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1. Do you have a hobby? Can you tell us somethi ng about it? What do you like to do in your spare time?
2. How do you usually spe nd your weeke nds?
3. What kind of books do like best and why?
4. What ki nd of music do you like best and why?
5. Do you like watch ing En glish TV programs and why?
6. Do you like traveli ng and why?
7. What kind of movies do you like best and why?
1. Do you think it is importa nt for uni versity stude nts to do physical exercise regularly and why?
2. What is your favorite way of keep ing fit and why?
3. Do you think going on a diet is (also) a good way to keep ing fit?
4. What kind of physical exercise do you think is most suitable for elderly people and why?
1. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
2. What aspect of your study do you find most difficult?
3. What do you usually do duri ng your vacati ons?
4. Can you say someth ing about your classmates?
5. What ' s your major? Why did you choose it?
6. Which course do you like most and why?
7. How do you support your study finan cially?
8. Can you say someth ing about the en terta inment available on your campus?
1. How do you usually keep in touch with your frie nds?
2. Which way of corresp onding do you thi nk will be most popular in the n ear future?
3. Do you thi nk letters will eve ntually be replaced by email or fax? Please give your reas ons.
4. What do you thi nk is the most efficie nt way for people to keep in touch with each other and why do you thir so?
1. How do you like uni versity life? Which aspect of uni versity life do you find most in teresti ng (stimulati ng /challe nging /excit ing /enjoyable)?
2. How are you gett ing along with your classmates?
3. You ' ve already finished quite a number of courses in the university. Which course do you think is most in teresti ng? Why?
4. How do you like the food in the dining halls?
5. What do you usually do on weeke nds?
6. Can you tell us someth ing about the activities orga ni zed by the Stude nt Union in your uni versity?
7. Are you in terested in participati ng in the work of the Stude nt Un io n? Give your reas ons.
1. Are you satisfied with your prese nt accommodati ons? Give your reas ons. What kind of accommodati ons would you like to have?
2. Today, more and more stude nts are en teri ng uni versity. How do you thi nk the problem of accommodati on can be solved?
3. If you don ' t like shari ng a room with some one else, what can you do?
4. If you have problems getting along with your roommates, what could you do?
1. Do you like watching TV? Why or why not?
2. Which programs do you like best? Why?
3. What do you thi nk of the En glish programs offered by CCTV?
4. How do you like the programs offered by your local TV statio n?
5. Do you like sports? What do you think of the sports programs on TV?
6. What do you think the TV serials? Name one or two that you like most.
7. Do you watch educati onal programs on TV? Name one or two. Why not?
8. Can you recomme nd some TV programs that you think are worth watch ing?
9. What ' s your general impression of the TV programs offerVdby CCT
1. What job do you thi nk is best for you after you graduate?
2. What ' s your most importa nt con sideratio n whe n look ing for a job?
3. Where would you like to work after you graduate, in a big city or a small tow n?
4. What factors in flue nee you most in your choice of a job?
5. Some people would rather not work if they can ' t find the ideal job. What ' s your op
6. Why does our gover nment en courage young people to leave home and work in less developed areas?
7. Do you have any work experie nee? Would you tell us someth ing about it? Why not?
8. How would you prepare for a job in terview?
9. Do you think it is desirable to have a job in the same city where your pare nts live? Give your reas ons, plea:
10. Suppose you fail to find the job you have in mind, what would you do the n?
1. How do you like campus life?
2. In what way is college life different from that in high school?
3. What do you thi nk is the real challe nge of study ing at college?
4. Where do you like to study, in the dormitory, in the library or in the classroom? Give your reasons, please.
5. What do you thi nk of your college library?
6. What kind of activities do you take part in during your free time?
7. What sort of en terta inment are you most in terested in?
8. Are you a sports en thusiast? What kind of sports do you like best?
9. Do you get along with your roommates?
1. What is your favorite course? Name one or two courses you enjoy most and give your reas ons.
2. Which course or courses do you like the least? And why?
3. How many classes do you have in a week? Should the nu mber of courses be cut dow n or in creased?
4. What do you thi nk of your En glish course?
1. What do you thi nk was or is the happiest time for you at school, at primary school, at high school or now at un iversity? Why?
