1文 化和 翻 译 . 根 据 社 会 语 言 学 家 G o e o g 的观 点 , 化 是 “ odn uh 文 由人 们 为 了使 自己 的活 动 方 式 被 社 会 的 其 他 成 员 所 接 受 ,所 必 须 知 晓 和相 信 的一 切 组 成 。 作 为 人 们 不 得 不 学 习 的 一 种 有 别 于生 物 遗 传 的 东西 .文 化 必 须 由学 习 的终 端 产 品— — 知 识 — — 就 这 术语最宽泛的意义来说一组成” 。语 言 是 文 化 的 组 成 部 分 , 是 载 体 , 担着 传 递 文化 的重 任 。语 言 和 文 化 互 相 依 存 , 可 承 不 分 割 . 了其 中任 何 一 个 , 一 个都 会 失 去 意 义 。 翻译 和文 化 缺 另 密 切 相 连 , 达 曾说 过 , 翻译 就 是 交 际 ” 奈 “ 。翻 译 是 两 种 语 言 沟 通 的 中介 与 桥 梁 ,不 但 要 跨 越 语 言 的 障 碍 而 且 要 逾 越 文 化 的 鸿沟 。 翻译 已不 再 仅 仅 被 看 作 是语 言符 码 的转 换 , 而是 一种 文 化 符 码 的转 换 。 2菜 谱 翻 译 的 跨 文 化 意 识 .
中 式 菜 谱 翻 译 中 的 跨 文 化 意 识
会 的文化 交 流 中 , 饮食 文 化扮 演 着越 来越 重 要 的角 色 。在饮 食 文化 的交 流 传递 过程 中 , 菜名 起着 重要 的
介质 作用 , 是其 文 化 内涵首 要 的 和集 中 的外在 反 映 。 由于各 个 民族饮 食 和文 化上 的差 异 , 它 能否 真正 表
达出菜品所蕴含的文化内涵 , 菜名的翻译是否“ 准确” 典雅” 而“ 等就成了交流的关键 。严复先生在《 天 演论 》 例 中鲜 明地 提 出 了“ 、 、 ” 译 信 达 雅 的翻 译原 则 和 标 准 。这 在 客 观 上成 为 了译 事 “ 难 ” 也 是 主 观 三 , 上 在翻译 时追求 的最 高 境界 。毫无 疑义 , 翻译 中式 菜名 时 自然 应遵 循 这一 原则 。但 是 , 中式 菜名 的 翻译 又有 其特 殊性 , 方 面要 充分 展 示 中式 菜名 的 文化 内涵 , “ ” “ ” 一 在 信 和 达 的基 础 上 , 文 嚼字 、 量 使 译 咬 尽
上 的美 味佳 肴 。加 之 中 国菜 肴 色香 味形 俱 佳 , 烹饪 艺 术 高超 , 之 名 扬 四海 , 其 中菜 名 所 起 的作 用 不 使 这 可小 觑 。 中式菜 名 作为 中国饮 食文 化 的重 要载 体 , 是多 姿 多彩 的 , 命 名方 式 独特 而又 讲究 。既 能完 也 其
要 :一 个 民族 的饮 食 文化 , 中体 现 着 这 个 民族 的 历 史 文 化 特 点 。 在 饮 食 文 化 的 交 流 传 递 过 程 中 , 名 集 莱
则 是 其 重要 的 外 在 反 映 。 中式 菜 名 既 蕴 含 着深 刻 的 历 史 文化 内 涵 , 充 满 着 浪 漫 的 民俗 情 趣 与 地 方 风 情 , 又 其 命 名 既 有 现 实 主 义 的 写 实手 法 , 有 浪 漫 主 义 的 写 意 笔 调 , 不 仅 让 莱 肴 充 满 魅 力 而令 人 遐 想 , 为 跨 文化 交 又 这 也 际提 供 了 平 台 。 因 此 , 对 中式 菜 名 进 行 翻 译 时 , 仅 要 注 意 区分 交 际 的 对 象 和 场 合 , 且 要 顾 及 到 不 同 文化 在 不 而
有些菜名体现菜的原料与烹饪方法,有的包含着文化内涵, 比如创始人、发源地等,反映出国人的风俗习惯、价值观念以及思维方式,以激发品尝者的食欲和对中国饮食文化的探求欲。
数字在汉文化中占有重要的地位,有着丰富 的文化内涵。
数词“三”自古就代表生发、吉祥之意,老子的《道德经》中 生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物”,认宇宙乾坤是由三维构成, 化中,有“五行”之说,“五”被赋予无所不包之意,因而成为人民崇拜的数字。
数词“八”是“二”和“四”的倍数, 是成双 成对的偶数,“八”和“发”谐音,有发财之意,因而人们也常 将数字“八”用到菜肴的命名当中。
命名时一般将鱼、虾等原料称为“龙”, 鸡鸭等食品原料称为“凤”,“芙蓉”指蛋清,“翡翠”指青菜。
比如“龙凤呈祥”这道广东菜是以凤爪和虾球为原料,在古人的 心中,龙是充满神奇力量的吉祥物,它可上天入地、兴风降雨,中国人把龙看作是中华民族品格与精神的象征。
跟着中国国际影响力的不停加强, 作为西部大开发的前沿阵地和中国第9 个国家中心城市 , 西安正以其悠长的历史文化吸引着愈来愈多的国际友人前来观光
此中 , 陕西美食作为对外文化宣传的一个窗口在跨文化社交中饰演者越来
但是 , 西安涉外星级酒店的英文菜谱质量错落不齐, 必定程度上会造
成对中国饮食文化的误读, 阻挡对外文化宣传。
基于此 , 本文以西安几家涉外星级酒店的英文菜谱为参照, 以典型的菜名误
译为切入点 , 依据中西方的饮食文化差别, 联合我国有关政府部门公布的英文菜
名译本 , 对现有的陕西菜名翻译文本进行概括整理, 发现问题 , 提出改良举措 , 进
研究表示,菜谱翻译是一种跨文化社交, 它不仅波及两种语言之间的变换, 更波及两种文化之间的沟通。
翻译无定法 , 菜名的翻译一定依据翻译的内容、目的、以及译文的接受者而定, 菜名英译不单要正确传
达菜肴的信息 , 展现中华饮食文化 , 还要切合英语烹调语言规范, 尊敬西方人的饮
第 二卷
菜名翻译是 一场文化公关
周愈 璋
( 武汉 交通职 业 学院
【 摘 要】 本文对中西方饮食 文化 差异 的由来给 与 了
湖北武 汉
406 ) 30 1
为迎 接 2 0 0 8年 奥运 会 , 京出 台了< 北 北京市 餐饮 业英 文
的讨论稿 , 旨在统一规范 饭店 莱名的英译。 中餐菜谱 唯 物 主 义 的分 析 , 结合 中华 文化 的传 播 和 西方 友 人 对 英 译 法标准 > 的翻 译 可采 取 如 下 方 法 : 译 中国菜式的认 知程度提 出了翻译方法上的建议 。 1以主 料开 头 的菜 名 . 【 关键词 】 中菜英译 ; 饮食 文化 差异 ; 翻译原则 可 以采用直译法 , 中间加 连词 a d或 以原 料为 中心词 , n 加
上用 介词 wi t i h或 n与作料 构成的短语 即 ( 转 第 1 8页 ) 下 1
以中国传统 文化符号 “ 印章 ” 为标 作 ( 接 第 1 6页 ) 上 1 的具体 法则 , 也是现 代设计者 在造物 中创造 京始刨 国际企划公司设计 。 美的“ 门经” 因为它给 设计 者指出 了科学 的营造 方法。 指 。 例如 , “ 和” 调 在造 物中主要表现在 “ 齐划 ~” “ 整 、 多样统 一” 的前提 下 使 之达到手 法齐一 , 形线共调 , 色彩谐 和等。 日本的“ 如 松下 ” 电 话机, 其超 薄优雅 的细 部处理 , 以圆统 一造 型 , 产生 了调 和 的 美。 国克瑞奥拉牌彩 色笔的广告摄影 , 用以大观小的手法 , 美 采 以多数垂直个 别倾斜 排列的笔 , 形成 强烈的视觉; 击力。 中 造 物 中的美学 , 是研 究造物领域 中有关审美形态和 审美经 验 的规律原则与应用 的科学 , 是美学 的分支 。通常被称 为设计 美学、 技术美学 、 生产 美学、 工业美学等 。美学功价值 与造 物所 选用 的材 料有关 , 要尽量 发挥材 料 自然 的特征 美 , 使形 、 色达 到 自然完 美的配合。美学价值还 与物品的造 型关 系密切 , 美的 如 形态 创造 , 、 、 体 的巧妙 运用 , 态间 的调和 、 比、 点 线 面、 形 对 均 衡、 节奏 的体现等。 图 一2) ( 同时应考 虑造 型更符合现代化 的加 工工艺 , 避免繁琐 的形态 , 应 力求造 型洗练。 对设计物 的装饰 尤 其要谨 慎 , 装饰 要突 出重点 , 要简洁 , 装饰不 可掩盖材 质美 , 装 饰的色彩 也应 该体现设计作品 的精 神。 设 计 物 的 审 美 价 值 和 实 用 价 值 是 有 机 的 联 系在 一 起 的 , 它 尤其能诱导 人们 的注 意力。 同时, 设计 的竞争也离 不开美学价 值, 主要体现 在同类、 同质的造物之 中。 造物艺术 的中心环节是艺术。在 艺术质的造物 中 , 艺术 因 素是一种本质 的要素 , 它的存在 实际上将 使这种造 物更具文化 的意 义和深刻性 , 志主体 图案的表现形式 , 主体 图案基准颜 色选择中国 的代表性 颜 色红 色 , 达和代表 了中国文化喜庆 、 传 热烈的气氛。 字“ ” 汉 京 经 过艺术手 法夸张 变形、 巧妙 地幻化成一 个向前奔 跑、 舞动着 迎接胜利 的运动人形。该设计是 中国特点 、 京特点与奥林 匹 北 克 运 动 元素 的 巧 妙 结 合 。 由某设计物 品所体 现出某种特 定地位与特 定人群使 用 的 功效 , 则称 为地位 象征 ; 而 对某 些使用者 具有 特殊 意 义 的设 计物则 称为 人为 象 征的设 计物 ,它是 以特定 社 会的惯 例 为基 础 的。地 位 象征 意义 ,虽然在 某一 时 期 可 代 表 少 数 人 的 地 位 , 随其 时间 的推移 , 但 使 用 人 数 的剧 增 , 则 可 失 去 原 有 地 位 象 征 , 而 产 生 新 的 地 位 象征 。由此 , 外 系 国 统 性 消费 行 为研 究证 明 : 若 某设计物 的声誉 得到社 会认 可 ,这 种设计 产品 的
