


internship certificate example

human resource operations

date: april 21, XX

to whom it may concern

this is to certify that miss xxx has completed her internship in (organizational name)’s finance department starting from january 28, XX to march 28, XX.

her duties included

· checking the credit files and preparation of disbursement cheques for different departments

· monthly bank reconciliations of loan accounts

· vouchers entry in mis.

during her stay we found her hard-working with an aptitude for learning and ability to grasp diverse concepts quickly. she possesses a strong analytical sense, decision making ability and proved herself a team player.

we wish her best of luck for future endeavors.


manager hr & administration


practice certificate

it is certified that *** finished her/his one-month practice from *** to *** in our 办(是什么?)。during the time, he/she worked hard and had a good performance.he/she kept improving his/her study in specialty and theory.on dealing with his/her work, he/she was strict with

himself/herself, concerned about all the others and doing well in all his/her work. now the practice is over.

this is our practice certificate

**province**办 ( stamp)

范例三: examplethree: 实习证明



wecertifythat______sir/madamin____years__month__to____years__month__d atetothecompanyasthe_____position.


_____sir/madaminthecompanyresponsiblefor______work.______sir/madamint hecompanyduringtheservice,(pleasedescribetheinterninpracticeduringtra iningandjobperformance).



日期 date

范例四: examplefour: 实习证明




itis______school______class________classmates.nowmycompanyinternship, servedas_________,true,herebycertifythat.















大学生英文个人简历模板 英文简历写得好,大学生求职者就有望得到用人单位的青睐,那你知道大学生求职者的英文简历该怎么写吗?下面是小雅WTT为大家带来的大学生英文个人简历模板,相信对你会有帮助的。 大学生英文个人简历模板(一) . Sex: male Date of Birth: July 27,1955 Ways of munications: Mobile phone: E-mail:. Education: July 1971 graduated from No.1Junior Middle School of Jilin Province of P.R.China Sep 1971 entered No. 1 Senior Middle School of Jilin Province of P.R.China July 1974 graduated from No.1 Senior Middle School of Jilin Province of P.R.China Aug 1974 became an “intellectual youth” and began to do farm work in my home village (such was the case for

all middle school graduates during the “Cultural Revolution”) March1978 entered English Faculty of Foreign Languages Dept. of Northeast Normal University of P.R.China through the first college entrance exam after t he “Cultural Revolution” Working Experience: Feb 1982 became a teacher in English Teaching Office of Foreign Languages Dept. of Harbin University of Science and Technology of China; at the same time, working as a part-time translator in Language Translation Center of Heilongjiang Province and many other translation panies, with millions of characters of translation works covering many fields in such languages as English,French,German,Japanese, Chinese,Spanish,Italian,Russian, Arabic,Latin,etc. published both home and abroad. May 1998 went to Tokyo, Japan, and began to work as a Chinese lecturer at Japanese- Chinese College of Tokyo and some small-scaled Chinese classes in the society. Sometimes, did some translation jobs at home.


大学中英文成绩单模板范文 到了大学,你看到的成绩单是否是中英文版本的呢?下面是给大家带来大学中英文成绩单模板,供大家参阅! 北京信息科技大学学生中英文成绩单Beijing Information Science & Technology(BISTU) University Report Card 姓名:Name: 学年学期/School Year 学号:Student ID: 学院:School: 专业:Specialty: 课程名称/Courses 班级:Class: 学分/Credits 学制:年 Years:Schooling Length: 成绩/Scores 绩点/Points 学年学期/School Year 课程名称/Courses 学分/Credits

成绩/Scores 绩点/Points 毕业应取得总学分(Total Credits Required for Graduatior)/ 已获得总学分(Total Credits Earned) 其中包括(including) 必修课(Required) 专业选修课(Specialized Elective) 公共选修课(Common.Elective) 实践课(Practical Course) 必修课平均学分绩点(GPA of equired Course) 此成绩单仅供出国使用This report is only for going abroad 北京信息科技大学教务处Academic Administration of BISTU 打印日期(PRINT DATE): 吉林大学中英文本科成绩单模板Key Comprehensive University Directly Under The Ministry of Education of The People’s Republic of China 本科生成绩单Academic Transcript of Undergraduate 姓名: Name: 院系: Dept.: 学制:


大学生英文简历免费模板 英文简历是大学生外企个人求职者给招聘单位发的第一份简要 介绍。下面是小编为大家精心推荐的大学生英文简历免费模板,希望能够对您有所帮助。 大学生英文简历免费模板(一) name: nationality: china (mainland) current place: guangzhou height/weight: 170 cm 80 kg marital status: married age: 28 years career objective application type: jobseeker preferred job title: electrical & mechanical engineer: project engineer 、 machinery / equipment maintenance: 、business/management: working life: 6 title: primary title job type: full time expected start date: in a month expected salary: ¥5,000--¥8,000 preferred working place: guangzhou shenzhen shanghai work experience company's name: guangzhou institute of energy conversion(giec)\ guangzhou senyo thermal storage technology co., ltdbegin and end date: XX-01-XX-06


复旦大学教务处文件 复旦教通字[2011]4号 关于办理本科生成绩单和证书公证的通知 经校长办公会议审议决定,自2011年3月7日(星期一)起,复旦大学本、专科生成绩单盖章、学历和学位证书公证制作、相关学业证明出具等工作,移交至教务处统一办理。具体工作流程、收费标准和注意事项,请查看附件。请同学们相互转告。 特此通知。 复旦大学教务处 2011年3月3日


二、 缴费办法: URP 教务系统(https://www.360docs.net/doc/b25231111.html, )中的 ,教务处不接受任何形式的现金支付。 三、接待时间和地点: 教务处于每学期开学第二周至学期结束前一周,每周二、四12:00-16:00接待办理。遇国家法定节假日,则顺延至假日结束后的第一个工作日相同工作时间办理。 教务处接待地点分别为邯郸校区综合楼208室和注册考务中心(以办理项目为区分)。 各院、系接待办理时间和地点由各院、系自行规定和公布。 四、委托事宜: 需要委托他人办理的,请带好委托书、委托人和被委托人的有效身份证件。委托书内容包括委托人的学籍信息(姓名、学号、年级、院系、专业、入学时间、预计/毕业时间)、委托事宜、委托责任、委托双方的有效身份证件复印件以及双方的有效联系方式。

五、办理流程: 1 付费成功后,学生可打印“缴费凭证” 学生看到URP 教务系统中“打印完成”标记后,至院系教务员处领取成绩单,并将成绩单交教务处综合楼208室① 教务处审核后,加盖“主管校长”和“复旦大学成绩证明专用 章” 5个工作日后②,学生至教务处综合楼208室领取成绩单,如需 封口,则当场封口,并加盖图章 院系教务员在URP 教务系统中将学生申请标记为“打印完成” 同时用专用信封将成绩单封好 院系教务员根据学生在URP 教务系统中的申请打印成绩单,并加盖“制表人”和“教学院长/系主任”章 学生通过URP 教务系统递交办理种类和数量申请 (网址为:https://www.360docs.net/doc/b25231111.html, )


https://www.360docs.net/doc/b25231111.html, 美国纽约市出生证明翻译模板 纽约市人口记录证明 出生登记证明 申请日期:纽约市健康与心理卫生局 出生证明 ****年**月**日编号:***-**-****** 上午12:21 1. 婴儿姓名:** 2. 性别:男/女 3a. 本次怀孕分娩婴儿数量: 1个 3b. 若数量大于1,该婴儿的分娩顺序:**** 4a. 出生日期:****年**月**日 4b. 出生时间:上午09:50 5. 出生地: 5a. 美国纽约市皇后区 5b. 医院或其他场所名称(若非场所,请提供街道地址):纽约长老会皇后医院 5c. 场所类别:医院 6a. 母亲姓名:** 6b. 母亲出生日期: ****年**月**日 6c. 母亲出生地:中国 7.母亲常住地地址:美国纽约州皇后区**大道**号**公寓邮编:**** 8a. 父亲姓名:** 8b. 父亲出生日期: ****年**月**日 8c. 父亲出生地:中国 9a. 助产士姓名:** **** 9b. 本人证明该婴儿在上述地点、日期和时间出生并存活。 院务主任证明人签字:****(自动生成的电子签名) 地址:纽约皇后区****号邮编:**** 签署日期:****年**月**日 母亲当前法定姓名:** 住址:美国纽约州皇后区**大道**号**公寓邮编: **** 无修改记录: 仅限官方使用 上述证书为您孩子的出生登记证明,不收取任何快递费用。本健康与心理卫生局不证明上述证件内容的真实性。关于更改出生记录的更多信息请见背面。 ****年**月**日 纽约市健康与心理卫生局登记管(签名)本出生证明翻译模板由成都译信翻译有限公司制作,版权所有,不得复制!


