



What am I doing with my daughter at home﹖Rather than read books aloud, we go to dinner and have a very good time.This is usually when her Mom isn't around, and this is when my little girl and I relate better.They're alone together so much.We're seldom alone.When we're alone together, she and I somehow behave differently.We learn about each other.She learns that I'm her father.I learn that she's my daughter.It's a strange feeling, but any parent knows what I'm talking about when I say that I often look at my daughter and wonder just whose kid she is.Where did she suddenly come from﹖And why on earth did she pick Laura and me for parents﹖When my daughter and I are alone, she'll hold my hand and say,“I just love you so much, Daddy,”She's so used to my leaving that when I tell her she and I are going to hang out all night, she gets this great look on her face and says, “We've got so much to do, Dad,”There's nothing like it in the world.

I want my relationship with my daughter to keep growing, so I've been giving my wife a couple of hundred dollars each week and making her go to the shopping center with her girlfriends, or something — anything.

But this closeness is not without its problems.When I'm sitting there playing with her Barbie doll (巴比娃娃) washing her hair, a voice in me suddenly says, “I've got to get a drink and get out of here.”Right in the middle of all this pleasantness, the voice goes “Look at yourself, You're washing dolls.”

1.Why does the husband give his wife so much money each week﹖

A.He wants her to buy more things for the family.

B.She can do whatever she likes with the money.

C.He can spend more time alone together with his daughter.

D.She can spend more time with her friends.

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE﹖

A.The father spends more time with the daughter than the mother does.

B.The daughter is happy when the father tells her he will be away.

C.The father is happy-hearing “We've got so much to do, Dad,”

D.The father is sure that the daughter is not his own.

3.What does the last paragraph tell us about the father﹖

A.He doesn't enjoy being with his daughter.

B.He likes to enjoy himself by going out for a drink.

C.He doesn't like washing his daughter's hair.

D.He has mixed feelings when he is with his daughter.


The soldiers had just moved to the desert, and as they had never been in such a place before, they had a lot to learn.

As there were no trees or buildings in the desert, it was, of course, very hard to hide their trucks from enemy planes.The soldiers were, therefore, given training in camouflage(伪装).They were shown how to paint their trucks in irregular patterns with pale green yellow and brown paints, and then to cover them with nets to which they had tied small pieces of cloth.

The driver of the biggest truck had a lot of trouble camouflaging it.He spent several hours painting it,preparing a net and searching for some heavy rocks with which to hold the net down.When he came back from his meal, he was surprised and worried to see that his camouflage was completely spoilt(毁掉) by the truck's shadow, which was growing longer and longer as the afternoon advanced.He stood looking at it, not knowing what to do.Soon an officer arrived, and he, too, saw the shadow, of course.

“Well, don't just stand there doing nothing,”said the officer.

“What shall I do, sir﹖”asked the poor driver.

“Get your spade (锹) and throw some sand over the shadow, of course,”answered the officer.

4.From the passage we can know that_____.

A.there were a lot of trees where the soldiers were sta tioned

B.the soldiers were staying in an area far from the ene my planes

C.the soldiers knew nothing about the desert

D.the soldiers had lived in the desert before

5.Which of the following is TRUE﹖

A.The nets with which they covered their trucks were made of small pieces of cloth.

B.The soldiers tied small pieces of cloth to the nets with which they covered their trucks.

C.The nets covering the trucks were painted pale green yellow and brown.

D.The trucks were tied to the nets with small pieces of cloth.

6.One of the soldiers was surprised and worried because _____.

A.his truck had cast a shadow in the sun and the ene my planes would find it

B.the shadow of his truck was growing longer at noon

C.it was late in the afternoon and he could not get rid of the shadow

D.his newly painted truck was in the shadow

7.Why didn't he see the shadow at first﹖Because____.

A.he was careless B.it was in the late afternoon

C.it was noon when he finished the camouflage D.the shadow on the sand was invisible

8.What do you think of the ending of the story﹖

A.It is quite reasonable that the officer ordered the sol dier to cover the shadow with sand.

B.It is where the humor lies.

C.Though the officer's order sounded wise, the soldier couldn't cover the shadow.

D.The soldier managed to cover the shadow with sand.


If humans could be content to live on a lowest necessary diet with only crude shelter and some simple covering for the body, the economic problem could be settled with the minimum (最小值) of social organization.But the truth is that human needs increase as fast as our means of satisfying them.Today's needs were the luxuries (奢侈) of the last century.The things we dream about may be accepted as commonplace in the future.

