





1. ( )A. last ( )B. first

2. ( ) A. present ( ) B. press

3. ( )A. think ( )B. thank

4. ( )A. practice ( )B. exercise

5. ( )A. bread ( )B. break

6. ( )A. tonight ( )B. light

7. ( )A. next Saturday ( )B. last holiday

8. ( )A. got a kitten ( )B. got a poor grade

9. ( )A. stayed up late ( )B. got up late

10. ( )A. play games ( )B. wash your face



16. ( ) 17. ( ) 18. ( ) 19.( ) 20 . ( )

四、听对话,判断A 、B 中的哪一个句子在对话中出现,把相同句子前面的字母编号填在括号里。(本题共5分,每小题1分)

( ) 21.A. What are you making? B. What are you doing?

( ) 11. A. Yes, I am.

B. Yes, very much.

C. Yes, I can. ( ) 12. A. Thank you very much. B. You’re welcome. C. That’s right. ( ) 13. A. Please do. B. All right. Let’s go. C.I like shopping. ( ) 14. A. No, please . B. I’d like a cake. C. I’d like a cup of tea. ( ) 15. A. It’s $10. B. There’re 8.

C. I don’t know.

( ) 22.A. Do you have any glue? B. Do you have any blue pens?

( ) 23.A. Sorry, I don’t have. B. Sorry, I am late.

( ) 24.A. Do you have color pens? B. I don’t have color pens.

( ) 25.A. Let’s go to school. B. Let’s draw on the kite.


( ) 26. What do you want?

( ) 27. I want to visit Uncle Jimmy and see my cousin Tony.

( ) 28. Do they have any stickers?

( ) 29. My aunt is going to the grocery store.

( ) 30.We have five paper clips and four glue.

六、听录音,根据录音内容,在横线上填上所缺的单词。(本题共5分, 每词1分)

Last Monday,David didn’t go to school. He was in _______ (31) .He had a bad ______ (32) .He went to _______(33) the doctor . The doctor asked him to_______ (34) some medicine and have a rest . We hope he’ll be _______ (35) tomorrow.

七、听录音,根据录音内容,判断下列句子的对错。对的在括号里打“√” ,错的在括号里


( ) 36. The boy’s name is Tony .

( ) 37. Tony’s sisters are not students.

( ) 38. Tony’s mother is a worker.

( ) 39. Tony has grandparents.

( ) 40. There are seven people in the family.



A 栏B栏

( )41.What is the first month of the year? A. I’d like that one.

( )42. Whose birthday is it? B. It’s January.

( )43. Which month comes after September? C. At six.

( )44. What would you like? D. Su Hai’s.

( )45.When do you get up? E. It’s October.


( ) 46. A. bread B. break C. press

( ) 47. A. park B. warm C .March

( ) 48. A. when B. who C. whose

( ) 49. A. April B. after C. basketball

( ) 50. A . jump B. cut C. June


51. They ________(忘记) the keys this morning.

52. We’re going to _________(爬) the mountain.

53. She is crying. Because she ________(听到) a noise.

54.The little boy looks so ___________(有型的).

55. There’re twelve ________(月份) in a year.


()51.–Where is Su Hai? –She ________ in the playground just now? A. was B. were C. is

().52Look! Mike ________ near the hill.

A. drew

B. is drawing

C. draws

()53.There is ____ apple on the desk. It’s for you.

A. the

B. a

C. an

()54.Can you pick _______ for me, please?

A. it up

B. up it

C. its up

()55.Would you like ______ after you finish the school?

A. a teacher

B. be a teacher

C. to be a teacher

()56.This is not ________ dairy.

A. he

B. him

C. his

()57._______ is my pen?

A. When

B. What

C. Where

()58.Give the ball to ___, please.

A. he

B. him

C. his

()59.–Shall we go to the cinema? –________.

A. Yes, you are right

B. All right

C. That’s all right ()60.Let’s go to the ________ office.

A. teacher’s

B. teachers

C. teachers’


A: Excuse me, Can I _________ (61) your story book?

B: Sorry, it’s _________(62) home. You can buy one in the shop.

