关,Boss-阿尔贝蒂娜亲自守着的宝箱里有天使项链,过关后用它去民家换到碧绿原石第二个(男女线路皆可得)第13关,在城门附近左边的路的北边的房子(2,38)处得到漆黑原石第三个(女线路可得)第16关,救到所有的10个市民,过关后在民家3(市长家)得到纯白原石一章隐藏物品:(18,13)生命之实第二章女主角线--隐藏物品:(24,20)活力项链--要小妖精才能进去男主角线--隐藏物品:(20,5)琥珀法珠;(8,4)魔力之实;(11,27)敏捷之酒--在船上,要派小恶魔去拿任务:罗格站在非德家--(31,9)可得伤药,非德登场后,再让非德回家,可得到荣誉头饰第三章第四章女主角线--没找到男主角线--隐藏物品:(14,28)体力之酒;(19,8)魔力之酒;(26,4)辟毒项链;击倒夏夫特可得“生命水晶”任务:在(9,17)可以帮一位年轻的女士(比我们女主角好看多了……)送信到康奎恩,得到家书和1000G 第五章隐藏物品:击倒夏夫特可得“愚者盾”。

51级学会Plasma Storm 220 菱形 3 70 雷电魔法等级3。召唤周围全部的雷 云引发闪电风暴。
21级学会钢枪·杀阵燹 150 一排 1 20 横向挥动长矛攻击一横排的敌人。
31级学会钢枪·暗缭乱 200 菱形 0 40 旋转武器造成周围对手的严重伤害。 ,
41级学会钢枪·无双锻 200 单体 2 40 挥动武器对敌人造成三次攻击。
初始技能钢剑·鬼哭 200 单体 1 30 快速的连续突刺产生大破坏力。
初始技能钢剑·岚落 300 单体 1 50 组合突刺与斩击如暴风一般攻击对 手。
26级学会钢剑·十文字 200 十字 2 50 挥动大剑造成十字形的大破坏。
35级学会钢剑·荒杀 400 单体 1 80 灌注更多的力量于突刺与斩击上给予 对手大伤害。
40级学 Physical Deffence 0 菱形 3 30 激发人体的潜力,抵抗对手的物理攻 击,造成物理防御力上升。
43级学会Cure All 0 十字 4 20 解除不利的状态,恢复活力,异常中毒、麻痹、睡眠等异常状态。
46级学会Maximum Healing 220 菱形 4 60 医疗魔法等级3。终极的回复魔法, 不论怎样的伤害都有办法治疗。

《阿玛迪斯战记》男主角路线全攻略(Amadis Senki actor routeRaiders)Chapter one: the wheel of fortuneBorn on the border, Rogge, on the adventure of the forest, met Quinn, the princess of the Connecticut, who was hunted down by Languedoc's imperial army. Rogge led to stand up at the sight of injustice, the Tauren and small unruly imperial army against the devil.Early enemy: Imperial infantry 4Enemy reinforcements: Empire infantry 8 people, 3 people, 1 cavalry ArcherKey: the end of the first round after the Viola join as a companion, to make full use of the battle of each role and are familiar with the characteristics of Warcraft, reinforcements Empire army cavalry, strong attack force, and the ability of remote attacks can not be back, we must pay special attention to.The second chapter: the nonWith the princess Weioulajia hard drive Rogge multi code village came to the village, according to the command notification of incoming messages in the Empire, the imperial army has not first, Rogge bold confrontation with the Imperial Army, and here is the friend's home than the German rogge.At the beginning of 6, Empire: enemy infantry and 2 cavalry Archer Empire Empire 1Enemy reinforcements: Empire infantry 13 people, 2 people, 2 cavalry archer.Key: in the beginning can be considered a quasi moving distance to the enemy to attack by the gap between the two sides, the other day don't over deeply the enemy, so cannot rescue, watch the enemy reinforcements from the left, when several enemy reinforcements, Africa and Germany will join the battle, the end of the chase battle, must use the non speed volley to the enemy.The third chapter: Wei EulerMischief and non solve a group of partner Rogge Degang imperial soldiers, on the other side of the imperial army has been in Sodom began the search, in the old village is with the Imperial military and non German Rogge courteously but without sincerity, just outside the village to return to sodom.At the beginning of the enemy: 12 infantry, 2 cavalry, 1 ArchersEnemy reinforcements: 21 infantry, 2 archers, 2 monks and 1 horsemenKey: this enemy is more, but more scattered, not too hard to deal with the enemy and fighting side while promoting to the center of the map, after several rounds of Viola with two Warcraft back and join the fight, people on both sides can becombined with the remaining soldiers of the empire.The fourth chapter: the general of the redViola, Laura and