从跨文化交际视角看中餐菜名的翻译作者:王传梅来源:《文教资料》2015年第02期摘 ; ;要:随着国际交流的日益增加,国家之间的旅游活动日渐增多,越来越多的境外游客来我国观光游览、体验文化。
关键词:跨文化交际 ; ;菜名 ; ;翻译策略1.引言近年来,国家间交流的日益密切,推动了旅游业的繁荣发展。
1. 文化差异对菜名翻译的影响中国菜名源于丰富的文化内涵,有些菜名与独特的风俗习惯和历史文化紧密相关。
例如,著名的菜肴“麻婆豆腐”,直译为“Spicy Bean Curd”,无法传达麻辣的特点和其中蕴藏的故事,因此在英文菜单中可以选择更为生动的译名“Pockmarked Old Woman's Tofu”。
2. 菜名翻译策略的选择在菜名的翻译中,常见的策略有直译、意译和组词等。
例如,对于以食材或烹调方法命名的菜品,可以选择直译的方式,如“酸辣汤”翻译为“Hot and Sour Soup”;对于带有文化背景的菜名,可以采用意译的方式进行翻译,如“宫保鸡丁”翻译为“Kung Pao Chicken”;对于较长的菜名,可以考虑使用组词的方式进行翻译,如“蚝油生菜”翻译为“Lettuce with Oyster Sauce”。
例如,“红烧肉”在英文中直译为“Braised Pork”,但这种翻译无法完整地表达出菜品的特色和独特味道。
例如,“红烧肉”可以翻译为“Braised Pork with Special Sauce”以更好地表达出它的特色。
关键词:奈达的翻译理论;中国菜名的翻译;翻译策略;跨文化交际1 IntroductionChinese dishes are known for their variety and abundance. The dishes can be classified into four major cuisines, namely, Northern Cuisine, Sichuan Cuisine, Jiangzhe Cuisine and Southern Cuisine.With more and more contact with the world, Chinese food has become one of cultures symbolizing our country. As one part of our country’s culture, it has a long history and rich culture essences. When foreigners taste our delicious food, they also want to know the name essence of the dish, the raw material, and the cooking ways. Therefore, the translation of Chinese dish names plays a very important role in introducing dishes and spreading our diet culture. A well-translated dish name will help attract customers and inspire their desire for taste; while a dish name translated improperly sometimes will bring negative effect or ever lead to spoilage of the image of the dish.In following paper, we will discuss specific strategies for the translation of Chinese dish names from theoretical and practical perspectives. There are mainly three approaches in translating Chinese dish names: literal translation, literal translation with notes, and liberal translation.2 The Theory Applied to Translation of Chinese Dish Names2.1 Eugene NidaEugene A .Nida, a famous American translator of the Bible, is well known for his works in semantic structure and translation theory. Nida’s theory of translation developed from his own practical work in the 1940s onwards when he was translating and organizing the translation of the Bible. His theory generally contains two concepts: Formal Equivalence and Dynamic Equivalence.2.2 Eugene Nida’s theory of translation2.2.1 Formal equivalence translationFormal Equivalence is defined by Nida as one of “two different types of equivalence”,which “focuses attention on the message itself, in both form and content”. Formal equivalence is thus the “quality of a translation in which the features of the form of source text have been mechanically reproduced in the receptor language” (Nida&Taber, 1969\1982: 201). The aim of a translator who is striving for formal equivalence is to allow ST to speak “in its own terms” rather than to attempt to adjust it to the circumstances of the target culture; in practice this means, for example, using “Formal Equivalents” rather than “Functional Equivalents” wherever possible, not joining or splitting sentences, and preserving formal indicators such as punctuation marks and paragraphs breaks (Nida, 1964: 165). The frequent result ofsuch strategies is of course that, because of differences in structure between SL and TL, a translation of this type “distorts the grammatical and stylistic patterns of the receptor language, and hence distorts the message” (Nida&Taber, 1969\1982:201). For this reason, it is frequently necessary to include explanatory notes to help the target reader (Nida, 1964:166). So a general tendency towards formal than dynamic equivalence is characterized by, for example, a concern for accuracy and a preference for retaining the original wording wherever possible. In spite of its apparent limitations, however, formal equivalence is sometimes the most appropriate strategy to follow: besides frequently being chosen for translating biblical and other sacred texts, it is also useful for Back-Translation and for when the translator may for some reason be unwilling to accept responsibility for