

Lesson 1 Napoleon

Today, I’m going to talk to you about one of the most important historical figures in European history: Napoleon Bonaparte. Let ’s start by talking about his early life. Napoleon was born in 1769 on the island of Corsica. When he was only 10 years old, his father sent him to military school in France. Napoleon was not a very good student in most of his classes, but he excelled in mathematics and military science. When he was 16 years old,he joined the French army. In that year 1785,he began the military career that would bring him fame ,power,riches and finally defeat. Napoleon became a general in the French army at the young age of 24. Napoleon had many victories on the battlefield but he also became involved in French law and politics. And in 1804, at the age of 35,he became the first emperor of the France.

Napoleon was many things. He was, first of all, a brilliant military leader. His soldiers were ready to die for him. As a result, N.won many military victories. At one time he controlled most of Europe, but some countries, including England, Russia, and Austria fought fiercely against him. His defeat —“his end”came when he decided to attack Russia. In

this military campaign against Russia, he lost most of his army.

The great French conqueror died alone – deserted by his family and friends in 1821. Napoleon was only 51 years old when he died.

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Lesson 2 Pompeii

The lecture for this class is about the city of Pompeii. A natural disaster occurred there almost 2000 years ago.

Today many rich people who live in large metropolitan areas such as Beijing, Paris and New York leave the city in the summer. They go to the mountains or to the seashore to escape the city noise and heat.

2,000 years ago, wealthy Romans did the same thing.They left the city of Rome in the summer. Many of these wealthy Romans spent their summers in the city of Pompeii, a beautiful city, located on the Bay of Naples.

In the summer of the year 79 C.E., a young Roman boy who later became a very famous Roman historian was visiting his uncle in P..

The boy’s name was Pliny the Younger. One day Pliny was looking up at the sky. He saw a frightening sight. It was a very large dark cloud. This black cloud rose high into the sky. What Pliny saw was the eruption of the volcano called Mount Vesuvius.Rock and ash flew through the air. The city of P . was at the foot of Mt. V.. When the volcano first erupted, many people were able to get out of the city and to escape death. In fact, 18,000 people escaped the terrible disaster. Unfortunately, there was not enough time for everyone to escape. More than 2,000 people died. These unlucky people were buried alive under the volcanic ash.The eruption lasted for about 3 days. When the eruption was over, P . was buried under 20 feet of volcanic rock and ash. The city of P . was forgotten for almost 1,700 years.

In the year of 1748 an Italian farmer was digging on his farm. As he was digging, he uncovered a part of a wall of the ancient city of P.. Soon archaeologists began to dig in the area. As time went by, much of the ancient city of P. was uncovered. Today tourists come from all over the world to see the ruins of the famous city of Pompeii.



Lesson 4 Roller Coaster

Let's talk about the physics involved in a ride on a roller coaster. I'm sure many of you have taken a ride on a roller coaster. A simple roller coaster consists of a frame with a track on it. The track is very much like a train track, this track goes over a series of hills and around curves. It follows a path that ends at the same place it started. A train of cars travels around on this track, very fast. The cars have two sets of wheels. One set of wheels rolls on top of the track, and the others set of wheels rolls below the track. The wheels below the track keep the fast moving cars from coming off the track, roller coaster cars as you probably know don't have any motors or engines. Instead, a chain pulls the cars up the first, tallest and steepy staff hill, this is how the ride begins. Then, at the top of the hill the chain comes off the cars and gravity takes over. gravity pushes the cars down the other side of the hill. the taller and steeper the first hill is, the faster the ride will be. And the farther the cars will travel. as the cars rolled downhill they gained speed. the cars have enough speed and energy to send them up the next hill. as the cars near the top of the second hill they begin to

slow down. but then, the cars reached the top of that hill, and start down the other side. gravity again pushes them toward the ground. this process repeats on each hale. Okay, so let's go over this process again. first, the cars are pulled by a chain up the first highest hill. then they go down a very steep slope, at this point, there is enough energy to pull the cars up and over the next hill. when they reached the bottom of that hill, there is enough energy to climb the next hill, the roller coaster cars lose energy as the ride continues. so, the hills have to be smaller toward the end of the track, finally we roll to a stop on ground level right where we began.