non German and world of Warcraft line, before returning to the Kang Quinn first came to the northeast of the village called wizz, but the delegation of general Haft Fei empire was already laid heavily, the intention of a network. "At the beginning of the enemy: 21 infantry, 10 archers, 4 monks and 4 horsemen, mage 1.The enemy reinforcements: 27 cavalry, 2 scorpion lions, and the South pole.The city street battle terrain is relatively narrow, and the enemy is close, must be composed of solid front, to avoid enemy crush one by one. The unit power of magic attacks absolutely should not be underestimated, fighting the enemies of the priority blocking action, above the map will continue to reinforce many of the imperial cavalry, calculate the maximum moving distance of each other and attack scope is not difficult to deal with, not to greedy and deeply above the map to attack the enemy, lest the shaft's generals led other cavalry and world of Warcraft Manticore debut, will be late to the map right away.The fifth chapter: return homeFinally returned to Coquinn last summer, did not catch the people's general, this did not discharge the small battle, thesuper Warcraft and Empire army two main Kang Quinn outside the city occurred immediately in the war.At the beginning of the enemy: 14 infantry, 6 archers, 6 monks and 26 horsemen, Wizard of 2 people, 2 people, Manticore summer TaftNo reinforcementKey: Xia Taft did not breath will be all the troops into the battlefield, so long as the onslaught of forces to crush one by one method can win. The most challenging challenge of this challenge is to use the magical effects of sleep and the scorpion lions beside him, who will be unable to move for the time being, and then return to them after the other units have cleared up. Xia's HP is below 200 and will retreat.The sixth chapter: decisive battle Kang QuinnCoquinn was defeated in the summer the Taft still intends to rest the strength to turn around, finally the elite Rogge will face is red, the regiment's counterattack.At the beginning of the enemy: 12 infantry, 4 archers, 3 monks and 16 horsemen, magic lion 4 people, 1 people, small demon Centaur 2 people, 1 people, the Tauren stone giant 1, summer taft.Reinforcements: 8 infantry, 8 archers, 2 monks and 14 horsemen, Manticore 2.Key: these enemies in addition to regular army soldiers outside the Empire, in addition to a number of Warcraft mixed in, with special attention to the effects caused by these Warcraft on the ground, while the last three side forces attack, takes a little patience to find the best position in the back, there are 30 rounds of restrictions.The seventh chapter: the regiment of Cang YangReceived the Imperial General Albertina secret letter, Roger and others came to the promised land border village, Gail, have not seen the invitation of Albertina, but met the patrol Empire, Pegasus rider and warcraft.At the beginning of the enemy: Pegasus Knight 24, Griffin 8No reinforcementKey: the enemy is the first occurrence of the Pegasus knight and Griffin have speed and movement of Warcraft considerable force, while Griffin's attack is very strong, do not recommend directly to the center of the map onslaught, so easily by the other side bag clip, should engage the bottom left of the army, in a clockwise direction a step by step up war.The eighth chapter: TrialAfter he met