



1. In recent years more and more Indians like traveling in Asia during May Day. .

A. So do we Chinese

B. So we Chinese do

C. Neither do we Chinese

D. Neither we Chinese will

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:最近几年在五一期间,越来越多的印度人喜欢在亚洲旅行。So+助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语:某某也如此,与上文不是同一人,如果上句是否定句,表达某某也不neither +助动词+主语;so + 主语+助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语:某某确实如此,与上文是同一人。该句式在时态,人称上与前一个句子相同。上句是肯定句,故选A。


2.— I think the plan is just a waste of time. What do you think?

— Well, if you don't support the plan, ________.

A. neither do I

B. so do I

C. neither will I

D. so will I

【答案】 C



3.—I don't understand the story in the new unit. What about you, Bill?


A. Neither I do

B. Neither do I

C. So do I

D. So I do

【答案】 B



4.— My mother hardly watches any sports shows.


A. So do mine.

B. So does mine.

C. Neither do mine.

D. Neither does mine.

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:—我妈妈几乎不看任何体育节目。—我的妈妈也不看。当A做的事,B和A做了相同事时,B说“So+助动词/情态动词…+B”;当A没做某事,B也没做,B 可说“Neither/nor+助动词/情态动词…+B”。mine指的是my mother,根据主谓一致原则,可知使用助动词does,结合句意和语境可知选D。


5.—Many students won 't take part in the after-school activities today.

— .We have so much homework to do!

A. So will I

B. So do I

C. Neither will I

D. Neither do I

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:—今天许多学生不愿意参见课外活动。—我也不愿意。我们有那么多作业要做。So+助动词+主语,表示与前面的肯定形式一致,表示也。Neither+助动词+主语,表示与前面的否定形式一致,表示也不。这两种部分倒装结构中的助动词与前一句的助动词一致,根据Many students won 't take part in the after-school activities today.可知此处won't表示否定形式,故用Neither+will+主语,故选C。


6.—I didn't go to the cinema yesterday. What about you?

—____________, because I was preparing for the project all the time.

A. Nor do I

B. Neither did I

C. Neither am I

D. Nor was I

【答案】 B


7.— Peter doesn't know many people here.

— __________.

A. So do I

B. So am I

C. Neither am I

D. Neither do I

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:—皮特不认识这里的很多人。—我也不认识。题干是否定句,故用“neither+助动词+主语”表示和上句一样也不……;根据doesn't know 可知,用助动词do , 故选D。


8.—I'm waiting for the visitors very anxiously.

—Look, here ______ these visitors.

A. come

B. comes

C. go

D. goes

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:—我焦急地等待着来访者。—瞧,这些来访者来了。A. come动词,来;B. comes动词三单;来;C. go动词,走;D. goes动词三单,走。根据语义可知,本句为倒装句,主语为these visitors,复数含义,谓语动词使用原形;come here来这里,而不是go here去这里。故选:A。


9.— I've decided to see the film tonight.

— .

A. So have I

B. So do I

C. So did I

D. So will I

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:——我已经决定了今晚去看这部电影。——我也已经决定了。A、我也已经决定了;B、我也现在决定了;C、我也过去决定了;D、我也将会决定。由上文I've decided to see the film tonight. 我已经决定了今晚看这部电影可知,下文要表达的是‘我也已经决定了’,故选A。


10.My sister went to the cinema, and _________________.

A. so did I

B. so have I

C. neither did I

D. neither have I

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:我姐姐去看电影了,我也是。went是一般过去时,助动词是did,故排除B和D选项,省略句,so+助动词+主语,用于肯定句,……也是,neither+助动词+主语,用于否定句,……也是,根据My sister went to the cinema,可知是肯定句,故选A。


11.—Lily doesn't go to the museum this weekend. What about you, Millie?

—If Lily doesn't go there, ____.

A. so do I

B. so will I

C. neither do I

D. neither will I

【答案】 D



12.— Would your brother go for a picnic?

— If I don't go, __________.