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Lesson 5 Language: How Children Acquire Theirs

What I’d lie to talk to you about today is the topic of child language development. I know that you all are trying to develop a second language, but for a moment, let’s think about a related topic, and that is: How children develop their first language. What do we know about how babies develop their language and communication ability? Well, we know babies are able to

communicate as soon as they are born,even before they learn to speak their first language. At first, they communicate by crying. This crying lets their parents know when they are hungry, or unhappy, or uncomfortable. However, they soon begin the process of acquiring their language. The first state of language acquisition begins just a few weeks after birth. At this stage, babies start to make cooing noises when they are happy. Then, around four months of age they begin to babble. Babies all over the world begin to babble around the same age, and they all begin to make the same kinds of babbling noises. Now, by the time they are ten months old, however, the babbling of babies from different language backgrounds sounds different. For example, the babbling of a baby in a Chinese-speaking home sounds different from the babbling of a baby in an English-speaking home. Babies begin a new stage of language development when they begin to speak their first words. At first, they invent their own words for things. For example, a baby in an English-speaking home may say ―baba‖for the word ―bottle‖or ―kiki‖for ―cat.‖In the next few months, babies will acquire a lot of words. These words are usually the names of things that are in the baby’s environment, words for food or toys, for example. They will begin to use these words to communicate with others. For example, if a

baby holds up an empty juice bottle and then says ―juice,‖to his father, the baby seems to be saying, ―I want more juice, Daddy‖or ―May I have more juice, Daddy?‖This word ―juice‖is really a one-word sentence.

Now, the next stage of language acquisition begins around the age of 18 months, when the babies begin to say two-word sentences. They begin to use a kind of grammar to put these words together. The speech they produce is called ―telegraphic‖speech because the babies omit all but the most essential words. An English-speaking child might say something like ―Daddy, up‖which actually could mean ―Daddy, pick me up, please.‖Then, between two and three years of age, young children begin to learn more and more grammar. For example, they begin to use the past tense of verbs. The children begin to say things such as ―I walked home‖and ―I kissed Mommy.‖They also begin to overgeneralize this new grammar rule and make a log of grammar mistakes. For example, children often say such thins as ―I goed to bed‖instead of ―I went to bed,‖or ―I eated ice cream‖instead of ―I ate ice cream.‖In other words, the children have learned the past tense rule for regular verbs such as ―walk‖and ―kiss,‖but they haven’t learned


新标准大学英语视听说 教程听力原文U n i t+ Document number【AA80KGB-AA98YT-AAT8CB-2A6UT-A18GG】

Unit 1-Conversation 1**(1)Janet: So this is the Cherwell Boathouse — it's lovely! And look at those people punting! It looks quite easy. Mark: I'm not so sure about that! Janet, there's something Kate and I wanted to discuss with you. Some people in college are organizing charity events this term. We've decided to get involved. Janet: Raising money for charity Right. In China, people raise money for charity but students don't usually do that. Mark: Students often do that here. Anyway, we're thinking of doing sponsored punting. Janet: Sponsored punting! What's that Kate: Sponsoring is when people pay you to do something — like run a long distance. So people would be sponsoring students to punt. Janet: What a great idea! I'd love to join you! Mark: That's why we're telling you about it. So that's decided then. Let's make a list of things we need to do. Kate: I'll do that. One of the first things we should do is choose the charity. Mark: Yes. And choose a day for the event. And we need to design the sponsorship form. I've got one here. Kate: That looks fine, but we must change the wording. Who wants to do that Mark: I'll do that. What have we got so far Kate: Choose a charity. Also a day for the event. Change the wording on the sponsorship form... Um ...