with Albertina, on the grounds that Roger et al strength, and the next day in the forest with agreed fog pale regiment rematch, the number of the enemy more, and Albertina and her two world of Warcraft will scene.At the beginning of the enemy: Pegasus Knight 31, Griffin 9, bird monster 1, angel, Albertina.No reinforcementKey: treatment against Pegasus knight and a Griffin and roughly the same, in the first few rounds can easily deal with slowly. After the troops crossed the central line of the map, Albertina's remaining enemy troops would come directly to Rogge and others. Then, immediately after the attack, Albertina would be defeated.The ninth chapter: EmpireIn order to save into the prison the Reich Marshal Olsen Baja, Rogge takes the lead by Albertina et al,A way of sneaking into the Empire tramp over mountains and through ravines, in turn are about to enter the imperial frontier, suddenly encountered a number of Warcraft is not very friendly.At the beginning of the enemy: Little Devil 4, Goblin 4, Centaur 4 people, 4 people, 4 tauren, Griffin stone giant Manticore 3 people, 3, 3, 3 wind spirit demon peopleNo reinforcementEmphasis: special attention should be paid to the severe damage caused by special attacks or magic spells of higher ordermonsters (stone giants, scorpion lions, demons, demons), and the gap created by Warcraft mobility will be eliminated in batches.The tenth chapter: DragonIn the valley, Rogge et al. Are a group with a strong hostility to the world of Warcraft surrounded on the bridge, the number of this batch of warcraft more power and more powerful, and the bridge is narrow, in addition to the role of other Albertina and her Warcraft III will be greatly limited terrain.At the beginning of the enemy: Little Devil 3, Goblin 3, Centaur 3, Taurens 4 people, 2 people, 9 of the giant stone Griffin, Manticore 6, bird monster 5 people, 3 people, 3 wind spirit demon people.No reinforcementKey: a young dragon will be in the form of NPC debut, although it will be some Warcraft away, but then we must protect the young dragon, let him move to the security map of the upper left corner, and the rest of the world of Warcraft strength is good, can be used for the way to make the young dragon don't move too fast, the other in front of the world of Warcraft remove go.The eleventh chapter: Guan SuoHere in the imperial capital before the close, because Baja ousen marshal, the capital is in a state of closing the blockade, also fail to negotiate, Albertina could not get in the door,so I decided to force a breakthrough.At the beginning of the enemy: 4 infantry, 2 archers, 1 monks, magician 1, Pegasus Knight 8, elite infantry 1.Enemy reinforcements: 9 infantry, 4 archers, 4 monks, 4 people, 8 cavalry mage, elite infantry 2.Key: in addition to the beginning of Imperial troops, will reinforce the two batch, the first time the reinforcements are from the map right, second is located off the front of the reinforcements, if the fire to the enemy's fast enough, can come out before the reinforcements in Quanmie if they can directly pass.The twelfth chapter: Madelyn and the nonA friend in Albert Nadine under the leadership of Madelyn, a pedestrian sneaking into the arena, and be bound ousen marshal of Baja being a group of imperial soldiers guarded, Rogge et al to come up with a rescue will be executed marshal.At the