初中英语沪教版七年级下册Unit4《The Amazon rainforest》优质课教案比赛获奖教案公开课教师面试试讲教案

初中英语沪教版七年级下册Unit4《The Amazon rainforest》优质课教案比赛获奖教案公开课教师面试试讲教案

初中英语沪教版七年级下册Unit4《The Amazon rainforest》优质课教案省级比赛获奖教案公开课教师面试试讲教案




认读和理解单词cover, basin, spread, destroy, area, decrease, deforestation以及短语as a result, the num ber of;









本课是Oxford English七年级下册第四单元Save the trees的More Practice,为最后一个课时,介绍了亚马逊雨林的概况。由于本课的篇章阅读理解对学生来说难度不大,所以本节课在理解文章内容的基础上,对本单元的话题进行拓展和延伸。学生通过这节课的学习,能够在了解森林对人类的重要贡献之后,反思人类对森林所做的破坏,意识到“we cannot live without trees”,从而发自内心地想要保护树木,制定出小组的绿色保护行动计划。








活动1【导入】Step1:Warming up

Show a picture of trees and raise a question: What can trees do for us?


Show some pictures of the Amazon rainforest. Ask Ss to listen to the introduction and fill in the blank s of the table.

活动3【活动】Step 3:Reading

1. Get the students to read through the article about answer the four questions.


牛津英语七年级(下)期中测试二.笔试部分(120分) I.单项选择(20分) ()21. I don‘t like summer because there is____rain. A. much too B. too many C. too much D. many too ()22. Anna speaks quietly, so____students in our class hear her. A. few B. many C. all D.most ()23. My little brother went to school____it rained heavily. A. but B. although C.if D. because ()24. Which number is the closest to 1? A. 0.9 B. 0.87 C.1.5 D. 1.05 ()25. Thank you very much____me the good idea. A. to tell B. for tell C.for telling D. your telling ()26. Lin Tao and Li Ming____good at schoolwork.. A. is both B. all are C. are all D. are both ()27. Do you enjoy____in China? A. live B. to live C. living D. lives ( ) 28.--______ does your father do morning exercises?—Hardly ever. A. How B. How often C. When D. What time ( ) 29._____is important for us _______sports every day A. It; do B. That; to do C. This; to do D. It; to do. ( ) 30. --- _____________ ? – I have a sore back. A. What‘s the wrong B. What‘s matter C. What‘s trouble D. What‘s wrong ( ) 31. Mr Green ______for America the day after tomorrow. A. left B. leaves C. is leaving D. is going to leave ( ) 32. I‘m hungry. Would you please give me ______to eat? A. delicious something B. something delicious C. anything delicious D. nothing delicious ( ) 33.Tom goes to school ________every day. A. by a bus B. by his bike C. by buses D. on foot


第二学期期末考试 初一语文 (满分100分,完卷时间100分钟)2016.6 考生注意: 1.本试卷共25题。 2.请将所有答案做在答题纸的指定位置上,做在试卷上一律不计分。 第一部分积累与运用(16分) 一、默写(10分) 1.胜败兵家事不期,。(《题乌江亭》) 2.,西北望,射天狼。(《江城子·密州出猎》) 3.衣带渐宽终不悔,。(《蝶恋花》) 4.,草色入帘青。(《陋室铭》) 5.《曹刿论战》中表现齐师士气由强转弱的句子是:, ,。 二、基础知识(2分) 6.下列作品中有“桑丘”这个人物的一项是。(1分) A.《鲁滨孙漂流记》 B.《格列佛游记》 C.《汤姆·索亚历险记》 D.《堂吉诃德》 7. 下列对“语言”的词义理解得正确的一项是。(1分) 这样看来,花香鸟语,草长莺飞,都是大自然的语言 ..。 A. 说话 B.符号 C.信息 D.判断 三、阅读下面的词,完成第8--9题.(4分) 浣溪沙[宋]苏轼 簌簌衣巾落枣花,村南村北响缫车,牛衣古柳卖黄瓜。酒困路长惟欲睡,日高人渴漫思茶,敲门试问野人家。 浣溪沙[宋]晏殊 一曲新词酒一杯,去年天气旧亭台,夕阳西下几时回?无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。小园香径独徘徊。 8.苏词表达了之情,而晏词表达的是之情。(2分) 9.下面对两首词理解正确的一项是。(2分) A.都以“浣溪沙”为词牌名。 B.都描摹了夏天的景象。