2.1 n your view, what makes a happier life, wealth or health?
3. What in your life do you feel most proud of?
4. What is the greatest challenge you ' ve met since you entered university?
5. Among the people you know, who do you admire most? Tell us why?
6. As a university student, what contributions can you make to society?
1. Some people don ' t like making friends. Do you think they would be happy without friends? Why?
2. Do you believe in -long “ liffeiendships? Why / Why not?
3. Do you think that people of differe nt age groups, for example, tee nagers or adults, might have differe nt reas ons for making frien ds?
4. If you had the chance to travel around the country, who would you prefer to travel with, your parents or you frie nds? Why?
5. What would you prefer, having many friends or just a few close friends? Please explain briefly.
1. Can you tell us something about the after-class activities at your college (university)?
2. What kind of after-class activities are you interested in?
3. Do you ofte n take part in after-class activities? (If yes) What are they? (If not) Why not?
4. Is it difficult for you to pay your tuiti on and fees at college (uni versity)? (If yes) How do you overcome the difficulty?
5. What do you thi nk of stude nts tak ing a part-time job while in school?
6. What en terta inment does your college (uni versity) offer duri ng the weeke nd?
1. Are there many stude nts in your class who have part-time jobs? (If yes) What kind of jobs do they do? (If n Why n ot?
2. What is your first consideration in choosing a part-time job?
3. In what way dose your college en courage stude nts to have part-time jobs?
4. Does your family en courage you to get a part-time job?
5. What do you think colleges (university) should do to help students finance their education?
1. How do you usually spe nd your holiday/
2. How did you spe nd the Spring Festival/May Day?
3. What do you thi nk is the best way to spe nd your holidays? And why?
4. How did you spe nd the Spring Festival whe n you were a child?
5. How do you prefer to spend your holidays, with your parents or with your friends? Why?
6. Do you think we have too many f=holidays> Why do you think so?
1. What do you thi nk of stude nts who sleep away the whole day in their dormitories duri ng holydays?
2. Do you think that freque nt holidays will make people lazy/ Why/Why not?
3. What do you think of our government ' s decision to lengthen certain holidays?
4. Do you thi nk wee-l ong holydays will in crease pressure on tran sportati on? Why/Why n ot?
5. Do you think long holidays will en courage spe nding? Why/Why not?
1. How do you like campus life? (Why do you thi nk so?)
2. What do you think is the most attractive aspect of campus life?
3. Do you find it easy to get along with your classmates? (Why or why not)
4. Can you say someth ing about the liv ing con diti ons on campus?
5. Do you find life on campus convenient? Please give your reas ons.
6. What should the university do to make campus life more colorful?
7. What do you thi nk of your teachers and professors? (Please give your reas ons)
1. Can you say someth ing about your own hobby or hobbies?
2. What ' s the most popular hobby of your classmates?
3. Some people spe nd a lot of money on hobbies. Do you thi nk it worthwhile?
4. Do you think hav ing a hobby will affect your studies? Please give your reas ons.
5. Some students spend a lot of time surfing the net. Do you think it ' s a problem?
1. What cha nges will the wide use of the Internet in China bring about?
2. What, i n your opinion, is the biggest cha nge that has take n place in China today?
3. Please tell us someth ing about the cha nges in higher educati on in rece nt years.
1. Where do you usually get the latest n ews? From n ewspapers, the radio, TV or the In ternet?
2. What n ewspapers are available on campus?
3. How ofte n do you watch TV? What programs do you like best? (Please give your reas ons)
4. Do you have access to the Internet on campus? Which sites do you often visit and why?
5. How dose the mass media affect our lives?
6. What would life be like without the mass media?
1. Which n ewspaper do college stude nts like most? And why?
2. Which kind of mass media do you thi nk is most in flue nt, TV, n ewspaper, the radio or the In ternet? (Please give your reas ons)