beginning of the enemy: Empire 16 infantry, 16 archers, 2 monks and 4 people, the magician elite infantry 4.Enemy reinforcements: 8 imperial infantry, 1 monks, 2 magicians, 2 elite infantry.Key: non ability will play a thief sneaking into a nearby no division, and is responsible for the execution of the emperor against Archer, the others including the new Madelyn will beon the front of the soldiers of the Empire, to distract them, when the Empire Archer was eliminated, who will be the action, but this still belongs to NPC state map appears in the lower right corner of a group of reinforcements.The thirteenth chapter: EscapeFrom the public execution out, as long as it can break through the next gate of the Imperial Army surrounded, but before the stop after the army there are enemies Gustaf and elite cavalry pursuit, it is not easy to leave.At the beginning of the enemy: Empire 8 infantry, 8 archers, 4 monks, 4 people, 10 cavalry mage, elite infantry 4Enemy reinforcements: 24 cavalry, 90 elite cavalry, GustafKey point: the only way is to run! This will occur such as a flood of reinforcements, and are well equipped and elite troops simultaneously from around the US surrounded, so do not go on fighting, to move forward is to move forward, when necessary to sacrifice some people occupy the pursuers can, also Gustaf's strength in the normal level is not possible against the. As long as the marshal father and daughter arrive at the gate of the city, they can cross the border.The fourteenth chapter: nightFor the early one step back to the total attack defense will bring Gustaf Quinn Kang, and has been non-stop on the camping at rest, but found the caravan was attacked in the traces,separate exploration, powerful monster suddenly appeared from the shadows.At the beginning of the enemy: the Centaur 3 people, 3 people, the Tauren stone giant 3, Manticore 3, bird monster 3, 3 demonEnemy reinforcements: Centaur 3, Taurens 3 people, 5 people, stone giant Manticore, 5 bird monster 7 people, 5 people, 2 wind demon spirit, dead 2 people, 1 people nightmare knight.Key: open as the army was forced into three groups, so in dealing with the war must be Warcraft while walking, trying to make all the people together to resist the enemy. In addition of reinforcements, but also because they can open Yong in the same round reinforcements were challenged Kyrgyzstan, so more to pay special attention, will make the three lattice near the nightmare of Warcraft role within the ability to drop, but you can use this feature to counter long-range attacks.The fifteenth chapter: surroundAnd Albertina had similar to Gail, when they arrived at the front, has been killing the innocent Gustaf burning ruins, Gustaf took a number of troops to kill a pedestrian or Vice Marshal, marshal Alonzo forced former subordinate to marshal.Early enemy: Imperial infantry 35, cavalry 33, elite infantry 11, elite cavalry 2, Gustaf.Enemy reinforcements: Imperial infantry 12, cavalry 12, elite infantry 8.The number of key, Empire army very much, large Zhen can be divided into left and right wings and front commanded by Gustaf, and will continue to reinforce, our troops can be divided into two groups, respectively on left and right wings to attack the enemy, the enemy reinforcements to the battlefield, and then to two a sense of the left and right punch, until the debut of the