大学生英语专业个人简历模板导读:本文是关于大学生英语专业个人简历模板,希望能帮助到您! 身高: 婚姻状况:未婚 户籍所在:福建宁德 最高学历:本科 工作经验:1年以下 联系地址: 求职意向 最近工作过的职位:贵阳斑马英语助教。 期望工作地:贵州省/贵阳市。 期望岗位性质:兼职。 期望月薪:3000~4000元/月。 期望从事的岗位:经理助理,高级文秘,英语。 期望从事的行业:会展/博览,建筑与工程,教育/培训。 技能特长 技能特长:本人拥有良好的英文口语功底,能够自如和外籍人士沟通;熟练使用word、excel等办公软件,及时高效地完成日常办公文档的编辑工作;工作认真负责,有良好的服务意识和协作精神,善于沟通,富有亲和力和感染力;具备处理问题的灵活性和应变能力。

教育经历 福建农林大学(本科)。 起止年月:20xx年9月至20xx年7月。 学校名称:福建农林大学。 专业名称:英语专业。 获得学历:本科。 工作经历 天津欣祺益贵金属有限公司-理财顾问。 起止日期:20Xx年3月至20xx年6月。 企业名称:天津欣祺益贵金属有限公司。 从事职位:理财顾问。 业绩表现: 1、维护老客户。 2、电话销售,开发新客户。 3、介绍理财产品。 4、在职期间平均每个月2~3个新客户。 企业介绍:欣祺益贵金属经营有限公司是天津贵金属交易所综合类会员,编号193,注册资金为1亿元。主要从事黄金、白银等贵金属现货买卖、投资管理及咨询服务等业务,并执专业之所长为广大投资者及时传递全球金融资讯、贵金属市场行情,提供相关分析服务。 上海启振教育-初中英语教师。 起止日期:20xx年7月至20xx年9月。


SHANGHAI JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT Department: School of Naval Architechture&Ocean Engineering Major: Naval Architechture&Ocean Engineering Name: abcd Course Credits Score Credits Score 1990-1991 Academic Year 1st Semester 2nd Semester Military Theory Physical Education Englisn Advanced Mathematics General Physics Algorithmic Language Engineering Drawing Linear Algorithm Naval Architechture and Ocean Engineering Situation and Policy History of the C.P.C General Physics Lab Introduction Of World Ship Building Taste Of Art and Life 4 2 10 16.5 6 4 6 4 2 1 / / / / B A C C A B B C A A / / / / / 2 10 15 10 / / / / 1 6 6.5 2 3 / A C B A / / / / B B B B B 1991-1992 Academic Year 1st Semester 2nd Semester Theoretical Mechanics Ship Structure Physical Education English Maxism Principle Engineering Mathemics Material Mechanics Situation and Policy Electronic Technique Electromic Circuit &Technology Lab Ship Drafting Fluid Mechanics CET-4 Machine Training Naval Practice 9 5 2 10 6 9.5 4 1 / / / / / 7 / A B A C B B C A / / / / / A / 5 / 2 10 6 / 10 1 9 4 5 11.5 / / 5 B / A C A / A B A B A B C / PASS 1992-1993Academic Year 1st Semester 2nd Semester Situation and Policy Fundamentals of Law Ship Statics Fundamentals of Machine Design Machine Design Principles of Microcomputer Ship structural Mechanics Foundament of Management Science Ship Ressitence Ship Reliability Professional English Ocean Energy Utility Socialist Construction of China Ship structural Mechanics Ship and Ocean Engineering Materials Shipbuilding Technique Shipbuilding Econmy Ship Propulsion Ship Dynamic Equipment Vehicle Electromechanical Equipment and Principle Submarine Strength Ship Equipment The Autocontrol Therory of Means of Delivery Structure Optimum Design Specialized Practice 1 3 5 10 2 6 6 6 4.5 4 4 3 / / / / / / / / / / / / / A C B C C B C A B A C B / / / / / / / / / / / / / 1 / / / / / / / / / / / 6 4 3 7 5 6 4 2 4 3 3 3 10 B / / / / / / / / / / / B C A B B B B A A C C A PASS 1993-1994 Academic Year 1st Semester 2nd Semester Ship Strength and Structure Design Regulation Design of Ship Structure Ship Maneuver and Oscilation Principle of Ship Design Ship Vibration Exercise of Principle of Ship Design Ship Group Techniques Computer-aided Ship Construction Prediction of Ship Manoeuvablility Ship Propeller Computing Ship Seakindliness Ship Characteristic Trial Research Situation and Policy Undergraduate Thesis 5 2 4.5 4 4 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 1 / A C C C C B C B B C C PASS A / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 27 / / / / / / / / / / / / / B Note: 1.The transformation rules are illustrated in the attached chart on the back of this paper. 2.There is two grades system in some test marks: Pass(above 60 or 通过) or Fail (below 60 or 未通过). 3.The score of University English is improved one level if he or she study English from band 2 or higher. Registrar:Archives , Shanghai Jiaotong University 11/08/2002


