水星Mercury ['mə:kjuri]传递之神黄色
金星Venus ['vi:nəs]爱神黄色
地球Earth 蓝色月moon
土星Saturn ['sætə(:)n]农业之神天神的父亲黄色,有光环
Moon(月球)、Phobos(火卫一)、Deimos(火卫二)、Io(木卫一)、Europe (木卫二)、Ganymede(木卫三)、Callisto(木卫四)、Mimas(土卫一)、Enceladus(土卫二)、Tethys(土卫三)、Dione(土卫四)、Rhea(土卫五)、Titan(土卫六)、Hyperion(土卫七)、Iapetus(土卫八)、Phoebe(土卫九)、Ariel(天卫一)、Umbriel(天卫二)、Titania(天卫三)、Oberon(天卫四)、Miranda(天卫五)、Triton(海卫一)、Nereid(海卫二)、Charon (冥卫一)。
Solar System and Planets
整理by WHP
太阳系,Solar System
记:木星是太阳系所有行星中体积最大的,Boss → Jupiter。
冥神 冥王星。
1. 水星mercury无卫星2. 金星venus无卫星3. 地球earth卫星 moon4. 火星mars火卫1 Phobos火卫2 Deimos5. 木星jupiter6. 土星saturn7. 天王星uranus8. 海王星neptune冥王星pluto妊神星Haumea谷神星Ceres阋神星Eris木卫1Io木卫2Europa木卫3Ganymede木卫4 Callisto (这四个最大,也叫伽利略卫星) 木卫5Amalthea木卫6Himalia木卫7Elara木卫8Pasiphae木卫9Sinope(最外层)木卫10Lysithea木卫11Carme木卫12Ananke木卫13Leda木卫14Adrastea木卫15Adrastea木卫16Metis木卫17Callirrhoe木卫18Themisto木卫19Megaclite木卫20Taygete21Chaldene22Harpalyke23Kalyke24Iocaste25Erinome26Isonoe27Praxidike28Autonoe29Thyone30Hermippe31Aitne32 Eurydome33 Euanthe34 Euporie35 Orthosie36 Sponde37 Kale38 Pasithee39 Hegemone40 Mneme41 Aoede42 Thelxinoe43 Arche44 Kallichore45 Helike46 Carpo47 Eukelade48 Cyllene49 Anthe50 Herse土卫1Mimas土卫2Enceladus 3Tethys4Dione5Rhea6Titan7Hyperion8Iapetus或Japetus 9Phoebe10Janus11Epimetheus12Helene13Telesto14Calypso15Atlas16Prometheus17Pandora18Pan19Ymir20Paaliaq21Tarvos22Ijiraq23Suttungr24Kiviuq25Mundilfari26Albiorix27Skathi28Erriapo29Siarnaq30Thrym31Narvi32Methone33Pallene34Polydeuces35Daphnis36Aegir37Bebhionn38Bergelmir39Bestla40Farbauti41Fenrir42Fornjot43Hati44Hyrrokkin45Kari46Loge47Skoll48Surtur49Anthe50Jarnsaxa51Greip52Tarqeq53Aegaeon天卫1 Ariel或Cordelia 天卫2 Umbriel3Titania4Oberon5Miranda6Cordelia7Ophelia8Bianca9Cressida10Desdemona11Juliet12Portia13Rosalind14Belinda15Puck16Caliban17Sycorax18Prospero19Setebos20Stephano21Trinculo22Francisco23Margaret24Ferdinand25Perdita26Mab27Cupid海卫一 Triton海卫二 Nereid海卫三 Naiad海卫四 Thalassa海卫五 Despina海卫六 Galatea海卫七 Larissa海卫八 Proteus小行星,Japanese小惑星 Asteroid半人马星体 Centaurs谷神星,穀星 (三王四星) 1 Ceres 智神星,智星 (三王四星) 2 Pallas 婚神星,婚星 (三王四星) 3 Juno 灶神星,灶星 (三王四星) 4 Vesta 凯龙星Chiron喀戎 Charon阿莫尔 1221 Amor阿波罗 1862 Apollo伊卡鲁斯 1566 Icarus希达尔戈 944 Hidalgo爱神星 433 Eros大力神星 522 Herculina赫尔默斯 Hermes中华星 1125 China 內魔煞 51 Nemausa 阋神星 Eris。
符号是上面一个圆形下面一个交叉的短垂线和一个半圆形(U nic ode: ?). 是墨丘利所拿魔杖的形状。
维纳斯,V enus是罗马的“爱与美之神”,希腊神话中称之为阿弗洛狄德,就是我们常说的“性感女神”。
Neptune [‘neptju:n] 海王星
海神 波塞冬
冥王星 (Pluto)
Pluto is a dwarf planet (or plutonic). It was classified as a dwarf planet in 2006; before that it was considered to be a planet, the smallest planet in our solar system.
venus [‘vi:nəs] 金星
Venus de Milo (Aphrodite of Melos )
地球 (Earth)
The Earth is the third
planet from the Sun in
our Solar System. It is
the planet we evolved on
My Very Excellent Mother Just Sent Us Nine Pizzas
离太阳最近的行星叫做Mercury 水星,V是 Venus 金星,E是Earth 地球,M是Mars 火 星,J是Jupiter 木星,S是Saturn 土星,U 是Uranus 天王星,N是Neptune 海王星, 最后P是Pluto 冥王星,非常可爱的Pluto。{}
Mercury [‘mə:kjuri]
a chemical element. Mercury is a poisonous silver-white liquid metal, used in thermometers. 汞;水银
Venus is the second planet from the sun in our solar system. It is the hottest planet in our Solar System. Venus has an iron core but only a very weak magnetic field.