C. 都写到了“酒”后的感概。 D.都是被贬谪失意之作。 第二部分阅读(44分) 一、文言文(12分) (一)阅读下文,完成10—12题。(6分) 公输 公输盘为楚造云梯之械,成,将以攻宋。子墨子闻之,起于鲁,行十日十夜,而至于郢,见公输盘。 公输盘曰:“夫子何命焉为?” 子墨子曰:“北方有侮臣者,愿借子杀之。”公输盘不说。 子墨子曰:“请献千金。” 公输盘曰:“吾义固不杀人。” 子墨子起,再拜,曰:“请说之。吾从北方闻子为梯,将以攻宋。宋何罪之有?荆国有余于地,而不足于民,杀所不足而争所有余,不可谓智;宋无罪而攻之,不可谓仁;知而不争,不可谓忠;争而不得,不可谓强;义不杀少而杀众,不可谓知类。” 公输盘服。 10.选文出自墨家经典著作《》,“公输盘”传说是(人名)。(2分) 11.用现代汉语翻译下面的句子。(2分) 夫子何命焉为? 12.墨子先诱导公输盘说出“”,再从“不智、不仁、不忠、不强、不知类”来论述的观点。(2分) (二)阅读下文,完成13—15题。(6分) 为者常成 梁丘据谓晏子曰:“吾至死不及夫子矣!”晏子曰:“婴闻之,为者常成,行者常至。婴非有异于人也,常为而不置,常行而不休而已矣。” 【注释】梁丘据:齐国大夫,齐景公的大臣。 13.解释下列句中加点词。(2分)


7A UNIT 1 Making friends Ⅰ重点单词: world n. 世界country n. 国家Japan n.日本Germany n. 德国German adj.德国的n.德国人 grammar n.语法 blog n. 博客sound n. 声音everyone n.人人(谓语动词要用单数)hobby n.爱好(复数hobbies)age n. 年龄 elder adj. 年长的dream n. 梦想complete v. 完成us pron.我们 yourself pron.你自己friendly adj. 友爱的engineer n. 工程师 flat n.公寓mountain n. 山Ⅱ重点短语: 1.colse to 接近 = near 反义词:far (away)from 远离 2.go to school 去上学 3.be good at 擅长 =do well in 反义词:be bad /poor at=do badly in不擅长 4.make friends with 与……交朋友 make friends 交朋友 5.all over 遍及 6.I’d like to=I would like to 愿意 Ⅲ重点句型: 1.what does···mean? 2.welcome to 3.I like···because··· 4.My dream is to be··. 5.How old is/are ····? 6.What does ····do? Ⅴ详细讲解: 1.Read a G erman girl’s blog.(Page1) (1)German : ① adj.德国的(德国人的,德语的)This is a German car. ② n.德国人,是可数名词。复数形式要在后面加“s”。意为“德语”时,是不可数名词。 Eg.Germans speak German. 我还知道:中日不变,英法变,其余后面加S (关于单复数) 中国China,中国人/中文Chinese 日本Japan,日本人/日语Japanese, 法国France,法国人/法语French 英国England/Britain/U.K.英国人/英语English 法国人还可用Frenchman(pl.Frenchmen) 英国人还可用Englishman(pl.Englishmen) (2)girl’s 是名词“girl”的所有格形式,意为“女孩的···” 所有格:在名词后加上“’s”构成所有格,表示一种所属关系,表示“···的”它的构成有以下方式:


新课标人教版初中英语七年级下册英语精品试题及答案本试卷满分95分考试时间90分钟 第一卷(选择题共40分) 一.单项选择(每小题1分共 15分) 21.Bob couldn’t buy the dictionary becuase he had___money with him. A.a few B.few C.a little D.little 22.The old teacher is a friend_____. A my brother’s B my brother C of my brother’s D of a brother 23.----Did you see the football match last night? -----Yes,I have never seen____. A such a B so a C such an D so an 24.----Is that red bike Miss Gao’s? -----Yes,it is____. Bautiful,is’t it? A his B our’s C hers Dshe’s 25.If you want to book a round-trip ticket,you will have to pay___200yuan. A more B other C the other D another 26.That’s the only thing_____can’t be forgotten in my life. A that B which C who D \ 27.Since you are______trouble, why not ask_____help. A in,for B in,to C with,for D with,to 28.It’s raining so____that we can____go out. A hard,hard B hardly,hardly C hard,hardly D hardly,hard 29.She prefers_____rather than_____. A write,read B to write,read C to write,to write D write,to read 30.----Do you know_____man on TV? -----Yes,he is_____active person. A the,the B a,an C the,an Da,the 31.Personal computers_____in1976,It has changed the whole world. A invented B are invented C have been invented D were invented 32._____he is only 8 years old,he knows more about science than his father. A but B though C so D because 33.-----Did you arrive late? ------No,I just managed______. A to make B to get it C to make it D to make them 34.His parents were worried that he____too much time chatting on line. A spend B cost C paid D had


七年级(下): (一)春寒 宋陈与义 二月巴陵日日风,春寒未了怯园公。 海棠不惜胭脂色,独立濛濛细雨中。 (二)宿甘露寺僧舍 宋曾公亮 枕中云气千峰近,床底松声万壑哀。 要看银山拍天浪,开窗放入大江来。 (三)偶题 朱熹 门外青山翠紫堆,幅巾终日面崔嵬。 只看云断成飞雨,不道云从底处来。 (四)赠刘景文 苏轼 荷尽已无擎雨盖,菊残犹有傲霜枝。 一年好景君须记,最是橙黄橘绿时。 (五)春晚二首 北宋王令 三月残花落更开,小檐日日燕飞来。 子规夜半犹啼血,不信东风唤不回。 (六)浪淘沙 唐刘禹锡 莫道谗言如浪深,莫言迁客似沙沉。 千淘万漉虽辛苦,吹尽狂沙始到金。 (七)至节即事 元·马臻 天街晓色瑞烟浓,名纸相传尽贺冬。 绣幕家家浑不卷,呼卢笑语自从容。

(八)十五夜望月寄杜郎中 唐王建 中庭地白树栖鸦,冷露无声湿桂花。 今夜月明人尽望,不知秋思落谁家? (九)兰溪棹歌 唐·戴叔伦 凉月如眉挂柳湾,越中山色镜中看。 兰溪三日桃花雨,半夜鲤鱼来上滩。 (十)鲁山山行 北宋·梅尧臣 适与野情惬,千山高复低。 好峰随处改,幽径独行迷。 霜落熊升树,林空鹿饮溪。 人家在何许?云外一声鸡。 (十一)江城子·密州出猎 北宋苏轼 老夫聊发少年狂,左牵黄,右擎苍。锦帽貂裘,千骑卷平冈。为报倾城随太守,亲射虎,看孙郎。 酒酣胸胆尚开张,鬓微霜,又何妨?持节云中,何日遣冯唐?会挽雕弓如满月,西北望,射天狼。 (十二)浣溪沙 苏轼 簌簌衣巾落枣花,村南村北响缫车, 牛衣古柳卖黄瓜。 酒困路长惟欲睡,日高人渴漫思茶,敲门试问野人家。 (十三)蝶恋花 柳永 伫倚危楼风细细,望极春愁,黯黯生天际。草色烟光残照里,无言谁会凭阑意。 拟把疏狂图一醉,对酒当歌,强乐还无味。衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。 (十四)浣溪沙 北宋晏殊 一曲新词酒一杯,去年天气旧亭台。夕阳西下几时回? 无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。小园香径独徘徊。