A: Which shop?

B: The one near our school. There are many kinds of books.

A: But __________ (63) can I go there? It’s time ________(64) class.

B: Don’t worry. You can go there after class.

A: Perhaps(也许) it will be closed after class.

B: No, it’s closed at 9:00 in the evening.

A: Oh, I know. __________ (65) you like to go with me?

B: Certainly.


66. 她每天看电视吗?不,她不看。

_______ she ___________ TV every day? No, she doesn’t.

67. 教师节在什么时候?在九月。

________ the Teachers’ Day ? It is in ________

68. 上个星期日他干了什么?他去了锡惠公园。

What ______ he do last Sunday? He ______ to Xihui Park.

69. 这只文具盒是谁的?是她的。

_________ pencil-box is it? It is _________.

70. 吉姆比刘涛跳的远吗?是的。

Does Jim _______ _________ than Liu Tao? Yes, he does.



This is our national flag, the flag of China. It’s red. There are five yellow stars at the top left corner. The big one is on the left. The other small stars are around(在…周围)it. These five stars stand for(象征)the union(团结)of our nation and the people. I love China and our national flag.

( ) 71. The Chinese national flag is red.

( ) 72. The stars are at the top right corner.

( ) 73. The four small stars are under the big one.

( ) 74. There are five stars on it.

( ) 75. The stars stand for the union of our nation and the people.


From Monday to Friday , school always begins at 8 o’clock , but I always get at 7:50, so I am always late . At school we have Chinese , English , and Math everyday . Sometimes we have sports .

At the weekend , we don’t have any classes . So I always get up late . In the morning , I play with my dog . Eddy has an e-dog(电子狗). Its name is Hobo . We all like Hobo very much . It is a funny e-pet (电子宠物). In the afternoon , I go to the school Reading Club and read books . I like reading very much . Sometimes , I go to see my cousin Mike . He plays basketball very well and he is in the school basketball team .

( ) 76. I am often late for school .

( ) 77. We have Chinese , English and Math on Sundays and Saturdays .

( ) 78. I have an e-dog named Eddy .

( ) 79. I like reading newspapers in the Reading Club .

( ) 80. My cousin Mike likes playing basketball very much .






1. Tom is the first student to get to school.

2. I got a nice present from my uncle.

3. I think your sister is a good girl.

4. You must practice the piano every day.

5. Be careful ! Don’t break the windows.

6. Please turn off the light.

7. We are going to go fishing next Saturday.

8. She got a kitten on her way to school.

9. Pingping got up late yesterday.

10. You must wash your face before the breakfast.


11、Hello, Jim. Can you swim?

12、Thank you for helping me.

13、Why don’t we go shopp ing?

14、Would you like something to drink?

15. How much are your shoes?


16. The children are playing football.

17. Miss Li teaches us English.

18. T om is talking with his mother.

19. I am hungry. I want something to eat.

20. It’s spring. The trees are green, the flowers are beautiful.


A:Hi, Ben. What are you doing?

B:I’m making a kite. Do you have any glue?

A:Sorry, I don’t have. But I have some tape. Here you are.

B:Thank you very much.. Do you have color pens?

A:Yes, I do. Here are they.

B:Let’s draw on the kite.


26. What do you want to do?

27. I want to visit Uncle Jimmy and see my cousin Tony.

28. Do they have any stickers?

29. My aunt is going to the grocery store.

30. We have four paper clips and five glue.

六、听录音,根据录音内容,在横线上填上所缺的单词。(本题共5分, 每词1分)

Last Monday,David didn’t go to school. He was in hospital .He had a bad cold .He went to see the doctor . The doctor asked him to take some medicine and have a rest . We hope he’ll be better tomorrow.

七、听录音,根据录音内容,判断下列句子的对错。对的在括号里打“√” ,错的在括号里打“×”。(本题共5分,每小题1分)

Let’s look at the picture . The boy’s name is Tony. The girl in the white blouse is his older sister , Jenny. The other one in the yellow blouse is his younger sister , Lisa . Tony and his sisters Jenny and Lisa are students in No .One Primary School. The two sisters are in Class Three , Grade Five , and Tony is in Class Two , Grade Five . The man and woman are their father and mother . The man is a worker and the woman is a teacher . The old man and the old woman are Tony’s grandfather and grandmoth er.