Other Planets and Their Moons水星(Mercury)•38%地球半徑•隕石坑多(與月球很相像)•離太陽最近的行星•幾乎沒有大氣層為什麼?少數氣體來自岩石擠壓,以及太陽風(主要是氫與氦)•日、夜溫差大350o C to -170o C•太陽潮汐力(公轉88天兩次,自轉58.7天三次)1974 by Mariner 水星的兩極有些隕石坑沒有日照,似乎有冰。
是彗星撞擊所致,還是來自水星內部的氣體造成的?Mercury 和地球一樣有個鐵核心;水星是太陽系中鐵含量最豐富的行星2005 Earth flyby Messenger任務MESSENGER launched from Cape Canaveral Air ForceStation, Fla., on August 3, 2004. It returned to Earth for agravity boost on August 2, 2005, then will fly past Venustwice, in October 2006 and June 2007. The spacecraftuses the tug of Venus’gravity to resize and rotate itstrajectory closer to Mercury’s orbit.Three Mercury flybys, each followed about two monthslater by a course correction maneuver, put MESSENGERin position to enter Mercury orbit in March 2011. Duringthe flybys –set for January 2008, October 2008 andSeptember 2009 –MESSENGER will map nearly theentire planet in color, image most of the areas unseen byMariner 10, and measure the composition of the surface,atmosphere and magnetosphere. It will be the first newdata from Mercury in more than 30 years –andinvaluable for planning MESSENGER’s yearlong orbitalmission./金星(Venus)•凌晨,黃昏地平面上;耀眼•離地球最近的行星•沒有磁場•大小與地球相當•自轉方向與其他行星相反•厚重的大氣Æ嚴重的「溫室效應」(Greenhouse effect)Æ表面溫度極高(太陽系中最熱的行星)•麥哲倫號發現曾經有火山(岩漿)活動Greenhouse effect溫室效應陽光(主要是可見光與紫外線)照射,地表受熱後輻射紅外線與微波,這些長波輻射容易被大氣分子吸收•因為有溫室效應地球才有生命誕生•如果沒有greenhouseeffect,地球的平均溫度會低攝氏30度,也就不是現在的攝氏15度,而在冰點以下•但要是人類製造太多「溫室氣體」,使溫室效應惡化,便有全球暖化、氣候失調的危機/tie/tci/ClimateChange.htmlVolcano (Maat Mons8 km tall)on Venus by the Magellanradar, with the coloring basedon the Soviet Venera13lander (1982). Astronomy Picture of theDay, 28 September 1995A global view of Venus by Magellan•Kinetic energy of a moving object •Kinetic energy of a gas atom/molecule E k [J]k = 1.38 x 10-23J/K (Boltzmann constant)ÎAverage speed of a gasatom/molecule行星是否擁有大氣──逃脫速率教室中氧分子速率~0.5 km/s如果有氫分子的話~1.9 km/s•Escape speed for a planetM: mass of the planetR: radius of the planetG=6.67 x 10-11N m 2/kg23.5Neptune 21.3Uranus 35.5Saturn 59.5Jupiter 5.0Moon 2.4Mars 11.2Earth 10.4Venus 4.3Mercury Escape speed (km/s)Planet 給定溫度,氣體分子速率成Maxwellian distribution ,一般來說如果某天體逃脫速度大於氣體平均速率的6倍,該天體便可以保有該氣體。
太阳系八大行星的英语The Eight Planets of the Solar SystemIntroduction:The solar system consists of the sun and a group of celestial bodies that orbit around it. There are eight major planets in our solar system, each with its own unique characteristics and properties. In this document, we will provide an overview of the eight planets, their composition, physical features, and interesting facts.1. Mercury:Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system and closest to the sun. It has a rocky surface with numerous craters caused by meteorite impacts. Due to its proximity to the sun, temperatures on Mercury can reach extreme highs during the day and drop significantly at night. It does not have an atmosphere and has a very thin layer of gases surrounding it.2. Venus:Venus is often referred to as Earth's sister planet due to its similar size and composition. It is the hottest planet in our solar system, with a thick atmosphere that traps the sun's heat, leading to a runaway greenhouse effect. Venus is covered in thick clouds composed mainly of sulfuric acid, making its surface hidden from view.3. Earth:Our home planet, Earth, is the third planet from the sun and the only known planet to support life. It has a diverserange of ecosystems, including oceans, mountains, forests, and deserts. Earth has an atmosphere consisting of mainly nitrogen and oxygen, which helps to regulate temperatures and preserve life. It is also the only planet to have liquid water on its surface.4. Mars:Mars, often referred to as the "Red Planet," is known for its reddish appearance due to iron oxide, also known as rust, covering its surface. Mars has polar ice caps, similar to Earth's, and evidence of ancient rivers and lakes. It has a thin atmosphere consisting mainly of carbon dioxide. Scientists continue to study Mars for signs of past or present life.5. Jupiter:Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium. It is known for its distinctive bands of clouds and the Great Red Spot, a massive storm that has been raging for hundreds of years. Jupiter has numerous moons, with the four largest ones known as the Galilean moons: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.6. Saturn:Saturn is recognized for its beautiful ring system, composed of ice and rock particles. It is the second-largest planet and mainly consists of hydrogen and helium. Saturn's rings are made up of thousands of individual ringlets that vary in size and thickness. Like Jupiter, Saturn has numerous moons, with Titan being the largest and most interesting due to its thick atmosphere and potential for supporting life.7. Uranus:Uranus is a unique planet in our solar system, known for its sideways orientation. It is composed mainly ofhydrogen and helium, along with small amounts of water, methane, and ammonia. Uranus has a bluish-green appearance due to the presence of methane in its atmosphere. It has a system of rings, but they are much fainter and narrower compared to Saturn's.8. Neptune:Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun and one of the windiest places in the solar system. It is composed mainly of hydrogen and helium, with traces of methane giving it a blue color. Neptune has a distinct feature called the Great Dark Spot, similar to Jupiter's Great Red Spot. It has a system of rings, but they are very faint and difficult to observe.Conclusion:The eight planets of our solar system offer a diverse range of compositions, physical features, and interesting facts. From the scorching hot Venus to the windy and distant Neptune, each planet provides us with valuable information about the formation and evolution of our solar system. Although we have yet to fully explore and understand these fascinating celestial bodies, ongoing research and exploration continue to unveil new discoveries and broaden our knowledge of the solar system.。
Human face on Mars
Asteroid belt
Equatorial radius 71398km Rotation period 0.41 days Period of revolution 11.86years
Solar System Profile
Eaቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱth
Diameter 直径 12,756km Surface temperature 表面温度 -89℃~58℃
Rotation period 自传周期 1 day Period of revolution 公转周期 365.24 days
Earth satellite - Moon
Equatorial radius赤道半径 2439km Rotation period 自传周期 58.65 days Period of revolution 公转周 期 87.97 days
Mercury Surface is not a drop of water. 水星表面没有———,
The highest temperatures of up to 350℃ . ————350摄氏度,
Venus's rotation is very special , Rotation direction contrary to other planets , It is from east to west , Therefore , Venus point of view, the sun rise from west and sundown in east . Venus has a rotation period of 243 days. Orbital period of 224.7 days. So a "day" on Venus is longer than "years".