A. so does he

B. so will he

C. neither does he

D. neither will he

【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】句意:你的哥哥去野餐吗?如果我不去,他也不去。so + 主语+助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语:某某确实如此,与上文是同一人。so+助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语:某某也如此,与上文不是同一人。上文是否定句,下文表示某某也不,用neither +助动词+主语。这些句式在时态,人称上与前一个句子相同。该句上句是否定句,故选D。【点评】考查固定句式。

13.---I hear Huang Gang made an English speech at his graduation ceremony yesterday.

--- ________, and ________.

A. So he did, so did I

B. So did he, so I did

C. So he was, so was I

D. So was he, so I was

【答案】 A


【点评】这几个倒装句的区别比较难。“so+助动词(情态动词或连系动词)+另一主语”,此句型是主谓倒装结构,可以表示前面的情况也适用于后者,使用该句型需要注意以几个方面的问题:1.该句型只能用于肯定句,不能用于否定句:如果前句是否定句,则要用“neither /nor +助动词+主语”。 2.句型中的主语与上文中的主语是不同的两个主语3.句型中助动词,包括连系动词和情态动词的时态要和上句中谓语动词的时态相一致。另一句型so+主语+助动词是指对上文的肯定,起加强作用。

14.— I can't stand (忍受) the air pollution in this city any more. It is getting more terrible.

— ________. We've never had so many factories before.

A. Neither I can .

B. Neither can I

C. So I can.

D. So can I.

【答案】 B


15.-I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of this weather.

-_______. I can't stand all this rain.

A. I don't care

B. It's hard to say

C. So am I

D. I hope not

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】A. I don't care 我不在乎 B. It's hard to say很难说C. So am I 我也是 D. I hope not我希望不要这样;句意:我不知道你的情况,但是我生病了,讨厌这种天气。我




谓语动词保持时态的一致,意思为“…也是如此”。“So+ 主 + 谓”表示讨论同一人做某事。

16.On the top of the small hill , and it has a long history of more than four hundred years.

A. stands an old temple

B. an old temple stands

C. does an old temple stand

D. an old temple does stand

【答案】 A




17.— I'm not going swimming this afternoon.

— ______. I have to help my mother do some cleaning.

A. So am I

B. So I am

C. Neither am I

D. Neither I am

【答案】 C


助妈妈做清整。so + 主语+助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语:某某确实如此,与上文是同一人。so+助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语:某某也如此,与上文不是同一人。上文是否定句,下文表示某某也不,用 neither +助动词+主语。这些句式在时态,人称上与前一个句子



18.Jim, here _________ some letters for you.

A. is

B. are

C. have

D. Has

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:吉姆,这是你的一些信。A.is 是;B.are 是;C.have 有;

D.has有。Here is/are 是倒装结构,相当于Jim, some letters are here for you.故选B。【点评】考查倒装句型,here be+主语(名词)。

19.–I usually go hiking with my friends.-- ____do I.

A. Nor

B. So

C. Neither

【答案】 B


20.一 I like the smell in the air-newly-cut grass and sweet flowers.

一 . It smells so nice.

A. So I do

B. So do I

C. So am I

D. So I am

【答案】 B


21.—My brother and I will go to the library tomorrow.

—______. Shall we go together?

A. So am I

B. So do I

C. So I am

D. So will I

【答案】 D


22.—I never drink coffee.

— .

A. So do I

B. So did I

C. Neither did I

D. Neither do I




23.— I don't like reading newspapers.

— ________.

A. So do I

B. Neither do I

C. So I do

D. Neither I do

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:--我不喜欢看报纸。---我也不喜欢看。So do I的用法,该结构主要用来说明前面所说的情况也同样适用于后面的人或物,“……也一样”。该结构中的助动词do 根据前文的情况也可换成is, am, are, was,were, does, did, can, could 等,但是如果前面所述情况为否定式,则用neither, nor引出倒装句结合句意,故选B


24.— Rita has been to Tokyo twice.

— _______.

A. So Lily has.

B. So has Lily.

C. Lily has so.

D. Lily so has.

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:——Rita去过两次东京。——Lily也是的。“so+ be / 情态动词/ 助动词+主语”意为“……也一样/也是”。故选B。


25.-- I hear Huang Gang made an English speech at the graduation ceremony yesterday.

-- ________ and ________.

A. So he did, so did I

B. So did he, so I did

C. So he was, so was I

D. So was he, so I was

【答案】 A



26.—I haven't been to a water park.