在校大学生英文求职简历模板 英文简历是使用英文写的简历。英文简历(resume)并无固定不变的单一形式,应聘者完全可以根据个人的具体情况来确定采用何种形式,灵活设计。 Name: xxx Han(xxx) Sex: Male Folk: Han Height: 160cm Weight: 50kg Marital Status: Married Health: Excellent Clan: the Communist Youth League Birthday: Sep. 14, 1976 Language Skills: CET-4 Computer Skills: Perfect Education School: Dalian Railway University Major: Electronic Automatic Max. Degree: Undergraduate Course、Bachelors Degree Graduate Time: July 1998 Home Phone: 022-xxxx Cell Phone: E-mail: xxx@ Resident: Hedong, Tianjin, China Technical skills: Electronic、MCU、Computer、Network、English Education Experience: Aug. 1994-Aug. 1998 Dalian Ranlway University Work Experience: Oct. 1998-Jan. 2020 Tianjin Sent Hi-Tech Company Electronic Engineer


出生证明公证书翻译 篇一:出生公证书翻译英语 证件翻译大全--出生公证英文翻译样本出生公证 (2003)沪徐证外字第44556号兹证明王云,女,于一九七七年七月十二日在上海市出生。王云的父亲是王国融,王莹 的母亲是杨丽红。中华人民共和国上海市徐汇区公证处公证员二00三年四月一日notarialcertificate thisistocertifythatwangyun,female,wasbornonjuly12,1977insha nghai.herfatheriswangguorongandhermotherisyanglihong.shangh aixuhui districtnotarypublicofficethepeople’srepublicofchina specialsealformarriageregisterofhaidiandistrict,beijingcivi

laffairs bureau marriageregister:证件翻译大全--税务登记证英文翻译样本certificateoftaxationregistrationmindishuishizhino.35220070 51925xxxnameoftaxationpayer:fujinaxxxxrealestateco.,ltd.leg alrepresenative: xxxx address:4/f,xxbuilding,xxjiaochengroad,dateofissuance: september6,2004underthesupervisionofstatetaxationadministra tionth证件翻译大全--开户许可证英文翻译样本permitforopeningbankaccountrenyinhuguanzhengzi出生公证书(2010)浙开证外字第***号兹证明***,女,于***年***月***日在浙江省***县出生。***的父亲是***,***的母亲 是***。


大学生英文简历免费模板 导读:本文是关于大学生英文简历免费模板,希望能帮助到您! 大学生英文简历免费模板(一) name: nationality: china (mainland) current place: guangzhou height/weight: 170 cm 80 kg marital status: married age: 28 years career objective application type: jobseeker preferred job title: electrical & mechanical engineer: project engineer 、machinery / equipment maintenance: 、business/management: working life: 6 title: primary title job type: full time expected start date: in a month expected salary: ¥5,000--¥8,000 preferred working place: guangzhou shenzhen shanghai work experience company's name: guangzhou institute of energy conversion(giec)\ guangzhou senyo thermal storage technology co., ltdbegin and end date: XX-01-XX-06 enterprise nature: institutionindustry: science research design /science technology development