口译词汇 太阳系
![口译词汇 太阳系](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a770409f0029bd64783e2cda.png)
棒旋星系rod-rotating planet水星mercury金星Venus木星Jupiter土星Saturn天王星Uranus海王星Neptune冥王星Pluto卫星satellite矮行星dwarf planet内行星inner planet小行星asteroid彗星comet流星meteor星际介质interstellar medium流体静力平衡hydrostatic equilibrium 小行星带asteroid belt柯伊伯带Kuiper beltTrans-Neptunian region外海王星区半人马小行星centaur minor planet 水手号峡谷Mariner Valleys宇宙线cosmic ray奥林匹斯山Olympus Mons气态巨行星gas giant近地天体terrestrial planet大红斑great red spot环形系统ring system下行星inferior planet黄道尘zodiacal dust谷神星Ceres奥特云Ort cloud猎户座臂the Orion Arm木卫三Ganymede木卫四Callisto木卫一Io木卫二Europa土卫二Enceladus土卫六Titan海卫一Triton第一星族population I star霜冻线frost line电磁辐射electromagnetic radiation自转rotation公转orbital revolution 离心率eccentricity半长轴semi-long axis主星序main sequence星际尘埃interstellar dust陨石meteorite坑crater裂谷rift valley黄矮星yellow dwarf太阳圈hemisphere日光层heliosphere近日点perihelion远日点aphelion对流层convective zone开普勒行星定律Kepler Planetary Law 抛物线parabola星云假说nebula超新星supernova星团star cluster红巨星red giant白矮星white dwarf暗矮星dark dwarf大爆炸说big bang hypothesis氦helium氢hydrogen地幔mantle电子流steam of electrons黑子macula磁场magnetic field挥发物volatile ['vɒlətaɪl]分子molecule液体氮liquid Nitrogen硅酸盐silicate氧化铁iron oxide游离氧气free oxygen地堑graben水圈hydrosphere板块结构说plate tectonics地质活动geological activities微米micron半径radius直径diameter氨ammonia甲烷methane日珥prominence日心说heliocentrism。
1.太阳系九大行星名称和英文翻译: 按照它们距离太阳的远近,依次是水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星,冥王星!According to their distance to the sun the nine planets in the Solar System are : Mercury, V enus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.2.180°C = 180 degrees Celsius3. a great adventure大冒险4. a huge open area of green grass一块巨大的绿草地5. a new pair of jeans一条新牛仔裤6. a plate of dumpling一盘饺子7.abroad国外8.accountant会计师9.act out表演,仿演10.action film/movie动作片11.acupuncture针灸12.adventure film/movie探险片13.advertisement广告14.afterwards=later 然后15.agree with同意16.agree同意17.air pollution空气污染18.air-condition=air-conditioning空调19.air-conditioned 空调的20.air-conditioner空调机21.airport railway机场铁路22.allow允许23.although虽然24.among在(大家)之间25.angel天使26.any longer(不)再27.appear出现28.approximate [əˈprɔksimit] a.大概的,大约的,接近的29.as a guide作为指引30.as clever as 如同一样聪明31.as strong as如同一样强大n Car Racing亚洲车赛33.audio & video shop音像商店34.author=writer作者,作家35.avenue林荫道36.aviary百鸟园,大鸟笼37.awful讨厌的,可怕的38.bad habit坏习惯39.bakery面包厂40.bake烘烤41.baking tin烘烤盘42.baking tray烤盘=baking tin43.balloon气球44.Bank of China = BOC中国银行45.Batman and Joker蝙蝠侠和小丑(电影名称)46.be able to=can能够47.beat击打48.beauty salon美容店49.beauty salon美容店50.behave(举止或行为)表现,51.believer信徒52.believe相信53.believe相信54.belong to属于55.belt皮带,腰带56.Benjamin Franklin本杰明·富兰克林(美国政治家及科学家)57.Beware of sharks! 小心鲨鱼!58.beware of小心…59.big wave惊涛骇浪60.blender搅拌机61.blow off吹掉62.bone骨头63.bow [bəu,bau] n.弓,弓形物n.鞠躬v.鞠躬,低头;压弯64.Boxing Day: 礼物日65.breathe呼吸66.breeze=gentle wind微风67.British英国人(的)68.Burger Club汉堡包店,汉堡俱乐部69.buy sth. for sb. / buy sb. sth.给买东西70.cable car缆车71.camera照相机72.candle蜡烛73.candy/candies糖果74.canning factory罐头厂75.caption注释,注解76.carol颂歌,赞歌77.Carpet Land地毯大地78.cartoon卡通片79.cause引起,导致TV: China Central Television中央电视台81.celebrate庆祝82.Century Park世纪公园83.century世纪84.chain shop (business) 连锁店(生意)85.chairperson主席,主任86.chancellor(英)大学校长87.change换衣,改变,零钱88.changing room更衣室89.Channel 8第八频道90.check格子91.chemistry化学92.china瓷器93.Chinese citizen中国公民94.chocolate powder巧克力粉95.Christmas Pudding圣诞节布丁96.CIA: Central Intelligence Agency中央情报局97.circus马戏团98.cities under the sea海底城市99.city hall市政厅100.clap拍手101.class outing 班级郊游102.Classic movie: Sound of Music古典电影:音乐之声103.click打勾104.clothes shop服装店105.collar领口106.collar领口edy喜剧片fortable/uncomfortable舒服的/不舒服的petition竞赛,比赛plete完成pressed biscuits/food压缩饼干/食物pressed biscuits压缩饼干pressed food压缩食物114.concert音乐会115.conduct a survey进行社会调查116.contain容纳117.content内容118.convenient方便的119.cookery book烹饪大全120.cookery lesson烹饪课程121.Cool Clothes 时尚服装,酷衣店122.Country Road乡村之路(电影名称)123.cowboy牛仔124.cracker鞭炮125.crash碰撞126.crew member全体船员(成员)127.crisps薯片128.crowded拥挤的129.cruise巡航,经济航速130.cucumber黄瓜131.dairy 乳制品厂132.decide决定133.decorate装扮,装饰134.decoration装饰135.delay耽搁,延期136.delta army三角洲部队137.department store百货公司138.designer设计师139.design设计140.destination目的地141.Devil of Death死神142.diameter直径143.different kinds of 各种各样的,各种各样的144.disappear消失145.disappointed失望的146.display board显示板147.district地区148.diving restaurant水下餐馆149.do a project作课题150.do some revision做些复习151.documentary纪录片152.dough面团153.Dragon Restaurant金龙饭店154.dressed up as Aladdin打扮成阿拉丁模样155.drive大道156.dumpling饺子157.duration延续,片长158.earn挣(钱)159.Earth地球160.Easter复活节cation教育162.efficiently高效率地163.either or不是就是164.electric kettle电水壶165.electric shock触电166.electrical appliance电器167.Empress女皇帝168.enemy敌人169.enough足够的170.entertainment [ˈentəˈteinmənt] n.