2020年北京课改版六年级英语下册第一单元Unit 1 What are you looking for知识清单

2020年北京课改版六年级英语下册第一单元Unit 1 What are you looking for知识清单
2020年北京课改版六年级英语下册第一单元Unit 1 What are you looking for知识清单



1. 名词: ground地,地面cup杯子desk书桌police警察head头street街,街道garden花园;菜园

2. 动词: use使用worry忧虑,担心

3. 形容词: worried担忧的purple紫色的wide宽的little小的;可爱的beautiful美丽的;漂亮的

4. 疑问代词: whose谁的

5. 副词: only仅仅


1. 名词: bear熊colour颜色pen钢笔maths数学homework家庭作业man男人uncle叔叔yesterday昨天mountain大山earth泥土winter冬天summer夏天basket筐,篮子

2. 动词: find找mind介意ask问borrow借call叫guess猜remove搬掉grow生长,增加

3. 形容词: big大的welcome受欢迎的young年轻的foolish愚蠢的wise 聪明的touched被感动的,受感动的

4. 代词: they 他/她/它们

5. 副词: there在那里together 同时;在一起

6. 介词: on在……上without没有for为,为了

7. 短语: water bottle 水瓶paper cup 纸杯 pencil case 铅笔盒look for寻找on the top of在……上面


1. — What are you looking for, Sara? 萨拉,你在找什么?

— I’m looking for my water bottle. I can’t find it. 我正在找我的水瓶。我找不到它了。

解读:此句是what 引导的现在进行时的特殊疑问句,用来询问某人正在做什么事。

举一反三:— What are you doing here? 你在这里做什么呢?

— I’m waiting for my sister. 我正在等我的姐姐。

2. What’s it like? 它是什么样子的?

解读:此句是what 引导的用来询问某物是什么样子的特殊疑问句。

举一反三:— What’s your handbag like? 你的手包是什么样子的?

— It’s green. 它是绿色的。

3. Why do you look so worried, Sara? 萨拉,你为什么看起来这么忧虑呀?

解读:此句是why引导的特殊疑问句,用来询问原因、理由等。答句一般是由because 引导的状语从句。

举一反三:— Why do you look so worried? 你为什么看起来这么忧虑呀?

— Because I lost my cat. 因为我的猫丢了。

4. My pencil case is wider. I like big ones better. 我的铅笔盒更宽。我更喜欢宽一些的。

解读:此句中wider和better分别是单词wide 和good 的比较级形式,其中better 为不规则变化,需特殊记忆。

举一反三: My ruler is longer. I like long ones better. 我的尺子更长。我更喜欢长一些的。

5. What does he look like? 他长什么样子?


举一反三:— What does your brother look like? 你哥哥长什么样子?

— He is tall and has short hair. 他个子很高,留短发。

6. There are so many cars and buses there. 那里有很多的汽车和公共汽车。

解读:此句是there be句型。

举一反三: There are so many flowers and trees in the garden. 公园里有很多花和树。


1. Let’s look for it together. 我们一起找找它吧。

解读:此句是 let’s引导的祈使句,用来提出主张、建议等。let’s 是 let us 的缩写形式。

2. What colour is it? 它是什么颜色的?

解读:此句是what 引导的,用来询问颜色的特殊疑问句。该句在日常生活中极为常见,应用非常广泛。

3. Should I call the police? 我应该叫警察吗?


4. Would you please look for him together with me? 你可以和我一起找找他吗?

解读:“Would you please …?”是用来请求别人帮助的常用句型,含有说话者一定的希望,有期待对方做出肯定回答的意味。

5. How unwise you are! 你真是愚蠢啊!



UNIT SPRINGISHERE 一、核心词汇 1.名词:woman(pl.women)女人;妇女people人们bird鸟 2.动词:plant栽种turn变得;成为hear听见;听 3.形容词:fun有趣的favourite特别喜爱的 4.副词:tomorrow明天out外面的 二、拓展词汇 1.名词:ping-pong乒乓gift礼物March三月kite风筝basketball篮球afternoon下午;午后tree树木April四月morning早晨;上午card卡片monkey猴子zoo动物园evening傍晚;晚上outing郊游;远足;外出spring春天season季节grass草;草坪bear熊butterfly蝴蝶 2.动词:play踢;打make制作join加入see看见;看到sing唱;歌唱wake醒来;唤醒dance跳舞 3.形容词:colourful丰富多彩的bright明亮的 三、核心句型 1.Canyouplayping-pongwithme?你能和我一起打乒乓球吗? 解读:此句是询问他人能否一起做某事的句型,是一般疑问句。 举一反三:Canyouplaywithme?你能和我一起玩吗? Canyoustaywithme?你能和我待在一起吗? Canyougooutwithme?你能和我一起出去吗? 2.—Whatareyougoingtodothisafternoon,Lingling?今天下午你打算做什么,玲玲? —Wearegoingtoplanttrees.我们要植树。