南京工业大学 NANJING UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 学生成绩记录表 Note: The grades used in the Institute as the follows A(90~100) B(80~89) C(70~79) D(69~60) E(below 60) or P(above60) F(below60)

NANJING UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 学生成绩记录表 Note: The grades used in the Institute as the follows A(90~100) B(80~89) C(70~79) D(69~60) E(below 60) or P(above60) F(below60)

NANJING UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 学生成绩记录表 Note: The grades used in the Institute as the follows

A(90~100) B(80~89) C(70~79) D(69~60) E(below 60) or P(above60) F(below60) 南京工业大学 NANJING UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 学生成绩记录表 Note: The grades used in the Institute as the follows Dean of studies A(90~100) B(80~89) C(70~79) D(69~60) E(below 60) or P(above60) F(belo w60) Signature

出生证明 英文翻译 同出生证明一模一样的模版

BIRTH CERTIFICATE Full name of baby: xxx xxxxxx Sex: Male Date of birth: February 24, 2010 11:43 Place of birth: Beijing Gestation (week): 40 Health status: well Weight: 4740 g Height: 54cm Full name of mother: Wang li Age: 26 Nationality: China Nationality: Han Identity card No.: 110101198200000928 Full name of mother: Yan liang Age: 27 Nationality: China Nationality: Han Identity card No.: 110101198200000928 Type of place: General hospital Name of facility: Peking University People's Hospital Birth No.: J 1102077777 Date of issue: March 2, 2007 Testing organization: Beijing birth certificate MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA “The Medica l Certificate of Birth” is formulated according to “The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care”. It is a legal medical certificate of people born in the People’s Republic of China. It is taken care of by the Newborn baby’s father and mother or guardian, can not be sold, lent or altered in private. And it is referred to upon civil registration.


上海国外出生证明翻译 为国外出生的宝宝上户口是很多妈妈非常关心的问题。在上海等一线城市尤为众多; 根据有关政策的规定,符合条件的国/境外出生的宝宝回国后百分百是可以上国内户口的。当然了,每个地方的政策都不太一样,但大同小异。当然计划外的、不符合要求的要罚款,妈妈们要权衡利弊,多多关注官方政策,想好计划外的宝宝是否真的有上户口的必要。 无论是哪个省市,给国外出生的宝宝上本地户口都需要提供宝宝的医学出生证明。 什么是出生证明呢? 出生证明是由医院官方出具的,能够证明婴儿出生时间、性别、出生地、生父母等具体情况,极具证明力的一项书面材料,出生证明在国外是获得国籍的证明性材料,在国内则是为婴儿登记户口的必不可少的依据。 为什么需要出生证明翻译件? 除了出生证明原件,大部分省市比如上海还需要将出生证明翻译为中文,并且在原文复印件和译文原件上加盖骑缝的翻译专用章,然后由翻译人员亲笔签名,同时附上该翻译公司的营业执照,表明译稿由正规专业的翻译公司翻译。

个人翻译出生证明是无效的,公安机关不予认可。 在有些国家国籍的认定采用的是出生地原则,而出生证明是出生地的最有力证明,因此需要出生证明翻译,尤其是父母一方或双方都是外籍的时候。 那么,出生证明翻译件都有哪些要求呢? 出生证明也叫《出生医学证明》,是由医院出具的具有一定证明力的书面材料,终身有效,婴儿登记户口必须用到出生证明。婴儿出生证明主要是医院针对新生儿的详细情况进行记录。 出生证明翻译在国外出生孩子上国内户口或者是移民国外才会用到,译稿要求翻译语言精确,译文的专业术语要达到法律级别上的专业水准,保证译稿的准确性和有效性。 出生证明翻译需要注意的是:文件翻译完成后,无需公证,但必须加盖翻译专用章,标明译稿是由正规专业的翻译机构翻译的,作为对出生证明翻译内容一致的权威认定。 正规的出生证明翻译公司 正规翻译公司以及涉外政府机关都会刻有翻译专用章,涉外政府机关一般不对外,只有办理涉外政府业务时才会使用; 从事翻译服务的正规翻译公司的认证章使用范围就比较广了,两者的法律效力没有太大分别;但是有些时候,受函方的认可远比法律规定重要。处于各个方面的考量,很多机构都会从正规翻译机构里面精选出一家翻译公司或多家翻译公司长期合作,于是就有了指定/定点翻译机构的说法。出生证明由个人翻译是无效的,译稿翻译完后,必须加盖翻译公司的翻译专用章方视为有效。