新视野大学英语视听说教程三――听力原文及答案新视野大学英语视听说教程第三册 听力练习录音文本和答案 完整版 Uint1 II. Basic Listening Practice 1. Script W: Ok. It‘s your turn to pay the bill. I paid last time. M: What? You have a selective memory. You tried to pay last turn, but your credit card fail ed; so I ended up paying! It‘s definitely your turn. Q: What is true according to the conversation? 2. Script M: I‘m having real trouble reviewing for this French exam. I just can‘t memorize all the vocabulary. W: Me too. I hate having to learn things by heart. I guess we just have to keep reading the texts over and over. Q: What does the woman prefer? 3. Script W: Oh look! There‘s that guy we saw last week, playing football in the park! He

looked great in his kit, remember? M: Him? I don‘t remember him. I‘ve got a terrible memory for faces. I have a hard time even recording people I‘ve been introduced to. Q: According to the conversation, what is the man‘s problem? 4. Script M: Why is there a big sign on the back of your door that says ―keys‖? W: It‘s to remind me to take my keys when I go out because I‘m always locking myself out by accident! It doesn‘t help enough. Now I just forget to read the sign. Q: Why is there a sign on the back of the door? 5. Script M: That history exam was really hard. The essay question was terrible! W: I know, I wish I were like David. He has a photographic memory, you know. How useful that would be! Q: What is true of David? Keys: 1.C 2.D 3. A 4.B 5.C III. Listening In Script M: Tell me your secret. You‘re suddenly getting excellent marks in every subject, and


Unit 6-Conversation 1 Janet: What are you reading, Kate Kate:Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. Do you know it Janet: I've heard of it, yes, but I've never read it. It's a 19th century children's story, isn't it K a te: That's right. It's very famous. It's set in Oxford. It starts with this young girl sitting on a river bank. The interesting thing is, the author, Lewis Carroll, he was an Oxford professor and he used to have tea with the girl's family on this river bank. Ja net: Oh, that's fascinating! I'll put it into my diary. Kate: Is that what you're writing I know you've been keeping a diary all the year. Janet: It's been a great year. I've had such a good time — so lucky to have Mark and Kate as friends. Feel I've been doing well with work. Much happier about asking questions in tutorials. Janet: My screen's gone dark. Mark: You're using the battery, remember. It's run out, obviously. Janet: It can't be the battery. It's still charged. Oh no it's still black. Oh dear, I hope it's nothing serious. I haven't backed anything up recently. Kate: That's not like you, Janet. Janet:I know, but I lost my memory stick. I really should have backed things up. How stupid of me not to do that! Supposing I've lost everything! Mark: Let me take a look. The power is still on. And also the operating system still seems to be working ... I think it has to be the graphics card ... But maybe that's not the problem ... Janet: If only I'd backed things up! Kate: Relax, Janet! We'll take it to the computer shop this afternoon. I'm sure it'll be OK. Janet: I hope so. Unit 6-Conversation 2 Janet: Tell me about Alice in Wonderland. Kate: I tell you what, I'll read it to you. Kate: Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank and having nothing to do: Once or twice, she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, "and what is the use of a book," thought Alice, "without pictures or conversation" So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid) ... Janet: Kate, Mark, where are you going You've got my laptop! Kate: It's all right, Janet, we're taking it to the computer shop. We'll be back soon. Mark: It's not like Janet to forget to back up her work. Kate: She should have been more careful. Janet: It was stupid of me, I know! Stupid, stupid! Janet: Oh! It was a dream! What a relief! Kate: You were talking in your sleep. Janet: What was I saying Kate: "Stupid, stupid." M ark: I've sorted out your computer. Janet: Have you Oh, thank goodness! What was the problem Mark:It was the graphics card, as I predicted ... Janet: Is that what it was! I'm so relieved! Thanks, Mark. Kate: He's great, isn't he Janet: Yes. So are you, Kate. Kate: You're such a good friend. Unit 6-Outside view Computers are a very important part of our lives. They tell us about delays to transport. They drive trains, analyze evidence and control buildings. Did you know that 60 per cent of homes in Britain have got a PC (a personal computer) For many young people, playing computer games is their favorite way of spending spare time. Computers are a very important part of most areas of life in Britain-libraries, the police and in school. But they are becoming more important in our homes as well. They’ll even control the way we live-in “smart homes” or computer-controlled houses. The smart home is now a real possibility. It will become very common. A central computer will adjust the temperature, act as a burglar alarm and switch on lights, ready for you to come back home. And of course you will be able to give new instructions to the computer from your mobile phone. So if your plans change, your home will react to match. Many homes have got lots of televisions and several computers. The smart home will provide TV and Internet sockets in every room, so you’ll be able to do what you want whenever you want. If the temperature outside changes, the smart home will adjust the temperature levels inside. The computer will also close the blinds when it gets dark or to stop so much sun from entering a room. And if you want to eat when you get home, the computer will turn the oven on for you! Are computers taking over our lives In a survey, 44 per cent of young people between 11 and 16 said their PC was a trusted friend. Twenty per cent said they were happier at their computer than spending time with family or friends. Another survey found that people in Britain spend so much time on the phone, texting and reading emails that they no longer have time for conversation. What do you think about that Unit 6-Listening in


Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. A: How are you getting along, Julie B: After the vacation Much refreshed. A.It is interesting. B.It is tiring. C.It is exciting. D.It is refreshing. A: Why are you so cheerful while I'm so stressed all day B: Well, you should work off your stress. A.work not so hard B.work on easier problems C.eat healthy D.get rid of her stress I see you laughing all the time. B: Oh Eric. I'm ... reading a comic book. A: Comic book I didn't know you are interested in it. B: Well, it's a recent interest. When I was low in spirit three months ago, a friend gave me a comic book to read. And I became instantly addicted to such books. You know ... the pictures are so funny ... now I feel much better. A: I didn't know that. No wonder you are always in good spirits these days. B: Yes, and maybe you should read them, too, Eric. A: I ... I don't know. I'm just too busy with my thesis. It's for my master's degree and time is running out ... Ah, pretty much stress on me. B: Now you see Eric That's why you need to give yourself a break to read something amusing. It helps, I promise. A: Really Can reading comic books reduce your stress B: Of course. I'm a living example. Actually I'm having stress too ... you know, the tests, the job, things like that. But when reading the fun stuff, I just forgot all my worries. Later I find myself more powerful to deal with the issues in my life. A: That sounds magical. I'd like to try. Er ... what are you reading now B: Garfields, the cat. It's good. There's another one and you can borrow it. A: Oh, thank you, Penny. You're very helpful. Questions 3 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard. months ago, a friend gave Penny _____ when she was in low spirits. (岭师分享群4发布) A.a flower B.a comic book C.a comic DVD



Unit 3 II. Basic Listening Practice 1.Script W: Chinese students are often too shy to say anything in class. M: I think they don’t speak because their culture values modesty,and they don’t want to be showing off. Goes back to Confucius. Q: Why don’t Chinese students say in class according to the man? C) They are modest. W:中国学生往往羞于说话在课上。 M:我想他们不说话是因为他们的文化价值观的谦虚,他们不想炫耀。回归到孔子。 问:为什么没有中国学生在课堂上说话? C)他们是温和的。 2.Script W: The government is doing something at last about sex discrimination in the work place. Women deserve the same pay as men for the same work. M: Yeah. In the United States, women earn only 70 percent of what men get for the same job. It’s a situation that has to be changed. Q: What does the man say about the women? A) They earn less than men. W:政府现在在做的事情,工作场所的性别歧视。女人的付出男人一样。 M:是的。在美国,同样的工作妇女的工资只有男性的百分之70。这一情况已经有所改变。 问:什么人说的女人? 一)他们的收入比男性少。 3. Script W: I admire Michael Dell. He had a dream to be the world’s largest manufacture of personal computers, and he has realized that dream. M: And he dropped out of university to become a success. I wonder if there is a lesson in that. Q: What do we learn about Michael Dell from the dialog? D) He succeeded in his career though he did not complete his education.