Shelter today means more than having a roof overhead.Choice of a home revolves (从各个角度考虑) around such issues as house size, the number of bedrooms and baths, playroom and the type of neighborhood.

It is so easy to meet basic needs today that we work also to have luxuries and to impress others with our wealth.Also we want to be sure that our children will be well off and that we will have savings for old age.

In addition to our own endless personal wants, there are others which require spending by large social groups to which we belong, namely clubs, churches and government.Through such agencies (代理机构) we seek to satisfy our wants for playgrounds, finer churches, better schools, the best textbooks, a good water supply,hospitals and clinics, up-to-date libraries, improved streets and highways, and national prestige (声望) in space exploration.Indeed, when all our private and public wants are combined (合并) they come to a total so large that we can only conclude that human wants are unlimited.

9.What is the main idea of the passage﹖

A.Human needs increase endlessly.

B.It is easier to meet basic needs today than before.

C.Personal wants are endless but public needs can be met.

D.When our private and public wants are combined, we will be satisfied.

10.The underlined phrase “crude shelter”in the passage means _____.

A.shabby clothes B.basic wants

C.beautiful and big house D.simple house

11.When we combine our personal and public wants ____.

A.we may have luxuries which we have been dreaming about

B.we may arrive at the conclusion that human needs are endless

C.we may raise our national prestige in the international affairs

D.we have to work hard to earn enough money for better living conditions


I was in a strange city I didn't know at all, and what's more, I could not speak a word of the language.On my second day I got on the first bus that passed, rode on it for several stops, then got off and walked on.The first two hours passed pleasantly enough.Then I decided to turn back to my hotel for lunch.After walking about for some time, I decided I had better ask the way.The trouble was that the only word I knew of the language was the name of the street in which I lived, and even that I pronounced badly.I stopped to ask a newspaper seller.He handed me a paper.I shook my head and repeated the name of the street and he put the paper into my hands.I had to give him some money and went on my way.The next person I asked was a policeman.He listened to me carefully nodded and gently took me by the arm.There was a strange look in his eyes as he pointed left and right and left again.I nodded politely and began walking in the direction he pointed.

About an hour passed and I noticed that the houses were getting fewer and fewer and green fields were appearing on either side of me.I had come all the way into the countryside.The only thing left for me to do was find the nearest railway station.

12.The writer preferred to walk back to his hotel because _____.

A.he had no money to buy a ticket B.he wanted to lose himself in the city

C.he tried to know the city in this way D.it was late and there were no buses passing by

13.The newspaper seller ____.

A.didn't know where the hotel was B.didn't understand what the writer said

C.could understand what the writer said D.didn't want to take the money from the writer

14.From the story we know that the policeman ____.

A.was kind but didn't understand the writer B.told the writer where to take a train

C.knew what the writer really meant D.was cold hearted and didn't help the writer

15.What can we learn from the last paragraph﹖

A.The writer got close to the hotel where he stayed.

B.The writer got to the hotel with the policeman's help.

C.The writer found he was much farther away from the hotel.

D.The writer found the hotel in the direction the police man pointed.

16.In your opinion what was the writer's real trouble﹖

A.He didn't know the city at all.B.He couldn't speak the language.

C.He went too far in the wrong bus.D.He followed the policeman's direction.


A new era (纪元) is upon us.Call it what you will, the service economy, the information age, the knowledge society.It all translates to a basic change in the way we work.Already we are there now.The percentage of people who earn their living by making things has fallen fortunately in the Western World.Today the majority of jobs in America, Europe and Japan,two thirds or more in many of these countries, are in the service industry, and the number is on the rise.More women are in the workforce than ever before.There are more part-time jobs.More people are self-employed.But the wideness of the economic change can't be measured by numbers alone, because it also is giving rise to a radical (彻底的) new way of thinking about the nature of work itself.Long-held views about jobs and careers, the skills to succeed, even the relation between individuals (个人) and employers—all these are being challenged (挑战).