娱乐,文娱节目,表演会171.equal等于172.Esop’s Fables伊索寓言173.evergreen tree常青树174.evil邪恶175.Excel [ ik'sel ] [计算机] 软件名称:表格制作176.except for除之外177.exchange交换178.exciting film令人激动的电影179.express快车180.fable寓言181.fairy tale童话182.fall asleep入睡183.far/farther/farthest远/更远/最远184.far/further/furthest更/进一步/最最185.fashionable clothes时装186.FBI: Federal Bureau Of Investigation联邦调查局187.feather羽毛,翎毛188.film guide电影导报189.film/movie电影190.film胶卷191.fish ball鱼丸192.fish finger鱼条193.flash闪光,闪耀194.flask热水瓶195.floating restaurant水上餐馆196.float飘浮197.for an interview面试198.for too long太长时间199.for(多少年、时间)200.foreign country外国201.forget忘记202.frame框架,相框203.freeze/froze/frozen冷冻204.fridge冰箱205.fright惊吓,恐怖206.from all over the world来自世界各地207.from all parts of the world 来自世界各地208.from around the world来自世界各地209.frozen fish factory海鲜冷冻210.frozen vegetables冷冻蔬菜211.fuel燃料212.full of action动作连连213.full of充满214.furniture shop家具店215.furniture 家具216.g=gram克217.gather集合218.get on with=get along with进行219.go for an interview去面试220.go hiking in autumn去秋游221.go to see a film去看电影222.go to the cinema去看电影223.go to the movies去看电影224.god/goddess神、女神225.Goddess of Creation创造女神226.Goddess of Happiness快乐女神227.Goddess of Mercy观音菩萨228.Goddess of Moon月亮女神229.God上帝,主230.gold coin金币231.goose鹅232.gramme克=g233.Grand Gateway Plaza大购物广场234.guest客人235.guide导引236.hairclip发卡237.half an hour半小时238.hang up stocking挂起长筒袜239.hang up挂起来240.hardworking辛勤工作的241.hate讨厌,仇恨,极不喜欢242.have a barbecue去烧烤243.have a competition进行比赛(竞赛)244.have a tennis club有一个网球场245.have got to = have to必须,不得不246.have more go-hiking更多的郊游247.have regular meals规则进食248.hawker小摊贩249.headmaster(小学)校长250.hear from盼复,听到回音251.hear from收到回信252.heater取暖器,加热器253.heat加热,热度254.high-speed高速255.hold on别挂机256.hold/held/held主办,举办,紧握257.holly leaves冬青树叶258.honest诚实的259.How are you getting on with your preparation?你们准备工作做得怎么样?260.howl [haul] 嗥叫,呼啸;吼叫,哀号= roar261.Huangpu River Cruises浦江游览262.huge巨大的263.hurt伤害,疼痛264.hut小棚屋265.I can’t make it! 我来不了!我没法做到!我干不了!266.I can’t make it. 我做不到。
天体名称中英对照甲板部物料水手长物料丙纶缆 polypro pylene尼龙缆 nylon hawser纤维尼龙缆 polyeth ylenehawser麻绳 manilarope塑料绳吊货钢丝 cargo runner千斤索 topping lift稳索 prevent er stay卸扣 shackle花兰螺丝 turnbuc kle三角圈 wire rope thimble钢丝轧头 wire rope clip吊杆顶索滑车t opping lift block大滑车 head block根滑车 heel block开口滑车 snatchblock牵索滑车 gay block单柄滑车 singlesheaveblock双柄滑车 doublesheaveblock嵌环 thimble棍梯液压钢丝铡刀船壳灰漆 grey topside船壳白漆 white gloss exterio r奶黄漆 buff cream paint甲板红漆 deck red绿水线漆 green boot toping货舱银漆 hold alumini um抗热油漆 heat resista nt alumini um 标志红/兰/绿/黄/黑 red lead凡立水 varnish稀释剂 thinner牛油 grease煤油 kerosen e钢丝绳油 wire dressin g oil/ tar oil 去漆水撇缆绳 heaving line测水绳 soundin g rope榔头 hammer长柄铲刀 long hand flat scraper刮锈刀 goosene ck scraper电榔头 electri c chippin g machine轴 spare shaft片 spare blade头 spare head set气榔头 pneumat ic chippin g machine钢丝钳 wire cutter尖嘴钳 long nose pliers梅花扳手 hexag. r. spanner套筒扳手 socketwrench管子扳手 pipe wrench活动扳手 shiftin g spanner螺栓 bolt螺母 nut扁螺丝刀 screw driver十字螺丝刀 cross head driver铁皮剪刀 tin's snips剪刀 scissor s水手刀 jack knife手拉葫芦 chain block液压千斤顶 hydraul ic jack钢卷尺 steel tape ruler皮卷尺 measuri ng tape扁漆刷 flat paint brush弯漆刷 goosene ck paint brush滚筒漆刷 rollerpaint brush喷漆枪 paint sprayer牛油枪 greasegun游标卡尺 vernier caliper闹钟 alarm clock皮大衣 fur overcoa t雨衣 rain coat安全帽 safetyhelmet/ hard cap 舷梯安全网 gangway net安全带 safetybelt太阳镜 sun glasses护眼镜 goggles帆布手套 canvasgloves线手套 cottongloves皮手套 leather gloves肥皂粉 soap powder/ deterge nt 棉纱 cottonwaste破布 cottonrag毛巾布 towel cloth竹扫巴 bamboobroom棕扫巴 palm broom, coir broom 铁水桶 galvani c iron bucket塑料水桶 plastic bucket老鼠挡 rat guard电筒 torch, flash light钳子 pincers铜锁 padlock大副物料海水比重计配载仪木匠物料麻花钻头 auger bits钢丝钳 combina tion pliers斜口钳 side cutting pliers扁嘴钳 flat nose pliers什锦锉 assorte d files手电钻 electri c drill machine双头开口扳手s panner活动扳手 adjusta ble spanner手电锯 electri c saw machine不锈钢尺 stainle ss steel ruler 量水尺 woodensoundin g ruler 量水绳 soundin g rope门锁 lock三合板 three-lay board五合板 five-lay board地板胶万能胶水 general purpose glue 手摇钻 hand drill量油尺 oil gauging tape封舱胶布 seal adhesiv e tape油布 tarpaul in二副物料尼龙旗绳 halyard nylon国旗 nationa l flag海图橡皮 eraser, rubber秒表 stop watch透明胶纸海图三角板 triangu lar海图两脚规 chart devider放大镜 chart magnifi er望远镜 binocul ars, telesco pe 理发剪子 hair clipper s信号旗字母旗数字旗代旗回答旗六分仪 sextant三副物料救生圈 life buoy救生衣 life jacket救生浮灯 man-over-board signallight救生饼干 lifeboa t biscuit烟幕信号 smoke signal降落伞信号 parachu te distres s signal红火号 red hand flare鱼钩 fishing tackle抛绳器 line throwin g applian ce消防斧 fire axe消防撬棍 fire fightin g crowbar消防火钩 fire fightin g hook消防衣 asbesto s fire suit氧气呼吸器 breathi ng apparat us, respira tion 防毒面具 smoke helmet直流水枪 jet squirt两用水枪 multi jet squirt国际通用接头i nterna tional shore connect or 消防皮龙 fire hose水带接扣 fire hose couplerCO2灭火器C O2 extingu isher泡沫灭火器 