changing the wording of TT (Hatim&Hason, 1990:7).2.2.2 Dynamic Equivalence TranslationDynamic Equivalence is based on what Nida called “the principle ofequi valent effect” where “the relationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that which existed between the original receptors and the message” (1964:159). The message has to be modified to the receptor’s linguistic needs and cul tural expectation and “aims at complete naturalness of expression”. He defines the goal of dynamic equivalence as seeking “the closest natural equivalent to the SL message” (1969:12).In other words, a dynamically equivalent translation is one which has been produced in accordance with the three fold process of Analysis, Transfer 2, and Restructuring (Nida&Taber, 1969\1982:200); formulating such a translation sill entail such procedures as substituting TL items which are more culturally appropriate for obscure ST items, making linguistically implicit ST information explicit, and building in a certain amount of Redundancy to aid compression. In a translation of this kind one is therefore not so concerned with “matching the receptor language message with the s ource language message”; the aim is more to “relate the receptor to modes of behavior relevant within the context of his own culture” (Nida,1964:159).Nida&Taber argue that a “high degree” of equivalence of response is needed for the translation to achieve its purpose, although they point out that this response can never been identical with elicited by the original (Nida&Taber,1969\1982:24).2.3 Comments on the TheoryNida played an important role in pointing the road away from strict word-for-word equivalence. His introduction to the concepts of formal and dynamic equivalence is crucial in introducing a receptor-based (or reader-based) orientation to translation theory. However, both the principle of equivalent effect and the concept of equivalence have come to be heavily criticized for a number of reasons. Lefevere (1993:78) consider equivalent or response to be impossible. One of Nida’s fiercest critics is Edwin Gentzler, who denigrates Nida’s work for its theological andproselytizing stand point with the concept that dynamic equivalence serves the purpose of converting the receptors, no matter what their culture, to the dominant discourse and ideas of Protestant Christianity. However, Nida has “achieved what few of his predecessors attempted” and his in fluence in translation studies spans five decades and has left an indelible mark in the field of translation (Munday, 2001:43).3 Cross- cultural Communication3.1 Relationship between Culture and translationWhen learning a language, a saying is “learni ng a language is a kind of learning the culture and habit of the country where the language is spoken”. In translation, we may say that translating a source language text is a kind of translating the source language culture and habit of the country where the source language is spoken.3.1.1 The Definition of CultureWhat does the word” culture” mean? It may mean many things. For example, we sometimes say that people who are able to read and write or who know about art, music and literature are cultured. For different people, the word has a different meaning.In fact, culture is really a large and evasive concept, very complex and difficult to define. It is said that there have been at least over 150 definitions of culture, but none of them seems to be able to tell us everything about culture. The following definitions are just some of the well-known ones.“Culture may be defined as what a society does and thinks” (Sapir, 1921).“What really binds men together is their culture—the ideas and the standards they have in common”(R. Benedict, 1935).“Culture is man’s medium; there is not one aspect of human life that is not touched and altered by culture. This means personality, how people express themselves, including shows of emotion, the way they think, how they move, how problems are solved, how their cities are planned and laid out, how transportation systems function and are organized, as well as how economic and government systems are put together and function”.