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1.Thank you for your quotation of 25 August together with samples.感谢您8月25日的报价与随函寄来的样品。

2.We accept the trading terms you've quoted and enclose our official order No...我方接受贵方所报的交易条件,并附上我方第。。。号正式订单

3.We find both the quality and the pattern satisfactory and would like to place an order.我们对产品的质量和样式都满意,想要订购

4.We wish to place with you a repeat order for 20 tons of apples.我们想再向贵方订购20吨苹果

5.We are prepared to give your products a trial.我方准备试用贵方产品

6.Our usual terms of payment are cash on delivery/by L/C payable within 90 days of sight.我方通常的付款方式是货到付款/90天可付即期信用证

7.We reserve the right of refusal of delivery and cancellation of the order after this date.我方保留此日期后拒绝送货物和取消订单的权利

8.The items ordered above should be shipped C.O.D.to this address :...请将以上订购的产品装运(货到付款)至以下地址:。。。

9.All the items mentioned above are urgently required by our customers.please arrange shipment of this order as early as possible.我方顾客急需以上产品。请尽早安排所定货物的装运

10.The ordered goods are in urgent need and your prompt delivery will be appreciated.急切需要所定货物,如蒙迅速交货,不胜感激。

11.Please see to it that your goods meet our requirement.请务必保证贵方货物符合我方要求

12.This is a trial order.if the goods sell well,we'll place/give further orders.这是试订购。如果销售情况良好,我方将继续订购。

13.We hope we can find a good market for these goods and place further orders with you in the future.我们希望贵方产品能有好的市场,将来继续订购贵方产品。


1.We have read carefully your letter of complaint on the discrepancy of goods with the original sample.我们已仔细阅读您抱怨本公司货样不符的信件

2.If it is found that...,we are willing to take all the responsibilities.如发现,我们愿意承担一切责

3.We have looked into the matter and find that your claim is perfectly justified.经调查发现贵方索赔完全有理

4.The compensation should not exceed...,otherwise this case will be submitted to arbitration.赔偿金额不能超过。。。,否则将提交仲裁

5.We have shipped the replacement goods and we trust that this will insure your satisfaction.我们已运出更换品,相信能使您满意

6.We certainly agree to the special allowance of 10% discount on the invoiced cost which you suggest。我方当然同意贵方建议,依照发票金额给予10%的折扣

7.It's hard to account for such an error,and the only excuse i can offer is that...对于这一失误我难以解释,唯一课提供的理由是。。。

8.We will do our best to prevent any reoccurrence of this sort of error.我们会尽量避免此类失误再次发生。

9.We would like to ask you for patience and understanding as we work to solve your problem.希望在我方竭力解决问题起见能得到贵方的忍耐和谅解

10.We hope this matter will not affect your good opinion of us .我们希望此事不会影响您对本公司的良好印象

11.We extend our apologies for the inconvenience this matter has caused you. 我们对此事给您造成的不便深表歉意

12.It is very surprising and regrettable to us that these problems have occurred and caused you so much trouble.这些问题发生并造成贵公司莫大的麻烦,对此我们甚为惊讶,也非常抱歉

13.We regret the need for you to write to us and guarantee the safe delivery of your orders in future.非常抱歉让您写信通知我方,我们呢保证今后能为贵方安全送货。