Alonzo and its subordinate, Alonzo will reject the command of Gustaf, and in the way of NPC. At this point, these NPC should be used as cover for counter offensive, and finally wait for the biggest battle, Gustaf knocked down at a breath.The sixteenth chapter: FanRoger returned to Coquinn on the way, Wei Zi in the valley near the path of Warcraft, actually was originally a Warcraft siege,Even the rare "devil" also appears in the valley, the devil revealed deep hate for human, which makes the whole incident fraught with doubts.At the beginning of the enemy: Tauren 4 people, 4 people, stone giant Manticore 4, bird monster 10 people, 3 people, 2 wind spirit elf people.Enemy reinforcements: Minotaur 3, stone giant 6 people, 2 people dead knight, Manticore 5 people, 7 people, the bird monster Lilith 2 people, 4 people, 4 wind spirit, demon elves 3 people, 1 big demon.Important point: if the enemy is dispersed, as long as thescattered enemy is destroyed by a single blow, a certain number of enemies will be wiped out, and the great demon will be brought up to the field, and be careful not to allow the troops to carry out their magical range.The seventeenth chapter, the end of GustafThey returned to Coquinn, Gustaf then waved in the attack, and we also led the Baja ousen Marshal lieutenant Alonzo brought the army fought back, both in the potential in Quinn Kang City confrontation, the situation triggered at any moment.At the beginning of the enemy: Empire 30 infantry, 18 cavalry, 16 cavalry, Pegasus 2 monks, Magic 2, 6 elite infantry, cavalry 4, 2 horsemen, Gustaf griffin.Enemy reinforcements: Empire Archer 6 people, 6 people, 4 cavalry elite infantry, 2 monks and 2 people, the magician nightmare 1 people, 1 people.Key: this battle, because the friendly NPC can effectively reduce the enemy troops fighting, our troops in person from dying or give the enemy is threatening to force the final blow, two of Warcraft risk after Gustaf finally reinforcements, especially should pay attention to.The eighteenth chapter: Lei YuzhongWhen they beat rivals Gustaf, Baja ousen still thinking about the emperor's status, to adhere to the imperial capital as soon as possible, Rogge, who decided to help in the end, afterleaving king Coquinn again set foot on the road, in the rain, they came to the front to the Zia Ken Ken empire.At the beginning of the enemy: small devil of 4 people, 4 people, the Tauren Centaur 4 people, 4 people of GriffinEnemy reinforcements: Griffin 4, Manticore 8 people, 8 people, the stone giant bird monster 20 people, 2 people, 2 people of Lilith, the demon elf 2 people, 4 people dead, 1 Knight titan.Key: here the imperial army recently to Warcraft runaway and trouble, then came to be captain of Warcraft, runaway appeared again, before the two batch of Warcraft strength is not high, but the third batch of Warcraft will pay particular attention to the right, this terrain is very wide, we can stand at a distance from the place the magic they automatically come, because the mobile power gap, Warcraft all rushed to the impossible, they will use this to crush one by one the final stage of the Warcraft leader, Titan Attacks illegal strong, almost no role by his blow, when he appeared as long or stunt and magic around Guangdong to attack it. The shortest time will he fire off, even if not to also want to let him into the state