(Edward T. Hall, 1959)3.1.2 The Definition of TranslationTranslation is also an incredibly broad notion which can be understood in many different ways.As Jakobson defines translation as “an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language” (1959\1966:233). An approach based on the importance ofpreserving the effect of the original is reflected in Nida&taber’s definition: “translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest national equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style”(Nida&taber,1982:12). Vermeer, rejecting notions of translation as a two-stage process of decoding and recording, offers a similarly non-normative definition of translation as “information about a source text in another language” (1982:97). This approach engenders a view of translation in which the way a TT functions in a specific cultural context is paramount: “translation is the production of a functional target text that is specified according to the intended or demanded function of the target text(translation skopos)”(Nord,1991:28 ).3.1.3 Relationship between Culture and TranslationHere we will introduce another term “cross-cultural translation”. This term refers to types of translation which function as a tool for cross-cultural or anthropological research, or indeed to any translation which is sensitive to cultural as well as linguistic factors.Most translators recognize that each language contains elements which are derived from its culture, that every text is anchored in a specific culture, and that conventions of text production and reception vary from culture to culture (Koller, 1979\1992:59-60). An awareness of such issues can at times make it more appropriateto think of translation as a process which occurs between languages. Skopos Theory, Thick Translation and Translational Action are all examples of this type of approach.In other words, a cross-cultural translation is one in which additions are made which cannot be directly derived from the original ST wording; these might take the form of ideas culturally foreign to ST, or even elements which are simply included to provide necessary background information.3.2 Cultural Connotation Embodied in Chinese Dish NamesIn the following, we’l l discuss the translation of Chinese dish names. Eating is also a culture. All individuals must eat in order to survive—but what people eat, when they eat, and the manners in which they eat are all patterned by culture.Chinese dishes are known for their variety and abundance. As one part of our country’s culture, Chinese dish has a long history and rich culture essences. Many cultural connotations are embodied in Chinese dish names. Some interesting stories or legendary stories are contained in the background of a dish name. Furthermore, some special dish names have become a symbol of city or our country.Take “Beijing roast duck” for example. It is a carefully prepared dish. Selected ducks are fed at regular intervals so that they will gain more flesh. The ducksare roasted slowly so that the skin becomes crispy and brown, and the flesh juicy and tender. To eat them, the meat is carefully cut into bite-sized pieces and accompanied by a special Chinese sauce with spring onion, which is then rolled in paper-thin pan cakes before eaten. This dish has become a symbol food of Beijing or even our country. Most foreigners all taste it when they come to <st1:country-regionw:st="on">China, when foreigners hear “Beijing roast duck”, they can easily associate it with Beijing.Take “Beggar’s Chicken” for another example. We called this dish “Beggar’s Chicken” for there is an interesting story. A beggar stole a chicken and kindled a fire by a river bank to eat it. Before it was finished cooking, he heard his pursuers. He doused the fire and buried the chicken in the ground, hoping to come back to it later. He did, dug it up, and found it to be quite succulent. So “Beggar’s Chicken” is added to the list of Chinese dishes. ( 陈小慰,2006:221)In