2019年广东开心版英语五年级下册 unit 3 on vacation附答案

【章节训练】Unit 3 On Vacation-1 一、选择题(共20 小题) 1.(2.7 分)What are they going to ?() A.going B.doing C.do D.does 2.(2.7 分)What you like ?() A.going B.doing C.do D.does 3.(2.7 分)do you go to school ?By bus.() A.What B.Where C.When D.How 4.(2.7 分)The Greens on vacation.() A.are B.is C.have 5.(2.7 分)We are going to go .() A.by a plane B.by plane C.by the plane D.by planes 6.(2.7 分)your father and mother going to visit relatives?()A.is B.Are C.Do 7.(2.7 分)Are they going to go vacation?() A.on B.in C.at 8.(2.7 分)Look! Two cats across the wall.()A.run B.runs C.are running 9.(2.7 分)Is she going a haircut?() A.get B.gets C.to get 10.(2.7 分)It's time watch the football match.()A.to B.for C.in 11.(2.7 分)The National Day holiday is in October.() A.That's right.B.Yes,I do.C.Good idea. 12.(2.7 分)Where is the Summer Palace?() A.In Shanghai.B.In Nanjing.


最新广东版开心学英语六年级下册Unit6练习题 温故知新 一、Read and write. 把下列短语填写完整。 1.______ on the light 2. _______ away your books 3. ______ out your notebook 4. ________ out the trash 5. ______ up your clothes 6. _________ up the room 听说训练 二、Listen and circle. 听录音,圈出正确的内容。 1.turn on 2. lose 3. find 4. give 5. pull turn off lost found gave push 三、Listen and number. 听对话,给图片标序号。 1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、Listen and choose. 听短文,选择正确的答句。 1. A. I lost my bag. B. He lost his bag. C. They lost their bags. 2. A. Don't worry. I’ll help you. B. You’re really lucky. C. Don't! 3. A. I got an apple. B. I gave an apple. C. She got an apple. 4. A. He pushed the door. B. He has to push the door. C. He didn’t push the door. 5. A. You have to pull! B. You have to throw it. C. You have to find them 五、Listen and judge. 听短文,判断句子对(T)错(F). ( ) 1. The students cleaned up the classroom after school. ( ) 2.The boys pushed and pulled the tables. ( ) 3. The students were not busy. ( ) 4. A girl dropped the pencil box. ( ) 5. A boy helped the girl clean up the floor. (It was a cleaning day at school. After school, the students stayed and cleaned up the classroom. They were busy. Some boys pushed the tables, some boys carried the desks. Some girls cleaned the windows; others cleaned the floor and the blackboard. A girl wasn’t careful. She dropped the


广东版开心学英语四年级下册复习点 Unit1MySchool Target 1.’sahall,agym,ateachers’office. 2.Howmanyclassroomarethere? Thereare__________________.【复数】 3.What’sinyourschool? Thereis__________________.【单数】 ※就近原则:Therebe句型中be动词的单复数形式由后面挨近的一项的单复数决定。例:Thereisabookandtwopencilsonthedesk. 又如:①那里有一本书和两只猫:Thereisabookandtwocats. ②那里有两只猫和一本书:Therearetwocatsandabook. Unit2OurNewHome Target 1.Isthere_________________?Yes,itis./No,itisn’t. 例:Istherealivingroominyournewhome? Yes,itis. 2.Arethere_________________?Yes,thereare./No,therearen’t. 例:Aretheretwobedroomsinyourdreamhome? Yes,thereare. 【作文】P18Drawyourdreamhomeandwriteaboutyourdreamhome. Thereare__________________________________. Thereare__________________________________. Thereare__________________________________. There’s___________________________________. There’s___________________________________. Unit3BankorBeach? Target 1.Whereareyougoing?