of action.The nineteenth chapter: EmperorFinally, once again came to the imperial capital, in the heavy snow weather, the emperor led a large number of troops, are waiting for the return of Mori Baja,The emperor who lost his normal mind did not listen to theMarshal's advice, and only the troops gave orders to attack.At the beginning of the enemy: Empire 24 infantry, 8 cavalry archers, 20 people, 16 horsemen, Pegasus 2 monks, 4 people, the elite infantry 11 people, 7 elite cavalry, 4 cavalry, Moddis Griffin ZagrebEnemy reinforcements: demon of 1 people, 1 people, 1 dead knight, Lilith bird monster 1, elf 1 people, 1 people of Manticore, angel 3, Gilbert.Key: in addition to most of the infantry will move in before the attack, the rest is when I entered the party attack range to attack Kyrgyzstan, can use this point but will reduce losses.The twentieth chapter: PaladinLearn a lot about it. From the Gilbert mouth people, although finally let him escape, but it seems that the Kaaba is the only place to unlock the mysteries, but because of various reasons, can not be easily to the Imperial troops, so the investigation task falls on the rogue body, while preparing for the Kaaba Road, St. but in his knight zieg non orders to prohibit any pass.At the beginning of the enemy: small devil of 4 people, 2 people, the goblin Taurens 2, Centaur 1 people, 7 people, 4 elves, undead Knights Manticore 5 people, 6 people, 2 people of Lilith, the demon Griffin 5, bird monster 6, Unicorn 3, 1 stone giant wow, Qi Gefei, Messenger 24No reinforcementKey: this enemy unless there is any troops for their attack range, otherwise it will not take the initiative, so disgraceful to try several times to get the best mobile location, or out of each other in a small number of troops to, in addition to the wide range of paladin Qi Gefei's special attack will cause the sleep effect.The twenty-first chapter: Arla Heim battleIn the breakthrough of the paladin Qi Gefei defensive line, a pedestrian came to the capital of Arla Heim, King Hall in front of the entrance... .At the beginning of the enemy: goblins 2 people, 1 people dead, small Demon Knight 3, 1 stone giant 4 people, 2 people demon Lilith, Griffin 2 people, 3 people, the elves Manticore 2, Unicorn 1, bird monster 2, Warcraft messenger 2.Enemy reinforcements: goblins 4 people, 11 people, the small devil Taurens 6 people, 3 people dead, the Centaur Knight 12, Stone Giant 2 people, 14 people, 13 people of the demon Lilith, Griffin 4 people, 18 people, the elves Manticore 9, unicorn 8, bird monster 16 wow, angel 60.Key: Although the enemy will continue to rear reinforcements, but each reinforcements is limited, and spell type units are often due to operating restrictions, advance ability is limited, so long as the concentrated fire, break the fixed position of the enemy front, successive advance, you can reach the king in front of the hall.The twenty-second chapter: the truthEnter the glory of king hall, all from his mouth to know the truth, that Amadis, involved in the unrest the culprit was finally present, with the increasing number of influx, decide the fate of the world battle started.At the beginning of the enemy: small devil of 2 people, 2 people, the goblin Tauren 1 people, 5 people, 3 elves, undead Knights of Manticore 4 people, 4 people, 4 people demon Lilith, Griffin 2, bird monster 