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以Introduction About M yself为题,写一篇简短的自我介绍。


Intro duc tio n A bo ut M yse lf

He llo, everyo ne, no w I wa nt to give yo u a n intro duc tio n a bo ut mys elf. My na me is Gina Gree n. G ina is my f irs t name and G ree n is my fa mily na me. I a m a girl a t the a ge of 12. I like c ha tting o n the I nte rne t(上网),a nd my QQ numbe r is 7845362. W hat's yo urs?





以My English T ea cher为题,写一篇短文。


My Englis h Teac her

Miss W ang is my Englis h teac her.She looks very yo ung.S he's a bo ut thirty yea rs o ld, a nd s he wears glasses.S he's funny .But s he is strict with us.S he wa nts us to s tudy hard.He r le ssons a re inte res ting.W e are ve ry happy in he r class and we all like he r lesso ns. S he is a goo d teac her, a nd we a ll like her.





以My Fr iend为题,写一篇短文。


My F rie nd

I have a goo d f riend. He r name is May. S he is 12 yea rs o ld. Her te le pho ne number is 87634966. He r birthda y is Marc h 5th. S he is goo d at Englis h a nd C hiese. S he of te n plays the pia no. S he like s rea ding boo ks a nd lis te ning to the music. Her ho bbies a re re a ding a nd lis te ning to music. S he is a nice girl. We of te n help eac h o the r. W e a re goo d frie nds.



我有一个好朋友。她的名字叫梅。她12岁。她的电话号码是87634966 。她的生日是3月5日。她擅长英语和汉语。她经常弹钢琴。她喜欢看书和听音乐。她的爱好是读书和听音乐。她是一个好女孩。我们经常互相帮助。我们是好朋友。




My Fa mily

He llo,e ve ryo ne! I'm Li Me i. Loo k! This is my fa mily pho to. This is my gra ndmother. S he is 58. This is my fa the r. He is a teac her.He is 36,and my mo the r is 36,too.Who’s that boy?Oh, he is my bro the r. He is 13 a nd I am 12.My brothe r a nd I are s tude nts.







To m’s Roo m

Loo k! This is Tom’s roo m. His pho tos are o n the wa ll. His T-s hirt is o n the be d. His bas e ball ba t is be hind the dresse r. The keys a re in the dra we r. The co mputer is on the des k. W he re is Tom’s base ba ll? Oh, It’s unde r the be d. W ha t is o n the f loo r? The y are Tom’s s hoes, s oc ks a nd compute r ga mes. W ha t do yo u think of To m’s roo m?







Of a ll kinds of mo vies, I like co medies be st. I th ink the y're intere s ting. My f avo rite ac tor is Jac kie. I like his mo vie King of Come dy. I think it’s a suc cessful co me dy. For ac tio n mo vie s, I like The Lo rd of the R ing bes t. It’s e xciting. I like docume ntaries beca use the y’re true s tories. I like o nly so me thrille rs. M any thrille rs a re scary a nd bo ring.