解读:此句是询问他人计划或打算的常见句型,是一般将来时,后面常接表示将 来的时间状语。 举一反三:—Whatareyougoingtodothissummerholiday?这个暑假你打算做什么? —I’mgoingtovisitmyuncle.我打算去拜访我叔叔。 —Whatisyoursistergoingtodo?你妹妹打算做什么? —Sheisgoingtohaveartlessons.她打算上美术课。 3.—Whatdoyouseeinspring?你在春天看到什么? —Thetreesturngreen.树木变绿。 解读:这是询问他人能看到什么的句型,答语根据实际情况回答。 举一反三:—Whatdoyouseeonthetrain?在火车上你看到什么? —Amanplayscardswithhisfriends.一个男人和他的朋友打牌。 四、拓展句型 1.I’mmakingagiftformymum.我正在给我妈妈做礼物。 解读:此句是现在进行时的句子,用来描述现在正在进行的动作或状态。 举一反三:Mysisterisdoingherhomework.我妹妹在做作业。 Mybrotherisplayingwithhistoyplane.我弟弟在玩他的玩具飞机。 2.—DoyouhaveTree-plantingDay?你们有植树节吗? —Yes.是的。 解读:这是询问某人是否有某个节日的句型。还可以用来询问他人是否有某物。句中的have是动词,意为“有;拥有”,后面接名词。 举一反三:—Doyouhaveabasketball?你们有篮球吗? —No,wedon’t.Wehaveaping-pongball.不,我们没有。我们有一个乒乓球。 UNIT ILIKETHESHAPE 一、核心词汇


七年级上册单词与词组 预备单元 Lesson 1 Good Morning, Class my name is ……我的名字是……new student 一名新同学your name is……你的名字是……sit down. 坐下 listen to the conversation 听对话 Lesson 2 Nice To Meet You my friend 我的朋友my English teacher 我的英语老师 in Class Three 在三班Good morning 早上好 your good friend 你的好朋友Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴 Lesson 3 Where Are You From? be from = come from 来自let me ask her 让我来问她 let’s ask him 让我们来问他 Lesson 4 It’s A Red Taxi in English 用英语on duty 值日those watermelons 那些西瓜 a new lesson 一节新课 a red taxi 一辆红色的出租车two birds 两只鸟four oranges 四个橘子ten apples 十个苹果seven pencils 七支铅笔 eight rulers 八把尺子 a red apple 一个红苹果six books 六本书Lesson 5 Where’s My English Book on the wall 在墙上(指挂在墙的表面,如map, clock等)

in the wall 在墙上(指嵌在墙的里面,如window等) under the chair 在椅子下in front of the house 在房子前面 on the floor 在地板上behind the door 在门的后面 in the pencil-box 在文具盒里面on the bed 在床上 on my desk 在我的书桌上behind the chair 在椅子的后面 Lesson 6 Jim’s Family there is a radio 这儿有一个收音机there are some shoes 这儿有一些鞋 My father is a doctor. 我爸爸是一名医生。My mother is a teacher. 我妈妈是一名教师。I have a sister. 我有一个姐姐。 study in a middle school 在一所中学读书 Only has compared to the others early, diligently, can feel the successful taste. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃 Lesson 7 Do You Have A Dog? pet dog 宠物狗here you are 给你 I have a dog. 我有一只狗。He has a new bike. 他有一辆新自行车。 Do you have a dog? 你有一只狗马吗? Yes,I do. 是的,我有。No, I don’t.不,我没有。 Does she have a dog? 她有一只狗吗? Yes, she does. 是的,她有。No, she doesn’t. 不,她没有。 Lesson 8 Do You Like the Red Car? this red car 这辆红色的小汽车this yellow sweater 这件黄色的毛衣 my little sister 我的小妹妹with his friend 和他的朋友一起