新目标人教版英语七下 全册教案 Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from? Language goals: ●In this unit students learn to talk about countries, nationalities and languages. ●Ask and tell where people live. New languages: ●Where’s he / she from? ●He / She is from Australia / England / China / France / Singapore / Australia. ●Where does he / she live? He / She lives in Sydney. ●What language do you speak? I speak English. ●What’s your / his / her favorite subj ect? ●My / His / Her favorite subject is English. ●Does he / she have any brothers and sisters? Yes, he/ she does. / No, he / she doesn’t. Difficult points: 1. Listening for the information about countries, nationalities and languages. Write an e-mail about oneself. Describe the new students in class. 2. Where questions with from Where questions with live What questions Teaching aids: ● A tape recorder Teaching periods: ●Period 1:Section A中1a, 1b, 1c ●Period 2:Section A中2a, 2b, 2c,2d ●Period 3:Section A中3a, 3b, 4


苔痕上阶绿,草色入帘青。 ... . . . . . 《 2014 学年第二学期期中考试试卷七年级语文学科 (满分 100 分,考试时间 90 分钟) 一、文言文(25 分) (一)默写(10 分) 1. 枕中云气千峰近, 。 (《宿甘露寺僧舍》) 2. ,菊残犹有傲霜枝。 (《赠刘景文》) 3. ,莫言迁客似沙沉。 (《浪淘沙(其八)》) 4. 中庭地白树栖鸦, 。 (《十五夜望月寄杜郎中》) 5. 香远益清, ,可远观而不可亵玩焉。 (《爱莲说》) (二)阅读下文,完成 6—8 题(7 分) 陋室铭 山不在高,有仙则名。水不在深,有龙则灵。斯是陋室,惟吾德馨。苔痕上阶绿,草色入 帘青。谈笑有鸿儒,往来无白丁。可以调素琴,阅金经。无丝竹之乱耳,无案牍之劳形。南阳 诸葛庐,西蜀子云亭。孔子云:何陋之有? 6.本篇的作者是唐朝文学家、哲学家 (人名),“子云亭”中“子云”指的是西汉 文学家 (人名)。(2 分) 7.用现代汉语翻译文中划线句 (2 分) . . 8.下面对选文内容和写法分析理解不正确的一项是( )(3 分) A .本文托物言志,以陋室不陋,表达了作者对高洁情操的追求。 B .选文在描写“陋室”时,重点突出了“陋室”环境之清幽宁静和室内主人生活情趣之高雅。 C .文中的“无丝竹之乱耳,无案牍之劳形”表明了作者对官场生活的鄙弃。 D .作者在结尾处引用孔子的话,意在表明只要环境清幽宁静,生活闲适,“陋室”就不陋。 (三)阅读下文,完成 9—11 题(8 分) 田子为相 田子①为相,三年归休②,得金百镒③,奉其母。母曰:“子安得此金?”对曰:“所受俸禄也。” 母曰:“为相三年,不食乎?治官如此,非吾所欲也。孝子之事亲也,尽力致诚。不义之物,不入 于馆④。为人臣不忠,是为人子不孝也!子其去之。”田子愧惭,走出,造朝还金,退请就狱。王 贤其母,说其义,即舍田子罪,令复为相,以金赐其母。 诗》曰:“宜尔子孙承承兮。”言贤母 使子贤也。 注释:①田子:指齐国田稷子。 ②归休:休假回家。 ③镒 y ì:古代重量单位。一镒合二十 两。④馆:房舍,这里指"家"。 9.解释下列句中加点词。(4 分) ⑴ 田子愧惭,走出( ) ⑵ 说其义 ( ) 10.用现代汉语翻译文中划线句 (2 分) 为相三年,不食乎? 11.阅读全文,你认为田母是一个怎样的人?(用自己的话)(2 分)



Unit 2 (Reading) 基础知识卷 一、词语填空(共10小题) 用方框中的单词或短语完成下列句子。 tick skiing possible store perfect lies coast excellent French south 1. 法国的葡萄酒世界闻名。 ________ wine is very famous all over the world. 2. 阅读这篇文章并标出关键信息。 Read the passage and ________ the key information. 3. 现在坐火车去西藏成为了可能。 It is ________ to get to Tibet by train now. 4. 这家新百货商店离我们学校很近。 This new ________ is close to our school. 5. 麦克的梦想是将来成为一名优秀的科学家。Mike’s dream is to be a(n) ________ scientist in the future. 6. 你去过美国南部吗? Have you been to the ________ of America? 7. 沈阳位于中国的东北部。 Shenyang ________ in the North-east of China.