— .

A. So have I

B. So has I

C. Neither have I

D. Neither has I

【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】“So /Neither/Nor+ be/情态动词/助动词十主语”,表示“……也是/不是

如此”说明和前者的情况一样。根据上一句I haven't been to a water park.是否定句,可知选



27.She has to get up early every morning and ________.

A. so have I

B. so do I

C. I do so

D. I have so

【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:她每天早上都得早起,我也是。倒装句,so+助动词+主语,so do



28.—I won't go travelling again during the spring festival. You can't imagine how expensive the hotel is!

—____________. The transport is a big problem, too.

A. So will I

B. Nor do I

C. Neither will I

D. So I will

【答案】 C



表达的是“我也不会去了”,用neither,根据前won't go,可知是一般将来时,用will,故答


【点评】考查倒装句。掌握倒装句Neither +助动词/be /情态动词+主语,表示后者"也不......"。

29.On the top of the small hill , and it has a long history of more than four numbered years.

A. stands an old temple

B. an old temple stands

C. does an old temple stand

D. an old temple does stand

【答案】 A


部倒装句,正常语序是:An old temple stands on the top of the small hill. 表示方位的副词放



30.— Jim enjoys listening to pop music.

— _______________.

A. So does Helen.

B. Also is Helen

C. Helen likes also

D. So Helen does

【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】“so+助动词(情态动词或连系动词)+另一主语”,此句型是主谓倒装结构,可以表示前面的情况也适用于后者,使用该句型需要注意以几个方面的问题:1.该句型只能用于肯定句,不能用于否定句:如果前句是否定句,则要用“neither /nor +助动词+主语”。2.句型中的主语与上文中的主语是不同的两个主语3.句型中助动词,包括连系动词和情态动词的时态要和上句中谓语动词的时态相一致。根据上文,吉姆喜欢听流行音乐。可知选A最符合语境,海伦也是。



初中英语倒装句练习 1. Look, ______ . A. here the bus comes C. here comes the bus D. here the bus is coming 2. —Where is Kate? —Look , _____ , she is at the school gate. A. there she is B. there is she C. here you are D. here it is 3. Which of the following sentences is correct? A. In the teacher came B. In did come the teacher 7. ___ , you can ' t lift yourself up. C. How strong you are D. In spite you ' re strong 8. So carelessly ______ that he almost killed himself. A. he drives B. he drove C. does he drive D. did he drive 9. Early in the day ___ the news ____ t he enemy were gone. A. come; that B. came; that C. comes; that D. came; what 10. Only when you realize the importance of foreign languages ____ them well. A. you can learn B. can you learn C. you learned 11. Only after liberation ____ to be treated as human beings. did they begin B. they had begun C. they did begin 12. Not only ___ to stay at home, but he was also forbidden to see his friends. B. here is the bus coning C. In did the teacher come D. In came the teacher 4. Out ____ , with a stick in his hand. A. did he rush B. rushed he 5. ______, he is honest. A. As he is poor B. Poor is he 6. _______ , he knows a lot of things. A. A child as he is B. Child as he is C. he rushed C. Poor as he is C. A child as is he D. he did rush D. Poor as is he D. Child as is he A. Even you ' re strong B. Strong as you are D. did you learn D. had they begun A. he was forcing B. he was forced C. was he forcing D. was he forced