We have only to look behind us to get some sense of what may lie ahead.No one looking ahead 20 years could possibly have foreseen (预测)the ways in which a single invention, the chip (芯片), would change our world thanks to its use in personal computer, digital biotechnology (数码生物技术) artificial intelligence(人工智能)or even some still unimagined technology could produce a similar wave of unexpected changes.But one thing is certain information and knowledge will become even more important, and the people who have them whether they are in manufacturing (机器制造) or services, will have the advantage and produce the wealth.Computer knowledge will become as basic a requirement as the ability to read and write.The ability to solve problems by using information instead of performing regular work will be valued above all else.If you look forward 10 years, information services will be predominant (占优势).It will be the way you do your job.

17.One of the great changes brought about by the know ledge society is that ______.

A.the difference between the individual and the employer has become less

B.people's traditional ideas about work no longer hold true

C.most people have to take part-time jobs

D.people have to change their jobs from time to time

18.By referring to computers and other inventions, the author means that _____.

A.future achievements in technology will bring about unbelievable changes

B.people should be able to respond quickly to the ad vancement of technology

C.the importance in technology has been overlooked

D.computer science will play a leading role in the future information service

19.The future will probably belong to those who ______.

A.possess and know how to make use of information and knowledge

B.give full play to their brain potential (潜能)

C.involve (使卷入) themselves in service industry

D.look forward instead of looking back

20.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage﹖

A.Computers and Knowledge Society

B.Fast Development of Information Technology

C.Characteristics(特点)of the New Era D.Service Industry in the Modern Society

Key:1-5 CCDCB 6-10 ACBAD 11-15 BCBAC 16-20 BABAC


高二英语阅读理解专项训练及答案及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 The noise of chattering mouths subsided(平息) as the teacher entered classroom. “ Good morning class. I am Riffat Monaf, and I will be your geography teacher. Riffat” Monaf, an interesting name and an even more interesting person. Her introduction took place about six years ago, and since then I have never met a more influential person in my life. Mrs Monaf not only conquered me with her vast knowledge of geography, but also won me over with her smile and warm eyes. It was in her class that I traveled to the highest mountains and to the deepest seas from the comfort of the classroom. I learned about the vast oceans, the erupting volcanoes, the snow-capped mountains and the green valleys. She would often relate her adventures about traveling to different parts of the world. Never can I forget the glory of her face when she talks about how truly beautiful this world is. If I search back my love for the environment and geography, I find her to be the source of my love for preserving nature. If one day I became an environmentalist, I know that I'll thank her for it. Apart from this, she has always greeted me with open arms and she calls her students “ my children ”Mrs. Monaf's morals and values rubbed off me deeply and I have always taken her advice into consideration. She has been one of the most consistently good things in my life. Currently, she is fighting a battle against breast cancer, and it pains me to know that after all she has done for me; I can do nothing for her except pray. Whenever I see her in school, she still keeps that kind smile and an expression so soft that it trembles my heart. Mrs Monaf still talks enthusiastically about geography, and I know that I can never see what a truly great person she has been in my life. . (1) What can we learn from the second paragraph? A. The writer traveled a lot. B. Mrs Monaf was a learned person. C. The writer did well at school. D. Mrs Monaf enjoyed telling stories. (2) The underlined word“rubbed off” means. A. moved B. shocked C. influenced D. defeated (3) What do we know from the last paragraph? A. Mrs. Monaf was an optimistic person. B. Breast cancer made Mrs. Monaf upset. C. Another great person may appear in my life. D. Praying for Mrs. Monaf made the writer tremble. (4) What would be the best title for the passage? A. My Interesting School Life B. The Teacher-student Friendship C. An Influential Person in My Life D. Brave Fight Against Breast Cancer 【答案】(1) B (2) C (3) A (4) C 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者讲述了生命中有影响力的人。