foam extingu isher干粉灭火器 dry powderfire extingu isher救生服 exposur e suit保温袋反光带 reflect ive tape救生衣灯防火救生绳呼吸器氧气瓶c ompres sed oxygenbottle电台物料硫酸 sulphur ic aid蒸馏水 distill ed water单胶线 singlecord wire老虎钳 hand plier奶子榔头 ball peen hammer钢丝钳 wire cutterplier剥线钳 wire cover c. plier电工刀 electri cian knife电烙铁 electr i c smolde r iron 手风器 moulde r 's bellow 液体比重计 hydrom e ter 万用表 A.V.O. meter , multim e ter 测电笔 test pencil 救生用语救生艇属具brakewinch davit motor fender draina ge plug fall helm boat motorembark ation ladder puoy lifeja cket lifebu oy 保温袋 防寒服 blanke tpyrotechnic signalparachutehand flaresmoketwo-way radiotelephoneEPIRBline-throwing appliance放艇步骤Lifeboat Launching Procedure1. CHECK drainage plug is in;2. CHECK harbour pins are out;3. LOWER / LAY OUT embarkation ladder;4. RELEASE all gripes;5. LOWER to embarkation deck;6. RIG toggle painter;7. MAKE FAST bowsing-in tackles;8. LET GO tricing-in pendants;9. BOARD when ordered to;10. SIT DOWN and keep hands inside boat;11.EASE OFF and LET GO bowing-in tackles;12.LOWER boat until falls are released;13.UNHOOK falls14.RIG tiller15.EMBARK lauching crew16.LET GO toggle painter;17.FEND OFF with boathook.USEFUL PHRASES:harbour pin 在港固定销gripe 固定栓夹(制动器)squeeze lever 压杆knock off slip ringembarkation deckboat decktoggle painter 艇索bowsing-in tackletricing-in pendantunhook falltiller舵柄boathookcold kill 防寒衣life jacketmuster listmuster station救生筏属具 sea anchorbalanced water pocketrain guttertentwater accumulating bagpainterlife linesea water cell bagsea water cellrighting strapexhaust valvehand bellows (and a horse)rescue quoit and 30m linefloating knifebailerspongeoarsea anchorrepair outfittin openerfirst aid kitgraduated drinking vesselwaterproof signalling torchspare bulb & batterywhistledaylight signalling mirrorsea cellparachute distress signalshand flaresfishing tackleillustrated table of life-saving signalsillustrated on how to survive in the liferaft sea sickness tabletsconcentrated emergency foods rationwater in polyethylene bottle (liter)accessory valise放筏步骤INFLATABLE LIFERAFTS OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS1. To operate the liferaft, release the slipping hook on the hydrostatic releaser. Care should be taken that the painte r of the liferaft must be secured at the original position.2. Let go the liferaft to slide down into the water or raise up liferaft by hands and throw it into the water. At this moment ,the attached heaving line of the inflating line will be pulled out and kept open the cylinder valve, thus completed the raft inflating.3. If the height of the liferaft stowed deck was less than 11 meters above the water surface, care must be taken to pay out more inflating line so as to make the inflating cylinder valve kept open and then the raft will be inflating automatically.4. If the liferaft was inverted upside down in the water, it should be restored upright by person wearing lifejacket standing at the cylinder side and pull the restoring strap, which was fitted under the bottom of the liferaft, with two hands and squatting down with face upward against wind. Thus the lifera f t will be restored upright.5. After the liferaft was fully inflated, then the personwearing life jackets can be embarked into the liferaft by steppi n g down from gangway or suspension ladder and also by leaping from the ship board or jumping into water, and climbing up the soft ladder which was fixed under the entryway of the leferaft, then turn over the body and get into the liferaft.6. If there are some persons overboard ,the embarked person should throw out a rescue ring, then pull back the heavin g line and help them to embark.Cut off the painter by the safety knife which was stowed on the upper buoyancy tyre or in the tool's bag and row the liferaft quickly, to leave the sinking ship, otherwise will be capsized.After the liferaft has got leave the sinking ship, then let go the sea anchor into water so as to keep nearby at the site of the accident.7. When the liferaft was drifting, we can send signals to make the passing vessels to pay attention to our liferaft. The electric torch, whistle, red hand flares or red parachute signal s can be used at night, and the daylight signalling mirror, whistle, red parachute signals, self-activating smoke signalcan be used at the daytime.