3, Unicorn 2, stone giant 1, Warcraft messenger 17 Con Seth SansEnemy reinforcements: small demon 10 people, 4 people, the goblin Tauren 5, Centaur 3 people, 16 people, 8 elves, undead Knights of Manticore 11 people, 11 people, 14 people demon Lilith, Griffin 4, bird monster 15, unicorn 7, 2 stone giant and the nightmare of 2 people, 2 people, the dragon of Warcraft 55, Gilbert, Qi fei.Key: our troops want to overthrow the last leader, first through a large number of the enemy, this is the last war without stint props, the troops concentrated firepower, the battlefield of the enemy and the enemy will destroy one by one group, from around the battlefield into, so be careful not to force alone, in the siege of the dilemma, step by step forward, to cap down Gilbert shoot, eventually BOSS will automatically appear, so before, the best first in the enemy on the map so as not to be eliminated, the final BOSS of a near death by hunting small fry, as reinforcements to the paladin Qi Ge Fei, want to separate,don't let him and eventually solve the leader of punch, non Zig, and then focus on strength, should be able to solve the final BOSS, for the period designated war Amadi The perfect ending.。

《阿玛迪斯战记》全道具功能⼀览头饰:⽊头饰 To Hit + 5 EV+ 2铜头饰 To Hit +10 EV+ 5铁头饰 To Hit +20 EV+10钢头饰 To Hit +30 EV+15银头饰 To Hit +40 EV+20⾦头饰 To Hit +50 EV+25荣誉头饰 M.att + 20% To Hit +20 EV+10怜悯头饰 HP + 20% To Hit +30 EV+15牺牲头饰 M.att + 30% P.att + 30% HP - 10%盾牌:⽊盾牌 P.def + 5%铜盾牌 P.def + 10%铁盾牌 P.def + 20%钢盾牌 P.def + 30%银盾牌 P.def + 40%⾦盾牌 P.def + 50%勇⽓盾牌 P.def + 30% P.att + 15%耻辱盾牌 P.def + 40% M.def - 20愚者盾牌 P.def + 40% M.def - 20腕轮:⽊腕轮 P.att + 5%铜腕轮 P.att + 10%铁腕轮 P.att + 20%钢腕轮 P.att + 30%银腕轮 P.att + 40%⾦腕轮 P.att + 50%凶暴腕轮 P.att + 40% P.def - 15% M.def - 15残酷腕轮 P.att + 30% M.att + 30% P.def - 15%鄙视腕轮 SP + 10% P.att + 20% P.def - 10%护符:琥珀护符 M.def + 5 Move + 1象⽛护符 M.def + 10黄⽟护符 M.def + 15翠⽟护符 M.def + 20⽔晶护符 M.def + 25宝⽯护符 M.def + 30仁慈护符 M.def + 20 P.def + 20%卑鄙护符 M.def + 30 P.def + 30% P.att - 30%法珠:琥珀法珠 M.att + 5%黄⽟法珠 M.att + 20%翠⽟法珠 M.att + 30%⽔晶法珠 M.att + 40%宝⽯法珠 M.att + 50%诚实法珠 M.att + 20% To Hit + 20 EV + 10欺诈法珠 M.att + 40% P.def - 20%项链:辟毒项链 Posion R 100%觉醒项链 Sleep R 100%活⼒项链 Paralyse R 100%冰之项链 Fire R 100%炎之项链 Freeze R 100%公正项链 Fire R 100% Freeze R 100% Posion R 100% Move + 1贪⼼项链 Posion R 100% Sleep R 100% Paralyse R 100% Move - 2灵性项链每回合回复HP、SP天使项链 M.def + 10束缚项链 P.def + 5% EV - 50 Move - 5 Paralyse R 100%⽔瓶:伤药回复 600HP治疗剂回复1200HP回复剂回复2000HP解毒剂解毒解⿇剂解⿇中和剂解毒、解⿇、解睡家书报平安的书信沉思之⽔回复200SP冥思之⽔回复500SP瓷瓶:腕⼒之酒 P.att + 7体⼒之酒 P.def + 4魔⼒之酒 P.def + 5敏捷之酒 Dex + 4种⼦:⽣命之实 HP上限 + 15魔⼒之实 SP上限 + 15靴⼦:草鞋 Move + 1⽪鞋 Move + 2长统鞋 Move + 3⽔晶:⽣命⽔晶每回合回复HP 魔⼒⽔晶每回合回复SP 碧绿原⽯炼⾦漆⿊原⽯炼⾦纯⽩原⽯炼⾦仲兽强化蝎狮之尾毒⾎毒龙之鳞毒魂梦魔之翼梦魔冰狼之鬃冰晶⽕灵之魂⽕灵吸⾎⿁之⽛吸⾎莉莉丝之吻吸魔凤凰之⽻再⽣。
阿玛迪斯战记 道具资料

头饰:木头饰 To Hit + 5 EV+ 2铜头饰 To Hit +10 EV+ 5铁头饰 To Hit +20 EV+10钢头饰 To Hit +30 EV+15银头饰 To Hit +40 EV+20金头饰 To Hit +50 EV+25荣誉头饰 M.att + 20% To Hit +20 EV+10怜悯头饰 HP + 20% To Hit +30 EV+15牺牲头饰 M.att + 30% P.att + 30% HP - 10%盾牌:木盾牌 P.def + 5%铜盾牌 P.def + 10%铁盾牌 P.def + 20%钢盾牌 P.def + 30%银盾牌 P.def + 40%金盾牌 P.def + 50%勇气盾牌 P.def + 30% P.att + 15%耻辱盾牌 P.def + 40% M.def - 20愚者盾牌 P.def + 40% M.def - 20腕轮:木腕轮 P.att + 5%铜腕轮 P.att + 10%铁腕轮 P.att + 20%钢腕轮 P.att + 30%银腕轮 P.att + 40%金腕轮 P.att + 50%凶暴腕轮 P.att + 40% P.def - 15% M.def - 15 残酷腕轮 P.att + 30% M.att + 30% P.def - 15% 鄙视腕轮 SP + 10% P.att + 20% P.def - 10%护符:琥珀护符 M.def + 5 Move + 1象牙护符 