满分:100分时间:60分钟分数: 听力部分 一、听录音,选出单词。(10分) ()1.A.heavy B.stay C.welcome ()2.A.gym B.stand C.classroom ()3.A.next B.eye C.nose ()https://www.360docs.net/doc/bb16090836.html,rge B.friendly C.Friday ()5.A.begin B.summer C.paper 二、听录音,判断句子与图片是(T)否(F)对应。(10分) ()()()()() 三、听录音,选出答语。(10分) ()1.A.There are twelve. B.They are in the park. ()2.A.I am drawing a picture. B.This is my bottle. ()3.A.I went to the cinema. B.I have a fever. ()4.A.It’s beautiful. B.It’s rainy. ()5.A.I stayed at home. B.I caught a cold. 四、听录音,补全句子。(10分) 1.The post office is on my. 2.He goes to the end of the road. 3.She is going to the. 4.I am good at ping-pong.

5.The broom is the door. 笔试部分 五、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。(5分) ()1.A.club B.date C.beautiful ()2.A.street B.nose C.head ()3.A.cup B.worry C.garden ()4.A.invite https://www.360docs.net/doc/bb16090836.html,rge C.begin ()5.A.weekend B.heavy C.ill 六、选词填空。(5分) 1.Tom visited the Palace Museum. 2.Our class at7o’clock. 3.I play the piano and I like music. 4.I am very hard to learn Peking Opera. 5.He helped the school win the place in football. 七、选择正确答案。(10分) ()1.Let me the housework. A.doing B.to do C.do ()2.Brazil is famous its rain forest. A.for B.at C.in ()3.I was not in the kindergarten I was four years old. A.after B.until C.when ()4.Lucy will to her motherland next year. A.to return B.return C.returns ()5.Ann up early in the morning every day.

(no.1)八年级英语下册 Unit 11 The Hand同步检测 北京课改版

本文为自本人珍藏版权所有仅供参考 Unit 11 The Hand Ⅰ. 根据句意和首字母补全单词: 1. *A friend of m told me a story about an old scientist. 2. **T Day is on the fourth Thursday of November. 3. **It is their c to give thanks to God for the harvest. 4. **The dinner was p when I got home yesterday. 5. **The children can answer those questions which the foreigner asked. 6. **She w how little they had to be thankful for. 7. *The children looked f to going on a picnic for a long time. 8. Every student must h in their homework after they get to school. 9. **The little boy looked at me c . 10. My sister is w in swimming, so she has to practice it. Ⅱ. 单项选择: 1. —Can you sing? —Yes I can,_____ I can’t sing very well. A. but B. or C. so D. and **2. You can’t _____ jeans to the party. If you do so, the teacher won’t let you ___. A. put on ,in B. dress, out C. have , on D. wear, in **3. —In our English study reading is more important than speaking, I think. —I don’t agree. Speaking is _____ reading. A. as important as B. so important as C. the most important D. the same as *4. While the alien was visiting the museum, the boy ______ the TV station. A. call B. ask C. called D. asked *5. What ____ you ______ at this time yesterday? A. did, do B. is, doing C. were, doing D. are ,doing 6. She didn’t go home. I didn’t go home,_______. A. too B. also C. either D. neither *7. He asked me _____ a report card. A. write B. writing C. to write D. wrote *8. The teacher said I could do better _____ English .


Lesson 1 Listen and say Can you come out and play with me? I'm sorry I can't.对不起,我不能。 I'm making a card for my mom. Tomorrow is Women's Day.明天是妇女节. Oh,yes.哦,是的. Tomorrow is March 8th.明天是三八妇女节 I want to make a card for my mom,too. Let's also make one for Miss Wang. Look and read March 8th三月八号 Women's Day妇女节 a woman/women一个女人/女人们 a man/men一个男人/男人们 Let's practicexx Can you come out and play with me? I'm sorry I can't.对不起,我不能. Yes,let's go.是的,咱们走吧. Listen and write 1.Let's make a cake a March 8th,Women's Day,

for our teacher. We can also make cards for them. 2.Can you help me?你能帮我么? I'm sorry I can't.对不起,我不能. I'm busy now.我现在很忙.Let's say March winds and April showers,三月的风和四月的雨 Bring forth May flowers.带来五月的花.can能you你sorry对不起March三月woman/women女人/女人们Lesson 2 Listen and say Sara,we are going to plant trees this afternoon.March 12th is our Tree-planting Day.People plant trees is April in America.We plant many things in spring.I like spring.我喜欢春天. Planting is fun.种植很有趣. Look and read Tree-planting Day植树节 a treexxApril四月 Let's practice What are you going to do this afternoon?We are going to plant trees this afternoon.to see grandma去看奶奶 to make a cake做蛋糕 to see the monkeys in the zoo去动物园看猴子to swim in the sea去海里游泳Listen and write