急救药箱LIST OF FIRST-AID OUTFITbandage dressing and bleeding stanchinggauze dressing or external application 纱布triangular bandage dressing any wounded part of body adhesive plaster for fixing医用膏带cotton wool for disinfection药棉tourniquet (rubber tube) for venous or arterial bleeding 止血带pincette 镊子scissorssafety pins for fixing别针ammonia solution used as a restorative in shock, or for insect bitesalcohol for disinfectionwoundplast for small bleeding wound 创可帖antiseptic burn or wound cream for burns and scalds烫伤膏coulentum tetracyclini for keratitis and allergic conjunctivit i s 四环素眼膏allaying fever relieving pain(APC) for headache, toothache, and fever 解热止痛片sulfamethoxazolum composita(SMZ Co.) for inflammation of upper respiratory track, urinar y infection, intestines infection and septicaemia消防用语消防演习FIRE DRILLfire-fighting squadfirst-aid squadtechnical squadfiremancut off concerned circuits, turn off ventilating blowersclose fire doors, windows, hatches, accesses, ventilators control hydrant, fire hose, nozzlecarry portable extinguisherseparate inflammable from fire spotadminister international shore connectioncarry first-aid box, perform first-aidcarry stretcheradminister the fixed CO2/foam fire-extinguishing systemautomatic sprinkle systemthe fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing systemcontrol the emergency fire pumpclose fire door, skylight,shut off valves and cocks of oil suction pipes呼吸器BREATHING APPARATUScomposed of:**** calculate the quantity of free air:eg. one 3-litre cylinder charged to 30MPa (300 barf) contains 3*300=900 litres of free air.average comsuption is 40 litre per minute.**** don apparatus:消防设备fireman's outfitoxygen apparatusportable foam applicater天气名称中英对照锚用语1. ANCHORING ORDERSheave away anchorheave up anchorweigh anchorlet gopay awayslack awaypay outstand by port anchorget the port anchor ready stand by both anchorstand by kedge anchortwo shackles in waterthree shackle on deckstand by heavingput windlass into gearhold oncheck the cableavast heaving 停止绞锚up and downtake in the slack on the chain is the chain tight?chain is tighthow is the chain leadingleading forwardleading aft / asternleading to port / starboard anchor leading abeamchain across ship's headchain on the port bowanchor is clearanchor is aweighanchor is upanchor is foulanchor is acrossanchor is elbow 锚链绞缠anchor is draggingslack off the brakewalk back 锚链倒出walk out port anchor to water surface shorten your cable to 2 shackles dredge anchor2. USEFUL PHRASESchain / cablewindlassanchor lockeranchor piperiding anchorlee anchorhawse pipe 锚链孔bower 大锚spare bower 备用锚货运用语中英文对照货运用语中英文对照运输 transpo rtatio n | | transit | | conveya nce运送 to transpo rt | | to carry | | to convey运输业 transpo rtatio n busines s | | forward ing busines s | | carryin g trade 运输代理人 a forward ing agent承运人 a freight agent | | a carrier船务代理人 a shippin g agent陆上运输 transpo rtatio n by land海上运输 transpo rtatio n by sea货物运输 goods traffic| | freight traffic| | carriag e of freight s | | carria g e of goods货轮 cargo boat | | freight er | | cargo steamer | | cargo carrier火车 goods-train | | freight-train卡车 goods-van | | goods wagon | | freight car | | truck货运办公室 goods-office| | freight-departm ent运费率 freight | | freight rates | | goods rate运费 carriag e charges | | shippin g expense s | | express charges车费 cartage | | portage运费预付 carriag e prepaid | | carriag e paid运费到付 carriag e forward | | freight collect运费免除||免费 carriag e free协定运费 confere nce freight | | freight rate运费清单 freight account托运单 way-bill | | invoice运送契约 contrac t for carriag e装运 shipmen t | | loading装上货轮 to ship | | to load | | to take on a ship 装运费 shippin g charges | | shippin g commiss ion装运单||载货单 shippin g invoice装运单据 shippin g documen ts大副收据 mate's receipt装船单 shippin g order提货单 deliver y order装船通知 shippin g advice包裹收据 parcelreceipt准装货单 shippin g permit租船契约 charter party租船人 charter er程租船||航次租赁 voyagecharter期租船 time charter允许装卸时间l ay days | | layingdays工作日 working days连续天数 running days | | consecu tive days滞期费 demurra ge滞期日数 demurra ge days速遣费 despatc h money空舱费 dead freight退关 short shipmen t | | goods short shipped| | goods shut out | | shut-outs 赔偿保证书(信托收据) letterof indemni ty | | trust receipt装载 loading卸货 unloadi ng | | dischar ging | | landing装运重量 shippin g weight| | in-take-weight卸货重量 landing weight压舱 ballast ing压舱货 in ballast舱单 manifes t船泊登记证书s hip's certifi cate of registr y航海日记 ship's log船员名册 muster-roll(船员,乘客)健康证明 bill of health光票 clean bill不清洁提单 foul bill有疑问提单 suspect ed bill航运术语。
1. 水星(Mercury)- 水星,英文为Mercury,是太阳系中距离太阳最近的行星,它的表面温度极低,几乎没有液态水。
2. 金星(Venus)- 金星,英文为Venus,是太阳系中距离太阳第二近的行星,它的表面温度和重力都非常适合生命存在。
3. 地球(Earth)- 地球,英文为 Earth,是太阳系中距离太阳最近的行星,也是目前人类居住的地方。
4. 火星(Mars)- 火星,英文为Mars,是太阳系中距离太阳第四近的行星,它的表面温度和重力非常适合人类进行探索和居住。
5. 木星(Jupiter)- 木星,英文为Jupiter,是太阳系中距离太阳第五近的行星,拥有巨大的气态卫星和行星卫星系统,是太阳系中最大的行星。
6. 土星(Saturn)- 土星,英文为Saturn,是太阳系中距离太阳第六近的行星,拥有美丽的光环和许多卫星,是太阳系中最大的行星之一。
7. 天王星(Uranus)- 天王星,英文为Uranus,是太阳系中距离太阳第七近的行星,它的形状非常奇特,有冰和岩石组成的卫星系统和围绕其旋转的气态卫星。
8. 海王星(Neptune)- 海王星,英文为Neptune,是太阳系中距离太阳第八近的行星,它的表面温度和重力非常适合冰和岩石行星。
太阳系 词汇 口译
![太阳系 词汇 口译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/06e0495d6edb6f1afe001f24.png)