order to deliver more information to readers, translators often add some background information to Chinese dish names, it also sounds interesting for foreigners.4 Strategies for the Translation of Chinese Dish NameTranslation is an art, a bilingual art, which is considered as the cultural bridge and media between two languages. As there exist wide differences in vocabulary andculture between <st1:country-region w:st="on">China and Western countries, translation is no easy job, especially the translation of some traditional Chinese dish names. Therefore, in order to keep the flavor of the original Chinese dish and the beauty of language as well as cater for all the foreigners, translation skills should be reasonably employed in the process of translating, such as the following three.4.1 Literal TranslationLiteral translation can be defined in linguistics as translation “made on a level lower than is sufficient to convey the content unchanged while observing TL norms”. (Bark hudarov, 1969:10 ). In a similar vein Catford also offers a definition based on the notion of the UNIT OF TRANSLATION: he argues that literal translation takes world-for-world translation as its starting point, although because of the necessity of confirming to TL grammar, the final TT may also display group-group orclause-clause equivalence. (1965:25)In translating Chinese dish names, by literal translation, the translator can keep the original form of Chinese dish names without causing confusion in meaning. What’s more, it introduces the raw material to foreigners and avoids some troubles between two different diets. The most important point lies in the function of keeping the full flavor of Chinese Dish.We will discuss this translation according to three different structures:(a)cooking method +raw material烧鹅roast goose涮羊肉instant boiled mutton脆皮锅酥肉deep fried pork(b)cooking method +raw material +with +ingredients酿豆腐bean curd stuffed with minced pork糖醋排骨spareribs with sweet and sour sauce干烧明虾fried prawns with pepper sauce(c)cooking method +raw material +and + raw material虾仁扒豆腐stewed shelled shrimps and bean curd凤肝虾仁fried shelled shrimps and chicken liver红烧什肉虾仁豆腐fried bean curd, shelled shrimps and missed meat withbrown sauceThe feature of these Chinese dish names is actually describing materials, cooking methods and features of dishes.The notion of literal translation has been formalized by Nida as formal equivalence. It was defined by Nida as one of “two different types of equivalence”, which “focuses attention on the message itself, in both form and content” (1964:159). Readers can understand easily when they see the dish names, because this translation embodies the original information of the dishes.4.2 Literal Translation with NotesGood literal translation can help foreigners to acquire the direct information of Chinese dish, including raw material, flavor, and so on. But sometimes literal translation without any notes will puzzle readers so that trouble will be naturally produced. As Nida said, “ Since no two languages are identical, either in the meanings given to corresponding symbols or in which such symbols are arranged in phrases and sentences, it stands to reason that there can be no absolute correspondence between languages . Hence there can be no fully exact translation” (1966:156). So this kind of translating skill, literal translation with notes, may supply notes to Chinese dish names, for example, raw material, sources, background, special meaning, etc, thus may strengthen the comprehension of Chinese dish for foreigners, and deliver a more exact information of the dish and Chinese diet culture.Let’s see the following examples:(1)龙虎斗The dragon fighting with the tiger—Stewed snake and wild cat [注:在广东,“龙虎斗”是一道用蛇肉烧猫肉的名菜](2)佛跳墙Buddha-Jumps-Over-the Wall (This is Fujian’s Number1 special dish, carefully prepared with Shark’s fin, abalone and more than 20 other ingredients. This delicious dish is so tempting that even a Buddha will give up his sutra and jump over the wall for a taste of this irresistible dish).