高考英语倒装句知识点真题汇编附答案(1) 一、选择题 1.Not until Unit One of College English on learning strategies the importance of distinguishing active vocabulary from passive ones in vocabulary accumulation. A.did he learn… he realized B.he learned… did he realize C.had he learned… did he realize D.he learned… didn’t he realize 2.Only when he reached the tea-house _________ it was the same place he’d been in last year. A.he realized B.he did realize C.realized he D.did he realize 3.China's development can't continue without lawmakers, nor _____ move forward without scientists . A.it can B.can it C.can't it D.it can't 4.Typically, with high-status and well-paid jobs ________ far more pressure than assumed. A.are coming B.is coming C.come D.comes 5.Mum is coming. What present________ for your birthday? A.you expect she has got B.you expect has she got C.do you expect she has got D.do you expect has she got 6.I've tried hard to improve my English.But by no means ________with my progress. A.the teacher is not satisfied B.is the teacher not satisfied C.the teacher is satisfied D.is the teacher satisfied 7.We’ll make the final decision on our scheme. ______ you change your mind, please inform us as soon as possible. A.Should B.Were C.Would D.Had 8.Only with a reasonable examination system _____ pick out _____ we think is qualified for the task. A.we can; any who B.can we; whoever C.we can; anyone D.can we; who 9., he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class. A.A quiet student as he may B.Quiet student as he may be C.Be a quiet student as he may D.Quiet as he may be a student 10.As the French writer Frantz Fanon put it, to speak a language is to take on a world, a culture. Since the world changes every day, _____. A.and so does our language B.so does our language C.and so our language will D.so will our language 11.Many coral reefs in warm water areas would not be dying out ______ for the pollution accumulated over the previous years. A.if it is not B.were it not C.had it not been D.if they were not 12.When asked about that horrible experience, Sue told me that so ______ in the darkness at that time that she didn't dare to move an inch. A.she was scared B.was she scared C.scared she was D.scared was she


(2020最新模拟江苏省宿迁市 A) 根据句意及所给中文提 示或英文解释,写出句中所缺单词。每小题1分) 46. My neighbours are very ▲ (友好的) to us. 47. Do you ▲ (同意) with what I say? 48. We had a very cold ▲ (冬季) last year. 49. Are you ▲ (有空的) this evening? 50. I can’t ▲ (买得起) to go to the 2020最新 模拟 World Cup. 51. The tourists had no c ▲ but to wait for the next bus. 52. Tom is a ▲ (a good sense of humour) boy, so everyone likes him. 【答案】46.friendly 47.agree 48.winter 49.free 50.afford 51.choice 52.humo(u)rous (2020最新模拟.江苏省无锡市.B根据句意和汉语注释,在 答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出单词的正确形式,每小题1 分) 6.Sometimes ______________(深厚的) feelings are hard to put into words. 7.Mr Wang was busy,but he_____________ (坚持) on seeing me off at the airport. 8.Will you join us in the _____________(讨论)about the teenage problems.


2018年北京市高级中等学校招生考试 英语试卷 姓名:__________ 准考证号:________________考场号:______座位号:_____ 考生须知 1.本试卷共10页,共五道大题,39道小题,满分60分,考试时间90分钟。 2.在试卷和草稿纸上准确填写姓名、准考证号、考场号和座位号。 3.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上。在试卷上作答无效。 4.在答题卡上,选择题用2B铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹铅字笔作答。 5.考试结束,请将本试卷、答题卡和草稿纸一并交回。 知识运用(共14分) (2018·北京中考)一、单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.(2018·北京中考)My brother and I like football. _______ play it together once a week. A.I B. They C. We D. You C【解析】考查人称代词辨析。空处代指My brother and I两人,所以用人称代词we。故选C。 2.(2018·北京中考)Happy birthday, Peter! Here’s a gift ______ you. A.for B. in C.with D.from A【解析】考查介词辨析。根据句意判断:Peter,生日快乐!这是送你的一份礼物。表示“为了;给”用介词for。故选A。 3.(2018·北京中考)—______ do you usually go to school, Mary? —By bike. A.When B. How C. Where D. Why B【解析】考查疑问副词辨析。答语表示方式,提问用副词How。故选B。 4.(2018·北京中考)Many people like pandas ______ they are cute. A.though B. if C. while D. because D【解析】考查连词辨析。句意:很多人喜欢熊猫,因为它们可爱。表示原因用连词because。故选D。 5.(2018·北京中考)I ______ go now, or I’ll miss my train. A.can B. might C. must D. Could C【解析】考查情态动词辨析。can能;可以;might可能;must必须;一定;could会;可能;可以。根据句意判断:我现在必须走了,否则我会赶不上火车了。故选C。 6.(2018·北京中考)Tony is ______ of the three boys, but he is the tallest. A.young B. younger C. is reading D. has read D【解析】考查形容词比较等级辨析。根据of the three boys判断,三者以上比较用最高级;最高级形式前用定冠词the。故选D。 7.(2018·北京中考)Bill likes reading. He ______ picture books with his dad every evening. A.read B. Reads C. is reading D. has read B【解析】考查动词时态。根据every evening判断句中使用一般现在时,主语He是第三人称单数,所以动词使用第三人称单数形式。故选B。 8.(2018·北京中考)—Paul, what were you doing at nine last night? —I ______ a movie in the cinema with my friends. A.was watching B.watch C. have watched D. will watch A【解析】考查动词时态。根据问句中的时间“at nine last night”判断句中动作表示过去时