Unit 1 My school Target I. Sentences: 1. There’s a hall, a gym···· 2. How many classrooms are there? There are twenty-five classrooms. 3. Of course, Gogo! 4. I have an idea. II. Words: a teachers’ office , a library,a playground, a hall,an art room,a music room, a gym ,a classroom; III. Sounds and words: [u:] room moon cool classroom school noodles Materials Picture Cards 1-8, a teachers’ office , a library,a playground, a hall,an art room,a music room, a gym ,a classroom;

The first period Step 1 Review 1. Do you know…? 2. How many words do you know? Step 2 V ocabulary Getting ready Put Picture Cards 1-8 on the blackboard. T: Look at the Picture Cards. Say each word as you hold up the Picture Cards T: Now listen and repeat. Hold up each Picture cards. And say the word. Give Ss time to repeat. Using the book T: Listen to the disc and repeat. Point to each subject as you say it. Play the disc and have Ss repeat each word. T: Is this an art room? (Point to a music room Picture card.) Ss: No, it isn’t. It’s a music room. Model if necessary. Repeat with several Picture Cards. T: Close your books. T: (Hold up various Picture Cards and repeat.) what is it? Ss: It’s a …. Extension activity Step 3 Practice 2 T: What can you see? (S1:A gym```) T: Now read the questions. Have Ss read the questions together.


(广东版)开心英语六年级英语上册模拟试题 听力部分(30%) 一、Listen and choose. (5%) ( )1. A.8396 B. 6568 C. 9687 ( )2. A .HVI B.SBA C. APR ( ) 3. A. bite B. guide C. time ( ) 4. A. Mr. Black B. Miss Black C. Mrs Black ( ) 5. A. on the door B. on the floor C. under the floor 二、Listen and choose. (10%) ( ). 1. A. Fine, thanks. B. I’m sorry. C. I’m thirteen. ( ) 2. A. It’s on the desk. B. It’s yellow. C. It’s five o’clock. ( ) 3.A. It’s sunny. B. It’s yellow C. It’s near the lake.. ( )4.A.I am watching TV. B. I clean the room. C. I played football. ( ) 5.A I have a book. B. I like peaches. C. I have a toothache. ( )6.A. She is eleven. B. She’s my sister. C. She’s quiet. ( ).7.A. Good idea! B. It’s cold. C. It’s windy. ( )8.A You’re welcome. B. I’m sorry. C. Thank you. ( )9.A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. Thank you. ( )10.Yes, I can. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I do.. 三、Listen and choose.(5%) ( ). 1. Who is Peter’s new friend? A. Jack. B. Tom. ( ) 2. what does David like? A. Math B. P.E ( ) 3. Where is the boy? A. In a hospital. B. At home. ( ) 4. How many is the dress ? A.55. C.15. ( ) 5. How is Wang Nan’s aunt coming here ? B. By train. 四、Listen and write. (10) 1.Time for __________. _____ some orange juice. 2.There are ________ cows and ______ on the farm. 3.I like the green ______. They look so ________. 4.Can you ______ the table? Yes, I can. I can do the ______, too. 5.Remember to ________ off the ______. 笔试部分(70%) 五、Pronunciation. (5) ( ). 1. A. cool B. food C. foot D. zoo ( ). 2. A. teach B Chinese C. child D. school. ( )3. A. tired B. first . C. skirt D. third


五年级下册英语第一单元复习卷 姓名:________________ 一、重点词汇: take a test测验play games玩游戏get a haircut剪头发see the doctor看医生shop for clothes买衣服have a party聚会write a letter写信 二、重点句型: 某人将要去做某事的固定句型: 询问:What + be + sb + going to do +时间。 例句:What is he going to do today? 某人将要去做某事的固定句型: sb + be + going to + 事件+ 时间。 例句:She is going to play games on Monday 三、练一练。 1、根据图片提示补全句子,每空一词。 1)I’m going to ________ ________ ________. 2)—Is she going to ________ ________ ________? —No, she’s going to ________ ________ ________. 3)We’re going to ________ ________ ________. 2、根据图片提示,仿写句子。 Model 1: I’m going to sweep the floor. 1.___________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________