HUMAN SERVICES WORKER(General) Sandy Lin 15/F,TOWER2 ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING1,BEIJING. WORK EXPERIENCE 1987 to Present Human Service Relief Worker:Temporary Resources,Columbus,IN Work as a temporary substitute in a variety of human service programs including specializing clients in hospital,direct care of developmentally delayed clients,counseling and supervising adolescents in group homes and substitute teaching at institutions such as the Stafford School for the Deaf. 1984 to 1986 Residential Manager:Allied Group Homes,Columbus,IN Worked in several residential programs for all levels of development delayed clients.Taught skills in daily living,cooking,hygiene,and community awareness.Provided emotional support to clients.Interacted with clients families.Implemented behavioral programs. 1982 to 1983 Residential Counselor:Harrison House,Mooresville,IN Staffed community residence for five developmentally delayed clients.Implemented behavioral programs.Taught activities of daily living skills directed toward independent living and community integration. 1981 to 1982 Nurse's Aide:Center Street Nursing Home,Franklin,IN 1980 Mental Health Assistant:Bethany School,Bethany,IN 1979 Employment Counselor:Job Plus,Franklin,IN Interviewed and counseled clients for the purpose of placement in jobs or training programs.Made referrals for employment or training programs. 1978 Social Worker:State of Indiana-Division of Child Welfare 1972 to 1977 Social Worker:State of Indiana EDUCATION 1975 to Present Franklin College Graduate-level courses in psychology,education,and counseling


大学生电子版英文简历模板一份简历里,最好只出现12 种字体。以下是大学生电子版英文简历模板,欢迎阅读! 大学生电子版英文简历模板一Basic personal information Name: Sex: Female Date of Birth: October 1986 National: Han Height: 168 Account where: Guangxi Current: Guangzhou Graduate institutions: the Chinese Communist party members Political landscape: the Chinese Communist party members Highest level of education: college Repair by a professional: Physical Education Talent type: fresh graduates Job seekers intent type: Fulltime Position: teacher,clerks, civil servants, Hope Location: Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan,

Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Zhaoqing, Qingyuan Wish to pay: To be negotiated through education and training in September 1991 July 1993 students in Baise City in Guangxi Province civilization primary September 1994 July 1996 students in Baise City, Guangxi Province, the fifth secondary September 1996 July XX high school students in Baise, Guangxi Province Since September XX, Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education students 003XX years in a row won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education for three years, "Miyoshi model" title Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education in XX, Shenzhen Branch of "learning from Lei Feng activists" title. Communist Youth League in XX won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education Committee "outstanding member" title. In Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education XXXX, "a first 评优54 activities" in the "excellent komsomolets" title. Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education in XX, "the teachers and students singing contest," second prize Won the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education XX


Chengdu Elite Translation Co., Ltd. Room 620, Block A, Tianyi International Mansion, No.2 West 1st Section of 2nd Ring Road, Chengdu City Tel: 86-28—85095809 Email: elite_123@https://www.360docs.net/doc/b25231111.html, BIRTH CERTIFICATE Full name of baby: XXXXXXX Sex: Female Date of birth: XXXXXXX Place of birth: Chengdu City Gestation (week): XXXXXXX Health status: well Weight: XXXXXXX Height: XXXXXX Full name of mother: XXXXX Age: XX Nationality: China Nationality: Han Identity card No.: XXXXXXXXXX Full name of mother: XXXXXX Age: XX Nationality: China Nationality: Han Identity card No.: XXXXXXXXXX Type of place: General hospital Name of facility: General Hospital of Chengdu Seamless Steel Tube Company Birth No.: XXXXXXXX Date of issue: XXXXXXXXX Testing organization: Special Seal for Chengdu Medical Birth Certificate of the General Hospital of Chengdu Seamless Steel Tube Company (seal) Note: This Medical Certificate of Birth is formulated according to the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care. It is a legal certificate of people born in the People’s Republic of China. It is taken care of by the newly born baby’s father and mother or guardian. Cannot be sold, lent or altered in private. And it is referred to upon civil registration.