倒装句 一、定义:英语最基本的语序是主语在前,谓语动词在后。但有时由于句子结构的需要或表示强调,就要采用倒装形式。 Eg:The bus comes here. Here comes the bus. 车来了。 二、分类:全倒装:将谓语动词完全移到主语之前称为完全倒装, 半倒装:只将助动词或情态动词放到主语之前称为部分倒装。 Eg:Many years ago there lived an old man in the wooden house. 很多年前有一位老人住在那间木屋里。 Never have I been late for school this term. 这学期,我从来没上学迟到过。 三、全倒装:“五全”=有时表地方 经常与be/come/exist/fall/follow/go/remain/seem/stand(表示移动或动态的不及物动词连用) 或用表示类似“存在”观念的其他不及物动词如:live, stand, come, lie, flow, enter, rise 和appear等?㈠、“有”:在“there be”结构里 Eg:There is a box on the table. 桌子上面有一个盒子。 ?㈡、“时”:表示时间副词,如:now,then, Eg:Now comes your turn. 现在轮到你了。 ?㈢、“表”:表语放句子前,“表语+系动词+主语”的结构 Eg:Present at the party were Mr. Green and many other guests. 格林先生和其他的客人在这个聚会上。 Seated on the ground are a group of young men. 一群年轻人坐在了地上。 ?㈣、“地”:地点状语放在句首 Eg:In south of the river lies a small factory. 小工厂位于河的南方。 From the valley came a cry. 山谷传来一阵哭声。 ?㈤、“方”:表方位的副词here, there 或out, in, up, down, away, off等标志词放在句首


初中英语倒装句练习 1. Look,________. A. here the bus comes B. here is the bus coning C. here comes the bus D. here the bus is coming 2. —Where is Kate? —Look,_____, she is at the school gate. A. there she is B. there is she C. here you are D. here it is 3. Which of the following sentences is correct? A. In the teacher came B. In did come the teacher C. In did the teacher come D. In came the teacher 4. Out _____, with a stick in his hand. A. did he rush B. rushed he C. he rushed D. he did rush 5. _______, he is honest. A. As he is poor B. Poor is he C. Poor as he is D. Poor as is he 6. ________, he knows a lot of things. A. A child as he is B. Child as he is C. A child as is he D. Child as is he 7. _____, you can’t lif t yourself up. A. Even you’re strong B. Strong as you are C. How strong you are D. In spite you’re strong 8. So carelessly ________that he almost killed himself. A. he drives B. he drove C. does he drive D. did he drive 9. Early in the day ____the news _____the enemy were gone. A. come; that B. came; that C. comes; that D. came; what 10. Only when you realize the importance of foreign languages_____ them well.


make progress on the piano, one day, a boy 70. to a Paderewski’s concert by his mother. After they were seated, the mother saw a friend and walked up to g reet her, leaving the boy alone in 71. seat. Catching the chance to explore the wonders of the concert hall, the little boy stood up and finally made his way through a door 72. marked “No Admittance(进入)” . Soon, the hall got dark and the concert about to begin. When the mother 73. to her seat, discovered that the child was missing. Suddently the lights focused on the piano on the stage. In surprise, the mother

work can be truly beautiful. Next time, you set out to achieve great works, listen carefully. You can hear the voice of the master, whispering in your ear, “Don’t stop. Keep playing.” 解析 70. 考查一般过去时的被动语态,一天,一个小男孩被他妈妈带到 帕德雷夫斯基的音乐会。根据后文“by his mother”及上下文时态可知was taken。 71. 考查物主代词。根据上下文可知“把小男孩独自留在他的座位