( 陈小慰,2006:219)(3)狮子头Lion’s head—pork meat balls(4)全家福Happy family—A combination of shrimps, pork, beef, chicken, lobster and mixed vegetables with brown sauce.(5)龙凤配Dragon&Phoenix—Two separate dishes characterize this distinctive plate. On one side, lobster meat in Sichuan chili sauce, which is inviting. On the other is house special chicken, which never fails in delighting.(6)左宗鸡General Tso’s chicken—A mouth watering dish made with large chunks of marinated chicken, sauteed with scorched red chili peepers in special, tangy sauce. (顾维勇,2005:94)(7)太平燕Fuzhou-style wonton and duck egg soup—The wrapper of the wonton is made of meat and sweet potato starch instead of flour and the dish is most often served on joyous occasions such as weddings and New Year’s Eve which is supposed to bring peace and good luck.Example (1) adopts “literal translation with notes”. Obviously, it is better than “literal translation” in this case. We can easily understand the dish—its material. If we directly adopt “literal translation”, it should be translated to “The dragon fighting with the tiger”. Such translation probably gives readers scare and surprise, “what’s this?” And it also doesn’t deliver the exact information of the dish; it can not correspond to the standard of translation. “A text which is not obviously a translation in the traditional sense is thus created. Here, we must in the first place define translation. Translation consists of providing, in the receptor language, the closest naturalequivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.”(Nida,1984). With the notes, readers could acquire more and exact information about this dish.Examples (3) (4) (5) (6) all belong to this case, that is to say, literal translation with notes about material of dish.Example (2) is a little different from the above examples. It not only describes the basic information of raw material, but also tells us an interesting legendary story. In this case, it not only expresses the exact information, but also adds some tastes for the dish.Example (7) is another similar case; it adds some notes about raw material and related cultural customs. It provides readers such information, which can help readers understand the culture and taste at proper occasion.In some sense, this method is better than literal translation. Literal translation “distorts the grammatical and stylistic patterns of the receptor language, and hence distorts the message” (Nida&Taber, 1969\1982:201). For this reason it is frequently necessary to include explanatory notes to help the target reader (Nida, 1964:166). So we suggest that if for linguistic or cultural reasons the source can not be transcribed, we had better make accommodations, for example, add some notes rather than translate it literally. It can achieve a more exact and vivid result.4.3 Liberal TranslationA type of translation in which more attention is paid to producing a naturally reading TT than to preserving the ST wording in fact; also known as sense-to-sense translation. Linguistically it can be defined as translation “made on a level highe r than it necessary to convey the content unchanged while observing TL norms.”(Bark hudarov, 1969:11). Free translation is thus generally more “TL- oriented” than literal translations.When there exists dissimilarity or great differences between Chinese dish names and essence of the dish, free translation can be employed. In this case, readers can easily understand the essence of the dish.Here Chinese dishes can be divided into two kinds in this translation(a)According to raw materials.蚂蚁上树(油炸的绿豆面条)—Fried Mung Bean Noodle乌龙睡雪(海参肚中装上馅,再加蛋清蒸制)—Steamed Stuffed Sea Cucumbers with Egg-white百年好合(用莲子和百合炖成的汤菜)—Lotus Seeds and Lily Pulp四系双发(四个冷拼小菜)—Four Plates of Wonderful Food霸王别姬(甲鱼炖鸡汤)—Soft-shelled Turtle and Chicken Soup (b)According to place names.