六年级上语文一课一练13 林海 _北京课改版

2019年北京版小学语文六年级上册13 林海同步试题1.用“√”给加点字选择正确的读音。 俏.丽(xiào qiào) 酿.成(niàng liáng) 伐.木(fá gě) 综.合(zóng zōng) 2.规范书写词语。 3.根据意思写词语。 1.单独的一座山峰高高地耸立着。 ( ) 2.形容骄傲蛮横,气势逼人。 ( ) 3.眼睛能看到的地方。 ( ) 4.许许多多的山峰都是碧绿的颜色。 ( ) 5.国家兴盛安定。 ( ) 4.写出下列句子所用的修辞手法。 1.每条岭都是那么温柔。 ( ) 2.看,那海边上不是还有些白的浪花吗? ( ) 3.花丛里还隐藏着像珊瑚珠似的小红豆。 ( ) 5.按要求写句子。 1.多少条岭啊,在疾驰的火车上看了几个钟头,既.看不完,也.看不厌。(用加点字写句子) __________________________________________________________ 2.大至矿井、铁路,小至桌椅、椽柱,有几个省市的建设与兴安岭完全没有关系呢?(改为陈述句) __________________________________________________________ 6.阅读欢乐岛。 (一)课内阅读。 两山之间往往流动着清可见底的小河,河岸上有多少野花呀。我是爱花的人,到这里我却叫不出那些花的名儿来。兴安岭多么会打扮自己呀:青松做衫,白桦为裙,还穿着绣花鞋。连树与树之间的空隙也不缺乏色彩:在松影下开着各种小花,招来各色的小蝴蝶——它们很亲热地落在客人的身上。花丛里还隐藏着像珊瑚珠似的小红豆,兴安岭中酒厂所造的红豆酒就是用这些小野果酿成的,味道很好。 1.作者从_________、_________、_________等方面来写大兴安岭原始森林的景色。 2.文中画横线处运用了_________ 和_________的修辞手法。“衫”指_________,“裙”指_________,“绣花鞋”指_________。 (二)课外阅读。 守林人 守林人带着猎枪和他的猎狗,日夜巡视着森林。他一步一步地走着,走一步,就要听一听那突然的灾害,是不是意外地来了…… 他负责发出风灾和火警的信号!他还负责不让一切可疑的阴谋从这里通过,在森林里躲藏。 守林人在森林里生活久了,年老了还是跟青年人一样。他脸上的皱纹,是那树木的皱纹,经历过万年的风霜,不断地增加,却又不断地成长。他那坚强的双腿,是那坚强的树干。他那不知疲倦的双脚,是那伸遍山中的树根。有树根的地方,就有他的脚印…… 晚风起了,森林在沙沙地说话,守林人就停下来听,他能听懂它们的话。 下雪了,厚厚的雪铺遍了森林,压在所有的树枝上,也压在守林人的身上。于是,他知道积雪的重量,把那些幼小的树枝压断了。 寒冷的夜晚,整个森林都冰冻了,也冰冻了守林人。他从自己的眉毛和胡须上的冰霜,知道了树木的寒冷…… 1 / 3


阅读理解九 What Are Stars Like? Have you ever wondered about the stars? In some ways,stars are like people. They are born. They grow old. And they die. A star is born from dust and gas. Slowly the dust and gas make a ball. The ball gets very hot. Then it starts to give off light. The young star grows into a giant. Many years go by. The older star begins to get small again. At last its light goes out. The star's life is over. 1. Dust and _________ make a star. A. gas B. snow C. rain 2. This story tells about _________. A. old people B. the life of a star C. the number of stars in the sky 3. In the first part of the story,what does the word “wondered”mean? A. moved B. looked at C. asked yourself 4. Stars give off light because they are very _________. A. small B. hot C. old 5. You can guess from the story that most stars are around (存在)for a _________ time.A. long B. short C. nice 参考答案 1.A 从句子“A star is born from dust and gas.”可知“恒星是从尘埃和气体诞生的。”,即尘埃和气体组成了恒星。 2. B 从第一段最后一句和第二段可知短文简要介绍了star从诞生(are born)、长大(grow old)到死亡(die)的过程。 3. C 短文介绍了有关恒星的知识,短文第一句应该是问:你问过自己有关恒星的事吗?有关恒星的事不能“搬动”,也不能“看”,所以选C。