(英语)高二英语阅读理解专题训练答案及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Flying for a long time, you finally arrive at the place where you can relax—your hotel room. Now you throwyour bag on the bed, turn on the TV and watch an international news programme on a satellite channel probably from UK or the USA. The main international broadcasters are BBC World and CNN. With an audience of over 1.5 billion people, these are popular channels that offer good-quality news programmes. In both companies, the journalists are experienced writers that produce journalism of a high standard. However, there are alternative news channels which people watch because they want a less traditional or non-Western view on world events. Russia Today and Al Jazeera International, an Arabic company, are international channels that broadcast in English. Both companies say they give a fresh view on big stories, and their experienced journalists often report from places where Western journalists do not work, and so they give us stories that we don't normally see. The Internet offers more variety. OneWorldTV is an Internet site where you can find stories about the developing world and human rights, rather than the usual stories about US politics and business. The writers for this company are often local people who write the stories for free. This non-professional journalism is increasing, and it certainly offers more choices. This increase in citizen journalism means that you can write the news, too. Main news broadcasters often use photographs and stories that members of the general public send to them, especially when there is a dramatic breaking news story. Besides this, some blogs are popular sources of news, and the website NowPublic lets you write stories using information you can get from anywhere, including sites like Youtube, Flickr and Twitter. (1)The first paragraph is meant to . A. offer a suggestion B. give a warning C. explain a reason D. introduce the topic (2)It can be learned from the text that more and more people will . A. prefer to read local news B. pay more attention to world news C. start a career in citizen journalism D. give up watching TV news programmes (3)What would be the best title for the text? A. The Latest Local News B. More Choices for News C. The End of TV News D. Traditional World News 【答案】(1)D (2)C (3)B 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了市民可以观看的新闻媒体。有些新闻来自国家(正式新闻);有些新闻来自民间,这种民间的非正式媒体新闻正呈上升趋势;市民还可以在网上发布一些新闻。 (1)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“ watch an international news program on a satellite channel probably from UK or the USA.”和第二段中的“The main international broadcasters are BBC World and CNN”可以推断出第一段是引子,是为了引出下文的话题(介绍BBC World和


2015-2016年度高二英语阅读限时训练(30分钟) (一) 完形填空 Allow me to introduce myself: I am the last man in America who has time. If you should come 1 me on the street, I would have time to chat with you. If you invited me to dinner, I would be on time and do my bit as a(n) 2 conversationalist at your table. But the problem of having time, when 3 else seems to, is that I have become a sort of island, or isolated planet, with little 4 to my surroundings. When did people become so busy? Sometimes I 5 it on the computer, or ―smart‖  phones, for it has been creating desires that can never be 6 , no matter how continuously we hit the keyboard or the screen. They have become a time sink, absorbing our moments 7 a black hole absorbs light. The 8 to fill every moment with activity has been called the ―American sickness‖. For example, I met a friend and asked, ―Ho Checking his watch, he just gave the inevitable(必然的) answer you?‖  he yelled 9 his shoulders. ―Busy‖. ―I should have time in June‖, ―But this is still March.‖ I sighed. Maybe my problem, then, is that I am looking back on too good a 10 . I came of an age when walking was just walking, with no 11 destination in mind. I am also missing evenings lying on the sofa, reading. All of these relaxations gave me the 12 of time to stop for a while if I met a friend. I find that I 13 what Socrates once said: ―Be aware of the barrenness (uselessness) of life‖ and I am even willing to take part in the so-called Slow Movement, which advocates(提倡) a cultural 14 15 that it would take me to slowing down life‘s pace. But I hesitate, too much time. 1. A. across B. after C. over D. for 2. A. persuasive B. quiet C. cheerful D. innocent 3. A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody 4. A. importance B. connection C. advantage D. escape 5. A. blame B. put C. depend D. set 6. A. hidden B. expressed C. understood D. satisfied 7. A. as if B. just as C. even if D. such as 8. A. urge B. effort C. ability D. behavior


高三英语阅读理解专项训练及答案含解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Average humans can consume 15 or more drinks in plastic bottles a month. If you were born after 1978, and live until 80 years old, you will leave behind a minimum of 14,400 plastic bottles on this planet. These bottles take hundreds of years to break down into tiny pieces of plastic, never to completely disappear. Most of the waste is consumed by fish and birds, which has shortened their lifetime greatly. The Plastic Bottle Village is just a great idea that might finally save us from being buried in plastic. It's a community in Panama that is going to be made of used bottles. The design process begins with building steel frames, which are then filled with these bottles. Once this step is complete, and electrical and plumbing (管道装置) lines are put inside, the plastic walls are covered by concrete—both inside and outside. So no one will actually be able to tell that the walls are made of plastic. Besides, the material will keep the house 17°C cooler than the outside, which is the biggest benefit to people living inside. The village is the brainchild (主意) of Robert Bezeau with the intention of setting up several environmental projects. Having started a recycling program four years ago, during which a number of plastic bottles were collected, he started to think of how they could be put to use. Soon enough, he decided to use them to build houses, and came up with a basic idea for the construction process. The project hopes to make people conscious of the waste that these bottles create so that they can do more to protect the environment. The village will also create an education center that will teach individuals from the world how to reuse plastic bottles as construction materials for shelter. Recycled bottles could neutralize the negative effect of your passage on this planet, and move closer to leaving only your “footprints”. (1)What does Paragraph 1 intend to tell us? A. The reason for buying fewer drinks. B. The difficult situation of wildlife. C. The amount of plastic waste. D. The seriousness of plastic pollution. (2)What is the biggest benefit to people living in the Plastic Bottle Village? A. The house will be much cooler than normal ones. B. The material of construction will be reduced a lot. C. The newly-made house can save a lot of electricity. D. The waste of the house can be consumed by fish and birds. (3)Which of the following words can best describe Robert? A. Creative. B. Courageous. C. Enthusiastic. D. Sensitive.(4)The main purpose of Robert's projects is to A. provide shelter for locals B. reuse all deserted plastic bottles C. popularize the use of plastic bottles D. raise people's environmental awareness 【答案】(1)D (2)A