Model 2 :—Are you going to play basketball? —No, I’m going to watch TV. 3. ————————————————————— __________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 3、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1) __________(be) you going to __________(play) play basketball? 2) I’m __________(write) a letter. 3) Tony is going to __________(get) a haircut today. 4) Jenny __________(take) a test yesterday. 5) My mother is going to __________(shop) for clothes. 6) __________(be) Peter going to __________(see) the doctor? 4、单项填空。 ()1)________ you going to play football with your friends? A. Is B. Am C. Are ()2)________ are you going to do today? A. What B. Where C. Who


Content of course 5. Clothes _1st period Teaching Objectives 1. Study the words.P37 in , on , under , between ,socks , skirt , pants , pants , jacket . Be able to use the words. 2. Be able to use the sentences. Where’s ... ? It’s on/... Where are ...? They’re under /... Teaching Key Points/Difficult Points 1. Be able to listen , speak , read and write the words. 2.Be able to master and use the sentences. Where is /are ... ? It’s /They’re in/on/under/between ...) 3. Master the method of using of between . Teaching aids pictures , cards , disc , objects , e.g. boxes , socks,etc. Teaching procedure Review 1. Listen to the tape and learn to chant . Socks. 2. Lead in the topic. Hello , class ! I have some clothes. Look here. (Show them.)There are pants , a skirt ,a jacket and socks. They are my clothes. Repeat the word clothes. Let Ss guess the Chinese meaning. Then read all together. Unit 5 Clothes. New Lesson 1. Bring some Character Cards of Gogo , two boxes ,socks , a pair of pants , a jacket and a skirt to class . Using them , introduce the new words. 2.Words study. in Put Gogo in the box . T: Where’s Gogo? He’s in the


广东版开心英语六年级(上)全册教案 Unit1 I wrote a long letter. 一教学目标 1.学会VOCABULARY 的单词。 2.复习巩固上学期学习的句型:―Did you…‖ 、“Yes, I did./No, I didn’t”、―What are you going to do? I’m going to...‖、“I’ll…” 3.懂得“air”、“ear”、“ere”在单词中的发音。 二教学重点 1 掌握“air”、“ear”、“ere”的正确读法和发音。 2 熟练运用句式“Did you…”、“I’ll…”进行交际。 三教学难点 1熟练运用句式“I’ll…”进行交际。 四. 教学用具 教学录音带自制课件学生自备的信封、邮票、课文中单词的实物 五教学过程 THE FRIST PERIOD (Vocabulary、Review、Practic1、Practic2) 1.revision : ●Say hello to the students ●Sing a song which they have learned in last term . 2.Presentation: ●Present the pictures of candy ice cream…with computer . ●Write down the Chinese 糖、雪糕…… ●Have students to work out the number-plus-classifier ●Take out all the objects and elicit all the nouns. 3.Practice(1) : ●Play a game and master the new words ●Line up a list of ―a‖ ,have Ss work out the English word of classifier, then learn the new words together. ●Games: Make friends (match the number-plus-classifier and the noun together.) 4.Practice(2) : ●T ask Ss a question and elicit Review. ●Listen to the tape ●Read together ●Redesign the dialogue ●Feedback 5.Conclusion:


新学力教育2015-2016学年度第二学期 五年级英语期中测试卷 ( 考试时间:80分钟 总分:100分 ) P A R Part one 听力部分(共35分) 一、听选单词、词组或句子。(共10分,每小题 1分) ( ) 1. A. train B. travel C. tree ( ) 2. A. clothes B. friends C. mountains ( ) 3. A. dry B. fly C. cry ( ) 4. A. picnic B. picture C. photo ( ) 5. A. do tai chi B. read books C. for a vacation ( ) 6. A. by train B. by ship C. by bike ( ) 7. A. take a test B. have a picnic C. go camping ( ) 8. A. This week is a vacation. B. Next week is a vacation. C. Next month is a vacation. ( ) 9. A. Is she going to have a picnic? B. Is he going to have a test? C. Are they going camping ? ( ) 10. A. What ’s Lisa going to do ? B. How is Tony get there ? C. Where ’s Gogo going to stay ? 二、听句子,选答语。(共10分,每小题2分) ( ) 11.A.Yes,he is. B. Yes ,she is. C. No ,they aren ’t. ( ) 12.A.No ,I don ’t. B. Yes ,I am. C. No ,I can ’t. ( ) 13.A. Yes, I can. B. Yes ,you may. C. I don ’t know. ( ) 14.A. She ’s going to Hainan. B. She wants to watch TV. C. She likes Hainan. ( ) 15.A. They ’re going to meet some friends. B.He ’s going to see a movie. C. She ’s going to cook some food. 1.( ) 2.( ) 3. ( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 6.( ) 7.( ) 8.( ) 四.听录音补全短文。(共7分,每空1分) I ’ll be busy this week. I ’m going to _________my mom on Sunday. I ’m going to __________soccer with my __________ on Tuesday. On Wednesday ,I ’m going to see the __________. I ’m going to__________ my grandfather on Thursday. I ’m going to get there by____________. On Friday and Saturday ,I ’m going to stay at home and write a ___________ to my cousin. Part two 笔试部分(共65分) 一、选择正确字母补全单词。(共5分,每 小题1分) ( )1. __ nt__ __net A. I ,ar B. I ,or C. I ,er ( )2. w__lf A. e B.a C. o ( )3.ha__ __cut A. ir B. ri C.rl ( )4.m__d__l A. i ,u B. e ,a C. o ,e ( )5.s__ __f A.or B.ur C. ar 二、用词的正确形式填空。(共5分,每小题1分) 1. There _____________(be )two planes in the sky. 2. We ’re going to ________________ (shop) for clothes tomorrow. 3. ____________(be )Lisa and Tony going to Beijing next week ? 4. You can ’t _______________(play )games here. 5. Let ’s________________(read )some books in the library. 三、根据情景,选择最佳对话。(共10分,每小题2分) ( )1.爷爷想知道你如何去四川,他会问你: A. How is he going to Sichuan ? B. How is Tony going to Sichuan ? C. How are you going to Sichuan ? ( )2. 你想知道你妹妹暑假打算做什么,你会问她: A. Where are you going to stay ? B. I ’m going to Hong Kong . C. What are you going to do ? ( )3.你想告诉你朋友你喜欢看书,你会说: A.I ’m reading some books. B.I ’m going to read some books. C. I like reading some books. ( )4.你想告诉你的同桌你你去旅游时会住在舅舅家,你会说: A. I ’m going to stay with my uncle. B. You ’re going to stay with my uncle. C. Where are you going to stay ? 题 目 听力部分 笔试部分 总分 一 二 三 四 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 得 分 班别: 学号: 姓名:


广东版开心学英语四年级上册期末复习资料 Unit 1 1.Do you like math? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 你喜欢数学吗?是的,我喜欢。/不,我不喜欢。 2.What subjects do you like? I like art and music. 你喜欢什么科目?我喜欢美术和音乐。 3.Where is my English book?It’s on the desk. 我的英语书在哪里?它在桌子上。 4.Where are my socks? They’re under the bed. 我的袜子在哪里?他们在床下。 5.What can you do in music class? I can sing. 在音乐课上你能做什么?我能唱歌。 6.How many subjects do you have? I have seven. 你有多少个科目?我有七个。 7.Writing:Gogo is my good friend. He likes P.E. and art. He likes drawing and he can Gogo 是我的好朋友。他喜欢体育和美术。他喜欢画画,他能画得很draw very well. He doesn’t like math. That’s not good. 好。他不喜欢数学。这不太好。 Exercise: 1.你喜欢什么科目?我喜欢英语。 ____________ ___________ do you ___________? I _________ ______________. 2.你喜欢体育吗?不,不喜欢。我喜欢美术。 Do you like _______? No, ___________ __________. I _________ ____________. 3.I can run in ___________ class. I can draw in ___________ class. 4.回答下列问题。 A.Do you like science? _______________________________________________

广东版开心英语六年级上册 Unit 7 重要句型

广东版开心英语 六年级 英语学习基础很重要,记住单词,默写单词,不要粗心大意。 广东版小学开心英语和你一起共同进步学业有成!