北京课改版六年级英语下册全套试卷 特别说明:本试卷为最新北京课改版小学生六年级试卷。 全套试卷共8份。 试卷内容如下: 1. 第一单元使用 2. 第二单元使用 3. 第三单元使用 4.小学六年级期中检测卷 5. 第四单元使用 6. 第五单元使用 7. 第六单元使用 8.小学六年级期末检测卷

UNIT WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? 满分:100分时间:60分钟分数: 听力部分 一、听录音,选出单词。(10分) ()1. A.ground B.garden C.beautiful ()2. A.purple B.cup C.little ()3. https://www.360docs.net/doc/bb16090836.html,e B.police C.street ()4. A.head B.only C.worry ()5. A.few B.wide C.whose 二、听录音,给图片排序。(10分) () () () () () 三、听录音,选出答语。(10分) ()1. A.Yes, you can’t. B.Yes, please. ()2. A.Because I can’t find my English book. B.I don’t know. ()3. A.I am looking for my pencil case. B.It’s on the ground. ()4. A.He has a beautiful nose.

B.Let me go and ask her. ()5. A.It is on the desk. B.It’s red and in the shape of a teddy bear. 四、听录音,补全句子。(10分) 1. There are a few over there on the desk. 2. Whose is that? 3. Sara has a . 4. Would you mind my water bottle? 5. We a small house many years ago. 笔试部分 五、给下列各组单词选出同类词。(5分) ()1. https://www.360docs.net/doc/bb16090836.html,e B.look C. ()2. A.water B.sea C. ()3. A.what B.where C. ()4. A.going B.doing C. ()5. A.worried B.tired C. 六、选词填空。 (5分) ()1. There is a desk the classroom. ()2. I can my mother’s cup. ()3. There a beautiful garden here. ()4. worry about me. ()5. pen is this? 七、选择正确答案。(10分) ()1. What’s the matter your computer?


Lesson 1 Listen and say Can you come out and play with me? I'm sorry I can't.对不起,我不能。 I'm making a card for my mom. Tomorrow is Women's Day.明天是妇女节. Oh,yes.哦,是的. Tomorrow is March 8th.明天是三八妇女节 I want to make a card for my mom,too. Let's also make one for Miss Wang. Look and read March 8th 三月八号 Women's Day 妇女节 a woman/women 一个女人/女人们 a man/men 一个男人/男人们 Let's practice 练一练 Can you come out and play with me? I'm sorry I can't.对不起,我不能. Yes,let's go.是的,咱们走吧. Listen and write 1.Let's make a cake a March 8th,Women's Day, for our teacher. We can also make cards for them. 2.Can you help me?你能帮我么? I'm sorry I can't.对不起,我不能. I'm busy now.我现在很忙. Let's say March winds and April showers,三月的风和四月的雨 Bring forth May flowers.带来五月的花. can 能you 你sorry 对不起March 三月 woman/women 女人/女人们 Lesson 2 Listen and say Sara,we are going to plant trees this afternoon. March 12th is our Tree-planting Day. People plant trees is April in America. We plant many things in spring. I like spring.我喜欢春天. Planting is fun.种植很有趣. Look and read Tree-planting Day 植树节 a tree 一棵树April 四月 Let's practice What are you going to do this afternoon? We are going to plant trees this afternoon. to see grandma 去看奶奶 to make a cake 做蛋糕 to see the monkeys in the zoo 去动物园看猴子