义务教育基础课程初中教学资料 广州市2015年初中毕业生学业考试 英语 本试卷分共五大题,12页,满分135分,考试时间120分钟。 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的考生号、姓名、试室号、座位号,再用2B铅笔把对应这两个标号涂黑。 2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡和对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需要改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。不能答在试卷上。 3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域的相应位置上;如需要改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,改动的答案也不能超出指定的区域;不准使用铅笔、圆珠笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、听力(共两节,满分35分) 第一节听力理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)每段播放两遍。各段后有几个小题,各段播放前每小题有5秒钟的阅读。请根据各段播放内容及其相关小题,在5秒钟内从题中所给的A、B、C项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听下面一段对话,回答第1~3三个小题。 1. Where does the talk take place? A. At school. B. At Kelly’s house. C. At Jason’s house. 2. What is the talk mainly about? A. Ways to improve the environment. B. The school project they were given. C. The reasons Jason wasn’t at school. 3. What do the speakers finally decide to do? A. To clean up the river. B. To do some tree planting. C. To help the school save water. 听下面一段对话,回答第4~6三个小题。 4. Who is listening to the talk? A. Teachers. B. University students. C. New workers. 5. Why does the speaker think that he is very lucky? A. He works for a large company. B. He has a well-paid job. C. He does something he loves. 6. What kind of person does a boss prefer? A. Someone from a famous university.


中考英语倒装句100及答案经典 一、倒装句 1.—Peter has made great progress in English recently. — . He has been studying so hard these days. A. So have he B. So he has C. So he have D. So has he 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——彼得最近在数学反面取得重大进步。——他就是这样,这些天他一直在努力学习。在表示和上述发生相同事情时,用so+助动词+主语。对别人情况加以肯定时常用,so+主语+助动词。根据He has been studying so hard these days.可知是对上述事情的肯定。主语是第三人称单数,助动词用has,故选B。 【点评】此题考查倒装结构。主语部分倒装So+助动词+主语。和So+主语+助动词。两个句式区别。 2.—He's never been late for school. —________________. A. So have I B. So am I C. Neither have I D. Nor am I 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:—他从来没有上学迟到过。—我也没有。So+助动词+主语,表示主语也是;neither+助动词+主语,表示主语也不是这样;根据上文是现在完成时,这里用助动词have。根据题意,故选C。 【点评】考查固定句型neither+谓+主。 3.—My brother and I will go to the library tomorrow. — . Shall we go together? A. So do I B. So I do C. So will I D. So I will 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】“so+助动词(情态动词或连系动词)+另一主语”,此句型是主谓倒装结构,可以表示前面的情况也适用于后者,使用该句型需要注意以几个方面的问题:1.该句型只能用于肯定句,不能用于否定句:如果前句是否定句,则要用“neither /nor +助动词+主语”。2.句型中的主语与上文中的主语是不同的两个主语3.句型中助动词,包括连系动词和情态动词的时态要和上句中谓语动词的时态相一致。 句意:我的哥哥和我明天要去图书馆。根据下文,我们一起去吗?可知上文情况同样适用于后者,故用主谓倒装结构,上文是将来时态,选C。 【点评】这几个倒装句的区别比较难。“so+助动词(情态动词或连系动词)+另一主语”,表示前面的情况也适用于后者。So+主语+助动词(情态动词或连系动词)是对上文所说的情况加以肯定。如果上文是否定形式则要将so换成neither。


高考英语专题倒装句知识点真题汇编含答案 一、选择题 1.There _____________. And here ________________ . A.goes the phone; she comes.B.is the phone going; is she C.does the phone go; does she come D.the phone goes; come she 2.When asked about that horrible experience, Sue told me that so ______ in the darkness at that time that she didn't dare to move an inch. A.she was scared B.was she scared C.scared she was D.scared was she 3.Only when he reached the tea-house _________ it was the same place he’d been in last year. A.he realized B.he did realize C.realized he D.did he realize 4.Only when you are peaceful in your heart ____your problem. A.can you find B.you can find C.did you find D.you found 5.speaking of the films made before 1927 as “silent”,the film has never been,in the full sense of the word,silent. A.So accustomed are we to B.As we are so accustomed to C.Accustomed as we are to D.Accustomed as are we to 6.Not until then________that nobody was happier than I was. A.I had realized B.had I realized C.did I realize D.I realized 7.When we Chinese need help in a foreign land, at our back ____ a strong motherland. A.will stand B.stands C.is standing D.stood 8.As is shown in the movie, under no circumstances __________ faith and confidence. A.you should lose B.shouldn’t you have C.should you lose D.you shouldn’t lose 9.Only when he reached the teahouse it was the same place he’d been in last year. A.he realized B.realized he C.had he realized D.did he realize 10.Unlikely ______, what I’m telling you is true. A.as it may sound B.it may sound though C.as may sound it D.may sound it though 11., he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class. A.A quiet student as he may B.Quiet student as he may be C.Be a quiet student as he may D.Quiet as he may be a student 12.Not until I shouted at the top of my voice ______ his head. A.that he turned B.did he turn C.he didn’t turn D.had he turned 13.—How can I live my dreams in a short time? —Be practical. Between you and your dreams ________ a lot of hard work. A.stand B.stands C.is standing D.are standing 14.In the dark forests __________, some large enough to hold several English towns. A.are standing many lakes B.lie many lakes