肉燕—Wonton of Fuzhou Style金陵盐水鸭—Nanjing Salted Duck宫爆鸡丁—Fried Diced Chicken in Sichuan Style麻婆豆腐—Bean curd Sichuan Style石狮牛肉羹—Beef Broth of Sailt Fujian StyleIn (a), Chinese dish names sound wonderful, but if we translate themword-to-word, readers can not know what the dish is. That is to say, this translation can not deliver clear information to readers. As Doctor Nida views “in general it is best to speak of functional equivalence in terms of a range of adequacy”. In this case, the translators should make some adjustments in order to achieve the closest natural equivalence. In the west, there is an interesting saying: A translation is like a woman; if it is faithful, it is not beautiful; if it is beautiful, it is not faithful. Maybe here is a good example.In (b), most of these dishes are famous local food, and they represent the local diet culture. So when we translate this kind of food, this method is better. Through this translation, readers can know relate diet culture and remember this food easily. Take “金陵盐水鸭” for example, for Chinese, we all know that “金陵” is another name of “南京”, but for foreigners, they are familiar with the latter place more than the former, so we translate it to “Nanjing salted duck”, it can enlarge the information of the dish.From the above examples, it is not hard to see that free translation seems better than literal translation when we translate Chinese Dish Names, because one ofthe most important principles of translation is transferring actual information to readers. For Ch inese dish, the most readers want to know is what the food is. “Eugene A. Nida applies the communication theory and information theory to translation research, regarding that translation is communication.”(谭载喜,1999:XVIII).Information theory has been widely influential in the process of translation. In other word, translation is a complicated process of language transfer and information transmission. The essence of translation is to transmit the information carried in one language to another language. It conforms to Nida’s “Functional equivalence”. Function equivalence follows the principle of equivalent, that is, the relationship between the receptor and the message should aim at being the same as that between the original receptor and the source language message. It attempts to render receptor words from one language to another, and caters to receptor linguistic competence and cultural needs.For foreigners, they do not know much about Chinese culture and Chinese food. So we should take an action so that they can quickly and easily get the information of dish they want to know. That is to say, we should describe the material of food clearly, avoiding some unnecessary rhetoric, and choosing some ordinary and popular words.5 ConclusionGenerally speaking, the translation of Chinese dishes is challenging, demanding a great deal of translation practice and broad knowledge about our diet culture. From this paper, we may know the basic strategies for Chinese dish names. Firstly, the translator should master the basic principle of translation. Secondly, the translator should de familiar with national culture of different countries. Thirdly, the translator can employ above-mentioned translating skills flexibly in the process of Chinese dish translation.. For the aim of making more foreigners understand the Chinese dish and communicate the diet culture, a good translator should study both language and cultures concerned well.BIBLIOGRAPHY[1] Catford, J.C. A Linguistic Theory of Translation: An Essay in Applied Linguistics[M].London: Oxford University, 1965.[2] Munday, J. Introdusing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications [M].London: Taylor and Francies, 2001 .[3] Nida & Charles R. Taber. The Theory and Practice of Translation [M]. Leiden: E. J. Brill,1969.[4] Nida, E. A. Toward a Science of Translation [M]. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1964.[5] Nida. Language, Culture, and Translating [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign LanguageEducation Press, 1993.[6] Shuttleworth, M. & M. Cowie, Dictionary of Translation Studies [Z]. Manchester:St. Jerome Publishing, 1999(reprinted).[7] 陈小慰. 新编实用翻译教程[M]. 经济科学出版社, 2006.[8] 顾维勇. 实用文体翻译[M]. 国防工业出版社, 2005.[9] 李和庆、黄皓、薄振杰. 西方翻译研究方法论[M]. 北京大学出版社, 2005.[10] 刘法公. 