8. 我的房子靠海。 I have a house on the ________. 9. 李明为这个问题做了一个完美的回答。 Li Ming gives a ________ answer to the question. 10. 冬天我们可以去棋盘山滑雪。 We can go ________ on Qipan Mountains in winter. 二、单项填空(共10小题) ( ) 1. ______ is one of the nearest countries of Britain. A. China B. France C. Japan D. America ( ) 2. New York is a city on the east ______ of the USA. A. way B. line C. coast D. side ( ) 3. They sell ______ coffee in some department stores in our city. Everyone enjoys it. A. cool B. bad C. cheerful D. perfect


七年级(下)期末试卷 英语 一、选择填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案. 14.(1分)Our classroom building has floors.Our class is on the floor.()A.three;third B.three;three C.third;third 15.(1分)My sister songs very well.She an English song at my birthday party yesterday evening.() A.sings;is singing B.sings;sang C.sang;sang 16.(1分)﹣Look at the sign,"No Parking". ﹣Oh,sorry.I see it.() A.don't B.didn't C.can't 17.(1分)My father is always .He has no time to help with my homework.()A.kind B.smart C.busy 18.(1分)﹣Do you want me to help you,Tom? ﹣No,thanks.I can make it .() A.myself B.himself C.yourself 19.(1分)You'd better on the bus.It's bad for your eyes.()A.read B.to read C.not read 20.(1分)your warm clothes.It's very cold today.() A.Put up B.Put on C.Put away 21.(1分)﹣How do you usually go to work? ﹣I usually go to work because it's easy to park.() A.by plane B.by bike C.by subway 22.(1分)﹣do you go to the library? ﹣Once a week.() A.How often B.How many C.How long 23.(1分)﹣May I use your eraser?


语文七年级下册练习册答案沪教版 11.《邓稼先》 任人宰割zaǐ:比喻任凭侵略.压迫.剥削。 可歌可泣qì:值得歌颂.使人感动得流泪。指悲壮的事迹使人非常感动。 锋芒毕露lù:才干完全显露。 妇孺皆知rú:连妇女儿童都知道,形容知道的人非常多。 引人注目:把人的视线集中在一点上。 鲜为人知xiǎn:很少人知道。 元勋xūn:立大功的人。 鞠躬尽瘁jūcuì:指小心谨慎,贡献出全部精力。 当之无愧kuì:没有什么能够惭愧的地方。 奠基diàn:奠定建筑物的基础。 截然不同jié:形容界限分明,像割断的一样,形容差别很大。 家喻户晓xiǎo:每家每户都知道。 阔别kuò:长时间的分别。 马革裹尸:用马皮把尸体包裹起来,指军人战死战场。 铤tǐng:快走的样子。 挚友zhì:亲密的朋友。 筹划chóu:想办法;定计划;筹措,设法弄到。 仰慕:敬仰思慕。

12.《闻一多先生的说和做》 典籍jí:记载古代法制的图书,也泛指古代图书。 仰之弥高:望得更高。 锲而不舍qiè:雕刻一样东西,一直刻下去不放手。比喻有恒心,有毅力。 炯炯jiǒng:形容明亮。 兀兀穷年wù:辛辛苦苦的一年到头这样做。 沥尽lì:滴完。 群蚁排衙yá:指整齐的排列着。 校补jiào:校正补充。 迥乎不同jiǒng:很不一样。 独裁cái:独自裁新。多指独揽政权,实行专制统治。 凶多吉少:不幸的多,吉利的少,形容非常危险。 迭起dié:一次又一次的兴起来.出现。 昂首挺胸áng:昂起头,挺起胸。形容精神振奋,意气昂扬。 慷慨激昂kāngkǎi:形容情绪,语调激动昂扬而充满正气。也说激昂慷慨。 气冲斗牛dǒu:形容气势或怒气很盛。也说气冲牛斗。斗牛,二十八星宿的斗宿和牛宿,泛指天空。 13.《音乐巨人贝多芬》 门槛kǎn:门框下部挨着地面的横木(也有用石头的)。 杂乱无章:又多又乱,没有条理。