Unit One Tr a ck 4-1-O L-l A. Jay and Elise are talking about an accident. Listen and check the correct picture. Jay: Come in here, Elise. You should see this show! Elise: What is it? Jay: It's called "The Titanic of the Sky." It's about the Hindenburg, a great engineering feat. Elise: The Hindenburg ... Jay: You know, that giant zeppelin that crashed in 1934. Thirty-five people died. Elise: Oh yeah, I remember now. It was flying from Germany to the United States. It crashed as it was landing. Jay: Right. It's so funny looking, don't you think? It doesn't look anything like the airplanes as have today. Elise: That's true. Why would people ride in a zeppelin anyway? It seems so dangerous. Jay: Well, some people called the Hindenburg "man's greatest achievement in flight." They thought it was safe, I guess. Elise: Who rode in it anyway? Jay: Mostly wealthy people. It accommodated between 30 and 40 passengers and crew. One person said it was like a "flying hotel." Eise: It sounds pretty great. Jay: Yeah, and it was fast. That's why people rode it. They wanted to get to their destination faster. Elise: Why didn't they just take a jet plane? Jay: Elise! You know they didn't have jets back then. Look, in 1934 it took five days to travel from Germany to the U.S. by ship. The zeppelin could do it in half that time. It was speedy. Elise: Well, maybe I'll sit down and watch a little bit. Maybe I'll learn something ... Tr a ck 4-1-O L-2 B. Listen again. How was the zeppelin described? Check your answers. Track 4-1-OL-3 A. Listen to the conversation and check the correct picture. Jack: I think we should buy a bigger car. Big cars are safer. Kayla: Yes, but on the other hand, they consume more oil. Jack: They also look really cool. Kayla: That's true, but there are some SUVs which are not big but also very beautiful. Jack: And 1 think big cars are more fun to drive. Kayla: But then again, it's very expensive. Jack: Well, let's get more information about several kinds of cars, okay? T r a c k4-1-O L-4 Listen to another person talking about famous buildings in his country and fill in the blanks with information you hear. My country has two very famous buildings called the Petronas Towers. The buildings are made of glass, steel, and concrete. They were designed by an American architect, but he used a Malaysian style. They were finished in 1998, and they were the tallest buildings in the world at that time. Each tower has 88 floors, and is 452 meters high. I really like the Petronas Towers. They show both the modern and the traditional side of my country. T r a c k4-1-O L-5 A. Listen to a talk on controversies about modern buildings. Then fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. Modern buildings: We love them, We hate them The world-famous Louvre Museum in Paris is almost 500 years old, and it faced a very modern problem: There simply wasn't enough space for six million visitors each year. In 1989, American architect I.M. Pei designed a striking glass pyramid in the building's center to be a visitor entrance and shopping arcade. But he also started an angry debate. Some people felt his glass building was a piece of art, like the ones inside the museum. Others said it was just an ugly, modern mistake. Kyoto, Japan, is the country's ancient capital, and the heart of its culture. Its railroad station was too small for the millions of visitors. In 1997, the city completed a new station in a huge shopping center, right in the oldest part of the city. Designed by Hiroshi Hara, the building also contains a hotel and department store. Before it was built, critics said that the high, wide, modern building would destroy the city's traditional look. On the other hand, supporters said it would bring new life into the city center. Track 4-1-OL-6

新世纪大学英语视听说2 Unit1 答案

新世纪大学英语视听说教程2的optional listening 原文及答案免费下载 Unit One, Book 2 Listening 1 Boy: Hey, Grandma, what's in this box? Grandma: Oh, nothing really…Just a few old keepsakes. B: Keepsakes? G: Young man, you know what a keepsake is ! B: No, I don't. I really don't. G: Well, it's something you keep. It's something that gives you a lot of memories. B: Oh. What's this? G: Now don't go just digging around in there! ... Hmmm, let's see…. that's my first diary. B: Can I….? G: No, you can't read it! It's personal! I wrote about my first boyfriend in there. He became your grandfather! B: Oh, ok…. Well then, what's that? It has your picture in it. G: That's my passport. YOU can see, I traveled to Europe by ship. B: What's that big book? G: My yearbook. It's my high school book of memories. B: Class of 1961! Boy, that's old! G: That's about enough out of you, young man. I think it's time we put this box away and… Listening 2 At the age of thirteen, I took my first trip alone. I went to visit my grandparents in Los Angeles. I felt very nervous about traveling so far, but my mother said, “Don't worry. You'll be fine.”I got on the airplane and talked for a long time to a very nice woman who sat next to me. My grandparents met me at the airport and took me to their home. I

新标准大学英语 视听说教程3 (听力原文及翻译)