【最新】北京课改版七年级英语上册School things第一课时教案

授课日期课型Reading and speaking 授课教师 教学课题School things 总课时:2 第 1 课时 教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 1.听说读有关学校用品的词汇; 2.通过阅读获取对话大意和佳明今天书包里应该有什么及今天有什么课的具体信息; 3.初步体验和感知have的表意功能和用法; 4.使用获取的信息,运用Does Jiaming have …? Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t口头谈论 佳明今天书包里应该有什么。 教学重点学校用品的词汇阅读获取对话大意和佳明今天书包里应该有什么及今天有什么课的具体信息 教学难点如何引领学生获取对话大意和佳明今天书包里应该有什么教学方法引领归纳法 教学准备Ppt students’ sheet 教学过程 教师活动设计学生活动设计设计意图 时间 安排Pre-reading Step1 Show some pictures about school, then ask “What can you see?”to lead Ss to say key words. Play the recording for Ss to listen and repeat Step2 Ask “ What things do you use every day at school? to lead Ss to say: I use…every day . Step3 Ask “What do you have in your schoolbag?” to elicit more sc hool things. Then play the recording for the students to listen and repeat. While-reading Step4 Tell Ss that Jiaming and his dad are talking. What are they talking about? Please read their dialogue and find out main idea. Look at the pictures and say key words. listen and repeat say: I use…every day . Say school things in their schoolbag listen and repeat read their dialogue and find out main idea. 用图片激活学生已知 词汇并学习新词汇 熟悉词汇读音和熟悉 词汇 引领学生谈论在学校 每天用的物品,进一 步熟悉词汇 用问题激活学生已知 词汇并学习新词汇 熟悉词汇读音和词汇 培养学生阅读找大意 的能力 6’ 2’ 6’ 4’ 3’


六年级下英语单词 L1 寻找 玻璃杯 太阳 肥胖的 身体 眼镜(复数)胶水,胶棒L2 铅笔盒 宽的,宽阔的传递,通过心,心脏 L4 强壮的 律师 业余爱好 感兴趣的 收集v. L5 六十六(用颜料)画,给.... 上油漆哭,流泪 L7 地球 救,挽救 世界,地球,行星 保护,防护 能源,活力 扔,抛,掷 垃圾 L8 砍倒(树),切,割 浪费 (扁平物体的两面中的任何)一面 珠,滴 回收利用 江河 L12 等会 L13

另一,再一 分,分钟 把..... 装箱 有准备的 L15 在...... 以前 故事书 同学,校友 在。。。下面 注意,想法 L16 美国 操场,运动场 大多数的,大部分的,几乎全部的 活动 科目,课程 L18 想要 总是,每次都 朋友般的,友善的 L19 国际的 街道,街 可能做成的,可能发生的练习,接触,交往

“” “” At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, "people who learn to learn are very happy people.". In every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, "life is diligent, nothing can be gained", only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!


【最新】北京课改版六年级上英语期末卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、按要求填空 1.把无序的字母组成正确的单词并译成汉语。 (1)storng__________ _____________ (2)glssaes __________ _____________ (3)drses __________ _____________ (4)decied __________ _____________ (5)stapm __________ _____________ 2.按要求写单词: (1)bad[反义词]________________ (2)8.two[同音词] [反义 词]_____________________ (3)these[单数形式]_____________ (4)I[宾格]_________________________ (5)are not[缩写形式]_______________ 3.看图写短语。 ______________ ______________ _____________ _______________ ______________ 4.根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子。 (1)What did you do this____(夏天)? (2)I went back to ____(加拿大) (3)YangLi is a good football____(运动员). (4)How was your ____(旅行)to Hangzhou? (5)I like your new____(毛衣). 二、单选题


1北京的春节 教学目标 1.学习本课的生字新词,理解“灯火通宵、日夜不绝、截然不同、万不得已、各形各色”等词语。 2.有感情地朗读课文。了解老北京春节的风俗习惯,感受春节的热闹、喜庆气氛,理解节日习俗中的民族文明和传统文化。 3.揣摩文章的表达顺序,体会详写、略写的好处。 教学重难点 1.了解老北京风俗习惯,感受老北京过春节的隆重和热闹,感受传统年文化的独特魅力。 2.品味老舍的语言风格,学习有顺序、详略得当的写作方法。 课时安排 二课时 教学过程 第一课时 一、读题导入 今天,我们学习《北京的春节》,请一位同学来读一下课文。 二、整体感知,理清脉络 1.自由读通课文,把生字读正确、句子读通顺,同桌间互读检查。 2.请14名学生按自然段轮读课文,其他同学边听边画出:作者写了春节中哪些重要日子的活动。