M.def + 10黄玉护符 M.def + 15翠玉护符 M.def + 20水晶护符 M.def + 25宝石护符 M.def + 30仁慈护符 M.def + 20 P.def + 20%卑鄙护符 M.def + 30 P.def + 30% P.att - 30%法珠:琥珀法珠 M.att + 5%黄玉法珠 M.att + 20%翠玉法珠 M.att + 30%水晶法珠 M.att + 40%宝石法珠 M.att + 50%诚实法珠 M.att + 20% To Hit + 20 EV + 10欺诈法珠 M.att + 40% P.def - 20%项链:辟毒项链 Posion R 100%觉醒项链 Sleep R 100%活力项链 Paralyse R 100%冰之项链 Fire R 100%炎之项链 Freeze R 100%公正项链 Fire R 100% Freeze R 100% Posion R 100% Move + 1贪心项链 Posion R 100% Sleep R 100% Paralyse R 100% Move - 2 灵性项链每回合回复HP、SP天使项链 M.def + 10束缚项链 P.def + 5% EV - 50 Move - 5 Paralyse R 100%水瓶:伤药回复 600HP治疗剂回复1200HP回复剂回复2000HP解毒剂解毒解麻剂解麻中和剂解毒、解麻、解睡家书报平安的书信沉思之水回复200SP冥思之水回复500SP瓷瓶:腕力之酒 P.att + 7体力之酒 P.def + 4魔力之酒 P.def + 5敏捷之酒 Dex + 4种子:生命之实 HP上限 + 15 魔力之实 SP上限 + 15靴子:草鞋 Move + 1皮鞋 Move + 2长统鞋 Move + 3水晶:生命水晶每回合回复HP 魔力水晶每回合回复SP 碧绿原石炼金漆黑原石炼金纯白原石炼金仲兽强化蝎狮之尾毒血毒龙之鳞毒魂梦魔之翼梦魔冰狼之鬃冰晶火灵之魂火灵吸血鬼之牙吸血莉莉丝之吻吸魔凤凰之羽再生。

阿玛迪斯战记攻略1. 游戏背景阿玛迪斯战记是一款以奇幻世界为背景的角色扮演游戏。
2. 游戏角色选择在开始游戏之前,玩家需要选择一个角色。
3. 游戏任务攻略在阿玛迪斯战记中,玩家需要完成各种各样的任务来推动剧情的发展并获得丰厚的奖励。
4. 战斗技巧与策略在阿玛迪斯战记中,战斗是不可避免的。

(二)、神奇传说(Farland Saga)系列:(远征奥德赛两部非战棋,没列入)
一、日本TGL:(参考了村雨的《童话之国度—TGL》和艾鲁维斯的《永远神奇的传说——Farland Series漫谈》)
(一)、古大陆物语(Farland Story)系列:
(一)、风色幻想系列: (风色幻想2alive非战棋,没列入)
风色幻想4资料片 祭风之塔的最终战役(2005年)

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怜悯头饰 HP + 20% To Hit +30 EV+15
牺牲头饰 M.att + 30% P.att + 30% HP - 10%
木盾牌 P.def + 5%
铜盾牌 P.def + 10%
翠玉护符 M.def + 20
水晶护符 M.def + 25
宝石护符 M.def + 30
仁慈护符 M.def + 20 P.def + 20%
卑鄙护符 M.def + 30 P.def + 30% P.att - 30%
琥珀法珠 M.att + 5%
铁盾牌 P.def + 20%
钢盾牌 P.def + 30%
银盾牌 P.def + 40%
金盾牌 P.def + 50%
勇气盾牌 P.def + 30% P.att + 15%
耻辱盾牌 P.def + 40% M.def - 20
愚者盾牌 P.def + 40% M.def - 20
辟毒项链 Posion R 100%
觉醒项链 Sleep R 100%
活力项链 Paralyse R 100%
冰之项链 Fire R 100%
炎之项链 Freeze R 100%
公正项链 Fire R 100% Freeze R 100% Posion R 100% Move + 1
木头饰 To Hit + 5 EV+ 2
铜头饰 To Hit +10 EV+ 5
铁头饰 To Hit +20 EV+10
钢头饰 To Hit +30 EV+15
银头饰 To Hit +40 EV+20
金头饰 To Hit +50 EV+25
魔力之酒 P.def + 5
敏捷之酒 Dex + 4
生命之实 HP上限 + 15
魔力之实 SP上限 + 15
草鞋 Move + 1
皮鞋 Move + 2
长统鞋 Move + 3
生命水晶 每回合回复HP
魔力水晶 每回合回复SP
Posion R:抗毒性
Sleep R:抗睡眠性
Paralyse R:抗麻痹性
Fire R:抗火
Freeze R:抗冰
属性:物理攻击-30% 物理防御,魔法防御+30%
残酷腕轮 P.att + 30% M.att + 30% P.def - 15%
鄙视腕轮 SP + 10% P.att + 20% P.def - 10%
琥珀护符 M.def + 5 Move + 1
象牙护符 M.def + 10
黄玉护符 M.def + 15
冰晶 对冰结状态100%免疫 普攻15%令对手冰结
火灵 对着火状态100%免疫 普攻15%令对手着火
吸血 对吸收100%免疫 攻击追加吸收HP效果
吸魔 对吸收100%免疫 攻击追加吸收SP效果
衰弱 生命上限-20%
活力 生命上限+20%
魔力 魔法上限+10%
贪心项链 Posion R 100% Sleep R 100% Paralyse R 100% Move - 2
灵性项链 每回合回复HP、SP
天使项链 M.def + 10
束缚项链 P.def + 5% EV - 50 Move - 5 Paralyse R 100%
奔驰 移动力+2 防御-10% 力量+20%
再生 每次轮到我方回合时恢复HP10%
战栗 周围3格内的敌人 攻击-10% 防御-10%
迷惑 周围3格内的敌人 命中率和回避率-20%
直感 敏捷+120
巨人 体力+20% 敏捷-80 力量+20%
小人 敏捷+160 攻击-20% 防御-10% HP-20%
属性:物理攻击,魔法攻击+30%源自HP上限-10% 评价:
属性:物理防御+40% 魔法防御-20%
黄玉法珠 M.att + 20%
翠玉法珠 M.att + 30%
水晶法珠 M.att + 40%
宝石法珠 M.att + 50%
诚实法珠 M.att + 20% To Hit + 20 EV + 10
欺诈法珠 M.att + 40% P.def - 20%
EV(闪避率)、To Hit(命中率)
属性:物理攻击,魔法攻击+30% 魔法防御-15%
属性:魔法攻击+20% 命中+20% 闪避+10%
属性:HP上限+20% 命中+30% 闪避+15%
Str:力量 无装备时同物理攻击力相同
Dex:敏捷 影响躲闪和命中
Vit:体力 影响物理防御
Int:智力 影响魔法防御
To Hit:命中
伤药 回复 600HP
治疗剂 回复1200HP
回复剂 回复2000HP
解毒剂 解毒
解麻剂 解麻
中和剂 解毒、解麻、解睡
家书 报平安的书信
沈思之水 回复200SP
冥思之水 回复500SP
腕力之酒 P.att + 7
体力之酒 P.def + 4
木腕轮 P.att + 5%
铜腕轮 P.att + 10%
铁腕轮 P.att + 20%
钢腕轮 P.att + 30%
银腕轮 P.att + 40%
金腕轮 P.att + 50%
凶暴腕轮 P.att + 40% P.def - 15% M.def - 15
属性:物理攻击+40% 物理防御,魔法防御-15%
属性:SP上限+10% 物理攻击+20% 物理防御-10%