3. Do you think newspapers will be replaced by the Internet in the future? Why or why not?
4. Do you think it is n ecessary to read n ewspapers whe n you can get the n ews on TV?
1. Which do you think is more important for university students, practical skills or theoretical knowledge?
your reas ons. 欢迎下载
2. Today uni versity stude nts have to pay tuiti on and fees. Do you thi nk this is reas on able? Why?
3. What ' s your major? Why did you choose it?
4. Apart from your major, what other subjects do you think are very important for you? Please explain briefly.
5. Would you like to be a teacher after you graduate? Give your reas ons.
1. Could you say someth ing about the way your En glish class is con ducted? How do you like it?
2. How did you lear n to speak En glish?
3. What are you going to do to further improve your En glish?
4. What ' s your idea of a good English teacher?
5. I n some uni versities, multimedia is used in teach ing En glish. What do you th ink of this form of teachi ng?
1. Which course do you think has benefited you most at university?
2. Would you like to go to work or continue your studies after graduation? (Please give your reasons)
3. Have you ever thought of study ing abroad? (Please give your reas ons)
4. Do you think a university education is essential to finding a good job? (Why?)
5. Is it important to develop higher education? (Why?)
1. Do you think it ' s good for young children to study abroad? (Why?)
2. Do you think it ' s essential to study abroad in order to get a good job? (Why/why not)
3. Now some universities are inviting foreign teachers to teach.tDokyit ' s a good idea? (Why?)
4. Why do you thi nk more and more graduates from uni versities abroad are coming back to China?
1. Are you satisfied with the environment you are living in?
2. Has your uni versity done anything to protect the campus en vir onment? (If yes, what has it done? /if not, wh n ot?)
3. Why is en vir onmen tal protecti on importa nt?
4. Is en vir onmen tal polluti on a local or global problem?
5. Which do you thi nk is more importa nt, en vir onmen tal protectio n or econo mic developme nt? (Please expla in.)
1. Is there such a thi ng as the gen erati on gap? (Please elaborate.)
2. Do young people usually see thi ngs the same way as the elderly? Give an example.
3. Would you like to live together with your pare nts after you graduate? (Why/why no t?)
4. Do young people like to chat with elderly people? (Why/why no t?)
5. Who do you prefer, young teachers or elderly professors? Why?
6. Do you think elderly people are always con servative? Please expla in.
1. Do you think it ' s necessary to naationtgapgfe(Why/why not?)
2. Is there any thi ng young people can lear n from the elderly? (Why/why no t?)
3. Is there any thi ng the elderly people can lear n from young people? (Why/why no t?)
4. If you sometimes differ with your parents on certain things, how would you deal with the situation?
1. Do you thi nk in formatio n tech no logy is importa nt? (Why/why no t?)
2. What role do you thi nk new tech no logy can play in educatio n?
3. Should uni versity stude nts know about the latest adva nces in scie nee and tech no logy? (Why?)
4. Is knowing a foreig n Ian guage importa nt for scie ntists and engin eers? (Please give your reas on s.)
1. What rules and regulations are there in your university? Name one or two.
2. Do you think rules and regulati ons in the uni versity are stricter tha n those in high school? (In what way?)
3. Which is more importa nt to good con duct, regulati ons or self-discipli ne?
4. What do you think of the rules and regulations in your university?
5. Have any of your classmates ever broke n uni versity regulati on s?(Please give an example.)
1. Are all the rules and regulation in your university reasonable?(Give one or two examples.)
2. If any of your classmates did not observe the uni versity rules and regulati ons, what would you do?
3. As adults, should university students be responsible for their own behavior? Why?
4. Do you think the Stude nts ' Union should be invo Ived in establishi ng uni versity rules and regulatioi expla in.)
1. People say the climate is beco ming warmer. Do you agree? (Why do you thi nk so?)
2. What do you think we can do to prevent the climate from becoming worse?
3. Is the climate an important consideration when you look for a place to live and work?
4. Do cha nges in weather affect huma n emoti ons?。