3.交流汇报。(明确老北京的春节从腊月初旬开始,到正月十九结束) 三、细读鉴赏,感受春节 1.默读全文,思考课文为我们具体展示了北京春节哪些热闹、浓烈的画面,你最喜欢其中的哪几幅。 2.小组研读。出示研读提示: ①选择自己喜欢的段落反复读一读,画出最能表现春节年味的句子,把你的感受写在旁边。 ②小组内朗读自己喜欢的段落,交流自己的感受。 ③根据小组交流的情况,自己再读相关段落,补充并完善自己的阅读感受。 ④说说老北京的春节给你留下怎样的印象。 四、品读课文,体会过年的气氛 1.指导品读“腊八”,播放课件,一边自由朗读描写“腊八”的语段,一边想一想: (1)腊八的时候,人们都做些什么?你们家在这一天会做同样的事吗? (2)从中你感受到了作者怎样的语言风格?(引导学生读“这不是粥,而是……会”) 2.指导品读“除夕”,指名朗读。 (1)抓关键词,“赶,到处,都穿起,贴好”感受除夕的喜庆、热闹。 (2)抓“除非,万不得已,必定”体会春节在人们心目中的位置,感受团圆的氛围。 3.指导品读“正月初一”。小组齐读,边读边思考: (1)正月初一与除夕的气氛有什么不同? (2)正月初一这一天人们都在做些什么?你从中体会到什么? (3)你逛过庙会吗?说说你的感受。


2019-2020 年七年级英语下册阅读理解一北京课改版 Hello! My name ’s Lin Min. My sister Lin Li is a teacher ( 教师 ), but she isn ’t in Beijing with us. She works in a s mall school in Yu shu in Qinghai. She works hard. Every morning after breakfast, she goes to four of her students ’ homes and brings them to school. At around 8:00, the students have the first morning class. After four classes, they have lunch at school. During the lunch time, my sister tells them about family, friends, life( 生活 ) and love. The students like listening to her very much. Their afternoon classes are from 13:00 to 16:00. After school, she takes the four students to their homes. In the evening, my sister doesn ’t watch TV or play computer games. After dinner, she checks( 检查 ) her students ’ homework. She goes to bed at 22:00. My sister’s life is all about her students. She wants to do more things for them. She is a great teacher, isn’ t she? 1. Where is Lin Li? A. In Yushu. B. In Beijing. C. In Shanghai. D. In Qinghai. 2. What’ s the Chinese meaning (意思)of “ hard ” ? A.快速地B.悲伤地C.简单地D.努力地3. Why does Lin Li go to some of her students ’ homes in th e morning? A. To meet them. B. To see their parents. C. To tell some things to them. D. To help them with homework. 4. What does Lin Li do in a day? ①She watches TV . ② She tells some th ings about life to her class. She plays computer g ames. ④ She checks her students’ homework. ⑤ She takes some of her students to their homes.


第一单元 一.重点单词。 1 the first 第一 2 the second 第二 3 the third 第三 4 the fourth 第四 5 week 周 6 September 九月7 Chinese 语文 8 Maths 数学9 English 英语10 PE 体育11 fifth 第五 12 sixth 第六13 seventh 第七14 eighth 第八 15 ninth 第九16 tenth 第十17 Teachers’ Day 教师节 二.重点句型。 1.It’s our first day of school 今天是开学第一天。 2.It’s the second day of the week. 今天是一周的第二天。 3.Today is the first day of September. 今天是九月的第一天。 4.Is the second class Chinese? Yes, it is. 第二节课是语文课吗?是的,是语文课。 5.When is Teachers’ Day ? 教师节是什么时候? It’s September the tenth. 9月10日。 第二单元 一.重点单词。 1 month 月 2 October 十月 3 National Day 国庆节 4 November 十一月 5 December 十二月 6 September 九月 7 the eleventh 第十一8 the twelfth 第十二9 the thirteenth 第十 三10 the fourteenth 第十四11 the fifteenth 第十五12 the sixteenth 第十六13 the seventeenth 第十七14 the eighteenth 第十八15 the nineteenth 第十九16 the twentieth 第二十17 the twenty-first 第二十一18 the twenty-second 第 二十二19 the twenty-third 第二十三20 run a race 赛跑21 skip the rope 跳绳22 do high jump 跳高23 do long jump 跳远二.重点句型。 1.What’s the tenth /eleventh/twelfth month in English? 英语的第十个月/第十一个月/第十二个月是什么? It’s October/November/December 是十月/十一月/十二月。 2.What is the date today? 今天是几号? It’s October the thirteenth. 十月十三号。 3.Are you going to run a race/skip the rope/do high jump? Yes, I am. 你要去参加赛跑/跳绳/跳高吗?是的,我去。