中考英语试题分析 一、通过对全卷的综合分析,试题特点如下 1、试题内容设计上很贴近教材的目标话题,如听力部分,语言知识运用部分、日常交际及写作,既检查了已学语言目标,又考查了学生灵活运用语言的能力。 2、试题关注了不同层次的学生。如,语言知识运用部分,面向了基础中等的学生,另外,学习技能题使得不同层次的学生能够有不同的发挥,体现了评价的多元性。 3、试卷较全面地考查了学生听、说、读、写的基本技能。通过运用各种题型综合考查学生对语言知识的理解,掌握及运用能力,如语言知识题,在语境中考查学生运用词汇及语法的能力,体现了任务型语言评价的理念。 二.试卷情况及简要分析 1、听力部分应该说听力得分率稍满意一些。听力部分重点考查学生是否能正确理解所听内容。听力失分主要原因是听短文填空这题,不少同学单词不熟练或遗忘,也有部分同学反应能力差,说明我们日常教学中听力训练还不到位。 2. 完型填空:主要考查学生的英语综合技能题型难度稍大,具有较高区分。重在整体理解,对个别单词词意的理解也很关键。 3. 阅读理解:重在篇章理解,注重考察学生的逻辑推理、归纳、表格分析,判断正误,及科普类演绎等各方面的能力,即考查了学生

对文章中心的理解、又考查了对细节的把握。 4. 任务型阅读的设题具有开放性和应用性,既能考查学生的阅读理解能力和语言运用能力,又对今后教学有较好的导向作用,同时考察单词释义,词汇考察,同义句改写,根据短文回答问题等,尤其是(C)任务比较基础,阅读完成文章结构分析,具体运用比较灵活。 5. 交际运用(A)七选五的形式考察学生交际运用能力,理解语境中的交际语言,(B))主要是考察学生对固定词语和句式在语境中的使用,以笔试的形式考察英语的口语交际能力,属于间接型口式 6. 书面表达,考察学生综合运用语言运用能力。 三、今后努力方向 1、加强《课标》学习,改进教学方法。英语教师应进一步学习《新课程标准》,增强新课程理念,改变教学观念,改变一些传统做法,认真钻研教材,弄清教材的编排意图,科学地用好教材,挖掘教材的内在本质,注重知识间的内在联系。 2、加强听说训练,提高听力水平。在日常教学中加强对学生的听力训练,让他们多听英美人士的录音,在课堂上多用英语组织教学,通过听读、听说、听写等多种形式不断刺激听的感官,提高学生的听觉灵敏度。鼓励学生大胆的使用英语,让学生通过体验,实践,讨论,合作,探究等方式,在自然规范的语音,语调的口语语境中进行口语交际,为他们发展交际能力打下基础。 3、加强阅读教学,提高阅读能力。教师要有意识地加强学生阅读能力的训练与培养,要多选用内容健康,时代感、思想性、知识性、