商贸汉英翻译专论[M]. 重庆出版社, 1999.[11] 谭载喜. 翻译学[M]. 武汉: 湖北教育出版社, 1999.[12]许力生. 跨文化交际英语教程[M]. 上海外语教育出版社, 2004.ABSTRACTIn <st1:country-region w:st="on">China, cooking is an ancient art. As early as over 3,000 years ago, Chinese people already knew how to deploy acid, sweet, bitter, pungent and salty flavor. At Qing dynasty, a number of overseas Chinese set up some Chinese restaurants in English and other countries. Since then, Chinese restaurants areall over the world. Chinese cuisine, of fine work and wide variety, is favorited by the world people of different nationalities. With the continuous development of globalization, Chinese cuisine will become an important window, through which more and more international friends can understand <st1:country-region w:st="on">China better.Chinese dish names is Chinese own problems, their cultural meaning is very clear. But when translate Chinese dish names to English and introduce to the foreiigners, we meet the language issue. Correspondingly, the cultural meaning of Chinese dish names has become a cross-cultural and cross-language issue, we must take into account both language and cultural differences.This paper analyses translation strategies from theoretical and practical perspectives by pointing out how to properly translate Chinese dish names, with a discussion of some specific dish names. And then summarizes a common approach of Chinese dish names: literal translation, literal translation with notes, and liberal translation. Meanwhile, we emphasize the importance of culture in translation and communicationKey words: Eugene Nida’s theory of translation, the translation of Chinese dish names, translation strategies, cross-cultural communicationACKNOWLEDGEMENTSIt was really a laborious task to accomplish a B.A thesis. Many people gave me support and help in the process of writing the paper. I’d like first to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Associate Professor Sun Xiaolei, who generously gave me his kindly help and instructions during the whole process of mypaper-writing. Then I’d like to give my many thanks to my teacher Zhang Yuanyuan, who has shown much consideration for my composition. Finally, I would like to express my thanks to my friends, Chen Leilei and Wan Rui, who have generously offered their help with my computerization。
1. 引言中国菜名具有独特的文化意义和美食内涵,然而,如何将这些菜名准确地翻译成英文对于跨文化交际来说是一个重要的挑战。
2. 跨文化交际理论的分析跨文化交际理论是研究不同文化之间的交际过程和交际效果的理论体系。
2.1 高低联系文化观高低联系文化观指的是不同文化之间的交际方式和交际习惯。
2.2 面子理论面子理论指的是人们对自我形象维护和社会关系建立的追求。
3. 饮食文化对中国菜名英译的影响中国饮食文化的丰富性对菜名的英译产生了重大影响。
4. 语言对中国菜名英译的影响语言是跨文化交际中最主要的工具,不同语言之间的差异对中国菜名的英译提出了挑战。
跨文化视角下的中餐菜名翻译作者:薛敬敬邓世平来源:《文教资料》2010年第15期摘要: 本文从跨文化交际的角度探讨了中餐菜名翻译方法中所存在的问题,并分析了这些问题的成因。
关键词: 中餐菜名翻译跨文化交际中华美食名扬天下,菜名的英译马虎不得。
例如:爆炒牛肉——Quick-fried Beef,直接译出了烹饪方法和主料。
再如:葱爆羊肉丝——Quick-fried Mutton Shreds with Scallion in Ginger Sauce,将烹饪法、主料、调料或配料都传达了出来。
例如:“佛跳墙”被译为:Buddha jumping over the wall——a Chinese delicacy with shark’s fin, abalone and more than 20 other ingredients,so tempting that even a Buddha will give up its sutra and jump over the wall for a taste of this irresistible dish。
关键词:菜名文化;翻译策略;归化异化;直译意译中图分类号:h315.9文献标识码:a 文章编号:1009-0118(2011)-06-0-02中国有句古话:民以食为天。
提升旅游餐饮业的 国际竞争力
准确、生动的菜名翻译能够吸引 更多的国际游客,提升旅游餐饮 业的竞争力。
通过菜名翻译,游客可以更好地 了解中国菜肴的历史、文化和特 色,促进跨文化交流。
优质的菜名翻译可以增加游客对 旅游目的地的兴趣,从而推动旅 游业的繁荣发展。
准确、生动的菜名翻译可以使国际友人更好地了 解中国菜肴,从而增进对中国人民的友谊。
通过菜名翻译,可以向国际友人传递中国的饮食 文化和传统文化,增进国际文化交流。
优质的菜名翻译可以提升中国在国际舞台上的形 象,使国际社会更加了解和尊重中国。
Candied Yam
Cheese Shrimp Balls
Dou Chen Cake
Seaweed Egg Drop Soup
Braised Pork Belly
Xiao Long Xiao
Black Pepper Beef Steak
准确、生动的菜名翻译可以吸引更 多国际友人品尝中国美食,增进友 谊。
翻译菜名时,应准确传达菜品的真实含义和特点,避 免歧义和误解。
在保持准确性的基础上,菜名翻译应尽量追求形象、 生动,以吸引人们的食欲。
例如:爆炒⽜⾁――Quick-fried Beef,直接译出了烹饪⽅法和主料。
再如:葱爆⽺⾁丝――Quick-fried Mutton Shreds withScallion in Ginger Sauce,将烹饪法、主料、调料或配料都传达了出来。
例如:“佛跳墙”被译为:Buddha jumping over the wall――a Chinese delicacy with shark’s fin, abalone and more than 20 other ingredients,so tempting that even a Buddha will give up its sutra and jump over the wall for a taste of this irresistible dish。
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