Unit7重要句型 1._____________________________ 祝你新年快乐! 2. ________________________________ 你午夜时候在哪里? 3. When the bells ______ , I was _____ _______. I _____ ______ TV ___ my family. 当新年钟声响起时,你在家和家人看电视。 4. _____ _______ you ______ ________ China _____ the 2008 Olympics? 当中国获得奥运主办权时你在做什么? 5. I ____ _____ homework ______ I_______ the news _______ TV. 当我看到电视新闻时,我在做作业。 6.I ______ _______at the swimming pool _____ I ________ ________ it. 当我听到新闻时我在游泳池。 7._________________________ 当我遇到你时你在做什么? 8.______________________________ 我们在攀爬和滑滑梯。 9. I _____ _______ at school ______ you _____ in.当你进来的时候,我在学校学习。 10. Jill ____ ______ her homework ____ she _____ something. 当她听到一些声音的时候,Jill正在做作业。 11. I _____ ______ the plants _____ you ______ your present. 当你收到你的礼物的时候,我正在给植物浇水。 12. I _____ ______ TV _____ you _____ your present. 当你收到你的礼物的时候,我正在看电视。


五年级下册期末复习题 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 (be)you going to ________(play) basketball ________(take) a test yesterday. (be) Peter going to _______(see) the doctor am ________(write) a letter. am going to Tibet ______ _______ this weekend. _______ (will not) stay in a hotel in New York. like _______ _________ (拍照) _____ (be)good at ice skating. She ______ (go) twice a week. ______ (do) Ben go to school He goes to school _____ a car. is going to ______ _______ (远足) next _________ (假期). often _____________(walk) to school in the morning. 12. Mr Ben _____________( have) a picnic with his friends next Sunday. 13. Let’s ___________ (be) friends, Tony. often _____________(do) she ____________ (watch) TV Once a day. 15. (jump)____________ is his favorite activity. 16. She’s going to ____________(stay) with her aunt and uncle. my mom _____________ (wash ) the clothes for him. ’s too cold for ____________ (go) outing. We can ____________(stay) at home. 二、连词成句。 1. stay , to , he’s , his , grandparents , with , going (.) __________________________________________________________ 2.to , how , Guangzhou , does , brother , your , get () __________________________________________________________ 3.dancing , reading , they , are , about (.) __________________________________________________________ 4.must , at , be , hiking , good , Ben (.) ___________________________________________________________ 5.taxi, to, usually, a, school, you, take, do ()


广东版开心英语四年级下册 改写句子 一、陈述句变成一般疑问句:1、把is am are (was were) can may would will should 提到句首并大写,其余照抄,句号改成问号。 2、如果没有is am are (was were) can may would will should,则用来do, did ,does 开头来提问(如果动词是原形,用do开头来提问;如果动词带有s或es,用does开头来提问:如果动词是过去式,用did开头来提问)加did ,does后动词要回到原形。 3、见I’m改成Are you;I was 改成were you ;如果句子里有I 和we,则改成you;如果有my和our,则改成your;有some和many,则改成any. 二、一般疑问句变成陈述句:1、一般直接把is am are (was were) can may would will should放在第一个名词或人称代词he, she, it, they, I ,we, you 后面,其余不变。 2、以do, did ,does开头的一般疑问句,可以将do, did ,does直接删除,其余照抄。删除do 其余不变;删除does后要在动词后加上s或es;删除did后,动词要变为过去式。 3、如果句子中有you则要改成I 或we,有your就要改成my 或our, 有 a ny 就要改成some 或 many,。 三、肯定句变成否定句:1、直接在is am are (was were) can may would will should后面加上not , 其余不变. 2、如果没有is am are (was were) can may would will should,就直接在句中动词前加 don’t,doesn’t didn’t, 加后动词回到原形。(如果动词是原形用don’t;动词带有s或es,用doesn’t;动词是过去式,用didn’t.) 3、见到some和many,就改成any 四、否定句变成肯定句 1、一般直接去掉not , 其余不变. 2、带don’t,doesn’t didn’t的否定句,直接将don’t,doesn’t didn’t去掉。去掉don’t,其余不变;去掉doesn’t, 动词加上s或es;去掉didn’t,动词变成过去式。 3、见到any,就改成some或many。 五、对一般疑问句作肯定回答:Yes,____________.否定回答:No,____________. 后面部分根据具体情况而定。