50套初中英语倒装句 一、倒装句 1.Only _________ save his life. A. can the doctor B. the doctor can C. will the doctor D. could the doctor 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:只有医生能挽救他的生命。分析:only的倒装中一定注意他的用法,只有当only+状语(从句)至句首是才倒装这儿很明显是在强调主语doctor所以不用倒装,故选B 【点评】倒装句的用法。 2.—He's never been late for school. —________________. A. So have I B. So am I C. Neither have I D. Nor am I 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:—他从来没有上学迟到过。—我也没有。So+助动词+主语,表示主语也是;neither+助动词+主语,表示主语也不是这样;根据上文是现在完成时,这里用助动词have。根据题意,故选C。 【点评】考查固定句型neither+谓+主。 3.— My mother hardly watches any sports shows. —_________ A. So do mine. B. So does mine. C. Neither do mine. D. Neither does mine. 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:—我妈妈几乎不看任何体育节目。—我的妈妈也不看。当A做的事,B和A做了相同事时,B说“So+助动词/情态动词…+B”;当A没做某事,B也没做,B 可说“Neither/nor+助动词/情态动词…+B”。mine指的是my mother,根据主谓一致原则,可知使用助动词does,结合句意和语境可知选D。 【点评】此题考查倒装结构和情景交际。 4.—Many students won 't take part in the after-school activities today. — .We have so much homework to do! A. So will I B. So do I C. Neither will I D. Neither do I 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:—今天许多学生不愿意参见课外活动。—我也不愿意。我们有那么多作业要做。So+助动词+主语,表示与前面的肯定形式一致,表示也。Neither+助动词+主语,表示与前面的否定形式一致,表示也不。这两种部分倒装结构中的助动词与前一句的助动词一致,根据Many students won 't take part in the after-school activities today.可知此处won't表示否定形式,故用Neither+will+主语,故选C。


倒装句高考考题 1.(陕西17)John opened the door . There _____ he had never seen before. A. a girl did stand B. a girl stood C. did a girl stand D. stood a girl 2. (福建25) For a moment nothing happened. Then _____ all shouting together. A. voices had come B. came voices C. voices would come D. did voices come 3. (海南31) The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only _________, but students became more interested in the lessons. A. saved was teachers’ energy B. was teachers’ energ y saved C. teachers’ energy was saved D. was saved teachers’ energy 4. (山东27)So sudden ________that the enemy had no time to escape. A. did the attack B. the attack did C. was the attack D. the attack was 5. (陕西18) Little ________ about her own safety, though she was in great danger herself. A. did Rose care B. Rose did care C. Rose does care D. does Rose care 6. (四川16)Not until I came home last night ________ to bed. A. Mum did go B. did Mum go


【英语】中考英语试题真题分类汇编形容词含解析 一、初中英语形容词 1. we work at English,the better grades we will get.() A. Harder B. The hardest C. Hardest D. The harder 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】根据we work at English,the better grades we will get,可知我们学习英语越努力,成绩就会越好.句子考查the+比较级,the+比较级,表示越…越…故选D. 2.Wang Wei speaks English as ________ as Yang Lan. They both study English hard. A. good B. well C. better D. best 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:王伟的英语讲的和杨澜的一样好。他们学习英语都努力。可知as…as中间用形容词或副词原级;此处是副词修饰动词speak。good好的,形容词原形;well好地,副词原形,better比较级;best最高级,故选B。 【点评】此题考查形容词原级。注意as...as中间跟形容词或副词原级。 3.—You haven't said a ________ word since last Friday. What's wrong? —Nothing. Just leave me alone. A. simple B. single C. similar D. silent 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——自从上周五你没有说一句话,怎么了?——没事,仅仅让我单独待会。A.简单的;B.单一的;C.相似的;D.沉默的。根据Just leave me alone.仅仅让我单独待会,可知没有说一句话,say a single word,说一句话,故选B。 【点评】考查形容词辨析,注意平时识记其词义,理解句意。 4.To make rivers than before, everybody is supposed to protect them. A. dirty B. dirtier C. clean D. cleaner 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:要使河流比以前更干净,每个人应该去保护它们。根据比较词than,可知此处用比较级结构,根据 everybody is supposed to protect them,可知是为了河流更干净,故选D。 【点评】此题考查形容词比较级。根据上下文的联系确定所使用的形容词。 5.The flying squirrel might be one of __________ animals you could meet during the trip. A. strange B. stranger C. strangest D. the strangest 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:这会飞的松鼠可能是你在旅程中能遇到的最奇怪的一个动物。one