Mercury水星Venus金星Earth地球Mars火星Jupiter 木星Saturn土星Uranus天王星Neptune海王星terrestrial planets类地行星Jovian planets ['dʒəuviən]类木行星superior planet 地外行星Inferior planet 地内行星dwarf planets [dwɔːf] 矮行星Pluto冥王星Ceres谷神星Haumea妊神星Makemake鸟神星Eris阋神星satellite/moon卫星comet ['kɒmɪt] 彗星meteor流星centaurs ['sentɔːz]半人马小行星asteroid belt ['æstərɔɪd]小行星带Kuiper belt柯伊伯带scattered disc离散盘interstellar medium 星际介质Trans-Neptunian region外海王星区Northern hemisphere北半球arctic circle ['ɑːktɪk]北极圈antarctic circle [ænˈtɑ:ktɪk]南极圈ecliptic [ɪ'klɪptɪk]黄道elliptical椭圆的nebula 星云Oort cloud奥尔特云perihelion [perɪ'hiːlɪən]近日点aphelion [æ'filɪən]远日点convective zone对流层heliosphere ['hiːlɪəʊsfɪə] 日光层/太阳圈heliopause ['hi:liəpɔ:z] 日球层顶chromosphere ['krəʊməsfɪə]色球层Coronal mass ejection CMES日冕物质抛射prominence 日珥total/ partial solar eclipse[ɪ'klɪps]日全食/偏食penumbra [pɪ'nʌmbrə]半影umbra全影crust地壳mantle地幔graben地堑Planetesimal [plænɪ'tesɪm(ə)l] 星子spectrum ['spektrəm]光谱IAU国际天文学联合会AU天文单位Kepler's laws of planetary motion开普勒定律heliocentrism日心说orrery ['ɔrəri]太阳系仪volatile ['vɒlətaɪl] 挥发物ammonia [ə'məʊnɪə] 氨methane ['meθeɪn]甲烷silicate硅酸盐nickel镍vapour水汽neon氖magma岩浆lava ['lɑːvə]熔岩sulphuric acid[sʌl'fjʊərɪk] 硫酸sulphur dioxide ['sʌlfə]二氧化硫accretion [ə'kriʃən] 吸积/堆积retrograde ['retrəgreɪd] 逆行clockwise顺时针方向的anti-clockwisecanyon 峡谷crater火山口/坑Olympus Mons 奥林匹斯山Mariner Valleys 水手峡谷magnetosphere[mæg'niːtəsfɪə]磁气圈cloud bands云带the Great Red Spot大红斑Io 木卫一Europa [juə'rəupə]木卫二Ganymede ['ɡænimi:d]木卫三Callisto [kə'listəu]木卫四Enceladus [en'selədəs]土卫二Titan土卫六Titania 天卫三Triton 海卫一。
◆英语学习:太阳系九大行星英语名称、音标及记忆方法:◆Easy ways to remember the order of the planets are the mnemonics: " My Very Excellent Mother Just Sent Us Nine Pizzas" and " My Very Easy Method Just Simplifies Us Naming Planets" The first letter of each of these words represents a planet - in the correct order.每个单词的词首恰好是各个行星名字的首字母,顺序也吻合一起读10遍,记住了吗?◆例句:1、水星 Mercury ['mə:kjuri]Alas, Mercury, as said, will be retrograde, so we have to factor this into the mix of the month.2、金星 Venus ['vi:nəs]If the solar system has an underachiever, it has to be Venus.3、地球 Earth [ə:θ]The earth revolves round the sun.4、火星 Mars [ma:s]They found that in some, Mars and Venus collided with the Earth.5、木星Jupiter ['dЗu:pitə]How many moons has the planet Jupiter?6、土星Saturn ['sætə(:)n]Saturn is my surroundings.7、天王星 Uranus ['ju:ərənəs]But notwithstanding all nicety of calculations,the real course of Uran us would not at all agreewith the one computed.8、海王星 Neptune ['neptju:n]The planet was eventually named Neptune, after the Roman god of the sea.9、冥王星PLUTO [ ˈplu:təu ]Should Pluto be a planet?◇九大行星(Solar System)是太阳系的内行星,按照离太阳的距离从近到远,它们依次为水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星、冥王星。
太阳系八大行星英文名称The eight major planets in our solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Each planet has its own unique characteristics, and they vary greatly in terms of size, composition, and atmosphere.Starting with the closest planet to the Sun, Mercury is a small, rocky world with a heavily cratered surface. Venus, the second planet from the Sun, is similar in size to Earth but has a thick, toxic atmosphere that traps heat, making it the hottest planet in the solar system.Earth, our home planet, is the only known world to support life, with a diverse range of ecosystems and a protective atmosphere. Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun, is a cold, desert world with a thin atmosphere and evidence of ancient water.Moving further out, the gas giant Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system, with a stormy atmosphere and a strong magnetic field. Saturn, known for its beautiful ring system, is a gas giant with a low density and numerous moons.Uranus and Neptune, the two ice giants, are located even further from the Sun. Uranus has a unique sideways rotation and a set of faint rings, while Neptune is known for its bluish color and powerful winds.These eight planets, along with other smaller bodies such as dwarf planets, asteroids, and comets, make up our solar system. Studying these worlds can provide valuable insights into the origins and evolution of our cosmic neighborhood. Each planet offers a unique window into the processes that have shaped our solar system and can provide clues about the potential for life beyond Earth.。