高中英语阅读理解练习 1

高中英语阅读理解练习1(共2篇) A Every American family has its own traditions on Thanksgiving Day, and mine is not different. Once the national holiday arrives, my mom rises early to make the meal. She puts a turkey in the oven, chops carrots and bakes pies. I'm sorry to say that the men in the family — my dad, my younger brother and myself — rarely pitch in to help. Our job is to wash the mountain of dirty dishes after the meal is over. Around 2 pm every Thanksgiving Day, family members seat themselves around the kitchen table. Plates of turkey, vegetables, salad, rolls and pies cover it. At this point, we can hardly keep ourselves from drooling (流口水) all over our fancy clothes, but it's not yet time to eat. First, we must bow our heads, close our eyes and say a prayer of thanks aloud to God for giving us everything we have. Under normal circumstances, I would have no problem making a list of things I am thankful for. I grew up in a loving family. My parents, who aren't wealthy, took out loans to help me pay for university. But, the funny thing is, every time I sit down for Thanksgiving dinner and try to say a prayer of thanks, my mind usually goes blank. I think it has something to do with my growling (咕咕叫) stomach and all of that food sitting right there under my nose. Eventually, though, we all finish our short prayers and dig_in. To be sure, the day includes other highlights — visiting with family and watching football. But usually around 6 pm we are all ourselves stuffed like turkeys and thankful to have a nice warm bed to sleep in. 1.The purpose of the text is to__________. A.tell what the family do for Thanksgiving Day B.tell how the family spends Thanksgiving Day C.introduce foods served on Thanksgiving Day D.introduce the American Thanksgiving Day 解析:主旨大意题。作者开门见山点明美国每家每户都有自己的感恩节传统,然后详细描述他们一家人这一天的活动,因此B项“讲述这一家人如何过感恩节”能概括全文大意。 答案:B 2.On Thanksgiving Day the author's family do the following except__________. A.watching a movie B.making visits C.having a big meal D.watching football 解析:细节理解题。文章前四段描述作者一家人准备感恩节大餐,最后一段首句Eventually, though, we all finish our short prayers and dig_in.说明一家人终于开吃了,首先


A (words:311&225) The British National Health Service (NHS) was set up in 1948 and was designed to provide equal basic health care, free of charge, for everybody in the country. Before this time health care had to be paid for by individuals. Nowadays central government is directly responsible for the NHS although it is administered by local health authorities. About 83 percent of the cost of the health service is paid for by general taxation and the rest is met from the National Insurance contributions paid by those in work. There are charges for prescription and dental care but many people, such as children, pregnant women, pensioners, and those on Income Support, are exempt from payment. Most people are registered with a local doctor (a GP, or General Practitioner) who is increasingly likely to be part of a health centre which serves the community. As the population of Britain gets older, the hospital service now treats more patients than before, although patients spend less time in hospital. NHS hospitals—many of which were built in the nineteenth century — provide nearly half a million beds and have over 480, 000 medical staff. The NHS is the biggest employer in Europe although Britain actually spends less per person on health care than most of her European neighbours. During the 1980s there was considerable restructuring of the Health Service with an increased emphasis on managerial efficiency and the privatization of some services (for example, cleaning). At the end of the 1980s the government introduced proposals for further reform of the NHS, including allowing some hospitals to be self-governing, and encouraging GPs to compete for patients. Patients would be able to choose and change their family doctor more easily and GPs would have more financial responsibility. The political questions continue of how much money should be provided to support the NHS and where it should come from. 41. We can know from the first paragraph that ______________. A. the original aim of the NHS was to provide equal basic health care for everybody B. people didn’t have to pay for health care since the NHS was set up C. patients were charged for receiving health care before 1948 D. the NHS was an organization which gave free advice to villagers 42. What do we know about the NHS? A. It’s managed by the central government.