广东版开心学英语第二学期 期中知识检测三年级英语科试题(3) (满分 100分,其中听力 48 分,笔试 5分,卷面整洁加2分。时间:60分钟) 题 号 听力部分笔试部分 总 分 复核人一二三四五六七八九十十一十二 得 分 签 名 PART 1 听力部分 一、同学们,保持卷面整洁就一定能得2分呢!你是最棒的!(2分) 二.听录音,选择与所听句子相关的图片,并按1-5的顺序将数字填在括号里。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三.听录音,根据所听到的内容勾出相符的图片,并在图前的括号里打√.(8分) 1. 2. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3 . 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

四、根据问句,选择正确的答句。(10分) ( )1.A. Yes, she is. B. No,she isn’t. C. Yes, he is . ( )2.A. It’s purple. B. It’s pink. C. It’s a lamp. ( )3.A.They’re pears. B.They’re peaches. C. Yes, they are. ( )4.A. It’s a big. B. Yes, it is. C. No, it isn’t. ( )5.A.Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. It’s a white bed. 五、听对话,根据所给的单词或词组将句子中所空缺的部分补充完整。(只填序号)(10分) ① strawberries ②purple ③watermelons ④ big ⑤that ⑥ small ⑦ aren’t ⑧ pillow ⑨ lamp ⑩ these 1.A: What’s ________? B: It’s a ________. 2.A: Are these ________ ? B: No, they _______ . 3.A: What color is the________ ?I B: It’s ________. 4.A:The elephant is .The ant is ________ . 5.A: What are ________ ? B: They’re __________. 六、听录音,填空。(10分) 1. Is Jenny ______? Yes, she ______. 2. What __________ is this ? It’s _____________. 3. Are these________________? No, they _______________. 4. What are these? They are ________ ____________. 5. What is ___________? It’s a _____________. PART 2 笔试部分 七.、书写你最棒!将下面几句话抄写在横线上,注意请用手写体。(6分)1. Jenny is small. 2. What color is this? 3. Is that a black window?


Unit 1 温故知新 一、Read and choose. 从方框内选出正确的单词完成句子。 ( ) 1. We ______ trees yesterday. ( ) 2. Did Gogo ______ Jenny? ( ) 3. They ________ trees every year. ( ) 4. The boys are ________ pictures. ( ) 5. Lisa ______ to school on foot from Monday to Friday. 听说训练 二、Listen and circle. 听录音,圈出正确的内容。 1. clean 2. close 3. cloud 4. study 5. run clever class loud student ran 三、Listen and number. 听对话,给图片标序号。 1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、Listen and choose. 听短文,选择正确的答句。 1. A. Yes, I did. B. Yes, he did. C. No, she didn ’t. 2. A. I played basketball. B. I practiced the piano. C. I visited friends. 3. A. We cleaned the windows. B. We played the violin. C. We studied English. 4. A. They played basketball. B. I watched TV. C. She visited friends. 5. A. No, I watched TV. B. Yes, I watched TV. C. Yes, it is. 五、Listen and judge. 听短文,判断句子对(T )错(F). ( ) 1. I was in the park in the morning. ( ) 2. My shoes were very dirty before. ( ) 3. I played basketball with my friends in the afternoon. ( ) 4. I watched TV and listened to music in the evening. ( ) 5. Yesterday was Sunday. (Yesterday was Saturday. I didn't go to school. In the morning, it was hot. I stayed at home. I washed my dirty shoes. In the afternoon, I went to the park. I played basketball with my friends.