Unit 7 (Reading) 基础知识卷 词语运用 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 用方框中的单词或短语完成下列句子。 wondered had a shower a crowd of are afraid of heights writing poems gives good advice to agree with worry about feelings boring 1. 他回家后,洗了个淋浴。 After he got home, he ____________. 2.这个电影如此的无聊以至于没有几个人喜欢。 The film is so _________ that few people like to see it. 3. 我想知道他昨天什么时候到家的。 I ____________ when he got home yesterday. 4. 他没有感情。 He has no ____________. 5. 在当时,我看见街道上站着一群人。 I saw ____________ people standing in the street at that moment. 6. 如果你恐高,就不应该在建筑工地上工作。 If you ____________, you should not work on a building site. 7. 李老师经常给我们好的建议。 Mr Li often ____________ us. 8. 不用担忧你的儿子。不久他就会好起来。 Don’t ____________ your son. He will be better soon. 9. 我同意他所说的话。 I ____________ what he said. 10. 李白很擅长写诗。 Li Bai was good at ____________. 单项填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) ( ) 1. My grandma liked ______ stories to me when I was a little child. A. telling B. speaking C. saying D. talking ( ) 2. The soup is very delicious and it has a nice ______. A. smell B. taste C. feeling D. look ( ) 3. He was ______ tired ______ go any further. A. too; to B. enough; to C. so; that D. as; as ( ) 4. The book is so ______ that most of people feel ______ with it. A. boring; boring B. boring; bored C. bored; boring D. bored; bored ( ) 5. He gave us ______. A. some useful advice B. a useful advice C. an useful advice D. some useful advices ( ) 6. The sunshine goes ______ the windows and the room becomes warm. A. in B. from C. through D. into ( ) 7. Water has no colour and no ______.


自出七年级英语下册试题及答案 一. 选择填空:从A、B、C、D中,选出一个最佳答案完成句子。(15%) 1. A _____ works in a restaurant. A. reporter B. waiter C. teacher D. doctor 2. Is there ______ fruit shop near here?Yes, there’s one near here. A. a B. the C. an D. / 3. Rick usually ______ up at 5:30 on weekdays. A. get B. gets C. got D. getting. 4. My house is ______ the post office and the bank.. A. on B. in C. between D. over 5. --___________? -- Because they are very cute. A. What is it ? B .Where are they from? C. Why do you like pandas? D. How do you like pandas? 6. Do you want to ______English with me? A. ask B. speak C. talk D. say 7. --Is there a bank over there? -- ___________. A. Yes, there’s B. No, there aren’t C. Yes, there is D .No, it isn’t 8. –How is the weather in Harbin? --It’s _________. A. snow B. snowing C. snows D. to snow 9. Look! Burton is _________ photos of the Eiffel Tower. A. having B. making C. watching D. taking 10. --_________are the children doing now? --They’re playing football on the playground. A. What B. Where C. When D. How 11. –Where is Tokyo? --I know it’s in _______. A. France B. Brazil C. Korea D. Japan 12. –Is that Mr. Smith? --Yes, he ______ a beard. A. is B. has C. takes likes 13. –It’s cold outside. You’d better _______ your gloves. A. wear B. in C. with D. put on