【英语】高二英语阅读理解专项训练100(附答案)及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 For top students from low-income families, the challenge of applying to colleges is particularly difficult. 1 in 4 deal with all of that—the writing, the studying, the researching and applying—completely on their own. One approach to make this whole process easier? Pair students up with an adviser. That's the idea behind CollegePoint, an initiative to help gifted students go to schools that match their intellectual(智力的)ability. When a high school student takes a standardized test—the PSAT, SAT or ACT——and they score in the 90th percentile, and their families make less than$80, 000 a year, they get an email from the program offering them a free adviser. The advisers listen, guide and answer students'questions. Connor Rechtzigel, an adviser in Minnesota, sees the importance of his role, for research shows that low-income students are far more likely to undermatch because they don't think they have what it takes to get in and because many don't even know what schools are out there. He helped high school senior Justice Benjamin, the first in his family to apply to college, think about what his ideal learning experience was. Finally, Justice narrowed in on smaller schools where he could study environmental science and made his final choice:Skidmore College in New York. He felt empowered by the process. Figuring out how to pay for college is a major part of what, CollegePoint advisers do. Nakhle, an adviser in North Carolina, is working with Hensley, an Ohio high school senior who can't get extra financial help from her family. They spent a lot of time comparing and analyzing her financial-aid award letters, which made her decision much clearer. Finally, the Ohio State University offered an option where she would pay nothing. Staying in-state wasn't her first choice, but it was the best option for her. (1)What is the second paragraph mainly about? A.How CollegePoint works. B.The goal of CollegePoint. C.Ways to apply for a free adviser. D.The challenge of choosing colleges. (2)What prevents low-income students from attending proper colleges? A.Overestimating their abilities. B.Knowing little about colleges. https://www.360docs.net/doc/bc14528031.html,ck of enough learning experience. D.Failure to get support from their families. (3)Why did Hensley finally choose the Ohio State University? A.She didn't want to stay far from home. B.Her favorite major was provided there. C.She would show her talents to the full. D.The university met her financial needs.


2016-2017学年高二(上)阅读专练 1.Schoolgirl picks names 起英文名居然有这么多讲究。词数375 建议阅读时间6分钟 Many children dream of becoming astronauts, scientists, teachers or pop stars, but it is unlikely that many would say, “When I grow up, I want to help people pick their baby’s name.” Yet one British teenager is a baby namer who is laughing all the way to the bank. Beau Jessup, 16, has earned more than £48,000 (422,155 yuan) by helping Chinese parents choose English names for their children, according to the BBC. A student at Cheltenham Ladies College in England, Jessup had the idea during a family visit to China. It came when, during a meal out, she was asked by her parents’  friends to suggest an English name for their newborn baby. And thus, her business was born: She founded the Specialname website. After choosing their child’s gender (性别), parents are asked by the site to select from a list of 12 personality traits (特点) – including sensitive, honest, creative and clever –to match the way they would like their kid to be. Three names are then suggested, along with their meanings and a famous person with the same name such as Grace Kelly or Catherine Middleton. For example, Rose means elegant, sensitive and reliable. Parents can share the choices with their family and friends using messaging app WeChat so they can help make the final choice. Users are charged dozens of yuan to use the service. Jessup said she was happy to have played a part in the lives of many families and changed her own life. “I have a target to reach that will allow me to pay for my university fees, and writing the text for the site was really good practice for my Mandarin GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education),”  she told The Independent. The practice of the Chinese choosing Western names for themselves and their kids has been going on for decades. It is especially handy when it comes to cross-cultural communication. Jessup’s business isn’t the first of its kind. Last year, Lindsay Jernigan from the US started a similar site called “Best E nglish Names”. Chinese people aren’t the only ones who pay companies to choose names for their babies, either. In recent years, baby name experts have found success in the US and Europe by helping parents name their babies. 1. What is a baby namer? _____________________________________________________________________ 2. How did Jessup’s business come into being? _____________________________________________________________________ 3. What is the process of choosing Western names? _____________________________________________________________________ 4. Does the business of a baby namer only exist in the US? _____________________________________________________________________ 5. Translate the underlined sentences.