Unit 1 Inside View Conversation 1 Janet: Hi, it’s me again, Janet Li. I’m still a student at the University of Oxford in England. But I’m not in Oxford right now. And I haven’t gone back home to China either. It’s the long vacation now, and believe it or not, it’s the middle of summer. I’m spending my summer in one of the world’s greatest cities. I’m in London, home to the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Tower Bridge…and the double-decker bus. I want to find out what it’s like to live in this busy, lively city. So I’m working for London Time Off, a website about what’s on in London. This is Joe…, he’s my boss, and this is Andy, who is a reporter. And what’s my job? Well, I don’t know yet, because it’s my first day. But I’m meant to be shadowing Andy, oh, what I mean is, I’m going to be helping him. So can you tell me something about London, Andy? Andy: It’s the greatest city in the world. . Joe: Except for New York! Andy: New York? Don’t make me laugh! Joe: And your point is…? Andy: Look, if you want my opinion, London is greater than New York… Joe: No, I don’t want your opinion, thank you very much. It’s a fact. Andy: A fact! Are you serious? \Janet: And here we are in London, probably the greatest city in the world. Andy: What? Probably? Excuse me, I prefer to deal with this myself… Joe: Ah, dream on, Andy……… 珍妮特:嗨,又是我,珍妮特.李。我目前还是一位英国牛津大学的学生,但我现在不在牛津,也还没有回中国的家。现在在放长假,而且不管你信不信,现在是夏天的中期。 我现在正在世界上最棒的城市之一里度过我的夏天。我在伦敦,它是英国国会大厦、 大本钟、塔桥…和双层巴士的故乡。我想知道住在如此热闹和生气勃勃的城市里是 什么感觉。所以,我现在在为伦敦下班网效劳。它是一个报道伦敦时事的网站。这 是乔,他是我的老板,而他是安迪,一位记者。我的工作是什么呢?这个我也不知 道,因为今天是我的第一天,但我会注定跟随着安迪。喔,我的意思是,我将会协 助他。那么安迪,你能告诉我一些关于伦敦的事情吗? 安 迪: 伦敦是世界上最棒的城市。 乔 : 除了纽约以外! 安迪:纽约?别逗我笑了! 乔:那你的观点是… ? 安迪:注意,如果你真的需要我的观点,伦敦确实比纽约棒… 乔:不,我不需要你的观点,非常感谢!这是事实! 安迪:事实!你是当真的吗? 珍妮特:我们现在在伦敦,或许是世界上最棒的城市。 安迪:什么?或许?对不起,我宁可自己处理这个… 乔:啊,安迪,继续做你的美梦吧... Conversation 2


新交互视听说Book 4听力原文 Unit 1 The Straight Story Video1 Talia: It's all so incredible, Mom. I?m working on a story about one of the national soccer players, Nick Crawford…. No, that's the thing. He knows that one of his teammates has framed him. And I believe he's innocent. [ Knock on door ] Talia: Look, Mom, I have to go. I?II call you tomorrow, OK? Bye. Yes, yes, me, too. Bye. Nick: Hi.I came as soon as I could.What?s up? Talia: I?ve been thinking about this all day…. Now tell me, again:When and how did you meet this Jackie Baker woman? Nick: I?ve already told you.She came up to me at the juice bar.We set up a meeting.Talia: Right.At her office.Except you never went up to her office. Nick: Right, so she meets me in the lobby, we shake hands, and she takes me to lunch.Talia: Yes, to a little place around the corner, as I recaII. Nick: Right. And then she asks me to endorse a new pair of shoes. Talia: Yeah. You told me they?re called Kicks. Nick: Right. And she explains that I, II have to wear the shoes when I play. And the company will use my name in the ads. Talia: OK. Can you think of anything else? Nick: Well, we did talk about an idea for a Kicks commercial. Talia: A commercial? What commercial? Nick: I told you about that, didn?t l? They wanted me to be in a commercial. Video2 Talia: Hang on a second. You never said anything about a commercial. I wanna hear mo re about this. Don?t leave out any details. This could be important. Nick: OK. So, over lunch she describes the deal… Jackie: So, you?ll wear our shoes when you play. And we?ll use your name in ads. Do that and fifty thousand dollars is yours. Nick: Sounds good. And this will be sometime next year? Jackie: Uh, yeah, that?s right. We can work out the details later for this, but we?ll probably want you to appear in a commercial. Nick: Cool! Jackie: In fact. I'm working on an idea for a commercial right now. Do you wanna hear about it? Nick: Sure. Jackie: OK. Picture this. You?re sitting in a park. On a bench. It?s a beautiful spring day.