沪教版七年级下册语文作业本答案2020第三单元 11邓稼先 1.泣鲜愧裹瘁而 2.(1)D(2)C 3..,.,——. 4.邓稼先与奥本海默的比较. 5.(1)妇孺皆知(2)不能.因为"竟"有 出乎意料的意思,突出了邓稼先创造了"真正的奇迹".6.说明了只有中 国的传统文化背景才能孕育出邓稼先这样品格高尚的人物,也只有邓稼 先这样的人才适合中国社会的需要,为民族的发展做出巨大贡献.7.提示:抓住两个人物的性格和为人的不同来分析.奥本海默:是一个拔尖 的人物,锋芒毕露;邓稼先:是最不要引人注目的人物,忠厚平实,真诚 坦白,从不骄人,是"最有中国农民的朴实气质的人".8.提示:学会享受 过程就能获得快乐. 12闻一多先生的说和做 1.锲沥衙凝窥暇 2.(1)钻之弥坚钻得越锲而不舍(2)废寝忘食 3.示例:一言九鼎;一诺千金;一言既出,驷马难追;言出必行;言必信,行必果;多行不义必自毙等. 4.参加*;起草传单;大会演说. 5.(1)对革命的宣 传和动员,对*的揭露和斥责.(2)向人家宣告自己要干什么或告白自己 干了什么.6.不好.加点的词语抓住外貌特征实行描写,形象生动地突出 了闻一多大义凛然的气概,表达了对闻一多的颂扬与景仰之情.7.含义:表现了闻一多先生言行一致的高尚人格.作用:总结全文.8.提示:"吾 将上下而求索"的屈原,"为中华之崛起而读书"的周恩来总理,"甘愿作 一枚螺丝钉"的雷锋,乃至时刻都呵护着我们成长的父母、亲人、朋友、老师等等. 13音乐巨人贝多芬 1.邃躇槛捏晰荷 2.惹章堪默翼翼徒 3.愁苦蓬勃深邃逼视 4.比作密不通风的磐石和不见天日的囚室.生动形象地表明了耳聋带给贝多芬的


初中英语七年级下册教案 Unit1 Where is your pen pal from? Teaching Goal: Topic:Countries, nationalities, and languages General aims: A. Talk about where people are from B. Talk about nationality, nation and language C. Talk about where people live Functions: Talk about countries, nationalities and languages Ask and tell about where people live Target language: A. Language Focus. (1). Talk about nationality, peoples and languages/ (2). Ask and answer where people live. B. Language goals (1). Change your own information with your pen pals. (2). Ask some questions using where. (3). Ask words somebody talk about. C. Language structure: Where’s/Where’re ...from? Where does/do ...from? What questions----What language does/do ...speak? D. Language points: Where is she from? She is from.... Where does she live? She lives in.... What language does she speak? She speaks.... Vocabulary:Words about countries, languages Teaching design:The whole unit needs 5 periods, 4 for new lessons and 1 for test Period 1 ( 1a----Grammar Focus ) Key points: Where is your/John's pen pal from? He/She is from... Where does he/she live? He/She lives in.... Pre-task (Homework for preview):


沪教版七年级下学期语文阶段测试卷D卷 一、字词书写 (共2题;共10分) 1. (6分)改正下列各句中的错别字: ①或许会觉得吃野菜是希罕的甚至是郎漫的事。 ②由于养母在最困难时期的奋力拼挣,最终她竟然支撑了她的家,并且无亏无损地养育了我这个“矫贵”的孩子。 错字:________ ________ ________ 改正:________ ________ ________ 2. (4分) (2019九上·嵊州月考) 根据注音写出相应的字,给划线的字注音。 ①唐宗宋祖,稍xùn________风骚。 ②荷花们都沉醉在月色当中,pīng________婷(形容女子的姿态美)地站立着,悠悠地吐着香气,那优美的姿态和沁人的馨香,真是令我如痴如醉。 ③这永远汹涌________着我们的悲愤的河流 ④一连半个月的阴雨天终于过去,明媚鲜妍________的春光再次回到了我们身边。 二、句子默写 (共1题;共5分) 3. (5分)诗文默写填空。 (1)“我是你簇新的理想,/________;/________;/我是你挂着眼泪的笑涡;/……”(舒婷《祖国啊,我亲爱的祖国》) (2)生亦我所欲,所欲有甚于生者,________;死亦我所恶,所恶有甚于死者,________。(《鱼我所欲也》)(3)苏轼在《江城子·密州出猎》结尾直抒胸臆,抒发杀敌报国豪情的句子是:________,________,________。 (4)纳兰性德的《浣溪沙》中点明主旨的句子是:________! (5)《满江红》表明作者对贵妇人的生活并不留恋,反而蔑视的句子是:________,________!


