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AST Refrigerati on and Solar Tech no logy (Beiji ng) Co., Ltd



In order to sta ndardize the behavior and p rotect the legitimate in terests for both p arties, based on volun tary, equality, fair ness, hon esty and credit princip les, Part A and Part B sig n this agreeme nt accordi ng to the releva nt laws and regulati ons of P.R.C..


Article 1 Co-op erati on P hilos ophy

甲、乙双方本着互利互惠、共同经营、共同发展的原则,共同投资建设和经营“真冰溜冰场”项目。Base on the princip les of mutual ben efit and reci procity, co-op erati on and co-devel opment, Party A and Party B co-i nvest, con struct and run the p rojectThe Shen gya ng Tiexi Lon gzhime ng Real Ice Rink'.


Article 2 Summary to the Co-op erati on P roject


P roject Name: The Real Ice Rink Project (here in after referred to asProject” or This P roject”).


P arty A and P arty B are willi ng to take the coop erative op eratio n model on This Project which they co-i nv est, con struct and run the bus in ess.




The total in vest sum of the P roject isRMB (RMB ) after checked by both parties, including the main part of the ice rink which is 1,000 m with the investment of RMB


The Desig n Sta ndard of Ice Rink: the real ice rink achiev ing intern ati onal and top level in the Provin ce.


Article 3 Co-op eratio n Term


Co-op erati on Term: It lasts 25 years from the opening date of the ice rink in This P roject, and the both p arties can renew it after expi ratio n.


Article 4 Ways of Inv estme nt and Rights & In terest of Inv estors



Party A and Party B sep arately inv est 50% of the total in vestme nt sum of the main part of the ice rink, that is, co-i nv est RMB to con struct a real ice rink which achieves at the intern ati on al level and top level in Sha ndong Provin ce.


Ways of In vestme nt: Party A in vests RMBin cash, while Party B in vests RMB in ways of the equipments and the con struct ion of the ice rink system.


In view of the matched light ings and the equipments" service area as well as the decoratio n fee RMB in total which n eed to desig n solely accord ing to the style of The Shen gya ng Tiexi Lon gzhime ng sho pping mall, this matchi ng

inv estme nt is in vested by Party A.


期为2年,保修期外,该冰车在合作期间的维修费用计入双方组建的“联合管理办公室”的营业运营成本。The worki ng life of the Ice Treatme nt Mach ine is 50 years and it bel ongs to Party A Ion g-term fixed asset, so

this matchi ng inv estme nt of RMBis also inv ested by Party A.

The warra nty is 2 years. The maintenance fee of the Ice Treatme nt Mach ine will be calculated in operation cost of fce Rink Joint Management Office of Longzhimeng EuroJoy” after warra nty exp ires.


Party A and Party B have the 50% of rights and interests of This Project separately. And both sides share the p rofits p roduced by This P roject accord ing to their 50% of rights and in terests.


Article 5 Sp ecial Appoin tme nt


Party A and Party B agree that, After the allocati on of above out put to Party A in p riority, both sides share the p