十二星座:Twelve ConstellationsAries 白羊 Mar. 21 - April 19 Taurus 金牛 April 20 - May 20Gemini 双子 May 21 - June 21 Cancer 巨蟹June 22 - July 22Leo 狮子July 23 - Aug. 22 Virgo 处女 Aug. 23 - Sept. 22Libra 天秤 Sept. 23 - Oct. 23 . Scorpio 天蝎 Oct. 24 - Nov. 21 Sagittarius 射手 Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 Capricorn 摩羯 Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 Aquarius 水瓶 Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 Pisces 双鱼 Feb. 19 - Mar. 20太阳系八大行星Eight major planets of the solar system水星 Mercury 金星 Venus地球 Earth 火星 Mars木星 Jupiter 土星 Saturn天王星 Uranus 海王星 Neptune88星座 Constellation1?Andromeda?仙女座2?Antlia?唧筒座3?Apus?天燕座4?Aquila?天鹰座? 5?Aquarius?宝瓶座? 6?Ara?天坛座? 7?Aries?白羊座? 8?Auriga?御夫座? 9?Bootes?牧夫座? 10?Caelum?雕具座11?Camelopardalis?鹿豹座? 12?Capricornus?摩羯座13?Carina?船底座? 14?Cassiopeia?仙后座 15?Centaurus?半人马座 16?Cepheus?仙王座? 17?Cetus?鲸鱼座? 18?Chamaeleon?堰蜓座 19?Circinus?圆规座? 20?Canis?Major?大犬座? 21?Canis?Minor?小犬座22?Cancer?巨蟹座23?Columba?天鸽座? 24?Coma?Berenices?后发座? 25?Corona?Australis?南冕座? 26?Corona?Borealis?北冕座? 27?Crater?巨爵座? 28?Crux?南十字座? 29?Corvus?乌鸦座? 30?Canes?Venatici?猎犬座? 31?Cygnus?天鹅座? 32?Delphinus?海豚座? 33?Dorado?剑鱼座? 34?Draco?天龙座?35?Equuleus?小马座? 36?Eridanus?波江座? 37?Fornax?天炉座? 38?Gemini?双子座?39?Grus?天鹤座? 40?Hercules?武仙座? 41?Horologium?时钟座? 42?Hydra?长蛇座?43?Hydrus?水蛇座? 44?Indus?印地安座? 45?Lacerta?蝎虎座? 46?Leo?狮子座? 47?Lepus?天兔座? 48?Libra?天秤座? 49?Leo?Minor?小狮座? 50?Lupus?豺狼座? 51?Lynx?天猫座?52?Lyra?天琴座? 53?Mensa?山案座? 54?Microscopium?显微镜座? 55?Monocers?麒麟座?56?Musca?苍蝇座? 57?Norma?矩尺座? 58?Octans?南极座? 59?Ophiuchus?蛇夫座? 60?Orion?猎户座? 61?Pavo?孔雀座? 62?Pegasus?飞马座? 63?Perseus?英仙座? 64?Phoenix?凤凰座?65?Pictor?绘架座? 66?Piscis?Australis?南鱼座? 67?Pisces?双鱼座? 68?Puppis?船舻座?69?Pyxis?罗盘座? 70?Reticulum?网罟座? 71?Sculptor?玉夫座? 72?Scorpius?天蝎座?73?Scutum?盾牌座? 74?Serpens?巨蛇座? 75?Sextans?六分仪座? 76?Sagitta?天箭座?77?Sagittarius?人马座? 78?Taurus?金牛座? 79?Telescopium?望远镜座?80?Triangulum?Australe?南三角座? 81?Triangulum?三角座? 82?Tucana?杜鹃座?83?Ursa?Major?大熊座? 84?Ursa?Minor?小熊座? 85?Vela?船帆座? 86?Virgo?处女座?87?Volans?飞鱼座? 88?Vulpecula?狐狸座其他词汇望远镜telescope [?telisk?up] 双筒望远镜binoculars[bai?n?kjul?z]反射式望远镜reflecting telescope [ri'flekti?]折射式望远镜牛顿式反射望远镜Newtonian reflector 天区Sky coverage星系galaxy [?g?l?k?si] 恒星star [stɑ:]行星planet [?pl?nit] 卫星satellite [?s?t?lait] 星云nebula [?nebjul?] 银河the Milky Way类木行星:四大行星之一:木星、土星、天王星、海王星:Jovian planet :Any of the four largest planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.星云、星团新总表(简称NGC)New General Catalogue (NGC)太阳活动solar activity 太阳风solar wind太阳活动周solar cycle 太阳耀斑solar flare白矮星White dwarf 红巨星red giant主星系dominant galaxy 球状星系spherical galaxy旋涡星系spiral galaxy 椭圆星系elliptical galaxy不规则星系irregular galaxy 河外星系Extragalactic开普勒定律Kepler's laws 光年light year近地小行星earth-approaching asteroid近地天体earth-approaching object太阳系外行星extrasolar planet太阳系外行星系extrasolar planetary system地外智慧生物extraterrestrial intelligence不明飞行物(UFO) Unidentified Flying Object哈勃空间望远镜HST, Hubble Space Telescope国际空间站 International Space Station美国航天局NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)中国航天局CNSA(China National Space Administration)狭义相对论special theory of relativity木星环Jovian ring 海王星环Nepturian ring天王星环 Uranian ring 疏散星团open cluster星际尘埃interstellar dust 星际气体interstellar gas大气视宁度atmospheric seeing 光污染light pollution近地小行星near-earth asteroi 近地小行星带near-earth asteroidbelt小行星asteroid (minor planet) 小行星带asteroid belt近地彗星near-earth comet 近地天体NEO, near-earth object环食带path of annularity 光感 light sensation全食total eclipse 偏食partial eclipse 近日点perihelion 近地点perigee远日点aphelion 远地点apogee残月waning crescent 亏凸月waning gibbous娥眉月waxing crescent 盈凸月waxing gibbous满月full moon 月相phases (of the Moon)轨道orbit 新星novaastronaut 航天员 capsule 太空舱carrier rocket 运载火箭 artificial satellite 人造卫星launch a satellite 发射卫星 low Earth orbit 近地轨道manned space 载人航天计划 manned space flight 载人航天manned spaceship/ spacecraft 载人飞船 orbit the earth 绕地球飞行outer space; deep space 外太空 space shuttle 航天飞机unmanned spaceship / spacecraft 无人飞船 weather satellite 气象卫星black holes 黑洞 pulsar 脉冲星绝对星等absolute magnitude 极限星等limiting magnitude流星Meteor 流星雨meteor shower反物质antimatter 天文学astronomy极光aurora 天体物理学astrophysics宇宙大爆炸Big Bang 双星binary star天极celestial poles 天球celestial sphere目镜eyepiece 物镜objective len /objective glass(1) 行星(2) 恒星和星云(3) 银河系及河外星系4) 星系团超星系团大尺度结构。
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1. 水星mercury
2. 金星venus
3. 地球earth
卫星 moon
4. 火星mars
火卫1 Phobos
火卫2 Deimos
5. 木星jupiter
6. 土星saturn
7. 天王星uranus
8. 海王星neptune
木卫4 Callisto (这四个最大,也叫伽利略卫星) 木卫5Amalthea
32 Eurydome
33 Euanthe
34 Euporie
35 Orthosie
36 Sponde
37 Kale
38 Pasithee
39 Hegemone
40 Mneme
41 Aoede
42 Thelxinoe
43 Arche
44 Kallichore
45 Helike
46 Carpo
47 Eukelade
48 Cyllene
49 Anthe
50 Herse
土卫2Enceladus 3Tethys
8Iapetus或Japetus 9Phoebe
天卫1 Ariel或Cordelia 天卫2 Umbriel
海卫一 Triton
海卫二 Nereid
海卫三 Naiad
海卫四 Thalassa
海卫五 Despina
海卫六 Galatea
海卫七 Larissa
海卫八 Proteus
小惑星 Asteroid
半人马星体 Centaurs
谷神星,穀星 (三王四星) 1 Ceres 智神星,智星 (三王四星) 2 Pallas 婚神星,婚星 (三王四星) 3 Juno 灶神星,灶星 (三王四星) 4 Vesta 凯龙星Chiron
喀戎 Charon
阿莫尔 1221 Amor
阿波罗 1862 Apollo
伊卡鲁斯 1566 Icarus
希达尔戈 944 Hidalgo
爱神星 433 Eros
大力神星 522 Herculina
赫尔默斯 Hermes
中华星 1125 China 內魔煞 51 Nemausa 阋神星 Eris。