Unit 1 Are you busy after school? No? Can you speak English? Yes? Then we need you to help with sports for English-speaking students. It is relaxing and easy! Please come to the Students’Sports Center. Call Mr.Brown at 293-7742. We need help at the old people’s home. Are you free in July? Are you good with old people? Can you talk to them and play games with them? They can tell you stories, and you can make friends. It is interesting and fun! Please call us at 689-7729 today! Can you play the piano or the violin? Do you have time on the weekend? The school needs help to teach music. It is not difficult! Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721. Unit 2 Hi! I’m Tony. I don’t like to get up early. In the morning, I get up at eight. Then I go to school at eight thirty. I don’t have much time for breakfast, so I usually eat very quickly. For lunch, I usually eat hamburgers.After school, I sometimes play basketball for half an hour. When I get home, I always do my homework first. In the evening, I either watch TV or play computer games. At ten thirty, I brush my teeth and then go to bed. Marry is my sister. She usually gets up at six thirty. Then she always takes a shower and eats a good breakfast. After that, she goes to school at eight thirty. At twelve, she eats lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch. After lunch, she sometimes plays volleyball. She always eats ice-cream after dinner. She knows it’s not good her, but it tastes good! In the evening, she does her homework and usually swims or takes a walk. At nine thirty, she goes to bed. Unit 3 Crossing the River to School How do you get to school? Do you walk or ride a bike? Do you go by bus or by train? For many students, it’s easy to get to school. But for the students in one small village in China, it is difficult. There is a big river between their school and the village. There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats. So these students go on a ropeway to cross the river to school. One 11-year-old boy, Liangliang, crosses the river every school day. But he is not afraid. “I love to play with my classmates. And I love my teacher. He’s like a father to me.”Many of the students and villagers never leave the village. It is their dream to have a bridge. Can their dream come true? Unit4 Dear Dr. Know, There are too many rules! At 6:00 a.m., my mom says, “Get up now and make you bed!”After breakfast, my mom always says, “Don’t leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen!” After that, I run to school because I can’t be late. At school, we have more rules------don’t be noisy, don’t eat in class, My dad says I can’t play basketball after school because I must do my homework. I can play only on weekends. After dinner, I can’t relax either. I must read a book before I can watch TV. But I have to go to bed before 10:00. Rules, rules, rules! It’s terrible! What can I do, Dr. Know? Dear Molly, I know how you feel. People always tell us, “Don’t do this!”or “You can’t do that!”but think about it, Molly. There are a lot of things you can do. You can play basketball on weekends. You can watch TV after you read a book. Parents and school are sometimes strict, but remember, they make rules help us. We have to follow them Good luck! Dr. Know Unit 5 Hello. We are students from Thailand, and we want to save the elephants. The elephant is one of Thailand’s symbols. Our first flag had a white elephant on it. This is a symbol of good luck. Elephants are smart animals. They can play soccer or music. They can also draw very well. People say that “an elephant never forgets.” Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost. They can also remember places with food and water. This helps them to live.But elephant are in great danger.People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes. People also kill elephants for their ivory. Today there are only about 3,000 elephants (over 100,000 before). We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory. Remember that March 13th is Thai Elephant Day. Unit 6 Today’s story is about Zhu Hui, a student from Shenzhen. He’s now studying in the United States. He’s living with an American family in New York. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. It’s 9:00 a.m. And Zhu Hui’s family are at home. His mom and uncle are watching the boat race on TV. Is Zhu Hui also watching the races and eat zongzi? Well, it’s 9:00 p.m. In New York, and it’s the night before the festival.But there isn’t a Dragon Boat Festival in the US, so it’s like any other night for Zhu Hui and his host family. The mother is reading story to her young children. The father is watching a soccer game on TV. And what’s Zhu Hui doing? He’s talking on the phone to his cousin in Shenzhen. Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his mom’s delicious zongzi. Zhu Hui likes New York and his host family a lot, but there’s still “no place like home.” ion 1
